ETAPA 2017



FECHA: 13/03/2018



FONDO NACIONAL DE DESARROLLO CIENTIFICO Y TECNOLOGICO (FONDECYT) Moneda 1375, Santiago de Chile - casilla 297-V, Santiago 21 Telefono: 2435 4350 FAX 2365 4435 Email: [email protected] INFORME FINAL PROYECTO FONDECYT REGULAR


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Fondecyt Regular – 1140541

Results for this final report are presented in the same order as they were in the third year Progress Report.

Goal 6: Determinants of flower longevity (FL) and pollen limitation (PL):

In the one-page progess report of last year we briefly reported on the work on R. montanum to look for evidence of selection on flower longevity over elevation. We found no evidence of selection to increase flower longevity over elevation. To the contrary, in one of the years in which flower longevity increased with elevation, the year was very dry, suggesting a plastic contraction of flower longevity on a lower elevation site. We also found no evidence that the immediate temperature around flowers explains differences in flower longevity on this species. However, in an experiment were were submitted to increased warming well before flowering, potential flower longevity was reduced. This constrast with our earlier reported in Oxalis compacta, where an instantaneous increase in temperature obtained with OTCs reduced flower longevity. The OTC results in R. montanum suggest that soil drying, produced by a long period of increased temperature reduced flower longevity. This work, which formed part of the Master´s thesis of Diego Pacheco (handed in last year) showed that flower longevity is a highly labile trait. The work gave rise to the first ISI publication of the project, which is appended again in this final report:

See Products: Pacheco DA, Dudley LS, Cabezas J, Cavieres LA, Arroyo MTK (2016) Plastic responses contribute to explaining altitudinal and temporal variation in potential flower longevity in high Andean Rhodolirion montanum PLoS ONE 11(11): e0166350.doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0166350.

We further set out to see if long-lived flower, such as those in R. montana play a functional role in preventing pollen limitation at higher elevations. This work involved quantifying pollination rates and measuring pollen limitation over elevation. We found some compensation of demonstrated much lower pollination rates at high elevation. However, we also found evidence that some of the higher level of pollination limitation above 3000 m.a.s.l is a result of qualitative pollen limitation caused by a high level of seed abortion on the larger clones found at this elevation. Pollen limitation in many alpine plants might be caused in part by pollination dynamics on clonal plants, or on large flat cushions. This work has now been published.

See Productos: Arroyo, M.T.K, Pacheco, D.A. and L. Dudley (2017). Functional role of long-lived flowers in preventing pollen limitation in a high elevation outcrossing species. AoB Plants 2017 Oct 21;9(6):plx050. doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plx050. eCollection 2017 Nov.

Goal 7: Physiological determinants of potential FL: What determines the life-span of flowers in their natural habitats is a key question in alpine ecology, where prolonged flower longevity can play an important role in compensating for low visitation rates at high elevation, thereby allowing the maintenance of outbreeding reproductive systems. Most work to date, including our own, has concentrated on the effect of ambient temperature as a determinant of a flower´s longevity (the maximum amount of time a flower can stay open and be functional). As indicated in our report last year, over the 2015-2016 austral summer we undertook a logistically complex field experiment in the Valle Nevado area in which we manipulated ambient temperature around flowers and water availability in the Andean geophyte Rhodolirium montanum (Amaryllidaceae). This work was led by Dr. Leah Dudley, who was the international collaborator on our Fondecyt grant. Temperature around flowers was manipulated with the use of OTC (Open-Top chambers). Water additional treatment was achieved by mechanically spraying plants daily with a fixed quantity of water. Thus the experiment, which, as far as we can time is unique in the literature, consisted of four treatments: 1) temperature aumented/water aumented; 2) temperature aumented/ water not aumented; 3) temperature not aumented/water aumented; 4) temperature no aumented/water no aumented. The response variables were flower longevity and fruit and seed set following pollination (other work conducted by us in the course of this project (see Arroyo et al., 2017), mentioned above showed that pollination only has a small effect on flower longevity in this species making it ideal for the objectives of our experiment. In addition, we measured petal respiration, transpiration and conductance using a Licor (IRGA, LiCor 6400; LiCor, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA) equipped with a LiCor 6400-40 fluorometer light source aquired with funds from our ICM grant, in flower petals for each treatment.

