, The Weather Serving the State Cloudy and cooler today University of Iowa wlLh a poulbUib of shoWt!rs and 'hunder­ Campus and storms endlDl' early In 'be aliemoob. IU&'h today Iowa City owan 62. Low 48-52. FrIday, e at fair and warmer. Est. 1868 - AP leased Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, April 15, 1954 ------~------~~~~---- BVrd Claims Promoters Profited FBI Enters I~vest;gation Big 3 Take -Final. Step To Build Of Lost ROTC Weapon j . . ~ p ·f· ' From. Ex(ess , FHA -Insure d\ LOanStio~h~a~~~~~Jt:u~'t~n~~~~t ~:n~IsciP1inaryactionwastaken. All-lance Agalnst - Reos In aCI I gate the disappearance of an MI A more serious incident oc- WASHINGTON (.4")- Sen. Har- rifle from the Reserve Officers curred Oct. 3, 1950 when an arlTl¥ PARIS (JP) -Secretlll:y of ry Byrd (D-Va.) declared Wednes- Army-McCarthy Heal'ing Planned Training corps armory. Col. Walt- Ml ritle was taken from the ar- Dulles, Laniel Agree on Defense Dulles concluded Wcdncsday day that some housing promoters, er Sewell, professor and head of mary and not recovered until Thrcc agrcement to work operating on shoestrings or with m ili tary sCience' and ta c t"d'CS, sal eight days later. Th e weapon was Western Pacific defenseI'o.Tlnlurlls.nl no capital at all, got excessive go v- the weapon wru; taken during a located in a sorority house after against the spread of ernment-insured loans running in- drill period WedneSday. an intensive search by the FBI. The final step was to mlJlions and reaped fat profits. A complete inspection of aIL the An SUI student ROTC cadet joint issuance of a cOTJ:lfi.ninlqule He told the senate the hOUSing Dulles and French F orelgn rogram had been marred by ex- ROTCT d weapons b 5 h was conductedd' was dismissed from the univer- ter G earge B'dI au It spa tli P ues ay y t army or mance sl'ty for the act. No federal action th ' I d h' a ravagance and irresponsibility "it e war ID n oc ma as t personnel and the weapon was ac- was taken t . 11 S th t not actual fraud and graft," and counted for at that time. . 0 peace m a ou · eas 'd "crimjnal prosecution may re- Dulles' goal was a 10- sal The weapon was noticed miss- il·t 11 ' Ilk NATO suit" If evidence shows govern- m I ary a lance e . lng by a ROTC staff member dur- D II • -~. F II ment ofricials acted deliberately in lng a routine check of thc rifle HOIg h way AOd1 BOil1 u es ....,...eII or orne such cases. After the agrcement was racks. Would Give Iowa nounced, Dulles lett lor home lie Heau Committee Acen" Start InvestlraUon plane. He will rcport to Byrd Is chairman of the joint Sewell said agents Crom the Ce- $15,223,000 Income ~ise{lbower on, the succcss of committee on reduction 01 non- dar Rapids office of the FBI were mission in London and P aris. essential federal expenditures. The starting an investigation in an at- WASHINGTON (.4» _ lawai s Thc joint statemcnt by committee began a study of al- and Bldault guaranteed leged housing Irregularities last tempt to recover the weapon scheduled to reccive $15,223,000 France, Britain and the July, but Byrd complained Wed- which is government property. annuallY under an expanded pro- States would furnish a com Anyone knowing the whcre- . ncsday that his committee had abouls of the rille is asked to no- !p'am of fcderal aId for highways iront at Gencva when the been "denied the facts'" by the tify the military department, the passed Wedncsday by the house Eastern conference opens April government agencies concerned. The statement, similar to He said he would insist that Iowa City pollce or the FBI. and senate and scnt La the White announcement in London '"IIP""'" Director Albert M , Cole of the Army ROTC students drill with Housc. by Dulles and BriUsh Foreign housing and home finance agency rifles every Wcdnesday in the ar- Of the lotal, the state would be cretary Anthony Eden, was testify "under oath" to furnish the mary. If the weather permits, as granted $3 537 000 tor interstate CA P Wlrephoio) proved by France's Premier information Byrd sajd has been was the case Wcdnesday, drill is roads and the ;emaindcr for slatc JOliN FO TER DULLE , left, U.. secretary of state, chat!! with seph Laniel before it was withheld so far, "Merely dismiss- (AP WIrephoto' conducted outside. The weapon highways. French PrenUer Joseph Laniel at the laUer's office in ParIs Wed- public. PLANS FOR THE PUBLIC hearings nexl week belore ~e senate \ as probably taken while lhe ca id als" of some officials of the fed- v :. . - Illjnois would receive $30,811.- nesda". In an a"reemen' announced In Pari. France joined Britain The statement sa that the . . . t' 'u lnvesUcations subcommittee of the McCarthy-army row were dis- dets were drilling outSide o!!iclBLs • .. . I d h' ttl t d cral housmg admlOis ration WI cussed Wednesday by ae1.ln, chairman Karl Mundl (R·S.D.), rl,ht, said.' 000; Missouri, $19,643,000; Min- and lhe U•. In dealarin...... U WGuld examine the pos IbllUy of oreal- mh n hiPoc lOa 'flrea cne not meet thc situation, he a dd ed . . n c sot a, $16,746,000i Nebraska, In .. & eoJlecUve defense In southea t Asia ''to assure the peace, se- t e woe aCI c area, ' ·tt d th &nd lef' to rlrnt, chlef counsel Ray Jenkins; aulstant counsel Solis ..... 1. In Id ts R -'-" k·... "I I I t' lth Bat h B yr d 5 commt ee an e .. v ...er c en epornlng drill, but it two fiscal years starting July 1, cd Nutlons charter, II col1ecl1v€ ularlhes dIsclosed by the White C ar y an S a a was returned at I p.m. the same 1955. The CUTlcnt rate is 652"'~ A () h. P b def~nse to assure the p~aee, se House Monday. day by II freshman cadet. million annually through thc fiscal t ppen el mer ro e cUl'1ty and frcedom of thiS area. , Char,es Excess Loans 0 S · I T The stUdent told Sewell that year starting next July 1. Peace Depends on Unity I They Involve charges that ex- ROTC ' h d ' 'We recognize that our basic cessive loans were approved both n pec 1a reatment one of, hIS. .mstructors .o The senate approvcd the bill by WASHINGTON (,4» _ The two -- ective at the Geneva confer- lor apartmcnts and for home re- told him th~t an mfantry soldl~r voice vote a Ce',¥ haul'S after tbe former chairmen of the atomic he dropped his objections and got ence will be to seek the rc-estab- pair projects promoted by un~ WASHINGTON (IP)- Sen, Jos- never lets hIS rWe get ou~~ot hiS house voted ror ~t 134-9. . energy commission, David E. LiIi- to work as soon as ex-President lishment of a peace in Indochina' scrupulous salesmen. eph McCarthy (R-Wls.) has asked play In the hearings. hands, ~o he took the capon The hou~e . orlginally voted Cor enthal and Gordon Dcan, will be Truman ordered work on the which will safeguard the freecfo~1 . Capehart said Wcdnesday he the Pentagon how many members McCarthy has relinquished his home Wlt~ him. H~ returned It an $875 mllhon, program and thc witnesses [or the defense in se- bomb startcd in January, 1950. of its people and the independenc I will ask $250,000 to finance his of congress and government ofll- chairmanship and his right to vote, when a frIend told hIm that a rl- (lCnntc upped .thls to $l,020,.000,OOO. curlty hearings for atom sclentist Presidcnt Eisenhower has or- of The Associated States. We ar I committcc's probe, which will in- ciaLs have requested "special as- fol' purposes of this inquiry, but !fIe had been stolcn from the ar- The 066 mUlion, cOTP~omlse was J. Robert Oppenheimer. dered all secret data withheld convinced that the possibility 0 clu)--The house broke with long-standing tradl- dates for regular naval reserve he called Bush's attention in 1942 cd striking out "the $1,600,000 tlon Weqnesday and voted the agriculture de-partment $66,360;841 officer training corps for 1954. to the possibility of setting off an N SIc,on 'Graft lotted for the office of clvllian more than It requested for the coming fiscal year. It was the first The list of Iowans was given to H-bomb with thc kind of atomic ew fense." th:ne within memory that a big agency was voted more actual spend- Sen. Guy M, Gilletle (D-Iowa) by ~:;~. they then were trying to Method Revealed ing money than It had asked, There was a heated charge in the de- Vice-Adm, J. L. Holloway of the bate that' the administration had altered its requirements and by- navy department. Opposed 00 Tec:hoJeal Grouoda Paaed usual procedure to get the additional funds. They are John Weston Larson, Oppenheimer also told the com- :ruSKE~EE, Ala: (IP)- A. new • •• who was listed as a principal, and mission that while he opposed on ~kin-grafting ~cchmque so s.'mplc I · .. h p William Richard SummerwiIl, Ust- technical grounds an aU-out et- It can be used 10 tbe home Without Ind och ma Communists Helg ten relsure ed as an alternate. tort to build an. H-bomb in 1949. putting the patient to sleep was HANOI, Indochina (R'}-The Communist-led besiegers of Dien Holloway stated, "These young ------disclosed here Wednesday by a 'BIen Phu heightened pressure Wednesday at the porthwest corner men have attllined the distinctive skin specialist. Air Academy Committee Of the French Union fortress but there was no other indication 01 an achievement in one of the serv­ In the revolutionary "plastic expecteq ma&&ive assault. A French army spokesman said that after ices most rigorous competitive To Visit Midwest Sites planing" process, tiny shreds of nl;ht and day barrages, in which thousands of artillery and mortar systems." skin tissue are sprayed .trom one , a1jells were lobbed in on the fortress, the Vletminb rebels dug trench- VACA-T1-0-N--p-a-E-C-A-UTl-ON& W ASHlNGTON (JP)- The site part of the bOdy to another with­ et close to the ,barbed wire defenses at the northwest edge. selection committee for tbe air out 'leaving a scar in the place • •• Detective Harland Sprinkle force academy wUi inspect a pro- whence it was taken. The p~OCes8 urged that students living In fra- posed site at Sedalia, Mo., today, was demonstrated by Dr. Abner Bevan Resigns from Labor Party Cabin~t ternities and sororities take hOme (AP Wlre,~.t.' Sen. Stuart Symington (D-Mo.) Kurtin to doctors attending the LONDON (.4» - Lett wing Laborite Aneurin Bevan resigned over taster vacation any valu- A SPIN IN THIS ANCIENT WICKER b~1Y failed to eDChaa' 1'­ was informed Wednesday night. annual John A. Andrew clinic. Wednesday nilbt [rom the Labor party's policy-making shadow cabi- abies they may have. Sprinkle ex- month-old Carolyn MIller, bat to her c ..ndfatller, John W. Bed­ Symington was told tbe commit- In the first public announcement net In an (lJ]en row over Britain following American-sponsored unity plalned that police would be befl', It reDresenied realisation of a 10111 time desire. Bedbel'c bet tee will go from Missouri to Scott of his new operation which takes DIAL 4181 lans againlt Communist agaresslon. Bevan made hJs charges then watching the houses while the ' h1a children be would lOme day clve Ulelr cblldren a ride III tile field, III., thi.s afternoon to look only minutes to perform, Kurtin Ask I'or Wud Ad De .... ~mped out of a party caucus. The Labor party appeared split down st.udents are ,one, but to further buny. whleh OnCle enrled Hedber.... wile. Dapper In hII toP ha&. at a prospective academy location explained how the technique can ,the middle In the open break between former Prime Minister Clem- lessen the chance of robberies Hedberc t.kel Clrolyn for a &rial run alolll tbe sbore of Lake near that base. be used quickly to cover large MaO Your Af. To ent Attlee, leader of the Moderates, and the left wlnier under Bev- valuable items should be removed Hanlet in Mlllneapolia. Next Sunday' Uley'll be ill the Easier pa- SUI President Virgil M. Hancher areas of burned or otnerwise dam- OR WANT ADs. fte Dally low"" an, f~rmer h\lalth minister, ' from the houses, nr.4e. .. Iis a member ot the comj1\ittee. aied ~in, . Pal'e !-THE DAILY 10WA~-Iow:a It . Ia.-Thurs.. Apr. 15, 195-' Letters fo the Editor The Daily Iowan TO THE EDITOR: I OFFICIAL DAILY BULtfllN In the Iowa City Pres Citizen a lost boy had been brought to the (8 ~--~------~:------of Monday, April 12, there appea!'- staUon some time before I called THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1954 THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1954 ed a news a icle concerning my to teport one missing was also :I sc Pu ..bed d a ily e..xcrpl Suruby and , ~ ...... r ..I' ....ri.... If r~.ur .... 1 D"ILY lOW N IlDITOIlJ L TA,FP son, Mark, who was lost for sev- mistake, then it appears that mis- • and t I hohda) by Stud.nl I II,. ... Til 11 II I ..... drnl.'