Salvador 2018





Monografia apresentada ao Curso de Oceanografia, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal da Bahia, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Bacharel em Oceanografia.


Salvador 2018





Monografia apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Bacharel em Oceanografia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, pela seguinte banca examinadora:


______Dr. José Maria Landim Dominguez – Orientador Universidade Federal da Bahia

______Dra. Junia Guimarães Universidade Federal da Bahia

______M.Sc. Yuri Costa Universidade Federal da Bahia

Salvador, 23 de Fevereiro de 2018


“Mãe, o que é o oceano?” “Uma quantidade de água que banha os continentes” Sobre simplicidade com Jaci Paula Menezes



Agradeço a Deus por estar presente, por ser presença e por colorir o meu mundo de amor. Agradeço ao Oceano por ser minha fonte de inspiração, minha melhor terapia e o melhor lugar do mundo. Agradeço a minha mãe, Jaci Paula, por ser meu porto seguro e fortaleza, a razão de tudo e a mulher mais incrível que conheço. Agradeço a meus irmãos, Jônatas e Hilquias, pela assistência e inspiração. A minha avó por ser raiz e deixar que me afague em seus braços.

Agradeço a Rafael, meu companheiro, por todo suporte durante a minha graduação e por adoçar minha vida com sua presença. A minha vizinha ‘Nega’ pelas tardes incansáveis me ensinando o dever de casa. Ao meu amigo e professor Anilson, por ser meu tutor na vida. Ao professor Lessa pelas conversas chorosas e orientação. A professora Juliana, pela breve, porém intensa inspiração profissional. A todas minhas professoras do SUNY Maritime, especialmente a Dr. Warkentine por todo aprendizado e estímulo. A minha orientadora no Havaí, Dr. Julie Brock pela serenidade e acolhimento.

Ao Educamares pela fraternidade e por humanizar minha formação profissional. Meu muitíssimo obrigado ao meu orientador Landim pela paciência, sapiência e boa vontade de ter aceitado o pedido de orientação. A Yuri, meu tutor na idealização desse trabalho, meu sincero agradecimento pela partilha e orientação quando tudo era apenas ideias. A Carla, pelo entusiasmo, incentivo e serenidade.

As minhas amigas e amigos da Oceanografia: muito obrigada por serem aquarela nessa página da minha vida. Obrigada a meus alunos por me tornarem professora. Obrigada a minha amiga Amanda pelo amor e irmandade. Obrigada a meus amigos W agner e Ricardo pelo acolhimento durante o estágio no Havaí e por acalentar minha vida com suas amizades. Obrigada a meus amigos Jano e Andrés pela hospitalidade e amparo nessa reta final, e por acreditarem em mim.

Meu mais sincero agradecimento a todos os brasileiros e brasileiras que com seus impostos financiam a Universidade pública e gratuita e possibilitam que realidades sejam transformadas a partir do acesso ao conhecimento.



As baías tropicais são uma das formas de relevo costeiras mais afetadas pela mudança climática devido à sua vulnerabilidade econômica, social, ambiental, técnica e educacional. No entanto, eles são os menos estudados em comparação com outras baías. Este trabalho revisa sistematicamente e sintetiza publicações científicas (n = 494) para identificar e caracterizar o estado da mudança climática em baías tropicais e apontar lacunas científicas. Entre as publicações em baías tropicais, 180 foram estudados na Ásia, 121 no Golfo do México e Havaí, 96 na Oceania, 32 na África, 32 na América do Sul, 24 na América Central e 9 em múltiplas áreas tropicais. Estudos de parâmetros biofísicos estavam presentes em todas as áreas tropicais. Os estudos relacionados à comunidade costeira, cultura e educação estavam presentes em algumas áreas, mas não no Golfo do México, no Havaí e na América do Sul. Os artigos documentam extensas evidências de mudanças climáticas, com consequências para sistemas tanto biofísicos como humanos. O aumento do nível do mar está comprometendo as baías costeiras e afetando os assentamentos humanos, atividades econômicas e serviços ecossistêmicos. Conhecemos pouco sobre os cenários passados e futuros das mudanças climáticas nas baías tropicais. A revisão identifica a importância da pesquisa de mudanças climáticas específicas que trabalha com cronologia histórica em uma abordagem multidisciplinar, bem como sistemas de saúde, economia, política, cultura e educação. A metodologia de revisão sistemática ofereceu uma ferramenta plausível e eficiente para estudos sobre mudanças climáticas quando há necessidade de identificar status passado, atual e futuro.

Palavras-chave: mudança climática, baía tropical, revisão sistemática da literatura.



Tropical bays are one of the most affected coastal landforms by climate change due to their economic, social, environmental, technical and educational vulnerability. Yet, they are the least studied compared to other bays. This work systematically reviews and synthesizes scientific publications (n = 494) to identify and characterize the status of climate change in tropical bays and point out scientific gaps. Among tropical bays publications, 180 were studied in Asia, 121 Gulf of Mexico and Hawaii, 96 Oceania, 32 Africa, 32 South America, 24 Central America and, 9 in multiple tropical areas. Biophysical parameters studies were present in all of the tropical areas. Studies related to the coastal community, culture and education were present in some areas but not in the Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii and South America. The articles document extensive evidence of climate change, with consequences to both biophysical and human systems. Human settlements, economic activities, and ecosystem services are being compromised by sea level rise in coastal bays. We know little about past and future scenarios of climate change in tropical bays. The review identifies the importance of targeted climate change research that works with historical chronology in a multidisciplinary approach as well as health systems, economy, policy, culture and education. The systematic review methodology offered a plausible and efficient tool for climate change studies when there is the need to identify past, current, and future status.

Keywords: climate change, tropical bay, systematic literature review



Figure 1 - Coastal ecological, economic and social attributes classification of countries with the tropical zone delimited between 30°N and 30°S. The classes are: 1. Largest percentage of natural ecosystems; 2. High percentage of natural ecosystems, highest population density and expected population growth rate at the coast; 3. Lower natural ecosystems and higher semi-alteres and altered ecosystems, moderate population growth rate; 4. High altered ecosystems, highest coastal densities and highest population growth rate; 5. Largest percentage of altered and semi-altered ecosystems, population density and growth rate moderate; 6. Highest Ecosystem Service Product (ESP) values for altered and semi-altered ecosystems, medium to well preserved ecosystems; 7. High percentage of natural ecosystems, highest ESP values for terrestrial, aquatic and altered ecosystems; 8. High percentage of conserved ecosystems, high maximum ESP values for aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Adapted from Martínez et al., 2007...... 23

Figure 2. The number of papers published on coastal bays per year between 1950 and 2017. Solid dots indicate publications on tropical coastal bays...... 26

Figure 3 - Number of climate change’ and bay publications per annum, all year range on WoS. Solid dots indicate the concentration of 80% of the total of publications...... 29

Figure 4 - Summary of document selection. Excluded documents correspond to publications in no tropical areas. The articles included as in tropical areas were categorized per continents or region. Several areas category correspond to multiple tropical locations. *Gulf of Mexico and Hawaii...... 31

Figure 5 - Categories of articles in climate change in tropical areas. A weight was given to each category in order to better represent the distribution among tropical areas. Several areas category is related to more than one tropical area in the same article...... 32



Tabela 1 - Inclusion and exclusion criteria for document selection divided into two parts: keyword search and title and abstract review ...... 28

Tabela 2 - Keywords used in guiding the retrieved document review. Adapted from Ford and Pearce (2010) ...... 30



Introduction ...... 12 Tropical Bays ...... 4 A PERSPECTIVE OF TROPICAL BAYS RESEARCH ...... 15 Introduction to a Systematic Review ...... 17 Methodology...... 18 DOCUMENTS SELECTION ...... 19 DOCUMENTS REVIEW ...... 20 Results ...... 21 REVIEW CHARACTERISTIC ...... 21



WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW...... 26 Conclusion ...... 27 Reference ...... 28 Supplemental Material ...... 33



Even though many studies have emphasized the degradation of coastal areas (Wong et al., 2014; Lotze et al., 2006; Lotze and Milewski, 2006; Jackson et al., 2001; FAO, 1998), we know little about the deep historical root of anthropogenic impact in coastal ecosystems (Jackson, 2001). Jackson et al. (2001) presents three historical stage of anthropogenic impact on coastal marine ecosystems: (i) aboriginal, which is related to subsistence exploitation; (ii) colonial, referred to a period of depletion of coastal resources for foreign market economy, and finally; (iii) global, characterised by a vigorous and geographically extensive exhaustion of coastal resources. These historical degradation may be accentuated by impacts of current climate change.

Sea level rise is one of the main impacts of climate change in coastal systems (Magrin, 2014; Wong et al., 2014; Dolan & Walker, 2006). Such impact is not uniform in time and space and it depends on ocean currents, wind patterns, climate fluctuations, continental drift and locally, volcanic eruptions (Weissenberger & Chouinard, 2015). Even though the effect of accelerated sea level rise is expected to be more local than global (Wong et al., 2014), at least three significant processes will impact coastal areas in general: inundation, erosion, and salt water intrusion of estuaries and aquifers (Dolan & Walker, 2006; Gornitz, 1991). Coastal landforms which present local low gradient, such as a bay, will be more affected by these processes (Gornitz, 1991).

