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Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 10 May 2018

Apologies: There were no apologies for absence

Present: Chairman Cllr Mark Flavell Vice Chairman Cllr Nigel Powlson Cllrs Sue Fulford, Barbara Marshall, Chris Norris, Arthur Renshaw and Ken Rudman Parish Clerk Mrs Rita Hill 1 Member of the Public

Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman for 2018 / 2019

After some discussion Cllrs proposed Cllr Mark Flavell to remain as Chairman and Cllr Nigel Powlson to remain as Vice Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Arthur Renshaw. Seconded by Cllr Ken Rudman. All in favour.

Register of Members’ Interest forms

All Cllrs handed over their completed forms. Parish Clerk to forward to ESBC. Action – Parish Clerk.

Policies, Procedures and other related documents

Chairman reminded Cllrs that at the May 2016 Parish Council meeting Cllrs agreed to review these documents on a bi-annual basis, so time has come to review them. Action – Parish Clerk to forward details to Cllrs. All Cllrs to look through the documents for the next meeting.

Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting were agreed as read. Proposed by Cllr Barbara Marshall. Seconded by Cllr Ken Rudman. All in favour.

Chairman informed everyone that Mr Stephen Smith had resigned as Borough Cllr and that sincere thanks had been sent to him for all his support.

Declaration of Interests

None were received.

Matters Arising

Co-option of Councillor. Cllr Chris Norris to complete Royal Bank of Scotland forms for the next meeting. Action – Cllr Chris Norris.

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Public footpath no. 6 believed to have been diverted / barbed wire fence and public footpath nos.17 and 7 re defective stiles. Updates to be sought from SCC Rights of Way. Action – Parish Clerk.

Parish Council Newsletter. Comments have been received relating to the public footpaths article regarding the ‘other side of the story’. Cllrs agreed to place this information in the next newsletter. Action – Parish Clerk.

Accounts for Payment

Mrs R Hill, Parish Clerk salary’s for May 2018 and expenses £ 506.51 Pension Fund, Pension (May payment) £ 148.15 Bloomin’ Gardens & Landscapes Ltd, Grass mowing invoice 643208 £ 84.00 CPRE, Renewal of annual membership £ 36.00 Zurich Municipal, Parish Council Insurance Renewal £1,005.73

All of the above accounts were proposed for payment by Cllr Ken Rudman and seconded by Cllr Sue Fulford. All in favour. Action - Parish Clerk to action the payments.

The Contractor has not responded with regard to the withheld invoice.

Chairman distributed the current receipts / payments accounts for 2018 / 2019.

Letter from Royal Bank of Scotland re Introducing Business Banking Switch. All Cllrs agreed to sign the Parish Council up to the switch. Action – Parish Clerk.

General Correspondence

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). DMPayroll has confirmed that they would be the Parish Council’s Data Protection Officer (DPO) and that there would be no further costs from DMPayroll for the current year, but that there may be costs from the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). Cllrs agreed to continue to employ DMPayroll. Action – Parish Clerk. Chairman and Parish Clerk in the interim had put together a Privacy Notice which has been uploaded to the Parish Council’s website. Chairman to forward passwords to the Vice Chairman. Action – Chairman.

Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Staffordshire re The 2018 National Rural Crime Network Survey. Details to be uploaded to the Parish Council’s Latest News webpage. Action – Parish Clerk.

Zurich Municipal re Parish Insurance Renewal. Chairman reminded Cllrs that last year the Parish Council agreed to take out a long term agreement with Zurich. Chairman explained why there was an £11.58 increase. Proposed by Ken Rudman. Seconded by Cllr Sue Fulford. All in favour. Due to timescales cheque to be raised at tonight’s meeting. Action – Parish Clerk.

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Chairman asked the Parish Clerk and Member of the Public to leave the meeting room so that Cllrs could discuss the Parish Clerk’s salary award.

NALC re 2018-2019 National Salary Award. Approved. Proposed by Chairman. Seconded by Vice Chairman. All in favour.

Parish Clerk and Member of the Public returned to the meeting room.

Planning Applications and Related Matters

The Swan Public House. ESBC Planner to be contacted for an update and be advised that an event was held on Saturday 5 May. Action – Parish Clerk.

Marchington Old Barracks Site/Relief Road – Stubby Lane – Moreton Lane. Mr Richard Norgrove has advised that he met with County Cllr Philip Atkins on 30 April. County Cllr Philip Atkins has advised that he wishes to attend the June Parish Council meeting and has also suggested a pre-meeting with the Chairman, Vice Chairman or one other Cllr. Action – Parish Clerk. Chairman advised that correspondence had been received from Parish Council asking for an update and that this had been provided. Marchington Parish Council also provided information of a recent meeting that they had attended with representatives from Hortons Estate regarding Marchington Industrial Estate.

