The Asiatic Beetle in Connecticut
BULLETIN 304 MARCH, 1929 THE ASIATIC BEETLE IN CONNECTICUT ROGER B. FRIEND 1 THE ASIATIC BEETLE IN CONNECTICUT ' The Bulletins of this Station are mailed free tc citizens of Connecticut who apply for them, and to other applicants as far as the editions permit. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION OFFICERS AND STAFF BOARD OF CONTROL His Excellency, Governor John H. Trumbull, ex-oficio President Georgc A. Hopson, Secretary; ............................Mt. Carmel Wm. L. Slatc, Director and Treasurer. ....................New Haven Joseph W. Alsop. ..............................: ............Avon Elijah Rogers. ........................................Southington Edward C. Schncider.. ................................. kliddletown Francis F. 1,incoln. .......................................Cheshire STAFF. E. H. TENKINS. PH.D.. Director Emerilus. Administration. WM. L. SLATE,B.Sc., Director and Treasnrer. MISS L. M. BRAUTLECHT,Bookkeeper and Librarian. G. E. GRAHAM,In charge of Buildings and Grorrnds. Chemistry: E. M. BAILEY,PH.D., Chemist in Charge. Analytical C. E. SHEPARD Laboratory. OWENL. NOLAN HARRYJ. PISIIER,A.R. Assislanl Chemists. W. T. MATHIS DAVIDC. WALDEN,B.S. FRANKC. SHELDON,LaboraloryI Assislanl. V. L. CHURCHILL,Sampling Agenl. MRS. A. B. VOSBURGA,Secrelary. Biochemical H. B. VICLERV,PH.D., Biocheniisl in Charge. Laboratory. GEORGE'&I. PUCIIER,PH.D , liesearch Assislanl. MISS HELENC. CANNON,B.S., Dietilian. Botany. G. P. CLINTOS,Sc.D., Bolanisl in Charse. E. M. STODDA~DB.S. P~mLll~bi~l. MISS FLORENCE'A. M)CCORJIICK,PH.D., Pathologisl. HAROLDB. BENDER,B.S., Gradtinre Assislanl. A. D. MCDONNELL.General .4ssislanl. MRS. W. It'. I<ELSEY,Secretary. Entomology. W. E. BRITTON,PHD., &?rlomol~~islin Charge: Slate Enlomologisl. B 11. ~I'ALDEN,B.AGR. 14. P. Z.\PPE, B.S. Assistant Enlomologisls. PHILIPGARMAN,PH.D.
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