Description of a New Species of Sawfly (Selandria) from Borneo

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Description of a New Species of Sawfly (Selandria) from Borneo Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU Bu Bee Lab 5-1-1908 Description of a New Species of Sawfly (Selandria) from Borneo Peter Cameron Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Entomology Commons Recommended Citation Cameron, Peter, "Description of a New Species of Sawfly (Selandria) from Borneo" (1908). Bu. Paper 221. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Bee Lab at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bu by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact l~,._\; . FROM THE ENTOMOLOGIST MA:.l 0 LONDON: WEST, NEWMAN & CO., 54, HATTON- GAR~EN ··West, Newman & · Co.'s List of -Books. THE "ENTOMOLOGIST: A Journal _of General Entomology. Monthly. Edited by RICHARD SouTH, F. E. S., assisted by Messrs. ADKIN, DISTANT, FITCH, FROHAWK, JACOBY, KIRBY, KIRKALDY,' LucAs, SHARP, and VERRALL. Frequeti( Woodcuts and occasional litho- graphed Plates. 6d. Annual subscription, _6s. post free ; · Conta ins original articles, by well -known .;Entomologists, ·on every branch of the science; notes on the habits and occurrence of Lepidoptera, Coleopt .era, Hymenoptera, Diptera, &c. ; Proceedings of Societies; Revi_ews, &c . Monthly lists of Duplicates and Desiderata. · ___ . · . THE 'ENTOMOLOGIST' SYNONYMIC LIST OF BRI­ TISH LEPIDOPTER-A. By RICHARD SoUTf_I, F.E.S. Demy 8vo. For Reference only, 6d. ;. in ditplicate ( printed on one side only of fine cream-wove paper for Labels, and on both sides for Ref erence), 2s. · The Exchange List (containing the whole of the I!ritish Lepidoptera complete on a single sheet of note-paper), 1d., post free 1½d,; one halfpenny stamp is sufficient postage for any number _of ,copies. THE INSECT HUNTER'S COMPANION. By the Rev. JosEPH GREENE, M _.A. Fifth Edition. Revised and extended by A. B. FARN. _ The Chapter on Coleoptera by. EDWARD NEWMAN; on Hymenoptera by FREDERICK · SMITH; 011 Breeding Gall.flies by EDWARD A. FITCH. Cloth, Fcap 8vo, 1s. 6d., postage 2d : l -Contains instru .ctions for coll~cting and preserving Butte rflies and Moths , Beetles , Bees, Flies, &c. ;_ where to find Moths ·and Caterpillars; how· to catch; how to bring I home without .injury; how to kill; how to set ; how to find the caterpillars; how to man age; how to feed; how to breed the perfect insects; and numerous similar subjects . "In . every way an excellent little book, ·and no young collector should -be without it. "-Field. THE INSECT HUNTERS: First Lessons in Entomology. By EDWARD NEWMAN. Fcap 8vo, 1s. 6d. Written in verse and addressed to a child. · ' · "Unrivalled as a First-Book in Entomology."-The late W. Spence. r "We know of no book that' contains so much information in so small a compass •on the habits and economy of Insects."-Natllral History Rev iew. _ A CATALOGUE OF BRITISH COLEOPTERA. By the Rev. W. W. FowLER, M.A., and the Rev. A. MATTHEWS, M.A. Demy 8vo. For reference, 1s. ; t~ree copies for 2s., to allow for use as Labels . CATA.LOGUE OF THE .LEPIDOPTERA OF . -IRELAND. By W. F. DE VisMES KANE, M.A., F.E .S., &c. This _cloth-bound volt,me rontains 166 pages, and a coloured Plate,preceded by an Introduction, in which· questions of climate, soil, &c., and their influence upon local dis- tribution, are considered. Price 5s., postage 4d. · 124 THE ENTOMOLOGIST. longer scutellum, differently formed . cori~m and membrane. Type, PhlaJa longirostris, Spin. In the 'Fauna of India-Hem. I.' Mr. Distant cites lineolatus as the type of Podisus, and in this he has unfortunately been followed by Schouteden (Gen. Ins.). Podisus was founded by Herrich-Schaffer in the 'Wanzen­ arti gen Insecten,' ix. 296, without mention of species. On p. 338 he describes five species, viz. punctipennis, strigipes, vittipennis, pallip e.