. 2-Thursdoy, March 29, 1973-SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADER SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADER-Thursdoy, March 29, 1973-3 Vietnam veterans to debate Jests, swim marathon reserved for the very yoftng High school pgpers children from 10 to 10:30 a.m., 500 N. J. math teachers and for the handicapped fn>m were represented amnesty for draft evaders parts of Y's health fair 9:30 to 10 a.m. Only Ihost \l The Democratic Advisory Committee of The pro-amnesty advocate will be a Newark Medical tests for plaque materials by scores of health and over may swim from II Springfield will stage a panel debate, pitting teacher', Edwin Selby, who saw action In control, oral -cancer, care agencies will fill the p.m. until 7 a.m. Other hojirs at national fneetirrg at Brearley conference two Vietnam veterans against each other on the Vietnam as a lieutenant In the Naval Air Force. glaucoma, syphilis and YWCA building. Admission to are open to all swimmers. More than 500 mathematics teachers at- of the Board of Education and the Regional question of amnesty for draft evaders and Selby 1B the New Jersey coordinator of Vietnam hypertension, as well as the fair is free and It is open to Among the hundreds of, high school tended the annual meeting of the Association of District. The Regional coordinator of military deserters, next Thursday, April 8, at Veterans against the War and a lieutenant in preventive vaccines for polio; 3jfe\vBpapers represented at the .49th convention "Mathematics Teachers of New Jersey on - mathematics, Joseph Sott, was commended for 8:30 p.m. at the National State Bank office at the Naval Reserve. He will replace John DPT, rubella and measles, ^Sfjhe Columbia Scholastic Press Association at Saturday at the David Brearley Regional High his efforts In arranging the annual meeting of the comer of Morris and Linden avenues in Penkalski, who was originally scheduled to will be available to those who Participants in the health -Columbia University on March 15-17, were the School, Kenilworth. the state's mathematics faculty. Springfield. The program will feature speakers participate In the debate but had to cancel attend the Summit YWCA's fair who want to see good rfour student newspapers of the Union County on the various aspects of conditional and un- because of conflicting engagements. health fair, scheduled for health in action may visit the The primary focus of the meeting was on the Stressing the importance of the development Regional High School District. individualization of mathematics instruction on conditional amnesty. A Democratic spokesman said the purpose of Saturday, April 7, from 10 pool area, where a swim ~Z {Dach of the four Regional high schools sent and re-evaluation of mathematics instruction Speaking in opposition to unconditional the forum "is to provide a' lively evening of a.m. to 4 p.m. The YWCA has marathon for swimmers of all • all three levels of education: elementary, in public education was Dr. Vincent Acquavlva, -flmr newspaper staff representatives and a junior high and high school. amnesty will be Ron Whishart, a former Intellectual exchange and well-tempered announced that anyone ages will be in progress. The ^faculty advisor to attend this student press consultant in mathematics for the New Jersey captain in the 199th Army Infantry Brigade and polemics. Moreover, the sponsors intend that needing transportation to 24-hour marathon will begin The program began with a general business Department of Education.' — 'convention. The program consisted of meeting presided over by Henry Peterson, a representative of Vietnam Veterans for a the dialogue will serve to enlighten everyone on attend the health care day on Friday, "April 6, at 6 p.m. -workshops and seminars which concentrated president of the association. The program's keynote speaker was Dr. Just Peace. While serving in Vietnam, Capt. the general subject of plvil disobedience and should call the YWCA at 273- ending on Saturday at 6 p.m. 'fln varied aspects of student publications." Dr. Donald Merachnik,. superintendent of Henry 0. Pollack of Bell Laboratories, who Whishart was twice decorated for bravery and the immediate, pressing problem of what to do 4242 to. arrange to be picked Each length a swimmer '~th addition, this gathering of high school schools of the Union County Regional High addressed himself to the question, "What Do was also awarded the Purple Heart. He is a with American expatriates who, now that the up. . completes will help earn funds— •journalists and faculty advisors provided an 'School District, greeted the educators on behalf You Mean By Applications of Mathematics?" captain In the New Jersey National Guard and war is nearly concluded, wish to return home A hearing van will be at the for the YWCA, to provide for "; exchange of ideas and techniques between works for the New York Daily News. but do not want to pay society's price for their YWCA's parking lot on scholarship aid and necessary student newspaper staffs throughout the United x actions. Prospect street where equipment in the health, 'States, according to a Regional spokesman. 'IXICUTIVBS- r«»d our w«nt AIU wnwt ninno "Hopefully, many specific questions will be audiographs will be given, The physical education and "Music from the 50s' dance «nploy«ei. Brag .aboul yountil tor only M.MI Call M*7700.

^.:*.*,*.^rv*^^^^^ l_ 7 IK

-Thursday, Morch 29, 1973 4-Thursday, March 29, 1973-SPRINOFIELD (NJ.) HEADER Herold named Editorial comment LETTERS-- Seeks equal rights Trustees name Wolcott whtch he wUl live u a mature, contributing To you and the people of Springfield this may One team i'know of plays . Tuesdays and new president very well teem unimportant, but to myself and Thursdays, while the boys play Mondays, adult. Psyciatric Clinic head THREE Rs Wednesdsys and Fridays. On another team, the We are very fortunate In having' the a few other caring individuals It 1B a very troublesome and frustrating matter. girls play from 3 o'clock to 4:30, boys from 4:30 Gaudineer School Media Center recognized by of United Way Roland L. Wolcott of Summit was elected Paul Weisman; Union, Samuel Pelosi; Recently, being a female student at Jonathan to 6. Why must Springfield be-so buckwuid and -the state of New Jersey ai one of the 13 out- Carl A. Herold was elected president of the: president of the board of trustees of the Union Westfield, Mrs. Moran and Winfield, Milton REVISITED standing media centers In the state. During the " Waldstein. . • Dayton High School, I tried out for the varsity male-oriented? As for a coach, there is one for United Way of Eastern Union County at the County Psychiatric Clinic at the organization's A new educational controversy (and also the only) tennis team our school the boys, there Is no fair reason why they can't past year, we have had over 40 educator* come eighth annual dinner meeting recently held at annual meeting in the Cranford Community Dr. Jay W. Fidler, who served' an cliulc surfaced last week at the Springfield offers to anyone Interested in playing com- hire a coach for the girls. to vlalt the media center, but stay-to see the the Galloping Hill Inn, Union. Center. He succeeds the Rev. Theodore medical director for 5'/^ years, was honored. He school In action. I could not help but detect a is how medical director of the Elizabeth petitively, regardless of sex. I was told the Competition is a key word in our society, a In introducing the new president, Fred C. Granberg of the Elmora Presbyterian Church. Board of Education meeting when note-of professional envy In what they saw. General Hospital Mental Health Center. coach picked names out of a hat and formed a word to be taught in school to girls as well as Schacfcr. retiring president, spoke of Herold's Wolcott was appointed assistant superinten- embattled parents arQse to protest Without the humanities approach, they would draw, from which we had to .eliminate ap- boys. It cannot be learned In noncompetitive affiliation with the Union Township United dent of Summit schools in 1963; in 1970 he His contribution to the clinic was lauded by not see an eighth grade girl sing and play her what they-termed deficiencies in the proximately 18 people to accommodate on the GAA programs that they have for girls ln ourj Fund. Herold has been on the board of the became director of instructional services. Rev. Granberg, who cited the growth lii original song written as an inspiration after educational program at the Florence ID-person team they were allowing for. school. -.-.,.• Eastern Union County United Way and for the iPrior to that he waB principal of Fox Lane services and in the quality of services by the reading, "Two Blocks Apart," nor could they Gaudineer School—long regarded as In the beginning this seemed fair to me; we Something must be done soon ln order for past three years served as assistant treasurer. School in Bedford, N.Y,, and for seven years clinic during his tenure. see a seventhgrader draw his interpretation of A report was made on a research project would practice, play some trail mutches, and If young girls to have the chance to become well- He Is past p'resldenUoLthe Union Board of was superintendent of schools in Wilton, Conn. the jewel of an outstanding school a slave ship following careful research, or conducted by volunteers under the direction of we lost three, we were out. Then on the first day rounded citizens. To excel in math, English, Education and the Exchange Club of Union. He He was a secondary schools principal in Wilton system. could they see the look of accomplishment and Dr. Fidler. It consisted of following up on 2Q0 of practice, which quite sadly turned out to be athletics, they should be given the chance to try Is treasurer of the Breeze Corporation. and Plainville, Conn., and Cabot, Vt. Before we all dash-off—to—the the only day, we were told we would be paired all things and decide for themselves—just as self-confidence on the face of a sixth grader A graduate of Middlebury College, he patients treated at the clinic to determine their who had participated In the.Aztec sun dance. I •Other oft leers elected were: vice-president ..reaction to their treatment. The report was pawnshop to hock our jewel, off, play one six-game set, and if we lost, that boys have done for centuries. for campaign, Carmine Liotta; vice-president received his master's degree from Boston would be it. . . Why .must we be deprived? I want the chance attribute this to the program in humanities University and his doctorate in education from made by the. volunteers who did the research, however, we need to look at the which has expanded the learning process from in charge of planning and budgeting, Andrew Mrs. Judy Jamison of Summit^Mrs^Baphne Is thiB fair? Why couldn't it have been at to compete in sports, not Just for me, but fof all H. Campbell; vice-president for government Harvard University. He also received a prnhlem ip context—in the con text pn. tnipnt B thp rmflnes of the classroom and rigid subject . f Loft of Wofitfiolri nr^ MT Si'map Oggnpd of sisteFS-who-i ugh uffulrs, Guuige Albanese; ' Ueasuier. Roar c°rti irntp in nrtvanr*^ ^tnHip*; frnm-HnrvnrA. of the entire child and his total talent being crippled by a male-oriented matter areas to the concept of totality and University. He is a native of Vermont. Warren. . _ out of three? And what would have happened if inquiry. Miller; assistant treasurer, John Cullen; development. two of our stronger players had been thrown society. secretary, Mrs. Nancy Collins, and general Other officers elected were: first vice-presi- He noted the opening of the new Community We deserve a chance. Yes,- parents, we do teach skills at , The central complaint is that the together early in4he draw? Somehow this did counsel, Ralph V. Manclnl. dent. Dr. George Jones of Westfield; second Mental Health Center in Elizabeth General EILEEN BASS Gaudineer. Un/orturiately, however, they are Hospital, a new office In Summit and a satellite not happen. Was it fate? Besides, a six-game Mrs. Mary Dryer received the social plan- vice-president, Gerhard Walsch of Garwood; humanities program, which seeks to 38 Janet lane not the simplistic skills that can be neatly office in Rahway, the latter in cooperation with set is barely enough time for any player to ning award for her work as chairman of the secretary, Mrs. James Moran of Westfield, and provide an education as a measured^by standardized[tests and "com- the Visiting Nurse Association. New sources of warm up, and so much pressure is built up that SCHOOL LIBRARIAN COMMENTS admtssions-Ttommittee, Special awards were treasurer, James Cerasa of Clark. coordinated whole, fails to teach, the pared" to someone elseTperlorroance. While I funding are being approached since these • it is extremely easy for nerves to take over Today, I helped a student contact the humane given to Carmine Liotta, Adrian O. Murray and Also elected were trustees representing basic skills of English mind and ability. am in perfect agreement that common Union County community committees: Cran- expansion moves have been at the initiative of society, and suggested to another that she call "touchstones" of correct usage, basic reading Fred C. Schaefer. Another matter which I feel has been ignored ford, Louis Avcry; Fonwood.Mrs. Robert the communities using these three offices. communication such as spelling and Nutley City Hall for information regarding dog skills and proper spelling are important to all Mrs: Betty McGhee, executive director of the and neglected far too long is the subject of glrft! Bender and Robert Klein; Linden, the basic grammar. pollution. A reproduction of the Dempsey-Firpo our Btudents, I do not feel that going back to New Jersey Association for Retarded Children, atheltics, tennis especially. True, only five girls Reverend Irvin. Hopkins and Mrs. Edward fight was sought by an eighth grader while teaching them In subject matter area Is the Union County Unit, presented a program en- As the recipient of an endless went out for our varsity team, but many, many Sloboda; Mountainside, the Reverend Elmer " releases—from someone else-listened to a recording of "I Am bl-allfmallve. I do feel that. o»r titled, "New Hope For The Retarded." Lou torrent "of press, more woUiatsaveif It had been u girls'" UJUIU, Woman." Another child was guided Into a MontoKo waa dluiiei chairman: —— Tpl™t': Nnrih PlninfiplH, Mrs Sylvin Nforirl; supposedly trained professionals and not a predominantly male'team. poetry index while still another was taught the direction, our thrust; our stimulation, our In-, Plainfield, Mrs. Charles Karkalits Jr.; KUHNEN TRAVEL and from local residents concerned Our society has implanted in their heads the distinctive feature of a Webster-.. dictionary. teractlon with students and among teachers, Rahway, Mrs. Dale Rice; Springfield, Mrs. about one activity or another, we .idea that it is not proper for girls to attempt to Someone wanted the address to the Bureau of will enable our pupils to live and cope in the 21a! St. James School ONE WEEK IN THE compete with their male counterparts. This is a Indian Affairs, ln order to send off his letter Century.- HEART OF EUROPE claim the title" of Springfield's properly, while still another was guided to a ANTOINETTE 1NGUAGGIATO ironmental education curriculum leading expert on - deficiencies in very sad but apparent factor in our school, Area school to get ('.iris do not realize their true potential. grammar book . to find the uses of the Librarian, Gandloeer School holds an open house From '227"" basic skills of English compositioiiT- Therefore they are frightened away from apostrophe. How grateful am I to those (and former English teacher) The administration and staff of St. James ' Perhaps the old system, with its developing their skills in the wide-open world of teachers who have broadened learning '.-' SEEKING A CHANGE Roman Catholic School, Springfield, held an proceeds of dance (INCLUDING AIR FARE!) drills and emphasis on so many rote athletics. horizons with the Inclusion of such relevant, I would like to thank Mr. Gold for the ac- open house and enrollment program for next written in Union shown at conference The Friends of the Summit Speech School Why is it we don't have a girls' varsity tennis thought-provoking assignments. curate report of the highlights of my wife's year's first graders on Tuesday and Wednes- will sponsor a spring benefit dinner-dance Bkills, did not quite reach all the comments and the comments of others, the Pollution Control Education Center in Murphy said that McGraw-Hill Publishing team? Except in exceptional cases, it is almost The child of today, who has spent 2,000 hours day for parishioners with children of school An innovative environmental education (•'0 is cooperating with the school system.and is Saturday, April 7 at Fidler's Elbow Country students exposed to it. Perhaps all regarding the Florence Gaudineer humanities presenting the program, because TC-RD The shiner ii known fact that girls are not able to compete per year watching television before he ever age. •curriculum for all grade levels, developed producing materials for grade levels 4, S, and C, Club in Bedminster. The affair will begin at 7 •the old grammarians who worked program, made at the meeting of the Board of Central recognizes the importance of teaching against boys and win consistently. They are enters the Springfield school system, must be Parents of children eligible to enter first under a federal grant by the Pollution Control which will be circulated on a nationwide basis. p.m., with a cocktail hour, followed by dinner, for centuries to squeeze _ English just not as strong, please note, I did not say taught the skills of discriminate listening and Education on March 19. From the very day the Education Center of Union Township public every student the problems of environmental dancing and entertainment. • grade next September had the opportunity \o pollution and whaLcan be done to preserve our The remaining grade level materials will be grammar into a Latin-based skilled or talented; I said strong. seeing. With so many choices at his disposal, he Leader arrived at the home of subscribers observe the students at work. Sister Alexand- schools, was unveiled last week at Montclalr uVcxluccd in limited quantities by the Pollution .-ProceedsTof the event will go to the school, a It is true our school does have a girls' varsity must be taught the skills of selectivity as well '(Thursday), we have received many phone State College during an education conference air, water and natural resources." non-profit independent agency which serves . Btructure where it was never rine, school principal and Sister Regis, first " Charles Murphy, principal of Battle H1U Control Education Center for distribution LIBRARY j^bnsketball team, but why must we stop at that? as those skills which will enable him to cope calls. grade teacher, wcro available to answer for nnrthpm NPW Jersey educators. locally and nationwide. > small children having hearing and speech cocoini f or ppy II did tremendously well, and I feel our girls' with the Increased leisure time predicated for -Parents-have-beetHsalling-anr] tflling un Unit . Thf rnnfprynrp, designed to promote the School, who rijrwipri the development of the curriculum, said that the program will receive —disabilities. 'swept a few students under the rug. tennis could do just as well if our school got our future citizens. their experience has been the same and that Parents who were unable to attend the open teaching of environmental education, was The morning session included presentations Tickets are priced at $25 a couple - $35 for On the reservation behind it and gave it some support, It is incomprehensible that any parent would they too were unable to bring forth any change presented by the Pollution Control Education national exposure when it is officially by Houstan G. Elam, dean, School of * • And perhaps the old ways tended house may enroll their children by calling the presented in April at the National Science those who wish to lend their names as patrons. Why are girls in our school given so little want the same education for his eighth grader or satisfaction from the administration of the school office, 3765194. Center and the TB-Resplratory Disease Professional Arts and Sciences, Montclair They may be obtained by contacting the dance •to inhibit too many youngsters from Gaudineer Junior High School. Association of Central New Jersey In Teachers~Conventioh in Detroit. Stale College; Murphy, who outlined the However, she quotes the moderates who support materially and mentally In the area of as his brother or sister had some five years chairman,-James Donovan, 106 Midland blvd., •expressing themselves fully in these BY IIOSEP. SIMON ' Most have asked what they should do. The cooperation with Montclalr State College. The curriculum spans the entire environ- cirriculum; Clifford Knapp, environmental speak out for autonomy, equal household sports? We get nothing in comparison to the ago. This would hardly suffice for the eighth Maplewood. Further information is available The Springfield Library lists the following answer is very simple, although the per- More than 100 educators from schools In mental spectrum; air pollution, water pollu- education director, Ridgewood Public Schools, formative years when they should be responsibilities and either fulltime daycare boys. In this area It is as If they are gods and we graders of today. Statistics indicate that Sayles optimistic by calling 762-4968 or 762-0704. titles among the recently received books. formance Is more difficult. Contact the Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Monmouth, Morris tion, urban pollution, marine pollution, solid and Mrs. Patricia McCutchcon, production "exploding out into all the realms of centers or communal living. The author fears are mere mortals. Something must be done to knowledge Is doubling itself every five years. J -o-o- superintendent uf schools and make your Passalc and Union counties attended—the waste management and wildlife and natural coordinator-of the Pollution Control Education liuman knowledge, not walling that the erosion of sex differences will not bring correct this serious defect, and even out this No longer can schools afford to teach anar- thoughts known to him. In addition, you must day-long session. resources. Also included are teacher guides, Center. FOR RESERVATIONS AND • PORTRAIT OF A TYPICAL NAVAHO self-fulfillment and happiness but .wjll unfair favoritism. " bltrarily selected sacred body of knowledge to "ofrSefto's future To Publicity Chairmen: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION themselves in with rules and come to the board meetings and make your textbooks and a series of experiments Workshop sessions highlighted the afternoon CALL: "The Fifth World of Forster Bennett;'^ by ultimately result in "the denial of life itself." They tell us they are In need of facilities and a the exclusion of subject matter of the very Thomas D. Sayles Jr., president of the Miss Katharine D. Cass of Union, a member •structures. Vincent Crapanzano. This book is the result of views known to these elected representatives. of TB-RD Central's board of directors, said that applicable,for classroom use at each grade segment of the program, during which time the Would you Ukq some help ~o-o- coach" We could very easily accommodate, as recent past. We must include those skills which ..." Summit and Elizabeth Trust Co.. told a recent — Certainly young people should an East Coast anthropologist's decision to The obvious short-changing of our children the Association was "pleased to cooperate with level. • — • participants discussed curriculum Integration' TRAVEL I LAST POEMS •other teams in "New Jersey seem to have done. will make him a better citizen in the century 'n meeting of stockholders that he was "most in preparing—newspaper re- opend a nummor o" ° Nn»nhn rn^prvntinn The u,iih ^.H.M in lhi> lurk of English classes in related to their area of responsibility in their KUHNEN I Kir jearntb-exprcsg -themselves-clearly "Winter Trees," By—SytvBT -Pluth: This ——encouraged" by-the-banlt's-reauHg-in-the-tiMt— Fifth "World" refers to the belief that the basic concepts warrants your attendance and "ri'sp'ecirve^scHool syslems. >GS.? Write—fee—thio nowo- ^jid concisely. But this goal like so collection olf 24 poems and a radio play was two months of the year. «44 STUVVESANT AVE. Navahos have already progressed from the paper and ask for our "Tips UNION CENTER . MU7-8J20 much in education becomes a matter written during the last year of Sylvia Plath's persistence. ~ Speaking at the Institution's annual meeting four previous worlds to this last and best one of on Submitting News re- life. Many of the poems reveal the sensitive MARTIN SHERMAN ',' held in thejnoin office In Summit. Sayles said: Open books on finances, of priorities. Which is more all. The introduction traces their migration spirit of the young woman whose suicide ter- Offstreet parking - 23 So. Derby rd. "While I'm not making an exact forecast, leases." 'important for seventh or eighth from northwest Canada down to Utah, Arizona Klein HQ opens minated a career marked by a beautiful, • AN EXCELLENTJllHL- based on the results of the first two months, we andNew Mexico, noting the influences of the •gVaders, knowledge or structure? original talent. We seem to be having problems In.finding a says "stop ahead." Big deal! Everyone knows I was very disturbed by the criticism ' are most encouraged." The school administration last Pueblos and the Spanish on the economy and fnir solution to the parking situation on that there is a stop sign—the whole problem is headlined in your paper today against 1 The banker also reported that "carly_ county Dems urge GQP in county tonight culture. This is followed by a review of the The longea tpoeminthisamall book is a radio play for thr<« voices—a first and only attempt Mountain avenue south of Hillside avenue. The what tod o after you stop. At rush hours witn Gaudineer School. indications'arc that Setco's withdrawal from Apn Kleins Union^eounty campaign for the year went through a long and hostilities betwen them and the U.S. govern- 8n Onion County Democratic Chairman ..period, of, June.to, Noye,ra,ber- ,),!... at dramatic: writing. It is entitled ^Threc businessmen who bought and have run their two lanes of traffic coming in both directions, I have a daughter who will be graduating 'tho Federal Reserve Bank system is producing I)«m'6c'ratic nomination for Governor will detailed series ••of studies which ment which, finally established the Navaho turning every which way; and not using turn , from Gaudirieer in June and I could not begin to "'•the improvements anticipated''The board, Christopher Dietz this week' called for full "Only complete disclosure--a pol l Women" and It expresses their thoughts und stores with parking'•permitted for their •''6rt!cia,Uy begin tonight with the opening of, finally came up with a set of specific reservation. ' v indicators, one can not possibly negotiate that and above-board; financing - will (rein,, to feelings as they lie in, a maternity vj$rd. ' customers now find that such parking Is no tell what this school has done tor her. Carol! has '''"after thorough review and analysis, approved disclosure of financing for both political par- iiWon' County Ann Klein for—Governor In his daily journal, Crapanzano writes about crossing, let along merge'wlth traffic , -Hhe withdrawal which became effective Jan. 17... remove the specter of corruption which has goals for the local system. The Though some pieces do not seem to' be qivite',' longer allowed. On the other hand, the parking had excellent teachers and has had a variety of Ues _'..._ headquarters. the missle-aged Forster Bennett, who lie 1973." Sayles told the stockholders that "this clouded the political scene too long. , program was well publicized and finished, others are perfectly fashioned. Sylvia was banned because of the dangers involved to A light (hat is properly timed would greatly subjects, including spelling, grammar and "We will, request the Union County The headquarters, at 431 W. North ave., OLD CAR DRIVING considers is a typical Navaho. As the author motorists and pedestrians. alleviate the hassle. In addition, I would like to English. She has matured considerably and 1 actibn now allows us to more profitably utilize Prosecutor to review our books at least once Westfield, will open its doors at 7:30 p.m. to a enlisted the aid of many interested Plath has been acclaimed an excellent poet - ' our cash items in addition to certain improved "Full disclosure multiplies bookkeeping unfolds his attempts to understand and be- Even now a hazardous situation exists daily see the town couhcllmen explain to the public credit that to the excellent teachers she has each year...we'Vould hope the GOP will follow crowd of prominent Democrats and and excited citizens. even a genius. , operating systems." enormously," he noted, "but it is a cornerstone friend Bennett, we learn about the Navaho across the street from 717 through 721 Mountain all the work that they have done in the last 10 had...... suit," Dietz said. Democratic elected officials from Union tradition, family and clan relationship, their -O--O-- ' years concerning this light, for I really got a of our Democratic Party's 'New Day,' which is If ever there was a time to press HOW TO RAISE WOLVES avenue. Cars and trucks park and block the True, things are done differently than when I ~* TsTTTTBun—af~the—ctiangdE* the senior "Needless to say the Democratic Party's giving peoples guarantee that government will County as well as supporters from the county chuckle out of that Leader picture caption a 1 for goals directly related to the vices and virtues, the Navaho v.s. Christian view of drivers coming out of Hillside, Mapes went to school but'things are changing all regulatory agency of the Summit and Elizabeth financial records are always open to the and throughout the state.1* religions and the.limited opportunities offered " The Jewish-Japanese Sex and Cook Book week ago. I know red tape is difficult to com- be open and honest," ' ' material being taught, this was it. As and Kipling avenues. This could cause serious around us and. we have come to accept these ' Trust Co. will be the Federal Deposit Insurance prosecutor," he added, "but we are for the first The ceremonies will include a statement by by our government. and How to liaise Wolves," by Jack Douglas. bat, but a unified council backed by a unified Jack Douglas, gag-writer for several accidents. changes. I did not understand the study of -L'jCorp. along with the New Jersey Department of time calling for expanded review — not just . The chairman said th,e_. party's Campaign Assemblywoman Klein and a brief press a participant in a small way in this town would have no problems. Any replies are 1 "HMD? -o-o- prominent comedians, married to Reiko. a Last year, some members of the Township humanities when Carol first started in Banking. Setco deposits will continue to be money collected during the brief campaign Review Committee, for. instance, will require conference. Mrs. Klein is scheduled to an- program, we heard nothing of what ANTI-WOMEN'SUB certainly welcome. 1 Japanese girl, has always had a flair for the Committee suggested 15-minutc parking in Gaudineer but it was explained to the parent* Insured by the FD1C. --....-•/ candidates to pledge to comply with laws on nounce the appointment of her Union County "The New Chastity and Other Arguments may well be a widespread movement unusual. This book begins in northwest Con- front of the stores in this area. This would be EDWARD C. PARISH at meetings. ______campaign spending and, on a continuing basis, campaign coordinator. Against Women's Liberation," by Midgo lMMapcsave. — of discontent. a necticut, with the Douglas family (two sons, hard to enforce. I have been more than satisfied with the demonstrate financial integrity and freedom ' Union County headquarters operations will Calm Down, Dectcr Five or six years after the publication two dogs and a -mountain lion) living in a lovaly— -• May I suggest that the town purchase the lot .. educational methods at .Gaudineer and am from conflict of interest. include canvassing wbrkers,-coordlnating_ . -At-any rate, what ia past cannot of Betty"Frlcdah'si "FemininerMystique," its" 1 Fire science progrqni old house after having spent three yearB in the next to the Mountain Spring Bakery, which •ACLE/VNERTOWN ' thankful for all the teachers who are doing such county volunteers, conducting the petition be changed. The problem now is •message became the chief topic of con- "Persons seeking elective office who refuse wilds of Canada. could be expanded and used for offstreet I am writing this letter about the pollution an excellent job. They are to be congratulated drive, distributing literature, handling moil- what, if any, action the school board versation among Women Liberationism. They problem in Springfield. I know it's not very to live up to these standards shouldn't be Brighten Up! Jack, a great -lover nf'... animals- and a., parking. The police could then make onstreet for the work they are doing with the children. receives sfafe approval standard bearers of the Democratic Party," ings and serving as an information bank for and administration should take in resented their role as-mere housewiyes and bad, but people should still try tod o something college consortium, the fire naturalist, linds himself the owner of a young - -parking illegal. I think this plan would prevent I cannot speak for anyone else but I can most A fire science technology Dietz asserted people interested in Ann Klein's campaign. attacked male supremacy as the ingrained about it. science program is designed response to last week's complaints. wolf, much to the discomfiture of Relko, who some accidents in the future and would be of certainly say that when I see what my daughter program developed by a "attitude*ora~societjrwhlchrrobbed-women of- Something should be, done about all the to provide better education Persons interested In information or in We might add, parenthetically,- not only fears it, but is disturbed by its help to the businessmen. has learned, these teachers certainly must be consortium of Union College, "For too long government's failure to enact Steer Here for! freedom and denied them equal opportunities papers, bottles and cans being dropped in the and more' professionally working with the campaign volunteer that disputes and resentment destructive habits. Soon Wolf settles down as ~ BRIAN BAUMRIND doing something right! I, for one, am thankful Union County Technical strict legislation to guarantee the integrity of with men. stream near the high school and Ruby Park. trained personnel for careers organization can call the new county part of the familyvbut with the passage of time, 71 Kipling ave. for them!_ Institute and Somerset County. the political system has been an excuse for between the Gaudineer School and Mrs. Decter concedes that there are in- The town should have more garbage cans in the- related to fire prevention and headquarters at 654-5750. Jack realizes that Wolf should eventually be set" ~ ~" DOROTHY LAWYER College has been approved by doing nothing," he said. "The Democratic a Loan•••••••• the Regional high school staff have, justices, but denies that women lack freedom to parks since baseball season is coming up. Last control in Union and Somerset free in the wilderness. The rest of the story is a 30 Center st. the State Board of Higher Party in Union County will wait no longer - we been steadily diminishing under new make important choices. She discusses the CORNER TRAFFIC year in Ruby Park there were no garbage cans Education. It will be offered in counties. are setting rigid standards and expect our GOP , new sexual morality, which involves views on humorous account of finding a mate for Wolf, Home again for spring recess and what's and people threw their garbage all over the SCHOOL BOARD'8'OBLIGATION' Group being organized administrations in both school the birth of the pups, the decision to return to A» parents of achUd in the elgMh grade in the September. The program provides for counterparts to do the same. • marriage and motherhood. She condemns the new-just the sad prediction of three months grass and field. students to take academic — systenw^-Botli-have-the-same-basic their Cnnnclian retreat and what occurred when 1 n 1||||p Florence Gaudineer School, we weVe present at The first such program to be "Full disclosure is a good start but unJ to aid ostomy patients ~~exTfeml8tS wliu—advocate—the—abolition—of_ ngn Tn pnmire proper saferv. a light must be I think pero'f ^^"^l '^ «*»"i mow about LONG U*M UAUHti courses In their home county their odd. assortment of ecology friends The Board of Education meettng-on-MHrdr-ttr SUMMIT developed by a cgmmunlty. -fortunately It's Hot enough. IfrwonH-stopefforts- goal—educating our children today marriage and who recommend test-tube installed on (he corner of Hillside and Mountain the pollution problem in Springfield. If we all 1-MfrMOBRICAVB. colleges and technical courses dropped in on them. We are ln complete agreement with Mrs. to buy favors under the guise of campaign to face the world of tomorrow. babies. avenues. Sure,you people who do not live In the care we will have a cleaner, safer town. at Union County Technical of Union County residents who have undergone Sherman's statements about the methods being contributions. Shop For Your Car AND Certainly, if there are deficiencies area can not understand the need for one. Some NANCY MEIERDIERCK Institute, Scotch Plain*, Those— Ostomy operations. day when you have some free time, oh let's say URoseave. used to teach the humanities program. who complete the two -year A meeting will be held Monday evening at 8 '/,* Shop by comparing in the Gaudineer curriculum they , around 4:30 or 5 in the afternoon, try crossing We disagree completely with Mr. Brown's "The only way to cripple this insidious form program will be eligible to flt gl2 wegtmjnster ave. Elizabeth, to organize • should be. corrected. But we must It does rain in California-- Mountain avenuo via Hillside-avenue. __J_ comments about Mrs. Sherman being vtn- of corruption is to encourage a dramatic in- ^ ^^h will provide self-help Our LOW BANK RATESIIl receive anassociatejri applied- groupi Offstreet parking is not the solution, either. I agree with youFTdeaTb «topThe'Sirioltlngw crease in the numbers of citizens making. not, and thejbqard wijl not, let the science degree, renabiiitation^programs..for istomates. -Whether-a—15-minute-^Umit-te-euforced-or_ school buses. I ride on smoky public buBerwitrr opposed to the method is proof that there is a contributions to the parties and candidates of worries of a group "of • parents, - The Board of Higher AddUional Information may be obtained by AMOUNT 36 MONTHLY TOTAL TOTAL meters are installed on street parking, the high (tchool kids in the. morning. If I ask problem existing In-the-school;| andI parent their choice," he said, "or consider realistic - Education also approved a c^nig-lhe" American Cancer Society at 354- YOU RECEIVE" REPAYMENTS INTEREST NOTE however- legitimate,- substitute for just don t~believe iff" problem won't be solved. It all stems from the someone to put out their dgaretor operriheta- • cannot always be accused of being eiuuUiiWtr"" public financing of election campaigns. two-year inhalation therapy 7373or232^)641." the full evaluation- which_can_conie .ylnrinw.l'llhetoldtoget lost or perhaps risk q when their children are involved. finnn $149.84- $1,149.84. fact that it is impossible to see Uie4raffic- course to be offered at Union Ml 94 coming, if, in addlUonJo local obstructions, ymr ..punch In^hejineuuVJ...^^: ..... We also take exception to Or. Baruchin's only-from a trained: professional in . That's how our umbrella looks, but I can't County—Technical Institute, _ $47.91. $224.76 $1,724.76 —' ByAIMNlUJDV . have tow trucks, diesel cemehtmixers, and the ^TBTf nnthlngpf or any other (eld can do.- remarks about the rriHrimi «* tha-flaudlneer • • $1,500 an area calling for_ professional A understand why because nobody ever carrie: starting fit: .S^ptsmberjSe^. - I rlnn triire-h0w well^rff they-may be In other rEdtthldasaarullng— ^admtaStratroorNo-personor-systom-ls-evwc FASHIONS for the Junior, Petite & Ti $27299.68- " it. Uke otter Californians, we don't belleveTi ^llTirl^„ . . , ^ . program Is designed to meet Dr. Dgnc>yan $2,000 M3.8B - $299:68 expertise. -•-.—- -_ _• ways, California™rare underprivileged when it saying thatif jhusdriver smells clgaret smoke above reproach. rain. If nray~cornc~down; it may flood gutted 'parked on the side oQiountara avenue existing and projected.needs $449.88 $3,449.88 The -people of~~Springfield hav_e comes to rain."Downright disadvantaged. : ~"JJ000 $?5,83 and splatter newly washed windows, but we compound the situation.-._—-: •; --—-— on the bus he should stop and throw the person _ The cutoff of.-open questions from the floor at •for—inhalation— —therapy—•• Because, although a family might have two ; $599:72 $4,599.72 k>ng and-rightly been proud of our refuse to believe. -•.-•.--—-- -•- ——?Belng~away.from home for ajveek at a. off. '•:•••" io pm. in our o^BTori, Was premature.-Jlany technicians. It wlU be offered M,000 ..._ :_. • S12Z.ZZ.. _;:.;.i: cars, three televisions and enough bathroom? i ~reputatidn~"as a lighthouse school We walk '-around without -overshoes - and— a treteh, lean sec the vast progress that the pareW'were not given the opportunity to ex- ln conjunction with a physical "Dr. Alberlr-er-Bonovanr u^ $5,000 . $159.72 $749.92 $5,749192 so everybody can brush his teeth in privacy, sometimes even without shoes in water up to town Is making at the Intersection-one sign Florence Gaudlneer School press their-views on this very Important LIVE member of the Union College district, one which leads the way for I'MallM) therapy assistant program chancesare they don't have an umbrella. Or if our tibias. Kids gojsolicitlng newspaper sub- matter. ••".'.. Board of Trustees-, has been Easter Parade ANNUAL PERCBNTAOC I1ATB t.n%'~ others. approved by the board earlier, Cr«dltLlltlniurinctl»»Hp«v«ll«bl.«l«»m«ll«ciilHkjii»IC04l.. they do, it looks as if it had been carried scriptions in IL^women get their hair done and The overall feeling Is that if so- great a this year. appointed to the Curriculum The only way- to retain that through monsoons since, 1692., walk to theifftars in it and fashionable men who number of our children are being shortchanged LOBSTER Coordinating Committee for Abow*( Mali* IIKIUO: ft THMM ult. ivind (ctrak. Onlyf )o «R* drr» I7.a M enviable status is to remedy any luiuuuuuiiiiumuiiiiuiuiiiuiniiiiiiiiimiiuiiuiiiiiiiuiuuiiniiiiiuiiiiii wear planter's hats in the sun-shine go bare- by this seemingly experimental program, then pottto, vtfttabl* ana not rail* with i New Jersey's Community'. To Junior Village Til weaknesses, which might develop, headed in/ll. IN P^ST TENSE it Is the obligation of the Board ot Education to Party scheduled Colleges. . SERVICL not to turn oiir backs on tomorrow We are UiEimayed when a puddle turns out to Investigate.this matter further to see what LOBSTER LUSCIOUS . Dr. Donovan replaces Dr. ...and see a,full selection .HANK. because thentre cloudy skies today, "be wet. Nobody ever buys a raincoat anymore total effect this program is having on our for college fund Albert E. Meder Jr., chair- ot pant and skirt suits. 1 than they check to see if the San Andreas Fault, , .'* I ONE YEAR AGO . . more vigorous role in civic affairs" by the children. STEAMERS man, of the. Educational' Mlyand match your own INSURED BY F,D.I.C TO $20,00g_ In addii to our board of TAILS A dessert and card party lies under their patio. • . NEIL PRAGERj defeated Democratic, Chamber... JAMES "MAVERiqiC." GARNER MR. AND MBS. ALFRED B. STADLER Policies Committee of Union thlnfl from pur coordinate education, e have staffed our 8 tSTookerava. will be held on Wednesday, College's Board of Trustees, candidate for Township Commltteeman, ad- -stars In V.Darby' .Rangers"' at one local CLAMS ON orouplngsv KING April U, at % p.m. at< Mother who resigned. school wi dministrators whose dresses the governing body on the need ior theater, while another features RAY OBJECTS TO LABEL ' SHELL Seton Regional High School, Tne Curriculum Coor-i, THF UNION goal is rea ng the full potential establishment of a summer day camp at the ROBINSTON-CAUMEN BASILIO fight , Today's generation is "turned oH" because it CRAB LEGS ny YY««r« » of Community Clark. This Is the annual dlnatlng ' Committee Is lct WO-I»J>" nild possesses. No one School lunches Municipal Swimming Pflol... Overlook Hospital plcutres...... ' ...••.•••, is accused of many \things. I, as an eighth •trel every singl scholarship benefit sponsored responsible for reviewing CENTER 41 Mountain av«.. SprlngfUld, M.J.OTOtl announces it hopes to set up within the year, a . • • • • _••••• • , -o-o- • r_^ :— possibly, will work for grader at Gaudineer, am very offended by the by the Union County Chapter MAI FM.EVO -4PM.|O8P.M. method, qu comprehensive .drug treatment and • 35 YEARS AGO • county college.curriculum Mot\trmir"M 9AM • . P«IOM1 m-7700 accusation that • eighth graders are . using JUWBQ SHRIMP of the Alumnae Association of all. . FLORENCE GAUDINEER SCHOOL rehabilitation center for ambulatory patients to .,. Because of protests from- parents, the proposals and, for, recom- .NATIONAL* marijuana;. • • • i • . • the Collegeof Saint Elizabeth. But we owe it to ourselves, and Sicvul CI»M Poilag* Paltf «t lprin»ll«W, N.J Monday, April 2—Juice, -frankfurter, ' mee• t the drug problem in the*rea-r.-Township Springfield Board of Education rescinds* its ^lmg.,i»!wi._Kjtdl E v A •, "it is unfair to ssy ''eighth graders-,"- which publlttwd wc'••' emergency.] ,: ! , i of uviuitry tome«t withtbw and plan for "a ; .Summit and Mountainside, •

