
February 28, 2021



Saturday 4:30 PM

Sunday 6:00 AM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 3:00 PM Spanish

6:00 PM


Monday 8:00 AM

Tuesday 8:00 AM 6:30 PM

Wednesday 8:00 AM 12:05 PM

Thursday 8:00 AM 6:30 PM

Friday 6:00 AM 8:00 AM Readings

Saturday on pages 8:00 AM 6 & 7 Phone (812) 482-1805

1029 Kundek St Jasper, IN 47546

www. SaintJosephJasper .org

Welcome to Saint Joseph CENTER STAFF

Pastor Reverend Eugene Schmitt

Parochial Vicars - Associates Reverend Homero Rodriguez

Reverend Andrew Thomas

Community Life Jane Gehlhausen

Evangelization and Outreach Mike Hagerdon, PCL

Financial Coordinator Tammy Mehringer

Homebound and Bereavement Rose Rasche

Maintenance Patrick Gehlhausen

Spiritual Life Pam Freyberger, DRE, PCL

St. John Bosco Youth Ministry Jacqueline Ripberger.812-481-2442 RECONCILIATION

Parish Support Team

Joyce Vogler

Yesica Miranda - Latino Liaison Call 812-482-1805 or Email: Jan Kramer [email protected]

To request prayers or join the COMMISSION Wednesday 7:30 am till 8:00 am Mass prayer line. REPRESENTATIVES Thursday following 6:30 pm Mass

Van Ziegler…..…………..Parish Council Saturday 11:00 am till 12:00 Noon Prayer changes lives. Let us pray for you Mike and Patty Mills……...Community and by appointment Life or a loved one. Lynn Scheu…………..….Evangelization and Outreach Dan Fritch………………………….Finance Yesica Miranda………..Latino Ministry CONTACT US

Tracy Ihle .……….………....Spiritual Life 1029 Kundek Street ● Jasper, Indiana 47546

Phone: 812-482-1805 ● Fax: 812-482-1814 PARISH CENTER Website: BUSINESS HOURS

Facebook: St Joe Jasper Twitter: stjoejasper Mon - Friday: 8:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m. Email: [email protected]


We invite all to Worship, Pray, and Evangelize as we love and serve .

As we begin “Our Time” Capital Campaign for the planned repair, restore and preserve project for Saint Joseph Church, we will need much help from our parishioners. We need volun- teers to be team captains and team members who can contact other parishioners to help edu- cate them on our plans and seek pledges. Dan Fritch, chairperson of the Capital Cam- paign, along with several campaign captains will be asking people to assist them soon. I ask you to be open to giving some time to assist in this endeavor. Parishion- ers really stepped up to assist Dave Buehler in the fundraiser portion of the renovation of the Parish Center in early 2004. We will need a similar commitment to make this a success and I am completely con- fident that this will happen again. Volunteers are the life blood of a parish. Thanks for all you do to make Saint Joseph what it is today, a leader in the Jasper community. Please also make sure to take time to pray for the success of the Capital Campaign. of Gratefully, Please look for the Saint Joseph insert in the bulletin Father Eugene this weekend. March 19, 2021 • Friday

Thursday • March 18th WEATHER CANCELLATION of morning Mass when required. 6:30 pm • Vigil Mass When we are faced with adverse weather conditions, Saint Joseph has adopted the following policy. Friday • March 19th 6:00 & 8:00 am Mass times When the City of Jasper Offices and/or the Dubois County 3:00 pm Divine Mercy Court House is closed there will be no 8:00 am Mass that day. 6:00 pm Noon & evening Masses will be evaluated based on weather pro- gression during the day. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Remember we can not guarantee the parking lot and walk begins after Mass Thursday and contin- ues overnight and ends at midnight on ways will be clear and ask that you use great caution. Friday.


Saint Joseph and parishes invite you to our Seder Dinner led by Father Bill Traylor. Come learn about the roots of our Catholic faith in this Jewish tradition in a fun, relaxed, and safe envi- ronment. The meal is catered by Tim Flick. The menu includes roast- ed lamb, seasoned chicken breast, vegetables, mashed potatoes, and for dessert people can choose Ruth’s Red Velvet Cake or fruit sal- ad. We also serve ceremonial victuals such as haroset and matzah. Adults may choose red or white wine. Grape juice will be available.

