iitantl|fBter AvStifft Dafljr Net Pr6ss Ras Fw an Itarth a t M ar. W4B Maad— tar Orange will — •* t^ South End W ater Paf^r Salvage RED M EN ^ aomw night at ft orcleck la Betrothed 9 , 7 2 5 aage balL^irary member la urged Supply A(l^[uate to attend .as aeveral mattera rel> Breaks Record » a t m A u sn '■"' ' ffi^llllir lS iM^' JumoOMr atfvo to the aotlvltlaa of the local tati w5*R55M Era5^»wti»g of Orange during the aummer montha Water Oepaftmant Hngiaear nuJimiiii initiffCinft ttW p. m. will be dlacuaaed. Refresh menu n «d Thrall of tbe town water de­ Collection' for the Month at Oanp l55M r»dd. A eewed will be eerved following the meet­ BINGO partment said today that while TINKER HALL, MAIN ST. dMi mippm «rffl iM ' Wjoyad, ai^ ing by a committee headed by consumption a t w ater In the aoutb Amounts to 95,040 VOL. LX Vin.. NO. U7 mS^Hmuvui<3em^ >»▼• b«Hi Ruth Matdiett. part of town is up by la ^ maaa- tm rlto&' urs, the supply atm appears ade­ Pounds for Tonm . Mr. and Mra William F. Biltler quate for the present. Every Tuesday Night IMUor WaHHwr «t Urn A a g tlw o f ftft BlaaeU atreat le ft yesterday "Oin: atovags.la not yet lew,” Payer coUectlen fer the nsonth DOOR PRIZE for AUantic Oty where they wUI $400,000 Fire Destroy* Theater imd Stores u ia tiM Baat for throo Thrall said, “and we think we are of May reached a total of 96,040 Playiiur Starts At 8—Aad Yea Doa’i Stay Late m S S i oad wm ^pwd the awjor spend a week. They will attend a In good ahape.” Democrats Accept pounds, one of tbe heaviest c^lac- p u t a t th t tiUM wttb ida paraati. Paper Makers' convention. Mr. He said, however, that since Sfi. n d Mr*. DoTld Worinor of » Butler la superintendent of the June 6 dally consumption a t w ater tiona yet reoordad. Of this sum,' St Ml— otroot. Ho U autnacM- Sanitary. Paper mill at Burnside. la up about 20 per cent. On June-0 47,970 pounds were collected In the •aa^^At biqrar of children a the day's use was about 1,200,000 4mtheaat eectioii. Using tha ate Republican Bu^et; la OhftMCh’a Dattartmant The Bpworth Circle of South gallons, while on June 12 it was months’ average for ate moaths aton ln 'loa Angalaa. and la hare Methodist church will meet to­ 1,500,000 gaIlona.i prevloua to tha ending of tbe war THE STRAWBERRY’SEASON OB a biodnt trip. night at 115 Russell street, at Town water department records aa 100 per cent the coUectloa In 7:46. Show that rainfall has been very this area for May represents 220 lUr. Frad Banaen of Meriden light for over a month. The last par cent CollectioaB te the other IS A T H A N D 3 Bills for Bonds win ba the qtaaker at Kmanuel The Center Thespians will hold fall, which amounted only tp 1ft three sections were as follows: a picnic and their annual meeting hundredths of an inch came on Northwest 18.475 pounds or 98 lartberan cfaurdi tonight whan Mpnura*l^!tevar m U S ^ e o S r aad that Is by QUICB FBBEMWQ the Brotherhood hoMa lU Ladlea* tomorrow night at 6:80, at Cen­ May 80 and before that on May 27 per cent: Northeast, 11.700 poonda Old Stumbling Block Wght program at ft o’clock. Spe­ ter Springs park. In the event of tbe rainfall was only 12 hun­ or 65 per cent; and Southwest Chinese Floods cial nmalc and rafraahmenta of rain the supper and meeting will dredths of an Inch. 21,895 pounds or 188 per cent Prevents Completion o f a tia wbeir y abortmUca and coffee take place in Woodruff Hall, Cen­ Walter a WaSSeB Despite the drop In the price of W« Will Do the Quick Freexing for will eemplaU the evening. ter church. Miss Mildred Simpson wmste paper the average tonnage Bnsiness at Special Hamper Drive Declares Estimate Had Food, Apron Sale Welletlay, Maaa., Juqa 14— being coUected by the PMtar'CoI- You (20 deg. below zero) ond Hgvo No R elief Seen Admitted Ex-Red OommlaaloB lU on Christian Mr. and Mrs. Georgs Simpson, Among the Conaactleut men grad­ lection method la incraaalng ataadi- Semion of General Walter Pater Vaupea of 467 Education will meet tonight at 8 of 71 Branford street, announce Been Mounting All Hocth Mala atreat, who received uating with the degree, of Bache­ ly and the average net Income to Assembly; Will Con­ at the North Methodist church. the engagement of their da^hter. In Q uarryville the hospital is In excess of 1276 per Lockers Available for Storage Report 20,000 Through 1948 But No the dwree of aaaodate of arta Miss Mildred Simpson, to Walter lor of Science in Businese Admin- For Dry Spell Mra. W. C. Krauae wlU be chair­ ietratlon from Babeon Bistltuta on m ont^ ■trawhicriea thad ysu vene Again Tomorrow at HtUyer. OoUega Conunence- man of the affair. R. Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oat a lecher new aad an It with Bowl* a Information Before aMBt, Sunday, received bla de- Ronald H. Ferguson, of 257 Ernst The lAdies Aid Society of the June 18, will be Walter C. Wad­ aB the vest ef the year. graa with bcoore.. Center street. United Methodist church of Bol­ dell. aon of Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Bogged Down Nation Faces Drougkt Commission Until The choir of the Second Con­ WaddHI of 8S1 Mala street. He BulIetiBl gregational church will bold a re- Miss Simpson was graduated ton, formerly the. QuarryviUe with the 1945 class from Manches­ church, have decided to add a food has majored in the study-of Fi­ Stats CapltsL Hartford, Canton, June 16—(ffV-The Com­ Threat; Forest Fire Member Made Rou­ hearaal Thursday night instead of nance dnring hia couree at the In- L. T. Wood Locker tonight as previously announced. ter High school and is employed by and apron aala, Friday evening, Juno 18,1— -n« General munist southbound offensive was Danger Is Imminent tine Trip to Hanford Bsy ’Em Tb* Bos the Travelers Insurance Company. when they are serving their annu­ ■titute. HALE’S TELEPHONE 8424 • Asaeaibly woridns until 1 a. Persona plawing to attend the S. Mr. Ferguson Is a graduate o f reported bogged down today by a Choral club picnic will please al strawberry supper. The hours Waddell le a graduate of Valley Early in This Year .CANDY BARS Manchester High school, class of F orge M ilitary . Academ y In Headquarters uL, today poshod throagh a Hoods that have taken 20,000 lives A mid-June beat wavs aad niake reaervations with Mra. are from 6:80 to 7:00, and the In China’s "R ice bow l." 1944, after which he served with menu will include sliced boiled W a3me, Pennsylvania, and has RopabH^ • drafted bndget drought threatened crops and fan­ Bos of 21 —95c Mary Colpitta, not later than the Army Air Force for 21 montha The death toll waa reported by Washington, June 15.—(iP) June 18. ham, baked beans, salmda, pickles, served a«'a first lieutenant in the FOR that brooght froai Gov. ned feara of serious forest fires In He is employed in the mechanical Army, Including service In the Eu­ the Nstionallsta’ official Osntnd — Senator Hickenlper (R „ rolls, coffee and etrmwberry abort- Chostor Bowles (D) the dec- News agency. It gave no source tbe northesstem states today. Ardmr Drag Store department of The Herald. cake with whipped cream. ropean theater. Iowa), charged today that No date has been set for the laratiea that ’Hhere isa’ > aa for the report which was not con- Meanwhile, as tbe death toll In Those who' have not already Beginning July 1, he will be as­ &rmed sisawhers. the Atomic Energy commis­ wedding. sociated with the Travelers Insur­ benest-auditor la the whole the New Ehigland heat belt mount­ made reservations should tele­ Central News said the dood vic­ IMunago aaMinateS a t ohs« tka fUM SS destroyed an 86-year-old theater and two stores and threatened sion didn’t even know that STRAWBERRY phone Mrs. John Erickson of Mrs. ance Company in tbe M'ethoda and state ef Conaectieut who tims ware In the Hengyang area the eatira dewatuora hoelaeaa ed to IS in the last three days, Planning Department a t Bridgeton, N. J. FlreoMn escaped Injury when the theater the prospective cost of a Herald Lee. cooM approve it with a about 270 air miles north of this rireet with brirk aad Samlag debris. (AP wirepboto). the flesh floods end etorms in A NEW HOME? refugee capital on tha Canton- Hanford, Wash., plant had SHORTCAKE AUTO GLASS straight nee.” north Texas took the Uvea o f 11 Hankow railway. Hangyang is In persons. skyrocketed from $6,000,000 DESSERT MIRRORS State < Capitol, Hartford, Hunan province, one of China'a In tbe Pacific northwest, there to $25,000,000 uqtil a mem­ If yda are planning to build or boy a atw hooM, oar richest rice-producing areas. Civil'Servants also appeared danger of forest ber made a routine trip there Thursday, June 16 June 16.—(ff)—The General Crops WUI Boanr C l^k Derides Rumor fires because of lack of rain for early this year. mortgage department can asaiat yoo in chooelng tha typa Aasembly sitting until 1. a. If tha Sood sitnatloa la aa seri­ C:S0 to 7:30 P. M. weeks. Fire haxaids are reported Yet all through 1948, Hicken- m., today, approved a Repub­ ous as tbe news agency Indleatad, Go on Strike in the forests of northwest Wash­ Dr. SVaak F. Oppeabetmer told looper declared, the cost estimate Fashion Note... of flMncing begt auitod to youT eirenamtancca. erm will suffer heavy damage. ington and Northern Idaho as wcU the House Un-American Activities Bolton Congregational lican-drafted budget and Government railway sources Hoover Quitting Job had been mounting million by bonding program, but fell aa in the cascade mountaina and conmilttee that he had been a million. Work was started in here said trains still were running 700.000 in France on the coastal foresta of Waahinglon Communist party member for C h u r c h Ranges, Refrigeraton to Hengyang and some reported 1947 under a contract with Gen­ over an old stumbling block and Oregon. three years prior to Ms wartimr eral Electric Corp. The plant was that prevented it from com- the nooda subsiding. ‘Warning* Walkout To< Attorney General Says ' ...... Cmmay, I— Anepteee Ledlee Bcnevelcat Wkfthersand All Central News also reported— But over much of the middle | work on the atomic bomb project. designed to put the production of Society ideting the business of its da^; Wage Hike Aim west, showers and thunderstorms He le the brother of atomic eclea- plutonium on sn aasembliy Uns •-4IWIUMI- Mr. Beck will be without further conflrmatlon— No* Difference of NeWS TidbitS basis. lawh li. Hanlasd T-Saftft Other Appliances THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. epectel aeaelon. that the Kweichow provlnelal cap­ havs brought nseded moisturs to ttet Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer. Adalta S6e—Cbildrea S6e R w ill convene RgRln tom orrow farmers, brightening an already (NEA telephoto). MANCHESTER. CONN. ital of Kweiyang had been exten­ Paris, June 16—proved general Floods In that area presumably beer . . . ReUglous leader from are in tbe 80s on the coast and in tains Loyalty; Sought costs. AIR CONDITIONING FURNACES fund appropriation bill allocating would affect also thoae Nationalist Jobe almost 100 per cent by noon. nage trial. To a flat question Turkestan In Soviet Central Aala remodeling of your the 90s Inland. Unemployed Solution Hicksnlooper quoted" Ois report Waste N ot — Want Not $7,200,000 ta atate aid to help mu- forces grouped along the east side aa to^whatber Hoovar “ hsa charges Russia haa beqn conduct­ of the Changsba-Hengyang sec­ Forsst Sre hasnrda ars at ths u M y^ that a ventUaUng's^ FOR nlclpalitlea build achoola and 88,- snfiirwrrass’i, resigned, offered ta resign er in­ ing aatt-MsalMS pnrgn ever slnoe peak In New Jersey, now In the fur coal into a love­ t tion of the Canton-Hankow rail London aqd Algiera, but this aft­ and «6 war. Washington, June 16 — (JS) — tern when ready t o r . InstaUatkn______, NEW HOMES AND OLD 200,000 to tha Unlvereity a t Con­ dicated ha aslght resign,” CtSHf ! 24th day of a dnn^t, and with MA «l i^.s«.as V. necticut. Itee. ernoon cancelled long Invitation for Congress to leave Atomic Scientist Frank Oppea- was found not to fit the building ly cape...... a very old saying, but as applicable to present day ait* Daageroas RIae aC Taagtae s n ip e d : no rain forecast before late Thurs­ for which it wae intended. He FOR Iwelet ea Bead Plaa flights to New York, Osiro, Saigon "Hell, -no!" Washington’s hot weather and eet day. Truck farmers face serious heimer, aa admitted former Oom- The Democrats Inalited tbeae Repona reoelTsd hers told of a' and Buanos Alrea, for i»ck c t op ehsp hi Idaho comes from Rep­ munist, apparently is not going to said the report eeid it was evan- BUILDERS AND HOME OWNERS nations as the day it was coined. dangerous rias ef the Tangtas weather information. A spokeemaa for Hoover re­ damage to the crops. In Fair- tuaUy necessary to build a new projects should be financed through sponded to all inquiries with "no resentative Sanborn (R-Idaho)... lawn, N. J., police declared a state be pinned down to telling House In this area June has been a delightfully sunny one thus river n tar Nanking. Ths^ river at A bout SO par cent of the work­ Investigators whether some of the building. ; Your fur' coat will borida, acme laaued by the atate Hankow In central China waa re­ com m ent." Georgia adds No. 26 to unbroken of emergency because of the low and some by munlcip^tlea. ers In Paris' famsd sswsrs wirs string of nasolved Negro OACh- water supply. The only bright people he knew were Reds, too. Hickenlooper said Dr. Robert F. far, but unusnislly dry. There has been little or no rain in ported about 10 feet below U)S out on strike. About SO per cent of The resignation reports were Bacher, a former AEC nsember, ^ be transformed into That same question, whether to record high of nearly 92 feet therb. published today In a copyrighted lage ... Big air war to head off' spot in the dry picture was the Chairman Wood (D-Ga) of the 1 MfWKKB Ca»M VOU SET finance the University of Connect­ the primary schools and 40 per new grasshopper plague starts on possibility of a good hay crop. House Un-American Activities learned of the Increased oost on a over three weeks with winds of more than usual brisknefts The only military action was re­ cent of tbe eecondery echoola re­ story In the Washington Ttmes- trip to Hanford early this year end I fC /ff«vr/^fC REWAtMS ^ a style that is aa icut project through bonds or gen­ ported in northwest China. Cen­ Heraid which began; ranges of Wyoming and Montana Soaking rains are needed to end committee said that Oppenheimer Ti^T skuwaeTnents falling j 9Sth street, Chicago. On aanther Army Gray is to get a formal re­ got calls about It. P. Beuther, president of CIO body were papers bearing the aaBsn for the whole summer season, it would be dtnenright common Amendment to Require More Than 1,000,000 due today will have to be Impres- 1 Jean- B. Kline, Coroner T. OL quest from the Senate's spscial In­ With regard to dark's refer­ United Automobile Workers, says sive to hold the deficit as low as i sense to be reasonably conservative in the use of water now Unions to Bargain in vestigating subcommittee to delay ence to The Tlmea-Herald story, administration la aware of unem­ 51.200.000. 000 or even 81,500,000.- j Police Take Man from Gernceweld eald the vlctkae wan all executions ordered by U. S. Farm Workers Stage Waldrop had only this to say: nppnrently two men nad two Here’e a aea- ployment problem and "will push 000. Freight Train; Find so that a prolonged drought would not necessitate severe re­ Good Faith Comes First War CMmes courts until the "To quote from an eminent aggresaively for corrective steps." women. vosriblapiaesaf 24 - Hour Walkout With the government heading • • • Army's inspector general has com­ American, J. Iklgar Hoover: ‘No (Barred wreckage and tall fln that deep into the red this year Saw Blade in Shoe ■any prealcel usee. Prisearily a strictions in the nse o f water. pleted a new overall review. Sees "PreevnpHea at OaUt” Washington. June 15—(iP)—The Roms, June 15—(J’)—More than comment’ ’’ painted with yWllow "X ’s" to —after two consecutive years of sat fee sdamiSe fcedieg The six Malmedy cases already News To White Rouse designate it as "old crash" are sn siirplu."!— there was some specula­ Washlngten. Jane 16—— pcogNM, it caa i m be aaad as a MANCHESTER ripening flelds today In a 24-bour Shortly before Clark was that remain of Navy transport tion over whether the president dersecietnry of State Jamea B. its labor debate today after five Chairman Hoey (D., N. C.) dis­ William D. Messamore, accused Webb declared today that Bneela bkehair. Chair locks iatmoclT is ing after sundown? This is the best time to water gardens closed late yesterday that the new agricultural strike led by Commu­ reaced, Waite. House reporters plane which carried seven men to might" take the qccaslon to renew pteceoa table, wboea days of speech-making. , nists. Heavy police reinforcements asked Press Secretary Charles G. their death Monday night in Santa his January request for a 84,000,- bank robber who slugged two and three Soviet eatellltea ‘Vxeat- and lawns, as dnring the heat o f the day the sun almost steams request was agreed on at a closed- ed a prcaamptlon ef gidK agatant wide base piovidae Democratic Leader Lucas of door session of the Investii^Ung guarded against, outbinsks. Ross whether he had any comment Monica mountains ... Coalition of 000,000 tax Increase. deputy jailers and escaped the Illinois said an amendmsnt to rs- The farm strike was accompan­ on the report. Rapublicana and southern Demo­ Outlook Worse Now themselvee” by refaslag to act on in a , aoo-cippiag ee- tender plants and gram as the water rapidly evaporatm. group, which U part of the Senate McCracken, county jail at Padu­ ■hargee the eatcllltm havn vlelnt quire uttlona to bargln in good Bxpenditurss committee. ied by the threat of a gensraJ “It certainly is news to tbe crats, dioutlng for sconomy. line The budget outlook has turned PUBLIC MARKET cah early 'hiiaday. was captured ed treaty pledgee. Webb ta a slato- worse since Mr. Truman aaked lAewise, though the use of a spray nozde of some type faith would be taken up first. Ptaae Trip Te Ikirope strike by soma 6,000,000 ifoUqwsrs White Houee,’’-^e said, "and I use up sgainst big honsiag b>U Presi­ It la one o f fou r bipartisan of tbe Oommunlst-Mntrolled Qen- dent Trumsn promised In cam- the tax Increasq to overcome a here today. mant njeeted n "ta h a r a B svM 805 MAIN ST., NEXT TO W. T. GRANT m . on your garden hose is a fine choice for best coverage, please The action came: aa a- Senate eententten the UnMod Statea by amendments to the admlnstra- Armed Services subconunittee, •rN Labor OonfsdsraUon (CGu-). (Oonttaned m Page Fourteen) paign. deficit he estimated at 8873.000.- Messamore was seized in an do not place thi* in your garden or on your lawn and let it ran tlon'e labor bill, which would rs- headed by Senator Baldwin (R., The nation’s farm woricera ware OOO for the new fiscal year be­ open railroad car. preaaing the ehargee waa Inter- pcal the Taft-Hartley act and re­ Ck>nn.i, waa planning a special trip called into town for big leftist ginning Julv 1 (congressional staff "He was wet as a rat and white faring In tbe tatnraai nffnin at while you do yonr shopping, visiting or ran it dnring the en- f place It with an enlarged version to Europe to round out Its lengthy demonstrationa In support of lo­ estimators say this will be tripled as a Sheet," Caldwell County the three Bemnnla, ■angary and of the original Wagner act. in actual practice) and to permit Balimrin. inquiry of Army conduct In the calised farm strikes which have Sheriff W. O. Towery, one ef the • • • tire night. TTiis practice certainly will alleviate dryness- Approval Expectad trial of Germans charged with been In progress for 28 days. Labrador Iron Ore Seen a substantial reduction- In the captors, said. Approval of the four amend­ tak(ng part in the warUme masea- $251,600,000,000 Federal debt. AtonOe Cm tnl DsImH D e U jo i hut only in one spot— and unfortunately the residue gathers The local strikes occurred In tbe For expiring fiscal 1949, expen­ Offers No Raeistanee The Bdi»A 1 ments was expected without much cre of American prisoners near rich Po vaUey in the north, the Im jjneeeee, Jnae If—Offi— opposition. Malmedy, Belgium. Asset for New England ditures have been holding close to Sheriff Towery, Princeton Po­ enough waste water through pools and tricklcf to find its way farm area around Roma and the lice Chief Roy Rosser and Deputy United Natloae Atendc Energy Going Out Of Business!! The changes, which would make Usually congressional commit­ the pace of President Truman’s cowmleelen delegatee today " barren aoll of ApuUa.in the south. January estimate of 840,180.000.- Sheriff Lonnie Croft' caught Mes­ to the gutter, thence to the stormwater sewer. IToter used the administration bill somewhat tees are vary cautious about mov­ Five persona have been killed, off debate on werM atonSc eentrel more like the Taft-Hartley act, Durham, N. H., June 15—(e>—ASbly less per ton -than can steel 000. which counted on an 18 per samore. He offered no resist­ ^elriS rSE i aa fc tM ha seed ing into each oUieria fields. The jKotea Injured and hundreds ar­ ance and was unarmed. natU the Mg Sre i in this fashion benefits no one, not even the penon wasting it. would: apparent head'^n clash in this case Huge Labrador Iron ors dsposlts from ■* Pittsburgh.' cent Inciease over fiscal 1948. ea a plaa. el*ar ee a dimwe table ec far pter- rested for acta i t violence in tbe Receipts Running Isiwer Sheriff Towery said be found a nm avad ia> 1. Require unions to bargain on follows an earllsr dispute between local walkouts. will be tapped In 1952 end can be (Stos Fignrea to Back Claims J the M g S Lease Ended! All Prices Slashed! W e do not wish to work a hardship on anyone, and Speaking before the New Ham- Revenue receipts, however, have hacksaw blade . in Messamore'a request. His administration bill Baldwin and Senator McCarthy States^ ~ The eXHL’s Information office deUvernd to New England at the 'been running almost 10 per cent right shoe. lB^aaiMaaa< there is actually no need for anyone to deprive themselves o f would apply this only to employ- (R -W ls). claims that the Farm Worksra shire Eteecutive Management In­ a n . McCarthy, a member of the Ex­ same prtca as Mesabl era reachen stitute, Dickson cited figures to below lost year Instead of the 6.2 Messamore, who slugged Depu­ confederation, affUlatad with the ty Jailer,William Owings aad the water— that is if everyone will remember to use water In rea­ 2. Require union and company penditures group, recsntly walked Duluth, Minn., a New England back hla claim that there Is a "de­ per cent below that Mr. Truman ^ a a faadiaii the f central U)bor body, baa 2,000.000 anticipated in his estimate of a officer's son, Bobby, was placed Stock Up With Bargains! leaders to sign non-Oommunlst out of the Armed Services Inquiry mamberA The office predicted council spokeaman declared today. cisive change in the nature of New sonable amounts and not waste iL The thoughtlcft* wasting end non-Fasciat affidavits—unless with a blast that it was "a white­ England’s manufacturing eco­ 839.580.000. 000 total Intake this in the Caldwell jail here. Ha VsUl "nearly all membere" weuld join The HoUinger-Henna company, year. be taken to EddyviUe prison or of water now-eonld result in a critical need later on and thii the union or the company itMlf wash” of Army methods. today’s walkout. nomy" away from tnxtUaa and to­ which owns the vast deposits in ward metal working. For that reason, the thterlro to a jail at Bowling Green. effectively bene Communiata and PqMie Reprlmaad Olven However, ^ there waa no indica­ b a condition we wish to avoid. Fascists from Its Isadsrship, in Baldwin vl^roqaly dstUsd this Labrador and Qucbeci start Between 1939 and 1947. he eald. deficit—which means excess ef Police StM TialB SAVE!! SAVE!! SAVE!! which csss no affidavits would be tion whether aon-Communtst wbor supplying ths era IS months aheqd spending ever Income to date— The-Caldwell officers, tetermad and publlel>- raprimanded McCar- unlona, which have supported the the establishm ent e f 2,000 nedr . M ^ we again suggest that you do your watering after^ required. thy for getUng angry after Mc­ of the schedule anneuncsd last metal working plaata added more ■teod abeve 82,000.000,000 with that Massamore might bs on the loca l Harm strikes, would back to­ year, according to Publicity Direc­ less than three weeks left ta ths TUinois Central freigh t train PRACTICALLY NEW FIXTURES FOR SAI.E sundown for maximum results, using only one hose per piet'o 8. Require unions and com­ Carthy's proposal to use a lls-de- day’s stoppage. than 200,000 new jobs. The per­ panies to flie flnsnrial Veporta. doctor on Army Interrogators wae tor Wallace Dtclcson.'' centage of metalworkers to ths fiscal yssr. which left Paducah early today, 4. Guarantee "free speech" lA Farm workers now receive about The Labrador ore is understood total labor force jumped from 26.5 A sharp pickup la collscttons stopped the train and snw o f inroperty to avoid low pressure conditions that would upset turned down. The InvesUgators 20,000 lire (835) a month. Labor labor relations as long as neither to be richer than tha(t mined at ths to 36A In tbe same period. a-ould be necessary to pars that more crouching In the car behind KEMP'S had denied accusations that they leaders want thoas wagsa boosted the normal reqniramentB o f water in the home? union nor management makes had used brutal methods in ob­ great Mesabl flHds|te Mlnnewita. At the oama Uma, Dickson not- down to 81,500.000,000 or below by the angina. Princaton la about 60 statements containing any to near parity with industrial sal- he hdded. sd, textils employment inersassd June 30. Bren the nermaHy miles nocthsast a t Paducah la MANCHESTER taining evidence for the Malmedy arias which now averaga about "throqt, expraas or ImpUsd, or triglfi. "We are now told that u Into- by only 5,800 and 906 planta. heavy tax payments reeetvsd la waetsni Ksntudqr. THE MANCHESTER WATER COMPANY seprisal er feres , be copipleted Tbe Farm Woriesrs confedera­ be paym ents o f about 8IJSOO.OOO,- Malmedy c ssm would Uve until tlie tion.yesterday rejected a govem- Armed Semese eubcommlttec 000 In interest on the debt, which (GoJteaad on Page Psdrtasa) m ert wmga proposal as Insifffi- completed Ita inquiry. cisnL now costa more th%i |5,000;000,- OOO a year. ...U” MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CUNN., WEDNBBUAY, JUNE 15, 1949 with both rides apparenUy etwag- PAGB having holmer told roporUra, ho lag iwt SB the MU in dispute. Won’t N am e __ , ______"whoa I working far hla Doctor af Philoa- AU were agreed that peeL__ special meeting all o f the appro­ new building inspector, and $500 Baptist church will hold its annual kaow aotfeiaf agalaat tkom.” nity to exercise toeir franchise. ophy dagroa at tbo Oailfornla In* of a budgat toek away much of The last Town meeting proved that priations asked by the City Oonn- for the City co")’’ w^re granted. picnic this evening at toe cottage Rapraaentatlvo VoMa tit., HU. atitute 5 t Tochnology at Paaa- Clhapman Court, Order af tha preasura by eUmioatlag the cU, $847.24 for legal feea, $1,600 Oottag of M r and Mrs. ^ginald Kent at TH IS WEEK... E X T R A ’^ Red Friendf auggoaUd the wltneaaea be wam- tate we dfd not have the jtoyeical fauil- aeed for speedy action. The eUte S The Men’s Ciuu ot the R ^kvU e (Jryatnl Lake. ^ dena and later teaming at Staui* Amaranth, will moot Friday ava« Itlee to acoommodate toe votera for salaries and expensas of the ad about panaltlaa for rofuaing to ford unlverolty at Palo Alto. ' ning at 8 o’clock in toe Maaonic etarts: operating with tha ,^ew and taxpayers interested In toe (Ooaliaaoe from Pago Oao) anawar quaatlena. ^ budget July l. > NOW FLATIMO But aa for contempt action, Letter Conunendo 8er>1ce Temple. A penny auction. for school laaue. Certain people seem­ Cash Oppenheimor produced a letter which toa mombara a n raqiMated (C'oatlaued from Page flat) The Senate refuted to set last T o ^ Meeting ingly de not wish to place theee gioaago. and know of nobody alaa Wood told roportera. "I don't written to him by MaJ. Gen. L*a- to bring articlaa, will follow toa night on a scora or mora of aepa- lasuea on tbo voting mschinee and who baA know that It would holp." rate ^propriatloa Mils, moat of we challenge them to state toeir Oppanbelmer aald be and hla lie It. Grovea, wartime head of buiinesi session. It is also raquoat- but couldn’t because there Ware M a WaUdna BroOwra But timo and again, bo and hla too few nMmbera pieaent a oonatl- toam ealUag' for aapandlturea of Tliis Evening reasons pubUcly, E alT lB ator’ SMtMt. wlfo docUned to oajr ndiotfaor rarl> wuowlfo joinedlomeu wthe o v^ommuiu.-Communlita while the atom bomb p r o ji^ •*’*” !?