••..i..1.,' SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADER-Thursday, March 29, 1973-7 6-Thursday, March 29, 1973-SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADER Superintendent • 'i ••' "i- li • (eontlnu«Mronrpagt-1) More teams Local school Spokesman summarizes three and almost four years above grade level. -t»" •:,.- r joining field IZ3O**™" KTTmfi' that vte've^lxm^ex- RaDidmfin800 traordlnarlly successful with such a youngster. It will be a family affalr- A reference was made to IPI math, yet the the Hennlngers of Avenel—for ELECTRONIC thinking behind humanities curriculum eighth grade boy tested 12.1 grade equivalent the Burry Biscuit team in the and in the 99th percentile." $50,000 Echo Lanes-Cadillac Some of the concepts underlying the subjects, Into a unified plan of instruction built where acceptance of each-other would promote •^0-0- Handicap Bowling Tour- CALCULATOR humanities program at the Florence Gaudlneer around central' themes. Parents last week and. share man's similarities rather than ad- THE SUPERINTENDENT cited the com- nament, which gets under way School, which draw criticism from som,e raised objections that the program, instituted vance his differences. ~r^" mon question, "Isn't factual knowledge im- ;< April 21 at the Rt. 22 lanes in ' parents at last week's Springfield Board of over the past seyeral years, has neglected "We have a dream that each person Is an portant?" " 2" Mountainside. . „ '.Education meeting, were outlined in a some of the basic skills in English composition. individual with separate talents, needs, and He replied, "Sure it Is. But the Bible told us Fred Hennlnger Sr., a Hot H dipit r**-1out...«ddt, - Statement luued this week by a spokesman for The statement explaining the humanitltes Interests, that demand nurturing, long ago that 'wisdom gives life to knowledge' regular in the past .14 Echo tubt'AcU, multiplies and divides. program declared: ' strengthening, and encouraging. And .there are many higher level mental Block ptBttic c«>«, wairjhi only 7 the school system. Lanes events, will have three OX,I Opnltt on 9 woli ba I tar 1*1 The humanities program combines English "We have a dream that we could create a processes for which we teach. '"„ sons as his mates, in the five- LET US FILL or AC •daplor. ^ and social studies classes, as well as some of WE HAVE A DREAM that is deeply rooted humaneness wherein contributions of the past "We try to help youngsters to comprehend, . man, doubles and singles the areas covered in art, music and other in the American dream of equality for all, would be studied, and this greatness would give that is, to translate, Interpret, and project from competition for tile $6,500 direction and stability to the unknown future. bits of knowledge. Can they apply thilr Cadillac Calais coupe which Aluminum Foil "We have, a dream that we could develop knowledge and analyze the element? and,in- will go to the kegjer who rolls YOUR 12^25 Ft. thinking students who would learn to make terrelationships? - ~ the highesl-lhree-ga'me gross wise judgments which are incredibly forced "Finally, our efforts seek to have them score in the tournament. upon them by our very way of life, and that synthesize" what they have-learned and form Joining up with the senior each student could achieve his individual some sort of evaluation fom it. GUEST EXPERTS — Dr. Stan Newman, a veterinarian, and hit''dog Coco visited ... recently with JoAnn Neuman's three second.grade science classes at Springfield, Hennlnger, a 193-average NEXT -promise,- :—=2l "This step-by-atep sequence of higher level bowler, will be 29-year-old Thnlmn Snnrfmal«j._S/-hrvil IV N.wmrm l.rl n f)l«ru««l^n nt hnmnn hnriy fnnrtlnqn . "We.have a dream that each child: could mi has "been-developed by twins, Jos and'Frtd Jr., and master learning through his unique style, and group of psychologists and Is generally known and compared them to those Coco and other animals. Dr. Newman is the father of 38-yesr-old Bob. Fred Jr. ESCRIPTION eaoh teacher would share the teaching-learning as Bloom's 'Taxonomy of Educational . Scott Newman, a second grade student at Sandmaler School.' averages 1B3; Bob and Joe sequence. Objectlvertn Uie Cognitive Domain? ; have averages of 174-and 1H. Pllcu good through Saturday. March 31.1973. "We have a dream - one which would -"The youngsters of today are hot_the The Burry team's fifth man is W* raaarva thd rightt o limit quantities. eliminate compartmentalized learning and Juveniles we were in school. They are Church organist will present "GebrjJeTadiie, who owns a 181 Open 7 days a waak. unify a broad study of man Involving his ac- biologically and intellectually advanced. Their average. Copyright, 1973, SupaRx Drugs complishments, his failures, his successes, and education cannot, in the light of this ad- , From Phillipsburg will his disappointments. vancement and in relation'to the course of life come the New York Italian INSPECTING THE DAMAGE — Springfield Fir* Chief Robert Day, left, and Capt. Reg "We have a dream that pupils will be taught today, be characterized by information- special program Wednesday Bakery team which will have by teams committed to the total integration of Ronco survey living room of the Frank Staclk home on 5 Prospecrpl.. which was the gathering with a primary emphasis on fact- the same cast for the 15th Bayer Reg. 48c learning, where, specific skills'are taught and scene of a fire Tuesday morning. A fire department spokesman said the blaze, centered, course-centered, subject-centered, --• • "Sounds of the Organ," a program designed Benevolent Society of the Presbyterian Church year. The 911-average team is mastered within the context of program. which caused extensive structural damage In the room, and «moko and hsat grade-getting, bell-interrupted activities and -and presented by Elsie B. Brooks, organist st next Wednesday afternoon at 1:30. The meeting Chaise sparked by Jack Tarsi, with 1 •fdated-frognwinlatlon, Tha different «om VIVA WB ImvB a ilieam that we urni damage throughout the tWo-story huusB, muy hoe started In or naof-o xibroior the OprlngfieW-P CTbyteriar• '• - - e-held In the balopny ot tha church whrty —192 uveiage.-f 1 pupils for the rapidity of change, reduce the lounge chair. The owners, however, who had been away from home for several ponentsof their education must be Interrelated featured at the , meeting of the Ladles' all attending can see and hear better the work team are sponsor Ray Harms confusion, give understanding of purpose, and days, stated the chair wcs not plugged In. Fire offlclcli believe the bloie had been - with meaning and relevance. '•— of the Moeller pipe organ. Mrs. Brooks will (178), captain Harry Evert —NAPKINS create compassion for those less fortunate than . smolderina for hour* before a neighbor saw smoke coming from the windows ond "As T. S. Eliot means in The Rock:' demonstrate the wide variety of music possible- (180), Bill Evert (185) and 140 IN PACKAGE \ we. called the department ot 11:44 a.m. Firemen brought the blare under control in <*Where is the life we have lost in living? Sermon theme set using the organ'and will explain how music, Wlllard RissmiUer (176). properly integrated into the service, makes for "We have ajdream that poverty, pollution, minutes but remained on the scene until 1:30. Two f|r«men, Raymond lenhart and Where is the wisdom we have lost in A powerful 1,040-average war, bigotry, and drugs, could be probed, Donald Stewart, had to be given oxygen for tmoke inhalation. * ---hi-wn tfw |itllH«»nt nnri tlln "We have a dream, and that dream is h1ld akate rental: Alr~ Debbie, 10, live In New Providence. Pustur Dewarl will lead the congregation-ln-•—The—Moeller—two—manual—plpo -nrean. riirflp rftvljlnn nnri p $7Ofl teachers that focuses on the needs of Uie humanities. " families and friends have been invited. Since becoming the children's librarian, Mrs. "thinkltlg about the-godly-aspects of the designed and built for the First Presbyterian .award .far the learner. A good teaching team can match The girls from Mrs. H. V. Clickenger's Junior Landauer has introduced a new story hour 'character of Jesus. At the 9:30 a.m. Trivett Church, was dedicated In May 1969. The organ women's tea | appropriate learning activities amazihg bow Troop 755 went to see "Fiddler on the Roof" at series (or children who have passed their fourth 'Chapel service and 11 a.m. morning worship has 1,076 speaking pipes, ranging in size from turned on' a student can become when he 24" Barbecue R.g.S2.49 the Jerry Lewis Cinema in Union lBst week as birthdays and promoted a special film program 'this Sunday, his topic will be "Jesus. Son of six inches to 10 feet. The woods that are used in BPfiULAR'VALUE D.49 Spec/a/ dates listed § realizes he has alternatives to learning as well part of Washington Rock Girl Scout Council's held during the recent school vacation. The "•God—Mystery of Creation," basing the the organ are sugar pine and poplar that have Deep black steel bowl, as teachers who "are interested in him as.a heritage program. They will gO on a troop next film program and a live children's theater message on Colosslans 1. been well seasoned and selected for the chests, THIS WORLDS Sprinkler Bird Bath for voter registration § camp weekend April 16-17 at Camp Sinawik in person first and his learning needs second. crank-type Yaiser. BATTER UP — Carol Allen Is chairman for the annual pancake breakfast to be held by play will be presented during the springrecess Succeeding sermons will include: "Servant," b'uildlng frames and for some of the pipes. OF OURS •J-position ! Molded Plastic Green Brook Township. the Springfield American Legion Auxiliary, Continental Unit 228, Sunday from 8 A rthur H. Buehrer, township clerk, has | in April. "In keeping with the above concept, It was '" "King," "Redeemer," "He Lives," Other pipes are made from pure tin zinc and 5 announced that his office will be open g Junior Troop 756 with Mrs. Fred Hettenbach most refreshing to realize that the ad- a.m. to 1 p.m. ot the Legion Home on N. Trivett street. Members of the post and v The -German language worship service is spotted metal. All the materials used are made 3 Shampoo as leader, is finishing work on the dabbler ministrators, the teachers, the community and auxiliary, as well as girls of Cadette Troop 471, will prepare and serve pancakes, from 9 a.m.. to 9 p.in. for voter s THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT of the ""conducted ot 9:30 a.m. by Theodore In the Moeller plant in Hagcrstown, Md., with badge. Tho girls are going to fill baskets with the students who participated In the recent registration today, April 5, 12, 19, 23. 24, | Springfield Public Library is planning an ' Rcimltnger, lay speaker, whose sermon will be the exception of the ivories used for the keys, sausage, bacon, juice and coffee. Proceeds will aid the auxiliary's child welfare and artificial flowers to take to the extended care goals assessment unanimously decided the 25 and 26 for the June S primary. April 26 5. exhibit, especially for parents, of the second •"•Our High Priest," which arc imported from Africa,, and the B wlll; be tHe »5l flay to r«gl»ttr fur Uie | center aTTJVeTlWilr-Hospjtar on-April-18, rat moat Important goal of education was that each •<• m/irnif.irtiircrt nrmrdlng to "aTmUalXhildwn'irBoolrSliuwcBse, gpunsuiwl Chnrrh nrhivil u/ll) rppct'nt 9-M n m tyh (Photo bv Matt Allen) | primary elections. _ whicjh time they will sing and entertain the pupil accepts himself as a worthy member of by the Children's Book Council. " nursery through sixth grade in Wesley House, specifications. . • In addition to the special dates listed, 3 patients a^part of the requirements toward the scholastic community. being made there, primarily the inclusion of a The purpose of the showcase is to select the and junior and senior highs In the church The great. organ, which is the lower the clerk's office Is open from 8 a.m. to 4 | earning the sign of the star.' "This Is the heart of humanizing the school so Town meeting wait-walk signal for pedestrians. best designed and Illustrated children's books .building. Youth Fellowship meets at 6 p.m. and keyboard, has all the stops that lead the Black & Decker Dual Blade Committeemen also disclosed that they had p.m. daily for Springfield residents who = that every student can realize success as well (Continued from page 1) tlmt have been puuiiulied In Uie United Startes- ™*^™ ' ' •••'••—•' 1 1 fi m —— ^— a —.—*—J — 1—i ' . . *'^» prcupntly studying "Bny-filri-Frlcnd«hlps^- •ongregatKHial-stnging—The 4op-mnniinl or visited the home of Don Palmer, longtime local wish to register to vote. | as develop to his most able potential.'' , during the preceding year, and to prepare an. A study of Paul'sietter' 16'the'Phlllpplnns ts swell'organ has the strings, flutes, principal historial, to view his collection which would be •Mp. ia very ImpofUnl. An ' with car service from the local firm.' accompanying catalog that explains why these —r being held each Wednesday evening at 8 during and reed stops. The pedal organ has the oterall aim, i:' ByUiurttl't our uitdtr- the society launches its intensive fundralsing -production. previously attended on the life and ministry of organ sound majestic. . • . . .v teresting. It would be a shame if this weroyjoat . might want their -children to own." • • 'l iMlithdHUl • that It reprcsented;the "continuing responsive 2 students attend! jand< educational'crusade.- In Springfield, the Dates for the exhibit areApril 2 through April ; y. ft . . 1 ... ..r*i !•,•• •,. , ••• , . ;'; tiii.^i ; Paul and background of Phllipplnns. Chapter 2, "~Arf«ngMtteltt»t«rthis special program were attitude of the Township Committee toward the to Springfield," Mayor Ruocco noted thai he 99 \ .-drive this year is headed by Elton Dry of 101 14; the location is the story hour pit in the NEIOHBOKt WANT YOUR HMO Items. TeM'tam .nihei'Kcnoois passage, will -be tho subject of made by Mrs. Bruce Evans, program chair- fJjUimJormeltaa tAaul lh* •"> \- T0DTIURUSIIU public." The change, which will take effect at will meet shortly with the library board to ^j:-.- Tooker ave. He and the downs of volunteers what YOU nave. Run • tow-cast CKullMI M. 4*11 'HHsfctuslon this Wednesday evening." man of the-Ladles' Society. Refreshments will Bog. $1.33 annual cbnferencf^ children's department. Mrs. Landauer said, ut-int. - . > 7lMf-fjl control 0/ p«»t» «jt«rcJ««J by the next meeting on April 10, was suggested discuss the projected $75,000 museum ad- from Springfield will attempt to visit every Mimeographed forms wlli be provided for each be served In the Chapel adjoining the sanctuary *parojlt«f and predtton. —Two Springfield residents attended the "We hope parents will come and browse, Vitalis earlier this month by Ed Rail, perhaps the most dition." household in Springfield with life-saving In- participant, including the passages in the following the. program by the April Circle under second Annual National Conference on Campus Hair faithful of all the members of the municipal AN AMENDMENT was introduced to the formation about cancer. chapter under discussion, and a place to list the chairmanship of Mrs. Godfrey Durand and Action for. Soviet Jewry, held recently in audience over the past decade. rent leveling ordinance. It would require Dry said that "Springfield's goal this year comments. Mrs. Clifford*Walker. Other members of the Dressing College Park, Md. The conference was spon- Has. S12.88 Garden House landlords to give 30-day notice of all rent in- has been set at $8,500, which is $500 over the A Weekly meetings Include confirmation class circle include Mr4; Hans Kraft, Mrs. William 7o/. . Bored by the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation and Product Award •-•• WELTCHEK ALSO opposed another creases and to provide all new tenants wiUr 1972 goal. The town's" residents were truly BD Monday at 4 p.m., the administrative board Mellck. Mrs. Roderick Merrick, Mrs, Edward .PORTABLE the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry, and was Nollte~1» hereby olven thai ^Hog.~S1.69- Grass Seed measure, a resolution calling on the N.J.copies of the local rent control measure. generous last year,.and I fully expect their full ««n Tuesday at 8 p.m. and Wesley Choir, Oels,Mrs.FredSherwin.MrB. FredStackfleth sealed bid! wll be received In the SUPEHX attended by students from campuses across) the won by Meeker Board of Education Office at Ml Department of Transportation [o "legitimatize The mayor noted that the Rent Leveling support in this year's crusade. These funds are ^f'ednesday.m 3:30 p.m. and Mrs. Dean Widmer. '-, . . .;• . •..•-•• "OPEN EVERY DAY" Mountain Avenue, Springfield, Radio Secret Mixed seed for fast growing traffic signals installed by municipalities Commission has held two meetings—with "full desperately needed to carry on the society's A.R. Meeker Company, New Jereey, on Wetfnwday. April PLAYING lawn. Crabgrass free. Those attending from Springfield were Avery 11, 197], at 1:00 P.M.. and wlll.be Super throughout the state without compliance with compliance" by all landlords. three-fold program of research, education and Springfield, an independent opened and read Immediately all state regulations. The resolution was first Ruocco reported that the N.J. Water Policy Einhorn of 393 Hillside ave., and Diane Spiegel service to the cancer patient." distributor - of A.B. Dick Friends meet ...... Public Notice thereafter, tor tha following:' CARDS Miscellaneous Oym Equlptment proposed by officials in Union after Trenton Commission had not discussed two local flood ' of I Avon rd In addition to asking the citizens of products, has won the & Health Supplies experts recently reported that many traffic control project&fltite March meeting but that lEinhorn is a sophomore at Yeshiva Springfield to support-the American Cancer manufacturersLjProduct At the delightful '• Bids must be -IHD) madmaed on the lights and other regulations had never met TOWNSHIPOF SPRINGFIELD standard proposal form. (2) the plans are_!laLUie top of the agenda" for University, majoring in political science. Miss Society's crusade, the mayor's proclamation Awar(f for 1972 In the Good Vision & Fashion UNION COUNTY. N.J •....—• enctosed In a seAfcfifJ- S§—for- —I—_ state standards. an April 23"session. • '-' Spiegel is a freshman at Douglass College, also reinforced the society's message urging all mimeograph line. AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE ENVEL-OPE. giving the name of AND ESTABLISH A OAY CAMP the Bld(ler™.aiul--J>LAINL.Y. Weltchek said that the lights should be Wasserman disclosed that he had surveyed majoring in sociology and Hebraic studies. FACltlTYAT THE MUNICIPAL residents to have an annual checkup as coestep Go Together MARKED.. :. "B|D FQR (Tllleol Rag. SI.39 revised to meet the standards, rather than the the town, with some of the youngsters who "towards helping safeguard themselves against /Meeker, competing in SWIM POOL IN THE TOWNSHIP Bid)," and date and time ot R.J.S1.39 Calgon Group AA, the largest-market OF SPRINGFIELD. COUNTY OF opening, (3) delivered or mailed to Trash Can opposite. recently petitioned for a place to play street cancer. tit mir* UNION, STATE_QJE. NEW me above place on .w before the BATH OIL Committeeman Norman Banner reported hockey. He said that one site had been termed category, against seven other, at JERSBY-. hour named as no bid will be Liners distributors, came in 37 BE IT ORDAINED by the accepted after the hour specified. Future that only one light in Springfield is In violation feasible and that cost estimates were beltig LWV drive Townthlp Committee ot the Bids not so submitted will be of the standards—at Mountain and Henshaw prepared. He said the site is in the Ruby Field (Continued from page 1) percent over quota for NOW OPEN SUNDAYS Township-of Springfield, In the considered Informal and will be Floor Wax Counly ot Union, State ol New relected. The Board reserves the avenues. He added that the needed changes are available various opportunities for the ex- Temple will give 'mimeograph equipment and Jersey, as follows: rig"' lo relect any and all bids and 27 o/. Wheelbarrow pression of public opinion on specific issues. eight percent over quota for 2 P.M. -9 P.M. 1. There Is hereby created and to award contract In part or whole - Rag. SI .39 mimeograph supplies. established by the Townthlp of it deemed to tha best Interests of time of rebirth and joy. "These are services unique to a volunteer Springfield In the County of Union, tho District to do to. s s Everywhere around you God's music program State of New Jersey, a municipal . plans. Specificatlont and. Form No More SUNDAY'S A SERMON organization such as ours, and only < through .day camp facility Known as the of Proposal may be obtained upon.' presence can be felt—if only COCKTAILS & SANDWICHES expanded financial support can the t\VV A program of Yiddish music will be Day Camp. The Day Camp Viall be application to the Secretary of the Tangles GOLD : A you will try and let Him reach prevented ut "Temple—Sharey - Shalom. of PUNCH LINE located at the Municipal Swim Board of Education of Tha Union continue to encourage more effective citizen • 7oz. EXPERIENCE GOD NOW! you; participation in all levels of government, and Springnaa at 8:15 pTrri; Saturday aspart ol the"~ Or THE vV&EK In me Par Cai PRICES adult education program. shall be open to children of Sprlnglleld, New Jersey. During these next two He's there pushing those perhaps broaden its scope." membert of the Springfield Swim. By order of the T^ Rag. SI .49 monthiftt is easy to experience new flowers of spring up from Mrs. Cohn emphasized that tho LWV "does The heritage of Yiddish music will be 277-3900 359 Springfield Ave. Pool. Board of Education GO 3rTne~oav~Camp shall come of The Union Counly God in your own life. Each their winter's rest. You can not support or oppose political candidates or discussed and familiar Yiddish songs will be within the lurlsdlctlon of the Regional High School $ Alberto UP hear Him rustling through the parties, • but—takes—positions—on—selected presented. Gilbert Mack, performer and se- Springfield Townthlp Committee, District No. 1 Steel Shelving year. God gives, us these ,* DOWNTOWN^SUMMrL._ which shall promulgate rules and Springfield, New Jersey beautiful months of spring—a new green Jeoves of the trees governmental issues,; ranging from" local ttrr ctor; Ron Btown; composer~imd—musical regulations lor the governing of * -same;—••—— • Lewis F. Fredericks, Secretary I ^Balsam DAILY . that seemed so dead just a national, only after thorough study and sub- director at the temple, and Irene Frank, choir ~Daled"3-3373 " • Lawn Spreader 4. Children enrolled In the Day Spfld. Leader, Mar. 29, 1V73. month ago. You can feel Him sequent evaluation by the membership through member, will be on the program. Camp shall be at least ttiree (3) yearsF of age on or beforbefora July 1s! t (Feesio.Bl) Hopper capacity 65 lbs. watching over the new animal consensus.' Both 'majority, and minority Cantor Irving Kramerman will explain some Mid shallM-no older ttian-ten-HO)- life that will quickly multiply. opinions are considered and League position is " 'years, of age-on, or before 20" spread width. of the traditional backround from which the September 1st of the year of their TOVVNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD EXCEPT You can see him in the determined where there are sufficient areas of present day religious service has evolved The - enrollment. — !T":v- ~~-~ <•-•—•'-UNION COUNTY, N.J at sunlight on a spring, bouquet. agreement.'; ~ -r~ • 5. Thefee for each child enrolled AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN I Preparation H -program-la. opeittoUatfpubTie^——- - shall be 140.00 for the seaton.-Such ORDINANCE ENTITLED: "AN I ""HeUrherenow, and "He Is One of the major program leetrjWiall be.BavoWt-PrJor to the . ORDINANCE TO REGULATE . Ointment ^THB'WJE AND'OPERATION OF GELJACK I progath:: - -a-,..-.-; mnwemu FACILITIES ,Krowoe onTdbaji's 1i$fr~ 4.TheDayC«mpfaclllt¥ /itHiN.AKirr ~ -tilf,ti|i|tBlnlrto imd;tupi» -enrolmentfees. All funds received—: 5PR1N-^ TH. E.„_, .- . , — SPRINGFIELD BKOOKVUXE, N.Y.- Ronald J. -Krowne, HEADING WEST?—USE PROSPECT OFFICE from enrollment fees/ihall b»-~ /RULES ANDrReoULATIONS 1 of 100 Evergreen ave., Springfield, N.J., has. appfir. Wa im Km consideration and final pasaaoe at | C oupoit must accompany m4 fint Dawn lov* <». a regufar meellno Of • said mofloywIllboiolundfKlbyyourdiugjiil, ON BOTH SIDES OF Township Committee to tie held on No quOtltifij'Hked, Accept no" tub- \ J order.- Gwid through IWITIO INMUMWT April loTWi. In the SpringllHd Sominex 241 MORfllS AVE 5OQ BOULEVARD SPRINGFIELD AV&. Municipal JtilfillrM at t&p\., at slilutMj Sold with- (hit goarantw by, TucsdayApril 3rd :. •,'. for Inrbrmation Calh which time wd plaee>nyLperton - I VISIT US ANY SUNDAY STARTING APRIJ. 1st 1 or, persons Interested therein will . SPHINOFIELP be given an opportunity to be KENILWORTH 2l2-o85-2438or212-o66.2677 •heard concerning said ordinance. KM tWOMUTWN «4 fUt irrOATURI * 374SPniN<3FIELDAVE., Copy Is posted on the bulletin 3TI-1H0 board lntneo.firttot.theTownthlp B^KELEY HEIGHTS*4-11 Clerk. - .. ' '•* v' ' >. Till «] HihJ^NnC« ARTHUR H.BUEHRER ECHO PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER Cletae 1 r ' ".' !• \ fc< i _. , Iktntl b» NJ. State U«pt of BJucttJwi. ~- -Tjpijuciirk-r ' (FeeSJI.31) f -Thyrjsday, March 29, 1973-f -Thursday. March 29, 1973^ American Indians lecturing at college Pharmacists seek McKe||en heads skating cast Rutgers profiiopes to end-stereotyped image permission to give , » •, •• • blood pressure test foAmerica'r s 2-datop male figurey- at Funoramthe Funorama show with q Funoramona oIcn Ice Is sanc- "Disabusing students of their stereotypical Describing hypertension in the U.S. as a *5 billion problem, the New Jersey Journal of ice skater, Gordon McKellen Janet Lynn, 1969-73 U.S. tioned by the U.S. Figure '_* Ideas about the American Indian" Is what Jr., has joined the cast of Ladles champion; Melissa Skating Association. -1 anthropology professor Mark Domstrelch is Pharmacy in its current edition proposes the use of pharmacists to record blood pressure as international ice talent for this and Mark. MUitano, 1973 U.S. the Saturday "night per- ..^trying to do In a course at Rutgers University's year's Funorama on Ice show Pair champions; Ann and Skip formance will start at 8:15 and Livingston College. a contribution toward the success of an all-out screening program. ' at the South Mountain Arena, Miller, 1970-73 U.S. Gold Sunday at 7. Some tickets still 6KT0S £ Entitled "Indians of North America," the West Orange, on April 14 and Dance silver medalists, and are available RHhe Funorama Col Jacob Elsen of Mountainside, Chairman l«l tlBM Mi h*PP*n»t, t fount ^ .course "provides a forum for Indian people to 15. with a cast of more than 150 office at The Hospital Center, 1 of the New Jersey. Pharmaceutical iw HckeU to the CMw«o WoHtt Mrl * tr-come and educate whites" Domstrelch ex- skaters from the producers of (201) 678-1100,'ext. 558. Association's therapeutics committee, in his McKellen, member of the ;£ plains, adding that he leaves his guests free to 1972 World and Lympic teams the show, the Essex Skating £•• discuss themselves, their culture, history or .scientific developments column in the Journal Club of New Jersey, Inc. Chubbttistitute LITTLE LEAGUE reports that the Health, Education and Welfare for this country, also Is the offers training in -•- relationship to white society "in whatever way 1973 W.S. Men's Figure McKellen, who appeared as NJ.'s BIGGEST OATSUN 4 they deem appropriate." Department has launched a program to identify all hypertensives. Skating Champion. a junior star in previous DEALER, "Tommy Barrel" QUIPMENT HQ'S •— One recent lecturer, Alfonso Ortiz, a Pueblo McKellen will be appearing Funoramas, is the son of two Computer Programming T:!who Is himself teaching anthropology; at "But," he said, "if every hypertensive in the •k SHOIS fram U.9S talented ice-skating parents for QUALIFIED candidates it Princeton, provided a three-hour discussion of country were identified and told U> seek who toured with the Ice it BATS A IAUS - ,'~hls people-the Tewa-hls family and his treatmewnt tomorrow morning, the patients EARLY COPY Follies. Gordon Jr. has been Day/Evening Classed * UNIFORMS •% philosophy. Explaining how he can reconcile would clog the streets and highways, not to Publicity Chairmen are skating since he was two years mention physicians' offices," cbntinued Eisen. COMPUTE TEAM - his acceptance of the tribal belief that it is urged to observe the old, and won his first com- CURRICULUM: *" r-~mminrlj, !,„ ««int^t nui "*-lhn|' "their world, a plain "Relatively inexpensive drug treatment is Friday deadline for .petition at eight. iivnilnhlp for control of much hypertension. THE CURRICULUM EMPHASIZES PROGRAM ^bounded at its four corners by mountains, Is other than spnt news. Trip show, now in its 14th DESIGN, PROGRAMMING LOGIC, ASSEMBLER . wflat. Why should 1 not accept that?" Even the most conservative estimates of Include your name, year, will agafn benefit The J£ "Most of these students have probably never patient numbers and dally costs, however, LANGUAGE. COBOL, AND OPERATING MY PEOPLE — Prof. Alfonso Ortiz (right), Indian anthropologist at Princeton, and address and phone Hospital Center at Orange, MY.STIC SEAPORT in Connecticut is tho subject of the newest Kodak foot color transparency, was made from a photograph of the Mystic SOLOMON'S «!'met an Indian person before," Dornstreich suggest the yearly bill would total over $5 SYSTEM/360. THE STUDENT'S PROGRAMS ARE Prof. Mark Dornstreich of Rutgers discus* a Tewa Indian ceremony pictured in Ortiz number. which this year is eclebratt RUN ON AN-IBM SYSTEM/370 MODEL 155 Colorama in Grand Central Terminal. Two three-masted schooners are waterfront taken by Kodak photographer Norman Kerr. Mystic Is one .."says. "How could we Justify giving a course billion. A recent American Heart Association its 100th anniversary. pictured at .the whaK/es of the restored 18th century port, one of the of three locations used to film scenes for the 90-mlnute television 7'about the American Indian without the par- home community. Ortli Is one of many speakers who have provided on Indian meeting in Dallas, Texas, had a five man panel COMPUTER. ARK SOMEONE VOIJ KNOW IN THE perspective to student* in Dornstreich's class "Indians of North America," which DATA PROCESSING FIELD TO HELP YOU most scenic locations on the Atlantic coast. The Colorama, an 18-by 60- drama "The Man Without A Country" that will be shown on ABC-TV, -tlcipatlon of these people? It would be like discuss the subject. They said that the medical attracts students from all New Brunswick campuses to Livingston College. and social costs of hypertension are so grpat "*J ttw nn '73 modaU. Had- EVALUATE THE SCHOOL. - , ^ April 24 at 8;30 p.m. under Kodak sponsorship. pretending that Indian people do not exist. When you buy a hearing aid Besides, we have a great deal to learn from lliat a program against it is worth the cost and tspi, 2 itt-, 4 dr>., wagcas, struggle. The incidence of blood pressure is PLACEMENT: S'. these people, both about them, and about our- than 350 distinct Indian tribes, but that the "My subject makes me Interested in native get the best. ZENITH plck-vpi. Ev«YiU»g h HEK mi f Wives." present-day Indian scene is just as complex. particularly high abong blacks and women. ,_- ' Zenith makes 20 quality hearing aids, HK% nF dim fiqAniJATFS RFQUESTING peoples," Dornstreich explains, "but I realize, Each carries Zenith's money-back guar I'm nady lo dwL" PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE HAVE,O8TAINED JOBS lecination Although new to the campus »cene, the Ordinarily, students would not have access to one day that we anthropologists have operated; 'The panel recorrfm^n3eda'~ nationwide ontee: tf you are dissatisfied tor any rea- ...'Tommy larr*n"(rMly) i |th IN THE DATA PROCESSING |IELD !'.. course has^attraiiUta nn enrollment of Blmosr—lndlaii thinking uu cuiieiil-Atncrican-evcnter- -as-a-dosed-eirete-ot teachem nhnnt ftwtti ' srrprning program, probahly finnnccd-by-ihe- h H i 10 days o( purchase and we'll refund AS COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS. for horses • 100 students, most of them from Livingston such as the takeover of the Bureau of Indian cultural traditions. We ourselves have been file federal government, to identify hypertensives; ',. College but some from Rutgers and Douglass Affairs in Washington and the recent con- students of native peoples, yet we have never" a simple workup procedure that would speed y your money-. Come In TOMMY MARIANINO New Jersey horse owners M and let us prove you FREE IBM APTITUDE TEST: "Ti~welI7DornBtrelch looks forward to the day frontation at Wounded Knee. "Wejattempt to invited them to present-their tribal past and both the identification and the' treatment of can afford the best. are, advised to have their current thinking for themselves and on their patients; an increase in physician awareness of ' FIND OUT IF YOU HAVE THE APTITUDE FOR • when the course will be one of several in a provide that," Domstrelch says. Tha quality BOO*.

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«-Thursday, March 29, 1973- . Ihursday, March 29, 1973 Public Notice • Public.Notice Public Notice United Way notes Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice PTAs S SHERIFF'SSALE SHERIFF'SSALE SHERIFF'SSALE SHERIFF'SSALE . * SHERIFF'SSALE SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW SHERIFF'SSALE SUPERIOR COURT OF 5UPER10B COURT OF NEW SUPERIOR COURTOF JEB56V',. C H AIICEBV JERSjEY, C H A.N C E R Y progress in drive, SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW NEW JERSEY, J E R S E Y, CHANCERY NEW JERSEY. DIVISION, UNION COUNTY, DIVISION, UNION COUNTY, for Higher Education Week JERSEY, CHANCERY LAW DIV/ISION, DIVISION, UNION COUNTY, CHANCERYDIVISION, DOCKET NO. F 4355 71 DOCKET NO. F 5O-72 health care costs DIVISION, UNION COUNTY, UNION COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F 474 72 GOVERN UNION COUNTY. DOCKET NO. UNITED _ ROOSEVELT LARSON MORTGAGE DOCKET NO. F-I4O6-7J THE UN OMPAY iif volunteer projects DOCKET NO. C303445 /V\ENT NATIONAL MORTGAGE SAVINGS AND iLOA DAN ! COMPANY, Plaintiff, vs. The growth of out-of-hospital services was Students, faculty, administrators, and the--Music- Department; Marion Kortjohn, cool" HOW A R o - SAVING S. ASSOCIATION, a wholly owned J.'lr KfSLAK MORTGAGE LU ' ERNEST LEWIS, et ux., et al,, INSTITUTION, a corporation of J.14531 66 ASSOCIATIONSSOCIAT , PPiainliffl , vs. Unprecedented growth in four specific areas generannn lI n publi..UInc narMe .../..Lin workinng Innnlliatogethe*r Itno nrnmnl promotae .1dinato1 *nr. ~off ..|../1 studenAntt nMiuitlpqactivities'; WilliaWilliam MillCSMilks., EUDOKIN M. KOLTUNOVCH fjovernment corporation organized • CORPORATION (a N.j. Corp.) Henry Clark, et ux.. et Defendants. ,/ described to the Visiting Nurse and Health Now Jersey, Vlalnllff, ,v>. JAMES CIVIL ACTION WRIT OF assistant to the vice president for ad- A;,COIT, el UK, Defendants. also known as EUDOKIN M. under an Act of Congress and I Plaintiff, vs. DORA M. WHlYE, Defendants. of the United Way of Union County were Services at their recent annual meeting in the second annual observance of "Higher ,. • CIVILACTION KOLTUNOVICH, Plaintiff,-VS- existing pursuant to Title ill ol the , pinole, et al.. Defendants. CIVILACTION EXECUTION EXECUTION - FOR SALE OF reported at the group's annuaj dinner at the Education Week in Union County sponsored by ministration and finance; William Vincent, ALEXANDER KOLTUNOVCH. National Housing/Act ha vino 'H J CIVIL ACTION EXECUTION — FOR SALE OH MORTGAGED PREMISES Elizabeth. Citing the expansion of programs by WRITOF EXECUTION National Housing g FORSALEOF By virtue of tho above stated director of veterans' affairs; Ann Walko, also known as ALEXANDEALEXANDER _ .._ MORTGAGED PREMISES Mountainside Inn, Mountainside. ' ~* the agency, which serves*13 Union County JheJJnion County Council of Parent Teachers FOR SALE OF tOLTUNOVl' AGATA principal office In the City of MORTGAGED PREMISES ov»-*tatod-i—wf-il-O' execution to me directed I Associations, according to Lillian Tandul of assistant dean of students; Dr. Donald Leeds, MORTGAGED PREMISES ttOLTUNOVl'CHKOLTUNOVCH, also, knowAGATn .A j WashingtonPlaintiff. v>', BEDislricN FIELDSl of Columbia, etux.., By virtue" ol the above-stated wr^o^exMuSn^o^^r^^iTin^hoi] expose for sale by public Major emphasis the past year hat been on communities, Mrs. James C. Kellogg 3d, %y virtue of the above-staled AGATA KOLTUNOVICH.; et als.. Defendants. writ of execution to me directed I shatl'exDOse for sale bv public vendue. In room B-8, In the Court campaign, grantsman, planning and the president, explained how home care, preven- 1614 Summit ter.. Linden, president of. the member of the Communication Sciences vWt or execution to me directed I Defendants. ONWRITOF , CIVILACTION shall expose for sale by public vendue,Tni room Ba, m iho Court ; House, In the City of Elizabeth, Council. Department; and Bonnie Yezo, assistant shAll expose tor sale by public EXECUTION ' WRITOF EXECUTION vendue, In room B B, in the Court Houso, In the City of Elizabeth, N.J,, on Wednesday, the.25th daday Voluntary Action Center, Alfred S. Dletiel,. tive services and rehabilitation programs are vindue. in room B sriri the court — FOR SALEOF House, iIn the cuCityy orl Elizabethcnzouinn, ; M j wedn«>*rt«v, \\w 4th day ol • OT **pru A.U., IV/J, ai !wo oi'clock director of admissions. mutt. In the City of EIIMbeth, FOR SALEOF PREMISES J Wdd the 18th day on executive director said. reducing the use of the most costly form of Representataives of Newark State College in By virtue of the above-stated MORTGAGED PREMISES N.J., on Wednesday, the 18th day I AApPiritTD.7l9MrST'tIv . _. o o'clock in i In the afternoon of said day. N.J.. on Wednesday, the 1\th day By virtue of the above staled of April A.D., 1973, at two o'clock ALL that tract or parcel of land, Paul Bosland, campaign chairman, reported . health services, that in hospitals and Union; Union College, CranForqV, and Union Union College's representatives include of April A.D., 1973, at two o'clock writ of exectulon to me directed I the afternoon of said ci-iy. . shall expose for sale by public writ ot execution to me directed I in the afternoon of said day. ALL that tract or parcel ol situate, lying, and being In the City institutions. County Technical Institute, Scotch Plains; the Prof. Helen Farrow, a member of the English In the afternoon of said day. shall expose for sale by public ALL that tract or parcel of of Plalnfleld in the County of Union a 7.5 percent increase in the total 'amount . , ALL that tract or parcel of "vendue. In room B-8, In the Court land, situate, lying and being House, In the City of Elizabeth, vendue, In room B-B, In the Court land, situate, lying and being in-the City of Plainfleld in the • and the State of New Jersey: -raised by the county fund, $1.1 million. He In 1972, she said, the Visiting Nurse and Union County Coordinating Agency for Higher Department; Michael Villano, director of ''land, situate, lying and being in the City of plalnfield, in the ; BEGINNING at a point In the ;'Jn the City of plalnfleld, In the N J., on Wednesday, the 18lh dav House. In the City of Elizabeth, County of Union In Iht? State of pointed out that the increase was possibly due Education, and the Council of PTAs are student activities; David Bartosik, a ol April A.D., 1973, at two o'clock N.J..on Wednesday, the 4th day of County of Union, In the State of New Jersey Southerly side of South Second Health Services provided 32,958 home visits to county of Union, In the State of • in the afternoon of said day, all the April A.D., 1973, at two o'clock. In New Jersey: • ' ! BEGINNING at a poini In the Street said point being distant to a broadened base of support and Increased 4,635 patients, an increase from the 31,401 visits engaged in scheduling individual campus sophomore liberal arts major; Patricia "•New Jersey: right, title and Interest of the the afternoon of said day. BEGINNING at a point on Northeasterly side ol Berkeley 143,59 feet Westerly from the events, lectures, open houses, and a luncheon Wusthoff, assistant director of admissions, and ,. DEGINNING at a polt.t In above named defendants In and to Premises situated in the City the northeasterly side of i Terrace distant SJ.5 feel Intersection ot the said Southerly commitment by volunteer leadership. Many to 4,270 patients the year before. In addition, . -the northeasterly side lino of the following, property, to wit: ol Plalnlleld, County ol Union Stebblns Place distant' 140.00 ..southeasterly along me same side line of South Second Street companies provided leadership by increasing 0.190 hours of public health services were for state and county educators, politicians, and Helen Lichman, registrar at Elizabeth General i McDowell Street, (50 feet All the fol(owlna-tr»ct_or^ —flnd-State ol New Jersey. feet southeasterly along the from fts Intersection with the with the Westerly side Line of industrialists. Higher Education Week ac- Hospital School of Nursing. I,,wide), distant thereon South 43 parcel of land and premises BEGINNING al a point in same from Its Intersection southeasterly side oi Milton Rushmore Avenue; thence: (1) their contribution and there was a large in- provided In maternaj and child health "degrees 49 minutes East 397.66 hereinafter more particularly Ihe southeasterly side lino ol with the southeasterly side ot Place and runnlno thence South 331 degrees 30 minutes East crease in employee giving, due to the _ conferences, day care and community centers tivities will be held the week of April 9. • UCTI is represented by Chester Parris, vice I Meet from the corner formed by Webster Place (formerly Park South Second Street and - (1) Along the northeasterly and passing through a party wall HELP FOR, UNDERPRIVILEGED — Mrt. Frorcls^exton {second from left) of Newark's described, situate, lying and running thence (1) North-A 1 90.0 feet to a pofnt;s-thence. (2) cooperation of management and labor, he said. Dr. Henry Scotrjr,, cHairman of the Con- president of the Faculty Association; Thomas the. intersection of same, with being In tmrCity ol Elizabeth, Place), said point being side of Berkeley Terrace, Victory Houi*. a reildenc* for underprivileged children, accepts a donation of $150 and school programs. ••-.,-•-' the-Southeasterly sideline'of County ot Union and State ot •. distant 120 (eel from the In degrees 30 mlnutos East, South 41 degrees U minutes 30 Soulh 58 degrees 30 minutes West, sortium of East Jersey, is serving as chairman JPo/nanaki. counselor; Richard Toffel, vice, » matt Third—Sto»t and from " lerlacc degrees 30 mmuies East, 40.00 (2) North 5D j Street, 14.09 feet to a point; thence of the grantsman program—to locate money to Nurse and Health Services expanded home l) ith (3) North 31 degrees 30'mfnutes rtWWlng ot th*-HolidayInn, Kenllworth. From left: Mrs. Richard Laleveo of Dobbins, director of student services. ''degrees U minutenlnutesi East 150 the Northerly line of Fifth (lormerly Park Place) with feet; thence (3) South 61 minutes East 97 09 Iff' ihencc, enable United Way agencres" to develop and care programs in nutrition, physical therapy ^Education Week. Mildred; Hess of Hillside, '-. ;oct, thence (2) South 43 Street which Is distant the southerly side llrle ot degrees 30 minutes West 125.00 (3) .North 39 dotnves 14 West and passing throuph a party Springfield, recording secretary; Mr», Sexton; Mrs. Nicholas Carr of Livingston, , degrees 49 minutes East 50 ,seventy-five (75) feer from the Putnam Avenue; said point feet to the northeasterly side of minutes West bt> .71 leet, wall 90.0 feet to said side line of Improve human services for Union County. and . speech, therapy and added two new representing the Union County Coordinating Higher Education—Week-activities are ' feet, thence (3) South 46 corner formed by the said being also the southwesterly Slebblns Place; thence (4) thence South Second Street; thence t4) Volunteer grantsman have given 1,465 hours to treasurer; Mrs. Joseph Horlshny of Springfield, ways and means chairman, and services: personal care for the chronically ill Agency for Higher "Education, is vice- planned" at Newark State College on Tuesday, degrees 11 minutes We*t J5Q Northerly line of Fifth Street corner of property now or along the same. North 2B (4) South 49 detirer-. • 5V North 58 degrees 30 minutes East Mrs. Edward Zarnock of Roselle, president emeritus. The Auxiliary, which has been foet to the Northeasterly In the Easterly line of South lormerlyot John J. bemarest; degrees 30 minutes West 40.00 - minutes West'99 fffi to the along said side llneof South Second develop 20 proposals. Such work resulted in and ostomy care for patients with artificial chairman. April 10;-at Union County Technical Institute ' sideline of McDowell Street, Park Street thence running thence running (1) south 87 ''feet to the point and place of North easterly '•|dr of Street, 14.09 leet to a point or place in existence four years, has contributed $5,350 to various charities. vents or drains. Among those representing the PTA along on Wednesday, April 11; and at Union College' thence (A) alono tho »ame . Northeasterly along said degrees IB minutes east 100 BEGINNING. BerKeley Terrace l Ih of BEGINNING. $189,000 in 1972 and further efforts have North 43 degrees 49 minutes leet to a point and corner in the THlSdescrlptlonbeing in accord ALSO KNOWN AS 1347 South SPECIAL ASSISTANT for the state Department of Labor and Jndujtry is Alfred Fohtaria, on Thursday, April 12. ~ ; Northerly line ol Fifth Street, point and place iUGIN resulted In $710,000, at a projected rate of more Two mental health services were also begun: with Mrs. Tandul are Paula Kornspan of G24 • West 50 feet lo the point.and twenty-five (25) feet to a point; rear line ol Hillside Avenue with a survey made by Goodman, NING. —• Second Street. Plolnflold, New loft, being sworn in by Ronald Heymdnn, commissioner of the department. Mrs.' Academy ter., Lmden,"puDirc relations coor- plnceol DEGINNING. thence Northwesterly and at lots;.'thence (2) south 02 Allgalr and Scott, dated 310 70. The above desenp't"" bi-mo Jersey, than twice the original objective. in Rahway a satellite clinic in collaboration BEING the same premises right angles to said Northerly • degrees 45 minutes west 60 feet BEING the same lands and drawn in accordance wil'i •> survey THIS is a purchase money Gerri Fontana looks on during coremony in Town and Campus, Union. William Hawkins told of progress in the with the Union County Psychiatric Clinic; and dinator, and Marilyn Billington of Cranford, FIREWORKS conveyed to the Mortgaoors herein line ot Fifth Street one along said roar line ol Hillside premises which were ade by Roger Art. C.nroll ft.Co. , mortgage. ' Brochure will be published by deed of Howard Graves and hundred (100) feet to a point; Avenue lots to a point and l There is due approximately improvement, of management skills In agen- at Elizabeth General Hospital's new mental editor of the Council's newsletter. The Japanese fireworks industry 1B turning corenu e lotths to (3a )poin ntt han 8d7 conveyed to tho Mortgagors £?Z\t£Z\n^Frofession l '^,C,^\'Eup^M-i*t-^'\ . L.iinn Anita Graves, his wife, of even thence In a line parallel with ncr; thence (3) north 87 ' herein ty Deed of kathryn suRlevorS P Lin^i N' dntcotl 49,272,15 with Interest Irom cies and the United Way. Standard definitions health center, a mental health nurse specialist Newark State College is represented by into a gold mine. The value of production date herewith and recorded the • firs* course twenty-five degreejrees IBIB minutes west 100 Schaafsma, widow, toearlrtg Surveyors,flalnfirld. N J-. dnto February 6, 1973 and costs. JJ •in a tine leel tu a point ami cot ner in Ihe •"dot* her [or member agencies were set u " * rrelate-serviceg-thore with hnme «f rylcea^ Rct.qpy Rrown, director of the EVE program -lotaled-Sd.6 million in 1967. $8.5 million in 1968, nsTreOTTihwr •non-point andcqrncrin-thg-^ even (Jate—herrwHti—ond- figTTTG th'e sam.- [iiTTnTSPS" •County AFl-CIQ^resident "'--•• • — - mi—!_ .wir^aniK- in the Office of the Register .of parallel with the second course said side line ol Webste ed,_io be —c-onveyod' to- tho /wui-«t«tyui > adiourn this sale. forms are being developed, he. said. The annual meeting re-elected nine members Wesley Daniels, director of cooperative $8.7 million in 1969, $8.4 million in 1070 and *i0:8" Union County, New Jersey. Tfils Place, said point being 120 leet simultaneously herewith In the heroin by deed Iro"' D.ivid U, RALPH ORISCELLO, Sheriff , is a purchase money- first and at right angles to the said ( crafts and production of a film on ethnic groups educattonyDr. Herbert Golub, chairman of the most northerly Line ot Filth northeasterly Irom the .nor Union County Register's Squior and Doloro-. » '.quicr, Mark Nlcolflldes, Atjy Helen Livingston, president of the Union The first of three brochures being prepared lo the board of directors which represents the million in 1971. • mortgage olven to secure a Ihwcsterly corner ol now or Office. his wile, ol even o.ili- herewith DJ &..UL CX 2U05 Street, one hundred (100)-feet 1 l lJ >| County Voluntary Action Center, told of the in the county and the contributions they have communities served by the voluntary agency: ,, part of Ihe purchase price paid to the point and place ol lormerly Emma Fox's land, THIS Mortgage Is a and recorded sln.i'l'- " '" ' v Union Leader, Mar, 29, * appointed aide to Heymann by the Bicentennial Committee of the Union for the premises above BEGINNING. thenco (4) north 02 degrees -15 purchase money mortgage with themortgagi- mine Ofl.cu Apr 5 12 19, 1973 success of UVAC's workshops' in career . County Cultural and Heritage Commission will made. It also hopes to develop a plan* for Mrs. Kellogg and Mrs. Leon T. Kendall, described. minutes east along said side given to secure th ol tho Reglstoi oi Union (Foo $59.52) 1 Said premises also being Being the most Northeasterly lino ol Webster Place 60 tool to price for the abov K Mayer. JlUn.iln'.'iU'Mk'J'uf.Hn. assessment. Some .300 county residents have marking all sites of historical and architectural Elizabeth; Wlllard C. Asbury and J. Carroll parts ol lots Nos. 5. 7, a, and 9, on County. Now Joriuy Alfred A. Fontana. 59. president of [he .union be issued, April 29. Travelogue known as 321-23 McDowell Block numbered 18, as laid down the point and • place ol property. This IS a purch.iie " M'ture SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW There is due approximately The above description is known as 215 Stebblns Place, Two plaques were presented to Fontana, one placed with local social service agencies to help national bicentennial." M;irkey, Rahway; Mrs. J. Kenneth Boyles, Manufacturing Town of 1 .1 part of the pur. iw." price JERSEY, CHANCERY assistant to Ronald M. I ley man n, state com; Elizabeth Pate of Westfleld, It will deal with ' k23.181.B6 with Interest from Ellzabethporl, New Jersey, as prepared in accordance with a Plalnfleld, New Jersey. paid lor the preinr..-. .IIMWL- DIVISION, UNION COUNTY, misioner of Lnbor nnd Industryd . HeymanH n andd from Locall 33, DistillerDitillWy Workerk s UnionUi , andand meet the human needs of Union County. "Heritage Landmark" buildings in the county Wesifield; Mrs. James N. Carroll, Mountain- set Sunday tr February 5, 1973. Map No. 37-C. survey made by C.H. Flrstbrook, There Is due approximately DOCKET NO, M15B 72 FEDERAL y * The Sheriff reserves tho right to aC Q Lewis G. King, president of the County fund, side and Mrs. Arthur Falkin, Springfield. Being also commonly known Civil Engineer and Land Surveyor, J14.444.ll with Interest from ia^ p^-Sls-e-..l-^1>,.ng . NATIONAL MORTGAGF. Inbor.roprcsi'iitiillvcs lauded Fontana during a another from Local 140. which are open-to the public. iadlourn this sale. ol plalnllold. Now Jersey January 30, 1973 and costs. known as 64 Berki-li-v .'*'• ••'* •'• ASSOCIATION, n corporation _JMew officers for the year were also elected: ( RALPHOR'SCELLO, . as No. 158 Fifth Streot dinner til the Town & Campus, Union, last received the.Man of the Year Award. Paul A second brochure will deal with Builders' unit fetes Elizabeth, Union County, New Premises are commonly Thtf Sheriff reserves the right to Plalnfield/ New JITM-V organized under an Act of Mrs Boyles and Asbury, second and third at Trailside | Sheriff Jersey. known 31 61113 Wobslor. adjourn this sale, Also Included hut ••in a\ nor' -Congress, ond existing pursuant to week. Bosland received the Campaign Chairman "Architecture on Our Highways" and.a third, 'LYNCH, BOOTH, KENNY, Place. Plalnlleld. N.J. RALPHORISCELLO, ot the mortgao»-(1 prrmt-;<-;. . th fdl Ntional Mortage vice president; Mrs. Robert Bowman, Rosellc, ISCANLON & DOUGHERTY There Is due approximately ttlt r-odVr»i. NationoUMortflaq.. ^ ,n accc|,ling thir<' '.my- '•' Association Charter Act, navino its pg ; Secretaries plan and Miss Thelma Cunningham, Linden, Iformerly CHANALIS, LYNCH 519,650.40 with Inlerosl (rom WALLEY nnd WALLEY,- romb. stmdrs, mm!) -.im principal offict- In the City ol 1 Volunteer of the Year. list all heritage sites in the county, including Israel anniversary Minutes," a slide presentation 8. MALONEY, Attys. I The Sherlll reserves the rlghfto January 8, 1973 and costs. said he will remain on the executive board of adiourn this sale. V* Attys. "sash". Washinolon, District ot Columbia. Some 200 people attended the annual dinner. places with memorial markers and sites of The annual dinner-dance.of the Builders and recording secretary and assistant/recording by Miss Irma Heyer of DJ fl. UL CX-245-05 . RALPH ORISCELLO, The sheriff reserves the rlqhr to DJ & UL CX-251-05 . There is due iippr<>«im.tU>ly Plnlntiff, v& ARCHIE D. BANKS, the State AFL-CIO and as Union'County si'cri-tary, Mrs. Edward L. Swan Jr., Union Leader, Mar. 15, 22, 29/ Apr. - ndloyrn this sale. Union Leader, Mnr. 22, 29, Apr. 5, S24,159,63 with inii«ri'*.t from pi UK., et ,il^,. Defendants. • fuvs Sherlll. spring conference buildings no longer standing. Allied Trades Division of the Union County Elizabeth, will be seen at the 5, 1973 LOUIS J. VENEZIO, RALPHORISCELLO, 12, 1973 Nuvembor 30, 1972 ;ni<- and management," Heymann said. 'This Brook, April 5-8. DIVISION, UNION ' COUNTY, OF NEW JERS.EY, chairman, of Hillside, in a joint-statement with various places in the world (Fpo:S8l.AO) DJ 8, UL CX 24J C> vendue, in room 0 8, in thy Court appointment is in line with the Cahill self-help group she reported. DOCKET NO. F-1721-71 SHERIFF'SSALE CHANCERYDIVISION, House, in tho City.ot Ellrnbdh. The conference will begin with an open house Barbershoppers hold UNIONCOUNTY, Union Cuador, Mar co-chairmen Saul Drier and Sol Kramer, of taken during various travels FEDERAL NATIONAL SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW 1973.. .;_. ._. N J . on Wednesday, the 4th day of Administration pledge four years ago that all reception on Thursday evening, April 5. The "A new self-help rehabilitation program is The Bicentennial Committee is planning an MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, a JERSEY, DOCKET NO. F 1094-73 April A Or, 1973, nt two o'clock >n the people will be represented." Elizabeth. Thedinner.will be held Sunday, May of the speaker. •corporation organized under an CHANCERY DIVISION, UNION QUEEN CITY SAVINGS AND session on Friday, April C, will deal with group being formed In Union County", Warren H. dinner-dance in Union lAct of Congress and. existing SHERIFF'S SALE LOAN ASSOCIATION, a New , .i I lor noon of said dfly. exhibition, workshops featuring early hand- '6...... Donald W. Mayer, Trailside COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F 165071 Premises situate In the Cily The new post was created because "the dynamics, and the speakers will be David Knauer, M.D., chairman of the executive Ipursuant to the Federal National FEDERAL NATIONAL SUPERIOR COURT Jersoy corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Sam Halpem, of Elizabeth, and Murray The Colonial Chorus Chapter of SPEBSQSA director, will present half- iMortgaoo Association Charter Act, OF NEW JERSEY, MICHAEL GRILLO. a-k-a Michael SHERIFF'S SALI; of Plainfleld, County ol Union business of regulating labor is getting ex- Wagner, chairman of social studies, Wayne MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, a and Slate of New Jersey committee of Union County Unit of theCancer Society office in Elizabeth. Pantirer, of Hillside, chairmen of the Division, • Society for - the Preservation and 'having Its principal office In the corporation organized under an CHANCERY DIVISION. N. Grlllo, et ux,, 01 als., SUPERIOR COUHT tremely complex," Heymann said, hour talk* for children City ol Washington, District of UNIONCOUNTY, Defendants. OF NEW JERSI:,Y. Being known and desionntcd u bI ic sch d r rI American Cancer Society, said this week. Dr. Knauer explained thaflhc group will be Kncnuragement of Barber Shop Quartet Act ol . Congress and existing as Lot No. 45 as shown on ,t Tho president of tho Stale AKL-CIO. Charles P . . t f°«!f' £" * ' ~<*« f! ^WejMM"; saIdKathelBOwillKhdllillhonor^Jaeh k Monday through Thursday at Columbia,-Plaintiff, vs. ANDREW pursuant to the Federal National DOCKET NO. F-971-72 CIVILACTION CHANCERY DIVISION. p h AFLCI "The Union County O«tomy Club Is forming governed by its own members who intend to Sinning in America, Inc.) held its annual JOHNSON, ct ux., et 81., ASSOCIATED EAST WRITOF EXECUTION certain rnap entitled "Map ot p__..i.L.i ..:...,! t^A««..«„.„ -in .„>„« („ (h« minister of the First Presbyterian Church of Burstyn of Springfield "for his outstanding Mortgage Association Chartor UNIONCOUN1Y, Property belonging to Samuel 4 p.m. on "Whales and Por- Defendants. MORTGAGE CO., a corporation FOR SALE OF DOCKET NO r .UBS 11 Marcianti, cited Fontana's "30 years in the Red Bank. in an attempt to allow ostomates (persons who develop meaningful programs which will be leadership and service OIL behalf of his fellow dinner-dance Saturday at the Kingston Act, Having Its principal office In organized and existing under thQ T, Show and Julia E Ford. poises." CIVILACTION the Cit-'" y ooff Washington, District of MORTGAGED PREMISES COUNTY FEDERAL' SAVINGS City of Plninllcltt>ftLl...Dct labor movement." Others lauding the ap- The session on Saturday will be held.at the have had surgery In the area of the bowel or. beneficial to both patients and their families. Itcslaurant in Union. WRITOF EXECUTION ' laws of the State ot Now Jersey, By virtue of the above-staled AND I OAN ASSOCIATION, Jews in Union County and the people of Israel." "Sun-Stand Still!" will be Columbia, Plaintiff, vs. RALPH Plaintiff, vs. • MARVIN H. 1912" as filed in the Office ol pointee were (Jeorge Piccoli, director of in- . Bergen Community College in Paramus^and bladder) to meet and discuss mutual problems "The goal of the group," he said,"will be to FOR SALE OF DE BARO, »t — ux.,.- et al., writ ot execution to me directed I . Ptnlnllft, vs. LOUIS U HAD HIS. el tho Register ol Union County, Forty-five couples attended. • John Q.. presented at the Trailside MORTGAGED PREMISES HUNTER, et al. Defendants. shall expose (or sale by public ux., et at., Detendflnt? dustrial relations at the GAF Corp.; Alexander Defendants. • . CIVILACTION New Jersey «rSeptember ;;. will be conducted by Norman Kobert, as well as aid individuals who are either facing reduce the emotional burdens of men and FRIDAY DEADLINE Knbinsun.of Cranford directed the chorus in I By virtue of the above-stated CIVIL ACTION WRIT OF vendue. In room B-8. In-tho Court CIVIL ACTION EXECUTION " 1920 flJ\>/ND. 255 II Planetarium at 2, 3 and 4 p.m. WRITOF EXECUTION FOR SALL Ol Haig, vice-president of the Distillers Co., and management consultant. On Sunday, the group or have recently undergone Ujjs type of women who have had or will have an ostomy, so iwrlt of execution to me directed I. House, In the City of Elizabeth, PreniTses are commonly All Items other than spot news should Ihrer selections. "Side by Side." "Time Was" Sunday. It tells of the life and FOR SALE OF Wednesday, tho IBIh dny_ fiRTG "w111"trjnr~Ncw York-City~byxhartcied-btiir operation." Dr. Knauef said. He dd th —thai—they mnv nrhleve thflr maximum virtue i physically and socially." ~r3e"Trreargfftce by nuon un Ftltlay— and "iJoni ury Little GlTTT^ work of Copernicus. ^fKi By virtue of the above-stated In the afternoon ol said day writ Ol execution to me directed I • Street. Plaliilicld, N.J. For registration and genera! information, writ of execution to me directed I h r x k Y program will be repeated at 8 Alt the following tract or shall QKpose lor win by public . J °n ,° „"•, ?,"" ,*P.y ,""." '' Cnmpqign attacks ^uaU-Wrfe-Anu-Fuhror C464-4707). urea 1 don 1 of - J** |^*^pf III TlTo tvor 1 arcul—ol—tand" ••CildUe, In room •' " •" """Cnu •'—Wr3ai,5r 5 wilt, inlnrmi Hum rmTonWednesdajvWddArilp t venduo, frTroom B-8, In the Court ..erelnafter particularly January 25, 1973 and coil In the afternoon of said day. House, in the City of Elizabeth, her House, In the City ot The Sheriff reserves 1hi> rlghi lo tho Union County Association.. • All that tract or parcel of N.J., on Wednesday, the Uth day House, in the City of Elizabeth, described, situated, lying and N.J., on Wednesday- tfic iBth day 'Tasting' planned The Planetarium scats only | land, situate, lying and. being .N.J,, on Wednesday, the 18th day being In the City of Plalnfleld. of April A.CK.,1973. at two o'clock adiourn this sak' of April A.D.,0973, at two o'clock RALPHOHISCELLO, 35 so tickets are issued at the ; In the City ol Plalnfleld, In the in tho. afternodh ol said day. of April A.D., 1973, at two o'clock Counfy ol Union and State ol In the afternoon of said day. criticized by Dietz in the afternoon of said day. New Jersey. ShorHI I County of Union. In the State of AM that trad or parcel of ALL that tra'.t or n.irccl of Trailside office on a first- ' New Jersey; ALL that certain tract of BEGINNING at a point In HEISDOHf & JAFFE. Union County Democratic Chairman tand, situate, lying and being l.ind, sltuata, lyn iiiu Staioof eight are not admitted. measured along- •! the State ot Now Jersey, being being distant 350 foet In a ', 1 Union Lo.itfer, Mar. 8, 15, 22. 29, gubernatorial jiopcfuls iq-.tUe candidate program sponsored by the • New Jersey: "more particularly described New Jersey : 1973. . Christian tySUm,a n Alsatian Trailside facilities are open Southeasterly side lino of East Beginning at a point In the southeasterly direction alono --••••• •• in charges. Seminar on crime Union Chapter of Les Amis du Fltm Street (formerly fifth as tollows: , saidsraeTiheof Lelond Avenue BEING knpwn ond .^(Foeitnj't). petitions before trading pai wine producefr/,;ivl)l, lead an to the public weekdays except , Southeasterly side tine of East , '• d^&iQiiMtB AM'l-or Nb.:>9'dn A ! < i household word for soilings Street) trorn the point "Where SlKth Street, said Beginning BEGINNING at the westerly from Us Intersection with tfle " ... w -JT.i-. hi^atcmtnt.^letl &6ta' *Ki!> 'wa!i Alsatian' wine-tasting Vin tomorrow evening at the so Id 5lrje l\no' Intersects, with corner of Stobblns Place and southeasterly side line of East map.. onUtied "'.Map of SHERIFF'SSALE r lve Union County law enforcement offlclo s Fridays from 3 to 5 p.m. and point being 14.50 foet from the ' Property b<*1cin(iihg '0 Samuel distressed" ut the tone of the campaign thus Galloping Hill Inn, Salem the southeasterly side tine or center line of Roosevelt West Third Street, thenco Third Stroet (forembrly are among 37 state and county law enforceme it on Saturdays, Sundays and ranklln Place (formerly northwesterly along the Midwoy Avenue) J iheftce "t Tr"Snaw «nd"*jJuMitT5. Ford, , Avenuo, lormerly Washlnotoo , City of Pl.iinfleld, December hr, "Politic.tlly.Irresponsible irtnuendos arc. officials enrolled in-a seminar at Union College, road. Union. holidays from 1 to 5 p.m. The ilnth Street J; thence from Sfreef, on o coarse of North 4t I "•• southwesterly sldo of Stebblns- . running in a norlheastorly DIVISION. UNION COUNTY. Id beginning point. South 40 : Place, North 29 degrees 30 direction at right angles lo 191V which map waHllod In DOCKET NO. F3J-71 FEDERAL completely out of place now or later," he said. Willm's family has been degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds lhna Intended "to be vendue. In room 6-8/ In the Court Willm will show slides on the High school to a point and place of designated as 920 West Third BEING lots No. 63 and 64 In simultaneously recorded bickering helps nobody." -_ Henry W. Jaeger, assistant prosecutor. with the second course North Block N as shown on map entitled House, in the City of Elizabeth, Nationwide efforts of the Beginning. 42 degrees 21 minutes West, a Street, Plalnfleld, New Jersey. herewith. N.J.. on Wednesday, the nth day Alsace region and. comment The abovo description Is "Map of Highland Park, 1 Evan W. Jahos, state criminal justice United States Junior Chamber Being known and designated distance of 80.73 feet to the Plalnfield, N.J: 1906," H,C. This "Is .a first purchase of April A.D.. 1973, at two o'clock "What voters want to know," Dietz said, "is on the six wines selected for made in accordance with money mortgage given to In the afternoon of said day. director, said the seminar is believed to be the of Commerce to combat as Lot No. 5 in Block 309 on the point and place of Beginning. survey made by Roger M. VanEmburgh, C.E., which map whether potential candidates know issues and set bazaar Tax Map ot the City of The foregoing description Is was filed In the office of the secure a part of the purchase All that tract or parcel ol tasting. . . • Carroll and Company, dated price paid for the above- land, situate, lying and being first in the nation to focus on white-collar crime $5,000 alcoholism ure being sup- Plainfleld, New Jersey, 1958. In accordance with a survey by March 14, 1972. Register of Union County on July have the necessary public support to sustain a • According to Richard Union Catholic Boys High Being also known as 414-416 C.H. Flrstbrook Sons, C.E. and 16, 1937 as map-NO. 266-B. described premises. In the City of Plalnfleld, In the campaign." and corruption. ported by a $276,910 grant East Fifth Street, Plalnfield, US-, dated December 3, 1949 There is due approximately Therft \$ also'lncluded In the County of Union, In the State of Reskow, director, the Alsatian School will hold a spring and Is Intended to Include all of BEING commonly known as New Jersey; The Bemtnar opened on Monday at Union OR niORE from the Department of New Jersey. $20,156.33 with Interest from 251 253 Leland Avenue, sale of the . mortgaged wines. will be a pleasant bazaar on Friday and Alt equipment used In the premises conveyed to W. Fobruary is, 1973 and costs. premises 2 ranges, comb, stm- BEING designated and College. The first five dayi are being devoted to 'Black i Daekaf Drill KM Health, Education,' . and Roger Krlney by deed of Lela Plalnfleld, New Jersey. sash and 2 $t drs. described as Lots No. 24 and ChOOSE ONF. "Swlngar" 8olld Wast Band Coffee Park discovery for many wine Saturday, April 6 and 7, 1600 connection with the mortgaged • The Sherilf reserves the right to There is due approximately providing basic knowledge of accountUg F«ature* Yi* drill, snorted Welfare. premises, as more H. Whltford, Widow, dated |1 adiourn this sale, There Is duo approximately 27, Block "G" os shown on a Fc4d-a-way Matal Cart 25-cup capacity. Aluminum Marline ave., Scotch Plains. March 27, 1962 and recorded $7,102.30 with interest from $19,235.57 with Interest (rom certain map entitled "Mflp of attachments, carrying case. Stata Radio fanciers. speclficlaily described In the RALPHORISCELLO, January 1, 1973 and costs. Group to observe systems and related business practices arid Opens to 24" x 18". finish. 2-way faucet. ' The funds will aid Jaycees' . Financing Statement Form March 29, 1W2 In the Union Sherilf February I, 1973 and costs. Highland Park, Plalnlleld, . Black ADackar Jig 8aw Brwk-reslsunt caw ' ".The history of Alsace has The bazaar, which will County Register's Office In DB The Sheriff reserves the right to N.J. April 34, 1906" as filed In records. Two more sessions will be conducted Folds to 3" for easy storage- Tlme-temporature control efforts.to mobilize the concern UCC-1, filed simultaneously . FINN, RIMM and BLOOM, adjourn this sale. The Sheriff reserve* the right to f 2-tpaad. With blada Mtorlirant with shoulder (trap. feature games and prizes in a f herewith. 2580, page 382. adiourn this s^tle. the Office of the Register of in May and June and will deal with corporation and resources of local com- been' one of conquest," ATTYS. RALPHORISCELLO, Union County, New Jersey on ' There Is due approximately Being also known as 302 East DJ 8. UL CX-253-05 • Sheriff KALPHORISCELLO, 15th anniversary Reskow explained. "The carnival atmosphere, is being !$27,934.eB with Interest Irom Sheriff Jujy 16, 1937 as Map No. 266.8. accounting and business records and loctl munities in the fight against Sixth Street, Plalnfleld, New Union Leader Mar. 22, 29, Apr. 5, McDONOUGH & SULLIVAN, commnnlv. district has been shuffled back sponsored by the Fathers' 3ecemta_7j_lH2_m_ SvAls. JeF&oy. : alefthffl «>"'•"* ""d alrnhnlism ATTYS. known as MB Sumner Avenue, "The Union County Chapter. National Secre-—government procedures and records: ""AThletlc Committee: , The Sherilf reserves the rTorit fo The non-realty Items (Foe: J71.0.0 DJ j. UL CX-25005 Plalnfleld, New Jersey. The announcement of the and forth between France ana ad|ourn this sale. Included In the' abovo faculty includes staff members of U|e BSiS.Le.deVrS.rra. 29, Apr. 5. gJ,^"^ „' Apr 5 TCSTS' 'SS proximat• itele y tarles Association (International) will cele Germany three times in the The bazaar will be open on RALPHORISCELLO, transaction are: two ranges ",1973 union under Mnr. 22, JV, «pr. 3, h ,„{•„,.„, ,ro Criminal*Justice Division, the Federal Bureau award stressed, the im- ' . ' Sherilf bratc Its 15th anniversary at the monthly Friday from 6 p.m. to mid- and one refrigerator. EV": C^^^ESX^TOORNE-ANrrNOCt-AtiySTT -JiighlighLofUiEavcnlntwULbea_se5re((iri€s^ ErosecUtox!fl^J»D!i»rxSwM9n1_Dly!slon.jif RALPHORISCELLO, SECURITY CORPORATION, SUPERIOR COUROURT OOF NEW J fc K b t Y , L.m /KM \_ C l^ ' awwn.i-,»~ «..w .*»*».». •- grown-in-quantlty,— PLAINTIFF VS- GEORGE workshop seminar conducted by members of Criminal Justice, with the assistance of-tie |—NatlonBlinsUtntB-on -Alcohol Sheriff JERSEYEB™, , CHANCERYCHANCERY" SL^'.SiSNDOCKET NO. JUNTpWj_COUN. I- 1583-72 • ? Y. UnioOJJn ULeaderL CX.24a.Q, Mar.S 15, 22, 79, Apr. 1 BOURNE AND NOLL.Attys. BOYDE AND BARBARA BOYD, DIVISIC1N..-JJNION COUNTVll its chapter. Subjects to be covered are "ln» Union County Prosecutor's office, Union Abuse and Alcoholism, an "The French, interested In Municipal judges DJ & UL CX-249-05 DEFENDANTS DOCKET NO. F 1089-72 AXIA FEDERAL SAVINGS 5, 1973 agency of the National quality, regarded the efforts Union Leader, Mar. 15, 22, 29, Apr. CIVILACTION FEDERAL NATIONAL MOR- AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, A (Fee: J53.76) Basket Technique," presented by Mrs. College and the public accounting firm of Pea^t. WRITOF EXECUTION TGAGE ASSOCIATION, a cor- Savings and Lo.in Association of Christine Gallagher of Roselle Park "Travel- Marwlck, Mitchell & Co. H Is funded by the Law Institute of Mental Health. under the Germans as set- pick Haberstroh I SHERIFF'S SAiJH FOR SALEOF PREMISES poration organized under an Act of tho United Stales of America, backs. Each time Alsace Spring js spectacular at Flemington's Town SUPERIOR COgRT OF NEW By virtue of the above-stat£d Congress and'exlslinn pursuant lo Plaintiff, vs. KFNNCTH TANKS, SHERIFF'SSALE Arrangements" by Mrs, Lucille - Howell of Enforcement Assistance Administration aijd Wood Carving BoardI with knlfa NIMH is a component of JERSEY, aka KENNETH.W, TANKS, et < f( 2tta>o. OnatdaDkuMtwar* JM SHERIFF'SSALE writ of oxocutlon to mo diroctod I Ihe Federal National Mortgapo ERSET ctf«Nc ETT" —EnijTO«tlf-- TuJTiiriunlcatlon8 byMn^C*uV.~ahe::wew:-J^ 11" x0" board. Hardwood HEW's Health _ Service and changed hands, the vineyards— Judge—Douglas- J^-Haber- and-Country Fashion Center. Thq'fabrics ' CHANCERY DIVISION, UNION tha'1 pynnir (or sale by public al., Oefendanls. «'".-_*—.* a«.LjMlalnnt raWOOO • niunvi,, v..... SUPERIOR COURCOUR T OOFF UEV. Association Charter Act, having Its N C0 U TV/ crine 4 COUNTY, DOCKET NO. F-799-71 vendue, In room B-B, In the Court il d I th Cit l CIVIL ACTION WRIT OF 8oc'KlT No^o^ l ^ Sadowskl of..Elizabeth "Duties of a Planning Agency. conttructlon. Stainless •teal KnttBr -10*~toprCtirome-platetl cast Iron. Mental hvt-a a 1 t h were replanted," Reskow stroh ofJBexkeley Heights was „ are fantastic... the colors and patterns FEDERAL NATIONAL ! JERSEY, .CHANCERNC Y >R SALE OF a ! DIVISION, UNION COUNTY, ; House, i n the Ciy a lih EXECUTION - _jw»ld, . elected president of the Union MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION, a N.J.a^fiK^t&as;;, on Wednesday, the 4th day of- • ^&&&"2rl$&g. MORTGAGED P MISES SUPREME^ SAVINGS AND SprrAlnry" hy Mm .Tnrillh rlmm.cn of —^exciting... the styles-fcoeJindJBasy, yet corporation organized under an DOCKET NO. C 855-73— : plaintiff, vs. N 1 The wineslof-Abaeeare now County Municipal Court ; i ABBIE BARKSOALE and* April AD, 1973, al two o'clock in WflLlAMS^ ux., et - als., ' By -virtue ol -tl ation,' Pia'ir,°itf, Y™ ~r"Wealfickk•liCertffle.d Professional.Secretary.' 1 VL. EARLYCOPY - It is essential'ko enlist the._. Act of' Congress and existing er wrr ' e r o rP r always elegant. Fascinating pastels in pursuant to the Federal Notional , ARNOLD BARK-SOAtE;—tier- -the~—dfternoon of said day, Defendants. II of gecullon 10 l^e glrWlj"*^" c H A°fJ'u| s j "oE"OERALDR , ct als. by Miss Jean Hagadorn of Westfleld and "A l^bUcHy^halrrYtef^^^ widest support and assistance conslderedmorJEhrofPfeqcfi Judges' AssocTatidrriil~thc :Mortgage Association Charter Act. -.husband. Plaintiffs, vs. VIOLA i all the right, title and Interest of . CIVII1 ti.CTlflN shal : < Wine making, Reskow said. group's first annual meeting leather and suede... suits, coats, pantsults. having Its principal ofllce In the HARGROVES and NATHANIEL ' the above-named defendants WR IT OP-EXECUTION- iriuetejjam^afenli^^couri ^c'fS fc""AG.Tto'N WR,T OF"j Hiatory of Union"County Chapter" by Miss ^observe the FrlcJay dftBdllnO-fW of private citizens in the at- GEORGE BOYO AND BARBARA House. In Ihe Cj •Cltv ol Washington, District ol ! HARGROVES, her husband; — FOR SALE OF ...... iiaoe^ EXECI^TIONEXECUTION O-BFORJSSALE-OF Fflnn|j. SkfldaLoLElizflbeUi, president nf ttie \.1[h|jig;3pot-flew^ Include your i tack on alcoholism, the an- They resemble German hfld recently at the Towers, ensembles, separates and all weather 'ABEL SHIELDS. Unmarried;' BOYD, his wife In and.to tho MORTGAGED.PREMISES N.J.. on Wodnesday. MORTGAGED I .._ . ___ Columbia, Plalntllf. VS. CHARLES of April A.O., 1973, al two o' IE. DUNCAN/ et UX., ot. al., ERNESTINE STEVENS "and !•foHowlng^propertypto-witT By vM*tifQ Qf the above-stated By virtue of the abpve-Btaled chapter. nouncement also saldi wines in that they are light Mountainside. Judge James coats, too! FORMAN STEVENS, HER All those certain lots, tracts, writ ot execution lo me directed I In the afternoon of »ald day. ss and phone number. ; pelendants. All that certain tract or parcel of writ of execution (o me directed I The 525,000 young men and and fruity but, unlike German T. Leonard" o •f Garwoo- d was 1 HUSBAND. Defendants. or parcels of land and shall expose lor solo by public shall expose for sale by public - AT OUR FAMOUS RARE-VALUE civil action writ of vendue, In room B-8,' In the Court land and premises,, situate, lying, wines, Alsatian wines are fully chosen as vice-president, and j execution.— for sale of CIVIL ACTION AMENDED remises hereinafter par-' and being In the City of Plalnfleld, vendue. In room B-B, in the Court ' women of the U.S. Jaycees I JUDGMENT FOR PARTITION .. cularly described, situate, House, In the City ol Elizabeth, and b,,u House. In the City of Elizabeths I • Judge William Boffa Jr. of . mortgaged, premises R N.J., on Wednesday; the 4th day of County oofl Union, In the State of can play a vital role in com- fermented, giving them_ a PRICES FROM $49 to $295 i By virtue ol the above.slated FOR SALE OF PREMISES ' ! lying and being In the Town- N -J., on Wednesday; the 4th day of 'soy: N.J,, on Wednesday,' the 25th day I 4 -H-«nit forming - By virtue of the above-stated j shihi p of crnforcronlordd , InlhInthe CountCountyy- ; April A.D.., 1973., oa l Iwtwo o'clock In New Jers ol April A.D., 1973; at two o'clock ; batting a major national crisp, dry quality. Roselle Park was named ,wrlt of execution* to me directed I- 1 1 shall expose for sale by public amended Judgment to me directed i ol Union and State ot New tho afternoon- o''t '~said day- ". ' problem which, affects more The wines go. well with fish, secretary-treasurer.' 'vendue, in room B-8, In the court 'I shall expose for sale by public ' Jersey: Promises sisituatu e In the Cityy No^werfy %\ ftM' sAL ariffissi"L that tract o*r parcesja?.l ot land. ' veterinarian club THE SPLENDOR OF FUR vendue. In room B-8, In the Court ' of Plalnfieldllild . CntCounty-of f UUnioi n Place theroln distant cheeses, quiches lbrraines and 'House, In tho city of Elliabeth, BEING known and Sopihwesterly, 275.57 feel from the sltuato, lying and being In the City . than 9,000,000 Americans, -it Guest speaker at thej N.J., on Wednesday, the 11th day House, In the City ol Elizabeth,' designated as lot numbered 3 and Stale ot New Jersey. ol Plalnfleld, In the County of A 4-H Veterinarian Club will Crown your spring wardrobe In glory with N.J., on Wednesday, the 25th day BEGINNING at a point in corner formed by -the Intersection added. many desserts, Reskow sold. 'ol April A.O., 1973. at two o'clock In Block D as laid down on a of thi) said line. or':RM»MI-Plan Union, In the State ot New Jersey: . Man'a or. woman'* Foidlng' 7-pc. 8alad Bowl 8«t ^meeting was John A. of. April A.D., 1973, at two o'clock [ map entitled, "Map ol Villa the northeasterly line of West "be started in Cranford for they are all white,' (irid they the new fashion excitement of a "rnlnl- In the afternoon of said day.'-" with the Southwesterly line, .of BEGINNING at a point In the " Ot Taa Kattla Machine waahobla woven Dr. Morris E. Chafetz, All thai tract or parcel ot In- the afternoon' of said day. - Cites And Building Plots for End Avenue .distant therein southeasterly sldo tine of £. Front Youths 10-19. The first UAralla Ackerman, newly-appointed All tht ti tt t 97.08 feet northwesterly alono Central street, and.from thence - EorcnnM waodL._4.. director of the National are sold in tapering green . jacket," the alluring sweep of a cape or the - meeting will be held on April 4 100% Nylon. With protective cover PorcBl«trr-llnl»ii 'Union County Assignment h * f Its Intersection "Institute on Alcohol Abuse and bottles according to type — classic beauty, of a stole In magnificent at 7:30 p.m. ..'..»- RelBling, Sylvaner and Judge of the Superior Qourt. Alcoholism, said that the Mink, sumptuous sjible, bold Broadtail or " Youths are asked to call 233- REMRJUMYBMS grant, will support Jaycee Gewurztraminer. 9360, the 4-H Office, if they are X programs, to develop broad- Les Amis du Vln ia an - BRAIN TEA8ER' glamorous Chinchilla from the world's interested in. learning basic based citizen participation In organization of persons in- What would you add to nine largest collection of fine quality furs. facts of veterinary science the awareness and resolution terested In learning more' to make six? FROM $139 to $1650 -The enrollment 1B limited of community alcohol abuse about wine. Information Is ANSWER problems. .._„', available by writing to S; S plus IX makes SIX. TtdiTt*»il4*« Educational programs will Reskow at Box 853, Union." ..:MILTHAMMER

