Charles Smith Rachel Amy Bryant
CHARLES SMITH AND RACHEL AMY BRYANT Their Jncestors and Vescendants By TENNEY SMITH Printed by THE VERMONT PRINTING COMPANY BRATTLEBORO, VERMONT TennevJ Smith CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 9 PART I SMITH FAMILY 17 BRYANT FAMILY THE WOMEN'S SIDE OF THE STORY FAMILY HISTORY DESCENDANTS OF CHARLES AND RACHEL SMITH THOSE WHO MADE THE OVERLAND JOURNEY TO CALIFORNIA 86 COATS OF ARMS, SMITH AND BRYANT PART II EMIGRANT ANCESTORS AND GENEALOGIES PAGE CHART OF ANCESTORS 95 FAMILIES PAGE PA.GE Allen, George 98 Marcelis 212 Alling, Roger 100 Morrell, Henry 214 Ames, William 106 Nash, Thomas 215 Babcock, David 107 Parker, Edward 219 Barrell, George IIO Peck, Henry 221 Bassett, William 112 Reyer, Elbertse 223 Beadles, Samuel 113 Rose, Robert 225 Bird, Thomas 115 Shaw,Jop.n 229 Blott, Robert 118 Smith, R'alph 231 Botsford, Henry . 120 Standish, Myles 250 Bower, George 122 Talbot, Peter 255 Bryant, Stephen 124 Tart, Thomas 265 Bunnell, William 1 55 Turrell, Daniel 266 Clark, James 156 Van Zant, Joseph 269 Clark, William 158 Vose, Robert 276 Colbron, William 16o Wentworth, William 279 Collins, Joseph 169 Wheeler, Thomas 287 Co!lins, William 172 Williams, Matthew 289 Hawes, Richard 173 Williams, Richard 324 Hicks, Richard 176 Williams, Thomas 329 Hobart, Edmund 177 Williams, Willoughby 33 2 Humphrey, Jonas 181 Wilmot, Benjamin 333 Jones, Aquila 184 Winston, John 334 Knowles, Richard 187 Wyatt, Edward 335 Ludington, William 191 SOCIETY OF THE DESCENDANTS OF THE BARONS 282 THE SHIPS THEY CAME ON INDEX 347 ILLUSTRATIONS Tenney Smith Frontispiece FACING PAGE Charles Smith 17 The House of Capt. William Smith Rachel Amy Bryant Smith Photostat Copies of the Records in the Family Bible of Jesse Bryant The House of Zopher Williams (top) 57 The Barn of Zopher Williams (bottom) 57 Grave Stones of Seth Smith, Sally Jones Smith, Chaun cey Smith, Jesse Bryant 63 'T'line Ul\1v111 /f'•11 er" 68 The "Chief Electrician" 77 Orrin Ernest Smith.
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