* sd that thoss who hava aold itoma a relatively few thousand doUan. aooking an answer to probloma of ing "grateful thanks for your in- of greeting cards make returns at tute aquonun. In such a situation The Citizens committee urges Wttt*. alu»t s m or eoD oua ai*iFH‘n**"*^— worn Coininun* the rules say a rscesa can bS called It did approve, however, one bill k* fl'rieO every voter and taxpayer to attend at atoia for Cntop Blank.. iota. Oppenboinaor aald ho didn’t SSoyment «d w«t In toe J?. this meeting which la too last appropriating a total of about TfCMNKQtOBV ««l#«UtlCaOtf* School Queation Is Up toe Town' meeting this evening at world’s ' wealUUeat naUon. He en behalf of toe War Department for the season. No special degree only until toe next seaslon day. “broak off any triondablpa" wban and toe American people. The let­ Only two of the 92 Democratic $800!000 for various Institutions PLUS: “INCIDENT* 7 p. m. at toe Recreation Field aprpa toa Columbia Lake cottaga of Miss one it had before It in the heotio and $4,098,101 from other special WiU meet this evening at 8 o'clock olealng houre o f tho regular aaa- funds. la called for seven o’clock in order at toe G.A.R. haU. Oor free dalivary Bsrnirs Juul, trsasurer of tot tost u much of toe nueting may YOU CAN OWN THE REST GuUd. ^ slon a week ago tonight. It did not During Its regular session, tos ■3 5 ^ 1 Dog Roast and Picnic •aniet is ivsilabla act on It then. Legislature - also made $6,400,000 be held by daylight aa possible. The Women’# CouncU of too Ver­ . te yos for all yosr . «It oalla for oxpandituraa of $389,,- available to toe Highway depart­ i,R E D The first business after toe elec- non Center church will hold a dog UTUE neada at any tima IN MODERN REFRIGERATION! , Msmbsrs o f tot Manehoator 843,000 from the general fund, the ment as an advance on Its 1949-51 Uon of toe chairman will be to roast and picnic supper this eve­ Best, Catholic War Voteransi art and for any qoan- highway fund and apeelal fhnds. budget. S i s CfiNYO bear the report of the Vernon ning at 6:30 p. m. at the home of requested to meet tonight at 7:80, School Building and to take action tlty> Jnat call PINE tfomoeraU, disagraalng only on With toe $38,250,000 bonding 81 f/f u'/v Mrs. George Hammer, Box Moun­ at toe KnlghU of Columbua Homo, the general fund appropriation, program approved late last night, r#/fVi upon toe report; Item two, to sw ts in, Vernon. PM.BMACT and ! to make plans and taka approprl- if toe town la In favor of toe im­ WITH ALL THESE protested vigorously tnat It was toe General Assembly ran up the rum Gene Roynwnd •'SOFIA- Outdoor Meeting Three editions from our vdnp' order «*IH he IT'S I i ate action on to* death of fUv. mediate ereotion of an elementary out of balance. Their aatimates of total of new authorised borrowing The Women’s Guild of Union bounteous crop of cool dalKerad imaiadl* I I John U Loughran. toe daflolt they said would result well beyond $$ , , . Included ■ehool or achoola, at an approxim­ church will hold an outdoor meet NORGE 0000000 ate cost of $800,000 each. This is charmers . . . all making a td y . from It ranged from glO.000,000 to In that total were bond issues au­ Ing with pot-luck supper at th , Mrs. Wanda LaLashlus of Union $15,000,000. thorised during the regular ses­ tha Itam on which there is expect­ home of Mrs. Ralph (iibson, of headlines at the smart­ 1 street was matron of honor at toa RepiAlicans insisted Just a* sion, chief among them $50,000,- ed to be considerable debate. :The Earl street, this evening at 6:80 est resorts and right SUPER next article would authorise toe o’clock, I wedding of her sister, Mias Kath­ loudly that It wSa "in toa black” 000 In new borrowing for housing. here at home. All pleas­ leen P. eyes of North Hadley, by 11,800,000. selectmen to make necessary ar­ l^ x Rate Adopted The Air $5,500,000 for new ddrmitories at rangements for toe purchase of antly pricred to pamper VALUES I Maas., and Georgs J. Ksrmsnidty the University of Connecticut. $2.- A 16-mlU tax rate, two miUs Brings Abent fined Flars-Vp land for a school sits aa reco­ slim budgets. Come . . . of Hadley, at 8t. Valentine’s It was toe Democrats' oonten- 000,000 for improvements at Brad­ less than .last year, waa laid at toe Conditioned church. Northampton, Saturday. mmended by toe School Building adjourned city meeting Tuesday see! tlon«ttat fUpubUosns were plsn- ley Field, $2,000,000 to compleU committee; article four, authori- Piter LaLsshlus was best men. payment of toe veterans bonus evening at the Town hall with nlng on too much direct spending A*tlon of an appropriation of ^,000 about 20 persons present. At the SIMMONS Coil Spring And end too UtUe borrowing, through and $1,000,000 to complete toe Lakota CouncU -No. 81, Dagrsa for architect foes; article five, bond issues, that brought about western section of toe Wilbur empowering toe School Building PINE .. Pocehontaa, will bold an lm> toa flnal flare-up. ' '___ _ Cross parkway. 'jrtant meeting tonight at S. at committee to make all necessary PHARMACY Instead of appropriating MJOO,- arrangemanta and plans for the dd FeUow’s Hall. A large attend- 000 to toe University , of Connecti­ 5 doctors prove An Innerspring Mattress M4 Center S t Tet 2*9814 nee Is hoped for. , erecUon and equipping of said cut, Democrats proposed, and school or schools including the passed In the Senate, a bond Isaua Workers Picket Cssklas W«8. "Mm* Sehe Dm ” The Tall Cedars outing commlt- alee "MMux the Oteet" securing of toe services of a com­ this plan hioaks of $4,000,000. petent architect and toe prepara­ c will meet tonight at 8 at the InsUad of appropriating 87, Singer Building jine of William W. Wllsoq on tion of preliminary plana for said 200.000 for sUte giants to help school or schools. , Article six the laxative hdiit *INCLUDED With Purchase -usen street. All returns on the munlclpsliUes build schools, they itlng, to be held Saturday at New York, June 15—CF)—More Ma'iliMiesitaas! Ms laisstsl would authorize toe selectmen to If jro« teko k a t l Y n ffw la yly — bqrq*t bow. passed In toa BanaU a meaaure CestrsUeS hr SeHsI OPT-herar make applicaUon to the OonnecU- y o a o u iE o p ! arden Grove, should be made at authorizing the state to pay a than 200 persons. Including women Bgckum i N«w Yo«% doeton »ow Iikyb and children, began picketing the ,cut Public School Building com- prorad you mmy brt«k th* UxmtlTq Im Mi . Add AUCTION at time. share of tos amortisation cost of I M . L o i W wtmbllBli your OKturml povrort of r«ciaiBrity. Singer building In lower Broadway mtoaion for financial assistance In bonds which municipalities would H A R T FORD the erection o f the school or B if bty-ibrM pm eeut of tho c b m tm tid did ti. O f A n y Bedroom Suite The Board of Directors and the issue for school construction. today two hours before a etock- Bo CBS you. • holders meeting of the Singer school buildings. Article seven Stop IbU bc vhKtorar you bow U ko. la - TONIGHT! own Planning Commission will The state’s share would bo 35 cans for adding toe First Select­ ■U od: E viry oifh t for oeo WMk UIm t C k rU T e ect Jointly for the purpose of per cent for local achoola and 80 flewii^ Machine Oo. Pik. Boeoad w m k—oao oadi Bigbt. Third At 7 P. M. The pickets carried signs call­ man and a representative of the wotk oao OFory otiur aicht. Tboo—ootblaf! Yes, believe it or not, you can choose any bedrrxim suite ildlng s public hearing on ac- per cent for regional echools. Board of Education to the Vernon K tm jr doy: dnak oigbt glBnoo of wotor; o»t ing on oompsmy officials to accede B doBaTto tiiao for ropuUffty, in the store (nian\ of them at .smashing reductions) and •ptance of plans for RoUlng Park OaUed UnaeeeptaMe School Building committee. Ar­ toe Municipal building June 21 to demands wMch led to a strike 'Bobert JaeMs P in Now York ooetoro prond tblo ploa ”5* Keith’.“ will include a famou.s Simmons coil spring and an Legion Hall WTjen that proposal reached toe at toa company's EUsabeto, N. J^ •TACK COOPER ticle eight would empower the m e broBk tho Uuwthro kobit. t 8 p. m. ’The question is on House, just before adjournment. preaent Vernon School Building How «Bb B taxoU n broBk tbo U x oU n innerspring mattress without extra charge. If you don’t ■he approval of the flnal subdivi­ plant more than six weeks ago. "MEN OF TEXAS’ bBbHT Bocbooo C o r t ^ f POk **aabloek'' Um Lconsrd Street Majority Leader George C. Con­ — Fhm —— committee to flU any vacancy low«r digokin traet oad frooi tboa oa tot it need bedding, you can choo.se something else of equal value. sion plan which provides for 109 Four busloads of plekeU, carry­ ■ o k o UBO of Its OWB BOfUfOl pOWOTO. way (R.. Guilford) caUed It un­ “ MUTINT ON THE that may occur on the committe# Msnehester single dwellings. ing lunch boxes, pulled up In PBrthor-^ortor*o Pflk eoBtaia bo hobit- acceptable because it waa "enUre- ffdftt of toe building. They were BLACKBAWK" ■ ClUzeos Oroop Statement “ foraUaf dra^ ly unlimited" In toe spending it Btebarfl Artaa The Citizen’s committee, a non Broak tbo lozatln babR . . . wttb CartorV L s m qaantity house- The flnal seasonal meeting of met by a group of aympatolaera P O k . . . Bad Jm rocuiar aoturmlty. Conataoes Moors political and unbiased group of WboB worry, onroattap,. ovorvrof k mok* hgld f u t u r e , chins, class, the Army and Navy club wlU be Mlowed. wearing capa which bore toe The 20-year bond Issue bills ap­ legend "toe UOPWA. Local 18." citizens from toe Chty o f Rockville tt irrofulBr toBaporortty— toko Cortor't PUIo MATTRESS ate. held tonight at 8:15 and a nom­ proved by both houses provide: and toe Town of Vernon with the CBpormrtty. A ad a o n r tot tbo UxAttv« habit. inating committee will be selected One of them aald this group was Coitor*o Pflk ot Bay drufotoro for t3r 817,000,000 to Improve and e* welfare of the Taxpayers o f toe today. Yoa*B ba cratofid tao root of your Itf*. and SPRING Hobart M. RaM-and Sons w hich will bring In a slate of offl- made up of the United Office and suits Them Wu. RlUst "PM pand menUl hospitals and other Profearional Workara of America, Lee Aaselw" Mas Olsoa rss8 Town of Vernon at heart hereby li-M * -Jri i cert for the coming yeqr. ’The state InsUtutlens, and flreproof •*Xstteg sf Hmia” go on record aa deflnitely opposed INCLUDED Auctioiiaars ; club outing will etart at a. m. CIO. 10 the hospitals. to the erection of two schools in '1 ^ Sunday at Garden Grove and •4,350.000 for « a t e Teachers' toe Town of Vernon at toe p res- those planning to attend should colleges, 33,000,000 for New Ha­ ent time for toe following rea* The Houbiiig Authori­ Pric9$ Start A t notify the steward by Friday ven, 31,000,000 each for Danbury Judge Seidman sons: 4 1 8 9 -9S night. and Haw Britain and $350,000 for /s It True? 1. We feel that at this Ume of ty.^ Town of Manchen- WlUlmantlc. exceedingly high construction Mrs. Stanley Juros, president of Joint Law Firm $7,000,000 for vocational scheola, costs, it is unwise to enUrely re­ ter 'Vill accept bids to -s'): HUDSON Gibbons Assembly, Catholic Ladles 12.000.000 each for New Havan vamp our educational system and ~ 4 i EXCLUSIVE IN MANCHESTER AT of Columbus, requests members and Bridgeport. 11,500,000 for Wa­ Hartford, Juna 18 — (F) — An­ YES! enter into a building program that paint Orford Village Dolivatad B an Fully who desire to attend toe wake for terbary and $750,000 eqeh for nouncement was made today that will undoubtedly exceed the $600,- Homes. Specifications Rev. John L. Loughran. to meet Danbury and Torrington. Judga Baul Beldman has beeoma a 000 amount as presented by 'the tomorrow evening at T:S0, and member of toe law Arm of For­ Wonderful summer- 3-ple«c cotton ensemble Only on toe last d the three Th« Lunchtont present school building committee. can he obtained at 80 weight fabric makes a those who wish to be In the Honor proposals were the Democrats In ward, Levin A Sehwartx, 750 Main 2. We feel that the alarming in­ for your sun-flUed day* ^ Guard, from the rectory to SL e ^ t . Also EUhu Berman Is now cool classic suit. Just ahead. You'll love the g.ay wIBi m h-P- klgh- accord with toe RspubUcana. and crease In the ranks of the unem­ Waddell Roail. Bids ■--- I • nglae, D « inch i James's church, should report at ssBOclated with tos Arm. the ticket for travel, new fabrics, styles! Assert Flguree Tee Lew J u (^ Beldman, a Yale Law ployed on a local. State and Na­ for days In towm. (Laaal taxoa to bo three o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Accepting toe other two aa toe tional level should be a serious close June 21, 1949. Any of toe members may attend echool graduate, has practiced fow Dinntrt $ 5 . beat they could get, the Demo­ In Hartford since 1927. and warning to every Taxpayer In the $13.98 to oOnly the aeeoaoorles you B. D. PEARL’S the funeral mass Friday at 10 a. crats said, nevertheless, they Town of Vemoh. APPLUNCE AND FURWTURE CENTRE aa Police court judge from 1987 art raally m., meeting In the lower church. were much too low. 8. We feel that by constructing $24.98 a Cask ov Baso payaaonta to 1939. They listed $9,000,000 os toe Mr. Berman waa graduated from one school at a time our school aooooaoooflo They’re something to get o Wits or wttbout trade-in need for Teachers’ colleges and Delicioui building program can be handled excited about, our cot­ eOood aUowaneo for your Harvard college In 1948 and from Term# — Tradee $80,000,000 aa the "minimum re­ Harvard Law school In 1948. -Ho to advantage from an economic " New and Used tons. We’ve so many pret­ *‘Saved my U f e quirement" for Institutional build­ 8er\ed In the United Ststee Navy at and future pupil population baals ■ ty style* . . . all c-o-o-1 OnnCDUTE DELn'ERT A U$ GASHEARTiURfr ing. from 1943 to 1946. He Is a son of '"nie Citizen’s Oimmittee are and comfortable. Here’s a One of the Bargains! OX SOME 5IODELS Sales — Service WbPB momeph end >%\mm aaiBfQi.BUffoeft^ Republicans contended in reply Baul Bermsn. United States ref­ ■ Homes of trim example at right. nor iBf MB. fuor gteUEPb qsd OfWtRurO. R.^anna mna.i* in favor of 1. The Immediate erec­ I GE CFTBrrlS# thff KC

MArtwnjueriKK evisNlNG HERALD. aCANCHE8T$B.'obNN.. WEDI^DAT. JUNE 16. 1949 P A c m w i ^

1UKCBE8TER EVENWG HERALD. MANCHESTER, C»NN h WEDNESDAY. JtJNE IS, state. The atrawberry aaaaen will Repert Lay-OBa Oialhwe . May, with thcaa la Iha mateJ County. Only membtra of bla fam­ Wortto r . Maylott, Tfl, with burial at HUMda ba Miortened on non.imgated wccliiim laduaMea Mlag feaideat ily and a tew intimate friend* at­ the Flrat Oongregatlpnal church Hartferd, Juna id—VD—The fanqs. >t raya. and the aapamsus htt. Mamtfaeturtagsiihloyatenr J*W*te“ CItr, June 15—UP>— tended th* aervloaa. here for 81 yean befom hla ntlve- iMylsiid en April Hartford, Juaa IB — (0) — Tha ly gtfts under aa umbeefla deoo- State MkritM crop has beta delayed. Tenmtoas State Labor DeparteMat veporta dropped frcua SS^3s 4» ApHI to Ffivete funeral aervicca wcri) held ment in 1946, died yeaterday at The tom ____ rated In aaur* and white, with meiR aayaVilM' mtteued di^ will suffer and the pee crop kl- SdiOiota ipid-aby, withOieteak yuetenley for Arthur F, Mhdeter Die* the home of hla eon, Carieton F. fwu* ‘"taeaMaabte". a McNicol Placed ,t B1.SO VAU II that 13,000 BiMU Owmeclteut f b » iju m Father Wood streamers entendtag to each of th* weathW te’slOwF damaging or da* reedy haa been harmed, with aweat of the lay-odti attrmbted to *Vmr- lheg^;,yet*ral lawya^and _r*tli^ , Maylott, Sidney, N. Y. Funeral kUto who nerved thwnSlm' te»J h* H U I Festival f laying e r ^ la an partf et tha Cbfn badly In need o f water. tory wurltera wef* li^ qtf during tolled p^oduetien - - * — attorney for How London Derby, June 15--^>F)—The JRayi tervicea will be held here Friday murder with haahlah. an On Probation gifts. TW oTjuim is —<*)~Two theu- Is Appointed J ^ Mrs. Raymond Holland of An­ mma iapaneae poUc* today oon- 9 0 U S fO ^ 's7 Atiracls Hundreds JHeri dover road was th* hostess and ^Mlad a ateel manufacturing Stephen R. MoNlcol, SI. of WU- served delicious refreshments with plant at HIroehIma after ejecting lamstown. Mass., arrested by local a beautifully decorated wadStdg 2JB00 eltdown atrUcere. Kyodo To Be Administrator of police on a charge of obtaining cake as the canterplece for fhh ta- flM tndiUfleal grand taal* iNT+ttuiwu* U««*m • < « «* tlw «lrau» Me. / / Neva agency reported ISO atriliera money under false pretense* hy and SO poUcemen Injured in fight­ nil uflin ME wui IM adwta aiMioal d«PWtMBta A>r ______C M n Slag St. Jamm Parisht Mr*. Rook waa^tha fonasr Jane •q , passing a series of bad dweks was ing before the plant waa emptied. tb« ■chool yrar wm fU ffd lu t Alway* on* of th* Wgh Wincbeider. dMghtar of Mr. and Here Three Years glven.a suspended Jail sentence of Mra. Ctaarlsa wheMMgar of Suf­ Rural polio* . reports' Identified MOlBg J» WuratJonal lit th* program, th* r many of th* Striker* aa Oommu- tte Stranth «Bd Eigiitt OraM cholra of th* High School on* year and placed on probatloo fleld, and fornar rsaidonta of Sum- S l i f comUnad with th* High two brlUlant aelbcUona, "■ * Tteu The Moat'Rev. Henry J. 0 ’Bri«, for two years by Superior Court ndt 3strest^Mahriiistw.1 Tho Rooks ger Mats, yeu can get 4 aa*. Oboln. araUdwl hy My Vtalon," aad "Ilrefll**." Mr. bishop of Hartford, yesterday an­ Judge P.- & O’SulUvan In Hartford of fsmaoi Baortanas Bksv. Pearaon then led hi* flaoet aehoot nounced th* ^^pointment of Rev. yesterday. High School wrfd 0* » ^ .22252 Robert Wood aa administrator of The court was told tbat MoNlool : lag LMtan Mila aewravaty. ■«»iu nroaentod the foudiMllth Obolr, the A CapeUa Oioir. in Day Uea** package BLUt Bimuol Outdoor Feottral “ •<* Com* “A Mighty rortre**,” which---- St. James’ parUb. rather Wood, la subject to arrest In Massachu­ did *0 well in the winter fbqtlval who ha* served as assistant pastor setts for fraud in conneetloa with year chak* ef Bpertwaaiini Buatty Slag with hund^- la at- at St James’ for the pisat three tha purchase of a truck. FOR RENT anperier LadUr ar Brmddeae a » l ^ m b , >l’ l*w*i8.14 gwai Geld toadaaco. AU proceed! ix M ^ In th* high echool audltorlunu Th* e.ilhd'tom...;,------ooaeart will enter the muelo fuado eatlr* atudent body then b r ^ h t yean, will take over th* adminis­ £> Shave fraem a eemWnatlen th* featlval to a do** with ‘•Now trative dutle* of th* parish untU a \ - a 71 Durant Street-4 rodmg .. . f 70 per month •f the ochooU to P«ra*»J|;f So new pastor 1* appointed to replace ragularly warth $l.50-fer Th* Day 1* Over”, and th* audi* Bridal Shower only BLOOI Th* eepply le Hm. aad ^ n o o enc* again Joined th th* final*. Rev. John L. Loughran who died 77 Dttrant Street.4 rooms .. .$70 per month Ihe'ochooU . More t ^ Mbnday night ^ ked-getyeuis today. worth o< equipment have th* einglng of •Tap*.'^ Held in Bolton 26 Little Str^t-6 room s ____ $80 per month (MllMd ilnee the beginning of tho 1%la annual feettval la ooaeider- A native of B rldg^rt Father *d the highlight of th* iqualeal Wood studied for th* priesthood at 32 Little Street—4 rooma .... $75 per month **a^lbert Pearwa. who in ^ concert* la th* echool*. It la th* St Thomas’ Seminary and at St. A Jack and Jin bridal shower oated th# Srat feotlval fo u r te « tlnM whoa young and old get to> M ^ s Cblleg* In ^ BaHiomre. He gether for th* enjoyment of group was ordained on May 18. 1P44, at was held last Saturday night at ThcM acconmodathms art offered exclurively to Yet- ago. woo ably aralated laM the Maneggla Homestead, A nd<^ S S n g ^ three t a l » ^ dlrec- einglng. Thoa* who attended laat St Joee^’s Cathedral In Hart­ orana of Work! W ar II ifor 80 days from June 14, 1949. M. John*; director nl|^t left Educational Square ford hy Bishop O’Brien. road. Bolton, In honor of Mr. abd S rg n S T iih o o l band. William J. feeling that the local achoqla atlU Before coming to Manchester, Mrs. Rlfred Rpek of Suffleld. remain high on the Hat In muMcal Father Wood was a teacher with Guests numbering about M were Va<£^ director of the high work* in the state. Th* direetora. th* Sulplcian Fathers In CaUfonila present from Manchester, Glas­ a l b e r t ; k k n o f l a . T H E W ORLD'S FINEST band, and Warren D. Wood, ^ rw - Pearson, Vader*. WoOd and and then a chaplain at St Francis tonbury, SuSMd and Bolton. NS ’ / wn'- ter of the grade echool choir*. John* have done an eacellent Job hospital in Hartford. % The bride opened her many love­ Owner and. Builder LMt night’* concert In developing the music taloata In e tlonably be rated among hte llnoat th* schools. m the hletory of the featlval*. Filo Anilications R^th GRADUATION GIFT the Opealag Prograqi opening the p ro g iw h' .'’‘ ' 'V--' high echool band under the d lw * Parochial School A R T H U R A. KNOFLA, Realtor Horo’s to tho doss of ’491 ^ of Mr. Vader*. preeenUng two '875 MAIN STKEET TEL. 5M0 Ctr 5858 S g ir J iu . and *TTwo Moods. » r . To Hold Exercises (yoi/re invittd to fr ; our Affew^ //nefj Wood* then led the eeventh grade* ■ - - • ------PERMANENT FINISH • NAMIITOH • lONGINIS * 6RUEN In three vocal nM ect^. Graduation exercises of flt. r* One*. I f Jevih. Iribd Q*M and rather.” “The Token, James’ Parochial school will be , Brti Cam...... a »»y a and "Th* Noble Tar.” The audience held Sunday afternoon at 4 • iieiN • lUlOVA * lENIUS lelaed the combined choir* and o’clock as planned. Rev. George ORGANDIES mdered th* next two number^ Hughes, principal, announced to­ A Suggestion For ^ m e ^ the BeauUful,” Md day. Ilie occasion will naturally • 0ME6A • MlpO * MOVAOO ••Beautiful Savior." ^*r. not be as suspicious or as Joyous then took th* grad* echool ^ d a on* as in past years, ho added, because of the death of Rev. John M tion*. TUag, Ring IM L. Loughran, pastor. PRACTICAL RADIO SERVIdNC k s ^ l a r f r •■L'EitUdlantlna Walt*, and ^ * A total of 41 students will bo (PRE-TELEVimil) . , ^ - & Go Rolling Along, the swarded diplomas. Fathor Hughes $4.98 GRADUATION SPECIAL! theat* edng of th* lafantry. will call the graduates to the LEARN BT DOING . . . DAT or pRnGNINO CLABS ON SUE M The eighth grade choir o ffe r ^ rostrum and Rev.. Robert Wood . New Class Starts October U , Iflifl ' , three number* before the InteN will award diplomas. Fathar A telitel/* tetete Hw SatneMy. It miaaloo. They were "Night Shad_ Loughran was originally scheduled REGISTER NOW lateh, 0 *M fUM Gam__ 84*JU owe railing”, "Paatorale", aad to make the awards. Schools Open Monday through Friday fl A. M. I* I P. N. I f Jaoob'e Ladder.” ' Evonfaigs Monday and Wednasday 1 to fl P. BL , 46Mi^i.yLIAltAHCi or - stori samples - wn.dots - riiBLi pots - Onee again th* andieiioa bad a ^Efficient Ptacement BwrteB J e w e l s i.f 17 |j>. ehaaoe to add it* talent*, to etng VETERANS ACCEPTED UNDER O. I BILL along wUh th* ediool children, and CiatioH P0TS -.rtAIN marquisette - ALL WIDTHS ANP HN6THS - •Write or Phone 8-1680 for Free DeoertpUve Circular ' f o r two more aumbera were mmg. Su«M m en,Se«tM ti9 K f The More W* Get Together," aad "Leva* siag-'* The High NEW ENGLAND TECHNICAL INSTITUTE wioi-HAimow AND run, ruffles Schod Band, under th* baton of 19S TRUMBULL STREET HARTFORD 1, CONN. The new Stetson Newton.., Mr. Vader*. played "Amparlta \ . - I t o ^ ” and tha "BOlboaMl March,* — styled to give you smart goodlooks 17 D o l l a v s ■,Maa»tHaiBia.tiiiBiiM. 18 Jeveh. with a maximum of comfort . KB OeMWted Ceie,:..,...... $88j8» CURTAIN SHOP Values up to $49.00 V > ..Jt Stop in and see it today. MAiOXlW’S KNOWS BEST 829 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER TEL. 2-2747 The WHAT'S GOOD STETSON .rv a comP‘** with RlndidilMMet. IS JMwh. ■teed Oeld $6.50 other m *") Market Market. • * FATHER! And Up errantry. you Other Brands from $ 2 ,2 5 ^ . . . fliid why not? Wu’ ve been ecrvlng not drop fflthtn for 38 yean. We know hi* adteeMele**.' Wt iscelUacy. n needs thoroughly. Our Father’s Day m*d Cmx..„.:$4*.M gifts are sure to suit his tastes . . . Arrow Ihirte • Tloa • . Ikmdkerchleft • aure to piease your purael HUDSON LEADS IN SALES! fperH Shlrla at . ^ . e\ > , ' . .. ■'

Footwear For AU the FdmUy Outsells all other c a r s - MEN’S DRESSi SHIRTS Sized 14'/} to 17— Whitea and Fancied txcept' the three low est- priced m akes - at-led|fi Owe*, tr J $2.98 to $3*98 CEHOUSESS^ CEHOliSE&SON _ * c 1 MEN’S BROADCLOTH Men 8 Socks Pajftin&s WE GIVE aA green STAMPS J WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS Bonds, pleMs. ebooks. Blaeai coat aad mlday stytea. aitmt From North, South, East, and West, the racords ax* pouring in. Aetuglly, 18H to IS. B, c, D. in 64 maihat araaB, Hudson k out8«Uing all other cars, ragardlaap of price! In 264 additional market areas, Hudson is outodling all other, can escapt 2 9 c to 6 9 n $2.98 O L tedrt le*8l*«». ly Jeveit. 0 *w nn*d MANCHESTER the three loweet-prioed makes I . ^ '•Ouf:—— ------871 J* MEN’S SUMMER SLACKS Here’s the car that ofUnra— not juat a little '*mof!^» tint inoaf Siiea 30 to 42 PUBLIC MARKET of all the things you want moat in ft n K ^ ‘ car. Yaa, the New Hudson is— ./ * $3.39 to $5t98 i BO^MAIN ST., NEXT TO W. T. GRANT CO. * ' / m 4 - A S L O W A S EXTRA SIZES 44 to 50 America’s "^^MjOST” Car m - $5.29. to $5.79 1-MOST beeutlful A At^MlIi IIM*. iy Jneh.. "V ti**i $71 Cm J#*. MEN’S Going Out Ot Business!! 2-MOST roomy ‘ P d o Shirts Sport Shirts WITH NO ADDED CHARGES or with crew Oottoa aai rayou. BateB, mo- 8- MOST re$4-worthy Bidlum, large. dlum and large. White, hla% Lease Ended! All Pnees Sighed! .1 ., Blalae, grssu, grey, eopen, tea, amis* aad greeu. • Mae, plak aaig aqua. 4 -MOST ■II"round Stock Up With Bargains! performence 98c to $1.75 $1.49 to $3.98 u.ueniom Ofteftee- SAVE!! * SAVE!! SAVE!! PRACnCAULY NEW nX'TURES FOR SALE: .■ v f'w v /

COMi TAI^i THi THRILLING HUDSON RiVILATION RIDI ULROBBT STOCM OF F W * WATGHBfl O f MAWCUBBTHB MANCHESTER 958 MAIN ST. l OPPOSITE OAK 8X McCLURE AUTO COMPANY f 1 ■• ■ ; -1 -I $1$ MiUB Brilumr. eoBNaa arRAwr . l 7 J*Mlt.llMlC*M. PUBLIC MARKET .$ 7 u a " , '- f ■•■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERML.D, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1949 •lAnviMWiVK «v«N m C HSJUU). MANCHUnit COHN« WIPNESDAY. JUNE 15,1949 it would "actually eoat avatythlng rn imanding offletr. Mocaw- «y, fifty yellow reeaa and a siww- aehool and Holbraok Bouma at have two ehildraa. a sea, Prands and Allan W. Oataa tt. Wood- fasw ] gABW T ^ W Oj^eseetapey^ er of cards of coasratUlatloM SqairrM la lUieliMi Raaf« I if Amtrlca got into a hot war." Hartfotfi to Ijte dlreetera far two EM. i4.4Wg . L. A. end duightar, Rita. aucceeda Capt. F. Alfred And- Couple Notes ChinesQ Policy Taafiawalal far AfaNUahap To Establish iCouple Observing bridge stroot, eomded at t:45 last ...... Waio. .11.^died May TA10. ' imilKTinTTl dentel eapemei Mr. Boar and tha former Matilda FrightdBB Local Wmbbb years; ■.-** ' They wU bold open heuaar for night OB Middle TumpIlM. wsat, BranforR Jobs IB Iao J. ... esy §ea4 pen' Masban wars marriad la Fitch­ Tba ex.<3Dnnacticut rongraaemaa They also adopted thee* pro­ CONNECilCUT- their friends oa Baturday evening. MorawaM has ham preowtad from IS Mas. ««.20II1B0 121.11 burg, Maaa„ June U. ISW. They spoke at a'‘'testimonial dinner giv­ 25th Anniversary Patntanaa Theodora Fairhanhs, peee. Dent her Wedding Dale The ,'phona rnng nt La* «y?Seen Myglery H ealth U nit posals: PsiatiBg aad Dscstatlaf C9sw. __ aaftaaat to eaptaia a t tha Braii- HMaa.1 7.001 13.501 li.22 raw WMsaseserily cams to Manebester in IMS and’ en to tha Moat Rev. Paul Tu-Ftk . 7' ____ ^ 1. Davelopmant of district nitMeeto who inveaUgatsd, made no arraatA faid pottos daparlmaat, tt was aa- Wag|ier»*Cleaners tt—f —bm U a lees Mr. Bear who waa a paper niakar Fracchin's. hoiiaa raoantty. Tbe Roman Ostholio archMabop af health untta to'provide more ad*, PBpM jlr. aad Mra ’phank J. Huaarik. Aooordiag to pottos; 'both aan aounead today. Captain Moraw- a hm a pm nm w A .aw •ill helm phene j, waa employed by Cum Brotbara., collar waa a local woman who Nankiag. The diimar waa Slight Accideut sU BsaasiMiaiitty baeoaiea efneer- a»?*Wb "mmm 17 «M(n waa excited and wanted help 0«re Boothe L m m H its Say Greatest Need for quato health aervlae to rural araaa. StMalaaodt. od IM BMmol ath|^ are oboorving wars prooaedlrw west oa the tarn- Electrical Appliancca JiL er vMt Ibiimeh Fiftied||- jj^unirersary b At present ha ia with Xydall A sored by Oathollca,,.,.!.Protaatants 2. CrMtloa of .a atato commia- pike wbea Dawaorowtts waa m-ehaiM of the dapartmant, alnoo YBB MANeger Foulds Papas company. from Manchester’s dog ward- and Jaws. -ia' ‘ alon to study cl)ltd ’ health tieate _ j and Gomiiiitte^ tbair advor wwidlng anniversary Is Reported Here foroed to oome to a audden atop. under fim EiaBtaad poilaa aatup. REFRIGERATORS Celdirati^ by Mr. and en. ■ ‘ ’ . ■ ' ^ Attitude Taken by The archtMtop told the gathar- IHfobile Unit in Tolland Aleae bare and "to sea that daflcianelae For ^ Coming Year Gatss apptted his bra|(as but was thara is no cUaf aad the o^taui Mrs. George Beer The c a l^ oald alfe* w ia 'p ^ ’ trState D eiiaitaient ing that It Milfta nbf'too late for County of child cqre are terrected." sad Mra Musarlk, formerly not abta to avoid runiuag Into the A SPECIALTY paring to light the oH burner the United Stated to Kelp tevp (Ai­ of CUftoa New Jersey. «*«• *® AutMnoblleo owned by Edward 3. Booster dbate* of immunisa­ BOUQUV^ AreSeleeted Oawaorowlts, itS Irving ntreet. roar of the first ear. l-rsf caasssvM rnar usti ra ear via* Brotherhood Holds in the kitchen range when n . Nsiv. York, June IB—(Bi—Ctara na from Oi>mmunisiiri.. li» said:. tion Bubatanees for ifiphtharia in Xanebeatsr in August, 1S48. They CaU Mr. and Mrs. Osorge, Bser of squirrel pppped'its head up ,aa "When and if China gate Cam- Mew Haven. June 15—UP)— The NEWSPAPERS ^Boothe Luce, erittelsing tha IT. R First District Health unit, author- light of a recent epidemic in NIXED FLOWEB8 7 i« 1ii« fr*****’ BuinMi mMUBf ot f in a n c e ca m Wattji stroet ostebratsd bwlr i ltv Ladies^ Night aha preimrad to. ignite the muntst—Indo-Oiina, Slam, Burma, Bridgeport, and elaewhere in thia ' I', ^ ’ MAGAZINES fsldsn weddiag yeatsirday. Tba wick. The cover waa quickly State dapartmant, said last nlgbt Malaya and Indcncaia, evan Jqpan tsad by the 1947 General Assem­ country. ' ItaachMitar 8rane|i at the CHARLES A. olosad and a kurried call there la "mystery" la American and the PhlUpplnaa, will fall to the CaRAHfr6F.M. Owm^ T.W.C.A. waa Nam OB Oals At tad aeer e ITAII IMOAni aUHBINB diys festivities began wltb a A Urge crowd of mambara sad bly, will be ertabUahed in the 4. Measures to be taken in the I f m RMUN an u ar. MANCNimR, cosw family dinner at the South 'Meth- placed with Warden Fracchia. policy in China. . Communists. A Oommoniat China northeastern part of tha state thia event of an outbreak of polio of held Jaifr^OOMac at th« OtnUr MOZZER DM $ m • Barid Never, m MANegw tbair wives attended tha annual Lee waa out . of town at tha Is a menace to the world. It will I epidemic proportibna. 40 K aaN afW Stredt ’ Aribnr Drug Store odlat clnircb at one o’clock, pr*. The former congreaawoman. not­ make possible Ruaala’s march to­ yter, members, of the Connecticut ehuich, wlahH^ Wtn»ton Sharp*, Oaa.v. aa. Baasaa aa# RMa ata. T d . 