ANNUAL REPORT must be provided for pre-existing conditions and the Department of Health and Human Services ruling making EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE parity for mental health and substance abuse treatments an essential health bene t.

This past year, two tragedies tested the resolve of Americans across the country. In Aurora, Colo. and Returning military and their families continued to be a priority in 2012. We worked to train NAMI educators on Newtown, Conn. the lives of too many ended too soon. In the wake of these disasters, however, a sustained military culture. The NAMI Military and Veterans Council was reorganized and strengthened. In response to the dialogue on the long-broken mental health system has begun. We have an opportunity to not just x the rising rates of increasing suicide and PTSD in newly returned veterans, NAMI released a special report Parity for system, but to build it anew. Our message to the White House, Congress, state policymakers, the media and Patriots, which described the injustices experienced by veterans and their families. the country is a simple one: Now is the time for action. In our ongoing eort to expand NAMI’s reach, we revamped our NAMI On Campus program and relaunched We know that without treatment, the consequences of mental illness for an individual and society are StrengthofUs.org, our online social media site devoted to young adults living with mental illness. By the end of the staggering: unnecessary disability, unemployment, substance abuse, homelessness, inappropriate year, we had 83 active campus clubs and more in development. incarceration, suicide and wasted lives. At the same time, treatment for serious mental illness is highly eective. With appropriate, eective treatments and a wide range of services tailored to their needs, most Last year also marked the launch of a new public service announcement to educate viewers about mental illness. people who live with mental illnesses can signi cantly reduce the impact of their illness and nd a satisfying “Monuments” featured inuential gures from history including Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill and Mahatma measure of achievement and independence. Unfortunately, too many individuals living with disorders such Gandhi. One of the aspects of the campaign—one that continues to endure—was the sharing of personal stories as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are not receiving treatment. by many people living with mental illness. These shared experiences continue to serve as a source of inspiration. Three of the many tremendous stories we've received are featured in this annual report. You can share your own As of the end of 2012, we reached signi cant milestones within our organization. NAMI story today at www.nami.org/notalone. Peer-to-Peer and NAMIWalks celebrated their 10th anniversaries. These and other achievements were made across the country because of the work of thousands of In the face of tragic events, NAMI has remained strong and focused on its mission. I see 2013 as a time of celebration dedicated NAMI volunteers and sta. Our strength as an organization continues to rely on and hope. We will continue to work to create opportunities to bring treatment to those who need it most. The time is the roots that reach through communities in every state. now to seize opportunity and work together to build a system of care that does not tolerate injustice.

Thirty-four NAMI State Organizations have already successfully completed the rechartering Thank you for all that you do, process, a rst and vital step in our collective pursuit of organizational well-being as envisioned in the NAMI Standards of Excellence. In 2013, many more will join those ranks. Many NAMI Aliates have already passed resolutions declaring their desire to pursue organizational excellence and to sign an Aliation Agreement, a formal process that re-arms our mutual accountability to one another within the NAMI movement. These are Michael J. Fitzpatrick, M.S.W. exciting developments, benchmarks along our way to making NAMI a household name. NAMI Executive Director

In May 2012, NAMI launched its Mental Health Care Gets My Vote! campaign to mobilize individuals aected by mental illness to participate in the 2012 elections. The website featured information and tools including detailed breakdowns of state election laws and the rights of people living with disabilities.

We continued to maintain our strong presence at the federal level. NAMI sta and volunteers testi ed in front of Congress. We issued statements and engaged policymakers. Progress was made with the Supreme Court upholding the ruling that health insurance

Michael Fitzpatrick, M.S.W., executive director

1 must be provided for pre-existing conditions and the Department of Health and Human Services ruling making parity for mental health and substance abuse treatments an essential health bene t.

Returning military and their families continued to be a priority in 2012. We worked to train NAMI educators on military culture. The NAMI Military and Veterans Council was reorganized and strengthened. In response to the rising rates of increasing suicide and PTSD in newly returned veterans, NAMI released a special report Parity for Patriots, which described the injustices experienced by veterans and their families.

In our ongoing eort to expand NAMI’s reach, we revamped our NAMI On Campus program and relaunched StrengthofUs.org, our online social media site devoted to young adults living with mental illness. By the end of the year, we had 83 active campus clubs and more in development.

Last year also marked the launch of a new public service announcement to educate viewers about mental illness. “Monuments” featured inuential gures from history including Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill and Mahatma Gandhi. One of the aspects of the campaign—one that continues to endure—was the sharing of personal stories by many people living with mental illness. These shared experiences continue to serve as a source of inspiration. Three of the many tremendous stories we've received are featured in this annual report. You can share your own As of the end of 2012, we reached signi cant milestones within our organization. NAMI story today at www.nami.org/notalone. Peer-to-Peer and NAMIWalks celebrated their 10th anniversaries. These and other achievements were made across the country because of the work of thousands of In the face of tragic events, NAMI has remained strong and focused on its mission. I see 2013 as a time of celebration dedicated NAMI volunteers and sta. Our strength as an organization continues to rely on and hope. We will continue to work to create opportunities to bring treatment to those who need it most. The time is the roots that reach through communities in every state. now to seize opportunity and work together to build a system of care that does not tolerate injustice.

Thirty-four NAMI State Organizations have already successfully completed the rechartering Thank you for all that you do, process, a rst and vital step in our collective pursuit of organizational well-being as envisioned in the NAMI Standards of Excellence. In 2013, many more will join those ranks. Many NAMI Aliates have already passed resolutions declaring their desire to pursue organizational excellence and to sign an Aliation Agreement, a formal process that re-arms our mutual accountability to one another within the NAMI movement. These are Michael J. Fitzpatrick, M.S.W. exciting developments, benchmarks along our way to making NAMI a household name. NAMI Executive Director

In May 2012, NAMI launched its Mental Health Care Gets My Vote! campaign to mobilize individuals aected by mental illness to participate in the 2012 elections. The website featured information and tools including detailed breakdowns of state election laws and Ted’s Story the rights of people living with disabilities. I am not alone, because in my didn't. It wasn't until I found myself I've also learned that my willingness mid-30s I finally discovered it's ok to waking up and standing on a cliff to be open about mental illness has NOT We continued to maintain our strong presence at the federal level. NAMI sta and I AM ask for help and that despite what my every day for three months that I allowed other people I know talk to me volunteers testi ed in front of Congress. We issued statements and engaged policymakers. mind is telling me, people actually do finally realized that my feelings and discuss how they feel and that Progress was made with the Supreme Court upholding the ruling that health insurance care about me. weren't normal. That was in 2008. I they too can get help for depression. My saga with my mental illness was hospitalized then, and again in In summary, I'm trying to rebuild (depression, OCD, BPD) began when I 2010 and 2011 for suicide attempts. my life one day at a time and trying to was in ninth grade. I think that was My doctor, the same one that I saw remember that it's ok to ask for help ALONE after I had mono and my doctor asked way back in ninth grade, was an and that my illnesses don't define me. me about depression and my family amazing help and never gave up on history. At that age I thought nothing me. The doctors in the adult mental of it and ignored how I felt for almost health unit were amazing. the next 20 years. I'm living in a house now. I have a I never knew that any of my therapist and a social worker and thoughts and feelings were not normal. medication that works. I take part in After a few manic trips to Australia therapy and a DBT group and I have and countless other behaviors that friends that allow me to get some dog were irrational, one might have therapy time in. Pets are so important thought I would have had a clue. I for my therapy. 2 almost $10 million in 2012. The funds raised provide Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on the messaging to raise awareness of minority perspectives. A YEAR IN educational and support programs at no cost to those Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights, warned Thousands of organizations hosted events throughout impacted by mental illness. of the dangers of placing individuals with severe the month. THE LIFE OF psychiatric symptoms into solitary con nement in NAMI Caregivers active in the NAMI Family-to-Family prisons. NAMI welcomed Keris Jän Myrick as the new president program met in Dallas to lm a video aimed at of its board of directors. Myrick previously served as capturing the essence of their life experiences. NAMI submitted an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme vice president of NAMI and is also president and CEO of 2 12 Participants shared stories about family members who Court urging it to accept a case (Elizondo v. City of Project Return Peer Support Network in Pasadena, Calif. JANUARY developed mental illness and how the program helped Garland) to determine whether the conduct of a police NAMI Executive Director Michael J. Fitzpatrick and Mira The NAMI Peer-to-Peer program celebrated its 10th them cope and support their loved ones. ocer in provoking a confrontation with a juvenile Signer, executive director of NAMI , released a anniversary in 2012. NAMI Peer-to-Peer provides a experiencing a psychiatric crisis should have been joint statement condemning Virginia Lt. Governor Bill learning program to help people with mental illness NAMI launched an online data reporting system that considered in assessing the liability of the ocer for Bolling's campaign statement that Obama voters establish and maintain their wellness and recovery. In makes it possible for all program leaders to report their the subsequent death of the juvenile. This issue has should “check themselves into a mental hospital.” It is 2012, over 2,100 people participated in 200 classes. classes, support groups and presentations important implications for crisis intervention teams electronically. A pilot was also conducted with 10 (CIT) and related programs teaching crisis de- an outrageous, ignorant and prejudiced statement that represents “stigma-slinging,” they said, and called FEBRUARY NAMI State Organizations and ve NAMI Aliates escalation methods to law enforcement and other rst for an apology. NAMI released its fourth in the series of using an electronic program evaluation system. The responders. redesigned brochures on mental illness: pilot was a success and this process will be expanded AUGUST Depression. It provides updated resources to across the country in 2013. JULY NAMI hosted focus groups with leaders in the CIT individuals living with depression. NAMI celebrated the fth anniversary of National MAY Minority Mental Health Awareness Month in creative, movement at the CIT International Conference, to NAMI launched its Mental Health Care Mental new ways. The focus this year was to use social media ensure that the voices of individuals and families NAMI joined a number of health and Health Care gets my disability organizations in submitting an Gets My Vote! campaign and website to VOTE! amicus (“friend of the court”) brief to the U.S. mobilize individuals and families Supreme Court in support of upholding the aected by mental illness to participate provision in the Patient Protection and Aordable Care in the 2012 elections. The website Act (ACA) requiring states to expand their Medicaid provided information and tools to encourage voter programs to cover all uninsured individuals with registration and dialogues with candidates. incomes at 133 percent of the federal poverty level or below. This aspect of the ACA is particularly important NAMI honored 17 doctors with its 2012 Exemplary for people with mental illness. The Supreme Court held Psychiatrist Award at the American Psychiatric that Medicaid expansion is optional rather than Association’s annual conference in Philadelphia. required for states. Currently, 25 states have decided to expand their Medicaid programs. JUNE NAMI released a special report, MARCH Parity for Patriots: The Mental NAMI issued a statement in response to the killing of 16 Health Needs of Military Personnel, Afghan villagers by a soldier who may have experienced Veterans and their Families, which mental health problems, calling for better identi cation, called for Purple Heart medals to diagnosis and intervention for the soldiers serving be awarded for psychological America who are aected by mental illness. wounds like posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and for military Following two incidents aboard domestic airline commanders to be accountable ights, NAMI issued a statement concerning public for suicide prevention. safety and mental health issues in aviation and other workplace settings. It emphasized that the Federal NAMI held its annual national convention in Seattle, Aviation Administration and the Americans with featuring keynote speaker Linea Johnson, whose rst Disabilities Act have provisions in place to ensure that book tells about her experience with bipolar disorder. employees are medically evaluated for conditions, General Peter W. Chiarelli (Ret.) was awarded the both mental and other, that Distinguished Service Award and the Parity for Patriots may aect public safety. rally was held.

APRIL The rst NAMI Basics class using the Spanish curriculum, NAMIWalks celebrated its Bases y Fundamentos, was taught by NAMI . 10th anniversary this year. A total of 85 walks with over NAMI Director of Policy and Legal Aairs, Ron Honberg, in a testimony statement submitted to the 3 135,000 supporters raised

aected by mental illness and front-line law OCTOBER substance abuse treatment at parity, or equal to the NAMI responded to the Sandy Hook Elementary enforcement ocers are included in our national NAMI promoted Mental Illness Awareness Week with coverage given to other health conditions. School shooting in Newtown, Conn., by providing strategy for CIT. the theme this year of “Changing Attitudes, Changing trauma resources and releasing a new fact sheet, What Lives.” NAMI honored Dr. Nancy C. Andreasen with its 2012 Families Can Do When a Child May Have a Mental Illness. Following the July 20 mass shooting in Aurora, Colo. Scienti c Research Award, recognizing her NAMI gave close to 100 interviews to media outlets and reports that the shooter had sought help for Continuing its eort to eliminate stigma and to contributions to the understanding of mental illness and talked with political leaders. Executive Director mental illness, NAMI called attention to the crisis in the provide public education, NAMI launched a television and the advancement of treatment for the people Michael J. Fitzpatrick sent letters to President Obama country’s mental health care system, which is not campaign of public service announcements featuring living with these illnesses. Dr. Andreasen pioneered and Vice President Biden urging mental health care geared toward accurate diagnosis and access to images of great leaders who each struggled with the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to reform. Fitzpatrick also condemned the NRA treatment. Michael J. Fitzpatrick encouraged public mental illness. “Monuments” was distributed to more identify the brain mechanisms of schizophrenia. position—calling for more guns in schools and dialog about making gun laws more eective but than 900 TV stations across the country. creating a bigger list of people treated for mental cautioned that it should be done in a way that is not DECEMBER illness—as “outrageous and wrong.” overly broad, and also avoids unfair, damaging NAMI issued statements following the presidential and NAMI released the results of a survey, conducted in discrimination. vice presidential debates calling out the oversight of conjunction with the College of Psychiatric and NAMI helped to develop benchmarks for CIT, in the mental health and mental illness issues. The absence Neurologic Pharmacists Foundation (CPNPF), which form of a national CIT curriculum model and NAMI established a joint venture with Army of discussions about parity in health insurance found that approximately 75 percent of individuals comprehensive implementation guide. OneSource (AOS), a Secretary of the Army Initiative, to coverage and veterans mental health issues was also living with mental illness do not receive adequate create Treating the Invisible Wounds of War, an online noted. safety or eective monitoring assistance from NAMI’s year-end campaign, “You Are training program to help build awareness of the community pharmacists. Not Alone in this Fight,” helped culture in which the military, veterans and their NAMI promoted ADHD Awareness Week and prepared connect individuals impacted by families live and work. AOS provides free access to new resources for the ADHD Resource Center, NAMI , NAMI , NAMI , NAMI mental illness through social media educational materials for NAMI Family-to-Family including tips on how to live well, chats with experts, , NAMI and NAMI were communities. The website featured teachers and participants. personal stories from parents and podcasts. selected to be part of Build it Together, a year-long, biographies of famous people with capacity building opportunity for NAMI State mental illness, and more than 70 SEPTEMBER NAMIBikes rolled out its Fight Stigma Organizations. These organizations participated in a individuals shared stories and videos On World Suicide Prevention Day, U.S. Surgeon & Ride! campaign at three venues training event in Arlington, Va., where each state team of their own. The campaign raised General Regina Benjamin and the Action Alliance for across the country. , developed a diversity plan to implement through 2013. $460,000. Suicide Prevention launched a new National Strategy and each held rides in late for Suicide Prevention, seeking to reduce deaths from fall. Over 135 riders and 90 suicide in the decade ahead. The Obama volunteers came out to raise a Administration announced $55.6 million in new grants combined total of $80,000. for national, state, tribal, campus and community suicide prevention programs. NOVEMBER NAMI published College Students Speak: A Survey In response to the many calls each month NAMI’s Report on Mental Health. The national survey showed HelpLine receives regarding that 72 percent of college students experienced a criminal justice issues, NAMI mental health crisis on campus, but nearly one-half did developed a Criminal Justice not access campus supports or services. In response, Self-advocacy FAQ to NAMI launched a new NAMI on Campus initiative. The supplement its comprehensive website includes a new resources section, including Guide to Mental Illness and the how to get involved with Criminal Justice System. NAMI on Campus clubs and to connect with others. In NAMI’s Family-to-Family program materials were addition, StrengthofUs.org, thoroughly reviewed by outside professional sources NAMI’s social networking and updated to insure that the most current science website for young adults was and cultural competency is reected. This is the fth relaunched. edition of NAMI’s agship education program which has reached more than 350,000 individuals across the The long-awaited U.S. Department of Health and U.S. as well as Mexico, Canada and Italy. Human Services (HHS) proposed essential health bene ts (EHB) rule guiding coverage in individual, NAMI continued to expand into social media. NAMI’s small-group and health insurance exchange plans was Facebook page reached 55,000 fans in September. published on November 26 in the Federal Register. For the rst time ever, it will be required that all individual and small group plans include mental health and I am not alone, because in my didn't. It wasn't until I found myself I've also learned that my willingness mid-30s I finally discovered it's ok to waking up and standing on a cliff to be open about mental illness has ask for help and that despite what my every day for three months that I allowed other people I know talk to me mind is telling me, people actually do finally realized that my feelings and discuss how they feel and that care about me. weren't normal. That was in 2008. I they too can get help for depression. My saga with my mental illness was hospitalized then, and again in In summary, I'm trying to rebuild (depression, OCD, BPD) began when I 2010 and 2011 for suicide attempts. my life one day at a time and trying to was in ninth grade. I think that was My doctor, the same one that I saw remember that it's ok to ask for help after I had mono and my doctor asked way back in ninth grade, was an and that my illnesses don't define me. me about depression and my family amazing help and never gave up on history. At that age I thought nothing me. The doctors in the adult mental of it and ignored how I felt for almost health unit were amazing. the next 20 years. I'm living in a house now. I have a I never knew that any of my therapist and a social worker and thoughts and feelings were not normal. medication that works. I take part in After a few manic trips to Australia therapy and a DBT group and I have and countless other behaviors that friends that allow me to get some dog were irrational, one might have therapy time in. Pets are so important thought I would have had a clue. I for my therapy.

almost $10 million in 2012. The funds raised provide Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on the messaging to raise awareness of minority perspectives. educational and support programs at no cost to those Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights, warned Thousands of organizations hosted events throughout impacted by mental illness. of the dangers of placing individuals with severe the month. psychiatric symptoms into solitary con nement in Caregivers active in the NAMI Family-to-Family prisons. NAMI welcomed Keris Jän Myrick as the new president program met in Dallas to lm a video aimed at of its board of directors. Myrick previously served as capturing the essence of their life experiences. NAMI submitted an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme vice president of NAMI and is also president and CEO of Participants shared stories about family members who Court urging it to accept a case (Elizondo v. City of Project Return Peer Support Network in Pasadena, Calif. JANUARY developed mental illness and how the program helped Garland) to determine whether the conduct of a police NAMI Executive Director Michael J. Fitzpatrick and Mira The NAMI Peer-to-Peer program celebrated its 10th them cope and support their loved ones. ocer in provoking a confrontation with a juvenile Signer, executive director of NAMI Virginia, released a anniversary in 2012. NAMI Peer-to-Peer provides a experiencing a psychiatric crisis should have been joint statement condemning Virginia Lt. Governor Bill learning program to help people with mental illness NAMI launched an online data reporting system that considered in assessing the liability of the ocer for Bolling's campaign statement that Obama voters establish and maintain their wellness and recovery. In makes it possible for all program leaders to report their the subsequent death of the juvenile. This issue has should “check themselves into a mental hospital.” It is 2012, over 2,100 people participated in 200 classes. classes, support groups and presentations important implications for crisis intervention teams electronically. A pilot was also conducted with 10 (CIT) and related programs teaching crisis de- an outrageous, ignorant and prejudiced statement that represents “stigma-slinging,” they said, and called FEBRUARY NAMI State Organizations and ve NAMI Aliates escalation methods to law enforcement and other rst for an apology. NAMI released its fourth in the series of using an electronic program evaluation system. The responders. redesigned brochures on mental illness: pilot was a success and this process will be expanded AUGUST Depression. It provides updated resources to across the country in 2013. JULY NAMI hosted focus groups with leaders in the CIT individuals living with depression. NAMI celebrated the fth anniversary of National MAY Minority Mental Health Awareness Month in creative, movement at the CIT International Conference, to ensure that the voices of individuals and families NAMI joined a number of health and NAMI launched its Mental Health Care new ways. The focus this year was to use social media disability organizations in submitting an Gets My Vote! campaign and website to amicus (“friend of the court”) brief to the U.S. mobilize individuals and families Supreme Court in support of upholding the aected by mental illness to participate provision in the Patient Protection and Aordable Care in the 2012 elections. The website Jennifer’s Story provided information and tools to encourage voter Act (ACA) requiring states to expand their Medicaid My mental illness started with die like Jesus. I attempted suicide by registration and dialogues with candidates. NAMI has been instrumental in my programs to cover all uninsured individuals with depression at age 13. My first suicide overdosing twice more, then tried to recovery. I attended NAMI Connection incomes at 133 percent of the federal poverty level or attempt was at 15 and I struggled with drive a car over a 150-foot bridge. support groups. Twice a year I tell my below. This aspect of the ACA is particularly important NAMI honored 17 doctors with its 2012 Exemplary Psychiatrist Award at the American Psychiatric an addiction to self-injury and Luckily, I escaped serious injury. story at NAMI Pinellas County for people with mental illness. The Supreme Court held anorexia throughout my teenage years. Unfortunately, I was released from the Florida’s Crisis Intervention Team that Medicaid expansion is optional rather than Association’s annual conference in Philadelphia. When I was 23, I developed what hospital the same day because I denied trainings for law enforcement officers. required for states. Currently, 25 states have decided to was later recognized as psychosis. I it was a suicide attempt. I was terrified I am a trained Peer-to-Peer mentor. I expand their Medicaid programs. JUNE NAMI released a special report, saw giant bugs and bats flying around of psychiatric hospitals and I believed I speak to high school students and my bedroom. I experienced a type of would be raped and tortured. community groups. I was secretary of MARCH Parity for Patriots: The Mental hallucination where I hear people who One day, I purchased a gun to end the local consumer council for years NAMI issued a statement in response to the killing of 16 Health Needs of Military Personnel, are really talking to me saying two or my nightmare. I held the loaded gun in and am now on the board of directors Afghan villagers by a soldier who may have experienced Veterans and their Families, which three things at the same time. my mouth but decided, for some of NAMI Pinellas County. mental health problems, calling for better identi cation, called for Purple Heart medals to Delusions terrorized me constantly. reason, not to pull the trigger until the Recovery is possible. It’s important diagnosis and intervention for the soldiers serving be awarded for psychological wounds like posttraumatic stress For seven years, I was unable to next day. A family member found out, to remember to hold on to hope.

America who are aected by mental illness. NOT disorder (PTSD) and for military I AM work. I was barely able to keep a roof the police were called, and I was taken I write a blog about my illness and over my head, living in homeless to and kept at a hospital for six Following two incidents aboard domestic airline commanders to be accountable recovery. I am also co-author of a shelters, motels, rented rooms, and months under Florida’s Baker Act. ights, NAMI issued a statement concerning public for suicide prevention. graphic novel about an episode of even the back of a car. This time, I was hospitalized long safety and mental health issues in aviation and other psychosis, which will be published. Reading conspiracy theories enough for the medications to work. workplace settings. It emphasized that the Federal NAMI held its annual national convention in Seattle, reinforced my delusions. I believed a They helped my delusions melt away. Aviation Administration and the Americans with featuring keynote speaker Linea Johnson, whose rst ALONE second Holocaust was happening in During my recovery journey, I first Disabilities Act have provisions in place to ensure that book tells about her experience with bipolar disorder. the U.S. and thought I would be sent lived in a group home, then in an employees are medically evaluated for conditions, General Peter W. Chiarelli (Ret.) was awarded the both mental and other, that Distinguished Service Award and the Parity for Patriots to a concentration camp and tortured apartment owned by a mental health may aect public safety. rally was held. to death. I believed I was Anne Frank housing agency. I returned to college in reincarnated. I also thought I was 2007, graduating with an associate in APRIL The rst NAMI Basics class using the Spanish curriculum, Jesus or a CIA agent much of the time. arts degree, with honors, in 2010. I NAMIWalks celebrated its Bases y Fundamentos, was taught by NAMI New Jersey. Voices everywhere told me to do am currently working on my 10th anniversary this year. A things. The messages I saw all bachelor’s in political science and total of 85 walks with over NAMI Director of Policy and Legal Aairs, Ron around—in signs, books, TV and the social work and have kept a part-time Honberg, in a testimony statement submitted to the internet—told me it was my destiny to job for four years. 135,000 supporters raised 4

