Know Your Own Ship
This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. Knowyourownship ThomasWalton S>■ '<QtRAS& r KNOW YOUR OWN SHIP: A SIMPLE EXPLANATION THE STABILITY, TRIM, CONSTRUCTION, TONNAGE, AND FREEBOARD OF SHIPS, TOGETHER WITH A FULLY WORKED OUT SET OF THE USUAL SHIP CALCULATIONS (FROM DRAWINGS). SPECIALLY ARRANGED FOR THE USE OF SHIPS' OFFICERS, SUPERINTENDENTS, ENGINEERS, DRAUGHTSMEN, AND OTHERS. THOMAS WALTON, LATE LECTURER ON NAVAL ARCHITECTURE TO SHIPS' OFFICERS AND STUDENTS IN THE GOVERNMENT NAVIGATION SCHOOL, LEITH, AND IN MIDDLESBROUGH SCIENCE SCHOOL; AUTHOR OF "CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF SHIPS BUILT OF STEEL. TOUtb IRumerouB illustrations. FOURTH EDITION, GREATLY ENLARGED. LONDON: CHARLES GRIFFIN AND COMPANY, LIMITED; EXETER STREET, STRAND. 1899. [All Eights Reserved.] USv . VV2. 4- /399 PREFACE TO FOURTH EDITION. Duking the three years which have elapsed since the First Edition of this work was issued, the Author has received numerous responses to the invitation then given for " sug gestions and communications." These have come from ships' officers, engineers, and from students of naval architecture, working in shipyards. Though the original intention was to exclude the somewhat elaborate calculations involved in arriv ing at many of the conclusions dealt with in this work — dis placement, moment of inertia, righting moment of stability, etc., etc., — the communications received have proved beyond doubt that such calculations would be welcomed by a very large section of readers as a valuable addition to the book The author has been agreeably surprised to discover that many sea-going folk are not satisfied to merely understand and use the results of calculations given to them, but are determined to know and understand the whole process of calculation, by means of which these results are obtained, and, in consequence, very many hours have been spent in replying to queries of this nature.
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