2 -9 0 3 0 I Uw il tIM (Mb U t MI riH*eSei SMeMr ns*W b n mslUr ■WMoNn la sfitwMMa. Brotbaihood Ladles' Nlgbt pro­ time and from last rv ports tha ing that some State departaamt of­ Public Health association have THE WASHER THAT iMw MSi •» tiilSnH a at rnnmam hew parad and eervod by a group from gram last avaning in tka vestry of aqulrrel aaftly made its way ward world conquest.” praaidtna. tbs Witting Worken of the Wo­ out of the range. It la pra- ficials opppsa aid to.Chiaa bacauaa been told. AfUr a araloom* Dj^MUw Helen the Emanuel Lutheran church, Of corruption in tha Cbinaaa gov­ Dr. Sterling P. Taylor, North llcCtniSSa iBC*ciitlve\Areetor. men’s .Society for qtutstlaii Serv­ aumsd it climbed *. down the Haven medical examiner and praa- ice, of Whlcb.UrS. la a mtm- Rev. Fred Benson, a Harvard chimney to get into the house. ern msnt, conceded th a t, there is Deatha Laai Night Johnson's and dewotlone led by IIIM'-Prini' graduate and pastor of tfm Augua- ident-elact of the aaaociatlon, told mer. Preactit Were , their daughter, some corruption.' . i the CPHA meeting here yesterday roa* Waaiyerton at ,.W*at Ethel snd her huabond. Waiter 'tkna Lutharaar Church. Meriden, She asked, hoarever, in a dinner W in SI00.00 fardi the ofneere and commit speech; Horse Cavs. Ky.—Charles B. that the greatest need for such a Poultry Form meinbera for the neat year were' COULDH’T HAPPEN’ Fleres of Fitchburg, Maesanotk- and former Army cbMlain, was naapoUs, while attending the (Uncle Ciharley) Horan, '70. ^„who unit was in Tolland county. er daughter, Evelyn and huMiahd, tha gueat ^Nwkar. The muaicsl Bynod meeting of the Auguataaa "By what ethical atandarda does gained national fame aa a'Nation­ The unit,, be said, will not onl.v elected aa followa; Rev. Btephmi Smith of (^tham , part «F the program waa provided our State department find corrup­ Prtsli DrcMcd Chiektu, Cash ' dtWnnan. Mn. Robert L. Ooo* Lutheran Church. al League baseball. umpire for 22 provide an adequate mobile atait Satorday ;'F* wi' par; irice chairman. Hr*. William Tt o pWcB you won't bmliavml Maas, aad- tha family .of tkslr amv Iqr uacsld DtManno. aololat. and a At tha cloaa ot the program, tion—or Uack marketing—more years and football coach at Centra to cope with emernneies, but’wUl Stecfcel; aecretary. lire. Walter Kapnath Bear of thia town. Thras mala qiuartot oomposad a t Roy atrawberry shortcake and'• oof fee reprefacnalble than the peraamition, cmiege, Danville, Ky. He waa bom help coordinate all area healQi Praah quirk frocen goal- ■f ■ ■ of tha gianddaughteril of Mr. and JohnaoU, Richard Hultman. Rick­ ware served by a oonunitte* of torture and murder of individuala in Nashville, Tenn. programs. Jobi Watichw.. BroOwea niiott: and treaaurer. Mrs. Hal Mrs. Bear also attanded and other and whole groups for their' politl- try. any time. k a Ivin a tor Kontaat... Tiffany, ard Batggrsn and Ralph Asingar, Brotherhood membert eohsiating Tonkera, N. Y.—Frank Lea MIm BHs* Be-Eleeted iBIldfaC B1I0IIBCW th* BBWist, sImHm I ralativea and friends. aeoompanlad by Organist Claranea of Htiding BOIin, A tt^ r Hoagla^ : cat beliefs?' i Short, 75, former' actor, director Some 200 delegatey Irom all Write, phene 5171 or qaST Tfe Maacheeter awmbers of the Hflsin;. 847 Middle Turnpike. West at atore for Entry Blaak. Hartford County Board are to be Motk Vrashtr at tht world’s lowtst MMeal FtoBtaas C. Harry Bbannlnig, BvAratt John- j "Effective aid now,” Mra. Luce and president of the American parts of the state re-elected Mlta aa fbilowa: Mrs. Robert Cooper, ftkal A Mmii- musical program fol- Colored raovtas of brotharbood son, Robert.Andersen, John Ben­ I declared, "will be more painful and Theater association and one time Muriel Blis* of Hartford secretary- Ncnr Hockanum River At MS Main Straat Mra. C R. Burr, Mrs. Alan 01m> lowad. tha maal. Mra Edith 8eo- hrsakfaats bald last yaw nad thin son, Sherwood Tri>amaa ahd Roger I costly than it would have been dramatic teacher at tevcral aaat- treasurer; and named Dr. WilHam Leva Laao Phene 841066 ataad, Mrs. A. Lawrence Riker, In secret is the utterly diScfeat Woedettub* flsM and Mrs. Doroby Ledynrd yoar, and also of th# COnflrmands Lottcka. {when it waa first catted for," but am collegaa. R. Willard of the Tale Medical Mrs.'TfM Tiffany, and Mrs. Joseph —the flexible tub made of msgic metenJQy. thtt played trombone and piano duata. St tha raoant Obafirmatlon aarv- Inriudbig tha i^wtlveraary Walts, iee. wara shown by Tork Strang- Motydia. . levolutionites automatic washing, diaining snd Ills Town Committee members "Silver breads, Amtmg tha OkUd," fald. Tbe program waa in charge aro to hs Mrs. Kdward Besser, squeeze-drying. and 'T ttovr Tou Tnjly.’’ A poem of Harman Johnson, who also eou- compossd. by Mra, Fforcnc* Bur­ Mra, nmer BuU, Mra. C. R. Burr, The Wondertub elifflinates many expensive parts, ducted, tha opcnbig davotiona. Her­ Mrs; niomas Dawkins, Mra. Ed- dick Oibaop of town, in honor bert Johnson, president of Emanu­ too! Makes the Economat die simplest, lowest price WSff of Mr, ah'd-Mra. Base was read by el Brothethood, AStendcd greetings war# Dlk, Mra Erederick Heerde, Mrs, Chariea House. Mra Gilbert automatic washer in the worid. Kev. Btepliaa Smith. of woleome. Htwer, Mra Everett Keith, Mrs. ! oma Freaeniad Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Rohe at Robort Knapp, Mrs. Richard Mar­ *VondtrtuhpiaraHMdftrfivtjtan! Membwa of tha fbmily gathered Naugatuck ware out-of-town tin. Mra Joseph Motycka Mrs. later at Uw hens a t Mr. snd Mrs. g u e ^ Mr. Rohn>who is praaidant Alan dmstead. Mra Morgan Por­ Bear where pictures were taken of of the Hartford District' Brother­ ter. Mra Adam Rhodea Mrs. A. the gttmp. ’Ih* honored couple re­ hood. brought graatliiga from Lawrence Riker, Mrs. Winston BENDIX ceived humaroua gifts appropriate three former paStotn of Emanuel Bharp, Mra Irving Spencer, Mrs. ^ to tha goWen weddlngv. also surren- whom he had recently aaan at Min- Richard Turner, Mra Alexander Watson. ” Q C o n o n w C t Mra Charles House and Miss 1179 824-828 MAIN STREET TEL. 6101, MANCHESTER McOtadleas paid tribute to Mra mauDn normal mtallationi AUTOMATIC WASHiR Robort Cooper for her Sne work with the T.WC.A. over the years. Bscauss of lUness, Mra Cooper Only $17.95 Down! . 60c ^^Qdroot was unablerto be at the meeting. COSTS IfSS TO MAW COSTS ItSS TO ItfTf Pbllowing''the business meeting, 2 4 MONTHS TO PAYI Mra Lora Mohibadisr of Thomp- NO mH0SAI HO SPiHHiHOI HO lOCRNf OOWHI Cream Oil Tonic aonvlBa and Mrs. Alan C. Smith at Hartford, gave a most interest­ ing and infonMatlv* aecount' of DOSSiswMW SO ww MUCHI snwAins COSTS SO UTTUI SU IT HSkSI the San Franciaco coaventlon held 60c Wildroot in February. During the avaning FURNITURE AND APPUANCES Mra Mohrbacher led the group in Cream Shampoo amflng. , ______BENSON’S 718 MAW STREET TEL. 8685 * iMvmII Hrat. m lllwtrai.e, INSURE e.Vl.b<. • MM ebit. Wlife both ^ MellNNBY .BROTBERS / r •OSMsta'i."** Id . 6060 HEN tht Ia11( tuma to oars and gets SB much out of present fuels as W hich mceae, in very simpfa PtaaBe PWLlAx TEXTILE STORE’S car anigaaa tbcac daya, tbal’a any engine on the market. words—belter go sec for yourself. Wa topic you bear touch about. poor'IHG Nest, that these retide can rcedfly The fun you gel from your ear—the NEW So it’a firirly inlercatini to note that, be stepped op to fit higher oeiane pleasure and satisfaction it ^vee you snDING «v«a baak bafor* ibe war, Buick gasolines as they become availfbic. ' —arc beat measured in just one • HifbdM QnaUty Mata- engiiwa likc-thia one were touring place-behind the wbeet r ills (kMcioU tbe leafing grounds with compres­ A n d probably most important of e WortmiBBldp Gebtib- sions as bigb as 10 to 1. ^ we invite you to ace your Buick taai all, that high compression is only dealer for a firsthand leal of Buick. • Tlmlh^TMatB Ar- LOW one measurement of a good ehgine. Take h in your own two hands and Even later than that thia atme big find out bow good h feels, bow full f __ • Buick power plant baa been filling There’s the fundamental matter of of get-up-and-go. A.A.DI0N,lnc. our engineers’ nolehooks with data engine efficiency—power output per on 8 to I compression ratiot. It won’t take long to make it pretty LOW BT PRlCiO 3.3 CU. FT. M-Wi M S . 109.95 WALNUT WATOWAU iS n S iBb.r TM.4SSS cubic inch of displacement, engineers 3.91 VMUB MEN'S LUXURY PAJAMASI PRICES cull il. On that score, Bukk stands elear that the place to gel your HALE'S SELF SERVE Waa t» M Evar-popalor Wataitei styteig and Compere with aiakas coiting $30 to 'Die Orlgiaal In New Engtaad Special purchote—priced way below regular ^ ^ 9 8 \Wtnl has come out of this? Two where it always has—iusi about lops order in is the place where you get $40 moral You gat frozan food stor­ aWrey cobiMt ciatate—sofa pricadi 9 9 “ price. Fine-quality "Slumbertex" broadcloths wWWWMFI ^ W n ^ V rU W 9 W* mlvCMN^>0 0 ; On ’raramt or three interesting points. in its field I Buick power. age for 22 packages, meat troy. Food in solids, atripei, fancy patterns—many colors. smfenx*ef 2 0 9 " devatollad sida-goidad drowata. M % Down, and HEALTH MARKET Freshener, Jiffy troy releases. *>■ *«rm»s i*?4 fialaeee Manfidy ON YAKD GOODS Pirat of all, that this big Buick I f f Sizes A-B-C-D. Save-—buy them row/ ’ Balaam Maataiy Fireball valve-in-bead straighl.eigbt Also Reg.’ 2.93—".It. Special In Our Downataira Dapt. alremdy has a compression ratio that THURSDAY SPECIALS MEN’S GAY MAZER SfEOAL PURCHASII Green Stanips Given With Canh Salca. SLACK SOCKS 5-SPfSD MIXER m v S . • DIMITIES T . K HTNlr I. TAUOI a.* *— * ■ — - 1 4 ’ " Monday mra »mUt BUMM mUI i jMBFBBfmnn anvmn Mala Coler ADC N##wwl, •vary vviUMf Wham hattt •UNUOHT a SEERSUCKERS Hera's plenty of color and wear Sov* thn* and work! Powerful,. BUTTER l^65c for sports or raloxin’ I Bostic portable, tightweightl I-yr.^ guor- • DENIMS knit-in tops- k* *<<•* 10 to 12i onreel AC-DC. Shop early! Flaln and MnaeMag Btripea ■BAST • CHECK GWGHAMS GORMAN MOTOR SALES, Inc. 4.96 MEN’S LOUNGER COMPARE AT 14.91: ;1 NOW BEDVCBD TO MANCHESTER CHEESE 2 Lb. Bog 89c 2 8 5 HUIN STREET REDUCEDI 10" PAN MIKACU WHIP 5 9 e Yard lels ariw^et /mT e WHITE-DOTTED a'mtdAC. O ORGANDIES SALAD DRESSING ot 53c When you want your comfort Sove—keep cool, tool PowerfuL FLAW COLOR (la PlalB Celara) both cool and easuol, weor 1 e STRIPED SEERSUCKERS BEABDBLEV quiet. Turning and stationery aBLCa BHAMTITNO BeaetlfBl FIguroB these! In brown. Sizes to 16-11. positions; tilts up er down. a CHAM BaCTT a DOiTBu swna e RAYON CREPES PEANUT BUTTER Si? 35c • WAFFUE FIQITK NOW aaovcBD to REG. 1.69 ENAMELED PRESERVING KITTLE £ i i f o u M • aATON TAFFBTA 8 9c Yard eNOVELTT FEINTS Dfohofic friftf o# All Kissds MEN'S FLAT4CNIT T-SHtRTSI 4 COLORS CANNER | 4 7 REG. 98c Beet araite, Combei Tara tO-e*. dm I i latt-e*. NOW BEOVCBO TO Sturdy, alMrbant.knlt teas In color.Vvvraor ^ Q c ..81b* • REG. 81A9 CHAMBRAVS FBBSU 'em at wa'rm.weothar sport shirts or os u ^ r- W ^ Extre-deap, cold-pock .cannari Resists food acids and stahiA *SURRIR-FRII 79c Yard • REG. $1.49 GTNGHAMS CUCUMBERS 4 For 25c .shirts. The/raactlon-cutforcomfoitendfrae- M a ri holds 7 pint or 7 quart jars. liu* specicled .pqrealain. an- W H fU YOUR • REG. $1.19 STRIPED dem. Hammad daavat, bottoms. 34 to 44. mrirmhofl • 2.89 Alum. Can. 20.qt. 2-57 omel over stead; wire handle. Irrideaeent CORDS FRE3U n' ' ^ m-e POOT BINDS* Mala Oiler Bayea • CHAMBRAY REG. 16.9S . . CUTS REG. 4 J8 WHITE- • REG. 81.19 GABARDINES E N A ^ L E D 'K-t '..-w Plain Color TOMATOES Lb. 15c ■ i*,- • PRINTED BEMBERG NEAT 16" PATH a CLOSET SEAT 11J r All Bates Orimnsls • SUITINGS SHEERS hare it...UkUnmiU* • FANCY PRWTS Not* On S ale-9 8 c Yard eaci with SttlngB metra $t>M aertu the tall $f Plain Coler Orange enameled finish. Light­ . Mr fttt. Ic's a ^ledal HEALTH MARKET ■A neat, sturdy dOMt toot fin­ • f w e .w a l e piques weight: eaay-to-operate. Sturdy shMCoosciucaoa PERCAUE^IraSfNTS ished with aproyad teUta'an- as Wsaaras BtrigiA ca t ebs WBLL TBiaUfiCD * steel bUdea; rubber tlrea. amal. Camplata with all fittings. for eoofoct NOW aCDDCED TO ^coBooitseun... am* Flguros ~ NOW aaODOBD TO HAMSLICES Lk. 89c 69c Yard SALE! VITAUZED I O ie SALM K 6 9 MAT 3 9 cY ard WILLIAMS OIL SERVICE 1 . FLAVOBFin, am MOTOR oa BULK PLANT AND OFFICE AT 341 BROAD ST. V*. covns' STRIPED AWNING CLOTH M . Sm iac. PORK CHOPS Lb. 59c 9 9 7 80 Inches W ide ...... 59e Yard ■ 1 ttateup 1. HUGE STORAGE CAPACITY 5rmg your contoiAort, stock up A COMPLETE Seaiood is cqmissg in n h s and with Vitalized . . . none finerl Wards Bettor qablltyl" finnart ' 2. MODERN. CLEAN EQUIPMENT E q u a U Premium protection for (ess/ fiahTpatton)! Fits asM emyt HEATING SERVICE trash, Maka a habit 6t using it ^:aayaa M4 wVfteM iNate i i i l :, ir- p . DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE -.1 . . . f R E G U tlit 69c WHITE OU Bornar Salea and Seiwice—Complete Healing Unite—Gulf Fuel and Range (Mb— i sqora ottan and plaasa tha tamily SALE! NEW FANCY BRENT SHIRTS! COMPARE AT 4.99 ..« T-SHIRTS TEXTILE STORE Wholeaale GaaoUne and Motor Oila— Long-Term. Eaay Paymeuto Available On All Inalalla- with yariaty assd aeonomy. Fiwt (Quality BrenU—atyted for collar-ad . WAPPLI IRON . i 44 Men’s Slaaa ' r J M lions. We are large enon^ to Benrice your every n e ^ email enough to giye your healing BBiartheae. long wear. CareftiUy.eut of I t e ■r A. L. 8LOCOMB. Prop. omooth Baafprtertl cotton—they fit yoa all < problema the personal attention they shonld have., -tejr. dfaar paste] Cbadaa. 14-17 necka: Batw - > Xaw.1 ‘Absorbent combed cotton shirt —buy-them nawJ \ aaB ~tor aIHreuhd waor. Quorter Special pufdifMl 918 Mala Street ' | Near t i e Baak Tin J U K H i d U COR9 dioltaUte|kMf|PI FOR A COMPLETE HEATING SERVICE CALL 2-1257 MAM«MBST«| COMM* sleeves. In Sporting Goods Dept . oitMtinuiagridkOril .ASK ABOUT WARDS CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN.

A' 7 ■

0m .--i- MAKCBES’l^ R EVENmG HERALD. MANC1RE3TER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 16, 1949 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 16, 1949 and four otata nsxt yepr la a condition WM reported as 'Tairly 8,000 persona war* laavlag aftpr a b GindaBted thud’ Offer Made two-year oootracL Tba imion has good.’’ Hartford Fliers Slight haaehall gama, as tho-alto Kilties tO: Hold ment has predlctad that Connecti­ Inspection showed that there was y.S . Defenses reduced lUi demspds to 10 cents PoUoo SorgL PhlUp Clark said of an airport a leak. an hour for tho flrat ytar snd fl^iF the stabbing oecurrod whan Poasy the positive esrtreme. The impor­ Special Meeting cut’s IMP peach crop will be 182.- Finds Gas Lc^ks In Truck Dispute Slightly Injured Tho piano, owned by the HarU ' D f^ice (Ml FH day tant thing ia to aaeure Europe OOO bushels as against UP.OOO The Importance of being careful TO BE cants for the second. attompted to break up a dies gams ford Flying Borvloo of BnOpaid with many refrigerants, Heald AreEfficient hi which Johnson was partldpat- we intend^' to complete. If buahela In 1PM: while the pear In Refrigerators Wa are rtfortag for Immiidlata a ^ a w«B M flleld, Hartford, landed 500. foot Of K. of C Tonight said, is the fact that some, under Providence, R .'!.. June 1 5 .-^ ^ tng wl|h Ringling BroUwrs and Rlverhead, N. T., June 16—(/T>— oast of the stadium. Re said ths poaatble, tbs Job we began. The crop of 48,000 buahela will exceed certain conditions, can prove very laeated aa w A la g ta a SttaaL targe Bvtag T ^ .Hsnshsstsir Pipe Esad wM that of last year by about 14,000 —A difference of two cents an Ballsy Circus workers behind ths Two Hartford, Conn., youths suf- man w en on n night erdos couMfy •iMunt -af money we appropriate Most people would Sgure that harmful to property and people. If ------. Military Man Outlinon Georgia Man Held main ten t fored only minor bruises when bold a dfoca a the lUiahflw saana Grand Knight Thomas ff. Mor­ bushels. doeetis lasMiaUea, alaepfog parch, capper phwnblag. etanss hr hour appeared to oepariM trl- pleasum flight from HArtford and Is gutng to be,'for Europe, the in the refrigaratkm bualheas Ih4 Posey Is a. clrcns worker, said their light plane landed last night had landed previouely,;. a t 'Prtai^ in BNtoH tlpta '.Friday avantaf. rissey last night announced a spe­ with elMkar. t-ear garage i lad iMMrtlfBSy langamprd lot Tl ' SyitMii Before the Clark. ^ Jung IT. Ward .Krtuissh qwhSRtra w only use a workman might have Won and la alfored Mr gnlch sals ite commercial hdaJeri and In Stabbing Case In n wooded area. The plane was boro, N. J , airport ’ signal of our inteatloa. cial meeting of Campbell, council property Is In perfoct eend truck drivers from agrsfmeat M- dsmoUahed. wm |day|to terip^ add antoiN H Senators HcKellar and Taft for his nose Would be the possible I m a m . Wa la*Ra ys«r Rotary Cinb 4ay on a new oontraek Nla^‘ to Die Knighta of Columbus, will be held Ro8ary Recited BrldgeporL Juno 18 — (Jt> — PoUcs Chief John Doaclnakt ‘Tneurgeat’’ Moffoa Dafoated UlmnedC wDl a ttrt a t gjfo' wEB must have aome economy in at the K. of C Home tonight at use of It as' an Indicator of cold. JCmpIoyer representativse Identified the plane's occupants aa Ridgefield, June .16-.^(F)—The There are other Important ussa. 5 7 A g n a t feeUng' at eonfldene* to aO Involved areas la Rkofla James R. Posey, 49, of Oordlle, Athens, June 18.—ON—A mili­ Harry Francis Abraham, 23, 327 the pips band In’foU rsgiila. Ifoa Xmsrlcan expenditures abroad, I'M o'clock to taka action on the For State Member Win SIOO-OO ROBERT i. SMITH, INC. executive committee Of Fairfield the Btsvanson T ii^ Prta«a wIR ot BMlM •* tM let them oonoentrate on the forth­ death of Rev. John U Loughran, says William Heald of the Sclen- •UMAINSmiBBT * 1TBI.BFHONB 84 tfo Isaidera ot this oountqr's ds- land, MassachusetU. and Gs., la being held fn bonds of 81,- tary tribunal In Larissa# yester­ Airport Homes, piloL and Vincent County Republican orgniilsatioa "it MaiMkMtw. Coe*- m Btor of S t James' church. Father Icut were called into n negdtlntioa 000 after, police eald, be stabbed day sentenced nine guerrilla offi­ A. Craplsi, 26, 610 Hillside aven­ awnrded to the hblders of’Ihe wBte coming program for sending anna tlSc Refrigeration Company lo-^ “ti'j-on latand to Uve an earth, awn a sNee ot It* ftnas system wss ths rssult of a last night voted dowh a prd^oaal nlng raffle tUfleets qt tetsipilEsl'sai, „ughran was a member of the Members of Manchester chapter. Cash Mok Mto the latsst wsapona aafl conference today la af effort to Robert Johnson, 8 8 -year-old cers to death. The officers, moat ue. that Athletic Oommisslaner Wil­ to Europe, which can never be idiights of Columbus. __ cated on Cottage street In the' rcadi a eetUemenL Bridgeport Negro with an lea pick of whom were described as lead­ Dance tlokots an stnl tnllstlt WMkiHlPTHMi KATM Our Lady of Sorrows Layman's course of his work with refri­ , methods of the Army, Colonol D. Dosclnski said the fliers, at­ liam J. Prince of Bridgeport and for the evqnt and may bent anything more ihah a gift of Past Faithful Navigator Thom­ Tba haulers bava'^made a ’n- yesterday. ers of Communist' groups, were tempting a landing to refuel, had " ...... as J. Dennsher has asked that as Ratreat league, radtad the roaary gerants, Heald has twice 1 ^ Gordsa Huntsr t■««>«• brightest moments when the new Copper and good galvan­ end In Georgia the Army uncoV- legs, Boston, a t oommencement imtWiBil OP war, the cold war, seemed on the en d their lntssL^*V<>"* dem- exercises hald Monday In Sym­ i j t w n o w ___ way to becoming hot. It ised metals available. onetrated how they •pesnte, under phony hall. MiSs Balch was en­ turned dull, again, over recurrent all torts ot oandlUoas. rolled In the BagUah achool at Select an ensemble T-.is5r»ss»iw‘ laonased Mcleany Simmoac: • poasibllltlea that East and West CLOTHES Then came a masa, parachute During her flreehman year she 5SSSK?4?3»,'TSS3ri» miidit peter out their differences BENTZ jump |that aaw the paratroopers tt TM MiiirMe*** BoeiUng H«r*l4. SHIRTS PANTS was co-chairman of the eommit- without resort to war. SHEET METAL WORKS fifllowM to tho ground hy'tanks tee on aocint actlvlUea and In her WtdBMdmy. June 16 Applying past stock market M2 Adams St. Tel. 896« snd Ught artttlsry. CM. HunUr t added that this nation's dsfsnsc aenlor year>|Mig leader. A gradu­ Qr choose the entire group Uws to the Paris Big Pour Con­ Isadera a n davottng tholr Itvsa to ate of Mansheeter High school. ~W«nt Menc* SIbcc Hitler. ference, then, it must be that the For All Your Lawn and Garden JVeeda Come to Lar$en*$ inersaalng tho offlounoy at tho do- Miss Baldi entersd Simmons In Jho foU of 1*45. Qisttceliw Robert M. HuteWn* basic news of that conference is fense syMom. * 5 5 In discussing Russia, OoL Hunt­ Previous to onroUlng a t ' Sim­ 2 4 of the tJWvereity of dilcogo tee- S t least going to be an abaence ot Combinofion Screen and er said that country Understands mons Miss Batch was active in Here’s a handy piece for the smsll tfoe.1 the other day before o com- that war which might stimulate only unquestioned strength pad he CMrt Scouting, and was a delegate room, s.-. at room or child’s room. Com rhest and desk; tray slides End taWe w4th handy mtgaslne shelf,' of the RHnoto 8UU U f- the stock market upward. A long, predicted that the Atlantic Pact from fhe local organlsatlon to the ’ rt Storm Doors vrtU have to be Implemented with National Senior Girl Soout Plan­ back when not in uae. Reg. |97J10. styled In Sheraton manner. Genuine mn> laloture "coacepilng eubverelve dwindling cold war, or cold peace, arms. The 18 men la the Kremlin ning Ooaferenoo at Oamp Edith r hogany; genuine gold-tooled leatlwr tom ■eaeltlee at the t^niveralty of with lots of worry and no easy are hoping that the U. B. will fall M a^, Pleasantvme, N. T., when Special 'each piece! Reg. $29.95. ' ’ ’ Chicago.” gain for business—that seems to Screens ond Screen Wire Into a depreeel oo. be anid. the nation-wide progrum for be the stock market's assessment Ahead In Prodnetlen Scouts 18 to IS was decided. He gave the legUUtore botb I Aaeeitlng that the Marshall Plan harreia. But there la atlU a quea- of the situation. WATKINS Sun Shop and Atlantic Pact ars making Watkins themaslvaa talL Col Hunter con­ order" for ypul If, you need Just one piece, or a pair of twin beds, Scoop! ioeMe.! 'the greateOt menace alnce we don’t really trust the stock cluded that Russia canaot hope to M anchester that’s all you need to buy. Or you can furtilsh every bedroom In tha boat the nations lined up against home and make each room distinctivet HtUer.” market to remain true to Ita own her becauae their production la far **lt la now faahionable,” Chan* post-srar system. We suspect it Sprinklers and Insecticides ahoad of anything she can pro­ Date Book oeUer Hutehlna told the legiala^ hae, by way of novdty, begun to duce, 1 ’ Next week’s Rotary ssestlng will Genuine AAahogany ttve Inveadgatora, **to caU any* be InSnenced by ordinary eco­ Ate you taking full advantage of your deep freezo to put away fruits and vege­ bo peld a t Joe Pero's farm. Any FMdny. ta to lT body with whom you dlaagrea a nomic factors. membere who did not attand last Manchester High achool gradu­ tooBununlat, or a fellow travel That doesn't mean ita bHiavlor tables? You win need containers, locker bags and paper. Vfe have a good supply. ■ ^ night's meeting and who Ma^ to ation, State thanter.'' Sirturdny, Jnae 18 is rational. It never really wient attend arc asked to call WUllam Brannlck,' who wlU In turn notify Tan 'Cedgra' outing. Garden ■ “One who crltidxea the foreign up for InSation, when Inflation' caterer Arnold Pagnni Antipasto Grove. policy of the Uhlted Btatea. or the was pyramiding Itself upon Us. It wnl bo eerved at 8:89 p. mf and Dinner and reunion. 1924 Claaa, Tables 'draft, or the Atlantic Pact, or who should be under no compulsion to PICNIC SUPPLIES AND CHARCOAL dinner at 7 o’clock. M. H. 8., 7 p. m. Manchester Coun­ ■Mlevoo that our ndUtaiy eatab- A good attendance is expected try ehib. « go down, with deflation. Any num­ at the Farm meeting which has Also etrnwberry aupper of V. F. ttahment to too eaqpoBalve can ber of prominent stocks are cur­ alWsys provsn among the moot W. AuxlUary, Poot-Home, Man- with gold-tooled file** a Mlow traveler. fOr the rently — dividend rate* popular of the year. cheeter Groon. iBuMtana are of the aame optntoo. at six and eight and 10 per cent Alao Rotary .Club auction at * 5 5 ! ■? 'Oo* who thinka that there are LARSEITS Charter Oak 'auction nuurket 2 p. lea th er tops of their market price, and this is Officers Selected m. The Old Concord cheet-on-ehest pro* too *"**»y and too much an era of dteap money. Bimi»/,;|unolt vid . extra storage space . . . five ilyadiiag in America oan be called Perhaps the real answer Is that FEED and HARDWARE For Sooth Oiurch Annual Sportamen’a Water deep •Ira'wers . . . tor bedrooms and Bhow, C ^rterB prti^ park. hails. «leg. I87A0. :n fellow traveler, for the Rue- the stock market reflects nothing TEL. 5406 jalana eay food. CepdkMy b Cbnant, and Biaenbower, apeak might normally go dry in late 19J wkic loet. Freea* up H 179 Ht. *1 leeot ot *** Kaw, qekMy 7S the truth, the real American July or early August have truth. But they are going to have end eotHy. f rattrYni food the letl- Bpace-eaver for the smell home, or the Summer cottage . . • gone ao far underground that eri. eedetl, ie« l beeMihil wey. this double bunk bed . . . end you get the bunk as sketched, to keepjupeakmg It, and they are nothing except two solid weeks of with a a f ^ rail for top bed, for only $65. Usually $97.69. going to need aupport from the rain could restore them. Even general public. If they succeed In corn, which considers beat at this blunting the drive of thoae who, season a special boon, ia running SA^TW O WATSI In the -name of antl-Communlam, swiftly through the benefit of the would like to impose a thought Save the*e two ways and j-oa’ll save al- heat, and encountering the has- 10H Dawai control of their own upon Amen- ard of parched foots. ways-doUars and food! These amazing 5*^T> odttcftUon. 94 MenHw The cut wonna, ravenous for low prices really are dirifty! And your Just Cali 2-0030 moisture, can And it only In green «a 9mf Marshal] Plan Fnnda stalks, and slaughter ail' night IH Freezer U a real thrift-investment! For Reftigerated, The truth probaldy Is that Har- long. for fteeziog food—dm easiest, fastest pball Plan foads could atand a We hsive a-suspicion this Is Big. 18 X 39 Inch coffaa tabK ftylad 9a not the worst. We suspect that method of fttodipceserration—is the match the other tabled Shown hSM. Top n u t ’nm t is probably ap be- Fully Insured protected with gold-tooled leather. ' Reg, eai|ae Ihnopean raoovary haa bean rain, whan it does come, will come most economical, tool You can buy W9.96. ha^ar than aiqieeted—so much not with any gentle reclamation W ttar, In foct, that m aome in- of the earth it baa bean neglect­ food in large econolhy amounts, when Fur and Wodens Storage $ 5 5 ing for* ao long, but with a weat- Manrea It la threatening to con- prices arc lowest, and eofoy it months Perfect desk for the child's room, ^ b u te to world economic depree- em-atyle cloudburst, rutting the gusst room, or your mairie living ^lon by unloading competitive flelda and sending tons of CXm- later. Better, more ntitritiout food. . • Fraak Balabew room. Matches the Old Concord bed. l^oods into the world marin^ nccticut dust down into the less work and waste in die kitchen •• e Phone, we’ll pick them up. ^ room plocea Reg. $97.89. But, aiaoe there is a perpptual Sound. Bring them, you save 10^, Cash and Carry Ear* ItMfy lofssf Wlmi ’ .Mction in Cemgress which would A soft, gentle rain, beginning more leisure time foe you! SAVl IN Sralhan OuratwMs in naw, diffaraid immediately, and gradually CLEANING BOTH Eke nothing batter than to drive BVIRV WAY WITH AN IH raZEZZ*! STORAGE If iff palfam at tfw tana aid; Maad a fo]l sia* bad f ir tha gusst room T This one eetnss eoati- jUM whole Mandian Plan out of working its way into the soil and Plain Garments .31.50 , 31.25 $1.95 ; plete with- bedside table . . . two drawers snd handy cablnrt rstSoosl diflcoMioii ut up to a good steady, heavy climax For Trimmed Garments 32.00 31.75 np $3.15 up amazingly lew pHcallbwl Mia for books sad radio. Both ^eceg for $85. Usually m.99: * Plaa fond naada is over a three day period, would inK Wow**# (gfaudng included) ' v . Nm fradmaa of ihair HgM, «aal that canaot be had. It ease our anxlaties. But we do PfooH* ood ••*•*» 3SS At. *f < Fur Coats ...... $3.00 ($100 value) 36.00 iff colon. . . Mwlr wrinida miitanea not expact it feS U.1 OiSM eit m pm dtf . . 'Beaver, Nutria, ...... tha uncanny way they illsy Nad Haifotan- admitted that a White Ermine ...... $3.00 (31Q0 value) $10.00 FAULTLESS caat cot waa poaaihte, wMieut dipping. Scraca printed hy c 4 SeeSet Sd. A neednrfet le.nln nH A Expert, senaibly priced. Repairing and ReHning -* Mldd I ’ - 4 McKallar and Taft Here your Furs will be kept in pcifcct condition. hand dn kntrew Cilanisn* yam ' L \ Ametif# Drives out for tho Bride . . . Brass hurrtcane lamps ; head for a 90 par cant cut. Can 2-003(1 of rayon. Saa them great now with frostod etched chimneys, sparkling prisms p a ^ bas-io ha ana ba- Bulldozing DwotwMi todeyl ' hanig from crystaf bobecha. Rsg. $9.00. tea- 2 4 J $ I tarn astramaa, the one par- Grading clal $7 AO pair. •awatfoaOR the coafomad Concralc Worii $55 Asahrtcaa doUM abroad, . I'ERMS ARRANGED ■This Old Concord desk Is appropilqta underaatiifmt- for tha student'^ room, living room. ' iad hMaaaa tt dcaant , T. D.COLLA $$T HAST MDEDfOIF or atudy. Used also aa a vanity baaa. Bag. 897Aa CALL ANVnMB la tWa aa3^ STORE £ l£ M E H S ^ M€N*S W€ARe 2 - 9 2 1 9 HARI^ISdN STREET MANCRESTI3I ^MBtaavarsy It la 845-MAIN STREET TEL. 2-4430 ■ .Ja-alaaK^ttB t Ik-i-y '. i'-r- - VIt' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JUNITIA IM * , MANCHESTER EVlux^xxsu HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1949 PAOBBLBVnC

