2017-03-25 Saturday History Call


A BBS RADIO Go To www.bbsradio.com ; click on Talk Radio Station #2; click on “64K Listen”

Thursday: 9 pm – 12:00 pm EST Stargate Round Table Host: MariettaRobert

Friday: 9 pm – 2 am EST Friday Night Hard News Hosts: Tara & Rama

Saturday: 2:30 pm – 2 am EST History of our Galactic World & NESARA T & R

Friday, Saturday: From 10 – 11 pm EST, for one hour, the call moves to the Conference Call Line [8-9 pm MST 1-641-715-3650 pin 353 863#] and then returns to BBS Radio.

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● The 2013 website also has an archive section: http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/ look under the “Archives” tab for written notes.


A Sunday, Mondays: 9 – 10:30 EST Cheryl Croci's Activation Calls By telephone only: 1 – 605-475-5950; PIN 9467441#

B Tuesdays, 2Nd & 4th of each month: Ashtar on the Road 9:00 – 10:30 pm EST Host is Fran; Susan Leland channels Ashtar & others www.Ashtarontheroad.com ▪ Phone Number: 1 – 559 – 726 – 1300; PIN 972400## ▪ Call is free [except for long distance charges] ▪ Can also listen to the call via Skype

C Wednesdays: 7:00 – 9:00 EST The Friends of The Aboriginal Moabite Nation Call By telephone only: 1–712-432-0900 PIN 666238# Replay # [good for 1 week] 1-712- 432-0990 PIN 666238#

Opening Meditation: Cheryl Croci Begins by reading material on Mother Mary from D Cota- Robles and the Day of Annunciation

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 1 / 54 Housekeeping: Rainbird

BBS: • A listener-supported radio program; we can access program archives on BBS • The radio program costs $300 per week. And we need $340 this week. SO MUCH GRATITUDE FOR KEEPING US CAUGHT UP !!! • Go to BBSradio.com/Station2; find listing for True History call; find Paypal button • BBS appreciates getting checks through the mail – no fees taken off by Paypal • NO COST TO ACCESS BBS ARCHIVES for either of the 2 T & R PROGRAMS, or the Thursday night program or MariettaRobert's Stargate Round Table

• The mailing address for those who do not like paying electronically: BBS Network, Inc. [Please put “Attention Don” on the envelope.] 5167 Toyon Lane [Please note inside that it's for T&R; MR] Paradise, CA 95969 • Sending a check to BBS means all your money is received; using Paypal incurs a fee.

T & R: • Their full-time, life time commitment is to be tuned in to what is really going on behind the artificial world we see around us. They don't ask for anything but they do require food, gas, a home, and access to BBS Radio on order to get this information out to the world.

• This week: need $$$ for food, gas Thank you, thank you, thank you!

• We can donate via the Paypal button on the homepage of 2013 Rainbow Roundtable

• Please notify them if you're sending something: k oran999@ comcast.net

• Rama's mailing address for cheques, Money orders: Ram D Berkowitz 1704-B Llano St, #249 Santa Fe, NM 87505 • phone contact is via MariettaRobert Pickett: 317-773-0061 or by e-mail: [email protected] • Remember you can book a session with Mother, as well!

• THE GO FUND ME A/C Also requires more help! $12, 916 of $14k https://www.gofundme.com/RamaSurgery as of today

FROM ASHTAR ON THE ROAD: donate to the Santa Fe Coop so T&R can access organic, fresh food

• Your donation here supports an account set up for Tara & Rama with Beneficial Farms Community Supported Agriculture in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

• These funds will be exclusively used to maintain this weekly account for a steady supply of fresh produce to Tara and Rama. They and we are very grateful for your assistance.

• Please make the donation through the A-O-T-R store. People can do multiples if they want: http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/catalog/item/2497194/10263880.htm

• Fran has put a link on the Ashtar page as well. http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/tara__rama_A_A_news_reports.html

MR: • Please remember to support MariettaRobert's show, too • You can also book a session with MR for a transformational clearing.

T: Any trouble hearing means an issue with the sound: it's an emergency – call 1-888-710-8061

Intro Notes The following audio link allows you to listen to the entire program.


2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 2 / 54 Hard News

R: energies going up and up; 13 families going down

Richard Wolff: talking with a lady from Santa Fe, an Iranian AND a US citizen about • the changing of the energies in Iran; the sabre rattling about Iran in the US • Pakistan and the so-called country of , which is really Palestine • the demonization of Iranians by the Khazars • the Sufis and Sufi Sam who met everyone in Golden Gate Park in 1967 and everyone learned Sufi dancing to raise the energies; Rama went in 67-68;Tara did it in 1980s • R went to the Sunday love-ins; the Krishna people came with free food for them • The lady did not give her name – if the Iranians knew who she was, they’d take her as hostage; those who take hostages are heros to the Iranian people – similar to what Hitler said to the nazis who took people ‘hostage’ • the current political atmosphere in Iran is not pleasant thanks to Orange Hair • Obama put together a nuclear deal with Iran – and behind the scenes now there are Black Ops people trying to incite issues between Iran and the US & to blame Hezbolla: it is the Black Ops of the Deep State in the US and Israel • the situation in Palestine is front and centre again : today an 8 year old boy was arrested for throwing rocks and put in an adult prison! Abby Martin talks of this on her program called The Empire Files • Often such children disappear in dark site prisons

• David Barsimmion on Indie media: Jon Stewart was the guest • Bringing up the story he played with on the Colbert show – the metaphor he used is “your ex has dumped you, and you don’t push a woman scorned” - were talking of the media – there are so many dossiers, files on Trump and the plutocrats and russian mob members – there are vast amounts of cash being discussed - deals go sour and people end up dead – and lots of money is involved. • Jon Stewart brought up the man shot dead in the Ukraine on Thursday

Reading: Star Witness in treason Trial . . . shot dead March 23, 2017 [SEE BELOW] • he was to appear at the Paul Manafort trial – former Trump campaign chair R: here is a comedian who wants to see peace, bringing up this kind of news so people will see what is going on, thanks to Trump T: THIS IS NOT PUTIN: HAS TO DO WITH THE RUSSIAN MOB/KHAZARIAN CONNECTIONS – this goes back to Trump’s father • Obama, Putin, Xi of China have all been double agent since 2008 – a huge chess game!

Ring of Fire: Sam Seder – talking to a lady called Digby; used to write for FireDogLake • talked about Rachel spilling stories on MSNBC • this ties in with the 13 families going down, which goes into the Secret Space Program, the Space Alliance and the whistleblowers who have had it with the endless wars!

Sweet Angelique the Cat: • she’s lying low in Paris as she is a witness for Jane Doe in the Trump rape case • the story is getting bigger and bigger: the media is complicit with tooting Trump’s horn to the tune of millions, dissing , and knocking other candidates • Gov Rick Snyder is not in the Hague for international war crimes: poisoning the people of Flint, MN is a war crime • Timothy Leary, in wilder times, wanted to take some liquid LSD and pour it into a water source R said people have free choice and by doing that, you will be robbing them of that free choice, and TL toned down a bit!

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 3 / 54 Big Will: David Rockefeller died on Thursday at 101, the next day youngest son killed in a plane crash – anything to say about this? • David R was killed decades ago; there have been many, many clones of DR – someone turned off the switch to this one; CIA does that to people they don’t want around. • Hillary knows a lot of things about Et s and other things to do with the Rockefellers and if a young person who knows what’s going on wants to talk, she will step in [in terms of the death of the youngest son] • R knows nothing about this, but does know THE 13 families have been told in no uncertain terms that their time on the planet is coming to a close BW: Foster Gamble: understands one of the Gambles is getting ready to testify against Trump R: Foster, who got the movie Thrive created and out to the public; he and the Proctor and Gamble family have been bought • Foster wants to get paid for his story on the White Dragon Society – and he won’t get any thing; this is tied in with Ben Fulford T: when you play games with the old hologram and their money game, can end up dead.

BW: story out about Transylvania: is it true that vampires are a race that is coming back? R: they are energies of beings who don’t necessarily drink human blood; they drink energy – they can attach to an aura and suck the pyschic energy of the person and this is a pyschic energy game that is being played • all is being revealed of how dark this story has been for millenia; even these beings who have lived on darkness have to receive light • like the scene in the movie Bram Stoker’s Dracula: Nina had to put a stake in his heart AND cut off his head in the church; when she did that, he ascended and the church was full of light; it was an old energy that was stuck & released when she killed him. • St Germain voluntarily incarnated in that situation as an un-dead kind of thing – did it to go in and gut the RC church • Those kinds of energies are out full bore at the moment!

BW: pres trump: story about his involvement with Russian mafia R: won’t call him by that title; he is a domestic terrorist and is illegitimate T: he’s on a puppet string and that string is getting short! R: as more stories leak out, the continuity, crediblity of folks is in question

Audio: Anonymous - Addresses David Rockefeller's Death -*A Call To Action*


Published on 20 Mar 2017 3:51 minutes Hello world, we are Anonymous. We're in the wake of the news, this morning, that David Rockefeller has finally passed away at age 101, as has been confirmed by members of the family. Last year we had given David one last opportunity to come straight forward, while he was alive, and be completely honest with all of us about the goals of Bilderberg.

We warned that if he decided not to speak for himself, then we will speak for him. He either never saw our warning, or chose to remain silent, so this message is a call to action to all Anonymous intel groups across the world to conduct a massive data release on the entire Rockefeller Family and their political involvements in foreign affairs for the past century relating to population control and attempting to install a centralized one-world government. This, is a calling to #GhostSquadHackers , #Anonsec , #EtherSec , #AnonymousUK , #AnonymousUnitedStatesSector , #AnonymousVictoria , and all of our localized Anonymous sectors of every State and Country across the planet to release as much information they've gathered over the years and make public all the data surfaced through our tools of surveillance to

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 4 / 54 observe all conversations and suppressed information on the Rockefeller name; which the media had been helping to protect, distract, and shield our eyes and ears away from - ever since as far back as when John D Rockefeller began buying out media outlets to control what the press was saying about him - or ANY Rockefeller born after.

This is our opportunity to lay to rest all of the rumors, and hammer the final nail in the coffin on this subject matter, for future generations to review and learn a valuable lesson relating to how wealth and power can grow completely out of control and destroy liberty in the pursuit to gain more centralized Governmental control over the lives of many, to benefit the lives of the few.

Thank you for your interest and help to expose corrupt public figures in positions of power, and please stand by patiently as we communicate among each other and prepare this data release together. To the Rockefeller Family, though we do respect a life well-lived, and we respect the very nature of death itself, we do not forgive or respect what elite members of your family had attempted to do to us with their power. And we do not forget, just as karma always gives back what it receives - you should had already known to expect us. - Anonymous

Audio: Rachel Maddow – The Rachel Maddow Show 3/24/17

A dire period of scandal for Trump in turmoil

http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show Rachel Maddow reviews the latest developments in the litany of investigations into the campaign while Trump's political agenda continues to fail. Duration: 22:47

Audio: AM Joy AM Joy 3/25/17

What happened to Trump’s ‘winning’ plan? The AM Joy panel discusses Donald Trump’s week of defeat, from James Comey’s testimony denying proof of Trump Tower “wiretapping” to his major health care loss. Duration: 13:20 http://www.msnbc.com/am-joy/watch/what-happened-to-trump-s- winning-plan-906394179832

Audio: All in with Chris Hayes All In with Chris Hayes 3/24/17

Bernie Sanders: We beat right-wing extremists today Senator Bernie Sanders reacts to the death of Trumpcare. Duration: 7:30

Reading: 2017-03-24 Washington Post Calls For House Investigation To Be Stopped, Nunes To Be Investigated. [SEE BELOW]

2017-03-24 EPIC FAIL: Reports say Trumpcare vote pulled [SEE BELOW]

T: the plan has always been to reduce the world population as Plan 2000 laid out

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 5 / 54 THE PLAN 2000 (ARMAGEDDON) [SEE BELOW]

The Global 2000 report to the President, prepared by the Council on Environmental Quality and the Department of State begins as a STUDY for the "PROBABLE CHANGES IN THE WORLD’S POPULATION, NATURAL RESOURCES, AND ENVIRONMENT THROUGH THE END OF THE CENTURY."

NB: T reads only the first bit of the report; the entire document is included for all to read. • Jimmy Carter’s dad is the same person as JFK’s dad: Joe Kennedy – infers that Carter is a double agent. • Population is a political problem T: really? - she is reading from the document • be sure and listen to her commentary and how the de-population process is/was being carried out • Started in 1980, succeeded – tells story of Africa - and they are going for more

Reading: 2017-03-23 Lawmaker calls for complete shutdown of Trump agenda over possible collusion with Russia – AOL version [SEE BELOW]

Reading: 2017-03-23 Lawrence O'Donnell: Paul Ryan Told Devin Nunes to Take "Incidentally Collected Information" To Trump [SEE BELOW]

Reading: 2017-03-22 Trump's adviser now says that yes he is a member of Nazi- sympathizer org, just not a full member [SEE BELOW]

T: adds in some interesting facts !!!!

