Eta Sigma Gamma 2012 Chapter Annual Reports

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Eta Sigma Gamma 2012 Chapter Annual Reports ETA SIGMA GAMMA 2012 CHAPTER ANNUAL REPORTS ETA SIGMA GAMMA NATIONAL OFFICE 2000 UNIVERSITY AVENUE MUNCIE, IN 47306 1-800-715-2559 Chapter Reporting Person Submitting Title Alpha –Ball State University Jenna Domer President Beta – Eastern Kentucky Jonathan Vorbeck President University Eta- Central Michigan Kaitlyn Hanisko President University Iota – The University of Toledo Bethany Burgess President Nu-Indiana University Julie Bolinger President Pi – Western Illinois University Amanda Divin Faculty Sponsor Rho- Kent State University Laurie Wagner Faculty Sponsor Sigma-James Madison Casey Bailey President University Phi – University of Colorado Danielle Brittain President Omega-Illinois State University Allison Martin President Alpha Alpha- Southern Illinois Shanell McGoy President University Carbondale Alpha Gamma- University of Julie W. Merten Faculty Sponsor North Florida Alpha Lambda – University of Holly Turner Moses Faculty Sponsor Florida Alpha Omicron –Temple Brieanna Downs President University Alpha Pi- Texas A&M Faith Fitzpatrick President University Alpha Phi – Texas Women’s Jackie Rakowsky President University Beta Alpha- University of Dr. Georgia Keeney Faculty Sponsor Minnesota Duluth Beta Delta – Eastern Michigan Dr. Megan Rickard Faculty Sponsor University Beta Theta- East Carolina Jamie Williams President University Beta Kappa- Minnesota State Natalie Hazel President University Beta Nu – Eastern Illinois Heather Byrne President University Beta Phi- University of Erin Lunt Secretary/Treasurer Wisconsin-LaCrosse Beta Psi- SUNY Brockport Linda Ballog Faculty Sponsor Beta Omega-New Mexico State Beth Renick President University Gamma Delta-Southern Illinois Gina Goebel Faculty Sponsor University Gamma Eta – University of Liliana Rojas-Guyler Faculty Sponsor Cincinnati Gamma Iota – Georgia College Barbara Funke Faculty Sponsor & State University Gamma Kappa – Liberty Amy McLaughlin Chapter President University Gamma Lambda-University of Cynthia Chacon President Texas-El Paso Gamma Mu- Western Dr. Amos Aduroja Faculty Sponsor Michigan University Gamma Pi – Hofstra University Aleta Labiento Faculty Sponsor Gamma Rho- Truman State Alaina Kramer Historian University Gamma Upsilon-Georgia Monica McKenzie President Southern University Gamma Phi – North Carolina Dr. Seronda Robinson Faculty Sponsor Central University Gamma Chi- Clemson Shane Ashbaugh President University Delta Zeta – Coastal Carolina Christine Po President University Delta Eta – Ohio University Johanna Kayser President Delta Iota- Southern Deb Risisky Co Faculty Sponsor Connecticut State University Delta Lambda- Malone Dr. Pam Hoalt Faculty Sponsor University Delta Omicron – Lamar Vera Akinkuotu President University Delta Pi-Bridgewater State Alysabeth Haris President University Delta Rho-California State Bryana Price President University, Fullerton Delta Sigma-Keene State Deborah Bonfanti President College Delta Tau – Columbus State Michele Andrews President University Delta Phi – University of Jessica Sloan President Michigan-Flint Delta Chi – University of Texas- Michelle Cyrkin President San Marcos Epsilon Alpha-Baylor Daphne McGee President University Epsilon Beta-Rutgers Haliun Ayush President University Epsilon Gamma – Monmouth Stephanie Egbert President University Epsilon