508 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 14 National Service Emergency Regulations 1940.-Amendment to 33A, folio 192, Block XVI, Waitemata Survey District, North Declaration of Essential Undertakings (No. 19). Auckland Land District. As the same is more particl!l,,,rly delineated on a plan marked Army P.J:'. 50, 205/3/1, deposited at Army Headquarters at Wellington, and thereoµ edged red and hatched black. TN. purauance' of the powers conferred upon, him, by· Regula ..1. .· tion 9 af the National Service Emergency Regulations ARAPUNI HYDRO·ELEOTRW WORKS AREA . 1:940,. the Minister of J'fatibnal Service doth, hereby· amend All. that. area of land in the Auckland Land District, being the Declaration of Essential Undertakings (No,. 19) by portions of Crown land and part of the land· taken for Ara puni including therein the undertakings set furtli hereunder :----, Water-power Development Scheme by Proclamation No. Acme Engineering, Ltd;, at Petone. 6030 (S.0. 28396), Block XII, Maungatautari Survey Distx:ict. Staples and Hardy, Ltd.,.at Auckland. As the same is more particularly delineated on. a. plan mai,ked Mudgway Bros., Ltd., at Auckland. Army P.P. 51, 205/3/1, deposited ,it Army; Headqµarters. at T,.J, Davenpor.t and.Sons, Ltd., at Wellington. Wellington, and thereon edg.ed red.·. · Electric Products, Ltd., at Auckland. New Zealand Electric Lamp Manufacturers, Ltd., at MoTUROA ISLAND, BAY. OF ISLANDS. Miramar,. Wellington. All that area of land cont,.,lning by admeasnrement· 363 Ma'Cliine- Tools (New Zealand) Manufacturihg Co., at acres O roods 36 perches, situ.ated in Bloc]i: XIU,, Kerikeri Wellington.
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