Megascopic Study of Common Metamorphic Rocks
EXPERIMENT 9 MEGASCOPIC STUDY OF COMMON METAMORPHIC ROCKS Outline of Experiment____________________________ 9.1 Introduction Gneiss Expected Learning Skills 9.5 Non-foliated Metamorphic 9.2 Requirements Rocks 9.3 Basic Concepts Marble 9.4 Foliated Metamorphic Rocks Quartzite Slate 9.6 Laboratory Exercises Phyllite 9.7 References Schist 9.8 Learning Resources 9.1 INTRODUCTION You have learnt to identify igneous and sedimentary rocks both in hand specimens and thin sections in the previous experiments. In this experiment you will learn to identify megascopic characters of metamorphic rocks of foliated metamorphic rocks such as slate, phyllite, schist and gneiss and non- foliated metamorphic rocks such as marble and quartzite. 162 Experiment 9 Megascopic Study of Common Metamorphic Rocks ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Expected Learning Skills__________________________ After performing this experiment, you should be able to: ❖ identify texture and mineral composition of foliated metamorphic rocks such as slate, phyllite, schist and gneiss; ❖ recognise texture and mineral composition of non-foliated metamorphic rocks such as marble and quartzite; ❖ understand the facies and protolith of slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss, marble and quartzite; and ❖ discuss uses and Indian occurrences of slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss, marble and quartzite. 9.2 REQUIREMENTS You will require the following to perform this experiment successfully: • Hand specimens of slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss, marble, quartzite and hand lens. • Laboratory file, pen/ pencil and eraser. • You are instructed to draw the sketch of the hand specimen observed in the laboratory given by your instructor. Note: • Do not use pen/pencil/marker pen to mark the hand specimen of the rock. • Please do not attempt to break the specimens in the laboratory.
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