The responses to climate change in coastal areas will be intensified by the already existing anthropogenic pressure given that a wide percentage of the worldwide population are living within 100 km boundary (Martínez et al., 2007). The largest and high percentage of natural ecosystems, highest species richness, highest population density, and highest expected population growth rate are mostly concentrated in tropical zone (between 30°N and 30°S) (Martínez et al., 2007; Gaston, 2000) (Figure 1) , placing these areas as socially, economically, and environmentally vulnerable to climate change. Within the coastal areas, some features favor human occupation and exploitation than others. Bays, for instance, have much calmer waters and they are more protected than the open ocean, enabling human settlement, fishing, and anchorage (Lotze et al., 2006).


Figure 1 - Coastal ecological, economic and social attributes classification of countries with the tropical zone delimited between 30°N and 30°S. The classes are: 1. Largest percentage of natural ecosystems; 2. High percentage of natural ecosystems, highest population density and expected population growth rate at the coast; 3. Lower natural ecosystems and higher semi-alteres and altered ecosystems, moderate population growth rate; 4. High altered ecosystems, highest coastal densities and highest population growth rate; 5. Largest percentage of altered and semi-altered ecosystems, population density and growth rate moderate; 6. Highest Ecosystem Service Product (ESP) values for altered and semi-altered ecosystems, medium to well preserved ecosystems; 7. High percentage of natural ecosystems, highest ESP values for terrestrial, aquatic and altered ecosystems; 8. High percentage of conserved ecosystems, high maximum ESP values for aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Adapted from Martínez et al., 2007.

Thousands of articles and reports on state of knowledge on climate change have been published every year (Berrang-Ford et al. 2011). Regarding to coastal areas, studies have mainly covered the vulnerability to sea level rise and physical impacts of extreme events (Wong et al., 2014). However, the covering of these studies is not regionally equitable worldwide. For instance, Berrang-Ford et al. (2011), in a study to follow globally adaptation effort to climate change, presented that the global distribution of adaptation report is not only inequitable but it is also presented in a different profile in high and low income countries. Even considering that part of these discrepancies may be related to divergence in reporting adaptation efforts among nations, when these reports were presented in low income countries, they have a weak structure regarding to long-term solutions and involvement of different actors (Berrang-Ford et al., 2011).

As results of economic, social, environmental, technical and educational vulnerability, tropical ecosystems are some of the most vulnerable to climate change impacts (Velepucha et al., 2016). Therefore, it is necessary to track the status of scientific knowledge on climate

23 change in tropical zone in order to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze the magnitude and nature of the lack of knowledge in this zone. In this study, a systematic review was used to identify and specify research related to climate change in tropical bays aiming to comprehend the status of these coastal landforms. Three main questions guided this study: (i) what do we know about climate change vulnerability in tropical bays; (ii) what we don’t know about climate change vulnerability in tropical bays, and; (iii) what we need to know about climate change vulnerability in tropical bays.


The tropical area is often delimited by the Tropics of Cancer (23°28’N) and Capricorn (23°28’S) (Marçal, 2009; Osborne, 2000). However, the distribution of tropical plants and animals is not constrained by the tropics’ lines and may extend north or south (Osborne, 2000). Even though variation in climate, soil type and other environmental conditions restrict the general distribution of ecosystems rather than the delimitation of the zones, some ecosystems such as coral reefs and mangroves are characteristic of the tropical zone (with rare exception, as the Bermuda reefs for example)(Marçal, 2009; Osborne, 2000). Therefore, it is pertinent to consider the tropical area the extent in which tropical ecosystems can be found. In this work the areas described as tropical are situated between 30°N and 30°S.

The tropical zone represents 36% of the Earth’s surface (Singh, 2016) and its area corresponds a large terrestrial portion of Africa, a considerable part of Central and South America, southern Asia, northern Australia, and a minor portion in the Pacific Islands. In terms of climate, two major factors regulate the tropical area: temperature and rainfall (Osborne, 2000). The tropical zone is hotter than any other zone as a result of the unequal energy supply with latitude. The rainfall presents seasonal variation and the temperature varies daily and seasonally. Although the climatic factors are generalized for this zone, some climatic shifts can still be related to altitude and other local attribute (Osborne, 2000).

There are more than 200 bays in the tropical area (Supplemental Material) in which most of them are located in Asia and in Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. Most of these bays have unique geological history. For instance, the Bay of Bengal in India was shaped by plate tectonics during the evolution of the (Talwani et al., 2016) whereas the Guanabara Bay in Brazil is related to the filling of geological faults with continental and fluvio marine sediment (Silva et al., 2015). For mostly coastal tropical bays four forcings might be considered: onshore wind, tides, river runoff and heat flow (Santana et. al, 2017; Fistarol, 2015; Kitheka, 1996). However, depending on the local morphology and wave climate, ocean waves may also be an important forcing (Delpey et al., 2014).


Long before coastal landforms and their associated ecosystems have been studied, they were intensely degraded (Jackson, 1997). Human populations are historically associated to coastal systems, hence, the coastal area are the most impacted and modified worldwide (Lotze et al., 2006; Adger et al., 2005). Taking into account the differences in the pattern of occupation and exploitation, the tropical area is historically marked by colonization. According to Murphy (2009), the most significant bond between colonization and environment is “... the alienation of people from their land and resources” (Murphy, 2009:8). During colonization, deep transformations of the coastal environment and society took place with significant repercussion nowadays (Murphy, 2009).


Although tropical ecosystems comprises high species diversity and a great number of endemic ones - especially because of the presence of coral reefs (Darwall et al., 2011; Martínez et al., 2007; Gaston, 2000), the knowledge about their ecological function, species distribution, and biodiversity is very limited compared to temperate ecosystems (Irvine et al., 2016; Darwall et al., 2011).The combination of high species diversity and the gap of a solid base of knowledge in tropical ecosystems are aggravated by increasing population density, reduced scientific and managerial capacity, and the need for economic growth (Irvine et al., 2016; UNESCO, 2015; Martínez et al., 2007). The majority of tropical countries (except for Australia) are classified as low, lower middle or upper-middle income economies (Supplemental Material). As science and economy are mutually affected, the investment in science worldwide follows the path of the economic global scenario (UNESCO 2015).

According to a report regarding science by UNESCO, in 2015 the investment in science still remained unequal worldwide. The same report shows that, in spite of the increasing number of scientific publications globally (23% from 2008 to 2014), there has been no changes to the global balance. For instance, even though Chinese publications have doubled in the past five years and European and North American publications have fallen over the same time range, the latter two still lead in the world ranking of publications, accounting for 59% of all publications together (UNESCO, 2015). This unequal balance increases the vulnerability of low income economies to climate change impacts since the lack of information does not allow efficient planning and governance.

A basic search on the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection at any time on ‘coastal bay’ resulted in 21,138 publications. When this result was filtered for tropical countries (, Malaysia, , Cuba, Bangladesh, Thailand, Australia, Panama, India, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Mozambique, Kenya, Nigeria, Jamaica, Venezuela, Ghana, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Namibia), 5,208 publications were retrieved which represents 24% of the total

25 of publication on coastal bays. The general ‘coastal bay’ search has it first document dated back to 1954 whereas the tropical countries publications only started 13 years later (Figure 2). Furthermore, the tropical nations have limited resources (capital, human and institutional) to apply experiments with new approaches compromising the quality and degree of details of the studies and management strategies carried out in the area (Irvine et al., 2016; Aswani et al., 2015).

Figure 2. The number of papers published on coastal bays per year between 1950 and 2017. Solid dots indicate publications on tropical coastal bays.

3. Introduction to a systematic review

The vast number of scientific information may be sometimes unmanageable or even overware (Petticrew & Roberts, 2006). In the field of climate change, for instance, a great number of literature is published every year (Ford and Pearce, 2011). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been pioneering on climate change assessment by periodically surveying, evaluating, and assessing publications in this field (Hulme, 2009). However, the IPCC assessment reports have been under critics regarding to its lack of exposure of search criteria and search result (Hulme, 2008; Berrang-Ford et al. 2011). Besides methodological issues, new studies have also pointed out the global character and consensus assumed on the reports which may overlook geographical and policies differences (Pearce et al., 2018; Hope et al., 2013).


As the climate change literature seems to progress, a system capable of clearly recognize, critically assess and combine pertinent studies is primary to monitor local cases in a global trend perspective (Ford and Pearce, 2010). A systematic review is an evidence- based method to assess studies aiming to select and summarize relevant research (Petticrew and Roberts, 2006; The Cochrane Collaboration, 2008). According to Ford and Pearce (2010) a systematic review differs from any other review for three main characteristic: (i) a strategy is established before the review process stating explicit and systematic criterias to select a study; (ii) inclusion and exclusion criteria of papers are reported, documented and available to consult; and finally, (iii) the methodology allows a qualitative and quantitative analysis of a vast number of studies available on trending topics. The systematic nature of this methodology allows reproducibility and transparency, thus differing from a traditional literature review (Ford and Pearce, 2010).