aected by mental illness and front-line law OCTOBER substance abuse treatment at parity, or equal to the NAMI responded to the Sandy Hook Elementary enforcement ocers are included in our national NAMI promoted Mental Illness Awareness Week with coverage given to other health conditions. School shooting in Newtown, Conn., by providing strategy for CIT. the theme this year of “Changing Attitudes, Changing trauma resources and releasing a new fact sheet, What Lives.” NAMI honored Dr. Nancy C. Andreasen with its 2012 Families Can Do When a Child May Have a Mental Illness. Following the July 20 mass shooting in Aurora, Colo. Scienti c Research Award, recognizing her NAMI gave close to 100 interviews to media outlets and reports that the shooter had sought help for Continuing its eort to eliminate stigma and to contributions to the understanding of mental illness and talked with political leaders. Executive Director mental illness, NAMI called attention to the crisis in the provide public education, NAMI launched a television and the advancement of treatment for the people Michael J. Fitzpatrick sent letters to President Obama country’s mental health care system, which is not campaign of public service announcements featuring living with these illnesses. Dr. Andreasen pioneered and Vice President Biden urging mental health care geared toward accurate diagnosis and access to images of great leaders who each struggled with the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to reform. Fitzpatrick also condemned the NRA treatment. Michael J. Fitzpatrick encouraged public mental illness. “Monuments” was distributed to more identify the brain mechanisms of schizophrenia. position—calling for more guns in schools and dialog about making gun laws more eective but than 900 TV stations across the country. creating a bigger list of people treated for mental cautioned that it should be done in a way that is not DECEMBER illness—as “outrageous and wrong.” overly broad, and also avoids unfair, damaging NAMI issued statements following the presidential and NAMI released the results of a survey, conducted in discrimination. vice presidential debates calling out the oversight of conjunction with the College of Psychiatric and NAMI helped to develop benchmarks for CIT, in the mental health and mental illness issues. The absence Neurologic Pharmacists Foundation (CPNPF), which form of a national CIT curriculum model and NAMI established a joint venture with Army of discussions about parity in health insurance found that approximately 75 percent of individuals comprehensive implementation guide. OneSource (AOS), a Secretary of the Army Initiative, to coverage and veterans mental health issues was also living with mental illness do not receive adequate create Treating the Invisible Wounds of War, an online noted. safety or eective monitoring assistance from NAMI’s year-end campaign, “You Are training program to help build awareness of the community pharmacists. Not Alone in this Fight,” helped culture in which the military, veterans and their NAMI promoted ADHD Awareness Week and prepared connect individuals impacted by families live and work. AOS provides free access to new resources for the ADHD Resource Center, NAMI Alabama, NAMI Colorado, NAMI Kansas, NAMI mental illness through social media educational materials for NAMI Family-to-Family including tips on how to live well, chats with experts, New York, NAMI North Carolina and NAMI Utah were communities. The website featured teachers and participants. personal stories from parents and podcasts. selected to be part of Build it Together, a year-long, biographies of famous people with capacity building opportunity for NAMI State mental illness, and more than 70 SEPTEMBER NAMIBikes rolled out its Fight Stigma Organizations. These organizations participated in a individuals shared stories and videos On World Suicide Prevention Day, U.S. Surgeon & Ride! campaign at three venues training event in Arlington, Va., where each state team of their own. The campaign raised General Regina Benjamin and the Action Alliance for across the country. Arizona, Florida developed a diversity plan to implement through 2013. $460,000. Suicide Prevention launched a new National Strategy and California each held rides in late for Suicide Prevention, seeking to reduce deaths from fall. Over 135 riders and 90 suicide in the decade ahead. The Obama volunteers came out to raise a Administration announced $55.6 million in new grants combined total of $80,000. for national, state, tribal, campus and community suicide prevention programs. NOVEMBER NAMI published College Students Speak: A Survey In response to the many calls each month NAMI’s Report on Mental Health. The national survey showed HelpLine receives regarding that 72 percent of college students experienced a criminal justice issues, NAMI mental health crisis on campus, but nearly one-half did developed a Criminal Justice not access campus supports or services. In response, Self-advocacy FAQ to NAMI launched a new NAMI on Campus initiative. The supplement its comprehensive website includes a new resources section, including Guide to Mental Illness and the how to get involved with Criminal Justice System. NAMI on Campus clubs and to connect with others. In NAMI’s Family-to-Family program materials were addition, StrengthofUs.org, thoroughly reviewed by outside professional sources NAMI’s social networking and updated to insure that the most current science website for young adults was and cultural competency is reected. This is the fth relaunched. edition of NAMI’s agship education program which has reached more than 350,000 individuals across the The long-awaited U.S. Department of Health and U.S. as well as Mexico, Canada and Italy. Human Services (HHS) proposed essential health bene ts (EHB) rule guiding coverage in individual, NAMI continued to expand into social media. NAMI’s small-group and health insurance exchange plans was Facebook page reached 55,000 fans in September. published on November 26 in the Federal Register. For the rst time ever, it will be required that all individual and small group plans include mental health and almost $10 million in 2012. The funds raised provide Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on the messaging to raise awareness of minority perspectives. educational and support programs at no cost to those Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights, warned Thousands of organizations hosted events throughout impacted by mental illness. of the dangers of placing individuals with severe the month. psychiatric symptoms into solitary con nement in Caregivers active in the NAMI Family-to-Family prisons. NAMI welcomed Keris Jän Myrick as the new president program met in Dallas to lm a video aimed at of its board of directors. Myrick previously served as capturing the essence of their life experiences. NAMI submitted an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme vice president of NAMI and is also president and CEO of Participants shared stories about family members who Court urging it to accept a case (Elizondo v. City of Project Return Peer Support Network in Pasadena, Calif. JANUARY developed mental illness and how the program helped Garland) to determine whether the conduct of a police NAMI Executive Director Michael J. Fitzpatrick and Mira The NAMI Peer-to-Peer program celebrated its 10th them cope and support their loved ones. ocer in provoking a confrontation with a juvenile Signer, executive director of NAMI Virginia, released a anniversary in 2012. NAMI Peer-to-Peer provides a experiencing a psychiatric crisis should have been joint statement condemning Virginia Lt. Governor Bill learning program to help people with mental illness NAMI launched an online data reporting system that considered in assessing the liability of the ocer for Bolling's campaign statement that Obama voters establish and maintain their wellness and recovery. In makes it possible for all program leaders to report their the subsequent death of the juvenile. This issue has should “check themselves into a mental hospital.” It is 2012, over 2,100 people participated in 200 classes. classes, support groups and presentations important implications for crisis intervention teams electronically. A pilot was also conducted with 10 (CIT) and related programs teaching crisis de- an outrageous, ignorant and prejudiced statement that represents “stigma-slinging,” they said, and called FEBRUARY NAMI State Organizations and ve NAMI Aliates escalation methods to law enforcement and other rst for an apology. NAMI released its fourth in the series of using an electronic program evaluation system. The responders. redesigned brochures on mental illness: pilot was a success and this process will be expanded AUGUST Depression. It provides updated resources to across the country in 2013. JULY NAMI hosted focus groups with leaders in the CIT individuals living with depression. NAMI celebrated the fth anniversary of National MAY Minority Mental Health Awareness Month in creative, movement at the CIT International Conference, to ensure that the voices of individuals and families NAMI joined a number of health and NAMI launched its Mental Health Care new ways. The focus this year was to use social media disability organizations in submitting an Gets My Vote! campaign and website to amicus (“friend of the court”) brief to the U.S. mobilize individuals and families Supreme Court in support of upholding the aected by mental illness to participate provision in the Patient Protection and Aordable Care in the 2012 elections. The website Act (ACA) requiring states to expand their Medicaid provided information and tools to encourage voter programs to cover all uninsured individuals with registration and dialogues with candidates. incomes at 133 percent of the federal poverty level or below. This aspect of the ACA is particularly important NAMI honored 17 doctors with its 2012 Exemplary for people with mental illness. The Supreme Court held Psychiatrist Award at the American Psychiatric that Medicaid expansion is optional rather than Association’s annual conference in Philadelphia. required for states. Currently, 25 states have decided to expand their Medicaid programs. JUNE NAMI released a special report, MARCH Parity for Patriots: The Mental NAMI issued a statement in response to the killing of 16 Health Needs of Military Personnel, Afghan villagers by a soldier who may have experienced Veterans and their Families, which mental health problems, calling for better identi cation, called for Purple Heart medals to diagnosis and intervention for the soldiers serving be awarded for psychological America who are aected by mental illness. wounds like posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and for military Following two incidents aboard domestic airline commanders to be accountable ights, NAMI issued a statement concerning public for suicide prevention. safety and mental health issues in aviation and other workplace settings. It emphasized that the Federal NAMI held its annual national convention in Seattle, Aviation Administration and the Americans with featuring keynote speaker Linea Johnson, whose rst Disabilities Act have provisions in place to ensure that book tells about her experience with bipolar disorder. employees are medically evaluated for conditions, General Peter W. Chiarelli (Ret.) was awarded the both mental and other, that Distinguished Service Award and the Parity for Patriots may aect public safety. rally was held.

APRIL The rst NAMI Basics class using the Spanish curriculum, NAMIWalks celebrated its Bases y Fundamentos, was taught by NAMI New Jersey. 10th anniversary this year. A total of 85 walks with over NAMI Director of Policy and Legal Aairs, Ron 135,000 supporters raised Honberg, in a testimony statement submitted to the

aected by mental illness and front-line law OCTOBER substance abuse treatment at parity, or equal to the NAMI responded to the Sandy Hook Elementary enforcement ocers are included in our national NAMI promoted Mental Illness Awareness Week with coverage given to other health conditions. School shooting in Newtown, Conn., by providing strategy for CIT. the theme this year of “Changing Attitudes, Changing trauma resources and releasing a new fact sheet, What Lives.” NAMI honored Dr. Nancy C. Andreasen with its 2012 Families Can Do When a Child May Have a Mental Illness. Following the July 20 mass shooting in Aurora, Colo. Scienti c Research Award, recognizing her NAMI gave close to 100 interviews to media outlets and reports that the shooter had sought help for Continuing its eort to eliminate stigma and to contributions to the understanding of mental illness and talked with political leaders. Executive Director mental illness, NAMI called attention to the crisis in the provide public education, NAMI launched a television and the advancement of treatment for the people Michael J. Fitzpatrick sent letters to President Obama country’s mental health care system, which is not campaign of public service announcements featuring living with these illnesses. Dr. Andreasen pioneered and Vice President Biden urging mental health care geared toward accurate diagnosis and access to images of great leaders who each struggled with the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to reform. Fitzpatrick also condemned the NRA treatment. Michael J. Fitzpatrick encouraged public mental illness. “Monuments” was distributed to more identify the brain mechanisms of schizophrenia. position—calling for more guns in schools and dialog about making gun laws more eective but than 900 TV stations across the country. creating a bigger list of people treated for mental cautioned that it should be done in a way that is not DECEMBER illness—as “outrageous and wrong.” overly broad, and also avoids unfair, damaging NAMI issued statements following the presidential and NAMI released the results of a survey, conducted in discrimination. vice presidential debates calling out the oversight of conjunction with the College of Psychiatric and NAMI helped to develop benchmarks for CIT, in the mental health and mental illness issues. The absence Neurologic Pharmacists Foundation (CPNPF), which form of a national CIT curriculum model and NAMI established a joint venture with Army of discussions about parity in health insurance found that approximately 75 percent of individuals comprehensive implementation guide. OneSource (AOS), a Secretary of the Army Initiative, to coverage and veterans mental health issues was also living with mental illness do not receive adequate create Treating the Invisible Wounds of War, an online noted. safety or eective monitoring assistance from NAMI’s year-end campaign, “You Are training program to help build awareness of the community pharmacists. Not Alone in this Fight,” helped culture in which the military, veterans and their NAMI promoted ADHD Awareness Week and prepared connect individuals impacted by families live and work. AOS provides free access to new resources for the ADHD Resource Center, NAMI Alabama, NAMI Colorado, NAMI Kansas, NAMI mental illness through social media educational materials for NAMI Family-to-Family including tips on how to live well, chats with experts, New York, NAMI North Carolina and NAMI Utah were communities. The website featured teachers and participants. personal stories from parents and podcasts. selected to be part of Build it Together, a year-long, biographies of famous people with capacity building opportunity for NAMI State mental illness, and more than 70 SEPTEMBER NAMIBikes rolled out its Fight Stigma Organizations. These organizations participated in a individuals shared stories and videos On World Suicide Prevention Day, U.S. Surgeon & Ride! campaign at three venues training event in Arlington, Va., where each state team of their own. The campaign raised General Regina Benjamin and the Action Alliance for across the country. Arizona, Florida developed a diversity plan to implement through 2013. $460,000. Suicide Prevention launched a new National Strategy and California each held rides in late for Suicide Prevention, seeking to reduce deaths from fall. Over 135 riders and 90 suicide in the decade ahead. The Obama volunteers came out to raise a Administration announced $55.6 million in new grants combined total of $80,000. for national, state, tribal, campus and community suicide prevention programs. NOVEMBER NAMI published College Students Speak: A Survey In response to the many calls each month NAMI’s Report on Mental Health. The national survey showed HelpLine receives regarding that 72 percent of college students experienced a criminal justice issues, NAMI mental health crisis on campus, but nearly one-half did developed a Criminal Justice not access campus supports or services. In response, Self-advocacy FAQ to NAMI launched a new NAMI on Campus initiative. The supplement its comprehensive website includes a new resources section, including Guide to Mental Illness and the how to get involved with Criminal Justice System. NAMI on Campus clubs and to connect with others. In NAMI’s Family-to-Family program materials were addition, StrengthofUs.org, thoroughly reviewed by outside professional sources NAMI’s social networking and updated to insure that the most current science website for young adults was and cultural competency is reected. This is the fth relaunched. edition of NAMI’s agship education program which has reached more than 350,000 individuals across the The long-awaited U.S. Department of Health and U.S. as well as Mexico, Canada and Italy. Human Services (HHS) proposed essential health bene ts (EHB) rule guiding coverage in individual, NAMI continued to expand into social media. NAMI’s small-group and health insurance exchange plans was Facebook page reached 55,000 fans in September. published on November 26 in the Federal Register. For the rst time ever, it will be required that all individual and small group plans include mental health and

5 almost $10 million in 2012. The funds raised provide Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on the messaging to raise awareness of minority perspectives. educational and support programs at no cost to those Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights, warned Thousands of organizations hosted events throughout impacted by mental illness. of the dangers of placing individuals with severe the month. psychiatric symptoms into solitary con nement in Caregivers active in the NAMI Family-to-Family prisons. NAMI welcomed Keris Jän Myrick as the new president program met in Dallas to lm a video aimed at of its board of directors. Myrick previously served as capturing the essence of their life experiences. NAMI submitted an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme vice president of NAMI and is also president and CEO of Participants shared stories about family members who Court urging it to accept a case (Elizondo v. City of Project Return Peer Support Network in Pasadena, Calif. JANUARY developed mental illness and how the program helped Garland) to determine whether the conduct of a police NAMI Executive Director Michael J. Fitzpatrick and Mira The NAMI Peer-to-Peer program celebrated its 10th them cope and support their loved ones. ocer in provoking a confrontation with a juvenile Signer, executive director of NAMI Virginia, released a anniversary in 2012. NAMI Peer-to-Peer provides a experiencing a psychiatric crisis should have been joint statement condemning Virginia Lt. Governor Bill learning program to help people with mental illness NAMI launched an online data reporting system that considered in assessing the liability of the ocer for Bolling's campaign statement that Obama voters establish and maintain their wellness and recovery. In makes it possible for all program leaders to report their the subsequent death of the juvenile. This issue has should “check themselves into a mental hospital.” It is 2012, over 2,100 people participated in 200 classes. classes, support groups and presentations important implications for crisis intervention teams electronically. A pilot was also conducted with 10 (CIT) and related programs teaching crisis de- an outrageous, ignorant and prejudiced statement that represents “stigma-slinging,” they said, and called FEBRUARY NAMI State Organizations and ve NAMI Aliates escalation methods to law enforcement and other rst for an apology. NAMI released its fourth in the series of using an electronic program evaluation system. The responders. redesigned brochures on mental illness: pilot was a success and this process will be expanded AUGUST Depression. It provides updated resources to across the country in 2013. JULY NAMI hosted focus groups with leaders in the CIT individuals living with depression. NAMI celebrated the fth anniversary of National MAY Minority Mental Health Awareness Month in creative, movement at the CIT International Conference, to ensure that the voices of individuals and families NAMI joined a number of health and NAMI launched its Mental Health Care new ways. The focus this year was to use social media disability organizations in submitting an Gets My Vote! campaign and website to amicus (“friend of the court”) brief to the U.S. mobilize individuals and families Supreme Court in support of upholding the aected by mental illness to participate provision in the Patient Protection and Aordable Care in the 2012 elections. The website Act (ACA) requiring states to expand their Medicaid provided information and tools to encourage voter programs to cover all uninsured individuals with registration and dialogues with candidates. incomes at 133 percent of the federal poverty level or below. This aspect of the ACA is particularly important NAMI honored 17 doctors with its 2012 Exemplary for people with mental illness. The Supreme Court held Psychiatrist Award at the American Psychiatric that Medicaid expansion is optional rather than Association’s annual conference in Philadelphia. required for states. Currently, 25 states have decided to expand their Medicaid programs. JUNE NAMI released a special report, MARCH Parity for Patriots: The Mental NAMI issued a statement in response to the killing of 16 Health Needs of Military Personnel, Afghan villagers by a soldier who may have experienced Veterans and their Families, which mental health problems, calling for better identi cation, called for Purple Heart medals to diagnosis and intervention for the soldiers serving be awarded for psychological America who are aected by mental illness. wounds like posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and for military Following two incidents aboard domestic airline commanders to be accountable ights, NAMI issued a statement concerning public for suicide prevention. safety and mental health issues in aviation and other workplace settings. It emphasized that the Federal NAMI held its annual national convention in Seattle, Aviation Administration and the Americans with featuring keynote speaker Linea Johnson, whose rst Disabilities Act have provisions in place to ensure that book tells about her experience with bipolar disorder. employees are medically evaluated for conditions, General Peter W. Chiarelli (Ret.) was awarded the both mental and other, that Distinguished Service Award and the Parity for Patriots may aect public safety. rally was held.

APRIL The rst NAMI Basics class using the Spanish curriculum, NAMIWalks celebrated its Bases y Fundamentos, was taught by NAMI New Jersey. 10th anniversary this year. A total of 85 walks with over NAMI Director of Policy and Legal Aairs, Ron 135,000 supporters raised Honberg, in a testimony statement submitted to the

aected by mental illness and front-line law OCTOBER substance abuse treatment at parity, or equal to the NAMI responded to the Sandy Hook Elementary enforcement ocers are included in our national NAMI promoted Mental Illness Awareness Week with coverage given to other health conditions. School shooting in Newtown, Conn., by providing strategy for CIT. the theme this year of “Changing Attitudes, Changing trauma resources and releasing a new fact sheet, What Lives.” NAMI honored Dr. Nancy C. Andreasen with its 2012 Families Can Do When a Child May Have a Mental Illness. Following the July 20 mass shooting in Aurora, Colo. Scienti c Research Award, recognizing her NAMI gave close to 100 interviews to media outlets and reports that the shooter had sought help for Continuing its eort to eliminate stigma and to contributions to the understanding of mental illness and talked with political leaders. Executive Director mental illness, NAMI called attention to the crisis in the provide public education, NAMI launched a television and the advancement of treatment for the people Michael J. Fitzpatrick sent letters to President Obama country’s mental health care system, which is not campaign of public service announcements featuring living with these illnesses. Dr. Andreasen pioneered and Vice President Biden urging mental health care geared toward accurate diagnosis and access to images of great leaders who each struggled with the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to reform. Fitzpatrick also condemned the NRA treatment. Michael J. Fitzpatrick encouraged public mental illness. “Monuments” was distributed to more identify the brain mechanisms of schizophrenia. position—calling for more guns in schools and dialog about making gun laws more eective but than 900 TV stations across the country. creating a bigger list of people treated for mental cautioned that it should be done in a way that is not DECEMBER illness—as “outrageous and wrong.” overly broad, and also avoids unfair, damaging NAMI issued statements following the presidential and NAMI released the results of a survey, conducted in discrimination. vice presidential debates calling out the oversight of conjunction with the College of Psychiatric and NAMI helped to develop benchmarks for CIT, in the mental health and mental illness issues. The absence Neurologic Pharmacists Foundation (CPNPF), which form of a national CIT curriculum model and NAMI established a joint venture with Army of discussions about parity in health insurance found that approximately 75 percent of individuals comprehensive implementation guide. OneSource (AOS), a Secretary of the Army Initiative, to coverage and veterans mental health issues was also living with mental illness do not receive adequate create Treating the Invisible Wounds of War, an online noted. safety or eective monitoring assistance from NAMI’s year-end campaign, “You Are training program to help build awareness of the community pharmacists. Not Alone in this Fight,” helped culture in which the military, veterans and their NAMI promoted ADHD Awareness Week and prepared connect individuals impacted by families live and work. AOS provides free access to new resources for the ADHD Resource Center, NAMI Alabama, NAMI Colorado, NAMI Kansas, NAMI mental illness through social media educational materials for NAMI Family-to-Family including tips on how to live well, chats with experts, New York, NAMI North Carolina and NAMI Utah were communities. The website featured teachers and participants. personal stories from parents and podcasts. selected to be part of Build it Together, a year-long, biographies of famous people with capacity building opportunity for NAMI State mental illness, and more than 70 SEPTEMBER NAMIBikes rolled out its Fight Stigma Organizations. These organizations participated in a individuals shared stories and videos On World Suicide Prevention Day, U.S. Surgeon & Ride! campaign at three venues training event in Arlington, Va., where each state team of their own. The campaign raised General Regina Benjamin and the Action Alliance for across the country. Arizona, Florida developed a diversity plan to implement through 2013. $460,000. Suicide Prevention launched a new National Strategy and California each held rides in late for Suicide Prevention, seeking to reduce deaths from fall. Over 135 riders and 90 suicide in the decade ahead. The Obama volunteers came out to raise a Administration announced $55.6 million in new grants combined total of $80,000. for national, state, tribal, campus and community Stephanie’s Story NOVEMBER suicide prevention programs. I'm a mother of a 13 year-old son times, and his recent admission was NAMI published College Students Speak: A Survey realized that I wasn’t alone in this with bipolar disorder. For the past his first attempt at suicide. Thankfully, fight. I am now on the board of In response to the many calls each month NAMI’s Report on Mental Health. The national survey showed four-and-a-half years, we have been he made it and is doing better now, but HelpLine receives regarding that 72 percent of college students experienced a directors of NAMI San Antonio. My coping with his condition. It started it was the most horrible feeling ever. criminal justice issues, NAMI mental health crisis on campus, but nearly one-half did 30-member team participated in a when he was diagnosed with ADHD You want to be a loving and developed a Criminal Justice not access campus supports or services. In response, NAMIWalk to help raise money and (combined type) and started on understanding mother. It’s not so easy Self-advocacy FAQ to NAMI launched a new NAMI on Campus initiative. The awareness. I’ve shared my story at medications at age 6. Shortly after, he with children with mental illness. They local law enforcement mental health supplement its comprehensive website includes a new resources section, including NOT ALONE I AM complained about hearing voices, but I hate you, they blame you and they say Guide to Mental Illness and the how to get involved with unit trainings. Being involved has put off his complaints and made horrible things to you. It makes you Criminal Justice System. NAMI on Campus clubs and helped me reach out to those who feel to connect with others. In excuses about what he could be angry and resentful because of all you loneliness and despair. have gone through for them. I felt like NAMI’s Family-to-Family program materials were addition, StrengthofUs.org, hearing. I didn't want to believe that it DO NOT EVER GIVE UP!!! Don’t thoroughly reviewed by outside professional sources NAMI’s social networking was something psychological. I couldn't handle my son any longer let mental illness beat you or your and updated to insure that the most current science website for young adults was Four years later, he became very and actually wanted to give him up. I loved ones. It’s a fight every day, but and cultural competency is reected. This is the fth relaunched. depressed, and the voices became lost that feeling a mother should people are out there to help you. You edition of NAMI’s agship education program which worse. At the age of 10, he was feel—all I felt was guilt for being such are not alone. has reached more than 350,000 individuals across the The long-awaited U.S. Department of Health and hospitalized for the first time, and we a horrible mother. Only in the past U.S. as well as Mexico, Canada and Italy. Human Services (HHS) proposed essential health learned that he had bipolar disorder. I year did I realize that it wasn't my son bene ts (EHB) rule guiding coverage in individual, was devastated and completely lost. I was angry at. It was his disease that NAMI continued to expand into social media. NAMI’s small-group and health insurance exchange plans was Neither my son nor I had any idea I hated so much. Facebook page reached 55,000 fans in September. published on November 26 in the Federal Register. For what was going on with him. My Wanting to change things. I the rst time ever, it will be required that all individual family could not accept that he was ill. contacted NAMI San Antonio, took a and small group plans include mental health and For a long time, I dealt with it alone. NAMI Basics class and became an The bipolar rollercoaster ride instructor. I met many wonderful continues. He has been hospitalized 15 people who shared my feelings. I 6 2012-2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CORPORATE ADVISORY GROUP

