CllAl’TER - II HISTORICAL DACKGROUND ANDHRA DESA, like many uthor parts uf lindia, has been a continuus human inhabitation since prehist(jric limes, as attested by the lithic imple ments, artefacts, utensils and the personal belongings of the deceased\ persons found in the explorations and discovered in the later megalithic burials opened at the sites like Kurnool. Yolcswaram, Nagarjunakonda, Dharanikola, Peddabankur a n d Kondapur. Further, Andhras as a race have been found recorded, earliest in AITAREYA URAllMANA (AD-VII-8) datable to C.600 BC, followed in the works like CHANDOGYA UPANISHAD, APASTHAMBHA GRHYASUTItA, MAHABIIARATllA. HARIVAMSA PURANA, SUTTANIPATA. SERIVANIJA JATAKA AND THE LIKE. Megasthanese's INDICA refers to Andhra to be a territory comprising many villages, 30 fortified towns and an army consisting of 1,00,000 elephants. The 13lh Major Rock Edict of Ashoka refers to Andhra as the bordering land of the empire. However, excluding the literary eviden ces, in the absence of any historical data, a fair account of Andhras begins / with the emergence of Satavahanas as a distinct political dynasty, having ruled for about two and half centuries. A brief account of the important political dynasties referred to in the inscriptions under study, to the extent needed for the present work, is as follows: Controversies over the chrono- j logy and the genaeology of the dynasties and the rulers have been left undiscussed. SATAVAHANAS: Satavahanas rose as an independent power following the decadence of the Sungas. Thirty rulers of the dynasty have ruled for about 250 years, beginning C.SU HC to C. 225 AD.
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