Although this methodology is vastly used in medical research mainly based on the Cochrane approach (The Cochrane Collaboration, 2008), it is generally neglected in physical and social science (Ford and Pearce, 2010). In the last years several studies on climate change have been published adopting the systematic review as their main methodology (Ford and Pearce 2010, Berrang-Ford et al. 2011, Ford et al. 2011). Berrang-Ford et al. (2011) and Ford et al. (2011) developed a systematic review methodology to analyse the adaptation process to climate change in large scale. On the other hand, Ford and Pearce (2010) applied a systematic review to evaluate local vulnerability in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Canada. These studies are the bedrocks for the introduction of systematic review in the climate change field. However they are limited to temperate and polar regions.

The application of a systematic review in a tropical region has a paradoxical scenario: the methodology aims to assess the largest amount of relevant and available literature as possible in a context of a scientific gap in tropical regions. However, as the funds for research are limited in tropical countries (Aswani et al., 2015) and the continuous development pressure requires scientific and technological information (UNESCO, 2015), to be aware of the state of climate change knowledge in tropical countries seems not only scientifically plausible but also economically and politically necessary.

4. Methodology

A systematic search of the literature was conducted in October 2017 on the WoS Core Collection database. The choice for WoS refers to its coverage of a large range of disciplines in science, social sciences, arts and humanities (Jasco, 2005). Moreover, other climate change studies which used a systematic review approach have performed their

27 search on WoS database (Berrang-Ford et al., 2011; Ford and Pearce, 2010; Ford et al., 2011). The review was divided into two parts: the selection of documents, applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the review of the selected documents in order to categorize them.


The document selection was divided into two steps, each with specific inclusion and exclusion criteria (Table 1). The first step consisted on a keyword search using the terms “climate change” AND bay. The purpose was to retrieve significant publications from all over the world and afterward geographically classify them in order to have the general and local picture. Only peer reviewed articles in English from 2009 to 2017 were considered (Table 2). Even though the goal was to access a massive amount of publications, the documents retrieved should also be scientifically relevant. Since peer review sets the validity and reliability of the document appraisal (Cowell, 2014), only articles were considered. Literature prior to 2009 was not reviewed as the time range between 2009 and 2017 covers 80% of the total number of publications on ‘climate change’ and bays being, therefore, representative of the total (Figure 3).

Tabela 1 - Inclusion and exclusion criteria for document selection divided into two parts: keyword search and title and abstract review

Inclusion Exclusion

Step 1: Keyword search

English Non-English

2009 to 2017 Before 2009

Indexed in the Web of Science Not available via Web of Science

Reviews and articles Other (e.g. Editorials, Meetings, Abstracts) Step 2: title and abstract review (full text review when required for categorization)

Tropical geographic range (30°N and 30°S) Not in a tropical area

Several tropical countries Several places including not tropical


Figure 3 - Number of climate change’ and bay publications per annum, all year range on WoS. Solid dots indicate the concentration of 80% of the total of publications.

The second step consisted on the title and abstract review (Table 2). At this stage, general information such as title, authors, year of publication, doi and, location of the study were extracted from the documents retrieved on step 1. The location of the study in this previously assessment was defined by the information presented on title or abstract. After being cataloged, the studies were then reviewed in order to identify the area where it was carried on. When the location of the study was not clear in either the title or abstract, the methodology of the study was also analyzed. When the geographic coordinates of the study area were not specified in the text, the Google Earth Pro software was used to determine if this location was or was not in a tropical area. Only studies that exclusively took place in areas located between 30°N and 30°S were placed in the tropical category. A list of documents considered is provided in the Supplemental Materials section.


The publications in the tropical area were classified based on Ford and Pearce (2010) (Table 2). The term or its synonyms were part of the (i) objective of the study and/or (ii) discussion. One article could be classified into multiple non-exclusive categories. The categories were analyzed by study regions and the presence or absence of the study


category in the area was considered. The terms were feedback during the analysis of the publications and the categories as well as the articles in it, were revised when a change was carried on.

Tabela 2 - Keywords used in guiding the retrieved document review. Adapted from Ford and Pearce (2010)

Keyword list

Area Gulf of Mexico & Hawaii; Central America & Caribe; South America; Africa; Asia; Oceania; Several tropical countries

General Parameters sea level, precipitation, temperature, weather, wind, storms, erosion, (bio-geo-chemical and sedimentation, algae, flooding, coral bleaching, acidification, nutrient, gases, physical) primary productivity, biota, hurricane, streamflow, geological record, stratification, cyclone, salinity, hydrology, upwelling

Environments mangrove, coral reef, rocky shore, seagrass, estuary, beach

Sectors Specifics

Health and wellbeing socio-economic status, unemployment, livelihood, housing, basic services, drinking water, education, stress, death, injury, accidents, food security, food contamination, disease, community, crime, suicide, human rights, contaminants/pollutant

Economy and Policy industry, household economy, oil, gas, tourism, tours, public administration, primary resources, harvesting, development, fisheries, technology, government, energy, cost, governance, management, services, resources, agriculture, property

Infrastructure and transportation networks, buildings, energy, water, sewage, cultural/historical transportation sites, fishery trails, land use, construction, walls, roads, engineering, urban, land reclamation, information

Coastal community fishery, seafood, local, fisher, indigenous, local communities, subsistence fishing and shellfish collector

Culture and education Traditional, knowledge, fishing skills, high school, elementary, degree, certificate, youth, technology, awareness, science

5. Results


Two thousand a hundred seventy eight articles were retrieved in the keyword search phase and only 23% of them were carried on in tropical areas (Figure 4). The list of studies included available in the Supplemental Materials may be a useful resource for future works in tropical bays. Moreover, reflecting the specific geographical range of the search, many of

30 the articles listed do not appear in academic databases search grouped in the same area range. So, the data source provides the possibility of wider application. For instance, review the article to identify climate change vulnerability and adaptation actions carried on in tropical areas.

Web of Phase 1: Science Keyword search

Phase 2: Documents Title, abstract review (2.178) (full text review if needed)

Included Excluded (494) (1.684)

Asia (180)

Gulf of Mex. (121)*

Oceania (96)

Africa (32)

S.America (32)

C.America (24)

Several areas (9)

Figure 4 - Summary of document selection. Excluded documents correspond to publications in no tropical areas. The articles included as in tropical areas were categorized per continents or region. Several areas category correspond to multiple tropical locations. *Gulf of Mexico and Hawaii.

Thirty six percent of tropical bay articles were studied in Asia, 24% in the Gulf of Mexico and Hawaii the other forty percent were distributed among Oceania (19%), Africa


(7%), South America (7%), Central America (5%) and Several areas (2%). The data source available in the Supplemental Materials is classified by regions. Although tropical regions are connected by several common factors such as climatic and socio-economic (Marçal, 2009; Osborne, 2000; Singh, 2016; Irvine et al., 2016; Aswani et al., 2015), they still have specificities which should be addressed at a local level. Hence, the division of the articles in tropical bays per continent makes the list not only useful at a regional scale but also locally.


General parameters studies such as biological, physical, geological and chemical analysis were present in all of the tropical areas (Figure 5). The same occured to ‘Health and well being’ and ‘Economy and policy’ approach. However, for ‘Coastal community’ related research, only Central America, Oceania and Asia presented climate change studies in bay in this field. ‘Culture and education’ was also shortage, only Oceania, Asia and Africa had articles approaching this theme in relation to climate change in bays. Although this categorization presents a qualitative approach to science in tropical bays, it is relevant to understand the lack of studies in climate change related field.

Figure 5 - Categories of articles in climate change in tropical areas. A weight was given to each category in order to better represent the distribution among tropical areas. Several areas category is related to more than one tropical area in the same article.

Sea level rise were one of the most related parameter in climate change in tropical bay articles. Among the environments coral reefs were the most documented one (114

32 articles) followed by mangroves (57), seagrass (28), estuary (25), wetland (3) and beach (2). Some articles had a cross site study approach therefore, multiple ecosystems could be studied in only one article. Few studies (36) had geological history approach to understand past climate change scenarios and even fewer researches were focused on historical human settlement in tropical bays (02).

6. Discussion


The methodology applied was a compelling tool to assess existing knowledge and research gaps in the field of climate change in tropical bays. Even though the systematic review has evident advantages, this methodology is susceptible to bias which is already well incorporated in clinical studies (Almeida and Goulart, 2017; The Cochrane Collaboration, 2008) but not as much in theoretical approaches. For instance, the categorizations of the areas of study (Table 2) may be too broad and therefore, the results should be interpreted with caution regarding to its abrangence in tropical areas (Figure 5). A quantitative approach combined with the qualitative one could probably reduce this deviation. For example, the use of the impact factors of the articles in a field of study related to climate change in tropical bays would be closer to the real representation of the quality of scientific studies in this area.


We know little about past geological climate change scenarios in tropical bays. Several studies which analyzed past evidences in tropical bays pointed the human-impact more accountable for environment degradation than the climate change factors (Macreadie, 2012; Punwong et al., 2013, Wachnicka et al., 2013; Xia et al., 2016). On the other hand, a sediment record study in Gulf of California pointed out the variation in sedimentary geochemical linked to recent climate variability (Cuellar-Martinez et al., 2017). Studies of these nature are very important to acquire solid scientific evidence of past conditions and to guide management policies (Wachnicka et al., 2013). The same pattern of scarce scientific historical evidence was observed in the human level approach. Understand historical occupation and its related culture across tropical bays in different environmental and climatic times may reveal patterns of mutual correlations. Moreover, as the human response to environmental changes presents complex and diverse factors (Brockwell et al., 2009), scientific historical data about this interaction may offer clues to present and future climate

33 change actions. This may require an effort from a multidisciplinary approach in archeology, paleoclima, oceanography, geology and anthropology studies.