The most important results coming out of this ecophysiological work, are that water availability is an important determinant of flower longevity in large-flowered R. montanum, whereas temperature arounds flower is not important. The last result corresponds closely to what Pacheco et al. (2016) (see Objetive 6), found in a comparative study – the first product of the project. In this ecophsiological work, however, we showed that increased temperature has other effects. First, the timing of flowering in R. montanum was advanced, second, many flower buds fail to open, and seed set was reduced due to abortion. These last results have implications for the responses of high Andean plants under climate change, given that the temperature increase in the OTCs was around 3°C which falls within climate change scenarios. This work has was published at the end of the fourth project year.

See Products. Dudley L, Arroyo MTK and MP Fernández-Murillo (2018). Physiological and fitness response of flowers to temperature and water augmentation in a high Andean geophyte. Environmental and Experimental Botany 150:1-8. Goal 5: Phylogenetic construction and comparative analysis : This goal is embedded Josefina Cabeza´s Masters´ thesis at the Universidad de Chile, directed by the PI (M.T.K. Arroyo) and one of the Co-Is (Fernanda Pérez). The thesis was approved and was handed into Fondecyt last year. Considering breeding system as a covariate, Josefina failed to find an altitudinal increase in floret number per head in the Chaetanthera using Phylogenetic Independent Contrasts (PICS), as expected under Burd´s bet-hedging hypothesis. We did, however, find that breeding system is related to life-form, but not temperature during the flowering period. Josefina left the laboratory to begin another Master´s degree in Gender Studies, thus, making a major change in her carreer. She promised to write up the work for publication once she gets settled into her new career.

Goals 1, 3, 4: Phylogenetically-controlled multispecies comparison of ovule number at two altitudes: We set out to use the high Andes of Chile as model for testing the ovule bet-hedging hypothesis, that under increasingly stochastic pollination, ovule number per flower is expected to increase so as to allow species to take advantage of rarer wind-fall pollination events in terms of seed set. For this we used a novel phylogenetically-controlled multispecies approach. This work involved a major team effort. We determined ovule number for a 174 alpine species in the Valle-Nevado, La Parva- Farellones area (mostly for 20-25 individual per species) found between 2100-3700 m.a.s.k in two successive alpine belts (the subalpine and high alpine) and measured floral dry weight for all individuals of the 174 species. In 2017 we finished the sequencing work (ITS) for 122 of the species studied, to construct the definitive phylogenetic trees. Over the 2017-2018 summer we re-sampled ovule numbers and obtained floral biomass for two species of Leucheria, where we were unsure of identifications of the original samples and checked the identifications of all 174 alpine species in the herbarium at the University of Concepción, where all DNA vouchers have been deposited.

In the final analyses we decided to separate the species sampled into two floral groups: simple-flowered species, and species with pseudanthia (capitulum of an equivalent structure). If ovule bet-hedging in more pronounced at higher elevations in the alpine zone, we argued that it should be manifest in both of these floral groups because pseudanthia perform the same function as simple flowers. As mentioned in our last year´s progress report, trees constructed using ITS, while having few terminal polytomies, were often incongruent at the ordinal level as per the APG-IV topology in the case of simple-flowered species. We therefore resorted to constraining our simple-flowered species phylogenetic tree according to the APG-IV topology. The final analyses using that tree corroborated the preliminary result of an effect of flower size on ovule number, with larger flowers having more ovules, which we took care of by including floral biomass in our OLS and PGLS models. New analyses carried out this year showed that floral biomass does not increase with elevation in simple-flowered species, but there was some effect of elevation in pseudanthial species. When floral biomass and phylogeny were taken into account in our models, in accordance with the bet-hedging hypothesis, we found evidence of an increase in ovule number with elevation both for simple-flowered and pseudanthial species. Apart from the original Burd et al. (2009) paper (which assembled information on ovule number for the literature), as far as we can tell, the ovule bet-hedging hypothesis has only been tested on one other occasion on a series of populations of the same species over a rainfall gradient. Our work in the Chilean Andes thus is fairly unique. We spent the last six weeks of the project writing up this large and complex piece of work. The manuscript was submitted on the Journal of Ecology (ISI) on 12 March 2018.

See Products: Arroyo, MTK, Pérez, F, Jara, P, Pacheco, DA, Vidal P, and Flores MF (2018). Ovule bet-hedging at high elevations: evidence from a phylogenetically-controlled multispecies study: Journal of Ecology: see manuscript submitted and reception letter from Editor, dated 12.3.18.

