Council District Facilities Management Committee Agenda of the Second Meeting in 2020

Date: 10 March 2020 (Tuesday) Time: 9:30 a.m. Venue: Conference Room of the Sai Kung District Council 3/F, Sai Kung Tseung Kwan O Government Complex 38 Pui Shing Road, , Tseung Kwan O

Agenda (Revised)

I. Confirmation of Minutes of the 1st District Facilities Management Committee (DFMC) Meeting held on 16 January 2020 (9:30 a.m. – 9:35 a.m.)

II. New Items

(A) Working Groups under DFMC (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 2/20) (9:35 a.m. – 10:05 a.m.)

(B) Application from ethnic minorities to use the assembly hall and the conference room of Kin Choi Community Hall (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 3/20) (10:05 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.)

(C) Improvement works on recreation and sports facilities under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) in 2020-21 (Phase I) (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 4/20) (10:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.)

III. Matters Arising (10:30 a.m. – 12:10 p.m.)

(A) Request to follow up the construction and future operation of the Football Association’s Football Training Centre in Area 77 and to make good preparation for its interfacing with the periphery leisure facilities to generate complementary and synergistic effects Request the Football Training Centre in Tseung Kwan O to designate a better location for its entrance/exit, adjust the spotlight settings and open its venue to the public as soon as possible Request for providing a pedestrian link to connect Tseung Kwan O South Waterfront Promenade with Football Training Centre (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 5/20)

(B) Suggest providing road signs and a shade structure near Chinese Permanent Cemetery, request the Management Board of the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries to carry out district consultation on significant alteration or extension before implementation and submission to SKDC for discussion and suggest setting up a first aid station and providing an escalator

(C) The issue referred by the Traffic & Transport Committee: Conducting survey on pedestrian flow for the proposals to construct covered walkway (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 6/20)

(D) Use of SKDC notice boards

IV. Report Items (12:10 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.)

(A) Progress Report of the Endorsed District Minor Works Projects and Progress Report of the Feasibility Studies on District Minor Works Proposals (SKDC(DFMC) Paper Nos. 7/20 and 8/20)

(B) Financial estimates for funding District Minor Works (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 9/20)

(C) Report on the management of leisure facilities in Sai Kung District by LCSD from September 2019 to February 2020 (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 20/20)

(D) Report on community halls/community centre in Sai Kung District (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 10/20)

V. Proposals and Motions Raised by Members

(A) The 4 works proposals raised by Members (12:30 p.m. – 12:50 p.m.)

(1) Installation of ramps for wheelchair users and reconstruction of the stone staircase at Fisherman Village in Pak Sha Wan (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 11/20)

(2) Provision of seats at the viewing platforms at both ends of the Northern Bridge in Tseung Kwan O (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 12/20)

(3) Reinstallation of nest letterboxes at Chuen (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 13/20)

(4) Provision of a cover at the footpath at Po Hong Road and Po Fung Road near 2

Serenity Place (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 14/20)

(B) The 5 motions raised by Members (12:50 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.)

(1) Request for redeveloping Tsui Lam Sports Centre into a multi-storey sports centre and carrying out re-planning to allocate space for providing additional cultural, recreational and sports facilities (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 15/20)

(2) Request for improving the existing cover of the spectator stand at Tseung Kwan O Sports Ground, providing spectator stands on various sides of the Sports Ground to increase the seating capacity and improving problems such as wind resistance and noise nuisance to meet the standards for staging major sports events (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 16/20)

(3) Request for improving the situation of light and noise nuisance generated from Tseung Kwan O Sports Ground (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 17/20)

(4) Request for providing additional automated external defibrillators at all sections of Tseung Kwan O South Waterfront Promenade (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 18/20)

(5) Review the operation and management of SKDC notice boards and suggest the notice boards be open for use by SKDC Members for publicity of district matters (SKDC(DFMC) Paper No. 19/20)

VI. Any Other Business (1:15 p.m. – 1:20 p.m.)

VII. Date of Next Meeting

(Remarks: (1) Each member may participate for a maximum of two times in the discussion of every single item and the time for each speaking is limited to two minutes. (2) The time allotted for the agenda items is based on estimate only and the actual time 3

will depend on the progress of the meeting.) c.c. Representatives of government departments in attendance at the meeting of DFMC

District Facilities Management Committee Sai Kung District Council 2 March 2020

Ref: ( ) in HAD SK DC 13/30/1/1 Pt.24