Mr Andrew Griffiths MP. Carried over from April meeting: A reminder has been sent to Mr Andrew Griffiths MP regarding his offer to contact Mr John Howell MP (planning advisor).

Travellers Site Sudbury Crossing. ESBC Planner to be contacted for an update. Action – Parish Clerk.

East Staffs Brownfield Land Survey. Evans of Leeds has advised that they applied last June for the land to be put in the SHLAA. ESBC to be been contacted as land was not in recent SHLAA. Action – Chairman.

The Lont. Cllrs were updated on documentation on ESBC’s website regarding The Lont particularly in relation to the sewerage system / flooding. ESBC Planner to be contacted. Action – Parish Clerk.

Decision Notice: P/2018/00228: Erection of a two storey front extension and dormer window. Birch Tree Cottage, Stubby Lane, Marchington. Permitted.

Rolleston on Dove Parish Council re Neighbourhood Development Plan. Action – Parish Clerk.

South Derbyshire District Council re Local Green Spaces Plan: Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report. Noted.

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Circulars Received


Highway / Traffic Matters

30mph Feasibility Study – Interim report. County Cllr Philip Atkins has made a request to attend the June Parish Council meeting. Action – Parish Clerk.

Staffordshire Freight and Communities Forum / A515 Working Group. Carried over from April meeting: Date of the Working Group meeting was postponed to 23 March – Chairman attended. Chairman also attended the Forum meeting on 10 April. Chairman explained that SCC was committed to reducing the number of HCVs through (target reduction of 70%, therefore effect on about 40% reduction) and that SCC has employed Amey to determine the best way to achieve this either weight limits or turn restrictions on the A513 and Wood End Lane Kings Bromley. Additional measures are being considered for Yoxall, e.g. extensions to the 30mph speed limit, gateways and a zebra crossing in Yoxall. Other areas to be included in these and future initiatives include Barton under Needwood and Shobnall Road in Burton. Some of the above requires DfT approval and implementation is therefore some months away. Specific actions for Draycott in the Clay that County Cllr Philip Atkins was supportive of were 30mph speed limit and pelican crossing, but currently are not in the current plan. To be followed up with Cllr Atkins. Action – Chairman.

Hortons’ Estate Limited re Permissive route and hedge, Stubby Lane. As no response has been received Chairman to contact Mr Richard Norgrove again. Action – Chairman.

Footpath overgrown, Stubby Lane (opposite Kuehne & Nagel site entrance). A call has been logged with SCC Highways Team – ref. no. 4099871 - fault categorised by inspector on 5 January 2018. Awaiting works to fix the fault – Category 3. 90 days ends on 5 April 2018.

Green footpath overgrown, Stubby Lane (opposite The Barn). A call has been logged with SCC Highways Team – ref. no. 4099872 - fault categorised by inspector on 5 January 2018. Awaiting works to fix the fault – Category 3. 90 days ends on 5 April 2018.

Missing reflective post - build out, Toby’s Hill. A call has been logged with SCC Highways Team – ref. no. 4097555 - fault categorised by inspector on 8 December 2017. Awaiting works to fix the fault – Category 3. 90 days ends on 8 March 2018. Action – Parish Clerk to chase up.

Police & Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire re Speed Awareness Signs. Carried over from April meeting: Response received from Brown Edge Parish Council. Chairman advised that this item had been discussed at the recent A515 Working Group meeting at

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which it was suggested that Kings Bromley, Yoxall and Draycott in the Clay Parish Councils purchased one sign between them all. Chairman asked Cllrs if they thought it to be a good idea in principle – all Cllrs said they were in favour. Chairman raised that a circular had also been received from Elan City about their Radar speed sign. Regarding funding of such a project the meeting had been advised of possible funding solutions - Road Safety Grant available through the Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership and the Police and Crime Commissioner has a fund – People Power Fund. Chairman added that another possibility could be County Cllr Philip Atkins’ Local Community Fund. Cllrs agreed for the Chairman to take this decision back to the two Parish Councils. Action – Chairman.

Community Speed Watch. Cllr Arthur Renshaw advised that he had spoken to the Parish’s CSW Co-ordinator and it was decided to place an article in the next Parish Council Newsletter seeking for volunteers. Action – Parish Clerk.

Two blocked drains in Stubby Lane. Calls have been logged with SCC Highways Team call refs: 4108689 near to The Cedars, Stubby Lane - Highway was clear at time of inspection. Gullies are emptied according to a schedule that the inspector does not control. Enquiry closed. Highways have been advised that the pipe between the two drains is blocked - call status information has not been updated. 90 days from the email update of 24 April 2018 ends 23 July 2018. 4105223 near to Kuehne & Nagel site entrance - Fault categorised by inspector by Inspector on 15 March 2018. Awaiting works to fix the fault – Category 3. 90 days ends on 13 June 2018.