' •.,-. • • -. ••!••• : - -. .... •« emphasize five problem, rey. Account* Insuftd to $20,000 by F.S.LI.C areas: Driving, health, • Included In this mortgage: I stake> Whence In a northeasterly • course and parallel with the south Garden Street 50 feet to the Tho foregoing description family, peer-group and range, vent Ion, all BEGINNING. < belnu In accorcord with a survoy I Company, dated September 11. This description It drawn In MORE THAN JUST combination norm sash, 2 line of West Fourth Street thirty 1 1970. . ' '. accordance with turvey of RogeR< r (30) feet to a slake and line of lot COMMOHLV known as lib . made by Rofl»Roflor M.. Carroll legislative aspects of combination storm door, or Garden Street, 'Cranford, Now I dated 3-10 69. i. Also commonly Known as 717 , M. Carroll 1 Company ddatei d A PUCE FOR flemifigtQiiJlir coynpany any replacement thereof, as .number five (5); thence Russell Place,. Plalnlleld, New . August »T, 1970. drinking. descrlbad In the Financing -.northwesterly alono tine of tot No. •. Jersey and also designated on the premlsos aro commonly kn°«"> VOUR SAVINGS; To Publicity Chairmen: OPIN SUNDAY * EVERYDAY to t P.M....WEDNESDAY a FRIDAY TO IOPJ* oescriDea in mo ruianiuiw . .iiuriii«w>ici ly a.uuu miw ui IUI nu. ..-: -x as Id West End Avenuo, plalnfleld, Jerseyrsey. ; ,, t_ ^ _[,,_ BeinBeingg ...commortly..commonly^ known^a.nknown and Although the project will Stateonent.ForStatement.Form UCCUCGJ1 .Illtflltd . '; 5one hundred and fltty-sovefift (15n (157)) I present tax mapsas Slock 43. Lot 3 designated as ill] East Front NO. » SPRING ST. FLEMINOTON. NEW JERSEY It , »ltnjltlin«ou»ly\ herewith,! There Is due approximately Involve all of the 6,400 local Would you like some help In preparing >lrn|Jlttn«ou»ly\ hBt«w|th, > ' leet to the southeasterly tide of i of Cranford i%, du0New Jersey. There Is due approximately *23.947.43 with Interest from Street, plalnlleld. New Jersey. Ona at itw World's Largot SpKUU'U In Fin* Fun. ThefThf t l> dued» , apprpkapprpklmatell y West Fourth street and pla.ee ot I ™%'° . "Pfroximalely January 1,1973 and. t3.9a4.6a with There Is ...dUeV 8pnro)tltnfltely f 9_wlth_lntoVesl. .from r •Jaycee chapters across the newspaper releases? Write to this news- liitn.tt with Interest Iron* July BEGINNING, t?,!^^! and costs. .„.,_! 75, IW3 nr" ifilf.,.; irrffr r"ifr"'h* ". 1972 lttiMKiMetoStfrom I. W1 inrl rturt —~~— t-^ifB-TtnowrraTT37 West 4th jn»^emrT»»arwrttnrr1llnr»« \ February 7W1973 and cos)sT wl1 . the Shtrllf reserve sw IheJ-Ight to ! street, Plalnlleld; New Jeruy; adiourn this sale. The Sherlflerlffl rereserves s the right to Mq'iiin, Myfl tOTiBt.sMffl ' RALPHORISCELLO, .dlourn.hl...W The Sherilf resort** Iho rlpht to The Sherlfl reserves the right to i adiourn ihls me. ' The Sheriff reserves Ihe right lo HOR)s L0 adlourn this sale. . '. , ; , adiourn this sale. be chosen T »f special 1 RALPHORISCELLO, ; adiourn this sale. ' Sheriff News Releases." EDWARD A DRESKIN, , Sharllf RALPH OR ISCELLO. Sheriff RALPH OR ISCELLO, Sheriff Assets over $120 programs which - will give SherlH ; RALPMORISCELLO.Sherilf Atty. • . ' REISDQRF,* JAFFE, , ANTHONY V.CARUSO, Atty. MELVILLE J. BERLOW, Atty. Individual emphasis to each {BOURNE. A-ND NOLL, Attyt. DIANA and DIANA, Attys. , DJ J> 01 CXJ5B-05; ,*'•: ,•: » ' ,W«ucupwqn.»;8qto8|Frl,3a)»J3 ^ DJ 9, UL CX 14«05 L , I DJ &, UL CL377 05 oj & ut cx-mos ! DJ & UL CX 257 05 i Union Leader. Mar. », 15, I}, r>. Union Leader Mnr. 29 . ' Union Loader March 29, OTHBW WUD)CH«»i NEWARK • M Lyons Aw 1434 Cmtwllor Aj». Ui Leader, Mar. 15,22, It, Apr; ; Union Leader, Mar V). I 1971 . Unio,..~.n Leader, Mar. B, 15, H, 29, Apr S-12-19, 1973. April 5 12 19. 1973 u (F Apr 5-12-19, 1973 i (FeelM.11) ' •• . (Fee $73.00) I 1973.

r. .

«.»*>..*» *. .^..... --.j^ •* /^,*^ •,.*.'* Thursday, March 29, 1973 SPRiNGFIELD (N.J.) lEADER-Thursday, March 29, 1973-13 UC ready for visit Alphabet books for children Library gets books by: evaluation- team Women prisoners at N.J. institution listed by Springfield library on Italian culture: on nursing course One of the following alphabet booki Is sure to hai big humorous colorful Illustrations of two - gifts from AMICO studying criminal law; library attract the Seiime Street crowd to-the reading or more wofds on each page. H also h*s a lilt of AMICO, the American-Italian Cultural Union College's branch campuses in room in the children'! department. of the words Included In the book pictured on the last Organization, hag donated five volumes to the. Elizabeth and Plainfield and the Cooperative Women prisoners at Clinton Farms, a state Springfield Public Library this springtime, page. Springfield-Public Library reflecting th« Program In Professional Nursing conducted correctional facility, are the willing students in according to Marguerite DeCeaare, assistant Italian cultural contributions to music, art, jointly with the Schools of Nursing of Elizabeth New Jersey's first, and what may be the children's librarian: poetry, literature and history. General Hospital and Muslenbcrg Hospital will nation's only, course In criminal law taught in a "A Is for Alphabet," published by Scott, The books include: be reviewed next week by an evaluation team criminal institution. Foresman and Co., has large clear pictures, a "Happy Helper, ABC," a Golden Press book, "The Complete Operas of Gluseppl Verdi," from the Commission on Higher Education of double spread and as many as three or four Instructors are women students at the by Charles Osborne, an interpretive study of the Middle States Association of Colleges and bright illustrations of one letter as well. The Rutgers Law School in Newark. the librettos and music and their relation to the. Secondary Schools. letters Introduced are in entence form as in The course is among several new approaches Highway break-in, iB_is_for_bjscuits and butter and bread, for composer's life; . . In preparation for the visit of the evaluation to the application of law which have grown out bicycles, balls and books to be read." "The Uffizzi, Florence," a collection of color" team, Union College and the Schools of Nursing of "Women and the Law," a seminar In- reproductions of the works of art Included In prepared a 75-page self-study report, outlining troduced at the law school more than a year thefts from 2 cars the world famous Uffizzi Gallery in Florence; "ABC of Things,".by Helen Oxenbury, an the objectives in establishing the branch ago and now being taught by Rhonda "Dante: His Life, Times and Works," a English illustrator, is a lovely book to hold and cariipuses~and the Cooperative" Program-in Schoenbrod, a member of the school's adjutant complete collection of the cantos of the poet- listed during week see. It is entertaining as well as instructive Professjonal Nursing, describing the resources faculty. A practicing attorney Involved, In Dante Alighleri, by Giuseppina Salvador! and A break and entry at a highway store and with a slightly British humor that will appeal to to carry out the programs and evaluating how women's rights andjltigation, she is affiliated Bernice Lewis; ~ • well the objectives are being met. thefts from two automobiles in the township any child. There are one or more words with the Law Center for Constitutional-Rights Cassell's Italian Dictionary in both Italian- Cnlont^lieBe-openedits-braneh-cainpuses-in- in New York. - • ' were reported by Springfield police during the illustrating a letter on each page. W for in- stance, has wasp, weasel, wedding and wolf all English and English-Italian, compiled by Prof. Elizabeth and Plainfield in September 1970. Judith Levin of "New York, one of the Rutgers & Piero Reborn of the University of Mllany- Police said the owner orHarTttOTljrHouseTm—"done-in-one-amusing—picture-story. — There are about 450 students enrolled at each of students involved in the project, said that the 'TfiiTCoiosseum," a history ofTRome fri the branch campuses. Programs are offered in experience at Clinton Farms so far has been Rt. 22 notified them Sunday at about 9:45 a.m. that the store's front door had been forced the time of Nero to the -present, by Peter liberal arts, business administration and "an exciting, meaningful, learning ex- "Hosle's Alphabet," by Leonard Baskin, Is Quennell. . education at both campuses;_ Elizabeth also open. Police said $200 was stolen from the shop. perience" for both groups of women. our newest alphabet book, and the reviewing AMICO, as part of its cultural exchange offers urban studies andPlainfield also offers On Saturday, a township physician reported - "For us," she said, "this project has allowed- media consider this a real work of art. It was program, has planned an annual donation of law enforcement. that a remote control device for operating the real world-to Intrude into-the-noa drawn by Hosle's father for him when he was 3 similar works to other libraries in Union and garage doors had been, taken from his - Dr. Kenneth W. Iversen, Union Collego academic experience." years_old. It contains an unusual selection of Essex counties. automobile.* The unit, valued aT~|507"w«B~a~p^- president, said the branch campuses are The students began the project a year ago by birds~and beasts, and has only one to a page. parently stolen while the car was parked in a designed to serve a larger number of students, -seeking and gaining the approval of prison "S" for instance, Is. "a gangling entangling Mountain avenue driveway. to attract students from Union County's urban officials, and then-proceeded to develop and Spider." nmnc nnri in prnviHp community services and Police said a Mountainside motorist notified Church schedules circulate a questionnaire designed to deter- Mrs. DeCesare added, "Come and see these continuing education for students near their -rmtw-lhrnin nrnnn nf I ha-lain uih)^n ytprf nf them March 21 that his car had been broken ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MBBMBr I* 1wBIBpl^MtfB^^^^^^ ^^^^^^H books and the many others In our collection. homes. greatest concern to the prisoners. into while It was parked at Ruby Field. An annual offering to Jh hil to 5 Union College and the Schools of Nursing of It was found that criminal rather than civil ;Ign spe-ptayi Elizabeth General Hospital and Muhlenberg tuner," valued at $25, were stolen, police p.m. dally, and in addition Wednesday from 0 to law drew the most interest - not a total sur- 9 p m " Hospital launched the Cooperative Program in prise, since all the prisoners have had criminal -reported. . • ^vorld service 1un Professional Nursing in September 1971. The experience. The students designed the course The annual One Great Hour "of Sharing of- three-year program provide^ 45 college following elementary criminal procedures, fering for world relief, self-development-of credcits in the arts and sciences and 45 credits from arrest, search and seizure, ball, pre-trial people and emergency service will be received in professional nursing. Students who suc- Sandmeier second graders thts~Sunday at both worship services, 9;?0_and motions, trial, sentencing and appeals, to post- IIBRARY DONATION — Shown as AMICO, American-Italian Robert W. Holsoy. llbrory trustee: Helen Francis, head cessfully complete the program will receive an 11:30 a.m., at the Springfield Presbyterian conviction relief and parole, a spokesman Cultural. Organization, contributes books to Springfield librarian: William Heady, AMICO president, and Joseph associate in science degree conferred by Union explained. Church. Each year this offering is received as a College and a diploma awarded by the School of complete Japanese studies Public Library are, left to right, Lois Filreis, library president; , Conzolo, board chairman. (Photo by Edward N. Stiso) Attempting to explain black-letter, or Lenten giving opportunity which demonstrates Nursing. DANCE PERFORMANCE — A free performance of the '5 x 2 Dance Company''will be ' printed, law and at the same time making an LEGAL HANDBOOK FOR PRISONERS — Students at the Rutgers low School in Nework Second graders at Springfield's Thelma objects. They also made stuffed fish out of concern for healing breaches in the world There~arc 272 students enrolled in the presented Wednesday, April 4, at 8 p.m. at the Theater for the Performing Arts by effort to trace the course along areas of the go over a handbook they prepared for inmoles of Clinton State Farms. Left to right... Sandmeier School recently culminated their paper and paints. They learned fish is a symbol community and In the common life of man. Montana, is underwritten by the self- giiiiiiiiiiiiiim miitiiii iiimiiiiiiniiig Cooperative—Program—in—Nursing—126—at —"the7Dance-€atrimlttooTof-theCollege-Center-Boar5 ;md delays his o( the change, lie will get an • been compiled byTHeTaw group. The" volume, mayonnuise. Spill English ministers its own credit card department, as retirement pasi that age will automatic increase in June, the "Prisoners, Legal Handbook," a 254-page muffins, then toast. Top with well as a marketing division for tax-exempt be eligible for! higher retroactive to January 1973,'' _ text covering criminal law, begins With an cream cheese (three ounces) securities. Both departments represent ^faymenta when.->'h0.retires, he said. - ' Introductory section on the Constitution, the miked with one-fourth CUB apectallied Cervices for a subuxhan com- More than 5,000,000 workers court'Bystem and legal scHrloes for the poor. each of finely chopped onion mercial bank Social •*MuXlty^ district will receive $198 million in Complete with illustration*, the book has 16 and green stuffed olives, then Total assets of tho bank at Dec. 31, 1972, manage/ilf Elizabeth/' Social Security increases in chapters, beginning with "Search-and Seizure spread with, deviled-'ham. Top exceeded $364 million: Benefits^.', increase one- ' 1974 under the new' provision. and Arrest," and concluding with "Parole." each with a slice of tomato. twelfth of t percent forjeach- Spread lightly with mayon- e month—or'J percent1 for each naise and broil; for a few Te year—after 1970jf the worker minutes until heated through. doesn't get Social . Security It's a delicious treat for guests benefits betweervage 65 and 72 or family. because of his earnings. "This higher benefit can be in money Uso ORIENTAL FEAST — Second groders at the Thelma Sandmeier School in Springfield ORIENTAL FESTIVAL — Bathrobes became kimonos and crepe paper was turned into paid lo retired workers tinder - sample suklyakl which they prepared themselves. The youngsters who enjoyed the Japanese-style stuffed fish. q» Sandmeier pupils celebrated two Oriental holidays, a new provision of the Social meal as part of o study of Japanese culture, alto were treated to sesame seed- Boys' Day and Girls' Day. The" second graders learned about, origami. Japanese FOR AN EXCELLENT , writing, customs and dress as part of their studies and the Far Eastern nation. rs never Security law," Jones said. "It cookies, toy bean nuts. Oriental rice and green tea. * It's the sound of the Dorh Perry Orchestra _doesn|tj>ffect Social Security SELECTION OF beginning at9.:00every Friday and Saturday,' payments to THeIr~fahTilies." To Publicity Chairmen: MOMIt . APARTMBNTS night. For fancy dancing. Or just plain listening. The new provision will mean M. Greenfield, 43; —-Would—you like some help And the l«at goes on 'til the wee hours. additional benefits to some .CONDOMINIUM* .LAND workers already getting in preparing newspaper ' re- Social Security payments, special librarian leases? Write to this news- FOLLOW THE REAL Jones reported. "H a worker Funeral services were held Sunday for paper and ask. for our "Tips ESTATE MART WEEKLY I lour about Martin Greenfield, 43, of 77 Melsel ave., on Submitting News re- Springfield. Mr. Greenfield died last Wed- leases." our complete dinner 4-mile walk Now Forming nesday. . . _ Born in Newark, he lived in Springfield 15 years. A graduate' of Rutgers University, on Saturday Newark, and Columbia University, New York A four-mile ramble on the City, he was~IT~sclenUfic abstractor at the TENNIS Picatlnny Arsenal Library, Boonton, for the SPECIAL OFF-SEASON ; planned for members and U.S. Government. He was a member of the guests of the Union County Special Libraries Association, O\e Librarians Hiking Club on Saturday. Association and a patron of the^Metropolitan The group will meet- the CLINICS Museum of Art. leader, Doris--Bleber of - Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Rose Greenfield, and two brothers, Herbert and OFFER Cranfotd, at the parking lot at MAY THRU JUNE r Nomahegan, opposite Union Daniel. — Arrangements were made by. the Suburban INSTALL NOW & WE'LL GIVE YOU College, at 1 p.m. • • • • 4> Ah ll-mile hike along the Chapel of Philip Apter & Son, 1600 Springfield A $100 U.S. SAVINGS BOND Bear-fort Ridge '.west of ave., Maplewood. False y ii EVENINGS for Sunday, April 1. Hikers BEAT THE lH ' '[ " Packanack- Kenneth Klehr,73; Every evening Fefe or~Chnrlio" select a difterent Wayne Shopping Center at FOR MEN & WOMEN ... and deliciousentree of chicken or seafood or 8:4$ a.m. Martin GfUIgan of leather firm head SUMMER r beef for your dining pleasure. Plus an appetizer, Summit will.pejhe leader. #L.;_ STABTJHGMONDAY MAY7th, 1973, SIX \\ Funeral ley potato, vegetable, not breads, beverage and ••• ~ Further information maybe- -Kenneth Klehr, - 73, of 445^ Morris .ave;, even a dessert. How about that. obtained from, the Union : ! ~ Pick th* «v«nlrig ahd time mosrcoftveniont for y< Oprlngfleld,«-loi idUIl ^they've done everything possible to County Park Commission's W Telephone operators are people like sessions mMLMojjday thru Thurs. Eve... 7:00 to 8:30 - 9 to 10:30. Mr. Wehr died Friday iri"~St. Barnabas recreation department. everyone .else. Subject to, good and. satisfyyou. Whether it's a routine con- . SIX 1-1/2 HOUR SESSIONS $54 ' • Medical Center; Livingston. He" waTTHo" bad days, human frailties, everyday nection or an emergency call. : president of Rlalto Leather Goods Inc., and Wlleteiithrowr Eagle is acquired owned coffee shops In Harrison, Newark, dayi^night aches and pains. Since the'.telephone operator is Orange and Maplewood. He retired 10 years H«maj -probably your primary contact with the by United Oil Co PRE-CAMP CLINICS FOR CHILDREN ago. . And because they are, some occa-. v Born in Austria, became to Newark 45 years Eagle Oil Co.,, a" fuejl off RAIN OR SHINE A DIVISION Of CAJtM* COW. sionally lose their cool. While that's the ' phone company, his or her $tandards STARTING MONDAY MAY 7, 1973 ago.- He lived In Hillside and Union before ho The kind of party that even you the host 1 distributorship serving Union, automatically .reflect ours. That's, a / • ;' \ MONDAY THRU THURS. 4-5:30 P.M. ^ '.moved to Springfield seven months ago. He was or hostess can enjoy. A' quick call.to our party exception .and not the rule, when it Essex, Hudson 'and Bergen plqnner, Tim Garity, starts the ball rolling. counties for more than 28 a member of Diogenes Lodge No. 22, F&AM, happens, no one likes-it. pretty big responsibility. Arid our oper- : And it'll be a hall. With our fine facilities,- years, has been acquired by ; V ,4,CHILDREN PER COURT',,. '„...-!... forlhe pait W.yeal*. - He Is survived by bis wife, Esther; two food, and drink. We'll plan your party if you call Most are-dedicated and committed ators know it. They also know .that United Oil Co., ot Hillside. It '••"..' ' * LIMltED'TQ-16 CHILDREN PER SESSION our number, 376-7025. people expect more from' the' tele- was announced this weefc by daughters, Gloria Frey and Lois Lanyard; a FREE ESTIMATE - NO OBLIGATION to helping each and every customer. Burton Elsenbud, president of brother, Samuel Wehr; a sister and four phone company. So being' good isjft grandchildren. • •••.,--••.-..' FINANCING ARRANGED When they complete a call, telephone United. v. " SIX.1-1/2 HOUR SESSIONS $54 .. • The acquisition, which Arrangements were, completed by the operators want to (eel assured that good enough. .•'.•. Bernhelm-GoldsUcker Memorial; Home, 1200 results in a customer total of - ' ' , • • .' • - . • I- ' ' • •• ' ' . . • , Clinton «ve., Irvlngton. " I , more than 6000 and estimated l sales In excess of $5tt million, fy- [""K)R FURTHER INFORMATION CAU. OR WRITE | • '"; >: ' ' ;;''';i ' makes United Oik Company 'one of the largest InBependent •crt-JEM, fuel oil distributorships In MILLBURN TENNIS CENTER Miss Bessie Oliver of 859-C Morns ave., New Jersey. Springfield, died on Sunday at the age of 81. New Jersey Bell f: 56 E. WILLOW STREET Miss Ollver.was bom in Newark and came to EASTERN FUEL CO. Springfield from Maplewood three years ago. COMFORT/ .Bwng.goodisr£tgcicKi enough.- "~ PllLWIDKN'HAL MILLBURN, N.J. She was « retired legal secretary. APPEAL'•-•• - " •• . Survivors include ber Slater, Hue! Oliver, OB March 9, l»70, President with whom she lived, and a brother, Percy M. N(xon appealed- to Russians "• Fta, Service, were conducted 273-0006 and British to help end war- The Mall at Short Hills • 376-7025 fare in Laos. '•:' '••,'•. " -•• Springfield. Burial Cemetery, Union. . * v/'"v".'.; :'r'-'^, •.;,;•••; >"•';>••'•':•:..•;-";••-

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•\ •: 4-Thursday, March 29, 1973 Seton Hall official •&• Urban area growth is slowing down calls job prospects 1 Population expected to hit peak by 2020 for students 'good The sharp door in the nation's fertility,, Region would have a population ol a million in themselves—is accounted for in the Regional Job prospects tor Seton Hall University underway since I960, relieves New York urban' the year 2000. The region includes New "York Plan projection.). students this year are "good and getting bet- regionx planners of the specter of continued City and 26 surrounding counties stretching Using Census Bureau data, Regional Plan ter." Stanley Strand, director of placement, growth that would, as suggested by economist from Trenton, New Jesey, to,New Haven, ' forecasts that the nation and the region will explained the optimism. Raymond Vernon only a decade ago, Connecticut. Three years earlier, the Associa- eventually see and end to population growth. "list-year, companies would call us and say eventually stretch-urban development continu- tion projected a 30 million population by the Because of unique trends, the New York region 'we might take one.' This year,.they're taking ously to Chicago. advent ' of We new century. will achieve zero population growth two more than one." Both of these earlier projections foresaw no decades earlier than the nation. According to the College Placement Council, end to growth. The current projection Because the fertility rate Is volatile, • range this is the first year of intensive college This is a major finding of the first portion of a anticipates a region of nearly 25 million in 2000 of possible population levels Is projected. If the recruiting since 1969-70. Job offers at new demographic analysis .conducted by and an end to its population growth by 2020 at fertility rate continues to drop a the recent rate bachelor's level HBV '""""IHH hy 46 percent Regional Plan Association with Ford Founda- about 27.million. (A recent federal report that of decline, the region's population would stop nationally since last year. Job offers for tion financing and released today. Only, two fertility rates in the last half of 1972 dropped growing, by 1985 with 22 million persons, the students holding master's degrees have in- years ago, Regional Plan-basing its analysis , below replacement level—in which each couple Association calculated. That's the low projec- CIRCUS BENEFIT — The Pan-American Circus, a one-ring indoor European-Style Circus, creased by 8 percent and doctoral students are on projections by the U.S. Bureau of the produces only enough children to replace tion. Since the 1957-60 period, when fertility yvill.present seven performances at the Morrlstown Armory Friday/Saturday and receiving 23 percent more offers than they did Census-forecast that the New York Urban Sunday, March 30, 31 and April 1, for the benefi»^of-»he Cerebral Palsy Institute of rates for this century peaked at an average of last year, . , 3.7 children per family, as reported last month * Orange, N.J. Tickets are available at $3 (reserved seat) and $2 (general Accounting, banking and finance, marketing by the National Center for Health Statistics. J)_Ihn hnn nffira l the. widening availability' of who recently appeared at the Upstairs at The ton, Evelyn Rowe, Hannah Neidenberg, Norma umb r of lt e ed y hold contraception deylce* and information and alumni also return to the placement office iri~ " f , ,TJ * ?'! 5 A f? °J two-year degree will be fully tranaferrable. Downstairs in New York Cily, and special ddhdiU nt lab* Associate of Arts (A.A.) and Associate of abortion, legalized by recent court decisions, -BBarch-fordrffc "The new admission- - • s polic- y nnnminr-ed Science (AS.).degrees In accredited two-yeoT and (3)-the fact that historic trends in buttr jyuiiimuiuuMiiiiiiuiiuimiuiMii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiliiiiuimiiiniuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii iiiiiimumiiiig today represents the desire of the NCAS faculty transfer programs. Europe and the United States fit current birth The credits earned will go toward the for closer coordination between the four-year rates and do not fit the short-term 'baby boom' 5 fo be honored and two-year colleges In New-Jersey," he 1 STRICTLY PERSONAL I minimum of 124 credits required for graduation birth rates. - with a Bachelor's degree from NCAS. Dean concluded. . By Pat and Marilyn Davis by congregation Samuels pointed out that the action of the aiimmiimiiiiiiimiiiimiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiimiii Copley News Service iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH faculty is the result of considerable internal POTTERY • SCULPTURE Dear Fat and Marilyn: the other tenants. I am (let good grades, have n nice Lillian Brodof Irvington, commander of the discussion and examination of the performance Bankers list 1 live in a large apartment naturally friendly and make family, and should always be Cpl. Louis S. Ferdinand JWV Post 309, of two-year college graduates at Rutgers. WEAVING • BATIK Irvingtbn-Union, wjll be among five persons building and enjoy many of friends easily. I realize this happy. However, I find that I- Besides this, he said, there has been extensive speakers at STAINED GLASS • JEWELRY can be an asset but am am often depressed and honored at the Israel Cabaret Night Monday at discussion about this with offfcials of two-year discovering it can also be sometimes feel rejected by 8 at Congregation A.A.B:C, Chancellor avenue, colleges. FOR YOUR listed on the debit side. my friends. Irvington. "By announcing this new policy, we are not convention CLASSES/ Also being honored are Emanuel Fleit of Vltlt Our Boom 410 at tti* N.Y. INFORMATION This is my problem—one of I have attended the same necessarily guaranteeing acceptance of every A newsman, a consumer CollMum Crattmtttrlalt and equipment Show Irvington, presider(t_of_the, Irvington Jewish L the young men in the building high schqol for three years applicant. Previously, we admitted applicants advocate, an ambassador, a . March -a • April I • WE ARE OPEN Civic League, and Henry Mahrer of Irvington, comes to visit constantly. Wo and really should have more but did not; accept all the courses they had basketball star, and banking every evening til 8:30 P.M. education chairman of the Temple B'nai Israel, Mtepl Wedneiday do not date, In fact, he is about friends. I am not outgoing, but taken. Withihis new policy, everyone accepted officials will speak at the New Irvington; both are members of the post. The THE SALEM CRAFTSMEH1041 SALEMS ROAGUILD D • Sal. frorfl 10 AM III 5 PM four years younger than I am I am always neat and well-' can be sure that every course taken toward the Jersey Bankers' May Con- ] ALVIN PLAC£ • Call lor an appointment other two honorecs arc Jack M. Pomerantz of UPPER MONTCLAIR 07041 UNION (00*1 so romance does not enter into groomed so this isn't my A.A. or A.S. transfer degree will count toward vention. The 70th. Annual tor your Irvingtofi.'from B'nai B'rith Lodge 1010, and 746-8828 688-3163 the relationship. Even when a problem. Why do 1 feel this the minimum credit requirement at NCAS," Convention of the New Jersey CALL OlTWllitB K>« »«OCHliS RN1TIQNAL FREE 1973 v Mel Speiser of Irvington, representing Congre- young man comes to see me, way? Dr. Samuels explained. Bankers Association will be. TRAVEL plans gation A.A.B.C. this boy will linger onjind on. I " _ - Cheryl He said students accepted still had to meet held at the Chalfonte-Haddon we are-licensed conauIUnTi) Mrs. Brod, who will be installed for a second find this embarrassinjTarid It Dear Cheryl: the general college requirements foe the Hall complex, Atlantic City, term as commander for two days later at the is difficult to explain his Many shy people actually bachelor's degree and the specific major from May 16 through 18, an- WE SUGGEST post installation of officers, is also, the 1973 presence. build u wall which prevents requirements set by the various departments. nounced NJBA president Irvington Memorial Day parade chairman. The 1 WeeK Vacation How can I discourage him friendships from developing. - Regular requirements for bachelor's degrees George L. Bleliti, president, ' Israel Cabaret Is being held on behalf of State from dropping in? 1 am get- If you fall into this are outlined in the NCAS catalog. Applicable Colonial First National Bank, CARACAS $205 Person of Israel bonds. Admission is free and ting so that I am afraid to open classification, make every, courses transferred with the minimal passing Red Bank. entertainment will be by Yosst Wejsgraa. Jack my door. effort to correct this fault. Do ->More than 1600 New Jersey, HAWAII $349 polfsor Pomerantz of Irvington is Israel Cabaret Hetty not fail to be warm and kind bankers and their spouses are: LAS VEGAS $30^5 •Bear-Bi'tty: . for Tear you wiirbCTCjCCtBttr- . rhairman : . - Amendment-OKd- ^expected, to attend. UMLjhree; Tell this young man that you Most of us have had the day meeting. iire busy and not always free experience of feeling great on Hugh Sldey, Washington AD WEEK! rJL Illumine to spend lime talking. Explain Tuesday and depressed, Y chamber group af Franklin State Bureau Chief for Time TRAVEL TIT51 Tie rrlUBt "cntt—bufoi e lonely ami leJucUal uu Fiidayr- —A riwird tmrnhprnf Btockholders was on hand magazine, and Betty Furoess, APRIL 8th THRU 15th coming to see you. If he- Instant happiness is rare. II plans first concert as the llth annual stockholders' meeting of the \ dlrt?cu)r fui Uic AGENCY knocks on your door without takes time, effort, and the Franklin State Bank by an overwhelming Union, Washington, will ad- WORLD The Y Chamber Orchestra under the notice, say something like giving of oneself to build margin, approved the slate of"'directors dress the delegates at the tint TRAVEL direction of Seymour Rubinstein will appear in .^CONSULTANTS this: "I am sorry but 1 can't friendships, presented and an amendment to the Employee ' general-session of the Con- its first concert at the Maurice tevlnTheater of OPEN EVES invite you in as I am leaving in If these periods of Stock Option Plan. • — yention on Thursday morning, IN HONOR OF INTERNATIONAL AD WEEK 1IIB:»5OI.II15 the YM-YWHA of Essex County Saturday, a minute. GOOD-BYE!" Some depression occur too often, Chairman Mayo S, Sisler explained that the May ir . i.h- • K«"l»worth people get the message only if consult your family doctor. April 7 at 8,p.m.. "Apt, H ' ' amendment H6'the Woek option 'pferrwould" - -The ipMker at JheJuidtaon r I* V A WORLD OF SI it is brief and to the poirjt. -O--O-- , J, The orchestra, me.fUlr^inatj^At^qterel.. sponsored by the&FfeleraK 276-2666 : l retain and reward key employees foe their -o~o~ '. years of planning, grew otit'-oran' WHesBhA contributions, based upon performance. Reserve banks ot W*i Y«Si* APRIL WILL BE INTERNATIONAL WANT AD MONTH V^RESULTSjZ* -* Wa Provide Complete Workshop sponsored and inaugurated by the INCOME TAX Preparation Dear Put and Mnrilyn: Dear Put and Marilyn: President Anthony D. Schoberl reviewed the and Philadelphia will be I am a senior in high school, I am an 18-year-old boy Music Education Committee of the Y. It was: past year and the year ahead. He called par- David P. Eastburn, president and still living with my formed in October 1972 to meet increasing ticular, attention to the fact that Franklin State of the Philadelphia Federal parents. I attend the local demands by serious.'."but -non-professtohal Bank had increased resources by $50 million Reserve. AT SUBURBAN NEWSPAPERS ^»S FOR f ' junior 'college and find the musicians for an ensemble of this type to,/ without the benefit of a merger: He also Scheduled to speak at the classes most uninteresting. I provide a common meeting ground for thogood discussed the remodeling of the Matawan, sec<>nd_general _se»slpn_j>n_ Panasonic makes your would like an apartment of my amateur musician as well as for talented young Strathmore and Cliffwood offices and the Friday morning, May 18, are' YOUR CHANCE TO TRY PURE ACTION WANT musicians who want to pursue a career in George W. Mitchell of the SEPARATES - KNITS - CROCHETTES own; however, I cannot afford opening of two offices in Ocean and Marlboro. SHORT DRESSES - DESIGNER CLOTHES... road a little easier. an apartment and'my car^ If 1 music. Information about auditioning for the In discussing plans for 1973, he called at- Board of Governors of /he .TAKE . . :. move, I know I would have to orchestra may be obtained by calling 736-3200.' Federal Reserve System, : tention to the two branch offices planned for sell the car. It would be irn- Presently consisting of 44 musicians; the East Windsor Township and Freehold, and the Washington; Jose Juan De- THE "IN" PLACE IS.... • group rehcanfes every Sunday morning at the jgbssible to ;make a car pending merger with First New Jersey Bank. Olloqui, Mexican Ambassador payments and pay ront. Y.from 10 to noon. Trumpet and perctSsion to the United States, and BUI ADVANTAGE Living at home is difficult. players are especially needed. Bradley~of- the New York My parents araalways yelling One-woman art exhibit Knickerbockers. SPECIAL LOW WANT AD at me. If anything goes wrong, Speakers after the Friday F. I am blamed. What should I Westfield artist to hold at Morristown gallery luncheon are Richard F. Thii It tha klMl B-track cwtrldQ* play** lor anyona who hai * t*curiiv t»ott do? Should I stay home and Schaub, Commissioner of the lam. Complata with dufabla lock I no car brackat. tha unit «llpi In with no Florence Stea of Chatham, widow of sculptor tolerate this hostility or should one-woman art exhibit New Jersey Department of - Mirei to connect. Oat tiu« high fioaJlty reproduction with Ptmtontc'i ver- and painter Cesare Stea, will present a show of tical haad mowamant lyitaHn, ttw two-iUQ* pra-amp gruti you pura tounct I move out on my own? Westfield; Sue Cottrell will have a one- Banking, and Charles M. Van rapVoductlon and tha ilmplif l*d control* includ* an automatic rapwi button, her pen-and-ink flower drawings, paintings, DRESS SHOP CA woman art exhibit at the Somecvtlle Inn, lit. 22, Horn, regional administrator, pushbutton and automatic ctianrwl ctumevn. plui tlid* ruli uoluma anrj tana •...'.' - pastels, and water colors at The Masterwork control*. Compact, ralUbla and compUttly -olid rtiU, (hit unit it Qmlltv of national banks,'New York. Dear C.A.: from Sunday to April 30. Self-taught in animal Music and Art Foundation, Morrlatown, this WHEN TOU WRITE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED AD conttnictod (or yaan of troubla-fret pparatkin. The convention's official 1145 STUYVESANT AVE. Reing 18 can be a most anatomy, she is known for her portraits of dogs, Sunday through April is. A reception will be business will conclude with 375-OMO difficult age. You are con- cats and horses. given in her honor at the opening of the exhibit the Installation of the 1973-74 IRVINGTON, N.J. Open Dally 10-5 Panasonic sidered an adult and believe The exhibit at the inn will have a double entitled "Flowers by Florence" on Sunday. 2