Replacement Goal No. 2 approved by Fondecyt, 2017

Following submission of the progress report last year, we were granted permission to replace the original Goal 2 of our project with a detailed study designed to test the hypothesis that phenological displacement in alpine species with long flowering periods can complement expected temperature-driven variation in potential flower longevity over the altitudinal gradient in the amelioration of altitudinal differences in seed set in alpine species. This change came from the realization that studies on flower longevity that do not take the whole flowering season into account, can give spurious results.

Much of the field work for this replacement goal was completed over the 2016-2017 austral summer field season. The main work achieved was to quantify open-pollination and potential flower longevity, flowering phenology and fruit and seed set at short intervals over the entire flowering season in five populations of Oxalis squamata (Oxalidaceae) located between 2300 and 3100 m.a.s.l. on our central Chilean high Andean sites. At the same time (over a period of 4 mths) we obtained continuous measurements of temperature and relative humidity at 15 cm.a.g.l. and periodic measurements of soil humidity for all populations with the aim of determining the relationship between flower longevity and these variables. An important part of the work was to experimentally determine whether potential flower longevity is suspectible to ambient temperature and pollination. For the effect of temperature we carried a first experiment (upper population) with OTCs in the 2016-2017 austral summer (Yr 3 of project) and a second (lower population) in January 2018 (Yr 4 of project). For pollination we carried out hand-pollination experiments. We are still in the process of analyzing the very large amount of field data and climatic data that came out of this recently completed work. However, it does seem that flower longevity is less affected by temperature and pollination than occurs in Oxalis squamata (Arroyo et al. 2013 in New Phytologist 200: 1260–1268) studied by us in a previous Fondecyt project. Both O. squamata and O. compacta belong to Oxalis Section Andinae. That they are found in closely related clades suggests that the effect of pollination on flower longevity is a evolutionarily labile trait. Complementary goals approved by Fondecyt, 2017.

Valeria Robles has progressed well with her thesis, and now has a large part written up. She managed to gather large samples of seeds for 120 alpine species and has produced a preliminary phylogenetic trees with the aim of determine whether elevation influences seed mass and seed shape when phylogeny is controlled for (see Tesis for thesis under development). María Colledecura, an undergraduate student from the University of Barcelona who worked half time on the project, successfully defended her undergraduate thesis on water content in alpine species that she developed in her own time, obtaining a grade of 9 out of 10. (see Tesis for copy of approved thesis).

In summary, we have fulfilled all the original and modified goals of our project, which has made important contributions to understanding the determinants of and the functional role of flower longevity in alpine plants and on ovule bet-hedging in stochastic pollination environments. As far as we can tell, our study on ovule-bet- hedging in one of three worldwide. Our findings tell us that alpine plants do not necessarily have to resort of selfing to maintain fitness, as has long been espoused in the literature. Thus far we have published three ISI papers, with a fourth submitted, all directly related to the goals of the project. We can expected at least two more papers from the work achieved by students during the full grant period.

The project has produced two graduate theses at the University of Chile (handed in last year with a third still underway and stimulated an approved undergraduate thesis at the University of Barcelona in Spain. One of the graduate students (Diego Pacheco) is now completing a second Masters degree in statistics, based on interests developed during the current project. Additionally, four students benefited from training in our molecular laboratory under the direction of Co-I Paola Jara and 13 acquired field experience as hired or ad-honorem summer assistants under the direction of Mary T. Kalin and Leah Dudley (see Appendix 1) We are especially appreciative of the excellent foreign collaboration provided by Dr. Leah Dudley who made a huge effort to teach students how to use the specialized LICOR. Additionally results of our Andean work have been presented in symposia or as invited plenary lectures in international scientific meetings, as well as in contributed papers. Our work has reached the public domain (see Appendix 2; informe de difusión). PRODUCTOS

ARTÍCULOS Para trabajos en Prensa/ Aceptados/Enviados adjunte copia de carta de aceptación o de recepción.