Keris Jän Myrick, M.B.A., M.S., Ph.Dc. Ellen Breslau A+E Networks Jewish Federation Of Greater Philadelphia Bernie and Marcia Altman President A a, Inc Joan Shick Irrevocable Trust Randy and Maria J. Altmayer Grandparents Day Magazine Alexander Institute John Jay Hopkins Foundation Sheila Amdur Executive Committee Chair New York, N.Y. Allied Dental Practices of New Jersey, LLC JustGive Madonna Ames Pasadena, Calif. America's Charities Kaplan Family Foundation Joanne Anderson Ann Frank Zingheim Kenco Hospitality, Inc Robert Anderson Hailey Dart ARINC Incorporated Kinschner Family Foundation Bennett Applegate Kevin B. Sullivan Rodwell Dart Memorial Foundation Attias Family Foundation Kramer Family Fund of the Merrill Lynch Community Charitable Dorcas A. Arbach, LCSW-C First Vice President Aspen, Colo. Baker Engineering And Risk Consultants, Inc Lee Mendelson Productions, Inc James Moe and Chalee Armstrong Policy Committee Chair Behnke Foundation Leibowitz and Greenway Family Foundation Morgan Aten Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gifts Program Loews Foundation Jeremy and Julie Atkinson West Hartford, Conn. Debbie Marriott Harrison Bowden Massey Foundation Lyondell Petrochemical Company Nancy Aubke Marriott Corporation Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation MacLaurin Family Foundation Dr. Faye C. Austin Jim Payne, J.D. Bethesda, Md. California Sports Center Magellan Health Services Mark and Sally Austin CFC/CHC County of York Malek's Pizza Palace, Inc Therese C. Avant Second Vice President ChangeMatrix LLC Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Enrique and Jennifer Hesketh Aviles Governance Committee Chair General William Kernan (ret.) Charles Schwab Foundation Masters School, Inc Robert and Margaret Ayres Falls Church, Va. Pinehurst, N.C. Charles Spear Charitable Trust McB Religious Oering Fund Ellen M. Babbitt CHC Mental Health Services Fund-Charlottesville Area Community Laura Baden CHC NCA DC Foundation Karen Bailey Ralph E. Nelson, Jr., M.D. David Liskin Chevron Humankind Merck Employee Giving Campaign Dr. LaGenia Bailey Treasurer LMA Film and Video Community Health Charities Michael T. Riordan Family Foundation Rashaad Bajwa Finance Committee Chair Community Health Charities of Arizona Michael T. Sherman Foundation James and Veronica Baker Carmel, Calif. Community Health Charities of California Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Robert Baker Visalia, Calif. Community Health Charities of Florida Nancy Chevalier IRA Trust George and Harriet Baldwin Ed Marinaro Community Health Charities of Network For Good Dr. Victoria Balkoski Clarence Jordan, M.B.A. Community Health Charities of Network For Good H. Chris Barber Hollywood, Calif. Community Health Charities of Northern Trust Company Dr. James M. Barker Secretary Community Health Charities of OH Local Distrib Timothy Barry Convention Committee Chair William Resnick, M.D. Community Health Charities of Oscar & Anna Bentley Charitable Foundation Inc Shirley B. Baum Cordova, Tenn. Community Health Charities of New Jersey Pepsico Foundation Employee Giving Programs Leslie A. Becker West Hollywood, Calif. Community Health Charities of New York Peters Family Foundation Judy Beckman Community Health Charities of Physicians Alliance of America, Inc Merrin Begley Moe Armstrong, M.B.A., M.A., C.P.S., R.S.S. Community Health Charities of Utah Pottho Family Foundation Alexander C. Bellavia San Francisco Community Health Charities of Virginia Princeton University Robert and Arleen Belyea Community Health Charities of State Professional Risk Management Services, Inc Barbara Benda Community Health Charities of QTC Medical Group, Inc Robert Scott Benson Kym Bolado 2012 CORPORATE AND Corbis Corporation Region Ten Community Services Board Dr. Faith Benton San Antonio Daniel L Hoskinson Trust Ronald & Jeanne Morr Chartiable Lead Trust Linda M. Berger, MA, EdD FOUNDATION SPONSORS DJ Findley Family Foundation Sara Margulis Honeyfund.com, Inc. Alfred and Muriel Berkeley Aetna Foundation Edward Zima Supplemental Needs Trust Seablue Vitamins, LLC Joel and Carol Bernstein Carol Caruso, M.C.A.T. Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc. Matching Gifts Program Selkirk Cogen Partners, L.P. Allsup, Inc. Holly A. Beyersmith Development Committee Chair Elinor Beidler Siklossy Foundation Sempra Employee Giving Network Alfred Metzger and Esther Beynon AstraZeneca Norristown, Pa. Elisir Restaurant Shirley Hale Revocable Trust Debbie Billet Roumell Biotechnology Industry EOS Foundation Sidney Stern Memorial Trust Jenny Billings Bristol-Myers Squibb Estate of Florence Emmaline Drake Southern California Institute of Photography Richard Birnbaum Janet M. Edelman, M.S. Cenpatico Estate of Frances S. White Stanley Family Foundation Marilyn and Bert A. Bittan Dispute Resolution Committee Chair Estate of Harley B. Splitt Stuart Grossman Trust John Blanchard Centene Estate of Helen Bissman Corbell Tanglewood Wealth Management, Inc Marianna Bledsoe Columbia, Md. Cigna Foundation Estate of Oliver Bainbridge The Arthurs/Kessler Family Charitable Fund Madeline D. Blinder College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists Estate of Philip John Lundin The Dreman Foundation, Inc Carlyn Block, RNC Victoria Gonzalez Estate of Russell G. Garrison The Fine Foundation Harold and Jeanne Bloom Concept Therapeutics Estate of Shirley Yoshikawa The Greenberg Foundation Edward Bluhm Oak Park, Ill. CVS Caremark Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund The Harold R. Goldmann Charitable Trust Amy Blumen eld Eli Lilly & Company Flaxman Family Charitable Trust The James B. Thompson, Jr. Trust McGladrey Board of Directors Linda E. Jensen, Ph.D., R.N., M.N. Forest Laboratories Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The Kravitz Family Trust Donald and Janet M. Boardman Francis Beidler Foundation The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation Jeannette Bogart Planning Committee Chair Genentech Frank Family Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund The Nacchio Foundation Eileen Bohrer Papillion, Neb. GlaxoSmithKline FS Transportation, LLC The New York Community Trust Toy Bolado Hospital Corporation of America Foundation G. B. & M. May Foundation The Raynie Foundation John and Elizabeth M. Bomer Janssen Gaea Foundation The Sikand Foundation, Inc Grace Boone Ron Morton, M.A. Gary Goodgear Emergency Assitance The Susan Stein Shiva Foundation Regina Boore Audit Committee Chair Lundbeck Inc. Gary L. Resnick Revocable Trust Timothy Curt and Dona Bissonnette Charitable Fund Dawn Anderson Booth Knoxville, Tenn. Magellan Health Services George Cohee Jr. Foundation U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Rita Jean Boppana Medtronic Gertrude B. Nielsen Charitable Trust United Methodist Church of Libertyville Lynn Borton and David Kolker Merck & Co., Inc. GGE Foundation, Inc United Way of Northern Utah William and Mary Bowden Clarice Raichel, M.Ed. Give With Liberty Employee Donations Novartis United Way of Southeastern Sharon E. Bowyer Lake Charles, La. Global Impact University Federal Credit Union James Boyd Otsuka America Pharmaceuticals Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Dr. William Boyer PamLab Good Samaritian Hospital Vascular & Transplant Specialists Stephanie Bozic Marilyn Ricci, M.S., R.D. P zer Google Matching Gifts Program Virginia McCallum Charitable Trust William and Gail S. Bradley Personnel Committee Chair PhRMA Gordon Family Charitable Foundation Wanda Hull Trust Michael and Gloria Brandon Canton, Conn. Grant Real Estate Zarb Family Fund, Inc Dr. Stephen K. Brannan and Kelli J. Brannan Shire Group 2 Productions, LLC Zig Zag Multimedia Donald and Margaret Bray Sunovion Halliburton Giving Choices Match John and Peg Breslin Gloria M. Walker, M.B.A. Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America Harley and Cody Splitt Charitable Fund Carol Adragna Chandra Breton Cincinnati Hinman Foundation Nawal Ahmed Terry Bridges Teva Howell Family Charitable Foundation Kristine Ajayi Mark Brill Tower Foundation IBM Employee Services David and Maryann Albonesi Bob Brinker Michael Weaver, M.S.Ed. Universal Health Services Inavale Foundation, Inc David Aldridge Wendell Brooks and Charlotte Wills Brooks Washington, N.C. Van Ameringen Foundation Jeerson Transitional Programs, Inc Stanford and Joan Alexander Glenn and Margaret Brown Jerey J. and Mary E. Burdge Charitable Trust Josh Allen Jodie Brown Walgreens Jewish Community Foundation of the Milwaukee Jewish Cheri Alley Mona W. Brown 7

Dr. Roger F. Haskett Lenore Kirvay Neil Martin Jackie Hayden Wesley Kittel Thomas and Jane Martin James Hayes Donald and Marie Klawiter Jennifer Masciadrelli Thomas and Jane Hazen Arnold and Emma Klein Josiah and Jean Mason Lowell and Melvina Heap Matthew and Juliet Kleinjan Debra Mattern Dr. Stephan H. Heckers Amy Klement Barbara Matvey Julie Hedges Roger Knight and Carolyn C. Knight, RN Gerald J. Mauch Janice Bryant Katie Darius Michael Fitzpatrick Herbert Heich Barbara Knighton Elizabeth Maurer Maria Bryant Debra Darling Paul and Dorothy Flattery Greg Heinzinger and Kerstin Pfann Larry Knorr James May D. Buchholz Benjamin D. Davis Linda Flinn, RN Phillip Henderson and Elizabeth C. Henry Jonathan and Vickie Germain Kobak Kerry E. Mayer Dr. William N. Buett and Susan Kennedy Gary E. Davis Dr. Cynthia Flynn Alexander Hendry Robert Koch Dr. John McCarten Ina Burd Joseph and Nancy Davis Robert Folberg Janet Henning Elizabeth P. Kohn David Humphries and Michelle A. McCarthy Allan and Mary Lou Burdick Dave and Neen Davis Patricia F. Forbes Lynne M. Hensley George and Jutta Kohn Dr. Rowena McClinton Mary Jo Burgoyne J. Conrad and Sue F. Davis Luisa Francoeur Donald and Bluma Herman Immanuel and Vera Sharpe Kohn Scott McCorkell and Nancy Niles John and Anne Burke David Dean and Catherine Bergmann Genevieve Frank Margaret Herold Laura Kokesh James F. McCormick Fenton and Margarett C Burke Jean and Jessica DeCicco Ted Frapolli and Gail Frapolli David and Mary K. Hibdon Peter and Ann Kolker Robert and Minnette McCoy Denise Vitali Burne John Del Greco, Jr Adam Freed Saralee G. Hillman Jacqueline M. Kolm Monica McDermott Chris and Lois L. Burton Dr. Stephen Delisi and Leigh Delisi Peter and Mary Virginia Frenzer Todd and Barbara Hilsee Joanne P. Kolodzik Kimberly McFarland Sabrina Burton John D. Patterson, Jr and Michele F. Demarest Victor Froelicher, MD Lois Hindhede Kenneth Korman Ella Mae McGuire William and June T. Busing Robert and Jill DeMaster Samuel and Ayako Fujimoto Dr. Alan Hines Craig Korth Mark McNamara and Cynthia Parenti Dr. Regina Bussing Andrew Dempsey Jerry Fulenwider Larry and Beverly Hinman Suzana Kosmala Charles and Mary M. McQuade Edward and Shirley T. Butterworth Christine DePaul Weisser James and Charlotte Fullerton Joseph U. Hinshaw Laura Kosmalski James and Kelly McShane Jerey Buxbawn Mark Dexter and Dr. Deborah S. Cowley Elizabeth L. Gagne Robert Hirsch Ruth Kotecha Marcie McSwane Michael and Tania Cahill Gary R. Dhein and Donna J. Dhein, LCPC Michael Gallahue and Marcia Invernizzi Chuck and Diane Homan Dr. Andrew Kramer Bruce McTavish Richard D. Calder, Jr Pamela Dieckman Robert C. Gallo Dr. Paul W. Holley and Dee K. Holley Paula Kravitz Thomas McVarish Richard and Kathleen Campbell Tim and Sita Diehl Kaja Gam Ron and Lynda Honberg Irene D. Kress Tasha McVeigh Dr. Jose M. Canive Frederick Dietz Ramon Garcia David and Rosemary Hopkins Beverly Krivokapich Bill Mead Lisa Carchedi Dan Dillard Dr. George Gardiner, Sr Dr. Susan Hoppe Sze-Ern and Margaret Kuo Chris and Lauren Mead Sara Lohse Carlberg Patricia A. Dobbins Catherine Gardner Dr. Ken C. Hopper Jim Kupel William and Jennifer H. Mead Douglas Carlson Barry and Marcy Dobil Dr. Edward Gaston and Lori Zager Craig M. Horowitz Dr. Karen M. Kyle Alicia Megowen Kristin Casado Shannon Dodge Dick and Katrina Gay Steven W. Horwatt Robert Ladik Dr. Robert B. Mencher and Edythe H. Mencher Martha Klessen Cassidy Ellen Dolgin Nancy Gear Philip Howarth Kai Shue Lam and Bonnie J. Buratti Quentin Meyer Dr. James L. Cavanaugh, Jr and Dr. Stephanie Cavanaugh Shayna Dollinger Mahesh Gehani Robert Hradsky Debora Lance Paul Martin Midden Jack and Margaret C. Caveney Ben and Patricia Dolson Kenneth and Mary Gehring Debra Hrouda John Laue and Carol Laue Edmond and Molly Mignon Daniel Cepeda Joseph Domonkos Jayne Geiger Shirma Huizenga Yvonne Laun Dr. Gary L. Mihelish and Sandra Mihelish Jesse Chadderdon Christine Donahower Lee and Ellis Gery Elsie Hulsizeer Kristine Lazzara Paul Milbury Ernestine W. Chandler Jean Donnell Stephen J. Getty Dr. Rita Hungate Sean LeClaire Mark Miller Geralyn Charapata-Marsh Patrick W. Donohue Dr. Shubhranjan Ghosh Marion Hunt Linda W. Lee William Miller Jeremy and Christine W. Chase Sam Dorman Steven and Karen Gissin Alice Hupfel Marjorie Doris Lee Phoebe Milliken Gail Chizen Nancy Doschadis Nancy Gold Ken and Martha Huston Roland Lee Weston Milliken and Dr. Anand Pandya Victoria Christensen Julie Drake Stephen Gold Robert H. Hutchins Jane Lee Picot Dianne Mills Dr. Nathaniel Chu Dr. Eric M. Dreyfuss Dennis and Meredith Goodrow Martha Hyde James A. Lefere Patricia Miltz Barbara L. Chuko Victor Drilea Mike and Loren Gordon Dr. William Hyman John and Dr. Harriet P. Leey Noreene Miskinnis David W Chung Dr. Kenneth S. Duckworth David Graber Dr. Sherifa Iqbal Anthony J. Leggett John Mitchell Philip Ciafardini W. Joseph Duckworth Dr. Rene E. Grace and Marilyn S. Grace Lori Ireland Dr. Charles E. Leins and Angela Leins Lewis Moore Nancy Ciolkosz Yvonne M. Dulakis John K. Graft Dr. Carmen P. Irizarry Kevin Lenahan F. Paul and Jean C. Mooring James Clark Jane B. Dunaway Andrew Graham Michael Itomlenskis Carol Lerfald Richard Moreland Lee Anna Clark Esther Dunho Lee and Betty T. Graham Richard and Nancy Jackson Dr. Charles Lester and Jamie L. Lester R.H. and Laurie Morrison Joseph R. Clubb Anita Dunn Leo Graham Amanda, Mike, Julian, Sam, Owe Jacobs Dr. Ann Burgess Lettes Lawrence Movshin Michelle R. M. Cochran MD Mary Dunn Thomas E. Grande Robert Jahner Ruth M. Levell Charlene K. Mower George Cohee, Jr and Katherine Cohee Taylor Charles and Denise Durling Joan Granlund James J. Jaskot Howard and Carol Levy Duane and Peter Muller Allan Cohen Andrew and Martha Dwyer Grayfred and Lois Gray Derek Jaskulski Karen Lewis John Muller Dr. Bruce and Marian Cohen Dorothy Dykers Howard and Lucy L. Grayson Colleen Jenkins Dr. Michael Lichtenstein Charles and Marilyn Mulvey Edward M. Cohen Dr. Gary D. Dylewski Betty Green Linda Jensen Susan Lichtenstein Pam Musselman Dr. Ira Cohen and Judy Cohen Pamela Eagan Kevn Green Kent and Kerry Jessen David Lieb and Sally Solomon Judith Nadal James M. Cohen Gary Ford and Nancy E. Ebb Roberta Green Johnny K. Jines Carole Liebold-King Kyle Na Martin and Nancy Y. Cohen Dr. Bennett Edelman and Janet Edelman Elaine F Greene Dr. Irving S. Johnson and Alwyn N. Johnson Hilary F. Linder, III Jill H. Nagorniak Marvin and Ann K. Collier Ann Edwards Jacqueline Greene Laura B. Johnson Bill and Peggy G. Lindsey David Nass Lauren Comly John Edwards JoAnn Greenman Rosa M. Johnson Robert Lister Dr. Ralph Nelson, Jr and Denise Nelson Dr. Lawrence Joseph Conell and Renee K. Connell Emilie Egan Betsy Samuelsen Greer Anna E. Jones M. Litchman Michael and Laura E. Neuho Shelley Conger Jennifer Egan Brent and Nicole Grin Denise Jones Dr. Zeb Little Katherine Neven Irene Conner Samuel and Maryann Ellsworth Linda J. Grith, MD Paul Jordan Dr. Ingrid Liu Richard Nickel Sue Conner Charles and Margaret Elmer Gary and Jocelyn Grimm Paul Jordan Yael Livneh Wayne and Teresa A. Nielson Bill and Melinda Connolly Mark and Mary Elmgren Victor and Kathy Grossi Margaret Joy James and Angela Locatelli Dr. Sanjay Nigam Cathy A. Conrad George E. Emmons, Jr Wanda Grossman Kathy Jubitz Leslie Lomas Joan and Kevin Noblet Stephen Cooperman Karen M. Eng Tim and Nancy Grumbacher Sally Kadifa James and Marie Long Lynn Nocifora Brian Coordsen David Silberman and Claire Engers Dr. David M. Gudeman Dr. Bob Kalani Robert and Nettie Losey Dr. James Norcross Craig Corbitt Nina and Mark Engstrom Melissa Guerdan Carole Kalman Grace L. Lovell Karen Nusbaum Bill Corcoran George and Denise Ericson David and Margie Guggenhime Eric Zimmerman and Audrey Kalmus Lura Merrill Lovell Virginia O'Brien Stephen and Kathy Cornett Eileen Erino Dr. David D. Gulden Lyrin A. Kanczuzewski Gary and Lynn S. Loving Bill J. and Karen O'Brien Louise Coulling Ronald and Cynthia Estridge Larry and Marlene Guthrie Dr. Judith P. Kane Mark and Judith S. Lowenstein Millard and Ada Oldham Dr. Mary E. Coy Ellen Sue L. Ewald Yvonne Guu Dr. Carole Ann Kant Dave and Linda E Long Lushbaugh Pat O'Leary Dr. Joseph Thomas Coyle, Jr Benjamin Fabie Ben Hackerman Jean Kaplan Carl and Maryann Lyon Cleojean Olson Judith M. Craig Marvin and Shelley Fagel James and Diane C. Hall Marilyn Katzman Linh Ma Pierre Omidyar Rebecca Craig Rumi Faizer Stephen and Susan Hall Misha Kazhadan John Maben and Dorinda Germade Philip W. O'Neil Shannon Crane Tia Farmer Victor B. Hallberg Kenneth and Judi Keltner Jim and Sheila M. Mack David and Lynn Oppenheim Nancy P. Orbison Robert and Stella Cretella May S. Farr Christy Hallford Elizabeth P. Kenan Richard and Ann K. Madigan Dr. Ana-Maria Osorio Susan Cristol Breege Farrell Tom and Carolyn Hamilton Dr. Kenneth Kendler and Dr. Susan Miller Yolin Oliver Magee Antonie and Ethel Jo Paap Balazs Csaki Hariott Faucette Earl and Barbara Hancock Michael F. Kerrigan Anthony and Susan L. Maiello David and Joan Pachota John Cullen Rubert Fehmer Anthony Handzlik Farhad and Flora Khosravi Joseph Makdisi Joe and Lorraine Padulo John W. Curtis and Margaret Sarkela Lois Blum Feinblatt John and Karen L. Hangartner Yvonne Kilbourne Dayton and Carolyn Males Brett Painter Daniel Cutaia Terry Felker Stephanie Hansen Mary E. Killinger Reverend Cyrus Mallard, Jr and Marjorie Mallard George Palma Skip and Lynda Cutrell James and Tammy Felt Sheldon Harber Heather Killough Linda Mandel Lori Paporello Issac and Sheila Cyrluk Ellen Fenn Karen Harding John Kimball Jack and Doris A. Mandusky Donald Paradise Cynthia Dahl Chuck and Sue Fienning Charles Harman Lynn Kimble Christina Mora Mangano Albert Patterson Paul Dahn Georey T. Freeman and Marjorie M. Findlay Je and Pam Harms Donald and Joan B. Kimmel F. C. Manning Brooks Patterson Bob and Guyla Daley Frederick A. Findlen, MD and Audrey Findlen William F. Harnisch Foundation James Kincaid Lincoln Manzi John D. Patterson, Jr and Michele F. Demarest Ron Daley John Finegan Iwalani W. Harris Karen Kinder Megan Marinis Nell Patterson Angelo D'Andre Monroe and Marsha Firestone Katharine M. Hartley Dr. Lori Kingsley William John and Victoria Yaar Marraccini Jim and Cathleen Payne Gayle D'Aniello Kimberly Fisher Eunice Hartman Joanne Kini Dr. Nancy Martin

Colin Watson and Janee Pennington-Watson James Schwartz Patricia Thompson Jim and Susie Perakis Elizabeth Schwarz, MD Eugene Tillman and Bonnie E. Thomson Paul and Carole Perona James P. Scibilia and Dr. Suzanne E. Vogel-Scibilia Frances T. Tibbits Virginia R. Perrette Michelle Scott Brian H. Tippett and Aletha Tippett Sandra Petron Eileen C. Seaman Ann Tisdale Shelley E. Phipps Lloyd Sederer Ellen Toker Robert and Kathleen Pinnell Dr. John C. Seed Simon Pediel Tonkin and Mary Tonkin David and Marisa Plevak Carolyn Sefcik Thomas and Joan Tooley Edward B. Poller Zachary Segal Linda Tosti Linda Kay Pontious Lisa Seipel Steven and Ginny Towbin Tobin Pospisil Richard Serra Christine Treon Dr. William Potter Jacqueline L. Shannon Warren and Patricia Trepeta Steve and Edie Powell Kathleen E. Shannon Phil and Myla Tscheschke Jim and Ann Pramann Dr. Bal K. Sharma Jessica Tucker Dr. Andrew Prints Magna lm Sharony Donald and Susan Ullmann Albert L. Quaal Gerry A. Shear Jane R. Upho Meg Quiat Leonard Shen Razvan Vaida Thomas and Sheila Rabaut Stephen Shenker Dr. Mark Vakkur Steven and Donna Rabinowitz Diana Shepard John R. Van Buskirk Paul Raby Justin Sher Stanley A. Van Gundy Joan G. Rafel Tshering Sherpa Vashti Van Wyke Harvey and Carol Ra Dr. Ann K. Shinn Ana Vargas Pennee Raetto Yoshinobu and Kathleen Shiota Nelson Vogel Thomas Rafter Wesley and Jeanne Shirk Lance and Jennifer Volland Clarice Raichel David Shook Christine Von Liederbach John and Mary Raitt H. Bruce and Jackie Shreves Dr. Carl M. Wahlstrom Robert and Ilknur Ralston Carolee Shudnow Cole Waidhofer Tommy Rat Dr. James G. Shupe Cynthia Walk Maryam N. Razavi, PhD Ralph and Frances Shuping Gloria M. Walker Katherine Reedy Anna Shustack Susan Walker William B. Rees Stacey and Joan Shuster-Lefkowitz Howard Wall Dirk Rehder Dr. Hamid Q. Sial Charles and Jan Wally Sheldon and Edith Rein Richard C. and Anita Siefert Diana Walsh Dell Rhodes Dr. Juliet Siegel Carrie Walworth Joe and Marilyn K. Ricci David Silberman and Claire Engers Robin Wang Dr. Michael J. Rieser Dwain and Mary Simon Michael Ware Ryan Rifkin Paula Simpson Gary and Bonnie Warner Garnett N. Riley Peter Small Kay Warren Laurie Riley Taylor and Barbara Smith Tom Warren Rick Riordan Douglas V. and Lynn W. Smith Dr. Douglas and Susan Warsett Mercedes Risconsin Betsy C. Smith Clyde Watson Ellen Roberts George Smith Deanna Watson Dr. Theresa Roberts Rebecca Smith Michael Weaver Greg and Elizabeth Robillard Ronald and Christine Smith Percy Wegmann Tobias and Elaine Robison Dr. Stacey Smith Bruce Weidenburner Leo and Chris Rocco Emily Soell James Weil Elizabeth Roche Timothy Somers Irving Weinberger Cyndi Roeder Dr. Howard Spiro and Marian W. Spiro Robert Weinstein Paula Rogovin Rachel Springer Bonnie Welch Keith and Connie Rohman Anthony Squillante Linden H. Welch Brenda A. Ross Todd Stanger Lindsay Anne Weston James and Miriam Carroll Ross Gary L. Stark Gretchen Wheeler Richard and Jane Ross Dr. Patricia Stark David and Virginia J. Whitcombe Randolph F. Ross and Dr. Cynthia Mahoney Peggy B. Stedman Beverly White Seymour and Selma Roth Dorrine M. Steele Carolyn White Steven and Mary Roth JoAnn Steele Lynn White Deborah Rothman John W. Steele Steven and Catherine White Robin Roush Gary Steinmetz Warren H. White Frederick and Elizabeth Rousseau John and Valerie C. Stelling Joel and Diane Wier Kathleen Rubin Mary Jane and Phillip Stephenson William and Linda Wilczek Terry and Mary Kay Rufer Pam Stephenson Patricia Wilde James A. Run, Jr Marie C. Stiefel Charles Williams Bev Rush Starr Stixrud Michael and Sharon Williams James and Priscilla Russell Deborah Storck Wesley Alan Williamson Douglas Russo Je and Kelly N. Straub David and Carole Willis Thomas Ryba Peggy Straw Dan and Leah Wilson Jane Rytina Christianna L. Strohbeck Lorna H. Wissink Joel S. Saal and Nancy J. Bovee Cynthia Stubits John and Jean Wolf Irving N. Sado Jan G. Sullivan E. Judson Wolfe Marcia Sanders Kevin B. Sullivan and Carolyn Thornberry Charles and Nancy Wolfram Dr. Surya N. Sankaran and Dr. Jaya L. Sankaran Myron and Janet Susin Donna Wood Douglas Sankey Joy A. Sutton Dr. Robert W. Woodhouse, III Gregory Sansone Stephen and Loretta S. Swan Jacques Ya Deau Mary Anne Sansone Catherine Syrett Jack and Susan Yanovski Jayesh Santhan John and Mary B. Taddiken Scott Young George Schaefer, III and Molly McShane Matthew Taecker James and Katherine Zartman Michael and Wendy Schaefer Patricia Tager Reginald and Elaine Zelnik Julie Schauer Gordon and Ellaine Tagge David Zimmer Peter Schildkraut Jessie Anne Tait Frank and Ann Zingheim Linda Beth Schilling Dr. Raymund R. Tan Suzanne Schimmel Darcy Taylor Yvonne Schipke Erin Taylor J. Tuerk Schlesinger Sabrina Temple Dr. James Schlesinger Louise P. Ten Eyck James Morton and Matthild Schneider Jonathan Teunis Kathleen Schoenecker Kim Thal Laurie Wier Scholl Alberta Thien Al and Marjorie Schultz Trudelle H. Thomas Gary H. and Angela L. Schwartz Mark Thompson MAJOR DONORS2 12 A+E Networks Jewish Federation Of Greater Philadelphia Bernie and Marcia Altman A a, Inc Joan Shick Irrevocable Trust Randy and Maria J. Altmayer Alexander Institute John Jay Hopkins Foundation Sheila Amdur Allied Dental Practices of New Jersey, LLC JustGive Madonna Ames America's Charities Kaplan Family Foundation Joanne Anderson Ann Frank Zingheim Kenco Hospitality, Inc Robert Anderson ARINC Incorporated Kinschner Family Foundation Bennett Applegate Attias Family Foundation Kramer Family Fund of the Merrill Lynch Community Charitable Dorcas A. Arbach, LCSW-C Baker Engineering And Risk Consultants, Inc Lee Mendelson Productions, Inc James Moe and Chalee Armstrong Behnke Foundation Leibowitz and Greenway Family Foundation Morgan Aten Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gifts Program Loews Foundation Jeremy and Julie Atkinson Bowden Massey Foundation Lyondell Petrochemical Company Nancy Aubke Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation MacLaurin Family Foundation Dr. Faye C. Austin California Sports Center Magellan Health Services Mark and Sally Austin CFC/CHC County of York Malek's Pizza Palace, Inc Therese C. Avant ChangeMatrix LLC Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Enrique and Jennifer Hesketh Aviles Charles Schwab Foundation Masters School, Inc Robert and Margaret Ayres Charles Spear Charitable Trust McB Religious Oering Fund Ellen M. Babbitt CHC Mental Health Services Fund-Charlottesville Area Community Laura Baden CHC NCA DC Foundation Karen Bailey Chevron Humankind Merck Employee Giving Campaign Dr. LaGenia Bailey Community Health Charities Michael T. Riordan Family Foundation Rashaad Bajwa Community Health Charities of Arizona Michael T. Sherman Foundation James and Veronica Baker Community Health Charities of California Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Robert Baker Community Health Charities of Florida Nancy Chevalier IRA Trust George and Harriet Baldwin Community Health Charities of Georgia Network For Good Dr. Victoria Balkoski Community Health Charities of Illinois Network For Good H. Chris Barber Community Health Charities of Kentucky Northern Trust Company Dr. James M. Barker Community Health Charities of Massachusetts OH Local Distrib Timothy Barry Community Health Charities of Minnesota Oscar & Anna Bentley Charitable Foundation Inc Shirley B. Baum Community Health Charities of New Jersey Pepsico Foundation Employee Giving Programs Leslie A. Becker Community Health Charities of New York Peters Family Foundation Judy Beckman Community Health Charities of Texas Physicians Alliance of America, Inc Merrin Begley Community Health Charities of Utah Pottho Family Foundation Alexander C. Bellavia Community Health Charities of Virginia Princeton University Robert and Arleen Belyea Community Health Charities of Washington State Professional Risk Management Services, Inc Barbara Benda Community Health Charities of Idaho QTC Medical Group, Inc Robert Scott Benson Corbis Corporation Region Ten Community Services Board Dr. Faith Benton Daniel L Hoskinson Trust Ronald & Jeanne Morr Chartiable Lead Trust Linda M. Berger, MA, EdD DJ Findley Family Foundation Sara Margulis Honeyfund.com, Inc. Alfred and Muriel Berkeley Edward Zima Supplemental Needs Trust Seablue Vitamins, LLC Joel and Carol Bernstein Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc. Matching Gifts Program Selkirk Cogen Partners, L.P. Holly A. Beyersmith Elinor Beidler Siklossy Foundation Sempra Employee Giving Network Alfred Metzger and Esther Beynon Elisir Restaurant Shirley Hale Revocable Trust Debbie Billet Roumell EOS Foundation Sidney Stern Memorial Trust Jenny Billings Estate of Florence Emmaline Drake Southern California Institute of Photography Richard Birnbaum Estate of Frances S. White Stanley Family Foundation Marilyn and Bert A. Bittan Estate of Harley B. Splitt Stuart Grossman Trust John Blanchard Estate of Helen Bissman Corbell Tanglewood Wealth Management, Inc Marianna Bledsoe Estate of Oliver Bainbridge The Arthurs/Kessler Family Charitable Fund Madeline D. Blinder Estate of Philip John Lundin The Dreman Foundation, Inc Carlyn Block, RNC Estate of Russell G. Garrison The Fine Foundation Harold and Jeanne Bloom Estate of Shirley Yoshikawa The Greenberg Foundation Edward Bluhm Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund The Harold R. Goldmann Charitable Trust Amy Blumen eld Flaxman Family Charitable Trust The James B. Thompson, Jr. Trust McGladrey Board of Directors Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The Kravitz Family Trust Donald and Janet M. Boardman Francis Beidler Foundation The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation Jeannette Bogart Frank Family Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund The Nacchio Foundation Eileen Bohrer FS Transportation, LLC The New York Community Trust Toy Bolado G. B. & M. May Foundation The Raynie Foundation John and Elizabeth M. Bomer Gaea Foundation The Sikand Foundation, Inc Grace Boone Gary Goodgear Emergency Assitance The Susan Stein Shiva Foundation Regina Boore Gary L. Resnick Revocable Trust Timothy Curt and Dona Bissonnette Charitable Fund Dawn Anderson Booth George Cohee Jr. Foundation U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Rita Jean Boppana Gertrude B. Nielsen Charitable Trust United Methodist Church of Libertyville Lynn Borton and David Kolker GGE Foundation, Inc United Way of Northern Utah William and Mary Bowden Give With Liberty Employee Donations United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Sharon E. Bowyer Global Impact University Federal Credit Union James Boyd Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Dr. William Boyer Good Samaritian Hospital Vascular & Transplant Specialists Stephanie Bozic Google Matching Gifts Program Virginia McCallum Charitable Trust William and Gail S. Bradley Gordon Family Charitable Foundation Wanda Hull Trust Michael and Gloria Brandon Grant Real Estate Zarb Family Fund, Inc Dr. Stephen K. Brannan and Kelli J. Brannan Group 2 Productions, LLC Zig Zag Multimedia Donald and Margaret Bray Halliburton Giving Choices Match John and Peg Breslin Harley and Cody Splitt Charitable Fund Carol Adragna Chandra Breton Hinman Foundation Nawal Ahmed Terry Bridges Howell Family Charitable Foundation Kristine Ajayi Mark Brill IBM Employee Services David and Maryann Albonesi Bob Brinker Inavale Foundation, Inc David Aldridge Wendell Brooks and Charlotte Wills Brooks Jeerson Transitional Programs, Inc Stanford and Joan Alexander Glenn and Margaret Brown Jerey J. and Mary E. Burdge Charitable Trust Josh Allen Jodie Brown Jewish Community Foundation of the Milwaukee Jewish Cheri Alley Mona W. Brown 8