T: some comments on Paul Ryan - he is supported by vulture capitalist Paul Singer who is responsible for mass genocide in many countries – and Rayn is an Ayn Rand follower who believes it is just find to murder those who don’t agree with you.

Reading: Dear GOP, where is Jesus in what you are doing? [SEE BELOW]

Audio: All In with Chris Hayes 3/24/17 http://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/moore-time-to-fight-for-medicare-for-all-906114627843

Michael Moore: Time to fight for Medicare for All Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore argues that in the wake of the failure of the GOP's plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, Democrats should start fighting for single payer health care. Duration: 10:01

Reading: 2017-03-23 UPDATED: RussiaGate blows WIDE OPEN in Abramson report [SEE BELOW] • Abramson refers to the situation as Impeachment territory

Reading: 2017-03-25 CIA Created ISIS — Assange Drops Bombshell on WikiLeaks Release of 500K US Cables

Reading: 2017-03-21 Secret Presidential Memorandum issued to Declassify Anti-aging & Free Energy Technologies [SEE BELOW]

T: these technologies are part of the NESARA program – a good sign!

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 6 / 54 • When the Faction 3 White Knights get involved, after the announcement of the NESARA act, there will be no withholding of any of the patents – there will be free energy, and health- related inventions – and as long as the corporations are around, none of this will happen as they put profit ahead of the health of the people and the planet.

Audio: Water is Life https://vimeo.com/hungersaver/1liter

ASTROLOGY Richard [Ri]

Astrolgy this week today: at dawn, sun conjunct Venus retrograde Sun: moon conjunct Neptune very early am; Mercury conjunct Uranus at 24* Aries this is the cosmic connection Mon: new moon, late in the day – 8 pm west coast also moon conjunct Venus at 3* Aries Tues: moon in Aries, will oppose Jupiter later in the day-to-day Wed:

Moon gets out of Aries first and goes into Taurus Fri: Moon goes into Gemini mid day Sat, Ap 1: moon in Gemini, sextiles sun in Aries, squares Neptune and Pisces, trines Jupiter at night • Might get another dose of announcements once moon gets into Gemini, which is a talker

The Pele Report https://youtu.be/-bUCH80DBtY

click here to download/listen to the Pele Report mp3

Both diamonds and a drop of water, Are brilliant, bright, and clear, And though diamonds may make me rich, I need water more this year.

The song that comes to mind for me is pretty old.... "I'm gonna harden my heart, I'm gonna swallow my fear..... I'm gonna turn and leave you here!" Be careful! That is just what you can do these days! You can be hard as a diamond and cut through anything, including someone's heart. You can forsake relationship or have knee jerk reactions that you may regret farther down the

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 7 / 54 road. You may not be seeing the advantages and benefits in your mad rush or hasty decision to grasp the straws of freedom! Sounds dramatic, but can be true!

So yeah, using the sword of the masculine in the right way can protect, heal, give insight, vision, future hope and more. It is perfect for making a nice cup of tea or chicken soup if you're not vegan..... It is a nice hot shower or jacuzzi, or hot blooded sexual desire leading to union and the beginning (perhaps of a pregnancy) of a passionate romance. Wild can be fun! So you can see the knife edge here. We can go far and experience the wild and free and we can go too far and hurt ourselves or others.... my wish for you is full consciousness! Injoy!

Ri: the need to be able to dance at the level of a master: what came up for Ri is that Aries energy has impulse, but no real form and because of that, the energies goes everywhere – so use dance like Tai Chi, for example, to use/channel the warrior energy • If you can see a conflict about to manifest, there is something you can do by using other energies, especially your own. Travelling is an Aries thing: always moving around. • This new moon is probably the most active of the new moons and the trickiest to work with.

Reading: 2017-03-18 The Eclipses of August 2017 - Reasons of The Heart [SEE BELOW] Carl Boudreau



Philip, VA: good news – a meeting re the pipeline in local town; sharing about Trinity Point Project & giving out flyers: to stop the pipeline a strategy wuld be to have it declared a universal sacred place – keeps running into walls: a lady he spoke to knew one of the Chiefs and his wife, from Standing Rock: he’s the principal guy T: we are living in transformational times – good news.

P/VA: in a much better heart space today – was angry before! Meditates 2x a day – some days are better than others!!! T: everything is in flux at the moment

Ross: has a strong sense about this: any damage it causes will be reversed before it can be made permanent. Disclosure not too far away - T: we do know that are navigation skills that our Higher Selves are guiding us through – the idea of Trump signing off on the 1st 1000 of the 6,000 inventions and the telemere technology – Rama will be asking KOS about this for us. Ro: we’ll have some technologies to work with at our end, and if something has to be done quickly, will probably have some help.

T: watching TV: Pussy Riot vs Putin is the name of the article – they got on top of some place and started to play- police after them – girls led them a merry chase!

Ro: anyone with new experiences of any kind regarding the new age, the veil, etc??? T: their Native American friends are at a peyote ceremony tonight – all night – working to move the energy into the new times Ri: he’s been dreaming more often over the last few days: thinks it keys into Dane’s comments about living 2 lives, and multi-tasking; good idea to pay attention to our dreams which may have useful information

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 8 / 54 T: the N Americans work with the shamans and go into the dream time with the peyote, also a fire thing. Ri: we’re just getting warmed up – most potent time of the year for new creativity and sometimes that is taking care of old business – like getting the technologies out here for the good of the people. The skills needed now are to bring the spiritual, the intellectual concepts into manifestation when we get to Gemini in Cancer. Ross: as of yesterday, he finds it much easier to tune in and get flickering images of things – the time is about resonance and he is resonating with the good things that are coming, which are bleeding into the NOW. He talks of what he’s seeing – the future and the present are becoming one. Ri: this is the season where seeds are awakening: take the idea of a seed at multiple levels – vegetable planting; lightworkers doing their thing

Carlton: recently many eagles are dying because hunters shoot game and don’t bother to collect the dead ones; the eagles come to eat, and get lead poisoning • asks about galactic background re: GOP and health legislation not happening?

T: the relationship between GOP members and Russian mafia folks is being revealed; the bank on Cyprus is notorious for laundering Russian mafia money, and also the Deutsche Bank. • Brings up the story of the meeting at the Mayflower hotel [see article below] – also coming up is the story of Gen Flynn, on behalf of Erdowan of Turkey, to kidnap the guy in the Pokonos of Pennsylvania and get him back to Turkey and blame everything that is affecting Turkey negatively on him. [SEE BELOW] • This kind of mayhem is going to continue, and the astrology is supporting it

Ri: we’re seeing the misuse of energy: being applied for selfish purposes among the group of “elite controllers” who want to run everything. There is also the right use of energy going on – the revelations that are coming out as Tara has been sharing T: just realized that today is 60th anni of signing of the Treaty Of Rome – the people in Europe in many countries want to exit from Europe – disenchantment with the Euro, and about the people wanting control of their own countries • Want to get rid of Therese May in G Britain due to corruption; Le Pen in France is very conservative and is getting her challenges – going neck and neck with a more progressive person running against her in the upcoming election • Going to be a filibuster led by Chuck Schumer relative to the new judge position: Gorsuch goes for the corporatons and not the people every time! The driver of a truck which went off the road called in to the company because the brakes froze: he had been ordered to stay there but he knew he’d die if he stayed there – he found someplace to warm up and then went back to the vehicle, and he got fired for not obeying. The case went to court: Gorsuch voted for the position of the company. Gorsuch is like Paul Ryan who looks arrogant all the time because he has Paul Singer money behind him! The smiles are not quite so bright any more • Things can happen really fast now, as Ri has been saying: what you may expect to happen based on the past or tradition is not quite what goes on

Ri: ideas and projects and talk and stories in the news will flare up to the fiery kind and then Poof! - disappear – we’ll see we have a nibble and then it goes away – so hot that we’ll see stories pop up in the media and then the media will put it away T: the journalists have gotten their act together and won’t let things go by as much as they used to Ri: some things will have legs; others will come and go – they love their secrecy! • T doesn’t think they will get to have it! • Ri – keep the light shining on the issues in order to make progress

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 9 / 54 T: the status quo cannot be maintained

Ro: we’ll see the media change first P: is it Rachel and Dan Rather who are putting backbone in the others? T: Rachel and Chris are both good: Bernie on with Rachel for quite a while on Wed; on Fri, Bernie was right back with Chris Hayes – and Michael Moore was on too: MM is saying these ones want to wipe Obama’s legacy off the map; Bernie say forget that – let’s get single payer!!! • Also the people becoming very aware • Donald doesn’t know how slick the politicians are: he;s running into trouble with the law! • Also T Rex admitted he did not want the job: all of a sudden, every move he makes he has a reporter on his tail asking questions; can’t do back room stuff like he is used to. Carlton: the same thing is true for the donald – back room deals are the norm, and they can’t do it any more in the political venue. T: no sooner did the head of the Intelligence committee do his thing, than people said “What? We think you have to step down as you are not responsible” – see Rachel’s segment! You can’t have it both ways – tell Donald and not the committee you are leading??? What? • They are not sure how to deal with the power. And the CIA is SO corrupt. Lindsay Graham had a townhall in his home area – he was talking apple pie and the flag, and the people booed him. He brought out a document and read about an incident that involved Joe Biden in the past, in which Joe was saying exactly the same thing as was being said by someone on the GOP side - shows that both sides are equally corrupt. • Countries all over the planet are having the same kinds of things happening • Goes back to the article and the new technologies that Trump has signed to be revealed, and the meaning of this

Ro: Dr Phil had on a guest who has just gotten out of sex slavery, having been there since she was a child. The human trafficking idea is being brought into the main stream – will send the link. It is huge to have such an idea on MSM show [March 21, 2017 – Dr Phil episode] Carlton: yes, in DC many little girls are disappearing: the people are saying so these kids are missing and the police are saying, no, the appearances are not going up! Completely ignoring the reason for their disappearance!!!

T: talks about how the people are speaking up, and the story about the mother with a child of deeply melanated skin and a serious illness at a townhall; the congressman turned his back on her right in front of the crowd – the people went bananas! In the unifed field they let the person know this will not fly!

R: on his phone, had been sent a cartoon: Paul Ryan and a dominatrix and he had to say to her: “Obama care is here to stay” over and over again! Ro: new Avatar movie to come out 2018! Star Wars is coming late this year. Carlton: Will K? Goran to make an appearance? Ye R: May 3rd is when Guardians of the Galaxy comes out. Avengers: Infinity War comes out 2018 Tom Hanks working on The Lost Symbol movie

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 10 / 54 B B S Radio

Music: • Beatles . . . • The water song • Song of honour to the 13 grandmothers – part of the water song

Audio: Gregg Braden Missing Link: Ensuring Humanity’s Continuation


Throughout history, humankind has endured many cycles of extremes and calamities. Ancient stone records not only tell of these trials, but they advance advice, to future generations, for surviving such trying times. We don’t have to take what the ancients are trying to tell us on faith. Science gives us the proof we need about the necessity of developing mutually beneficial relationships. As Gregg Braden examines Prophecy Rock from the Hopi people, we discover that their advice for mutual aid is confirmed by the science which shows us that cooperation is essential for ensuring humanity’s continuation. This presentation by Gregg Braden was originally webcast on March 23, 2017.

Audio: Redacted Tonight VIP 2017-03-24 Abby Martin & Lee Camp reveal the truth behind the headlines

https://www.rt.com/shows/redacted-tonight-summary/382130- corporate-mainstream-media-us/

In this episode of Redacted Tonight VIP, host Lee Camp interviews the one and only Abby Martin. Abby is a brilliant, cutting-edge investigative journalist and host of the Empire Files. She’s constantly speaking truth to power and calling out the US war machine and the failings of the corporate mainstream media. Lee and Abby discuss all of this, as well as the apartheid state that is Israel-Palestine. This is an interview not to be missed. In the second half of VIP, Lee discusses how the systems that rely on our ignorance are now trying to come up with ways to keep us dumb. He talks about the fast food industry. They’re trying to trick us into eating their food, even though most of us already know it’s poison. They’re trying to rebrand as healthy, even though they are everything but. This and more on Redacted Tonight VIP.

Audio: Thom Hartman – 2017-03-24 Do Gorsuch's views on women disqualify him?


Thom discusses the GOP’s frenzy over their attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare. After today’s debate, Paul Ryan was asked by the Trump administration to pull the bill. What does this mean for Obamacare and a future GOP healthcare bill? Thom discusses this with Larry Cohen of Our Revolution. Will the Democrats filibuster the Gorsuch nomination, what does the latest move by the Senate to ease internet privacy laws mean for the average American? Thom discusses these topics with Angela Morabito, Senior Campaign Organizer at StandUnited.org, and Alex Lawson, executive director at Social Security Works.

