October 1952
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The NATIONAL HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE )\\ JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY OCTOBER, 1952 The American Horticultural Society ROLL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OFFICERS President, Dr. Freeman Weiss, Washington, D. C. First Vice-Presidellt, Mr. John L. Creech, Glenn Dale, Md. Seco/ld Vice-President, Mrs. Robert Woods Bliss, Washington, D. C. Secretary, Dr. Francis de Vos, Washington, D. C. Treas ~tre1', Miss Olive E. Weatherell, Olean, N. Y. Editor, Mr. B. Y. Morrison, Pass Christian, Miss. Assistant Editor, Mr. James R. Harlow, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORS Terms expiring 1952 Terms expiring 1953 Dr. Fred O. Coe, Bethesda. Md. Mr. Arnold Davis, Cleveland. Ohio Mrs. Walter Douglas, Chauncey, N. Y. Mrs. Mortimer J. Fox. Mt. Kisco. N. Y. Mrs. J. Norman Henry. Gladwyne. Pa. Mr. Frederic P. Lee, Bethesda, Md. Dr. Conrad B. Link, College Park. Md. Dr. David V. Lumsden. Chevy Chase, Md. Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott, Media, Pa. Dr. Donald Wyman, Jamaica Plain, Mass. HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS Mr. Calvin Trowbridge, Pres., Mrs. Otto Zach, Pres., American Begunia Society, American Primrose Society, 4435 Third Ave., 1172 S. E. 55th Ave., Los Angeles 43, Calif. Portland IS, Oreg. Judge Arthur W . Solomon. Pres., Mr. Harold Epstein, Pres., America n Camellia Society, American Rock Garden Society, 702 W. Anderson St., 5 forest Court. Savannah, Ga. Larchmont, N. Y. Mr. C. E. Little. Pres., Dr. C. Eugene Pfister, Pres., American Delphinium Society, American Rose Society, Richmond H ills, Mundelein, Ill. Ontario, Can. Dr. Frederick L. fagley. Pres., Mr. Wm. T. Marshall. Pres. Emeritus, American fern Society, Cactus & Succulent Society of America. 287 Fourth Ave .. 228 Security Bldg., New York 10. N. Y. Phoenix, Ariz. Mr. Marvin C. Karrels. Pres., Mr. C. R. Wolf, Pres., American Peony Society, Holly Society of America, 3272 South 46th St.. Lock Box 71, Mil waukee 14, Wise. Millville, N. J. SOCTETIES AFFILIATED WITH THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 1952 American Aswciation of Nurserymen, American Primrose Society, Dr. Richard P. White. Exec. Secy., Mrs. Otto Zach. Pres., 636 Southern Building, 1172 S. E. 55th Ave., Washington 5, D. C. Portland IS, Oreg. American Begonia Society, Mr. Calvin Trowbridge, Pres., American Rose Society, 4435 Third Ave., Dr. R. C. Allen, Secy., Los Angeles 43, Calif. 1316 Derry St., American Camellia Society. Harrisburg, Pa. Box 2398 University Station, Gainesville. Fla. Bel-Air Garden Cltlb, Inc., American Fuchsia Society. Mrs. Frank P. Winne, Treas., Mr. Mel Newfield, Pres., 822 Sarbonne Rd., 3809 T St., Bel-Air, Los Angeles 24, Calif. Sacramento 17, Calif. Birmingham Horticultural Society, American Gloxinia Society, 1 Winthrop Ave., Mt. Brook, Mr. Elvin McDonald, Editor, Birmingham, Ala. Gray, Okla. American I ri s Society, Cactus & Succulent Society of America, Mr. Ged des Douglas, Secy., Mr. Harry Johnson, Jr., Pres., Frank lin Road, Box 458. Brentwood, Tenn. Paramount, Calif. Publication Offi ce. 32nd ond Elm Ave .• Baltimore. Md. Entered as second·class matter January 27, 1932, at the Post Office a t Baltimore, Md., under the Act of August 24, 1912. California Horticultural Society, Holly Society of Alllerica, Miss Elizabeth McClintock, Secy., Mr. Harry W. Dengler, Secy., California Academy of Sciences, Extension Service., San Francisco 18, Calif. University of Maryland, College Park, Md. Chestnut Hill Garden Club, Horizon Garden Club, Mrs. Charles F. Hovey, Pres., Mrs. George Willer, Secy., 190 Chestnut Hill Rd., R. 1, Fremont, Ohio Chestnut Hill, Mass. The Houston Horticultural S_o_ciety, Chevy Chase (D.C.) Garden Club, Mrs. H. Clay Lee, Mrs. Christian Wohlgemuth, Pres .. 3615 Graustark St., 6308 Florida St., H ouston 6, Tex. Chevy Chase, Md. Iowa State Horticultural Society, Chevy Chase (Md.) Garden Club, Mr. Wm. H . Collins, Sec.-Treas., Mrs. William S. Corby, Pres., State House, 9 Chevy Chase Circle, Des Moines 19, Iowa. Chevy Chase 15, Md. Michigan Horticultural Society, Fauquier & Loudoun Garden Club, Mrs. R. W. Summers, Secy., The White House, Belle Isle, Mrs. Hunter de Butts, Detroit 7, Mich. Upperville, Va. National Capital Dahlia Society, Federated Garden Clubs of Cincinnati and Mr. S. Owen Hatfield, Pres., .Vicinity, 9900 C; herry Tree Lane, Mrs. W . R. Grace, Sr., Pres., Silver Spring, Md. 7911 Hamilton Ave., The North American Lily Society, Mt. Healthy 31, Ohio. Dr. Robert D. Rappleye, Secy., Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati, Department of Botany, University of Maryland, 2715 Reading Road, College Park, Md. Cincinnati 6, Ohio. Northern Nut Growers' Assn., Inc., Garden Center of Greater Cleveland, Dr. William R. Rohrbacher, Pres., East Boulevard at Euclid Ave., 811 E. College, Cleveland 