• I- v- -.- i «•'• «.••'•:> •-.- ^ "•-••* r<4*§:i~ L

r TEMPLEBETHAIIM AN AFFILIATE OF THE . SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADEIVThursday, March 29, 1973-17 Table for HconsecutrVe years for the National Association of UNITED SYNAGOGUE OF AMERICA Benevolent Society 16-Thorsday, March 29, W73-SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADER and Is now a lifetime member Life Underwriters and New BALTUSROL WAY, SPRINGFIELD of the Million ' Dollar Round "York Elle's topclubs . RABBI REUBEN R. LEVINE Group to hear talk Table. He has also won the Nadelman specializes In CANTOR FARID DARDASHTI antique show, sale "The time of their lives' National Quality Award every business insurance, pension YOUNG ISRAELOF SPRINGFIELD Friday—6;45 p.m., Sabbath services. year since he entered the plans, health and accident, ,,.,- 339 MOUNTAINAVE. Saturady—10 a.m. Sabbath services. will wind up ioday by company public business. He has spoken hospitallzation and group CORNERBHUNPIKE ROAD Monday—8:30p.m..Sisterhood meeting. Girls work 3 weeks in DC. throughout the United States insurance programs. RABBI ISRAEL E. TURNER Tuesday*-7:30 pm., USY meeting. Today is the closing day of the 31st annual relations specialist Friday — 7:15 a.m.; morning minyan ser- Wednesday—8:30 p.m., executive board antiques show and sale, sponsored by the . WASHINGTON, D.C.—Two seniors at council and the honor society and, a staffer on 1 vice.. 6 p.m., "Welcome of Sabbath' service. meeting. Ladies' Benevolent Society of the Springfield The Rosary Altar Society of Our Lady of Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, the Dayton miliuul nuwapaper, spent last Lourdes Church, Mountainside, will meet Springfield, N.J., have-completed threo weeks summer In Finland under the auspices of- the Saturday — 9 a.m., Chumaih (Bible) class Mlnyan"-Services: . Presbyterian Church In the Presbyterian with Rashi commentary. 9:30 a.m., Sabbath Parish House, 37 Church Mall. The show opens Monday evening at 8:30 in the church working at the Beat of legislative power In the American Field Service Committee. She has Monday through Friday - 7 a.m. auditorium. nation's capital. Mally Baumel of 296 Baltusrol been accepted at the University of Rochester, morning service; sermon: "This Is the Mon- Monday through Thursday - 8:15 p.m. at noon and closes at 6 p.m. way, spent her three weeks in the office of her and she expects to study history. Now, having th." Klddush hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sunday —9 a.m.; 8:IS p.m. Admission to, the show, which features ap- The speaker" Tor the evening will be Carl T. congressman, Matthew J. Rlnaldo of Union, acquired a taste for life in Washington, she Dobrin. 3:30 p.m., Sabbath afternoon youth Saturday — 7:30 p.m. proximately 30 dealers, is $1.25. Luncheon is Beline, a public relations specialist for Western who represents New Jersey's 12th District. would like to make government her career program, grades 4 to 8; 6 p.m., afternoon served from noon to 1:30 and is priced at $2. A Elcctric's Engineering Research Center in Rachel Gold was in the office of Indiana Sen. after she completes her studies. service; shalosh s'udos repast; zmirot HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH tearoom will be open from 2 to 5, featuring Princeton. His topic will be "Prologue to Tomorrow." Behne received his education at Birch Bayh. __ She and Rachel are co-presidents of the melodies; discussion; farewell to Sabbath sandwiches and homebaked desserts, served (THE CHURCH OF THE RADIO Michigan State University, graduating in 19M Dayton Student Chapter of American Field •tones «f jervlce.- 1 by waitresses dressed in colonial costumes. Both young women reported having had the •'LUTHEHANBOUR! ANDTV's with a bachelor's degree in journalism. He Service. Rachel plans to major in political Sunday — 8 a.m., morning minyan service; In addition to the antiques displays, a _time of their lives during their brief stints as "THISIS THE LIFE") served as an information officer at Lowry Air science at Rochester. Trinity College or Beloit ENkALPPt* fellowship breakfast. 6 p.m., afternoon service; bouljjjue, bake table and flower booth offer Capitol Hill staffers. "The people in both offices 639MOUNTAINAVE.,SPRINGFIELD Force Base, Denver. Mary Gagliano is College", also aiming al a career in government .advanced study group; evening service. Items for sale. This event is the main fun- were extremely cordial to us," Miss Baumel REV. JOEL R. YOSS, PASTOR chairman for the evening. said. "I know that in Congressman Rlnaldo's service. ; Monday through Thursday — 7:15 a.m., TELEPHONE :DR 9-4525 ." draislng for the year of the Ladles' Society and enables it to contribute extensively to missions office I was treated just like one of the gang." EI.I NADELMAN morning minyan service; 3:30 to6:3 0 p.m., Sunday — 8:30 a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30 Before the program there will be a business on a local, national and worldwide .level. meeting at which the-nominating committee The Dayton seniors were in the capital under religious school classes; 6 p.m., afternoon a.m., Family Growth Hour; 10:45 a.m., wor- will present its slate of candidates for the 1973- ,, the auspices of the Washington—Workshop, •service; advanced study group; evening ship. • Mrs. Emil Meyer is manager of the show, Nadelman •—74 year. Nojminatlons wilJ_bjMicc£nicd.iis_well..A_—:-- which regularly Eponsorsprogrums to acquaint —Monday—4 p.m.,-Confirmation ll with Mrs. William Wdod as assistant manager fronftmyfloor. An invitation was extended to all - high -school students- with- the-worMngs-of- Tuesday— 7 p.m., testimonial dinner to Dr. Tuesday — 1:15 p.m., Bible study; 4 p.m., "rln addltloiiTlhe following chairmen are scr- " ving: treasurer, Mrs. William Melick; ad- to attend for the evening and remain for coffee. government. While in Washington, they stayed cited again >Leonard Strulowitz at Short Hills Caterers. Confirmation II. MARLEEN COHEN ~— in dormitories of Mount Vemon Junior College ' Wednesday — 8:30 p.m., Yiddish class. emissions, Mrs. Charles Maskiell, boutique, Eli Nadelman of Cranford Wednesday —12:45 p.m., Ladies'Guild: 7:45 Mrs. Robert Henrich; bake table, Mrs. in the District of Columbia's Foxhall section. p.m., Lenten Encounter; 8:30 p.m., choir. was New York Life Insurance OUR L AD Y OF LOURDE8 Cohen-Leibowitz Raymond Kolster and Mrs. Herbert Miller; Antiques program Miss Baumel arrived in Rep. Rlnaldo's office Company's leading agent for dining room, Mrs. Charles Remlinger Sr. and at a time when one of the secretaries was home 300 CENTRAL AVE., MOUNTAINSIDE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1972, according to William J. REV.GERARD J. MCGARRY, PASTOR Mrs. Gustav Rupp; flower booth, Mrs. Herbert ill. "I had frankly expected to be given menial Sullivan, Jr., manager of the MORRIS AVE. AT CHURCH"M ALL WipJIer; posters, Mrs. Howard Heerwagen; to highlightmeeting jobs like sharpening pencils," Mally said. "1 REV. GERARD B. WHELAN SPRINGFIELD engagement is told company's Newark general REV. JAMES F.BENEDETTO ' Announcement has been made of the publicity, Mrs. Frank Richards, and tearoom. was thrown right into the breach, handling office. PASTOR: REV. BRUCE W. EVANS.D.D. Alice Rieg. correspondence and filing." ASSISTANT PASTORS DIRECTOR OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: engagement of Marleen Cohen, daughter of Mr. of Woman's Club A New York Life _Sunday—Masses at 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30a.m. and. SHEILA KILBOURNE and Mrs. Norman Cohen of Sayre, Pa., to — "Calling Air Collectors" is the subject of a She also accredited herself quite well, ac- representative since 1959, now cordlng-tq-Rinaldo. "I saw her work myself, •IS noon. Thursday — Noon. Antiques Show Martin Leibowitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam talk to he fliwn hy Aiirlrcy-HonnoU-tw>for<-)hf» fiUttM r j -..,.,— •Tjm.n iriiwYr, i •••-•••^ t" - and my stall mTsmbeTB wliu wurked-directly— Jturdays—evening Mass, 7 p.m. " sltz ol 24 Hriar Hills clrcie, Springfield.' --Eoothiti-Qubseis— Springfield Woman's Club next Wednesday ; Springfield, Nadelman has led Cp.m. 7:18 p.m., Girls' Choir rehearsal. 8 p.m., with Mally have praised her highly. If Mally Weekdays—Masses at 7 and 8 a.m. Miss Cohen, a graduate of Northampton evdning at the National State Bank, 193 Morris the state in sales for his Senior Choir rehearsal. were in the market for a fulltlme job, she could First Friday—7,8, and 11:30 a.m. School for GlrlB, Northampton, Mass., attends ave. Miss Bonnell, who is a former owner of an company since he started in Sunday — 9:15a.m., Church School. Classes' meeting programs POLITICAL SCIENTISTS — Rep. Matthew J. Rlnaldo discusses national Issues on the certainly have one on my staff." Miraculous Medal Novena and Mass- Beaver (Pa.) College. antique shop in the Plainfield area, will bring business and he has been .for 3-year-olds to Grade 8 are taught in the Mr. Leibowitz, a graduate of Jonathan steps of the Capitol with two Springfield teenagers, Mally Baumel, left, and Rachel Having proved her mettle on routine clerical Monday nt 8 p.m. The KoothlU Club of Mountainside will meet samples of 30 to .10 items to share with Ihe among the top 10 of New York Parish House. Nursery service Is provided on Dayton Regional High School, attended the MRS. E. RANDALL MILLER Gold. The girls have just completed three weeks of advanced studies In national duties, Mally moved on to progressively more ^.Benediction during the school year on Friday next Thursday, April 5, at noon in theCTrart- group. Life's 8,500 agents nationwide the second floor gf the Chapel. Following University of Rhode Island and is now studying government under the sponsorship of the WashingtqnWorkshopseminar program. responsible work. She assisted the at 2:30 p.m. ticler Chateau, Warren. Temple Bell Boutique According to Mrs. Fred Mercuro, program for the past 10 years. classes, a corporate worship service for all ' at the College of Optometry. congressman on research projects and con- Baptisms on Sunday at 2 p.m. by ap- departments will be held m the Parish House will have a display, and prizes will be awarded. chairman, tho speaker will explain the history Nadelman has qualified for An August wedding is planned. tacted government agencies in behalf of con- MILLBURN pointment. auditorium, dedicating the One Great Hour of The program, "How Psychic are You and Church wedding and value of these antiques- and tell about the Million Dollar Round stituents. In fact, during her first day on the Confessions every Saturday and eves of Holy Sharing offering. 9:30 and 11 a.m., identical How Do You Use It?" will be presented by places to find them. She will give tips on why Shoplifters, speeders fined job, she had an opportunity that some veteran Days and First Fridays, from 4 to 5 and from worship services, \vilh Dr. Evans preaching. ST. JAMES CHURCH Elizabeth Allen. Mrs. James T. Egan of for Beth Forsman, they arc collectible, and other facts about Capitol Hill staffers seldom get. "I talked to the 7:45 to 8:30 p.m. The annual One Great Hour of Sharing offering 459. SPRINGFIELD AVE., Mountainside, whose son James is listed as them. Items displayed will be such things as old White House twice today," Mally told her will be received at both services. Child care SPRINGFIELD missing in action, will give a short talk and bottles, cups for invalids, keys, "whimsies," at court session on Monday fellow workers. : EVANCKL BAPTIST CHURCH provided for preschool children on the second • MSGR. FRANCIS X. COYLE, PASTOR shtiw a film on the POWs. Mrs. Egan is New E. Randall Miller cooking tools, souvenir cups, shaving mugs, copies of "Police Gazette," hair receivers and Mally, who is a member of the student DAVID STEINBERG 242 SHUNPIKE RD., SPRINGFIELD floor of the Chapel. 7:15 p.m., Westminster REV. STEPHEN P. LYNCH Jersey state coordinator for the National A South Orange man who shoplifted $11.94 Morris avenue, and Anthony Paclfico of 270 St. Stephen's Church in Millburn was the tobacco jars. . WigsBy Gigl: - REV. WILLIAM C.SCHMIDT JR., PASTOR Fellowship meeting for all high school age REV. EDWARD R. OEHLING League of Families. ; worth of goods from Channel Lumber was fined Mountain ave., Springfield, was fined $35 for setting March 10 for the wedding of Miss Beth 'Summit, $35for 48 mph; Arie Niederrrtan of 110 • REV. JAMES C. WESTERVELT, ASSIST. young people. Plans will be made for the spring REV. PAUL J.KOCH Tickets for the club's April in Paris" dance Mrs. Mercuro has announced that the $100 at Monday's session of Springfield speeding 47 mph in a 25-mlle zone on Hillside Forsman, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. George A. avenue. Baltusrol way, Springfield, $35 for 47 mph, and Steinberg abstract" .: HEAR THE EVANGEL HOUR FRIDAY brunch which will be held next Sunday morning ASSISTANT PASTORS still arc available, and may be obtained by meeting will be open to. nonmembers. Anyone Municipal Court. Quality You Con Afford 1 1 as a fund-raising project. - ' Sunday masses—(7.p.m. Saturday), 7, 8:15, contacting Pat Carvellas or Arlene Miicke. Forsman of Pitt road, Springfield, .to E. interested in attending was asked to call Mrs. The shoplifter, Jonathan V. Turk, was one of Diego Rivera of Summit paid a total of $50 for. Richard G. Brunnerof Pittstown, $30 for 44 AT 10:15 P.M. OVERJIADIQ mph. Ten days of-Pr«-$oson Savings! Monday — 3:15 p.m., Brownies. 7 p.m., Girl 9:30, 10:45 a.m. and noon. Dolly, 7 and 8 a.m. Members have been reminded that dues Randall Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mercuro at 379-5316 in the evenings. two persons brought up on that charge before driving 59 mph in a 35-mile zone on Morris on exhibit- in show i STATION WAWZ-FM. 99.1 Miller of Lancaster, Pa. avenue and for failure to change his address on John H. Lobcllo of 23 Becker rd., Springfield, , .Thursday — 7:30 p.m.; choir rehearsal. 8 Scouts. 7 p.m., Grades 1 and 2 teachers' Holy day, on eves of holy day at 7 p.m.; on holy must he paid by May 31. Hostesses for the evening, assisting • Mrs. Judge Joseph A. Horowitz. Anthony J. A mixed-media abstract by David G. preview. 8 p.m., Grades 3 and 4 teachers' days at 7, 8, 9, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. The Ilev. Elliott Lindsley of Gennantown, Frank Phillips, hospitality chairman, -will be Suszcjynski of Cranford paid $60 for taking his driver's license. wa> fined $35 for careless driving on Shunpike •p.m., young adult Bible study. Steinberg of 167 Hawthorn ave., Springfield, preview. Confessions—Saturday, l to 2 p.m. Monday N.Y., and Chaplain William Foreman of Ft. the following members of the garden depart-. . .- —- $3.51 worth of goods, also at Channel. Charged with exceeding the 25-mile limit on road, S, Springfield avenue, Pitt road, Mldvale ; f .Friday — 7:30 p.m., senior high Bible study. titled "Sclf-Portrait," is on exhibit at the 22nd Tuesday — 9:30 a.m., Key '73 Kaffeeklatsch through Friday,.7:15 to 7:45 pjn. No con- DetrIck^M3., officiated at the ceremony. A. menh—Mr»r -Walter Anderson, Mrs. James In,other..court action, a charge of causing Mountain avenue were Johnny L. Davis of East drive and Fleldstone drive. A $50 penalty was 'Saturday — 8:30 a.m., men's Prayer annual regional art exhibition sponsored by the Bible study group for. young women. Baby fessions on Sundays, holy days and eves of holy reception followed at the Town and Campus in • Cawley, Mrs. William Peacock, Mrs. Edward death by auto, brought against Virginia Orange, fined $35 for driving 49 mph; Heinz E. levied against Mark K. Schaefer of Summit for Fellowship. 11:30 a.m., young people's "Circus Westfield NCJW Art Center of'the Oranges. sitting will be provided. days. ; Union. Rackowski, Mrs. Louis Schneider and Muriel Simmons of Middlesex, was referred to the Meyer of Clark, $40 for 52 mph; Terezija A. careless driving on Morris avenue. Careless pod Cawood" social. driving on Meisel avenue, and failure to have The exhibit, at 16 Washington -st., East Wednesday — 1:30 p.m., Ladies' Benevolent Jane Staehlc of Springfield was maid of Sims. i Union County Prosecutor's Office for Grand Lukin of Irvington, $45 for 50 mph; Philip A. Sunday — 9:45 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m., SPRINGFIELD EMANUEL plans celebration — Smith of Plainfield, $35 for 48 mph; Florence^. her driver's license in her possession, brought a Orange, Will remain on display until April 13. It pSbrning worship. Pastor Schmidt will preach a Society meeting featuring a program by Elsie honor. Bridesmaids were Laurie Lautman of Jury action. Robert D. Chaplin Sr. of is open from 1 to 4 p.m. B. Brooks, church organist, demonstrating the UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Farmingdale and Lori Mijglia of Wayne. Karen ayiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiiius Middlesex, who had been a passenger in the Battiato of Westfield, $40 for 55 mph; Theodore total of $25 in fines to Yevona Healy of rawsage from the Book of Mark. 11 a.m., s . pi Steinbnerg, a 1969 graduate of Jonathan^ wide variety of music possible with a pipe CHURCH MALL AT ACADEMY GREEN The Greater Westfield Section of the National Foreman was flower girl. Simmons car, was killcfl March 4 after the L. Dulany of Orange, $40 for 52 mph; Doris V. Millburn. Junior Church. 5:45 p.mi, Junior High Youth Dayton Regional High School,'is now in his organ. 8 p.m., Christian education committee. PASTOR: REV. JAMES DEW ART Council of Jewish Women will celebrate Geoffrey Miller served as his brother's best | Charge for Pictures I woman allegedly ran a stop sign at Hillside and Murrell of Scotch Plains, $35 for 48 mph'; and Raymond J. Wolff of Pequannock paid $15 for Group. 7p.m., evening service; congregational -yximl-yr.il> nt tynm^T-lr^hnnl nf Finn t\r\t\ Thursday -^ a" p.m.% Chancel-Choir, Trlvett NCJW's Both birthday Tuesday at li:15p.m. in man. Robert Shinton, David CaecatnoandAlan.-. s There Is a charge of $5 for wedding and j= Mountain avenues. Her vehicle was~hT~*~~~ ila-Hr-eiH-of-BeTkeley-Heighta, $45 for 56- driving without a license; Robert D. OnefrieHi- -tinging, special music, a special wuiil hum Chapel. : of Belleville was fined $35 for misuse of license Industrial Arts, where Jie is majoring in fine ANTIOCH BAPTIST aiURCH -the-«»ciat-hnll~uf-Tt'iiiple~EltlaHu" Eir75/t. County, Sunday at 11 a.m. at the Ethical _9J0_a.m.^ Bible, study-itiS-ajn.,-Christmas- drinking, Jwye_been_ linked to patient is able to retain the 7Cultare~Socielyr51SProopecFsC, Maplewood. •*"" larynx, buMt is imporTannb ALSO- workshop. ... •— POM POMS | laryngeal cancer. In a British Fasola, 24, a college graduate, has been TULIPS DAFFODILS study, English and Welsh ^stress that early treatment is APERFORATED Saturday — 10 a.m. .Joint board meeting. The $ essential. . CLASSIC IN BLACK - Reyl.Arthur-Stevenaoii-wlll be thp sneaker. active In the Cahlll campaign for governor, and bartenders and tobacconists has risen in the ranks of the Republican party. $199 PATENT OR BROWN CALF Sunday — 9;15 a.m., Bible_Btudy, Church Bunch 1 w.ere shown to have a higher Even when the larynx must He resides In East Orange. - i£rT 49 death rate from this type' of rjHUBurgically removed most WITH WHITE CALF, 40.00 ^School: Grades S - 8. 10;30 a.m^, moniing Bunch,,' I Xb/5 public Isinvited tor attend themeetlng: rnnrpr than (he rest of the worshlpTCradle Roll througfi fourth grade,- 1 patienti s learl n to_sp_eakk nngalgn Coffee will be served and a discussion period througlui technique kiTEwn as 11 SOUTH MIDDLENECK ROAO Sllver Cross class (Fifth und Sixth). 7 p.m., CARNATIONS Spring BOUQUETS' population. An American —OTEAT NECK. 1.-M516M87-405D wlllbeheld. studj proved that it is ex esophageaji speech. This confirmation class and Senior High Fellowship. Tue«day-=:i2;W|r.m;rXJPW and Mothers'- ~ "HBDNTAIN81DE UNION CHAPEL $1" $1*9 substitute is made by and Others'will entertain the Senior Citizens at Bunch Each I -—ROUTE 22, MOUNTAINSIDE that bars smoking Greys tone Churchy Elizabeth. REV. RONALDS. BENCE, PASTOR — drinking—to receive ~~ Wednesday —10 a.m., Mothers' and Others' ' . • HOME PHONE;754-3814- Produce gaod quality, meeting. 8 p.m., Chancel Choir rehearsal. for c understandable speech: ' STUDY PHONE: 232-3456 •-.•;' IT'S LAWN CARE TIME . - 840 Motrli Tgtnp*«, thwt Hllrf. tMw Jray/ Own 7 d»y> habilitation Is 80 turns MI. ST. STEPHEN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Sunday—9:45 a.m., Sunday School for all Due to the lack of snow this winter, lawns FOR' RESERVATIONS: 379-3&S' Uia mohair yotn wh»n you linlf ages. U a.m., morning worship service City dwellers without proper care and feeding early this Ikil joekll and » will hav. a mink- 119 MAIN ST., MILLBURN (nursery and children's church provided). 5:45 spring, will not hold their rich green color this Hit ODptarortc*. Palfcrn Q&3 con REV. JOSEPH D. HERRING, RECTOR p.m., junior and senior youth groups. 7 p.m., year. „ DAILY COMPLETE DINNER SPECIALS tain! Inilructlom lor making Sunday-8 a.m., Holy Communion, 10 a.m., 12 lo 20. evening worship scrvico,—: Let our years of experience In lawns and gardejis ALL *»clMs Inclvd* Sw» du Jour, talsi. S«nd 50« lor »acn dm, Holly Communion and sermon, first Sunday get you and your lawn off to the right start.. Potato, ViMsMt, •cv«'*|« and DMMTI fl h dlk and festival occasions; morning prayer and Mondayr:7 p.m., Pioneer Girls for all girls, l^t-ior aach d/tn palltw. )0< (or sermon, second through fifth- Sundays. 10 to grades two.to li. V WURSWY toe* madl.vort palltrn lor mailing 11:18 a.nv, Church School; babysitting at 10 .Wednesday—8 p.m., midweek prayer ser- SCOTTS PRE-SPRING SALE « and nandllnal la AUDHT MNt «u" vice. .. . • PRIME RIBS «MU,«onl.Pta/»irV.»A,jt,07OM a.m. ..,;." TURF SUPER TURF HALTS OFUEF »RBI Thursday—8 p.m., cholr'practlce. BUILDER BUILDER PLUS CwnpWi It's Spring Again! SELL BABY'S old toys with a OUtA VV«nt ArJ. Call 4Bo-770a dally 9 to- $1 .SO Bag $1.00 Bag EVERVFIIIMV SCf,M DBILABRT'S — WMIIMK fAITAIL *K" BAKESHOP SUMP U ona vlqton ELECTROLYSIS Weed-Free JACKSON « HRKINS WID0ING & llltTHDAY CAKES TOP SOIIL Vmonal florist PERMANBNT ROSES FKIIHIM for Pritff Parttai •' 6u»JKCIALTY HAIR RBMOVAL R«f. HO Ib. Bag $ " W| OQ 10% OFF MMJHPASW ••;"/ Limit?... _ ice CHEAM owes NANCY OMtr •»!*•_»§ 4- ._1 n. Ofhf •xpirM «.1TJ (W»ll Holldni PERLMAN 4171 Now At CORTE BEAUTY SALON WIONNfl CA«I 0IUVIMD WAYSIDE GARDENS »KIW Brighten yoafparfour Mth an cxduiaito ailk Fine Jewelers & Silversmiths since 1908 44 MORRIS TPK. (Rt. 24) 657 MOUNTAIN A. flower arrangement and/or a natiintl- 265 Millburn Avenue, Millburn, New Jersey Open Mondays & Thursdays till 9 P.M. SUMMIT I SPRINGFIELD loohing green tree. l .,

.«• •.:.

... -K 1 -Thursday, March 29, 1973-. Auction scheduled tonight Realtor urges homeowners SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LgADfR-Thursdoy, March 29, 1973-19 Installation, party iBurnet PTA lists events to leave selling to the pros listed by women of Refusal to list a home for sale with a realtor He advised potential home selleni or buyers ' • A Chinese auction will be held tonight at 8,by favors by Mrs. Smolenyak and posters were will not save money for the seller, but, In fact, to visit any of the 106 qualified real e state firms •Burnet Junior High School PTA, Union, in the prepared, by Leslie Gesten, a seventh grade may cost him money, according.to Norman T. which make up the membership of tiie Board of local B'nai B'rith - Cafeteria. Mrs. Jack Karsten and Mrs. George Burnet pupil; and Mrs. Cimlno. Mrs. Fred Tobln, Vice-president of the Board of Realtors Realtors of the Oranges and Maplewood, These The Springfield chapter of B'nai B'rith 'r £imino, ticket chairmen, have announced that Rabey is ticket container chairman, and Mrs. of the Oranges and Haplewood, including Realtors are located in Maplewood, Women, will hold installation of officers and a ~ C tickets may be purchased at the door. Mrs. Ralph Ruocco is trading stamp chairman. - Springfield. ' Springfield, Millburn, Short Hills, JUvingston, paid-up membership party Wednesday evening ; Joseph Smolenyak, class mother chairman, Mrs. Citron announced at a recent executive In a statement released this week, the East Orange, Orange, South Orange and West at Temple Sharey Shalom, Springfield. - reported that more than 100 home-made board meeting that a challenge volleyball t«JUU Maplewood Realtor said: Orange. Champagne cocktails and hors d'oeuvres will - delicacies have been prepared by the executive game with Franklin. School PTA will be held "Homeowners should leave the selling of Tobin concluded,"These professionals be served at 8 p.m., followed by installation " board and classmothers. Thursday, April 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the Burnet their homes to a professional just as they seek possess the experience and the : ability to ceremonies, the program, dessert and coffee. • : Mrs. John Conley, general gift chairman, has gym. Refreshments "will be sold. Mrs. Robert Nuptials conducted any other professional such as an attorney,, complete each real estate transac lion at the • The installing officer will be Mrs. Alvln Eig, housed the hundreds of gifts and prizes in her Haiken, recreation chairman, informed the doctor or guildman. - fairest possible price in the quickest possible president of Northern New Jersey Council, 1 Milton avenue home. Sollciations were made board that team captains will be Mr. and Mrs. "Many people are not objective in appraising time." B'nai B'rith Women. Edward Kosser, and that a practice game will for Irene Re////, ; under the direction of Mrs, Harvey Schwartz •the years of work they have put into the house Officers to be Installed are Mrs. Mem - and her committee. Mrs. Max Meizel, Mrs. be held Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the gym.'with in the terms of what the. actual value of the parents and faculty members participating. A Shafman, president; Mrs. Stanley Kalsh, Mrs. - Jfc-thur Gesten, Mrs. Joseph Smolenyak, Mrs. V. Anthony Russo property is to others, and the homeowner, Elliot Axelrod, Mrs. Bernard Karp and Mrs. r. -Robert Haiken, Mrs. Norman Boucher, Mrs. 25 cent admission charge will be donated to the . consequently, overprices his home. — Temple sisterhood Multiple Learning Disability (MLD) scheduled Irene Mary Reilly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Levine, vice-presidents; Mrs. Philip 2 Gerald Kleinman' and Mrs. Norman Citron, wy/Dfl "When the high price discourages many Gerber, treasurer; Mrs. Robert Weltchek, -president; have collected more than 700 gifts. outdoor camping trip. Mrs. Harvey Schwartz, Joseph J. Reilly of 1663 Andrew st., Union, was T>ro«pective buyers over a long period, the fund-raising chairman, announced that various married Saturday afternoon to V. Anthony plans Israel party financial secretary; Mrs. Harry Stein, ~: The oriental theme was .created in table homeowner will drop his price." corresponding secretary; Mrs. Ben Boxer and stuffed animals for Easter gift-giving will be on Russo, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Russo of _ JIhe_April_JTieetfng_ of_lhe-Sisterhood. ..of.. Nutley. Tobln pirplntrufl thnt twn th|ngn can possibly -MrsrSam-PillerrsentinelsT-and-Mrs^Morton- ^sale at the ball game. ' happen at this point. Temple Beth Ahm, will be held on Monday, at Berger, Mrs. Alvin Cantor, Mrs. David Mrs. Sam Edelman, school education -POSTERSTOR CfilflESE'AUCTION — Burnet Junior High Scfio^rpfATDriion. officers The Rev. Gerald Marchand, tho Rcv.-Ho; "Prospective, buyers begin if 8:15 p.m. at the Springfield, temple. Feitelson, Mrs. Edward Hollander, Trudie chairman," reported on a recent board of (left to right), Mrs. Norman Citron, president; Mrs. Arthur Gesten, and Mrs. Harvey- Naddeo and the Rev. Joseph Worthmann of- something Is basically wrong with the d« Mrs. Harry Rice, program vice-president Neidenberg, and Mrs. Joseph Tenebaum, MRS. MERN SHAFMAN prliirntinn meeting Mrs,Citron announced that Schwartz, vice-president, display some of the posters to announce the PTA's ficiated at the ceremony in St. Paul the Apostle announced that Mrs. Edward Rosenbaum, g Church, Irvlngton. A reception followed at the They also adopt the position of waiting for Turstees. a donation of $25 was given to the MLD Chinese auction scheduled tonight at 8 ot tho school. GRAPHIC DISPLAY — Youngsters from Springfield's Florence Gaudtrnscr School view additional drops in price. Many times the Israeli affairs chairman,'and Mrs. Stanley In honor of the 25th anniversary of Israel, . Sisterhood to present camping fund in memory of First Lt. Dennis Town and Campus Restaurant, Union. torn* of the features at the |unlor art exhibit now on at Saks Fifth Avenue In homeowner will sell for a tow price just to meet Wyman, social action chairman, a re arranging Mary Ellen Schoonover of Irvington served being celebrated this year, a program of en- Hart, nephew of Dr. Fred Stahuber's Springfield. Shown are, from left, Anne Angleton, Laurie^ Gersteln and Wendl the financial demands of a new house that he the program. The theme will be in celebration tertainment has been scheduled. "The story-teller in program son-in-law. • as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Barbara Hammer. ' \ •- . i has agreed to purchase." of Israel's 25th birthday and'will be entitled Entertainers," a troupe of professional per- An all-grades spring dance will be held Three-day art show, sale set Saakeof Sea Girt, cousin of the bride and Mary (Photo by Edward N. Stlso)' "Happy Birthday". A skit will be presented by formers from Springfield, directed by E,yelyn "A Night of Laughs," featuring Idelle Lip- Friday, April 6. Mrs. George Schuster, dance Lou Zelenski of Morris Plains. Sisterhood members which will highlight every Orbach, will present songs and sketches. schitz, Jewish story-teller, will be the program chairman, announced that the PTA will provide John Russo of Nutley served as best man for been under surveillance for some time. The Pedestrian hurt year since Israel's independence. There will be Members of the group are Charlotte Chernus, for the meeting of the Sisterhood of Young the refreshments and chaperons. his brother. Ushers were James Russo of arresting officers, Sgt. William William Cieri, a birthday party setting under thci direction of Bess Modes, Lanie Lewis and Judy Orbach. Israel of Springfield, tonight at 8:15 at the Court hearings set wr ron, cqunty hea^h anri mr-ntnl tir-nlfh for Temple Sharey Shalom Nutley, brother of the groonv,-and Joscph- Dftt. Oomlnlrk Ollvo, Sgt A irffW CTh -Mrfc—Marvin—Steinberg—and—Mrs-.—Morton- synagogue, £Jtl Mountain ave., Springfield. chairman, invited mfmbers to two conferences Temple Sharey Shalom, South Springfield portrait busts in stone, bronze and terra-cotta. Reilly of Union, brother of the bride. Ptl. Edward Kisch and Ptl. John D'Andrea crossing Rt. 22— Welnstein, visual aids chairmen, Mrs.-Lester invited lo attend the affair. Reservations arc Sandy Strulowitz is president and Hannah to be held next month. A workshop will be held avenue and Shunpike road, will hold an art Mr. and Mrs.. Jerome Shapiro and Mr. and Mrs. Reilly, who was graduated from Arch- MRS. CARL W. BAGLEY . for three arrested were personally commended by Lt. Samuel In East Orange man was listed in Stein Is in charge of hospitality. available from Mrg, Saul Black, installation Tendler is program chairman. . on venereal disease Tuesday, April 10, with Dr. show and sale) Saturday evening, April 7 from Mrs. Edwin Hertzoff, Chairmen of the art show, bishop Walsh High School, Irvington, and Calabrese. . satisfactory condition at Overlook Hospital Mr& Donald Perlmutter, president, will committee chairman, at 376-2272, or Mrs. Fredrick Lerman, senior urologist of Elizabeth 8:30 to 11, and on Sunday and Monday, April 8 will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Berkeley Secretarial School, East Orange, Is Glantisls was released on $750 bail, after being struck by an auto while attempting preside at a business meeting. The slate of Sidney Piller at 376-5188. Other members of the hospltals,-will be a guest speaker, and Newton and 9 from l to 10 p.m: The art show will be .Sherman', Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hocksteln, Mr. employed by Mechanical Felt Co., Springfield. Catherine Pyatt, on drugs charges DeStefano, on $200 bail. Both are scheduled to to cross Rt. 22 on foot Monday. officers for 1973-74 will be presented by Mrs. installation committee are Mrs. Arthur Falkin, M. Richards, information and education managed by Mrs. Lewis Gash and her staff, . and Mrs. Martin Friedman, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Her husband, who was graduated from Essex Three Springfield residents were picked up appear in court April 9. According to Springfield police, the pedes- William Prokiclmer, nominating; committee Mrs. Philip Gerber, Mrs. Simon Heischuber, FREE* HOMY DELIVERY* representative from the State Department of and a petit cafe will bo available. ., • Hrudcr, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schwartz and-Mr. . Catholic High School, Newark, and the College Carl W. Bagley 'on drug charges in two separate cases during The third narcotics-related arrest came trian, John Jacobs, 43, had been crossing from chairman and immediate past president. Mrs. Mike Mintz and Mrs. Marvin Strauss. '. Health, who serves as community mobilization It was announced that.patrons, at $15 ii and Mrs. William Drucker. of Insurance, New York City, is associated with the week, township police reported. Friday at 9:20 a.m. when Michael Kaplan, 24, the eastbound to the westbound side of the CALL representative for the eradication of VD, will his brother is the Russo Insurance Agency, of 121 Jefferson terr., was stopped on Rt. 22 by highway, near the Echo Plaza entrance, when Don't Drive To M«rk»t...L«376-043! Ui $M|i(y1 All Your couple, will attend a buffct-champagnc Art^tudcnts in the local high schools will be On March 22, at 6:30 p.m., members of the TO PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN: Food Ne.di.-.AnMarkat...L«d p«llv«t r UIti, Saljil tool yFflEE Al l be the "other speaker. A discussion period will preview Saturday night, April 7, and many of gui'sts'of the temple on Monday, ApHl 9; NuUey. * wed on Saturday ptl. Donald Schwerdt and Ptl. Rodney he was hit by a car in the right westbound lane. be held, . , "• Following a honeymoon motor trip through local force arrested John Gianitsis, 23, of 46 Pedersen and charged with driving while under . Police said no charges were placed against the Poisonous tomatoes? the artists, who plan to exhibit their works, will Catherine Ruth Pyatt, daughter of Mr. and Mapes ave., and Gary DeStefano, 20, of 43 Would you lil I AC, • T W 6 Freightways, Trenton. ~ . • Y employed by Associated Dlgplayman of •(. T *(JCRIfTIONi FILLBD (Organization for to now an economic! major at iADILLAC OLOSM0BILE| EYEGLASSES REPAIRED The monthly meeting of La Leche League able for main-dishes such as •I; Rehabilitation through . Mootclalr State College. ON YOUR 374-4108 international will be held next Thursday at the soups, sauces, desserts and Training) held Its ORT Day DON'T THROW IT AWAY Southpaw Insley fashioned a • Si'ruici. , home of Mrs. Elizabeth Butkowskl, 617 Locust between-meal pick-me-ups. stellar record while a member \ . •P.UI-. 1*1.21 y Try whole or halved peanuts dinner last week at the PAT St., Roselle Park. Kingston Restaurant, Union. BRING IN YOUR WORN SILVER I >•• of the 1972 Owl tennis team. < CENTRAL •'Comolcii.' Auto Body Shop" IPRINOPIILO' N.J. ' La Leche Leagije..is a non-sectarian, non . In tuna or chicken salad The guest speaker Was Mrs. He was undefeated In Garden Dial 273-1700 profit organization, started by a group of mixtures, or peanut butter in Jerome Rosenbaum, vice- WE'LL. State Athletic Conference women who have successfully breastfed their meatloaves, and stuffing lor 491 Morr is Ave, Fuel Oil Party Rentals president and "section , co- REPAIR/ REFLATE, singles competition setting AIR CONDITIONING Summit children and who are willing to offer help to poultry. ordinator of the North Jersey down IS consecutive - op- 1 • or POLISH IT. ROCKLAND DUNHAM-BUSH others who wish to do so. Forecast also calls for a Central Region . r . His efforts in doubles WOOLLEY FUEL CO The topicof this meeting ^vlU be "Nutrition large supply of fresh oranges, ^ CHEMICAL CO., INC. 1 JOHN DAVID Fcliuardsj and Weaning, ," t the Tourtlt- imr-TOries-of - —froien—eoneeritrated— orange—-— juice, and canned orange summer clothes was spon- |FREE ESTIMATES with-nine victories In the tea, informal discussions on breastfeeding. Further sored by the Clothes Closet of I! matches In which he com- PARTY RENTAL information is available from Mrs. Peggy juice. The price of oranges are ALSO; GOLD, peted. ...'.• Spltaletto, 686-1798, or" Mrs. Judy Shuster, quite reasonable so, plan to Kenilworth. Chapter models CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE RENTALS OFv OtlTMOfltMCAlLV UtWOUALUO Included GaJJI HymowiU, BRASS & COPPER your lawn'8 beat friend,! . The new Owl coach's finest FINEST EQUIPMENT IMCHIDUU,t MLSCTION UNION BOOTERY 761-4073. include them on your menus. outing was on Hay U, 1872, at tea UNUMMt NMMUM , Mrs. Spltaletto announced that La Leche Cranberry products are 'In Ellen Inselbertf and Lynn for those who want the beat!\ AUTO SALES & TABLE LINEN 1030 Stuyvesant Ave. Cohen. ~ 373- Ocean County College In Tom* • AUTHORIZBO OEALBR ORIINTALflUOS League will hold a garage sale on Saturday,' abundance for April so, use" AMBASSADOR - GREMLIN FOR ALL TYPES . INSTANT CniOIT Union 484-5480 Anyone whoTSTfiterested in River. There he' breeied OF PARTIES . WHOLEMU k BBTAIL April 7, at 1056 Burnet ave., Union, from noon to the versatile little berry.lo add through theprimettnglet ac«s HORNET Open Man.. & Frl. Eves., attending the next meeting, in 0249 IHT IQCKLAND KOBUCTS AT: MATADOR JAVELIN , 4:30 p.m. color and Interest to all your' 1 In the league Jo walk off with call 376/9170 'Ill V P.M. spring meals coming to a tea of any further' 1346 Springfield Ave. (40th St.) Irvlnoton Dial 743-4431 UieCumwwiwUaiuuluiiHip. . L W ^ Vou may try udillng wliulo ur*eN uAiLV 10 A.M. 1 . low cott oil heating All Hems other than spot (tews should - Blomerifeld at 964- , E•*. CARPIML BARDEr • "A family BiatntM*«rvln«TtMfWmtlo>»» 80 FftANKLIM PLACE OFF>WITIf berry sauce to casseroles, . CLOSED MC tMNiLutpiAva. HIULIIWI 686-5096 W BURNETT AVB. . IK V«u.y"jt., loutti Oran be in our offlpe by noon W Friday. .' 272 Mllltown IU., Spriaifiild SUMMIT MAPLEWOOD Dill 7tl-7«0 25% THIS AD • OUR SERVICE IS THE BEST! ASK ANYONE!

•,-•*. •,

- ^ ^t .«• ^,,~.t.^t^x.^^^nasBJ^:nf.i*jjp Hn»|». V V ....,..;, \4

Thursday, March 29, 197i ..-Thursday, March 29, 1973 Shelley Winters Poor water quality c..p...<«M Jaraah N»« York* Coruucllcul PLEASE CIRCLE THE NUMBER OF YOUR CHOICE "Marigolds" is one of the fewjilays In history to be under restrictive regulation in five areas Urt»n Raglon. In lima lor tha Nation's HMXh MuiMraarr la 1>7>? Ttila la your various television stations this weekend. continue to go up faster than the cost of lining Jopon, South Africa and tKe~Unlie3i chanoa' to toll thott who an malting tha daclalorla. Information aiplalnlng Narrator for the transportation film is Kevin generally.' Should subsidies keep this rise Jit MOUTH & MAC NEAL wlnboth a Pulitzer Prize aria the JJew York along the coast. Since 146 acres of shellfish CHOICE 1. Should pubi". JXJIK.y tn U>o Now York-Ngw Jetcey-Connuci.cul lluoion , States. tha CHOICES. I* t»lns praaahlad on ona-hour TV programs 10 ba broadcast ovsr the rate of the cost-of-living rise generally^ or TURNTABLE TREAT (good listening): Drama Critics Circle Award. • • • waters have been approved for seasonal use, all tba RaglOfl's TV channals. Many naarspapara will publish artleka on tha encourage «<•"<• r.,tiidci o on pubjlc transportation? McCarthy. MOUTH Si MACNEAL 11. The 10 selections on the net loss Is 5,280 acres. This loss more than CHOICfl. "HOW TO Save URBAN AallnlCA," a*allabl« at nawsstands and |. FAVOR 2. OPPOSE 3 NO OPINION Nine questions on transportation policy cut it even to the point of free rides? If public this PHILIPS LP album (PHS 700-003) Include: booksloras,.providss mors background. Many achooll, churchas, unions, issues affecting the tri-state Urban Region will transportation fares are to be subsidized, ivlio doubles last year's closing of 2,490 acres." buslnassss, civic organisations and Individual clllxana srs terming groups Io CHOICE 2. Tooncouragumwu fiublic transportation uao do you fdvo< or oppose: "Sing A!ongr" "You,alo« ao that your vlawa on tha laauat . 1. Tne motoi Museum to show Theater Time Clock they exploded as one of the top new duos of 1971, can nan IMIr full Impact. THIS BALLOT IB ANONYMOUS. Your paVaonal ' 2. The munti 1/ LI counly The choice is, on the one hand, large centers raaponaaa eannol ba tracad to you aa an Individual. Mouth, 3!i, was born in Haarlem and his first is your nnswer. Seton Hall to have I 3. Tho Stain at densities averaging at least 10 units to the job was a::i a construction plainer. His first acre, or, on the other hand, larger plots farther new acquisitions 6:30, 10:20; VALACH1 UNION (.Union Center)-- • .. . . •4, Tho fcd^i HE music experience came as a drummer in the from centers of activity, with more highways, Two important 2Qth century American PAPEKS, Tfiur., Sun., MoTTT THE UUUKATHER. Tliur., Our personal attention Holland Quartet—a well-known dance band on African art exhibit I CHOICE fl. " What new rp>i. iun t-liijuld got ntint priority? more cars, longer car trips and continued i— a walprrnlnr hy Rriwnrd Hopper PREACHERT Thur., Sun.j Tues., '8:45; Fri., Sat., 8:15;Mon., Tues., 1:30, 8:15; Fri., rj A3 lUHTTfr. the Dutch ballroom circuit. The band toured tb your individual needs . Art by the children of Burundi will lie on and an oil by Georgia O'Keeffe— have been Mon..Tues., 7p.m.; Fri.,Sat.,, WILLY WONKA, Sat., Sun., 2. 1:30, 7, 10; Sat., 1, 4, 7, 10; ZIP CODC ol Iho addioes whoro you 1. Ro-bulld <;•<•• Germany and Scandinavia, producing some of ' display from April 1 to May 6 at the Student ulor| added to the fine arts collection of the New. Sun., 1:30, 4:45, 8; shorts, : roo y work, study or carry out 2. Exlond vv.w Europe's tup jazz musicians. will l>e unparalleled. ' Center Art Gallery of Seton Hall University in -daily activities Jersey State Museum, Trenton, and will be Thur., Mon., TUDS. 1:15,7:20. 3. Link up vii... Arts Center lists During tine early '60s the scene changed; the "South Orange. i iiitliuitds ul ttiu conlor included in a Recent Acquisitions exhibition CROSSWORD PUZZLE —O-fl-- Booting el: all, took over and electric guitars The exhibit Is comprised of 20 tempera AGE. Enter tho yaaia ot your ago 4. Extend sui..,. MilroudG into outuf aiod'J, PARK (Roselle Park)-- opening in the museum galleries on Saturday. were tne titling. Mouth worked during the mid paintings by 15 and 16 year-old artists bf the CHOICE «. Oo you (nvot -if ••\n;-,.',v 1IICKEY AND BOGGS, Thur., Private Parties 10 to 200 SEX. Entor t tor remalo. 2 tor Malo. iproving podostrian amnititiot: by. performers for '73 The exhibition will continue through June 3. ACROSS 2. Disconcert ,o They Todoy's Answer '60s as a semi-professional musician and began central African republic, mostly depicting V Fri., Mon., Tues., 7:30; Sat., . A, Convfirtlr.'j i. I.K'lJi ^IfDuISj inlO DQQfJ 'Jtl'ljlftiniiilQr Hopper's "Two Lights, Maine," a 14x20 1. A good 3. Joe "till no IAIj.lJ.io 0al3jN10|y;3l singing. In 1967 he joined the Jay-Jays as a Contact our catering manager children at play and in scenes of family and MOM many chilrlrun undar IB live In The Garden State Arts Center's 1973 summer * credit risk • DIMuKfflo's 8:10; Sun., .1:40, 7:30; y OPPOSE a uo oi'iNiort watercolor on paper painted during the lute vocalist, one of Holland's most popular group's village life. -your hou!>oriold? l-oavo blank II nono CD season will present Bob Hope, Glen Campbell, 6. Sped nickname ACROSS 110TH STREET, for further information. D. Bannlna i i' 1920's, was purchased by the museum in in the-mid-'60s. Donna Fargo, Johnny Cash, the Carpenters, .11. Diminish- (2wda.) Thur., Fri., Mon.', Tues., $:20; The. exhibit was arranged through the in- Uo you leal you should hava had m'oro .. 1. FAVOR ? OI'HOSt; 3 NO OI'INIUN December. O'K^effe's "East River View from 12. Silly 4 Summer Henry Mancini, Joel Grey and the musical Sat., 6:15, JO; Sun., 1:45, 5:30, IN 1968, MOUTH SPLIT from the Jay-Jays terest of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Melady. Dr. inloimoilon on o CHOICE l'i lr>l» ballot? Shelton," a 25x22 oil painting from the same J3. Prospective (FrV) and became a disc jockey and appeared with a Pianist Alicia De Larrocha Mclady, now on leave of absence as Seton Hall It ao. enter the ntirnbor ol the CHOICE CHOICE 7. Would you l»- "No, No Nanette" in the popular subscription jury list 5. Fall 9:20; GAY PUREE, Sat., 1:30, period, was acquired for the museum in night, club 'Orchestra ("Nice bread for lots of professor of Asian Studies and Non-Western . tares durmo !«• i' . ."inn lowti( pricor. during oM.hDUri.-K> roduCO series, and the National Symphpny, the December by the Association for the Arts with 14. Italian city back^_ 3:05; cartoon, 2:50. Iravol conoo'^l ' 15. Inquire ' horrible music," he recalls). Two years later . Civilization. Is serving as U.S. ambassador to Itussian Dance Gala, the Pittsburg Symphony, a gift by Dr. and Mrs. Victor D'Arc. «. Frost --0--O-- PLEASE CIRCLI THE NUMBED OF YOUR CHOICE I. FAVOn . 16. Women's covered . he formed; Speedway and his unique voice to give recital on UHS stage Ghana and was previously U.S. ambassador to the Little Angels of Korea, Richard Tucker and The museum, located in W. State Street, is secret 7. Scraps of JERRY LEWIS CINEMA earned him the reputation as the "Dutch Joe Burundi. Oo y(JU Lonoido' yourself: ICltcIo M many •• CHOICE 6. How rnany OKI>o ' •••<. \r. :.hmjld bo buill? (Glide Licia-Albanese in the classical series. open from 9 a.m. to 5.p.m. Monday through 18. Ancient literature (Five Points, Union)--- i. omck , 2 whin . Cocker." The Recital Stage of Union, under the I. JIUBI onourji. >.i, k,,j|, ut) with additional car:; ' In the classical series, Richard Tucker and times u H. Ernest SHAMUS, Thur., Mon., Tues., Disque, the Paderewskf Memorial Medal, the Saturday and from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sundays. auspices of the Foundation for the Performing J US. KOUTI 22. MOUNTAINUM. N.I q 2. t!ioto tha l.ieia Albanese will be featured in the opera 19. Assisted Thaycr's 7:15, 9:15; Fri., 7:15, 9:30; He signed as a solo artist with Phonogram in Spanish Order of Civil Merit and the Harriet ADVERTISEMENT 21. Sweet Arls, will present Alicia De Larrocha, in- . LUNCHEON • COCKT/UU • OtHNIK '' 3. Long the "La Boheme". The National Symphony will classic Sat., 7:30, 9:45; Sun., 5:15. Holland arid recorded the old Shangri-Las hit, Cohen International Music Award. potato poem "Remember (Walking in the Sand)". The ternationally-known pianist, Saturday, April *rVJ)tit it« yOu' AOP'O^IIT^fllO onniiJi I j (Til ly I riCL)rii0? 4 Nono et perform on three nights—first with Everett Lee Waverly 3-4646 22. Bridge Kurds.) 7:15,9:15; PLAGUE OF THE Included in her repertoire will be two sonatas 1 Undoi S4.000 2 $4.0OOSfl,5O0 14. al 8 p.m. at Union High SchooT PERSON SUFFERING And whoro e conducting and John Ogden as guest pianist, position — -O.Subju ZOMBIES, Sat., Sun., 1:30. .. r.scord received heavy.airplay, but never made by Scarlatti, Carnaval, Opus 9 and pieces from 1 ti.i liuilt? (ClfCIo one or both) j the second with Imre Pallo conducting and 23. Undulate the Dutch charts. His second record paired him The Spanish.artist has been heard iiTcoiicerT Goyescas and Iberia.V ~ 4-.S13.0Q1-S2Q.O0O S:0.O01-$3!>,000 fl Ovor S35.OOO i. "indGVal r., ^illi hn.-ivy rrallic . Sate --O-O-- — HEARING LOSS soprano Roso Marie Kreni as soloist, and the 2«. " -bleu!" with Maggie MacNeal. in Ilic' music capitals of the world. She. began Ticket information (fl to $8.50) may be ob- in MtKi trjlfic 26. Eucharist ELMORA (Elizabeth - third with I.eori Fleisher conducting. FUEL OIL A FULL PAGE "Hidden Vocalists" puzzle by her piano studies at the age of four under the tained by calling Recital Stage al 688-1617 or by OFFERED BOOKLET plate SOUNDER, Thur., Fri., Mon., guidance of Frank Marshall, a former pupil of 1. . No High School diploma CHOICE B. What Bhould L The center is located at Telegraph Hill State a ci 27. Miss Logan Tues., 7:30; Sat., 1, 6:35, Milt Hammer is featured in the current issue of writing to P.O. Box 25, Union. U.S. Government Publication ICIfClo «S mu Top Grade 18.5° 'fsg composer Enrique Granados. Miss Dc Available At No Charge Park on the Garden State Parkway. 28. Pass quickly 10:15; Sun., 2:15, 5:40, 9:10, WORDS & MUSIC magazine. Hammer authors - 2 MIQII Cchuol dipltuna ,1 tiotnoon urbnn cti'iloi*. 29. Month of the "Puzj:le Corner" and "Station Breaks" Ijirrocha gave her first concert at the age of WALKABOUT, Thur., Pri., WILMINGTON, DEL. - A free United 2. Hlgh-apu.,' t Imvol wilhin uib;in iimii'j \ May in ill features for this newspaper. five and has gone on to win the Grand Prix du 3 Sumo adulation alior High School CALL NOW Mon.,Tues.,9:15; Sat., 2:45, 5, States Government booklet entitled 3. Public tr.r CIIIU3 Miccoli art RECITAL STAGE ANNOUNCES Skaters to the rescue C n.; -4777307- A four Vflflf million rtftQma {O A .0 G ) 4. New powi., , uystomu lor [Kiunm unlnc To recondition your furnace Is^ now available to persons suffering o The~Phtladelphia-Skating-€hib-and-Humane- and bumer_and_SAVE_o_n .you i 32. Mischlavous^ NS nrpratn53tonartj(»tjnnj tyke ORMONT (East Orange)- Festival set exhibit set 3PFUNG4973F hearing loss. , ~ ' Sociely is- the oldest- ico skating_club-in.the_ _. fuel-bill - SUBSCRIPTION CONCERT SERIES 33. David's CESAR AND KOSAUE, "The work of artist Arnaldo Published'by the U.S. Dept: of Public n ihis town Mooting did you United States. Formed in 1849 as the chief officer Thur., Fri., Mon., Tues., 2:11, Miccoli of Englewood. a I concert! at B P.M. al tha New Union High School. Umon, NM Health, Education and Welfare for use by Philadelphia Skating Club, it changed its name M. Meiiiuiable— 7:41, !rr42, 'Sat,, So for thfi Irish - tho hard -of-hearlng, the booklet covers such in 1861 when members began patrolling the Allstate a, sal., mm.-+r30, • r nntlvp of I.PCTP, Itnly will period -SchuyIkill-R4veF-with-ils~of-rope-to-reBouo • 36. Lukewarm ' .3:31, 5:32, 7:31), 9:44; shorts, The third annual Irish on display at the North Jersey- cKets: facts as Inherited deafness, f,r)opor'Ar1lcl©i on CHOICES ia 38. Solemn , Thur., Fri., Mon., Tues., 2, Festival at the Garden State Essex County Blood Bank, 45 DE LARROCHA u to u.oo early trouble, selecting a hearing aid, noise skaters who fell through the ice. ; Fuel Co. 40^ Supreme , 7:30, 9:30; Sat., Sun., 3:21, Arts Center will be staged on S. Grove st., East Orange, pianut SpKlal Prlcai tor damaging and adulls's hearing, and-thc 3 Head -HOW TO SAVE URBAN AMERICA," tho Mall Iho ballot prompil) GEORQE GALLUP, CHOICES FOR '76 41. Legislate Saturday, .main types of hearing loss. • CHOICES hockofound book? P.O. BOX 7676 . 42. Actress, 5:22, 7:28, 9:34. Sunday, July 8, as one ol a during April. QrgtnlMllont and Group* -0-O-- series of heritage festivals of The exhibit will be open to v Free copies of the booklet are available by GRAND CENTRAL STATION Judy —— ' SttMMnU siting, to "Government Booklet, _ NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10017 Symposium 43. Freckled FOX-UNION (Rt. 22)—THE entertainment for the benefit the public dally from 9 a.m. to »8»nlof Cltuana •• •'•• •' ' : Jl; ^'V""' -""»""""-" |i DOWN POSEIDON ADVENTURE, of Ihe Garden State Arls S p.m. and on Saturdays from ERICK VtPrlc* Indepoodence Mall, Suite GS. 1C01 Correore 1 Pike, Wilmington, Delaware, 19803. .I.Hemlngr- Thur., Mon., Tues ., 7:25, 9:35; Center Cultural Fund. 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. FRIEDMAN on cancer My carpets are like - vyay'a Fri., 7:35, 9:50; Sat., 2,4,6:10, nickname The fund sponsors free A painter who has exhibited violinm RECITAL STAGE A day-long symposium on 8:15, 10'3O; Sun., 2:30, 5, 7:30, programs for New Jersey extensively both in this Saturday, P.O. Box 25 cancer will be presented for 9:45. new again! school children, senior country and in Europe, May S. 1973 Union, N. J. 07083 physicians next Wednesday by NEED HELPT Find the RIGHT --D-O- PER SON with a Want Ad. Call 486- citizens.j disabled veterans Miccoli is a graduate of the 688-1617- TO PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN: Sale of pet turtles Newark Beth Israel Medical noo. MAPLEWOOD — POSEI - and the blind. Institute of Art PellegrimH •DomesUcare's carpet speclallels removed Would you like some help in preparing newspaper releases? Center and the Academy of DON ADVENTURE, Thur., Commissioner Joseph_C. Lecce. He also attended the -Medicine of New Jersey is tho dirt-and surface stains, revived tho color,' Writo to-lhis newspaper and ask for our "Tips on Sub- Fri., Mon., Tues., 7:30, 9:30; Irwin of tine New Jersey High- Academy of Fine Arts and the affiliation with the Medical and lifted tho pllo. They gave my carpets a Sat., 5:10, 7:45,10; Sun., 5:15, Catholic University of Social mitting News Releases." • " is banned in state fresh new look for only 100 por sq. ft. ..way Authority. which Society of New Jersey. ($25 minimum). . 7:30, 9:30. SNOOPY COME operates the Arts Center on Studies* both in Rome. New Jersey Ballet Dr. James II. Cowan, New Drug Administration issued a CINEMETTE HOME, Sat., Sun., 1?3. the Garden State Parkway Company Jersey stiite commissioner of series of requirements by The program will be chaired 429-8192 SHORT HILLS and~ administers the EDWARD ALLEGRA health, has issued a warning which turtles could allegedly by DFT~Frederick B. Cohen, CALL 445-8388 THE ORANGES GREAT EASTERN SHOPPING FRIDAY DEADLINE Musical slated "VILLELLA KENT charitable fund, said that against purchase of pet turtles be shown to be free of director of oncology, and Dr. CENTER-Springfkild Am All Items other than spot news / . BALLET CLASSICS that may be contaminated UNION • 964-4497 should be in our office by noon representatives*~ of New at St. Elizabeth April" 11. 13.J6 salmonella and Arizona Alan Lippman, associate on' Friday. with salmonella and Arizona organisms. director, and will be held in Jersey's; Irish-American GIORGIO "VALACHIJAPERS" community have chosen "Llghtshine," a Godspell- organisms, which frequently the Medical Center's auditor- domescicare - like musical on a child's level, TOZZI are the cause of gastro- Some turtles have Deen 508 MAIN ST. Robert Emmet O'Brien of Metropolitan Opera Siar in \pccul cameo appearance ium. , EASTORANGE intestinal disease. shipped into New Jersey 'BUCK & THE "PREACHER", Deal as general chairman. will be presented at: the~ Good News! PAUL THE OR i-UOO College of Saint Elizabeth. . Dr. Cowan reminded pet with certificates from other Sal. 8, Sun. Matinee 'A Beautiful Film. It's .What SUTHERLAND JACKDAW WILLIE WONKA Love Is All Aboutl" Judith Crist. Convent Station, on Saturday, Principal dincer. Jji'.RocU store owners that the sale of states claiming the turtles April 7, from 2:30 to 4 p.m. in Clly Center JQllrey Ballot Rocordlng ftrtlsti such turtles is In violation of were tested by FDA FREE 'Gndejrella' set *Good Hands'people CLASSICAL AND JAZZ ROCK BALLETS "CESAR and RQSALIE" St. Joseph Hall. the state sanitary code and requirements and found to be BALLOONS Yves Moniand. Romy Schneider. 24 TWENTY YEARS IN by puppet theater The"Raya~or"Suhihine," a will not be permitted by the salmonella free. Some pet 8. POPCORN In Color - Rated (R) "—.* are here. SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEES troup of juvenile performers Thursday. April 12. Saturday. April 14 State Department of Health. stor6 operators in New Jersey The JPickwick Puppet He advised the public not to have incorrectly assumed that BUSINESS WITH EDWARD VlLLELLA, star of the New York City Ballet. from Rhode Island, will IHE BIG SHOW" CIRCUS Theater, featuring eight-foot- Tuesdayay,, April 10, 8 P.M.-BENEFIT GALA. SPECIAL PROGRAM purchase pet turtles at this such out-of-state certificates will highlight a week of dance for the New Jersey render through song and Calall tor additional Information, 677-104!>. Tax deductible. COMES 10 JERSEY high rod puppets, will present All Program* with NJ Ballet company ot 30 time and to dispose of any meet the requirements of the C661 choreography their ' tn- 1 AMERICAN MOTORS a musi'co 1 version of "Cin- Ballet Company's spring season at the Paper Mill Muilc.Director - Rudoipl).Bennett -. . J^J* ' terpretatlon of the Sermon p rates, Student & Senior Cttlzon Rates avalllDIP.' such turtles already pur- Now.Jersey state- sanitary NOMINATED FOa '7^ ACAOfMY AWAIIO1 ' 9erellinTrUie~Haurice LeviTT PlAAIIIb^ritOH^eMiH^ & •w MU. nm -m am m ne "the Mount: T~ .-_ code, AND STILL —amnmacuttmuawtmai . Theater, Kssex County YM- New Jersey Ballet's artistic advisor. Allegro. Kent, A new regulation of the state Representatives of the State YWHA, V60 Northifield ave;, ballerina and principal dancer; with the New York" Hpl PAPER MILL sanitary code,, which went Department of Health pur- EXPANDING West Orange, on Sunday at City Ballet, will dance with Villella. Additional • v-t\l Mill' N'-lv h'rs.'V into effect pa,July l, 1972, chased turtles in 16 pet stores 2:30 p.m., IN CLOSE CIRCLES 3 BUTTONS CAROL LYNLEY information on his performance may ba obtained >MV Box Office DR 6-4343 stated that no turtle could be throughout the state. Although ROOWMcDOWAU Prbkofiiiff's ballet score will by calling 376-4343, and-on-other-New^JefWy sold or distributed within New (he . out-of-statc certificates R c i_\\m "nirTT" provide the background Ballet ovents. 677-1045 or writing to The Company— p—Jersey unleaa-warranted to attached to--these - turtles How come? It's easy!-P ,«i^ nr«icha,d..M.«o....- —music. at 174 Main St., Orange. • the satisfaction of the State claimed them to~be free of Department of Health to besalmonella, over half of them First of all, we've got a reputation for fine AMC products, honesty, and PAPER MILL free of salmonella con- were found to be con- courtesy. Over the years our customers have learned this, and thate why One-Rlna Indoor Exhibit to be held T.m Heliy*oa«_ Fred tttim»tal»ar- Mary WiUlar iaminati(inv. t}p such turtles taminated in tests made at the they keep coming back. In fact the greater part of pur business is repeat. European-Style Lircus ~ 113.00 Rn.Seafaji2.00 Gen Adm Theatre of Mew Jersey—; have beelTWlftlfBmM to date. state laboratory, Dr. Cowan business. That's got ta mean something. It means soiiiutliiny to us ... UTTU MUSS by women artists Recently thfl U^. Food and "said. we're proud of it! Come on in and see us. I personally guarantee you'll : PERFORAAANCES nD aia HOLSV if- . : be back. . "~" ~ • • -*•-- Sox Ol«» Open Dally Wcll-itijown New Jersey ~l 1 A.M. fo 4 PM women urtistB, selected by /T NOW!'AMC HORNET. MATADOR OR GREMLIN - Mary C'handor, Morris Museum—cnnrtorT-will be FRI., AAARCH 30 featured In an exhibit of their LIVINGSTON SAT., AAARCH 31 Saturdays 1:30 P.M. Klddlo Mot.-Sat. rj, Sun.: 1:30 works in all media at the ROLLER RINK SUN., APRIL 1 CUUL Newman Plaguaof the Zomblai Essex County YM-YWHA Art 615 So. Livingston Ave. I undcrMamt, MORRISTOWN AKWOkY Gallery, 760 Northfield ave., . Livingston, 992-4161 Tba Pritddent nf llus"\)iillrd ', AprllJ : •Wovfrt C««*hsnlPaltv l"*t HANDLUKE West Ornnge, from April 4 to Rink Skaitt 1 Accais. on !•!• SuiflSu a ,nf Atrtfvrtra, HtrlwrHtrlwrt "CINDERELLA" Hooveror, , wwaff 400 yttl* ahea,d April 27. ( «t hihit linici . He m»° alll o(( l|lll» (Tho Vafes Children's . .-l_.T.iparrfl.L_J—:. April 28 LEHvE Plan to (It -your budgal. W< can laai* ONLY •»•••**» AMC Really, a liu»ln«M lutirjirnn i» TheyVe.hereto "PUSS IN BOOTS" • Opening For'Th© Season (Fanlart Productions) •KB^akMjaBa M you ona car ojr a float. S«« Richards. FACTORV INSTALLED '•"Jut more aaecvuful/nKiiy 1 1 p^j^^gfH ' Today and itart uving Tomorrowl AIR CONDITIONING • Irom the -"rat raco, * nvray MayS Meadowbrool • SUNDAY, APRIL 1 from Ihn traffic, in a nice "PETER RABBIT". qnlel plarf. Allstate office. BETSY ROSS * * THEATRE/RESTAURANTV (The Gingerbread Players June 2 * ••• 4 to 8 P.M. and Jack) . ' "TOM SAWYER" Not for Ju«l * hnilnrii lurnrh (Jho Traveling Playhouse) eon, hut alno iitr a dinner, A 140 Mountain A-y.ee - Springfield 1972 AMERICAN MOTORS CARS March 15 thru April 15 A Jayia DINER • wadding, A tnntlmonlal. An * "MARY POPPIN8" June 16 > ' Low mileage, Air-conditioned models ranien|ent, A (l They can Kelp more wavi "LITTLE RED party, A.temlnir. _.thanjfpu ml(iht think. (The Yalea Children's. 537-545 Morris Ava., Elizabeth Ozzie& Harriet Nelson —^.--Thaulm) RIDING HOOD" REDUCED FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Became Allstate has Ipvv ,• tntJ ,--.— • * IN Try trie Diana Club, • family ratet. Because we offer : 12,000 mile or 12-month Guarantee . singtai SlnslM owned pplac e in Union for illl* M»¥18 "THE THREE , 351-7775 moat any kind of insurance THE STRONGEST GUARANTEE GOING IS STRONGER IN 1973 AT RICHARDS "GVCRV SUffDAY" pail 37 yean, by the Ferpand "ALADDIN" . LITTLE PIQ8" • Breakfast • Lunch •Family. you need. Because of (Tho Gingerbread Players (Tho Gingerbread Players . . AMC BUYER PROTECTION PLAN (Fraa Loanar - Satvlca Carl DANCE & SOCIAL atAllamuchyLodg* our reputation for and Jack) anilJack) • Complete Dinner Menu • prompt icrylce. OLD Panther ValhyValhy •Baking done on premises NO, 1 SAUINOS ft SERVICiCENTCR FOR AMERICAN MOTORI * Jt(» EVERGREEN LODGE] It's the neighborly way R«Mrv«d 8«aU: $2.00, $1,75, $1.50, $1.25 • •VERORlaN AVB. to do bujirtcta. , • Business Men's Luncheon Specials 1PRINOPIBLO, H.I. Roulo 22 To Sprlngllild Children always Welcomel Ava. to Everaraan Ave; Telephone for Reservations: RICHARDS Performances 1ANDV WELLS ORCHESTRA] For Adults Phone: 379-7600 Open 14 hours a Day-7 days a Week MOTORS OF UNION / S« CHESTNUT ST., UNION ursdHyttr PANTHER VALLEY BOX OFFICE 201-376-4343 Kt* Rsr-CMW 'Jn.ni.toH |Mii. Mmi.lhru Fri TElErHONE: SIH5I6 /.OpmMvS 9:M««;Sai 9 BMI ; Sunday :ARLAND MILPREOSCHAFES S -Millburn, N,J, . s P.M. 1 immmio AVE, u H&t RFFRE3H6MNTS AOmlulonl UNION,;NE\rV JERSEY 1050 POMPTOM AVE.. CEDAB GROVE. f^ COFFEE Se.AK6_ '«"" '

