SCHOOL BOARDS IN UNION. St. Arnes Mr. Isaac Rowse, Rosemundy, St. Agnes, Chairman. Mr. G. C. H ancock, Coulter Villa, St. Agnes, Clerk. St. Alien Rev. R. F. Fraser-Frizell, Rectory, St. Allen, Chairman. Mr. W. Carveth, Marasenvose, St. Alien, Clerk. St. Erme Mr. G. Hawke, Treworgan, St. Erme, Chairman. Mr. F. Truscott, 4. Vivian Terrace, Truro, Clerk. Kea ·J. C. Da-ubuz, Esq., Killiow, Truro, Chairman. Mr. J. L. Smith, , , Clerk. Kenwyn-The Yen. Archdeacon Cornish, Kenwyn Vicarage, Chairman, R. Dobell, Esq. Junr., River Street, Truro, Clerk. -Mr. T. Warne Pencrennow, Perranzabuloe, Chairman. Mr. W. Mitchell, Perranzabuloe, Clerk. Tregoney U.D. Mr. P. Thompson, Tregonhayne, Cuby, Chairman. Mr. G. H. Channon, Tregoney, Clerk.

REGISTRATION. Superintendent Registrar·-R. Marrack, Esq., Solicitor, Truro. Registrar of Marriage~ Mr. F. Truscott, 4. Vivian Terrace, Truro. Ojfices-7, Pydar Street, Truro. Place~ of Public Worship Registered for the Solemnization of Marriages-Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Union Place; Independent Chapel, River Street; Bible Christian ChapeL, St. Clement Street; Baptist Chapel, River Street; Methodist New Connexion Chapel, Castle Street; St. Georges Chapel, St. Georges Road ; St. Piran's Church, Chapel Hill, Truro. REGISTRARS OF .IRTHS AND DKATHS. St. Clement Sub-District comprising the Parishes of St. Clement, St. Mary, St. Alien, and St. Erme Mr. F. Truscott, 7, Pydar Street, Truro. Kenwyn Kenwyn and Tregavethan-:Mr. T. G. Hicks, Boscawen Street, Truro.

TRURO CUSTOMS 'ESTABLISHMENT. Green Stre(t. O.IJice Hours In-door, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Out-door, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. in summer. In winter the out-door hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Limits of the Port Messick Point, on the east side of Falmouth Harbour, to Mylor Church, on the west side, with all the channels and creeks within the same. Collector and s~rveyor (P.C.O. First Clasa) P. Me Grath. O~t-door Ojficer-W. Donaldson, (Acting E.O.) Principal Ooast Officer (Creek Point)-W. ~IacAdam. Boatman-(Malpas) A. B. Drew.

INCOME, LAND, AND ASSESSED TAX OFFICE. 2.6, Lemon Street. Srn11eyor of Ta:m.for the District F. W. Statham, Esq. 0/erlt A. E. Adams, Solicitor, Truro. Appeal meetings are held at the 0/erlt.'s Office, Prinees Strut.

ASSESSORS. St. Mary and St. Clement Messrs. Samuel Harvey and T. B. Davey. Kenwyn Messrs. W. Phillips and W. Knight.