Delta – University of Dr. John Moraros Faculty Sponsor Saskatchewan Epsilon Epsilon – Prairie View Ryan Johnson President University Epsilon Zeta – Boise State Ashley Grigsby President University Epsilon Lambda – City Dr. David Ajuluchwkwu Faculty Sponsor University of New York Chapter # of Meetings # of Initiates Alpha 13 7 Beta 12 7 Eta 13 15 Iota 16 12 Nu 17 7 Pi 12 11 Rho 10 16 Sigma 13 14 Phi 9 2 Omega 15 21 Alpha Alpha 8 10 Alpha Gamma 7 21 Alpha Lambda 15 37 Alpha Omicron 21 18 Alpha Pi 14 62 Alpha Phi 11 4 Beta Alpha 9 20 Beta Delta 8 9 Beta Theta 8 10 Beta Kappa 14 9 Beta Nu 11 18 Beta Phi 15 16 Beta Psi 0 23 Beta Omega 12 7 Gamma Delta 6 22 Gamma Eta 7 0 Gamma Iota 0 0 Gamma Kappa 9 10 Gamma Lambda 8 14 Gamma Mu 29 10 Gamma Pi 24 20 Gamma Rho 24 5 Gamma Upsilon 8 9 Gamma Phi 8 9 Gamma Chi 7 35 Delta Zeta 7 34 Delta Eta 13 8 Delta Iota 25 22 Delta Lambda 9 10 Delta Omicron 10 10 Delta Pi 5 6 Delta Rho 8 48 Delta Sigma 6 24 Delta Tau 12 18 Delta Phi 4 11 Delta Chi 8 8 Epsilon Alpha 12 2 Epsilon Beta 14 21 Epsilon Gamma 6 7 Epsilon Delta 12 56 Epsilon Epsilon 4 15 Epsilon Zeta 8 12 Epsilon Lambda 0 31 Awards Given by Chapters Distinguished Service Alpha Lambda-Rebecca Barnes, Jamie Delude, Altavia Evans, Amanda Harmer, Christina Hill, Lauren Hobbs, Talonda Johnson, Gabrielle Leon, Wana Lucate, Alyssa Miller, Krystal Sardinas Alpha Pi-Elena Arreola Beta Nu-Stephanie Rhoads Gamma Delta-Jessica Heitzman Gamma Mu- Jared Badour Delta Zeta- Johnny Mau Delta Rho-Taylor Schmelz Honor Award Alpha-Emily Sullivan, Shamika Crowder Eta-Jennifer Crawford Rho-Megan Osgood, Tim Williams, Gwen Schnittger, Aly Campbell, Jackie Basista, Leanna Lampkin Alpha Lambda-Sarah Napolitano, Ashley Van Patten, Magda Schmitzberger, Holly Luttman, Kevin Baker, Megan Thomas, Claire Johnston, Jessica Drew Gamma Delta- Nathan Roth Delta Zeta-Deanna Havener Delta Rho-Taylor Schmelz Honor Key Recipients Alpha Lambda-Kevin Baker, Genesis Calzado, Maria Chaves, Alyssa Collins, Sarah Coughenouer, Chardene Dash, Jamie Delude, Anakaren Diaz, Jessica Drew, Ashley Dueling, Altavia Evans Beta Nu-Danielle Carroll Gamma Delta- Ashley Henry Gamma Mu-Holly Ferweda Delta Zeta- Sarah DePerini Delta Rho- Tammy Tseng Delta Phi: Colleen Livingston Special Awards None Chapter Officers Key President – P Vice President – VP Secretary – S Treasurer – T Historian – H Other – O Faculty Sponsor – FS Alpha Jenna Dormer,P Erika Glaze, S/T Dr. Becci Brey, FS Beta Jonathan Vorbeck, P Chelsea Tipmore, VP Felicia Reeves, T Emily Green, H Linsey Dunn, S Dr. Phyllis Bryden, FS Dr. Michael Ballard, FS Eta Kaitlyn Hanisko, P Megan Miller, VP Kendall Motzel, VP Carrisa Schmidt, VP Kelsey Turek, S Lauren Johnson, T Shannon Schmultz, H Dr. Irene O’Boyle, FS Iota Bethany Burgess, P Amy Nagle, VP Amelia Huelskamp, S Olivia Brown, H Amy Thompson, FS Nu Julie Bollinger, P Sam Shrader, VP Julie Bollinger, S/T Dr. Trent Applegate, FS Pi Jessica Boyle, P Catalina Samplier, VP Chaundra Bishop, S/T Angela Castello, H Dr. Amanda Divin, FS Rho Megan Osgood, P Tim Williams, VP Patrice Deleon, S/T Gwen Schnittger, H Cassandra Feesler, T Laurie Wagner, FS Sigma Casey Bailey, P Rachel Otto, VP Lauren Kelley, S Heather Gentile,T Dr. Theresa Enyeart Smith, FS Phi Mallory Jordan, P Danya Carroll, VP Casey Peirce, S Nicole Oreskovich, H Megan Braunschweig, T Danielle Brittain, FS Omega Allison Martin, P Ceara Stang, VP Allison Skul, S Stephanie Luehr, T Adrian Lyde, FS Alpha