Dr. Roger F. Haskett Lenore Kirvay Neil Martin Jackie Hayden Wesley Kittel Thomas and Jane Martin James Hayes Donald and Marie Klawiter Jennifer Masciadrelli Thomas and Jane Hazen Arnold and Emma Klein Josiah and Jean Mason Lowell and Melvina Heap Matthew and Juliet Kleinjan Debra Mattern Dr. Stephan H. Heckers Amy Klement Barbara Matvey Julie Hedges Roger Knight and Carolyn C. Knight, RN Gerald J. Mauch Janice Bryant Katie Darius Michael Fitzpatrick Herbert Heich Barbara Knighton Elizabeth Maurer Maria Bryant Debra Darling Paul and Dorothy Flattery Greg Heinzinger and Kerstin Pfann Larry Knorr James May D. Buchholz Benjamin D. Davis Linda Flinn, RN Phillip Henderson and Elizabeth C. Henry Jonathan and Vickie Germain Kobak Kerry E. Mayer Dr. William N. Buett and Susan Kennedy Gary E. Davis Dr. Cynthia Flynn Alexander Hendry Robert Koch Dr. John McCarten Ina Burd Joseph and Nancy Davis Robert Folberg Janet Henning Elizabeth P. Kohn David Humphries and Michelle A. McCarthy Allan and Mary Lou Burdick Dave and Neen Davis Patricia F. Forbes Lynne M. Hensley George and Jutta Kohn Dr. Rowena McClinton Mary Jo Burgoyne J. Conrad and Sue F. Davis Luisa Francoeur Donald and Bluma Herman Immanuel and Vera Sharpe Kohn Scott McCorkell and Nancy Niles John and Anne Burke David Dean and Catherine Bergmann Genevieve Frank Margaret Herold Laura Kokesh James F. McCormick Fenton and Margarett C Burke Jean and Jessica DeCicco Ted Frapolli and Gail Frapolli David and Mary K. Hibdon Peter and Ann Kolker Robert and Minnette McCoy Denise Vitali Burne John Del Greco, Jr Adam Freed Saralee G. Hillman Jacqueline M. Kolm Monica McDermott Chris and Lois L. Burton Dr. Stephen Delisi and Leigh Delisi Peter and Mary Virginia Frenzer Todd and Barbara Hilsee Joanne P. Kolodzik Kimberly McFarland Sabrina Burton John D. Patterson, Jr and Michele F. Demarest Victor Froelicher, MD Lois Hindhede Kenneth Korman Ella Mae McGuire William and June T. Busing Robert and Jill DeMaster Samuel and Ayako Fujimoto Dr. Alan Hines Craig Korth Mark McNamara and Cynthia Parenti Dr. Regina Bussing Andrew Dempsey Jerry Fulenwider Larry and Beverly Hinman Suzana Kosmala Charles and Mary M. McQuade Edward and Shirley T. Butterworth Christine DePaul Weisser James and Charlotte Fullerton Joseph U. Hinshaw Laura Kosmalski James and Kelly McShane Jerey Buxbawn Mark Dexter and Dr. Deborah S. Cowley Elizabeth L. Gagne Robert Hirsch Ruth Kotecha Marcie McSwane Michael and Tania Cahill Gary R. Dhein and Donna J. Dhein, LCPC Michael Gallahue and Marcia Invernizzi Chuck and Diane Homan Dr. Andrew Kramer Bruce McTavish Richard D. Calder, Jr Pamela Dieckman Robert C. Gallo Dr. Paul W. Holley and Dee K. Holley Paula Kravitz Thomas McVarish Richard and Kathleen Campbell Tim and Sita Diehl Kaja Gam Ron and Lynda Honberg Irene D. Kress Tasha McVeigh Dr. Jose M. Canive Frederick Dietz Ramon Garcia David and Rosemary Hopkins Beverly Krivokapich Bill Mead Lisa Carchedi Dan Dillard Dr. George Gardiner, Sr Dr. Susan Hoppe Sze-Ern and Margaret Kuo Chris and Lauren Mead Sara Lohse Carlberg Patricia A. Dobbins Catherine Gardner Dr. Ken C. Hopper Jim Kupel William and Jennifer H. Mead Douglas Carlson Barry and Marcy Dobil Dr. Edward Gaston and Lori Zager Craig M. Horowitz Dr. Karen M. Kyle Alicia Megowen Kristin Casado Shannon Dodge Dick and Katrina Gay Steven W. Horwatt Robert Ladik Dr. Robert B. Mencher and Edythe H. Mencher Martha Klessen Cassidy Ellen Dolgin Nancy Gear Philip Howarth Kai Shue Lam and Bonnie J. Buratti Quentin Meyer Dr. James L. Cavanaugh, Jr and Dr. Stephanie Cavanaugh Shayna Dollinger Mahesh Gehani Robert Hradsky Debora Lance Paul Martin Midden Jack and Margaret C. Caveney Ben and Patricia Dolson Kenneth and Mary Gehring Debra Hrouda John Laue and Carol Laue Edmond and Molly Mignon Daniel Cepeda Joseph Domonkos Jayne Geiger Shirma Huizenga Yvonne Laun Dr. Gary L. Mihelish and Sandra Mihelish Jesse Chadderdon Christine Donahower Lee and Ellis Gery Elsie Hulsizeer Kristine Lazzara Paul Milbury Ernestine W. Chandler Jean Donnell Stephen J. Getty Dr. Rita Hungate Sean LeClaire Mark Miller Geralyn Charapata-Marsh Patrick W. Donohue Dr. Shubhranjan Ghosh Marion Hunt Linda W. Lee William Miller Jeremy and Christine W. Chase Sam Dorman Steven and Karen Gissin Alice Hupfel Marjorie Doris Lee Phoebe Milliken Gail Chizen Nancy Doschadis Nancy Gold Ken and Martha Huston Roland Lee Weston Milliken and Dr. Anand Pandya Victoria Christensen Julie Drake Stephen Gold Robert H. Hutchins Jane Lee Picot Dianne Mills Dr. Nathaniel Chu Dr. Eric M. Dreyfuss Dennis and Meredith Goodrow Martha Hyde James A. Lefere Patricia Miltz Barbara L. Chuko Victor Drilea Mike and Loren Gordon Dr. William Hyman John and Dr. Harriet P. Leey Noreene Miskinnis David W Chung Dr. Kenneth S. Duckworth David Graber Dr. Sherifa Iqbal Anthony J. Leggett John Mitchell Philip Ciafardini W. Joseph Duckworth Dr. Rene E. Grace and Marilyn S. Grace Lori Ireland Dr. Charles E. Leins and Angela Leins Lewis Moore Nancy Ciolkosz Yvonne M. Dulakis John K. Graft Dr. Carmen P. Irizarry Kevin Lenahan F. Paul and Jean C. Mooring James Clark Jane B. Dunaway Andrew Graham Michael Itomlenskis Carol Lerfald Richard Moreland Lee Anna Clark Esther Dunho Lee and Betty T. Graham Richard and Nancy Jackson Dr. Charles Lester and Jamie L. Lester R.H. and Laurie Morrison Joseph R. Clubb Anita Dunn Leo Graham Amanda, Mike, Julian, Sam, Owe Jacobs Dr. Ann Burgess Lettes Lawrence Movshin Michelle R. M. Cochran MD Mary Dunn Thomas E. Grande Robert Jahner Ruth M. Levell Charlene K. Mower George Cohee, Jr and Katherine Cohee Taylor Charles and Denise Durling Joan Granlund James J. Jaskot Howard and Carol Levy Duane and Peter Muller Allan Cohen Andrew and Martha Dwyer Grayfred and Lois Gray Derek Jaskulski Karen Lewis John Muller Dr. Bruce and Marian Cohen Dorothy Dykers Howard and Lucy L. Grayson Colleen Jenkins Dr. Michael Lichtenstein Charles and Marilyn Mulvey Edward M. Cohen Dr. Gary D. Dylewski Betty Green Linda Jensen Susan Lichtenstein Pam Musselman Dr. Ira Cohen and Judy Cohen Pamela Eagan Kevn Green Kent and Kerry Jessen David Lieb and Sally Solomon Judith Nadal James M. Cohen Gary Ford and Nancy E. Ebb Roberta Green Johnny K. Jines Carole Liebold-King Kyle Na Martin and Nancy Y. Cohen Dr. Bennett Edelman and Janet Edelman Elaine F Greene Dr. Irving S. Johnson and Alwyn N. Johnson Hilary F. Linder, III Jill H. Nagorniak Marvin and Ann K. Collier Ann Edwards Jacqueline Greene Laura B. Johnson Bill and Peggy G. Lindsey David Nass Lauren Comly John Edwards JoAnn Greenman Rosa M. Johnson Robert Lister Dr. Ralph Nelson, Jr and Denise Nelson Dr. Lawrence Joseph Conell and Renee K. Connell Emilie Egan Betsy Samuelsen Greer Anna E. Jones M. Litchman Michael and Laura E. Neuho Shelley Conger Jennifer Egan Brent and Nicole Grin Denise Jones Dr. Zeb Little Katherine Neven Irene Conner Samuel and Maryann Ellsworth Linda J. Grith, MD Paul Jordan Dr. Ingrid Liu Richard Nickel Sue Conner Charles and Margaret Elmer Gary and Jocelyn Grimm Paul Jordan Yael Livneh Wayne and Teresa A. Nielson Bill and Melinda Connolly Mark and Mary Elmgren Victor and Kathy Grossi Margaret Joy James and Angela Locatelli Dr. Sanjay Nigam Cathy A. Conrad George E. Emmons, Jr Wanda Grossman Kathy Jubitz Leslie Lomas Joan and Kevin Noblet Stephen Cooperman Karen M. Eng Tim and Nancy Grumbacher Sally Kadifa James and Marie Long Lynn Nocifora Brian Coordsen David Silberman and Claire Engers Dr. David M. Gudeman Dr. Bob Kalani Robert and Nettie Losey Dr. James Norcross Craig Corbitt Nina and Mark Engstrom Melissa Guerdan Carole Kalman Grace L. Lovell Karen Nusbaum Bill Corcoran George and Denise Ericson David and Margie Guggenhime Eric Zimmerman and Audrey Kalmus Lura Merrill Lovell Virginia O'Brien Stephen and Kathy Cornett Eileen Erino Dr. David D. Gulden Lyrin A. Kanczuzewski Gary and Lynn S. Loving Bill J. and Karen O'Brien Louise Coulling Ronald and Cynthia Estridge Larry and Marlene Guthrie Dr. Judith P. Kane Mark and Judith S. Lowenstein Millard and Ada Oldham Dr. Mary E. Coy Ellen Sue L. Ewald Yvonne Guu Dr. Carole Ann Kant Dave and Linda E Long Lushbaugh Pat O'Leary Dr. Joseph Thomas Coyle, Jr Benjamin Fabie Ben Hackerman Jean Kaplan Carl and Maryann Lyon Cleojean Olson Judith M. Craig Marvin and Shelley Fagel James and Diane C. Hall Marilyn Katzman Linh Ma Pierre Omidyar Rebecca Craig Rumi Faizer Stephen and Susan Hall Misha Kazhadan John Maben and Dorinda Germade Philip W. O'Neil Shannon Crane Tia Farmer Victor B. Hallberg Kenneth and Judi Keltner Jim and Sheila M. Mack David and Lynn Oppenheim Robert and Stella Cretella May S. Farr Christy Hallford Elizabeth P. Kenan Richard and Ann K. Madigan Nancy P. Orbison Susan Cristol Breege Farrell Tom and Carolyn Hamilton Dr. Kenneth Kendler and Dr. Susan Miller Yolin Oliver Magee Dr. Ana-Maria Osorio Balazs Csaki Hariott Faucette Earl and Barbara Hancock Michael F. Kerrigan Anthony and Susan L. Maiello Antonie and Ethel Jo Paap John Cullen Rubert Fehmer Anthony Handzlik Farhad and Flora Khosravi Joseph Makdisi David and Joan Pachota John W. Curtis and Margaret Sarkela Lois Blum Feinblatt John and Karen L. Hangartner Yvonne Kilbourne Dayton and Carolyn Males Joe and Lorraine Padulo Daniel Cutaia Terry Felker Stephanie Hansen Mary E. Killinger Reverend Cyrus Mallard, Jr and Marjorie Mallard Brett Painter Skip and Lynda Cutrell James and Tammy Felt Sheldon Harber Heather Killough Linda Mandel George Palma Issac and Sheila Cyrluk Ellen Fenn Karen Harding John Kimball Jack and Doris A. Mandusky Lori Paporello Cynthia Dahl Chuck and Sue Fienning Charles Harman Lynn Kimble Christina Mora Mangano Donald Paradise Paul Dahn Georey T. Freeman and Marjorie M. Findlay Je and Pam Harms Donald and Joan B. Kimmel F. C. Manning Albert Patterson Bob and Guyla Daley Frederick A. Findlen, MD and Audrey Findlen William F. Harnisch Foundation James Kincaid Lincoln Manzi Brooks Patterson Ron Daley John Finegan Iwalani W. Harris Karen Kinder Megan Marinis John D. Patterson, Jr and Michele F. Demarest Angelo D'Andre Monroe and Marsha Firestone Katharine M. Hartley Dr. Lori Kingsley William John and Victoria Yaar Marraccini Nell Patterson Gayle D'Aniello Kimberly Fisher Eunice Hartman Joanne Kini Dr. Nancy Martin Jim and Cathleen Payne

Colin Watson and Janee Pennington-Watson James Schwartz Patricia Thompson Jim and Susie Perakis Elizabeth Schwarz, MD Eugene Tillman and Bonnie E. Thomson Paul and Carole Perona James P. Scibilia and Dr. Suzanne E. Vogel-Scibilia Frances T. Tibbits Virginia R. Perrette Michelle Scott Brian H. Tippett and Aletha Tippett Sandra Petron Eileen C. Seaman Ann Tisdale Shelley E. Phipps Lloyd Sederer Ellen Toker Robert and Kathleen Pinnell Dr. John C. Seed Simon Pediel Tonkin and Mary Tonkin David and Marisa Plevak Carolyn Sefcik Thomas and Joan Tooley Edward B. Poller Zachary Segal Linda Tosti Linda Kay Pontious Lisa Seipel Steven and Ginny Towbin Tobin Pospisil Richard Serra Christine Treon Dr. William Potter Jacqueline L. Shannon Warren and Patricia Trepeta Steve and Edie Powell Kathleen E. Shannon Phil and Myla Tscheschke Jim and Ann Pramann Dr. Bal K. Sharma Jessica Tucker Dr. Andrew Prints Magna lm Sharony Donald and Susan Ullmann Albert L. Quaal Gerry A. Shear Jane R. Upho Meg Quiat Leonard Shen Razvan Vaida Thomas and Sheila Rabaut Stephen Shenker Dr. Mark Vakkur Steven and Donna Rabinowitz Diana Shepard John R. Van Buskirk Paul Raby Justin Sher Stanley A. Van Gundy Joan G. Rafel Tshering Sherpa Vashti Van Wyke Harvey and Carol Ra Dr. Ann K. Shinn Ana Vargas Pennee Raetto Yoshinobu and Kathleen Shiota Nelson Vogel Thomas Rafter Wesley and Jeanne Shirk Lance and Jennifer Volland Clarice Raichel David Shook Christine Von Liederbach John and Mary Raitt H. Bruce and Jackie Shreves Dr. Carl M. Wahlstrom Robert and Ilknur Ralston Carolee Shudnow Cole Waidhofer Tommy Rat Dr. James G. Shupe Cynthia Walk Maryam N. Razavi, PhD Ralph and Frances Shuping Gloria M. Walker Katherine Reedy Anna Shustack Susan Walker William B. Rees Stacey and Joan Shuster-Lefkowitz Howard Wall Dirk Rehder Dr. Hamid Q. Sial Charles and Jan Wally Sheldon and Edith Rein Richard C. and Anita Siefert Diana Walsh Dell Rhodes Dr. Juliet Siegel Carrie Walworth Joe and Marilyn K. Ricci David Silberman and Claire Engers Robin Wang Dr. Michael J. Rieser Dwain and Mary Simon Michael Ware Ryan Rifkin Paula Simpson Gary and Bonnie Warner Garnett N. Riley Peter Small Kay Warren Laurie Riley Taylor and Barbara Smith Tom Warren Rick Riordan Douglas V. and Lynn W. Smith Dr. Douglas and Susan Warsett Mercedes Risconsin Betsy C. Smith Clyde Watson Ellen Roberts George Smith Deanna Watson Dr. Theresa Roberts Rebecca Smith Michael Weaver Greg and Elizabeth Robillard Ronald and Christine Smith Percy Wegmann Tobias and Elaine Robison Dr. Stacey Smith Bruce Weidenburner Leo and Chris Rocco Emily Soell James Weil Elizabeth Roche Timothy Somers Irving Weinberger Cyndi Roeder Dr. Howard Spiro and Marian W. Spiro Robert Weinstein Paula Rogovin Rachel Springer Bonnie Welch Keith and Connie Rohman Anthony Squillante Linden H. Welch Brenda A. Ross Todd Stanger Lindsay Anne Weston James and Miriam Carroll Ross Gary L. Stark Gretchen Wheeler Richard and Jane Ross Dr. Patricia Stark David and Virginia J. Whitcombe Randolph F. Ross and Dr. Cynthia Mahoney Peggy B. Stedman Beverly White Seymour and Selma Roth Dorrine M. Steele Carolyn White Steven and Mary Roth JoAnn Steele Lynn White Deborah Rothman John W. Steele Steven and Catherine White Robin Roush Gary Steinmetz Warren H. White Frederick and Elizabeth Rousseau John and Valerie C. Stelling Joel and Diane Wier Kathleen Rubin Mary Jane and Phillip Stephenson William and Linda Wilczek Terry and Mary Kay Rufer Pam Stephenson Patricia Wilde James A. Run, Jr Marie C. Stiefel Charles Williams Bev Rush Starr Stixrud Michael and Sharon Williams James and Priscilla Russell Deborah Storck Wesley Alan Williamson Douglas Russo Je and Kelly N. Straub David and Carole Willis Thomas Ryba Peggy Straw Dan and Leah Wilson Jane Rytina Christianna L. Strohbeck Lorna H. Wissink Joel S. Saal and Nancy J. Bovee Cynthia Stubits John and Jean Wolf Irving N. Sado Jan G. Sullivan E. Judson Wolfe Marcia Sanders Kevin B. Sullivan and Carolyn Thornberry Charles and Nancy Wolfram Dr. Surya N. Sankaran and Dr. Jaya L. Sankaran Myron and Janet Susin Donna Wood Douglas Sankey Joy A. Sutton Dr. Robert W. Woodhouse, III Gregory Sansone Stephen and Loretta S. Swan Jacques Ya Deau Mary Anne Sansone Catherine Syrett Jack and Susan Yanovski Jayesh Santhan John and Mary B. Taddiken Scott Young George Schaefer, III and Molly McShane Matthew Taecker James and Katherine Zartman Michael and Wendy Schaefer Patricia Tager Reginald and Elaine Zelnik Julie Schauer Gordon and Ellaine Tagge David Zimmer Peter Schildkraut Jessie Anne Tait Frank and Ann Zingheim Linda Beth Schilling Dr. Raymund R. Tan Suzanne Schimmel Darcy Taylor Yvonne Schipke Erin Taylor J. Tuerk Schlesinger Sabrina Temple Dr. James Schlesinger Louise P. Ten Eyck James Morton and Matthild Schneider Jonathan Teunis Kathleen Schoenecker Kim Thal Laurie Wier Scholl Alberta Thien Al and Marjorie Schultz Trudelle H. Thomas Gary H. and Angela L. Schwartz Mark Thompson Keris Jän Myrick, M.B.A., M.S., Ph.Dc. A+E Networks Jewish Federation Of Greater Philadelphia Bernie and Marcia Altman President A a, Inc Joan Shick Irrevocable Trust Randy and Maria J. Altmayer Alexander Institute John Jay Hopkins Foundation Sheila Amdur Executive Committee Chair Allied Dental Practices of New Jersey, LLC JustGive Madonna Ames Pasadena, Calif. America's Charities Kaplan Family Foundation Joanne Anderson Ann Frank Zingheim Kenco Hospitality, Inc Robert Anderson ARINC Incorporated Kinschner Family Foundation Bennett Applegate Kevin B. Sullivan Attias Family Foundation Kramer Family Fund of the Merrill Lynch Community Charitable Dorcas A. Arbach, LCSW-C First Vice President Baker Engineering And Risk Consultants, Inc Lee Mendelson Productions, Inc James Moe and Chalee Armstrong Policy Committee Chair Behnke Foundation Leibowitz and Greenway Family Foundation Morgan Aten Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gifts Program Loews Foundation Jeremy and Julie Atkinson West Hartford, Conn. Bowden Massey Foundation Lyondell Petrochemical Company Nancy Aubke Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation MacLaurin Family Foundation Dr. Faye C. Austin Jim Payne, J.D. California Sports Center Magellan Health Services Mark and Sally Austin CFC/CHC County of York Malek's Pizza Palace, Inc Therese C. Avant Second Vice President ChangeMatrix LLC Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Enrique and Jennifer Hesketh Aviles Governance Committee Chair Charles Schwab Foundation Masters School, Inc Robert and Margaret Ayres Falls Church, Va. Charles Spear Charitable Trust McB Religious Oering Fund Ellen M. Babbitt CHC Mental Health Services Fund-Charlottesville Area Community Laura Baden CHC NCA DC Foundation Karen Bailey Ralph E. Nelson, Jr., M.D. Chevron Humankind Merck Employee Giving Campaign Dr. LaGenia Bailey Treasurer Community Health Charities Michael T. Riordan Family Foundation Rashaad Bajwa Finance Committee Chair Community Health Charities of Arizona Michael T. Sherman Foundation James and Veronica Baker Community Health Charities of California Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Robert Baker Visalia, Calif. Community Health Charities of Florida Nancy Chevalier IRA Trust George and Harriet Baldwin Community Health Charities of Georgia Network For Good Dr. Victoria Balkoski Clarence Jordan, M.B.A. Community Health Charities of Illinois Network For Good H. Chris Barber Community Health Charities of Kentucky Northern Trust Company Dr. James M. Barker Secretary Community Health Charities of Massachusetts OH Local Distrib Timothy Barry Convention Committee Chair Community Health Charities of Minnesota Oscar & Anna Bentley Charitable Foundation Inc Shirley B. Baum Cordova, Tenn. Community Health Charities of New Jersey Pepsico Foundation Employee Giving Programs Leslie A. Becker Community Health Charities of New York Peters Family Foundation Judy Beckman Community Health Charities of Texas Physicians Alliance of America, Inc Merrin Begley Moe Armstrong, M.B.A., M.A., C.P.S., R.S.S. Community Health Charities of Utah Pottho Family Foundation Alexander C. Bellavia San Francisco Community Health Charities of Virginia Princeton University Robert and Arleen Belyea Community Health Charities of Washington State Professional Risk Management Services, Inc Barbara Benda Community Health Charities of Idaho QTC Medical Group, Inc Robert Scott Benson Kym Bolado Corbis Corporation Region Ten Community Services Board Dr. Faith Benton San Antonio Daniel L Hoskinson Trust Ronald & Jeanne Morr Chartiable Lead Trust Linda M. Berger, MA, EdD DJ Findley Family Foundation Sara Margulis Honeyfund.com, Inc. Alfred and Muriel Berkeley Aetna Foundation Edward Zima Supplemental Needs Trust Seablue Vitamins, LLC Joel and Carol Bernstein Carol Caruso, M.C.A.T. Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc. Matching Gifts Program Selkirk Cogen Partners, L.P. Allsup, Inc. Holly A. Beyersmith Development Committee Chair Elinor Beidler Siklossy Foundation Sempra Employee Giving Network Alfred Metzger and Esther Beynon AstraZeneca Norristown, Pa. Elisir Restaurant Shirley Hale Revocable Trust Debbie Billet Roumell Biotechnology Industry EOS Foundation Sidney Stern Memorial Trust Jenny Billings Bristol-Myers Squibb Estate of Florence Emmaline Drake Southern California Institute of Photography Richard Birnbaum Janet M. Edelman, M.S. Cenpatico Estate of Frances S. White Stanley Family Foundation Marilyn and Bert A. Bittan Dispute Resolution Committee Chair Estate of Harley B. Splitt Stuart Grossman Trust John Blanchard Centene Estate of Helen Bissman Corbell Tanglewood Wealth Management, Inc Marianna Bledsoe Columbia, Md. Cigna Foundation Estate of Oliver Bainbridge The Arthurs/Kessler Family Charitable Fund Madeline D. Blinder College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists Estate of Philip John Lundin The Dreman Foundation, Inc Carlyn Block, RNC Victoria Gonzalez Estate of Russell G. Garrison The Fine Foundation Harold and Jeanne Bloom Concept Therapeutics Estate of Shirley Yoshikawa The Greenberg Foundation Edward Bluhm Oak Park, Ill. CVS Caremark Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund The Harold R. Goldmann Charitable Trust Amy Blumen eld Eli Lilly & Company Flaxman Family Charitable Trust The James B. Thompson, Jr. Trust McGladrey Board of Directors Linda E. Jensen, Ph.D., R.N., M.N. Forest Laboratories Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The Kravitz Family Trust Donald and Janet M. Boardman Francis Beidler Foundation The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation Jeannette Bogart Planning Committee Chair Genentech Frank Family Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund The Nacchio Foundation Eileen Bohrer Papillion, Neb. GlaxoSmithKline FS Transportation, LLC The New York Community Trust Toy Bolado Hospital Corporation of America Foundation G. B. & M. May Foundation The Raynie Foundation John and Elizabeth M. Bomer Janssen Gaea Foundation The Sikand Foundation, Inc Grace Boone Ron Morton, M.A. Gary Goodgear Emergency Assitance The Susan Stein Shiva Foundation Regina Boore Audit Committee Chair Lundbeck Inc. Gary L. Resnick Revocable Trust Timothy Curt and Dona Bissonnette Charitable Fund Dawn Anderson Booth Knoxville, Tenn. Magellan Health Services George Cohee Jr. Foundation U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Rita Jean Boppana Medtronic Gertrude B. Nielsen Charitable Trust United Methodist Church of Libertyville Lynn Borton and David Kolker Merck & Co., Inc. GGE Foundation, Inc United Way of Northern Utah William and Mary Bowden Clarice Raichel, M.Ed. Give With Liberty Employee Donations Novartis United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Sharon E. Bowyer Lake Charles, La. Global Impact University Federal Credit Union James Boyd Otsuka America Pharmaceuticals Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Dr. William Boyer PamLab Good Samaritian Hospital Vascular & Transplant Specialists Stephanie Bozic Marilyn Ricci, M.S., R.D. P zer Google Matching Gifts Program Virginia McCallum Charitable Trust William and Gail S. Bradley Personnel Committee Chair PhRMA Gordon Family Charitable Foundation Wanda Hull Trust Michael and Gloria Brandon Canton, Conn. Grant Real Estate Zarb Family Fund, Inc Dr. Stephen K. Brannan and Kelli J. Brannan Shire Group 2 Productions, LLC Zig Zag Multimedia Donald and Margaret Bray Sunovion Halliburton Giving Choices Match John and Peg Breslin Gloria M. Walker, M.B.A. Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America Harley and Cody Splitt Charitable Fund Carol Adragna Chandra Breton Cincinnati Hinman Foundation Nawal Ahmed Terry Bridges Teva Howell Family Charitable Foundation Kristine Ajayi Mark Brill Tower Foundation IBM Employee Services David and Maryann Albonesi Bob Brinker Michael Weaver, M.S.Ed. Universal Health Services Inavale Foundation, Inc David Aldridge Wendell Brooks and Charlotte Wills Brooks Washington, N.C. Van Ameringen Foundation Jeerson Transitional Programs, Inc Stanford and Joan Alexander Glenn and Margaret Brown Jerey J. and Mary E. Burdge Charitable Trust Josh Allen Jodie Brown Walgreens Jewish Community Foundation of the Milwaukee Jewish Cheri Alley Mona W. Brown

