Ebo Wwn Global Meeting Yerevan 2018
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E V E E B O W W N N T G L O B A L N M E E T I N G E Y E R E V A N W S 26-27 NVMBR 2018 L E T T E R HOSTED BY: IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: W W W . E B A . A M 26 NOVEMBER EBO WWN GLOBAL MEETING YEREVAN E B OPENING CEREMONY O W Up to 40 European Business Organizations W (EBO’s) each representing the markets N outside the EU, gathered in Yerevan to participate in the two-day European Business G Organizations Worldwide Network (EBO L WWN) Global Annual Meeting, hosted by the O member of EBO WWN European Business B Association Armenia (EBA Armenia) in A partnership with Business Armenia. L Acting Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Tigran M Avinyan, acting Minister of Economic E Development and Investments Mr. Tigran E Khachatryan, Ambassador, Head of the T I European Union Delegation to Armenia, H. E. N Mr. Piotr Świtalski, DG GROW (EU G ACTING DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER OF ARMENIA Commission, MR. TIGRAN AVINYAN Y E Directorate-General for Internal Market, R Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs) E International Relations Officer Mr. Maxime V Bablon, Chairman of the EBO WWN Mr. A Renato Pacheco Neto have welcomed over N 200 participants of the event and stressed 2 the importance of the event. 0 Ambassador, Head of the European Union 1 Delegation to Armenia, H.E. Mr. Piotr 8 Świtalski mentioned that the two-day EBO N WWN Global Annual Meeting, hosted by the E European Business Association Armenia, is W a very important platform for experience S sharing and synchronising EU approach on L the improvement of the business E AMBASSADOR, HEAD OF THE EU DELEGATION IN environment and investment climate T ARMENIA H.E. MR. PIOTR ŚWITALKSI worldwide. T E R 26 NOVEMBER EBO WWN GLOBAL MEETING YEREVAN E OPENING CEREMONY B O W W N G L O B A L ACTING MINISTER OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CHAIRMAN OF THE EBO WORLDWIDE NETWORK AND INVESTMENTS MR. TIGRAN KHACHATRYAN MR. RENATO PACHECO NETO M E “European Business Organizations Worldwide Network's Global Annual Meeting is a great E T opportunity for the businesses from Network’s Member Countries to learn more about new I economic policy of the Republic of Armenia and the developments in business N environment in the country”, said EBO WWN Chairman Mr. Renato Pacheco Neto. G Y E R E V A N 2 0 1 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF EBA ARMENIA DG GROW INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICER 8 MS. DIANA SARUMOVA MR. MAXIME BABLON N E “During the three years since the establishment of EBA Armenia and being a member of W the EBO WWN, the Government has always cooperated with us aiming at the business S environment improvement. Likewise today, the Government and state agencies are L supportive to the business community in order to ensure better conditions for the public- E private dialogue and enabling investments climate”, stated the Executive Director of T T European Business Association in Armenia, Ms. Diana Sarumova. E R 26 NOVEMBER EBO WWN GLOBAL MEETING YEREVAN OPENING CEREMONY E More than 200 participants of the event were presented Armenia’s investment climate and B favorable trade conditions during the “Select Armenia” presentation by the acting executive O director of “Business Armenia” Foundation Mr. Armen Avak Avakian. The General Manager of Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Armenia Mr. Christoph Speck, the W Head of Law Practice in EY Armenia Mr. Levon Gevorgyan, the Executive Director of German W Business Association Mr. Dietmat Stiel, representartive of Renco Armestate Mr. Gegham N Baklachev made presentations on opportunities for EU-Armenia market expansion. The CEO of Golden Grape Armas Ms. Victoria Aslanian presented the history of the “ArmAs” brand and its G unique niche as an Armenian wine producing and exporting company. L O B A L M E E T I ACTING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS ARMENIA GENERAL MANAGER OF COCA-COLA HBC N FOUNDATION, MR. ARMEN AVAK AVAKIAN ARMENIA, MR. CHRISTOPH SPECK G Y E R E V A N 2 0 HEAD OF LAW PRACTICE IN EY ARMENIA, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF GERMAN BUSINESS 1 MR. LEVON GEVORGYAN ASSOCIATION, MR. DIETMAR CARL STIEL 8 N E W S L E T T E CEO OF "GOLDEN GRAPE ARMAS", REPRESENTATIVE OF RENCO ARMESTATE, R MS. VICTORIA ASLANIAN MR. GEGHAM BAKLACHEV W W W . E B A . A M 26 NOVEMBER EBO WWN GLOBAL MEETING YEREVAN E B BREAKOUT SESSIONS, PRESENTATIONS O The opening ceremony of the meeting was followed by Q&A session and business networking. W W N G L O B A L The second half of the meeting’s first M day have started with the