We invite you to register a table with your family and friends. Tables seat 4-6 people. Spots are limited so don't wait! Each spot is $15 per adult, $8 for children ages 6-12, and children under 5 are free. Payment will be requested in advance. Checks should be payable to Holy Family Parish. All res- ervations will be handled by Holy Family Parish at 812-482-3076. The Seder Meal will be held on Palm Sunday, March 28, at 4:30 pm in Fellowship Hall at Holy Family. Doors open 10 minutes before.

Everyone will be temperature checked at the door. We hope to see you there!

EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP WHEN SACRIFICE even though there’s that nagging BECOMES MUNDANE voice in our minds saying: go ahead, God doesn’t really mind. It seems to happen every It’s a week when we all need year, like clockwork: we drag a a shock to the system — and bit, as we enter into the second wouldn’t you know it, this Sun- . FRIDAYS of LENT week of Lent. On Ash Wednes- day God gives us a double- day, we feel a bit like soldiers whammy of dramatic sacrificial 6:00 PM banging our shields, rushing into scenes. We picture Abraham, battle. “We’re ready, God!” our who also cried “Ready!” when March 5 Saint John Bosco hearts cry out. “Transform us God called, never imagining Youth Ministry through sacrifice! Your will be what He would ask: the surren- done!” der of his long-awaited son. We March 12 But by now, these Lenten see himself transfigured, Little Flowers resolutions are no longer novel- as God shows us what He is ties — they’ve joined the ranks ready to give up for love of us. March 19 of everyday inconveniences, Father Eugene We must remain committed, which somehow are the hardest persevering daily in acknowledg- to bear. Because transformation, March 26 ing that everything belongs to Knights of Columbus in real life, happens in inches, God. What we sacrifice, we just as a battle is won slowly in simply give back to Him. the crash of one sword against If God is for us, who can be - April 2 Noon and 6:30 PM another. It’s not always a dra- against us? Can we still reply, matic thing, to the naked eye. “Ready!” when we hear the call It’s the perseverance in prayer of God? despite weariness, or the contin- Supporting our ual denial of some pleasure — Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS ©LPi Sister Parish

THE FRIDAYS OF LENT There are envelopes available in the back of church or you can visit 6:00 am Mass if 6:00 pm Stations of the Cross you select “Support” there is a Good Friday - March 30 “Give Today” option, then select WEDNESDAY ADORATION “Haiti - Sister Parish in Port-de- Sunday - April 4 12:30 pm till 9:00 pm Paix” to provide assistance. Your Support

Time • Talent • Treasure

Direct Deposits/ On-line Giving $ 5,089.81 73 Contributors Collection for Feb 13/14 $ 7,431.00 147 Envelopes Amount Needed for Budget $ 21,323.40 Difference for the Sunday $(8,802.59)

Difference Year-to-Date $(39,225.20) Direct Deposits/ On-line Giving $ 2,368.61 42 Contributors Scan this Collection for Feb 20/21 $ 9,866.70 203 Envelopes QR Code Amount Needed for Budget $ 21,323.40 to support Difference for the Sunday $ (9,088.09) Saint Joseph

Difference Year-to-Date $(48,313.29) ——->


Call Jacqueline With Bosco

(812) 639-4227 or Please register with Bosco (812) 481-2442 Wednesdays Middle School 6:00 pm Email [email protected] High School 7:15 pm We are in need of multiple men saintjohnboscoyouthministry. If you are not or women to serve Saint Joe receiving emails please and our Priests. This volunteer opportunity can be one or more send your email address Serving the middle & high times per week. A Sacristan will to: [email protected] school youth of help prepare items needed for the Celebration of Mass and Saint Joseph, At Saint Joseph Parish maintain the Sacristy. Holy Family, We will build, share and learn about our Catholic faith and our If you would like to learn more Precious Blood & heritage in a caring and safe about this please contact a Saint Mary Ireland environment. Priest or Pam Freyberger PCL- DRE.

