The Warren Report and the Jfk Assassination: Five Decades of Significant Disclosures

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The Warren Report and the Jfk Assassination: Five Decades of Significant Disclosures THE WARREN REPORT AND THE JFK ASSASSINATION: FIVE DECADES OF SIGNIFICANT DISCLOSURES September 25-28, 2014 Bethesda Hyatt Regency Become a Member of the AARC Support the declassification of government records relating to political assassinations by becoming a member of the AARC. Visit our website to join online or print application to send with check or money order. Annual Membership: Contribution of $35 or more Annual Student Membership: Contribution of $10 or more Lifetime membership: Contribution of $500 or more Member benefits include: • Discounts on AARC CD-ROM • e-mail updates and newsletters • Discounted use of on-site AARC Research facilities • Discounts on book purchases from the AARC • Discounts on AARC-sponsored events Program Schedule Thursday September 25, 2014 6:30 PM until conclusion: Meet and greet in our Hospitality Suite (the Presidential Suite). Free to AARC members. Membership can be purchased at the door for $35 less the $25 registration fee discount for members or $10. 7:00-9:00 PM Registration Friday, September 26, 2014 PRELIMINARIES 8:00-8:10 AM Introduction: Alan Dale and James Lesar 8:15-8:25 AM Alan Dale: Kickoff and Introduction of AARC President James Lesar: “Why This Conference Matters” 8:30-8:40 AM AARC Executive Director Jerry Policoff: Historical Background and Conference Preview 8:45-8:55 AM Andrew Kreig: “Current Implications of JFK Assassination Cover-Up” 9:00-9:20 AM Alan Dale: “What We Now Know that the Warren Commission Didn’t Know” 9:20-9:30 AM Break THE CULTURE OF SECRECY AND DEMOCRATIC ACCOUNTABILITY 9:30-11:00 AM Prof. G. Robert Blakey, Dan Hardway, Edwin Lopez: “The HSCA and the CIA: The View from the Trenches and the View from the Top” James Lesar will give an account of new Freedom of Information Act requests submitted to the CIA on behalf of Prof. Blakey, Dan Hardway Edwin Lopez and the AARC. 11:00-11:10 AM Break 11:10-12:25 AM Dr. John Newman: "Dark Operations: Deciphering the CIA's Cuban Secrets." This presentation will expose long-protected pseudonyms for some of the CIA’s most notorious officers connected with the JFK case – including David Phillips and Antonio Sforza. It will also disclose an important multiple identity which figures in Newman’s forthcoming book, “Where Angels Tread Lightly.” 12:25-1:30 PM Break for Lunch 1:30-2:05 PM Jefferson Morley: “The CIA and the Culture of Secrecy” 2:10-2:40 PM Panel: Jefferson Morley, Dr. John Newman, and (by phone) David Talbot: “The Continuing Cover-Up: New and Newsworthy” 2:45-3:25 PM Anthony Summers: “After Not in Your Lifetime” STILL LIVING WITNESSES EXPOSE THE COVERUP 3:30-3:45 PM Antonio Veciana: “Maurice Bishop, My CIA contact Agent, was David Atlee Phillips, the man I saw in Dallas with Lee Harvey Oswald” (Antonio Veciana will speak in Spanish with Fernald Armand as translator. Marie Fonzi will provide an introduction.) 3:50-4:10 PM Anthony Summers Moderates Antonio Veciana’s Question and Answer Period 4:10-4:20 PM Break 4:20-4:55 PM Prof. Ernst Titovets: “Oswald Was My Best Friend” 5:00-5:25 PM Buell Wesley Frazier: “Oswald, Friend and Family Man” BREAKING THE CODE TO THE WARREN COMMISSION COVER-UP 5:30-5:55 PM Don Thomas: “The Tippit Murder: Rosetta Stone to the Warren Commission Cover-Up” 6:00-6:30 PM Bill Simpich: "How Captain Westbrook and the Tippit Shooting Provide a Counter-Narrative to the Warren Report” 6:30 PM End of day’s proceedings Friday Evening: 8:00-10:00 PM-Memorials: Tributes to Roger Feinman, Gaeton Fonzi, Sylvia Meagher, Kevin Walsh, John Judge, Earl Golz Saturday, September 27, 2014 CUBA AND THE CIA 8:00-8:40 AM Introduction of Peter Kornbluh by Brenda Brody, with example of what National Security Archive releases have meant to the research community. Peter Kornbluh: “U.S.-Cuba Back-Channel Negotiations After the Bay of Pigs” BREAKOUT SESSION-8:00-8:45 AM Pat Speer: “The Single-Bullet Theory, Voodoo Science, and Zombie Lies” SCIENCE AND COVER-UP: NO MORE LONE ASSASSIN 8:45-9:10 AM Dr. Cyril Wecht: “Two Autopsies, Two Cover-ups: JFK, RFK” 9:15-9:55 AM Dr. Gary Aguilar: “Junk Science and the Death of JFK — What We Now Know that We Didn’t Know Then” 10:00-10:25 AM Dr. Don Thomas: “JFK Acoustical Evidence: Challenge and Corroboration” BREAKOUT SESSION-10:15-11:00 AM Dr. Grover P. Proctor Jr.: “The Raleigh Call and the Fingerprints of Intelligence” 10:30-11:00 AM Dr. Randolph Robertson — "The JFK Assassination: 5 shots + 3 shooters + 3 snipers nests = CONSPIRACY” *Dr. David Mantik will speak on the JFK autopsy X-rays, photographs and medical evidence in a breakout room following these presentations, and then he will be joined in a panel discussion by Dr. Robertson. 