Dr. Roger F. Haskett Lenore Kirvay Neil Martin Jackie Hayden Wesley Kittel Thomas and Jane Martin James Hayes Donald and Marie Klawiter Jennifer Masciadrelli Thomas and Jane Hazen Arnold and Emma Klein Josiah and Jean Mason MAJOR DONORS Lowell and Melvina Heap Matthew and Juliet Kleinjan Debra Mattern 2 12 Dr. Stephan H. Heckers Amy Klement Barbara Matvey Julie Hedges Roger Knight and Carolyn C. Knight, RN Gerald J. Mauch Janice Bryant Katie Darius Michael Fitzpatrick Herbert Heich Barbara Knighton Elizabeth Maurer Maria Bryant Debra Darling Paul and Dorothy Flattery Greg Heinzinger and Kerstin Pfann Larry Knorr James May D. Buchholz Benjamin D. Davis Linda Flinn, RN Phillip Henderson and Elizabeth C. Henry Jonathan and Vickie Germain Kobak Kerry E. Mayer Dr. William N. Buett and Susan Kennedy Gary E. Davis Dr. Cynthia Flynn Alexander Hendry Robert Koch Dr. John McCarten Ina Burd Joseph and Nancy Davis Robert Folberg Janet Henning Elizabeth P. Kohn David Humphries and Michelle A. McCarthy Allan and Mary Lou Burdick Dave and Neen Davis Patricia F. Forbes Lynne M. Hensley George and Jutta Kohn Dr. Rowena McClinton Mary Jo Burgoyne J. Conrad and Sue F. Davis Luisa Francoeur Donald and Bluma Herman Immanuel and Vera Sharpe Kohn Scott McCorkell and Nancy Niles John and Anne Burke David Dean and Catherine Bergmann Genevieve Frank Margaret Herold Laura Kokesh James F. McCormick Fenton and Margarett C Burke Jean and Jessica DeCicco Ted Frapolli and Gail Frapolli David and Mary K. Hibdon Peter and Ann Kolker Robert and Minnette McCoy Denise Vitali Burne John Del Greco, Jr Adam Freed Saralee G. Hillman Jacqueline M. Kolm Monica McDermott Chris and Lois L. Burton Dr. Stephen Delisi and Leigh Delisi Peter and Mary Virginia Frenzer Todd and Barbara Hilsee Joanne P. Kolodzik Kimberly McFarland Sabrina Burton John D. Patterson, Jr and Michele F. Demarest Victor Froelicher, MD Lois Hindhede Kenneth Korman Ella Mae McGuire William and June T. Busing Robert and Jill DeMaster Samuel and Ayako Fujimoto Dr. Alan Hines Craig Korth Mark McNamara and Cynthia Parenti Dr. Regina Bussing Andrew Dempsey Jerry Fulenwider Larry and Beverly Hinman Suzana Kosmala Charles and Mary M. McQuade Edward and Shirley T. Butterworth Christine DePaul Weisser James and Charlotte Fullerton Joseph U. Hinshaw Laura Kosmalski James and Kelly McShane Jerey Buxbawn Mark Dexter and Dr. Deborah S. Cowley Elizabeth L. Gagne Robert Hirsch Ruth Kotecha Marcie McSwane Michael and Tania Cahill Gary R. Dhein and Donna J. Dhein, LCPC Michael Gallahue and Marcia Invernizzi Chuck and Diane Homan Dr. Andrew Kramer Bruce McTavish Richard D. Calder, Jr Pamela Dieckman Robert C. Gallo Dr. Paul W. Holley and Dee K. Holley Paula Kravitz Thomas McVarish Richard and Kathleen Campbell Tim and Sita Diehl Kaja Gam Ron and Lynda Honberg Irene D. Kress Tasha McVeigh Dr. Jose M. Canive Frederick Dietz Ramon Garcia David and Rosemary Hopkins Beverly Krivokapich Bill Mead Lisa Carchedi Dan Dillard Dr. George Gardiner, Sr Dr. Susan Hoppe Sze-Ern and Margaret Kuo Chris and Lauren Mead Sara Lohse Carlberg Patricia A. Dobbins Catherine Gardner Dr. Ken C. Hopper Jim Kupel William and Jennifer H. Mead Douglas Carlson Barry and Marcy Dobil Dr. Edward Gaston and Lori Zager Craig M. Horowitz Dr. Karen M. Kyle Alicia Megowen Kristin Casado Shannon Dodge Dick and Katrina Gay Steven W. Horwatt Robert Ladik Dr. Robert B. Mencher and Edythe H. Mencher Martha Klessen Cassidy Ellen Dolgin Nancy Gear Philip Howarth Kai Shue Lam and Bonnie J. Buratti Quentin Meyer Dr. James L. Cavanaugh, Jr and Dr. Stephanie Cavanaugh Shayna Dollinger Mahesh Gehani Robert Hradsky Debora Lance Paul Martin Midden Jack and Margaret C. Caveney Ben and Patricia Dolson Kenneth and Mary Gehring Debra Hrouda John Laue and Carol Laue Edmond and Molly Mignon Daniel Cepeda Joseph Domonkos Jayne Geiger Shirma Huizenga Yvonne Laun Dr. Gary L. Mihelish and Sandra Mihelish Jesse Chadderdon Christine Donahower Lee and Ellis Gery Elsie Hulsizeer Kristine Lazzara Paul Milbury Ernestine W. Chandler Jean Donnell Stephen J. Getty Dr. Rita Hungate Sean LeClaire Mark Miller Geralyn Charapata-Marsh Patrick W. Donohue Dr. Shubhranjan Ghosh Marion Hunt Linda W. Lee William Miller Jeremy and Christine W. Chase Sam Dorman Steven and Karen Gissin Alice Hupfel Marjorie Doris Lee Phoebe Milliken Gail Chizen Nancy Doschadis Nancy Gold Ken and Martha Huston Roland Lee Weston Milliken and Dr. Anand Pandya Victoria Christensen Julie Drake Stephen Gold Robert H. Hutchins Jane Lee Picot Dianne Mills Dr. Nathaniel Chu Dr. Eric M. Dreyfuss Dennis and Meredith Goodrow Martha Hyde James A. Lefere Patricia Miltz Barbara L. Chuko Victor Drilea Mike and Loren Gordon Dr. William Hyman John and Dr. Harriet P. Leey Noreene Miskinnis David W Chung Dr. Kenneth S. Duckworth David Graber Dr. Sherifa Iqbal Anthony J. Leggett John Mitchell Philip Ciafardini W. Joseph Duckworth Dr. Rene E. Grace and Marilyn S. Grace Lori Ireland Dr. Charles E. Leins and Angela Leins Lewis Moore Nancy Ciolkosz Yvonne M. Dulakis John K. Graft Dr. Carmen P. Irizarry Kevin Lenahan F. Paul and Jean C. Mooring James Clark Jane B. Dunaway Andrew Graham Michael Itomlenskis Carol Lerfald Richard Moreland Lee Anna Clark Esther Dunho Lee and Betty T. Graham Richard and Nancy Jackson Dr. Charles Lester and Jamie L. Lester R.H. and Laurie Morrison Joseph R. Clubb Anita Dunn Leo Graham Amanda, Mike, Julian, Sam, Owe Jacobs Dr. Ann Burgess Lettes Lawrence Movshin Michelle R. M. Cochran MD Mary Dunn Thomas E. Grande Robert Jahner Ruth M. Levell Charlene K. Mower George Cohee, Jr and Katherine Cohee Taylor Charles and Denise Durling Joan Granlund James J. Jaskot Howard and Carol Levy Duane and Peter Muller Allan Cohen Andrew and Martha Dwyer Grayfred and Lois Gray Derek Jaskulski Karen Lewis John Muller Dr. Bruce and Marian Cohen Dorothy Dykers Howard and Lucy L. Grayson Colleen Jenkins Dr. Michael Lichtenstein Charles and Marilyn Mulvey Edward M. Cohen Dr. Gary D. Dylewski Betty Green Linda Jensen Susan Lichtenstein Pam Musselman Dr. Ira Cohen and Judy Cohen Pamela Eagan Kevn Green Kent and Kerry Jessen David Lieb and Sally Solomon Judith Nadal James M. Cohen Gary Ford and Nancy E. Ebb Roberta Green Johnny K. Jines Carole Liebold-King Kyle Na Martin and Nancy Y. Cohen Dr. Bennett Edelman and Janet Edelman Elaine F Greene Dr. Irving S. Johnson and Alwyn N. Johnson Hilary F. Linder, III Jill H. Nagorniak Marvin and Ann K. Collier Ann Edwards Jacqueline Greene Laura B. Johnson Bill and Peggy G. Lindsey David Nass Lauren Comly John Edwards JoAnn Greenman Rosa M. Johnson Robert Lister Dr. Ralph Nelson, Jr and Denise Nelson Dr. Lawrence Joseph Conell and Renee K. Connell Emilie Egan Betsy Samuelsen Greer Anna E. Jones M. Litchman Michael and Laura E. Neuho Shelley Conger Jennifer Egan Brent and Nicole Grin Denise Jones Dr. Zeb Little Katherine Neven Irene Conner Samuel and Maryann Ellsworth Linda J. Grith, MD Paul Jordan Dr. Ingrid Liu Richard Nickel Sue Conner Charles and Margaret Elmer Gary and Jocelyn Grimm Paul Jordan Yael Livneh Wayne and Teresa A. Nielson Bill and Melinda Connolly Mark and Mary Elmgren Victor and Kathy Grossi Margaret Joy James and Angela Locatelli Dr. Sanjay Nigam Cathy A. Conrad George E. Emmons, Jr Wanda Grossman Kathy Jubitz Leslie Lomas Joan and Kevin Noblet Stephen Cooperman Karen M. Eng Tim and Nancy Grumbacher Sally Kadifa James and Marie Long Lynn Nocifora Brian Coordsen David Silberman and Claire Engers Dr. David M. Gudeman Dr. Bob Kalani Robert and Nettie Losey Dr. James Norcross Craig Corbitt Nina and Mark Engstrom Melissa Guerdan Carole Kalman Grace L. Lovell Karen Nusbaum Bill Corcoran George and Denise Ericson David and Margie Guggenhime Eric Zimmerman and Audrey Kalmus Lura Merrill Lovell Virginia O'Brien Stephen and Kathy Cornett Eileen Erino Dr. David D. Gulden Lyrin A. Kanczuzewski Gary and Lynn S. Loving Bill J. and Karen O'Brien Louise Coulling Ronald and Cynthia Estridge Larry and Marlene Guthrie Dr. Judith P. Kane Mark and Judith S. Lowenstein Millard and Ada Oldham Dr. Mary E. Coy Ellen Sue L. Ewald Yvonne Guu Dr. Carole Ann Kant Dave and Linda E Long Lushbaugh Pat O'Leary Dr. Joseph Thomas Coyle, Jr Benjamin Fabie Ben Hackerman Jean Kaplan Carl and Maryann Lyon Cleojean Olson Judith M. Craig Marvin and Shelley Fagel James and Diane C. Hall Marilyn Katzman Linh Ma Pierre Omidyar Rebecca Craig Rumi Faizer Stephen and Susan Hall Misha Kazhadan John Maben and Dorinda Germade Philip W. O'Neil Shannon Crane Tia Farmer Victor B. Hallberg Kenneth and Judi Keltner Jim and Sheila M. Mack David and Lynn Oppenheim Robert and Stella Cretella May S. Farr Christy Hallford Elizabeth P. Kenan Richard and Ann K. Madigan Nancy P. Orbison Susan Cristol Breege Farrell Tom and Carolyn Hamilton Dr. Kenneth Kendler and Dr. Susan Miller Yolin Oliver Magee Dr. Ana-Maria Osorio Balazs Csaki Hariott Faucette Earl and Barbara Hancock Michael F. Kerrigan Anthony and Susan L. Maiello Antonie and Ethel Jo Paap John Cullen Rubert Fehmer Anthony Handzlik Farhad and Flora Khosravi Joseph Makdisi David and Joan Pachota John W. Curtis and Margaret Sarkela Lois Blum Feinblatt John and Karen L. Hangartner Yvonne Kilbourne Dayton and Carolyn Males Joe and Lorraine Padulo Daniel Cutaia Terry Felker Stephanie Hansen Mary E. Killinger Reverend Cyrus Mallard, Jr and Marjorie Mallard Brett Painter Skip and Lynda Cutrell James and Tammy Felt Sheldon Harber Heather Killough Linda Mandel George Palma Issac and Sheila Cyrluk Ellen Fenn Karen Harding John Kimball Jack and Doris A. Mandusky Lori Paporello Cynthia Dahl Chuck and Sue Fienning Charles Harman Lynn Kimble Christina Mora Mangano Donald Paradise Paul Dahn Georey T. Freeman and Marjorie M. Findlay Je and Pam Harms Donald and Joan B. Kimmel F. C. Manning Albert Patterson Bob and Guyla Daley Frederick A. Findlen, MD and Audrey Findlen William F. Harnisch Foundation James Kincaid Lincoln Manzi Brooks Patterson Ron Daley John Finegan Iwalani W. Harris Karen Kinder Megan Marinis John D. Patterson, Jr and Michele F. Demarest Angelo D'Andre Monroe and Marsha Firestone Katharine M. Hartley Dr. Lori Kingsley William John and Victoria Yaar Marraccini Nell Patterson Gayle D'Aniello Kimberly Fisher Eunice Hartman Joanne Kini Dr. Nancy Martin Jim and Cathleen Payne 9

Colin Watson and Janee Pennington-Watson James Schwartz Patricia Thompson Jim and Susie Perakis Elizabeth Schwarz, MD Eugene Tillman and Bonnie E. Thomson Paul and Carole Perona James P. Scibilia and Dr. Suzanne E. Vogel-Scibilia Frances T. Tibbits Virginia R. Perrette Michelle Scott Brian H. Tippett and Aletha Tippett Sandra Petron Eileen C. Seaman Ann Tisdale Shelley E. Phipps Lloyd Sederer Ellen Toker Robert and Kathleen Pinnell Dr. John C. Seed Simon Pediel Tonkin and Mary Tonkin David and Marisa Plevak Carolyn Sefcik Thomas and Joan Tooley Edward B. Poller Zachary Segal Linda Tosti Linda Kay Pontious Lisa Seipel Steven and Ginny Towbin Tobin Pospisil Richard Serra Christine Treon Dr. William Potter Jacqueline L. Shannon Warren and Patricia Trepeta Steve and Edie Powell Kathleen E. Shannon Phil and Myla Tscheschke Jim and Ann Pramann Dr. Bal K. Sharma Jessica Tucker Dr. Andrew Prints Magna lm Sharony Donald and Susan Ullmann Albert L. Quaal Gerry A. Shear Jane R. Upho Meg Quiat Leonard Shen Razvan Vaida Thomas and Sheila Rabaut Stephen Shenker Dr. Mark Vakkur Steven and Donna Rabinowitz Diana Shepard John R. Van Buskirk Paul Raby Justin Sher Stanley A. Van Gundy Joan G. Rafel Tshering Sherpa Vashti Van Wyke Harvey and Carol Ra Dr. Ann K. Shinn Ana Vargas Pennee Raetto Yoshinobu and Kathleen Shiota Nelson Vogel Thomas Rafter Wesley and Jeanne Shirk Lance and Jennifer Volland Clarice Raichel David Shook Christine Von Liederbach John and Mary Raitt H. Bruce and Jackie Shreves Dr. Carl M. Wahlstrom Robert and Ilknur Ralston Carolee Shudnow Cole Waidhofer Tommy Rat Dr. James G. Shupe Cynthia Walk Maryam N. Razavi, PhD Ralph and Frances Shuping Gloria M. Walker Katherine Reedy Anna Shustack Susan Walker William B. Rees Stacey and Joan Shuster-Lefkowitz Howard Wall Dirk Rehder Dr. Hamid Q. Sial Charles and Jan Wally Sheldon and Edith Rein Richard C. and Anita Siefert Diana Walsh Dell Rhodes Dr. Juliet Siegel Carrie Walworth Joe and Marilyn K. Ricci David Silberman and Claire Engers Robin Wang Dr. Michael J. Rieser Dwain and Mary Simon Michael Ware Ryan Rifkin Paula Simpson Gary and Bonnie Warner Garnett N. Riley Peter Small Kay Warren Laurie Riley Taylor and Barbara Smith Tom Warren Rick Riordan Douglas V. and Lynn W. Smith Dr. Douglas and Susan Warsett Mercedes Risconsin Betsy C. Smith Clyde Watson Ellen Roberts George Smith Deanna Watson Dr. Theresa Roberts Rebecca Smith Michael Weaver Greg and Elizabeth Robillard Ronald and Christine Smith Percy Wegmann Tobias and Elaine Robison Dr. Stacey Smith Bruce Weidenburner Leo and Chris Rocco Emily Soell James Weil Elizabeth Roche Timothy Somers Irving Weinberger Cyndi Roeder Dr. Howard Spiro and Marian W. Spiro Robert Weinstein Paula Rogovin Rachel Springer Bonnie Welch Keith and Connie Rohman Anthony Squillante Linden H. Welch Brenda A. Ross Todd Stanger Lindsay Anne Weston James and Miriam Carroll Ross Gary L. Stark Gretchen Wheeler Richard and Jane Ross Dr. Patricia Stark David and Virginia J. Whitcombe Randolph F. Ross and Dr. Cynthia Mahoney Peggy B. Stedman Beverly White Seymour and Selma Roth Dorrine M. Steele Carolyn White Steven and Mary Roth JoAnn Steele Lynn White Deborah Rothman John W. Steele Steven and Catherine White Robin Roush Gary Steinmetz Warren H. White Frederick and Elizabeth Rousseau John and Valerie C. Stelling Joel and Diane Wier Kathleen Rubin Mary Jane and Phillip Stephenson William and Linda Wilczek Terry and Mary Kay Rufer Pam Stephenson Patricia Wilde James A. Run, Jr Marie C. Stiefel Charles Williams Bev Rush Starr Stixrud Michael and Sharon Williams James and Priscilla Russell Deborah Storck Wesley Alan Williamson Douglas Russo Je and Kelly N. Straub David and Carole Willis Thomas Ryba Peggy Straw Dan and Leah Wilson Jane Rytina Christianna L. Strohbeck Lorna H. Wissink Joel S. Saal and Nancy J. Bovee Cynthia Stubits John and Jean Wolf Irving N. Sado Jan G. Sullivan E. Judson Wolfe Marcia Sanders Kevin B. Sullivan and Carolyn Thornberry Charles and Nancy Wolfram Dr. Surya N. Sankaran and Dr. Jaya L. Sankaran Myron and Janet Susin Donna Wood Douglas Sankey Joy A. Sutton Dr. Robert W. Woodhouse, III Gregory Sansone Stephen and Loretta S. Swan Jacques Ya Deau Mary Anne Sansone Catherine Syrett Jack and Susan Yanovski Jayesh Santhan John and Mary B. Taddiken Scott Young George Schaefer, III and Molly McShane Matthew Taecker James and Katherine Zartman Michael and Wendy Schaefer Patricia Tager Reginald and Elaine Zelnik Julie Schauer Gordon and Ellaine Tagge David Zimmer Peter Schildkraut Jessie Anne Tait Frank and Ann Zingheim Linda Beth Schilling Dr. Raymund R. Tan Suzanne Schimmel Darcy Taylor Yvonne Schipke Erin Taylor J. Tuerk Schlesinger Sabrina Temple Dr. James Schlesinger Louise P. Ten Eyck James Morton and Matthild Schneider Jonathan Teunis Kathleen Schoenecker Kim Thal Laurie Wier Scholl Alberta Thien Al and Marjorie Schultz Trudelle H. Thomas Gary H. and Angela L. Schwartz Mark Thompson A+E Networks Jewish Federation Of Greater Philadelphia Bernie and Marcia Altman A a, Inc Joan Shick Irrevocable Trust Randy and Maria J. Altmayer Alexander Institute John Jay Hopkins Foundation Sheila Amdur Allied Dental Practices of New Jersey, LLC JustGive Madonna Ames America's Charities Kaplan Family Foundation Joanne Anderson Ann Frank Zingheim Kenco Hospitality, Inc Robert Anderson ARINC Incorporated Kinschner Family Foundation Bennett Applegate Attias Family Foundation Kramer Family Fund of the Merrill Lynch Community Charitable Dorcas A. Arbach, LCSW-C Baker Engineering And Risk Consultants, Inc Lee Mendelson Productions, Inc James Moe and Chalee Armstrong Behnke Foundation Leibowitz and Greenway Family Foundation Morgan Aten Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gifts Program Loews Foundation Jeremy and Julie Atkinson Bowden Massey Foundation Lyondell Petrochemical Company Nancy Aubke Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation MacLaurin Family Foundation Dr. Faye C. Austin California Sports Center Magellan Health Services Mark and Sally Austin CFC/CHC County of York Malek's Pizza Palace, Inc Therese C. Avant ChangeMatrix LLC Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Enrique and Jennifer Hesketh Aviles Charles Schwab Foundation Masters School, Inc Robert and Margaret Ayres Charles Spear Charitable Trust McB Religious Oering Fund Ellen M. Babbitt CHC Mental Health Services Fund-Charlottesville Area Community Laura Baden CHC NCA DC Foundation Karen Bailey Chevron Humankind Merck Employee Giving Campaign Dr. LaGenia Bailey Community Health Charities Michael T. Riordan Family Foundation Rashaad Bajwa Community Health Charities of Arizona Michael T. Sherman Foundation James and Veronica Baker Community Health Charities of California Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Robert Baker Community Health Charities of Florida Nancy Chevalier IRA Trust George and Harriet Baldwin Community Health Charities of Georgia Network For Good Dr. Victoria Balkoski Community Health Charities of Illinois Network For Good H. Chris Barber Community Health Charities of Kentucky Northern Trust Company Dr. James M. Barker Community Health Charities of Massachusetts OH Local Distrib Timothy Barry Community Health Charities of Minnesota Oscar & Anna Bentley Charitable Foundation Inc Shirley B. Baum Community Health Charities of New Jersey Pepsico Foundation Employee Giving Programs Leslie A. Becker Community Health Charities of New York Peters Family Foundation Judy Beckman Community Health Charities of Texas Physicians Alliance of America, Inc Merrin Begley Community Health Charities of Utah Pottho Family Foundation Alexander C. Bellavia Community Health Charities of Virginia Princeton University Robert and Arleen Belyea Community Health Charities of Washington State Professional Risk Management Services, Inc Barbara Benda Community Health Charities of Idaho QTC Medical Group, Inc Robert Scott Benson Corbis Corporation Region Ten Community Services Board Dr. Faith Benton Daniel L Hoskinson Trust Ronald & Jeanne Morr Chartiable Lead Trust Linda M. Berger, MA, EdD DJ Findley Family Foundation Sara Margulis Honeyfund.com, Inc. Alfred and Muriel Berkeley Edward Zima Supplemental Needs Trust Seablue Vitamins, LLC Joel and Carol Bernstein Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc. Matching Gifts Program Selkirk Cogen Partners, L.P. Holly A. Beyersmith Elinor Beidler Siklossy Foundation Sempra Employee Giving Network Alfred Metzger and Esther Beynon Elisir Restaurant Shirley Hale Revocable Trust Debbie Billet Roumell EOS Foundation Sidney Stern Memorial Trust Jenny Billings Estate of Florence Emmaline Drake Southern California Institute of Photography Richard Birnbaum Estate of Frances S. White Stanley Family Foundation Marilyn and Bert A. Bittan Estate of Harley B. Splitt Stuart Grossman Trust John Blanchard Estate of Helen Bissman Corbell Tanglewood Wealth Management, Inc Marianna Bledsoe Estate of Oliver Bainbridge The Arthurs/Kessler Family Charitable Fund Madeline D. Blinder Estate of Philip John Lundin The Dreman Foundation, Inc Carlyn Block, RNC Estate of Russell G. Garrison The Fine Foundation Harold and Jeanne Bloom Estate of Shirley Yoshikawa The Greenberg Foundation Edward Bluhm Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund The Harold R. Goldmann Charitable Trust Amy Blumen eld Flaxman Family Charitable Trust The James B. Thompson, Jr. Trust McGladrey Board of Directors Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The Kravitz Family Trust Donald and Janet M. Boardman Francis Beidler Foundation The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation Jeannette Bogart Frank Family Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund The Nacchio Foundation Eileen Bohrer FS Transportation, LLC The New York Community Trust Toy Bolado G. B. & M. May Foundation The Raynie Foundation John and Elizabeth M. Bomer Gaea Foundation The Sikand Foundation, Inc Grace Boone Gary Goodgear Emergency Assitance The Susan Stein Shiva Foundation Regina Boore Gary L. Resnick Revocable Trust Timothy Curt and Dona Bissonnette Charitable Fund Dawn Anderson Booth George Cohee Jr. Foundation U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Rita Jean Boppana Gertrude B. Nielsen Charitable Trust United Methodist Church of Libertyville Lynn Borton and David Kolker GGE Foundation, Inc United Way of Northern Utah William and Mary Bowden Give With Liberty Employee Donations United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Sharon E. Bowyer Global Impact University Federal Credit Union James Boyd Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Dr. William Boyer Good Samaritian Hospital Vascular & Transplant Specialists Stephanie Bozic Google Matching Gifts Program Virginia McCallum Charitable Trust William and Gail S. Bradley Gordon Family Charitable Foundation Wanda Hull Trust Michael and Gloria Brandon Grant Real Estate Zarb Family Fund, Inc Dr. Stephen K. Brannan and Kelli J. Brannan Group 2 Productions, LLC Zig Zag Multimedia Donald and Margaret Bray Halliburton Giving Choices Match John and Peg Breslin Harley and Cody Splitt Charitable Fund Carol Adragna Chandra Breton Hinman Foundation Nawal Ahmed Terry Bridges Howell Family Charitable Foundation Kristine Ajayi Mark Brill IBM Employee Services David and Maryann Albonesi Bob Brinker Inavale Foundation, Inc David Aldridge Wendell Brooks and Charlotte Wills Brooks Jeerson Transitional Programs, Inc Stanford and Joan Alexander Glenn and Margaret Brown Jerey J. and Mary E. Burdge Charitable Trust Josh Allen Jodie Brown Jewish Community Foundation of the Milwaukee Jewish Cheri Alley Mona W. Brown

