Period Rooms in the Metropolitan Museum Of
Georgian style, 192-93, 2oo--2or Lansdowne, second marquess of (John Fitzmaurice) 153 Moore, Thomas, 153-54 Gibbs, James, •37 Lansdowne, third marquess of (Henry Fitzmaurice) ,150, Morgan, J. Pierpont, rS, S3 Gilbert, John, 151 153-54 Morosini family, 69 Giorgio Martini, Francesco di, 41, 42, 47 Lansdowne dining room, q6-55 Morris, Joshua, r6o Giovanelli, conte, 75 Lannuier, Charles-HonorC, 219, 220, 222 Mulliken, Samuel, 214, 271 Giuliano da Sangallo, 55 Larmessin, Nicolas de, 197 Murer, Christopher, 65, 67 Goldberg, J., 49 la Roze, Erienne-Henri-Stansilaus de, 129 Goodwin, Philip, 185 Ia Raze, Mme de ( Marie de Saint Marc), 129 Napoleon III (emperor of the French), 77, z63 Gothic architecture and decoration, 54 Latrobe, Benjamin, 229 Nash, Theophilus, 220 Gothic Revival library, 252-59 Lawford, Henry, 250 Nattier, Jean Marc, So Gauthier, Pierre, 108 Le Brun, Charles, So, 90 Navailles, comtesse de, III Grasse (France), room in house from, 106-15 Lee, Jeremiah, 201 Neate and Pigou, 202 Greek Revival style, 220 Lee, Mother Ann, 231 Neilson, Jacques, 16o-62, r64 New York City parlor in, 238-43 Lees-Milne, James, 154 Neoclassical style, r2, 89, 107, n8, 127, 129, 132, 133, 141, 151, grotesque decoration, s6, 6r---62, Il9 Lefranc, Jean Baptiste Antoine, roo 154, 155, 159, r6r, 164, 216, 22o, 225, 229, 239, 271 Gubbio studiolo, 9, >2, 4o-47 Leithner, Johann Georg, 8S Nero, 56 Guerchy family, So Le Lievre, Antoine, 85 Newburgh (New York), library from, 252-59 Gumley, John, 144- 145 Lepaute, Jean Baptiste, le Jeune, w8 New England Glass Company, 245 Gunning, Maria, 159 Leven and Melville, earl of, 143 New Lebanon (New York), Shaker retiring room from, II, library, New York Gothic Revival, 252-59 2 3()-37 Hallett, William, 141-43 Linnell, John, 151-53 New York City Hamilton, Gavin, 150 Linsky, Jack and Belle, ror Greek Revival parlor from, 238-43 Hardouin-Mansart, Jules, 79 Litchfield, Lord, 141 Rococo Revival parlor from, 244-51 Hart, Alice, 172-73 Little, Mr.
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