~, and albiseptus. The first general treatment was appa· rently that of Stal in 1870. In that punctipennis is placed under Apatetiws; vittipennis under Poclisus; pallipes as uncertain; albiseptus under Tynacantha; strigipes under Minws. I think, therefore, that the type of Podisus is vittipennis (=bificlus). Montrouzierellus, n. n. = Platynopus, subgen. II Acanthornera, Montr. (type, melacanthus). Austromalaya, n. n.= IIspuclmus, Stal. Glaucias, n. n.= 11 Zangis, Stal. Bmria, n. n.= I!Panda, Distant .. Family CrnADIDJE. Psalmocharias, n. n. = II Sena., Distant. There are several points of nomenclature on which I hav e not answered criticisms as yet. These will be dealt with in detail in the Introduction to the first volume of the ' Catalogue of the Hemiptera ' now in the press. DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF SAWFLY (SELANDRIA) FROM BORNEO. BY P. CAMERON. Selanclria kuchingensis, sp. nov. Black, shining ; the apex of the femora narrowly, the basal three­ fourths of the tibire, and the tarsi white; wings iridescent, hyaline, distinctly suffused with fuscous ; the costa, stigma, and nervures black, the costa thicker than usual ; the first transverse cubital ner­ vure very faint, almost obliterated; the transverse radial nervure has the lower half bullated; the second recurrent nervure is received at the apex of the basal fourth of the cellule. Head and thorax bearing a short white pile. cf'. Length , 4 mm. Kuchin g, Borneo; May (John Hewitt). Basal joints of antennre fuscous, the third as long as the fourth and half of the fifth, the fifth, sixth, and seventh dilated, thicker .than the apical pair. Frontal area large, raised, widened towards tp.e apex, the top enclosing the lower ocellus. A stout keel between the antennre. Olypeus opaque, shagreened, its apex. broadly transverse. NOTES ON BRI'fISH BRAOONID.IE. 125 Palpi clear white. Mesonotum distinctly trilobate, the middle lobe with a deep furrow down the centre. Cenchri large, clear wh1te. The dorsal middle segments · of the abdomen are fuscous. Calcaria short, testaceous. The first joint of the hind tarsi is blackish-fuscous, narrowly white at the base and apex, the second is testaceous, blackish above, the third and fourth black, the fifth black, white at the base. NOTES ON BRITISH BRACONIDJE.-VI. BY . CL ,rnDE . MoRLEY, F.E.S., &c. (Continued from vol. xl. p. 254.) METEORID.IE. Tms small subfamily consists of some thirty species, which so closely resemble the ichn'eumonidous Hemiteles in the structure of their petiolated abdomen, &c., that I found an individual of the latter genus among them, while working on this paper, in my collection ; it also is related to the Euphoridro, among Braconids, though its possession of three cubital cells will at once distinguish it therefrom. Its species are mainly parasitic on Lepidoptera, sometimes socially but usually solitarily : one, I shall show, has been bred from a sawfly, and several are reputed to prey upon beetles ; while M. obfuscator is constantly being bred by coleopterists from -the heteromerous Orchesia micans in Boleti on elm trees. The following table will sufficiently distinguish our species, many of which appear at first sight very obscure, but become easily recognized with a little practice; and the last four or five are, perhaps, but ' varieties of the same. There is but one genus :- METEORus, Hal. (44) 1. Post-petiole discally bisulcate at the base. (5) 2. Radial cell of lower wing divided oy a transverse nervure (ZEMIOTES,Forst .). (4) 3. Costal and median cells of upper wing of subequal length . 1. albiditarsis, Curt. (3) 4. Costal cell distinctly shorter than the median . 2. caligatus, Hal. (2) 5. Radial cell of lower wing not divided. (7) 6. Costal cell as long or longer than median (PROTELUS,Forst.). 3. chrysophthalmus, Nees. (6) 7. Costa! cell shorter than the median. (33) 8. Recurrent nervure emitted before apex of first cubital cell. (12) 9. Antenme with at least thirty -five joints. (11) 10. Post-petiole twicelongerthanapically broad : abdomen longer . 