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HoustonChronicleLife&Entertainment Houston Chronicle | Sunday, July 19,2015 | and @HoustonChron Section G 777 ZEST ‘MotownIt’s allabout the music in’ Joan Marcus Krisha Marcano,fromleft,Allison Semmes and Trisha Jeffrey star in first national tour of “Motown, The Musical.” INSIDE TwoHoustonians star in the ensembletouring production By Joey Guerra Jr.Both grewuphere and have been What do these with the tour since it kickedofflast HSPVA grads Motown —the label, the music, year. the movement—made superstars “Every time we do this show, miss about out of Diana Ross, Smokey Robinson there’s something Ilearn about the Houston? and MichaelJackson. TwoHouston powerofMotown —the artists, Ashley Támar Davis: nativesare hoping “Motown: The the songwriters, from the secretar- Family, home cooking Musical”will put them on the map, ies to Mr.Gordy,”Davis says.“The and Houston’sartsscene. as well. common threadisthey hadadesire Jarvis Manning Broadway’s “Motown”extends to merge the gapbetween races and Jr.:Whataburger— theater’s recentspate of “juke- cultures.” and CreamBurgerfor box” musicals, showsbuilt Davis is bestknown by her strawberry shakes. on pop catalogs. In this case, stagename,Támar.She sang the unifying factor is not a THEATER the leadvocals with Prince particular singer or group, on his Grammy-nominated but arecord producer.With song “Beautiful, Loved Gordy tells book by BerryGordy, based and Blessed.” Shealso on his autobiography, the show collaborated with Tyler his story in chronicles Gordy’sfounding and Perryonseveral “Madea” operation of the Motown record stageplays. amemoir label, and includescovers of the Shewas in the group manyMotown hits, performed by an Girl’s Tyme with Beyoncé, Berry Gordywanted JARVIS Motowntobea ensemble cast.
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