Daniel 18,070 flUng luider the eervice- gan, Norman C. McKee, Janet M. the bride was attired in a gown of in buttercup yellow •dth taUamaa dress with wbita'lKcSsaortes and Snow, James Pttngy, en Lane, a Harding High achool rosea, and Mra McOooa in lilac an orchid coiitilgia Buyers Increase ^ Delay,^-Francis Krcyaslg, John Benefit Claims , man’a readjustment law aa oom- To Be Honored MostonI, .Margaret ,A, Plercy, Cle­ aopbomore, had returned hbme to­ white aabn fashioned with a parad with 11,417 during tha pra- ment PontlUo, Janla P. Rogers, AUTO GLASS square neckline outlined in seed with happy day • If Your Wood'4Samo 1$ Sour Pierba and Charlca Shewokes. day after ahe was found working Wedding Mra Rombola aciacted a draea Newli-iftkft TamstB Store Prnats. Hrtara F St. Jamet' parUh with the death organist. the first aovan days o f the auction. Pierce and Daniel Daley received ulio completed school-terms and ditorium. Dr. Ruth A. Haaa, pres­ E Keeney, Charles E. Knofla, Ge­ morning when she left for achool, , of Rev. John U Loughtan, an* ^^car general, who will be aaaiat- sweaters.. are now seeking work. There were ident, will confer the degrees. rard W. Land, Helen O. McGu- Margaret E. Sears, 10, of 26 Mald­ I la vm n reoedl* fop oyop 100 yoftra. Veostiag miade 'ant priest; Rev. John T. Connor lira. Elmer L. Odell of Hartford During this same period, the re­ Oat raaf lelleli F-W e far hiaWatael .1 nounced thia morning the namee of was mstron of honor for her sis­ ' \ ceipts reported by the Mancheiter Bix active and 12 bonorpry pail* f and Rev. Joaeph P. Rewinkel, | t deacona of honor: Rev. Edwin J. | ter. and Mrs. Wiiliam J. CUfford Truat Company, tha treasurer for bearers for the funeral services to Gaffney, deacon of masa; Rev. oBManche.ster and Mra. Thomas L. the market, wera $31,638.43. he heid Friday morning at 10:30. Htibert P. Carrlg, subdeaoon: McCboe of EliMbethtown. Pennt., fiponaorad . by tha Mancheetar Active bearers are Joseph Trib­ were the brldesmald.s. William J. Recently released statintlcs show that Fruit and VegeUble Orowera As- ble, Daniei I. Quirk, Wiiliam Rev. Robert L. Christopher and Rev. Patrick W. Flynn, acolytes. CUfford, brother-in-law of the there are 5S0 Mntual Savings- Banks in aoolatlon, tha markat is opan daily os teen tn Downing. John J. O’Connor, Also Rev. Joseph D. Casey and i bridegroom, acted as beat man. axcept fiaturdays, at 2 o’clock. Gharies L’Elspersnce and Matthew Rev. Patrick J.' Donnelly, thuri- .lohn L. Rombola and Elmer L. the United States with deposits of |1S,* Robert U. Rsod ft Sons are the ^ The Saturday Evening Pott Iforiarty. fers; and Mtgr. Joaeph F. Cleary Odell, both of Hartford, were ush­ for the auetkmaara. The strawberry sea­ Honorary bearers include Rob­ and Rev. Francis S. O'Neill, mas-; ers. 700.000. 000 representing the Bavings of son will last about another three ert J. Qorman. William V, Shea, Given in marriage by her father. weeks, and the market will re-open Thomas C. phea, John Tynbn, ters of ceremonies. 19.000. 000 depositors. * again for the tale of truck garden IT'S COT TO BE "REGAL" John Andisio, Frank Haraburda, products In the fail. Jasper Audette, Edward J. Mor- Tieadof^e y itoMse larty, Edward B. McGurk, Harold Theot fgarsB at* not publiahcd to im- Qarrity, John D. LaBells and Ray­ prana ytm as to dgures alone bat to show mond fiagedom. ^ Wappinp A parish 'lass will be celebrated you, that if you are a Mutual Savings DO JUSTICE TO DAD! tomorrow morning at 8;S0, said Bank depositor you are a member of a fio m l OFT*S Chiidraib'a Sunday was observed Father Wood, and will be a high SOAP SALE at the XWapping Oommunlty ' maas. group with the largest total of savings churdi Sunday with the children Society OeJegatkma and young p w ^ having charge Delegations from the aeveral Qualit.v French Milled in the country . . . that this method of o f the ecrvtce. There was a serv­ Catholic aocieties of Mancheater saving serves a very large proportion of ice of bspUsm w itw ^ e following will attend the 10:30 funeral masa let Father try thh hot on children baptised: Jesn Eilsine, Friday morning. They will a.ssem- people who work-for a living. —and aratch bim amilc «ilh daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Ber­ ble in the lower church at 10 • COLD CREAM pltaiura when ha lifta iha ’’lid" Dozen ... Intida an tadting array a f. nard Ellison; Bruce Bradford, son o'clock. Among those which will • LANOLIN o f Mr. and Mra. Ralph Wethnall; be represented are the Knights of chncoUita. nut pieces and eihar tempting ueaia. 81 .SO Karen Anne, daughter df Mr. an. Mary, Challoner mb. Catholic • CASTILE Church Sunday school w ill be SANFORIZED Touth Organisation, Girl Scouta Attractive "n o " box ...iiHidsnot (uatanother tie- disocotinued until September. and Study cluba. Twenty-aeven Boy Seouta of To Lie la SUIe Lena Than 5c A Cake hot aoniithing that's bound to pIcaM Ms MUM...a snacially YToop 62 took a trip to Boston Father Loughran'a body will be line awortment of Loft a won­ Batuiday under the supervision of "TRADE WIND" at St. James' Rectory until 3 p. derful dark chooelataa. 81,3S Lloyd Grant, acoutmaster, John m. tomorrow when it will be mov­ ««SdviM^ Bdnko'MdHctiester DriscoU, saatatant acoutmaster, ed into the church and tie in state Edward Hack, WllHam Watrous TROPICALS before the mein altar until Friday A MUTUAL SAVinGS BAHK and Howard Bennett of Abo Mil­ PLAIN OR PLEATED FRONT momii^. The, Knights of Colum­ ler Poet, and Myron Burr, WII- bus will post an honor guard All Dapoaltt In Thit Bnnh Ara Gnnrnntaed tn Fall B.v rbs frod Durochcr and Raymond Hal- around the casket in the church. QOi M A X SIRE- Snvings Baaka' Dapoail Onaraaty Fnnd ol CoanacHcot, tne. lowell, parents of Scouts, who Ouaraatood 100% WOOL At 8 p. ip. tomorrow, the Office ’''a'.cwl'.i'’ itnA' furnished cars for the trip. They by Ooad Of the Dead will be chanted. le ft Community hall at T'.SO a. m.. HnUSllMspiBg Two high requiem ma.saea will •ad ware met in Boatoo by one of •GABARDINES tha Scout troops there and esoort* A gsanlos Knuom ssafertasd son* — tha turpriaa ‘‘dgar" bna. ft ad by them to the places of Inter- cenums a arondao-workingam mertasd fishele. In a ales sMsctlea Jection of candy iraau for Dad aat. They had a picnic lunch and o f strip ss sod pisids. Browo, Mne sod . . . Loft't debdout nuniatom In the afternoon saw the Chicago grsy. SbM 39-4A •TROPICALS chocolatea—dara (milk) or ma- Cubs play the ’ Boston Braves. Thursday a n d Friday dura (Park)—as ymi prafar. 81 JO A fter a fun couraa dinner they ro- turaod home. • DOESKINS A Mra. Oliva Roae, president of Regularly $4,98 /m Jto •A 7^ A (M il cwp the Aba Miner Poet Auxiliary, Only 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. '—call it a lotriru eof for DaA announced the foUowing winners TAN, GRAY, BLUE, GREEN. BROWN h'a Mg aqd blua and handaonm, In the poppy sale: Wapping gram­ SIZES 29 TO 42 wiib Muear to mateb. And brim­ mar a ^ ^ ’Thomaa Doherty, ful of candy lurpriiaa . . . all is John Pottlas, Morgap Bradley and j a lovely gift boa. 81.M 3*98 Robert Pratt, each o f whom wera •wasded aoftballa. Winners at the miioB achool were John Maiin ■nd Thomaa Myetts. No award WRINKLE-RESISTANT Factory MHW8 MV JMW 18th—wlpn really waa made at Pleasant Valley semeihinf Mondtrful mutt happen to father. school but the auxiliary presented in Von Htfstn*Shirts...$2.95 And H w lll-lf yao ehooaa hla tift at U t f a • utUlty ball to tha school for Ita WASHABLE SANFORIZED GABARDINES a n d SHARKSKINS part in the sale. John Maiin sold r ----- 1----- r - *------J lagf- M S iiii ipertla^ Demonstrator the greatest number of popples tn oew Van Hensan white shirts. T te fins closely woren town and was awarded a bat and SLACKS GRAY, BLUE, TAN, BROWN AND GREEN ball. broadcloth iniuret a high hiitre diat wialraa tfasss Thara la a Laft Candy Shop nt 828 Mnln St., Slanehaatar During a special honors assem­ GRAY, TAN. GREEN SIZES 28 TO 42 s 6 * 9 8 whits shirts resDy white. And Van Heoien Comfort bly last week at EUaworth Memo­ Contour ooQar styling offers •'n ew high in lowoetting |*” Mm . IMay Smith will be here in person | rial High acbooi many students seller com fett. B en la r aad w identeed ooDar models received awards. Those receiving 11 i Fnach er Kafls cuSu I Thurs. and Fri. from 9 a. m. till 5:30 p. m. | numerals for participating in Jun­ ior varsity soccer were: George j2*98 Gaye, Roger Breton, Calvin Ban­ I She win welcome showing everyone, old customers and | croft, Richard Blaney, Curtia I new, how easy and eeonomical you can be with the O 'D ell John Eckert, Donald Bat- tulonls, Stanley Mortay, Paul * Gladiron and Automagic Washer. * Juttner, Wiiliam Martlnes and iM-*' ..■illi- Pater . Winton. Baseball rertifl- eatea for 1949 went to James

MAN'S IXPANSION lAND Tkh k LUCKY Free Instruction PRESOUPTIONS DAY i — k Ol lUo Pin «ay wfkt. CALLED FOR . Irighttat wp y#vf bW wotch, 0«t ofi« AND DELIVERED

r n o in : of ^pn3fT' WATCHES Accurait, d*a*nd«bl*. (•«. PHARMACY s M meiementi. Many laa^. an the fam bae 6G4 Onttr Strtet ah ta tflacl fraa. Oiva Nia f^adwafa a lUlOVA ■AST n u i t TtL 2-9814 . THOR distiitctivii AmatiN Drivas playshiit MAN'S IIUEOLD AUTOMAGIC Bulldotififf Genutnt leather, lott ef reeai S2H Grading ler currency end impertent THOR' cards In brawn er black WASHER ConercU Work TERMS ARRANGED FITTED LASTEX AIIOMETRIC PAkKER "SI sn A tvll-aiia IrotMr AUTOMAGIC* THo RowMf Eievelepmofit in Ipaf to compact h folds Parmariy8m-SB fa Da COLLA brrilifif MM. The MW Parker to St in a alaaat NOW ONLY "SI*- fe«tereo the Pete fMI 19« Only GLADIRON' CALL ANYTIME « SWIM TRUNKS PHl^. Yee •ctv*lly Me the Imt lAlY TflUAS Elssttc (all sround) waistband. 2 -9 2 1 9 Blue, white, mslte. gray aad ma- P- )0 starleaf by roem. SUea: Small, medium and lOVILY COSTUME largo. JEWELRY Sm our Skirt > 2 . 9 8 ToJny.' Saoibow thiru bracM rbrotigb tha Gladiioo't pat- Ody 8S.00 a wMk ■EAUTIPUl SCATTER FINS. an Oar laay Ittm. antad ileeve-tiie roll. Sae how sU ironing can he dene Ii MHtor baM aar i»Wra-tseiSf»e - X ■■■-'■ * ' -


and Oarstd L. Cterh, $4, Ndrlk* K : ■ ttow'is that It vrin Snally oost la o t be held as iiauat during that time. constituted an enjoirable evening's the nslgkbogbood o f $26,000,000. Farm jobs Open smptsn. Mass., who bad pts'HwMly Student Victim 10 acre# o f land from. Mr. and Mrs. Uw leavaa foor eooo, Solon Charges Edward M. Dailey ot Flandsrs ^Siamese Tw in’ Act A fter the preaching servlca a June Jaye Pupils entertainment. Leaves for Virginia Both the Joint committee and pleaded not guilty. S J to o a M , Walter and J « ^ o * Judge P. B. cySuIUvsn ordered South Coventry road. The new buyers will move bualnaMI mtoting was bald. Arthur Outstanding assistance was B u iU M E ln o r t i £ town: two daiightera, D o ^ the Senate -Appropriatlana sub­ For Students Here Of Crash Diei Lockwood was elacUd moderator given the students by the pianist AEC Unaware' committee on Independent Offices, . I . the chergbs boiled on the recom­ airs. Pnullas Uttls to Coventry soon. H is sals was Fakers Are Fined 111 Dance Recital o f Coventry and Mrs. Samuel An- mends tlon o f Aeiriatsnt State’s A t­ negotiated by Eugene F. Hasly, and the followlnif items wers prs- Mrs. Gusste De Nlca and Hal deiaoo of VOUlmantlc; three to which the ABC must turn for WUUmsNtle Ba. PkwM «riA -W I AMESITE DRIVEWAY O f Firew difa with the Cloaing pf school only torney John S. Murths, who iadl- Westerly, R. I , June 16— local realtor. ssnted; ths names o f WInthrop Kolb’a orchestra. brothers, Bdward, Harold and Cost Increased money, have bean looking Into the New Britain, June 18— — Two White and Frank Hamilton, by a ^ June - K. Jaya presented her Ah* Tvfta aai Asflrall M i MB a mattor of days,- away, Oiartsa eatsd thereVwks insulBclent evt- Westeriy High aeboors most pop­ Mr. and M ra G. Raymcmd John­ i/n V Boy OTionnell o f Denver, and one matter. men who, a policeman testlflad, spsclal committee to serve ks des­ dance pupils in her seventh annual MeOInn. aupstviaor ot tha Em- denoe to proceed. ular senior won’t gat his dipibmi Gsorge Rector wu elected son and Mrs. Harold M. Turner at­ Carpet Prieea Are Cut RBUABLB - RBABOMABLB — HORS grandchild. Mrs. Green waa bom Ih e woman’e huabend, Henry P. wt/re prindpalB In a fake “ Siam­ cons and In the asms way two Qeatlaaed fnwi Page Oae ploymsht .Skrvlos 76 Mspls St graduation tonight president o f the Fine lA ke Shores tended the Suffleld Grange Mon­ recital at the Bushnell Memorial, eOAEAMVBBD PUB Bm MAfM . in Denver, Colo., and moved here Andrewa SO, la asrving n one-year ese twin” act in a carnival were deaconesses, Mra. Frank Hamilton Jbawtom Icflon Again strsst, utgaa those students who Ha died this monilng. day ni$bt when Bast Central Pomo­ Monday evening, to an snthustaa- several years ago. ^ term la the oo&nty J w on a man- Aaaodation at the first meeting fined $50 each and given suspend­ and Mrs. Arthur Lockwood. These Thompsonvilie, June lA —(P)— MsntMy fkfMBto V Dstorsi looked into the matter and made would Jllto to asGure s ttm ;^ sas- Seventeen-year-old Anthony U- na officers were gueeta. JW fll Sponsor Event Mrs. O. O. Anderson, pyederlck E U i n g t o D slaughter charge m the case. 6t the year held Sunday after­ ed 10-dey Jell terms In ^ llc e four persons were elected. Notice tlc audience. Approximately 130! The Sanford-Blgelow Carpet com­ Its report. ploymsnt on. tobacco and agricul­ gourt, oo-chptain o f tha schod Ml*. Arthur Proulx was admit­ Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. W ^ - Andrews killed his nine-year-old was read by the dark, Mra Ma­ pupils participated In the varied'' pany has announced, effective to­ He quoted tha r e p i^ as saying tural A a ld ir t o 's ^ in at hla of» fostbidl team and recently votef noon on the lawn ot the home of ted to Windham Community Ms- court today. On Fonrdi o f July ter 8. Haven attended the Angell- eon, David, with Ulumlaatlng gas rion Stanley of a meeting at the program. day, an average price reduction o f DEMAIO BROS. - the commission should have seen Mr. And Mra. Nelson o f }h t Arm ftos ahd s t t ^ t thslr liamaa to bs the most populsr class member Mr, and Mrs. Fred Jones ot that nlorial hospital on Saturday. ’ They were Edward Miller, 71, of Hall weddln|( and reception at last December 1, and then tried to church In Union to be held next An outstanding attraction waa a five per cent In its woven carpet 'danger signals” in constanUy in- of U. Nelson and sons o f ^ e s t added to his files. Thsrs ars many died at Westerly hoapttsL Mrs. T. F. Little and her son-in- 'CUen FaUs, N. Y.. and Claude Bend- SINCE 1920 T B L m O N B T M l A ttm in e t b rtw *«i the A w r i the Storrs church on Sunday aft- commit suicide with gaa district. Other officers sleeted Sunday to which tha following syncopated soft shoe routine by line for faU, This, said O. C. Dene- creasing estimates made• by■ GE of Road, entertained SO guesto at a bpenlags for this typs of , work, He was injured Sunday In th< law, Lsw'rcnce Lee HUl o f New ley, 43, of Bolton Landing,'N. T.. brink. company sales executive. Is MM liMrtnn and the Um H Fire- emoon. then follow: First vice president, delegates, Malcolm Crook, pastor Miss Jaye. assisted by Felma Rec- construction costs, and that “ it lawn party Saturday night In honor and the positions era hsihg filled crash of an automobile which.* Britain visited at the home o f ^ r . who were arrested last wash after eeDfOa Gbsepasy ed OentervlUe. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Liock- ctala, Janice Crawahaw, and Lor­ In addition to a two per cent slasb does not appear that any Atomic some friends overseas. Among rapidly. > . Publif! Records classmate, Clifton Woodmanaee Rlcbsrd Spears; second vice pres- and Mrs., Charles L. little and Health Officer Louis J. Dumont, laiaiid, haa bean algned for wood were chosen from uur raine and Arlene Montle. The rou­ announced in March. Ehiergy oommlaaloq representa­ the honored guorts were Rev. Rob-' Mr. McGinn alpo suggesto, thnt 18, o f Rockvilte, R. I., hkd eecelv idsat Reed Denton* eecretory. family Sunday. M ra Hid left Fri' M. D., and Detsetivs Sergt, A r­ tha !?»■” ' flreworka dlaplay at church. tine waa almllsr to production tive” reviewed the estimates. art Clsrk from Irelsnd. who la s smploynrs fh th is' vicinity contact ad aa n graduation j;| ft day with friends for s visit at thur P. Hayward had invsatlgated numbers used on the New York MaBMrial F ied on July 4 a(aln Columbia Mrs. George A. Clark; tresaursr. Gaard Recmltlag laeraaeea BespoaaibUlty Up In A ir student « t the Hartford Thsologl- him and lat'htm ’ kndw how’ many WartRatM Deede Woodmansse was reported stll Msrtbs's Vineyard on the Capa the act and reported It was a hoax. The regular meeting of the sUge. n ia year, ft waa announped by ’There was no clear understand­ csl Seminary and who plan* to re­ Alexander Jarvla to Green- Charles Chambers. Leslie K. Rich In court today Hayward said students, he .would like to employee In critical condition. A . thirc Eugene Beattie of Ridgefield Ladles’ Benevolent Society will .be, Another show-stopper was a ■^lAi Pafaal today- Paganl la Columbia Congregational church ing in General EHectric or the turn In the near future and 3(r. for the summer aeastoa. H ie de­ brooke Homea Incorporated, three Srilson Is chairman o f ' the club- he found a rubber-doll atrapped to Hartford, June 16— Major passengers Lester L. Burdick. Jr. Park. N. J., made a flying visit to beld in the church social room on |j beautiful waits number consisting «te r*a of the dlaptey thla year. observed Children’s Day Sunday, Atomic Ehiergy commission as to Rasmus Hanson'another guest of sire fbr summer smplotymeat is propgrtiee tamted on Falknor BUIIer'a abdomen. ' Dr. Dumont General Frederic C. Relnce, State 20, of Belmont. Maas., waa said t( houss and roads committee; 3trs. relstlvss and friends at Pins Lake Thursday, June 16, at 1:80 p. m„ ot 36 girls, dressed In gowns of Raia put an early halt to laat exercises by the pupils of the Sun­ to whose responsibility it was to honor from Copenhagen, Denmsidt. very pronounced thla year among ffriva bs resting comfortably. L. K. Richardson, chairman o f the testifled he examined MlUer and preceded by a. daasart. Rags will Adjutant General, says that re­ YORK yaaFa Maplay that would have who la In the U. s; on business and Greenbrooke Hornet, IncorporsU Shores Sunday afternoon and be­ pastel shades with sequin trim­ day School replacing the usual handle Costs reports,” the Review tha students la the local sMiools. entertslnmcnt and publicity com­ learned he a mala although, bs sewn for making woven ruga ming. Miss Jaye, again perform­ cruiting for the Connecticut N a­ haan ana of tha largeat aver pre- atudylng tool mmklng. came the first pilot to land a sea­ morning worship. Dr. George S. board skid. . and coopsratloh by both tlM Stu­ ed, to Joseph M. Donohue, John F. mittees. Chairman of the arbltrs- the doctor sAd. he waa posing as Attendance waa small at ths sup­ ed, attired in an orchid chiffon Uonal Guard, dormant for several gmlT-* Another fine dlaplay la be- Late In the evening Curt Per­ MeKietnan et al and William A. plane on the quarter-mlle-wlde Brookes baptised Andrea Karen, HIckenlooper and AKC Chair­ dents and'smptoysrs wUI .mkks .it Former Educator tloa committee will be George A. per on Friday but all who came gown, doing a ballet solo. weeks, has picked up with the M anaaged thla year, and ai^ son o f Stockholm, Sweden, gave MaoDonald et al. each separately, lake.lake HrisndedHe landed wTtw^^^^nis iwo-pisce. rs- ^ promoter Hayward of reportsdthe set. Air-Conditioiiiiig daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mal­ easier for the |hnplpymeat Ssrvlos various units of the state’s mili­ man David E. LUienthal clashed Clark. dio-equipped plans near the Cbv. enjoyed the delicious, meal, aspsc- Beautiful costumes, elaborate M ^ m ^ y W.800 wUl be apent. colm Stannard, Jane laisabeth, over a commission press rsleaaii of them n surprise 1^ landing In on to meet the needs w both partiea property located on Falknor drive. and Mrs. Wilton L. Rose, lally the strawberry shortcake. scenery, and well-trained students tary estahitahment showing a gain FOR >Bcanl aUted that oontrlbuUon ^Dies ill Hospital entry aide of the lake and taxied daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. C. Ran­ Oapt. Lester B. Wolcott laat night In which the A E C said plane. He is also hera'on’ busl- - ...-Ill, I f Percy W. Spicer-to Thomas J. Frederick C. Rose, Mr. and Mra. o f 40 men. eola atanda will again be e r w t^ ness" and will combine plesaure Morrissey et kL property at Qoop- to the shore at the home of M a The annual meeting of the An­ dolph Forbes and Nancy Stod­ the "overriding coo|ideratlon’* In Earle W. Rose and two daughters, dover branch of the Columbia HOMES BUSINESS OFFICES at the entrancea.to Memorial Field dard, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. with busineas by visiting relstlvss Cr Hin and Ckmpflsld road. Hsddsm, June 16 —(JPl— Dr and Mrs. Leslie K. Richardson, captain Lester H. Wolcott of 192 building the plant was “becausa ot Court Orders >- ' Pamela and Patricia, were in where members of the Rlchsidson Andover Chapter, American Red Cross will PROFESSIONAL OFFICES -Jtor tha acceptance of donations to Sawyer Medbury. in Manchester and RoekvUIs. M arriaM License Charles Samuel Ingham, 82. edu .^ r r ''.''Innil(iril aiul ) nu U H arr It Main street, left yesterday for Its relation to the results of the Utica, N. Y., Sunday attending family were swimming. Chick bs held In the Conference House help defray the expense of the The program for the BlUngton Rudolph Joseph Heupt, USN, of cator and civic leader, died thti the wedding o f their son and Children ot the Kindergarten de­ Fort Eustis, Va„ whore he will 1948 Bniwetok Teats” p t atomic Charges Nolled Treffetto. a friend o f Oic Beattie The Church School wlU hold Its on Wednesday, June 32 at 8 p. m. display. Anyone who would like to spend the next three months. He Schools win be held Tuesday eve­ 207 Center street end Marilyn morning a t New Haven hospita brother, MMcolm L. Rose, to Mlee More and More Offices Are Bccominff partment, Mrs. Stewart TlbbltA bomb developmenta family, picked up the flirer and a annual day on Sunday, June 16 at The Annual Silver Tea o f the sand donations between now and will take the associate basic course ning, June 31 at 7 :30« pxa. In Worden of 207 Center street, wed­ after an Ulnesa of several months June Kellogg of upper New York and Miss Abby IMbblU. teachers, HIckenlooper contended that the oilot-companton and drove them to 11 a. m. Howard Jennings Is Girl ScouU will be beld in tha July 4 may do so by sending their at the transportation school there. the auditorium o f tha now EHing- Hartford, June 16— (JT) — Adul­ ding June 16 by Rev. falaikl O. He waa an Instructor at Tklt state. The double-ring ceremony ( , 1 M K M 1 1 1 :1 1 iii< gave two prayers and sang “Jesus decision to build the 'plant was ton School, at which Urns $0 pupils the home of Edward Beattie, Jr., superintendent o f the school. toa-n hall on Saturday, June iStk. ^^YORKAHLE CONDITIONED** donation to Robert H. Hathaway Loves Me" In unison. Susan Stan­ A member of the Connecticut made by the Manhattan district, tery charges stemming from the Hunt university and served as headman waa performed In the Congrega­ will receive their graduation car- Permlta ' of Ehiglevllle. The brothers called Mr. and M ra Malcolm Crook A play will be given and badges m at the Manchester Trust Com nard sang “I Think When I Read” NaUonal Guard for ten years, he run by the Arm. engineers In 1946 case in which n Glaatoifbiwy man ter at Dummer academy In Mas tional chapel in Utica by Rev. Ufleates. The program w U open Jnmee S. Loney for H. G. Ooropf, saebusetts for 23 years. He cam* their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ and baby Daniel Howard traveled will be presented. MBy* as a solo. waa with the Anti Tank Unit at before th e , i^vUian commlaaion killed his son biit failed In an at­ Hugh 8. Barbour o f Syracuse A band concert by the American with selections by the Instrumental 4 room dwelling on Liberty street, to Hsddam In 1933. ward Beattie of Wlllimantle and to Philadelphia on Saturday. Mi's. Mrs. Richard Newmsnn, newlv Camp Blanding, and went overseas took over. ^ tempt to end hie own life last De- Univeraity, also a former pastor REFRIGERATORS lagloa Band win be presented b^ Children of the Primiary claaa clsM. The Invocation wlU be given $6,000. Dr. Ingham was Haddam’s fte-.| they motored out to the lake. Ao- Crook and Daniel will remain elected -president of the ParsoP WILUAMS OIL SERVICE In January, 1940, with the 102d In­ He said the decision waa made cembe* were dismissed today la of the local First CongregstlonsJ Haru'c,-..— W a In — I li'i t ric Sn>ks Mrs. Howard Hinckley, teacher, by Rev. Forest Muaaer o f the Un­ Edward -Mstuahak, 7 room publican representatlvr to thi proBchlnr darkness cut the family there with relatives while Mr. Teacher’a Association which or­ tala the display, lasting until It fantry. He served for 44 months while the Enlwetok testa remained Superior court. church. Mt BROAD STREET TEL. 2-1257 gave The Ten Commandments. ion Congregational Church Rock­ dwelling and garage on Highland Legtelature in 1938, 1940, 1942 reunion short and as the aeaplane Crook is engaged in selective serv­ ganisation sponaora the Scouts, ]s dark enough to start the llre- in the Ulands of the PapiSc and for ’’only a glint in n scientist's eye. The accused were M ra M arM ret The Junior class, Mrs. James H. ville. There w ill be Instrumental street, $11,000. 1948 and 1948. ' Mrs. Ernest Evans will be In carried no equipment for night fly­ ice work during the next two and Mra. Lawrence Cbamberialn .arorfca *nie committee Is working ten months was on the Hawaiian " I hate to keep on pulling ruga P; Andrews, 3tf, ^ OUstonbnry, Standard Appliance Co. hard again this year to make the Phelan, teacher, gave the Beati­ solos by Gertrude Tsamsr, Ronald charge of the Nathan Hale Com­ ing. the pilot took o ff about 6 p. weeks. This being part o f his j will pour. islands. He returned home In the out from under the senaV>r,” - LU­ ealabraUon bigger and better. Sev- tudes Dr. Brookes* class gave fif­ Abom, Richard Wliuma, Bhlrlet munity Center setback party ro. to return to New Jeroey before vacation from pastoral duties at All interested friends and rela- Ni'ith 'lain I’hnnc 11 j fall of 1946 and was placed on ter­ ienthal repHed. He went on to sral thousand people usually at teen minutes, through question and Feldon and songs tha pupils t o ^ h t at 8 in the auditorium, aundowii. the local church. Services adll I tlves o f the scouts are Invited minal leave. Since then he has say that the commlaaion had to and another banner crowd Is answer period, to the studies ot been associated with his father, and a vocal by Lois NslaODi. t w in t Ctangregatlonal church the c l ^ for the year In the New decide even before the testa were kianshlonera and friends have anticipated.______John 8. Wolcott, nursery tree sur­ Principal Roger W. Duffany, ndll Testament The Junior choir sang geon and landscape gardener. made to go ahead with the plant present the graduates; ta^rin- ^bedb invited to participate In the “ Jesus Galls Me" with Miss Ruth because It was reasonably sure tendent George E. G raff wOF gtvs chinr^ picnic Saturday from iRTHUR DRUG STORI Economy Stymies Robinson doing the obligato. that the testa would be aucceaa- the address and Mahlon 8. Chap­ lO tW a. m. to 4:80 p. m., on the FOLKS! THE HEAT The following children with per­ ful. man. chairman o f the EUlngtOT gprMnda o f the Salvation Army WHERE fect attendance except for illness New A-Bomlia Designs Board o f EMucatlon. will present catop Nathan Hale, on Lake Union’s Efforts News Tidbits the diplomas. When thla la w over nammsTORfs ktraet. Those attending. are re­ or attendance at another church He said the AEC laboratory FATHER'S DAY FATHER'S DAY received awards: one year pins to stiaff had worked out new designs ten weeks vacation begins. KLIXE FUSTIC quested to bring s basket lunch. "Pop Is Tops" Hartford; June 15.—{IP>—The Sharon Starkey, Horace Geer, Bur­ CnUed Prow (fl*) WIros of the A-Bomb, “affecting the fab­ Mrs. Harold J. Martin and f t wCeeds o f a soft drink sals IS HERE! economy drive in OongreM is ton Starkey; two year wreath. Jay rication of the nuclear component daughter 'Carol returned 'to ghelr COWEi n WE jUisre' under the auaipteea of tha JUNE 19th GIFT Beck, Marsha Spuler; three year home in Westfleld, Maas., after s .Oonple’a club of I9ie church will REMEMBER HIM » making a "loolng battle of the Starting Monday, June 27, New of w'tepons” and had “very good b O U K S $r effort of Local 419. NaUonal Fed- pins, Myron CObb, Douglas Wol- reason to believe” the new system few days visit with her Aunt Mias .ba donated toward the basement HEADQUARTERS mer and Howard HlncMey; five Haven railroad will establish HmtUe Berr of Main street. FMIT KITS , repairs fund in .anticipation of THIS SUNDAY eraUon of Federal Employes, to schedule changes that wiU provide would work. WITH A GIFT..: For a cool summer vaca-' save lid Jobe now or shortly to be year pins, Barbara Beck, Cathy •i^ v e ra a ry Sunday, June 26. Par­ three addiUonal roimd tripe of “ It may aeem to the senator or eliminated at the Regional office Beck, Edith Hinckley; eight year any other layman that one would 5.6OI esis are urged to attend with train service serving all staUons of the Veterans AdministraUon pins, Nancy Woodward, and nine wait for the results before going UMtr children. ' JUST RECEIVED IN TIME FOR FATHER^S DAY tion trip bring yoiir car to from Wilton to Danbury and con­ }rear pins, Gwnn Hbblts, Evelyn Into consideration,’’ he said. "But The choir o f the church will Gift Gift necting with New York trains at Obituary In conceding thU today, Vin­ Wolfe, and Miss Abby TibUts. who this project, long before the tests btwe BO rehearsal thla week inaa- Norwalk-,gouth Norwalk . . . For­ cent R. DestephanO. acUng presi­ also received a gold star In recog- were held, had to be under way and iqiwb aa Children’s Day Sunday CHORCHES MOTOR SALES, mer Roman CSthoUc priest, who flEiRSf Suggestions Suggestions dent of the local, said the organl- nition her faithfulness to the pressed forward.” ' A au ii _ tootnlag services win bs In charge Centurf^ O ld otlf^rian and World^d finedt aatlon now Is trying to avert a kindergarten for the ' past five left Franciscan Order six months o t the children o f the Sunday I » % years. Mrs. Phelan, superintendent ago. will bo married Aug. IS. HIckenlooper skid tbat AEC Re­ for a complete CHECK or RE­ further Job slash view board had made the “ flat Fanenils S^bqOL The Oouple’a club will not of the Sunday School who made Photographa of heavens visible tosst for their regular session statement” In its report that If O G A R D EPT. Jm ported Mediierranean JSrlars PHOTO DEPT. the awards, also acknowledged the from northern hemisphere to dis- IM u rdsy evening. there had been any idea at the Hospital (Notes faithful cooperation of Mrs. Can;4 Innce of some 300 minion light JKmohue PovSintry Fire Company 3 will PAIRS, LUBRICATION, TIRES start that the Hanford plant Funeral services for Francis | Ladd, the retiring secretary-treas­ years are to be made into 92,000- 1 6 . 