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 11 / 54 Audio: All In with Chris Hayes 2017-03-24


Michael Moore: Time to fight for Medicare for All Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore argues that in the wake of the failure of the GOP's plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, Democrats should start fighting for single payer health care. Duration: 10:01

Audio: On Contact Chris Hedges 2017-03-24 Casino capitalism with Natasha Dow Schüll

https://www.rt.com/shows/on-contact/382330-casino-culture-ramifications-entertainment/ Chris Hedges discusses the ramifications of casino culture in America with Professor Natasha Dow Schüll, author of Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas. Anya Parampil examines how gambling has become our premier form of entertainment and escape.

Audio: Max Keiser [KR1049] Keiser Report: Trail of ‘American carnage’ 2017-03-25


We discuss the trail of ‘American carnage’ and how it led to a Trump presidency. In the second half, we discuss the OxyCartel pushing millions of prescription pills on small towns across the USA.

Audio: the rest of On Contact

Audio: The Late Show – Steven Colbert

http://www.cbs.com/shows/the-late-show-with-stephen- colbert/video/MdkZbIiqhKR6uwmUwjeIkOSl9kTvH53v/best-of-the-late- show-s-big-furry-hat/

Rest of podcast: unable to access to complete the notes: probably a temporary aberration

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 12 / 54 INFORMATION RELATED TO THE NOTES

The Rachel Maddow Show / The MaddowBlog

Friday’s Mini-Report, 3.24.17

By Steve Benen Today’s edition of quick hits:

* It really wasn’t that close: “In the aftermath of his first major legislative defeat on healthcare, President Donald Trump is standing by his team, preaching confidence in House Speaker Paul Ryan and is still convinced of Obamacare’s downfall. ‘We were very close,’ he told reporters Friday afternoon after the health care bill was pulled.”

* Devin Nunes should probably find a different kind of job: “The chairman of the House intelligence committee has backed down from his dramatic assertion that Donald Trump and his aides were ‘monitored,’ by U.S. spies – a claim the Republicans have cited this week in emails to loyalists.”

* On a related note: “The two leaders of the House Intelligence Committee continued their back- and-forth Friday as tension mounts over the panel’s inquiry into whether there were ties between Russia and Trump campaign officials as well as the Kremlin’s potential meddling in the 2016 elections.”

* The day’s most jaw-dropping scoop: “Retired Army Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, while serving as an adviser to the Trump campaign, met with top Turkish government ministers and discussed removing a Muslim cleric from the U.S. and taking him to Turkey, according to former Central Intelligence Agency Director James Woolsey, who attended, and others who were briefed on the meeting.”

* Today wasn’t a total loss for the White House: “Calling it a ‘historic moment for North America,’ President Donald Trump announced the federal government’s approval Friday of the Keystone XL oil pipeline – setting in motion a controversial project opposed by environmental groups, landowners and some Native American tribes.”

* It’s such a shame that it’s come to this: “The largest school board in Canada said it won’t be booking future trips to the United States, citing ‘uncertainty’ surrounding President Donald Trump’s latest travel restrictions.”

* ISIS “claimed responsibility for the attack in London this week, likely hoping to project the image of a powerful extremist organization capable of hitting the heart of Western cities. In reality, ISIS is suffering big losses at home and hemorrhaging territory in Iraq and Syria in the face of a U.S.-backed assault.” http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/fridays-mini-report-32417

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 13 / 54 2017-03-24 Washington Post Calls For House Investigation To Be Stopped, Nunes To Be Investigated.

By pollwatcher http://www.dailykos.com/story/2017/3/24/1646769/- Washington-Post-Calls-For-House-Investigation- Stopped-Nunes-To-Be-Investigated?

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) speaks to reporters during a news conference at the U.S. Capitol March 22, 2017 in Washington, DC. Nunes said U.S. intelligence collected communications of President Donald Trump incidentally and legally during the transition period following the U.S. election. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

We all know that Nunes is more than a stooge for Trump, he’s a lead player in the GOP cover-up of treason at the highest levels. A media that was pathetic during the campaign, has decided they will take their special privilege in the Constitution seriously now.

From Editorial Board:

He insisted that those who described those contacts to the press be tracked down and prosecuted. He demanded that FBI Director James B. Comey confirm that such revelations “violate . . . a section of the Espionage Act that criminalizes the disclosure of information concerning the communication and intelligence activities of the United States.”

His committee’s investigation should be halted immediately — and Mr. Nunes deserves to be subject to the same leaking probe he demanded for the previous disclosures.


He was simply doing everything in his power to protect President Trump, for whom he has become a fierce, if erratic, guard dog.


It is time to discuss the formation of an independent, nonpartisan commission with full subpoena power, like those that investigated the attacks of 9/11 and the intelligence failures in Iraq. In the meantime, House leaders should put an end to the embarrassing travesty being directed by Mr. Nunes.

The chances of getting an “independent, nonpartisan commission” are pretty slim since it would require cooperation from the GOP fascist cult. So that means everything is going to depend on the Democrats winning back the Senate and/or house in 2018. Getting a real investigation into possible treason, stopping the GOP fascist cult agenda, and stopping the insanity of the Trump/Putin/GOP regime all depends on the POLITICS that leads to a victory in 2018. Do nothing

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 14 / 54 to hurt Democratic victories in 2018, and do everything to help win in 2018, including the blue dogs, and we just might survive the nightmare we are all living in.


UPDATE: Nunes just announce Manafort “volunteered” to testify before the committee. Still unclear if it will be in open or closed session.

10:57 David Frum is speculating Manafort won’t be under oath! That’s so damn corrupt it’s hard to find the words. Nunes is rapidly rising on my list of people who need to go to jail for their betrayal of our country.

Here’s Representative Schiff’s take:

BREAKING: Chairman just cancelled open Intelligence Committee hearing with Clapper, Brennan and Yates in attempt to choke off public info.

†”Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) March 24, 2017

The Republican cover-up of treason makes them accomplices.

1/ After shitting the bed publicly, now Nunes cancels the Intel Committee hearing altogether. This is a COVER-UP of #Watergate proportions.

†”Ron Perlman (@perlmutations) March 24, 2017

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 15 / 54 2017-03-24 EPIC FAIL: Reports say Trumpcare vote pulled

By Joan McCarter

Multiple sources are reporting that the House has pulled the vote on Trumpcare, breaking their own promise of the past seven years to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Vote is pulled, per senior White House official.

— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) March 24, 2017

Seven years they had to come up with some kind of bill to replace it. Seven years they had every conservative policy wonk (the real ones, not Paul Ryan) providing advice and offering ideas. In seven years they did squat.

Well, not entirely squat. They had over 60 votes to repeal Obamacare in part or in whole. Every one of those votes was estimated to cost $1.45 million dollars—each vote—of taxpayer money. That's not counting all the staff time, the committee time, the opportunity cost of everything that was postponed or just not done because of their single-minded obsession on this one thing. Billions of dollars spent—just on votes—not on all the campaign ads for this.

Seven years. They had seven years. And all they had to show for it a crappy cut-and-paste job from the original law. A bad bill that destroyed Medicaid (Paul Ryan's frat-boy "dream", destabilized Medicare, and threw 24 million people off of healthcare.

All for the tax cuts for the wealthy.

And in the process, they self-inflicted incalculable wounds. Ryan had to pull this vote, after strong- arming and threatening his members, even though it would be damaging to them back home. It damaged Ryan AND Trump in the process and makes it even harder for Republicans to pass anything in the future.

They've destroyed any hope they had of proving that a united Republican government could actually govern. And they did it for an incredibly cruel bill that demonstrated to the American people just how craven they could be in pursuit of those tax cuts.

Good. http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/3/24/1646941/-EPIC-FAIL-Trumpcare-vote- pulled?

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 16 / 54

Written by Administrator 19 November 2004

from NoMoreHoaxes Website

The Global 2000 report to the President, prepared by the Council on Environmental Quality and the Department of State begins as a STUDY for the "PROBABLE CHANGES IN THE WORLD’S POPULATION, NATURAL RESOURCES, AND ENVIRONMENT THROUGH THE END OF THE CENTURY."

The report concludes that the stresses are already severe enough to deny many millions of people basic needs for food, shelter, health, and jobs, or ANY HOPE for betterment. At the same time, the earth’s carrying capacity - the ability of biological systems to provide resources for human needs - is eroding.

In July of 1980, Secretary of State endorsed as official Carter administration policy the Global 2000 report, which according to then Secretary of State Edmund Muskie’s own words, "THE ELIMINATION OF 2 billion human beings by the year...2000."

The Office of Population Affairs of the U.S. State Department from the National Security Council’s Ad Hoc Group on Population policy, U.S. Foreign Polity is being planned and implemented on the basis of its effectiveness in murdering human beings.

Unprecedented Population growth as spelled out in the ECO summit Meeting in 1992 in Brazil has required the examination of the statistics provided in the studies of "Human Environment" (1972), "Population" (1974), "Human Settlements" (1976), "Water" (1977) and others has shown the MOST growth of Human species in the last 40 years. The first Billion of population occurred on the planet around 1800, the next century ended with about two Billion, the 3rd Billion around 1960, the 4th Billion in approximately 1974 and reach 5 Billion in 1987. We currently exceed 6 Billion on the Planet and the Technicians of Genocide are now stepping up their programs.

Thomas Ferguson was the head of the Latin America desk at the U.S. State Department’s Office of Population Affairs.

"Every hot spot in the Third World is in fact a result of failed population policy. There is a single theme behind all of our work - we must reduce population levels. Either governments do it our way, through nice clean methods, or they will get the kinds of mess that we have in Iran or Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control, it requires authoritarian government, even FASCISM, to reduce it. To really reduce population quickly, you have to put all the males into fighting and you have to kill significant numbers of fertile females."

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 17 / 54 At present 250 million Africans are threatened with death by starvation and AIDS, nearly twenty million in the coming months. The immediate cause is a collapse in food production in most areas of the continent. In truth, the collapse of African agriculture is due to the ’Global 2000’ policies of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and like agencies of the NWO.

The lending policies of the World Bank, under Global 2000 supporter, Robert McNamara, have been designed to force African nations NOT to develop irrigation or any advance farming techniques but to rely on labor intensive low technologies. THE SITUATION BY COUNTRY

 ETHIOPIA: Some 5 million people are in danger of starvation. Ethiopia-Somalia warfare largely provoked by Henry Kissinger.

 SOMALIA: 1.5 million refuges and many more nomadic people wait for death. Government is seeking $2 billion in reconstruction aid. United Nations actions are a preparation for the understanding and use of the NEW WORLD ORDER Police Force to control the world and put us all under the dictums of the United Nations.

 KENYA: Acute hunger and starvation are occurring in the Karamoja and West Nile regions. 9000 women and children died over a two month period. Food relief is nonexistent.

"The quickest way to reduce population is through famine, like in Africa, or through disease. AIDS has made Africa a continent that is set for extinction."

Representative Richard Ottinger, Democratic congressman from New York’s Westchester County area, sponsor of the Population Policy Act of 1981,

"Overpopulation is a national security question." We have much greater demand on our food stocks, and WE WILL MAKE GOD-LIKE decisions on WHO LIVES and WHO DOES NOT."

William Paddock, advisor to the U.S. State Department under three administrations. In 1980 he was an unofficial advisor to the State Department Office of Population. In an interview,

"We’re going to see a rollback of the population. It will happen somehow. One of the four horseman, and the FIFTH ONE, WHICH IS "THE BOMB."

Representative Paul McClosky,

"Population is worse than Nuclear Proliferation. When you are trying to dispense contraceptives and advice, as AIDS tried to spread condoms all over the world, you have to question if that is a valid program."

Henry Kissinger, National Security Memorandum #200,

"Reduction of the rate of population in these States is a matter of vital U.S. national security. The U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of mineral from abroad, especially from less-developed countries. That fact gives US enhanced interests in the political, economic and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 18 / 54 of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to economic interests of the United States."

President George Bush:

"Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective - a new world order - can emerge. We are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders."

September 11, 1990

"(The Gulf Crisis) has to do with a new world order. And that world order is only going to be enhanced if this newly activated peacekeeping function of the United Nations proves to be effective."

January 9, 1991

"When we are successful, and WE WILL BE, we have real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN’s founders."

January 16, 1991

From "THE BULLETIN" the plans include the conversion of the United States into a socialist nation... and the merger of that enslaved segment of mankind with other nations into a NEW WORLD ORDER. That goal under that very name, originally written in bastardized Latin as novus ordo seclorum has been envisioned by a Master Conspiracy for the past two hundred years as the ultimate product of all its crimes against humanity, and of all its subversive onslaughts against western civilization.