Dr. Roger F. Haskett Lenore Kirvay Neil Martin Jackie Hayden Wesley Kittel Thomas and Jane Martin James Hayes Donald and Marie Klawiter Jennifer Masciadrelli Thomas and Jane Hazen Arnold and Emma Klein Josiah and Jean Mason Lowell and Melvina Heap Matthew and Juliet Kleinjan Debra Mattern Dr. Stephan H. Heckers Amy Klement Barbara Matvey Julie Hedges Roger Knight and Carolyn C. Knight, RN Gerald J. Mauch Janice Bryant Katie Darius Michael Fitzpatrick Herbert Heich Barbara Knighton Elizabeth Maurer Maria Bryant Debra Darling Paul and Dorothy Flattery Greg Heinzinger and Kerstin Pfann Larry Knorr James May D. Buchholz Benjamin D. Davis Linda Flinn, RN Phillip Henderson and Elizabeth C. Henry Jonathan and Vickie Germain Kobak Kerry E. Mayer Dr. William N. Buett and Susan Kennedy Gary E. Davis Dr. Cynthia Flynn Alexander Hendry Robert Koch Dr. John McCarten Ina Burd Joseph and Nancy Davis Robert Folberg Janet Henning Elizabeth P. Kohn David Humphries and Michelle A. McCarthy Allan and Mary Lou Burdick Dave and Neen Davis Patricia F. Forbes Lynne M. Hensley George and Jutta Kohn Dr. Rowena McClinton Mary Jo Burgoyne J. Conrad and Sue F. Davis Luisa Francoeur Donald and Bluma Herman Immanuel and Vera Sharpe Kohn Scott McCorkell and Nancy Niles John and Anne Burke David Dean and Catherine Bergmann Genevieve Frank Margaret Herold Laura Kokesh James F. McCormick Fenton and Margarett C Burke Jean and Jessica DeCicco Ted Frapolli and Gail Frapolli David and Mary K. Hibdon Peter and Ann Kolker Robert and Minnette McCoy Denise Vitali Burne John Del Greco, Jr Adam Freed Saralee G. Hillman Jacqueline M. Kolm Monica McDermott Chris and Lois L. Burton Dr. Stephen Delisi and Leigh Delisi Peter and Mary Virginia Frenzer Todd and Barbara Hilsee Joanne P. Kolodzik Kimberly McFarland Sabrina Burton John D. Patterson, Jr and Michele F. Demarest Victor Froelicher, MD Lois Hindhede Kenneth Korman Ella Mae McGuire William and June T. Busing Robert and Jill DeMaster Samuel and Ayako Fujimoto Dr. Alan Hines Craig Korth Mark McNamara and Cynthia Parenti Dr. Regina Bussing Andrew Dempsey Jerry Fulenwider Larry and Beverly Hinman Suzana Kosmala Charles and Mary M. McQuade Edward and Shirley T. Butterworth Christine DePaul Weisser James and Charlotte Fullerton Joseph U. Hinshaw Laura Kosmalski James and Kelly McShane Jerey Buxbawn Mark Dexter and Dr. Deborah S. Cowley Elizabeth L. Gagne Robert Hirsch Ruth Kotecha Marcie McSwane Michael and Tania Cahill Gary R. Dhein and Donna J. Dhein, LCPC Michael Gallahue and Marcia Invernizzi Chuck and Diane Homan Dr. Andrew Kramer Bruce McTavish Richard D. Calder, Jr Pamela Dieckman Robert C. Gallo Dr. Paul W. Holley and Dee K. Holley Paula Kravitz Thomas McVarish Richard and Kathleen Campbell Tim and Sita Diehl Kaja Gam Ron and Lynda Honberg Irene D. Kress Tasha McVeigh Dr. Jose M. Canive Frederick Dietz Ramon Garcia David and Rosemary Hopkins Beverly Krivokapich Bill Mead Lisa Carchedi Dan Dillard Dr. George Gardiner, Sr Dr. Susan Hoppe Sze-Ern and Margaret Kuo Chris and Lauren Mead Sara Lohse Carlberg Patricia A. Dobbins Catherine Gardner Dr. Ken C. Hopper Jim Kupel William and Jennifer H. Mead Douglas Carlson Barry and Marcy Dobil Dr. Edward Gaston and Lori Zager Craig M. Horowitz Dr. Karen M. Kyle Alicia Megowen Kristin Casado Shannon Dodge Dick and Katrina Gay Steven W. Horwatt Robert Ladik Dr. Robert B. Mencher and Edythe H. Mencher Martha Klessen Cassidy Ellen Dolgin Nancy Gear Philip Howarth Kai Shue Lam and Bonnie J. Buratti Quentin Meyer Dr. James L. Cavanaugh, Jr and Dr. Stephanie Cavanaugh Shayna Dollinger Mahesh Gehani Robert Hradsky Debora Lance Paul Martin Midden Jack and Margaret C. Caveney Ben and Patricia Dolson Kenneth and Mary Gehring Debra Hrouda John Laue and Carol Laue Edmond and Molly Mignon Daniel Cepeda Joseph Domonkos Jayne Geiger Shirma Huizenga Yvonne Laun Dr. Gary L. Mihelish and Sandra Mihelish Jesse Chadderdon Christine Donahower Lee and Ellis Gery Elsie Hulsizeer Kristine Lazzara Paul Milbury Ernestine W. Chandler Jean Donnell Stephen J. Getty Dr. Rita Hungate Sean LeClaire Mark Miller Geralyn Charapata-Marsh Patrick W. Donohue Dr. Shubhranjan Ghosh Marion Hunt Linda W. Lee William Miller Jeremy and Christine W. Chase Sam Dorman Steven and Karen Gissin Alice Hupfel Marjorie Doris Lee Phoebe Milliken Gail Chizen Nancy Doschadis Nancy Gold Ken and Martha Huston Roland Lee Weston Milliken and Dr. Anand Pandya Victoria Christensen Julie Drake Stephen Gold Robert H. Hutchins Jane Lee Picot Dianne Mills Dr. Nathaniel Chu Dr. Eric M. Dreyfuss Dennis and Meredith Goodrow Martha Hyde James A. Lefere Patricia Miltz Barbara L. Chuko Victor Drilea Mike and Loren Gordon Dr. William Hyman John and Dr. Harriet P. Leey Noreene Miskinnis David W Chung Dr. Kenneth S. Duckworth David Graber Dr. Sherifa Iqbal Anthony J. Leggett John Mitchell Philip Ciafardini W. Joseph Duckworth Dr. Rene E. Grace and Marilyn S. Grace Lori Ireland Dr. Charles E. Leins and Angela Leins Lewis Moore Nancy Ciolkosz Yvonne M. Dulakis John K. Graft Dr. Carmen P. Irizarry Kevin Lenahan F. Paul and Jean C. Mooring James Clark Jane B. Dunaway Andrew Graham Michael Itomlenskis Carol Lerfald Richard Moreland Lee Anna Clark Esther Dunho Lee and Betty T. Graham Richard and Nancy Jackson Dr. Charles Lester and Jamie L. Lester R.H. and Laurie Morrison Joseph R. Clubb Anita Dunn Leo Graham Amanda, Mike, Julian, Sam, Owe Jacobs Dr. Ann Burgess Lettes Lawrence Movshin Michelle R. M. Cochran MD Mary Dunn Thomas E. Grande Robert Jahner Ruth M. Levell Charlene K. Mower George Cohee, Jr and Katherine Cohee Taylor Charles and Denise Durling Joan Granlund James J. Jaskot Howard and Carol Levy Duane and Peter Muller Allan Cohen Andrew and Martha Dwyer Grayfred and Lois Gray Derek Jaskulski Karen Lewis John Muller Dr. Bruce and Marian Cohen Dorothy Dykers Howard and Lucy L. Grayson Colleen Jenkins Dr. Michael Lichtenstein Charles and Marilyn Mulvey Edward M. Cohen Dr. Gary D. Dylewski Betty Green Linda Jensen Susan Lichtenstein Pam Musselman Dr. Ira Cohen and Judy Cohen Pamela Eagan Kevn Green Kent and Kerry Jessen David Lieb and Sally Solomon Judith Nadal James M. Cohen Gary Ford and Nancy E. Ebb Roberta Green Johnny K. Jines Carole Liebold-King Kyle Na Martin and Nancy Y. Cohen Dr. Bennett Edelman and Janet Edelman Elaine F Greene Dr. Irving S. Johnson and Alwyn N. Johnson Hilary F. Linder, III Jill H. Nagorniak Marvin and Ann K. Collier Ann Edwards Jacqueline Greene Laura B. Johnson Bill and Peggy G. Lindsey David Nass Lauren Comly John Edwards JoAnn Greenman Rosa M. Johnson Robert Lister Dr. Ralph Nelson, Jr and Denise Nelson Dr. Lawrence Joseph Conell and Renee K. Connell Emilie Egan Betsy Samuelsen Greer Anna E. Jones M. Litchman Michael and Laura E. Neuho Shelley Conger Jennifer Egan Brent and Nicole Grin Denise Jones Dr. Zeb Little Katherine Neven Irene Conner Samuel and Maryann Ellsworth Linda J. Grith, MD Paul Jordan Dr. Ingrid Liu Richard Nickel Sue Conner Charles and Margaret Elmer Gary and Jocelyn Grimm Paul Jordan Yael Livneh Wayne and Teresa A. Nielson Bill and Melinda Connolly Mark and Mary Elmgren Victor and Kathy Grossi Margaret Joy James and Angela Locatelli Dr. Sanjay Nigam Cathy A. Conrad George E. Emmons, Jr Wanda Grossman Kathy Jubitz Leslie Lomas Joan and Kevin Noblet Stephen Cooperman Karen M. Eng Tim and Nancy Grumbacher Sally Kadifa James and Marie Long Lynn Nocifora Brian Coordsen David Silberman and Claire Engers Dr. David M. Gudeman Dr. Bob Kalani Robert and Nettie Losey Dr. James Norcross Craig Corbitt Nina and Mark Engstrom Melissa Guerdan Carole Kalman Grace L. Lovell Karen Nusbaum Bill Corcoran George and Denise Ericson David and Margie Guggenhime Eric Zimmerman and Audrey Kalmus Lura Merrill Lovell Virginia O'Brien Stephen and Kathy Cornett Eileen Erino Dr. David D. Gulden Lyrin A. Kanczuzewski Gary and Lynn S. Loving Bill J. and Karen O'Brien Louise Coulling Ronald and Cynthia Estridge Larry and Marlene Guthrie Dr. Judith P. Kane Mark and Judith S. Lowenstein Millard and Ada Oldham Dr. Mary E. Coy Ellen Sue L. Ewald Yvonne Guu Dr. Carole Ann Kant Dave and Linda E Long Lushbaugh Pat O'Leary Dr. Joseph Thomas Coyle, Jr Benjamin Fabie Ben Hackerman Jean Kaplan Carl and Maryann Lyon Cleojean Olson Judith M. Craig Marvin and Shelley Fagel James and Diane C. Hall Marilyn Katzman Linh Ma Pierre Omidyar Rebecca Craig Rumi Faizer Stephen and Susan Hall Misha Kazhadan John Maben and Dorinda Germade Philip W. O'Neil Shannon Crane Tia Farmer Victor B. Hallberg Kenneth and Judi Keltner Jim and Sheila M. Mack David and Lynn Oppenheim Nancy P. Orbison Robert and Stella Cretella May S. Farr Christy Hallford Elizabeth P. Kenan Richard and Ann K. Madigan Dr. Ana-Maria Osorio Susan Cristol Breege Farrell Tom and Carolyn Hamilton Dr. Kenneth Kendler and Dr. Susan Miller Yolin Oliver Magee Antonie and Ethel Jo Paap Balazs Csaki Hariott Faucette Earl and Barbara Hancock Michael F. Kerrigan Anthony and Susan L. Maiello David and Joan Pachota John Cullen Rubert Fehmer Anthony Handzlik Farhad and Flora Khosravi Joseph Makdisi Joe and Lorraine Padulo John W. Curtis and Margaret Sarkela Lois Blum Feinblatt John and Karen L. Hangartner Yvonne Kilbourne Dayton and Carolyn Males Brett Painter Daniel Cutaia Terry Felker Stephanie Hansen Mary E. Killinger Reverend Cyrus Mallard, Jr and Marjorie Mallard George Palma Skip and Lynda Cutrell James and Tammy Felt Sheldon Harber Heather Killough Linda Mandel Lori Paporello Issac and Sheila Cyrluk Ellen Fenn Karen Harding John Kimball Jack and Doris A. Mandusky Donald Paradise Cynthia Dahl Chuck and Sue Fienning Charles Harman Lynn Kimble Christina Mora Mangano Albert Patterson Paul Dahn Georey T. Freeman and Marjorie M. Findlay Je and Pam Harms Donald and Joan B. Kimmel F. C. Manning Brooks Patterson Bob and Guyla Daley Frederick A. Findlen, MD and Audrey Findlen William F. Harnisch Foundation James Kincaid Lincoln Manzi John D. Patterson, Jr and Michele F. Demarest Ron Daley John Finegan Iwalani W. Harris Karen Kinder Megan Marinis Nell Patterson Angelo D'Andre Monroe and Marsha Firestone Katharine M. Hartley Dr. Lori Kingsley William John and Victoria Yaar Marraccini Jim and Cathleen Payne Gayle D'Aniello Kimberly Fisher Eunice Hartman Joanne Kini Dr. Nancy Martin 10

Colin Watson and Janee Pennington-Watson James Schwartz Patricia Thompson Jim and Susie Perakis Elizabeth Schwarz, MD Eugene Tillman and Bonnie E. Thomson Paul and Carole Perona James P. Scibilia and Dr. Suzanne E. Vogel-Scibilia Frances T. Tibbits Virginia R. Perrette Michelle Scott Brian H. Tippett and Aletha Tippett Sandra Petron Eileen C. Seaman Ann Tisdale Shelley E. Phipps Lloyd Sederer Ellen Toker Robert and Kathleen Pinnell Dr. John C. Seed Simon Pediel Tonkin and Mary Tonkin David and Marisa Plevak Carolyn Sefcik Thomas and Joan Tooley Edward B. Poller Zachary Segal Linda Tosti Linda Kay Pontious Lisa Seipel Steven and Ginny Towbin Tobin Pospisil Richard Serra Christine Treon Dr. William Potter Jacqueline L. Shannon Warren and Patricia Trepeta Steve and Edie Powell Kathleen E. Shannon Phil and Myla Tscheschke Jim and Ann Pramann Dr. Bal K. Sharma Jessica Tucker Dr. Andrew Prints Magna lm Sharony Donald and Susan Ullmann Albert L. Quaal Gerry A. Shear Jane R. Upho Meg Quiat Leonard Shen Razvan Vaida Thomas and Sheila Rabaut Stephen Shenker Dr. Mark Vakkur Steven and Donna Rabinowitz Diana Shepard John R. Van Buskirk Paul Raby Justin Sher Stanley A. Van Gundy Joan G. Rafel Tshering Sherpa Vashti Van Wyke Harvey and Carol Ra Dr. Ann K. Shinn Ana Vargas Pennee Raetto Yoshinobu and Kathleen Shiota Nelson Vogel Thomas Rafter Wesley and Jeanne Shirk Lance and Jennifer Volland Clarice Raichel David Shook Christine Von Liederbach John and Mary Raitt H. Bruce and Jackie Shreves Dr. Carl M. Wahlstrom Robert and Ilknur Ralston Carolee Shudnow Cole Waidhofer Tommy Rat Dr. James G. Shupe Cynthia Walk Maryam N. Razavi, PhD Ralph and Frances Shuping Gloria M. Walker Katherine Reedy Anna Shustack Susan Walker William B. Rees Stacey and Joan Shuster-Lefkowitz Howard Wall Dirk Rehder Dr. Hamid Q. Sial Charles and Jan Wally Sheldon and Edith Rein Richard C. and Anita Siefert Diana Walsh Dell Rhodes Dr. Juliet Siegel Carrie Walworth Joe and Marilyn K. Ricci David Silberman and Claire Engers Robin Wang Dr. Michael J. Rieser Dwain and Mary Simon Michael Ware Ryan Rifkin Paula Simpson Gary and Bonnie Warner Garnett N. Riley Peter Small Kay Warren Laurie Riley Taylor and Barbara Smith Tom Warren Rick Riordan Douglas V. and Lynn W. Smith Dr. Douglas and Susan Warsett Mercedes Risconsin Betsy C. Smith Clyde Watson Ellen Roberts George Smith Deanna Watson Dr. Theresa Roberts Rebecca Smith Michael Weaver Greg and Elizabeth Robillard Ronald and Christine Smith Percy Wegmann Tobias and Elaine Robison Dr. Stacey Smith Bruce Weidenburner Leo and Chris Rocco Emily Soell James Weil Elizabeth Roche Timothy Somers Irving Weinberger Cyndi Roeder Dr. Howard Spiro and Marian W. Spiro Robert Weinstein Paula Rogovin Rachel Springer Bonnie Welch Keith and Connie Rohman Anthony Squillante Linden H. Welch Brenda A. Ross Todd Stanger Lindsay Anne Weston James and Miriam Carroll Ross Gary L. Stark Gretchen Wheeler Richard and Jane Ross Dr. Patricia Stark David and Virginia J. Whitcombe Randolph F. Ross and Dr. Cynthia Mahoney Peggy B. Stedman Beverly White Seymour and Selma Roth Dorrine M. Steele Carolyn White Steven and Mary Roth JoAnn Steele Lynn White Deborah Rothman John W. Steele Steven and Catherine White Robin Roush Gary Steinmetz Warren H. White Frederick and Elizabeth Rousseau John and Valerie C. Stelling Joel and Diane Wier Kathleen Rubin Mary Jane and Phillip Stephenson William and Linda Wilczek Terry and Mary Kay Rufer Pam Stephenson Patricia Wilde James A. Run, Jr Marie C. Stiefel Charles Williams Bev Rush Starr Stixrud Michael and Sharon Williams James and Priscilla Russell Deborah Storck Wesley Alan Williamson Douglas Russo Je and Kelly N. Straub David and Carole Willis Thomas Ryba Peggy Straw Dan and Leah Wilson Jane Rytina Christianna L. Strohbeck Lorna H. Wissink Joel S. Saal and Nancy J. Bovee Cynthia Stubits John and Jean Wolf Irving N. Sado Jan G. Sullivan E. Judson Wolfe Marcia Sanders Kevin B. Sullivan and Carolyn Thornberry Charles and Nancy Wolfram Dr. Surya N. Sankaran and Dr. Jaya L. Sankaran Myron and Janet Susin Donna Wood Douglas Sankey Joy A. Sutton Dr. Robert W. Woodhouse, III Gregory Sansone Stephen and Loretta S. Swan Jacques Ya Deau Mary Anne Sansone Catherine Syrett Jack and Susan Yanovski Jayesh Santhan John and Mary B. Taddiken Scott Young George Schaefer, III and Molly McShane Matthew Taecker James and Katherine Zartman Michael and Wendy Schaefer Patricia Tager Reginald and Elaine Zelnik Julie Schauer Gordon and Ellaine Tagge David Zimmer Peter Schildkraut Jessie Anne Tait Frank and Ann Zingheim Linda Beth Schilling Dr. Raymund R. Tan Suzanne Schimmel Darcy Taylor Yvonne Schipke Erin Taylor J. Tuerk Schlesinger Sabrina Temple Dr. James Schlesinger Louise P. Ten Eyck James Morton and Matthild Schneider Jonathan Teunis Kathleen Schoenecker Kim Thal Laurie Wier Scholl Alberta Thien Al and Marjorie Schultz Trudelle H. Thomas Gary H. and Angela L. Schwartz Mark Thompson A+E Networks Jewish Federation Of Greater Philadelphia Bernie and Marcia Altman A a, Inc Joan Shick Irrevocable Trust Randy and Maria J. Altmayer Alexander Institute John Jay Hopkins Foundation Sheila Amdur Allied Dental Practices of New Jersey, LLC JustGive Madonna Ames America's Charities Kaplan Family Foundation Joanne Anderson Ann Frank Zingheim Kenco Hospitality, Inc Robert Anderson ARINC Incorporated Kinschner Family Foundation Bennett Applegate Attias Family Foundation Kramer Family Fund of the Merrill Lynch Community Charitable Dorcas A. Arbach, LCSW-C Baker Engineering And Risk Consultants, Inc Lee Mendelson Productions, Inc James Moe and Chalee Armstrong Behnke Foundation Leibowitz and Greenway Family Foundation Morgan Aten Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gifts Program Loews Foundation Jeremy and Julie Atkinson Bowden Massey Foundation Lyondell Petrochemical Company Nancy Aubke Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation MacLaurin Family Foundation Dr. Faye C. Austin California Sports Center Magellan Health Services Mark and Sally Austin CFC/CHC County of York Malek's Pizza Palace, Inc Therese C. Avant ChangeMatrix LLC Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Enrique and Jennifer Hesketh Aviles Charles Schwab Foundation Masters School, Inc Robert and Margaret Ayres Charles Spear Charitable Trust McB Religious Oering Fund Ellen M. Babbitt CHC Mental Health Services Fund-Charlottesville Area Community Laura Baden CHC NCA DC Foundation Karen Bailey Chevron Humankind Merck Employee Giving Campaign Dr. LaGenia Bailey Community Health Charities Michael T. Riordan Family Foundation Rashaad Bajwa Community Health Charities of Arizona Michael T. Sherman Foundation James and Veronica Baker Community Health Charities of California Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Robert Baker Community Health Charities of Florida Nancy Chevalier IRA Trust George and Harriet Baldwin Community Health Charities of Georgia Network For Good Dr. Victoria Balkoski Community Health Charities of Illinois Network For Good H. Chris Barber Community Health Charities of Kentucky Northern Trust Company Dr. James M. Barker Community Health Charities of Massachusetts OH Local Distrib Timothy Barry Community Health Charities of Minnesota Oscar & Anna Bentley Charitable Foundation Inc Shirley B. Baum Community Health Charities of New Jersey Pepsico Foundation Employee Giving Programs Leslie A. Becker Community Health Charities of New York Peters Family Foundation Judy Beckman Community Health Charities of Texas Physicians Alliance of America, Inc Merrin Begley Community Health Charities of Utah Pottho Family Foundation Alexander C. Bellavia Community Health Charities of Virginia Princeton University Robert and Arleen Belyea Community Health Charities of Washington State Professional Risk Management Services, Inc Barbara Benda Community Health Charities of Idaho QTC Medical Group, Inc Robert Scott Benson Corbis Corporation Region Ten Community Services Board Dr. Faith Benton Daniel L Hoskinson Trust Ronald & Jeanne Morr Chartiable Lead Trust Linda M. Berger, MA, EdD DJ Findley Family Foundation Sara Margulis Honeyfund.com, Inc. Alfred and Muriel Berkeley Edward Zima Supplemental Needs Trust Seablue Vitamins, LLC Joel and Carol Bernstein Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc. Matching Gifts Program Selkirk Cogen Partners, L.P. Holly A. Beyersmith Elinor Beidler Siklossy Foundation Sempra Employee Giving Network Alfred Metzger and Esther Beynon Elisir Restaurant Shirley Hale Revocable Trust Debbie Billet Roumell EOS Foundation Sidney Stern Memorial Trust Jenny Billings Estate of Florence Emmaline Drake Southern California Institute of Photography Richard Birnbaum Estate of Frances S. White Stanley Family Foundation Marilyn and Bert A. Bittan Estate of Harley B. Splitt Stuart Grossman Trust John Blanchard Estate of Helen Bissman Corbell Tanglewood Wealth Management, Inc Marianna Bledsoe Estate of Oliver Bainbridge The Arthurs/Kessler Family Charitable Fund Madeline D. Blinder Estate of Philip John Lundin The Dreman Foundation, Inc Carlyn Block, RNC Estate of Russell G. Garrison The Fine Foundation Harold and Jeanne Bloom Estate of Shirley Yoshikawa The Greenberg Foundation Edward Bluhm Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund The Harold R. Goldmann Charitable Trust Amy Blumen eld Flaxman Family Charitable Trust The James B. Thompson, Jr. Trust McGladrey Board of Directors Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The Kravitz Family Trust Donald and Janet M. Boardman Francis Beidler Foundation The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation Jeannette Bogart Frank Family Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund The Nacchio Foundation Eileen Bohrer FS Transportation, LLC The New York Community Trust Toy Bolado G. B. & M. May Foundation The Raynie Foundation John and Elizabeth M. Bomer Gaea Foundation The Sikand Foundation, Inc Grace Boone Gary Goodgear Emergency Assitance The Susan Stein Shiva Foundation Regina Boore Gary L. Resnick Revocable Trust Timothy Curt and Dona Bissonnette Charitable Fund Dawn Anderson Booth George Cohee Jr. Foundation U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Rita Jean Boppana Gertrude B. Nielsen Charitable Trust United Methodist Church of Libertyville Lynn Borton and David Kolker GGE Foundation, Inc United Way of Northern Utah William and Mary Bowden Give With Liberty Employee Donations United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Sharon E. Bowyer Global Impact University Federal Credit Union James Boyd Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Dr. William Boyer Good Samaritian Hospital Vascular & Transplant Specialists Stephanie Bozic Google Matching Gifts Program Virginia McCallum Charitable Trust William and Gail S. Bradley Gordon Family Charitable Foundation Wanda Hull Trust Michael and Gloria Brandon Grant Real Estate Zarb Family Fund, Inc Dr. Stephen K. Brannan and Kelli J. Brannan Group 2 Productions, LLC Zig Zag Multimedia Donald and Margaret Bray Halliburton Giving Choices Match John and Peg Breslin Harley and Cody Splitt Charitable Fund Carol Adragna Chandra Breton Hinman Foundation Nawal Ahmed Terry Bridges Howell Family Charitable Foundation Kristine Ajayi Mark Brill IBM Employee Services David and Maryann Albonesi Bob Brinker Inavale Foundation, Inc David Aldridge Wendell Brooks and Charlotte Wills Brooks Jeerson Transitional Programs, Inc Stanford and Joan Alexander Glenn and Margaret Brown Jerey J. and Mary E. Burdge Charitable Trust Josh Allen Jodie Brown Jewish Community Foundation of the Milwaukee Jewish Cheri Alley Mona W. Brown