SUNDAY SCHOOL NOW IN SESSION Grades Pre K & K 2nd FLOOR OF PARISH CENTER Diocese of Evansville DURING 9:30 AM MASS Human Resources SIGN UP ANY TIME Director/Manager CALL PARISH CENTER Soul Core is a contemporary The successful candidate will be re- movement that pairs the prayers sponsible for all aspects of the dioce- of the with core strength- WTJW 93.1 FM san benefits plan; develop, maintain ening exercise. No fitness level CATHOLIC RADIO and continuously improve the dio- or experience required and no This Jasper radio station broad- cese’s comprehensive process for sign up necessary. All are wel- casts EWTN programming 24/7 hiring employees; oversee the com- come! For questions contact pensation system for diocesan- including such excellent programs Saint Joseph Parishioner, Cathy agency employees; develop and as The Son Rise Morning Show Knight at: maintain a performance-evaluation (Live) 6-8 AM with Anna Mitchell process; and serve as an advisor to [email protected]. and Matt Swaim and Take 2 with pastors and management team Classes are held Saturdays Jerry and Debby at Noon and members parishes, schools and oth- Catholic Answers Live from 4-6 er diocesan agencies. morning at 8:30 a.m. in the ac- tivity center. Use the back door PM-the #1 Catholic radio call-in More information can be found at: near 10th street school. Bring a show in the country. Please call fitness mat. us if we can be of service in an- nouncing your organization events, etc 812-556-0552. GIve SoulCORE us a listen on your next drive time. New time You might be pleased to learn something new about our wonder- 8:30 am ful Catholic faith.

Readings for Mass Page 6 from

Reading 1 Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 Reading 2 Rom 8:31b-34, God put Abraham to the test. Brothers and sisters: He called to him, “Abraham!” If God is for us, who can be against us? “Here I am!” he replied. He who did not spare his own Son Then God said: but handed him over for us all, “Take your son Isaac, your only one, whom you love, how will he not also give us everything else along with and go to the land of Moriah. him? There you shall offer him up as a holocaust Who will bring a charge against God’s chosen ones? on a height that I will point out to you.” It is God who acquits us, who will condemn? When they came to the place of which Christ it is who died—or, rather, was raised— God had told him, who also is at the right hand of God, Abraham built an altar there and arranged who indeed intercedes for us. the wood on it. Then he reached out and took the knife to slaughter his son. But the LORD’s messenger called to him from heaven, “Abraham, Abraham!” “Here I am!” he answered. “Do not lay your hand on the boy,” said the messenger. Responsorial Psalm “Do not do the least thing to him. Ps 116:10, 15, 16-17, 18-19 I know now how devoted you are to God, since you did not withhold from me your own beloved son.” R. I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. As Abraham looked about, I believed, even when I said, he spied a ram caught by its horns in the thicket. “I am greatly afflicted.” So he went and took the ram Precious in the eyes of the LORD and offered it up as a holocaust in place of his son. is the death of his faithful ones. Again the LORD’s messenger called to R. I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. Abraham from heaven and said: O LORD, I am your servant; “I swear by myself, declares the LORD, I am your servant, the son of your handmaid; that because you acted as you did you have loosed my bonds. in not withholding from me your beloved son, To you will I offer sacrifice of thanksgiving, and I will call upon the name of the LORD. I will bless you abundantly R. I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. and make your descendants as countless My vows to the LORD I will pay as the stars of the sky and the sands of the seashore; in the presence of all his people, your descendants shall take possession In the courts of the house of the LORD, of the gates of their enemies, in your midst, O . and in your descendants all the nations of the earth R. I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. shall find blessing— all this because you obeyed my command.”

Please return NAME In the collection

Basket or mail to Update Phone Saint Joseph Update Email 1029 Kundek St Jasper, IN 47546 Update Address

Verse Before the │ Cf. Mt 17:5

From the shining cloud the Father’s voice is heard: This is my beloved Son, listen to him.

Gospel │ Mark 9:2-10

Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, HOLY THURSDAY such as no fuller on earth could bleach them. April 1, 2021 (no 8:00 am Mass) Then Elijah appeared to them along with Moses, and they were conversing with Jesus. 6:30 pm Mass and Reconciliation following Then Peter said to Jesus in reply, GOOD FRIDAY “Rabbi, it is good that we are here! April 2, 2021 Let us make three tents: (no 8:00 am Mass) one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” Noon - Stations of the Cross He hardly knew what to say, they were so terrified. 3:00 pm - The Passion and Then a cloud came, casting a shadow over them; Reconciliation following from the cloud came a voice, 6:00 pm - Stations of the Cross “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” Suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone April 3, 2021 but Jesus alone with them. (no 8:00 am Mass)

