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HOUSE of the TEMPLEHOME Bf MASONS GRAND COMMANDER = = R s TIlE Wasxiu3aoN Tinirs SGNDA y acrF 24ioL HOUSE OF THE TEMPLEHOME bF MASONS GRAND COMMANDER = = r PRIVATE OFFICE OF THE GRAND COMMANDER- THE SENATE CHAMBER It Is Furnished Entirely in Mahogany and From the Walls Hang Valuable Paintings A Marbic Bust of the Pres The Photograph Shows the Grand Dais Approached by Three Steps on Which Is the Throne of the Grandt Commander ent Commander Stands at the Right and the Subthrones of the Grand Chancellor and Grand Minister of State I + Close by the Capitol Is This Building To It Belongs by Right the Distinctive and I I Hedged About in the Popular Mind Honorable Title of Mother Supreme I j With Fascinating Mystery Council of the World Here Is the Center of the Jurisdiction That The Library Rich in Volumes of Masonic E > Readies Out Over ThreeQuarters- Literature and History One of Its of the Countrys Area I Most Valuable Features I adjoining In use only form and ornamentation wluly By WLDON FAWCETT way of the ten characters chiseled and bath which are I the an of ten days every alter ¬ in gold leaf to most gorgeous I tinted ta gold which translated mean for Interval t Holy House of the Temple nate year during the sessions of the The center of the design is made un wUMn the shadow of the What might be termed the nucleus of Supreme Council of the insignia of the grand commander ALMOST States Capitol in this the present Scottish Rite Temple was The senate chambers occupy a goodly The triple erase aad the runs of light portion coun ¬ emanating from have been esctendod there stands a building formerly the private residence of Col of the third floor The old this Wright Reeves of the United Stags cil hall has been transformed into a to cover the entire semicircular way fraught with the deepest Interest not Army It was purchased by Genrral meeting place for the knight command- ¬ forming a burst of splendor which is only tor Masons hi Ameriea but for Pike in 1383 for the uses of the Supreme ers of the court of honor Intermediary particularly brilliant when the whole j thirty njoiatter of the order throughout the Council the money forming the pur- ¬ between the thirtysecond and great niche is flooded with light treat ¬ third degrees and In both furnishings row of Invisible incandescent lamps world The Holy House of the Temple I chase fund having been ollected by Gen a his visits Masonic and decorations is unpretentious The around its border special signftcanc In the fact eral Pike in t bodies fllids its throughout the jurisdiction The build- ¬ new senate chamber of the Supreme At the apex of the arch over the dais ¬ that it te the executive and administra- ing was dedicated with elaborate cere- ¬ Council to provide for which was one is the emblem of the order the double tive home of the Supreme Council monies in 1AJ and an interesting coinci- of the main objects In the enlargement headed eagle surmounted by a crown TMrty hrd Degree Southern Jurisdic- dence was found In the fact that during of the temple Is assuredly one of the The banner of the Supreme Counoll and r dedicatory most meeting places within large American flag occupy prominent tion of United States of the Ancient the exercises which Were attractive a the helD in the evening a night blooming the realm of Masonry places at the sides of the council cham- ¬ iiMl Accepted Scottish Rite of Freema- ¬ cereus suddenly flamed Into color The senate chamber Is entered from ber and at the opposite end of the sonry and it is the official home of the twelve or thirteen flowers opening dur¬ the corridor through two anterooms and chamber facing the dais occupied by grand commander ing the interval the effect of its spacious proportions- the grand commander are three smaller by ceiling ¬ The Scottish Rite membership in this Fire and Burglar Proof Is emphasized a domed The thrones for the lieutenant grand com- walls are ornamented In oil and water mander the grand prior and the grand irMintry and its new poasesoloiw h m Two houses adjoining the original predomi- ¬ color tan and gold being the standardbearer of the order Above two supreme temple were purchased by the Supreme ¬ der the authority of oodles nating colors in the decoration and har these three subthrones rises a choirloft control of territorial spheres Council several years ago These houses monizing effectively with the red carpet anti fxcrtcins wore torn down and upon the site was extending over the width of the ball known respectively as the Northern aud and upholstery The ceiling and walls containing a large pipe organ This designation erected an addition to the initial build ¬ bear representations In color of the in- ¬ organ was a present from General Pike Southern Jurisdictions The ing which conforms so closely to It In ¬ signia of the various