0 » ■ ffsiior a round and squart danCs ★ FANCY BOXED A KODAK CAMERAS urer. a-copy atlas by Palbmar Moun­ would cost $25,000,000 a smaller Donohue, of 161 West C en ta l raili-tf xedny ...... U9 building would have been built and street, were held this morning at I M $ p. m. Saturay, June 18 in the CIGARS Larry Hutchins.-faithful attend­ tain observatory. . .Rain hasn’t Canrch Community House in WORLD-FAIIOUS MTIOMAUY $7.48-$175.00 ond COOLING SYSTEM Admitted yestorday: Mrs. Mar­ fallen in- nation’s capital for 18 three shifts would have operated 8;30 from the W. P. Qulah Funersll 384>-$10.50 lon Smith, lOd Summit street; ant, who has been In bed with Home and at 9 o’clock at S t [ K orlli Coventry. Jeu Hill end consecuUve days — iMgeat spring the plant. ]Us Bsmatormere will play for Mrs. tJiiian Stelmarii, 42 Deerfield rheumatic fsver for nine months, Instead, he said, the plant waa James’ church. A solemn hi A I CHECK. drought In 43 yeart of recorded RUUle. Jess HlU will be prompt- ★ REVERE SOUND drive; Hugo Pearson, US Pearl waa also given a pin and wreath. made big enough so that one shift, mass of requiem was celebrated nyJ weather history In Washington tor. P roceeds are .for the com- A POPULAR strset; Otto Bigenbrod, 64 RusseU working 40 hours per week, could Rqv. George Hughes, assisted by| PROJECTORS . . .Berkeley facul^ of Universi­ SH iy equipment fund. CIGARETTES street; Mrs. Frances MacDuff, 31B turn out the necess^^ry product. Rev. PhlUlp Blsney as deacon sndl ty ot California m io s t unani­ Rev. Robert Wood as aub-daacon.| ^ r s . Thomas M. Wright win be $299.50 Qaxie" drive; Walter Barrett, 301 mously objects to loymity oath Bevtew Beard “Own Creatures*. « $]L.74.CanoB Henry strMt; Charlna Loomia, 104 Marlborough Miss Jane Nackowekl presided st| kosteaa to-aoemhen o f the losal' lU iM p t lW now required by Board of Re­ HIckenlooper told the Senate- STUDEBAKER SALES Wklnut slTaet; Mrs. Doris Kent, the organ and sang for the mass. MsOMdiat Woman’s Society «f gents. House atomic committee that the 3t McKinley street; John Quinn, Interment was at S t James’ I Ctelstlan Service Thiirsdsy, Juhe ★ DEJUR • The recent Cancer drive total More State department aecreto members of the reviewing board cemetery where Father Blaney | 18 at 2:30 p. m. at her home on A LIGHTERS PROFESSIONAL and SERVICE 2S0 Middle Turnpike, east as reported Is $203. The quote fbr go Into evidence at Alger Hiss were the AECs "own creatures”— Admitted today: William Oourt- read the committal service. Andover road. South Coventry. ENLARGER 80 OAKLAND STREET TEL. 2-94M this town was $105. perjury trial as. government lays Adrian Fisher, general. counsel; Bearers were John O’Toole, Jo-1 49<>-$12.50 nay, Jr., Avery street; Mrs. Lillian The Marlborough Grange Fair $ U N ^ Mrs. Lana Brown, lecturer of .REGULAR PRICE *3^ to *10 groundwork for comparative Walter WilUams, production man­ seph O’Toole, John Nolan, Ray­ QIbbon. 64 Alton street; Raymond Coventry Grange, will conduct s 19 $166.2.5 will he held Saturday. August 27, handwriting and typewrlUng ager, and Paul Green, comptroller, mond Donahue, John Hultine and | CCASSES* on the Grange grounds. •TVatch Your Step” program fol- Moonan, 999 Main street; Mrs. analysia. . . .Coal Industry may These men, he declared, report­ James Vaughn. AKAYWOODIE PIPES Maty Stephens, 366 HiUlard INEE le m i SIOCRS thwlng the business meeting of the soon bargain with John L. Lewis ed that "lack of planning and mis­ Ofnnge Thursday, June 16 at the $3.50-$12.50 ★ NORWOOD DIREC­ street; Stanley Olbrala, 7 Nelson on Industry-wide basts. . .Harold takes In changing procedures” all Danbury IMaanfaeturer Diea p lift M 9NW .C.1I hsU at 9 p. m. A b o u t T o w n Ickes and Dr. and Mrs. Edward had added to the cost. Danbury, June 15—(Jfi — Hel M TOR EXPOSURE Discharged yesterday: Mrs. Bet­ Mr. and :Mra. Alfred TSvemler U. Condon are called as defense The facility, for which the Gen­ G. Wlbllng, president of the v . \ WlUimantlc have jtist piirchas- METER ty Undatron and daughter, Storrs; ot ★ TOBACCOS witnesses In Judith Coplon's eral Electric Co.. Is the contrac­ Wibllng Tool and Manufacturing 9d the former dwelling and about Mrs. Nettto Hepton, Rockville; Mid-week services will be held espionage trial but are allowed to tor, was originally scheduled to Company, died In his home, Over­ Tin$.JET H ill $32.03 Mrs. Mae Orlmley, 174 Cooper tonight St 7;30 at the Church of look Farm. Tuesday nighL 79c-$2.50 itm . answer hardly any questions. cost 16,255.000. The estimate street the NsBsrene. arm xirr v7 CAS TXAT fitpdurgsd'today: Mrs. Helen I 0m ).5 S 21 ★ ANSCO CAMERAS ' Newaomb, 33 North Sdiool street; I ita toot A RAZOR SETS John Blakemore, 18H Bieaell | $4.89-$14.70 street ; Mrs. Catherine Girard and! OfFICIAt TYFE PITCNIN$ NOISI SHOIS 49c-$10.00 fhr/ri son, 171 South Main street; Mrs. S E T O F 4 ^ laisaheth Burrill and daughter, MEN'S 22 ★ PRINT DRYER Wapplng; James GIglio, 43 Cook] A TOBACCO POUCHES street; Bonnie Lee Adams, 36 Vic-1 iSHOPS 98c~$3.50 $22.30 terla road; Mrs. Mary Dwyer, An-1 HARMAC dover. ★ FILM SPLICERS Birth today: A daughter to Mr. I ★ HUMIDORS 23 and Mrs. Elmore Mosher, 18 Wood- | $5.95>-$13.50 land street 4 9 C - S 5 . 7 9

24 ★ MANY OTHER GIFT ★ PIPE RACKS. I North Coventry 11 IDEAS. USE OUR EASY $3.98-$5.79 TIME PAYMENT Chlldren’a Day waa observed at PLAN the Second Congregational church ea Sunday morning with the Sun- 25 6ky scho^ In cha^a of the pro- c o m p l e t e l i n e gnun. There were three children OP LARGE ASSORTMENT baptised: Ruth Evelyn Clark, 2 ro* $2.20 OF dmighter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ITe’rp »urp you*// find' something to Clark; John William Mltterholzer, FATHER’S DAY GIFT WRAPPINGS eon of Mr. end Mrs. Leo Mltter- CARDS 92 diaRas le cheasa from BwNd*f«, AND RIBBONS holser; and Melonle Jane TJagvad, please Dad from our wide variety o f na­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Faor*, full le nH, half curved, Oom- TJagvad. The church was beautl-^ poulsi DuWins, Miiordt, Orincto, r fully decorated with laurel, s ^ n g a — May We Suggest — and summer flowers. A basket of tionally advertised brands at popular — May We Suggest — Applei, luHi, Saddle*. Spertaier. 27 red and white roses-were placed \ on the Communion table by Harry ^ Chances are you purchoted leme oS Olsen In memory of his grand­ prices. A PEN Slid p e n c il ★ COMB .AND BRUSH father, Axel A. Olsen. Flowers regular price*. were also placed on the piano in SETS SETS memory of Mrs. E3I Carver, whoae' By This i* yew eppertun'rty to buMd up By funeral services were held on Sat­ ALL PURCHASES GIFT BOXED urday afternoon. SHEAFFER your pipe collection with the Werid** ■ L.ACTONA Sunday achool will continue as EVERSHARP AND HUGHES usual on Sunday morning at the OTHERS be*t and sweete*i tmeking Irior*. SPORTSMAN usual Urns of 10 o'clock. Special Sunday school summer classes wlU Fully guaranteed o^intt burning No matter how yoa wriggle, twist or tarn; thla bra’ begin on July Srd. * LEATHER out or cracking. Available in natural. ★ SILAVING BRUSHES axpuds and contracts with every alightaat motion. Annette Uebmsn, Sandra HUl, Gift Certificates G««tly monlda, mlifta and anpporta like a Hvinf breath- Richard Orchoteky and Ruth S11- WALLETS Home grain, and Hond Carved finish. By vtnaky have won awards offered by By inff part of yon. The oacrets in the clever "crooa atreteb’* the Coventry Garden Club for RUBBERSET — rwiUent latbn elaatk, appliad np and down In bnat showing the most Improvement "k Arrow Shirts . . . . .$3.65 and $3.95 it McGregor Sportswear AMITY • MANHATTAN Moil and Fhene erdet* filled. EVER-READY section, around the body in bndt,. with upper cops hi during the jresr In their grades. flne nylon mesh. White or blue. Many from this town attended •Sport Shiru ____ $2.95 to*$6.95 •Sport Shirts .. . $3.65 to $5.95 ★ WRIST AND POCKET the gradusUon exerdsee at the ..$ 2 .9 5 to $3.95 A LEATHER Unlvarslty of Connecticut on Sun­ . $1.00 and $1.50 •Swim Trunks TRAVELING WATCHES day afternoon when those frqpt .. $1.25 to $2.95 Sices AA. 30 to 34. A, B, C, 32 to IS $ 2 - 5 0 this town were grsdusted: Law- •Handkerchiefs ...... 35c to 7.5e •Polo Shirts . . CASES By renos Robsrtsaa, Rita Heckler, 7CESTCLOCK John lWkB< Dorothy Gates, and INGRAHAM JsAMs Hdmofuisoa. Another i f InterwoTen Hose . .... 55c to $3.00 it Plectway Pajamas . $2.95 and $3.95 ★ SHAVING SETS Matching girdle or gantie with detaehahle garteci; I f rom this town, John By 24 to 32t- 25.98 and $2.98. Jr„ was gradnated on COURTLEY Jmm 9 from Maristtk ooUsgs. i f Swank Jewelry and Wallets k l^ickok Belts and Suspenders It ★ FLASHLIGHTS John win aster as ssstem thso- COUNSELLOR SCAU YARDLEY By Speclat Thursday, Friday, O a h logteal school In tbs near future J " skiqi TOW wnoiff toa LENTHERIC EVER-READY I* fSithsr hla stndlaa tar the min- "k Alligator Raincoats from $10.75 it Rahbor Robes from $4.95 SPORTSMAN BOND Silver Slipper Dkeaa or Eve* OLD SPICE y M ssds o t M ra Ell | Chrtor s« Iteckvills wars i BERGAMOT ninf Sheer Nyloat ...... «awd to Macs o t bar «sath HIS EXCELLENCY ★ WINES AND Regular $ U 9 ...... Phir nsm toy ssmng, while vlaittng LIQUORS miksisiu IHT a w CtoytsB.liif(B. Cbrvsr a ★ ELECTRIC RAZORS a tosfBwk visiter la this town, at WHISKEY tha haaw W Mrs. Rath Fraech HARMAC 681 MAIN STREET 3 B f By RUMS • GINS a a « aMa Mr. sad Mta. O, ITvttg Mm*s Wear^* 1 (AST CENTER SCHICK WINES MANCHESTER REMINGTON BRANDIES JNKXT TO Aitnnnt d r u g . Ma n c h e s t e r NEXT TOJIAGE ALLEN. EAST HARTtORD ItSTER sM Ttallaad TELEPHONE 67.fl SUNBEAM COCKTAILS toOsplag •M M A p ri III' »'/'irV'iri''’i^ilii'^ I |^l^T~'’^^liW/'^i'jB<'l)'L^ltl^l'Tl^'^lt^>lr^• ->y/S4

■ !T ■ — ' f-^4 '■ '■ ,,j. .-‘..'is-- M ANCBltTER EVENING BERALb. MANCHE8TEK. UONM« WED^E8DAY, JUNE 15. 1949 MANCHESTBB-EVENING HERALD^ MANCHESTER. CPNN^ R^DNESpAY, JUNE 18. 194tt ■wSitimm i - 1*- I—■'♦ he had been aotifled that Itributlona wars announced from To G et R eports Henri QneulUd’s’ warning that w n u - t e a t lela^r It A llow ed Kipphnt waa tajurtd ta a tactag Ita* floor. Dr. Zev Cohen, a native 00 sweet com and potato crop in ^livil Servautf, they'd toe* the da/6 pay^ - 1. oar aeddent ta New Jeney. ^ w I bom laiaeU, and formerly an ac- Ilerides R um or Burlington county was endangered didn’t ahow up tor work. Queutlle ro tw unless there is a heavy rainfaR rSH Today*a Radio For D uim H earing O n J e w is ll U riv el^''* aiember of th* Haganah, wae Are Inatructed G o on Strike also threatened to d teeh ^ " 1 ^ the prtclpal guest epeaker. H* de- soon. ■ ^ . . funetlonariee" who. took part in H oover Q uitting . Foresters in th* eastern heat a? VUNB— u i a Uegggkt « n u v —I C orry A ttorney I scribed rividly th* need for fundi .the strike.",. Marttord, JiaM Ig-iPy-Origl* First reports on ta* progr*es]for housing projects. agrtcultu.W Meriden, June 18—l/T)— Poliee ‘ ^ Blood Bank Program belt as well as in the Pacific north­ Capt Walter L. Kuroon said that a west warned motortato, campers, CoathMieii irem nally act dowa fl»r Thuiaday b*> A e Iu N e w T r i a l of Manchester’s campaign to raise aettlamants and irrlg9>tlon syatoma (CoatWaed froai Pag* O**) logging operators to take precau­ A tlsfiO - its quota of the national drive for I In Israel to oompaasata tor the man he identified as Frank gear- F l o o d s toca guprsBM Court Jualfoa NesreU aconomie disruption caused by the ano, 34, of tala city had been ar­ tions. supposed to striiiq tpq. Hf* early IWDRC-Nawe; Beat the Ctoek. WOMO—Naira an an atathma. 1360,000,000 tor tli* United Jevriab Bts befois and three plnU during the word n*ws in th* very broad­ m o rn in g shift forint about it and W ould You Rirthor Dri ¥ 0 A Janalaga, the haartng au roaurvia Hartford, June U — Th* volunteer soliciting commit­ Agent William Ollmartln for hear­ lous. not. up went off the air. REASONABLV'EARLY DELIVERIES rlatlea. w no-4f*w a. legal peiaeaalon of counterfeit John Halloran, field represenU- Prior to Clarks' and Ross com­ Th* strike wasipartiaUy eSee- capital of S b e ^ provlnc*. It ^ d Ul8* — ‘^’rb a la a fliig wBl be bald ta tba aaey, tee has been at worii tbia week WoMer Dioa of Bu im ing before a United Statea eom- tlve for the National Red Cross, WITH OR WITHOUT TRADES gttptama Oeurt room ia tha gtate misaioner at Naw Havan, after ment there had been no public Mrs. Keeney Hutchinson of Bel­ tive in weather station* and some other NaUdnalist troop* w ereat- IWIMIO—New Eengland Neta> WONB-Oaae* Orekiatra; Noara Ral|to C. Oopetto, Omrefa conn- preparing contrlbutloB earda for complemented Mr. LaBeUe on his word on the reaignation report. hospltela (tacking Slenyang. about 16 nfile* WTHT — Wootbor Kauadup; Ubrary bar*. ael. yesterday asked the abw trial aU those who were unable to at­ Milford, June 16—Oto—Albert having his bond sat at $6,000. thorough knowledge of the Blood ton heads th* conunlttee of,wom­ book. Juatloe Jenaliigs aUowadi the O. Lenart, S3, of New Haven, died Aceordlng to Captain Kurcon. Hoover himself- was unavall en of St. Maurice’s church serving Many workers heeded Premier | northw-est Sian. IWKHB—Requeot Matinee. Oonoa Orofeaatra. oa th* claim that “ta* court erred tend th* dinner at which ths Man­ Program and his able answering able. The FBI had met all inqui­ BALCH PONTIAC, Inc wno-Doaea Oreh. eouttmiance fio gtv* eoanaal more ta denying ta* defendant's motion chester drive was launched, last yesterday at Milford hospital of Scaraao *is wanted In Ohio and of question* asked by the volun­ strawberry dessert Saturday be­ IWTHT—Bandatand; New*. Ubm to axamina data srhldi la to third dagre* bums he received late Naw Jaraty in eonneotibn with tha eoBductZfdi Jnaa ^ ^ ries with a crisp "no comment." tween the hours of 5:30 and 7:30 . .. OPEN EVENINGS ' Uififi— tor actu al,” aad ta* ta* jury’s Wednaaday night In th* vaatry of t t i r t S i r k y MW- WUnam SJo- teer*. He said that there will be Clark went into a huddlq with I w n c —Loranao Joneo. WTTO—Newa; Dsuwa MuMe, ba tatroducod at th* boarlag. verdict was “eontrary to ta* evi- Tempi* Beta Sholom. last month whan gaaoHno fumaa allagad pa^ng' of spurious 810 v erT oaS r IteonjltniMit c ^ m a a . an advance supply of blood avaU- at the Community hall, Bolton 155 CENTER STREET - M ANCHESITSR IWOOO-Nawa; Ufifl Club. when first eon-1 in a tank he waa welding exploded. aad 930 biUa. and Mn^XU»Ud Wadawoite. vlw top aides Immediately upon his az- Center. Nawa At that dtanar. able so that th* supplying at rlval at the Justice department Von Can Alway* Do Better- Al Raleb^ cbalrinuw ' aboHt 600 volratoew blood throughout Connecticut wUI this morning. It waa understood ’The dessert wilt consist of bom* I w n c —Young Wldder Brawn. bava offawd their made shortcake, fresh berries WfMA-MS.T MO begin on the very day that the the subject under discussion was f Police Court the Blwd Program in Mancheater Blood-MobUe unit makes its first whether to issue a formal state­ from the Bolton hillsides with IWDRC—Winner Take AU. g o o - n i ffi.1 MO. by yUdtog^personally every hojae whipped cream and coffee. The oy rpitAartav. The visit Mr. Halloran also stressed ment on the resignation report or IWRAY—Story Queen. n a i u j o i ififi.1 MO. Louis O. CBmby, 92. of 9T next Itonday and Tuesday, the importance of the blood deriv­ ignore it, since it waa related to profits will be devoted to the build, IWTHT—Challenge at the Ta. W n O - m 4fi4 MOi MO. North gdioel- atroet, was as town hM 'l**® divided into die- Ing fund of St. Maurice’s church. WDRO-VM OaMaaIr 1 aa- tric ta ^ d e r aaajors and captatoa atives which can be made from the stlll-contlnulng Coplon trial. K-y. tauced to 10 days ta JoU W Judge No Formal gtalemeat Issued Mrs. Hutchinson will be assisted |WKMB—News; Raquaat lteU< Mfofih ______as hadtheea the c i« ^ blood collected and not used for Raymoad R. Bowara on a breach transfusions. There was no formal statement by Mrs. Anthony Maneggia, Mrs. June Clearance nee. of ta* peace chaigo after tab Tb Travel Refreshed yearly died Croaa Fund Drly**- after the meeting broke up. Ernest Asplnwall and Mrs. Vincent IWORB—fiiqiermaa. . WPMA Tbe eomnlltteie f^ ls that Clark then left for Capitol hill court had been told CBmby vr la the best dray in which to estob- Krzesicki. I w n c —Wbaa a Otrl Uarrlao. 6dS -N *«a; Vari- abuilag Ida IT-mouta-oM child. he w st V oting N eared to testify before a House Judiciary IWOO&AJunlor Oiae JotUifM. tioa liah personal contact wlto subcommittee on a series of civil firiNl—Draokm Osattael. Proaaeutor Raymeud A. Joha- Is Really Traveling pective* donors so that righto bills. Reporters met him C hurch to H old w ith fm qrt, thrifty7 I WDRC —The Old Reoord ghea. tri)0—Skew flail. a atoted that tM dcfmdaat fram may be fuUy explained and O n Labor Bill there on his arrival. was art sated by fatralmaa 1 all queitiona answered. IW HAT-M eet the Band. After terming Ih e Times-Herald •oEy-to-us* ' IWOOO-Muatc Loft ftSO—Rural Maur. muad Dwyer cu the complaint of la the MaUa story “ridlnilou*” Clark Its A nnual Picnic WUUam Brataard, tIgtaar-tadBw Letter* and explanatory mate­ (Ccatlnned frem Pag* Ons) I w n c —Portia Foeao life. fiUM i pdeta NairaraaL asked: fitflg-AaytUfig Qaaa at ta* acaussd. Oamby Uvoo wttn rial about the Blood Progiam have “Waa there any difference of ■ID*^ today depended on how many Bus tickets will be sold at St. DU FONT DllNTS |WOOp-News; Big Bretliar TMT—PM Oa Om olr g F oa-U Brataard at 77 North gtaool already been mailed to au homes opinion between you and Mr. , sot aad the ralattcsufidp I in MdhchesUr. Residento m senators speak on them. Hoover over continuation of the Mary’s parish house tomorrow eve­ Rmamhar — It m a H mara NOT-t* pirfhfl . . . • ‘O' asked to read these carefully Md Senator Taft je<»h w n o —FM Ob M* air figfi a. aa- visits of the canvasaera next Mon­ opponenU, said he expected all nic of the church school and par­ IWONS—Captain Mldhigfct. t 0. oa he waa apanktag kta child aad head a couple of times and replied; not buDttng Idflu* day aiS Tuesday. These canyaw- four proposals to be approved to­ “No." ish, Saturday at Look Park, Flor­ Mok* porch fomiliiro sporfclol iw nc-r^iut Ptaln aUL gam aaew nc ers ha»e the moat ImportMt job day, after which the Senate wiU It la known, however, that Hoo­ ence, Mass. Buses vrill leave the A drlvtaf without a Ucena* of the Program to carry out for it begin a major scrap over “nation­ ver strongly objected to introduc­ church at 9 a. m. Saturday. IWORO—cu rt Mtoaeay and Mar- WHKO-TV. eborg* ogaiaat Qiariea W. Kipp* is theM responsibility to take the al emergency” strikes. tion of the' secret documents. The committee in charge of . the Tilton. P. M. , h u t n , at n s Myrtlo aveaB*. p le d ^ of the pto^iecUve donors In that connection. Senator ticket distribution wrill be J. Sher­ DUPONtDUCO iNAMii IWHAY—Bporta. itflS—TalatUBaa. iUmtord, was eoattamd tor au* when they make ^ d r vWts. Douglas (D., 111.), told a reporter wood Brown, Wyville H. PealXJdy, IWONS-Tom Mix. fl'H Pngram Reauma. week after Pnooenter Jehnaea Mr. l*Belle stated that the he and Senator Hill (D., Ala.), No R elief Seen William J. ’Thornton, Olive Ray -Front Pag* FarreU. gUMh-iman n r cus. ‘ Blood-Mobile Unit wUl visit Mm - would formally Introduce a flfth and Shirley Taylor. cheatet 10 times a year beginning 8:8d—Tboa Itam Tfiaea. amendment providing for govern­ F or Dr>" Spell All persons attending this year’i IWOOC-gperto. «:4g-Upaa gpusklag. in SeMember and the quota for picnic have lieen asked to bring i each visit wiU be 110 pints of ment seizure of plants—up to >0 7:00—TebeaSeuiieed. days—to delay strikes imperilling box lunch and whatever sports I^ R O -N a w a . STRAWBERRY blood. However, many more (Coatiaoed from Pag* One) equipment they need. Buses will pledges are needed m there are the naUonal health and safety. Pdedi ftm itura neede a flniah (Exoept .Ifilfi IsauoB). IWOpC-Hlte at tia. Tifig. Jtaiiar Panda. alwayt Eom® donor* who *r* un* Senator Murray (D;, M ont), in leave Look Park on the return that can laugh at eun and rain IwoNg-Jfawa. g:0fo-Aythar Oadfroy. FESTIVAL the final speech of yestorday's says, no heavy falls appeared im­ journey at 4:00 p. m. IWTHT—Ban Scores; Music at 9i00—Tbe OeMbargi. able to give becauae of illneaa ot —and you’ll giva it such a BUCKINGHAM CHURCH abaenoS from town at the time of session, caUed the Taft proposals minent. 9dfr-KaMa Karaor. the Hlood-MobUe visit. There­ "antl-free enterprise." He said Drought Eroergeaey Faced finish whan you usa DUCO, RECORDS IWHAY-Ncws. lOriXb-etudto Oaa FRIDAY, JUNE 17 fore tA goal for the canvas* n<^ they "will lead us along the road The State College of Agricul the eesiset-to-use enaimal. IWTIO—News. ll:0»-Late Nawa to . . . totalitarianism.”* ture at Cornell university at Itha­ |WKNB-News; Fitat Tabl* 5:80 week Will be to secure about 3,000 ca said the state faces a "first Sperte; Easy : pledges. . , ^ it n*w* sm**lWy~.dit** •tt 68vm' a herd, at* 9he I RkyUim. MKNVi Bakad kma. bahad class drought emergencjr” unless s m s s t s s a a i s n a s s This! large number of pledges there is rain soon. Yesterday’s fast fhiish |l A - bUDDUg MdUMBg DUtUte DDB CDU* will b4 necessary to assure the Slight Increase ONE fDRC— Jack Smith, fiporto bags salad, raMMS, hot raOs, success of the program and to temperatures ranged in the high 4tC*v*r* selidty^ i t Madi le stand * 2 , 4 Potterton’s •paeial. alrawbarij akarficaka, eeffss. 80s and low 90s across New York MOVING PART soreedt ter V^flsifish^ avoid liaving,to call upon donora In Idle of Tow n state. A slight drop was forecast AT THE CENTER, 539-S41 BIAIM ST. IWONS—Sporto. ADULTS—gl da for more than one contrlbuUon today but no decrease in the un- |W. HAT—Supper f—fluppar Barenad*. sous stoouossssmr nr yearly-rThose who volunteer their |W nC —StrlcUy Sports; Waath- CHILDREN TO IS—76e A slight increased is noted in luually high humidity was expect blood i t thU Ume naay not be ed before tomorrow. Yesterday's St«p on HI You c a n 't hurt HI aakedjto give for many months, the unemployment report for this humidity at Albany was 67 per but u f c pledges will be filed and area by the State Employment Service for last week. Total claims cent and at New York City 68 per DU DDNT IXTIDIOD NiW lOW-PUCIO miVniON CON$Oli — they win be notified three week* cent. Enjoy Motorola’s new "BROAD-VllW* in adSance of. the "Hlood-Mobile registered were 1049, an Increase Several small forest fires have visit, f ' ■ . of 9.6 over the figure-for the pre­ been reported in the New Engr PORCH PAINT IWONS—The Anawor Man. Pick Your Own pictura with tb* new 10VK9 ceoaM Hore'h ce of Transfosloa vious week which was'968. Of'this land states and New York state. IWKNB-gfiO aula band rubbed cabinetry of stunning smart- Dr. Robert Keeoeyispoke of the total, 368 are females. Eleven are burning in the Adlron Mad* to stand «u» undm suit or Unemployment compensation N f\^ |WTHT — garono flammaU noM, designed with clean, modem tooo. T importance of blood transfuaiona dack mountains but all are under and rain and tramping fimt, Weathar, Strowburrius get equar* inebee at dittortiCB-faeg.lrifo in mialem medicine and of the claims increased from SdO to 90S. control. There have beetl 26 since iAgY 90 pat taagfoga- 61 There were 109 new claims and this tough floor paint wean IWOOO—Nar/a; Ooaeart Hour. ytsion action. Motorola'* exelueiv* new greattassistance this Blood Pro­ Saturday. I w n c —WrightvUlo Folks. A U PAtfg aiAaT-gaAPis gram avlll furnish in case of acci­ 779 continued. Veteran’s claims The hot and humid weather has and weaia—keep* pooch floors floies for Y D I. MBS as* aia a*nm omm 20c Qf. improved circuit ^vee freeter eeneWvky— rose from 118 to 146. Forty-three looking their, hitet all season A tkjor it tUhtr way. . . iaffi dents. He mentioned one case in wiped out early gains in the Hud­ FOR SHALLOW OR IwORO—LowsU ’ntomaa remarkebly etefidiar pieturoo oik ■reetar die- whlchra p^ent-, required 67 pint* new (dalms were filed and lOS vet­ son valley’s hugest crop, fruit, OLtP WF.LLS long. aKsuStetiSllmwl* Briag Yoor Oa Cbataiaara trad* marks mtan tkt taatt tkiag. erans continued, their clalmg. A, IWHAY—Alrlana Jdalodtaa. tancoe from alatioa 8e* . . . hear .. . *Rd of bloSd and exhausted the hospi­ it is expected to be “lust nor­ , . . t-mm compere . . . jrauH tal suSply. No private soUcitatlon large portion of this increase . can mal” instead of the earlier fore­ A' Civs* a leugli, kofd finish far and here they are now! IwoiNgijglaiaiai Stea; tOTfim UNOH Mimourr or nu cocacou commmv m be traced to numerous college stu­ cast “exceptionally good." You want ALL ths leng lasllag pf****ll*n IWTHT-Bddl* COCA-COLA BOTTUNO COMPANY OF OONM„ EAST HARTFOBO jgj. »p $900.95 of b l ^ donors cap meet sucl| an above feature* in I w n o —Three gtar Extra. E. BUSCAGLIA emergpncy need adequately. Dr, dents filing for -unemployment Serious Crop Damage Faced S^ppt O l*4f, nw CwCvIv t during the summer, especially vet­ New Jersey State Department of your new Water i t lasy t* apply . . . eaey •* Hobby SOrar SL, Nortk Covaatry Keenep concluded-bir emphasixing System and you’ll M g OrigwaM Ml O f « Ifi-1 erans. This area la still low com­ Agriculture officials said truck keep clean IwDRC—Beulah. that this Blood Program is defl- farmers faced a “serious damage” et ALL of them Hit Pm bH ^ |WKNB—OysteJ BaUraem Re­ nitely.'the responsibility of every pared with other areas through­ ff you put in a out the stats. to their Crops. They said a 96,100,- dr Tnkes hofd hnecks la Ms stride view. Mandfeater citizen. BURKS Supsr IWON8—Fulton Lewla, Jr. Mias Beatrice Binder, superin­ M Turbin* Water sys­ itU u A o M M 111,7'; tendent nurses at the Manches­ tem. IWTHT—Edwin a HUl; gtriag cetera le cheese ffrem ^ DRESS BaaembI*. ter Hsmorlal hospital, said that i I - 'w iy iy u L the Blood Bank is one of the most I WHAT—gymphooy HaU. important functions of the hospi­ Yon’ll find a IWnO—Stupor aub. tal. Bktod available at the time of -T few minutes SHIRTS operation* gives the patient much FM COMHHE NOME time exceeding­ Stop ficroMfi from ruftingl IwoNg—Tetio-'raat Iw iM IO -Jack gmltb ghew. greattf security. 9he mentioned a ly well spent WHITES, C O IO E S •1 $QUAIf iNCHiS 0$ $CRIiN IN A recent patient who received two investigating tbs advantages of Iw n o -N e w a DU PONT SCDIIN ■ N A M I L IWTHT—HaU of Fam*. • TABU MOOil — 81 in ch e s of a big Metal eetemi wiie mate and rote unlaee properly pro­ "BROAD-VIEW" picture without unnat­ REFRIimTHM SEiiiCE tected. Don’t lot it happen to your aereiena . . . eoat IWDRC-Glub rtftaaa. ural and eye-tiring dittortion — extreme IWKNB-Rural Hour. sensitivity that atsuret e constant •mooth them with Du Pont S e rm Enamsl.. fONS—Oabriat Haatter. , C l a w e d BURKS IWTHT—Lona Ranger. picture at greater distances from station it Im y te apply—dria* it 9rel*cteapaia«tc*fT*ti*e —mellow Golden Voice FM sound—it's Super liirbina |WOCC—Newa; Spertenian Disc dr fcensmical — 9 8 c Joekay. ell yours with Motorola’s new Model i^erdseineiU ■ HM* ■•* |w n C —Talk by Uov. Bowls*. con­ BM*h Qt. 12VT16! Add Motorola’s simplified WATER SYSTEM dlW anl d*e long way trols end gorgeous cabinet—youVe got a SEE PAGE EIGHTEEN Phone and get free drcUUrs j I WDRC—Edward R. Murrow. great television about this amazing water system i IWONS—lasid* of Sport*. Sonforiud.bfoedcloihl value that can’t be $ Q 9 Q .9 5 I right away. Prii"** will interest | Spread typo Kent Slay. Iw n c —Tour Senator from Oon- Loat and Ponnd 11 yon. too. I Johnson Point Co. Boctieut Authorized Dealer and I collar. New pottels . . . •loaa itvTM ‘329 LOST—PASS BOOK No. 43755. I MAIN STREET - MANCHESTER Neck sizes 14 lo Ifii |WlHtC—Mr. Notice is hereby given that Pass Installer for Replacement or( |WKNB—Date for Dancing. Book No. 43765, iaaued by The New Installation | IWONS—Hartford Chleta Base­ Savlggs Bank of Mancheater has Save the surface and you save alii ball oam*. been. lost or destroyed, and writ­ E d w ard W. Johnson J WCCO—Sli^-Off Saraaada ten th>Piicetion has been made to PlumMng and Heating Contisetor IwTHT—Amateur Hour said bank by the person In whose Price* Cheerfully Give* IWHAY—Muale from HoDywoed nsms such book was issued, for Phone 6979 I W n C —Blondia. paydient of the amount of depoalt m T A ili MOOB. WITH CONBOli BCBHM - represented by said book, or for WDRC—Dr. Christian. Enjoy Motorola’s new model 10VT3 picture the issuance of a duplicate book I WHAT—'Dm* or Throe-Quarter thertdor. viewing? Amazing “BROAD-VIEW" screen Tim*. provides 61 square inches of distorttan-fre* LOSI^—Brlndle male boxer. Namq Iw n c -A rc h ie Andrew*. picture! New circuit increases sensitivity— on collar, E. V. Quinn. Reward. GET OUT IN THE gives steadier {nctivca at greeter distances Phone Manchester 7259. BRIGHT-6IFT TIES I WHAT—New*; Sports. SUN WITH |66 from station Simplified controls. Handsome $40.75 Treat him lo new poiterns, V A f l - IWONS—Newa cabinet. Priced low. maw m o w ‘i, Personals loi^- Down colors./Wool lined rayons! ■ • W |WDRC—County Fair. W AN^D—Ride, vidnlty of Arbor $17.17 1 WHAT—Moonlight Matin**. street Hartford. Hours 8:30 to I WONS—Hartford Chief* Base­ 4:30: Call 2-1726. M onthly LKATHEK WAIXETfi, Inner ganctums.* smart ball Oamo...... 8l.fi8 •Phw Tax CAN .YOU USE 8100 cash? Join atylea ...... I WTHT—Milton Berio Show. Watkins BroUien Keivtnator BROADCLOTH PA4A.MA8, Middy and coat style |w n c —Duffy’e Tavern. | Kasb Konteat. Nothing tot buy. I Size* A. B. C. D ...... - ...... 