GLOBAL 2000 Report is obtained in detail from the Superintendent of documents, U.S. Government Pringint Office, Washington, DC 20402

 Volume 1. The Summary Report S/N 041-011-00037-8 $3.50

 Volume 2. The Technical Report S/N 041-00038-6 $13.00

 Volume 3. The Government’s Global Model S/N 041-011-00051-3 $8.00 (No Longer Available)

The program of control under the guidelines will come under the Executive Orders from the President.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11490 (That is eleven thousand four hundred ninety) (Have you read any of them??)

Whereas our national security is dependent upon our ability to assure continuity of government, at every level, in ANY NATIONAL EMERGENCY TYPE SITUATION that might conceivably confront the nation; and WHEREAS effective national preparedness planning to meet such an emergency, including a MASSIVE NUCLEAR attack, is essential to our national survival, and; Whereas the congress has directed the development of such national emergency program of the U.S.

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 19 / 54  PART 6: United States Postal Service will register all persons and families.

 PART 7: Department of the Interior will take control of all electric power, petroleum and gas, solid fuels, minerals, and water.

 PART 8: Department of agriculture will take control of all (1) food resources, farm equipment, fertilizer, and food resources.

 PART 9: Department of commerce, takes over all production and distribution of materials including ocean and coastal shipping of all commodities. It will provide for collection and reporting census information on the status of human and economic resources, including population, housing, agriculture, manufacture, mineral industries, business, transportation, trade, construction, as required.

 PART 10: Department of Labor: The Secretary of Labor shall be in charge of mobilizing all civilian manpower under guidance of the Secretary, and used and allocating available workers to required locations.

 PART 11: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, will take over all medical requirements for the civilian population, and all Health manpower, which means physicians (including osteopaths) dentists, sanitary engineers, registered nurses, and others as listed in the Health Manpower Occupations.

 PART 12: Department of Housing and Urban development will be in charge of taking over housing and developing places on a temporary basis.

PART 13: Department of transportation will take over all forms of transportation and the movement of passengers and cargo.

 PART 18: Federal Communications commission takes over all means of communication and ability to close any radio station or any device capable of emitting electromagnetic radiation of any type.

 PART 19: Federal Power Commission takes over all electric power and naturel gas in accordance with agreements with the Secretary of the Interior.

Executive Order 11490 also calls for the CREATION of 10 (ten) federal districts, called "NEWSTATES" and their capitals. These 10 "newstates" are already being used by various agencies such as the Postal Service, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Social Security Administration.

All of these provisions are against the U.S. constitution and once implemented (in secrecy) cannot be reviewed by Congress for six months. Enforcement is by the National Guard or Military under

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 20 / 54 jurisdiction (United Nations Troops now practicing in and on U.S. military bases,) both active and ones who have been turned over to foreign troops for "military practice" in the control of the United Nations.

On April 5, 1984, President Regan signed a highly classified NATIONAL SECURITY DECISION DIRECTIVE (NDSS #84) code name REX 84 which authorized ten huge prison camps located at key defense commands across the U.S. There is also a huge 1 million acre ’restricted area’ complex in Alaska to be used for brainwashing of government opponents during the takeover plans. Butner, North Carolina has also been named as having a citizens detention making a total of twelve located so far.

Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Secretary General of the United Nations.

"The ’blue helmets’ on the front lines of conflict on four continents are a symbol of the UN’s commitment to international peace and security. Local police must be monitored to ensure that they carry on their duties in the spirit of the NEW ORDER and not the old. Allied with this effort will be the provision of more extensive guidance to governments on training troops and POLICE who they may contribute to the UN for peacekeeping duties. A BILLION people live on less than one dollar a day. Bilateral foreign aid programs were often an instrument of the cold War, and remain deeply affected by considerations of political power and national policy. The centuries-old doctrine of absolute and exclusive sovereignty NO LONGER STANDS, and was in fact never so absolute as it was conceived to be in theory."


A. The time is pressing. The Club of Rome was founded in 1968. Limits to Growth was written in 1971, Global 2000 was written in 1979, but insufficient progress has been made in population reduction.

B. Given global instabilities, including those in the former Soviet bloc, the need for form control of world technology, weaponry, and natural resources, is now absolutely mandatory. The immediate reduction of world population, according to the mid-1970’s recommendations of the Draper Fund, must be immediately effected.

C. The present vast over population, now far beyond the world carrying capacity cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization, abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction in the numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary.

D. The issue if falsely debated between a political and a cultural approach to population and resources, when in fact, faced with stubborn obstruction and day-to- day political despondency which make most of the leaders of the most populous poor countries unreliable, the issue is compulsory cooperation.

E. Compulsory cooperation is not debatable with 166 nations, most of whose leaders are irresolute, conditions by localist’ cultures,’ and lacking appropriate notions of the

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 21 / 54 New World Order. Debate means delay and forfeiture of our goals and purpose.

F. The UN action against Iraq proves conclusively that resolute action on our part can sway other leaders to go along with the necessary program. The Iraq action proves that the aura of power can be projected and sustained and that the wave of history is sweeping forward.


There is twofold opposition which must be eliminated by quick action. There are rumblings among some of the ’South’ regions, notably Brazil and Malaysia, to thwart the aims of the UNCED Earth Charter and to thwart the international gathering in Brazil in June 1992.

There is also the unfortunate vacillation in our own ranks, an argument that the UNCED leaders have made the agenda ’too political’ and that the way must first be prepared on a less abrasive cultural basis.

We present only the most recent evidence:

Gilberto Mello Mourao, the Brazilian writer, warned in the August 4, Folha de Sc Paulo that at Munich in 1938, ’It won’t be easy to row against the current of that type of ecological epidemic, unleashed against our country, which threatens the structure of our cultural, spiritual, and political values, and against our very national sovereignty... Messrs. Chamberlain and Daladier, heads of the governments of England and France, calmly offered the Brazilian Amazon to the Fuehrer.’ Hitler reportedly observed that since the Amazon was in south America, the United States would city the Monroe Doctrine and reject a German occupation of Brazilian territory. "Chamberlain and Daladier responded that the proposal had Washington’s backing.’

The prime minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad, announced on August 16 that his country may boycott the Earth Summit and stated that if the conference is used to suppress the Third World, it would be better for these nations to hold their own meeting. Speaking to newsmen in Petaling Java, Mahathir claimed that environmentalists have launched a global assault on Malaysia, while it is the developed nations, not Malaysia, who are polluting the environment.

Malaysias, Science, Technology, and Environment minister, Law Hieng Ding, Announced August 20 according to the New Straits times of August 23, that Malaysia is preparing a document entitled ’Greening the World’, urging developed countries to use wealth and technology to turn the deserts green.

Ahmed Djoglas, Algeria’s delegate to the August 15 meeting of the UN Conference for Environment and Development, said August 23 in Geneva, according to the UN Inter Press Service that ’We have the old pattern of the North imposing the system and the South having to accept. Non-government organizations are saying that the North has hijacked the agenda, and they are right... They are prepared to let people die but not forests.’

The Malaysian Sunday Times editorial of August 16 said, ’Environmentalists make so much of their noble mission in protecting the Environment which sustains all of us... They do not credit Malaysians with much intelligence, with a similar concern for the health of the land and themselves. Shades of precious fin de siecle romanticism; visions of the noble savage stalking big game in arboreal groves, in grunting communion with the voices of the land. The same kind of romantic claptrap that got natives all over the world sold down the river into slavery, decimated

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 22 / 54 by small pox and clap, driven from their land into alcoholism and hopeless helplessness.

"Malaysia has had its fill of cultural and intellectual domination..."

The Brazilian Journal de Commercio on August 19 reported that Brazilian Foreign Minister Francisco Rezek said that is was ’hypocritical to campaign to preserve flora and fauna.. If the human race becomes extinct, there won’t be any sense in preserving an exuberant flora or fauna on this planet.’

Brazil’s chief of staff of the Amazon military command, General Thaumaturgo Sotoero Vaz, stated in an interview in the August 28 Folha de Sao Paulo, that the nations’ armed forces will not permit Eco-92 resolutions restricting Razi’s sovereignty over the Amazon or creating ’Indian nations’ within the region. The general did not rule out the possibility that Brazil could be subjected to ’something similar to what happened in the Persian Gulf,’ and declared that persons like Francois Mitterrand and Ted Kennedy would not be permitted to order reductions in or elimination of Brazil’s armed forces. Sotero Vaz said, ’If those idiots try to come in here, we’re going to give it to them and (treat them) like guerrillas....’ The governor of the Amazon, Gilberto Mestrinho, stated September 8, ’The generals’ position is the product of looking at reality.’

The president of the Industrial Federation of the Brazilian state of Para in the Amazon region, Fernando Flexa Ribiero, was quoted by the press September 14 as stating that environmentalists want to make the Amazon ’a sterile preservation.’ He said Eco-92 could ’promote colonialist practices.’

The Brazilian daily Tribuna de Impresa quoted Joann Grossi, a spokesperson for the U.S. Agency for International Development, as saying that sterilization is the family planning ’method preferred by President George Bush to increase the effectiveness of birth control in the Third World.’

The Italian Catholic weekly Il Sabato published a September 14 article by professor Franco Cardini stating:

"It must be said with utmost clarity that the plans of the International Monetary Fund for the (former) USSR and the eastern countries are infamous... The European Community is in the position to supply not only suggestions, but also capital and technological structures, but all this obstructs the plans of the New World Order, which is strictly hooked to the United States, the country that remains (have we forgotten?) the most indebted country in the world, and is facing a crisis of production exemplified by the crashes of the stock market and the big banks. It is this new frontier that re-emerging liberalists would like to propose to the former Soviet Union..."

The article has been much discussed in Poland, as the first frontal criticism of the International Monetary Fund and the free-market model from this quarter.

India’s delegate at the Geneva UNCED negotiations told the Earth Charter organizers, with the support of negotiators from China, the Philippines, Chile, Venezuela, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Malaysia, that ’we are not here as supplicants, and we have not come for aid,’ but ’compensatory financial flows’ to underdeveloped nations are required, according to the September 13 Indain press. The delegate, Chandrashekar Dasgupta, also strongly opposed plans to bring environmental matters under the UN Security Council, and insisted that ’development’ be put center stage instead of bracketed nest to the environment. He told newsmen that both India and China will

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 23 / 54 have to be satisfied on these questions before they attend the Rio summit, declaring that without the assent of India and China, no charter will be worth the paper it is written on.

At the Non-alighed foreign ministers’ meeting in Ghana, India’s external affairs, Madhavsinyh Solanke, called September 11 for a comprehensive and integrated strategy on debt and a development consensus for this decade. The African group at the conference sponsored an urgent call for an international conference on debt.

The UN conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD ) issued its annual report September 16, declaring, according to BBC, that the liberal free market is not an appropriate model for the developing nations. Finance should serve industry, not the other way around, and government has a key role to play in certain sectors of the economy. Directed credit for special projects is sometimes necessary. Developing nations should look to Germany and Japan rather than the US and Britain as examples. The report deplores the tendency to introduce and ’Anglo-Saxon’ banking system into developing countries.


An official of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) said September 10 that the Geneva UNCED results were ’absolutely a serious setback. There will be no convention on forests by June 1992 for Brazil. Nobody wants to say it publicly, but the forests convention is finished. The situation has reached a deadlock. This is the first casualty for the UNCED process. Increasingly, we heard the statements of Mahathir, and these can be serious. We hope it is just a tactic to precipitate new negotiations, but it has the potential to set the ball rolling and cause other countries besides Malaysia to withdraw. It is a very difficult situation.’

A senior advisor on ecological affairs to Britain’s Prince Philip said September 15 that Eco-92 organizer Maurice Strong has ’over-politicized’ the issue of environmentalism and had raised ’ridiculously messianic expectations’ for the Earth summit. ’Strong is mis-focusing attention away from a clear and present danger confronting the entire ecology movement: The general shift in paradigm toward favoring economic growth, in the former communist nations... We should be avoiding too much overt politicking. We should concentrate on change-of-awareness models, and attack the under lying ethical-moral considerations that motivate people. Eastern Europe and the soviet Union, that is our biggest challenge. We will have a major problem if they try to achieve the level of economic growth of the advanced Western nations. This is potentially one of our biggest challenges, and Prince Philip is getting more and more involved in dealing with it.

’Strong is somebody who spent too much time at his wife’s New Age center, it obviously touched his mind. It all reminds me of the so-called Millerites of the 19th century, who predicted that the world would come to an end at some point in 1844, so they all went into the mountains to prepare. The world didn’t come to an end, and the Millerites became the Jehovah’s Witnesses. That is what I see happening with the Earth Summit. Just listen to Strong talk about ’the most significant event in human history ever,’ and ’the last chance to save the planet. ’What could be more ridiculous, and guaranteed to create a mess?