V ,

. #•*'• V

.-•;. 22>Thursdoy, March 29.1973-SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) LEADER SPRINGFIELD (N.J.) tEABER-Thursday, March 29, 1973-23 $, AAinuteme. . . n to face Linden in tourney finale Saturday |I The Springfield Minutetnen last weekend 72 to 66 victory. Hillside had beaten Springfield line. , . Parker hit for five points, hustled on a defense with two points with (our minutes to go In the points and Kevin had two rebound shots end iT \ ..... $won a pair of games and advanced into the' three time* during regular season play. Andy Herkalo was a big factor for Springfield and had nine rebounds. game, Springfield held on. clutch free throw: Parker and Mitchell both" hit ^championship round of the Florbam Park The Springfleld-FJorham Park contest In the with IS rebounds. He blocked numerous shots Tommy Graiiano bit four points while Andy Herkalo paced the victory with 7X key rebound shots in the final period when on (Invitation Tournament, Springfield win meet quarterfinal round saw the Minutemen pull -and drilled In M points. Kevin Mitchell and Johnny Kronert used his ball control abilities to rebounds and 17 points. Kenny Flngerhut two occasions, Hillside pulled to within two Sthe Linden PAL quintet In the championship away'to a 20-point lead. The Minutemen—Kevin Doty helped Herkalo off"therboards for drive around the Florham Park press defense. responded with an IB point performance, in- points. Mitchell finished the game 14 rebounds. jjcontest Saturday at 6 p.m. at the Holy Family dominated with a fast break and control of the Springfield. Mitchell pulled in 10 rebounds and Steve Pepe also saw action for Springfield. eluding at the start of the third period, five ' Tommy Graziano took over when fpul trouble i •*, struck John Kronert of Springfield and put in KSchool in Florham Park. back boards. played strong defense until he fouled out in the straight shots. Many of his buckets came as the The victory over Florham Park earned seven points. He also .caused three straight »- The Minutemen moved into' the semifinal Kenny Flngerhut of Springfield struck for 26 final period. Doty entered the game, captured result of turnovers caused by the Springfield Springfield a semifinal game against Hillside. : Hillside turnoversyKronert played good y .J.....1 .round with a.61 to 41 victory over the host points. This was his high point production of the five rebounds and drilled in four free throws. press. Springfield opened the game with a, full court defensive ball for Springfield, as did Steve tFlorham Park team last Friday evening. season, and put the game away for Springfield Rick Weber and Teddy Parker also con- Kevin Doty had 12 points and five rebounds. zone press and gained an early even point Pepe. Joe Raguccl also helped the Springfield •Springfield returned to the same floor last In the final period as he hit three times from the Teddy Parker and Kevin Mitchell were also tributed to the victory. Weber scored six points, advantage. The Minutemen held a five point victory and Mt a pair of foul shots. .[Sunday afternoon and stunned Hillside with a floor and was a perfect six for six from the foul played solid defense and had eight rebounds. lead at half time, and although Hillside dosed to very strong for Springfield. Teddy hit seven

•_,*•"*•••-• TA &}••-"*?'.'•• • •>.<:. . •*«*: ML I CORNELL

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I... .f S *i-A _" - Nfci TOWNS BEST — The Cornell team it champion of the Ivy row. Doug Grant, Scott Miller, Dave Schlanger, Lewis STATE LEAGUERS — Members of the Alabama team/ Mitch Gimelstob, Mitch Toland; rear. Coach Rubin Gimelstob, John Halpln, Jeff Zarin, Mike Lleb, Alari Bloznick. League, top rung in the Recreation Department basketbpll Christmas, Mike Snyder, Chris Clunie, Harvey Kalsh; rear,. —"ctTarrtpiortnrrtheStoto leogue basketball finals, are, from ,,.,,, (Photos by Jim Adams) program.-Shown are, from left, front, Kevin Mitchell, Skip Coach Phil Kurnoi.' loft, front, Dave Kirshenbaum, Billy Yaung, Bob Esposito, NMTB mm Liguori, Pete Eplscopo, Greg Moroie, Kevin Doty: second •Si/ Sternbach, Willie Wilburn and Eddie Graziano. The two junior squads advanced to the Hi Cornell and Columbia played a 39~to ^ifi— Tripleheqder ends championship game last Sunday afternoon at thriller, with Cornell, moving into the final the Gaudinecr School. The Springfield Juniors .ft-.. Kurnos chalks up 4 th championship game and the league crown. Pete Episcopo, opened the tournament by crushing the St. .1.' with 12 points, led a well-balanced Cornell Invitation tourney Rose of Lima Grammar School team, 66 to 31. attack, while "Skip" Liguori was sensational Florham Park took the floor and held off with eight points, outstanding rebounding and Sunday afternoon Hillside by 44 to 35. ' >Ui0^'M defense. Kevin Doty hit seven points, Kevin m as Cornell defeats Columbia, 39-37 The eighth annual Springfield Invitation CARPENTERS, ATTENTION I Sell yourself to 30.000 Mitchell scored six, and Greg Moroze tallied ::r^- -jhe Big Red of Cornell are champions of the Greg Moroze on the other wing was outstanding games. Pashaian directed the team from Ms six. |>oints for Cornell. • Basketball tournament will conclude Sunday families with a low-cost Want Ad. Coll 68S-770O. Springfield basketball Ivy League. Cornell took fi on defense for Cornell. back-court position and played a quality game, Kevin Lamb lead a strong and determined afternoon with a tripleheader at the Florence the crown with a 39 to 37 victory over Penn- Louis Christmas was a valuable play-off man while Blabolll moved from a forward slot and Gaudineer School. sylvania In the Ivy League playoff cham- Columbia team with 13 points and was the top for Cornell. He came off the Cornell bench In also was solid in the Jlne-up. Blabolll hit a big reboundcr in the game as he went up against The action will start at 1 p.m. with a game for LET'S PLAY BALLI pionships held last Thursday evening at the the final minutes of the semi-final thriller with shot from the top of the key to narrow the the consolation prize. The championship game White Or Black Gaudinecr School, but the decision was in doubt the taller Cornell players. Rick Weber hit 10 BASEBALL SHOES i Columbia to play good defense and help Cornell Cornell margin to a single point in the final points for the Light Blue, Ronnie Scoppettuluo of the junior tournament will start at 2:30 p.m., Llttfo Leaouo 3 nlllthe final i make the final ga OiClLl -mimitant play_grr^lriy Bnnkpr nlun HMW m-tlon with the junior squads of Springfield and • From M.M dKldlydiBlpitseadw£rh e Coach-Phil Kurnos_waa at the helm of the nhrire in the ch^mojonghjp were Chris Clunie. for Penn in the ball game, while Robbie Bohrod —MetaHSpll brilliant in the Columbia back court. Brian Florham Park meeting for,the crown. The UK to IM.tS LOOK OF TRIUMPH — The Billikens are champions of the Knowles, John Clancy, Tony Gorglulo, Tony Circelli; second' SMALL FLYERS — The Pirates are champions of the Sandmeler RUM Woldmon, Andy Wolf*; ••cond row, Larry Malar, Scott . Cornell team that now reigns as champions of Doug Grant, Dave Schlanger, Mike Snyder and played a big game for Penn in the' semi-tlnal llelliveau also played a solid floor game for ^rawptoilBh1p~gffnnrDf-ttnr: t56-A-fcARGI the Ivy League. A coach on the Ivy League staff Caldwell Small Fry Basketball League and of the townwldo row, Scott Munley, Ben Scotlurro. Paul Wisniewskl; rear. Small Fry League in recreation basketball play. Shown are, Hankie. Dove Geltman, Alan Barlinar, Marc Cnatman; rear, Scott Miller. contest. Columbia. * will get underway at 4 p.m. SELECTION OF for 10 seasons, he was able to celebrate a The championship game saw'Penn's Carmen .GLOVES/BATS. BALLS. playoffs. /Shown are, from left, front, Scott Furda, Jeff Coaches Tom and Stan Wisniewskl. ~ from left, front. Jeff Miller, Ricky Marech, Pete Herzllnger, coach Fred Morech. (Photos by Jim Adam j) Andy Herkalo was sensational throughout the Four teams are still in action in the tour- SHIRTS, SOX, ETC. decade of work with his fourth league cham- Apicella at his best. He led all scorers in the play-off competition and was awarded the nament. Hillside, Millburn, Cartcret and pionship. In addition to these Kurnos led his game as he poured 17 points through the hoop. Most Valuable Player trophy for his stellar -Sblodutnm Springfield advanced in earlier play. Hillside Union Cmtar team to the final game on two other occasions. Apicella hit three quick shots at the start of the work. Herkalo led the Ivy League in scoring • Field of 506to vie will meet Millburn in a semifinal clash, while Towards The entire Cornell team^plaved super IrvtngtcMi game to get Penn into an early lead, and also and took up where he left off in the play-offs, Springfield will entertain Carteret in the other 4*354 Siuyve»«nl rMMU Billikens defeat Pirates basketball in this pressure game, but it was the played brilliant defense with hustle and Dayton season success— it figures scoring 63 points in. the short three-game series. semifinal tilt. Union in AAU wrestling WUMU1 defense devised by Kurnos to stop Penn's determination. Apicella, from the middle of the Herkalo played his best game in the semi- Last Saturday, Hillside topped Irvtagton ID a •coring machine.:Aody H«rt«lt),tb**t told the feajonjqthe flnaLgamo.jvafcjjpe qf Jbo.ton- .nml Contest J*ith Harvard: He had 3&*(olnti> :, ]'he first NJAAU" Junior Olympic Senior quarterfinal game, while Millbrim cftslied the •OptnMan. t,Frl.Till9;Other Oay*Till* - .'via tale of the matter,- Contcll's twinning defense ' playere to lhe'3*y League; and could be* foa<^plet«dbmlni1ubh of the boards..J»clng Division (14-18 years! old) Wrestling Tour- Ivj; Stars and Cartcret edged' FloVham Park in MASTER CHARGE »nd UNI CARD to gain Small-Fry title as Pepe, Drew pace team statistics effectively closed all avenues to the Inside and ST. JAMES LADIES recognized as the Most Improved Player. Penn to a 59-to-50 victory and a place in the nament will be'held Saturday and Sunday at an overtime game. qualities. He hit four points and showed hustle - Four' Seasons: Ruth Inaley, 174^171-163-808; took the big Pennsylvania center away from Andy Herkalo again was outstanding for champion game. The 35 points came within Rutgers University, New Brunswick. The Florence Gaudineer School was the site By CLIFF ROBS Bill Palazzl didn't shoot very often for the Drumer, Ned Jacobson and Jeff Grant did not on defense. Jeff Knowles also was outstanding Rose Ann Waryn, 186-15M71; Kay Scheider, the boards. - . ' Pennsylvania. The top reboundcr in the game, seven points of tieing an all time Ivy mark (or JJ-Birmlngham-, Westfleld, NJAAU Junior of a recent clash between the Billikens and the The final statistics are in for the 1972-1973 Bulldogs but made them count when he did, play enough to earn a letter but made Im- in the Bills line-up, rebounding, showing a flair 166-159-467; Terry Schmidt, 157-157-456; Winnie Kevin Mitchell was outstanding for the he put 10 points through the hoop. He blocked single game's point production. : ,. Olympic wrestling chairman, has announced Pirates for the Small-Fry Championship of basketball season and the Jonathan Dayton hitting an unbelievable 56 percent from the Dortant£ontributionit£Ltbe team's success. Y awards dinner . for team ploy, and scoring four points. Paul Liguori, 179-450; Marlene Koonz, 191-442; Mary Victor. He shared scoring honors with Pete manyComell shots and turned those shots Into Carmen Apicella, with 14 points, .and Scott that nearly 500 high school-aged boys are ex- Springfield, with the Billikens, representing the Regional team, which posted a 15-8 season floor to lead Dayton in that category. PalBnl Coach Ray Yanchus will lose three of his 12 Wisniewski, Scott Munley and Ben Scaturo Hannon, MMH38; Lena Brown, 166-431; Marge •' Eplscopo and was very effective off the boards. fast-break buckets for his team. Glen Ames Pashaian, with seven, and brilliant play in the pected to grapple for honors in 11 weight Caldwell Small-Fry League, winning the battle record, averaged a startling 65.4 points a game scored 178 points for an 8.1 game average. • players to graduation this year. They are co- 1 to honor swimmers were the other Billlken players who saw action Doninger, 424; Madelyrv Teja, 161-419; Dot ' Mitchell hit 14 points In the game and pulled in - classes during the two-day period under In- against the Pirates, who carried the banner of while giving up only 57.5 points per game. —Bob Meisel, Jeff SaroUn, Ken Oonte and Bob captains Mark Tastier and Jeff Sarokin and also played well for Penn as he hit six points .;• back court also were effective in, the victory in the big game. Merbler, 151-417; Ethel Ernst, 417; MegMende, 20 rebounds. He brought Cornell back Into the ternational rules. Champions will earn the Members of the Summit the Sandmeier Small-Fry League. Most running learns, like the Bulldogs, will Hydock were the other players lettering. Steve sixth man Bob Meisel. and was a big-compliment to Herkalo under the over Harvard. Tommy Graziano, was the top ' The Billlkens triumphed in an exciting, well- 160-413; Ruth Adams, 403; Terry Fionda,'152- game after being down by six points at half- boards. * player for Harvard as he hit 18 points and right to represent the New Jersey Association Area YMCA's four swim Ricky Marech put on a tremendous shooting 401; Isabella Hyoms, 167; Inge Bantel, 166; score a lot of points but unlike the Bulldogs, time, taking the ball inside in the third period in National AAU Junior Olympic competition in teams will be honored at the played, game by the score of 47 to 37, with the demonstration for the Pirates, and finished as they also give up many points. There are other Scott Pashain and Bob Blabolil rounded out paced an final period Harvard rally. Other boys displaying excellence In shooting, ball Jane Planer, 158; Mary Ernst, 155; Nettie - and hitting four big buckets. Cornell was able to the Penn starting five and contributed solid Harvard players to perform well were Mike August. \ annual awards dinner to be the top scorer for his team, with 17 points. He Martino, 151; Martha Lalak, 150. impressive team statistics—a 45 percent " knot the game by the end of the third period. A clinic on international competition will be held at the Summit Y on TENNIS control and team play. Tony Circelli won the almost singlehandedly brought the Pirates shooting average from the field, 772 rebounds Top teams are: Go Getters, 49-29; Jets, 4814- Eplscopo also was effective for Cornell, conducted from 10 to 10:30 a.m., with matches Friday, April 6, at 6:30 p.m. Most Valuable Player award for the Caldwell back into contention with an outstanding third and 517 assists. League, while Rick Marech won the same 29^; Three Fibs, 48-30. * directing the attack from his point position. He scheduled to get under way at approximately Parents have been invited to period. Marech poured in 12 points after the Joe Pepe, named to the Suburban Conference YOUR honor in the Sandmeier League. ' scored In every period and tied Mitchell for 10:30. . the program following the ' intermission and drew the Pirates to within " first team for the second year in a row, led the I honors on the team. Eplscopo was strong in the Young gets MVP label, Circelli put on a demonstration never before ST. JAMES MIXED This is the inaugural event for the Senior dinner (7:30) at which the four points at the end of three periods. He bit Bulldogs in six categories-most field goals , final period, when he hit two driving hoops and seen in a Small-Fry game as he paced the Four Seasons: Len Salek, 219-172-573; Sam Division Junior Olympic wrestling program in 1972-73 season's outstanding GAME? ? six shofs from the top of the key in this period. (148), most foul shots converted and attempted ; fed Mitchell twice for two more buckets, Billikens to victory, scoring a total of 29 points De Lucta, 202-507; Richard-Smreczak, 553; the 12-county New Jersey Association. swimmers will be recognized. (83:130), most rebounds (229), total points (379) '- giving Cornell its first lead in the match. in the' game. The total far outdistanced any Alan Berliner also was outstanding for the Edmund Albinowski, 506; David Zboray, 202- paces Bama to victory Reservations may be made and per-game scoring average (16.1). • 'Kevin Doty was another strong player for previous record for a single'game, either Pirates, using his good speed to advantage as 506; Arthur Veglia, 202-534; JohnKozic Jr., 527;. through Mrs. Richard Plav It Cool!' this summer at Howie Drew was named to the second team j Cornell, backing up Mitchell off the boards as To Publicity Chairmen: during the Small-Fry regular season or in the he drove full court past the Billiken defenders. Bob Hannon, 502; Karen Hunter, 197:183-520; • Alabama capped a bittersweet season with a defense. He hit six points in the opening period Musgrove of Summit, in the conference. While not leading any ' he grabbed many, key rebounds. Doty also championship tilt. Circelli also was outstanding Berliner finished the game with 10 points and Winnie Liguori, 174-152-468; Ruth Insle'y, 165-' k 48 to 47 decision over Indiana In the Springfield to give Bama an early advantage. chairman of the affair. category, Drew placed second in six-141 field \ played solid defense, helped Cornell set up Would you like some help on defense and Was a team leader on the floor. was exceptional on defense. Andy Wolfe was 158-470; Cookie Be.ll6tti, 169-453; Arlene State League basketball championship game Robert Esposito and Dave Kirshenbaum goals, 41 foul shots, 227 rebounds, 88 assists, 323 CHROMAdOLOR :' playa with good ball control, and scored seven played at the Gaudlneer School last Thursday in preparing newspaper re- the big rebound man for the Pirates, and he Majchrowicz, 154-417; Marie Turk, 153-437; made their presence felt in the Alabama LEWIS BORN Johnny Clancy also was effective for the total points and a 14.0 per-game average. ) points. He'hit a pressure free throw in the final evening, a game that was a.thriller from the. leases? Write to this news- Bills, leading his team in rebounding and also scored two points in the game. Judl Rotolo, 190-469; Josephine Graybush, 194- 3" GIANT SCREEN CONSOL line-up. Both boys scored four points, played Sinclair Lewis, author of Gavin Widom, the Bulldogs' playmaker, had i minutes to give Cornell a three-point lead and a opening tip to the final buzzer. good team ball and helped off the boards. Alan paper and ask for our "Tips acquet G/ub helping the Bills control the tempo of the Scott Henkle did well In the Pirate line-up, 485; Mary Myhrberg, 157-156-426; Norma "Main Street," was born at an excellent season, leading the Bulldogs in 1 little breathing room. Billy Young had an outstanding tournament Bleznick came off the Alabama bench to contest. Clancey also scored five points. Tony playing strong defense and chipping In with Celusak, 162-420; Nancy O'Grady, 413; Rose In Gralntd Walnut, Titan on Submitting News re- SaukCenter, Minn.,onFeb. 7, assists with 175 for an average of 8.6 per game. li. On<.button .') ^Skip"' Liguori was also outstanding for for the champion and was awarded the State capture some key rebounds in the game. The 1885. Gargiulo was a defensive standout for the Bills four points. Russ Waldman also scored'for the Widom also scored 7.5 points per game. lunlng, Auitomatlc Fliw- r leasea." : E U Sweeps: Knights of Columbus over Rum- 7 Cornell the champion, playing brilliant defense "Eesgue" Mosr ValuabtePlayertrBphsrysuHg's" ""offier bbysoif iheAlabanfa championship team with good full-court hustle. He also scored five Pirates and played a good team game. Other Mark Taaher, senior co-captain of the tuning control, Solid: mys, Evergreen Lodge over Coppers, Lead •tata wpar vldao rang* ! and rebounding well from the wing position. He fine play both from the outside and under the are Mike Leib, John Hatpin and Jeff Zarin. AIR CONDITIONED points. ' Pirates who saw action in the championship Bulldogs, was named to the Suburban Con- VHF-UMF Spotlltt defensive boards paced an Alabama team-to a Pipes over Four Seasons, Cordials over j outfought two Penn players for an offensive Scott Furda teamed with Circelli in the back game were Larry Mayer, Peter Hertzlinger, ference third team and was probably the moet championship after they had dropped their first Indiana was paced in the championship game Colancujea, Wtlpat Associates over Ehrhardt's, •' rebound late In the game and put the ball back court and showed outstanding ball-control Marc Chasman, Jeff Miller and Dave Geltman. improved player for the Bulldogs. Tasber made five games of the regular season. The team and through the play-offs by Tyrone Parker. A Springfield Residents: Hannon-Rugs Over..Cl' I up arid to the hoop for a very big contribution. ISO field goals on 45 percent snooting, converted perked up toward the end of the regular season . scrappy back court player, Parker shared top See Your Fellow Resident 23 of 25 foul shot attempts for a team-leading 92 and came on strong In the. play-off competition. honors Tor Indiana as he hit 15 points.'He also " paced a final period rally by Indiana which just percent, and scored 283 points, an average of In the championship game, it was Billy fell short of victory, stealing the ball twice in Blue Chippers shock Knights 12.3 per game. Young who made the difference. He had paced Rifle, pistol ranges the final minute of play and hitting driving REX, the VAN KING the team to the finals with great play in the two SUMMER_. shots to narrow the five-point Alabama lead to earlier gomes and he was Johnny-on-tne-Spot RESERVATIONS a single point, A^third attempt by Parker five 25" ZENITH . - -inthe big final. He closed as high scorer in the. •'<.. ••> in piPPEItfloor balHeague open on weekends^ seconds fromjhe end fell just off-Uie-rlnv NOW BEING ACCEPTED. D'Andrea named game with 17 points, even though his agresslve SUPER CHROllACOLOR - Pavo-Ncwmark-wa» "ipoUwr-ouUU " The Blue Chlppers provided tho-big-upset of jrecordliy winnlng;'78-16. Gary. Presloff. had 24 The rifle and pistol ranges operated by the defensive playjsnliihnjto the side lines wlffi" Season begins May 14 to - VELBASE CONSOLETTE -player for Indiana, sharing top honors with 15 -the Dayton Intramural Program^ Physleal- points, Joe Natiello 18 and Carmen Scop- Union County Park Commission are now open . fo all-star r&steTl~ itomatlc Fln« Tuning; VHKUHt- miUSU five-fouls late in the fourth-period. Young was Sept. 24 for $175.00. . Education Recitation (DIPPER) sessions last pctfuolo 16 forJhe Pals. The Blue Moons came on weekends for the season.-Tbe-ranges are Two Rnchester-^InBtitute- of- Technology SpolH»a Pan.U;. 4" Oval SpMkar; Qy«r Need Tennis Instruction!? - week, shutting out the previously-undefeated Jwt on thelong endpf a 2-3p score and: beat the- located in Lenape Park^-nfL_Kenilworth_ W~!oHdSt«lei. Llmltad"f Ima Spaclall basketball players have-been named to the Enroll In one of our 2 week White Knights, 3-0, in the' Monday-Wednesday Gold Eagles. Tom Botte had eight points for the boulevard, Cranford. the two teams, Billy hit five consecutive-foul J ""ettSffaTau tunes with his timely tip-in buckets. Independent College Athletic Conference^ All- IN SUMMIT IT'S He also played u Btiong defensive game. _._ long summer programs early morning floor ball league in the boy's Moons, Craig Keseleka 10 for the Eagles. The rifle range, with shooting permitted from ' star Team. Juniors Dan D'Andrea and Bhots, under extreme pressure to give his team Kevin Karp, another top player for Indiana, which begins June 25. gym. < ,; The Red Devils of John Saraclno, Tom Lowy, only the prone position, through safety ports.; Arnold Cole were voted to the second team by a lead they held until the final buzzer. Bruce Hofmann accounted for all three goals Bob Walllck, Tony Macias, Justin Schneider, can accommodate 20 shooters on the 50-yard SMYTHE Mitch Gimelstob also was outstanding for also had been moved up from Small-Fry play CLINICS - 2 wkl.. 10 hr... coaches ui the ICAC. late in the season. He proved he belonged in this against the talented senior-laden Knights. Ron John Siegal and Art Ernst made a successful range and 10 shooters on the 100-yard range. It was the first such selection for D'Andrea, Alabama finishing the final game with 15 points children $50; adult. S60 1 Frank, John Fischer, Don Schoh, Harry Irwln debut In the Olympic (Volleyball Tournament Only ,22 calibre rifles asingle shot, are per- and keeping Bama on top throughout with his game by drilling nine points through the hoop 6-2, 187-pound forward from Springfield, and REMEMBER! VOLVO and igniting the Indiana rally in the final period SEMINARS - 2 wki.. 30 hri., . and Mike Gagllano starred for the"'ch!ppers, held last Thursday morning as they defeated mitted. The Union County Rifle League,. shooting and drivjng. offense. Gimelstob was, children $120; adulli $150 Cole a 5-11, 155-pound guard from New York with a driving two-pointer from the right side. TrToffier floor ball games7ffie~H«rapperB he^lu-XhgT715flihT"i5Tg7, 3 ~ p^fr "City. Ithaca anTRPj placed two ojftlw1 IlrsT AFTER THE SALE on. manyjoccaslona.' a-setaing force-on-the. and Green Lailcers battled to a 2-2 tie on goals DIPPER" Director John Swedish announced on yeekday evenings, concluding with a Vic- team along with one from St. Lawrence', With "Bama" team, hitting a big shot when it was DODGE....DEPEND ON ITl NOTE: momlnfl Wlllon 9-12 : strong defensive games for Indiana. Riccardi by Emmet Rueda (two) and Al Spielholz and that teams can atilT Join the Friday early tory Shoot. 1 . D'Andrea,. 1972-73 captain,' Averaged 14.4 most needed, ' • . • and/or aftornoon Mulon : "SWIV-L-TILT" BASE IT'S THE... . Mitch Tolan also was effective for Alabama. also helped with the ball handling in back court, From B-100 to Msixi-vans and Cabs, avallabla for clinics and iaml- Roger Prank; the Knights.defeated the Red morning volleVbaUileague—and other events— The pistol range, the center of activity for the points per contest and led the team In rebounds narti i. . Zippers, 6-1, as John Saraclno booted three A mid-season acquisition /nun the Small-Fry whlle.Rawllns was effective off the boards with by contacting him at the *oy's gym every Union County Police Pistol League, offers 10 with a 10.6 average. He was' second, to team- some rugged play. Both boys hit a bucket in the » Chassis & Dump Trucks ' goals, Tony Macias two and Tata one goal with . SERVICE League, Tolan scored eight points in the final morning from 7 to 8:15 a.m. ports; and a 15-yard and 25-ya(d^ range. The" • mate Ross Brothers in free'throw percentage, game. Paul Krystow scoring for the Zippers. In the'' range will be open on Saturdays and Sundays game, rebounded well and played a strong New and unusual progriuns will be added averaging .740. D'Andrea is the son Of Mr. and Mark Boettcher scored four points for SEND ME BROCHURE i standings, the Knights are •4-1-1, Chlppers 3-2-1, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. through the spring, with THAT COUNTS SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY during the months of.May and June. DBA one- Mrs. Mathew D'Andrea of 68 Battle HOI ave., MOTOR CO.Inc.L j Indiana'and was another strong rebounder. t Zippers 2-2-2 and Lancers 0-4-a. i • •• weekday evening shooting scheduled to begin on-one basketball and foul shooting contests Springfield. , Other boys to see action for their strong SNOW PLOWS I Nama I In National League basketball Tuesday and ' will begin shortly-os will the table tennis in May. The fee is $1.50 per shooter at each BOTH STORES OPEN Cadlllac-Oldsmobiu i Thursday, the Eurple Sages scored, 40-32, over Indiana team were Bob Batlc, Tom Rufolo and tournament. Singles champion Robert Walllck range and a IO-cent fee for each additional MON. THRU FRI. 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M Ml MORRII *V«.. IUMMIT. WMTfc Kevin Coyle. ..,-. , ' of COST the Blue Gang. Bob Walllck and teacher Dave' will be back to defend his title. 'target.' ' " 1-" "< '• -, •' ' State PGA to hold SAT. 9 A.M. TO 6 P. 5«»f Svrvlc* _ Indiana fought its way into the finals with a '•• Only 4 more leftllll Cowden led their teams in scoring with 12 The facility is one of the few public shooting SIIKCT USED CARS TROUT ., cqme-from-behlnd 23to-l8 win over Kansas in points each. The Green Stufacts, led by Coach facilities In northern New Jersey, The rifle Swvln« tt>» Subuiban *i«o 40 X*° Your Choice: Blue, Red, White, Yellow i Ted Amo's's 14 points, the Gold Stars beat the SEASON v the s«ni-(inal game, tyrone Parker paced the Registration fee range la beginning (ta 44th season and the pistol ; tit|e play Aug} 14-17 OPENS 'Indiana victory with 13 points, and it was ! Blue Gang, 36-20, despite Dave Cowden'% to range 'is entering Its 43rd season. : I points, The Purple Sages beat the White :-, The New Jersey Professional Golfers APRII.7 Parker who stole the ball twice in the final . minutes under the Kansas basket and turned ICollan, 38:26, behind Art Ernst's 12; points. for county tennis Association will hold Its 1S73 championship OITVOUR Tony Marclas, John Pyar and Joe Grabowy. a registration card at Warinanco Park courts tournament at the Union County Park Com- MAPLEWOOD the (teals into big buckets. Bob McCrossen and MIKAN Mall to; Murray Hill Racquat Oub and at Park Commission swimming pools. Dean, Pashaian were..the top players for l)93Cantr . • * .••!'.•.•_ ABIL ^ta •• . mission's Ash Brook Golf Course, Scotch Kansas.'. .... — Rates for play per court per hour will be 75 * Plains, on Aug. 14, IS, 16 and 17. 1929 SPRINGFIELD AVE 1945 MORRIS AVE Murtay Hill, NJ. 07071 Brook Park. Plalnfleld and Rahwav cents on weekdays to3:S0p.rn.and»l after 3:30 (NMr Bdydtn) (Opp. Town Hall) 1354 Stuyvesant ...-Alabama made the finals by virtue of a I SH TEL: 688-1 HI This will be the first major PGA state M ll > *. Billy 1 |W»TTHtW-f «Q»VTHa-«COMOMY--CAJIJQ TOTAL. UUK WRY Apptlcatloni aha ball* acc«ppr 7 "** a-wtn \ | Yilinfl wim 1Hpoints p^Mfl UI6'BWnA'vlit5ryr~ addition to the registration fee,'permitting It I* anticipated UjaUujout-flOTprQejulonals while Mitch Gltnelatob bit U points for the unlimited annual play without additional j*UUaktpartrurthe Pro-Am tournament on 964-0646 SU Wte P«ye Barnesv,M«rk Metkltt and Jon 280 MAIN ST. MADISON 37T-640I charges. •'..•• ..'.': 'C,.... •• 761-4674 Siegal alt.scored equally, and pl»ye4 strong Aug. 14, with possibly 1M amateurs. . New&UMd game* for Maine. „

Silas 273-4800, .,;, . " • • ' ' \ • . .•' \|,.


, ' i. v.

:^-Thursday, March 29, 1973- r Thursdayr, March 29, 1973 Your Guide To Better Living UNION LEADER SPRINGFIELD LEAVER Tri the • MOUNTAINSIDE ECHO • THE SPECTATOR SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE MART • LINDEN LEADER » City » Suburbs F C -Laklk e • SShorh e SUBURBAN • SUBURBAN LEADER • IRVINGTON HERALD Activity calendar is kept full • VAILSBURG LEADER Townhouse un/fs and the semi-monthly SUBURBANAIRE are available now at Villages by Hovnanian The best plane ever built' is a clubhouse, which comes the clubhouse, and nothing unless you have a under Charnack's domain. Up management is composed of competent pilot toi handle the sees to it that the saunas are top-notch team, each and af Pirates Cove controls, and the same is true functioning well, the arts and every homeowner not only has of a condominium community, crafts rooms are well stocked, a showcase of living and Households the dressing .areas and relaxing; but"~q—solld~ln~ 81,350 nestdence units nt~Plrate_~ —Airtiome8~irreT!quipp-<."witti— says one ofTJewrjcrsey'STnost showers are kept immaculate', Cove, townhouse con- major modern appliances, prolific builders, Vahak vestment. A well-maintained .and the game rooms an* in dominium community- in including Westinghonse-dlsh- liovnanian. ; and a competently operated good working order. condominium has to ap- Monmou-h Beach. are washcrs, \garbagc com- Hovnanian, a veteran of "I imagine the key to preciate in value as the years available for immediate oc- pactors, double oven and; almost two decades of con- satisfied buyers is a smooth go by, he reasons. cupancy, according to Paul ranges, refrigerator-freezers, struction and a half dozen • running operation," explains "Real estate values con- Bragar of the Paul Bragar washers and dryers. Central years in building con- Charnack. "We have to keep tinue to go up every year," Agency, Iftc, exclusive . air conditioning and warm,air dominiums, selected-Abe all of our people happy and Hovanian says. "Since the agents. heat (at no additional cost) Charnack as business ad- GET have been included in the ensure that each has the , complex has continued to "The real .state story ministrator and director of 1 service or facilities, that he or satisfy our existing throughout the stole seems to "easy-living' design of the activities at his 52-and-ovcr begone long waiting list," community. —she^iHfants.UWJielhex LCs_ homeowners and they con- iOTntntuTn community. tinually refer their friendsTlo T Bragar sold, "but Driftwood The two-story town! The Villages, an award- sculpturing or dancing or Associates, builders of Pirates are tastefully detailed with whatever. We make sure we us for homes, we know that we winning 671-family complex in are daily increasing the Cove, have managed to stay such amenities as hardwood Howell Township have a full calendar abreast of the strong demand floors and finished patios. As SPRING MEADOW MODEL HOME, one of six models, Jersey's most attractive areas,.it offers out-in-the- throughout the year." salcability and mor- for quality housing in part of the condominium U.S. Home of New Jersey is introducing "at Whlttler country living, yet easy commuting to "When you're talking about tgagability of each unit we MounmouLb County, par-, ownershlp-malntalnence plan, Oaks-at-Hillsborough. Midway between metropolitan business centers. The Whittier Oaks- a condominium you're talking Charnack points out that - build." ..'••' ticularly in the market for the the grounds are professionally Somerville and Princeton off Route 206 on ot-Hillsborough homes, priced frgm $49,990 on about scores of years of being when buyers purchase one of Hovbilt has constructed and now-popular condominiums." maintained year-round. Hillsborough road, the community is a "first" for approximately 3-4-acre sites, or larger, are involved in development and the homes, priced from $22,990 maintained the massive U.S. Home in Somerset County. In 'one •'of 'New designed fo look custom-built. Each offers many management, not just two or to $33,990 in any one of the six facility and will do so until it is Priced in the mld-thlrtics, Pirates Cove is located on compounds which make up ...and we gef fhe nicest the Shrewsbury River, of- variations to suit individual preferences. three as in a rental project," turned over to the Ihc one-bedroom unit includes explains Hovnanian, "When The Villages, they are buying homeowners' association. A a living room kitchen-dinette, fering both riverfront and you develop a condominium, an interest in the whole well-staffed crew keeps the two baths and storage room, inland homes. The shore x you're involved in the most complex. They own their own complex spotless. plus a large additional room location offers the advantages Thompson intricate of operations over homes upon which they may- Off the spacious lobby to the which may be used cither as a of nearby ocean beaches and Greentree' combines best lunger expanses of time." have a mortgage (if they have left is. a game room with formal dining room or as a watersportn,. yacht clubs, not—made an outright pur- billiards, shufflcboard, letters aboutjK den, .with sliding glass doors state and county parks, and appointed Charnack says The Villages chase) and which they can bumper - billiards and card leading onto the rear patio. On other cultural and educational Tcrrcnce Neil Thompson Ls' aimed at providing main- deduct interest payments and tables. To the rear of the lobby the upper level are a .huge facilities. Residents of of ranch, split-level homes has been- named • sales tenance-free living for pur- taxes from their federal in- off the patio and swim pool is a bedroom, vast closet space, Monmounth Beach arc also manager of Mystic Islands, it A departure from the with exhaust.fan, hood and ceiling raised living room, chasers in a recreation- come returns. gym with saunar a men's dressing room, and a balcony able to join the • Monmouth was announced by Mystic traditional ranch and split- breakfast room. The laundry formal dining" room, four oriented selling. The styling, dressing area with showers overlooking the cathedral Beach Pavilion optionally, "In addition to gaining some Development Corp. Thompson level home design is being room adjoins the kitchen. The bedrooms and oversized design and construction of the and a women's dressing room cellinged living room. which offers docking and club 1 Income tax relief through the ?#*& replaces Richard C. Leitz Sr.. Introduced in "The Green- four-bedroom home Includes a master , bedroom suite with townhouse type homes, en- with lounge and showers. -interest and real-estate tax The Pirate. Cove two- facilities. . . ' , who recently moved up to tree" model home at Whltlier master bedroom suite with sures the maintenance-free private bath, plus two and one- deductions, they also have a A photo lab with dark room, bedroom model on-thc-lojver •—AH condominium ad- assistant vle-president in Oaks in Hillsborough. The 80- private bath bn separate level. living..Crews are kept busy half other baths. The Bryant feeling of security in that they arts and crafts room, sewing level presents a large fap- vantages, such as ownership charge of sales. home community is being It also has another complete manicuring the lawns, • Colonial at {(51,090 has cnor-' know their occupancy—unlike area, wood working shop, and proxlmot.ly 16 feet x 20 feet) of one's home and a propor- A graduate of the Wharton built by U.S. Home of New bath and powder room and mous covered portico and two- painting outside trim, 1 a rental—is not subject to the Charnack's office are all to the living room, kitchen, storage tional share of the surroun- .School of Business, Thompson Jersey.' there Is a two-car garage. maintaining the property, story colonnades, 25-foot wishes of a landlord," right of the lobby. area, powder room and dining ding grounds, common areas, will direct the sales activities collecting the refuse, plowing According to William Ownership at Whittier Oaks bedroom suite, and three Charnack says. "In effect, I'm Fully air-conditioned, the room with sliding glass doors the-..two oolite ,swimming of the 3,000-acre vacation, the streets, etc. Stcinfield. vice-president of at Hillsborough offers custom- other bedrooms, two baths,, working for them. They have a clubhouse is carpeted leading onto, the. rear patio. pools and tennis courts, arc an retirement and year-round marketing for U.S. Home, The style homes on approximately plus powder room. The recreation-oriented Inl. grnl pprt nl I'lrnlna P ilce in the way The Villages throughout except for some of The-aeeqraWofy-hold- two big ^munlty-^wrdoring-Crcat Greentreemodel-offer9-«lHhr e ",4 o.f anacrUII acie mtarui targecrstTC ^nin^Birye.sTTlomc buyers att Wlnttiewnut^crr community Is cuntered-nround bedrooms, bath, more-than- 4u R S a nis. it lias a 1 meetings; they-have-a say.-'-—publicaddrosssystemlor both_ Bpuue, dicssing —"Thompson-, joins" ~the~ com" Ihe separation appeal of~a the lines of Early American of U.S. Home-arranged room off the master bedroom, State Parkway exit 117. Hea••cadu pany from the computer time- financing area is the fact that Charnack maintains that in' outdoors and indoors with AM split-level. It puts the living architecture, and include the mortgage financing, which and FM music, and and an exterior balcony, also spilth on Rt. 36 to Beach road sharing field, where he was there is/no additional cost to many ways the success of The a room and master bedroom most modern living features, means that "qualified projection room for movies. leading from the—master and then right onto Rlverdalc marketing manager for the buyer to secure the Villages hinges on suite on a different level from appliances amTciinveiiiences. buyers" may obtain mort- The complex is off Wyckoff bedroom r avenue. Megasystems," Inc., of Bala mortgage loans, there are. no management. His premise is the activities areas and the Sanitary sewers and water gages up to 90 percent of the if Mills Road and Route 9, Cynwyd, -Pa. A resident of "closing costs" or other legal tha' Hovbilt has supplied the children's bedrooms in the are being installed purchase price. In addition, fees. .: J_eaL.faciUtie8JnJ__using and HoweU Township. . Mystic Islands, he has been a house. simultaneously with con other buyer advantages in the VACATION HOMESITES - $389S_ANP UP part-time salesman for the 'The other bedrooms ilre" slruction on each section of SUSSEX COUNTY LAND - ONE-HALF to 6 ACRES development for the past two convenient to the parents' the 80 home'.' community. years. sleeping suite," Steinfield Fully-devBlopiBd, private four-suason recreational Paved streets, sidewalks and points out, "so children do not curbing are being installed by lako community. All facilities on tits, including: 150 feel isolated. But it gives each U.S. Home : a_ru lake for sailing & ice-boating, community cun- FOR AN EXCELLENT generation a bit more privacy 1 Other models at Whittier with restaurant & bar; Olvmpic-si/e healed.pool, SELECTION OF than can be had if all Oaks.at Ilillshorough include: 18-holo oolt course; tennis; skiincj; and much morn. bedrooms were located on the the world'•; first Spring Retired ornoLeni ; Beautifully wooded lots 600-1100 ft. olevalion - .HOMII . *rA«TM«HTf same level or in the same, Meadow llnusc completely many with siwctacular views. Less than 90 minutes wing. The layout does not decorated and furnished. It .CONDOMINIUM* . LAND 1 .frpmJJnion area. For info, call collect 481-3700. isolate one from the other.' previews a whole new interior Holiday Lake, 140 Sylvan Av... Englewood Cliffs NJ FOLLOW THE IUL 'The sweeping-lines of TBe concept., featuring new atRossmoor. Greentree has the spacious designs, colorings and' new sports every day. ESTATE KMT WEEKLY appearance of the ranch functions in home furnishings. design. However, its varied Priced at $.ri_.99O, it has roof elevations and covered country-style kitchen, four why rent ? front portico -enhance its bedrooms and two and one- architectural attractiveness." half baths. : Priced at $55,990, the nine, The Longfellow Ranch at OWN your apartment home room home has' dramatic $52,990 has four or five living room with expansive bedrooms and three full baths. window wall, a formal dining The Sandberg colonial af~j . r% % Condominiums room, family room with $55,990 has covered; portico sliding glass doors to rear and family room on level by Every recreation facility is in garden., The country-style Itself, as well as four IHUKEWOOD kitchen \ has two-door bedrooms and two and one- and operative right now. refrigerator-freezer, built-in half baths. The Emerson Split advantages and equity build- Only38Unlt.l dishwasher, oven and range Level at $50,990 has cathedral ' ,' If.Vou tbve''golf Qr tennis or swimming, then •Rossmoor is for you/Whether you're retired or not up.of home ownership, you Aslong as you're/48 years oldand over. have noh£ of the worries and All the recreation facilities are right in this none of the ^chores. The" adult community, lust a shorTwaik from your Robbtnuur niainfenance staff condominium home: The 18-hole, par-71 golf takes care of all the exterior course with PGA pro. The olympic-size Work; a gatekeeper and a pool. Tennis. Shuffleboard. The magnifi- roving security patrol protect cent clubhouse with hobby shops, ball- your privacy 24 hours a day. ' Considering the quality of roomand meeting rooms. e —• If yourre retired you can use JiL _i_Od what you get for your these facilities whenever you moneyrprtces at Rbssmbor~ar'e~'" wish without ever leaving -, surprisingly reasonable. Condo- home. If you're still pursuing 'minium homes in Mutual No. 7 your career, you can fit these activities into your start at $27,650 with the mnd- ._ working days easily, because Rossmoor is just. 45 popular models in the mid-thirties. Mortgages are minutes from the big city via excellent public trans- availablerMomhly costs start at $135.91, "which portation of your car. Play an early- include everything except mortgage financing. morninggam&dttennisora round of ^(Ttiere is ajigminal charge fprgolf.. .only a tiny golf before you heahd d fof r your officeffi . •--*•---«•--«fraction of whatitcost• .-.-:-i-s to join -a ««goluf club.«i..i, )v — When you return, there's stlli time So come visit Rossmoor. See how much free- for a refreshing dip in the pool. dom you can have, right now. Before ..you retire. Enloy natural beauty, peace, quiet. Thej* .* nothing between Lakevlew Bufflossmoorismuch more And after, and its* ledgendary. lake except clear air, wooded walks, healthful •fee than fun and games. The entire ' Send tor tree tulhcolor brochure. Write to Dept. SG3??, sunlight. There are few places mat offer so much. Lakevlew Manor offers community Is like something Rossmoor, P.O. Bo% 393, Cranbury, New Jersey 08612. a rarjf opportunity Wr you"to own your owrt apartment home 25 year out of an exclusive New mortgages available up to 95 S "Financed." YOUNG at England village. You must see it to believe it. CONSIDER THESE *DVW.T»6ES I \ : . Z!ie_mar>p£j!9jjiffis_are_ .Bulc c6n»trucllon of .concrete g so well-designed, anyone \Flve story Hl-rlte • • area, schools and Bus to New Yo and would be proud toown them. felevator ... Stops' af All Levels , Philadelphia, COUNTRY LIVING WITrl LITTLE MAINTENANCE They're very spacious, set amid AD-VISORS and Basement lush green lawns, and land- .Laundry In . Baiemenf $ Soyth Wind udult . mobll.homq cq'mmuriit'v was created scaped beautifully. 'Every Accessable by Elevator " especi.lly for the young-aVhe.rt $5 and over. -Nestled in a home has two bedrooms and .Each'Apartment Hai Own Opt. Fnwi 25,000 ii'-r 36,000 couiiliy setting In Ocean CountV, Sopth Wind otters two paths, the latest General TODAYI Individual -Heating and Air spacious choice homo sites with concreto patio iindsodded Conditioning System Write (of Complete Brochure: ' , luwn. Puved streets, underground utilities, recreation. Electric appliances, and cen-" .All Wlndowi Insulated Double \\ tral air conditioning. Uknitw Minor P.tt BMM, Tomi Rknr, N.J.OS793 Pane Cites . COME ON DOWN arid look us over, See 5 lovely model Y'\ Though you have all the tax .Individual Water Heaters In Or Call 3490965 , homes with living room, dining room, kitchen,: two bod- Ph AparAt mum. and—bath—priced, from—$B;2O0. -In -your best- Parking Furnished Mad^l npL Now Openl .iVt Bathth» and Balcony with 4 residential investment, Phone for directions. We'll ba Idbk^ Rooin Apartmennd t ' / ing for. you,. .. ONLY 45 MINUTES The adult,community for active people. •ting...Wall to Wall In "Open daily 10 am to dink, closed Sunday." FROMN.Y.C. .Jbri. •• • • . : • "... ifer TV Antenna with New •// ork Philadelphia and UHF _hanne|5. .Telephone Outlet* Prewired •// .Security Entrance Control with Monroe.Township. N J. / (609)655 2270 •Wflu for FREE tvochurn P.O. BOB 110, l«l<«wo-d, NJ 08701 Iritercomm. Fuirtf M»onHorth Uk« driw it Fornt m AT EXIt BA OF THE NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE .City Water and Sewerage An Adult M-bli.homo Community Sponsored inddwloped by GUARDIAN DEVELOPMENT CORP., a publicly-owned company. -SnwHJowHfWrTWrf-r---—.— Rout«528, Jiduon. Ntw J«r>cy A-_. .Excellent Location...Directly at DIRECTIONS: OSP to Exit 9\. Straight on Lanei Mill Road to Lakeside, Park and. Beach traffic light onto Rt. at. Contlnuut Mil Rt. » ((lightly to Itft) (sevon mllos west of Lakowooc) h. •.Social Room...Recreational onto North LoKo prlvS continue on to Modti Area, 201-9280952 Facilities. • - , »i Along Rt. V In Lakewood pflit County Un. Road iprox, i rriliei"'Wake" right tu'rnTaTTriV Court Moltl. THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS NOT AN OFFERING, WHICH CAN BE MADE ONLY BY FORMAL PROSPECTUS. NY. 292 Thursday's Issue! .Sand Pipe With Fire Hose On gontlnuo on Jtrolght to Modtt Arw. \ r Each Floor. _ ^