Dr. Roger F. Haskett Lenore Kirvay Neil Martin Jackie Hayden Wesley Kittel Thomas and Jane Martin James Hayes Donald and Marie Klawiter Jennifer Masciadrelli Thomas and Jane Hazen Arnold and Emma Klein Josiah and Jean Mason Lowell and Melvina Heap Matthew and Juliet Kleinjan Debra Mattern Dr. Stephan H. Heckers Amy Klement Barbara Matvey Julie Hedges Roger Knight and Carolyn C. Knight, RN Gerald J. Mauch Janice Bryant Katie Darius Michael Fitzpatrick Herbert Heich Barbara Knighton Elizabeth Maurer Maria Bryant Debra Darling Paul and Dorothy Flattery Greg Heinzinger and Kerstin Pfann Larry Knorr James May D. Buchholz Benjamin D. Davis Linda Flinn, RN Phillip Henderson and Elizabeth C. Henry Jonathan and Vickie Germain Kobak Kerry E. Mayer Dr. William N. Buett and Susan Kennedy Gary E. Davis Dr. Cynthia Flynn Alexander Hendry Robert Koch Dr. John McCarten Ina Burd Joseph and Nancy Davis Robert Folberg Janet Henning Elizabeth P. Kohn David Humphries and Michelle A. McCarthy Allan and Mary Lou Burdick Dave and Neen Davis Patricia F. Forbes Lynne M. Hensley George and Jutta Kohn Dr. Rowena McClinton Mary Jo Burgoyne J. Conrad and Sue F. Davis Luisa Francoeur Donald and Bluma Herman Immanuel and Vera Sharpe Kohn Scott McCorkell and Nancy Niles John and Anne Burke David Dean and Catherine Bergmann Genevieve Frank Margaret Herold Laura Kokesh James F. McCormick Fenton and Margarett C Burke Jean and Jessica DeCicco Ted Frapolli and Gail Frapolli David and Mary K. Hibdon Peter and Ann Kolker Robert and Minnette McCoy Denise Vitali Burne John Del Greco, Jr Adam Freed Saralee G. Hillman Jacqueline M. Kolm Monica McDermott Chris and Lois L. Burton Dr. Stephen Delisi and Leigh Delisi Peter and Mary Virginia Frenzer Todd and Barbara Hilsee Joanne P. Kolodzik Kimberly McFarland Sabrina Burton John D. Patterson, Jr and Michele F. Demarest Victor Froelicher, MD Lois Hindhede Kenneth Korman Ella Mae McGuire William and June T. Busing Robert and Jill DeMaster Samuel and Ayako Fujimoto Dr. Alan Hines Craig Korth Mark McNamara and Cynthia Parenti Dr. Regina Bussing Andrew Dempsey Jerry Fulenwider Larry and Beverly Hinman Suzana Kosmala Charles and Mary M. McQuade Edward and Shirley T. Butterworth Christine DePaul Weisser James and Charlotte Fullerton Joseph U. Hinshaw Laura Kosmalski James and Kelly McShane Jerey Buxbawn Mark Dexter and Dr. Deborah S. Cowley Elizabeth L. Gagne Robert Hirsch Ruth Kotecha Marcie McSwane Michael and Tania Cahill Gary R. Dhein and Donna J. Dhein, LCPC Michael Gallahue and Marcia Invernizzi Chuck and Diane Homan Dr. Andrew Kramer Bruce McTavish Richard D. Calder, Jr Pamela Dieckman Robert C. Gallo Dr. Paul W. Holley and Dee K. Holley Paula Kravitz Thomas McVarish Richard and Kathleen Campbell Tim and Sita Diehl Kaja Gam Ron and Lynda Honberg Irene D. Kress Tasha McVeigh Dr. Jose M. Canive Frederick Dietz Ramon Garcia David and Rosemary Hopkins Beverly Krivokapich Bill Mead Lisa Carchedi Dan Dillard Dr. George Gardiner, Sr Dr. Susan Hoppe Sze-Ern and Margaret Kuo Chris and Lauren Mead Sara Lohse Carlberg Patricia A. Dobbins Catherine Gardner Dr. Ken C. Hopper Jim Kupel William and Jennifer H. Mead Douglas Carlson Barry and Marcy Dobil Dr. Edward Gaston and Lori Zager Craig M. Horowitz Dr. Karen M. Kyle Alicia Megowen Kristin Casado Shannon Dodge Dick and Katrina Gay Steven W. Horwatt Robert Ladik Dr. Robert B. Mencher and Edythe H. Mencher Martha Klessen Cassidy Ellen Dolgin Nancy Gear Philip Howarth Kai Shue Lam and Bonnie J. Buratti Quentin Meyer Dr. James L. Cavanaugh, Jr and Dr. Stephanie Cavanaugh Shayna Dollinger Mahesh Gehani Robert Hradsky Debora Lance Paul Martin Midden Jack and Margaret C. Caveney Ben and Patricia Dolson Kenneth and Mary Gehring Debra Hrouda John Laue and Carol Laue Edmond and Molly Mignon Daniel Cepeda Joseph Domonkos Jayne Geiger Shirma Huizenga Yvonne Laun Dr. Gary L. Mihelish and Sandra Mihelish Jesse Chadderdon Christine Donahower Lee and Ellis Gery Elsie Hulsizeer Kristine Lazzara Paul Milbury Ernestine W. Chandler Jean Donnell Stephen J. Getty Dr. Rita Hungate Sean LeClaire Mark Miller Geralyn Charapata-Marsh Patrick W. Donohue Dr. Shubhranjan Ghosh Marion Hunt Linda W. Lee William Miller Jeremy and Christine W. Chase Sam Dorman Steven and Karen Gissin Alice Hupfel Marjorie Doris Lee Phoebe Milliken Gail Chizen Nancy Doschadis Nancy Gold Ken and Martha Huston Roland Lee Weston Milliken and Dr. Anand Pandya Victoria Christensen Julie Drake Stephen Gold Robert H. Hutchins Jane Lee Picot Dianne Mills Dr. Nathaniel Chu Dr. Eric M. Dreyfuss Dennis and Meredith Goodrow Martha Hyde James A. Lefere Patricia Miltz Barbara L. Chuko Victor Drilea Mike and Loren Gordon Dr. William Hyman John and Dr. Harriet P. Leey Noreene Miskinnis David W Chung Dr. Kenneth S. Duckworth David Graber Dr. Sherifa Iqbal Anthony J. Leggett John Mitchell Philip Ciafardini W. Joseph Duckworth Dr. Rene E. Grace and Marilyn S. Grace Lori Ireland Dr. Charles E. Leins and Angela Leins Lewis Moore Nancy Ciolkosz Yvonne M. Dulakis John K. Graft Dr. Carmen P. Irizarry Kevin Lenahan F. Paul and Jean C. Mooring James Clark Jane B. Dunaway Andrew Graham Michael Itomlenskis Carol Lerfald Richard Moreland Lee Anna Clark Esther Dunho Lee and Betty T. Graham Richard and Nancy Jackson Dr. Charles Lester and Jamie L. Lester R.H. and Laurie Morrison Joseph R. Clubb Anita Dunn Leo Graham Amanda, Mike, Julian, Sam, Owe Jacobs Dr. Ann Burgess Lettes Lawrence Movshin Michelle R. M. Cochran MD Mary Dunn Thomas E. Grande Robert Jahner Ruth M. Levell Charlene K. Mower George Cohee, Jr and Katherine Cohee Taylor Charles and Denise Durling Joan Granlund James J. Jaskot Howard and Carol Levy Duane and Peter Muller Allan Cohen Andrew and Martha Dwyer Grayfred and Lois Gray Derek Jaskulski Karen Lewis John Muller Dr. Bruce and Marian Cohen Dorothy Dykers Howard and Lucy L. Grayson Colleen Jenkins Dr. Michael Lichtenstein Charles and Marilyn Mulvey Edward M. Cohen Dr. Gary D. Dylewski Betty Green Linda Jensen Susan Lichtenstein Pam Musselman Dr. Ira Cohen and Judy Cohen Pamela Eagan Kevn Green Kent and Kerry Jessen David Lieb and Sally Solomon Judith Nadal James M. Cohen Gary Ford and Nancy E. Ebb Roberta Green Johnny K. Jines Carole Liebold-King Kyle Na Martin and Nancy Y. Cohen Dr. Bennett Edelman and Janet Edelman Elaine F Greene Dr. Irving S. Johnson and Alwyn N. Johnson Hilary F. Linder, III Jill H. Nagorniak Marvin and Ann K. Collier Ann Edwards Jacqueline Greene Laura B. Johnson Bill and Peggy G. Lindsey David Nass Lauren Comly John Edwards JoAnn Greenman Rosa M. Johnson Robert Lister Dr. Ralph Nelson, Jr and Denise Nelson Dr. Lawrence Joseph Conell and Renee K. Connell Emilie Egan Betsy Samuelsen Greer Anna E. Jones M. Litchman Michael and Laura E. Neuho Shelley Conger Jennifer Egan Brent and Nicole Grin Denise Jones Dr. Zeb Little Katherine Neven Irene Conner Samuel and Maryann Ellsworth Linda J. Grith, MD Paul Jordan Dr. Ingrid Liu Richard Nickel Sue Conner Charles and Margaret Elmer Gary and Jocelyn Grimm Paul Jordan Yael Livneh Wayne and Teresa A. Nielson Bill and Melinda Connolly Mark and Mary Elmgren Victor and Kathy Grossi Margaret Joy James and Angela Locatelli Dr. Sanjay Nigam Cathy A. Conrad George E. Emmons, Jr Wanda Grossman Kathy Jubitz Leslie Lomas Joan and Kevin Noblet Stephen Cooperman Karen M. Eng Tim and Nancy Grumbacher Sally Kadifa James and Marie Long Lynn Nocifora Brian Coordsen David Silberman and Claire Engers Dr. David M. Gudeman Dr. Bob Kalani Robert and Nettie Losey Dr. James Norcross Craig Corbitt Nina and Mark Engstrom Melissa Guerdan Carole Kalman Grace L. Lovell Karen Nusbaum Bill Corcoran George and Denise Ericson David and Margie Guggenhime Eric Zimmerman and Audrey Kalmus Lura Merrill Lovell Virginia O'Brien Stephen and Kathy Cornett Eileen Erino Dr. David D. Gulden Lyrin A. Kanczuzewski Gary and Lynn S. Loving Bill J. and Karen O'Brien Louise Coulling Ronald and Cynthia Estridge Larry and Marlene Guthrie Dr. Judith P. Kane Mark and Judith S. Lowenstein Millard and Ada Oldham Dr. Mary E. Coy Ellen Sue L. Ewald Yvonne Guu Dr. Carole Ann Kant Dave and Linda E Long Lushbaugh Pat O'Leary Dr. Joseph Thomas Coyle, Jr Benjamin Fabie Ben Hackerman Jean Kaplan Carl and Maryann Lyon Cleojean Olson Judith M. Craig Marvin and Shelley Fagel James and Diane C. Hall Marilyn Katzman Linh Ma Pierre Omidyar Rebecca Craig Rumi Faizer Stephen and Susan Hall Misha Kazhadan John Maben and Dorinda Germade Philip W. O'Neil Shannon Crane Tia Farmer Victor B. Hallberg Kenneth and Judi Keltner Jim and Sheila M. Mack David and Lynn Oppenheim Nancy P. Orbison Robert and Stella Cretella May S. Farr Christy Hallford Elizabeth P. Kenan Richard and Ann K. Madigan Dr. Ana-Maria Osorio Susan Cristol Breege Farrell Tom and Carolyn Hamilton Dr. Kenneth Kendler and Dr. Susan Miller Yolin Oliver Magee Antonie and Ethel Jo Paap Balazs Csaki Hariott Faucette Earl and Barbara Hancock Michael F. Kerrigan Anthony and Susan L. Maiello David and Joan Pachota John Cullen Rubert Fehmer Anthony Handzlik Farhad and Flora Khosravi Joseph Makdisi Joe and Lorraine Padulo John W. Curtis and Margaret Sarkela Lois Blum Feinblatt John and Karen L. Hangartner Yvonne Kilbourne Dayton and Carolyn Males Brett Painter Daniel Cutaia Terry Felker Stephanie Hansen Mary E. Killinger Reverend Cyrus Mallard, Jr and Marjorie Mallard George Palma Skip and Lynda Cutrell James and Tammy Felt Sheldon Harber Heather Killough Linda Mandel Lori Paporello Issac and Sheila Cyrluk Ellen Fenn Karen Harding John Kimball Jack and Doris A. Mandusky Donald Paradise Cynthia Dahl Chuck and Sue Fienning Charles Harman Lynn Kimble Christina Mora Mangano Albert Patterson Paul Dahn Georey T. Freeman and Marjorie M. Findlay Je and Pam Harms Donald and Joan B. Kimmel F. C. Manning Brooks Patterson Bob and Guyla Daley Frederick A. Findlen, MD and Audrey Findlen William F. Harnisch Foundation James Kincaid Lincoln Manzi John D. Patterson, Jr and Michele F. Demarest Ron Daley John Finegan Iwalani W. Harris Karen Kinder Megan Marinis Nell Patterson Angelo D'Andre Monroe and Marsha Firestone Katharine M. Hartley Dr. Lori Kingsley William John and Victoria Yaar Marraccini Jim and Cathleen Payne Gayle D'Aniello Kimberly Fisher Eunice Hartman Joanne Kini Dr. Nancy Martin

Colin Watson and Janee Pennington-Watson James Schwartz Patricia Thompson Jim and Susie Perakis Elizabeth Schwarz, MD Eugene Tillman and Bonnie E. Thomson Paul and Carole Perona James P. Scibilia and Dr. Suzanne E. Vogel-Scibilia Frances T. Tibbits Virginia R. Perrette Michelle Scott Brian H. Tippett and Aletha Tippett Sandra Petron Eileen C. Seaman Ann Tisdale Shelley E. Phipps Lloyd Sederer Ellen Toker Robert and Kathleen Pinnell Dr. John C. Seed Simon Pediel Tonkin and Mary Tonkin David and Marisa Plevak Carolyn Sefcik Thomas and Joan Tooley Edward B. Poller Zachary Segal Linda Tosti Linda Kay Pontious Lisa Seipel Steven and Ginny Towbin Tobin Pospisil Richard Serra Christine Treon Dr. William Potter Jacqueline L. Shannon Warren and Patricia Trepeta Steve and Edie Powell Kathleen E. Shannon Phil and Myla Tscheschke Jim and Ann Pramann Dr. Bal K. Sharma Jessica Tucker Dr. Andrew Prints Magna lm Sharony Donald and Susan Ullmann Albert L. Quaal Gerry A. Shear Jane R. Upho Meg Quiat Leonard Shen Razvan Vaida Thomas and Sheila Rabaut Stephen Shenker Dr. Mark Vakkur Steven and Donna Rabinowitz Diana Shepard John R. Van Buskirk Paul Raby Justin Sher Stanley A. Van Gundy Joan G. Rafel Tshering Sherpa Vashti Van Wyke Harvey and Carol Ra Dr. Ann K. Shinn Ana Vargas Pennee Raetto Yoshinobu and Kathleen Shiota Nelson Vogel Thomas Rafter Wesley and Jeanne Shirk Lance and Jennifer Volland Clarice Raichel David Shook Christine Von Liederbach John and Mary Raitt H. Bruce and Jackie Shreves Dr. Carl M. Wahlstrom Robert and Ilknur Ralston Carolee Shudnow Cole Waidhofer Tommy Rat Dr. James G. Shupe Cynthia Walk Maryam N. Razavi, PhD Ralph and Frances Shuping Gloria M. Walker Katherine Reedy Anna Shustack Susan Walker William B. Rees Stacey and Joan Shuster-Lefkowitz Howard Wall Dirk Rehder Dr. Hamid Q. Sial Charles and Jan Wally Sheldon and Edith Rein Richard C. and Anita Siefert Diana Walsh Dell Rhodes Dr. Juliet Siegel Carrie Walworth Joe and Marilyn K. Ricci David Silberman and Claire Engers Robin Wang Dr. Michael J. Rieser Dwain and Mary Simon Michael Ware Ryan Rifkin Paula Simpson Gary and Bonnie Warner Garnett N. Riley Peter Small Kay Warren Laurie Riley Taylor and Barbara Smith Tom Warren Rick Riordan Douglas V. and Lynn W. Smith Dr. Douglas and Susan Warsett Mercedes Risconsin Betsy C. Smith Clyde Watson Ellen Roberts George Smith Deanna Watson Dr. Theresa Roberts Rebecca Smith Michael Weaver Greg and Elizabeth Robillard Ronald and Christine Smith Percy Wegmann Tobias and Elaine Robison Dr. Stacey Smith Bruce Weidenburner Leo and Chris Rocco Emily Soell James Weil Elizabeth Roche Timothy Somers Irving Weinberger Cyndi Roeder Dr. Howard Spiro and Marian W. Spiro Robert Weinstein Paula Rogovin Rachel Springer Bonnie Welch Keith and Connie Rohman Anthony Squillante Linden H. Welch Brenda A. Ross Todd Stanger Lindsay Anne Weston James and Miriam Carroll Ross Gary L. Stark Gretchen Wheeler Richard and Jane Ross Dr. Patricia Stark David and Virginia J. Whitcombe Randolph F. Ross and Dr. Cynthia Mahoney Peggy B. Stedman Beverly White Seymour and Selma Roth Dorrine M. Steele Carolyn White Steven and Mary Roth JoAnn Steele Lynn White Deborah Rothman John W. Steele Steven and Catherine White Robin Roush Gary Steinmetz Warren H. White Frederick and Elizabeth Rousseau John and Valerie C. Stelling Joel and Diane Wier Kathleen Rubin Mary Jane and Phillip Stephenson William and Linda Wilczek Terry and Mary Kay Rufer Pam Stephenson Patricia Wilde James A. Run, Jr Marie C. Stiefel Charles Williams Bev Rush Starr Stixrud Michael and Sharon Williams James and Priscilla Russell Deborah Storck Wesley Alan Williamson Douglas Russo Je and Kelly N. Straub David and Carole Willis Thomas Ryba Peggy Straw Dan and Leah Wilson Jane Rytina Christianna L. Strohbeck Lorna H. Wissink Joel S. Saal and Nancy J. Bovee Cynthia Stubits John and Jean Wolf Irving N. Sado Jan G. Sullivan E. Judson Wolfe Marcia Sanders Kevin B. Sullivan and Carolyn Thornberry Charles and Nancy Wolfram Dr. Surya N. Sankaran and Dr. Jaya L. Sankaran Myron and Janet Susin Donna Wood Douglas Sankey Joy A. Sutton Dr. Robert W. Woodhouse, III Gregory Sansone Stephen and Loretta S. Swan Jacques Ya Deau Mary Anne Sansone Catherine Syrett Jack and Susan Yanovski Jayesh Santhan John and Mary B. Taddiken Scott Young George Schaefer, III and Molly McShane Matthew Taecker James and Katherine Zartman Michael and Wendy Schaefer Patricia Tager Reginald and Elaine Zelnik Julie Schauer Gordon and Ellaine Tagge David Zimmer Peter Schildkraut Jessie Anne Tait Frank and Ann Zingheim Linda Beth Schilling Dr. Raymund R. Tan Suzanne Schimmel Darcy Taylor Yvonne Schipke Erin Taylor J. Tuerk Schlesinger Sabrina Temple Dr. James Schlesinger Louise P. Ten Eyck James Morton and Matthild Schneider Jonathan Teunis Kathleen Schoenecker Kim Thal Laurie Wier Scholl Alberta Thien Al and Marjorie Schultz Trudelle H. Thomas Gary H. and Angela L. Schwartz Mark Thompson