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 24 / 54 We see the backlash already, in the reactions of various Third World countries.’


In the fact of mounting opposition from Third World elements, certain forces in the Eastern European and Russian regions, and by the Vatican, and certain weak-kneed response within the ecology effort, what really is the purpose of traipsing around America to convince a handful of farmers, unionists, local officials, churchmen, and university environmentalists of the necessity of the Earth Charter? If one truly wished to convert the the American public, would it not be necessary to say fully, openly and explicitly what must be done? And that it must be done now?

Do you really imagine that parading some Third Worlders before ’hearing’ conducted by local celebrities, the Third World will simply quiet down, or that the American press coverage of these events will overwhelm this opposition?

Will you take action now that President Bush has the political momentum or wait until you must convince America to fight a hundred Vietnams simultaneously? This is the time to save the Anglo- Saxon race and it most glorious production: the Anglo-Saxon system of banking, insurance and trade.

We are the living sponsors of the great Cecil Rhodes will of 1877, in which Rhodes devoted his fortune to: ’the extension of British rule throughout the world... the colonization by British subjects of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the islands of the pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain the whole of the Malay archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire...’

We stand with Lord Milner’s Credo. We too are ’British Race patriots’ and our patriotism is ’the speech, the tradition, the principles, the aspirations of the British Race.’ Do you fear to take this stand at the very last moment when this purpose can be realized?

Do you not see that failure now is to be pulled down by the billions of Lilliputians of lesser race who care little or nothing for the Anglo-Saxon system?


A. The Security Council of the UN led by the Anglo-Saxon major Nation powers, will decree that henceforth, the Security Council will inform all nations that its sufferance on population has ended, that all nations have quotas for reduction on a yearly basis, which will be enforced by the Security Council by selective or total embargo of credit, items of trade including food an medicine, or by military force, when required.

B. The security Council of the UN will inform all nations that outmoded notions of national sovereignty will be discarded and that the Security Council has complete legal, military, and economic jurisdiction in any region in the world and that this will be enforced by the Major Nations

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 25 / 54 of the Security Council

C. The security Council of the UN will take possession of all natural resources, including the watersheds and great forests, to be used and preserved for the good of the Major nations of the Security Council.

D. The Security Council of the UN will explain that not all races and peoples are equal, nor should they be. Those races proven superior by superior achievements ought to rule the lesser races, caring for them on sufferance that they cooperate with the Security Council. Decision-making, including banking, trade, currency rates, and economic development plans, will be made in stewardship by the Major Nations.

E. All of the above constitute the New World Order, in which Order, all nations, regions and races will cooperate with the decisions of the Major Nations of the Security Council.

The purpose of this document is to demonstrate that action delayed could well be fatal. All could be lost if mere opposition by minor races is tolerated and the unfortunate vacillations or our closest comrades is cause for our hesitations. Open declaration of intent followed by decisive force is the final solution.

This must be done before any shock hits our financial markets, tarnishing our credibility and perhaps diminishing our force.

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 26 / 54 2017-03-23 Lawmaker calls for complete shutdown of Trump agenda over possible collusion with Russia – AOL version Aol.com Editors Congressman Ted Lieu called for a "total and complete shutdown" of any of President Donald Trump's agenda in response to reports that Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians during the campaign.

The California Democrat issued a fiery statement on Thursday in response to the allegations, arguing that Trump's presidency may be illegitimate and that his policies cannot be pursued until after an independent investigation assesses the claims.

"Congress cannot continue regular order and must stop voting on any Trump-backed agenda item until the FBI completes its Trump-Russia collusion investigation," Lieu said in the statement.

The demand comes in response to a report that emerged Wednesday night on CNN claiming the FBI has evidence to suggest Trump associates "may have coordinated" with Russians to impact the 2016 presidential election by releasing damaging information about Democratic nominee .

On Wednesday, the top ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said in an interview that the evidence against Trump's team was more than circumstantial in nature.

"I can't go into the particulars, but there is more than circumstantial evidence now," Rep. Adam Schiff said in an interview with MSNBC.

On Thursday, Schiff's Republican counterpart, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, revealed publicly and to the president that communications of Trump and his associates may have been captured by intelligence agencies conducting surveillance of foreign targets.

Trump set off a political firestorm over possible surveillance of his campaign earlier this month when he claimed in a tweet that Trump Tower had been wiretapped by former President Barack Obama. A spokesman for Obama quickly denied the claim, and officials came forward in the following days to clarify that the Justice Department and other intelligence agencies handle any surveillance directives.

Nunes apologized to committee members Thursday, according to Democrats, for briefing the president and the public on the information before speaking to the committee.

Read Lieu's full statement below:

The bombshell revelation that U.S. officials have information that suggests Trump associates may have colluded with the Russians means we must pause the entire Trump agenda. We may have an illegitimate President of the United States currently occupying the White House.

Other than allowing routine governmental functions, there must be a total and complete shutdown of any agenda item being pushed by the Trump Administration. Congress cannot continue regular order and must stop voting on any Trump-backed agenda item until the FBI completes its Trump-Russia collusion investigation.

Congress must immediately form an independent commission and appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the collusion allegations with impartiality and independence. Congress also needs to pass the Resolution of Inquiry, authored by Rep. Hakeem Jeffries and I, to compel the Trump Administration to publicly disclose information on its Russian ties to the American people. At this point in our nation's history, there is nothing more important than finding out whether or not high crimes were committed by associates of Donald Trump or possibly by Trump himself. https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/03/23/lawmaker-calls- for-complete-shutdown-of-trump-agenda-over-possible-collusion-russia/22009016/

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 27 / 54 2017-03-23 Lawrence O'Donnell: Paul Ryan Told Devin Nunes to Take "Incidentally Collected Information" To Trump

By durrati Obstruction of Justice?

Haven’t seen this reported anywhere except on Lawrence O’Donnell’s “The Last Word”; forgive me if I missed a diary.

Seems that when Devin Nunes briefed the press on his obstruction...er... visit to the White House on Tuesday morning, he let it slip that he first took the information on the alleged “incidental collection” of information on Trump’s goons… operatives to none other than the Speaker, Paul Ryan.

Larry extrapolates from that that Ryan then told Nunes to take what he’d supposedly seen to Trump at the White House. You can see it below starting at 4:40 in the video.

MSNBC Laurence O’Donnell – 3/22/2017: Laurence: Trump, Ryan, Nunes, . . .

https://youtu.be/oTcx89w-5YM Why Did he Do it? [name of the segment]

This means that Ryan instructed his House Intelligence Chairman to brief the very person his committee is investigating on confidential information germane to that investigation... before he’d shared it with any of the other members of the committee.

This could be classic Obstruction of Justice.

Tonight Larry further revealed that before Nunes got to the White House to speak with Trump, Trump was being interviewed by Time Magazine where he talked about the very tidbits that Nunes had been sent by Ryan to reveal to him.

But I don’t have that video yet.

What a tangled web...and all that.

Maybe Nunes, Ryan and Trump can be best bunkies in the bighouse. http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/3/23/1646706/-Larry-O-Donnell-Paul-Ryan-Told-Devin- Nunes-to-Take-Incidentally-Collected-Information-To-Trump

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 28 / 54 2017-03-22 Trump's adviser now says that yes he is a member of Nazi-sympathizer org, just not a full member By Walter Einenkel

Well, that solves that.

Antisemitism Donald Trump’s counter-terrorism adviser Sebastian Gorka has been saying all kinds of wacky things lately. When he’s not railing away at Muslims like some kind of yahoo, he’s doing the Trumpian coward’s dance of trying to dodge how much of a raging antisemite he is. Over a month ago, news with images, came out showing Mr. Gorka wearing a medal of the Nazi-collaborating group of cowards known as Vitézi Rend. He was seen wearing it on television during tiny-hands Trump’s inauguration night. From there, the yellow-spined Gorka tried to distance himself from the organization by first ignoring these reports, and then telling the moving story of a son’s dedication to his father’s legacy.

“I have never been a member of the Vitez Rend. I have never taken an oath of loyalty to the Vitez Rend. Since childhood, I have occasionally worn my father’s medal and used the ‘v.’ initial to honor his struggle against totalitarianism.” It’s a perfectly plausible explanation, and you’d have to be of a very specific mindset to still pursue allegations of Nazi affiliation.

As LobeLog reports, this story changed a touch a few days later when Gorka explained that he was a member, but it was a technicality based on his lineage but had never “sworn allegiance formally” to the order Maybe that’s true but considering that virtually every single thing said by this dumb dumb is a lie, it’s hard not to mention this from the original reporting in The Forward.

“Of course, only after the oath,” György Kerekes, a current member of the Vitézi Rend, told The Forward when asked if anyone may use the initial “v.” without going through the Vitézi Rend’s application process and an elaborate swearing-in ceremony.

Gorka is now saying that this is all left-wing conspiracy stuff and Breitbart is reporting that for him. I’m sure Alex Jones can dig up some proof that shape-shifters are eating dinosaur eggs and forging President Obama’s birth certificate, while giving birth to Hillary Clinton’s demon army. http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/3/22/1646142/-Trump-s-adviser-now-says-that-yes-he-is- a-member-of-Nazi-sympathizer-org-just-not-a-full-member?

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 29 / 54 2017-03-24 Dear GOP, where is Jesus in what you are doing?

By Onomastic

For I’m not seeing him anywhere in your works, in spite of all your claims to a “Christian” morality. What is evident instead is a cruelty that never ceases to shock. What is apparent is your dark glee at destroying what little help desperate people cling to. What is more and more obvious is the nihilism inherent in destroying government programs and our government itself, simply because it is ours.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

We the People. And we the people want to know where you are adhering to your supposed Christianity when you deny food to the hungry, health care to the sick, and condemn countless Americans to fear and suffering.

We the People want to know what morality there is in crafting a tax bill that benefits the wealthy at the cost of the poor and the middle class.

...The Republican plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, would draw on Medicare's financially distressed trust fund to put money back in the pockets of some of the country's richest people.

Republicans would repeal the Medicare tax, a 0.9 percent surcharge on annual salaries of at least $200,000 for individual taxpayers or $250,000 for married couples. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that over a decade, repealing the tax would forego $117 billion that those wealthy households are currently expected to pay into the trust fund, which is used to cover the costs of health care for elderly Americans.

Repealing the tax would put the fund into “crisis mode,” said Andrew Slavitt, a former acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under President Barack Obama. Slavitt said the fund could be exhausted as soon as 2024 because of the changes, when President Trump might still be in office….

We the People want to know how you dare call such a thing “health care.”

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 30 / 54 You know that millions will lose access to care and yet you call it “Freedom.” All we’re seeing are people being encouraged to, at best, do without health care, at worse, suffer and die.

So explain, if you will, where Jesus is in what you are doing? Where are examples of his words being put into action. Where are you feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, taking in the stranger, healing the sick?

...[F]or I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me." (Matthew 25:34-36 )

Where is Jesus in your hypocritical mouths? Where is Jesus in the bills that you craft, bills that spiral downward into new depths of cruelty?

Where are We the People when you stand before the cameras claiming morality as you condemn us to suffering?

CBO: REVISED Trumpcare bill would save half as much money while hurting just as many people even faster.

Where is Jesus when you demand that those who are suffering from the effects of stroke or dementia get a job so they can keep Medicaid? Where is Jesus when you take food away from hungry children?

Where is Jesus, where is common decency, when you cut “Mea ls on Wheels, child care, after- school programs and learning centers for the poor, affordable housing and aid to the homeless?”

Why do so many Republicans want to throw 24 million struggling Americans off the health insurance rolls? Why does the allegedly populist Trump administration submit a budget that slashes job training programs for the very same jobless white folks he claimed to represent?

Why 'zero out' occupational safety training and economic growth assistance in distressed communities in Appalachia and the Mississippi Delta (more Trump constituents)? Why slash legal aid and medicine and food for the sick and hungry in the developing world, among many others?"

Why do you value the millions of us who are poor and middle class so little? Why do you betray We the People to serve the fortunate few?

Mark 12:41-44 He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. 42 A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. 43 Then he called his disciples and said to them, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. 44 For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on."

You would take the poor widow’s penny and give it to the wealthy, leaving her with nothing. http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/3/24/1646813/-Dear-GOP-where-is-Jesus-in- what-you-are-doing

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 31 / 54 2017-03-23 UPDATED: RussiaGate blows WIDE OPEN in Abramson report

By Keith Pickering - Thursday Mar 23, 2017 · 8:40 PM MST

The Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C.

Trump, Sessions, Manafort, Kushner all directly involved in selling US foreign policy to Russia for 0.5% of Russian oil giant Rosneft.