Changing climatic conditions are having implications for tropical coastal bays. The articles in climate change in tropical bays evidence compromised ecosystems and health status, damage to coastal infrastructure, and implications for economic and cultural activities. Climate change risks are unevenly distributed across tropical bays. The India coast, for example, is particular sensitive to rainfall variations due to the monsoon phenomena in the region (Kajikawa et al., 2012; Levermann et al., 2009). Similarly, the climate change adaptation and resilience vary between tropical bays, depending on local geographic characteristics and weather as well as the human system at the local scale. Nevertheless, common across tropical bays is the importance of sea level as a climate change risk. An increase in sea level might deeply compromise the heavily occupied coastal areas of tropical bays by human settlement and important economic activities and infrastructure apparatus.

The socio-economic values of coastal ecosystems are another common sense across tropical bays. Mangrove forests and coral reefs, for example, are well recognized as of great economic and social importance for coastal regions. For instance, mangroves have played an important role in absorbing the impact of tsunamis in the coasts of Asia (Danielsen et al., 2005). Furthermore, these ecosystems are being considered as engineering tools to effectively protect the coast. Studies in coastal engineering, for example, are taking into account the use of artificial reef instead of engineered structures for coastal defense which has been called ‘an ecological engineering approach’ (Elliff & Silva, 2017; Spalding et al., 2014). In addition to reduce environmental damage due to removal of natural habitats (Chapman and Underwood 2011), the use of artificial coral reefs, among other advantages, copy existing and potential natural values and functions (Waterman 2008) and costs significantly less than tropical breakwaters (Ferrario et al. 2014).

The majority of studies characterizing future climate change in tropical bays focused on projecting future climatic conditions and impacts on biophysical systems. This trend follows the periodically climate change reports approach (e.g.: IPCC). In order to establish better future scenarios of climate change in tropical bays scientific research should (i) incorporate socioeconomic data to be coupled to the biophysical model of climate change and, (ii) fed back the model with climate actions and policies that impact in the adaptability and resilience of the area.



While several climate change aspects have been documented across tropical bays, their long term viability in light of multiple stresses and competing policy is not evident and a number of research gaps and priorities regarding climate change in tropical bays are evident. Firstly, the lack of past scientific evidence present in the biophysical and human level of climate change in tropical bay indicates the need to environmental and human settlement chronology in order to identify natural cyclical disturbances and long-term impacts. Since the comprehension of the present is not enough to yield realistic hypothesis about the dynamics of coastal ecosystems, the insertion of historical dimension in socio ecological issues is crucial to establish new strategies for mitigation, for instance (Jackson et al., 2001). Secondly, our understanding of climate change in tropical bays would be improved by further research on health systems, economic sectors, and culture and education. Furthermore, the lacuna of human system vulnerability in coastal area science was also found in other climate change studies using a systematic review approach (Ford and Pearce, 2010; Berrang-Ford et al. 2011). According to Wilches-Chaux (1993), vulnerability is the result of the interaction between several factors (physical, economical, political, social, cultural, etc) in which the holistic approach is the only way to fully understand the total or global vulnerability. Therefore the similarity in the lack of studies in human system in the climate change field can be a starting point to address the educational issue in global climate change studies assisting global fundings efforts in ocean science knowledge to focus on this gap.

7. Conclusion

The review methodology enabled to characterize, identify and, synthesize what is known and to determine research gaps in the area of climate change in tropical bays. However, the consideration of quantitative variables to classify articles such as the impact factor, must be considered in order to decrease the tendency towards generalization. There has been limited research which has directly assessed past and present climate change in the tropical area as a whole and there are even fewer studies from which insights for future vulnerability can be obtained. Although the gaps in climate change research in tropical bays offer a multiple and complex challenge for future scientific studies, it is also a clue to guide future regional and global funding in climate studies.


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Supplemental Material

Table SM1 - List of tropical bays worldwide. Survey done using Wikipedia list and Google Earth software. For all landforms formally named as bay in tropical areas. Tropical Bays

Academy bay, São José Bay, , , Lüderitz Bay, Walvis Bay, Chake Chake Bay, , Africa , , Kwale bay, Sangareya Bay, Dungunab bay,

Bay of Kompong Som, Causeway bay, Clear water bay, Belcher Bay, Discovery bay, Telegraphy bay, waterfall bay, Kellet bay, kowloon bay, repulse bay, sandy bay, Big Wave bay, castle peak bay, Deep water Bay, Gin drinkers Bay, Hung Hom Bay, Joss House Bay, Kwun Tong Tsai Bay, Middle Bay, , Stanley bay, Bay, , , Sun and Moon Bay, , , Deep Bay, , Praia Grande Bay, Xiamen Bay, hunghwa bay, Xinghua Bay, bay of Bengal, Back Bay, Campbell Bay, Hukitola bay, Mahim Bay, Peacock Bay, , Awang Bay, Bay, Banten Bay, Bima Bay, , Buyat Bay, Cempi bay, Cenderawasih Bay, Geelvink Bay, , Lagundri Bay, Maffin bay, , Sanggar Bay, Province of , Asia Sibolga Bay, Staring-baai, Tanahmerah Bay, Tiro bay, Teluk bay, Waworada Bay, Bay, Kuwait bay, Brunei bay, darvel bay, Gwadar Bay, Sonmiani Bay, Manila bay, Abag bay, Bacoor Bay, Baler Bay, Batangas Bay, Butuan Bay, Cañacao Bay, Dumanquilas Bay, Honda Bay, Iligan Bay, Illana Bay, Lamon Bay, Macajalar Bay, Magel lan Bay, Mangarin Bay, Manila Bay, Ormoc Bay, Panguil Bay, Pasaleng Bay, Pujada Bay, San Miguel Bay, San Pedro Bay, Sarangani Bay, Sibuguey Bay, Sogod Bay, Sorsogon Bay, Subic Bay, Tayabas Bay, Half Moon Bay, Dapeng Bay , Honeymoon Bay, Sizihwan bay, Ao Manao, Bandon Bay, Bay of Bangko, Phang Nga Bay, Prachuap Bay, Sattahip Bay, Business Bay, Bai Tu Long Bay, Cam Ranh Bay, Hạ Long Bay, Vân Phong Bay, Vũng Rô Bay

Anson Bay, Blue Mud Bay, Buckingham Bay, Caledon Bay, Fannie Bay, Fog Bay, Hyland Bay, Raffles Bay, Shoal Bay, Southern Moreton Bay Islands also known as the Bay Islands, Moreton Bay, Bramble Bay, Deception Bay, Moreton Bay, Raby Bay, Ella Bay, Etty Bay, Geoffrey Bay, Halifax Bay, Hervey Bay, Horseshoe Bay, Keppel Bay, Moreton Bay, Australia Nelly Bay, Picnic Bay, Princess Charlotte Bay, Raby Bay, Redland Bay, Rockingham Bay, Rowes Bay, Swan Bay, Shoalwater Bay, Tin Can Bay, Trinity Bay, Upstart Bay, Weymouth Bay, Shark bay, Champion Bay, Coral Bay, Crawford Bay, Jurien Bay, Koolama Bay, Kuri Bay, Lagrange Bay, Roebuck Bay, Two Peoples Bay

Dickenson Bay, Gravenor Bay, Mercers Creek Bay, Nonsuch Bay, Antigua and Barbuda, Willoughby Bay, Bottom Bay, Carlisle Bay, Cave Bay, Conset Bay, Crane Bay, , Freshwater Bay, Long Bay, Maycock's Bay, Oistins Bay, Palmetto Bay, Paynes Bay, Six Men's Bay, Women's Bay, Amatique Bay, Chetumal Bay, Corozal Bay, Bay of Buena Vista, Bay of Pigs, Bay of Cárdenas, Cienfuegos Bay, Guantánamo Bay, Nipe Bay, Bay of Santa Clara, Batalie Ba y, Batibou Bay, Bout Sable Bay, Douglas Bay, Grand Bay, Grand Marigot Bay, Hampstead Bay, Hodges Bay, Gulf Of Mexico and Caribbean Londonderry Bay, Pagua Bay, Petite Soufrière Bay, Prince Rupert Bay, Pringles Bay, Rosalie Bay, Soufrière Bay, St. David's Bay, Toucari Bay, Woodbridge Bay, Woodford Hill Bay, Bay of Arrows, Cabarete Bay, Bay of Rincón, Samaná Bay, Scottish Bay, Acul Bay, Cagway Bay, Orange Bay, Buff Bay, Montego Bay, Discovery Bay, Morant Bay, Old Harbour Bay, Boston Bay, Runaway Bay, Bull Bay, San Juan Bay, Frigate Bay, North Friar's Bay, South Friar's Bay, Choc Bay, Fond d'Or Bay, Marigot Bay, Rodney Bay, Carli Bay, Claxton Bay, Englishman's Bay, Mayaro Bay, Cinnamon Bay, Magens Bay, Almirante Bay, Bahia Honda, Chetumal Bay, Chiriquí Lagoon, Ladder Bay, Mayagüez Bay Amatique Bay, Chetumal Bay, Corozal Bay, Bahía Drake, Coronado Bay, Almirante Bay, Limon Bay, Panama Bay, Bay Central America of San Miguel, Amatique Bay