11 A+E Networks Jewish Federation Of Greater Philadelphia Bernie and Marcia Altman A a, Inc Joan Shick Irrevocable Trust Randy and Maria J. Altmayer Alexander Institute John Jay Hopkins Foundation Sheila Amdur Allied Dental Practices of New Jersey, LLC JustGive Madonna Ames America's Charities Kaplan Family Foundation Joanne Anderson Ann Frank Zingheim Kenco Hospitality, Inc Robert Anderson ARINC Incorporated Kinschner Family Foundation Bennett Applegate Attias Family Foundation Kramer Family Fund of the Merrill Lynch Community Charitable Dorcas A. Arbach, LCSW-C Baker Engineering And Risk Consultants, Inc Lee Mendelson Productions, Inc James Moe and Chalee Armstrong Behnke Foundation Leibowitz and Greenway Family Foundation Morgan Aten Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gifts Program Loews Foundation Jeremy and Julie Atkinson Bowden Massey Foundation Lyondell Petrochemical Company Nancy Aubke Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation MacLaurin Family Foundation Dr. Faye C. Austin California Sports Center Magellan Health Services Mark and Sally Austin CFC/CHC County of York Malek's Pizza Palace, Inc Therese C. Avant ChangeMatrix LLC Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Enrique and Jennifer Hesketh Aviles Charles Schwab Foundation Masters School, Inc Robert and Margaret Ayres Charles Spear Charitable Trust McB Religious Oering Fund Ellen M. Babbitt CHC Mental Health Services Fund-Charlottesville Area Community Laura Baden CHC NCA DC Foundation Karen Bailey Chevron Humankind Merck Employee Giving Campaign Dr. LaGenia Bailey Community Health Charities Michael T. Riordan Family Foundation Rashaad Bajwa Community Health Charities of Arizona Michael T. Sherman Foundation James and Veronica Baker Community Health Charities of California Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Robert Baker Community Health Charities of Florida Nancy Chevalier IRA Trust George and Harriet Baldwin Community Health Charities of Georgia Network For Good Dr. Victoria Balkoski Community Health Charities of Illinois Network For Good H. Chris Barber Community Health Charities of Kentucky Northern Trust Company Dr. James M. Barker Community Health Charities of Massachusetts OH Local Distrib Timothy Barry Community Health Charities of Minnesota Oscar & Anna Bentley Charitable Foundation Inc Shirley B. Baum Community Health Charities of New Jersey Pepsico Foundation Employee Giving Programs Leslie A. Becker Community Health Charities of New York Peters Family Foundation Judy Beckman Community Health Charities of Texas Physicians Alliance of America, Inc Merrin Begley Community Health Charities of Utah Pottho Family Foundation Alexander C. Bellavia Community Health Charities of Virginia Princeton University Robert and Arleen Belyea Community Health Charities of Washington State Professional Risk Management Services, Inc Barbara Benda Community Health Charities of Idaho QTC Medical Group, Inc Robert Scott Benson Corbis Corporation Region Ten Community Services Board Dr. Faith Benton Daniel L Hoskinson Trust Ronald & Jeanne Morr Chartiable Lead Trust Linda M. Berger, MA, EdD DJ Findley Family Foundation Sara Margulis Honeyfund.com, Inc. Alfred and Muriel Berkeley Edward Zima Supplemental Needs Trust Seablue Vitamins, LLC Joel and Carol Bernstein Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc. Matching Gifts Program Selkirk Cogen Partners, L.P. Holly A. Beyersmith Elinor Beidler Siklossy Foundation Sempra Employee Giving Network Alfred Metzger and Esther Beynon Elisir Restaurant Shirley Hale Revocable Trust Debbie Billet Roumell EOS Foundation Sidney Stern Memorial Trust Jenny Billings Estate of Florence Emmaline Drake Southern California Institute of Photography Richard Birnbaum Estate of Frances S. White Stanley Family Foundation Marilyn and Bert A. Bittan Estate of Harley B. Splitt Stuart Grossman Trust John Blanchard Estate of Helen Bissman Corbell Tanglewood Wealth Management, Inc Marianna Bledsoe Estate of Oliver Bainbridge The Arthurs/Kessler Family Charitable Fund Madeline D. Blinder Estate of Philip John Lundin The Dreman Foundation, Inc Carlyn Block, RNC Estate of Russell G. Garrison The Fine Foundation Harold and Jeanne Bloom Estate of Shirley Yoshikawa The Greenberg Foundation Edward Bluhm Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund The Harold R. Goldmann Charitable Trust Amy Blumen eld Flaxman Family Charitable Trust The James B. Thompson, Jr. Trust McGladrey Board of Directors Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The Kravitz Family Trust Donald and Janet M. Boardman Francis Beidler Foundation The Milton and Tamar Maltz Family Foundation Jeannette Bogart Frank Family Fund at Schwab Charitable Fund The Nacchio Foundation Eileen Bohrer FS Transportation, LLC The New York Community Trust Toy Bolado G. B. & M. May Foundation The Raynie Foundation John and Elizabeth M. Bomer Gaea Foundation The Sikand Foundation, Inc Grace Boone Gary Goodgear Emergency Assitance The Susan Stein Shiva Foundation Regina Boore Gary L. Resnick Revocable Trust Timothy Curt and Dona Bissonnette Charitable Fund Dawn Anderson Booth George Cohee Jr. Foundation U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Rita Jean Boppana Gertrude B. Nielsen Charitable Trust United Methodist Church of Libertyville Lynn Borton and David Kolker GGE Foundation, Inc United Way of Northern Utah William and Mary Bowden Give With Liberty Employee Donations United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Sharon E. Bowyer Global Impact University Federal Credit Union James Boyd Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Dr. William Boyer Good Samaritian Hospital Vascular & Transplant Specialists Stephanie Bozic Google Matching Gifts Program Virginia McCallum Charitable Trust William and Gail S. Bradley Gordon Family Charitable Foundation Wanda Hull Trust Michael and Gloria Brandon Grant Real Estate Zarb Family Fund, Inc Dr. Stephen K. Brannan and Kelli J. Brannan Group 2 Productions, LLC Zig Zag Multimedia Donald and Margaret Bray Halliburton Giving Choices Match John and Peg Breslin Harley and Cody Splitt Charitable Fund Carol Adragna Chandra Breton Hinman Foundation Nawal Ahmed Terry Bridges Howell Family Charitable Foundation Kristine Ajayi Mark Brill IBM Employee Services David and Maryann Albonesi Bob Brinker Inavale Foundation, Inc David Aldridge Wendell Brooks and Charlotte Wills Brooks Jeerson Transitional Programs, Inc Stanford and Joan Alexander Glenn and Margaret Brown Jerey J. and Mary E. Burdge Charitable Trust Josh Allen Jodie Brown Jewish Community Foundation of the Milwaukee Jewish Cheri Alley Mona W. Brown

Dr. Roger F. Haskett Lenore Kirvay Neil Martin Jackie Hayden Wesley Kittel Thomas and Jane Martin James Hayes Donald and Marie Klawiter Jennifer Masciadrelli Thomas and Jane Hazen Arnold and Emma Klein Josiah and Jean Mason Lowell and Melvina Heap Matthew and Juliet Kleinjan Debra Mattern Dr. Stephan H. Heckers Amy Klement Barbara Matvey Julie Hedges Roger Knight and Carolyn C. Knight, RN Gerald J. Mauch Janice Bryant Katie Darius Michael Fitzpatrick Herbert Heich Barbara Knighton Elizabeth Maurer Maria Bryant Debra Darling Paul and Dorothy Flattery Greg Heinzinger and Kerstin Pfann Larry Knorr James May D. Buchholz Benjamin D. Davis Linda Flinn, RN Phillip Henderson and Elizabeth C. Henry Jonathan and Vickie Germain Kobak Kerry E. Mayer Dr. William N. Buett and Susan Kennedy Gary E. Davis Dr. Cynthia Flynn Alexander Hendry Robert Koch Dr. John McCarten Ina Burd Joseph and Nancy Davis Robert Folberg Janet Henning Elizabeth P. Kohn David Humphries and Michelle A. McCarthy Allan and Mary Lou Burdick Dave and Neen Davis Patricia F. Forbes Lynne M. Hensley George and Jutta Kohn Dr. Rowena McClinton Mary Jo Burgoyne J. Conrad and Sue F. Davis Luisa Francoeur Donald and Bluma Herman Immanuel and Vera Sharpe Kohn Scott McCorkell and Nancy Niles John and Anne Burke David Dean and Catherine Bergmann Genevieve Frank Margaret Herold Laura Kokesh James F. McCormick Fenton and Margarett C Burke Jean and Jessica DeCicco Ted Frapolli and Gail Frapolli David and Mary K. Hibdon Peter and Ann Kolker Robert and Minnette McCoy Denise Vitali Burne John Del Greco, Jr Adam Freed Saralee G. Hillman Jacqueline M. Kolm Monica McDermott Chris and Lois L. Burton Dr. Stephen Delisi and Leigh Delisi Peter and Mary Virginia Frenzer Todd and Barbara Hilsee Joanne P. Kolodzik Kimberly McFarland Sabrina Burton John D. Patterson, Jr and Michele F. Demarest Victor Froelicher, MD Lois Hindhede Kenneth Korman Ella Mae McGuire William and June T. Busing Robert and Jill DeMaster Samuel and Ayako Fujimoto Dr. Alan Hines Craig Korth Mark McNamara and Cynthia Parenti Dr. Regina Bussing Andrew Dempsey Jerry Fulenwider Larry and Beverly Hinman Suzana Kosmala Charles and Mary M. McQuade Edward and Shirley T. Butterworth Christine DePaul Weisser James and Charlotte Fullerton Joseph U. Hinshaw Laura Kosmalski James and Kelly McShane Jerey Buxbawn Mark Dexter and Dr. Deborah S. Cowley Elizabeth L. Gagne Robert Hirsch Ruth Kotecha Marcie McSwane Michael and Tania Cahill Gary R. Dhein and Donna J. Dhein, LCPC Michael Gallahue and Marcia Invernizzi Chuck and Diane Homan Dr. Andrew Kramer Bruce McTavish Richard D. Calder, Jr Pamela Dieckman Robert C. Gallo Dr. Paul W. Holley and Dee K. Holley Paula Kravitz Thomas McVarish Richard and Kathleen Campbell Tim and Sita Diehl Kaja Gam Ron and Lynda Honberg Irene D. Kress Tasha McVeigh Dr. Jose M. Canive Frederick Dietz Ramon Garcia David and Rosemary Hopkins Beverly Krivokapich Bill Mead Lisa Carchedi Dan Dillard Dr. George Gardiner, Sr Dr. Susan Hoppe Sze-Ern and Margaret Kuo Chris and Lauren Mead Sara Lohse Carlberg Patricia A. Dobbins Catherine Gardner Dr. Ken C. Hopper Jim Kupel William and Jennifer H. Mead Douglas Carlson Barry and Marcy Dobil Dr. Edward Gaston and Lori Zager Craig M. Horowitz Dr. Karen M. Kyle Alicia Megowen Kristin Casado Shannon Dodge Dick and Katrina Gay Steven W. Horwatt Robert Ladik Dr. Robert B. Mencher and Edythe H. Mencher Martha Klessen Cassidy Ellen Dolgin Nancy Gear Philip Howarth Kai Shue Lam and Bonnie J. Buratti Quentin Meyer Dr. James L. Cavanaugh, Jr and Dr. Stephanie Cavanaugh Shayna Dollinger Mahesh Gehani Robert Hradsky Debora Lance Paul Martin Midden Jack and Margaret C. Caveney Ben and Patricia Dolson Kenneth and Mary Gehring Debra Hrouda John Laue and Carol Laue Edmond and Molly Mignon Daniel Cepeda Joseph Domonkos Jayne Geiger Shirma Huizenga Yvonne Laun Dr. Gary L. Mihelish and Sandra Mihelish Jesse Chadderdon Christine Donahower Lee and Ellis Gery Elsie Hulsizeer Kristine Lazzara Paul Milbury Ernestine W. Chandler Jean Donnell Stephen J. Getty Dr. Rita Hungate Sean LeClaire Mark Miller Geralyn Charapata-Marsh Patrick W. Donohue Dr. Shubhranjan Ghosh Marion Hunt Linda W. Lee William Miller Jeremy and Christine W. Chase Sam Dorman Steven and Karen Gissin Alice Hupfel Marjorie Doris Lee Phoebe Milliken Gail Chizen Nancy Doschadis Nancy Gold Ken and Martha Huston Roland Lee Weston Milliken and Dr. Anand Pandya Victoria Christensen Julie Drake Stephen Gold Robert H. Hutchins Jane Lee Picot Dianne Mills Dr. Nathaniel Chu Dr. Eric M. Dreyfuss Dennis and Meredith Goodrow Martha Hyde James A. Lefere Patricia Miltz Barbara L. Chuko Victor Drilea Mike and Loren Gordon Dr. William Hyman John and Dr. Harriet P. Leey Noreene Miskinnis David W Chung Dr. Kenneth S. Duckworth David Graber Dr. Sherifa Iqbal Anthony J. Leggett John Mitchell Philip Ciafardini W. Joseph Duckworth Dr. Rene E. Grace and Marilyn S. Grace Lori Ireland Dr. Charles E. Leins and Angela Leins Lewis Moore Nancy Ciolkosz Yvonne M. Dulakis John K. Graft Dr. Carmen P. Irizarry Kevin Lenahan F. Paul and Jean C. Mooring James Clark Jane B. Dunaway Andrew Graham Michael Itomlenskis Carol Lerfald Richard Moreland Lee Anna Clark Esther Dunho Lee and Betty T. Graham Richard and Nancy Jackson Dr. Charles Lester and Jamie L. Lester R.H. and Laurie Morrison Joseph R. Clubb Anita Dunn Leo Graham Amanda, Mike, Julian, Sam, Owe Jacobs Dr. Ann Burgess Lettes Lawrence Movshin Michelle R. M. Cochran MD Mary Dunn Thomas E. Grande Robert Jahner Ruth M. Levell Charlene K. Mower George Cohee, Jr and Katherine Cohee Taylor Charles and Denise Durling Joan Granlund James J. Jaskot Howard and Carol Levy Duane and Peter Muller Allan Cohen Andrew and Martha Dwyer Grayfred and Lois Gray Derek Jaskulski Karen Lewis John Muller Dr. Bruce and Marian Cohen Dorothy Dykers Howard and Lucy L. Grayson Colleen Jenkins Dr. Michael Lichtenstein Charles and Marilyn Mulvey Edward M. Cohen Dr. Gary D. Dylewski Betty Green Linda Jensen Susan Lichtenstein Pam Musselman Dr. Ira Cohen and Judy Cohen Pamela Eagan Kevn Green Kent and Kerry Jessen David Lieb and Sally Solomon Judith Nadal James M. Cohen Gary Ford and Nancy E. Ebb Roberta Green Johnny K. Jines Carole Liebold-King Kyle Na Martin and Nancy Y. Cohen Dr. Bennett Edelman and Janet Edelman Elaine F Greene Dr. Irving S. Johnson and Alwyn N. Johnson Hilary F. Linder, III Jill H. Nagorniak Marvin and Ann K. Collier Ann Edwards Jacqueline Greene Laura B. Johnson Bill and Peggy G. Lindsey David Nass Lauren Comly John Edwards JoAnn Greenman Rosa M. Johnson Robert Lister Dr. Ralph Nelson, Jr and Denise Nelson Dr. Lawrence Joseph Conell and Renee K. Connell Emilie Egan Betsy Samuelsen Greer Anna E. Jones M. Litchman Michael and Laura E. Neuho Shelley Conger Jennifer Egan Brent and Nicole Grin Denise Jones Dr. Zeb Little Katherine Neven Irene Conner Samuel and Maryann Ellsworth Linda J. Grith, MD Paul Jordan Dr. Ingrid Liu Richard Nickel Sue Conner Charles and Margaret Elmer Gary and Jocelyn Grimm Paul Jordan Yael Livneh Wayne and Teresa A. Nielson Bill and Melinda Connolly Mark and Mary Elmgren Victor and Kathy Grossi Margaret Joy James and Angela Locatelli Dr. Sanjay Nigam Cathy A. Conrad George E. Emmons, Jr Wanda Grossman Kathy Jubitz Leslie Lomas Joan and Kevin Noblet Stephen Cooperman Karen M. Eng Tim and Nancy Grumbacher Sally Kadifa James and Marie Long Lynn Nocifora Brian Coordsen David Silberman and Claire Engers Dr. David M. Gudeman Dr. Bob Kalani Robert and Nettie Losey Dr. James Norcross Craig Corbitt Nina and Mark Engstrom Melissa Guerdan Carole Kalman Grace L. Lovell Karen Nusbaum Bill Corcoran George and Denise Ericson David and Margie Guggenhime Eric Zimmerman and Audrey Kalmus Lura Merrill Lovell Virginia O'Brien Stephen and Kathy Cornett Eileen Erino Dr. David D. Gulden Lyrin A. Kanczuzewski Gary and Lynn S. Loving Bill J. and Karen O'Brien Louise Coulling Ronald and Cynthia Estridge Larry and Marlene Guthrie Dr. Judith P. Kane Mark and Judith S. Lowenstein Millard and Ada Oldham Dr. Mary E. Coy Ellen Sue L. Ewald Yvonne Guu Dr. Carole Ann Kant Dave and Linda E Long Lushbaugh Pat O'Leary Dr. Joseph Thomas Coyle, Jr Benjamin Fabie Ben Hackerman Jean Kaplan Carl and Maryann Lyon Cleojean Olson Judith M. Craig Marvin and Shelley Fagel James and Diane C. Hall Marilyn Katzman Linh Ma Pierre Omidyar Rebecca Craig Rumi Faizer Stephen and Susan Hall Misha Kazhadan John Maben and Dorinda Germade Philip W. O'Neil Shannon Crane Tia Farmer Victor B. Hallberg Kenneth and Judi Keltner Jim and Sheila M. Mack David and Lynn Oppenheim Nancy P. Orbison Robert and Stella Cretella May S. Farr Christy Hallford Elizabeth P. Kenan Richard and Ann K. Madigan Dr. Ana-Maria Osorio Susan Cristol Breege Farrell Tom and Carolyn Hamilton Dr. Kenneth Kendler and Dr. Susan Miller Yolin Oliver Magee Antonie and Ethel Jo Paap Balazs Csaki Hariott Faucette Earl and Barbara Hancock Michael F. Kerrigan Anthony and Susan L. Maiello David and Joan Pachota John Cullen Rubert Fehmer Anthony Handzlik Farhad and Flora Khosravi Joseph Makdisi Joe and Lorraine Padulo John W. Curtis and Margaret Sarkela Lois Blum Feinblatt John and Karen L. Hangartner Yvonne Kilbourne Dayton and Carolyn Males Brett Painter Daniel Cutaia Terry Felker Stephanie Hansen Mary E. Killinger Reverend Cyrus Mallard, Jr and Marjorie Mallard George Palma Skip and Lynda Cutrell James and Tammy Felt Sheldon Harber Heather Killough Linda Mandel Lori Paporello Issac and Sheila Cyrluk Ellen Fenn Karen Harding John Kimball Jack and Doris A. Mandusky Donald Paradise Cynthia Dahl Chuck and Sue Fienning Charles Harman Lynn Kimble Christina Mora Mangano Albert Patterson Paul Dahn Georey T. Freeman and Marjorie M. Findlay Je and Pam Harms Donald and Joan B. Kimmel F. C. Manning Brooks Patterson Bob and Guyla Daley Frederick A. Findlen, MD and Audrey Findlen William F. Harnisch Foundation James Kincaid Lincoln Manzi John D. Patterson, Jr and Michele F. Demarest Ron Daley John Finegan Iwalani W. Harris Karen Kinder Megan Marinis Nell Patterson Angelo D'Andre Monroe and Marsha Firestone Katharine M. Hartley Dr. Lori Kingsley William John and Victoria Yaar Marraccini Jim and Cathleen Payne Gayle D'Aniello Kimberly Fisher Eunice Hartman Joanne Kini Dr. Nancy Martin

Colin Watson and Janee Pennington-Watson James Schwartz Patricia Thompson Rogers & Company PLLC 8300 Boone Boulevard 703.893.0300 voice Jim and Susie Perakis Elizabeth Schwarz, MD Eugene Tillman and Bonnie E. Thomson Certi ed Public Accountants Suite 600 703.893.4070 facsimile Paul and Carole Perona James P. Scibilia and Dr. Suzanne E. Vogel-Scibilia Frances T. Tibbits Virginia R. Perrette Michelle Scott Brian H. Tippett and Aletha Tippett Vienna, Virginia 2 2182 www.rogerspllc.com Sandra Petron Eileen C. Seaman Ann Tisdale Shelley E. Phipps Lloyd Sederer Ellen Toker Robert and Kathleen Pinnell Dr. John C. Seed Simon Pediel Tonkin and Mary Tonkin David and Marisa Plevak Carolyn Sefcik Thomas and Joan Tooley Edward B. Poller Zachary Segal Linda Tosti Linda Kay Pontious Lisa Seipel Steven and Ginny Towbin INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT Tobin Pospisil Richard Serra Christine Treon Dr. William Potter Jacqueline L. Shannon Warren and Patricia Trepeta Steve and Edie Powell Kathleen E. Shannon Phil and Myla Tscheschke Jim and Ann Pramann Dr. Bal K. Sharma Jessica Tucker Dr. Andrew Prints Magna lm Sharony Donald and Susan Ullmann To the Board of Directors of NAMI Albert L. Quaal Gerry A. Shear Jane R. Upho Meg Quiat Leonard Shen Razvan Vaida Thomas and Sheila Rabaut Stephen Shenker Dr. Mark Vakkur We have audited the accompanying financial statements of NAMI, which comprise the Steven and Donna Rabinowitz Diana Shepard John R. Van Buskirk Paul Raby Justin Sher Stanley A. Van Gundy statements of financial position as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, and the related statements of Joan G. Rafel Tshering Sherpa Vashti Van Wyke activities, functional expenses, and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to Harvey and Carol Ra Dr. Ann K. Shinn Ana Vargas Pennee Raetto Yoshinobu and Kathleen Shiota Nelson Vogel the financial statements. Thomas Rafter Wesley and Jeanne Shirk Lance and Jennifer Volland Clarice Raichel David Shook Christine Von Liederbach John and Mary Raitt H. Bruce and Jackie Shreves Dr. Carl M. Wahlstrom Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Robert and Ilknur Ralston Carolee Shudnow Cole Waidhofer Tommy Rat Dr. James G. Shupe Cynthia Walk Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements Maryam N. Razavi, PhD Ralph and Frances Shuping Gloria M. Walker Katherine Reedy Anna Shustack Susan Walker in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this William B. Rees Stacey and Joan Shuster-Lefkowitz Howard Wall Dirk Rehder Dr. Hamid Q. Sial Charles and Jan Wally includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the Sheldon and Edith Rein Richard C. and Anita Siefert Diana Walsh Dell Rhodes Dr. Juliet Siegel Carrie Walworth preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, Joe and Marilyn K. Ricci David Silberman and Claire Engers Robin Wang whether due to fraud or error. Dr. Michael J. Rieser Dwain and Mary Simon Michael Ware Ryan Rifkin Paula Simpson Gary and Bonnie Warner Garnett N. Riley Peter Small Kay Warren Auditor’s Responsibility Laurie Riley Taylor and Barbara Smith Tom Warren Rick Riordan Douglas V. and Lynn W. Smith Dr. Douglas and Susan Warsett Mercedes Risconsin Betsy C. Smith Clyde Watson Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We Ellen Roberts George Smith Deanna Watson conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United Dr. Theresa Roberts Rebecca Smith Michael Weaver Greg and Elizabeth Robillard Ronald and Christine Smith Percy Wegmann States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain Tobias and Elaine Robison Dr. Stacey Smith Bruce Weidenburner Leo and Chris Rocco Emily Soell James Weil reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. Elizabeth Roche Timothy Somers Irving Weinberger Cyndi Roeder Dr. Howard Spiro and Marian W. Spiro Robert Weinstein An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and Paula Rogovin Rachel Springer Bonnie Welch Keith and Connie Rohman Anthony Squillante Linden H. Welch disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s Brenda A. Ross Todd Stanger Lindsay Anne Weston James and Miriam Carroll Ross Gary L. Stark Gretchen Wheeler judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial Richard and Jane Ross Dr. Patricia Stark David and Virginia J. Whitcombe Randolph F. Ross and Dr. Cynthia Mahoney Peggy B. Stedman Beverly White statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor Seymour and Selma Roth Dorrine M. Steele Carolyn White considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial Steven and Mary Roth JoAnn Steele Lynn White Deborah Rothman John W. Steele Steven and Catherine White statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not Robin Roush Gary Steinmetz Warren H. White Frederick and Elizabeth Rousseau John and Valerie C. Stelling Joel and Diane Wier for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Kathleen Rubin Mary Jane and Phillip Stephenson William and Linda Wilczek Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness Terry and Mary Kay Rufer Pam Stephenson Patricia Wilde James A. Run, Jr Marie C. Stiefel Charles Williams of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by Bev Rush Starr Stixrud Michael and Sharon Williams James and Priscilla Russell Deborah Storck Wesley Alan Williamson management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Douglas Russo Je and Kelly N. Straub David and Carole Willis Thomas Ryba Peggy Straw Dan and Leah Wilson We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a Jane Rytina Christianna L. Strohbeck Lorna H. Wissink Joel S. Saal and Nancy J. Bovee Cynthia Stubits John and Jean Wolf basis for our audit opinion. Irving N. Sado Jan G. Sullivan E. Judson Wolfe Marcia Sanders Kevin B. Sullivan and Carolyn Thornberry Charles and Nancy Wolfram Dr. Surya N. Sankaran and Dr. Jaya L. Sankaran Myron and Janet Susin Donna Wood Opinion Douglas Sankey Joy A. Sutton Dr. Robert W. Woodhouse, III Gregory Sansone Stephen and Loretta S. Swan Jacques Ya Deau Mary Anne Sansone Catherine Syrett Jack and Susan Yanovski In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, Jayesh Santhan John and Mary B. Taddiken Scott Young the financial position of NAMI as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, and the changes in its net George Schaefer, III and Molly McShane Matthew Taecker James and Katherine Zartman Michael and Wendy Schaefer Patricia Tager Reginald and Elaine Zelnik assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles Julie Schauer Gordon and Ellaine Tagge David Zimmer Peter Schildkraut Jessie Anne Tait Frank and Ann Zingheim generally accepted in the United States of America. Linda Beth Schilling Dr. Raymund R. Tan Suzanne Schimmel Darcy Taylor Yvonne Schipke Erin Taylor J. Tuerk Schlesinger Sabrina Temple Dr. James Schlesinger Louise P. Ten Eyck James Morton and Matthild Schneider Jonathan Teunis Kathleen Schoenecker Kim Thal Laurie Wier Scholl Alberta Thien Al and Marjorie Schultz Trudelle H. Thomas Gary H. and Angela L. Schwartz Mark Thompson Vienna, Virginia March 8, 2013 12 NAMI

Statements of Financial Position December 31, 2012 and 2011

2012 2011 Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,657,843 $ 2,465,158 Accounts receivable 572,808 1,139,953 Inventory 50,888 57,549 Investments 5,654,853 5,316,792 Prepaid expenses 289,591 276,144 Property and equipment, net 1,166,610 936,992 Deposits 46,900 46,900

Total assets $ 10,439,493 $ 10,239,488

Liabilities and Net Assets

Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 1,129,504 $ 1,089,901 Deferred revenue 70,155 135,978 Deferred rent and lease incentive 740,613 767,396 Charitable gift annuities 257,016 265,903

Total liabilities 2,197,288 2,259,178

Net Assets Unrestricted 5,187,239 4,629,555 Temporarily restricted 2,510,203 2,805,992 Permanently restricted 544,763 544,763

Total net assets 8,242,205 7,980,310

Total liabilities and net assets $ 10,439,493 $ 10,239,488


Statement of Activities For the Year Ended December 31, 2012

Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total Revenue and Support Contributions $ 4,752,070 $ 2,812,158 $ - $ 7,564,228 Walks 916,721 - - 916,721 Federal grants and contracts 645,873 - - 645,873 Registrations 358,271 - - 358,271 Dues 351,453 - - 351,453 Investment income 330,912 - - 330,912 Sales 165,939 - - 165,939 Other revenue 49,188 - - 49,188 Net assets released from restrictions: Satisfaction of program restrictions 1,597,947 (1,597,947) - - Satisfaction of time restrictions 1,510,000 (1,510,000) - -

Total revenue and support 10,678,374 (295,789) - 10,382,585

Expenses Program services: Program and membership support 4,925,220 - - 4,925,220 Education services 1,052,781 - - 1,052,781 Advocacy 1,717,430 - - 1,717,430

Total program services 7,695,431 - - 7,695,431

Supporting services: Administration 1,127,357 - - 1,127,357 Development 1,297,902 - - 1,297,902

Total supporting services 2,425,259 - - 2,425,259

Total expenses 10,120,690 - - 10,120,690

Change in Net Assets 557,684 (295,789) - 261,895

Net Assets, beginning of year 4,629,555 2,805,992 544,763 7,980,310

Net Assets, end of year $ 5,187,239 $ 2,510,203 $ 544,763 $ 8,242,205

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