THE LONDON GAZETTE, 20 AUGUST, 1940 25Th June 1940

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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 20 AUGUST, 1940 25Th June 1940 50Q2 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 20 AUGUST, 1940 25th June 1940. (43543) relinquishes his temporary commis- William Hedley CLIFF (37567). sion on return to Army duty. I3th June 28th June 1940. 1940. Alan Vernon ROGERS (37424). The notifn. in the Gazette of 23rd July 6th July 1940. 1940, concerning Pilot Officer on probation Jefferson Heywood WEDGWOOD (37645). Wyndham McCay OSBORNE (42467) is cancelled. The undermentioned Pilot Officers are pro- moted to the rank of Flying Officer: — ERRATUM. In the Gazette of 23rd July 1940, notifn. 17th June 1940. concerning 363760 Sergeant Leonard Donald Jack Albert HOLMES (33413). WILSON (44307) should have appeared under Henry Francis Dempster BREESE (33379). the heading " ROYAL AIR FORCE " instead of Holroyd Armitage Boardman PORTEOUS " ROYAL AIR FORCE VOLUNTEER RESERVE," (33395). and his personal number is as now stated. William Denys Butterworth RUTH (33397). Philip Richard Steuart FILLEUL (33383). TECHNICAL BRANCH. Hugh Vernon MATTHEWS (33389). The undermentioned are granted commis- Anthony James PAYN (33367). sions for the duration of hostilities as Flying Hubert Neville GARBETT (33386). Officers on probation:— Thomas Charles MURRAY (33392). Warrant Officers. Frank Anthony PLINSTON (33394). 4th July 1940. (Seniority gth May 1940.) 27th June 1940. 227775 Robert Stenlake BLOYE (44272). Neil Hyland SVENDSEN (40327). 30th July 1940. 29th June 1940. (Seniority gth May 1940.) Anthony George Wills PAUL (40564). 358847 Charles Owen COOK (44273). Richard Anthony LEWIS (40545). The undermentioned are granted commis- 7th July 1940. sions for the duration of hostilities as Pilot Ronald Walter WALLENS (70708). Officers on probation:— Warrant Officers. 17th July 1940. July 1940. John Douglas George WITHERS (40491). (Seniority yd July 1940.) 25th July 1940. 352651 Albert Edward Alexander Natalie TASKER (40442). MACDONALD (44274). Henry Rupert Priestly Stanhope 117745 Walter Henry WESTGATE (44275). BILBROUGH (40360). Flight Sergeants. Air Vice-Marshal Sir Patrick Henry Lyon. 25th June 1940. PLAYFAIR, K.B.E., C.B., C.V.O., M.C., is (Seniority i6th May 1940.) granted the acting rank of Air Marshal. 5th 362070 Leslie George LEECH (44276). Aug. 1940. i7th July 1940. Air Commodore Charles William NUTTING, (Seniority i6th May 1940.) O.B.E., D.S.C., is granted the acting rank 363592 Cecil John Fox (44277). of Air Vice-Marshal, ist Aug. 1940. 361662 Henry Augustus Philip WATKINS Air Commodore Arthur John CAPEL, (44278). D.S.O., D.F.C., relinquishes the acting rank 2ist July 1940. of Air Vice-Marshal. 27th June 1940. (Seniority yd July 1940.) Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles Stuart 363261 William Edgar SULLY, A.F.M. BURNETT, K.C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., is (44279). seconded for special duty, igth Jan. 1940. 22nd July 1940. Wing Commander George Stacey HODSON (Seniority i6th May 1940.) (07153).is seconded for special duty. 6th 560031 Albert Walter Sydney BROWN Apr. 1940. (44280). The undermentioned are transferred to the 3ist July 1940. Technical Branch. 24th Apr. 1940: — (Seniority i6th May 1940.) Wing Commanders. 363907 Reginald Harry ALLEN (44281). Richard Douglas STARLEY, M.C. ,(04224). Sergeants. i8th July 1940. Squadron Leaders. (Seniority i6th May 1940.) Frank Edmund STOKES (26215). 561436 Clifford ALDRIDGE (44281). Richard George STONE (33044). George Ernest WATT (05232). 20th July 1940. Ronald Joseph CARVELL (22238) (since (Seniority ^oth May 1940.) promoted). 349097 Henry Charles James Leslie Pilot Officer on probation Kenneth Walter CONNELLY (44283). GODFREY (77353) is transferred to the 335492 Sergeant Harry FAULKNER (44284) Administrative and Special Duties Branch, is granted a commission for the duration of igth July 1940. hostilities as Acting Pilot Officer on probation. Wing Commander Gerald Gladstone 3ist July 1940 (seniority 20th June 1940). WALKER, M.C. (05005), is placed on the re- BALLOON BRANCH. tired list, isth Aug. 1940. Pilot Officer Alfred James JONES .(9°7I4) Pilot Officer Douglas James Maurice is transferred to the Technical Branch. 25th COTTON MINCHIN (2nd Lt. Cameronians) July 1940..
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