6, Ohio Iowa City, Iowa. Garden Center I nsti tute Perennial Garden Club, 1500 Elmwood Ave., Mrs. Andrew Parker, Pres., Buffalo 7, N. Y. 3000 Garrison St., N. W., Washington 8, D. C. Garden Club of Alexandria, Mrs. Charles F . Holden, Pres., Plainfield Garden Club, 100 Rosemont Ave., Mrs. Edward II. Ladd, III, Pres., Alexandria, Va. Nepawin Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Garden Club of Danville, Potomac Rose Society, Juliet C. Barnett, Treas., Mr. Albert E. West, Pres., Danville, Va. 1309 Emerson St., N. W. Garden Club of Fairfax, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Paul M. Curran, Pres., San Francisco Branch, Box 518, Rt. 3, American Begonia Society. Fairfax, Va. Mrs. Anne Mitchell, Secy., Garden Club of Virginia, 2370 18th Ave., Mrs. Arthur Collins, Pres., San Francisco, Calif. Hampton Hills Lane, S<ln Francis·co Garden Club, Richmond, Va. 465 Post St., San Francisco 2, Calif. Georgetown Garden Club, Mrs. J. Edward Burroughs, Jr., Pres., Tacoma Rhododendron Society, 141S - 31st St.. N.W., Mr. Leonard F. Frisb ie, Pres .. Washington, D. C. Box 132. Puyallup, Wash. Garden Library of Michigan, Takoma Horticultural Club, Miss Marg'aret B. Baller. Librarian. Mr. Leon B. Habecker, Pres., The White House, Belle Isle, 10513 Greenacres Drive, Detroit 7, Mich. Silver Spring, Md. Hemerocallis Society, Worcester County Horticultural Society, 615 Forty-fifth St., 30 Elm St., Rock Island, Ill. Worcester 2, :Mass. The National Horticultural Magazine VOL. 31 OOP lTight, 1952, by THE AlIIERIOAN HOHTIOULT1I RAL SOC1ETY NO.4 OCTOBER, 1952 Concerning Rex Begonias. B. Y. MORRISON ----_____________________________________________ 237 \i\Tith 58 Illustrations From Photographs By ROBERT L. TAYLOR ________ 244 N asturti u 111S . E. B UC KN ER KIRK ___________________________ ___________________________________________ 260 Correction N otes On Anapodophyllon-April, 1952 ______________________________________ 270 Border Carnations And Pinks. J OHN L. CREECH ________________________________________ >_ 27 1 T he Effect Of J uvenility On P lant Propagation. F. L. O 'ROURKE ____ ________ 278 A Book O r T wo: P lants, Man And Life____________________________________ __________ ___ __ _____________________ _____ _____ 282 Gardening For T he Small P lace____ ___ ______________________ ____________ __ _________ _____ _______ 283 Our Garden Soils ________________________ __ _______ ___ ______________________________ __ _______ _____ ________ 283 Beautify Your Home Grounds..______________________ ____ _______ _________ ___________ ___ ________ 284 T he Real Book About Farms _______ ________ ___ ______ _____ __ _______________ ________ ___ ___ __________ 284 The Gardener's Handbook: Achimenes In La J olla, California. LAURA M. SIKES _________________ ___ ________ 285 \iVel wi tschia mi rabili s. DONALD P . W OOLLE Y________________ ___ ______________________ _ 285 General Index To V olume 31 ----_________________________________________________ __________ ______ _______ 287 Index To The Azalea Handbook _______________________________________________ __ ____________________ 293 Lis t 0 f R epr i 11 ts _______________________________________________________ ___ _______________________________________ 304 Published quarterly by The American Horticultural Society. Publication offi ce, 32nd St. and E lm Ave., B altimore, 1I1d. E ditol'ial offi ce. 1600 Bladensburg Road, N .E., ' Vasbington 2, D . O. Oontributions from all members are tordially invited and sbould be sent to the Editorial office. A subscription to the magazine is induded in th e annual dues to all members; to non-memb ers the price is five dollal's a year. 11 Robert L.- Ta}Jlor [See page 27 1] Dianthus wil1teri: lefl, Mrs. vVo1'11'/.old; center, Mrs. Back. Concerning Rex Begonias B. Y. MORRISON For the gardener who lives at some The other surprise that caused some distance fr0111 the places where Rex alarm came with the development of Begonias are popular and common sub erect stems in such plants as Abel Car jects for plant collectors, the acquisi riere, Lavender Glow, Nigger Tree tion of a collection of varieties can be and the like, but the "book" showed an amazing surprise. Even though he that Begonia EV(M'lsia1ta, a well-known is a member of the American Begonia hardy herbaceous Begonia, was respon Society and has seen pictures and read sible, in most cases. The fact remains discussions, he probably could not con that these lovely upright things, some jure up in imagination, the diversity of of which show of Rex "influence," are form, pattern and color that is now privately dubbed the "Fitzes"-not the available, not to speak of the changes Rexes or Reo!; cu1ton{.m. in habit that are appearing as a result There is no complete validity for this of various other species than those most discrimination for although the taxo allied to the original but now tradi nomic keys usually put all the species