4. deceptor, Wesm. 126 THE ENTOMqLOGIST • . (10) 11. Post-petiole decidedly shorter ; abdo- men also shorter . 5. pallidus, Nees. (9) 12. Antennre with at most thirty joints. (20) 13. Stigma unicolorous, flavidous or tes- taceous. (15) 14. Face piceous or black ; legs often in­ fuscate . 6. tabidus, Wesm. (14) 15. Face testaceous or rufesc ent. (19) 16. Sternauli deep; antenn re of female thirty-two jointed. (18) 17. Antennre infuscate or piceous . 7. pallidipes, Wesm. (17). 18. Antennre flavidous or testaceous 8. ictericus, Nees. (16) 19. Sternauli shallow ; antennre of female twenty-seven jointed 9. confinis, Ruthe. (13) 20. Stigma piceous or infuscate , usually paler basally. (22) 21. Legs broadly infuscate 6. tabidus, supra. (21) 22. Legs testaceous. (30) 23. Wings not clouded ; second cubital cell not contracted towards radial nervure. (29) 24. Wings not lacteous; abdomen usually pale-marked. (26) 25. Metathorax smooth . 10. vexator, Hal. (25) 26. Metathorax rugulose (not punctate). (28) 27. Head broader than thorax ; stigma larger and darker . 11. obfuscatus, Nees. (27) 28. He ad not broader than thorax; stigma smaller and paler . 12. punctiventris, Ruthe. (24) 29. Wings lacteous; abdomen nearly to- tally black . 13. atrator, Curt. (23) 30. Wings clouded ; second cubital cell distinctly contracted above. (32) 31. Second cubital cell strongly con- tracted, subtriangular . 14. albicornis, Ruthe. (31) 32. Second cubit al cell less contracted, trapeziform 15. abdominator, Nees. (8) 33. Recurrentnervureemittedatorbeyond apex of first cubital cell. · (35) 34. Length, 2i mm. ; terebra longer than abdomen . 16. jaculator, Hal. (34) 35. Larger; terebra not longer than ab- domen. (39) 36. Stigma piceous, sometimes externally pale. (38) 37. Stigma unicolorous piceous 17. melanostictits, Cap. (37) 38. Stigma paler, with the outer border stramineous . 18. pulchricornis, Wesm. (36) 39. Stigma pale, with the border some- times darker. (41) 40. Terebra as long as the abdomen; male unknown 19. consors, Ruthe. WEST, NEWMAN d CO., 54; HATTON GARDEN, LONDON.

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    BULLETIN 304 MARCH, 1929 THE ASIATIC BEETLE IN CONNECTICUT ROGER B. FRIEND 1 THE ASIATIC BEETLE IN CONNECTICUT ' The Bulletins of this Station are mailed free tc citizens of Connecticut who apply for them, and to other applicants as far as the editions permit. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OFFICERS AND STAFF BOARD OF CONTROL His Excellency, Governor John H. Trumbull, ex-oficio President Georgc A. Hopson, Secretary; ............................Mt. Carmel Wm. L. Slatc, Director and Treasurer. ....................New Haven Joseph W. Alsop. ..............................: ............Avon Elijah Rogers. ........................................Southington Edward C. Schncider.. ................................. kliddletown Francis F. 1,incoln. .......................................Cheshire STAFF. E. H. TENKINS. PH.D.. Director Emerilus. Administration. WM. L. SLATE,B.Sc., Director and Treasnrer. MISS L. M. BRAUTLECHT,Bookkeeper and Librarian. G. E. GRAHAM,In charge of Buildings and Grorrnds. Chemistry: E. M. BAILEY,PH.D., Chemist in Charge. Analytical C. E. SHEPARD Laboratory. OWENL. NOLAN HARRYJ. PISIIER,A.R. Assislanl Chemists. W. T. MATHIS DAVIDC. WALDEN,B.S. FRANKC. SHELDON,LaboraloryI Assislanl. V. L. CHURCHILL,Sampling Agenl. MRS. A. B. VOSBURGA,Secrelary. Biochemical H. B. VICLERV,PH.D., Biocheniisl in Charge. Laboratory. GEORGE'&I. PUCIIER,PH.D , liesearch Assislanl. MISS HELENC. CANNON,B.S., Dietilian. Botany. G. P. CLINTOS,Sc.D., Bolanisl in Charse. E. M. STODDA~DB.S. P~mLll~bi~l. MISS FLORENCE'A. M)CCORJIICK,PH.D., Pathologisl. HAROLDB. BENDER,B.S., Gradtinre Assislanl. A. D. MCDONNELL.General .4ssislanl. MRS. W. It'. I<ELSEY,Secretary. Entomology. W. E. BRITTON,PHD., &?rlomol~~islin Charge: Slate Enlomologisl. B 11. ~I'ALDEN,B.AGR. 14. P. Z.\PPE, B.S. Assistant Enlomologisls. PHILIPGARMAN,PH.D.
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