EXPO 2015


Vicente G. Loscertales Secretary General Bureau International des Expositions

Dear President of the Republic of , Dear Commissioner General of Expo Milan 2015, Dear CEO of Expo Milan, Dear Commissioners General, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is a memorable occasion in the life of Expo 2015 Milano. Today, after six months of wonderful presentations from all over the world, we can say that Expo 2015 is a great success. It is a success for the Republic of Italy, for the City of Milan and not least, for the Bureau International des Expositions and its Member States.

Expo 2015 Milan has shown that with a powerful and relevant theme, a strong wish to succeed and full commitment from both the host country and the international participants, a World Expo captures global attention.

Expo 2015 has succeeded in putting into the spotlight the critical theme of global nutrition. It has encouraged discussions and exchanges between governments, corporations and experts. It has increased the understanding of the public of the importance, difficulties and challenges faced in relation to feeding the growing population of our planet.

Expo 2015 has made its place in the history of Expos; it is the result of years of dedicated work by the host country, the organisers, the BIE and the participants who have devoted their energies to realise a successful Expo.

For Italy, the Expo has supported its efforts as an international leader in addressing global nutrition. Along the years of preparation and during the course of the Expo, the organisers have believed in the Expo project, have established a dialogue with the public, have achieved a beautiful and visitor-friendly site and tried constantly to improve its operation.

For the participants, Expo 2015 Milan has been a special place to present their ideas and projects. They have captured the full universal scope of “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” which indeed touches all aspects of our existence: health, the economy, politics, technology, science, cultural identity, and many other domains.

For the millions of visitors, Expo Milan has been a memorable and vivid experience. Their happy and proud faces are a gauge and a testimony to the success of EXPO Milan 2015. It is this pride that we have seen on their faces that we will transmit to the next host through the handover of the BIE flag.

Now, that we have reached the end of this successful journey, I would like to wholeheartedly thank the Italian Government for its strong involvement and commitment, and show my full appreciation to the organisers, to the CEO of Expo Milan 2015, all the Directors and members of staff, as well as to the participants, the volunteers and all those who have contributed actively to making Expo 2015 Milan a magnificent event!

Thank you.