9:00 pm -

As they were coming down from the mountain, EASTER SUNDAY he charged them not to relate what they had seen to anyone, April 4, 2021 except when the Son of Man had risen from the dead. Mass times: So they kept the matter to themselves, 6:00, 7:30, & 9:30 am 3:00 pm En Español questioning what rising from the dead meant. (no 6:00 pm Mass)

March 3 2:00 pm to 4:00 and then 5:00 pm to 8:00 ADDITIONAL March 10 2:00 pm to 4:00 OPPORTUNITIES March 17 2:00 pm to 4:00 and then 5:00 pm to 8:00 FOR March 24 2:00 pm to 4:00 and then 5:00 pm to 8:00 April 1 Following 6:30 pm Mass RECONCILIATION April 2 Following 3:00 pm Passion Service

GOSPEL MEDITATION - ENCOURAGE DEEPER ing and into something safer. Peter finally got the UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE grand tour of his new “digs,” received his own key, remarked how wonderful the place was, closed the February 28, 2021 door behind him when they left and never returned. He preferred his tent. No matter how much things 2nd Sunday of Lent changed on the outside, Peter was happy where he was. A poignant lesson was learned that day. A pregnant woman was walking in the store and How is your Lent going? By now you ought to met an old friend. Her friend exclaimed, “You are have a sense of whether you’re really “into it” this absolutely beaming!” The new life God placed in year and something transformational is happening. her womb radiated throughout her body. It was For many, it’s only the stuff on the outside that brightly visible on her face and in her eyes. Trans- changes for a few weeks and then they return to formation and change usually happen from the in- business as usual. For others, there are some real side out. It is very rare that simply imposing struc- inner changes happening that are deepening their ture from the outside does any good. Yes, it is true relationships with God, others, self, and creation. If that routines and habits can change when things we are serious about moving to a new place and are done differently. But, for this change to last radiating with the presence of new life and joy, there has to be an interior renewal and metamor- then we have to clear the way to listen for God’s phosis as well. Simply regulating behavior and call. Then, there is God’s request to change things bringing someone into conformity with accepted up a bit and order our lives differently. After realiz- protocols doesn’t mean their heart and soul come ing we have been called and given a mission, we with them. have to trust that this is where we need to be. And Peter was a homeless man who lived in a very then, after all of this hard work we are asked to act. remote and rudimentary tent community. He was The fruit that is revealed will indicate whether our happy to make his daily trip to McDonald’s and al- journey is authentic. The brilliance of conversion ways welcomed a gift card or two so that he could will begin to shine on our faces as we contemplate buy some coffee and something to eat. A generous the One to whom we are asked to listen. advocate worked to secure him an apartment in ©LPi hopes of moving Peter out of his makeshift hous-


MASS INTENTIONS PASTORAL NEEDS & PARISH MEETINGS Monday: March 1, 2021 Saturday: March 6, 2021 CAN BE SCHEDULED BY 8:00 AM ~ Diane Hasenour 8:00 AM ~ Larron James CONTACTING THE PARISH Tuesday: March 2, 2021 Luegers OFFICE - 812/482-1805. 8:00 AM ~ Joan Knies 4:30 PM ~ Donald L. Hopf 6:30 PM ~ Gilbert E. Schuetter Sunday: March 7, 2021 MASKS ARE REQUIRED Wednesday: March 3, 2021 6:00 AM ~ People of the Parish 8:00 AM ~ Charles “Jim” 7:30 AM ~ Ben, Jerome & John IN ALL PARISH BUILDINGS

Menner Sermersheim Walkers are welcome 12:05 PM ~ Robert & Ruth 9:30 AM ~ Ed & Theresa in the Activity Center (gym) Wendling Zoglman from 8:00 am till 5:00 pm 12:30/9:00 PM ~ Adoration 3:00 PM ~ en Espanol Monday—Friday Thursday: March 4, 2021 6:00 PM ~ , Betty & 8:00 AM ~ Bernard “Sonny” John Reynolds Please enter side door between 10th Street School and Kress the Parish Center. 6:30 PM ~ Mary E. Schmitt Friday: March 5, 2021 Masks are encouraged 6:00 AM ~ Mary Lee Humbert BANNS III but optional in the gym. 8:00 AM ~ Leo & Ruth Lampert Chandler Tinkle & Maximum persons based on and James Steinhart State’s color status. 6:00 PM ~ Stations of the Cross Ben Schmidt