In a stunning tweetstorm this evening, columnist and reporter Seth Abramson (Huffington Post, Dallas Morning News, Seattle Times, Washington Post) laid out all the details on the Russia-Trump connection. And folks, if true this is impeachment territory, and imprisonment territory, for the highest officials in the United States.

(MEGA-THREAD) The plot to sell America's foreign policy for foreign oil _and_ steal an election in the bargain began at the Mayflower Hotel. pic..com/XkoFpmMAeJ

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

2) The timing was intentional: Manafort, hired in March, was slated to become the campaign's key player as soon as Trump became the nominee.

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

4) The speech, arranged by Jared Kushner in mid-March, was to be hosted by the Center for the National Interest, a conservative think tank. pic.twitter.com/yXj3J7DpQJ

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

Note that the Center for the National Interest will be abbreviated “CNI” often in this thread.

6) The speech was slated to be at the National Press Club, an august venue with a _long_ history of staging secure events with large crowds. pic.twitter.com/cuq5492nkO

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

8) So Manafort moved the event to the Mayflower Hotel: a smaller, less secure site. The decision confirmed the campaign's excuses were lies. pic.twitter.com/EtgLxhMXYh

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

10) The latter was important because Manafort wanted Trump to hold an intimate, 24- person cocktail hour in the Mayflower's VIP Senate Room.

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 32 / 54 — Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

12) Another VIP at the event was Iran-Contra figure Bud McFarlane, one of America's chief advocates for a bargain with Russia on oil access. pic.twitter.com/hj6TJhLujN

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

14) The _biggest oil deal in Russia's history_ occurred in December of 2016. It involved the coordination of entities from three countries.

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

16) The #Russiagate scandal involves claims Trump was given 0.5% of Rosneft and aid in getting elected in exchange for lifting US sanctions. pic.twitter.com/epnrPl9ngo

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

18) WSJ wrote in April 2016 that Trump met separately with the ambassadors at the Mayflower and was effusive. Quote: https://t.co/ZDUKoGnuJ3

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

20) The ambassadors at the Mayflower: RUSSIA! ITALY! SINGAPORE! And the Philippines--which is routinely cited as a Rosneft expansion target. pic.twitter.com/lkziVxMM6l

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

22) In his speech Trump called for a Russian detente: "We desire to live peacefully and in friendship with Russia...we are not bound... pic.twitter.com/LY1s6ZdE4k

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

24) is possible..[I hope to] make a deal under my administration thatâÂÂs€ ™ great for America but also good for Russia." https://t.co/z0OA6pmXbh

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

26) The only Kislyak meeting Sessions _never_ disclosed to Congress, _even after accusations of perjury_, was the meeting at the Mayflower. pic.twitter.com/D8mzXi2xNa

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

28) Heilbrunn on the VIP event: "At a reception in the Senate Room of the Mayflower, a number of politicians and Trump advisers, such as...

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 33 / 54 30) The VIP event _wasn't_ just a receiving line as Trump claimed. It was a "cocktail meet-and-greet"--a full event. https://t.co/qnbY6u56uw

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

32) The White House saying it has âÂÂno€ œ recollection⠀ of any of the VIPs at Trump's _biggest-ever foreign policy event_ is also a red flag. pic.twitter.com/bTQsz5JJ2Z

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

34) Kislyak went on to _fail_ to disclose his meeting with Trump at the Mayflower, citing only a meeting at the RNC. https://t.co/4ft7A3WGii

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

36) We know Manafort set up the Mayflower event and was available for meetings at it--as was Kushner, who later met secretly with Kislyak. pic.twitter.com/nOnWyPZB4x

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

38) We know the White House lied about Mayflower. We know Sessions has. We know Kislyak has. And we know the Rosneft players were present. pic.twitter.com/9BIKLipInj

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

40) So other than the RNC and suspicious Trump Tower meetings in December, the Mayflower Speech should get the _most_ attention in Congress. pic.twitter.com/8mPUhCC4bp

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 24, 2017

Abramson doesn’t reveal much about his sources, but let’s just be aware that the intelligence community has long been rumored to have the goods on Trump. So yeah. Somebody’s leaking.

Daily Kos readers may also recall that according to the famous British spy dossier on the Russia connection, Carter Page was offered the brokerage commission on the sale of 19% of Rosneft if he could get US sanctions on Russia lifted. And apparently Trump himself wanted a piece of that action, to the tune of 0.5%; and whaddya know? Rosneft sold exactly 19.5% of its stock to person or persons unknown.


There has been discussion in the comments about the veracity of Seth Abramson’s reportage. Here is what I have been able to find so far doing a quick search:

1. Location of Trump's foreign policy speech was changed from NPC to Mayflower: True. http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/277308-trump-to-give-foreign-policy-speech-at- national-press-club

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 34 / 54 2. The space at the Mayflower was smaller than the NPC. False. The NPC's main ballroom has a capacity of 525, while the Mayflower's ballroom can seat 1150. Thus the Trump campaign's stated reason for the move -- "overwhelming interest" -- makes sense. Both sites have reception rooms adjacent to the main ballroom. http://www.press.org/services/event-facilities/main-level


3. There was a reception at the Mayflower before the speech. Ambassador Kislyak was at the reception, along with Trump, Sessions, and three other ambassadors: all True. http://nationalinterest.org/feature/statement-regarding-president-trumps-april-27-2016- foreign-19715

4. CNI has Russian connections: misleading.

The CNI (FKA the Nixon Center) appears to be bipartisan and very much into realpolitik. Henry Kissinger is one of the directors. They are focused on foreign affairs, but seem to have no particular love for Putin. http://nationalinterest.org/feature/what-does-putin-want-17938

5. Other ambassadors at the reception were from Italy, Singapore, and the Phillipines. True. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C7qDEvfV4AIf8N4.jpg

6. Italy and Singapore were key players in the Rosneft sale: partially true.

There appears to be no direct governmental involvement from either nation; however, an Italian bank was one of the key players in financing the deal, and a holding company in Singapore was the nominal buyer. (The ownership of that Singaporean company is impossible to trace.) But other nations were involved too: Qatar and Switzerland were also involved in financing the deal. http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1582OH

I'm also adding a link to the Steele dossier on Trump's Russia ties: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3259984-Trump-Intelligence-Allegations.html

Regarding the most explosive allegation by Abrahamson, that Trump was personally involved in the Rosneft deal, I have found no confirmation (nor did I expect to). If Abrahamson has sources, he’s not telling us who they might be. http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2017/3/23/1646686/-RussiaGate-blows-WIDE-OPEN-in- Abrahamson-report-High-crimes-and-misdemeanors-by-Trump-Sessions

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 35 / 54 2017-03-25 CIA Created ISIS — Assange Drops Bombshell on WikiLeaks Release of 500K US Cables By hqanon

By thefreethoughtproject

The founder of the transparency organization of WikiLeaks released a statement yesterday upon the release of over 500,000 diplomatic cables dating back to 1979, which succinctly reveals how the CIA was essentially responsible for creating the Islamic State (ISIS) terror group.

The timing of the release coincided with the sixth anniversary of WikiLeaks “Cablegate” release, which exposed the machinations of the underbelly of the U.S. empire. The latest release, known as the “Carter Cables,” adds 531,525 new diplomatic cables to the WikiLeaks’ already voluminous Public Library of U.S. Diplomacy (PLUSD).

In a statement released in concert with the release of the “Carter Cables,” Julian Assange mapped out how the events of 1979 began a series of events that have ultimately culminated in the rise of ISIS.

“If any year could be said to be the “year zero” of our modern era, 1979 is it,” said Assange.

Assange editorial on today's 500,000 cables from the "year zero" of the modern era https://t.co/EN0PW5LWeF pic.twitter.com/jJKFfVWDtn

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 28, 2016

Assange lays bare the reality that the roots of modern Islamist terrorism began through a joint venture by the CIA and Saudi Arabian government, to the tune of billions of dollars, to create a “Mujahideen” force to fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan – which ultimately led to the creation of al-Qaeda.

Assange is not alone in his claims either. According to a poll by the Express, the overwhelming majority of people understand that US foreign policy created ISIS.

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 36 / 54 Assange goes on to note that the subsequent attacks of 9/11, and invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, directly led to the rise of ISIS.

“In the Middle East, the Iranian revolution, the Saudi Islamic uprising and the Egypt-Israel Camp David Accords led not only to the present regional power dynamic but decisively changed the relationship between oil, militant Islam and the world.

“The uprising at Mecca permanently shifted towards Wahhabism, leading to the transnational spread of Islamic fundamentalism and the US-Saudi destabilisation of Afghanistan,” said Assange.

The narrative laid out by Assange exposes exactly how militant Islam was nurtured by the CIA and Saudi government as a mean of usurping the communist Afghani government, which had asked for Soviet assistance in combatting Islamic terrorism.

“The invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR would see Saudi Arabia and the CIA push billions of dollars to Mujahideen fighters as part of Operation Cyclone, fomenting the rise of al-Qaeda and the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.

“The 1979 current of Islamification spread to Pakistan where the US embassy was burned to the ground and Pakistan Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was executed.

“The Iranian hostage crisis would go on to fatally undermine Jimmy Carter’s presidency and see the election of Ronald Reagan.

“The rise of al-Qaeda eventually bore the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, enabling the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and over a decade of war, leaving, at its end, the ideological, financial and geographic basis for ISIS,” said Assange.

In addition to the rise of global militant Islam, the latest release also includes cables regarding the election of Margaret Thatcher as British Prime Minister. Three Mile Island nuclear incident is also covered as well as cables highlighting Henry Kissinger secretly working with David Rockefeller to find a place for the deposed Shah of Iran to hide.

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 37 / 54 “In 1979 it seemed as if the blood would never stop,” noted Assange. “Dozens of countries saw assassinations, coups, revolts, bombings, political kidnappings and wars of liberation.”

With the release of the “Carter Cables,” WikiLeaks’ has now published a total of 3.3 million U.S. diplomatic cables. Staying true to their motto – WikiLeaks continues to open up governments.

Below is a video interview with Assange where he highlights an email from the Podesta leak, which exposed that the governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are directly funding ISIS. In that email, sent on August 17, 2014, Hillary Clinton asked John Podesta to help put “pressure” on the Qatari and Saudi Arabian governments over their support of ISIS. State sponsorship of ISIS, by what is generally considered a close ally of the United States, is something that U.S. officials continue to refuse to acknowledge publicly.

Hillary Clinton’s email to Podesta reveals clearly the reality of the situation.

“We need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region,” Clinton wrote in the email.

'Clinton & ISIS funded by same money' - Assange interview w/John Pilger (Courtesy Darthmouth Films) https://youtu.be/k9xbokQO4M0


2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 38 / 54 2017-03-21 Secret Presidential Memorandum issued to Declassify Anti-aging & Free Energy Technologies

Dr Michael Salla http://exopolitics.org/secret-presidential-memo-anti-aging-free-energy/

According to secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, President Donald Trump issued a highly classified Memorandum soon after his January 20th inauguration ordering the release of group of classified patents concerning anti-aging and health, along with free energy technologies. The Top Secret Memorandum was sent to the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, and due to its classification status, it will not be accessible to major media for reporting.

The information received from Goode comes from a senior official in an interagency secret space program comprising the USAF, NRO, NSA, DIA which he describes as the Military Industrial Complex Secret Space Program (MIC-SSP). The official, whom he calls “Sigmund”, is investigating Goode’s claims and conducting an “information exchange” with Goode in the process (see Part One).

On March 16, Goode briefed me about his ongoing meetings with Sigmund and/or his two subordinates. The information provided by Goode was originally slated for release in an article, “Endgame III”, as the sequel to the popular Endgame II article and video. However due to the urgency of releasing this information without delay, it was passed on to me to get it out now.

In one of his “meetings” with Sigmund (and/or his subordinates) in late January, Goode was told about Trump issuing a Presidential Memorandum to declassify over 1000 patents from a pool of over 5000. Most of the 1000 patents deal with anti-aging and health technologies, yet some deal with material science and biochemistry and a few involve free energy inventions.

These technologies are widely used in a number of secret space programs, and the patents dealing with these have been repressed under national security orders. The USPTO has issued Federal Regulations that govern when patents are classified on the grounds of national security, and subsequently withheld from the general public:

[W]henever the publication or disclosure of an invention by the publication of an application or [W]henever the publication or disclosure of an invention by the publication of an application or by the granting of a patent is, in the opinion of the head of an interested Government agency,

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 39 / 54 determined to be detrimental to national security, the Commissioner for Patents at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) must issue a secrecy order and withhold the grant of a patent for such period as the national interest requires. A patent will not be issued on the application as long as the secrecy order is in force. If a secrecy order is applied to an international application, the application will not be forwarded to the International Bureau as long as the secrecy order is in force.

When a Department of Defense entity or a member of the Intelligence Community consider a patent to be a threat to national security, then the Patents Commissioner will issue a secrecy order preventing the patent from being publicly released.

