Notes to Pp. 4-8 347 IS
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Notes to pp. 4-8 347 IS. Elgin told Grenville of his engagement on 21 January 1799. HMC, Fortescue, iv. 446. Notes 16. The information about the Nisbet fortune is contained in a short con temporary biography of Elgin in the periodical Public Characters, volume for 1807. Much of the other information, except where it relies on William Wittman's Travels in Turkey, Asia Minor and Syria Abbreviations used in the Notes (1803), is inaccurate. An income of this size would put the Nisbets BL Add. British Library Additional Manuscripts amongst the richest families in the country. BL Egerton British Library Egerton Manuscri~ts , 17. The Trial of R. Fergllsson, Esq. (1807),2. HMC, Fortescue, iv. 446. FO Foreign Office Papers in the PUb.hc Record Office,Kl:w 18. The unpublished letters between Elgin and Lady Elgin among the HMC Historical Manuscripts CommisSion Elgin Papers leave no doubt of the warmth of their relationship at NLS National Library of Scotland this time. 19. That Elgin borrowed money in 1797 is clear from [Select Committee], Report from the Select Commiuee of the House of Commons on the Chapter I: An Embassy is Arranged . Earl of Elgin's Collection of Sculptured Marbles (1816) (hereafter Historical Manuscripts Commission, Report on the Ms: ~jl /I\l~ te~. Select Commillee Report), p. xiv, where he is recorded as asking in 1. Fortescue Esq. preserved at Dropmore (1892-1927) (herea I' I8II for interest for fourteen years. The Elgin Papers contain letters 8 Fortescue), iv. 359, Elgin to Grenville, 4 November 179 .Anot Cl I from the Dowager Lady Elgin about her son's financial difficulties at in FO 78120. this time. 2. HMC Fortescue, iv. 380. f III 20. Colonel Anstruther to Elgin, 19 March 1799, Elgin Papers. 3 Gren~ille informed Spencer Smith at Constanti~o?le ~ ."; 11 21. Hunt to his father, 2 April 1799, Hunt Papers. For Hunt's earlier and . appointment on 18 December 1798 (FO 78/20). WlIllam 31 I Ill' later career see Eric Stockdale, Law and Order in Georgian DecembC~ told Arthur Paget of the appointment as early as 4 JI, Bedfordshire (1982). The Paget Papers: Diplomatic and Other Correspondence of R 22. Select Committee Report, 31. [Elgin], Memorandum on the Subject of Sir Arthur Paget (1896), i. 140 . ..' I' I I the Earl of Elgin's Pursuits in Greece (hereafter Memorandum), If. ~lso 4. NLS [055, fo. 120. Elgin alludes to his diSCUSSIOns with ( 1 B. R. Haydon, Autobiography and Memoirs, new edn. (1926), 206. 8266 Weymouth in a letter In BL Add. MS 3 , fo. 5· . I B. R. Haydon, The Diary ofBenjamin Robert Haydon, ed. W. B. Pope at '1 d f Elam's 11 For details of the earlier history of the faml y an 0 ",' 88 (1960-3), i. 86. 5· tion see Sydney Checkland, The Elgins 1766-1917 (.19 ). Select Committee Report, 2. Elgin (0 Lord Hawkesbury, 7 July 1801, the Elain Fencibles see the collection of letters m NLS soH 6. For '" .P FO 78/32. Elgin's Report on his Embassy, 27 July 1806, FO 78/54. 5087. More material among the Elgm apers. HMC, Fortescue, v. 91. The 'magnificent publications' are the works 7 HMC Fortescue, i. 603· published by the Society of Dilettanti, especially the early volumes 00 O~h.~r a.s\~\;,' 8: Earl Stanhope, Life of Pill (1861-2), iv. 4 . For .. of The Antiquities of Athens (by James Stuart and Nicholas Revett Eloin's early diplomatic career see HMC, Fortescue: I, 11, IU, et al.). MS 38266, fo. 5; Cambridge History of British Fomgn Po Ir cy , I 5. Farington, 22, 25, and 27 April and 23 May 1799. The offer to Robert 274· Srnirke is confirmed by his manuscript journal. See also Jonathan 9. HMC, Fortescue, ii. 184· Mayne, Thomas Girtin (1949),49, who quotes Morning Herald of 6 10. Ibid. iv. 276,95. r I fEt' abeth Lady 11,·1/, May 1799. II See, for example, remarks m The Journa OlZ . 6. Quoted in Thomas Girtin and David Loshak, The Art of Thomas 08 6 . 1791- 18n, edited by the Earl of Ilchester (19 ), \. 86, 14 . I Cirtin. (1954),38. vd Robert Tweddell, The Remains ofJohn Tweddell (181 .. I 12. Re 7· Farington, 27 April 1799· 49 ff. H. Select Committee Report, 32. 13. HMC Fortescue, iv. 42 5. ~ I l). A. H. Smith, 'Lord Elgin and his Collection', Journal of Hellenic 14. Lord Granville Leveson Gower, Private Correspondence /7· I Studies, 36 (1916),166. (1916), i. 262. 348 Notes to pp. 8-21 Notes to pp. 22-]2 349 30. Lord Holland, Further Memoirs ofthe Whig Party 1807-1821 (190. 