March 2021 80 + BIRTHDAYS

March 2021

We salute everyone celebrating a 2 Bernita Berger ..... 81 Wedding Anniversary in March. 3 Bernie Messmer .. 82 5 Bernice Matheis .. 87 5 Dennis Moeller ... 92 6 Rose Bartley ...... 83 6 Ellie Eckstein ...... 82 6 Alfred Hopf ...... 86 HOLY 8 Eddie Kapp ...... 85 fish fry is set for PATRIOTIC Friday, March 5, ROSARY at East Campus (adjacent to Holy Family Catholic Church on Church HOLY FAMILY CHURCH Avenue in Jasper). Serving from 4:30 to sold out. The menu is fish, MARCH 7 German fries and slaw. Cost is $10 per plate. Proceeds benefits the HTCS General Fund. This year's event is drive SUNDAY -thru only (enter off Church Avenue). 7:00 PM

Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.


Linda Schroering Century 21 Schroering Realty 905 Main St. Jasper 40+ Years Experience • Professional & Knowledgeable 812-482-1144 Office • 812-482-6165 Residence [email protected] • 812-482-4787

310 Main St. • Jasper, IN 47546 Embroidery • Screen Printing Promotional Products 812-482-4464 Animal Medical Center of Dubois County, P.C. 1390 Crossroads Avenue FINANCIAL ADVISOR Jasper, IN 47546 Please call me when your next CD Charles R. Johnson, D.V.M. Lori H. Mehringer, D.V.M. comes due (812) 634-9752 Fax (812) 482-7293

Family providing Third Generation Schum Craig Hanneman dental services in Dentist Jasper for 65 years Monuments, Inc. 416 Jackson St. P.O. Box 430 We provide Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Dale, Indiana Jasper, IN 47546 Companionship • Assistance with Personal Care Housekeeping & Homemaking NEW PATIENTS WELCOME 937-4921 812-481-1035 T: 812.482.6610 812-817-3009 • 873 Third Ave Find us on Facebook, Google, Web Member SIPC

Gift Shop and Scholar Shop 200 Hill Drive Hwy. 231 S., Jasper St Meinrad IN, 47577 Contact Heather Benefiel • [email protected] •(800) 477-4574 x6464 Bring in church bulletin to receive 10% off purchase. For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Joseph, Jasper, IN C 4C 01-1414

Gina BOB LUEGERS Mehringer F.C. Tucker Emge REALTORS® C: 619.459.1805 1050 Wernsing Road • PO Box 787 [email protected] Jasper, IN 47546 BOBLUEGERS.COM James Schoenbachler Construction LLC. BEST FOR LE$$ Benet Hall Painting Services: Guaranteed Results Building and Remodeling Apartments Woodworking & more CROSBY & DRUMM QUALITY WORKMANSHIP 717 East 15th Street, Jasper, IN 47546 TRUCK EQUIP. & ACCESSORIES Interior AT REASONABLE PRICES Exterior Cell: (812) 630-2026 WELDING • FABRICATION P.O. Box 849, Jasper, IN 47547-0849 On the Campus of Srs of St Benedict Home: (812) 634-6130 365 11th Ave. Jasper, IN. 812-556-5011 Doug Schmitt owner (812) 482-9653 Spacious 2 Bedrooms serving 55+ All Your Home Improvement Needs! Gary & Marcia Schnell

“The Real Estate Team A Work of Saint Meinrad Archabbey You Can Count On” 800-987-7380 | (812) 631-3147 | Email: [email protected] STERNBERG Chrysler • Jeep CONSTRUCTION | Hoosier Business Machines, Inc. Hammering it out Since 1982 Ford • Dodge • Ram 205 E. 6th Street 812-482-9819 812-482-3736 4591 N. 550 W., Jasper, IN • 482-5956 482-5125 BRAD ECKERLE | PHIL BUEHLER (812) 634-6646 721 W. 13th Street Werner Sawmill Inc. Suite 322 GRADE LUMBER PALLET DIMENSION 3545 North 550 West • Jasper, IN 47546 Jasper, IN 47546 Kevin - Sawmill Manager (812) 634-9444 • Fax: (812) 482-4883 streaming worldwide at Tim - Timber Buyer Luke - Trucking Dept. Cell: 630-6354 Cell: 630-6356 812-556-0385 Ann B. Patterson M.D., PC