Bahía de los Ángeles, Sebastián Vizcaíno Bay, Acapulco Bay, Bahía Concepción, Bahía las Palmas, Bahía de North America Banderas, Magdalena Bay, Sebastián Vizcaíno Bay, Bay of Campeche, Chetumal Bay

Matavai Bay, Opunohu Bay, Tautira Bay, Agat Bay, Hilo Bay, Holualoa Bay, Kahaluu Bay, Kaunaoa Bay, Kealakekua Bay, Keauhou Bay, Keawaiki Bay, La'aloa Bay, Hanauma Bay, Kahana Bay, Kāneʻohe Bay, Maunalua Bay, Turtle Bay, Waimea Bay, Hanalei Bay, La Perouse Bay, Ma‘alaea Bay, Moloaa Bay, Banare Bay, Boulari Bay, Chasseloup Bay, Pacific Ocean Dumbéa Bay, Gadji Bay, Gomen Bay, Gouaro Bay, Inaccessible Bay, Katavilli Bay, Moindou Bay, Nehoue Bay, Nekoro Bay, Ohland Bay, Poya Bay, Prony Bay, Saint Vincent Bay, Tanle Bay, Teremba Bay, Mele Bay, Sulphur Bay, Undine Bay, Alofi Bay, Avatele Bay, Bounty Bay, Faga'itua Bay, Fagaloa Bay

Todos os Santos Bay, São José Bay, São Marcos Bay, Guanabara Bay, Bahia Portete, Paracas Bay, Carli Bay, Claxton South America Bay, Englishman's Bay, Mayaro Bay


Figure SM1 – The word by income map. Extracted from WDI 2017. Available on


Table S1 - List of Included articles divided per area of study.

Title Authors Year doi Location Classification

Gulf of Mexico & Haw aii (121)

Feagin, RA (Feagin, Rusty A.); Martinez, Salt Marsh Zonal Migration and Ecosystem Service GALVEST ML (Martinez, M. Luisa); Mendoza- ISSN: Environment - Change in Response to Global Sea Level Rise: A Case 2010 ON BAY, Gonzalez, G (Mendoza-Gonzalez, 1708-3087 w etland Study from an Urban Region USA Gabriela); Costanza, R (Costanza, Robert) Carassou, L (Carassou, L.); Dzw onkow ski, 10.1080/1 Mobile B (Dzw onkow ski, B.); Hernandez, FJ Environmental Influences on Juvenile Fish Abundances 9425120.2 Bay, bio-geo-chemical and (Hernandez, F. J.); Pow ers, SP (Pow ers, S. 2011 in a River-Dominated Coastal System 011.64249 Alabama, physical - biota P.); Park, K (Park, K.) ; Graham, WM 2 USA (Graham, W. M.) ; Mareska, J (Mareska, J.)

Local adaptation of a marine invertebrate w ith a high Burford, MO (Burford, M. O.); Scarpa, J 10.3354/m bio-geo-chemical and dispersal potential: evidence from a reciprocal transplant (Scarpa, J.); Cook, BJ (Cook, B. J.) ; Hare, 2014 FL, USA eps10796 physical - biota experiment of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica MP (Hare, M. P.)

Warming of subtropical coastal w aters accelerates Robinson, KL (Robinson, Kelly L.); 10.3354/m Gulf of bio-geo-chemical and Mnemiopsis leidyi grow th and alters timing of spring 2014 Graham, WM (Graham, William M.) eps10739 Mexico physical - biota ctenophore blooms

Law rence, SA (Law rence, Scott A.) ; Wilkinson, SP (Wilkinson, Shaun P.) ; Kaneohe Influence of local environmental variables on the viral Davy, JE (Davy, Joanne E.) ; Arlidge, WNS 10.3354/a Bay, Environment - coral consortia associated w ith the coral Montipora capitata (Arlidge, William N. S.); Williams, GJ 2015 me01743 Haw aii, reef from Kaneohe Bay, Haw aii, USA (Williams, Gareth J.) ; Wilson, WH (Wilson, USA William H.) ; Aeby, GS (Aeby, Greta S.) ; Davy, SK (Davy, Simon K.) Camp, EV (Camp, Edw ard V.) ; Pine, WE (Pine, William E., III); Havens, K (Havens, Apalachico Karl) ; Kane, AS (Kane, Andrew S.); 10.5751/E bio-geo-chemical and Collapse of a historic oyster fishery: diagnosing causes la Bay, Walters, CJ (Walters, Carl J.) ; Irani, T 2015 S-07821- physical - biota / and identifying paths tow ard increased resilience Florida, (Irani, Tracy) ; Lindsey, AB (Lindsey, 200345 resilience USA Angela B.) ; Morris, JG (Morris, J. Glenn, Jr.)

10.5194/g bio-geo-chem. and Updating sea spray aerosol emissions in the Community Gantt, B (Gantt, B.) ; Kelly, JT (Kelly, J. T.) ; TAMPA 2015 md-8- phy. - gases / Health Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model version 5.0.2 Bash, JO (Bash, J. O.) BAY, USA 3733-2015 and w ell being

Watershed restoration as a tool for improving coral reef 10.1016/j. Fouha resilience / Shelton, AJ (Shelton, Austin J., III); resilience against climate change and other human 2016 ecss.2016 Bay, Guam Environment - coral Richmond, RH (Richmond, Robert H.) impacts .06.027 - USA reef

Danielson, JJ (Danielson, Jeffrey J.); Poppenga, SK (Poppenga, Sandra K.); Brock, JC (Brock, John C.)[; Evans, GA Tampa bay Topobathymetric Elevation Model Development using a 10.2112/S (Evans, Gayla A.); Tyler, DJ (Tyler, Dean 2016 and Mobile climate hazards New Methodology: Coastal National Elevation Database I76-008 J.); Gesch, DB (Gesch, Dean B.); Thatcher, Bay, USA CA (Thatcher, Cindy A.); Barras, JA (Barras, John A.) Lou, S (Lou, Sha); Huang, WR (Huang, Hurricane impacts on turbidity and sediment in the 10.1016/j.i Wenrui); Liu, SG (Liu, Shuguang); Zhong, impact / bio-geo- RookeryBay National Estuarine Research Reserve, 2016 jsrc.2016. FL, USA GH (Zhong, Guihui); Johnson, E (Johnson, chemical and physical Florida, USA 06.006 Elijah) Savarese, M (Savarese, Michael); Walker, The effects of shellfish harvesting by aboriginal KJ (Walker, Karen J.); Stingu, S (Stingu, 10.1016/j. inhabitants of Southw est Florida (USA) on productivity of Economy and Shanna); Marquardt, WH (Marquardt, 2016 ancene.20 FL, USA the eastern oyster: Implications for estuarine Business - harvesting William H.); Thompson, V (Thompson, 16.10.002 management and restoration Victor)


10.1016/j. Tampa "Living on the edge": Estimating the economic cost of Fu, XY (Fu, Xinyu); Song, J (Song, Jie); ocecoama Bay Bio. geo.. - sea level / sea level rise on coastal real estate in the Tampa Bay Sun, BW (Sun, Bow en); Peng, ZR (Peng, 2016 n.2016.09. region, economy - cost - region, Florida Zhong-Ren) 009 Florida

Episodic flooding of estuarine environments in response 10.1016/j. Livsey, D (Livsey, Daniel); Simms, AR Texas, bio-geo-chem. and to drying climate over the last 6000 years in Baffin Bay, 2016 margeo.20 (Simms, Alexander R.) USA phy. - flooding Texas 16.09.003

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Africa (32)

Wang'ondu, VW (Wang'ondu, Virginia W.) ; Kairo, JG (Kairo, James G.) ; Kinyamario, MANGRO JI (Kinyamario, Jenesio I.); Mw aura, FB 10.1016/j.f Vegetative and reproductive phenological traits of VES IN Environment - (Mw aura, Francis B.) ; Bosire, JO (Bosire, 2013 lora.2013. Rhizophora mucronata Lamk. and Sonneratia alba Sm. Gazi Bay, mangrove Jared O.) ; Dahdouh-Guebas, F (Dahdouh- 08.004 KENYA Guebas, Farid); Koedam, N (Koedam, Nico)

Bosire, JO (Bosire, J. O.); Kaino, JJ (Kaino, J. J.) ; Olagoke, AO (Olagoke, A. O.) ; Environment - 10.5194/b Mangroves in peril: unprecedented degradation rates of Mw ihaki, LM (Mw ihaki, L. M.) ; Ogendi, GM GAZI BAY mangrove / 2014 g-11- peri-urban mangroves in Kenya (Ogendi, G. M.); Kairo, JG (Kairo, J. G.); KENYA Infrastructure and 2623-2014 Berger, U (Berger, U.) ; Macharia, D transportation - urban (Macharia, D.)