i v. -Thursday, March 29," 197C Your Guide To Better Living irrthe _ SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE MART # • City • Suburbs •Farm Country • Lake # Shore i^Mti Estates ^models Buyers:ln cooperative at Palisades WHEN YOU REACH OVER will add l m luxury acqu/re lUXUry units, equity position 5 pools complex About 120 apartments have been sold in the Plaza-Atop- Two swimming pools are Model units for the luxury the-Palisades, the new :)0- under—.construction for_ a apartment-townhousc com- story eoopernt planned May opening at p — r :„_», 80,000 HOMES) be completed in Fort Lee by 246 shares would cost a. total door tennis courts7~2'fhour Pocono Mountain Lake planned unit residential the end of the month, and most $70,697 to the corporatjon. The doorman service and garage which range in size from 37 to~ Estates, in the Poconos at community In 'North. Brun- have been to executives and corporate mortgage totals attendant; central intercom GO feet-in length. Bushkill, Pa., according ,to Hccreatjonal features in- J.J.. Fiume, president. Plans/ swick, are expected to be professional people in the 45 to $39,209, leaving a cash balance systems; and individual ready for public showing in 65 year old age bracket. of $31,488. -security system in each clude meeting facilities with call for... the ..vacation homt kitchen, men's and ladies' community to have, five poofs According to Leo Goodman, The building team finances apartment. Occupancies will begin shortly one of the partners ' in the up to 50 percent of the cash The apartments are j:en- sauna, and locker rooms. /in all. thereafter. ' ; In addition, more than 100 development • firm, "The balance or a total of $15,744 trally alr-condltioned and YOUR AD WILL REACH OVER 80,000 HOMES houses art in various stages of. " The apartmentlownhouse buyers have been people who arid this is paid off in the form completely equipped with owned their own homes in the of monthly carrying charges. General Electric kitchens. IN UNION, SPRINGFIELD, MOUNTAINSIDE, completion and projections segment will join model WINTIR ROSELLE; ROSELLE_PARK, KENILWORTH homes' now on display at New York-New Jersey Thecharrying charges on a There's a 20-cubic-foot double- m Ihnt the firm's home K •* •»- LINDEN, IRVINGTOTT VTUTSBtfftG, building division, Pocono" MiHHpn T-fllff* ,-iml. .".'will help Metropolitan area and are $31,488 apartment is $354 a door refrigerator, dishwasher, SALE NEW HOUSING CONCEPTS — The first sectldn of townhouse-style condominiums at selling uiem lo acquire an -months : gailuge disposal—uail. For | AAAPLEWOOD, AAILLBURN, SUMMIT, Home Developers, will have create for the area a total .•w»00»»«ada»»l i/VCSTriELD, CRANPORD, CLAR4C- completed 250 houses by the Holly Lake Park, Little Egg Harbor, are arranged in clusters of five or six homes, community,'.'says Kaplan and equity position in one of the The Plaza-Atop-the-Pali- mica counter tops and fur- end of the year, Fiume said. rather then being scattered individually, in order to preserve its natural element Sons Construction Co. of apartments here." sades has only three apart- niture-finished wood cabinets. RAHWAY, SCOTCH PLAINS, SHORT HILLS. ments to a floor, served by two Five basic models are on for enjoyment of all residents says laria Bros, builders of Holly Lake Park. i Highland Park, which is Goodman & Guldera. Fort Sweeping views of the New display at the property, but developing the total com- Lee contractors, and Fiume emphasized - that munity on Aaron and Cozzcns associates, Robert and purchasers may order Lanes just off Routes 1 and 27. .Leonard D'Angclo, began MLS officer declares: modifications to suite their Ecology planning is seen selling the units in June, 1971, needs.,"Prices for homes The apartrhenttdwnhouse while the first concrete was delivered in shell form, all segment will offer a new still being poured. Already Women are wiser buyers exclusive of land, are $6,195 concept in apnrtment- they've sold about 75 percent Experienced women house home in frame of reference of for the RocKhaven; $8,995 for in Holly Lake Park units townhouse living. The- units of the $18 million complex. buyers are taking an in- family needs, also probes Into the Sea Castle; $6,195 for the will have such luxury features There are only 49 more two- creasingly more active role in such matters as the present Lucerne; $5,495 for the as fireplaces and. step-down and-three-bedroom -units left decision-making when the school system, its projected Joseph P. laria, president of centered in an area which natura has so very well laid living rooms, and will ,ront to completely sell out the Thunder Bird, and' $6;095 for laria Brothers Builders and many feel will become the out." family shops for, its second or expansion and the possible the Falcon. 1 from the uppef$20ll price singular co-op building which third home, says Realtor effect on future taxes. Developers of Bayville, and recreation capital of the New Each condominium, apart- range to $500 per- month, stands alone among a number Fiume also is selling lots Roy Germanotta, land use York-Philadelphia megalo- ment home at Holly I_tke Robert Glacken, treasurer pf "However, this Information , J Level, 3 Pc. Bath Foun Information about both communities on the east marina, a farm area, and a Inria noted that although the TanzmanCp. of Perth Amboy. •entire state. • \ff]i d-tton, paneltd Interior Pocono Lake Estates and coast, Holly Lake Park," private beach. Holly Lake's trend in development is husbands used to ask. taxes, she ' is more un- according to Joseph laria. toward marketing waterwuy "Hidden Lake is regarded The Plaza has 145 two- He pointed out that women derstanding and aware that Pocono Mountain Water recreational facilities include bedroom apartments with any increases In local tax % '7,185* Forest is available from com- It's a "living example of lakeside-covered pavillions, property at substantially as one of Middlesex County's buying homes for the first tP,uf—iNcuioma LOT pany headquarters at 545 constructed of natural wood, higher prices, Holly Lake finest residential subdivisions. three different floor plans and time are primarily concerned rales usually reflect in better totUINT FINANCmo man's technological ability to 29 three-bedroom apartments, schools and more effective •taits you on itjur war cedar IamT, Teaneck. work in harmony with nature orchards, a herron preserve, * Park will leave the scenic' The community will have ;ioo about the kitchen, the color central.lake "an natural for homes and 600 apartments in and requires cash prices of selection and the baths. — ._._. municipal services." while supplying luxuriously . and a barbeque-picnic area $31,488 to;$63,616 on the two- TataVafuw-Pac-arid- appointed and much needed for residents and their guests. all residents to enjoy an area which is directly "But," he slated, "when Glacken urged prospective Community wHfe>^£>? Underwood aids equally. opposite the li.OUOucre state bedroom units and $4G,464-to they,-begin to consider the hamebuyers to take ad- I -housing-ffw-pei'sons-of-all-ages- "rino nf 1hi» mnm mtnr<..;lm[> -$r>3;744-i -Ihe-three-l)e_raonv— Priceu npproximntely from park, part of the Six NTifiTlun m -see«nd-or-thif4 honw they atk -vantago of Ihe—^onu-ctop-r and from all walks of life," he aspects of the community, and In addition. a person buys with building loan added. ' again lrr~complete~harmony -$34;OO(r—lu-^SBittOO-,—-eatli- -Reservoir; end on Ihe-txmkBGf- additional questions jabout_ shopping-service" offered by MI«MITWT shares (if the Plaza cor- what were once strictly male- H"(cgr»«HriY) I Underwood Mortgage 4 Germanotta echoed Iaria's with the environmentalist apartment includes ii private the Six Mile Run Stream. In the Union County Multiple Title Co. of Irvington has theme, is the natural ground carport, kitchen, living room, addition to ilus natural poration. Each apartment is interest, topics such as Listing Service. He em- statement, noting that "Holly valued at a different number — grading, drainage, lot size and naifim placed a second^jmortgage Lake Park-was designed and cover," says planner Ger- patio area, family room, large preserve of wooded land. phasized that there is no pm.il Mt |nl ctn yc» bmx coiistruction loan for not only master bedroom, guest room, Hidden Lake will iilso have its of shares, depending on its the healing system. additional charge for either UnlMl is being built to include a manotta. He explained that size, its view, and the floor am aim StManwr kwM. - an addition to one building, residential environment, natural ground cover, leaves, and two baths. Units will in- own 54-acre hike and park "The experienced woman buying or selling any property l loon mmi I IIUII H nd but the renovation of a second level. Values range from 24G to home buyer, . more through the 118-member real t ko200koM-2,00oM2,00000 1111 item natural, rustic, and twigs, flowers, and the like, elude approximately l,:tuo< surrounded' by the homes," •198 shares per apartment. I m M A niCf BOOON WHAT facility for the same client. aesthetically sound, with not only add to the ecological square feet of space, the size the developers concluded. sophisticated in evaluating a , estate multiple listing unit. on«J 0m>m> !A About IVt !« OHM* MCtlQM. - AD AND MAIL WITH YOUR CHECK freezer, double-oven electric range, clothes washer and DISCOUNT dryer, wall to wall carpeting, Ofl«bov»atfvcr»l»d FOR ONLY 4,-t«a«on Alpine the different., and central air conditioning ChQltt (house only). controlled by each individual Prttcnt this coufan 'during our Wlnttr ?«*• unit. Also included are Sale. Ownen prnr DELIVERED Anderson Permashield to Jan. 36,1973 4o hot qualify. CoupOh thermopane windows with full must be presented In screens throughout, and jwrMnv-tiefor* April ceramic tiled ba.ths with built- . 15, "fin TO 80.000 HOMES FOR ONLY in vanities with formed i»JTl_ayii_l_M>tlWniMT>f marble tops. Holly Lake Park is situated just east of Tuckerton on Great Bay boulevard, and is accesiblc via the Garden State Parkway, exiKjifl or Route 9.

Loan arranged lit. II Mtfll ktl.Wl WMt n« (kRt M) M»t>>.JCMtl_M»»l_»• he-UHderwood-Mor'tgttge- & FIVE <5)WORDS OF AVERAGE LENGTH WILL FIT ON ONE LINE. FOR Title Co. of Irvington has HUH. 3£ arranged a $400,000 con- •- -EXTRA LONG W^RDS ALLOW TWO (2) SPACES, FIGURE YOUR COST BY struction loan for the Dorado MULTIPLYING THE NUMBER OF WORDS BY 15c MINIMUM CHARGE $3.00 convenient utility-laundry room, first p^ CAL1. COUJCTi (20 Average Words.) • Shopping Center on Lanes Mill "THE SORREU" ot Timber Ridge, Kaufman and Moo.-Thurs.' (BOO) 3U«113 road in Brick Township, which Broad s single family housing community located room, wall to wall carpeting qnd garage with, Frl.-Sun. (31 J) J15 4597 will be built on a 3'Ai-acre she "in the "woods at Jackson," features a dramatic storage area from $36,990. Shown hone in .the ' llcisi': PriitiT OR WRITE CLEARLY by Heimore Realty Inc. of """entry f^SrJIlvIng^rbOrrrwIth plcturesquowlndow contemporary s)yl»; the home Is also available in-a -g • •Ptttmrtt •*•«• (rt») «M0t« Og«n Prt. ts MOD, lo til,. YOUR CLASSIFIED AD WILL PlaJnfield. Expected to be view, fou^spacious bedrooms including master • traditional Colonial elevation. Kaufman and Broad dark i othor day> by apst.. CLASSIFIED DEI'T. completed for spring oc- bedroom with private entry to ceramlc-tlle bath, pays ajl closing costs.' ~ • APPEAL IN FIRSHSSUE cupancy, the center will have SUBURBAN PUBLISHING CORP. cathedral-ceilinged family room-wlth sliding patlp 1291 Stuyvesnnt Ave", Union, N.J. 27,000 squaro feet of rentable door, California Patio kitchen with automatic AFTER_RECEIPT OF SAME. SHERWOOD space. dishwasher and decorator-styled oven and ranqej YOUR OWN PLEASE INSERT--THE F-OLLOJIMG CLASSTUtV AP: I INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT-HOME •UNION LEADER -—••-• ' -' . ..^v=--.-='~:..-" . As others-fight for ecology, you're FROM- Private Four Season Community anything they alfeady walking on nature's own turt. In - f- tact, 80% pf Holly in the Pocono Mountains.... can do, vou Lake's acreage has • SPRINGFIELD LEADER been preserved in •••• WRITE IT! •8 i,. 10 Sherwood Forest Is more than a beautiful, secluded can do Better its natural state. j And while others MOUNTAINSIDE ECHl |—community of private- homesltoi. It's cool, •all- tr««i,.-Fre«h -.«at Holly Lake Park. —dream • vt traca'ftlng— •mil IT! clean air. Swift trout streams and placid lakes. Horse trails BECAUSE you have all your recrea-. back to nature In farolf lands, you have ii 12 13 "TT winding through woodland beauty. And pure, white snow for tional (acllltles right in your own back;- green pastures, wooded trails, vegetable, winter fun. patches, and trees 61 every description MAIL yard. The time they spend driving to •THE SPECTATOR ••• 19 20 Sherwood Forest Is Indeed unique. Once the private estate of the goil courses, you right outside your door. - ••>'•««•.'•"?• 16 , 18 one of America's wealthiest art collectors, Sherwood Forest practice putting. By the . Living Is better at Holly Lake Bedroom Homn • , 'nbellevable value In a started with mora full facilities than most ever rtjachl His time they arrive at the Park, the condominium community with beautifully d«*lfn«d re- • LINDEN LEADER , attach, iepaiate We*' b< papiK}- castle-lllc» home Is your clubhouse. And there.are stables for tennis club, you're into every recreational facility'an integral tirement community, Club Hoiift), bU» nnrlco J SAVE part c>f the master plan. ' —. . __> horseback riding "... a ski lodge "with a breathtaking view.... your second set. . to shopping CaotoM. un- and a variety "of craft shops, where European artists once While people,-elsawlrmre -are. try. derground utiUUat, six , •SUBURBAN LI .. Name:. Ing to find a spot to swim, you're diving blooka ftom the Garden worked on restoring masterpieces. ' " •Condominium State Parkway. , Two ' MAIL $ Into one of Holly Lake's swimming poola Address: Now Is this perfect time.to select your choice hqmeslfe at Homes HOLLY lake* on property, twq • —or. Into Its sparkling natural lake. 1 mitee-, to downtown Vsherwood Forest! - • Irom •IRVINGTON HERALD , While others • are blowing out Torn* River. 0HW.. City $33,750 to $37,950 "OP PLEASANT PLAINS MINIMUM A6E 62 for Frmm ColoHul Brochure call collmctt (717J 676-3366 or birthday candles wishing lor a white Date Route 671 : Toms * Rivet, :,V|. New Jersey ,.-• ,HUJ«ANl> QR WIFE Insert Ad Tinie<»| . Per I nscrtion Starting pony, you can. have a complete stable ' '1; writ* Sherwood Forest/ P.O. Box 217, Newfoundland, PA. Writ* for broohura, .1 for your own horse. . D.p|. I DIB»WnON8l Ouin BUU P«rkwa» ivfUt lo _«ll M iio4 BrJt Uf'UU H«M • RL BH Amount Enclosed _. I Check (I Money Order •• "- u^i^uai laniii. i. Tiijn napniiHfj^, 2^j^" *«v)o« Bua from ^J>, T»n»l»a>l.,' :-T':•;•; '•:•- y. • • ... V ••.••• ' . , ( DIRECTIONS: Ftoi i north—rtoulh on Cardan 6lafo Parkway in y't'P^* :?and the semi-monthly . . Direction!> From Dataware w«t*r Oap conMnua w»H on Intimate Bl. Mjo.Rt. I1B. follow Tuckerton y SPECIAL OFFER LIAAIT6D TIME J3NLY- FOR HOUSEHOLDERS ONLY Talu II • to (nit J, tften Kt. SW (or I mflai to Ihtrwood FereM on th* rlorightM. Op«n «v«ry ilwlala Opm »Y«rr Car 10 A—. lo t P_ Pluna <«n> ii\1WX. ffer (rw•»>«*

* s V-

Thursday, March 29, 1973-J •Thursday, March 29, 1973- 7 Merchandise (of Sale 15 50 ; Moving & SIwa^e GALL an 'AD-VISOft' HHpWmled^tn& Women 1 Help Winted Men £ Women Situations Wanted' Dop, Cits, Pete 17 | Furniture Repairs MATERNITY CLOTHES, 2 KITTeNI • 1 male Orange & KITCHEN I DINETTE SETS 'Plumbing & Healing Apartments Wanted SIZES B 10 KELLY MOVERS ' 75 102 HOUSECLEANINO Beige, I FEMALE Black. Free to Recovered by experienced man LOCAL 6. LONG DISTANCE I BRANDNEW. good home. Call 373-1419 after 5:30 reasonably. ARCYCO, 925 4018 Agent-North American Van Lines. X-RAY TECHNOLOGISTS ^ly Insured trained men with 4472447. SUPERIOR PLUMBING t P.M. after 6 P.M. R ^ ^ M The GENTLEmen movers. CIVIL SERVICE Employee & ALL IN SUBURBAN own equipment. One time or : ; X 3-29,15 686-7700 HEATING.G01 heal inst. Repairs, THEY'RE ALL IN 5UBU H 3 29 17 3821380 'amity (4 adults), needs 5 4 room's, FULL TIME regular service. Backed by Rertiodeltno, Electric Sewer upper Vailsburo ofily.^ll 374-78)4 Blue Chip Corporation: Also IRISH JETTER PUPPIES RII07 5 DAY WEEK, 8 TO4 8,12 NOON TOfl P.M. 6 weeks old, AKCreg., shots, sire & SHORTLINE MOVERS cleaning. 24 hr. svc. 374 6W17. after 6 P.M floors, walls, rugs windows, DOOR. WITH HARDWARE, 36" X Garage Doors XI 175 ...___ 23 29 102 turnlture cleaned In your dam obedlenca champs. Must see 52 PACKAGING 8. STORAGE TODAY! 80," VERY GOOD CONDITION. APPLIANCE MOVING — 24 home. Call for free estimates: lo appreciate. ,388-8283 FAMILY OF 3(1 Child), desires 4 PART TIME CALL AFTER 6 P.M. 687-2253 Rest Homes DOMESTICARE !2-_ ! R3.2V.I7 OARAOE DOORS INSTALLER,, HOUR SERVICE. 4867267. 79 5 rooms, upper Vailsburg, upper Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays OF SHORT HILLS 429-8192 garage extensions, repairs 8. Rlf 67 irv ing ton, Mapiewood or Union. DOMESTICARE service, electric operators and MILLBKI MOV I NO Call 372 5178. DEADLINE TUES. NOON , For expanding weireqUrpped dept. PIANO RENTAL Wanted to Bui 18 Reasonable rattsstoragefree CHERRY HILL Rest Home for tho 329 102 OF THE ORANGES 445(388 radiocontrols. Stevens Overhead Aged and Retired - home like z organ rentals from (8.00 per Door Co. Ch IO7« txtlmates. Insured, local long ARRT or state certificate or eligible X t-l-7 distance, shora specials. 24532ve atmosphere; State approved. 500 FOR THURS. PUBL month applicable to purchase. ' R t:f.M Cherry St., Elll. EL 3 7657. 2 Mature Women tetkfng 4-5 room COMIC BOOKS .'' R 5.3.67 ; apartment,—1st—floor,--Irvlngton, ••••,/ — X t I 79 CLASSI RONDO MUSIC We will buy any comic magazine -— AUTOMATIC HWY 22 AT VAUXHALL RD. between Stuytesant Ave. & EXCELLENT SALARIES lor a good price. Call Alan 687 7739 DOOR OPERATORS BENTON & HOLOEN, INC. Parkway. Call 375 8204. Instructions, Schools UNION 6872250 ^^^ LOCAL 8. LONG DISTANCE He7p~Wanl7d"Me~n"&V»'n""" '; Help Wanted Men SWomen^ 1 , Help Wantedl^iWomen APPLY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT alter 7 p.m. • Repaired, sold, serviced. All Roofing & Siding 80 _. Z3 29-102 *¥¥¥-¥•*•¥•¥ makes, Radio controls Serviced. MOVING STORAGE ALLIED YOUNG BU5INESSCOUPLE AIR CONDITIONER, 10,000 BTU FHEE ESTIMATES. "DAVE 8. VAN LINES (47 Years Dependable seeking duplex apartment Help Wanted Men & Women 1 Help Wanted Men X Women Help Wanted Men * Women MATH TROUBLINO YOUT Service) FL 1 2727. COLLEGE BOARDS? PHONE: SIOO., 7000 BTU S75. Drexel walnut TV SET WANTED .ON ELECTRONICS." 24 hr.- DOES Your Roof Leak? Call in Union, reasonable rent "H-1 f 67 INSURANCE OVERLOOK HOSPITAL . Full I 5th. Ave. If thats your type of H : ROOM: 3 piece sectional sofa 8 ft. Springfield Avenue, Union, N.J. 1V2S Vauxhall Rd., Union Fully Insured. Free Estimates, Quiet elderly couple desires 3 Representative. Call: observant, conscientious and have common Check In supplies, fill orders. Good WE'LL GIVE YOU A BOOST. benellts. For oppt. 733 4041. atmosphere, you DON't have to go GUITAR, Piano, organ, bass, long on both walls. Royal blue ~ RTF S3 Afla 7/6B 686 3374 or V64 8185. rooms upper Irvlngton, reasonable II you live In Mlllburn, Summit. to N.V: to llnd It. Work right here v Apply Pef velvet with tufted backs, like new. CASH FOR SCRAP , R t(67 rent, lor June. Call after 6 P.M. Sprlnfifield Dept "'*- »nnel llute, saxophone, .clarlnot, X 3 29 60 ense In N.J. call M7- 5000 to see It thli Is trumpet, violin at your home or 2 years old, original cost 12,100 • Loan your car; cast iron, 373 5526. Call 2730702 * RICHARD BEST PENCIL CO. the [ob for you. Steno & typing ol Asking J75O. For Information call newspapers, 50 cents pw 100 lbs., Home Improvements 56 Florida Specialist BIS ROOFING CO _-__„_ Z329-102 Mapiewood. South Orange._._. OVERLOOK HOSPITAL mine -J33 0925, 381 5455. 245 0623. We're—a- major 'distributoi—In 'the ^ JH SUBURBAN CLASSIFIED INSPECTOR 211 Mountain Ave.'. SpHngfleld. course, good salary a, benefits. ml? ? 486 2528 days or eves. tlfd up bundles free ol foreign We guarantee a belter deal on all Call 731 7300 =^fAROLANDRtWDRtWSS m(tJJ.J R3j5 malerlals. Ho.' 1 copper. 14 cents types—ot" rooting,—gutters- ami-, j—4roonu_ior mlddlo-~ag sterling, Eftr,r always satisfied with "ten Call 375-2100 X3 29 1 555-608 CHAIR—BbACK-LEATHEP, J35. H If.BO paid by company. IF IT'S IN THE PUBLIC EYE... KITCHEN SET, 4 CHAIRS, J25. stamps-metals. DENNIS COIN workmanship 8. price. Free HTF phases of accounting, as well as an H329 1 ROBERTS SHOP, 520 StuyvesAnt Ave. We find It! As a clipping service, wo read newspapers LONG AND SHORT CALL estimates 925 3564, 925 2731. Odd Jobs 70 SPRINGFIELDROOFING SVC. excellent starting salary and benefits. If Must be able 10 read blue DETECTIVE AGENCY Irvlngton. 375-5499. — _, R 4 12 54 and meoailnes and send relevant Itoms to our many Confidential investigation ol all . 687 6KB Roollno-Leaders-Gutters Repairs Furnished Rooms lot Rent 105 BILLI NO MACHINE OPERATOR * FOX THEATRE * PARK THEATRE prints, micrometer, calipers, TERM AVAILABLE 2 X 3-2915 X-T-F Call now for Free Estimates you want to grow, call our Corporate & CLERK TYPIST and bo lamiliar with metric clients in the entertainment, business, arts and science • ' kinds; armed guards and guard WE HOME IMPROVEMENTS YARDS. Attics, garages, llelds wo now have.great spots lor; REGISTER AT ONCE service. '07 Essex St.. Mlllburn. HOSPITAL ELECTRIC BED 4 ALLTYPESOF REPAIRS basements cleaned up. Oebrls Phone 379 I984or 964 9163 Personnel office for an appolntment:3Sl- Modern air condition plant. Full system. - SECRETARY • BUY AND SELL BOOKS • X T F B0 benefits, good starting salary. UNION _ ROSELLE PARK Call 376 8394. X If 10 way trapese and table Included. 321 PARKAVE.. PLAINFIELO FREE ESTIMATES hauledaway. Free estimates. Call HILLSIDE $140-$160 Call alter 6 P M. 372 1700. PL 4 3900 6871838 Sleeping room in private home, 1400 Ext. 352. . SCHMID&SON.INC. Experienced Prolerrod <, • Readers R 3.29 54 1012 So. Springfield Ave. Personable Individual needed for ORIOINAL HAND PUPPET X329I5 ht F near bus line, «5. Call 35) 6215. Services Offered 82B Z 3-39-105 Mountainside Salary commensurate with • Cutters righcreativt hane dchallengin assistingg brancpositioh mgn ar s i 101 N. Wood Av.,Linden KJ5 1^01 SHOWS. Large and small for all REASONABLE Priced. Must sell, STAMP COLLECTIONS & COINS LEONINE CONSTRUCTION CO. couch', tables. lamn< * rrertemii SPRINO CLEANUP TIME IS An tqual opportunW~ETnployEr + ELMORfl THEATRE., Fl !7flRFTH >FHe Clefks In SprlngfUld—W»»Myp4rHlrUTE 4W- Morrlt Av,,Union 964 J.301-S-- lA PIIPPFT THFATRE U.S. and totalun. •accumutattonr; GENERAL-CtM-IT-KACIOKS IRVINGTON c user Yflpns m LAas_&Mp_ STENO eblllly. Join young OF JOY 3M 1570 CLIP 8. SAVE. etc. Will pay *°P «sh. Call ADBITIONS, RENOVATIONS. -Room—with—cooking -pr-luilflQ&t—g.— BOOKKEEPER Experienced, Pleasant working conditions ... lively ntrnosphereI growing cot Can Interview ngwl R 3 29 15 DEBRIS CLEANED AND .Burglar AlarrrrTnsialTiitTons. uo TV. S25 per week. Business man. old established Insurance Agency Apply » A.M. 10 4 P.M. ^.. XtflO _A07 ESSEX ST., MILL BURN Any Home. Free Demonstration. 1_HOURS: Monday through Thursdoy, 7 p.m 10. Is p^m Fee pd. benefits pd. No contracts. REX CARRIAOE, HI CHAIR & R3 29-1. 376B394 REMOVED. CALL TOM, 926 4041. References, ES4 6934. in Mapiewood. Automated work, Mr. Hyland- plus Saturday B am. lpm For appointment call W2 Call t JULIO THEX, MAOJCIAN STROLLER, PLAY PEN. CALL X 5 17 70 Free Estimate. P. 8. R. ALARMS , Z3-39-105 •leasant office atmosphere Phone SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR performing lor a1l affairs & LOOK For Your Name and Address next to 6600 — • ... , v 399-7J55 OIBSON MANDOLINS AND HANDY MAN, Small lobs. Paint; 3796226. 61-6680 AAAERSIL INC. To operate series 300 No. 757 parties. Maolc lesson also BANJOS WANTED. Collector will Carpentry, Paneling, Block . — ZS24.82D UNION V3-29M AflS Ramsey Ave.(off Chestnut) BURRELLE'S . board. Other diversified duties available. Jules Geltielter^ 351- pay cash; any age, any condition. Ceilings, Repair & Clean Windows Beautiful furnished room ARLENE Involved. Air benefits paid plus SET OF ENCYCLOPEDIA Income Tax Returns 57 J for gentleman, utilities supplied Career Crisis a star (*) in Suburban Newspaper Classified - Hillside, N.J. 1444. - ^. BRITTANNICA, 1960 65, with Write Jay, Box 85, S.I , NY 10304 fl. Gutters. Call 6B7 7561. BOOKKEEPER- PRESS, CLIPPING SERVICE PERSONNEL SERVICE Vacation. Salary corrtrnensurete .. HTK-70 References required. 7 with experience. Call R .A. bbn or X4.i?X bookcase. Llk« new, 1225. 330 or call 212 981-1808 colled Sevting Machine Repairs . 83 372-Morris Ave.,Spglld 379-3395. Call MU 6 8021 To tje Fired-Out. Phased-Out, Merged-Out or Agod-Out 75 E. Northlleld Avenue . ' H3J9-18 ATTIC, basement 8, yard clean-up. GAL FRIDAY X 1.22-1 /.A. White. 964 9300 FEMALE DESIRES FEMALE Myrtle Ave., Irvlngton. INCOME TAX RETURNS --.-L_.^. - Z3-29-105 (or Boxed-ln) can frustrate a giant of a person. You may Small office, coll between 3 and 5 Columns, then call Mr. Loomer at 686-7700 Livingston, N.J. 07Mt - p 3 29 l COMPANION 20 30, TO TRAVEL i^. K 3 29 15 PREPARED. Seymour J. Hlrsch. Lite hauling. Experienced An Equal Opportunity Employer M F IN EUROPE. APRIL. MAY OR WOMEN'S CLOTHES, slies 20 Internal Revenue Service painters. Reasonable prices. Free WESTFIELD JOB OPENINGS SECRETARY SWITCHBOARD Operator!. Additions i AHetatjons 21 Sewing Machine Repairs-- BURNISHED OR be an expert in your own field, but an amateur when -. K 3-29-1 JUNE. CALL 889 8871 AFTER 4:30 22W brartdt/iew, very reasonable. (retired). For Appt. call 376 313a Estimates. 647 1255V 6 9 p.m. all makes. 1 year guarantee and you'll receive a letter entitling you to 2 IN OUR PAPER MILL GOOD •• , EveningsS. Weekends PM. Also Whirlpool brand new. Call UNFURNISHED room, for middle seeking the right $15,000 to $55,000 CAREER positionl CAREER SPECIALISTS EARNINGS. ADVANCEMENT 9. LEGAL Experienced preferred. _ — _ .. .. R 4.12.57 on all parts we repair. aged gentleman In private cozy EMPLOYMENT 3710169. ^-^ ODD JOBS- STEADY EMPLOYMENT. - Call 379 1220. TAX RETURNS PREPARED LIGHT TRUCKING, RUBBISH south side residential home. Bi« S. .For 27 years NESINChas matched and marketed degreed OPPORTUNITIES Free Guest Pasjses-+or-a-w«&k-night (Mon.-Thurs.) Gorgeoui new suburban olllce*, , —V R 3-2915 ~ CUSfdlT "REMOOELiKG " CALL ES 4-1276. convenient ' lotatlon. Some We will train you lor numerous Antiques MM WEEKEND SALE, lOper cent off AT YOUR HOME REMOVED FROM YARDS 2810 Morris Ave., Union operator positions. • Must have QUALITY TECHNICIAN that you'll lovet A real prettlpe TELEPHONE SALESMAN M-F for the de»crlmlnaiing home AT YOUR CONVENIENCE ATTICS S. CELLARS. 687I037. Z 3 29 B3 privileges, 233 0925. and non-degreed Executives. Managers, Supervisors, etc., position working lor the chief on all merchandise, hattxotf all owner. Rec rooms dens _ : . Z 3-29-105 950 ftleady work rocord a. checkable FULLTIME PART TIME 3741483 *"- ° -X 3 rclerences. APPLICANTS OF counsel of the legal dept. ol this clothing. Thurs., 6 p.m. • 9TJ.m,, basements. Acoustical 8. XTF 70 to industry. To bean UN-frustrated HAPPY TO WORK, Performance at either the.FOX THEATRE in Union, Salary plus terrific commission. CLAYTON'S ANTIQUES 1515 Sat. S. Sun., 11 4 p.m. GRANNY'S R41557 BOTH SEXES MAY APPLY Operator foti light assembly machlnes,- corp. A background In real estate Call Mr Moore at 371 0742. irons.lucent colllnfls. INCOME TAX RETURNS Tile Work 88 HAPPY-TO-HOME (aga.in) man or corporate law it necessary. Sluyvesant Avo., Union. Open ATTIC, 1273Llbcrty Ave., Hillside.' ATTENTION Farms - Country Properly 107 excellent woPkinfKSfinditions - all fringe Salary to »T40 & you don't start to Equal Opportunity Employer tfaily: 17-4 except Mondays. - R 3 29-15 prepared In your home by CLERICAL PARK THEATRE in ROSRIIP Park or the ELAAORA p 3M , ' — Calf • (No Obligation! -Write u.s. GYPSUM co. work until 9:0u. Call «7 5000 Something lor every collector. We 4 PLATFORM Trucks and 4 Piece Livingston, N.J experienced accountant. Phone M. HOMEOWNERSI 1255 Rarltan Rd.,Clark. N.J 9923455. RICHMAN W7I36. Allies, cellars, garages and yards ANTHONY DE NICOLO TILE benefits. '..4 r-f ' anytime & ask for TELEPHONE SOLICITORS ,1KO buy 687 1777 or 4S8 2244 Goods Trucks made by Nutting Co. R CONTRACTOR Kitchens. ELBOW ROOM GALORE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE SEARCH, INC. FULL-TIME PERMANENT An Equal Opportunity Employer Experienced- work from home, cleaned; all dirt and rubbish POSITIONS, AVAILABLE AT THEATRE in Elizabeth. Letter must be shown at , CAROL ANDREWS . H.4.26 IDA 14" Steel Center Wheel S15 each. Bathrooms 8. Repairs Estimates 3 floors'of Juxurious space. Ampte M F part time. Salary plus removed. Leaders and gutters Chcerlully Glvon. 686 5550 Twin Rivers Town Center OUR SERVICE CENTER IN . K3291 ' RICHARD BEST PENCIL CO. Progress, U» Morris Ave.Union MAJ size llvino room, dining room, den, commission. No selling. Steady Antique Clock Master- Kitchen Cabinets 6? cleaned; trucking. Very Z-TF-'BB J lichen 8. "j bath on '5t floor. 2nd 104 Abbington Drive Hightstown, N.J. 08520 UNION. DIVERSIFIED -——•— • —— K3-29-1 work. Call Mr. Jules tm tflw. Repairs, sales, foreign & domestic .524 MapjewOOd Avmue. reasonable rates. DUTIES • TYPING the Theatre Box Office For Your Free Guest Passes. 211 Mountain Ave. Springfield Xj.jo'!i ANTIOUE BUILOINO, Roselle Park, N^. 07M4 floor has 4 big bedrooms 8. bath; X3 29 I Picked up 8. delivered. 527 1244 MATERIALS Final liquidation 609-448-8850 R 3»i NECESSARY. KEYPUNCH All phases of kitchen remodeling. Call 763-6054 3rd Hoor has 2 large rooms with , ],)t] sale (We'removing) saveat least [r« Service 89 ample closets. Full basement with Cabinets. counter tops, _ H t-l-70 TO ENTER this exciting Classified Star,Hunt merely _MP NOF SECRETARY 3 hours a day. 3 days a week, 1300 50 percent on all Items, (only at Asphalt Dii«ew»p -^5 alterations. Wo do the complete laundry room 8. wine cellar. All PLEASANT WORKING per month. Cal] Mr. Glordolas, 862 Gauge Sales 12 Clinton warehouse}, no lob. R. HEINZE 6B7-2948. HANDY FRANK utilities. 6 car heated garage. .Long & Short Term .re*sonable.iiffer.refused lloor*g. B&VTREE SERVICE ASKING 159,000. High Bridge. CONDITIONS. EXCELLENT 07 «. ASPHALT Driveways. p.irklno ..' : Rt-162 Carpentry, paneling, painting, SPECIALIZING IN TRIMMING COM PANY BENEFIT write your name and address on a postcard and Assignments SALES doors, panelino, columns, SEE BUILDERS FAIR'S factory floor 8. ceiling tile. Int. 8. Ext. DON'T MISS THISI SOFA BED. electric guitar 8. amp. fireplace mantels, beams bam lots An work "done wuh power AND REMOVAL REASONABLE PROGRAM SECRETARIES _&.v«rJ«!yp! *!»'•» await TURRET LATHE OPERATOR, roller. All kinds masonry James showroom, Route 22, Sprlnglleld. 'repairs. Free estimates. 375 5721 RATES. FULLY INSURED. Call .Bonuses Hedroom set, wheel chair, nite siding. Phone 647.3885. the Individual who No, 3 Warner & Swasey. Full or LaMorgese, 18 Paine Ave.. irv. Kitchen, design service and . _ x t I 70 2648513. . APPLY AT PERSONNEL mail it to MR. CHARLES LOOMER, SUBURBAN' Openings are currently available part lime days. Springfield. 376 tables, brlc brae 8. antiques. modernising by one of New —• 7TF.HO .Vacation Pay possesses abo ve 0871. Reasonable..Thurs. 8. Frl. 11 4:30. ELECTRIC Range. Welbllt, ES 2-3023 SIGKUHNE REALTY CLERK/TYPISTS OFFICE. average tvplno skills, K 1-1-25 Jersey's largest manufacturers ol Painting & Paperhariging REALTOR 36 Christy Lane, Sprlnglleld. .Free Hospital Plan throughout our system for experienced Doubto oven. Bronze, Good kitchen cabinets'.- Call 379 4070. 735 5115 Clinton, N.J. 995-2241 PUBLISHING CORP., 1291 Stuyvesant Ave., figure apptltude and • — K32912 Condition »100. And 20 gallon, n secretaries. We offer an excellent pleasant phone manner. >v RII62 TV Antennas 90 Z 3-29-107 Try on a new career TYPIST glass* aquarium set up, S25. Tel. 32 OLYMPIC PAINTING CO. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO MRS. OEOROE ZIEOLER Caipentnj FORMICA RESURFACING OF EXTERIOR 8. INTERIOR starting salary, outstanding benefit insurance .claims office wanls • • 974 Salem Road KITCHEN CABINETS-Ne*-birch for Spring at LOUSONSRD. UNION, N.J. Union, N.J. 07083 . „ Individual must like a typist, SO WPM with accuracy. ™'Z!i H.3.2915 Dutch Boy paints. Quality work COLOR TV Antennas Installed Garages for Rent 108 olsten program and very pleasant working busy schedule, Union, N.J. 07083 FOR SALE V, W. Snow 'doors, new finish plywood drawers Reasonable Free Estimate. Call '8. repaired. Call lor tree estimates Equal Opportunity Employer' Must be dependable. Available fo CARPENTER CONTRACTOR with nylon runners by Grant, new conditions. Reate apply any.weekday CQstomer contact and Tires. Like new. All types remodeling,- ^dtiitiom 6878781. . . • (V1S.G Service Co. appreciata « cKsTTenge. •;Hf rlnslpg hlpn.ej with now i^ -X-4.5.73 UJJB8J from *30a.m.to3::M p.m. PERSONNEL repairs handles & bacKplate~ entire serviceMnut Sti,Un|oniiB6-32As 2 -One . girl office. , Rummage Sales 13 2 G.-iraops for R enf It will blossom In rce Sf.',TNeW«rkW7 0733 DEPARTMENT.. •---—— ""EVc'eTnjnf "BeheFTfs" Wm7-P. Riviere4»8 ^ ^ T loi—^framework -resurfacedr-- — ••IRTEMIOR PAINTING— Reasonable. Free Estimates ntT6!h"'5nt6 T , MRS. ROLF BAUDER available. .Formica comes in various wood all seasons - • • EQUITABLE LIFE RUMMAGE SALE • Tues., Wed., LIVINOROOMSpT CARPENTBR—Conlr.idor, all grain patterns. Sanding or Given. Call Mr. Monte Tutoring 91 944 Stuyvesant Ave. Vf 900 Stuyvwant Ave. GAL/MAN KITCHEN HELP Thurs., April 3, 4 a. S. Tamplt 3 pieces, 2 lamp tables, with types remodeling. Kitchens nnd removal ol kitchen cabinets not 37J-2197 Call 688 7111 Wo seek Individuals with competent typing skills (40-45 Irvlngton, N.J. 07111 PART TIME, hour« 10:30 a.m. 1o Gateway Tower No. 1 lamps, bedroom wt. Z 3-29-108 wpm) and a willingness to assume diversified CLERICAL-TYPIST G-FRIDAY $tJtan CALL 964-4770 Sinai, 208" Summit Ave., Summit. bathrooms, dormertr, additions. required. Free estimates. 673-4400. X 4 573 2:30 p.m. Call 277-2231 alter 2 p.m. Suite 1020 Hrs. f a.m.-3 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 Repair 8, alterations, Insured H. 374 6429 after 6 p.m. TUTORING—Qualllled teacher responsibilities. Modern Suburban office, hrs. 6:30 • FRIDAY interesting opportunity for Summit area. Newark, N.J. : K3-29-15 4: IS. Diversified typing of forms- A p.m. Sponsored by woman's Holme, 487.2949. -' — R 3 2962 BUDAPEST wishes to tutor grades 4-fl, Math, Customer Individual good with detail work. . R 329 1 BANK OF NEW JERSEY 624 9200 Association ot T«mple Slnal. CUSTOM MADE. BAR, With 2 English and Beading. Please call Houses foi Sale 111 We have openings In several areas; ' will advance! On bus route., Full Some typing. LOCAL FABRI-TEK INC. K|.f-32 Service -Sales LAB TECHNICIAN An Equal Opportunity Employer _•- K32913 black bar stools. Excellent BEN'S CONSTRUCTION PAINTING CO- 276 1B56 aflcr 5 p.m. benefits; ONE WEEK VACATIONl Aiming for a SPRINGFIELD OFFICE, 8:30- S50 Broad StrMt, Newark, N.J 3414 MorrlsAv.,Union,N.J. Landscape Gardenings Excellent Wallpapering, Interior* THIS YEAR. Fee paid. Call todayll 3 openings for soles order desk, SPRINOFIELDORT condition. (119. Call after 6 p.m. CARPENTRY WORK S. 63 _— HI 191 .LIBRARY 4.3Q, Benefits include dental plan. An Equal Opportunity Employer Equal opportunity , X329T 964 0959 Exterior Painting. Very Clean' BERKELEY HEIGHTS — some telephone order or other .better iob with Contact: HISTOLOGY 442 Sprlnglleld Ave,, Summit ALTERATIONS ARLENE employer. X3291 TYPIST SECRETARY K33vl5 Insured. 5278857 ....MARKETING SERVICES. sales experience desirable. a great company? Registered. .Minimum 1 'year April 1st. 2nd, 3rd 8, 4th ' 482-34910 LAWN cutting & complete Wealhersttipping 98 PERSONNEL SERVICE Oppt'ys tor future field sales. Be ARLENE Experienced. Ability to keep 9:10.4:00 WASHING MACHINE, X TF IT'S A BEAUTY .FLEXOWRITER experience. Modern Idborailoryl T records to assist doctor. 4 days, 2 maintenance service. Specializing LoVCIV 6. i edroon 372 Morris Avo., Splld. 379-3395. port ol team that Is no. \ In Its field Target In on thl*. We have PERSONNEL SERVICE PAH TIME TYPIST IICRBTARY — K32913 WHIRLPOOL 2 SPEEO, 3 CYCLE home on spacious lot with many X 3-221 ot servicing lawyers. Call Ed an Interesting spot In our evos., SB hour week. Starting In sodding, now lawns, planting PAPERHANGING INTERLOCKING METAL We otter attractive salaries, year end bonuses; 372 Morris Ave., Splld 379 3M5. MTST OPERATOR . To handle purchasing, oentrsl • 150. 33 shrubbery, trees 8. plants. Garden flowering fruit trees. Gracious Tnusslg, AS4-3100or send resume to engineering department for , X J.2J W« have potlMont •WfJJtUf.ifP' - salary. S100. Irvlnotoo area. Call 374.0415 AFTER 4 P.M. PAINTING WEATHCRSTRIPPINGj new "promotional opportunities, and comprehensive healttt- tt>rt«pondmc» from i»htn(7(MlnB HU 5 3600 Catpeting ;;;. Vf;,'~..v ~ rcplotilliha. 2416620 - A PROFESSIONAL wood windows^ doors Installed; living room with fireplace, formal All Stale Legal Supply Co., 3w Lawns Made .Monthly Seethis exciting new listing today. • tvplna-•)/• experienced and reliable. Good 110.000 llr»t yr., 50 percent MAINTENANCE 6860347. • Alter,4 p.m. elderly people. 3732122 after 6 Bloomtleld Open Fisher Scientific Co. Earn extra cash with: salary. Contact Mr. Foster BREEZE CORP. NoFe« CarHelptuI STORE, 9 Orange Ave., Irv. 372. LANDSCAPINO CONTRACTORS p.m. MAPLEWOOD • DICTTYPIST • • 52 Fadem Rd. Springfield, N.J. IF you are a NASD representative References required. Call 467-3425 opportunity, steady employment, Incre»ie3nd. yr. Beautlluj moOorn Xtf-73 Division of -irvlngton llrm. call weekdays, 700 Liberty Ave.. Union • 6B93. SUMMIT HEALTH~FOOD . Shrubbery, patios, walks, sod 8. PAINTING » DECORATING. Int. — Z3-29101 Ins-E.o:-Will train »H5 X 3 29 1 or licensed with the NY stock after 7 ..00 P.m. . v ^^ olflce Call Lee Mortln -&8B-5700, STORE, 494 Springfield'Ave., 3 piece sectional sofa, round Modernized Colonial between 9 &> 5, SundaysS , between 10 marble coffee table, wall unit with tree y/ork. Permanent driveways 8. Ext. Alterations, paneling. Free • NEWARK (2) Broad St. Open American Hoechst Corp. exchange please call Mr. Steven OHIO CASUALTY GROUP Snelllng «. Snelllno. l?'l AAorrU 6*4 4000 Summit. CR 72050. Child Care 36A s." concrete work. Call M. Clrcelll, IRVINGTON Features large kitchen, breakfast • SHORT HILLS Kowitskl at 256-6800 • I think It- 4.12.37412373 04700470. An Equal Opportunity Employer Traptnrlts bar. Reasonable. Call 15SB662 est. Insured. K. Schrelholer. 487. 4 large rooms, 2nd floor room, dining room, 3 bedrooms; ADMITTING CLERK 558 Central Ave. 2401 Morris Ave., Union, N.J. BARBARA TVEROAK X 3-291 after 4 p.m. 3768894, S. Clrcelll 273-5376. 8137 days. 487 3713 eves & wkends. Diversified S100+ would be both prolltable and 9640550 ^fl*'r_— K3.I9-1 5 apartment, heat 8, hot water spotless condition; wall carpeting • TELETYPE Union- FULL TIME 101 N. Wood Av.,Llhden M5-\M1 advantageous to yoUI. 44 Robblnwood Terrace ORDER TYPIST—IBM electric PRESSMAN Offset lellerprm. 1»»5 Morris Av.,Unlon 9441301 GRTFFITH-NEWARK R3-29-15 WOMAN Wishes to babysit dally R52463 Xtf 73 supplied, near buses. 1140 month -4- throughout. U5,5OO. Bring chectt New Providence, N.J. — R3-2V-1 Knowledge of chlel 23. Davidson, SUB TERMINAL 101 N. Wood Av,Linden «5 1401 LARCHMONT * Will Train ' illO An Equal Opportunity 1995 Morris Av., Union 9441301. Linden, N.J. 0703a machine, prepare Invoices and Used piano sale 3 PC. SECTIONAL sofas, Danlsti for 1 or 2 children, all ages. Hot EXTERIOR PAINTING, 570 security. April 15. See Supt., book! Won't last! Eves: 741 4360. • MTST Union Open Work at one of the world's most __ _ — H 3-29-1 shop orders, 37V3 hour week, Kelly, Mlenle Vertical - AAANAGER 319 Park Av.ScPlalns 322 6301. Spinets and Consoles. . modern with corner table, lunch, snacks, fenced In yard. LANDSCAPINO - UNION LEADER 8. GUTTER WORK 284 Myrtle Ave., 1st floor rear. advanced Medical Centers. Hours EmployerM-F r • :— H3MI Spring clean-up 8, monthly FREE ESTIMATES. INSURED. X3.J9. DICTAPHONE TYPIST needed. benefits. Beckley Perforating Co., Heidelberg Jober. Plant located In carrier ne»d« lake chsrgt type Stelnway, Chlckerlng, Klmbali, matching drapes, rug, Philco Reasonable. Irvlngton'area. Call ——. Z3-29101 OAK RIDGE REALTY II P.M. - 7 A.M. Monday thru MECHANICAL 315 North avcrrGarwood. Contact So. Orange. Phone 743-2390. " man to back In trailers at our Wurlltzer, and Hardman Peck refrigerator. I'/i yrs. old. 686-2995. 3724458. contracts. Call Jim 488-5338 or MU 47983. J. GIANNINI. REALTORS 376 4822 CLERK TYPIST - good at figures, Nice olflce on Morris Ave., Union. Steve 688-8571. IRVINOTON ' / Friday. Excellent salary, Full or part time. Call Mr. Orr 687- ASSEMBLERS R. McDonald, 789-1700. . K3-WI . . customer's dock and load (mostly Situations Wanted 1 Priced from 1300 R 329-15 — K3-29-3AA Xtf-73 Z3-2V-111 comprehensive benefits and short hand essential. Call or apply INSURANCE I Bedroom apartment /. -—~.~ -'••••• . — SECRETARIES 2200 ELECTRJCI ANS_and_ MQ DEL. X4-J9-1 fMllttlMd). .seen .sticf.-for S'10" Stelnway Grand.Like new 4 . DIM PAINTING surroundings couldn t be nicer. personnel,—J6RSEV PLASTIC tortitone Interested In carrier SMACC (J7OTDENS dug ' and for Immedlateoccupancy. MAPLEWOOD •BANKWork lor V.P. MOLDERS, INC., 149 Shaw Ave., MAKERS for lull time PAINTER Must be experienced RE At ESTATE SAL ES - 6 Ft? Sunrrjer Grand LIK8"Ntw Clothing-Household Gifts 3> - PAINTING 8, DECORATING management. Must be able to get WRITER — Contact for publicity, GRIFFITH PIANO CO. . Call between 10 a.m. • 3 pjn, ilowed, top soil delivered, From J198. See"SypY.' 15 year youna custombuHt brick Lltosteno SI25 Irvinaton, 926-1800 Ext. 43. employment In Florham. Park lor Interior & exterior painting- Top talent needed for highly actlUe NO JOB TOO SMALL. 354 stuyvesarit Will edit school work. Individual • Z329I01 accented brick wall & brick • CUSTOMER RELATIONS- THE PERSONNEL DEPT. starting pay. Call 201 7a2 3904,9:00 — HR3-291 *•*»" 15 INT. 8, EXT. CALL 686-4414 To work In Woodbrldge area. available. Call 822 1000. Mr. Whlto. & other benefits. Coll 376-1010. county oMlces, 'Experience 5 SHOP, for lovely Spring clothes IRVINOTON y" tlrepla.ee to cathedral ceiling; 3 NO steno, Springfield.... 1125 Minimum of H.S. education. . : K3-29 1 A.M. until noon. Ask for Mr. writing lessons. 2776196 call DINETTE TABLE . 1 extons?on SPRING CLOTHINO SALE CLERK TYPIST prelorred, but will conslrjflr Landon or Mr. Knorowskl. afternoons. and accessories, house items, [usl X 4 5-73 4S Civic Square, West, 3'/a room large bedrooms + maid's room. Part or full time position Including 2 yrv of H.S. training In trainee of good caliber. Expanding leaf, 4 chairs, dark walnut, good ANDPOTPOURI things. Some old, some new, all • SALES OFFICE SAINT BARNABAS Prudential PART TIME Fashion show H.1.1Q. condition. Rea sonable. Call 371. Kent Place School Gymnasium, PAINTING garden apartment, 1st floor, tile 21*7 baths, 3 zone gas hot water drafting. 6 mos. draftsman irt-W-i Mo/r|s Ayo.-Unlbn . .. . Open in quotations department. Typing MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST Directors for ^ rt .rtaJdcntlal, commercial and ACCOUNTANT COLLEGE bargains. Merry Go Round Resale Maintenance Service 6SB Interior 8. Exterior Bath. Adults only, no pets, heat, paneled den leading to all ~B< user ot copying machine. Modern oxpcrlenco.or.equlvfllen! thereof. : 7497 after 5:30 P.M. Summitmit, Wednesday, April IIII,, 99 MEDICAL CENTER industrial depts, havo room at mis tUMMBR H«LP . CL1RK STUDENT, 4 YEARS, FULL H T-F T!> er shop, 4Vj Lackawanna PI, R. Semanskl. fully Insured ' security. Convenient location. Call marble patio with barbecue, •BANK.Union County.... V130 office, company benefits. Contact Good startlna salary. Excellent -has Immediate openings 11 ~to -7 —shMf,— Sunday—-mru- r-TYWST- May-t^-to Septembw, a.m. to 5 p.m. Spring and Summe Mlllburn. TPes. thru 5ai_iQ-4, Screens -&• stor'nv windows |uat - - old Short Hills Road 1Trri»"T6r—intorvlowr xtntsct.— TIME eXPERIENCE, WISHES Clothinhinggi fotor alanl Ihme tamnyfamllyrwhi, wmtite 4OZB765 after 4 p.m. 399,0449 Livingston. N.J. 07039 Mr. Sauers. SARGENT WELCH trlnoe benefits, for oopt, call Mf- Thursday. BSMT. ASCP, lyear Stanford Cutler, . <.. .-.houn.9. ^.i.P*A\.-Yoiing_conocnlaL ; — ." H 5 3-37 . CHARCE5 CANTET " "x"t.'f73' painted. Excellent condition. '.EXEC. SEC. Work for Harvln. 289-5000, Ext. 344.— for full-time employees In the -PART TIMB -Full lime, small -PE«MANEMTrJ»Att.T-TJA»E_OR ^Cow .or-horae-manure^roited. rich •)«p»noUaols , bakebakedgoodspianld oood^ planlss. 7^ : Z3-29-101 Eaual Opportunity employer. SCIENTIFIC CO., 35 Stern Ave : experience. Must be able to cover surroundings, Irvlngton area. Call -MAINXENANCE(-SER.VI£E. _CHnton_ School. . JlAld. 5O's_ Pros,...... r. . . .' 1175 plastics plant, no experience FULL TIME" SUMMER farm top soil or fill dirt. til.25 teen corner, handiwork. -B; r—R; PAINTINO 8. IRVINOTON sprinoffeld following positions: all departments. Good salary and necessary. COLVIN.FRIEDMAN CUTLER AGENCY 3714700. F loors waxednnd cleaned*-homes, Principals. 763 7272 EJIzabethtown Gas Co, benefits. Apply. Personnel Dept. Union EMPLOYMENT. CALL 1415305 delivered. Also limb chips, $11,23 R 3-29-15 Dressmaking paperhanglng. Prompt service: 5 room apartment 37^7050— — CO., 697. Morrla T-urnpke, 1901 AAorrls Ave. AFTER 5 p.m. delivered. CHESTNUT FARMS - 40 offices, complete lanltorlal work ~~:.:...\- Cull 467:3536.. • LEGALWIII train, ASSEAABLY CLERKS An Equal Opportunity Employer An Equal Opportunity Empiaye'playeri l A WvOOO S4 and %S normal room. MU 86919, Neat workr-free estimates. ^374- Sorlngflold . 5130-t- Sprtnglletd;—\ — Realtors 488 4MB. if no ans. call 375-1417 a to HAROLD OLAJI 9231. 374 1256, 3990969. /" MAPLEWOOD Light assembly work - counting, X 329-1 . V1.N1 • 20 Washington Ave. MU 86987. Call alter 2 p.m. boxing, order~ pulling, etc. OVERLOOK HOSPITAL ' XS-W-i Real Bttate Sales Peopl* , PATRICIA CONNINOTON RELIABLE. AMBITIOUS girl 7 a.m. & 6-to 7 p.m. DRESSMAKING) 8. ajtifBtions _, • /X 4-12-73 IRVINGTON (Upper) 3 bedroom older 7 room house. •LEGALUnlon. will »» Perthlng Road — — X5-1M Springfield, N.J. 07081 •• R-4 12-658 SToom apartment -Oanolcd Kitchen B. dining room, Company paid medical-surgical, CLERK TYPIST iG CLERK ,_—__ _ II you hove a high scnootor partial' 193 Morris Ave.. Summit PART TIME -mornings or Wanted Immediately, by one of seeking employment. Call Joanne Specializing In bridal.parties. 48B: (r»ln , , , 1120+ life Insurance. S day, 40 .hour "cBlleoebackground and quality for our Spaclol Training afternoons,- generat-ofrtce work, Union County's largest firms Union, N.J. 070*3 372-46M 2634 after 6 P.M. ^^ \- SIDNEY KrATZ 3rd floor, heat & . Iflroe treed lot, 2 car garage, oil _ • LEGALNewocK..; ..". Open week! Apply: Inusual opportunity for' right Youncr man lor lull or part time alt Program, wo will start you at a level commensurate with typing required. Apply, do not established In-1905. Opening n«w" 5? Masonry 6G PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, . hotwater.supplled. heat, new aluminum sldinQ, FRAVES5I Individual with growing Mlllburn around work In modern phoTrriacy. your background and qualification!!. You will then be MEN 'WOMEN phone, FiTZGERACrJ COLOR "Gallery of Horn.as" in Cranlgnj PLASTERING INT. «, EXT'." Call 3730850 freshly painted. Principals. ,s.$e_ Co. • Typing, taking telephone Experience prelerred. Call lor FULLTIME • PARTTIME "ExporUncad soles peopl FREE ESJfMATES. 687-7172. Z3-29101 •Sunday. Reasonable. 746-a355. GREETINGCARD CO. appt. 373B591. DUBROW moved up to higher level assignments at an accelerated I AR . » Bnrnel Au» . M»plmi»«vl Etectiiul Repairs CLERICAL — - orders and expediting them are ram o( advancement. — Telephone Sales, salary plus prelerrtd, but will train lf_youar 1M4-CHRIICRAFT CUTLASS. CALL ME LAST^ AlPmasonry, . •_,. ... X 412 73 iRVINOTON-rtrpper) . . , z. 4-5-111.. 11 Edison Pl^prlnpflold, N_J PHARMACY lisa So. Orrfnge Tarr.Blcjnimmhiito.n^Call Mr. X319-I - plastering^-walerprootlng,. self main-responsibilities steno a plus, qualllliiL.Residential supervisor' 24 ft... top condition, extras ;: 4 rooms', 3rd floor, good location. •MULTILITH OPERATOR X 1-29.1 Auo.. Noar-Soton Hall Unlv«r»lly. - Moore at 37U0742i" ' •• "omptoyerr ~and"tnsured.~'"WoTK~ CA|.L NOW"AND~*AVS--W-*al ...... Excellent working conditions. Col PART TIME position also available. Rttldent Included, stainless steel basin, JOHN POLITO : TClcoSsea QXterlorA, Inteclor painting - Also May 1st. Adults. S140. Write P.O. PLAINPIELD : PSAtoK ORYSPIINJKM L jat_J-aeuma, 37*9200. • M-F • - Equal Opportunity Employer of Cranford •• Clark are Elactrlcal Contractor. Repairs & guaranteed. A. NUFRIO, 30 yrs. TEMP. : X 3-291 . WATCHAAAbL___ fresh water tank. Hud, V berths, •Irlm work and hallways done_very Box 1573, c-o Suburban Publishing, Relocation forces move from 1430 Thelma Drive K 3-29-1 R 3191 "DTOIBTMV"Call Mr. Anderson maintenance. No |ob ttH> small. exp. ES 3-8773. . . S91StfAUl • COMPANION • PERM. ' Union, N.J.OZOaj. 5 OCGKL-I Alt Ifctf • Positions open lor both experienced \t-li hrs. per week. Ideal (or a FREIGHT LIQUIDATORS 210 HiP,, Chris Craft motor: Tha reasonably. Free Estimate, free comfortable '3 .bfidroom home. Secretaries ana recent grads.-Good sleno an«l trplng «WH«- Salert—Manaaerr~The Boyle Co SAVINGS WrfH THIS GOUPOH ONLY! rfect fishing boat with 10 ft. Call us for prompt service. EL 2. Z329101 Large living room 8/ masted - • FILING SUPERVISOR S135 EARN Ur TO $100 -MORTGAGE retired person. '•-, i AL OENIS ./^ minor repairs • fully Insured. Calf PER MONTH II you quality as a -Realtors, 1143. E. Jer.sey ^1 Truck loads lust received from am. $4,400. Call 2330145 after 4 3445. 371 6400 • Irvlngton. IRVINOTON bedroom, dining room, modern CLERK TYPIST requlred. • — , . ' $ 00 famous Soulhor mills. Shags! K K t I 44 MASON CONTRACTOR STEPS #FACTORY WORKERS plasma donor. For detaltvf call ORIGINATORS - BREEZE CORP. Elllsbelh. 3S3-420O. p.m. " - " * 4 room apartment kitchen, IV? baths, full basement, $100 - tin 700 Liberty Ave., Union '.'Jit .13 plushes, splushes, nyloni ELECTRICIANS SIDEWALKS-PATIOS A Job lust for you If you want to be SeraTec Bloloolcals 535 Mllltown One ot N.J.'s fastest growing K R3-29-16 PAINTINOROOFINOOUTTERS for rent " scparat e garage, large lot. 664-4000 , 4 LINES-2 TIMES 6 polye»ter», Kod«l 8. woo"! SPECIALIZE IN SMALL JOBS call 375-9423 S3£,900. Terrlll Rd., area. Call SCOTCHWOOD ECECTRICCO. a secretary, but dont have steno. Rd., No. Brunswick ' mortgage bankers has a need tor 3 Hundreds to choose from. 9x1} 867 RAY AVE, UNION, N.J. two loan originators to grow with An Equal Opportunity Employer. FREE ESTIMATES a. REPAIRS —; : — ' 2 3-29101 otter 7 P.M. 755-5721. • Phonce calls, typing, filing 8. 846-6800 KEYPUNCH OPERATORS: Experlence — —— . x 3-29.1 4x9, 7X10, 9x15. 7'6"xlJ', lSlI Dogs, Cits, Pets 17 486-4815 or 686-1427 LEONARDMICZUL'SKI INC. TELLERS correspondence are all yours to the Co. Experienced desired, will USE THIS EASY WANT AD FORM 889 4090 MAPLEWOOD _ . Z-3-29-1U 427 Chestnut St., Union '- K3-29-1 preferred. Salary based on skills and experience. )2xl5, 12x>8. otlten & ovals. Will ^— H t-f-66 533 Valley Rd. Roselle Park, N.J handle. Call CAROL ANDREWS train an agresslve licensed real RECEPTIONIST give a. warm look to any room In ALL MASONRY-steps, sidewalks, Move right Inl Efficiency : ENORAVER'S ASSISTANT - part estate salesperson. Many FIVE (5) WORDS OP AVERAGE LENGTH WILL. FIT ON ONE DOO OBEDIENCE — 8 week K 3 2944 2410664 Free Estimates 964-7717 687-5000 Progress: 1460. Morris or lull time. Will train. No DS OP AVtrNAuB LCNUTn WILU rl I vn umc your hpme or apartment. Bring ELECTRICAL WORK DONE water proofing, Self employed. INVEST YOUR Company benefits. Send resume, course, »25. UNION. NO JOB TOO S««i" X 3-2973 Ave./ Union experience necessary. Good i-ifil, FORBXTRA LONOWOROS ALLOW TWO (1) SPACES room size.. _ .". Insured. A. ZAPPULLO, Es. 2-4079 JAMES * JOHN ATLANTIC ~~FUTOREWITH OSt— -f oSkt^VOUH-eOiT-BV-MULTIPUyiNO TH« NUMBEB OF uig Rtt 1 &». AND Nice 4 rooms, heat a. hot Itie Federal W«ge and Hour Law Him*. . Salary advantageous. Pleasant working yi£u,uAiSrlnioi!i.VINOTON rlBRALp r\, r VAILSBU&uAlLsBimOa LEADER AND THE BiBI.. 'MbNDAY.PRY0AY 10 9~P«rt".~ stucco wock. Call 1 44, REPAIRING If they pay Mas than the $1.60 While training you will «arn a mortgage banking construction Including a TUITION REFUND PLAN. , SATURDAY 10-4 P.M.: water supplied. No pets. full salary & qualify for conditions In heart of East Orange. Some RECEPTIONIST ,. for ...„_„. ...ONTHLY SUBURBANAIRE), - . V . ,:..'- 7 R 4-19-44 J. ZIDONIK hourly minimum wape lor . company office. An excellent OARDENER ~5 Must Do olllce Irvlngton center. Full o SHETLAND SHBBP OOol' Business couple nonfarm employment OR if they excellent bmellti. Matura Ity, opportunity for bright person who 'experienced in lawn AV shrubbery FACTORY OUTLET, SHOPPING (Miniature . collies) AKC, DR 2.3079 Call MU 8-1268 neatness & a ploasant Insurance rating experience required. Pafan time,tima./ NoO _ txperlatt•xpsriamt OUR PAPERS A"E, DeLIVEReD TO 10,000 HOMES. MRS. ROBERT PALMER X t-f-74 do not pay flme and a half (or enloys working with tha latest maintenance. Take full charge of For »n IMtrvltw pleau vlilt our Employmtnt Bureau any OUIDB says. "Pearl Levitt champion pedigree, sable puppies JENCINB 101O Potter Ave. Z 3-2910 work In txceu.of 40 hours In a personality deslrad. Car. alto equipment ana who will accept time IwiWMfl • A.M. and 1:10 P.M., Monday through necr»c«tsar»< . Appl* y **Box 1S71 c- ' PIANO) TUNED workweek, if required by law. apartment complex. Steady work Salary commensurate with experience UnUnlon.Leaderl , 1391 stuvvesan Loongewear-Beautllul start at*75Vstud service available. Union, N.J. 070(3. - UNION desirable. responsibility and advancement, with hospitallzatlon & other C»l| }7fJ3pq,_ _ .^ Chain link ALSO 5 rooms aVbath. 1st floor, Nor will thli newspaper with alt Frld.yj; ,- .- - - - : - -andablHtyr-Foture-opportunltyoood: " Av«Ave.y-Vltilan.-', ' — ' • PIANOS REPAIRED knowlnaly accept ads from Call 48O-B034, ask for Fred Allen benefitsbfits.. Calll 376101376-10100. a^W^MlC.UV.?. Wood Ftndnt —-•-- TONY SOTTOSANTI. Mason 2 family houserheat,Thot water, covered employers who FOR INTERVIEW Essex Union Mortgage Co., 1208 E. T CHOCOLATE Brown.n 'Contractor. Brick work, stone C. GOSCINSKI - ES 5 4816 gas 8. electric supplied. Rent 1250 SAUVJS-lnslde desk, PICM valve oot.' H Oh|y attractive Floatt, ^ H1-1 J* discriminate In pay because of APPOINTMENT CALL: St. George avo., Linden. .Robes, Sleepwear, Caftans, Shllls," Home raised, .— , . Portihlt Dof RUM work, sidewalks, stops, additions, month. Call 488 1655. South Ave." to Leland to sex or accept an ad which Mr. Waldellch (201) 277-4000 GIRUS Interviews by appointment only and tlttlngi. Attract vt McrTan carpentry work, water proofing. Z 3-29.10 discriminates against persons : X3291 Inlectlon molding operation. fringe Benefits. Must "hav Travel s»ts, Terrlas, Patio a registered, short. Call after a P.M. Compteta line Includlnf Es- 1246 Cambridge Ave,, Poolslde Coverups. At Home All professionally dons. Call 173- VAILSBURO 40-45 V*ars In violation of the l3l,5ndrS.3rdstillt. Call Mrs. Churchill, 676-8400 experience In this Una. Sen Plafnfield Aoa Discrimination In CLERK-TYPIST No experience necessary. Dresses That Go Everywhere. 410 tata.TMumlnum paneliTttc. 2043" Plumbing & Heating 75 4 rooms, hut 8. hot water supplied. Employment Act. Contact the' resume 16 McJUNKIN CORP NATIONAL Must en|oy working with numbers Call 684-6122 P.O. Box 433, Linden, N.J Rldggwood Rd:, Mapiewood 80 J. f^OR >R«B ESTIMATE Avallrblo April 1st* \\%, Norman Wage and Hour Division Office and be able to talk on telephone, 9714^ Hours Ul30 to 4130. ClOltd of tfie U.S. Department of Labor 1 , The Home Insurance Co. RMt MwchaiidlMlorSiK IS RM at 970 Broad si.. Room 936, Small office In Union center. ORINDBR - O.D.. • W.""'. 213 Washington Street, Newark, N.J, 07)01 Monday. . ' . MMlng& Storage 67 WALTER RBZINSKI "' Z3.29.101 STATE BANK Blanchard and surface grlndlnq. SECRETARY ,;,(IHddlllonat wordsirer«qulr«),att»ch Mp«rat«ih»«t of papf) PLUMBING S HEATING, Newark, NJ. or T«l«phww; Ma- Boll & Bloomgarden Asio. . 20 EvergreenPI., East" Orange, N.J., For tnpdcrn Springfield law bf)lc« VAILIBURO-Ivy Hill tt?* or «5 W73 One Elm Street Summit, N.J. Apply N AUtOY CAST \ ^ern Springfield I R 3-J9O5 TYPHOON 381-3111 Kllchma 8, bathrooms modem 200 Morris Ave., Union , An Equal Opportunity employer M-F Rary and benefits. 4 rooms, 1st floor, an equal Opportunity employer 9649563 PRODUCTS INC., 700 Swonjon Equal Opportunity Employer K4.J-4I AFTERNOONS—«VBNINOS lied, Gas healing. 372W8. R 3-19-1 •WBWW1776. - — " PORTRAITS . ' WEEKENDS tile kitchen, — R 5-M-73 X 329-1 Drlye, Kenllworlh. 1 Xt-t-75 tile bath, heat Addftss; 18x24 QILS OR PA5TEL Light hauling & moving. Prompt, PLUMiINO • HEAT)NO , Furniture Kepalrs 5d courteous service. Call 241 9791 Repairs? remodellno, violations. ; • . R t-f-47 \: • .•'•••• »4s;•,' . ' ;•• Bathroom!, kltchtnti hot vvattr Z3-39-101 A/Vary Strassman .. HSNKY P. TOWNJBND, AGENT boilers, steam. 8, hot watar CAUL 375-1257 AFTER 5 P.M. ALLIED VAN LINES, INC. systems. Modern sewer cleaning REALTOR i MOVING ' AND STORAGE; Commercial 8. residence. Ca) ' WILLIAM H. WIST JR. ASK FOR OUR AD-TAKER 31 Olympic Torrac* 32&UNIONAVE, ELIZABETH DIAL 686-771 IN6PROOP—VAULTS; 232-4444 S\IN ?• A tV>, ,1P,f Herb Trlfrtltrj-es-OJMea, • Ipiclal Offer Llmlltd Time Only-For-prlvan Parties Only H tl 1T15 S Irvlnflton N»H)7111 >"*"«• •-• . H,,.47