TV Holy Mass Sundays @ 11AM 101 Country FM 100.9 Country Roads w/Fr. Joe • Sunday Mornings@ 7:00 AM

WHOLESALE • RETAIL Becher-Kluesner CUSTOM Funeral Homes PROCESSING Downtown • North Chapel 3994 W. 180 N. 482-4141 482-7020 [email protected] MERKLEY & SONS PACKING CO., INC. L. H. Sturm Hdwe. Co. For All Those Hard To Find Items! PIEPER-BURNS INSURANCE AGENCY 516 Main Street Contact Heather Benefiel to place an ad today! On The Square since 1895 Auto • Life • Health • Home • Business 415 CLAY ST. [email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x6464 812-482-6506 JASPER 482-5151

Scott A. Beckman, M.D. Steven K. Hopf, M.D. Megan A. Isaacs, M.D. Farah Rivera Snyder, M.D. Kristin S. Werne, M.D. Lindsey J. Knepp, FNP-C 613 Dorbett St. • Jasper, IN 47546 Tara M. Knight, FNP-C 812-481-2229 • Fax 812-482-3993 Bethany J. Lubenow, PA-C Holly J. Zehr, FNP-C For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Joseph, Jasper, IN B 4C 01-1414 Laurel Seger Since 1875 Independent Sales Agent 902 A Main Street, Jasper, IN EATON MONUMENT CO., INC. 812-634-2207 Office Cheryl (Kellams) Sermersheim 812-634-9903 Fax 4727 W Division Road, Jasper, IN 47546 [email protected] 812.630.9891 [email protected] MEHRINGER METAL DESIGN, LLC Custom Powdercoating [email protected] Phone: 812.634.6100 Jasper Vincennes 606 W. 6th St. • Jasper, IN 47546 Fax: 812.634.6133 800-937-8721 800-264-0046 812-482-2766 919 E. 14th Street•Jasper, IN Office 812.482.5072 Hulsman ACCEPTING Electric Co., Inc. NEW PATIENTS! Electric Contractor Since 1946 Call today to schedule Telephone: 812-482-7090 4445 W. State Rd. 56 your appointment. 901 Newton Street, Jasper, IN 47546 Jasper, IN 47546 [email protected] 671 3rd Ave., Ste. D, Jasper 812-634-6425 292 W. Main St., DEBBIE K. ALLEN Petersburg 812-482-1300 812-354-8404 [email protected] 2408 Newton St. • Jasper, IN 47546-1326 Adults & Children Most Insurances Accepted CARPET WAREHOUSE “Quality you can stand on” 650 Woodlawn (off Hwy. 162) • Next to VUJC 505 Main Street • Jasper (812) 482-5692

“A Team You Can Trust” Your Local HVAC & Plumbing Company APARTMENTS 660 RUMBACH AVE • 482-5913 Come visit our LINDA R. GERBER, Property Mgr. 812-482-2466 • 2145 S St Rd 162 Jasper Affordable, Independent 482-1166 [email protected] Kitchen & Bath Showroom Senior Living Community

Chad Lueken, lutcf, fifc, Field Agent 812-630-6656 / [email protected]

Life Insurance • Disability Income Insurance Long-Term Care Insurance • Retirement Annuities

New Patients Welcome 812-556-6500

“Big or Small — We Service All” Hwy. 231 N. Jasper, IN 47546 • 812-482-2020 JASPER PEDIATRICS 721 W. 13th Street - Suite 321, Jasper, IN 47546 Phone: 812-996-7918 • Fax: 812-996-1644 “Caring for your children from birth to 23” Michael E. Ruff, M.D., F.A.A.P. Douglas A. Bies, M.D., F.A.A.P. Kathirene A. Wilcoxen M.D., F.A.A.P. Lindsey B. Taylor, M.D., F.A.A.P. Yvonne S. Rominger, RN, C.F.N.P. Allyson Mudd, RN, FNP, CPN Makenzie Betz, PA-C For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Joseph, Jasper, IN A 4C 01-1414