Di Nitto, D (Di Nitto, D.); Neukermans, G Environment - Mangroves facing climate change: landw ard migration (Neukermans, G.); Koedam, N (Koedam, 10.5194/b Gazi Bay, mangrove / Bio-geo- potential in response to projected scenarios of sea level N.) ; Defever, H (Defever, H.) ; Pattyn, F 2014 g-11-857- Kenya chemical and physical rise (Pattyn, F.); Kairo, JG (Kairo, J. G.) ; 2014 - sea level Dahdouh-Guebas, F (Dahdouh-Guebas, F.)

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Bio-geo-chemical and 10.1111/j. Virah-Sawmy, M (Virah-Sawmy, Malika)[ 1 ] physical - Threshold response of Madagascar's littoral forest to 1466- Madagasc ; Willis, KJ (Willis, Katherine J.); Gillson, L 2009 sedimentation, sea-level rise 8238.2008 ar (Gillson, Lindsey) geological record, sea .00429.x level, salinity

Hein, CJ (Hein, Christopher J.); FitzGerald, Evolution of a Pharaonic harbor on the : Bio-geo-chemical and DM (FitzGerald, Duncan M.); Milne, GA 10.1130/G Implications for coastal response to changes in sea level 2011 Red Sea physical - geological (Milne, Glenn A.) ; Bard, K (Bard, Kathryn) ; 31928.1 and climate record Fattovich, R (Fattovich, Rodolfo)

Chaves, LF (Chaves, Luis Fernando); 10.1017/S Regime shifts and heterogeneous trends in malaria time Hashizume, M (Hashizume, Masahiro); Western 2012 00311820 Health and w ellbeing series from Western Kenya Highlands Satake, A (Satake, Akiko); Minakaw a, N Kenya 11001685 (Minakaw a, Noboru)

Ndiaye, A (Ndiaye, Aw a) ; Sanchez, W Bio-geo-chemical and Multiparametric approach for assessing environmental (Sanchez, Wilfried); Durand, JD (Durand, 10.1007/s physical - biota, quality variations in West African aquatic ecosystems Jean-Dominique) ; Budzinski, H (Budzinski, 11356- West 2012 temperature, salinity / using the black-chinned tilapia (Sarotherodon Helene) ; Palluel, O (Palluel, Olivier) ; 012-0979- Africa Health and w ellbeing melanotheron) as a sentinel species Diouf, K (Diouf, Khady); Ndiaye, P (Ndiaye, 9 - contaminant Papa) ; Panfili, J (Panfili, Jacques)

Environment - Punw ong, P (Punw ong, Paramita) ; 10.1016/j. Makoba mangrove / Bio-geo- Holocene mangrove dynamics in Makoba Bay, Zanzibar Marchant, R (Marchant, Rob); Selby, K 2013 palaeo.20 Bay, chemical and physical (Selby, Katherine) 13.04.004 TANZANIA - geological record

10.1007/s Malindi Bio-geo-chemical and River sediment supply, sedimentation and transport of 11442- Johnson, UK (Johnson, U. Kitheka) 2013 Bay, physical - the highly turbid sediment plume in Malindi Bay, Kenya 013-1022- Kenya sedimentation x

The impact of environmental degradation on Bio-geo-chemical and Gueye, M (Gueye, Moussa); Kantoussan, J 10.1016/j. reproduction of the black-chinned tilapia Sarotherodon Hann Bay, physical - biota, (Kantoussan, Justin); Tine, M (Tine, 2013 crvi.2013. melanotheron from various coastal marine, estuarine and SENEGAL temperature, salinity / Mbaye) 05.004 freshw ater habitats adaptation, impact

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Cohen, R (Cohen, R.) ; Kaino, J (Kaino, J.); Propagating uncertainty to estimates of above-ground Okello, JA (Okello, J. A.) Bosire, JO 10.1016/j.f GAZI BAY, Environment - biomass for Kenyan mangroves: A scaling procedure (Bosire, J. O.)[ ; Kairo, JG (Kairo, J. G.); 15 2013 oreco.201 Kenya mangrove from tree to landscape level Huxham, M (Huxham, M.); Mencuccini, M 3.09.047 (Mencuccini, M.)

Jones, TG (Jones, Trevor G.); Ratsimba, Environment - HR (Ratsimba, Harifidy Rakoto) ; Ecological Variability and Carbon Stock Estimates of 10.3390/f5 MADAGAS mangrove / Economy, Ravaoarinorotsihoarana, L 2014 Mangrove Ecosystems in Northw estern Madagascar 010177 CAR Policy and Business - (Ravaoarinorotsihoarana, Lalao) ; Cripps, G services (Cripps, Garth); Bey, A (Bey, Adia)

Okello, JA (Okello, Judith A.) ; Robert, EMR (Robert, Elisabeth M. R.) ; Beeckman, H Environment - Effects of experimental sedimentation on the (Beeckman, Hans) ; Kairo, JG (Kairo, 10.1002/e Gazi bay, mangrove / Bio-geo- phenological dynamics and leaf traits of replanted 2014 James G.)] ; Dahdouh-Guebas, F ce3.1154 Kenya chemical and physical mangroves at Gazi bay, Kenya (Dahdouh-Guebas, Farid) ; Koedam, N - sedimentation (Koedam, Nico)

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Sitoe, SR (Sitoe, Sandra Raul); Risberg, J (Risberg, Jan) ; Norstrom, E (Norstrom, 10.1016/j. Bio-geo-chemical and Paleo-environment and flooding of the Limpopo River- Elin); Snow ball, I (Snow ball, Ian) ; Mozambiq 2015 catena.20 physical - flooding, plain, Mozambique, betw een c. AD 1200-2000 Holmgren, K (Holmgren, Karin); Achimo, M ue 14.10.038 geological record (Achimo, Mussa); Mugabe, J (Mugabe, Joao)

Fusi, M (Fusi, Marco)[; Giomi, F (Giomi, Folco); Babbini, S (Babbini, Simone); MAPUTO Bio-geo-chemical and Thermal specialization across large geographical scales Daffonchio, D (Daffonchio, Daniele); 10.1111/oi BAY, physical - biota / predicts the resilience of mangrove crab populations to 2015 McQuaid, CD (McQuaid, Christopher D.); k.01757 MOZAMBI Environment - global w arming Porri, F (Porri, Francesca); Cannicci, S QUE mangrove (Cannicci, Stefano)

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Jones, TG (Jones, Trevor G.); Glass, L (Glass, Leah); Gandhi, S (Gandhi, Samir); Ravaoarinorotsihoarana, L Madagascar's Mangroves: Quantifying Nation-Wide and (Ravaoarinorotsihoarana, Lalao); Carro, A 10.3390/rs MADAGAS Environment - Ecosystem Specific Dynamics, and Detailed (Carro, Aude); Benson, L (Benson, Lisa); 2016 8020106 CAR mangrove Contemporary Mapping of Distinct Ecosystems Ratsimba, HR (Ratsimba, Harifidy Rakoto); Giri, C (Giri, Chandra); Randriamanatena, D (Randriamanatena, Dannick); Cripps, G (Cripps, Garth)

General - hazard, vulnerability / Isunju, JB (Isunju, John Bosco); Orach, CG 10.1177/0 Murchison Hazards and vulnerabilities among informal w etland Environment - (Orach, Christopher Garimoi); Kemp, J 2016 95624781 Bay, communities in Kampala, Uganda w etland / Health and (Kemp, Jaco) 5613689 Uganda w ell-being - community

Njana, MA (Njana, Marco Andrew ); 10.1007/s Above- and below ground tree biomass models for three Bollandsas, OM (Bollandsas, Ole Martin)[; 13595- Environment - mangrove species in Tanzania: a nonlinear mixed effects Eid, T (Eid, Tron); Zahabu, E (Zahabu, 2016 Tanzania 015-0524- mangrove modelling approach Eliakimu); Malimbw i, RE (Malimbw i, Rogers 3 Ernest)


Kw aZulu- Smith, AM (Smith, Alan M.); Bundy, SC Apparent dynamic stability of the southeast African coast 10.1002/e Natal, Bio-geo-chemical and (Bundy, Simon C.); Cooper, JAG (Cooper, 15 2016 despite sea level rise sp.3917 Southeast physical - sea level J. Andrew G.) AFRICA

Aura, CM (Aura, Christopher Mulanda); Musa, S (Musa, Safina); Osore, MK (Osore, Bio-geo-chemical and Quantification of climate change implications for w ater- Melckzedeck K.); Kimani, E (Kimani, 10.1016/j.j Kenya physical - biota / based management: A case study of oyster suitability Edw ard); Alati, VM (Alati, Victor Mw akha); 2017 marsys.20 coast, Economy, Policy and sites occurrence model along the Kenya coast Wambiji, N (Wambiji, Nina); Maina, GW 16.09.007 Kenya Business - (Maina, George W.); Charo-Karisa, H management (Charo-Karisa, Harrison)

Gress, SK (Gress, Selena K.); Huxham, M Evaluating, predicting and mapping below ground carbon (Huxham, Mark); Kairo, JG (Kairo, James 10.1111/g GAZI BAY, Environment - 2017 stores in Kenyan mangroves G.); Mugi, LM (Mugi, Lilian M.); Briers, RA cb.13438 Kenya mangrove (Briers, Robert A.)