11:00-11:10 AM Break THE CUBANS, THE CIA, AND THE COVER-UP 11:10 AM-Noon Joan Mellen — "CIA and the HSCA: How CIA Controlled the HSCA and the Writing of its Final Report” BREAKOUT SESSION-11:15 AM-Noon Bill Kelly: “The Air Force One Tapes” 12:00-1:15 Lunch 1:15-1:55 PM David Kaiser: “What We’ve Learned Since The Road to Dallas” BREAKOUT SESSION-1:15-2:10 PM Jim DiEugenio: “Who was John F. Kennedy, and Why Was He Murdered?” 2:00-2:40 PM Eric Hamburg: “Conversations with Fabian Escalante and E. Howard Hunt — Two Views of the Kennedy Assassination” BREAKOUT SESSION-2:15-3:00 PM Lisa Pease: “James Jesus Angleton and The Warren Commission” THE MEDIA AND THE JFK ASSASSINATION 2:45-3:30 PM Panel: “Why Won’t the Media Cover the Story?” Jefferson Morley, Jerry Policoff, Mal Hyman, Russ Baker, Andrew Kreig (moderator) BREAKOUT SESSION-3:15-4:00 PM Larry Hancock: “A Political H Bomb – How John Roselli and William Harvey Preempted the Garrison Investigation in Washington D.C.” 3:30-3:40 PM Break 3:40-4:10 PM Andrew Kreig: “The JFK Cover-up’s Long Shadow” THE WARREN REPORT AND THE WARREN COMMISSION BREAKOUT SESSION-4:00-4:45 PM Walt Brown: “The Dulles Commission – the 50th Anniversary” 4:15-4:55 PM Russ Baker: “The Role of the WC Staff in the Cover-Up” 5:00-5:40 PM Prof. David Wrone: “The Warren Report on the Murder of JFK: Truth or Cover- Up?” BREAKOUT SESSION-5:15-6:00 PM Robert Groden: “A View From the Grassy Knoll” THE WARREN COMMISSION IN ITS OWN WORDS 5:45 -7:00 PM A reading of the January 22, 1964 Executive Session Transcript by a troupe of professional actors Dramatization of the January 22, 1964 Executive Session Transcript where the commissioners realized that FBI would never “run out all the leads” and would “have us fold up and quit.” Other early comments: “They found their man. There is nothing more to do.” Allen Dulles suggested “this record should be destroyed.” It wasn’t. It was transcribed more than a decade later as a result of a Harold Weisberg lawsuit and Congressional pressure. 7:00 PM Adjourn for banquet 7:30-9:00 PM Banquet + Tributes (will include cash bar) Oliver Stone was unable to attend the conference due to previous commitments, but he will address it via a pre-recorded message. Keynote Speaker-Peter Kuznick: “JFK: To the Brink” Sunday, September 28, 2014 NARA AND THE CIA ARE WITHHOLDING JFK RECORDS IN VIOLATION OF THE JFK ACT 9:00-9:55 AM Joe Backes: “Report on JFK Records Withheld until 2017″ BREAKOUT SESSION-9:00-9:45 AM Marie Fonzi: “On the Home Front” 10:00-10:25 AM Lamar Waldron — "Withheld in Full” BREAKOUT SESSION-10:00-10:45 AM Malcolm Blunt Q&A: This will not be a formal presentation, but rather a Q&A on NARA, Warren Commission Files, Church Committee and CIA. 10:30-10:55 AM Rex Bradford: “The Church Committee and CIA Assassination Plots” 11:00-11:55 AM Peter Dale Scott (by live closed-circuit hook-up: “Dallas and Other Deep Events” 12:00-12:25 PM James Lesar: “The CIA and NARA Thwart Congress and the JFK Act” 12:30-1:30 PM Panel Discussion: Rex Bradford, Joe Backes, Lamar Waldron and James Lesar, led by Marie Fonzi: “Where Do We Go From Here?” 1:30 PM Conference closes THE WARREN COMMISSION Dramatization John Heard - Allen W. Dulles John Lescault - Chief Justice Earl Warren Michael Quinlan - Gerald R. Ford Michael Willis- John Sherman Cooper Dave Fendig - Hale Boggs Ed Lieberman - John J. McCloy Andy Brownstein- Richard B. Russell Robert Connors - standby CHIEF COUNSEL TO THE COMMISSION Brian Connors - J Lee Rankin Conference Speakers Presenter Gary Aguilar Topic Junk Science and the Death of JFK - What We Know Now that We Didn't Know Then Summary In a History News Network Interview, attorney Vincent Bugliosi opined “[e]verything pointed toward Oswald’s guilt. All the physical evidence, all the scientific evidence.” At one time it might have been reasonable to believe that. But no longer. Discoveries and disclosures over the decades have knocked the struts out from under the medical and scientific case for a lone assassin. This presentation will outline important discoveries concerning JFK’s autopsy, the bullets, the government’s trajectory analysis and its duplication experiments. Presenter Joseph Backes Topic The Withheld Until 2017 Documents Summary Will demonstrate, based on information published in The Federal Register and from the Assassination Records Review Board the totality of documents withheld until 2017.
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