Nº : 1 Autor (a)(es/as) : Pacheco, DA; Dudley, LS; Cabezas, J; Cavieres, L; Arroyo, MTK. Nombre Completo de la Revista : PLoS ONE Título (Idioma original) : Plastic responses contribute to explaining altitudinal and temporal variation in potential flower longevity in high Andean Rhodolirion montanum Indexación : WoS ISSN : 1932-6203 Año : 2016 Vol. : 11 Nº : 11 Páginas : 1-18 Estado de la publicación a la fecha : Publicada Otras Fuentes de financiamiento, si las hay : Iniciativa Cientifica Milenio Grant ICM, MINECON P05-002 to the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity (IEB) Programa de Financiamiento Basal Grant PBF-23 (URL: to the Instituto of Ecology and Biodiversity (IEB)

Envía documento en papel : no Archivo(s) Asociado(s) al artículo : Pacheco_et_al.__2016__.pdf

Nº : 2 Autor (a)(es/as) : Arroyo, MTK.; Pacheco, DA.; Dudley, L. (2017). Nombre Completo de la Revista : AoB Plants Título (Idioma original) : Functional role of long-lived flowers in preventing pollen limitation in a high elevation outcrossing species. Indexación : WoS ISSN : 2041-2851 Año : 2017 Vol. : 9 Nº : 6 Páginas : plx050. doi: 10.1093 Estado de la publicación a la fecha : Publicada Otras Fuentes de financiamiento, si las hay : ICM-MINECON P05-002 PBF-23 to the Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad.D.A.P CONICYT-PCHA/Beca Magíster Nacional/2013--22131579

Envía documento en papel : no Archivo(s) Asociado(s) al artículo : Arroyo__et.__2017__Functional_role_of_long_lived_flowers_in_preventing___copia_.pdf

Nº : 3 Autor (a)(es/as) : Dudley, LS, Arroyo, MTK, Fernández-Murilloc, MP. Nombre Completo de la Revista : Environmental and Experimental Botany Título (Idioma original) : Physiological and ?tness response of ?owers to temperature and water augmentation in a high Andean geophyte Indexación : WoS ISSN : 0098-8472 Año : 2018 Vol. : 150 Nº : Páginas : 1-8 Estado de la publicación a la fecha : Publicada Otras Fuentes de financiamiento, si las hay : ICM-MINECON P05-002 to the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity Grant PBF-23m Conicyt to the Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad.

Envía documento en papel : no Archivo(s) Asociado(s) al artículo : Dudley_et_al.__2018__Physiological_and_fitness_responses_.pdf

Nº : 4 Autor (a)(es/as) : Arroyo, Mary; Perez, Fernanda; Jara-Arancio, Paola; Pacheco, Diego; Vidal, Paula; Flores, María Nombre Completo de la Revista : Journal of Ecology Título (Idioma original) : Ovule bet-hedging at high elevations: evidence from a phylogenetically-controlled multispecies study Indexación : WoS ISSN : ISSN: 1365-2745 Año : 2018 Vol. : 00 Nº : 00 Páginas : 00 Estado de la publicación a la fecha : Enviada Otras Fuentes de financiamiento, si las hay : PBF-23, Conicyt ICM P02-005

Envía documento en papel : no Archivo(s) Asociado(s) al artículo : Journal_of_Ecology_submitted_12.3_.18_system_appendPDF_proof_hi_.pdf



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Nº : 1 Autor (a)(es/as) : Pacheco, DA; Dudley, Arroyo, MTK. Título (Idioma original) : Papel y determinantes de la longevidad floral potencial en Rhodolirium Montanum Phil. en la Cordillera de los Andes de Chile central Role and determinants of potential floral longevity in Rhodolirium Nombre del Congreso : XXVI Reunión Anual de la Sociedad de Botánica de Chile País : CHILE Ciudad : Valparaíso Fecha Inicio : 24/10/2015 Fecha Término : 26/10/2015 Nombre Publicación : Año : Vol. : Nº : Páginas : Envía documento en papel : no Archivo Asociado : Pacheco_et_al._XXVI_Resumen_Reunion_Annual_Sociedad_de_Botanica_.pdf

Nº : 2 Autor (a)(es/as) : Pacheco, DA; Dudley, L.; Arroyo, MTK. Título (Idioma original) : Increase in potential flower longevity in higher populations of Rhodolirion montanum Phil. (Amaryllidaceae) occurs but is insufficient to totally ameliorate pollen limitation. Nombre del Congreso : VIII Southern Connection Congress País : CHILE Ciudad : Punta Arenas Fecha Inicio : 18/01/2016 Fecha Término : 23/01/2016 Nombre Publicación : Año : Vol. : Nº : Páginas : Envía documento en papel : no Archivo Asociado : Pacheco_et_al._Resumen_Southern_Connection_.pdf