internal E breakout sessions on EBO topics. E Issues of economic diplomacy, T business advocacy, professional I exchange of international best N practices are included in the agenda of G EBO WWN Global Meeting in Yerevan. Y E R E The 1st part of the internal breakout V sessions kicked off on November 26 with A the presentations made by the Vice N Chairman of the EBO WWN, Executive Director of European Chamber of 2 Commerce in Vietnam, Ms. Almut Roessner 0 1 regarding the phase III of SEA IPR SME 8 Helpdesk, EU-Free Trade Agreement guidelines for EBOs, key partners and N stakeholders, on how to best cooperate E from negotiation to ratification. W S EBO WWN VICE CHAIRMAN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR L OF EBO VIETNAM , MS. ALMUT ROESSNER E T T E R 27 NOVEMBER EBO WWN GLOBAL MEETING YEREVAN BREAKOUT SESSIONS, PRESENTATIONS E B On November 27 O DG GROW International W Relations Officer Mr. Vladimir W Zuberec arrived in Yerevan and joined the breakout sessions, N during which Ms. Arevik G Abrahamyan, the Marketing L Coordinator of the EBA O Armenia member Hyatt Place B Yerevan prepared a brief A presentation on their activities L in Armenia. M Also, she answered the questions of EBOs regarding E E the challenges, perspectives T and expectations from the I further development of N tourism and hospitality HYATT PLACE YEREVAN, MARKETING COORDINATOR, G MS. AREVIK ABRAHAMYAN industries in Armenia. Y During the breakout sessions on November 27, EBOs were presented the series of E presentations by their counterparts from EU Chamber of Commerce in China. Namely, R Senior HR Manager of European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Ms. Nina Jiang E (Beijing) presented HR best practices, Government Affairs Director (Shanghai) Ms. Helei V Fu and Gneneral Manager (South China) Mr. Francine Hadjisotiriou correspondingly made A N presentations on Advocacy and Chapter best practices. 2 0 1 8 N E W S L E EBO CHINA, SENIOR HR MANAGER, EBO CHINA, GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS EBO CHINA, GENERAL MANAGER, T MS. NINA JIANG DIRECTOR, MS. HELEI FU MS. FRANCINE HADJISOTIRIOU T E R 27 NOVEMBER EBO WWN GLOBAL MEETING YEREVAN E WRAP-UP AND APPOINTING NEW BOARD B O MEMBER OF THE EBO WWN W During the two-day meeting, the EBOs have W discussed various topics regarding the N further development of the Network, as well as the experience of operation in certain G phases of the development of an EBO have L O been shared. B Several working groups of EBOs have been A formed, based on the regions of the L countries they represent. Thus, the EBOs have developed some approaches for the M further cooperation in their regions, shared E experience, as well as then presented the E results of their discussions and revealed T I issues. N G The working groups' discussions and presentations were followed by the wrap-up Y session, which finalized the meeting. E R E During the final speeches of the meeting, V EBOs expressed their gratitude to Ms. Almut A Roessner, Executive Director of the European N Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam, the outgoing Board Member and Vice Chaiman of 2 the EBO Worldwide Network, mentioning the 0 1 importance of her work in this key position 8 during all these years. N E This was followed by the address of the Chairman of the EBO WWN, Mr. Renato Pacheco W Neto, who presented the joint proposal of the EBO WWN Board, according to which Ms. Diana Sarumova, the Executive Director of European Business Association in Armenia, S was appointed as the new Board Member (Vice Chairman) of the EBO Worldwide Network. L E The corresponding procedures will be implemented in accordance with the internal T regulations of the EBO WWN. T E R 26-27 NOVEMBER EBO WWN GLOBAL MEETING YEREVAN MEDIA COVERAGE E B Publication on EBA Armenia website (in Armenian) O W Publication on EBA Armenia website (in English) W N Armenian Public TV "Lurer" Video reportage Publication on the website of the Government of Armenia (in Armenian) G Armenia TV "Zham" Video reportage L Business Armenia (Publication in O 1in.am Video reportage Armenian) B Armenpress Photo Story A Business Armenia (Publication in L English) Armenpress (Publication in Armenian) M E Armenpress (Publication in English) E T Hetq (Publication in Armenian) I N Hetq (Publication in English ) G Y B24 (Publication in Armenian) E Banks.am (Publication in English) R E Banks.am (Publication in Armenian) V A ArmTimes.am (Publication in Armenian) N Haynews.am (Publication in Armenian) 2 0 1 8 FOLLOW US ON N FACEBOOK - @EBAARMENIA E TWITTER - @EBA_ARMENIA W LINKEDIN - EUROPEAN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION ARMENIA S L INSTAGRAM - @EBA_ARMENIA E YOUTUBE - EBA ARMENIA T T E R.