Table a - Annual Average Daily Traffic Flows
Table A - Annual Average Daily Traffic Flows NOTES ON THE ESTIMATES OF ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC This table provides estimates of average daily traffic flows on roads throughout Oxfordshire, set out in road number order. The trunk roads come first, followed by A class, B class and lastly unclassified roads as indexed below. For comparison purposes, all flows are quoted on the basis of the estimated Annual Average Daily Traffic, the AADT. This allows counts taken at different times of the year to be compared. The AADT is derived by converting observed flows from various times of the year, using seasonal factors derived for that year, to arrive at the annual average 24-hour daily flows. A copy of these factors is available on request. Changes in traffic flow from one year to the next does not always indicate an underlying trend. How a trend over several years can provide a good indication of change, and can be used for policy monitoring purposes. It has to be remembered in making comparisons that first, any single count might not represent the typical traffic flow at the site, and secondly that the general seasonal adjustment may not be exactly true for that site. For this reason the traffic flow estimates are to be used only as a general guide. Estmates from longer period counts are more reliable.Counts in 2010 with 40 weeks or more data are marked with ' ◊ '. The letters 'CP' followed by a number, found against the location descriptions, denote a fixed "Counter Point". There are over 500 of these sites which constitute the core of the annual counter programme and are monitored, where possible, annually.
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