." t k I I 1 UNJ.... SITY CAL..rftAR Items are Icheduled In the President" office, Old Capitol pi Pub' 10 .... Int. • 1M Iowa Ave., 10 ..' . "e"':';"'~I .•: I:. 'rt.r ., Ohl J.ar- Edho.' ...... Jack Burrows eral hours last Saturday. Par"l a es are cur ous y common a ~"D .,.~ .. oj City. Iowa. EnterM a ~ond da ...11 m "all.'a. l1ubuqu ••lui I.... MalUllln. EcllIor .. KattuJrlne Harris that article is true, and part is that police station. Tb Saturday, April 2' Sal'to,n, Harvard, "Leonardo !la, .".11 mall..- at lh. pool offic ... at Iowa .ve .. I•• ,ea Ir"", 4 ..... I. n .... , New. Editor .. ., .. sarah Adams Th rti 1 1 t lh t th h h d h llrBday, April 15 .. al ett) . under tne act ot con.rHS ot Tot••• , UOr ...... Iurd. y; I •. m. t. I~ City Editor...... Dick Soloway e aces sa es a Il, on e ot er an, t ese 12:20 p.m,-Easter recess begins. 7:00 p.m. _ Campus Carnival, VinCI:, Innovator and Man of SCI. 01 M.r~h 2. l87t, •••• N.,,'., S""J_ly Edllor . .. . Jo.n Rldeeway was r'eported mls in& by his moth- thing happened because ot an In- Tu-".'1, AprU 21 fl'eld ·house. ence, senate chamber, O.C. --- . --- SpOrts Editor ..... Howl_ Greenwald er about noon on Saturday, whlle dividual who is lacking in the kind ~- ci< Call 4191 fr ... eou t... Idalrb... Auistant Sport Edllor .... C ..n .. Il\Ile 7:30 a.m.-Resumption of Classes. Sunday April 25 Tuesday, April 27 th Th" A.a.. SU3. It is true that Mark was taken boy. and to all those others who and Humamtles Society ~ecture, 8:00 p.m,-Iowa Mountaineers Chemistry building. ) Our Dall, 10",•• b) ' :9. a.l'D. Mike .. Vi Fred M. Po .... nnll. Publisher UAILV 10l\'AN ClRC LATION STAt' P to the station about noon. It;s helped In any way. Prof.. H. D. F. Kitto", Umversity Travelogue, Robert M. Craig, "We 8'.00 p.m. _ Student Art Guild .!o.'• er"Jee Is ."ten on all .ervlee E. Charle, Barnum. Assl.lant Publlshe. Clrc:ulatlon Mllr. . .' Robert Cronk ot Bl istol England The Sha pe ------1 not true that a se.arch was started Charles A Clark 0 " Met Deat... on K2," Macbride Film Series "M" Shambaugh lee. 1 di tift h Ik d t . ot the dysspy," senate chamber, dlt· , , "1 · t · I r------.. mme a e y a eJ e wa e ou , 126 Stadium Pal k 0 C au oTium. ture room library. tit and In fact. no real search was .. Thurscby, April 22 Monday, April 26 Wednesday, April 28 .E d lor I a I · . started at all until nearly three 'rilE EDITOR . . . 01 n erpre Ing hours later when my wife was : 7:30 p.m.-12:0~Triangle Club 8:00 p.m. - Graduate college, 8.00 p.m.-UOIvers~ty Syrnpho- AHractive Campus Wanted t t forced to ca'n the City Manager in In most o~ the. loyalty discussions Spring Semj-formal Dinner dance, ~hysicS, Colloquium and Humani-1ny.orchestra concert, lounge, Iowa ~j order to get the full co-operation in~estlgal!ons which ha~e Iowa Union. lies society lecture, Prof, George UnIOn. TI t t . 't f I I I f of the police department. gOlOg on recently one baSIC le a e mversl y 0 owa laS pent a urge slim ° mOlley the News To make the situation still. ctor has been passed over and (For information re~ardlnr dates be'lond 'hi. aebedure, see reservations In tbe office of the Presl.~ a the past year to add to the beauty of the call1pll~, but no matterl worse was the tact that when I Ign<'red. Old Capitol) c co howmu~mooyili~~~,t~~m~~w"loot~anm~~ By~~ROBERTS~ ~I~d the ~Ii~ d ab~ W~ ~ould M~~ P~es s n~ --~------~------~~------c if stuJents continut' to make beaten paths across the lawns. Preas twelve forty-five, almost :In been given an honorable dis- Assocla~dNews Analya& after Mark had been taken to charge? GENE RA L N01 ICE S' T" 0 of the areas that have taken a seven' beating are the di. The communique announcing police station, I was told by .why should M~s. :r..,ross be .dis- agoD.'lls from Id apitol to both the Iowa ~Iemorial Union and the results of the Dulles-Eden officer who answered the mISsed from her Job 10 Wash IOg- II · 't 1'1 ' d f t o-.J \1 . t conversations in London this phone that no lost children had ton, D.C.? GENERAL NOTICES IhOlild be deposited with the oity editor of The Dally Iowan In the neWll'MIi It' UnlverSI I )rary. n w ences were no · eree ..." liS been reported to the police, As Why was a doctor refused a In tbe Communloatlolll Center. Notices must be submitted by 2 P.m. the. day precedlDK pabllea. Y pa week mentioned the current dis- 'flnt winter in I his area, as Ilas 1)eell (one 1 in t Il(' PIIst, wit I1 t Ile 1lope armament and atomic pool dis- a result of this mis-information, r commission and inducted into the tlon; the,. will NOT be aeoepted by phone, aDd must be TYPED Or LEGIBLY WRITTEN and SIOmD thllt students wOlilonot wear paths across the lawns. cuss ion , almost in the same spent nearly four hours army as a private? by & responsihle person. breath, as evidence ot Western for the boy in th~ area rt was charged that these people ALL P R E-M £ D I CAL STU-, DURING THE' EASTER VACA- Bristol, England, who will speak I However, according to H".y Ilhillips, superintendent of the Finkbine Park, where he belong or have belonged to the dents who have been accepted to tion the hours for undergraduate on "Thc Shape of the Odyssey· good faith in the search [01' peace. p I1)' je, I pant,I t 1lC situation Ilas 1I0t improvc(.I It was, after a fashion, a playing when the postman decided ist p, other then hours on the doors. .. , . . That . < I a fo all T f " h h Id standard unlvers ty dunhg the SIGMA DELTA PI MEMBERS: ~Iotlier s day and Homefollllllg? Or would you rather show th('m . pl.opo.sa ':" s r he purpose 0 thIS letter IS agai~st t~em, t ese people s ou coming year 1,9&4-1955 and the Dinner mceting to be held on PHYSICS COLLOQUlYM WILL , I 'f I ' . , " . " d . . " b't' . nations With atomIc plants to to counter-act the be Impnsoned or deportod. But . . pre s en~ Dr. DaVid A. Lmd 01 tht .1 )ea-utl u campusi' It s yOIll c.lmpus .lll yOUl J e~ponS I wity. a part of their materials lor a sion which may have been given many people believe in a comrnu- stipend will be pa!d for that. year. Thursday, Apnl 22, at 6 p.m. at Unive sit of W'sconsin h will - -- . . . . i Students who are u'lterested In en- the home of Prof. and Mrs. Ed- r y I W 0 common approach to peaceful by t~e a~hcle that thiS W?S an nistlc economy .and