Nº : 3 Autor (a)(es/as) : Cabezas, J.; Pérez, MF,; Arroyo, Arroyo, MTK. Título (Idioma original) : No hay un solo sistema reproductivo en las plantas de altas elevaciones. El caso de las restricciones de la forma de vida en el género andino Chaetanthera Nombre del Congreso : XXVII Reunión Anual Sociedad de Botánica de Chile. País : CHILE Ciudad : Concón Fecha Inicio : 08/11/2016 Fecha Término : 10/11/2016 Nombre Publicación : Año : Vol. : Nº : Páginas : Envía documento en papel : no Archivo Asociado : Cabezas_el_al_XXVII_Reunion_Anual_Sociedad_de_Botanica.pdf

Nº : 4 Autor (a)(es/as) : Cabezas, J.; Pérez, MF.; Arroyo, MTK. Título (Idioma original) : No single breeding system at high elevations- Life-form constraints get in the way- Results for the Andean genus Chaetanthera Nombre del Congreso : VIII Southern Connection Congress País : CHILE Ciudad : Punta Arenas Fecha Inicio : 18/01/2016 Fecha Término : 23/01/2016 Nombre Publicación : Año : Vol. : Nº : Páginas : Envía documento en papel : no Archivo Asociado : Cabezas_et_al._Resumen_Southern_Connection_.pdf

Nº : 5 Autor (a)(es/as) : Cabezas, J.; Pérez, MF.; Arroyo, MTK. Título (Idioma original) : Relaciones entre la evolución del sistema de reproducción, forma de vida y rasgos florales en el género Chaetanthera Nombre del Congreso : XXVI Reunión Anual Sociedad de Botánica de Chile. País : CHILE Ciudad : Valparaíso Fecha Inicio : 24/10/2015 Fecha Término : 26/10/2015 Nombre Publicación : Año : Vol. : Nº : Páginas : Envía documento en papel : no Archivo Asociado : Cabezas_et_al._Resumen_XXVI_Reunion_Anual_Sociedad_de_Botanica_.pdf

Nº : 6 Autor (a)(es/as) : Arroyo, MTK. Título (Idioma original) : CONFERENCIA DR. HERMANN NIEMEYER INVESTIGANDO PREGUNTAS CLAVES EN LA BIOLOGÍA DE REPRODUCCIÓN EN PLANTAS EN LA ALTA CORDILLERA DE LOS ANDES DE AMÉRICA DEL SUR. (Investigating key questions in plant re Nombre del Congreso : LVII Reunión de la Sociedad de Biología de Chile País : CHILE Ciudad : Puerto Varas Fecha Inicio : 25/10/2014 Fecha Término : 27/11/2014 Nombre Publicación : Año : Vol. : Nº : Páginas : Envía documento en papel : no Archivo Asociado : Arroyo_Resumen_Conferencia_LVII_Reunion_de_la_Sociedad_de_Biologia_de_Chile.pdf

Nº : 7 Autor (a)(es/as) : Arroyo, M.T. K., Alarcón, D. Título (Idioma original) : Efecto del cambio climático en la flora altoandina de América del Sur:¡Qué nos dicen los modelos? Nombre del Congreso : XXXVI Jornadas Argentinas de Botánica País : ARGENTINA Ciudad : Mendoza Fecha Inicio : 18/09/2017 Fecha Término : 22/03/2018 Nombre Publicación : Año : Vol. : Nº : Páginas : Envía documento en papel : no Archivo Asociado : mendoza_Mary__2_.pdf

Nº : 8 Autor (a)(es/as) : Robles, V.; Arroyo, MTK, Título (Idioma original) : Español Nombre del Congreso : XXXVI Jornadas Argentinas de Botánica País : ARGENTINA Ciudad : Mendoza Fecha Inicio : 18/09/2017 Fecha Término : 22/03/2018 Nombre Publicación : Año : Vol. : Nº : Páginas : Envía documento en papel : no Archivo Asociado : Resumen_Cngreso_de_Botancia_Mendoza_Valeria_Robles.pdf Nº : 9 Autor (a)(es/as) : Arroyo, MTK. Título (Idioma original) : THE RECENT AND RICH HIGH ELEVATION FLORA OF THE SOUTHERN SOUTH AMERICAN AT RISK UNDER CLIMATE CHANGE Nombre del Congreso : XIX International Botanical Congress País : CHINA Ciudad : Shenzhen Fecha Inicio : 23/07/2017 Fecha Término : 29/03/2018 Nombre Publicación : Año : Vol. : Nº : Páginas : Envía documento en papel : no Archivo Asociado : M.T_._Arroyo_IBC_Abtract__submitted_and_published_.pdf