9. Nisbet, 19· 336. Porson told Samuel Rogers that the offer had not been propel I, 10. Ibid. 22. made. Recollections of Ihe Table-Talk of Samuel Rogers 10 which I 11. Ibid. 25· added Porsoniana (1856),319. 12. He bought it at Rome for £1,000, but soon afterwards he was obliged 31. Robert Walpole, Memoirs relaling to European and Asialic Turl<n to sell it and it passed into the possession of the Duchess of Portland, (1817), pp. xv, 84. and then to the British Museum. 32. Gentleman's Magazine, 69, p. 369; Carlyle Papers. 13. A. Michaelis,Ancient Marbles in Great Brilain (1882), 109ff. 33. Elgin, Postscript 10 a Let/er 10 the Edilor of Ihe Edinburgh Revil'lt 14. Ibid. III, M. L. Clarke, Greek Studies in England, 1700-I830 (1945), (1815), q. 186. 34. The financing is described explicitly in Elgin's letter to IS. Smith, 'Lord Elgin and his Collection', 168. Liverpool. BL Add. MS 38266, fa. 5· 16. Ibid. 169, and Elgin to Dowager Lady Elgin,S October 1799, Elgin 35. HMC, Fortescue, v. 72. Papers. 36. BL Add. MS 38266, fo. 5· 17. Nisbet,30 ff. 37. Hunt to his father, 28 August 1799, Hunt Papers. 18. Quoted in Smith, 'Lord Elgin and his Collection', 171. 38. HMC, Forlescue, v. 250. 19. There is an account ofTheodor's extraordinary career by Karl Obser 39. Elgin to Dowager Lady Elgin, 10 September 1800, Elgin Papers. in Ekkhart-Jahrbuch (1930), 18. An engraved self-portrait is in the 40. Hunt to his father, 17 July 1799, Hunt Papers. Victoria and Albert Museum. For this information I am grateful to Frau Margrit E. Velte of Karlsruhe. Chapter 2: Great Events in the Levant 20. Smith, 'Lord Elgin and his Collection', 17 I ff. The drawings they made 1. FO 78124. For the general political and military history in this chapl in Sicily are among the Elgin collection. I have relied to a great extent on Christopher Herold, Bonapartf' I 2 r. Nisbet, 75. Egypt (1962), an excellent and well-documented account. Addit illll information comes from the FO 78 series of diplomatic records 11'1'1 'hapter 4: Reception at Constantinople ing to Turkey in the Public Record Office. 2. Quoted by Herald, Bonaparte in Egypl, 133· l. Tweddell, Remains, 262. HMC, Fortescue, iv. 438. Smith to Nelson, 24 3. C. A. Wood, A Hislory ofthe Levant Company (1935)· January 1799, quoted in Barrow, Life ofAdmiral Sir Wil/iam Sidney Smith., i. 251. 4. FO 78120. 5. The circumstances in which the Military Mission was sent are n:lill Spencer Smith to Grenville, 30 October r799, FO 78/22. in FO 78/25-7. Some details of its activities are in Wittman, Trrml HMC, Fortescue, iv. 476 ft. 6. John Barrow, Life and Correspondence ofAdmiral Sir William S/(/" Ibid. v. 3r6. Smith GCB (1848). Barrow, Life ofAdmiral Sir William Sidney Smith, i. 381. 6. Nisbel, 34ff. Hunt letters among Hunt Papers. Chapter 3: The Voyage Out 7. FO 78126. 1. The Letters of Mary Nisbel, Countess of Elgin (1926) (hel '1111 H. Nisbet, 39. Nisbel),7· Smith, 'Lord Elgin and his Collection', 182. 2. Hunt to his father, 16 September 1799, Hunt Papers. Memorandum,(r8I5 edition), 35. Wittman, Travels, 65. 3. Philip Hunt, A Narralive of What is Known Respecling Ihe LIIII. Walpole, Memoirs, 98. Remains of the Late John Tweddell (1816), 11. Wittman, Travels, 65. Robert Walsh, A Residence at Constantinople 4. Hunt to his father, 16 September 1799, Hunt Papers. (r836), i. 206. 5. Extracts from Morier's captured journal were published The word, like many transliterated from the Turkish, appears in French in Courier de l'Egypte, No. 70, p. 1. several Anglicized forms at the time which I reproduce as they stand 6. Hunt to his sister, 22 September 1799, Hunt Papers. in the documents. For the narrative I have used the modern Turkish 7. Nisbet, 12 ff. spelling as it appears in, for example, H. C. Hong, A Turkish English 8. Ibid. q. Dictionary (r957). 35° Notes to pp. 32-39 Notes to pp. 40-43 35 1 14· Nisbet,48. 19. The pencil drawing by Lusieri of the Elgins entertaining the Captain IS. Carlyle to Dr Paley, 10 December 1799, Carlyle Papers. Pasha to whist is reproduced in Checkland, The Elgins, 40. 16. Nisbet, 56. 20. Lady Elgin to her mother, Elgin Papers. 17. My account of Elgin's reception is drawn from several sources incllld 21. Lady Elgin to the Dowager Lady Elgin, 25 March 1802, Elgin Papers. ing Elgin's report and claim for expenses, FO 78/24, Lady Elgin'. 22. Examples in Checkland, The Elgins, II ff. letters in Nisbet, 40 ff., a long and detailed letter from Carlyle to 1)1 23. Ibid. 30. Paley in the Carlyle Papers, and a letter from Hunt to his fath 'I, 24. The taking of mercury is noted by Checkland, The Elgins, 41, 55, 9 December 1799, Hunt Papers.