MSS 158, HARRY S. DENT PAPERS -- SERIES DESCRIPTIONS AND CONTAINER LISTS Personal Series, 1967 - 1982,3 cu. ft., folders 540 - 616 The majority of material in this series consists of articles/clippings and corre- spondence, although there are some lists, memos, notes, reports, reviews, speech material and statements; most of this material dates from the period 1973 - 1982. Included in this series are items relating to Dent's work for the Republican Party after he left the White House, his involvement in the political campaigns of 1974 and 1976, his religious activities, and his "Southern Strategy Book" (The Prodigal South Returns to Power). There is also some material on the death of his former colleague, J. Fred Buzhardt, Jr. Important correspondents include George Bush, Carroll Campbell, James B. Edwards, Gerald R. Ford, Barry Goldwater, H. R. Haldeman, Roger Milliken, Richard M. Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Strom Thurmond, General William C. Westmoreland and Ed Young. BOX FOLDER TITLE Announcements [Concerning Opening of Harry Dent's Law Firm in Palmetto State Life Building in Columbia, S.C.] ; February 17 - May 28,1975 [Appreciation Dinners] ;November 13 - 16,1967 Articles [by Harry Dent] ;[c. 19751 [Articles on Harry Dent's Prosecution] ;December 12,1974 - January 16,1975 Bible Lessons ;[c. 19801 - June 1982 ["Born Again" (Charles Colson's Movie Premiere in Columbia, S.C.)], Folder I ;February 28 - September 30,1978 Folder I1 ;October 2 - November 22,1978 Bush, George ;December 4,1980 - July 28,1981 Buzhardt, J. Fred, Jr. ; August 1973 - March 23,1981 Campaign 1980 ;August 28 - September 5,1980 Campaigns 1974, Folder I ;September 13,1972 - January 18,1974 Folder I1 ;January 20 - July 22,1974 Folder III ;August 1 - December 4,1974 Congratulations Letters ;January 21 - December 18,1980 Connally, John ;May 3 - December 22,1979 [Correspondence : General] ;December 26,1972 - June 4,1973 Edwards, Governor James ;February 5,1975 - January 9,1981 MSS 158, HARRY S.
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