92A8 For the Televidon Thrill of Your Life See One of These Caliigt store, phone 6171, or I |WDRC—’ThU U Broadway writ* (or entry blank. Konteat |WHT—Lawronca Walk Show. Motorola Dealers Today closw June sotn I |w n c —Mr. Dtatriet Attorney. IWTHT—'nm* for Muale. REn 4 a n EUectric Sander. Beau- I tlfy your floors now with an easy- j| I w n c —Big gtory.' to-uSi floor Bander. Save Ume, ^ ^ H O T P O I N T Ali-h-hf The last wbrd( save-money. laatructlona furnish­ In leisure. It’s so comfort­ |W 0N8—Nawa Benson’s Furniture and Appliance ed. Montgomery Ward A Oo., 828 COMBINATlbli RIFRI6ERAT0R AND fOOD VIIEZER able and rclaxiof.- IwDRC— PuMIc Serric* Pro­ Malsf s t r ^ t You dpd’t even wot gram. 71f MAIN 8TBBET Cempar* Hetpeint fieTilgaretori with oil th* othara cad |WRT—Stars ta tba Night T E L . 3535 to adjust it — just I w n c —Cnrtata ’Tlam. yon'U agfcs Hotpoiac i* y**f* ahaad ia ralna. Hetpoiac’a press th* "Magic brUliaai CoashfoarioB giieayeo a raal food ftesnr plus Penoniil Notices Arms” and to, th* IWDRC — Oovaraor Chaster J a fnll-aias tafirigantor ia a siagla khchca nak. Fcaes. Chaise automadcallT Bowlaa. lag compartmaat hold* np so TO penad* of irotea sdjusu itself to ANY |WONS—Ooocort N etobo^ Potterton’s T IB Memonfifii foods, sod tea lattigBiBSor compartmsat sever oecds tioo. IWHAT-Jot Nlekeraea.i difrnittog Dehm* asodel* gH* yee America’s mosi- . Soft, bonacy inner- Feit'Slrip* M m I. memory of'oor doer wife 189441 MAIN, AT C B N m •ad iapth*r, Anna Ae*to, who puwd I waaiad feemres — boMtr coadkioacr, leftover rack, apfing mattress — smooth- sway Son* lA 1*47. hi-hnmidity drawers sad assay more. All Hotpoiac ruoniog rubber-tired Fancy Royoa Socks Choice of Plastic iwra Mae* that tad asodab am oatsrsniHng amoag fin* nfrtgentors ia wheels — whit* enameled 1.00 steel frzmc. leetberett* or lail- ready gift-bosad for Dad! Combad ond eelorfasil Oiv* T h e ^ wwe leirad waa eelUd aver; Priced witfaio the reads clatb'MMtfasaial^ Win SIOO.00 The____ jWwas « ahert 4b* teeek eeram Gtaaa, Bhe *e Yak him blue, teif/ mala* or fray.' Maloney’s Radio and Television to part with eaa we. leifed so deer. v l avtryoaa. . Bat yoo vrill Smalt, mad. and lart* si***- have to sc* this aaw Chaisfi a p n . Cash TEL. 8-1046 W A U fU T l y Kaaasnd. eon* end 4cugbtara.| to appreciate its beauty and value. Com* ia aod try it. Others as Lore as $24.95 I Card of Tkaaka itotppiiit t i m i M U f o t s Jota Watkins Brataati Weirtte s* thsak aU M aer*r ealoh-l W . T . G R A N T CO. K e lv la a to r Kwitaal. Isr too I Wrttat fihaaa $ 1 7 1 or afiS 'r" ,; FT R rroJ^ AT^D APPLIANCES Qp vrjiip MiiNFt BAIK at sloca fior Entry Blank Stanek Electronia Labs. GRMii;. ■ iJA'ftNUf' JOHNSON BROTHERS :iS M i^ STBSET T E L . 3585 93$ Main itraat TEL. 2-1124 481 E A fT M IDD LE' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 81f MAIN BTREET INS MAIN STREET ^ MANCHESTER' ...... _ ■■■!■ V a Jacket wU peovM* a more In- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONNo WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1949 PAGE t E f t m m ' ToVs Party Drees tsresUng backdrop for fopos of CANDY am qting bead*. Mcpl Fveali la Oar Delicious speclats this week , at Relrisvrstea tlaeaa Ijlargains Listed by ^ the PINE PASTRY BMOP, 6T TIaNi or Bo»“ Osnter Btrest, affor a bard' ehotca Trucks Challenging Ruschi for A» L, Pitching Honors <, why chooseT Try them all-> Arthur DruRlSiore LADY BALTIMURB LAVER The Inquirer CAKES, chewy RAISIN SQUARES* and the/une taste is •131, Hartfovd, conn., outpointed Cofdan, teo carofroa flgbUng man STRANm^T TARTS AND iJutNIgMh ftghU Al Ponntno, 133, Brooklyn, 10. (roas Frsnah Mofoeco, -riaka kla TUB NoaEnds^NB^s PIES, r “( _ _ _ (Non-UUo). world mlddUnralght UtM for tea Detroit Ace limiits first time tonight at Briggs Stad­ Lsttuce Is usually used as the E i A A l V l I EUaabete, N. J.—Jimmy Holden, ium against squat ,aka La Motts, HERALD ANGLE Play Tonight W In I 1911-6, EUaabate, outpointed Ted- Cerdan Flghto Toalght tures should always be used In on tha undsrslds fotindation or base (or Indlridual an 5 to 6 unlerdog from New ■tilkiiuAr haadaoine a n tke skinned apples may he used and salads. But aumerous other green* dy Raadol)~ ' 1, 133 1-4, Now York A ■ By‘ cooking It Dream House to the standard board. Dotroit, Juno 1 5 -(a> -- MarosI York’s ttemliig Bronx. A ’s to But fTTOOmO PIATBS at MAO- the peel left on. may be used successfully. Some PitteSeM Maas.-WilU* PtR B A R t W . -Y0 8 T McGuire* Smith Likely; MAV curr SHOP, n summer A BARGAIN IN f)lNE SOAPS of thme are watercress, celery Cash GIFTS FOR THE SWTEET WEDDmO RmOS are many Stnct: a copper plate etched with and' varied at WTOR’S—adapted Is well worth stocking up on at leaves, spinach, parsley, cabbage; Starting Monndsmen; Yankee Hurler Notches tba waddlac church or any pic­ GIRL GRADUATE wUl help the UnCLDON DRUG CXJMPANT. they Bftay be used skme er com­ make the day memorable If they’ re to any taste and imy budget Aagla AH star ^aad Bob BlSott In tee Ford Frick ture: wooden pUteo with colorful Prices are as low as $7.60 for Hardwatsr soap, CoM Ctsam soap. bined. Jolir Watkins BrOteero Double Header Friday 10th-Win; Boh Feller Scuma In any national coetume; a from the many lovely choices at Lanolin Comptoclon soap. Butter­ Kalvinator KonteA FOR FATHER'S DAY JUNE. 19 Fana acicas tea nation te* paat circuit MATHER'S at the Center. Rhine­ solid gold rings for ladles; $10.00 Argument may aom* up reason Tames Red Sox; Cards M na otanfo-hloeoom plate. InvU for gentlemen; and $89d0 for a milk soap and Baby Castile soap A SPECIAL BUY IN WATCHES Write, phone 6171 or ea|l few days have bean writing down The SofteaD Twilight L«agu* tatlone and announcement* are stones shimmer for evening wear are available at only $.69 for a enables the WIOR JEWELRY at store for Entry Blank for pteWng Muaial in tea Natlon- Bridal Set of matched engage­ their choicaa of tea stsrtlng‘'ltil*- sL Stan te* Man Is stUl the graat- swings back into aetlen tonight Defeated by Dodgers unuaually nice, too. In chokers, priced from J2.72 up; dosen cakes. STORE. 977 Main street, te offer 'P In ear-rings, from $8.03; In brace­ ment diamond and wedding ring. 935 Main Street upa for Amartcan sad N a tlou l ast hittar In te* laagus and his after a day's rasplt* whan tee Payment may be cash, credit or Jswsisd, guaranteed watches iUlt By Joe Relchler Eaaleni Sliced cooked tongue, cut juU- lets from $1.35. A tiny, charming Raisins make an excellent addi­ maaoullna or famlnkM wilate K League, teams afld sanding thair average Is now over tee .800 mark fast moving North Ends afigag* the Lay Away Plan. Hats off to sports editors and and prectoua points are being add­ A*eeclat ed Prera Sperta Writer Scranton 16, Hartford 6 .. inne faehlon in narrow atripa. compact for an evening bag may tion to cabbage and carrot slaws. as little ae 315.0b and up; fa NlohoU-Brisbol In an after-dark m ^ea an excellent accompani­ be enameled or hand-painted or Before using them “j^omp” or tncludad. sporta Mmmantatora. Vote* wiU ed elmoet dally. He la high In (he Virgil (Fire) Truck*. Detroit’s Binghamton 18, WilUanuport 0. ment to apaghettl nnd tomato gold-color In price* starting at Celery helps the flavor of al­ be accepted until midnight June hits, runa batted In and t o ^ base contoat at Robertson Park. strong-armed righthander, la chal­ Albany 8, Wilkes-Barre i. most any kind of poultry or meat steam them by putting them in a lenging New York’s Vie Raschi aauce. 41.26. A matching compact and covered wire strainer over a Plain dottage cheese may be 29. Players, except pltchaya, poU. eOhimns. The. Norte Ends have leAked Elmira 11, Utica 0. lipstick, combined in a silk case stuffing. It may be chopped fine ing tee highest humber ef votes In Of tha A. L choieea, all playara very Impreesive In their last two for AnMrican League pitching hon­ AjMGFlOiUi before adding. small amount of water which la Piled lightly la a dlah and gain- ors. St. Louis 7. Washington 2. A CHBa^BY TIE will be the are $5.56. Stunning matched seU kept gently boillag fOr about 10 lehod with a aprinkllng of chopped A^nchester the final tabulatlen wlU start la hut Tahbetto boast AOO or'bettar ouUnga. Mac McGuire wlU be tee of bracelet and ear-rings or m ln ut^ the All Star gam* Tuaaday, July batting averagaa. All players so starting pltchar, Oiet Kuriowica, Trucks Is even outshining Hal Detroit ,4, Philadelphia 6. Father’i Day Iflft vroudly display­ pimento,-a f«iw eprigs o f painley. the first National team era mem- Nswhouaer, his lllustiioua south­ Cleveland 10, Boston 6. ed by many lucky men next Sun­ pendant and ear-rings may be all It’s wonderful how mudi ' a finely rimpped chivoa a sprinkUtig 11 In Brooklyn. Benny Orsyb and Charlie Parctak gold or set with glowing stones. new LmOLEUM OR ASPHALT PEARLS, BROOCHES, EAR­ o p e t The Herald la cooperating by bln of tee 300 Club at tela writ- art expected to carry tee brunt of paw pitching mate. With the New York 15, (^ icago 3. day. Distinguished (or the pat­ o f paprika, tomato aocUona and S Ing. •aason only one third gone, the 30- NsUoaal terns In the new mode, as well as TILE floor can do to transfrom RINGS or TIE SETS, WALLETS, aarved with malba toast slang I accepting belloto from readers. tec North End attack. CLUCKS, PURSES, and COS­ the appearance of a room—espe­ and dOARETTB UOBTBR8 are , Following are the writar*a asfoc- Let tee pop bottles fly. Nichola-Brlatol, vlte n 4-1 rec­ yeai^ld Alabaman idready ha* Philadelphia 9, Ciiicago X the traditional fashion, and drap­ with tha. main eoursa Or It may Shots Here aad Thera won nine, games against three Pittsburgh 4, Boston 3. ing beautUulIy in pure silk, rayon, METICS are nice choices for. cially when It’s as up-to-the-min­ among the many effectlva gifts bo served aa part of a dessert CENTER |{ Uona. ord. will go with Walt Smith, graduation gifts at the PINE ute as are those at the MAN­ for graduates or for Wedding At­ Amtrican Pos. National Jarry Flood has bean appointed Negro faat-ballcr on te* hill. In a looses Only Raschi, with 10, has New York 2. ancinnatl O, or Nylon, Uea with tiny Irregulari­ oours* when to p ^ with ralelni "th e Special Shop for Ru$ ooadi of te* New Britain Ameri­ won more. Newhouaer has won Brooklyn 7, St. Loula 2. ties are very .ow in price at the PHARMACY, 664 Center Street. CHESTER FLOOR OOVERmO tendants to be found at WIO^S or stripe of date, or dote of bright O. F. supporting role finds Bud Kelsey, For the girl going away to school COMPANY, 56 Cottage Street and Carpets” Williams, Bos., Muslal, I t. Loula can Legion Junior baaehall team. Lou Leal and J'ackle Sloan. •even. Standings CHENEY BROTHERS REM­ red JeUy. Flood, a plteher-outflelder with Trucks gave further Indication Eastern NANT SALESROOM. or off to a Job, a clock is useful— The new colors and designs con­ A different kind of vegetable o. r. A doubleheader, first in tee hand-winding priced from $8.95 stantly coming In are suited to slaw Is mads from 3 eups of raw AU Types-All DlMaggto, Boa» Kinar, PItUburgb tea MUsh-Americana In tee TWl- league’s history. wlU lake place laat night that he was out to make w. L Pet. GBU every Imaginable taste. Quality FATHER’S DAY GIFTS at the Ught League, also servee aa New this Ms greateat year when he Albany ...... 32 15 .681 — A good-taatlng vegetable plate and electric clocks from $7.76. A beets cut In thin strips, 4 cups of PINE PHARMACY, 964 Canter O. F. Friday night. Starting at 5 p. m. handy little plastic purse ha* a Is assured by the nationally raw shredded spinal 4 table- All Grades Hanrich, N Y „ Marahall, N. T. Mtaia High meator in the dia­ the Kaceya will meet tee Person­ limited I%iladelphia to one Mt as Wilkes-Barre . 28 19 .SM 4 can be served If the foUowlng are By 8M Basuatt Street, Include aa unusual set mond sport. . . .Walkar Cooper tee Tlgere blanked the Athletic*. SIcranton ...... 24 21 .533 7 used: Creep Uma beans, scalloped sippered envelope with coin purse known manufacturers. Free esti­ spoons of Frendh dressing, 1 tea­ SB. alized Floors. The Floors will be a mates are gladly given of com' conteintng stetloacry. as well as Wall-to- Infltallatid turned out to be the biggest 4-0. Only a fifth Inning single M’illiamsport . 24 25 .490 9 tomatoes, stuffed baked poUtu. and bill-fold on the outside. Per­ spoon of prepared honaradlah, 1 For those extra special warin four items of Stag shaving needs, Kell, Detroit, Gordon, Now York greatly strengthened team for tea I fumes and cologne* In her favorite paratlve costa for Inlaid linoleum, $170,000 Bop the New York Giants by Hank MaJeffei prevented him Utica .. r...... 21 25 .457 10% buttered oniona teaspoon of flnaly grated onion weather events little girls love to at ISAS; good-looking mllltery a. S. ever Invested In. The big catch­ second round of play. (ram hurling the season's first no­ scent come In nice seU with face felt base linoleum, and asphalt and salt and pepper to taste. get dressed Up—a darUng Reasonable Pi'ices i Joost, PMl.. Raeaa, Brooklyn In the second game tee league­ Binghamton .. 21 28 .429 12 Ule. brushes in a ganulm iaathar ease er never lived up to his great days run, no-hit game. Elmer Valo, who Hartford ...... 20 27 .426 12 f in e w a t c h e s f o r and bath powder. sleeved frock in the two to six at $7.95; and a 8i>a Una of pipe* Free Estimates 3 B. as a Cardinal whife wearing New leading Italian-Americans will walked In thd second, was the only Bummer treats for those who are range that can be mad* in two Mlohaale, Chi., Robinson, Brooklyn play boat to the strong Central Elmira ...... 20 29 .408 13 ORADUATION evidence their and other smoker's dariraa • f York Uvery. . .Bill Holland and other Mackman to reach baum. American Quality In their handsome ap- An InteresUng new product U a Housewives do not always real­ on a sugar-free diet, include "Cool- verskms—with or without the top 1 B. Motora of Hartford. Tha Motors Sip Concentrate,’* for drinks, and Also Rcpalrlnir and Johnny Paraona, one-two finishers The Tigers Iced the game In the New Y o r k ___ 33 18 .647 — ^avance at the DEWEY-RICH- package of assorted dried fruits ise that the quality of oranges In cantraat • Bakad eustard raclpaa often call ! RoUnaon, Wash. Wattkus, Phil. in tee Indianapolis 500 mller. will were Hartford city Champa laat flrst inning, scoring three times ready to cook for a compote. does not differ by slse. Small cookies to go with them. Of Bindinf o f Gprpets season and in fifteen games played Detroit ...... 31 22 .585 3 ItAN OOMP/-NY. Shock-proof Pattern No. 8475 is a aew-rtts for scalded milk. Thia aealdlng Is C. start In tee 100 mile national against Carl Scheib. Paul Camp­ Philadelphia ..28 25 .528 6 and water-proof wrist watches for oranges, for Instance, are often course, the JUICB-PAK DIA­ I TObbetta, Boa. OaiManalla, Brook. tela aeaaon have been on tee win­ BETIC F R U m by OeUu are com perforated pattern for slsea 2, 3, not necessary and wW not' affact Oiaplay Room and championship race Sunday after­ bell’s triple and Aaron Robinson's aeveland ___ 25 24 .610 7 young men are W7.50 and up; A g o o D-l o o k c n o h a s s o c k extremely Juicy! 4, 5 and 6 years. Bias 3, IH yards the texture or taste of the cus­ Seoehd team, ning end thirteen times. Thla oon- two-run double were the big is a Father’s Day gift that will pletely delicious at any season— Workshop noon at tea Trenton, N. J., Falr- Boston ...... 25 25 .500 7% Qrusn watches are 149.75 and up; By Mi*. Anne Cabot of 39-Inch;,H yard contrast. tard; It la recommwMlad to speed o. r. gmuidB. . . .It takes ten men tast will gat under way immedi­ blows. The victory left the second- Washington .. 26 26 AOO 7% Hfmiitons are I60A0 and up. Leas bring Father a chance -to put up GIFTS WITH MASCULINE pears, peaches, aprioota blueber­ iMltchaU, a *v*., TTiompaon, N. T. ately following the completion of Qulck-as-a-wlnk to crochet these ries, pineapple, grapefruit sections, For this pattern, send 26 cents. the baking slnee euaterd is al­ to run tee Jersey Joe Walcott place Tigera three games behind Ciiicago ...... 22 30 .423 11% waU known, but a very good his feet In comfort. KEMP’S, APPEAL, for Graduation or for colorful potholders are as practi­ ways baked at a fairly low tem- 308 MAIN STREE1 O. F. training camp at Peaceful Valley. tee first game. Regular prices will the Yankees. m e ., 768 Main Street, ha* very and fruit cocktw Dlet-obscrvera In coins, your name, addrsss, slse prevail. St. Louis ...... 16 36 .808 17% watch. Is the Clraud-Perregaux, Father’s Day, are particularly nu­ cal as they are pretty. 'Trim a find these at the CENTER PHAR­ perature’la a pan of hot water. . Next To Plnehorst"^ I Warts, Datrolt, Lockman, N. Y. Besides Joe and hia manager, Raschi notched his 10th triumph National attractive hassocks in a variety merous at MATHEiR’S at the Cen­ desired, and the Pattern Number to a Fine ■ for either a boy or girl, at 140.00, sparkling white house with red. O. F. •gainst one defeat without much of sixes and colors priced from MACY. to Sue Burnett (The Manchester there are four sparring mates, • Brooklyn ...... 33 20 .623 — up _____ ter. Among them are a hand­ blue or green and use a different Two worthwhile special offer* TELEPHONE 2-484$ I Chapman. Phil, Slaughter. St. L chef, a bodyguard from tee New trouble aa the Yankees shellacked .St. Loiils ...... 29 22 .580 3 $8.98 up. some matched set o f expanaian Evening Herald) 1160 Ave. Ameri­ 3 B. color on the other style house. Fun A quick lunch that is also nu­ cas. New York 19, N. T. at QUINN’S PHARMACY this Jersey State Police, a chauffeur the Chicago White Sox, 15-3. An Boston ...... 30 23 .566 2% For an afterschool snack, apple watch bracelets, tie clip and cuff to crochet, the potholders are mon­ tritious may be served by choos­ week are REVLON MATCH- from I DUUnger, S t Loula, Kaask, St. L aad a trainer. W alcott drinks but eight-run sixth Inning at the ex­ Philadelphia .. 29 25 .587 4 sUces spread with peanut butter High heat toughens cheese and buttons at $13.61 for the set. In­ ey makers at any bazaar and popu ing cream of tomato soup, toast­ The Spring and Summer Fash­ Quality .Gift G lenney’s ' S. S. Local Sport pense of loser Bill Wight, Allen makes It stringy. Low tempera MAKER SETS and OOTY OOB- one glaaa of water a day in an New York ___ 28 25 .528 4% usually go over well. Large red- cluding tax; separate new-style lar shower presents. ed cheese sandwiches with cran­ ion will guide you smoothly in METTCS, either a nice graduation I Staphana, Boaton, Dark, Boston effort to attain top physical con­ Oettel and Marino Pieretti chang­ ancinnati . . . . 22 31 .415 10% cuff buttons at $3.68 and up a Pattern* No. 5917 consists . of berry relish, fresh fruit and cook­ making a smart spring-lnto-sum- remambranca. Tha Revlon set has 3 B. dition for his heavgrwelght title Chatter ed a tight pitching duel to a rout Pittsburgh . . . 20 32 .385 12 set; Ronaon cigarette lighters at complete crocheting Instructions ies and milk as the menb. mer wardrobe. Easy to make Upstick and matched nail lacquer Gordon, Ctove., Schoendienet, St. L match with Ezzaid Charlea, June The apparenUy revitalised CTiicago ...... 19 32 .378 12% $6.00 and up; an attractive gold for both housM Illustrated, mate­ styles, special features, original in many shades,' plus base coat— ARROW) SHIRTS 1 B. 22 at Oomlakey Park.* . .Great­ Cleveland Indians vaulted from Today’s Oamea pen-knife for a watch chain, Several local membera of tee rial requirement, stitch illustra­ There’s still a good stock of designs—and'a free pattern print­ ragulaily $195, but now selling I Goodman, Bos., Hodgaia, BrooUyn est expense for a polo player la Central Connecticut DUtrict Board six to fourth place In the Ameri­ Easlein Kemp's Record Department Suggestot priced from $5.64; or one of the dainty, crisp NYLON MAR­ ed inside the book. 25 eents. Afoew Udrta piny a big part la Dad’a nfe. C. can League standings after sound­ tion* and finishing directions. at $1.09. Any of Coty’a (aVorite dive ’Dad” aeveral la rither wMtes'or faaoy his mount which must be care­ of Approved Basketball OlBclala Hartford at Wilkes-Barre. country's best pens, separate, QUISETTE — unuaually durable fragrances—L’Origaiv Emerauds. Hegan, devaland Saminlck, Phil. fully trained. The price per horse have been named po committees ly trouncing the Red Sox in Bos­ Albany at Scranton. with a matching pencil, or In a Send. 20c in eolna your name, B runner’ patieras. Bteay ooSar styles to cbeose from. A PEPPY NEW FOUR-SOME for window curtains, easily made molded compoeition sol* anjl L’Amant w Pans—Includts a Player* ware selected pn tee atarts at $1,000. Polo horses mual, for the 1949-50 aeason. Tommy ton, 10-5. A six run flrst against Utica at Williamsport. desk set. address and the Pattern Number up because of readily pulled Joe Dobson, followed by a three- to Anne Cabot, The Manchester plexon cord to lace the compon­ frse sampis of bath salts with My East Center Street baaia o f performances to data in learn to run at full speed, stop Murphy la a member of the Aa- Binghamton at Elmira. ‘TOU^E BREAKING iFF HEART’ threads, simple to launder with lit­ ent parte together. Diagram Item: dusting powdar, talc, toMet the present campaign. Oteerwlae suddenly, cut quickly, absorb ac­ signment and Banquet Committee. run second, against Tex Hugson National Removing old wall paper I* no Evening Herald, 1150 Ave. Ameri­ tle or no pressing, and costing only up Vic Damone cas. New York 19, N. Y. within the package ahowa how water, or sachet. $3.65 Lou Boudrean, Joa Gordon and cidental clubbing—and to do it all Jimmy Mnrray la also a -member made it no contest. Boston at Pittsburgh—Bpahn trlck-rsnd very little work—It 50 cents a yard In quantities of ten wrhlle mallets are flaahing in front of the latter committee. Bill Bob Feller, who had lost hit • "SCOTCH HOT’ ...... Billy Whitlock yards or more at the CHENEY to fit each peace. No needle* are I Joe DtMagglo would haye been ae- (7-5) va. Werle (4-8). one uses EASY-OFF WALL PA­ required b^auae the plastic lac­ Experta urg« women to use a I lected in the American Ltague. of their eyes. Polo la fast, tough Sacherek la on the Ebmmlnatlon last five stans. went all the way New York at (Cincinnati—Hor- "WINDMILL SONG” ...... Priirio Seal* PER REMOVER. Two ounces in (It over your standard size board. BROTHERS REMNANT BALES Same holds true for Dixie Walker snd fun. and Nominating (^mmitteea, and for the Indians to gain his second tung (6-5) vs. Fox (3-4) or Raf- Use the oversize board when ROOM. ing Is flexible and can be Inserted few brush ’ strokas of mascara to LOOK a gallon of water Is adequate (or through perforations easily. The mask those annoylag gray balra SPORT SHIRTS Earl Yost, publicity. Ernie Dpwd victory of the season, both at the fensberger (6-6). •TENNESSEE POLKA” ...... Red Foley most rooms;. a six-ounce bottle pressing large pieces such as lin­ la the Board’s vice president. Red ^ x ’ expense. ens. draperies, men’s shirts^ and The usually require ager now makes her own shoes! an aBBuner. Short or long aleeve awidela la Paaa-the-hat and bope-for-the- home rim In the first Inning. This is a fad shoe, of course, ana er Is calfskin, colors are blue, E v a n 'teo woman arho baa 'bad eapedaBy light eoel fabries. A Sae srieettoa (5-3) VS. Rush (4-7) and Bchmlta A RECORD CARRYING CASE— Main Street. considerable handling. Experi­ green, red, yellow and white. ! Phils’ Waitkus Shot best type collections are now be­ The St. Louis Browns finally (2-4). Holds 60 Records—$8.96 ments indicate the board should will not put shoe men out of bus! color .restored can take care of of kalttod baaqne shirts toe. ing taken at all Softball Twilight beat Washington, 7-2, after losing nesa Here’s the way-how: Kite aimple touch-ups, tease experts League games at Robertson Park. Brooklyn at St. Louie (night) The handyman In your home measure 42<7>y 20 inches, tapered There’s stlU time to choose a eight straight decisions to the Sen­ —Newcombe (3-0) or Branca can smooth ironing day chores at one end. for best results. Wood come with full dUrectlond com claim, by darkening gray roots ARROWS...... '. . . $1.50 up In the post, fana were atopped at ORADUA’HON CARD and sUIl a uiUi discreel^ appllcatlona of maa- By Girl in Chicago ator*. Lefty Joe Ostrowskl (8-1) vs. Brazle (M ). by building an overslxe ironing cleats with wood buttons whlrh plete with die cut pieces of leath BRENTWOODS .... $1.50 up the various entrances and a nom­ pitched six-hit ball to gain his may be turned to hold It securely er with perforations, specially very nice selrtllon possible at the eara. inal admission price aaked. Araerieaa board of plywood or wallboard to DEWEY-RICHMAN COMPANY. drat victory of the year. Mickey St. Louis at Washington JANTZEN’S ...... $2.95 Haefner was the losgr. Share their happiness with the GRADUATION GIFTS which Chicago, June 16 -(P )—Elddle A few years ago Pop Gieaaon, might)—Kennedy (0-2) vs. Scar­ graduates on their Important day. Waitkus, 29, Phlladlephla PhtUiea Little Billy Thornton Brooklyn increased its National borough (5-3) or Hudson (8-5). may be found at tea SINGER COOPER’S ...... $1.00 up now a highly regi^ed member of League lead to three games over Q I K E M F S ® SEWING CENTER. 882 Maid^ star first baseman, was shot and Scores Hole-in-One the Northern Connecticut Board of Detroit at Philadelphia (M ^t) the Cardinals with a 7-2 triumph You can give distinction to a Street with eenfldenc* In their seriously wounded early today in Umplrea was the only pitcher who —Gray (4-2) or Houtteman (8-1) Ineorporated room which has a pair of short the hotel room of a -19 yaar old Little Billy Thornton, a over St. Ixiula Preacher Roe vs. Scheib (2-2). being appreciated include: an could throw a fast ball around beat the Cardinals with a 10-hlt 76t MAIN STREET TEL. 5«8b 1 -lndows slde-by-slde by hanging electric Travel Iron—ideal for go­ TIES girl. I standout member of Manches­ these parts. Today there are at Chicago at New York—Sanford Hoin« of Frigldnire sheer eetUng-to-floor curtain The girl, tall. and... dark-haired, ter High's championship goli least a dozen pitchers In town who effort (or the Dodgers' eighth (1-1) or Shea (1-1) ■vs. (Sumpert P^rsttmaad Mssle ing away to school—at $4.95; If you choose to give ‘Dad” some new ties Btralgth triumph. nant o f brlght-colorad satin, bro* ments cost more but will bum Weiteua asked her; “Why did you her and she toUl him afie wanted putts In the Claa* C group at 29 I' cade or taffeta can be tuned Into four or five times longer than in- 2^ N£W ACA ViCTOA do ItT” to see Mm In person. She related each In tee Connecticut Women’* 11 A bolero of a woman’s own mak­ candesKtent bulbs. Police Sgt Albert Bums said that when Waltkua arrived at her Golf Association Tournament yea- ing. If tha bolero Is back-hut* nuvtsm she told him later: "I’m sorry 1 room ahe told him: ’T have a sur­ terday at tha Indian HIU Country — m I V < EVANS SLIPPERS shot him, but I don’t know why.” I, toned, it win look more diatinettv* The Ingnircr prise for you." Club. and tee uncluttered front ct such Cvnae la year gnMa to the best In mea*a Capt Warren quoted her aa tell­ Purdy aald ha found te* girl $2691 ned. Oemfert delaxe In every ing him: ‘Tra a flt. case for a pay- sitting cn a waiting bench near Manchestar Oountry' Chub wo­ iB p erm. Hand tui chlatrlat” > tee elcvatora when he went to tee men win play a Selected .jiseMS Ttd. u*. IMIm UJ Plam r UnnMrried 12th floor after itoe had telephoned Holea Tournament thia week, in O m y fcllr Waltkua, who ia single, la play­ tee switchboard and said ”1 Just laat week’s Sweepatake*. Naomi ing hia fourth yaar of major shot a man.” Lockwood had first low net with league baaabatl and his flrst with Purdy said he found Weitkue 70, Janet Ollbertacm had aaoond NOW thru Now jroe eaa gel iKe aew R( PALM BEACH SLACKS the PhUkes. The PhUUee. who lying on hia hack onYh* floor of came to Chicago yaatarday (or a low net 72, and Julia Falknar took Vielar 6 f f . inch Eye Wits WMeh Ms egrea light op niMa yon dip room 1297. A J 3 calibar rifle was low graos with 90. lelevletoB el * price eo lew ■Dad” Ibeea weaderlal 33% cooler Palm aeries with tee Chtoago Cube, are on toe floor. JULY 9 Bearh Star he. New tahrle mahie them mora staying at tea Bdgewatar Beach WalUiUB played with the .Cubs •dll have to Io m twice to Hoetl. Waltkua, left-hand battar Tonight tee West Bides and lieve it etueh proaC, emeother aad Bghter. ^ in 1968, 1947 and 1948 after serv­ North Enda meet In an Interme­ and flalder was ana o f teo moat ice In the Army for three, years. diate Baseball League game at The Gayest Patterns Yee. tble U • buy! All ll popular Cub playara during his H* was traded to tee Phllliee last M t Nebo aUrtlng at 8:16. ' SATURDAY*S FEATURE s many epeelal featarea of t| Uiras yssrsfw lte tea team. HU winter in a deal Involving plteher hoMNi* IICA Victor iaatrame $8.75 home U lii Melrose, Maas, a Bos­ The Finest Fahries • ^ ton suburb. Hank Borowy of Chicago and Einll PLUS • ehaacc to get expert I (Dutch) Leonard and'W alt Diiblal, Warren eaid Mlaa gteinhagen Moriarty’s Oppose elalledaa ead aerriee from Pb(i;y pitchers. The Spring Handicap 8c« how Dad will beun told him teat after ah* shot Walt­ •CA Service Compaay A^ kua. ehe teUphsned tee hotel Waltkua. a left-handed * batter when yon prenent him with pnrchaae ef tW> aet alao gir and fielder, batted .804 for tha West Sides Tonight Six Fuitofigs — $7,900 mMo4 JANTZEN TRUNKS Riiitehboard operator. She told Ed­ Cuba in 1948, .293 Ui 1947 and .396 I want the essential Mvend of oar bccominKly yoe the opportnaity to get t| ward Ihirdv, the hotel house de- coiored— qasHty fa h rle ^ NetWag waidd ptaaee ‘D ad” more tlwa a last aaaaon. a*w ceaaalatte ttw 'foptl pair •( theaa flamemi truaka. Either kalttod tecUve. “I jiiH ebot a man. There’s Mortarty Bratearp and P a g ^ * tic. or jaonty bow-knots. a long atory behind teU, but Pm Weat Bldea meet tonight te a Twi­ Triple Protection , axira) lllaatratod above. AC. lahriea ar bexar atyles. Tmaka that wUI held OrandBtaiMl $1 — CIu M i h » B ’ $ 2 Tax incL Wt’vc an imprcMive wke- not going to talk about It” She light League baaehan gam* at te* o f your *hnr ibi RaiivMl hCA Vtoa, waa held In Jail without charge. Weat Side Oval. Flrat pitch la hat­ tion of .vefTthiat- PriMd Cmlraal vUck t* a i Warren said the gtri in her Sports jMirdale ed at 8 o’clock. to nait, of I •Utemeiit relatod: T tried to aUb (jeorge Swan or Dlek Love will up Tsnigkt I ■’f $5.00 him flrst but ha was too fast hurt for tee Oea Houaa Gang Consult your iocaf Trm ordusSchtdiik FUR STORAGE VAULT wanted to kill myaalf, too.” Nlchols-BriBtot vs. North Ends, wMle Jimmy Blanchard «r Dan For A Free Trial The sheeting, poUee said, oc­ 9 p. m.