sllll. ove free- tering the competition should mund deChasca, 22 E. Blooming- speak on, "Nuclear. S~~ctroSCO~J ,·ty PUp,· s Ran H,·g uses., amusmg, If somewhat c~mphcated and hate ~Ictatorshlp as muc,h communicate 'at once with the ton. Please sign the roster in 2J 1 by Inelast~c Scattermg, and wl,H C I I k h By It. the President hoped to InCident. There is nothmg amus- as most Amerlca~s. When ~el'e IS heads of their major department Schaetfer hall before vacation be- report theU" ;e5~lts on Ne (p, p) take a flr~t step. toward, East-West lng ab?ut the .unnessar~ danger no prOOf of crimmal or traltorious and present supporting evidence ins if ou Ian to attend. and ~e (n, ~ ).111 room 301 of the ·c Sfand,·ngs co-operatIOn, With the Idea that It :lnd grlet caused by thc mexpllc- action on the part o( these people, including written plans lor grad~ g , y p ___ PhY~ICS bUlldmg at 4:10 p.m, In Scholast, just barely might produce an at- able blunders committed by the persecution and discrimination uate work The departments will SHORT S ORY CONTEST Api'lL 20_.______mosphere in whiCh some other officer or officers in charge ot the against them is un-American, pre- report their nominees to the A T Iown City public schools rank might become possible. station at the t~e the boy w~ s judicial, bigoted and di~loya!. Graduate Ottlce before May 1. ~~fz~. tOs~~~~t"~;~:;:~~~~:\o ~~~ Testimonia I Dinner high In the scholastic standing of fifth and sixth grutlers. Fifteen Some people have always taken there [or hiS safety. ThiS, Leroy K Berryhill E . h fll 101 U· ~ , , t th' 'th th th t' . . , nglls 0 ce, room ,mvel- pupils according to the Iowa BaSIC ditferenl tests were given to fourth t~ought that Rus.si~ s chief objec- oge el WI . e unsympa e lC 109 RIver st. ROTC MENTAL EXAMINA- sity hall, by 5 p.m. April 29. 1m- PI d f AI Skills tests. SUperintendent ot and filth graders, and 14 to sixth tlOn to the ongmal proposals, and i~suitlng lteatment accordEtd tions will be administered to all portant: use an assumed name on anne or ~mnus Schools Butord W. Garnel' said graders known as the Baruch plan, lay my Wife when she wen 1 in persoll R I' applicants for the army I k d "0 t Th ' . to the r e stat'on to learn h;\t an enve ope mar e cave a- Archie Alexander SUI en&1n· I this week. Parts oC the tests in addition to her fear that she would be po IC 1 • W , oan nvestlgales course ROTC on Thursday net Short Story Contest" Enclose· d t d' t' t' n... · ". v ted b th m b f progress had been made In the " . eerlng gra ua e an na Ive a 1m City schools ranked particularly rca d109, were work-study skills- 0 y 0, er em. ers 0 h h Id ' .. b H 15, In room 17, Armory, at 7 a smaller envelope with the as- Moines w.ho was recently named high in reading tests-comprehen- maps, reference, index, dictionary, "board of directors," In an sea~c k s ou t I~h my ~PI~oni I~ Lost Child andling All students desiring considera sumed name on it, but wilhln the to the governorship of the Virgin sion and vocabulary. They are alphabet; basic laniUage skills- to isolate her from the ~a e ~rv~'l~ e.pa~~nl~ a for admission into the army smaller envelope enclose the real Islands will be honOled tonightdt lowe} in arithmetic .~kills. punctuation, capitalization, usage, advantages of atomic power, the t s;;;a c I ~en 10 e e. y, so vanced course must appear for name and address of the author, a testi~oniaI dinner in Chicago I y d After reviewing charts on which spelling, sentence sense; and arith- If she found this did not hap- th a ~y T: b e ~I'ep~re .:~ In reference to police action in examination on one of the Judges will be William Porter, by Kappa Alpha Psi national frat. in[ormatlon was co:nniJed "rom me 14 c-Iundamental knowledge, pen, she just might begin to get ey s °bul .e thace! t WI locating lour - year - old Mark evenings prescribed. Hansford Martin and Thomas Ma- ernity . .., t' bl th J' f 'd th t 't ' same pro em In e u ure. CI k G't Mana P t F b ' , , the tests given throughout the opera IOns, pro ems. e g Immer 0 an I ea a 1 IS If 11'OWlng a f Id at:, 01 y ger e er .' ry. Loren Hickerson SUI alumm state Ga;ner said he believed lew RI/onltings were computed on a possible 101' her to live in a world t a d t lour y~atr 0 b Roan said, "We have been making TENNIS CLUB WILL HOLD service director wiil review AIel' , til b . E 0 10 0:1 Th I schools would be as high as Iowa percen e aslS. A ra t·109 0 93 w hIC' h 5 h e h as no t conquere d . tr wanttl er ou a one 'd t thusy an lOve. st· Iga tI' on ever SlOce' the 10-"1IS ,t' Irs t mee ti ng ursd ay, Aipr INTERN~TIONAL CLUB W1LL ander's cal'eer 'which began with City ih all parts of the test. l>ereentlle would mean roughly Private discllssions are gOing:t ee w~s t ru: ~nf ar~cl e~, e,~ cident occurred. It is not the prob- 22, and will continue on the fol- have its annual costume party on a bachelor of engineering degree r The tests were given to fourth that the class finished higher than forward as to hQw the pool can de;as Il~~ :a'lu ~ ~o ~~~ e e at~l t lem of just a few officers, but of lowing Tuesday and Thursday af- Friday, April 23, at 7:30 p.m. in in 1912 and was followed lIy I ------,---' 93 per cent of those taking the test. be approached. So far, there has . _e__ I_ I' em , a the operation of the police depart- ternoons flom 4 to 5:15 at the 11- Wesley Student Center. Come Jl] civil engineer degree in 1925, both Iowa City students had 13 rank- been no bombast about it on eith- WSUI PROGRAM ment as a whole. I have signed brary annex courts. There will be your national costume or any at SUI. Featured speaker wlU be I 850 l oca armers ings in the 90 to 100 percentile er side. Only a success or a seri- statements from everyone in- instructions offered on tourna- other kind. Prizes will be given James P. Mitchell, United StattS • 'F , group, J 5 in the 80 to 89 percentile ous snag would be likely to cause volved, and results of the InvesU- ment play tor those interested. tor the "prettiest," "funniest," and secretary of labor. ·nessmen Attend group, six in the 70 to 79 percen- ulles and Ambassador Zarubin CALE'ND,AR ~ation will be released very short- Girls and boys are both welcome. "most original" costumes. Bring Also to be honored at the din· 8usc We, and five in each the 50 to 69 to turn the thing back to the IJt Jy." • your friends, especially Ameri- ncr in thc Conrad Hilton hotel and 50 to 59 groups. The lowest United Nations. Police Chief E. J. !;tuppert said, I)J1:LTA SIGMA PI, INTERN cans, for an evening of danCing, will J, Ernest WHkins, newlyap· " nnual Banquet was 52 percentile, still better than These discussions developed 8:00 M~r~~~·:·~h .