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Githaiga, MN (Githaiga, Michael N.); Kairo, 10.1371/jo Carbon storage in the seagrass meadow s of Gazi Bay, ober 1 Gazi Bay, Environment - JG (Kairo, James G.); Gilpin, L (Gilpin, urnal.pone Kenya 2017 Kenya seagrass Linda); Huxham, M (Huxham, Mark) .0177001

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Okello, JA (Okello, Judith Auma); Schmitz, N (Schmitz, Nele); Beeckman, 10.1007/s Hydraulic conductivity and xylem structure of partially H(Beeckman, Hans); Dahdouh-Guebas, F 11104- GAZI BAY, Environment - 2017 buried mangrove tree species (Dahdouh-Guebas, Farid); Kairo, JG (Kairo, 017-3247- KENYA mangrove James G.); Koedam, N (Koedam, Nico); 4 Robert, EMR (Robert, Elisabeth M. R.)

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10.1111/j. Nanw an Putnam, HM (Putnam, Hollie M.) ; Environment - coral Effect of a fluctuating thermal regime on adult and larval 1744- Bay, Edmunds, PJ (Edmunds, Peter J.); Fan, TY 2010 reef / Bio-geo- reef corals 7410.2010 southern (Fan, Tung-Yung) temperature, biota .00199.x Taiw an

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Tumpat, Satyanarayana, B (Satyanarayana, Kelantan Assessment of mangrove vegetation based on remote Behara); Mohamad, KA (Mohamad, Khairul 10.1080/0 Environment - Delta, East sensing and ground-truth measurements at Tumpat, Azwan); Idris, IF (Idris, Indra Farid); Husain, 2011 14311609 mangrove / Bio-geo- Coast of Kelantan Delta, East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia ML (Husain, Mohd-Lokman); Dahdouh- 03586781 biota Peninsular Guebas, F (Dahdouh-Guebas, Farid) Malaysia

Bio-geo-chem and physical - Li, T (Li, Tao); Liu, S (Liu, Sheng); Huang, Diatom to dinoflagellate shift in the summer temperature, primery LM (Huang, Liangmin); Huang, H (Huang, 10.3354/m Daya Bay, phytoplankton community in a bay impacted by nuclear 2011 productivity / Hui); Lian, JS (Lian, Jiansheng) ; Yan, Y eps08974 CHINA pow er plant thermal effluent Infrastructure and (Yan, Yan) ; Lin, SJ (Lin, Senjie) transportation - energy

Economy, Policy and Bayani-Arias, JK (Bayani-Arias, Jaimie San Business / Economic Vulnerability and Analysis of Adaptation ISSN: Kim) ; Dorado, MA (Dorado, Moises A.) ; 2012 Fernando, Vulnerability, Options to Coastal Erosion in San Fernando, La Union 0119-1144 Dorado, RA (Dorado, Row ena A.) adaptation / Health and w ell-being

Wu, ML (Wu, Mei-Lin); Zhang, YY (Zhang, Bio-geo-chem and Yan-Ying); Long, LJ (Long, Li-Juan); physical - nutrient, Identification of Coastal Water Quality, Including Heavy ISSN: South Zhang, S (Zhang, Si); Wang, YS (Wang, 2012 w eather, precipitation Metals, in the 1230-1485 China Sea You-Shao) ; Ling, J (Ling, Juan); Dong, JD / Health and w ell- (Dong, Jun-De) being - contaminants

Environment - coral Li, XB (Li, Xiubao); Liu, S (Liu, Sheng) ; 10.1080/1 Coral bleaching caused by an abnormal w ater reef / Bio-geo-chem Huang, H (Huang, Hui) ; Huang, LM 4634988.2 Sanya temperature rise at Luhuitou fringing reef, Sanya Bay, 2012 and physical - (Huang, Liangmin); Jing, ZY (Jing, Zhiyou); 012.68765 Bay, China China temperature, Zhang, CL (Zhang, Chenglong) 1 upw elling, biota


10.1080/0 Aerosol characterization: comparison between measured Bay of Kumar, S (Kumar, Sumit); Devara, PCS 1431161.2 Bio-geo-chem and and modelled surface radiative forcing over Bay of 2012 Bengal, (Devara, Panuganti C. S.) 011.60046 physical Bengal INDIA 6

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climate change / Bio- geo-chem and physical - flood / 10.1177/0 Economy, Policy and Banglades In the city of hunger: Barisal, Bangladesh Seabrook, J (Seabrook, Jeremy) 2010 30639681 Business - industry / h 0363047 Infrastructure and transportation - land use / Health and w ell- being

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10.1016/j. Long-range transportation of anthropogenic aerosols Das, SK (Das, S. K.); Jayaraman, A atmosres. Bio-geo- gases, over eastern coastal region of India: Investigation of 15 2012 India (Jayaraman, A.) 2012.05.0 hydrology sources and impact on regional climate change 25

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Infrastructure and URBANIZATION EFFECTS ON OBSERVED CHANGES Yang, XC (Yang Xu-chao)Ç Chen, F (Chen Hangzhou transportation - ISSN: IN SUMMER EXTREME HEAT EVENTS OVER Feng); Zhu, WP (Zhu Wei-ping); Teng, WP 2015 Bay, urbanization / Bio- 1006-8775 ZHEJIANG PROVINCE, EAST CHINA (Teng Wei-ping) CHINA geo-chemical and physical - w eather

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climate change / 10.1007/s Environment - estuary CHESAPE Assessment of the climate change impacts on fecal Liu, WC (Liu, Wen-Cheng); Chan, WT 10661- / Bio-geo-chemical 2015 AKE BAY, coliform contamination in a tidal estuarine system (Chan, Wen-Ting) 015-4959- and physical - sea USA 7 level / Health and w ell-being

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climate change / Western Environment - Coastal mangrove / Economy, Simulation of Sea Level Rise and its Impacts on the Bahraw i, JA (Bahrawi, Jarbou A.); Elhag, M ISSN: 2016 Area of Policy and Business - Western Coastal Area of Saudi Arabia (Elhag, Mohamed) 0379-5136 Saudi management / Bio- Arabia geo-chemical and physical - sea level

Mukhopadhyay, A (Mukhopadhyay, 10.1007/s Characterizing the multi-risk w ith respect to plausible Anirban); Hazra, S (Hazra, Sugata); Mitra, Bay of hazards / Bio-geo- 11069- natural hazards in the Balasore coast, Odisha, India: a D (Mitra, Debasish); Hutton, C (Hutton, C.); 2016 Bengal, chemical and physical 015-2035- multi-criteria analysis (MCA) appraisal Chanda, A (Chanda, Abhra); Mukherjee, S INdia - storm, sea level 9 (Mukherjee, Sandip)

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Wu, BB (Wu, Binbin); Wang, GQ (Wang, Bio-geo-chemical and 10.1016/j.j Impact of revised thermal stability on pollutant transport Guoqiang); Jiang, H (Jiang, Hong); Wang, physical - 2016 hydrol.201 China time in a deep reservoir JF (Wang, Jingfu); Liu, CM (Liu, temperature, 6.02.031 Changming) geological record

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Pang, CJ (Pang, Chong-Jin); Li, ZX (Li, Climatic and tectonic controls on Late Triassic to Middle 10.1016/j.t SOUTHEA Bio-geo-chemical and Zheng-Xiang); Xu, YG (Xu, Yi-Gang); Wen, Jurassic sedimentation in northeastern Guangdong 23 2016 ecto.2016. STERN physical -geological SN (Wen, Shu-Nv); Krapez, B (Krapez, Province, South China 03.041 CHINA record, sediment Bryan)

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Environment - 10.1007/s mangrove / Bio-geo- Sedimentary records of mangrove evolution during the Xia, P (Xia Peng); Meng, XW (Meng YINGLUO 11802- chemical and physical past one hundred years based on stable carbon isotope Xianw ei); Li, Z (Li Zhen); Feng, AP (Feng 2016 BAY, 016-2687- - geological record / and pollen evidences in Maow ei, SW China Aiping) CHINA 4 Infrastructure and transportation

Weiss, C (Weiss, Christian); Weiss, J Environment - Soil organic carbon stocks in estuarine and marine (Weiss, Joanna); Boy, J (Boy, Jens); 10.1002/e Kalimantan mangrove / Bio-geo- mangrove ecosystems are driven by nutrient colimitation Iskandar, I (Iskandar, Issi); Mikutta, R 2016 ce3.2258 , Indonesia chemical and physical of P and N (Mikutta, Robert); Guggenberger, G - nutrient (Guggenberger, Georg)


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Bay-of- CCN concentrations and BC w arming influenced by Ramana, MV (Ramana, M. V.); Devi, A Feb 1 10.1038/sr Bengal, Bio-geo-chemical and maritime ship emitted aerosol plumes over southern Bay (Devi, Archana) 2016 ep30416 Indian physical - gases of Bengal Ocean Ribas-Deulofeu, L (Ribas-Deulofeu, Lauriane); Denis, V (Denis, Vianney); De 10.1371/jo Structure of Benthic Communities along the Taiw an Palmas, S (De Palmas, Stephane); Kuo, Jan 1 Bio-geo-chemical and urnal.pone Taiw an Latitudinal Gradient CY (Kuo, Chao-Yang); Hsieh, HJ (Hsieh, 2016 physical - biota .0160601 Hernyi Justin); Chen, CA (Chen, Chaolun Allen)