Pftri'* \ „•


'H"ltnftWMIMMWMMM| ujiHiimiiiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiuij; p,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,u,,,,,,,,,,ii,,,. Jerto/iinda/e available (or public •tw-taW-ordlnence-wIll-be-further union, New Jersey solicit! sealed Townthlpof Union In the<:ounty ol § By Virginia Knauer | 8262 alter 6. ,; DIVISION, ESSEX COUNTY. considered tor final passag* at a Revenue Q. Wliul fiscal years may a flrCDlace. aluminum siding. Owner DOCKET NO. F 1048-72. THEI inspection. considered lor final paiiaot et a bids for the furnishing of tuppllet mealing of the Township Union at a public meeting held at Stabilization Answers leaving town. Asking -139,900. For K54-123 J VALENTINEP.ME1SSNER mettlno of the . Townthlp and-or equipment at listed below. "Ihe Municipal Building, Frlberger i Special Assistant = Service firm use in calculating Its base Information call Gorciyca Agency BUICK LeSabre-mt ! PERTH AMBOY SAVINGS IN- Ocmmlttee at Municipal Committee at Municipal Park, Union, Now Jersey on I STITUTION, a bonking cor- 1 Town Clerk Said bids too* publlclyop*n*d and Headquarters, Frlberger Park, | To President Nixon I period profit margin? Realtor; 2J1 Chestnut St., Roselle, Air condition, radio & heater, fully I poratlon, PLAINTIFF, vs. ANI - irv. Herald, March 2?, 1973 htaadcmartartr Frlberoer Park, read In the Office of the secretary, Morris Avenue, Union, New March 27, 1V73. equipped. Coll 687 5U7. After 7 ! THONY DESA, et UK, et als.j , .(Fee 17.20) Morri"itorrlsi Avenue, Union, NeNtw Administration Building, 2369 Jersey, on April 10, 1973, at 8 MARY E. MILLER ^ =1or. Consumer Atfairs| ATEffecttve Jan. 1171973, a 2 P.M. i DEFENDANTS. Execution For Jrrsey, on April 10, 1973, at I Morrlt Avenue, Union, New Jersey o'clock P.M. Township Clerk regulations issued by the Cost o'clock P.M. on April 13, 1971 at 2 P.M. '^iniiiiiiniiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiir. q. Will Ihe Internal Revenue t violations in the food and firm may use any two of the I Sale ot Mortgaged Premises. SHERIFF'SSALE MARVf.MILLER. AN ORDINANCE SHORT HILLS — K 3 r> 123 ' Bv virtue ol Ihe above stated < MARY E. MILLER, FURNITURE i. AMENOIJMG' AN Service antwer queatlons on health services industries. of Living Council. following fiscal years in 1170 CHEW IMPALA 4 door SUPERIOR (CHAN)EIOI TOWNSHIP CLERK ORDINANCE ENTITLED According to President sedan. V 6 '350', PS.. R 8. H. air writ ol Execution, to me directed, I SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW EQUIPMENT Phase 1117 --O-0- I shall expose tor sale by Public JERSEY, CHANCERY ^ORDINANC^vTcWlNr TRANSPORTATION "AN ORDINANCE TO Nixon's recent ,r«port on the Where necessary, the IRS will calculating its base period Country Club Ranch cond., stick shift, snow tires 6. . Auction, In Oltice ot Sheriff, Essex i-RUTLAND PLACE IN THE VEHICLES AN ORDINANCE VACATING REGULATE TRAFFIC AND A. Yes. The Internal recommend enforcement Q. Are those pay and price profit margins: The three wheels, always naraged, 42,000 DIVISION, ESSEX COUNTY, ..TOWNSHIP OF UNION IN PART OF ROSELAND PLACE IN PARKING UPON THE economy, the impact of brisk Beautiful setting lor this sprawling orio- miles, creamputr 7910641. i County Courts Building in DOCKET NO. F.S15371 J.I. Specillcatlons 'and proposal THE TOWNSHIP OF UNION IN adjustments left uncontrolled Newark, on Tuesday, ihe 3rd day KISLAK MORTGAGE CORP., THE COUNTY OF UNION. blanks may be obtained at the PUBLIC STREETS AND demand on food supplies will Revenue Service will action to the Cost of Living fiscal years ending before ranch featuring 3 huge bedrooms, —_ . : TF 123 BE IT ORDAINED by tht THE COUNTY OF UNION. HIGHWAYS IN THE during Phase II exempt under 1 pretty ' baths, new custom ot April, next, at one thirty P.M., plaintiff, us. JAMES'S. TAYLOR, Mcatlont ...... Offic: e il the Secretary, BE IT ORDAINED by the disseminate Information and Council. . Aug. 15. 1971, plus any fiscal CHEVROLET-HSI-BEL-elr 4 (Prevailing Time) all.ihat tract or et als., defendants. Execution For nl stockholders should be s, d y devoted father of Mrs. Mary Saul, MITRE—Elizabeth, on Tueiday JCHWHIOl*t-On Saturday, Township Committee ot tht Administration Bujldlng, 2169 TOWNSHIP OF UNION IN probably cause food prices to kitchen, paneled Den, breeieway to Family Radio Station March 24, 1973, Marie CSchllde),*} Tawnthlp ot Union In the County of Township Committee of th* THE COUNTY OF UNION." informal guidance in response Phase HI rules? year completed on or after door, In accident, motor and Irons. 1 parcel ol land, siluatc, lylno and Sale of Mortgaged Premises. communicated In writing, to: Wllllom Hood, Mrj. Arllno Urpslt, JJi,rcrl jo, 1973, of 424 Nye Ave., Morris Avenue, Union, New rise until mid-year. That's -•o -o- sun porch, rec room, & centrally being in the Town of Irvington, W.F.M.E., 209 Pleasant Ave., West 1076 stowa St., Union, H.iu Union: Townthlp of Union In th* County ot Union Leader. Mar. 29, 1973 (wo) A. Yes. Th.ose items air .conditioned. Asking S79.50O. OK. Sunday only. First VW0. 688- Bv virtue of the above stated Valentine Melssner. Municipal Orange, N.J: Mrs. June Flllpelll, Donald T. and irvington, daughter of the late Jersey. . Union: (Fee J6.00) to public Inquiries on Phase 4. Are doctors, dentists, Aug. 15, 1971. , County of Essex and State of New wrltof Execution, to me directed, I Clerk ot Irvlnglon, N.J. John J. Hood, brother ol Norman, Jonn",nd Johanna Mitre, devoted beloved _sdl*. of the lite John, .nSECTION 1. Rutland Plact Bids mult be submitted on forms when Ihe President's new food devoted mother of Jotin Q. and between Rowland Place and Section 1. That part of'Roseland III, except that questions exempted during Phase II !!fi =, K3J9 123 , Jersey. shall expose for sale by Public LYONS BAR 8. GRILL INC. Alex and Arthur Hood and Mrs. .,,,„ „• Wra. Amelia LeRoux. furnished by th* Board of supply measures will begin to hospitals and other health THFTJALZELLCO. BIRBIOLIA—On Monday, March Mrt. Martha Hoefete, titter ol Oermont Terrace, In the Township Education otherwls* th*y may be Place In the Townthlp of Union In continue to be exempt from • BEGINNING at a point in* Auction, In Office of Sheriff, Essex Irv. Herald, March 29, 1973 Annie Elsenberg, also survived by The luntT0| service wat held at the County of Union described as: received regarding firms with providers still subject to base VONNIE GEYER, REALTOR MP.3. ROSE JEANNETTE the northerly line of Arverrje County Courts Bulldlpg in Newark, 19,-1973, Anthony, of 642 Thoreau 23 grandchildren and Jwo great- BERLE «• BARTH HOME Paul Schllde. grandmother of John taUnlon In the County of union bt rejected. take full effect. 525MlllburnAvc, Short Hills • 765 Colonial Arms Road (FeeJo.48) Ter., Union; N.J „ beloved husband HAE D. Schwleoer and Mitt Roberts and tht same Is hertby vacated Each bid must ba accompanlad BEGINNING at a point of annual sales or revenues of $50 price posting requirements? Phase III controls. For a list of (Opp. Saks Sth Ave.) 374 270O ' Terrace distant three hundred on Tuesday, the 10th day of April, of Margaret (nee Daly), devoted grandchildren. The funeral was FOR cuNERALS, 971 Clinton Hoelele, great grandmother o» curve In the touthwetterty PUBLIC- NOTICE Is hereby It's during these next few Union, N.J. O70S3 seventy five feet westerly , next, at one-thirty P.M., SKERIFF'SSALE held from HAEBERLE a, BARTH ."" irvinoton, on Thunday, and clOKtd. by a Certified Check or Bid Bond given that the ordinance set forth million or more or pay units of exempted pay and price ad- •-* — 2339)11 (Prevalllng-rimc) all *he following father of Miss Virginia Blrblglla, v Karl and John Sctumlqer. The 0.6ECTION 2. A parpatu»4- -eouafto-)0«*r-c*nt^iUha bid total. sideline of Green-Lane as A. No. Although healthy, • , from tho northwesterly corner SUPERIOR (CHAN) E 103 brother of Robert, Mrs. Lena HOME FOR FUNERALS, 971 M 0'r^n a. Interment Fairmont funeral lervlc* wat held at TH* delineated on a certain map belojlow was introduceItdcedd at a meetinmeeting months, then, that "shopping 1,000 employees or more will justments, see the Jan. 12, UNION of Arverne Terrace .and Grove tract or parcel of land and SUPERIOR COURT-OF. NEW Saladlno, Mrs. Sarah Ferrlgnoand Clinton Ave., Irvington, on cemetery, Newark. eaiement is rtstrvad In the The Board of Education reserves entitled "Map ol Elmora Hills of the Township Committee of the providers are still subject to WANTED ~^ Street; thence running nor premises hereinafter particularly em MCCRACKEN FUNERAL HOMtV torigolna prtmlses for tht btntflt the right to accept or reled any or harder" at the supermarket 1973. Federal Register. It's Party who need 100% financing JERSEY,, CHANCERY Mrs. Mary Farlnella. Tho funeral Tuesday, March 27, thence to St. "- «'«y. ™» 1500 Morrlt Av*., Union, on «*,lht Township of Union and for Manon" thence (1) South 34 Township of Union In the County of be forwarded to the Cost of mandatory wage-price ^con- CENTER HALL therly at riQht angles to described, situate, lying and being was - conducted , from The Leo's church for a Funeral Mas*. Mondays March 7e, 1979J all proposals, waive formalities degrees OS' East along the Union held on March 27, 1773, and will be important available for 20 cents from the Colonial - all brick In the beautiful with no money down on a .970 Arverne Terrace elonty.nlne In the City of Newark County of DOCKEDIVISIONnn>i/pK ET ViNO, .ESSE . J«mF 350971X n COUNTY. G(-inni:, wo» - lonoucieo irom the lie purposed Ingress and tgrmt and to oWard contracts for the that the said ordinance will be Living Council for response. trols, they no longer have to £9k T A£O. ^N ,71 GLOBE McCRACKECKEN FUNERAL HOMEHOME, NAFFKE—On March 24, 1773, over and upon such premises In prolongation ot tald A good place to start Washington School area. Price just > Pontlac Catallna Station wagon, feet and live hundredths of a Essex and State of New Jersey: MORTGAGE COMPANY, HULME—Wilfred, on Sunday, Gusta„... v \w. Natlke, o< Irvington, interment Tuesday. Falrmount whole or any of t,he Items at Its southwatiarly sideline of further * considered for final r, , , . „ All requests for in- Superintendent of Documents. reduced on-thls big 3 bdrm. home. .auto, va, P.3. air cond.-11895. For__ 1500 Morris Ave., Union, on March 25, 1973, of Union, beloved beloved husband of Helen Miller Cemetery, Newark. Irvington trdtr to maintain, rtpalr, or discretion. '\ maintain base price.schedules -fool-to-lino~«l--Nolio's^land^ -^BEGlNNlNG-flUa-COlni Thsd MhMW3 T npUcazxJjUliio -lanilary-or storm Green Lane, elghty-eloht feet passage at a meeting of the said stretching your food dollars Is U.S. Government Printing ^JustTblock in from school. Ideal . . Instant credit OK call OASIS thence north 57 degrees 34 South easterly side of Soi husband of Eleanor Mrtneeuodelr Rallke anddevotad neptarturof—Chapter-tJo. 44 O.E.». conducted* - po anilaryor storm —BIC-ORDEIc.OF THE BOARD and fifty -two-tma-hundredths - - Townshlp Commllleeat Municipal— . thp-mftfil--..„„„„-, ...... _JorpjtbHcJnBpecBon:pr post a; location for chiltfrenTOwner must ' MOTORS at 7217\00 ninutes west along Ihe same Street distant 250 ALVES, JOHN DOEHUSBAND devoted father of Donald A. Lt. John Maileklen, New Jertey service on Monday. stwtr facilitiess, If anya , andd a OF EDUCATION OF THE of a foot Mir) to a point In t Officer Washington~DXr: ^ a? ••«(• *^*^ A A • a e^*« **.»^ • t i 9T~ P m •> 1*4 n eh e>n*> A" ''•*• I* sign announcing'. the -sell! Asking In 40's. Hurryl twentyJIve feet and seven > Southwesterly along, .the ?ame '• OF MILDRED ALVES, said name Hulme, brother of Maggie Hulme 5tato'Police, o_f. Marlboro an_d Iris perpetual easement It also TOWNSHIP OF UNION. the circular line of Lot No. 312 MorHeadquartersr n, Frlberoe, r Park,—ai_jne_meat ..TO..«..; »unt 20402. hundredths ot a'toot." thence "from "Its Intersection "Wttrrttm — BelttBlttD-^retlliooD s et—"ols.er-"au . and the late Mrs: Maude Kershaw; pj\- MBZtektenathome. Thefunerc JMIOM—On Tuesday. March Mi JJfttrvtd for the.bentfl! of public ft. A.Schober Cost of Living Council availability^od location of the 1 .ujlllly companies for tht purpose as dellnaated on- JeriayMorris. oAvenuen April, 10 Union, .1973, , Neat. we approximately one-third of all LOMBARD! Dfed The funeral service was held at was held frOm The FUNERAL 1973, Leon, of 97 Hillside Ave, , •*• "'' \ - Secreury- o'clock PMP.M. schedules. HAEBERLE 8, BARTH APARTMENTS (GEORGE AHR. Sprlnglleld, NJ,, husband of «f Ingress and egrttt over and School Business Administrator afor*m*ntlon*d Map of the money you spend on food Washington,D.C. won tht tamt In order to Elmora Hills Manor; thence MARY E.MILLER, Q. 1 operate a grocery store COLONIAt HOME, 1100 Pine j, SON), 700 Nye Ave!, at Park PI. Hortent.„. „e (nee Oreenwald), father DATED: MARCH 27,1»71 (2) Northwesterly,' Township Clerk goes. --o-o- Ave., corner Vaux Hall Rd., Union. jnd Springfield Aye., Irvington, on of Harrlet Keehn and Helen maintain, repair or rtplact AN ORDINANCE with 15 employees. Do I still r - — "by"! dwHtlnt) utility facilities. Including Union Leader, Mar. 29. 1971 southwesterly and To take advantage of the Q. Will the Internal Revenue Q. Do posting requirements _.l i ""' Tuesday. March 71, Uli. Hermafnann, oi_- -.- _, water lines, gas lines, and (F**tl1.04l southeasterly on a curve to the PROVIDING FOR THE have to follow the mandatory Funeral was held Wednesday. Interment Marlboro, N.J. andchlldren. Funeral wat haM •Hephona and electrical wires and left, having a radius of forty REPAIR OF best buys at the meal counter, Service continue to receive still apply to food retailers? Homeowner's K]m SUBURBAN CHAPEL O> tiaalts. - which may bt located feet (40.00*), an arc distance of DETERIORATED you need to be aware of the complaints of price and wage A. No. The Phase II posting Economic Stabilization rules JINDRAceK—Anna M. (nee PHILIP APTER «. SON, MM JatntAth tht surfact of tht PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby one hundred Illtv-one feel and SIDEWALKS AND CURBS for food retailers? -^ Insurance TOWNLEY SECTION FOR FUNERALS. Plechata). on Monday, March 26. Sprlngflald Ava., Maplvwoov. foregoing prtmlses or above tht given that fhe ordinance.set forth twenty-two on*hundr*dtht ol AND TO FIX A. METHOD many cuts of meat available Increases? requirements for retailers 1H« VOLKSWAGEN Borrle;-Surveyor daled'September 30 minutes East, SOfeet to the point (Prevailing Tlmel all that tract or 1973, age 78 years of Irvington, -OLIVER—Bessie, at her home, S39. below was Introduced tt t meeting FOR THE COLLECTION OF and ploco of BEGINNING: parcel of land, situate, lying and Ave., Irvington, on CMorrls Ave., Springfield, on N.J.. on Thursday March SI aama. a foot (151.22') to a point In the and how to use them in meals. A. The IRS will receive, have been revoked. However, A. No. The small business I With our broad Homeown- Custom built large split lev*l. 7 FAST BACK 1, 1904. Also known on the Tax Thursday, March 22. Cremation al wife of the late Frank s. Sunday, March 25, 1973 »lst«r of interment King Solomon of tht Township Commltttt ot tht prolongation of n*w northerly THE COST THEREOF. spacious rooms, IVi baths, G00DCONDITI0N Maps of the Town ol Irvinolon as BEING commonly known as 732 «lng In the City of Newark, Jlndracek, devoted mother of Cemetery. Clifton, N.J. Period of to SECTION 3. Thlsordlnanct shall Township of Union In tht County of sideline of Magle Avenue; BE IT ORDAINED by the Another important point to investigate and, where exemption is still in effect . er's policy you can protect South 20lh street, Newark, New County of Essex and Stale of New "°«>dale Crematory, Oranoe. Haiel M. and Percy M. Oliver. food wholesalers and retailers 0 1 btjautlfully landscaped, extra MU 6 6132. Lot 12 Block 117. Frank G. Jlndracek, sister of Mrt. Funeral service wat hald at mourning Mr. and Mri. Rosar 1«4ie tffect Immtdlattly aftar Union on March 27. 1973, and that thence (3) South 75 degrees • Township Committee ol the under the "new regulations. .V ". your house ; furniture large 1 car garage, lull basement. K329123 Beinq commonly known as -Jersey. Jersey:.'' Mary Thost, Fred and George Ktahn, .6 North Darby Rd.v publication In tht. manner tht said ordinance will bt further 03' watt along laid Township ol Union In the County ot remember is that the possible, resolve by obtaining must maintain quarterly Priced In the-60's. For details call. The approximate arnount of the BEGINNING at_a ppjnl .onjhe CLARKE—On Monday, March 19, SMITH AND i- SMITH provided by law. and p r son o glng3 1 vw Soven Pass. Deluxe Bus No. 32 Arverne Terrace, Plechate, and' Ihe late Lillian Sprlngflold. i considered for flntl pttttgt at a projongatlon of. n*w northerly Union: econom,. -y ,- o .f a ,cut depends on rompllnnrp rnmplnlnlB mnrlnip and profit margin This means that if you have an \ f. . g^f! ^ - 4 Irvington, New Jersey. dt t btlsfied by said M*rlt Ave.. Union leader: Mar 29, 1973 meeting of the Township »lnellne ot Magla Avenue. jjurtinn i n «h»n h^thj-Arty-M—the—amount—of—e -average-of-60-oi iotartrifaMahon-Realtof—^^'^"L^ln^r ^?!" a**ij.vd, CoCommlllem mr e if Wunlciptl elghtytlK feet and forty.seven the Owner of rer , r< r..0 C . l il received regarding alleged records in accordance wilh~ DESCRIBED pursuant to a Headquarters. Frlberger Park, one-hundredths of a foot m a r.Tn.1s ^.^ Su\ ,^ , ^ ™» Provides as well as iis ployees, you arc exempt from I 1585 Morris Ave., Union Cranford, 276 7063. survey dated November 30, Morris Avenue,' Union, Ntw or an Industrial Zone, to cause the price per pound. Often the Open Eves. & Sunday 6B8 3434 lts.47') to a point In westerly lde >u t( 1 controls. However, prices and | 1970 made by Vlto P. Mar Jersey, on April 10, 1973, at 8 sideline of Roteland Place; J "?J!!-?! ' ! ?,hl»ipr?tr.l»e._t-0 ]owest price pgp pound is no( • ^ 3 29 111 vaniorlo, licensed Land Joseph,devot* _ o'clock P.M. be properly maintained at all wages of food industry firms • WANTED l a ,. NOTICE OF thence (4) Northerly and United Hospitals begins Party who need 100% .financing - Surveyor as follows: Baek off Jr., Richard and Robert Skortnkl,- MARY E. MILLER. northwesterly along tald times In such a condition that the the best buy. A more ex- remain under. control in all WESTFIELD BcfiInning at'a point in the a*> provided by Law. minutes West 40.50 feet; thence (2) FUNERAL HOME. 1500 Morris Graceland Mn, Dolor** KftpkQwi.il and Mrs. -V SPECIAL MEETING Township Clerk westerly and northwesterly same can be traversed without mencan with no money down on a 1W0 Newark, N.J, March 5,1973 North 18 degrees 30 minutes West OLSON—Richard E.,.on March 19, ,„•'• OF STOCKHOLDERS OF pensive cut with little or no , Montego MX...2 dr. HT, ouot V8, northerly line ol Arvernu Ave., Union, on Thursday, March Kenllworth. Norvtn Candellno, •Itttr of Victor AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND sideline of Roseland Place, Impediment by pedestrians. those small businesses where ' . SPIC 8. SPAN Terrace dls»anj_3Z5 ,Jeot_ JOHN F.CR VAN, SHERIFF 100.00 feet; thence (3) North 71 22, 1973. interment Grace) and 1973, brother of Mri. vera_Maoin_ Kup«r»»v»oe and Mr*, NtIM* ,, J5IRST NEW JERSEY BANK AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED along -various -course*—two- Secllotv2-lt shall be the duty of waste may he more ' P S JU95. For Instant-credU-OK--- westerly from the northerly -—Adams, Adubato and Tafro, degrees27 minutes Eost^O.Wfeet; Memorial" Park' / ." " ' Pltatt take notice mil a special Mutual PRETTV COLONIAL CAPE, 721 7 KORBTSKY—Sylvia, of 105 Seth trilewtkl, alto survived by six ineetlng of stockholders of FIRST "AN ORDINANCE TO hundred thirteen feet (313') £ the Owner of real property located sex information service TASTEFULLY DECORATED ' call OASIS MOTORS at " j?° ' corner of Arverni.' Terrace and Attorneys thence (4) South IB degrees 30 Boyden Tcr., Newark, beloved Bloomtield, Arthur of Elizabeth ' grandcMldren. Th* funeral wn REGULATE TRAFFIC AND to a point; thenc* (5) Easterly in a Business "A," Business "B" economical per serving than a eTployets" l?%2££\\. ^SURANCE^MPAN^ Irv. Herald, AAar. IS, 22, 29, April 5, minutes East 100.00 feet to a point and Edvin S: Olson of frvlngton. JHEW JERSEY BANK •vlll bt htld v LIVING ROOM WITH Grove Street; thence running EIDELHEIT—Tlllle, of 14 North wife ol Aaron Koretsky and dear conducted from The McCRACKGN M tht Main ofllctt, 1910 Morris PARKING UPON THE on a curve to th* left, havlng a or en Industrial Zone, to cause the low-priced cut with a lot of •' United Hospitals of Newark eluded, "this can do much to FIREPLACE, ATTRACTIVE (1) northerly and at riQht 1973 in the northerly side of Fleming Ave., EMxabeth, on March 25,1973, sister of Sam Solomon and Rose Funeral services were held on PUBLIC. STREETS AND radius of forty.seven feet curb abutting his premises to,be (Fee 151.76) Avenue, the point or place of Thursday, March 22, at Tho FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Morftl Jkvenut, Union, Ntw Jersey, on bone and fat. has begun a new community eliminate unnecessary suf- JUNIOR SIZED DINING ROOM, I Imports, Sports Cars 123A • anqlo'. lo Arverne Terrace beloved mother of Stewart, dear Freedman. Funeral service was Ave., Union, on Saturday, March Tuesday, April 24. 1973, at 8:00 HIGHWAYS IN THE '(47.00/) an arc distance of maintained In a* proper state of GLEAMING WHITE KITCHEN, 2 09.05 leet to the line of Six beginning. , sister of Lee Kraus, also survived held from The BERNHEIM DAMIANO FUNERAL SERVICE, TOWNSHIP OF UNION .IN seventy-four feet and fifty-five repair at all times. BEING known as 20 Fleming 1405 Clinton Ave., trvlngton, above . 24, i»7i The Funeral Mass $tt. a/clock In the P.M. Determining tho tost per health program, a sex in- fering brought about' by IDEAL BEDROOMS, TILE .. leonth Avenue (formerly by one granddaughter. Funera.1 GOLOSTICKER MEMORIAL Peter and Paul Church, Rlpltv Pt.. ' Af the special meeting, the THE COUNTY OF UNION." one-hundredths of a foot Section 3. In , tba~ event the BATH, RECREATION Nolte's land); thence running ITEGAL NOTICE Avenue, JfJewark, New Jersey. services were held on Monday, HOME, 1200 Clinton Avo., Santord Ave. «Pastor Curtis ; BE IT ORDAINED by the (74.55') to a point In the serving is another important formation telephone service, misinformation and ignorance ' PARTS, ACCESSORIES — FOR The approximate amount of the Klinger officiating. Interment Elizabeth. following business will - be Superintendent of the Department BASEMENT, SCREENED (2) north 57 degrees 3d minules WHEREAS, tho Health Olflcor March 26, from the BERNHEIM Irvington. Period of mourning transacted:- Township Commltttt of the northerly sideline of Roseland of streets and Highways reports to under the direction of its on sexual matters and PORCH. FULL ATTIC, OIL IMPORTS, SPORTS,-Jersey's west along sgid Sixtoenth ol the Town of Irvington has Judgment to be satisfied by said GOLDSTICKER MEMORIAL observed at the family residence, Hollywood Cemetery. Township of Union In the County of Place; ' thenda . (a) consideration at the meat SEAT GARAGE DEEP LTLOT"--arOM[oldes7 t nicest, supplibr sale Is the sum ot Twenty-Nine (II Approval of an the Township Committee that any pPnJinS^nuwn-nStNPP wnY Imported AutAo CenterCen, behind rail Avenue 2S.07 foot, thence recommended the retention of HOME, 1200 Clinton Ave., 105 Seth Boyden Ter., Newark. Union: Southeasterly, easterly and such sldewalk-or curb In any such counter.. According (o the Patient and Family Coun- problems such as venereal FLORIDA BOUNDOWNER WILL running (3) southerly parallel Community Nursing- Service of Thou son t Two Hundred' Ninety Irvlngtpn. interment Mt, Lebanon JMITH-Anna (nee Zahn), on ,v, Agreement ol Merger of tht northeasterly along said area has become so out of repair as INCLUDE CARPETING. station Morrlstown. 374 B6B6. with iho first course 87.IB feet Essex and west Hudson to provldo Dollars and Forty-Six Cents Cemetery) Iselln, N,J. Period ot c Franklin Slttt Bank and the Section 1. Tht provision of Agriculture Department, seling Department. disease, family planning and K I.I.123A KLEHR—Kmneth. of 445 Morris OLSON—On March 22, 197], Thursday. March 13, 1»71, Section 7 of an ordinance entitled northerly sideline of Roseland not to permit passage as above set PERFECT STARTER'S HOME. lo~"A"rvcTfTS Terrace; thence a qualified public health nursing (S29,290.46), together with the- mourning at the Kraus residence, Kenneth W-, formerly of formerly of Newark, N.J , wrte of t0 hlrtt New Jersey Bank. Place, on* hundred tlxty-tlK forth or that any such curb has three ounces of meal is equal Called "Sex Info," the homosexuality." (MOVE-IN CONDITION). J39.900. running (4) easterly along tho supervisor on a part time basis to costs of this sate. 127 E. 10th St., Linden, N.J. Ave., Springfield, beloved husband PMV,- (9) Such other buttrwts as "An Ordinance to Regulate Traffic MITES of Esther Klehr. devoted father of Kenllworth and Fanwood; . the late Bruce M.- Smith; dtvoted And Parking Upon Tht Public feet (1441 ± to tht point and tjecome .so out ot repair as orandmother of John Ke*f» Jr. of Township Of Union In Tht County and the same is her*by vacated then and.. In that event, upon figure, you can compare meat callers accurate, factual in- 15E. BROADST., WESTFIELD place of Beginning. encompass tho total public health as provided bv Law, The funeralservlces were held at I • Wr. stockholders. In accordance end closed. - direction of the Township nursing program . and also to Newark, N.J., March 5,1973 1973. William of 112 Kipling Ave,,—grandchildren, dear brothebth r of Indlenesollt, -Mrs: Fay B,,,w|lh Sections 79 ana II of me Of Union" bt and tha umt Is costs by dividing the price per formation on sex and, at the 332-7402 JUNK CARS OF ANY KIND TOGETHER with all" fJ>c Sprlngfleld, N.J , beloved husband " ' ' • "lew Orleans and hereby further amended by adding Committee, It shall become the Z3-29-111 turei now or hereafter al.. provide professional nursing JOHN F.CRYAN,SHERIFF Samuel Klehr and one sister. ,,-,B»n>lnq Act of 1941. Section 2. A perpetual easement duty of the Owner of any such pound of various cuts by the Course held wanted, 24 bri servlco services In the various categories of the late Frieda (Brachaf) and Funeral service was held on lunilngton Beach. a further provision thereto, which It reterved. In the foregolno same time, offer a source for< Q.A. Towing Service tached to or used In connection David A: Gctber; Attorney the late Lena (Rembert). father of Ived by six great • "ifl Bir order, of the Board of said provision to bt Included abutting lands to repair, replace or MRS. S. MORES JR. with /t-ho premises herein set lorth In the proposed Irv. Herald, Mar. 15, 22, 2«, April 5, Sunday March 25, 1973, from The • .piracfor*. premltet tor th* benefit of the re.lay such sidewalk or section number of serving it will referrals to the appropriate 9641506 agreement attached hereto for tho Christian L. and William C. Fautz, BERNHEIM • GOLDSTICKER Tha funeral service within said Section ; shall read as Township of Union and for tha • 120 Isabella Avenue Kit 125 described and the household 1973 also survived by one was held at MAEBBRL6 I I >pat«d- March 29. 1973 follows: thereof or curb. In accordance with provide once Ihe waste (fat hospital service or outside Newark, N.J. 071O6 ' • appliances'which ore Mxturos period January 1, 1973 to (FeeS59.52) MEMORIAL HOME, 1200 Clinton Weslfleld. I Aic t A. Joseph Cobum purpose of Ingress and egress over the provisions of this ordinance, at seminary 1 granddnuohter. The funeral Ave,, Irvington. Interment B'nal BARTH COLONIAL HOME, 1100 Perking of vehicles Is prohibited and upon such premises In order to JUNK CARS WANTED and part of Ihe realty. December 31, 1973; and . Pine Ave.. corner of Vauxhall Rd.. \ / ; Secretary and In accordance with tho and bone) is removed agency, Immediate pick ups also late NOTICE RE: service was held at TheAbraham Memorial Park, Route I 'JMIon Leader. Mar. 29, 1973 at all times on tht northwesterly maintain, repair or replace provisions dt an ordinance Last September Princeton The approximate amount ol the • McCRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, 72, Union. Period of mourning at- PROJANSKY—Lena, ot 69 Cedar Union, on Sunday, March 21, (Rev. side of Stone street between existing sanitary or storm sewer In addition to these shopping " The service is staffed from Houses Wanted 112.. model wrecks bought. Judgment lo be satisfied by said WHEREAS, ol the total cost of 939Chencettor Avenue 1500 Morris Ave., Union, on Lane, Roselle, devoted mother of Paul Beranek officiating). • (Ft« t7.44) entitled, "AN, ORDINANCE Theological Seminary Call anytime. ,snlo is Ihe sum of Twenty services of $43,200.00, the Town of Irvington. New Jersey the family residence, *U5 Morris Morris Avenue tnd Btrwyn Strttt. facilities. If any, and a perpetual REGULATING THE : Wednesday March 28, 1973.Ave., Apt. A-U, Springfield. In lieu Mrs. Etsle Lamln and Harry Section 2. All ordinances and easement Is also reserved for the guides, there are oilier steps 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday inaugurated a pilot doctor, of 354-76)4 or 686-8169 Thousand f our Hundred Scyonty Irvlnaton would be paying TAKE NOTICE that at a regular Prolansky, dear aunt of Guulc CONSTRUCTION OF : 432,BOO.00 While the balance o( meeting of the Municipal Council Interment Hollywood Cemetery. of flowers please make donations m of ordinances Inconsistent benefit of public utility companies SIDEWALKS AND CURBS IN you can take to save money on through Friday. Callers -*-^^ K 412 125 - Dollars and Eighteen Cents 1 to Deborah Hospital, Brown* Zegen and Alfred Friedman, rewilh art ntrtby repealed. for th* purpose of Ingress and ministry program, with some Planning To Move (S20.470.18). together with . the S10.400.00 would be paid from state of the Town of Irvington held on loving grandmother of three SZBDVVDII ((•OWDIKt-On ^ rji CITVOF LINDEN K THE TOWNSHIP OF UNION IN meats: should dial 484-8000 and ask costs of this sale. * Health Aid fronds; and Morch 13, 1973, the application as F/LAMMIA - Peter G. of MIMS, N.J. Friday, March 23, 1973, Julia ot no Section 1. This ordinance shall egress over and upon the same In THE COUNTY OF UNION," Us 48 ministers in four study 'Middletown, on March 22, 1973, grandchildren and onft great- ,, f PASSED ORDINANCE take effect Immediately after order to maintain, repair or for "Sex Info" or ext. 581. Mobile Homes The Sheriff reserves tho right to WHEREAS, contracting lor Ihe submitted by Herbert L. Ramo for grandson. Funeral servic** were Summit R6ad/ eilxabtth, formerly/* mi AN OROINANCG TO AMEND replace existing utility facilities. supplements and amendments. —Experiment with meat groups. may we offer the benefit of our - 126 aforemontloncd Professional a variance for the conversion of a beloved father of Mrs. William KOVBLStCt—Molly, formerly of ol Bayonnt; tMlovtd wile of mi pubilcttlon In the. manner years of experience In pricing adjourn the sale Irom lime lo time house from a onolamlly to a two (Susan) Somers, deor grandfather held at BERNHEIM latt Frank M. Siedvydlsj devoied t)',:AND SUPPLEMENT AN ovlded.by law. *- Including water lines, qasMtnes, Section 4. Upon the report of the grades. Using beef as an Volunteers' were recruited This week Princeton's homes for sale. We also need £s provided by Law. Services ore exempt from 129 Row St., Newark, on March 22*. KREITZMAN MEMORIAL ..ORDINANCE ENTITLED, and telephone and .electrical win • MOTOR HOMES FOR RENTAL competitive bidding under family on premises known as 939 of Susan, William and Robert 1973. Funeral service 'was held mother of Mrs. Julia Hanrahan K Superintendent of the Department example, you can choose from from health and educational . homes In every,price range. Newark, N.J..February 16. 1973 provisions ot N.J.S.A. 40A:ll-S; Chancel|or Avenue, lrvjnQ'Qn' Somers, dear brother of Fllomena " HOME, 954 E Jersey St., and Mrt. Ruth Kavollus; sister of lo "AN ORDINANCE TO ilon Leader, Mar. »9, 1973 and poles, which may ba located of Streets anandd Highways\belng ,, - „ academic dean, the Rev. Dr. We will rent ypur unit. Cnll T.K. JOHN F fPVAN Jersey, in accordance wTi riammla—of—Ktitr^ F-onerot EMb Sd M 13 ~Wn. Marv Killlui. M/s: Palrli.lt RFOIUtTF rnnTROI ANfl IFee»ll.94) • ol lhj_.received by fields to staff the service and James H. Nichols, announced \Rental 753-85V6TcTlp 8. save this Sheriff 5TI5CKER O L ~WCUMS.« I C« >.li_._! L:— • K 3-29-127 40S 407 Myrtle Avenue Health Officer, Is hereby Jersey am} are available for public 2,2, 1973, Josefa (Alvarez), of 2595 Hty C Ct Section 1, Thai Section Kb), and Park, Union, New Jersey, on curh within a period ot not less different cuts of meal and how Classes will continue to meet OSTERTAG March 84, 197J. Interment: March 17. 1973. ,._.... \ NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS n Irvington, New Jersey authorized to execute said inspection. Hamilton Ter., Union, N.J., Hollywood Memorial Park, Section .11 of the ordinance ANNUAL MEETING than thirty (XI days from the date to Identify them. . provided by the Essex County on the Princeton campus. '™ no c anaa HONDA-MINI TRAIL "Attanaslol. father of Gana Patty of the service ol such notice. If the AGFNCY TAKE NOTICE that at a regular JJQ] VALENTINE P.MEIS5NER beloved wife of the late Manuel, entitled. "AN ORDINANCE TO MARY E. MILLER APRIL 10.1973 Planned Parenthood u - With over 50 years ot continuous iTinTf^T~mc~TVnJlCipai LQUnclt Irvington; and. devoted • mother of Mr "" ' md carmtw "' ATK. rONTBOl aJMD- Thlri ' To Our Stockholder t. - —Cul\ some of Ihe meat "The general pattern of the Vails " u-ODBO / servlco Selling homes In UNION, ot the Town ot Irvington held on Towncierir —LtONK—on Marcn ii. \in. Mrs. .(STABILIZE RENTS AND A N O R D I N A N _ _ Association. . 686 6 434 IT IS FURTHER_RESOLVED Williams, sister of Mrs. Soledad . Floreno ' ' "" You are hereby notified that the yourselfT^Eveinf you're not a program," Dean Nichols •' NOW needs your help . We NOW Mart h "37, 1773, the application as that a copy ot thfiFResolulion-be AlleggU andand' Mrs. .'Dolore es JC*HATE A RENT CONTROL AMEND ING .AN Annual Meeting of the the municipality, laid notice may "Emphasis was placed on Kenilw'h-Cianlord i. have over 20 pro^pocti hopeful ol K3-29O27 subri-. Hied by imlrhssia Martinez, alsl o survivei d bby two beloved *O WITHIN THB CITV OF ORDINANCE ENTITLED be mailed* postage prepaid, to the butcher's\w.i{e,( tll and Llnd: Bank & Trust Co., will be held In several kinds of meat Uurt- Increasing the volunteer's schedule of a working S. Plains-, - »--- Roselle ' who have a desJre to live in Union chopped, asking J1400or best offer. vnriniicp to nlt<;r property &( 405- conducted ' from Thft mt* approved October 4,1971 thall PROHIBITING AUCTION said owner. If the same Is 1 Call after 9 p.m. •> '" ' 1 Statutes Title 40A:ll 2 i Eplscoi aMo'and fh* tarn* ar* hereby SALES WITHIN THE th* Board Room at th* Main Office ascerlalnable. In the event that the lend themselves' to easy knowledge of human sexuality minister, enabling him or her Westfield" >>-Obbb Ros. . arc all quallNed-es toMrtgage, and 407 Myrtlo Avonue, Irvington, New VALENTINE P. MEISSNER McCRACKEN FUNERAL Mrs. F of the community State Bank a. :' need either a 2 or 3 bedroom home 6B6 7054. Jersey (or the purpose ol TOWN CLERK Sy TO PLACE HOME, 1500 Morris Ave., Union, •rm*nd*d and supplemented to TOWNSHIP OF UNION IN address of said last recorded and sensitizing them to the J K-3-29-127 IS Robertli read at follow!: THE COUNTY OP UNION Trust Co., located at 601 North owner is unascertalnable, then the cutting, /L good example is to complete requirements at a in the price ranges of S37,000 to ox ponding their oftlco in Irv. Herald, March 29, 1973: on Monday, March 76, 1973. The Rober Wood Ave., Linden, New Jersey, *45,0OO. PLEASE give usa call. We accordance with plans and Funeral Mass St. Michael's O'Elle. Th* luneral wat Mid al the «n> Section 1. DEFINITIONS. AND FIXING PENALTIES aforementioned notice may beround. It contains three expressed and hidden feelings self-determined' speed, - , . r (Fee, $12.96) JIIST PHONE from The GALANTE FUNERAL FOR THE VIOLATION on Tuesday, April 10. 1973. at 9:00 inserted for tour (4) weeks, once a BLISS TERMITE CONTROL CORP. will a've you a sates Estimate of specifications Hied with the Board Church, Union. -' HOME, 3900 Morris Ave., Union. Donato Funeral Home, lot Walnut tu (b) "Dwelling" maant and A.M. for the following purposes: natural seclions: Top round of theircallers," a spokesman capitalizing on whatever has your home at any time. CALL &86- Trailers & Campers T27B' of Ad|u.stmcnt, haying been RIED—Samuel A. Jr., on St., Rosalie Park, on Monday, .Include* any building or ttructura. THEREOF." adopted August week In a newspaper published FRIDAY DEADLINE 686-7700 on Wednesday, March 28. Funeral nv trailer or land used at a trailer 8, 1973. . 1. Election ot me twenty (30) and circulatini g in'thi the TownshiThpi off makes a good roas^ bottom said:' DIV. OF BUSS EXTERMINATOR CO., INC. • EST. 18&2 0651, EVES 686-4471. recommended by the Board ol OILBERTI—On Friday, March 7% Mass at St. Catherine'! Church. Saturday, March U, 197). aged 44 I March H, 1971. funeral Mate In been learned from prior or BIERTUEMPFEL-O5TERTAG Adjustment, .was appdbth^ All items other than spot news ' Church of th* Assumption/ park, rented or offered lor rant to Union Leader, Mar."2t, 1973 persons listed In the Proxy ""section 5. if the Owner of said round a pot roast and eye In announcing the start up of 19 FT. NOMAD Travel Trailer, Municipal Council. -*.!