~:;'1 I,;. IJ).~ "It is certainly an unfortunate in- tional commerce fraternity, refreshments and fun. pointed assistant secretary 01 lao 2d A average. as a r,esult of hysteria over 8:15 News cident. We have handled hundreds hold a meeting for all bor, The one-time Iowa gridiron ~ Garner said teachers are work~ the revelations of H-bomb terror, ::~ ~f~~:~ ·c~,~~~~S of America of lost children routinely and this Thursday, April 22, at 7:30. GRADUATE COLLEGE AND hero, Judge Fred (Duke) Slater Approximately 850 Iowa City lng to improve the standing in in ' an eUort to demonstrate tha 9 ;45 Women'. Feature is the first time anything like this the Humanities society present is among fraternity officers who I busil1llssmen and farmers from in arithmetic sections of the test. He Allies &0 about their :g :~~ ~~: 'Book .he lf has happened. 'l'HE UNIVERSITY COOPERA- Prof. H. D. F. Kitto, University of wiIJ attend. and around Johnson county at- credited the teachers wilh the l'ec- preparations unwillingly. 10 :45 Family Ruppert also said that Clark's tive B:lby-sitting league book will ljiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiliiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiii;'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-' tended the second annual Farmer- ort! made by the students. discussions are merely bat 11:00 Let'. Sinll' assertion that the search was de- fall until April 27. Telephone B . b t T d 11 :15 Music In March Time USlOessmen \ anque ues ay around an old ball, unless 11;30 Music In Black and White was incorrect, and that the at 5936 if information about • night at the Iowa Memorial Un- Precinct Caucuses RU s,<;ia ns bring up something new 11 ;45 Bonjour Mel!dDmes for the boy began at once. ing the group is desired. ion. t For their part, the Allies \I ~.~prnyer for PeDce The event was sponsored by the S h did b GO merely prepared to field any ball 12:00 Rl\ytl\m Rambles . Free, Rose, Chamber of Commerce and the C e U e y P that comes their way. :~ :~ ~~~~ng Americans Lions, Masonic, Rotary and Ki- 1;00 Musical Chat. Reflections For The lady wanis clubs. , Chi P h' tit I :~ Public Health iCampUS Speakers were Harland Tarbell, . Johnson county, Republican pre- Icago syc la ns ,I ~ : l~ ~~Ik~~r:o:r r~~I~n~hOUghts A BLOOD DONA TTON" Chicago magician and psYcholo- clnct caucuses WIll .convene at 8 2:30 Letters From Italy SATURDAY gist, and SUI assistant football p,m. May 3, Atty. WIlliam .F. Mor- T L t H ~ : ~ ~~~~~' I~r:h~nM:~II~nce By CHARLES 'IARSHALL coa~almers (Bump) ElJiol. rison, county chairman, said Wed- 0 ec ure ere 3:15 Here'. 10 Veterans What -a sb':Inge harmoniot)s feeling With Every Tank Full of . nesday 3:30 New. Fti er entertainment was fur- · . 3:Ci J04n The Navy To see the dark red blood nished by Garth Baden and Vir- Caucuses for the first, fourth Dr. Franz Alexander, director of 4:DO Iowa Union Radio Hour ginia ~pp A4 SiOUx' City who and fifth wards of Iowa City will the Chicago InsUtute for Psycho- . :30 Tea Time Seep from the flesh like mother's milk SU'PERIOR "400" GAS presel'fed a' dan'cing act. Thomas be held in the cow·troom o[ .the analysis, wlll address SU~ medical ~;~ ~~~~rell' s Hour To feed another life ",Hh love, R. Ee'ker, AI, Waverly, gave a Johnson county courlho~se. Sites students :rhursday~ Ap,nl 29, at 5:Ci Sporls And but for a balanoing act. Willlam Skalle, Ll, for the second and third ward 4:10 p.m: 10 the UOlverslty hosplt- :;gg z~,::r Hour be, (l1om~nt, hoI)', Dubuque presented a musical cauc~ses have not yet been. de- als medical amphitheater. 7;00 They Foughl Alone With tears restrained to know novel~ s'kit. termmed, .accordln. g to MorTison. The lecture, st'onsored by the 7;30 B. B. C. World Thealr. I ts 11 t t g I I I t 1 Al h K 8:30 Music You Want The sacrifice of perfect pns~ion Dis nguished volunteer pins in R ura p.recJnc WI mee a re u- oca Clap er . 0 p a. appa 9;30 Behind the He.dllnes ,SUPERIOR 'OIL CO. recoglT!tion of sel'vice in the sav- Jar pollmg places. Kappa, profeSSIOnal medIcal fra- 9:40 News That Christ was bled {or years ago. ings bonds sales ~mpaign in Morrison said he will recom- ternity, is entitled "Current Trends I~ :~ ~r:~"'of~I'hlllht . • U"iversity Hospitals Coralville (West on Hiway 6) Johnson ~ounty were awarded to mend ~hat the caucuses consider In Psyc~otherapy." Bcn Sf Summerwill chairman of resolutions lor the county conven- Born m Hungary, Alexander re­ the ~rd ot the Io~a State Bank tion and that each precinct name ceived his M.D. from Budapest KSU, BLONDIE By CHIC YOUNG and T+ust company and Willis W one member lo the resolutions university in 1912. Since 1932 he TharJda,., April HI, 4:29:30 Sign On Mereer chairman ~f the board oj committee {or the county meeting. has been director or the Chicago 4;30 One Nlte Stand the Fir~t National bank He will ask city caucuses to institute and since 1935 a pro!es- 4;45 Wa!hfngton Report The awards were pr~ented by consider whether voters wish to sor of psychiatry at the 111lnos 5:1Y.l Date In Hollywood 5: 1 ~ Twllllhl Serenade Geord! Knudson, Des Moines, continue the !lresent bi-partisan college of medicine. . 6:00 Sign Ofr ' area -director of the savings bond election eomm?ttee system, which Alexander has been :I medlcal division of the treasury depart- endorses candidates [or the Iowa consultant for both the U.S. se­ ment. ' Gity school board each year. lective serv!ce and the U.S. public The Chamber of Commerce Members ot this committee wlll hcalth service. agricultural committee, headed by be named at ~he caucuses. -::;::==:::.;======-=~ Keith Wilson, planned the ban- Caucuses will also name dele- Chi...... o Collece of quet. Members 01 the committee gates to the county Republican __ were Forman Gay, H. Ke.nneth convention :lnd nominat~ mem- OPTOMETRY Cline, S. Lysle Duncan, Harold J. bel'S 01 the coun~y commIttee 1n Montgomery Louis Lord Glenn precincts in whIch no one has Rouncl Trip via r Hope, Harold Spencer, Hugh Dun- tiled at~idavits for the post, Mor­ Ezcellent opportunitie. for St.amship 'ZIO lap, Fred Ellerbrock, Leland Na- rison said. qualified men and _mea. FlltltlEIIT SlIUIIIS ., gle, C. U. Kelly, Ray 'J'hornberry d------Doctor Q6 OptoaMtry d..,.. ill and Robert Ballantyne. Stu ents To Attend three yean for .tudent. __- T.rid ..... Tn, .. Ballantyne, manager of the stu-. 0 in, with .mty or more __ 1315.11 .:. ~ .• o .:. dent placement bureau, was mas- A" Soc.etv Meet Cle!iit. in 1PKi6ed Libera) ArIa 'Tl-IAT'S ~E TROUBLE WITH I REMEMBER W~EN I ter of ceremonies for the banquet. Two delegates !rom the SUI oou~. )