—Robartocxi. Kudrawakl will toe the ateb for for HCJMIDinCATION - TEMPERATURE curred in Room 1397 where tee MorUrty*s vs. West Bides, 8 the West Bides. (irregulars and Closeouts) SKB girl' had regUtarad yaatarday. m.—Oval. The West Bldea broke their loo- FUMIGATION Silk aty vs. Mortar*y's, 6:18— dost Sorvki Pinet to Truck If you*re still undecided os to what to give Dad^ give him « Waitkus was regUtorad at anoth­ Charter O ^. Ing otreak last week end wW be I sp fpsd sts the svailabiltly o f: ClwminE—Ghuing—■ er room in tee hotel, where tee Ziona vs. Temple. 8:30—Marne- out to move into the fight for a by tiMtBr Braam gift certificate and he can make hit otm choice ot Ids leisure. PhlUiea are atajrbig during teatr riaL playoff birth. Iforiarty'a. dafand- Chicago aariaa Friday. JwM 11 teg ptayoN riiamplafia. have 'won PARKINQ ra i^ 2 f« Warrau said tea giri told him Deubla-haadtr — Kaceya vo. but two of six prerioua starts. B runner' she did aot knew waltkua uatli ha (N o Tippia$— Na> Praeaa^a $9 CHENEY BROTHERS Floors, 8‘p.'m.; Hartford vo. Ital- FUR STORAGE : Hast Ccatmr HtPert : came to Chicago yeetraday. iana, 9 p. m.—Robartaon. TMiirta GUSTAFSON’S Warren said tee girl told him Rockville vs. Britlah-Amoricana Zagreb Tugoalavte—YugoalarU’s REMNANT SALESROOM eh* had given a ball hay a iM a to 8 £. m.—OvaL Daria Cup tennla team took a. 2-1 DRY CLEANSERS \ OPKN dauvar to Watkua after tha Phii- lead over Owaden te European BAVrrORO ROAD—HANCBESTER Mon. Whd. Fii. EvMins Thrifty vs. Rad Maa. • :I6 — 706 MAIN 8TRRBT lias had checked Into tha hMri Charter OsIl sons quartor-flnala play. sn^ET PHONE 8111 HoorarDally*® A. M. to 4 P. M.—Satnrdayn.® A. M. to S P. M.'i Tuaadajr. W am n aald a note, Oaagoa va. Beate Mathodiot, LoBde»T-TaP eeedad Aaericans. NADRA sinad "Rute Aan Burns, room 8:l(k^*morial. lad by fa v o rtf Tad Bchrpader o f 7§9m a in s n n iR T i m ” eras found la W a itin g rooaa. Saaday, Jwa* 18 La Oescenta. (3altf.. ecofod with W4XN€HiST«II^OM»6. It read: MeKlnnay-Klng Foot vs. Legion esse in Queens Club tennis match GAN H r. Waltkua, tt u aotnaakly Juxlera, 8 p. m.—OvaL .■i ■ IfANCSESTEll EVENING REEALD. MANCNE8TEE. CONli, WEDNESDAY, JUNE II. 1M 9 PAGE NINETEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1», 1M9 HmWlCItVILLit iULKM BY FONTAINE FOX The reason they’re putting wider In a ahlpya^" 'noted' % seats In motorcars, saya a writar 72 hustle aadboiaieihe stage Wbfcg* Rooflatp—SidiBg 16 SHeattege W u t Gar4no—-Farai—-Dairy Machinery site Toote 62 Hooliee for Sate T h e AB^eKT-MiMflgp Pnopesaoi^ Sense and Nonsense in the Ottawa, Ont.. (Tanada, Cttl- tfft the launchtog. ceremony, . AvIoMobiiM For Sate 4 Bastneoe Scrricee Offered 18 asn, la to taks care of the wide 88 Pradaets 60 A BARQAIN —Beavar tractor, SmcjLB HOMES In avary aaetlon KADIO — Btootrteai Appitaaea WE 8PBC1AUSB ui roodng and Flrat Frivata—YYhy did yea sa- Cbtldrea are playing on the tests on people from riding In siding. Highest quality mUsrials. WOMAN WilUag k dotedlsapatw aTRAWBERRlEB — Pick your plow, harrow, cultivator, raka, of Mnnehsatar ranging from ^7,- late that truck driver? streets new that aehoot la out. motor cars. pagne, Vxetelmed In some bewlld* »(' t Sarvlea. rapain picSad up aad 600 on up. Itemadlnta occupancy ------USED CARS ------dallvaNd promptly SO yoara' workmanship guaranteed. A. A. aoaal Isnndry la koma Esquire 31 own, S5o quart tlss own wonUln- lawnmowar $U8. New Paige rid­ •eoond ItooWe — Don’t be to Drive carefully so as not to hit ernmrnt: Dion, Inc., 3M Autumn streeU Purnell PInoa. ars. WUUs Sehultn, 639 Forast ing tractora, 8435. Simplicity IH - on all, from 4 to II rooms. T. J. *| dumb. That's no truck drivsr. any of them. Man Motorist (after barely fluqiit- But, there's nq ghtp! aaparlanoo. Jolui ICaKmay. Phpoa 8 H. P. Duhim Tractor Oo.. WU- Crockett. Broker. 8416. avoiding a collision)—Why, In tho 1948 Bnlck Sedan, Dynaflow t-1046. 1 WaUint atraat ToL 4860. strsot Bast Hartford. Fo o t p r i n t # . *rhat’s Oensral Hauling. Don’t you Foreman Rtari ewffiffitt* Jlul$ U TEAR OU> giri wiMiaa to take 11 mantle phone'3058. * sea that sign on the truck? name of common seme, didn’t yea bottle, ledy. Vhetet will ife - ~ 1947 Bnick Sedan NSW HOME, 851 Parker street. I Junior bru visiting his aunt. He VENSnlAM SUnda All typw ROOFTNQ — Speciallalns m re­ egre of children. Willing to go STRAWBERRIES. Pick your own. found the eat in a sunny window signal for that turn? mf/u to wttor, alao raoondlUofi- pairing roofs of an kmda, alao to leka Phone 8M4. flood pieMng',. S8o quart Skon- 4 rooms and 3 unfinished. Oosed Women Driver (who hsd just Look at •iT ths trouMas ttlfd 1946 Ford Coupe Moairsl Inatrumenta 6^ -breeaeway, attached gangs, in­ The AlexamWa, Va.. Gazatte purring cboerfylly: urn. BMt quality. rindaO Maan- new roofa Outtm work. Chim­ dolo rimm. Brandy atrset BoRon. ! founded la 178T claims te ba ths Little Junior—Oh, Auntie, come turned Into her home driveway I ~ party esuM in the 0| 1947 CSievrolet Sedan neys elaansd aad repairad. No TOUNO laADT daatrae poaltien aa sulated, fireplace, open stairway, Why I always turn here, stupid!' Eden.' II. mStnriiig Oo.. * » MlddJ# Tnm- general oCfloe derk. Write Box STRAWBERRIES >r Pick your UPRIOHT PIANO. flood condi- large modem kitchen, oak floors, nation’s Mdest dally nawepaper. quick The eat has u m t to sleep ■*i?: 1941 Boick Sedan plka Saat. UaU «S6S. ______Job too ampU or large, flood tlon, 130. Inrutre 40 Auburn « s»|, and its engine M running. work, fair prioe. Free eetlmatea P, Herald. own at 30c quart at 1^7 flai^ar copper plumbing, hot water oil Nothing can giva you that run To Kill Time Old Z,ady (to parachutist j 1940 Boick Coupe atrsst Road. heat, basement AoPrOr, basement Those who find time banging s i j . APPUANCB8 ssrrload and flaU Rowley. Manchester 5861. lUag like Jaywalking. Face powder can catch a. man, really don't know how you .4M | fOOBTEBN 1989 Buick Sedan repslrea bnmsn, retrtgeratora laundry, Venetian bimds. heavily on their hands—If there hang' from that Ifllh thtii«.' TBa- ranges, wasbeia, etc. All erorfe Doga BlPdi Itetg 4k STRAWBERRIES. Pick your own, but It generally takes baking are such people—might be Inter­ suspense must be terrible. ' . . 1940 PontiaC'Sedan 35c quart flood picking. BMng WcnUng Appnrel>-Para 67 ’Two-family, 5 and C flat, central­ powder te keep him.—People. guaranteed, lietro Service Oa Rooffng-^tpairinf 16 A DOO FOODS, sundlaa and gocaa- ested to know that If a person Psrachuflit — No,''ma'am, ll’d“ 1986 Ford Coach T«L Blanehestar 34M83. . eontamsra. 348 Fam streat YELLOW Marquleette gown with ly located, flood condition, large Isarned the names of 25 new tli- vrhen the auipteise ain’t thvie that Boriea. Hand plucklag, bathing, lot. Write Box U, Herald. Wow FBA’rURl-4fl fluaranteed roofa dippmg aad clipping of doga BROAD LEAF tobacco plaata for mltta, stxe I t Worn once, flood sacts each day, it would take him It Is terrible. " ; t ? ' UINOl-EUll — Asphalt tile, wall condition. Reasonable. Call Rock- The children spied a timid deer more than 60 years to memorize GORMAN MOTOR SALES covering. Done by reliable, aroU- and eapert repairs aa well as Kennel Supply Shop, 996 Mam ■alei Jacob Kahan, Vsmon, Conn, CHARMING 6-room Cape Cod While visiting tbs. soo all those which scientists have de­ fitte r and conductor work. 'Try m eet T«le|dioae 7 4378, RockvUla 586JE TlUc 974W8. (one unfinished!, t years old. De­ About the oqjy iiiihf CikU 286 Main Street trained mmi. All Jobs guarabtaed. can The guard, instead of naming it scribed end catalogued. — St. to come down nbwgda^ is’ the lur "Local Roofer." Cau Oough- lightfully situated on large cor­ Just offered them a clue, Telephone 7220 Hall Unoleum Oo., 83 Oak street. STRAWBERRIES. Pick your own, Thomas, Ont. Can., Times-Jour- i and even that Soaks you. J. C. Pat» Phone 3-4033, avoalags 5168. 7707. Wanted—To Hay 68 ner lot. Nice residential aection. He asked; "What does your nal. terson. Good Business. •"!“ T' NANNY OOAT, 6 waeka old, chU- 35c quart Zuttsr, Route 85, TM. Screens, fireplace, oil burner. Im­ mamma cajl • Open Monday, Wednesday dren’a pet CaU 3-3638. 68^. , — ______I j ; . r w S a te 4 MA’TTRESSES Re-made and star- Wa n t e d —one or two acres mediate occupancy $10,500, down Tour daddy 'round ths house?" KUrey Waan’t There Woman 'Jtarninj; to drive;-^But and Friday Evenings Ulsed. like new.' We call for and Beating— Plnmbint 17 land, vlolntty of Bolton or \ tr - payment, $2,500. Wm. floodchlld. 3:/ And Junton goggle-eyed, ex­ The rest rooma I dots on I don’t know what.to 'do! p ^R im C R l|OTOR SALES deliver anyv'hera 3^raak Falk, 43 Pooltry aad Sagpltes 48 non. Wrtto Box R, Herald. Sr., Office 15 Forest street. 7925 claimed: Have never been wrote on. STEAM. Hot water end hot air BooachoM Goods 61 or 8891. THAT OUOMTA KKBP *KM OFF.* Husband—Just Imaglns that I’ni^ SAYSt'^ScnTi a Una selection FORD 19S4 V-8 H-ton panel. Oood South 14am street, Cblcbestsr. "My geeh! la that a louse?*’ —S. O. Barker driving, Conn. Phone Colchester 460. beating. Van Uemp Broa Phone YO m O Freahly klUad turkaya CASH REfllSTER, used National « money ears with a coadlUon, new paint, fair tires. 534A If You Can Alford To Pay or Remington. Any condition, STOP HUN’TINa! Here *le m l Three spares, ladder racks on 16 to 30 Iba 69e .per pound. let of traotpoftation left” AN’TIQUES Reflnished Repairing Phone Meneheater t i n . 821-16 A MONTH slse. Write P: O. Box 2332, Hart­ value. Chietom built 1941. 5 sun MICKEY FINN A Timsiy SagfasUoal LANK LCONAKO ro o t. Call 2>0768 imytlme. done on any furniture. Tlemsnn, EFFICIENT Plumbing end beat­ ’Then You Can Afford To Own ford, Ounn. drenched rooms, attached garage, 1942 iMiDSMOBILE 4-DR. ing. Plugged dralna machine LDOKINO FOR Bargains in used 189 South Main etreet Phone S BEAUTIFUL BOOMS OF lot 90 B 24U. Madeline Smith, SEDAN 5648^______cleaned. Cart J. Nygten. Phone Wanted— Pets— PoaJtry— BRAND NEW FURNITURE Realtor. 3-1642 or 4879. m m m M i r s a m •JII6CKIWT , IT IA S CONRAD Tire rwL- rvE JUST k e n unnkms/ 00NRA& oara —Go to Barlow’s clearance 6497. Roooia Wilhont Honrd 59 M ttCH im m noliM ttm ym eny TME SUKCHCF?] Kadto.’ tm U r, hyewmatlc. Oom- sale. All used cars must go re­ Stock 44 Which Conalata of the Following: WHOmOMD M! HE lETMSISTHeilANWHOHAS ydu'Ic T plB t^ oee>lweted and daaa aa a KAUIO Servtdng OepandabJe low A 1949 "WeaUnghouae" E le e ^ BEAUTIFUL new Cape Cod, 6 1: THOUGHT ( MUST'VE JUST KEN COMMITTING ALL THE gardless o t our cost. 1B47 CAieV' coat and guaranteau A.B.C Ap­ UBNBKAL Repaira Jobbing, ra- ROOM FOR rent. Gentlemen only. minutes Baict from Main street GENNlf* rolet Aerosedan, R. H.; 1941 Ply­ modeUng, water piping, deep and WANTED—Cowa calvaa aad beef Refrigerator a 1949 Bengal Com- Reference required. Phone 2-9746 j u ^ TMfOLPlimM GOT SACK F«0M ROtSERlBS- ANT-AH-VOU n il— iS iroN T U C 2-DR. SEDAN pliance. 81 Maple etreet 3-1576. cattla also horses. We pay the bmatlon Range; n handsome Mod­ We offer In this bou«e all the mouth 4-door, R. H., $795; 1941 shallow erelJ pumpa gas and after 5. most dealrahlir features of modern im twm itaRKLm atim upfir tefiSTHfOMLY H0LLV«W)0D/AND HAD LEARNED THAT HE UPSTAIRS' Badte, haatar, dafroatar. A vary ^ Pl}rmouth C3ub convertible, R, FLOOR Problema aolvad with electric aiitomatlc ^atsir heaters top dollar. Plela Bros, 864 Bid- em Bedroom Sulto: a pretty S-Pe. AU auscem tm m m m m nem Veil street ’TO RENT — Furnished rooma aicfiiteclure. Modestly priced and ONCMTHE m A S L Y BROUSHT PLANNED IQ BREAK M HERE ANPRRT H., white wall Ures, $850; 1941 Unoleum, eapbalt tile counter. svsusbia Prompt aarvica Ed­ Livmg Room Suita; a gorgeous im fom :ir$Aanai} m tm um ! *^194rVS§S^**BUSINESS 5-Pc. Dmette Set TaMes. Lampa, Kitchen priypeges. Private en­ and easily fina-rced for a quail- HOUSE.' SOME ntlENPr HOME TONIGHT* a n d -AH-YOU INTO MY. Hudson iHloor R H., $495; 1940 Expert workmanahlp, .free aatl- ward W. Johnson. Phonr 6079. fled veteran. Reduced to 310,500. rm tinm rrm iLK WITHHWJ :-• COUPE Ford 4-door, R. H., $650; 1938 matea. C.*pen eveninga JonaF Pleturea and many other ttema to trance, second floor; Five minutes CAME OUT HERE TO aOTHGS! POOfllB A PETERMAN at 831 Artiftet for Sate 46 complete your home. from Main. 166 Eldiidge street. Occupancy June 15. Shown by ap­ o u r r m w ! ___ t-.. UY W H IM — Ford 3-door, H., $250; 1988 Chev­ Furniture, Oak street tnwne pointment only. Phone 3375. fSfoB lE ^^S^ CLUB rolet. 3-door, R. H.. $250; 1937 3-1041. , HUUard atreet, wlD do your DON’T LET the heat get you, YOU PAY 831.16 ONLY ’TO US plumbing and beating, oU burner Not to any bank, not to any FOR RENT--R00U and one-half. COUPE Buick, 4-door, R H.. $250; 1937 power mower purchased at Capi­ Attractively furnished. Cbnven- WAPPING Dodge 4-door, I.. $195; 1934 Ford <>ii>LONO’8 refrtgsratlon ssnrica work. Skill atd satiafactlon. Call tol Equipment. 88 Mam atreet finance company. All transactions paatar. A eeeBpl«t*>y pvaifcaulad Repairs on al) makea commer- Rockville 21R3 or Manchester 3- are with ua alone. Privately and lenUy located at 19 Johnson Ter­ coupe, $100; 1913 Chevrolet two- may save your UfC. Liberal trade- race. 1 minute from Main street. Excellent 8 room single nestling elsl and domesuc. 34-bour serv­ SiOt. personally with a fumiturs organ­ In a setting of large shady maples. "” 'l9ST DODGE* SEDAN door, drive It away for $50. Blake m allowance on your old mower. isation who has bean in btislneBa Phone 7848. * us an offer. We’re not Imrd to do ice. Phonj 3-1797 Terras. Just the home for the burineas ex­ for over 40 years. ecutive or professional man who I business with. Rarlow Blotor ACCOUNTANT. Complete sc- it. ^ in'r—Trucking—■ NO CHAROE FOR STORAOB LARGE Pleasant room next to :vL( w S ^ S COUPE Sales, 595 Blain street. Phone RRVERE Movie camera, 8 m.m., bath, prtvata home, one minute wants country charm with easy a--iiii «nr overaeat crstint; ' V A L Portahle typewrttsrs and couple or two men. Nice porch REALTOR _ OGNb 10 *11 w o o .v i m y u n : \ iSf^ldS^O LET SEDAN cleaned. Call 4909. or WllUman- i milling mauhinea Used typawrtt. 9:00 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. , teCBK YKOW SM OLO y oo'U . GO YOG tic 1745W reverse charges. eiiii Ml. d^xi'elirnl van eerv. and yard. Full housekeeping . TO K PG(B0 »lO MftW kOWl KRMG te n .TOO „tiote*. '48 BUICK SUPER lie tt. West and all parts er* end adding raachlnea sold or A—L—B—E—R—T—S 875 Main Street NtL Y«4E.WG» %NOA ObYWE 1«M G^(?PANEL TRUCK privileges if desired, also single Phone 6440 Or fi.'>88 , HEKEPOft T ea v ou .TOO •• m g.'v l vm w g xo CONVERTIBLE—82.225 LAWNMOWERS sharpened, re­ ot II S A ana iUinada. rnlephone rented. Kepatra on al> makea 48 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD room. Continuous hot water. fSOMETWie, teObH. YOWte! la good ardar throdgliout. MarloWa < Open Thiimday Til 9:00 P. M. \ r J WL Pi Vfft OO Original owner. Radio and paired, hanj and power Waebmg Manchester 5187 or Hartford A- Parking space, near buses. Phone Established 1921‘ '* .BWWTIT.f MaNVMOf teiG Y «ct 1986 CHEVROLET ^ TON macjilnes repaired Pick up and I4'J3. Any Evening Appointment 2-4442. Home Listings Wanted COWM440 WK.KE.1 heater, white wall tires, per­ MEN’S Rebuilt and re lasted shoes Oladiv Arranged p*b A VKUJOM PICKUP fect condition. For appoint­ Jellvery. Friendly Flxlt Shop. Tel. High and low Better than cheap vote Pi Ooo4 oontfltloii, 1777. lAVELL’S Express light trucking After 6:30 P. M. Phone 4-4626 EUZABETH PARK aection, two GOOWG AMO ment call 2-2264, 7 to 9 a.m. and delivery Weekly or monthly new ones Sam Tules. Shoe Re­ Bnsineas Idieations brand new ouetom built 4-room I Jk>W SA riNBkO 1987 FORD 2-DR. SEI5a N pair Shop 701 Mam atreet FOR SALE—Serve! gas refrigera­ homes with ample space for addi-1 Oood finmiag erdar. or 6 to 6 :30 p.m. law n Mowore, hand and power, nihblsh routes mvited. Man­ For Kent A4 'YO YPMI. sold, ebarpeaed, repaired. Pick chester 2-;'<290. tor, 8 cii. ft. Priced for ■ quick tional rcioms on the second floor. I 1940 LASALLE 4-DR. 1941 CUS’TOM built Chrysler, TWO 26” Bicycles, one b o /a one| sale, $25. Phone 3493 up and delivery. Keya made. Sawa one girl’s. Good condition. ’Two IA)FT 40 X 60, In business section, Fireplace, hot water heat with I SEDAN fully equipped, radio, heater, fog- Sled. Capitol Equipment Oo.. 88 ASHES, Riibbtab. removed. f>l- second (loor. heated. Suitable for oil, open stairway, copper plumb-1 lare. yards and attics cleaned. pairs each of Ice skates and roller WANTED—BRr«%A-BRAr. fuml- Aa tanMMlaite m t. Ughts epotUght. tew paint and Uam, Mancheatai. Phone 7958. Wre. antiques Ole Mill Trading officea or busineps Inquire Dan ing. oak floors, large modem | MODEL A Bsat covsrs. Osa be seen sny- Dump truck *'oi hire Sand. loam, skates, ewo new sleds, child’s Backer, 36 Oak street. kitchen, etc. Excellent neighbor­ GUARANTEED repair sendee on gravel.. 5U and stone. James table and chairs Phone 2-4259. Post. 17 Maple street. 'Phone SEDAN Uma can 3-1948 256 Autumn street 3-1089. hood and handy to new achooLl 179.00 washers. Irons, toasters, electric Msert.ttiBcri. PhoneI'nont 1523. | ______SMALL Building near Main Robert J. Smith, Inc., 958 Msln| 1947 OLD8MOBILE converUble elocka, vacuums, ate Rssaonatile WE BUY and eel’ good used fiiml- street, approximately 900 square street Phone 34.V). tliees and many mere cars moiM 96. BbreeUent condition MAM'HESTKK Package delivery lONE hearing aid. New, prtoea. AB.C. Appllancs. 31' never been used. 153 Cooper Hill tore. Comhinsttnr rangsa. gas feet.. Purnell ' Orporatlon. Apply ^ mahas and models at the throughout Cell 3-2340 after 6 Mapis street 3-1575. Local light trucking and package Marlow’a IMMEDIATE Occupancy,. 5-room I ALLEY OOP delivery Refrigerators,, washers street Phone 7560. ranges and beeters loner Furni­ He Moam Go! rlijnt price. p. at ture Store 36 Dab Phone 2-104t single hone, built 6 years. .Frlcedl RADIO need fixing T Have It re­ and stove moving a epecialty. BEAUTIFUL Store with large cel­ (or quick sale at $8,800. Down| 1940 Ch e v r o l e t special Deluxe A-l BLACK Loam, 4 >ards. 113 See UMoe Specials At: paired by experts Ffick-up serv­ Phone 2-;n62 Quarry wall stone, 4 yards $20. lar. located In business section payment, $1,800. For appqlnt- 4-door sport sedan, m good con­ ice. guaranteed work Sets cbeck- of North Manchester Good loca­ ment .call Howard R. HasUngs,| DeCORlOER MOTOR SALES dition. Pries rsssonable. 113 KliHKISH and asben removed In­ Flat field stone 4 yards. $16. WALNUT Modem bedroom set. sd In tbs home. Car radios s Alao Bolton building stone and Reasonable. 74 Jensen street. tion for shoe store, baby cloth­ Real Estate Specialist 489 Malnl SllbrieSt Manchester (Raawood street Phone 6929. specialty. Manchester Rad 1 o cinerators cleaned. Sand, gravel ing shop, or 5 and 10c store. Call street. Odd Fellows Bldg. (At| W e Bny, W e Beil and and cindei^ Van service and flagstone. Bolton Notch Quarry Service, 78 Birch etreet Phone Pbone 3-0617 Stanley Pataode. WASHER, reasonable. Can be Manchester 6195 for further In­ the Center) 4 Phone 2-1107. W e SW fipe AH Makes BUICK 1947. aean, 4-door, bUck, 3-084a local moving Phone H M. Jonca seen at 43 Tanner street, or tel. formation. white wall tires. 325 Broad 2-i:ift2. 2-X072 4872. MANCHESTER ~ I' have S'als-I _ In atreet Esao station, anytime. UPHOLSTERY Special this week. BLUE WHITNEY Steero-matlc ______rs-Oreriand carriage and carriage mattress room single homes. Immsdlata We are trying to cut our labor RUBBISH and ashes removed. At DON’T WANT to move a wing 'iummgr Homes for Kent 67 occupancy. Priced at $8,750 andl EVERY CAR must go at a fair tics and cella.B cleaned. Phone Used short time. In good condi­ L s w AuCJUl>' apadi■is: 1941 charges for one week’s trial to tion. $18. (Tall 2-0825. chair and button lack club chair, 89.3(>0. G. 1. can buy with gl50ol price. 1947 Ford sportsman con­ see If We can return to pre-war 3951. F Coleman. General Make offer. 7361. COVENTRY LAKE-Water front tar, radio, vertible $1,495; a beautiful car, cottages, 4 rooms. Modem elec­ cash. Twu^famuy 6 and 4| idan. $395. prices and still meei expenses. 3- trucking. Pronipi service rooms. 2-car garage, 8-4 acre o(| 1947 Ford sedan, 1941 Buick SIX DIFFERENT styles.comer tric conveniences. Shower, dock Cole Motoia plece set re-upholster^, $50; LlllHT rKluntlNG Half-ton BABY’S CRIB, also 24” girl s bl- land, at North end of town, $8.-1 sedan, 1940 Ford two-door, 1940 sofa, $30; chair, $10. These prices cycle. Call 2-2798. china cablnetst completely In- and boats. Weekly or season. Ca(l e'oteek te ae important to our ompiojfoo that wo pick-up trick No aanea. no WlUlmantlc 3272W1. 900 for quick sale. Howard R.I DeSota coupe, 1037 Chrysler Include labor, retying of springs, aUIled. Call 2-2576. Hastings, Odd Fellows Bldg., 489| flramatiu H. with tho etook dteappoaring bohind mouw ■edsn. AU cars run good. Terms rutiOisb Phone 2-1275 oi svks. TOP SOIL stone fur fireplace and IMT Dodga aedaa. Ibteep- alao rewebbing. Fine assortment (TOVENTRY LAKE-Water front Main street, at the Center. tain teonory!” ly good condition. Phone and trades arranged. Franklin of materials from $2.50 up. Call walk. Dry wells Installed. Phone LARGE size Electrolux gas refrig­ Motors, 653 Onter street. Phone erator. Take It away, $20. Ben­ Cottage, furnished. Responsible 7267, 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. 5305. AUTUMN Street. G. L 'requicesl • BIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAJTil CAfiNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 3-9981. Painting— Papering 21 son’s. 713 Main. business couple preferred, with FRECKI.E8 AND HIS FRIENDS home privileges. Weekly or sea­ about $850 cash. Non-GJ. ajKnitl No Whale Either BY MERRILL C m r FORD truck, flood running FOR SALE —About 5 acres of $2,650. Four room’s, two-car ga-l aedW. teeke us aa eOar. Beasca's 1987 CHEVROLET. Good running HoosehoM Services INTERIOR and Ebiterlor paint­ standing hay. Phone 8070 after A BARGAIN. T'4 cu. ft. Universal son. Phone Wrnimantlc 3272W1;' VeXt SHOULD I Burlregpwa- pUIKSSie >knAMA^'ooHT condition. Reasonable price. Call ing. Paperhanglng a specialty. electric refrigerator. Perfect In­ raRe, oil hot water fiaat, etc ^ t| 's4*>OU. W A N6vee Sidesiug sgnL'- Mata Offered • HA 5:30 p. m. 110 X 500. OI’s income must AkXtD (VC : 7788. Free estimates Fred E. LaurlUen side and out. 55 Charter Oak SUMMER (TOTTAGE for rent, In- 0«D/ BUOY SIAM/ A ON CALL ROT and Gordon. Experts 104 Homestead street. Phone 2- atreet. dlan Tow-n, Saybruok. Five room $55 weekly dr better. Full prlc aev MYESTMerrs — cmnw& tl846 Dodgi Custom, 4>Door— for rug and upnolstery shampoo­ 0053. NEW FOLDING Kodak cottage. (Tall 2-94t5. $8,500. Subii’ ban Realty (To.,| Bteek, radio and Iraater, new 1939 MERCURY convertible club ing. complete nome ana office Call 4878. STUDIO COUCHES,'gas stoves, Realtors, 49 Perkins street. Phone coups. Call 3293 until 7 p. m. cleaning. All kinds of odd (obt. INTERIOR and Exterior painting qhests, chairs, mirrors, baby FOR RENT—(Tottage "at Matta- 8215. tiraa,' 18>000 milet. A bean- and paperhanging Get my free stroller, miscellaneous. 11 Main nawcook lAke, Lincoln, • Maina, ^tifnl ear. 1942 FORD Deluxe tudor sedan. Pbone 2-MI81 TT Manchester 2- from July 2 to July 3o and after MAN(THESTER, 503 Adams atreetl 4S4U estimate on your work. Raymond Roala and Aeeaaaorics 46 street Mechanically good. New paint, Flake. 2-9237. August 27. Rent $25 week includ­ Excellent' 6-room Cape Cod, 4| 1941 Pontiac StreamllBer 4- $650. 80 Broad street after 6 p. m. YOU STILL have tlmq to buy that BREAKFAST SETS, stoves, mis­ ing boat Phone 2-4204. rooma finished, ho. water oIlT .. :D oor 8a4iii—^Black, recon- CURTAINS i-aundcred, straight CHARBONNEAU House paint­ new sailboat and have loads of cellaneous'"'used furniture. Ralle heat, recessed radiation, fireplace, I I 1936 DODGE 4-door sedan. Good 75c, ruffled $1. Phone 5487. ing, interlo', exterior. Paper fun before and during vacation. road salvmgt 167 Middle Turn­ storm windows and screens, (uilf ^ditoiM^ .with new motor. condition. Can be seen st 304 Wantvd to Rent 68 4 Radte and heater. banging, floor sanding and refln- The following are available: 13* pike Bast Monday through Fri­ tile bath. Venetian blinds, garage Middle ’Turnpike East, betweeif WEAVING ot bums, moth boles Ublng. Gall 2-9575 or 2-2805 "Cape Cod” minx cat, J5’ "(Tape day 6-9, Saturday 9-9. with amesite diide. tmmaculat and tom clothing hosiery nina WANTED—Uve or six room house 1940 Boi^-2-Door Spedal— 4:30 and 8:80 p. m. Cod’* Mercury, 15’ “(Tape God" throughout, tniiuedlat.e occuptn-l bsndbsgs repalren, mppei ro- CALL a. FIGKETT foi insidr and Lawley, 18’ "(Tape (Tod" Bapy New REFRIGERATORS, electric 01 apartment (oi family ot four cy. Priced reasonable Phone 7723| ' Ngw pafart iuid complete 1937 FORD truck ton W plat­ placement umbrellas rapalred. outside painting, paperhanging, ranges, washers, bedroom sets, adults and 1 year old child.. Phone knockabout 18’ International 4803 or 6273. Brae-Bum Realty. motor overiiaal. form bodyr 2-apeed rear axlf. Will men's ehlrt ooUsrs reversed and general carpentry work. Free Rhodea, 19*^ "Cape Ood" Ught- Lawson parlor sets. studio make good farm truck, full price, couches, chroma and wooden MANCHESTER -For $8,800, sixl itkflP- replaced Marlow’s Uttls Mending estimates given Men Insured nlng, Hereahott bull's Eve or FAMILY of three would like 3 or 1984 ChgR'riet 4-Door Sedan $225. ’39 International 1-ton plat­ Shop Pbone 4208. breakfast sets at warehouse finished rooms Oil best, comblna-l PRISCILLA'S POP P roof P o S S ^ BT AL form, $300, good condition. ’47 Bristol Clsas. Also one 82’ power 4 room apartment References. . — 88,000 miles. Very clean. cruiser. Call M. C. Bennett TeL pricea. Alao selection Of used 74 after 4 p. m. Kelvlnator freeser. Regular atore within RaK mile rad us and LMts.ior Sale 73 paperhanging. Free eetlmatea. $269.05; thU week $319.95. Five located in Manchester Store does tion. Phone 3265. Attics finished, cabinet work, al­ Prompt aervlce. Reaaonable g u a r a n t e e d USED CARS terations. Charles Davu, 8 and 10 JOHNSON Sea Horse motor year protection plan. Act now. an excellent business Consider A SUITABLE Lot for a ranchH pricea. Phone 7830. D. E Buy today. Watklna Bros. type home In B zone. 85’ x I50'.j| 84 Ford Cmms ...... 60 1940 PLYMOUTH club converti­ Waddell road. Phone 2-0294. win make your vacation com­ able cash necessary T. J. ble. Very good condition. $575 Frechette. plete', Immediate delivery, easy Crockett, Broker. Phone 4516. Priced $1,200. James J. Rohan a || 87 Paekaxwiadan ...... 190 RUDD Automatic hot water heat Son, Realtors. Telephone 7438. 'Call 2-4292. CAKPBNTEh 'Vork of all kinds. GENERAL Repairing, light car­ payments. We buy, sell, exchange 86 C2iryrier 595 Roofs, sidings, additions and al­ and repair. A few used motors on ar. Monel SO-gallon tank Used 86 Fockard 695 pentry, painting. Floora Canded, one year. For Propane g«a. (Tall Hooaes for Sale T i IDEAL Building lot, 64 x I45.i 4$. Btil^k ...... 985 terations Alao new conatmctlon reflniahed. Reasonable. Call 3- hand from $35 up. Capitol Equip­ shade trees. In attractive neigh Aoto Aceesoories— Sleffert. Phone 2-0263 ment, 88 Main street 2-4394. 4$ Dump 895 Tires 4391. SDC ROOM Cape (Tod. attached borhood, rear Princeton street] M Dodge ...... 1395 WHITE GLENWnOD insulated garage, dormers, firepisce. . oil school. All utilities available CONCRETE Contractor. maaon PAINTING and paperhanging. MERCURY Cfiiampion Flambeau 46 Radson ...... 985 work and 'andscaplng V. Bei- four burner gas rshge. Oood con^ hot water heat. Venetian blinds, Reaaonable. Phone 3877, i r 46 Cadinae ...... 1985 MONTGOMERY WARD First class work. Reasonably motora. Larman. Dumpy, Pez, Tan lucct Phone 3-1601. boats. Sales, service, trade, dltion, $25. Phono 840(L awninga. recreation room, laun­ esea im* ev ms tnviaa we. t. a. aia a a ear. ew. 41 Btudsbalmr C onv...... 1985 REBUILT MOTORS priced. Bob Flake. Phone 3-9178. dry room, terrace, newly painted. TWO BUILDING loU at VIC FLINT Broko Today. Rich T obmhtow BY MICHAEL O'MALLEY AND RALPH LANE Packard ...... 1986 terms. R E MeIntoeh, 38 Har­ BUY BERLOU guaranteed moth- Hayward. Excellent location 44 EXCHANGE PRICE ALTERATIONS, kitchen cabinets vard Road. Reduced to $11,800 El vs Tyler, and remodeling, garages com­ spray today aad protect your fine Reaaonable price inquire 39 Cot "Art thsra many singla man working haro, Miss Btnson? ~ MANY OTHERS Agent Phone 2-4469 f o r d MODEL A—$99.95 pleted or parti^y built, with Rtpairinff clothes, fumiturs and ruga for 5 tage street. Phone 5279. On antw Job t iikoteknow thoonoo loughtto bo nteoto!” ” lnoidontally, how WAS Potor robbod to pay Poui?” ‘ e a s y t e r m s 1933-’34—$117.50 substantial saving by fillii^lng MATTRESSES Tour old mat- Diaasonda— Watclica ■ years. Berlou guarantesa to' pre­ BOLTON—Brand new 4-room UP Tp 34 MONTHS 1935-’36—$117.60 yourself. Phone 2-2576. vent moth damage, or wlU pay (Tape (Tod In a country setting. FUR SALE Cl dXihaiige Building treas sterilised snd mmsde Uka Jaw«lfy~ 48 BY J. R. W II.LIAM S OUR BOARDING HOUSE wWh MAJOR BOOPt.E 1949 PACKARD 1989-’41—$117.60 for the damage. Watkins Bros., Just off main highway. Close to lots at the Green Wm Kanehil UUl UUH w a y CARPENTRY — New homes and user. (Tall Jones Furniture and Builder, 519 (Teiitei street Phon4^ 06080. — SAVE 606 V-S’s With Heads Floor Oavering. 36 Oak Tat 3- LEONARD W YOST, Jewalm Ba- Inc. lake. Hot .air heat automatic hot \M6LC0MB HOMS ' fiGPO/I teOULDMT UMS CHEVROLET small repairs, 81.46'^ r hour. My palra and adjuata watches aapart- water heater, large picture win­ 7778. CHAMP/ SPIUU b MIESBD IT FOR IHS 80ER vCAR! 1937- $114.95 work la the best. Box H, Herald. 