• l. 197i, Anthony (Whlteyl. of 571 Hillside, interment Evergreen - years, ot Unlop. beloved husband I .ant or more tanentt or family (Fa* «6.4«) Statement as directors for the concurrent experience, One of the Oldest & Largest 1961 Morris Ave., Union full self contained, sleeps 6, like should be in our o7flce by noon Ne~wor!K Mt., EllnBem. Nrtr,— Cemetery. In lieu ot flowers of Josephine £. wee reiruzieiioj, i Interment St. John's Cemetery, ensuing year. abutflnp lands shall not comply round a tender steak. t — Z 3-5-112 Said application and resolution th« wlll'help you wlrti i heloved husband of Anne . .._ . .. devoteofJosepMlnd lathee rE o. f(ne Dianee Petrujtello, John and) Brooklyn, N.Y. • units. Exempt from this ordinance the service, Carl Shackman of academic or otherwise." new. Reasonable. Call 7626385. are on file in, the office of the on Friday. .. • contributions may be made to the f Di Jh d are motels, hotels, and similar 3. Voteon amending certain By- with the requirements of the __ K 3-39-137 O Raiull.CelUf Want Ad. (Durkan), son ol Lens and John American Heart Association ot the Sharon Reed, brother of William, ! type buildings and buildings In Laws of the bank. —Read, up on ijew ways to Cranford, director of patient Gllbertl, brother ol Peter, Diabetic Association. Wilbur, Richard and Ronald Reed, : aforesaid notice, It shall ba lawlul . -r r j •„-. Industrial Property maternal grandson ot Peter and to one third of ihe SHERIFF'S SALE Linden Leader, March 39, 1971 itendent of the p and family counseling, Mrs. Lena Deo, Mrt. viola' WALIH-On March 25, 1»73, , _. floor spajca It SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW (Fee U.211 for the Superintendent of the prepare meat and new ideaaln Susan Cilfarell. The funeral was LBVGNBAUM—On March Ii, , Warden. Mrs. Joyce Toll and Mrt. i P O SS elJJ n commented that the service is conducted Irom Ihe McCRACKEN 1973, Emily (nee Welienhof), of 77 Joseph Walsh, of irvlngioti, smmtrclal, and housing units of JERSEY, LAW DIVISION. 5rfl hwaf.?upon"''th.. !r.?!riii5J old. •/"u.' Planninnlonnlnng mnnlmealso . AgricultureloHmttnrks IRUINOTON Mary O'Brien. The funeral wat < hutband ol th* latt Barbara I units or lets. Housing units, DOCKET NO. OJ 933973 N believed to be the first In the FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Morris Chestnut Ave., Irvlnaton, tovipg held from HAEBERLE & BARTH proof of service or publication of Department publishes several LIQUiDATING-Constructlon— Ave., Union, on Tuesday,-March mother of Edith BerkAnd Milton Morteraen Walsh, beloved famtf «ly constructed and. rented for Plaintiff, BEAVER PUBLIC NOTICEs It hereby oresaid notice, t6 cause tht country to provide sex in- Business Property lor sale, low COLONIAL HOME, .1100 Pine! ol Mrt.-Barbara Wright, Mri. I llrst time ar* axamptad, and REMODELING CO. INC. VS.given that the ordinance t*t forth requireme atoresald repaird notice, replacemen, to causet othr. J^ets thai could help you, 70's. Will rcnl: 2 story olllce 37. 1973. The Funeral Ma« at St. Levenbaum. sister of yEttle Ave., cor. Vauxhall Rd., Union, on , Grace Hattla, Mrt. Florence Gray, Defendant, JULIUS JOSEPH Glrards R.C. Church, Pateraon. Frledlander, also survived by two i Initial rant may be determined below wat Introduced at a meeting relaying or the aforementioned including: Family Food formation under the spon- AS SEEN ON building with 1800 5q Ft. of office Interment Holy Sepulchre grandchildren and two great- Tuesday, March V thence lo SI. Mn. Ruth Stiles and James Walsh, the landlord. All subsequent KUBE af the Township Committee of th* defedefectivee sidewalk or curb to be spaco, yard, oarages, storage Michael's Church, Union, whert a grandmother of n grandchlldrn, nts will be sublect to th* CIVIL ACTION WRIT OF Township ol Union In th* County ol completed._...,...ltd. . In meevent such Budgeting (15 cents), Money- sorship of a medical in- T.V. & RADIO building & shop. Call for Cemetery, Totowa. irandchlldren. Funerar was held . and II greetDrandchlldren. Tha ?rom The SUBURBAN CHAPEL Funeral Matt wat offered. vltlons of this ordlnanc*. EXECUTION - FOR SALE OF Union on March 27, 1971. and that plr i paceenl t orr relayinr li l o i!l s Mal l)l l 30 stitution. appointment 731 0936 or 7311752. 7 •'. funeral wat held Irom Thi ,,. Section 11. There It hereby PREMISES tha tald ordinance will be further NEW YORK TIMES Z 3-29-115 OLASER—Harold, of 9 Vosseler OF PHILIP APTER * SON. leOO . FUNeRAL AP**TMENT1 don2K eb.™Fi!:n'2S!lS. by the Townshipn 'J"r.of UnionSRi, "'»8 « « >«» < "We believe," he con- Ct., West Orange, beloved husband Springfield AveVMaplewood,' on „ 'created a Rant Leveling Board By virtue ol the .above-itat*d considered for final passage at a then and In that event, the cost NEW YORK NEWS 1 1 (GEORGE AHR «, SON). 70S Nye ' °Y within th* City ol Linden. Said writ of execution to me directed I meeting of fh* .Township cents). Your Money's worth In A beautiful lawn WHAT HAPPENS ol Ethel (nee Rsher], loving Tuesday,Tuesy. ' Marcchh 37. Intermenment RKUJJ—Chester H., on Friday, Ave., at Park PI. and Springfield thereof shall be paid for by the shall expose for sale by public father of Gall, Steven, Ronald, King Solomor/Cerrretery- • , Clifton. March 23, 1971, ol.Nutley. N.J.. "'Board thall consist ol tin Committee at Municipal Township and certified bv the Foods (25 cents), Beef and Lois loi Sale 116 beloved husband of Sophl* (nt* Ave.. Irvington, on Wednesday ,^rm*rnb*rt. Th* mambara ol vendue, In room B-8, in the Court Headquarters, Frlberger Park", Superintendent of the Department Gary, Richard and Kenneth Period ofxmourning: family. March 31, 1971. Funaral Matt at "said Board than be appointed House. In th* City of Elliabeth, Morrlt Avenue, Union, New Veal in Family Meals (20 Glaser, dear brother of Bernard residence./ Kern), devoted (ether of Mrt. St. Leo's Church, Irvlnglon. of streets and Highways to the Tex Grant given costs no more Linda Percy and Janice Reutt, ,"jy" the Governlno Body and N.J., on Wednesday, th* 25th day Jersey, on April 10, 1973, at I and Robert Gtaser, also survived interment Gaf* ol Heaven of April A.D.. 1973, at two o'clock Collector. Upo, ni ihthee f(linfilinog of said cents) also lamb and poultry POCONO5 - Desirable Lot al "Tho by two grandchildren. Funeral brother ol Mri. Ruth Lulhn and "rhVrr terms ol offlca shall be ' o'clock P.M. certificate, the amount of tha cost Hideout," Year round LEVITl-Tlllla (nee Eckel), of 101 R lc n r 1 C*m*t*ry. ' j lot' a period of on* (1) y*ar In the afternoon of said day, all nte (20cents each) and the How to services "were"held from The Unlm"7^v*.""lrVifig>on.""bVriov*d''-Ui A Iit bld i . . * < Creenberg, grandfather each,, with each member right, title and Interest of the MARY E. MILLER, of such work shall ba, and the Recreational community. Skiing BERNHEIM • GOLDSTICKER wile of Edward, loving mother of oj Linda Danne and Dawn Ann Township Clerk same Is hereby fixed, as a Men Buy series (20 cents each) on than doing it yourself boating, clubhouse, pool, tennis. 'vlng without compensation. above-named defendant In and to MEMORIAL HOME, 1300 Clinto....—n Id.._a _Solla .. , —Rita Druker_ . , _Bernlc .* i Percy. The funeral wat held from AN ORDINANCE VACATING upon said abutting lands In front of beef and roasts, beef steaks, «87 3159. WA«D-Florence D. on March • Board thall consist ol two the following properly, to wit: GRIFFITH PLACE IN THE A $10,000 grant has" been . H-3-2V114 Ave., irvlnoton, on Tuesday,, PHI and Leo Levitz. dear titter of HAEBERLE S. BARTH which such work was done to the (each booklet contains meat March 37. Interment Both Israel ~ ~ " 21,1971, of Irving ton, N.J., wife of All that tract or parcel ol land TOWNSHIP OF UNION IN same extent that assessment! for presented to the^CoUege of Rebecca"KipTari, Eva Rosenfleld, . COLONIAL HOME noo Pine tha Ule John F. ward, mother of Ihe City ot Llnden^onaStlng and premises, situate, lying and THE COUNTY OF UNION. local Improvements are llent, and and we do the work. Memorial Park, Woodbrldde. Au u> R charts on the different cuts). HlfflEN Frieda Slatman, EstelH Stroka on VTuesday "T" . y."Marci*lh L27. fc^?i°SThence to; th* lata Kenneth Ward, sitter of J fur (4) or more units, or being In the City of Linden In the BE IT ORDAINED by tha said sum shall be collected In the Medicine and Dentistry of Period ol mourning observed at Stores lor Rent 121 the family residence. /. andDr.PhlllpEckel.alsoturvlved t f —iJT ~+&t~~ox^ \.pn the municipality. — tion and* a laboratory for H Section 3. All ordinances and RALPH ORI1CELLO, Sheriff Given mat the ordinance let forth Section 7, All provisions of the than doing ityourseff. weekend apartments a. rooms,, SHOULDN'T HAPPB. formerly of Elliabeth, devoted Janel Kolller! Loull, Or. Saul, Nat held"-• at "The" Mc"CRACK8R •arts- of ordlnancat which are below wet Introduced at a meeting aforementioned oTHTnoTiCB The Jewish Collegiate and bacteriology and the study of sleeps 3 • 10; 2 blocks to beach. BARTH HOME FDR FUNERALS, FUNERALMOME, 1500 Mom*.. SEVACK AND POSNOCK, Attys. of th* Township committee of th* Bonus-—discount for early father of Mrs. Louis J. Herr, and Benno Levy. Funaral servlcet Clinton, Ave., Irvlnoton. on Ave., Union, on Tuesday, Mardi Econelttent with the provisions of J33 a. LL CL 410-05 - _ AN ORDINANCE Professional Young Adults of And he does the work. Alfred A. (Hank) and Norman —were held from The BERNHEIM Thursday. March 22. Interment Mt ordinance ere hereby repealed Linden Leader, March 29, • Township of Union In Ihe County of -T-H-fT- reservations made-by -April 1st. ~ :»l—pOi-DSTJCK£R MEMORIAL 27, (973, Intarment Hollywoo*__ to the extant of tuch Inconsistency. Union on March 37,1973, and that Also renting for July 8< August. Greenberor-lo»lng-br-olh«r-.t»f—GOXDSIJCKBR—. MEM Cllnla itnryrifvlrHirfln- Memorial Park, ..._._. >toi._. Apr. 5-13-19, 1973. Dr. Begen addetLthat the_ Ket MUIB . set sTO lefutfln Seasonal..inonlhly--weekly. —Calt~ Margaret Karpel, also survived by HOME, 1300 Clinton '(Fee S45.0II 6B7-4B71. __ seven grandchildren. Funeral Irvington, on Tuesday, Mi grant was of the "challenge" ~ Only your nelghboriioad "Uwn-aHel* Mui" =—•-^— Z 3-79127 services were held atBERNHEIM- i 1973.—Interment—eunmor ROTH—Frances Tmr9« Crotr WITT—On March If, " variety and the'college would glwee you: Froo lawn analysla, — Lawn-n-MaQlc~- KREITZMAN MEMORIAL Shiva at Scrantan, Pa. .. Ave., Ellubtlh. beloved wile of -of. .3 Marthtll ^t., iSlfl -have to meet the donation with .premlumqualllyproducts. Backodbya HOME, 954 E. Jertey St., 'I•••-•-' Irvlno, devoted mother of Leonard beloved husband of Sarah 'no-nonsense' guarantee. — Seqdlng, fertilizing, 123 Elizabeth on Tuesday. March 32, Goldsman), father c ~ - matching funds. wood, Insect. & fungus control, aeration and 1973; -rhlecment Talmud Torah LUTZ—Daniel F., suddenly, and Dr. Arnold-M^Rottl-Jqylng Tuesday .'March 30,, 197X a'flap* 60 tlitaaisiorr orf AnnMnna.cinivtia BpsiFelhi an¥itud niviirMeryli ZeckindorZeckidff andd j rolllnn.— Precision-application with cost cutting Cemetery, Newark. Gob adored grandmother FURTHER AMEND AN ANTIQUE AUTO PARTS yeart, ol IrvTIJJItonnon, , befovabefoyadd I Gomberg, •dprid grandmother. brother ol Max Witt, alto • MARY E. MILLER, •paciiicaiions ana TOT me need Tor ., ,., . J* •— RENT THAT ROOM with a Want autornallon. — A tested and proven plan foi - • • • Funeral Mrvcft war* h*!* at ORDINANCE ENTITLEDD,, a permit therefor and for th* activities include dances, every lawn. For overy budget. Gens, starlers, carbs., fuel pumps, Putitdid. ~ husband of Mary T. (nee Christy), by four orandchlld P Ad Only locperword (AAln. U.20). OREBNBERO—Zesse, ol 112 W. devoted father ot Mrt,. Mary BERNHEIM KREITZMAN wat hald. from tut" "AAN ORDINANCORDI ANCE TO .AN OR D I STX N C ti potting ol .* depotlf In connection' nnrtipR n/vinl wwa-fmifa anA wator pumps, front end parts, Jersey St., Elliabeth, N.J., STABLISH; REOU arQe 1 Call Mrl7700. radiators, rear ends, steorlng gear Burkhardt and James J, Lull, both MEMORIAL HOME, 954 East CHAPEL OF PHILIP .APTER aW i ESTABLISH; REOULATE REPEALING SECTION H OF therewith, are deenied to continue P ' ; SOC'O' weeKenas and To towns like Richmond, Virginia. Pittsburgh, Pa. Wayne, N.J: Wheeling, West Virginia. B d u! b n o - • • - brother of .Richard Jertey St., Elizabeth, on Friday, AND CONTROL THE FIRE AN ORDINANCE ADOPTED parts, hydro, trans. 8. parts, 194B Feb. 3), 1973. Interment Beth SON, 1400 Springfield Ave., ATTEST I DEPARTMENT I" ~THE- worIn lulk ldona force, by, anandy owneeffecrt pursuanand anyt trips • to many well-known Caddy.y , completp e rear etc.482-6293 G rr?b .r0'; 'b r"o th.r 'oi Ti'o'n* >i ^xrAJTtz^szsi; Maplewood, on. Thurtdiy, Xartii ,.ov~HENRY J. BARAN ON JULY 14, 1959, AND to tho terms of this ordinance shall resort areas. Olean and Elmira, N.Y. And a host of others. UMr V < T h Israe• l• Memoriamemoria"• oralll rprn" ' , ?IT_I..._W.._. . . . LINDEEN,N " I D E N T I F I E/D A S or 373-7433737431 aflor 6 p.mpm. BERNHEIM i!o L'DST icK p S ' ^ •«'*•«* " X 33. Interment B'nal AbrahMU APPROVED JUNE 18, 1925, . be don* In accordance with th* »r——r K3-2 Woodbrldge. Th* period of Memorial J>ark( Union. Period ol itnt VCITVCLBRK - ORDINANCE 1I7IA. ' ' »r— K3-29-123 Hundreds were killed. Hundreds of thousands suffered. You saw the incredible destruc- r d 1 T h lr l mourning observed at thi horn* of AND AS AMENDED AND provisions of th* aforementioned MONTE CARLO-IVH MI^RVAY HbM^'i2uO !SlnfoS I h.fe fiA BB E SLE'i! 5AR7H mourning: Mr., and Mrt. Sh Leader, Mar. 29, 1*73 BE IT ORDAINED by th* ordinance. Termites 1 n 21 SUPPLEMENTED. Order cancelled. Will sacrillco. Zockendort, — - 1 '•" <"•«» Townihlp Committee oi the tion and hardship on tv, and in your newspaper. Now the waters have receded. And somebody March'75 ,^; t^ ^"A'Ji . -HOKFW'MAS^ — IT ORDAINED BY THE Townihlp of Union In th* County ol Section 6. All ordinances or parts They get letters! —C-ftll-at-onee^TerdJi Hachalm Cemetery' Avfc.1 PH -AC--THP r^iTV ' nB • - i Marken 925-1707 > March 23, —UnlormuiTfr — ""•"' •---^^-•-----•---»• - — ias to jfiqk up the pieces. To feed people. And clothe them. And care for them. Ahd And, them Shlmshon, Israel. I Heart ol lerlcan Cancer Society would be than appreciated' by the family. 1. That Section 2 of th* Section 1, Section H of an Section, ?. Thl* ofdlnanc* thall ""J* 2.0O0.OW letters a H'S" FAMOUS "BREENSKEEPER CABE PROBBAMS* : A Maplewood, for a Funeral Matt. amendment to th* general traffic CHAROER-1970 R.T. homes. ' ORBBNFIBl-O-On March 31. The Holy Nam* Society met at the .. .Inane* entitled, ''AN take effect Immediately after month pour into the post of- O£T ACQUAINTED 8PHIMQ FOUR SEASON ANNUAL PROGRAM . 440engine,4speed radlo&tape. 1973, Martin Alan of 77 Melsei JRDINANCE TO ESTABLISH, brdlnanc* ol the Townthlp ,of publlc.tlo...... n nin >tht. manner ^ United Sta*ea OFFER funeral home on Thursday, March Union adopted on July 14, W», and ffceg of SPECIAL Good running condition. Ave., Springfield,, loving, ton of . 23, 1973. ' . * ROTOLO—JoMPh. otJM Holly JEOULATE AND CONTROL provided by law. The American Red Cross is one of the somebodies. If you think it's important to help Rose (nee Nlmentky) ana the lite THE I>IRE DEPARTMENT OF Identified as Ordinance toiA and Union Leader, Mar. W, 1973 • WMalCMl'** •Cit* bate Caudal ••«*««•« 4t2-349l4akforBen.' Drlva, Rotelle, on Marcft 34,1W), read rig, "Ston* Street Irom »'"«... Capitol Building and Its t , • CsxKhdif • ItMel CeotloJ II • —> . I beloved hutband of Phllornlna, JFMU3MI(FS .. rete^ 0{flces CWI'BI •!*•(•• CaflCDl l.«oo mi 1 —: — . K 45 123 your neighbors in tjvelve states who are the victims of the .worst* flood disasters these states V HerberSrtt%7n^WniiftrifflBSwt and Daniel Greenfield an5d rRl CITV OF LiNoei<," iBerWyn Street to th* terminus of "I • (ad Me*a>wei -CU«l<(i>et • l««lu*li«o the late Leonard Greenfield. MCDONALD— M.AIbvrta on ! dear brother ol P*ter, Domlnlck. ipprovad Jum lit ltiv and at. th* existing 'no parking' art* on Ce*lleJ Ctolrol lOuo-IlUt fllUt MERC »M PARK LANE Saturday, March 24,1*73,01 Louit and Victo' r Rotolo, Mrt—. both side* of Stpne Strot for a U iroal M V fTwi Ua-itH-rniiii' W.*4HWiu^yrI, C«.iftCoalia4l •s*a• SaD «HWnml io* 0f|f»m Con., auto, trans. V8, PS, PB, have ever known, please send us money. Today. Funeral *«s htld from The. amended and lupplemenled, thall atll • f(IOI.Ial>e*i Caailra. • WleaJ CMtrti Jametburg, N.J., formerly ot Anna Butera, jrancet Rotolo and bt and the tame hereby It further dltttnct of. 90 f**t from th* IOII *l |l1ll OVTMB bucket seats, consols. Good SUBURBAN CHAPEL OF PHIUP Mn. George Parentl. Th« them. With no money down on « 1968 Nova, 2 HAUIMAN—Btttlt, of 39 Walsort thUnionence, oJno WednesdaySI. Michael, sMarc Churchh it,, and tTFlratIghhin, to provide. provided by law, •aafaaeaaal HOMfc OR FACTORY! ; dr. coupe, auto, 6 cyl., PA, Jio»5. Ave., Elltabeth, beloved wife of thencUniione, wher)o Ste a. Michael' Funeral sMa Churchn wat, • complsment of 117 members Union Leader, /Mar, 29, 1973 leal Protection. for Intfant credit O.K. coil OASIS Washington, D.C. 20006> (or your Local Chapter) . Robert Hausman and devoted ofofforedf ored. IntermenInterment Mt, Olivet (AN PILLIPO-Antonla (nte ta b* appoU)t*d by tht Council ; 1 . (F**«1I.O4) send us your • mother ol Stanley, Martin and CemeteryC metery , NewarNewarkk. Ratflno), ot Edison, formerly ol iNTiW HOME BUILOER, - ECONOMY IS A BONUS MOTORS Ol 721-7100 I. Thllt''ordlnanc* thall uuraui —• — K 3».l / want tohelp.~ Murray Hagtman, dear »ltt«r ol Newark, on Saturday, March 24, ISM UI lor your Heating No Other Htal Is Cleaner or taf« Your Neighborhood 'UWN-A-MAT' MAN" la backed by AMERICA'S FIRST, LARGEST tfii&rSPiX TS Blanche Glucksmon, also survived 1973, wife of the late Apguttlne, ~ In th* manner 1 « AlrvCond. Needs I-J THB CQIT O* OAI OR •(/•CTItiC JPEQiUISTS, and MOST EXPERIENCED producor qt lawn products applied lo Ihe homeowner's lawn. STJwSi WUSCST 71 PINTO - LOW Here is my contribution to aid flood victims, by IWO^rKldchlidf enjFuneral MILNICK—Chrlttopher -Michael, mother of Francn Surjfno, Angtlo • orAIMNAUTKS vMILEAGE. $1249 part of the • service wat neld on^Tuotday of 318 Drake Ave., Roselle, on (Edward) Charlat (eddia), —Our Mofern 1973 Oil Burner: TODAY CALL March 11, 1»»3, from th* March 31,1973, beloved ton of Mr. BERNVtEIM GOLpSTICKER and Mrt. Charlat Mtlnlck and. SUHMITSPIIINGHEUVUNION 2734312 3"nl MEMORIAL HOME, 1200 Clinton deer grandson of Mr. and Mri. HTF.,23' over Ten S in the amount of- Ava., , Irvington. IntermenInterment 371-6865 ClARK-MHWAY 5744HS Alitn Hebrew Cemetery Joseph Malnlck and Mr*. Qeotte _,. FOB A JOB -. Residential S. Commercial - Arlington Hebrew Cemetery, Hultt. Central Air Conditioning HENILWOHTrRINMN-WSOUS S744SH ft,YMOUTMlt41-»J00 North • Arlington. Period of Funeral services war* held on CORVAIR 1963-1131 mourning at the family residence, Th.»« little cl.stllled odl In IPLETELY INSTALLEC 8 Million Dollars" Name^ M ^! ! riier'boKk el ttie paper may be CaU|r«irnelgl>IXHhogd-'Uwva-MerMan'' CMNFORIMVESTFIEU) • 686-0491 !? ! ?1*?? iSI"' 1472 CUKTON WE IRVtRfiTON Funeralarrangementtweraby th* '1IW-«I»M -. I««h. .weak., iff.. K 3 29123 HBII-Eltle G. (nee Hammel) on SulHvan Funeral Horn*, Ui E. KINGSTON FUEL W. 686-5582 1910 VW KARMAN OHIA, radio, Wednesday, March 21. 1973, of different. Make reeding Hie I.YIARI •> i automatic defrost, 36,000 prig. we need S AddresB. Second Aye., Roeelle, Inlerment, Matt al Sacred rl« .Inden Leader, Mar. », 1*73, HI m. 11 Wait,. HUH Ask For Mr.., Toms River, N.J., formerly of Proipect HIM Cemetery, Valltburoi. fnlarm claatllled <• 'nwat' Alt waek mlla.s. Garaged. Excellent Irvlnglon, belovM wife ol Herbert . • . .i. (Ft*: $11,73) condition. Ask, *I75O. 2111193. Flemlngton. sepulchre Cemetery. end eveiy »ealu ^H3» right now. ••••••I H. Heis. devoted titter of Mrt. 1 X:,

>-*.<* •, I, '• -. •• : ' ..*. ** •• * *• A •r. positions on Issues effecting their own coun- -Thursday, March 29, 1973- ties."., . Belnick fund plans Women's Political Caucus opposes Copies of the-resolution were Jent to Governor Cahill, Attorney Genera»(ugler and all Union. County legisjators, ns well as the Newark State to be host annual flea market remap/ cites ^dissimilar interests' Reapportlonmerit Coftimlsslon co-chairmen, The Todd Belnick Hodgklns Disease Foun- The Union County Women's Political Caucus, Issue due to the disparity of interests and needs Slate Senator Raymond H. Bateman and dation will hold its second annual flea market at its March meeting went on -record as ex- of his constituents," added, Catherine White, former State Senator Richard Coffee. Sunday, May 6, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the posing the latest redistricUng of New Jersey's Plainfield attorney and Caucus vice-president. —Ln caie of emergency The Zip Code to international session playground of School J, N. Wood avenue, State Legislature on the grounds that present "Further, the- effect will be to virtually Weequahic '38 class >• call Linden. The markej will -feature useful and county boundaries were totally disregarded, disenfranchise those people in sparsely for S unusual-items for sale to the general public, and that municipalities with dissimilar in- populated areas which are tacked on to larger plans reunion June 76 376-0400 for Pollc* Deportment with all proceeds going to the foundation. terests were Included in the same legislative urban areasTFOr "example, those people The Weequahic High School Class of January or Flrit Aid Squad on CopernicusyPoland district. The Caucus passed a resolution urging — The foundation was organized in December residing in the northwestern end of the district 1938 will hold its 35th reunion June 16 at the 376-0144 for Fire Department that State Attorney General George Kugler Jr., which includes Summit, New Providence and 07081 An international assembly of Scientists and 1970, In memory of the late Todd Beliuck.oi._ Braidburn Country Club, Florham Park. commemorative program for Copernicus. reevaluate this new re-appointment plan. municipalities north. District 24, which Is cultural leaders will participate in a daylong Linden, who died at age 13 of Hodgkins Disease,^ Interested graduates should contact Bert Sponsors of the conference include the -. "It is impossible to have good representation' comprised of Summit, New Providence in conference April J6 at Newark State College, Newark State College Student Organization, a cancer of the lymph glands. c Manhoff at 992-4513 or Shirley, Rubin Published Evary Thursday by TfUmar Publishing Corp^ Since the Belnick family bears the cost of all ahdhence good government," stated Elizabeth Union County, and Morris County's Rablnowltz (738-2837). 41 Mountain gvi., Sprlngflald, N.J. 07081 - 686-7700 Union, marking the 500th anniversary of the Inc.; the New Jersey State Department of Cox, former Republican State Assem- foundation operating expenses, the full sum of municipalities north to the southernmost end The whereabouts of the following are being birth of Copernicus, the Polish scientist ' Community Affairs; the Townsend Lecture blywoman and Caucus member, "when each tax-deductible' contribution to the foun- of PaBsaic County. sought: Sam Cohen, Esther Roznlkoff Cohen, Subscription Rot* Second Class Postaft* generally acknowledged to be the founder of Committee, and the World Future Society. municipalities with totally dissimilar interests VOL. 44 NO. 26 Moiling A. BOK l/».SpHnjfuM, N.j. 07061 $».5O Y.orly Paid at SpflngfUld, N.J. Further information on the conference can be are put in the same state legislative district:" The Caucus asserted that-"due to having to The conference, entitled "Copernicus, ' dation's research project conducted at the Mt. Grossman, Mervyn Kronfeld, Evelyn Kaplan ' obtained by contacting Didsbury at the "It would be difficult for a legislator from represent districts across county line, -Contemporary Poland ,and the Future," is Sinai Hospital School of Medicine in New York Slavic, Frank Legge, Leo Pozefaky, Anna Division of College Development, Newark State any district to speak with one clear voice in any representatives may have to take disparate being co-sponsored by the Division of College College, Union 527-2077. City. Schenck Rusgo. Development and the Newark State College Program for the Study of the Future. Accordlng-to-Foster-frDieboldrdirector-of- Overlook, sends out call to addicts: 'Join in' the Division of College Development, topics of. Senator- Proxmire discussion at the conference will include: -Persuading addict* to "joln'ln" instead of The program Is being operated through the them being enrolled last year. Since iKeoTficIal contributions' 0! 52 cents "per capita "from —. "Coperni»jis and the World qf Science," which are devoting themselves to the problems. 6verlook'i~3irector of emergency and to speak - "tfrop out" tj the goal of an Overlook Hospital Summit hospital's social service department opening of the program last October, 54 persons presented by Sir Fred Hoyle, visiting associate of drug abuse, according to br.^ArJlBtiL_ munity medicine, supervises the medical participating communities. djfljg program in which several area com- (273-8100, extension 318) from 8:30 a.m. to 4:36 Tiave enrolled! at California Institute of Technology; "Con- McLeHan and Dr. Daniel J, O'Connell, the aspects 61 the program! including a complete "- Union, with $10,000 in its 1973 budget for drug at Newark State munities, including Union, Springfield and p.m. Mondays through Fridays, with the physician co-directors of the Overlook project. Dr McClellan and Dr.1 O'Connell said the physical examination. problems, has allocated $7,500 of that amount temporary Polish Theatre and Drama," Mountainside, are cooperating. < emergency department available for crises conducted by Edward Czerwinski professor of "With three years of careful experience in program stresses "an individual approach to w for the project. This, the hospital reported, will JJnder way on a trial basis for three years that arise at other times. Users can .call for the patients', many pf whom are not yet hard- Overlook also offers occupational therapy Slavic languages and literature at the State establishing a drug program, Overlook can . and vocational and educational counseling by cover the last quarter of this year; In 1974, jtWITH EVERY FOOD afld officially since last October, the appointments! core users and don't want methadone main- University or New York at Stoney Brook, and offer professional expertise," the doctors said. specialists in these fields. Group therapy may Union will be asked to provide $27,600. PURCHASE* rehabilitation effort offers drug abusers help Two experienced drug counselors, Mrs. Pat tenance or residential treatment," "Contemporary Polish Music," presented by BUPEBMABKETS CHARGE FOOD "The hospital deals daily with overdoses In the be added to the program in the future. Other communities which have already ON FOOD PURCHASES OF SI 5 OR MORE trim people with a variety of professional Dobrydnlo and Richard Powers, have been emergency room and an increasing in-patient Drug users are screened for the frequent agreed to participate are Summit, Millburn, composer Krzysztof Pcnderecki of the Krakow aWls. It provides detoxification, medical 'Conservatory uf~MUBlc. AT ANY TWO GUYS FOOD SUPERMARKET . added to the Orerloofc staff in conjunction with flow of drug abusers on its psychiatric unit." complications of venereal disease, liver im- Funded for the first year by a $112,000 grant Springfield, Westfield, Mountainside, Chatham aarwning, uWflpy and counseling for families the program. pairment, malnutrition and associated from the Don G. and Constance Mitchell Also: "The Study of the Future in Poland," Nearly 400 patients .have received help Township and Madison. In New Providence and «g wen as addicts. Foundation, the Overlook program is asking led by Andrzej Sicinski, head of the Group of They will work, closely with other agencies' ~~ ' 1 years of the pUut study, 208 of -Ailaiaqla^JJin .phyclflnna mill Dr. Chatham Boro, action is pending. . Social Prognoses, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, and . 'OUR TRIM . "PolishJSociety and...the. Year 2000: Somc_ •Speculations," presented by Andrzei Szyc~ First Secretary, Embassy of the Polish Board bans retreaded tires People's Republic. A pre-luncheon recital will Boneless be given by mezzo-Soprano Elizabeth Patches. PORK CHOP Conference co-chairman Professor Howard Bottom Round or Cross Rib SALE!! F. Didsbury Jr. stated, The Newark State College symposium is part of a nationwide series of commemorate meetings held in honor school bus rear wheels of Copernicus. The best tribute to this great man of the-past is to present an exposition of PLATTER 39 By ABNER GOLD the wheel He then slowly proceeded off the Charles Vitale Jr., health and safety chairman; the achievements of contemporary Poland and Tin- Union County Regional High School Parkway via the Irvington exit and returned Stephen Marcinak, transportation chairman; to explore Polish expectations and hopes for the HIP CHOPS District Board of Education Tuesday night safely to the Jonathan Dayton Regional High Dr. Donald Merachiiik, superintendent of future." • Round Roast Tip Roost i 69 disclosed that it has discontinued the use of School, No one was reported injured, although schools; Lewis Fredericks, assistant The major presentations of the-conference— retread tires on the rear wheels of its school the incident did shake up the passengers." superintendent for business, and Lynch. _b»sc>s, following a near-accident caused by tire The episode prompted a special meeting on The district owm five school buses, which are will bo held in the Newark State College -WMOJJ Theater for the Performing Arts. The Krzysztof ^Monday~of-Nat«lle-Waldt,-board-presidenti— -IContlnusd.QlUHUUJL, Pcnderecki presentation will be set via tele- More than 50 persons attended' the board lecture hook-up to the Smithsonian Institute, nj.', Tuesday at Jonathan Dayton Regional London Broil S Washington, D.C. to be part of the Smithsonian SEN. WILLIAM PROXMIRE l HiBh School, Springfield, including some 15 U.S. Senator William Proxmire (D.-Wis.) ti.ht tor only $1560 Shoulder Steak studriiLs. from all four of the district's high will speak at the Townsend Lecture Series, schools. No tuition increase Newark State College at Union, Tuesday, April Cube ^ lb.*< In oilier businens, the board approved an 10, at 8 p.m., in the Theater for the Performing open lunch period at David Brearley Regional, Arts. ' " Kenilworth, permitting students to leave the at Upsala College -Senator—Ptoxmire «kithings,n«. »" —saidu ».the. .supermarket FOtSH employe, pointing to a package of chicken draft counseling and is a member of the United accounting department. Senator Proxmire recently, appeared on the Green Cabbage FLORIDA «10* Turkey Breast-^ backs and necks:; 'There was a time we Methodist Board of Social Concern. A The announcement was made by Dr. Frank Dick Cavett Show and is regularly sought out couldn't sell them (or anything. Now we're Democratic spokesman, said that Mr. Dewart N. Elliott, Rider president. ' by the media for his outspoken views on .FROZINFOOD EPT.. selling a few boxes a week; they're only 25 generally assumes a moderate position BUNKlYS BEST FRIEND — AJive performance of 'The Bunny Who Found Easter' will be Battista, 51, will also assume chairmanship national issues. cents a pound. People have to economize regarding amnesty, and the United Methodist a vacation-week feature at the Springfield Public library on Monday, April 16, at 2 of the school's Division of Graduate Studies, Admission to his lecture is free and open to ^3 Church officially supports both conscientious succeeding Dr. Karl O. Mann who will return to Spaghetti, somewhere, so they're buying more chicken p.m. . •he public. Seating.is limited in the Theater for Scott Towels and lesser cuts of meat." objectors and those who participate in military JulUinie- teaching dufies in the industrial. the Performing Arts, and will tie done on a first- activities. relations department. The man was among those interviewed on a come basis. 'mid-afternoon Jaunt" to Springfield- .. The program this evening will feature two Mountainside area markets last week.'His Vietnam veterans debating against each other Library curtain will go up 3-99 4 89 quotes and the remarks of the housewives on the mprits of unconditional amnesty. The encountered produced one feeling: people are format will consist of 15-minute opening Rinaldo^^ introduces measure CHUNK Si. *, worried and angry—about "outrageous" prices statements by both speakers, followed by a Van Camp or L—JLIOHT....CAN ,< on meat, about "skyrocketing" costs of all food brief period for rebuttal. Then written on an Easter cotton-tale questions from the audience will be entertained to define 'executive privilege' Mayonnaise 0^48^ Pancoke Syrup- 49' __ Most of those spoken to, the majority of ljy-thopam)l,4uid finally, the-moderator-will- The childr.en's.department^>f the Springfield department will present a children's film whom were housewives with children, said they offer a summation covering the main points Public Library will sponsor^everal programs ~~"prbgratnrThere will be two showings, at 10:30 WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman invoking executive privilege, must tjBtnnlt discussed. during spring vacation week, April 16 through a.m. and at 2:30 p.m. The same films will be . Matthew J. Rinaldo (R.-12th Dist.-N.J.) is ted within 30 days after the request is made. A were supporting the "Weetlongrneat boycott; SarawrWrap s' "offi "some even said they-wlshed it would continue -Sp^aking—in-- opposition to unconditional 20. Starting off on Monday, April 16, at 2 p.m. shown (or each program and each program will introducing legislation this week to provide & committee's invitation for an appearance must amnesty will be Ron. Whishart, a former there jvill be a live performance of "The Bunny last 45 mlnutesX • " . _• clear definition of executive privilege "simply relate-to matters within the panel's jurisdic- 16 O2. C for a longer period. "It's worth taking a ORIGINAL -SOX *tj I captain in the 199th Army Infantry Brigade and Who Found Easter/" - .^^ seatingJKilLb^e limited, free ^ticket_ s by spelling out how^and when and by whom It tion. - •• - . .; JAK 49 Pancake Mix chance," said one woman. "After all, you're ;: • -^•rr-.:ia. not really giving up an awful lot by not'eating a representative of Vietnam Veterans for a ^Hfcis-a atory-about an Easter bujiny wT»of^^UsT^|^|^Jn^rd'er""to""see^'U fie "films! can Be invoked?' ~" ORANOe ~ Congressman-Rinaiao pointed out that some" . meatfora week. In fact. If it helps bring prices Just Peace. While serving in Vietnam, Capt. hated Easter. ,Shij meets, among other These tickets will be availableonTa tlrst come, The Congressman from Union County said members of Congress do not. officially Apricots ^cPistaiier'i MMMAUDI : Whlshart was twice decorated Jo^bravery and—characters, Gobbei-ihe- Lion and Hurapty- that in recent weeks the dispute over executive . down.'it should be extended." ' —: -^ -firstflerved basis at the circulaUon_desh in the recognize executive privilege. "Yet" he A middle-aged couple, who said they ex- ' Was also awarded the Purple Rearl7 flfr isI~B~ Dumpty, who convince her that she is loved.' children's department, beginning today. privilege has threatened to create a constftu- captain in the New Jersey National Guard and The play...w.l)l. be given by the Happy Times added; "by failure to ucknowledge it, Congress pected to save 110415 on their food budget this The films to be shown are described as ' tional crisis. "I think the reason for this has in fact tacitly acquiesced to its existence worka!fbiLthe-New_York_Dally News. Children's Theater, a. .group . of professional week, suggested the boycott last "at least two suitable for children 4 to 8." They arc: "Andy impending crisis can be traced to the absence Thus, the Executive Branch has been free to set Concentrated • QQ The pro-amnesty advocate will be a Newark*" actor^ based lp New York. months." "I used to work for a supermarket," and the lion," "Anansi the Spider," "The , of a definitive law on the subject, Z its own boundaries for Its use. The best way of teacher, Edwih Selby, who saw action in Caryl Green, the director of the group and the \ Congressman Rinaldo said. the wife noted, "and I know the size of their Sorcerer's Apprentice" and "The Story About dealing with the situation would be to define It Vietnam as a lieutenant in the Naval Air Force. author of the play to be presented, has w6rked Ping." He explained that the proposed legislation clearly and concisely." y freezers. With a weeklong boycott, all the Selby Is the New Jersey coordinator of Vietnam stores will do Is stock meat In the freezer." in children's theater for many years and has Finally, on Thursday, April 19, there, will be a would add a new sectionjojhg JFreedpm_of_l ' lz •••>•:•.. Veterans against the War and is a lieutenant in taught creative dramatics throughout New Information Act, which was adoptedln 1967 to ngressmarrfromllnion€onntjrsaldhe This same couple stated that farmers should the Naval Reserve. . ., . "drop-in afternoon' for older children, 8 to 12. 'Jersey. The group has performed in many New This will be held fronV 2 to 4 p.m. and children guarantee, access by the public to information believed members of the Executive Branch not be blamed for the rising prices. "The Jersey towns. * ' • about government activities. The proposed new would be honor-bound to abide by the law if it problenrtBwitirthemldcllemanrW&usedtolive— may come at any time. There will be "music. '••section would grant Congress freer access to were adopted. Those who decline could be i MEATLESS ISSUE — Student* a) Jonathan Dayton Regional-High School In the country, so we know, what it costs to feed _ and-willbe-over—jjooKH information from the Executive Branch. "As a subpoenaed for contempt of Congress. ar* for prlc* boycott with a maatlMt dish - tunaflih cr«p*s with chMsa sauc*. and properly care for livestock. The farmers Building permif at 2:45. Admission will be open to all children cording to a library spokesman between the ages of 4 and 10, but since seating co-equal branch of government, Congress has Congressman Rinaldo said the bill is -i ar«, from.l«ft, R«n«* Flglluolo, Jan«t W«lngartn«r, Lorotta Lotanno and don't get that much money," the woman ex- FINAL TOUCH is limited the free tickets must be presented in •• — or certainly should have — a right to all consistent with the stated policies of Presidents BRIM COFFEE plained. •• • • '••: • & [• • •• jSiuiiiiiiiiiiiiHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiuiiiiiiiiniiiuiumliiiwiuii1 49Ul be shown *n Thursday BoaxdtfKducaUoh ^ '• "tor Monday, Anyone Interested^lnjolnlng thin nnw group cap, according to inform^1"" — Presidential statement opportunity 16 get ahead anU fringe benefits! up to the uhttt* poUOcalalm overtook it, andln t the Springfield Recreation Deportmcat to trtdtf l»th |UM1 Mtb centuries, the aWUarlan Jh July Stand will be open to the was urged lo'SSitact the RecreaUon Depart- s world: " ' , (Osntlnuei •«

: : 5i:i'- *,>: •••> :-x*l'-.- ^••fy^K^-b-i^-l'-i^£-;^m^ -iH::£'£*.&*' *£WP&$d'4^^ '^i^tit^i;t,t;2ti5ri.?^?^l^iyjfJ,^'i5*'.*t**j**^ ^js^jj*^^ r$'1?t?i3?~*h-** "*••*•-