Nº : 1 Título de Tesis : PAPEL Y DETERMINANTES DE LA LONGEVIDAD FLORAL POTENCIAL EN RHODOLIRIUM MONTANUM PHIL. EN LA CORDILLERA DE LOS ANDES DE CHILE CENTRAL Nombre y Apellidos del(de la) Alumno(a) : Diego Andrés Pacheco Sandoval Nombre y Apellidos del(de la) Tutor(a) : Mary T. Kalin Hurley, Lohengrin Cavieres (co-tutor) Título Grado : Magister Institución : Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile País : CHILE Ciudad : Santiago Estado de Tesis : Terminada Fecha Inicio : 29/10/2014 Fecha Término : 08/06/2016 Envía documento en papel : no Archivo Asociado : Tesis_Mag_Diego_Pacheco_3.1_1.pdf Acta_Tesis_Magister_Diego_Pacheco1.pdf

Nº : 2 Título de Tesis : RELACIÓN ENTRE LA FORMA DE VIDA, SISTEMA DE REPRODUCCIÓN Y RASGOS FLORALES EN EL GÉNERO Chaetanthera (): UN ACERCAMIENTO FILOGENÉTICO Nombre y Apellidos del(de la) Alumno(a) : JOSEFINA LILIANA CABEZAS ALVAREZ Nombre y Apellidos del(de la) Tutor(a) : Mary T. Kalin Hurley, Fernanda Pérez (co-tutor) Título Grado : Magister Institución : Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile País : CHILE Ciudad : Santiago Estado de Tesis : Terminada Fecha Inicio : 02/01/2014 Fecha Término : 24/09/2015 Envía documento en papel : no Archivo Asociado : Tesis_Magister_Josefina_Cabezas.pdf Acta_Tesis_Magister_Josefina_Cabezas.pdf

Nº : 3 Título de Tesis : VARIACIÓN EN EL TAMAÑO Y CONTENIDO HÍDRICO FLORAL BAJO UN GRADIENTE DE DISPONIBILIDAD HÍDRICA EN EL SUELO EN LOS ANDES DE CHILE CENTRAL Nombre y Apellidos del(de la) Alumno(a) : María Colldecarrera Nombre y Apellidos del(de la) Tutor(a) : Mary T. K. Arroyo. Paola Jara-Arancio (tutores externos) Título Grado : Pregrado Institución : (Universitat de Barcelona) País : ESPANA Ciudad : Barcelona Estado de Tesis : Terminada Fecha Inicio : 01/09/2016 Fecha Término : 01/09/2017 Envía documento en papel : no Archivo Asociado : Tesis_de_pregrado_Maria_Colldecarrera_2017.pdf Certificado_Aprobacion_Tesis_M._Colldecarrera_.pdf

Nº : 4 Título de Tesis : CAMBIOS ALTITUDINALES EN RASGOS DE SEMILLAS DE LA CORDILLERA DE LOS ANDES DE CHILE CENTRAL- UN ACERCAMIENTO MULTIESPECIFICO QUE INCORPORA EFECTOS FILOGENÉTICOS Nombre y Apellidos del(de la) Alumno(a) : Valeria Robles Jarpa Nombre y Apellidos del(de la) Tutor(a) : Mary T. K. Arroyo, Fernanda Pérez. Paola Jara-Arancio Título Grado : Magister Institución : Universidad de Chile País : CHILE Ciudad : Santiago Estado de Tesis : En Ejecución Fecha Inicio : 26/05/2017 Fecha Término : Envía documento en papel : no Archivo Asociado : Tesis_en_progress_Valeria_Robles_09_03_2018__1_.pdf Certificado_aprobacion_proyecto_tesis_Valeria_Robles.pdf


Nº : 1 Archivo Asociado : Certificado_1806_FCS_UCH__Kalin_Mary.pdf

Nº : 2 Archivo Asociado : Abstract_Conferencia_Magistral_Congreso_de_Botanica_Argentina__enviado_con_codigo_proyecto_Chile_31_July.pdf

Nº : 3 Archivo Asociado : Appendix_1_Student_training_Fondecyt_1140541.pdf

Nº : 4 Archivo Asociado : Appendix_2_Informe_Difusion_1140541.pdf

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