'rUE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa l(y, Ja.-Tbu.rs., Apr. 15, 195.-Pare 3 . . · I · t Stuclent Nurses Panhellenic Association Names New Office 6 SU I 5 OC I 0 0 9 ISS IElect Karen Kratz Lynn Thodt, C3. Walcott, and' Virginia Garbett, A3, Eagle Grove. Prudy Medcr. A2. Elkader, and ' 1955 have been appointed president and Gwen Johnson, N2. Garner. were Attend Madison Parley President vice-president. respec. liVelY. • of the e.lected Panh.elJenic representa- Women's PanheUenic association lIves to Judiciary board U1 elec- Prof. Harold Saunders, head of for the 1954-55 school year. The lions held by each social sorority. sociology and anthropology de- cussions will be included with Ioffices are rotated according to the' Elected PanheJJenlC represenla- partment will serve as chairman Prof. J. Richard Wilmeth servinJ year thefr respective sororities t~ves to student council by .the so- of a section meeting on population as discussant. The subjects in- were founded on the SUI campus. clal groups the: Toby Dumtz. A2, ... ~~~~=--:::-=--=--=-==-=-~T _ ofand theecology Midwest at the Sociological annual meeting so- cluded In thiS. al ea Will . be prob- Elected ol1lcers ot the organi- Newton, a.n d J ane t H auser, A2 , I WANT AD RATES I Ltdas an Foun d He I p Want ed C'lety in Madison, Wis., today lems of immigration, factors of zalion are: Sandra Betz, A2, Des Cedar RaPids., . l.OST: Parker 51 pen. VIcinity of 1 Moines secretary and Mary Hau- The 'Vomen S Ponhellenlc coun- ~ ~h'ffrer Hall. Call 3916 Ifter ~ p.m. WANT!:D AT ONCEf Mali or woman t~ through Saturday. cohesion in small groups and "'1. d f 'd t ! ODe da, ... ~--- Ie per word sen'lce ~u tomen for lamoul. naUon . er. A3. Sheldon, treasurer. CI IS com~se 0 .~res l en s rom Thr cU 1%0 rd LOST : A chain-driven trlcycl" 'lear sUl- aUy advertloed Watlcln. prodUCts Ir Ie; Five other members ot the so- Gold's report on his researcl4 Olher officers wer~ appointed the 13 SOCial soronties represented ee:n .__ . per 11'0 diu.... Maroon and white. DI.l '-21" Iowa City. E.U>.blished bUllne s brin. ciology faculty will also partici. by the executive committee which at sm. Miss Helen Reich. Five da,•.•. __ . 15c per word or 5265. ,ood e.mln,s recubarly. starlin, Immecl· I th TeD da,•..• __ zOe per word ______lately. No InVKtment. Write J . R. Wat. pate n e program. I includes the president, vice presi- I klns Co .. D-$1 . Winon •. Mlnn. Frederick B. Waisanen will Home Ee Students denl, secretary, and treasurer. One H~UjDltbam-·-;:;.epe5r.. wOrd Baby Sitting ~ I d lOT 't N t ti . t . McCarrel To Serve w • MAKE"" DAILY. s~u Inous nam. rea ypewTI er 0 a on 10 I h They are: Mary Sit ord. A3. SIOUX I CLASSIFIED DISPLAY WANTED. &by ,Utln •. Dial &-211.. plates. Write Bee\'8 .• AtUeboro Scalogram Analysis" and Prot. Give StyeS ow City UWA representative' Alice As Sym oSI'um Cha'rman lira . Free sample and detal~. ' ey. A3. Des Mo'lnes,' Junl'or P I One i'l.!'p!'ti.on... __ ._.98c per Inch WILL care lor dlIld In home. Dial I-Ulsa .____ --, David Gold will present a paper, - Dalb ,.. i rt tb JACK Jill I Dial. _ WANTED _ Part-Ilme (yptst. Exp.ri "Is Ethnic Prejudice a Unitary "April Showers of Style" was IPanhellenlc; AnHa Rezr:uchek. A3. Ted McCarrel. director of ad- lve nse Ions per mon • and PU>.;rschoo . -. en.ed. Permanent. DIal 411'. M.Na ..... Variable?" the theme (or a style show pre- Omaha. Neb .• scholarshlp; missions and re(istrar, will serve per insertion.__ ... 88e per BABY IltUn •. Dial ua. AlII: for Arlene. FurnJtun Co. Research in~ormation e~tiUed. sented Wednesday afternoon by June Rotman, A3. Dubuque. 50- as chairman and discussion leader Ten Insertions per month, 1- .- .-u..:-.teeII--g-n8C)--u-s-Fo-r-Sa-le---' "The ExploratIOn of Certam At- cial; Jan ~vsen, C3. Cedar Rap- of a symposium at the 40th an- per InsertlotL__ 80c P'=T Who Doel It '_ !In titudinal Dimensions Within the the SUI home economics depart- ids. rushing; Jo Murray, A3. Ga- nual meeting of the American as- Dally Insertions during month ------FOR SAU!): Laudromat. SUahUy uioed ~ Operating Room Situatl'on by ment. Outfits made by'students in iesburg. Ill., publicity; Marydale socialion of Collegia1e Registrars per I----tio~_ .7Oc per' IIADIO and TV .. I•• and rvlce. Pick up $150.00. Phone 3-3883 or 11:12'7. u"",,, u...... nd delivery. Woodbum Sound Servl.... _ Or Guttman Scalogram Analysis," clothing cla~Jell were modeled. M rrill, A2, Ida Grove, philan- and Admission Officers at SI. a..!Il5I . TUXEDO _ .1%. 38 .. _ ,15. KAYAK _ will be given by Jack V. Buerkle. Participating were Fran Wlli- thropic; Bcverly Cronk, C3, Louis. April 20-23. IIrl", .U...... enb . .. LAWNS 1l1Ided. Llaht bull-doz.ln, ..,oop. $18. - Phone &-25t. aner ~:I~. Karen Kratz e Prof. Manlord H. Kuhn wiJ] act mek. AI, Newton; Demetra Cos-, BloomCI·eld. acu·vitics. and Joy The symposI'um on "College Ad- TIiBoasD.alllll'''DIIO:...... BB... !I .... O.. r °c'alkll J.ck Sterlalte ' Phone 30'1 or 8 -I'" . Nearl,. new S~aTR-CORpNA Sleriin. as discussant in the sociiJl psy- tas. ,A4, Cedar Rapids; Madalyn Karen Kratz. N3. Rockford, 111.. Coble. A3, Aurora. Ill.. mcdiation missions and High School Rela-. 4191 O~!~E~:ct~~~~: ::ln~~e3-;0~ .• or- I_$6II=·_D:.I;::aJ~t9~J .:.;" ______. . A2 D M T 'd 'h S board chairman. flons," will be held April 22. COMBINATIOPf Teeter-babe ,troller $a choiogy section. DiSCUSSion , ows; ary urn- was elected pres) ent o. I e tu- I ;;; __iiiiit ... _____ iiiiit_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiii_iiiiii_iiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiii.. ... iiiiiiiiiii l QUAUTY nil wa'I'.