Economists (and Vietnamese Fashion)

● Galbraith ○ ■ Countervailing power ■ critiques the idea that free markets will provide socially optimal solutions ○ The Great Crash, 1929 ○ ■ critiqued the “central tradition” in economics ■ followed by his The New Industrial State ■ coined “conventional wisdom” ■ “the dependence effect” ■ originally titled “why the poor are poor” ■ advocates a “new class” of workers ■ advocates an increased in public spending in education ○ The New Industrial State ○ The American Left and Some British Comparisons ○ Economics and the Public Purpose ○ ○ The Nature of Mass Poverty ○ The Anatomy of Power ○ A Tenured Professor ○ The Culture of Contentment ○ The Economics of Innocent Fraud ● Krugman ○ New York Times­affiliated blog, Conscience of a Liberal ○ The Return of Depression Economics ○ New Trade Theory and New Economic Geography ● Keynes ○ The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money ○ The Economic Consequences of the Peace ■ Keynes expresses his dislike of the Treaty of Versailles ■ He thought that the Allies were being too harsh on Germany ○ Treatise on Money ○ Treatise on Probability ○ How to Pay for the War ○ Tract on Monetary Reform ■ In the long run we are all dead ○ [Not a fan of the gold standard] ○ [Has a namesake “cross­diagram”] ○ [Supporter of deficit spending] ○ [proposed a bancor global currency] ● Matlhus ○ An Essay on the Principle of Population ■ Compares arithmetic growth of food vs. geometric growth of population ○ Principles of Political Economy ○ An Inquiry into the Nature and Progress of Rent ○ The Crisis [Paine wrote a work of the same name] ○ [Supported the Corn Laws] ● Hayek ○ The Road to Serfdom ■ Chapter in it entitled “The Socialist Roots of Nazism” ○ Why I Am Not a Conservative ○ The Constitution of Liberty ○ Law, Legislation, and Liberty

For next week: Veblen Friedman Ricardo Quesnay