The current number of patents that have been classified are approximately 5700 according to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), which matches the information given to Goode by Sigmund.

Source: https://fas.org/sgp/othergov/invention/stats.html

As the above table shows, the number of secret patents that are declassified each year has averaged roughly 0.5 percent annually.

Goode learned that the Pentagon and Intelligence agencies told Trump it would take 10 years to release them, but Trump told them to get it done within two to three years.

Evidence for Trump taking the bold step of declassifying secret patents as quickly as possible can be found in his inauguration speech. Towards the end of his speech, Trump uttered one sentence that contained his most developed vision of the future for America and its citizenry, which would result from the kind of declassification Memorandum Goode was told about. Trump said:

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.

If Trump succeeds in having over 1000 of these declassified over the next two to three years, it would represent 20% of the total. This would be a staggering average yearly increase of up to 2000 percent over previous years.

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 40 / 54 Trump’s Secret Memorandum to the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community is aimed at ultimately having the Patents Commissioner, who is currently Drew Hirshfeld, lift the secrecy orders issued by his predecessors on the 1000 patents marked for declassification.

Furthermore, monitoring the USPTO’s records of Secrecy Orders Rescinded for 2017, will offer a concrete means of verifying that Trump did indeed issue such a memorandum.

According to Goode, most of the secret patents ordered to be declassified deal with anti-aging and health. In particular, he said that telomere technology is very advanced in classified projects, and can enable healthy cell reproduction without aging and disease.

This is consistent with the claims of retired aerospace engineer, William Tompkins, who says that in early 2016, he was told by Navy officials that anti-aging technologies would be released in a two year period.

Tompkins was involved in the original corporate development of anti-aging technologies during his time as a systems engineer at TRW from 1967 to 1971. These technologies were subsequently used in secret space programs, which routinely use personnel for “20 year and back” programs that Goode and other whistleblowers claim they were subjected to.

The patents for these technologies developed at TRW are likely part of the 1000 patents marked for declassification under Trump’s Memorandum. Furthermore, Tompkins identified the San Diego headquarters of the Scripps Research Institute as being heavily involved in the study of anti-aging technologies, and it will be a major player in releasing these classified technologies to the public.

Support for Goode and Tompkins’ testimony regarding classified anti-aging technologies comes from geneticists who have recently publicly identified the genes that control the aging process. In stunning experiments, the results of which have been released in peer reviewed scientific journals, geneticists have demonstrated that they were able to reverse the aging process to varying degrees of success.

The lead genetic scientist in publicly announced age reversal studies is Dr. David Sinclair, who discussed in a November 2014 interview the results of his genetic experiments first conducted on mice:

We’ve discovered genes that control how the body fights against ageing and these genes, if you turn them on just the right way, they can have very powerful effects, even reversing ageing – at least in mice so far… We fed them a molecule that’s called NMN and this reversed ageing completely within just a week of treatment in the muscle, and now we’re looking to reverse all aspects of ageing if possible.

Declassifying anti-aging patents would revolutionize the medical and health industry, which have already made significant inroads into understanding and reversing the aging process.

Another industry that would be revolutionized by Trump’s Secret Memorandum is the energy sector. Declassifying free energy inventions would revolutionize the automotive and aviation industries, and make it easier for private industries such as SpaceX to develop far more efficient and advanced space propulsion technologies.

Most importantly, the release of free energy inventions will effectively end the power and influence of the oil industry. In a surprising case of synchronicity, one of the oil lobby’s biggest supporters,

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 41 / 54 David Rockefeller, died on March 20 at the age of 101. Rockefeller was notably known for his staunch support of maintaining the secrecy status quo.

The importance of Trump’s Memorandum to the Pentagon and Intelligence Community to declassify secret patents cannot be underestimated due to the revolutionary changes it would usher in. Opposition to such changes helps explain the rumors that Trump would not be allowed to take the office of the President despite the 2016 election result.

According to the information received by Goode from Sigmund, Trump was going to be assassinated before or during his Presidential Inauguration. However, the Pentagon in response threatened to launch an open military coup if Trump was assassinated.

The CIA, NSA and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in particular were warned that they would be surrounded by U.S. military personnel, and that top CIA, NSA, and DHS leaders would end up being arrested for facilitating the assassination.

Goode estimates that approximately 80% of the personnel in these civilian intelligence agencies are Cabal (Deep State) controlled, while approximately 50% of the FBI is under “White Hat” control. He was told that these agencies refuse to give the same briefings as given to President Reagan (see Part 1) about the MIC SSP, and the handful of alien groups known to them.

The impending declassification of over a thousand secret patents will clearly help Trump succeed in revitalizing the U.S. manufacturing industry, and providing millions of jobs. It appears that the release of these patents is timed to coincide with impending disclosures regarding discoveries in Antarctica, where advanced technologies have allegedly been discovered, and which will also have a revolutionary impact on a number of major industries.

Continued in Part 3. Click here for Part 1.

Many Thanks to Corey Goode for his corrections and suggestions to an earlier version of this article.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading • Will President Trump Disclose Antarctica Discovery to Start Economic Boom? • Trump Inauguration Speech Hints at Official Disclosure of Secret Space Programs • Age Regression used in Secret Space Programs confirmed as Scientifically Feasible • Partial Disclosure and Competing Secret Space Programs • Will President Trump Break the Secrecy Policy on Secret Space Programs? • Trump Victory Due to FBI Stopping False Flag Alien Invasion

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 42 / 54 2017-03-18 The Eclipses of August 2017 - Reasons of The Heart Carl Boudreau

"The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of." - Pascal

Reader advisory: I admit. What follows is an unashamed indulgence in astrological optimism. It is actually based on astrological principles, but it is intended to explore the positive side of upcoming astrological events.

Readers have been asking me about August's eclipses. August is still a way off, but I think it is possible to say some encouraging things about them.

In my last post, I talked a little about the difference between the effects of the Moon's Nodes on the Virgo/Pisces axis and their effects on the Leo/Aquarius axis. I will now offer more thoughts on those differences.

After August's eclipses the effects of the Moon’s Nodes on the Virgo/Pisces axis, will finally translate into positive changes in our lives. Patterns that have been repaired will manifest in the world as reforms. Patterns that we have destroyed will finally begin to disappear from the world.

This post is also about the disconcerting fact that old patterns, patterns that many of us want to see gone, linger and linger and linger. Nor do new patterns seem to be emerging fast enough at all. They are like snow that won't stick.

The fact that we’ve been releasing and healing patterns doesn't seem to be making much of a difference or enough of a difference. People are feeling more than a little stuck, frozen - and not in a good place.

Here and there, I know, a degree of panic is setting in. Who would guess that it’s the human heart that holds these old patterns in place and prevents new ones from emerging?

Much, if not most or even all, of our lives and personal relationships are woven tightly within and around the patterns that the Moon’s Nodes work with.

Directly or indirectly, most of these patterns involve some kind of important relationship, personal and/or professional.

So the circumstances of our lives are rooted in the patterns acted on while the Nodes were on the Virgo/Pisces axis.. And these patterns are rooted, in large part, in the human heart.

Our relationships friendships and romantic relationships are at inevitably woven into and/or rooted in the circumstances that are created by the old patterns. But relationships are also rooted directly or indirectly in our hearts. That’s what ultimately gives them their power, in my opinion.

Relationships are rooted partly in these patterns but also partly in our hearts. As our hearts fight to preserve these relationships they end up, inevitably, fighting to preserve - to hang on to - the patterns that gave rise to the circumstances of our lives and to the important relationships that exist in those circumstances.

So, one of the sources of the slowness of the shift is our heart as it fights to preserve its love relationships which are partly rooted in the patterns we are trying to heal and release.

So the patterns dredged up while the Nodes were on the Virgo/Pisces are still being fairly firmly held in place by the circumstances of our lives. Our most important heart-centered relationships

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 43 / 54 are bound up in these circumstances. So in our efforts to heal and release these patterns, and put them behind us, we are fighting our own hearts. In my opinion, ultimately changing these patterns will require a change of heart. And the Moon’s Nodes are now entering the Leo/Aquarius axis that governs the heart. That being the case, August’s eclipses will mark major change points in the working of our heart energy.

So many relationships that are dear to us depends on these patterns and the outer circumstances and that depend on these patterns. It is often from the bottom of their hearts that people want these patterns and circumstances to persist, despite their obvious imperfections and despite the great discomfort these patterns might be causing.

The Moon’s Nodes on the Leo/Aquarius axis are going to change things. It’s going to allow or compel the heart to change. It will also open up new possibilities for the heart, giving the heart appealing alternatives to its present attachments.

The Nodal transit of the Leo/Aquarius axis will create an energetic focus on heart energies. This energetic focus on heart energies will make the crucial, heart-centered bonds at the center of our existence, flexible and changeable.

The patterns we are dealing with will become truly changeable. It will cause changes in the heart and the last few things anchoring these patterns in our lives will begin dissolving in earnest.

We will finally begin to be able to change these vital patterns and form completely new ones, facilitating change. The foundations of change being understood here as the release and repair, or healing, of these patterns and their release by the human heart. And I think we are already beginning to feel this new dynamic.

At the same time, though, people are beginning to explore new possibilities. These possibilities are just not ready to supplant what currently exists or to usher in a new, different future. Indeed, if we're being perfectly honest, changes are creeping in here and there. Just nowhere near fast enough to suit most of us.

Also, contributing to the glacial slowness of change, we are at the very end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one. At such times, time seems to slow down. The Moon's Nodes are still just preparing to leave the Virgo/Pisces axis and are just beginning to approach the Leo/Aquarius axis.

In astrology, it is always about transitions within transitions within transitions, especially at the beginning and the end. There are frequently so many stages in astrological endings and beginnings. It often can take forever to complete one cycle and begin another.

However, we are also talking about an unusually deep, exceptionally thorough transformation. Such a transformation cannot, by its very nature, be fast. It would always have had to be slow and painstaking.

We wouldn’t want to and couldn’t rush through a deep transformation. Otherwise it wouldn’t be deep, or it wouldn’t be complete and we’d have to revisit it at some point in the future. Indeed, this transformative period has to be thorough, and slow, because many previous transformations were not.

They were quick, and sometimes deep and dramatic. But they were not thorough, they were a setup for further transformations at a later date. And so many found themselves revisiting issues they thought they had settled, only this time it was deeper and more complicated and more intense.

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 44 / 54 But I think - I know - that this is about much more than astrological timing, the fastness or slowness of archetypal energetic shifts, or the depth of ongoing transformations. I don’t think it is about high profile events on the astrology calendar, either. I think, when you get right down to it, this is really about stuff going on deep inside the human heart, some of it very deeply hidden.

A little thought reveals that it isn't enough to dredge up, and/or heal and/or release patterns. We must have a change of heart - however that comes about. The Moon's Nodes on the Virgo/Pisces axis is really just a stage that precedes the stage that will soon take place on the Leo/Aquarius axis - the axis of the heart, love, friendship, romance, etc. When their transit of the Leo/Aquarius axis is complete, the Moon’s Nodes will move on to the next, Cancer/Capricorn axis and start another stage in this process.

If you think about it, neither Virgo nor Pisces energies, nor the interaction between them, are amenable to a change of heart. They are too abstract, logical and otherworldly. However, Leo and Aquarius energies and the interaction between them are amenable to the required and probably inevitable change of heart.

It’s true, I believe, that the changes we currently yearn for and which are now just trickling into existence, will become more abundant and frequent as the Moon’s Nodes do finally leave the Virgo/Pisces axis and proceed onto the Leo/Aquarius axis. The rate of change will peak. Change and innovation will come in a flood.

In August, therefore, the Moon’s Nodes will have crossed completely onto the Leo/Aquarius axis. They will be working entirely with Leo/Aquarius energies - the energies of the human heart. August’s two eclipses will help bring us to breaking points - change points - as all eclipses do .

As the Nodes transit the axis of the human heart - which governs what we hope for ourselves (Leo) and what we hope for our society (Aquarius) will come to the surface. These are energies of the heart, of friendship and romance, of community. The energies of the human heart move secretively. Indeed they often don't reveal their existence or the fact that they have changed, so expect surprises.

Also, as the energies and patterns to which the human heart is attached, change, patterns and energies that govern and manifest in our individual and collective lives will begin to change in earnest.

In my opinion, therefore, August's eclipses will mark a special point of acceleration of the ongoing shift. All the requirements for real change, including those out of sight in the human heart, will have been met.

I believe that in the weeks immediately surrounding the August eclipses, people will actually start making real decisions - the decisions that have been looming but not happening for so many months, will take place. At long last there will be real movement, real change.

All the transitions within transitions will be complete. The Moon’s Nodes will be all the way off the Virgo/Pisces axis. They will be all the way onto the Leo/Aquarius axis. The endless transition will have been completed. We will finally be in the midst of new energies. And they will be in a position to allow changes. As they will have been for months. The stage will have been set for change.