Alpha Shanell McGoy, P Martinique Free, VP Erin Fogarty, T Bethany Kies, H Helen Hogue, S Dr. Joyce Fetro, FS Alpha Gamma Milani Montemayor, P Jaime Sanders, VP Alex Howard, S/T Venessa Bannon, H Dr. Julie W. Merten, FS Alpha Lambda Sarah Napolitano, P Ashley Van Putten, VP Holly Luttman,S Magda Schmitzberger, S Jessica Drew, H Kevin Baker, T Holly Turner Moses, FS Alpha Omicron Brieana Downs, P Amethyst Wilson, VP Jamie Karinch, S Courtney Carrington, T Dr. Sarah Bass, FS Alpha Pi Kellie Nolen, P Kelsey Doege, VP Faith Fitzpatrick, S Sarah Placker, T Brandon Boykin, H Beth McNeill, FS Amber Muenzenberger, FS Alpha Phi Jackie Rakowski, P Rebecca Purcell, VP Jacqueline Lauder, S Kristen Miller, H Allison Vrzalik, Dr. Roger Shipley, FS Beta Alpha Kristen Gates, P Alina Granholm, VP Shannon Flaherty, S/T Lana Steck, H Dr. Georgia Keeney, FS Beta Delta Jacklyn Chandler, P Emily VanWormer, VP Deidre Hardemon, S Claire Krukowski, T Dr. Megan Rickard, FS Beta Theta Shakirah Shriver, P Brooke Taylor, VP TeWanda Terry, S/T Antwoine Kornegy, H Jamie Williams, FS Beta Kappa Natalie Hazel, P Eva Kranz, VP Megan Callahan, S/T Judith Luebke, FS Beta Nu Heather Byrne, P Molly Rhodes, VP Stephanie Rhodes, S Tasha Buchmiller, H Vanessa Wright, T Kathleen Phillips, FS Beta Phi Jessica Ramel, P Brooke Kuster, VP Erin Lunt, S/T Grace Lind, H Keely Rees, FS Beta Psi Dr. Linda Balog, FS Beta Omega Beth J. Renick, P Laura Valentino, VP Samantha Arnold, S/T Olivia Seppi, S/T Dr. Rebecca Palacios, FS Gamma Delta Nathan Roth, P Sean Halbrook, VP Ashley Henry, S Mike Sanford, T Cheryl Caribardi, H Gina Goebel, FS Gamma Eta Asia Harris, P Angelica Hardee, VP Shakeyrah Elmore, S Rhyanne McDade, Dr. Liliana Rojas-Guyler, FS Gamma Iota Barbara Funke, FS Gamma Kappa Amy McLaughlin, P Chelsey Lacks, VP Amber Taylor, S Jessica Simpson, T Dr. Jeffrey Lennon, FS Gamma Lambda Cynthia Chacon, P Samantha Ungos, VP Maria Llamas, S/T Kristen Hernandez, S/T Tanya Durbin, H Dr. Sharon Thompson, FS Gamma Mu Holly Ferweda, P Jared Badour, VP Amanda Wurtsmith, S/T Katherine Hendrickson, H Dr. Amos Aduroja, FS Dr. Marianne Frauenknecht, FS Gamma Pi Sarah Kahn, P Aaquil Ali, VP Catherine Sabatino, S/T Dr. Aleta Labiento, FS Gamma Rho Joan Scacciaferro, P Justin McDermott, VP Deirdra Frausto, S/T Alaina Kramer, H Dr. Carol Cox, FS Gamma Upsilon Monica McKenzie, P Tiffany Blake, VP Jacquelyn Hughes, S/T Dr. Joanne Chopak-Foss, FS Ashley Walker, FS Gamma Phi Sereatha Chatmon, P Michael Hammond, VP Brittini Blalock, S Divine Mayaka, T India Johnson, H Dr. Seronda Robinson, FS Gamma Chi Shane Ashbaugh, P Elizabeth Hughes, VP Brittany Fennell, S Dr. Sarah Griffin, FS Delta Zeta Christine Po, P Jackie Joyner, VP Jermisha Coakley, S Sharon Sweat, S Fredanna M’Cormack, FS Delta Eta Johnna Kayser, P Melissa Papic, VP Ashley Roberts, S/T Tania Basta, FS Delta Iota K. Keaghan Hamilton, P Tiffany Zoummarieh, VP Sarah Beauleau, S/T Ethan Fusaris, H Dr. Sandra Bulmer, FS Dr. Deb Risisky, FS Delta Lambda Mariah Vacha, P Lisa Triska, VP LaTosha Campbell, S Stacy Studer, T Dr. Ken Hoalt, FS Dr. Pam Hoalt, FS Delta Omicron Vera Akinkuotu, P Twana Wilson, VP Ismatara Reena, S CHANIQWA FILLS, T Arva Smith, H Barbara Hernandez, FS Delta Pi Alysabeth Harris, P Katie Audette, VP Natasha Manganiell, S/T Lydian Burak, FS Delta Rho Bryana Price, P Tammy Tseng, VP Peter Van, Tara Ibe, S/T Michelle Sirisuk, H Dr.
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