Balfour Beatty re closure of A50. The closure planned for 14 May has been postponed and would now start on 25 June for 5 nights. Chairman advised the meeting that he had received a number of telephone calls and it has been suggested to the Chairman that the Parish Council asked Mr Colin Morris, Route Manager to a public meeting to explain why the closure was necessary and why a 5 night closure was the most appropriate way to deal with the works rather than e.g. a contraflow. Action – Chairman.

Wide Loads, Stubby Lane. To be raised with County Cllr Philip Atkins at the June Parish Council meeting. Action – Parish Clerk.

Ironman – Sunday 10 June – details of route. Noted.

Village Facilities, Maintenance and Landscaping

Weekly inspection reports. Inspection reports received.

Inspection report. Inspection report received from Wicksteed. Chairman went through the following items which were rated as medium risk; 1) Bark depth was low – recommended adding 6.4 cubic metres – Wicksteed quoted £1,071.00. Action – Parish Clerk to obtain another quote.

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2) Embankment slide with tunnels. Cllrs agreed to go back to Wicksteed on the issue of the tunnels being oval shaped. Action – Parish Clerk. 3) Zip wire – braking mechanism does not work correctly. Cllrs agreed to go back to MacGroundworks with this issue. Action – Parish Clerk.

The report also raised that “the road has a 40mph speed limit, but there appear to be no road signs indicating the presence of the playground to passing motorists”. To be raised with County Cllr Philip Atkins at the June Parish Council meeting. Action – Parish Clerk. Inspection report to be circulated to Cllrs. Action – Parish Clerk

Damaged glass in noticeboard. Cllr Arthur Renshaw kindly offered to look into this. Action – Cllr Arthur Renshaw.

Village Hall Update

Details have been received from the Village Hall Committee regarding their AGM reports. Forthcoming events: Barn Dance on Saturday 2 June and Live and Local on Saturday 23 June.

Any Other Business

It was reported that drinking glasses believed to be from The Swan PH were being left on playing field. Poster to be created. Action – Parish Clerk.

It was reported that public footpath no. 10 was overgrown. Cllrs agreed to write to Savills in the first instance. Action – Parish Clerk.

It was raised that 22 acres of land was up for sale on brownfield land off Moreton Lane within the Parish.

Dog fouling issues along Greaves Lane and Riddings Lane was raised. Cllrs agreed to place an article in the next Parish Council Newsletter. Action – Parish Clerk.

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017/18 Part 3

Cllrs received all the financial documentation to study prior to the meeting.

Annual Internal Audit Report. Firstly, the Parish Council received and noted the annual internal audit report.

These next statements were covered in the following order of approval:

AGAR1 - Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2017/18 (Section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return). Chairman and Cllrs considered then approved and agreed ‘yes’ to each annual governance statement. Proposed by Cllr Barbara Marshall. Seconded by Cllr Sue Fulford. All in favour. Chairman then signed the Annual Governance Statement as confirmation of approval.

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AGAR2 - Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2017/18 (Section 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return). Section 2 had already been signed and dated by the Responsible Financial Officer prior to presenting to the Parish Council for approval. Chairman and Cllrs considered then approved the accounting statements. Proposed by Cllr Arthur Renshaw. Seconded by Cllr Barbara Marshall. All in favour. Chairman then signed the Accounting Statements as confirmation of approval.

Exercise of public rights. The date for the commencement of the period for the exercise of public rights was set for 28 June 2018 by the Responsible Financial Officer on behalf of the Parish Council.

Responsible Financial Officer / Parish Clerk to publish on the Parish Council’s website the approved and signed Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statements along with documentation regarding the Exercise of Public Rights. Responsible Financial Officer / Parish Clerk to submit the completed Annual Return and requested papers to Mazars LLP by 6 July 2018. Action – Responsible Financial Officer / Parish Clerk.

Cllrs agreed to the purchase of a small gift of appreciation for Mr Eric Wagstaff. Proposed by Cllr Barbara Marshall. Seconded by Cllr Arthur Renshaw. All in favour. Action – Parish Clerk.

As no other business arose the open meeting closed at 9.00 p.m.

Date of the next monthly meeting: Thursday 14 June 2018, 7.30 pm, Village Hall.

Signed Date


2018 – Dates of Parish Council meetings:

12 July 13 September 11 October 8 November 13 December

Minutes of the Parish Council meetings can be viewed in the noticeboard located outside the Village Hall and

Draycott in the Clay Parish Council has adopted the Model Publication scheme as approved by the Information Commissioner. Details are available via the Parish Council meeting or via the Parish Clerk.