Masonic degrees Southern Jurisdiction is however dis- every respect as to present structure The Banquet Hall since the body a The chairs and desks provided for the tinctly a misnomer fully harmonious in the whole are of Is identical in which has its headquarters at the Na- members of the Supreme Council A banquet hall which The property is now estimated to be oak and so likewise are the seats re¬ size with the council chamber is located- tional Capital is invested with responsi- ¬ worth fully 150000 and will prove ample served for visiting thirtythird degree room bility policies of the order not in the basement This affords for the for the needs of the Supreme Council members seating accommodations for more than only in the domain south of Pennsyl- ¬ many 0 > Cr > H q for years to come As is befitting c Commanders Throne Room 300 persons and adjoining it is a spacioUs vania but in the States and Territories In a structure which shelters so many I pantry basement of of Mississippi River in Alaska MASONIC HEADQUARTERS OF THE UNITED STATES The grand dais which is approached- kitchen and The J west the priceless treasures the building is well hall temple also contains the furnace Hawaii Porto RIM the army and navy provided protection The Holy House of Temple Close by Nations Capitol Is One of Washingtons Most Interesting Buildings by three steps is at the end of the the with against fire the the sheltered by a rooms and the Janitors quarters the Philippines China and Japan and burglary The temple is of Mounted on this dais itself + heavy canopy of and silk border ¬ All visiting Masons and their families Masonry what Is known as slowburning con ¬ velvet Center of ed with gold fringe and gold tassels are and friends whether the latter be HfllH struction layers of concrete having I universal interest mani- ¬ candlestick and are always However the been introduced between the floors General Pike by the sculptor Vlnnie Is comparatively little in the collection row Near at hand is the the throne of the grand commander ated with the order or not fested m the stately structure at the In midnight funeral grand chancellor welcome at the House of the Temple A broad corridor bisects the building- R Hoxie who was one of his personal that is distinctly Masonc character and candle used at the the subthrones of the find even In of government is by no ¬ Before and assuredly tourists can American seat on On ¬ friends The varous objects have however al service over General Pike and the grand minister of state Inter- ¬ upon it each floor the right of this cor Is the city of many sights no more means dependent the fact that ridor on the first floor is the library Takes Up Mu h Room most without exception been donated by Equally Interesting as a memento of the throne of the grand commander esting and Instructive pie e to spend a constitutes the center of Masonic ac- ¬ Masons or members of their families perhaps most striking personality in gold pedestal with triangu ¬ great Masonic mecca office a handsomely furnished apart- ¬ the a white and day than the ¬ tivity for a jurisdiction that embraces The library with Its office occupies who considered the House of the Tem- ¬ Masonic history Is General Pikes col- ¬ top supporting a gavel At the back street number Is 48S Third Street north ment with racks containing a large lar west geographically speaking threefourths representation of the leading periodicals practically onehalf of the entire first ple the most fitting repository for the lection of pipes The general was a of the dais the wall Is shelllike in building On opposite ¬ of Uncle Sams domain of the day Opening from this office floor of the the treasures The museum is particularly great smoker and tad an especial weak- more potent is the affection side of hall Is the office of the rich in minerals and in specimens of In- In Even are library galleries and the main li-¬ 1 the ness for fine pipes One of those J hwplres longtime home secretary general Although most ¬ ¬ which it as the brary which contains me great collec ¬ at dian handiwork- the collection Is of meerschaum and am and office of Gen Albert Pike and the tion of books which tractively appointed this Is plainly a A bird cage which was the property- ber goldmounted and handcarved and STRANGE SAVAGE TRIBES constitutes one of Is in even a SOME reverence which attaches to it by reason the chief treasures of the House of workroom and this true of General Pike constitutes one of the cost 00 o I greater degree of the file room which once pulled six hairs II of its wellmerited distinction the Temple most interesting objects in the museum Is small Japanese pipe Is generally known about Dr Carl Lumholtz ¬ Another a opens from at the rear In this spa to ¬ the head of a sleeping Mother Supreme Council of the World
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