Eclipses break connections between past, present and future. They trigger the heart’s final rejection of old patterns and its initial embrace of new patterns. Things will finally change because the heart will be ready to allow change.

Hence, I believe the August eclipses will break down the heart’s deepest attachments to the way things are, to the patterns that are currently in place and which support their existing relationships - these attachments will begin to give way and the door to the old pathways will close and the door to new pathways will open.

The heart's final abandonment of these old patterns and its embrace of new patterns will certainly not have been light or easy. But once this has happened, the floodgates of change will have opened. Change, as I said, will go from a trickle to a flood. https://www.facebook.com/notes/carl-boudreau/the-eclipses-of-august-2017-reasons-of-the- heart/10212726264019927

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 45 / 54 2016-07-16 Turkey’s president wants US to extradite exiled Poconos cleric By Joe Marino and Dean Balsamini

Ankara’s Public Enemy No. 1 is a reclusive 75-year-old imam from the Poconos — and Turkey’s president is demanding the United States hand him over immediately.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is blaming the nation’s bloody coup attempt on Fethullah Gülen, a dissident cleric living in exile in a small community 70 miles from New York City.

Gülen, a former ally who left Turkey in 1999, orchestrated Friday night’s uprising from his compound in Saylorsburg, Pa., Erdogan alleged Saturday.

The Turkish leader’s demand that Gülen be promptly extradited threatens to create a rift between the United States and Turkey at a key time during the international offensive against ISIS.

Already, Erdogan has closed Turkey’s airspace to military operations, hampering US efforts against the terrorist group.

The upheaval began Friday evening, when tanks and other armored vehicles appeared on the bridges, and F-16 fighter jets began streaking through the skies.

Erdogan, who was on vacation in southern Turkey, quashed the coup with the help of his own cellphone and the loyalty of citizens, who heeded his calls to take to the streets in protest.

From his cellphone, he delivered an address urging citizens to defend the democracy.

Turks poured into the streets of Istanbul and the capital of Ankara to confront tanks in fierce battles.

Gruesome videos posted on social media showed tanks crushing protesters who tried to block the machines’ path, bloodied bodies strewn on the streets of Ankara, and helicopters firing into civilian crowds.

The revolt left 265 people killed and 1,440 wounded amid clashes between rebel soldiers and security forces loyal to the government and civilians. Officials said more than 100 coup plotters

are dead. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech in Istanbul on Saturday.AP

By early afternoon Saturday, the bridges across the Bosporus strait in Istanbul were reopened after a night of gunfire and explosions.

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 46 / 54 “The situation is completely under control,” Prime Minister Benali Yildirim announced early Saturday afternoon, adding that more than 2,800 members of the military have been arrested.

The plotters were described as coming mainly from the air force, military police and armored units.

The uprising came amid a period of political turmoil in Turkey that critics have blamed on Erdogan’s authoritarian rule.

Critics accuse Erdogan, president since 2003, of growing more autocratic in office and making Turkey less secular, and more Islamic.

Erdogan vowed Saturday that those responsible “will pay a heavy price for their treason.”

He described the attempted insurrection as a “gift from God” because it will allow him to “cleanse” the army.

Indeed, after the government regained control, Erdogan cracked down, with his government dismissing 2,745 judges for suspected ties to Gülen.

Secretary of State John Kerry said the United States would consider handing Gülen over.

But first, Erdogan would have to offer proof of Gülen’s involvement, Kerry said.

“We stand by the government of Turkey,” Kerry said Saturday night from Luxembourg.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accuses Gulen (pictured) of being behind the attempted military coup in Turkey.G.N. Miller

Gülen, meanwhile, is denying any responsibility, even suggesting Erdogan himself staged the coup attempt to consolidate his power.

At Saylorsburg, Gülen, told reporters gathered in a prayer room Saturday that he was a “man of peace.”

“I don’t believe the accusations made by President Erdogan . . . I don’t believe the world takes them seriously,” he said.

“There is a possibility it could be a staged coup,” he said through an interpreter. “I simply leave the door of the possibility open.

“As someone who suffered under multiple military coups during the past five decades, it is especially insulting to be accused of having any link to such an attempt,” he said.

“I categorically deny such accusations,” he told reporters.

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 47 / 54 The cleric paused several times so his physician could take his blood pressure — and news photographers could take pictures.

The charismatic preacher, writer and political figure has lived in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania’s vacation mecca since 1999.

He has been described as a moderate who advocates interfaith dialogue, once having broken bread with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican.

A Gülen return to Turkey “would be suicide,” his adviser said.

In the 1960s, Gülen’s social-reform efforts made him one of Turkey’s most respected public figures.

He had a falling out with Erdogan after the president and his ruling party, AKP, blamed him for orchestrating corruption allegations that targeted senior ministers as well as Erdogan’s son Bilal in 2013, London’s Telegraph reported.

For much of the past decade, pro-Gülen media outlets backed investigations into alleged coup plots organized by Turkish military commanders.

Dozens of military officers, as well as secular writers, academics and businessmen, waited for years in prison for trials that critics called witch hunts, CNN reported.in the Poconos

It became increasingly dangerous to criticize the Gülen movement, the network reported. Ahmet Sik, a writer critical of Gülen, was arrested and jailed for more than a year on charges of supporting a terrorist group.

A court banned his book “The Imam’s Army,” which criticized Gülen followers, before it was published.

Now out of prison, Sik said the longstanding alliance between Erdogan and Gülen had collapsed into a bitter power struggle.

“There was a forced marriage, and the fight that began with who would lead the family is continuing as an ugly divorce,” Sik told CNN.

Additional reporting by Yaron Steinbuch http://nypost.com/2016/07/16/turkeys-president-wants-us-to-extradite-exiled-poconos-cleric/

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 48 / 54 2017-03-21 A Message to Lightworkers – March 21, 2017 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from the Galactics, Earth Elementals, Ascended Masters, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, fellow Light Beings!

We are pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

You have been traveling the equinox energies, and the shift in Light, as true Jedis in the making!

You are witnessing and aligning with not only Light in the sense that your cells are being transformed into higher frequencies, but Light data, in the sense that you are viewing yourselves and one another in renewed and higher ways.

We are aware that there is much unrest, uncertainty, and shadows of doubt crossing not only the minds of many individuals, but of whole cultures across your planet.

These may be seen not as obstacles, but as part of this tremendous shift to a higher plane, both in terms of physical matter and point of view—mass consciousness itself.

During these times when the Ascension process takes over so much of one’s day (and all of one’s night), it is natural and understandable that many would feel that things are slightly out of control, that even current outcomes are too uncertain to be trusted with feelings of peace and calm.

This is your moment, dear ones, to come out of the need for outcomes, for this “uncertain” moment holds the potential for a great leap forward in your evolvement.

For you have been taught that processes exist only for the outcomes they bring—that you work to create great financial abundance, for example, so that you will have that abundance.

Your soul knows differently.

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 49 / 54 He or she knows that you have incarnated here at this time for the evolvement itself. For the growth engendered by the journey, and not only for what the journey will bring.

And so there must be a love of growth, a relaxing of the grip of control and the need for outcomes as being the reason for the way forward, and a new respect and love for the way itself.

You are the way, as you have heard from numerous teachers.

You are the vessel that holds the Light that brings not only the abundance, but embodies the consciousness that says, “I AM abundance itself, as I AM Love, and I AM Light. I AM both the Creator and the created, and all is well.”

This is why you are here.

Not just to “get through” or “get by” and pay the bills, or to overcome the inequalities and crimes against humanity that have been occurring on Earth for centuries.

Nor are you here to only to gain outer learning and information—nor even to speak with us, though that can be a great encouragement and step forward.

Yet it is a step forward only because that moment of connecting with any of us of the higher realms reminds you that this is who and what you yourself are.

You are not then “reaching” into the higher realms; you are realizing in a single moment of synthesis that you are yourself the very stuff of the higher realms, embodied at present in one small human form.

And so in this time of renewal and turning of tides, we invite you to see yourself as not so small and helpless as you have been taught to see yourself, but to see the beautifully powerful spirit that cannot be held back, no matter what may happen to you outwardly.

Take a moment now to look at your energy, and to see that the aura and the many energy bodies in and around it flow out from your physical self in every direction.

Get a sense of how far your energies extend—then see them fill with a stream of higher Light that flows down from Alcyone, the Great Central Sun.

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 50 / 54 See the Light of your presence flow out from your body in every direction, till it fills your entire home, then your entire neighborhood, town, region, and country.

You will see now, that it continues to expand, flowing outward until it envelopes the entire planet, and beyond.

We use this process at the start of most of our guided meditations, because we wish to encourage every Light Being currently in human form to see how great and how extensive their energetic presence truly is.

Likewise, the influence of those energies.

Your influence—your energetic presence—extends in fact, to the whole of humankind, the whole of Earth, the whole of the galaxy.

So that when you are out and about doing your daily chores, and you see a child in distress, you are able to send Light to that child’s high heart, which comforts and encourages them at a core level, and to simultaneously extend that Light to every child and young person on the Earth.

Extend it all in need of encouragement now.

For many struggle at present, feeling that the sadness or shock or disengagement—the loss they are feeling, must mean that their life is over, or nearly over, and that it is best if they leave their bodies altogether.

That is not what those emotions indicate, whether they occur in an adult or a youngster.

Those feelings are the result of the multitudinous adjustments of mind, body, and Spirit, to the powerful Light pouring onto the planet from the Cosmos.

Far from indicating the end of any life, they are indicating a beautiful new beginning, an introduction to a whole higher form of human expression on the Earth.

But first, much detoxification of lower energies must occur.

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 51 / 54 Of course the ego-mind, trained as it is for survival, assumes that the release of these old attachments, identifications, addictions, judgments, expectations, and reactions, must surely mean that the “end is near.”

The end of that which you no longer want or need, however, is not an occasion for panic or sadness.

Even in the midst of grief, anger, or refusal to move on, the human heart has the capacity to sense that a miracle is in the offing.

And what you are seeing now, on your planet, is nothing less than a miracle.

Are there numerous smokescreens being thrown up before your outer eyes and fear-trained mind, to convince you that things are running the opposite of how you dream they can be?

Yes, of course—those well-planned (though shakily executed) schemes are afoot.

Yet do you still imagine that “those in control” really are in control?

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 52 / 54 That you and your fellow humans, even those only just now beginning to awaken, are the ones to bring this New Earth into noticeable alignment with everyday life?

You have seen a great deal [of] shifting, and have been emboldened and encouraged by it, or you would not even be reading these words.

You would be shoving aside this writing as if it were only so much “fairy tale nonsense” and moving on to the “hard news” that displays only what the old controllers deem fit for your consumption and their purposes.

Instead, you have met in this etheric space to agree with thousands of other Lightworkers (though only two or three are needed)—that yes, you will go out into the world today realizing that as Co- Creators of this new life, you are able, with only the smile that reassures or the encouraging word that bears witness to a higher reality, to carve from the block of marble that is Universal energy, a New Reality.

One where everyone is fed, housed, educated, and made well again.

Where all live in a peaceful environment, able to express their unique and irreplaceable gifts, and full of joy to do so.

Where families, couples, singles, and communities live according to the higher design of their own souls, rather than the programming of the old matrix.

Where Earth takes her place amidst the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds, with humility and grace.

And when can that begin? you ask. When does this New Earth come in?

And yet that is our question to you.

For in truth, you have begun it, purely by being on the Earth at this time and anchoring the higher energies required for fifth dimensional thoughtforms and outer forms to become part of everyday living.

And we ask that you anchor them for yourselves as well.

To have the courage—the gall and the unheard-of audacity—to stop a negative thoughtform in its tracks and to remind it that “I Am creating something far higher than your worry, or your judgment, or sadness. You can come along, or you can keep quiet. It’s up to you.”

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 53 / 54 For this is what is needed now, dear ones!

This is why the old phrase “Jump in the saddle” is needed now.

For no one can rescue you from outer circumstances that you have yourself, on a higher level, placed there to put yourself in the position of having to realize and use your own co-Creative power.

You may believe us when we say that whatever you may be gifted with, or cured of, or are fulfilled by, you will create the same challenging circumstances again and again, until you understand:

“I AM abundance! I AM health and well-being! I AM self-love, and able to give and receive the Love of another! I AM. And that is all that is needed here.”

And indeed, it is, though you have yet, most of you, to grasp that fully.

Here is your road, your way forward. And we are with you at every moment of it.

Namaste, dear ones! You are coming to see your glory, and we rejoice to see it.

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you http://carolineoceanaryan.com/2017/03/21/a-message-to-lightworkers-march-21-2017/

2017-03-25 Saturday History Call 54 / 54