104L dow, flower boxes Only 6 miles ly at maaonabie prices. Open WHITE (TOMBINAtlON kitchen CLEARED LOT approximately UG 'lUg STOftVj FNrt — ViMEH tHBiV COT ME OFF . BRUNNER'S 1938- $114.95 Tburaday- evening ISO Spruce from Manchester, $7,800; only COMPLGTB IMJE AlS, TWB GTUDiO * ^ 386 East Center Street nnge, $30. CaU 6848. 65* X 360. 'Tonveuient to school 19S9-’41-$114.95 Private InstnMtioaa 28 atraet Phone 3-4381. $1,100 down payment. Monthly IS6UB, W D r m AUO«m!» A006G LiR* Open Mon.. Wed., rii. Evenings PLYMOUTH Florists—Norserien 16 payment $46. Wm Ooodchlld, Sr., and DUS. Price $1,100. Madelin^ NINE-PIECE dining room set SmltJ^ Realtor. 3-164Z or 4679| VllTH A itHB flABi* POPULACG^ aad Sat Aftsreocn 1933-’41—$139.95 TRANSPLANTED annual aad AUTO DRIVING, duai eontroL office 15 Forest street. 7925 or PlNCH OGAAOUGHiNG-fHE ^ ;» Phans 6191 ______Garden— Farm— Dairy and two F X 12* ruga. 387 (TenUr 1942—$144.95 vegetable plants, hardy plants, AAA oartiflad Instructor. Bal- street after 6 p. m. 8891. N oiM aa / ------0ASTIU.S.'— MfehiXiitYK^RODRY eonvertlMs, . DODGE evergreens, shrubs and fruit lard’s Drtvtng echonL Cal! S-334A. Pm docU 60 Sohurban for Sale iwr HAie-gUMPH.* isdto sad beater, 1933-’41—$144.95 KROEHLER Day-bed srlth slip 89 ELDRIDGE street near Main. $1,595. cau trees. Woodland Gardens. John On the market foi the first time, 6 7 ». • ______DODGE TRUCK—$139.95 J. Zapadka, 168 Woodland street. PICK YOUR own strawberries, cover. $80; 'Walnut dresser, and BOLTON—5 and bath down: ^^VlCTOCV,^ 2 0 % Down On 193TS Up Phone 8414. Moslcat— Dramatic 29 30e quart Louis Brewer. Marl bed with spring, $25; Oak dining a two-story single dwelling of 6 unttnished up 3 Braplacas. ^ sARKE Motor Bales are Most Motors Available for borough Road, Olastonbiuy. room UbU $8; five chairs, nice roonr.s. Beautifully landscap­ stircase; oaseboard rmfiatlonj yYteff’.awsi *Bsy. Look at this! Immediate Delivery. TOMATO Plants, peppers, egg PIANO niNINU. repatre. raeoa- ed lot, approximately 80’ front oil H. W neat; 'i-uar attache dlUoning. etc. John OockerhaiB, PICX YOUR own strawberries st 75c each; 19 halt screens, W ASH rU B B S _ Moeting Loehy Low " " BY U BM Jb ' T O R N !# WT Piffbte 4<4aor ss4an, $195; plant, celery, early cabbage, let standard slssi, $3 each. Call 4816, Property la available (or Immedi­ garage. Manj axtraa Very teM Ml'SJsuUi oaqps, 865; 1986 MONTGOMERY'WARD tuce, asters, zinnia, snapdragons, 38 Bigelow street Phene 4219. VicV>r sforrs’s farm, Cfiark’s ate occupancy and priced for •onabia. Many others from 4 Woo4 naniag oendi- 828 Main Street, salvia, pstimia, etc. At Oder Read. Bolton Onter. 35c quart DUAL OVEN. oU and gas range quick sale. Robert J. Smith, Inc., 8 rooma Suburban Realty OnJ M— ■■■r.y.r m i * 7NUeBBNI E8U»»lDGNIW Briag your rwn containers. First 958 Main street. Phone 3450. isMds. $80; Taro 1986 mann’s Greanhouss, 504 Parker Help. Wanted— Female 26 Also baby washer. Phone 3-1775 Reaitora 49 Perkiat street Telj 007 IMS bank L VBUBawJETiaASS NEW 6JMM6 6-ply Firestone tire, street. picking, Dofsets. dope ssdsns, good COB- tube mounted on 1948 Ford rim, eveninga. 8315. OOOTViAOU, «tka, gige «s«h: im t oids 4. WANTED — Woman to do DUPLEX, 8 rooms each side. New. PtLOGawas 835. Phone 3-1360. f l o w e r s and vegetable plants sntAWBElRRIES. Pick your own, FOR FATHER’S Day give him an ly decorated. Occupancy 80 daya. 4 »«.S 9dsa; I f t t PlyaMMith dob thorough cleaning 2 days a week, 30e quart Michael Kury*s, French ANODGaPlAN. xqady now, iSc a dosen. 81 n 4 room house. TeL 5468. R.C.A. Victor radio. Tabla F.M. 3-car gqrage. Landscaped Woatrd— Heal Batata .77 Mies etesa aotooM- road, Bolton. , * grotinda. Madeline Smith, Real­ Mcltorcyctes Wcyctes II hundred. An assortment of ever­ sets and portablae. J. D. A. Radio J A l f l green trees for foundation plant­ HIGH SCHOOL girl to help aad'*rslavlalon, 189 Olsnwood tor 2-1643 or 4679. (XJNdlUICRXNU HELUNU O rM ^ paint PICK Your own etrawberilea, 35c TOUR PROPiqRTl ar. Ws wm ao- ing or any other purpoae, alf at mother mornings snd bsby ait quart New lot good picking. atreeL Pbone 8866. BOY’S BICYCLE. sixe 26. $13. a low prica. 879 Bumsida avenue,' Saturdsy nlghta Gall 3-1437 be­ FOUR TWO-family dwellings, one Without oOTKaUan to vou w( Opaa Can 3-9388. Paaquallnl Farm. Avery atreet four-family. Each wlU have an' will appralae or make voo a eai J floa- Ekmt Hartford. Phooa 8-809L tween 4 and 6. Wapping. Open 'tU 7 p. m. Msehiocry and Toote 62 apartment vacant. Ranging. In 3 itot to t oronertv See us hefu: ;«ar Mddla. WANTED— A good housekeepe: price from $12,000. to $15,500. vou eelL PUTK YOUR Own strawberries, GARDEN Tractors — - Bready. S t n tess Offered 12 to go to the beaoh. Call Mra. .35c quart UcCUUahd'B, 81 Laks T. Q. Crockett. Broker. Phone PhOfw.rTta Or 63M Rooanf—SMiof I f 'George W. Cbeney. 4468. Planat Jr„ Cbersmastsr, Beaver 6416 . « BHAB-BURN REALTY 'JsuiMHErS and fireplaces deaS' *8trast. Tiding, can be purchased on easy sd aad .rspalisd. Brick work R(X>FS Built aad repaimd. flut­ OIRL OR WoBum for ~ general terms. Cultivators, sickle mowes FLATS 5 and 5. Near (Tenter. Very ■ READY To I the aeU a| TVie BOOK OP THB VEAK \ After 6 p. notated up. ?6 years' expertenca ters Apatred. Chimneys' repaired housework, or high tchool girl and other attachments available. good condition. New steam fun)- Mancpastei 8315. |M W Krs ■tipet Msndisi. Ifaachsster Chimaey ’ Eigperts and rleaned. Phone U85 or - (or summer at lake. Uve In RpEfl Hpralil 4dvs. Capitol ■ Equipment, 38 Main aces. Mad«lehie[ Smith, Realtor. mca' Hub'irdan‘iroan Realty Co.| Phaae 3-0348. Free estimatss. Small family. Phone 2-1402. streft 3-1642 nr 4679.' Realtors, 49 Perkins street . - V ^ ^ ■V / •PtopM Hm Wsathsr WEDNE8DAT, 7UMB ll» iM t Dsfljr Nat PrssS Raa I at u. a. wmoai Seato a f May. iS4S >-S;'^:. ■■ .. iltaM ritggter^^

aldorahly, and with toeoks d n ^ l 9,725 Connecticut Light and Pow er Coca- w a« tto AaOt lag VMiayt am aa < Edith McOoimb o f 304 pany, aupplytag thoia towns now, woOa a n botag w atriiadl EMridca atraat, aad Hiao WUaia Only HoMers of Tldi«U Adviw Saving Manchaatar tha north aih) anxiously. Dairy farmon alraadyl l a f ( Admitted to Gradimtioa aovth and m toly ayatoms have an bavtog to oarry water for ' Mmuiheslor^A CUy of Village Charm Ksyaa of Katxwdt. N. T., aallad to* buds to a tow tostonoos. day oa tha “Quaea SUubatir* for aahsd that tamdento avoid sU nn- On Water Here BAOMMAPST USA OC WAti|r. Itis ganonJly agnod that "twol (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FouB cEmi^r ' IMOrniA FWi i bg t s tan araaha* tour of Curopa. Both Principal Bdson M. Ball^. days of aQaktog rain" la tha tan- IS) MANCHESTER,‘CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1949 are cn tha faculty of tha Univar* Ih t water levols to ths*-^ sur­ VOL. LXVHL, NO. 118 Irta. M— fc«» ^ tlM OWIClltWB of the Manchester High rounding araas has droppad con- msdlato niod. Summer ^ XXmIMI Vtdraaa at IM OvQ atty o f OonnacUcut. school, stated this morning war. IMS tatamaA froaa Fortlaad, that only ticket-holders will Althdiigh Supply Ade* X u S J !% t m n aka attandad tha Caaidren of'M a ry o f 8 t Jamea'a be admitted to the oommanoa- quate Nowyt Spell .C om pd^n for Govenmient Btond Drive mSS Pajartwant Bncaapnant church have act the data o f Juna ment axerdsas of tha class ad Fabrics P rice Cuts News Tidbits a t tka arKaaJaatioa. M for aa outing at Riveialde 1M» to ba held Friday morn­ Is Threatening It Post-War Hysteria Pari:, laavlng at <1:80 a. m. Mam- ing at • o’clock at the State CalM Wiroa bora and non-membera who plan Clearance Sale a t arUkat^ abwwbarty fatUral theater. As dry wsdther'coatoued to f May Start to attand should be at tha m eetly Mr. Bailey added that bis l awmmTt wlU aaaat to m o v n m tomorrow avanlng at 7 in tha today, w alM silpidy odSciels, evon Houss Ways and Msans com- «aaBtnt at t :*0 la tHa church baaa- baa « « t . t o f tha church, and be attenUon had b a «i caUad to thoae whose reaervotrs star show rumors stating that tickato suActant suB^, bacahM saHoo^ Sales Boom mltss amy be nearly raady to aMBt ____ prapand with the naceaaary . f'*' racommend that about 13,6SSJ Seen Behind Furore would not be necessary for ad­ coaeamad with cohdlilona, Tb* funds. Thoae unable to attand or mittance to the exercises. No problem la not only that of iw ^ - aroikan ba blaaketod under •iMabara at tbs ChaUonar Oub wish further Infonnatlon should t*iitins tbo raaorvos of wator, hut old age insurance ... Britain U arin B*at nuaaday sv«la« at persona without tickets w ill get In touch with Mlsa Elena be admitted, he asserted. that tSM miWt*^ dona face Coats and Toppers Hiodest Reductions May agri— eat with Manl 7:18. la tha haasatant o f St. J » « « J Mora. o f itumsaabig use. IninOM pM M a, Tito on five-year trade pact, says Aurdi, tP ^ O T ;g u ^ at the has raenltad In n aud- Be AU Nation Needs; tha aarvlcw fo r the late Rev. John air Cbarlas Peaks, British a Over Spying Probes Five membara o f the producUon, dan Jtunp in oonsnmptton ol( w ater President Arthur A. KnoSa an­ Implication of Feder^ hassador to Belgrade ... Yaga- loughraa. "John Loves M m Y.” . by fr o m * ) t o 40 par cart. - Reg. $55.00 COATS alovis accotoe neighboring Hun­ given by tha CenUr T h ea ^ nounces that the monthly maatlng Water firme and ^ M irimwito id Reserve Survey of the Manchester Board of Real­ gary of backing down on trade Mrtier in the season, trayeW to are that tbai^-.eustotnbra NOW ...... $28-®® agreement ... Leaders of Berlin’s Truman Says Outcry tors will be held at a breakfast halt an waataful watar^urt Treed Cat Problem Litchfield last night to attend tM Waabtogton. June 14—(V)—Mod­ antl-Oommunlst rail strikers seek House Takes performance of the same ^ w by get-together Monday morning at In o th er OamrMmmaa Is Believed Solved Ariscfi After Every FENDER AND 8 o'clock In tha Sheridan restaur­ est price cuts might be all this ways to settle eaat-waat sector Sie Utchfield Players. !!> «“>• Tha supply eltuaUiw t ^ y to train c prnhltiira ant, and a good attendance la ex­ Reg. $45.00 and $49.98 country needs to start aalaa boom- N ew p ort N. H., June 16.— War But EventnaUy terpreUUon of the nearty-profea- ThompaonvlUa and Bn^d a^ A d olf UiOor* sumptuous M ,- Firm Stand BODY WORK s io ^ group gave to the play com­ pected. Thoae breakfast maatlngs Warabouaa Point was ttatod to to $25-00 to gagato. 00)—Newport firemen believe Dies Out; Suggests have proved pc^ular. COATS, NOW ..•.••••* 000,000 yacht on public exhibition they have solved the treed cat SoUkMiM UMi Flaiat, Ine. pared so closely with the amateur "fast bocomtog crtUeaT’ by C. That was the surprisingly sim­ to New York for sake of charity M ictio n that the local ^eaplM ] Bristol, dlvlaien manager of tha problem. Reporters Read AUeg' •M Caatar Stnct Frank J. Miner tha Savings / ple Implication of a Federal Ra- i .. New Jersey arill try to unsnarl Refusefi to Compromiae came kway satisfied that they had seashore traffic this summer by CaUed out to rescue a yowl- And Sedition Laws ♦eiren part Ifi a weU directed and James A. Knight, son of Mr. R ^ . $35.00 COATS serve Board aurvey of consumer (Controversial ECdnca- er from a lofty perch last and M n . B. L . Knight o f 14S Pina buying prbapacts for the. January airplane ... Secretary 01 A g ri­ polished presenUtlon. $19-00 culture Brannaa says nation had night the firemen first tried s Of 1790fi to Compare ■traat, received bis Bachelor of fi-March ft period. Announcod tion Bill; Would Quit ladder, but the feline only Bdenca degree In Busin see Admln- NO^^^ ...... better make sure farmers get fair A group of about 13 Girl ScouU Piano Pupils yesterday. It boils down to this: climbed to a higher, more in­ With Present Time iatraUon. at tha graduation axar- Have Both Meaey Aad Oeelte laeeBM or all businesses will etum- who have never bean on m a vu - state Capitol, Hartford, Jpne 16 accessible limb. night trip to Camp Marri-wooA cisaa at tha University of Oonnae- O f Unleas they’ve changed their hle ... Eddie Waitkoa, ■ popular Ucut, on Sunday, June 13. After rntob ia the past 3H months, tha Pbiladelphis Phillies first baseman —{IPi— The RepubUcan-^TOntroUed Then they hooked iq>,,a hose Washington, June 16.—K/P) will leave Saturday afternoon and Mrs. Dorothy Koanoy Reg. $25.00«nd $29.98 and directed s light spray ever NOTICE return Sunday afternoon, accom­ July 1, ha win be amployad by the American people have both the who waa shot by 10-year-old girl House refused today to compro­ —President Truman to^y Win Be Presentod $14-00 ths cat. The cat came down panied by their leaders. Phoenix Insurance Company of COATS, NOW ...... money and the desire for record ia Chicago, le reported "a bit im­ mise its controversial education attributed the furore over quantities of goods—but at aoma, without more edo. An Catholic Mothen i Hartford. InBrndtol ' proved.” bill, thus leaving the General As­ spy investigations to post­ Mr. and Mra Don Williamson what lower ptMsa. Chairman Connelly (D-Tex) of Ciidaa aro rwinaatod to Bank of Manchester, win ba at T h an ,, Jane 18— 7:46 P. M. Shartly after the Metnl Oppeitontty BeM eennnatteish *We|vereJ *** ^ Senate Foreign Relations commit­ sembly deadlocked. war hysteria. He said it oc­ and sons David aad Pater, fonnar- Automobllee T There were not vt> • tnMk showed wo ennytog rign whieh read: -Vetter Buy Beats Before Bondi. Invest to ■eat in front of Si. ly of this town and now rasldents Rutme university. New Bruns­ in the Chapel o f the only naore proepoctlve buyers ttlia tee Mwyu he wsnte action at this It voted St 1:50 p. ro. today to curs after every war but wick, N. J, June 20 through J i^ year than but. but they axpac AMriStoTrodoettan Instead of Oovemment Waste.-* ^ft h **» P ^ .y?S d mrve a w am t ■esskm o f Congress on arms for Inform the Democratic-controlled Junes efanreh at 2:30 of PlalnvUle, returned chafgtog vtatattaa of a fiM—f erdtoaaee reqnMag apenaH for trocke with adiiMilling displays. Driv- eventually dies out. When the 2» to complote hla Rtudios At tno Sooth Methodist Clmrdi Toppers to pay more for thilr now 1 Earope . • • President Truman has Senate it waa ready for final ad­ Non-Red Oath and spent an enjoyable day visit-] •f the track wra wH tdeatified. pUed to­ Mr, Beck WUl Be in the Fur Dept, Dr. Walter H. Zinn, Lab disappearance ■.. Detailed ques­ What course the House would WMUngton, June 16—(PV— Mora than 1,000,000 of the IMO Be Given in Message Rain Expected tioning of one of Jndith Oeploa’s *nM SeHate today wrote another day, he urged the reading of tha prospacta wanted new bouses— take If the Senate faUed to agree hiatory in the Jefferson adminis­ Thursday 7 to 9 p ,m , Director, Says ^ttle prosecutors indicates her appear'^ on adjournment was undetermined. Taft-Harttey law feature late which la more new houses than the Truman labor bill—a ra- tration. wlU be completed this year. Tha Washington, Juno ■ 18 One W hiA Held Miss­ ance on aritness stand to deny aha A recess for a Aated period, or In D ry A re a s engaged In espionage may be de­ an indefinite recess, were among qalretneat for aoB-Comimmlst He said the hysteria in thosa demand', was heaviest fo r "moder­ President Truman aald today "ha days died oUt; that tha country ate yrioed houses o f acceptable ing Uranium Supply layed until tomorrow ... Big Four the posslbUIUes discussed. oaths. It waa approved oa a does not regard present unemploy­ foreign ministers begin final phase No New Prognun voice vote. didn't go to hell at all, and It'a quauty.'* not going to now. ^ CU IIL-ilNSE n,JSKHrte«3o Talavlalon aeta? Probably ment as critical. Skies Goudy in East of secret talks with hopes they The failure to reach an agree' HU statement was to reply to a Waahington, June 16.—(JP) may achieve at least temporary ment left the sUte with no nsw Washington, June 16.— A When a reporter said the first M B w w i s f i * Comm* twice aa many proapeeta aa Coast States But No thing Jefferson did waa to retoasa year—maybe around 1,480,000 or newa conference question. Ths —Senator Hickenlooper (R., eaet-weet teuM In Ehiiope. program for aiding towns to build proposal to nail into the Truman schools and elUnlnates a proposed 11 newspaper publishera, Mr. 'nru- BRUSH THRU YOUR HAIR* SET as so In aU. President added that tha admin- Iowa), : . questioned today Heavy Falla Reported Decialons by big brains of U. S. labor bill a fourth provision relat­ Utration’a viewpoint on unemploy­ Communits party which led to sppropristion for the University of man laughed and said Jeffersoa New Bordered "DoeHaa to Demand Small" whether the 'Argonne Atom­ ed to the Taft-IforUey act—a probably made a mistake. He usual, COMB OUT WHEN DRY For other durable goods—fur­ ment will be expreaaed to.an eco- dumping of Earl BrOwder as na­ Connecticut nomlc message now being prepared ic lateratory actually has lo­ Bulletin! • tional leader described at Red When the special session opened non-Communlst oath requirement added that Jefferson a'au released niture, houaehoiq appliances, and a Federal Judge. the Ilka—buying intantiona were for Congress. ThU report proba­ cated the container which conspiracy tria l.. . Attorney Gen­ on Tuesday the House pssaed. In —comes up today in the Senate. By The Associated Press one bin, m 87,200,000 school buUd- Happeos After Great Ware CURLS "aligbtly weaker early in 1M9 than bly will go to the CM>liol to three held the Uranium-235 lost Deaths of tS New Eaglaad- eral dark, supporting antl-lyncing Three other amendments which LASTING Another Shipment! Printed Applique or four weeks. bill, say* time baa come for Cbn- ing aid appropriation and a $8.- have a Taft-Hartley look about The president said h:'Steria; early to IM F’ but the "indicated Mr. Truman preaumaWy referred from the lab last February- eca wete attrihatad today to 200,000 appropriation for the uni­ happens after every great war-! decline to demand was smalL" Sve days of hot aad bamM greei to give governmcnal guar­ them were added to the adminis­ WAVES to hU regular twice-yearly eco­ He aald there still is “sub­ versity. He recalled that theKulQux Khw PERFECT The big question remaining, of stantial mystery" about the whole areathsr tothe Ibwt. The for- antee to *The freedom to Uve," . • . tration measure by the Senate nomic report. not Sra pacB toceea sii la Mow ThU ths Senate rejected. As a yesterday in the flrit voting of its wanted to clean up tba .couptry and Eyelet Pattern course, la wbathar buyers bava un- SBStaij Out of Work affair. -Btfbstttate, U approved a $4,000,- after the First World wisr Md LUSTROUS RINSES Jay.lYntt Jar Oaatatoer' long labor tow debate. dargena a swaaplng ehanga of qt- drovOb Sre- 000 bond issue for the univeraity mentlonsd tha aettvltias at ths tttuda rinoa thair asarkad epUBdmt Hickenlooper Udd^the Senate- The changes, aU approved by e b o m ^ S .0 0 a peraoQs m u jw FiSirBupporl and authorised tbs stote to pay voice votes with no audible oppo­ KKK la Indiana. Chatham **Miami^* af early Maich. out of work and looking for Joba. House Atomic committee that lude waa fprOIHra by eriar part of the amortization cost of Asked if the executlva braack YOU GET ALL S The Reserve board said there lab offtdBls'have come forward sition. would require unions, as Cottons The question of jmemployment of Gov. Frodertph O. Payne. school building bonds which towns well as management, to bargain of the government was affaetofi eould he no sure answer to that was raised by a reporter who with an ordinary friilt Jar, saying There were IS tnall, coo- NotRequired themseivss would Issue. by hysteria, tha praaldaat aaifi It AT ONE TIME now, hut it commented: It waa the container. But all prior in good faith; guarantee freedom Summer asked about Mr. Truman’s confer­ troBed fires ia the state. New Stud Pat Ml Prepoaale of speech, short of threats or waa not but added ha will dear "The present situation would ence ymterday with Walter " reports, the senator dcclar4d, HanqMhiro toQdwod Maiao’s The House snd Senate stood pat them'out If he finds any. appear to highlight tha need for were that the Uranlum-235 was promisee of benefits, in labor rela­ Reuther, president of the C action la baaahig amoldag aad Democrats to Get Vig­ these rival proposals todsy, tions; snd require both unions The Justice dapartmaafi afi mors sggraaaiva merchandlaing United Automobile Workers. kept In a broam bottle. firemaldng. A committee of conference con­ present te prosenitlng two major programs on tha part of many Reuther had told reportera on Dr. Walter H. Zlnn, director of and employars to file annual fi­ further Mark-doums 5 9 c yd. orous Backing Ev«n sisting o f three zaembera o f each nancial reports. manufacturers, dlstribtuora and leavlqg the White House that the the lab at Chicago, aald there By The Associated Ptfiss (Oeottaoafl aa Psgs I Tax BLANKETS admlnlitratlon was aware of the no duobt about it—that "com­ DIffereaees Oeaerslly SUght r). For aproni, akirts, dreseee. draperies, etc. New polka dot pat­ Some rain appeared in eight to­ If They Rebel Some (Oontfouod ea Page Four) Those provisions are not in (CeattoacS aa Fags Two) unemployment aituaUon a ^ would pletely and absolutely’’ the Jar day for areas in the hot and humid FOB CKMAKN BOX tern with applique apple border In eight color combinations. stuck the problem aggressively had contained the missing mate- every case identical to sections of On All Dark Straws o r SIX PACKAGES Also eyelet embroidered prints In four colors. northeaatern statea where eerlous Washington, Jiine 16— UT) — A ] the T-H tow, but the differences Calls for Coufereuee rial. He said the FBI eoncura In drought conditions threaten eevere Democrat won’t have to be a 100 that opttoon. generally are alight'' The amend­ MOmr-BAOK OUABANTXE Fishing Boats In asvelmnd today, Reuthsr call­ crop and forest fire damage. per cent supporter of the Truman Davis Witness ments had no blessing from F^res- ed for an immediate national con­ H lc k e n lM ]^ took up' the cane Skies were cloudy in the ea^ program to get vigorous party ident Truman, who publicly Reg. $1.19 Yard Linen Lyke ference to halt what he. aald ap­ o f' Uie mlMtog pranlum in praae- coast states but no heavy rainfalls backing In the 1050 congressional opposed any revision of the ad­ F la sh e s! $3-9S pears to be a looming depression. Ing his charges of “tocradlble mia- campaign, Senator Anderson (D., At Hiss’ Trial I t ’s so < I rinas Mid sat your Hair with Furl Curi-Rlnae! D r a g ^ a n n e l ware reported. However, scattered ministration bilL ( I r t e B dlettas eg toe (P ) OOlra) NOW ll.OO and $1.98 Reuthsr, addrssstog tbs mansgamsnt’’ sgalnst ths*atomic showers were expected to move in­ N. M.) said today. That bill would repeal the Taft- al Obnferencs of Social Work last energy commiasion. He has de­ to New York sUte by tomorrow, Anderson, nsw chairman of the Hartley law and replace It with a Each manded that AEG Chairman David DemocraUc Senatorial Campalni Dmf Deft^Main Floor Spun Rayon Prints night. Slid Ubor, manigemenL bringing relief to the hot, sticky Democratic Noqiinee for slightly modified version of the Bamaa Flea With Baatoga W n e r y — Ahr-Cendtthmed Seomd Floor Two Foreign Ships in igriculture and government lesd- E. LUlenthal resign. weather which has continued for committee, told a reporter the I (roup won’t mix In primary fights old Wagner act. Balttmefie, Jnae Ifi—(P>— Ihsaa ers shoura meet to study the ris­ Subject at Press Ceaffereaoe five, d^a Lower temperaturea President in 1924 As­ The big teat ia yet to come, on gnnmea with a hostaga lediafi la Shanghai Expected to ing unemployment figures. The inquiry, meantime, was the in any attempt to help President were forecast for tomorrow. The Truman’s supporters win nomina­ troak at their etolea ear gat "Depressions sre msn-msde, hs subject of a' brief discussion at mMcury hit- 03 at Rochester snd serts Character (k>od Jiwt the right weight for summer use. Buy for your own use Sail If River Gear tions. (Coattaoed oa Page Two) shoot glJlOO (real a htaach hash and for gifts. Whits, rose, aqua, yeUow, cbsrtnuae, gny, President Truman’s newa cpnfM^ 00 at Buffalo yesterday. ia Borthaast Balttiaora tafisgr- (Coatlaued oa rage Two) *Whst we want Is the ' same tIm J W . I U M cqu geranium. 6 9 « y4- Shanghai, Juna 16— (P> — Two ence. In rsspqnse to questions, SevMi New Fires Reported BnlletiB! Alert paeeiirMiy broke op the rol^ COP Mr. Truman said that L e^ Seven new fires were reported Arong type of candidates that we aiiia fishing vsssels began dragging had in IMS,” the former secretary N ew Tork, Juae t6—of the Paaoe TaUu "Deadlockafi" Yangtse without fanfare. No offl- tbe'Dakotas and Minnesota. Tbs at’a Des Moines meeting on the WaaWagtoa. Jnae Ifi were not disclosed and U. S. Steel ary T.'* The. comiblsslon later re- the former State department* offi­ Communist International Informa­ Is Secret of Pint Aetomolfc clal announcement Is expected on price-support, subsidy paym ^ tion buroau. Biarh Etortdga. AasorteSa n p n NEXT Grcea Stomps Glvsa With Caah Saks. Ooip. cMclals gave no Indication plan for farm bsnsflts drawn up by cial with the consent of the gov- the findings. (Oeattoasd sa Fags Two) (Ocutitoiwd Ml Pngs T w o) ernment and the presiding Judge. As reported from Buchv**t, Ro­ ■cataUve oa the FaleeHaa OearW Washer Every Family ConiAllordil Two NsUonalist gunboaU have aa to thair reason after a two SeenUry of Agriculture Brannan atftoH ooaBHi$alaMa Patchwork Quilts hpur negotiation session yesUrday. The prosecution has not yot fin ­ mania, where It to pubtlihed. the been rsportad laying o ff the river May Bring Owagw ished preaentatten of Its case. bulletin declared It ts now the "car­ Pnekteat Trosssa today that 8 ey SUNDAY mouth. They may try to intarfera However, the corporation la on McGrath told a reporter t^ t See the wonderful 1 B em bx' DsvU was asked by Defense dinal task” o f Oommuniate to Ish-Arab poaea talks an *‘6iM with ths oporstlon. record as tovlng told the union It suggeatlone made at that meetup kxAed." Deapita tote hopaiee. ha tin JW.HAU COM would not discuss pensiona thia Counsel Uoyd Paul Stoker: "Mr. block the spread of Amerlcaniam." Former Test Pilot to Use may bring some changes later In Ruber ia anon! Mines were fesrsd to have been Hiss’ reputsUon for Integrity, loy­ Officials here took an Interest­ aaU the three-aatlea ewom te^ MANCNSSTSd CaHW laid in the channel a week ago. year. the Brannan proposal. The plan A Joint company-union an­ alty to hU government and verad- ed look at the defensive nature of win pnseat a •••■ •• -*^^*** The newest, adaplest; A NaUonalUt landing ship was Is bssed In psirt on holding dowm Nattoaa Aasaatoly meelra la flea- Savm Rock seen slg-zagglng there. A gunboat nouncement o f the union’s demands Plane to Give His Sermons ths market prices of perishable tamber af tatasaattoBaadags M a a a a ^ toa ^ was ma.de by Vice President John (Oeattaoefi ea Page Fear) (Oeattaaed oa Pago Tea) the wodd’s lowest ptice! Sturing the warned a pilot boat to gat out of foods while keeping the farmer’s Holy aty af h O m . BduM fS A. Stephens of "hig stert’’ income up with subsidies. Baautiful patchwork quilta In an old fashioned "bouquet’* pat­ the area. IS after htslfi- amasing Woodeitub! This flcxdtie mb tern rose, blue, green and gold. Sunfast and tubfaat. They were: Lock Haven, Pa., June 16.—(a)*the bottom of the fuselage. The The fact that tha Democrats to Bomba fbU to Blvar Ualoa Deasaade A 43*year-

ort system fo r an­ about bow many copies of the workad m by • ist reports out o f Canton said 20,- coIlecl,ion of the work of Dutch- meUMS M tld l MTMU1IM hospital benefits. or the weather la bad that gums He aald he had "aif urge’’ all other year. originals, at a dollar a place, had coounlWaa Remember: No affair too large or too smell 000 persons had been drowned. Expected to Set . Pattern things up a little. hia life to enter thevministry, and FravMs FtatUa Petes SoppMt born Kaea Van Dongen, who came IlMtoto aa aak at Gold from Faxis to show bto work to bean sold to tba pubUe. a a s n i l t a Lightweight atriped with leaf pattern to bhis/ rose, yellow and Vaagtaa RIatog Daagsroasly The union’s success in negotiat­ "I made a few experimental after tha war he dsdded to make unleas Cbngraaa acts, tha Aikan Infotmad tha eoptea won a The Yangtse was said to ba ria- ing for 178,000 employaa ct U. . trips ovar a nearby town receat- it hia Ufo woik. Ha oompletod the heme folks. Straet sa day of miearaioa. SEE THE ECONOMAT HERE I ■ graen. Far. ArraageoienUi 8 hUl wUl gn tato affaet Jan. 1. TTito oompleta sailart Dr. Oudkath da- Dick Jagoots lilg dangerously near Hankow in Steel la aatpected to sat,tha pat­ to." Wetsel saM. "ptoyad the ‘OM M thaofoglea} stqdtop fit tha Bob The 18 eopqamaoi} pictures la- O ia Or providsf ie r a flsarihla prfot anp- clq n fi: ; T 96t fhevs hsw art; a ? J C G f t n Stom ^ Gtroa W t k Caah Sska. Or central China. ' tern for the eattro todaatry. Any Ruggod CSdsF sad a fair ethor Jaoss tofivorplty, OroonvUlo. 8. p o ft pyptsas, w r t is d out last y jM elufisfi vaileiia mifin as to Foreign Owned firms in Shang­ settlement roidMd hitwnn thiae seleetieas, -and a good many par- C. wharo hs taught 80 student hy Andarson, Banator Alkea (R., w S S aatttlsd Bod." "Adam". E44k Wkfshidri "Eva," and "Adam And." **itottwdam Jokers, ban la ^ 7789 hai were plagued by labor trou­ two ganerally la nocapted by the aoM reported hearing the muale mlsalanarles bow to By. Vt.) aiid'Othars. poonad IEm oouneirs 'setloa by bles th4t ranged from wage in­ rest of the Industry. as clear as a bell." W etsai aald ha to now awaiting Although Pre.sldent Truman •nm city councillor who i^Jectod most heatedly waa Dr. M. Oud- dressing up the atstuea of. nudes 17X68: lOrr Department crease demands to requests for In all the union win reopen 835 Raa Poavrfnl LeudMeaker. his forinal Uevnae as a Baptist signed the bill a^thout complaint In museum gardens with white ha- W etzel's plane haa a* powerful kerk. who said In ofi Interview be TI m m m e w w minister. He ia married and has . loros and ahorta. sixiftAfi- COM Bmement Tft< J M ^ I I A I € ’C0 RB Oh Fago Tsa) (Ueattaned aa Fnge TM ) 16-inch loudspeaker attached to four efaUdren. oa Pace ’Twa), had thrae raasons: , M A N C N im A IMN* MAMCNiBTiik Comm* Adverdse in The Herirfd—-It Payt' ^ . . 1