~.-orv ------R~cial and ethnic ::la1lOns d rna 0 .en auer. • ar e ... I rln , • m a. VJC - r"I .... UHREJoIHOLDT'S. 1132 S.. LInn. FOR SALE _ Eureka rato-matle vae City; Lee Lundquist, A3. Cedar president; Nancy Harple, NI. Des Now is the time to enjoy B 3 ROOM AI/I. Fully (urnllhed. Pr\va Phone 2&12. uum cl .."" ..... ClImb""'. Pial 3-222.2. Rapids; Mary Vanvliet, A2. Otley: Moines, secrel'llry; and Janet pleasant drive through the entr.ne~. prlv.te bath. laundry loci pll U. noo .... waJl."'ie.i~ COLLAPSIBLE baby bUill:\,. 22t6. Joan Zimmerman, A2. Waterloo; Thicme. N2, SI. Charles. IlL. trea- country. To make your outing U"', and a lar, yard. Dial 4.535. eSlltnaln. Charles BlackJ1\oll\ .. L.lGH,T oak dlnotle set. Three chain 13 University Artists even more enj c y~bl~" Colluw it ~ p.m. call :1-118. 85011 Route S. Phone ~20. Vivian Nelson, A3 Princeton Ill.; surer. up with a stojJ at - - - AUTO PARTS lor •• Ie. OoOOy',. 101 • Diane Burkett A2 Sioux City and Union Board representative tor SMALL fUllllshed apartment. ThJrd 1I00r. Malden Lane. !J,.I ~m. AFRICAN Vlolel9 (or ,0 1". .Dlal.006. " 'th II f . ill b K ~o chlldr~n . au N . nod~e . - Represented in Show Jane Holmes. C4, Waterloo. e co ege 0 nursing w e ay THE INSURANCE. RMI t:state, Property GOOD Cushman Scoot"'} Phone till Flemming, N3. Decorah. BACHELOR aparlrncn\.!l for rent. 804 N. MAn !lemcnt. Darline 4< Co. Dial 1-1"1. aller 8 p.m. • Dubuque .t. Dial b-2158 __ _~:..-~.:.:.-. ______--< ! Il~TAL fOOL' Byron .Hopkin •. Pa.lnt. GOLF CLUBS. TennIs Rackel.!. Golf Balb At Missouri Museum · 'I· Room, For Rent , ...... L"d tloor cooerln",. Hoi Plates, and Eleelrl Iron.. Hoc:lq Iowa Fe II owsh Ip Uh_lty'S ~xpenses, Ieanc It ~: f1ve,' ~~U t l i --~~~-=!!!-__ I --:-~-;--;:-;---;-;--:;-- , E)._·e _Lo8_ .n5_.____ . J II Autos for Sal. - Used ,- Prints submitted by the Iowa S I Off· b }. R· . '53 Dinln, Room SLtEPINC I'OOITllI J01 two m.le ltudenta. -...;...;..;~...;..;;..-...;.....;..--;.,;..~- FOR SALE - Cood used mlsc:eUaneou print group of the SUI art depart- e eets Ice .. s rroTlts Ise In ""vailable For e WHERE DINING 15 A aEASURE Near l'3mpu •.~2II. I9~O CJU:VROI..ET (or .. ,., with flnallee. fUrniture. Bar,afn prl~ea. Thornp!Ol prln, Partie _FOR rent. Room. Girl •. . Dlal 4~n. Cheap tranllPOrialion. Dial 8-1139. Transfer Bnd Storace Co. ment have been accepted tot' the The annual r porl of t h e ]ow8- * *. e 12 MILES NORTH ON 218 TO . J\,! ~ II II-l~6 Springfield. Mo. art mll.... lln' ·. , Samuel Ling, G, Formosa. has lllinois Gas and Electl'ic Co. liled Reserved Primarily FOR men: double room with oath ter p .m . C8. BABY Bu~lY. Phonp 1-4)78. 'd t • th I a M' ST Phone 4503. IOU FORD convertible. Phone 11-0196. 24th annual exhibition. b een e Iec 1e d preSl en 0. I.' ow with the city clerk thii week indi- For LaFTe ParUH e CURT,S BRIDGE THEN 1 ILE WE ____--:-:-:-_--:_____ FOR SALE. Laundromat .100 Ma:yta. The show is open to artists liv- Christian0 ff'fellowship. ltd' I d cates that opel ating revenues and I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~;~~ I, Wanted lM1built FORD mOlor dduxe. r dlo. aUl!lonIlealer, WIllon.1l00d lireRe-,. - Best______oIfer. Phone 3-3863 0' 8327. _ 0 I.' ing in Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, thee IcersI ec Ce mc F uII e both increased ond net Excellent condition. Dial 3-3219. FOR S"~ ~'. Aulo an~u. Fir. Insuran~e~ illiam Ma am. AI. edar a s, Income after taxes d creased GOLF CLUBS In IIOO., .. Owul Shlrley M. Eliason, G, Kanawha. this week. CANOE TRIPS 8-1280. SHOWS! IV ASHrNG and Ironk.•. Dial 8-~198. - - . ------The others are: Nancy A. Fisk, l _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiii!iiii~~iiiii!iiiiii Quelleo-8Ilperlo. Wlld •• n.... Only $4 G. Iowa City; Erwin H. Foerster­ per maD .ay tot complete ovyn, alu­ Want Ads Ii(lg, G. Grossepointe Peak. Mich.; n.... rn eaaoe and IMd. For r"Ie fold­ ~iders Wanted Fender Harland J. Goudie, G, Great Falls, er an" map ",rll.: Bill Itom, CANOE RlDER'SI WANTED to OhJo. Lenve And Mont.; Nancy B. Brorby, G, Chi­ COUNT. OlITFITTEK . BO>. 117 C. pm. W .... neoday. CaU 0126. AI Daniel,: Bring Cudom Ely. Min ...... cago; Jeanne H. Richards. Many, Like La.; Moishe Smith, G, Detroit and ONE 10 HP Mercury Hurrieane Body Work Richard E. Williams, G. Bcllalre. , Tailorin,g ONE 4' t ~fartln Outboard 1\10- Results Tex. TOJt By Ignition WE ROLL All SLEEVES ONE 1946 Ford Tudor 225.00 [!:'~i (oj. CARBURETORS EXPERT WORKMEN UNLESS YOU REQUEST STAR S TODAY GENERATORS STARTERS Gamma Alpha Chi e 1st Iowa City Showing e Phone 4891 A CREASE Briggs & Stratton Motors Kennedy Auto Man All ita Storyl»lk Won.Jer 708 Riverside Drive WIKEL TYPEWRITERS PYRAMID SERVICES Re-tlects Miss Hahn Becomes ~ Magic! DIAL 7373 KELLEY'S · RENT A NEW ROYAL 621 S, Dubuaue Dial 5723 PORTABLE ClEANERS "OOORS OPEN 1;15 P.M." Dial 4161 DAY or NITE STARTS - TOMORROW Ask About Our Rental i Purchase Plan WANT EDl E. Washington Ph. 8-0151 WANTED .FRIDAY Male student to work in ~U(·l!4"· Juniors and underclassmen III 11.11 : ) PRICES Tbls ATTRACTION-Matinees - 65c-Nirhts - men's clothing store, on after­ LATE SHOW TONITE! -- Children 25c -- for port-time employment. BROKEN TIRES? noons & Saturdp ys and Apply: Mr. Todd, Paris Our vulcanlzing is LAlJRENCE - PLUS­ Cleaners. throughout summer m~ln'hs. guaranteed for the l OLIVIER Gtlfll lire or the tire. "tin 1JF.G(M's Prilt Write Box 16, Conn" ()ID,{ tW!(53 Quality Retreads PARIS CLEANERS Doily Iowan ~ Good Used Tires eALSO e VIVECA' LINDFORS in Linder Tire Service "No Time For Flowersll ~I~ EnguHs you body and soul 21 E. College St. Dial "163 SAFE BUY U.S. Royal TiTes Tonlte in the flesh and fury Glenn Ford ... In ... of the most sinister 'PLUNDER OF THE SUN' Marjorie Ha,hn . .unCierworld on earth! Cash USED CARS ' Marjorie Hahn. A3, Cedar Rap­ FOR ANY ids. was re-elected presiden l of Gamma Alpha Chi. profes.;;ional '%'''4'0] Purpose Tomorrow's Specials advertising fraternity for women. Starts FRIDA VI Grerory Peck e Aun Blythe Other officers of the fraternity 'THE WORLD IN HIS ARMS' Small Monthly Payments. are Curran Lamar. A3, Sioux City, This ytlrth. And secretary-treasurer. and Grace 10 adventure II Tony Curtis e Piper Laurie Federal Discount 1949 Mercury Sedan $69 Kaminkowitz. A3. New York city, 'SON Of AU 8ABA' Radio, heater. overdrive, dark Itlue. N.Y .• rush and social chairman. GAX is now making plans for its ~/..IIWlI' LABD annual banquet held in conjunc­ FRIDAY I SATURDAY tion with Alpha Delta Sigma. pro­ 1950 Ford Sedan $79 ~ fessional fraternity for men in ad­ Overdrive, rodlo, heat.r. good tires. vertising. This year the banquet .I.h2! woman I will be held at Bill Zuber's Dl,Ig­ out in Amana at 6:30 p.m., April ARTIE TUCKER and his 24. Daryl Carter, C4. Storm Lake. JAIE 1949 Ford Club Coupe $49 Ollj:::HESTIl and Miss Hahn are co-chairmen STAR LIGHT Radio, heater, seat tover" dark blue. or the banquet. RUSSILI. .. 9 Piece band with Vocalist REMBOLT GIVES SPEECH Composed of top musicians 1949 Ford Tudor $39 Dr. R. R. Rembolt, director of "DOORS OPEN I ~:~~" the Iowa hospital school lor se­ - FIRST snow I:" r.M. - Montana .. Will play Charity Dance for Radio, heater, mechanic's "pecial. verely handicapped children. ad­ the Moose Drum and Bugle dressed a dinner meeting ot the Corps Dubuque county association for 1~:trl!~QI Selle ' .. To be held at the Mopse mentally retarted children at Du­ 1948 Ford Club Coupe $39 buque Tuesday evening. Hall APRIL 1', Wednesday, Radio, heater, ',un visor. good tir•• , LAST BIG DAY 8:00 p.m. PRICES ·THIS ATTRACTION MATINEES 'TlL o:!It - .leI • Good clean fun for the en­ IOWA CITY NIGHT!! - 711e CH ILDR EN - !3c tire family 1948 Chevrolet Tudor $46 MEN'S CHORUS IT'S A HIT! .. All proceeds go to the Drum RadiO, healer, ,un vi$or, seat ' ~overs. SHOWS - I : 00-3: ' It-~:e~ and Bugle Corps. Also hal new reconditioned motor. Seventh Anl)ual , :::5-8:35 - .Ifealure ':M" ., """ I. Concert Many other makes anCi models. I featuring . •• See Any 01 OUf Salesmen: 'TOWN MEN QUARTET' Bilt Lee. C. M. Casey, James Ryan, Wagon OGerres, Mac 1- ' G~be. Harv~ Miller, A, J. Drecklnan, Mike Moore, Joe MeG - Opstad Auditorium illS. • April 20, 8:00 P.M. Tickell: Adultl $1.00 Iowa City Motors ,Inc. ~hfldre" $ .50 and I . ~o All proceedl over e.­ penlel to be donated to "HYPNOTIC HICK" Burkett-Rhinehart Motor Co. the Public School MUllc I , Department. - LATE NEWS- USED CAR LOfS- -

------~ ------Pace ~TBE DAtt.Y IOWAN-I.wa Clt7, la_ThUL, A",. 15, USC 5 Golf Letter,men Track Team To Make Debut Iowa Loses, 6-5, On ', Home Run The Dail Iowan " To Bolster Hawks' In IO-Meet Season With I-Man Squad al Kansas By Arizona Pit(her In 9th Inning w:~~eI~~:~er~~s\~:;1 g~el!p::::~~ Tworelaysandsevenindividual ---~- ~ Speelal 10 The Dally Iowan April 27, Coach Frank (Bucky) events at the Kansas Relays at due and 1JJlnois will not be Pll$. * * * * * * ' O'CQnnor said Wednesday. Lawre"re Saturday will be en- ent. Tucson. Ariz.-Arizona's pitcher possible fracture of the little f1n- The ten-meet season wiII begm I.e red oy low," athletes. coach Rich Fergu.son will detend -- Benny Rincon stammed a nome- ger of his right hand. His Injury ~==::-___ =:-___ -:=====:-:===_-====:::!. against Western Illinois State o)f Fronds Cretzmeyer said Wednes- title in the 3,OOO-meter steep .. run in the last or the ninth inning Is the third sustained on the Ari------Mac~mb, Ill .• at Iowa City. ,!hC day. chase and may also run the milt, ·Yo to win his own ballgame and de- zona trip so far. Second baseman B kl D G. t 6 4 op.enmg Big Ten meet Is agamst The eight-man squad will make in which he was second last yelf. ~~ 't.h a ' . me its debut in 1954 outdoor compe- Ferguson. the NCAA champire, rehalrtdIomW~SlinHgaWbeketwyeeen6-!ltheln tthwoe Rth°unmbcaMPoPnSdbayro.ke a bone in his. roo yn umps Ian s· _. MmnesotaWI here M y I A et teams.l The game scheduled fot ton'lght • " b Not reI I Ddame Aplli 24 has tition in the first of nine meets, is in good shape after winning biJ AI It I at Tucson has been 0 d t J L d Ph I een cance e . only one o[ which is at Iowa City. last indoor two mile April 2 II Jark p1dded WhIChw:sSi~;~e t:uen th:~:r~~~eu:: this afternoon. Th~m s;:iesuPwi~ ones ea s II s over Bues tatno~~ t~~r~~~30{e~~~:~~0~d ~~= .Best Iowa c~ance for . a relay Montreal. Canada, in 9:09. e winning and losing team. Iowa end Saturday with a double-head- Cardell. Newton. are the best of first plac: IS m. the mile: The .Other individuals are NlQ d&T8 dropped its tirst game 4-3 Mon- er. Iowa opens its Big Ten sea- the veterans on the basis of last coach beheves hJ:S team wIll run Piper. pole vault; Les Stevl!!lt, 4rivers day. then won the second encoun- BOGENREIF SCHOOF son against Illinois at Champaign PITTSBURGH OP)- Third base------season's pl~y. Other lettermen close to 3:17. With Les Stevens. high hurdles and high jump; Ea!! aDd ~ ler Tue day. 3-2. April 23. man Willie Jones moved up from Until Don Mueller dOUbled with are Jim Davis. Cedar Rapids; Dick Ira Duns~orth. LeRoy Ebert and Smith. Big Ten broad jump challlo ,. New I d II' h' ed . IOWA !MIt IIOt ~ A • seventh to leadott in the batting one out in the fifth. Newcombe Bellinger. Waterloo', and Don Stan LeVinson as the quartet. pion. and Glen Hesseltihe. 1G6. TooO: threeowa hitscore and a threelIs runsArizona on Wednesday.e ustalO sltding inlo third ARIZOSA I'" ... 101_ S 4 order, contributing a two-run h a d a no-h'It t er I:oing. Kneeter, Des Moines. Texas. which ran 3: 17.1 at the yard dash. !be tine

Tllat'. ",h&! You e&Il Dllce rour laaDd!', bu llet NOW d."JI II, Ute lrolll'lte, IDd breeze &hrou,h all tb. w... • .. IrelliBl - alUln, down! Sheets. fl d worll. IIdrla and frill,. elreilea - all are ealler to do liD •• tit. hearlte beeauae 01 the two uuble ODen ..... '-'1 shewn, 'Z•• •• II. oUien Irom $I a .li. $25.00 " * Liberal A.llowance ·Ior your old Washer PreCut ., Han,i'ton $219.9:1 tJI. fl fa' fo 'IOU We NEED The Space, Badly! automatic ,a. elotbe. dryer manufacturer, tbe Hamil". , dryer features • IIlU1lt1 z1 ng .ltr.·,'lolot lamp, fabrl-dlal tom. * 10% Down - 24 Months perature eontrol. adp.table IImer , Imooth; , Ioc·clalt c)'Under, I flu provl, loD for . uy ventlnr to the outdoo.... on"pII!C'P C'C\9a'n· hell ht top. Orill'tnally ~79.811 , DOW a,·aU.bl, OD evDve"J ... * Offer Ends A.pril .. 22 terms at a u vlnlt' of .-0.00. Willard's Apparel ,

24 S. Van iU ~8n Washington IOWA-ILLINOIS• , I ' Gas and ElectricI Go. .. " .. I