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Du, W (Du, Wei); Li, YP (Li, Yiping); Hua, L (Hua, Lei); Wang, C (Wang, Chao); Wang, PF (Wang, Peifang); Wang, JY (Wang, Bio-geo-chemical and Water Age Responses to Weather Conditions in a Hyper- Jingyu); Wang, Y (Wang, Ying); Chen, L 10.3390/w 2016 China physical - w eather, Eutrophic Channel Reservoir in Southern China (Chen, Li) ; Buoh, RB (Buoh, Robert 8090372 hydrology Bofah); Jepkirui, M (Jepkirui, Mercy); Pan, BZ (Pan, Baozhu); Jiang, Y (Jiang, Yong) ; Acharya, K (Acharya, Kumud)

10.1007/s Bio-geo-chemical and Response of Phytoplankton Community Structure and South Cui, DY (Cui Dongyang); Wang, JT (Wang 11802- physical - primary Size-Fractionated Chlorophyll a in an Upw elling 2016 China Sea, Jiangtao); Tan, LJ (Tan Liju) 016-3017- productivity, Simulation Experiment in the Western South China Sea CHINA 6 Upw elling

A 62-year analysis of historical aerial images show ing global w arming / 10.1007/s human impacts on beach topography in Hoi Ha Wan Hoi Ha Environment - beach / 11852- Marine Park, Hong Kong. Implications for marine park Morton, B (Morton, Brian) 2016 Wan, Economy, Policy and 016-0451- management and sustainability w ith a changing global CHINA Business - y climate management


Environment - coral Copepods associated w ith scleractinian corals: a Cheng, YR (Cheng, Yu-Rong); Mayfield, Nanw an reef / Bio-geo- 10.11646/ w orldw ide checklist and a case study of their impact on AB (Mayfield, Anderson B.); Meng, PJ Jan 1 Bay, chemical and physical zootaxa.4 the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus, (Meng, Pei-Jie); Dai, CF (Dai, Chang- 2016 southern - temperature, biota / 174.1.20 1758) (Pocilloporidae) Feng); Huys, R (Huys, Rony) Taiw an Health and w ell-being - pollutant

Zhou, GW (Zhou, Guow ei); Yuan, T (Yuan, Tao); Cai, L (Cai, Lin); Zhang, WP (Zhang, Environment - coral Changes in microbial communities, photosynthesis and Weipeng); Tian, RM (Tian, Renmao); Tong, SANYA 10.1038/sr reef / Bio-geo- calcification of the coral Acropora gemmifera in response HY (Tong, Haoya); Jiang, L (Jiang, Lei); 27 2016 BAY, ep35971 chemical and physical to ocean acidification Yuan, XC (Yuan, Xiangcheng); Liu, S (Liu, China - temperature, biota Sheng); Qian, PY (Qian, Peiyuan); Huang, H (Huang, Hui)

Aerosol Climatology over the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Tiw ari, S (Tiw ari, Shani); Mishra, AK 10.4209/a Bay of Health and w ell-being Sea Inferred from Space-Borne Radiometers and Lidar (Mishra, Amit K.); Singh, AK (Singh, Abhay 2016 aqr.2015.0 Bengal, - pollutant Observations K.) 6.0406 India

10.1007/s The distribution and variation in the gas composition of Yazhou Di, PF (Di Pengfei); Feng, D (Feng Dong); 13131- Bio-geo-chemical and macro-seeps on the near-shore Lingtou Promontory in 2016 Bay , Chen, DF (Chen Duofu) 016-0955- physical - gases the South China Sea China 1

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SEAWEED AND SEAGRASS MAPPING IN THAILAND Kakuta, S (Kakuta, Satomi); Takeuchi, W 10.6119/J Tang Ken Environment - MEASURED USING LANDSAT 8 OPTICAL AND (Takeuchi, Wataru); Prathep, A (Prathep, 2016 MST-016- Bay, seagrass TEXTURAL IMAGE PROPERTIES Anchana) 1026-4 Thailand

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10.1016/j. Bay of Tidal intrusion w ithin a mega delta: An unstructured grid Bricheno, LM (Bricheno, Lucy M.); Wolf, J May 1 Bio-geo-chemical and ecss.2016 Bengal, modelling approach (Wolf, Judith); Islam, S (Islam, Saiful) 2016 physical - hydrology .09.014 India


10.1016/j. Karnataka climate change / Bio- Effect of climate change on shoreline shifts at a straight Rajasree, BR (Rajasree, B. R.); Deo, MC 20 2016 ecss.2016 coastline, geo-chemical and and continuous coast (Deo, M. C.); Nair, LS (Nair, L. Sheela) .10.034 India physical - sediment

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Fan, TY (Fan, Tung-Yung) Hsieh, YC Environment - coral (Hsieh, Yu-Chieh); Lin, KH (Lin, Ke-Han); Plasticity in lunar timing of larval release of tw o brooding Nanw an reef / Bio-geo- Kuo, FW (Kuo, Fu-Wen) ; Soong, K Jan 1 10.3354/m pocilloporid corals in an internal tide-induced upw elling Bay, chemical and physical (Soong, Keryea); McRae, CJ (McRae, 2017 eps12071 reef Taiw an - biota, temperature, Crystal J.); Edmunds, PJ (Edmunds, Peter Upw elling J.); Fang, LS (Fang, Lee-Shing)

10.1016/j. Bio-geo-chemical and Pattnayak, KC (Pattnayak, K. C.); Kar, SC Bay of Projections of annual rainfall and surface temperature gloplacha. physical - (Kar, S. C.); Dalal, M (Dalal, Mamta); 2017 Bengal, from CMIP5 models over the BIMSTEC countries 2017.03.0 temperature, Pattnayak, RK (Pattnayak, R. K.) India 05 precipitation

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Chlorophyll-A Prediction of Lakes w ith Different Water Bio-geo-chemical and Li, X (Li, Xue); Sha, J (Sha, Jian); Wang, 10.3390/w Quality Patterns in China Based on Hybrid Neural 2017 China physical - primary ZL (Wang, Zhong-Liang) 9070524 Netw orks productivity

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Moreton Lybolt, M (Lybolt, Matt); Neil, D (Neil, Bay, Bio-geo-chem and Instability in a marginal coral reef: the shift from natural David); Zhao, JX (Zhao, Jianxin); Feng, YX 10.1890/0 2011 southeast physical - geological variability to a human-dominated seascape (Feng, Yuexing); Yu, KF (Yu, Ke-Fu); 90176 Queenslan record Pandolfi, J (Pandolfi, John) d, Australia


Economy, Policy and Business - management, Abel, N (Abel, Nick); Gorddard, R governance / Bio- Sea level rise, coastal development and planned retreat: (Gorddard, Russell); Harman, B (Harman, 10.1016/j. AUSTRALI geo-chem and analytical framew ork, governance principles and an Ben) ; Leitch, A (Leitch, Anne); Langridge, J 2011 envsci.201 A physical - flooding, Australian case study (Langridge, Jennifer); Ryan, A (Ryan, 0.12.002 sea level / Anthony); Heyenga, S (Heyenga, Sonja) Infrastructure and transportation - land use

Kimbe Bonin, MC (Bonin, Mary C.); Almany, GR Bay, Environment - coral Contrasting effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on 10.1890/1 (Almany, Glenn R.); Jones, GP (Jones, 2011 PAPUA reef / Bio-geo-chem coral-associated reef fishes 0-0627.1 Geoffrey P.) NEW and physical - biota GUINEA

Lovelock, CE (Lovelock, Catherine E.); 10.1007/s Moreton Environment - The Role of Surface and Subsurface Processes in Bennion, V (Bennion, Vicki); Grinham, A 10021- Bay, w etland / Bio-geo- Keeping Pace w ith Sea Level Rise in Intertidal Wetlands 2011 (Grinham, Alistair); Cahoon, DR (Cahoon, 011-9443- Queenslan chem and physical - of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia Donald R.) 9 d, Australia sea level, sediment

Richards, R (Richards, Russell); 10.1016/j. Moreton Bio-geo-chem and Modelling the effects of 'coastal' acidification on copper Chaloupka, M (Chaloupka, Milani); Sano, M Oct 1 ecolmodel Bay, physical - speciation (Sano, Marcello); Tomlinson, R (Tomlinson, 2011 .2011.08.0 Australia temperature Rodger) 17

Traill, LW (Traill, Lochran W.); Perhans, K Environment - (Perhans, Karin); Lovelock, CE (Lovelock, 10.1111/j. w etland / Economy, Moreton Managing for change: w etland transitions under sea-level Catherine E.); Prohaska, A (Prohaska, 1472- Policy and Business - 2011 Bay, rise and outcomes for threatened species Ana); McFallan, S (McFallan, Steve) ; 4642.2011 management / Bio- Australia Rhodes, JR (Rhodes, Jonathan R.) ; .00807.x geo-chem and Wilson, KA (Wilson, Kerrie A.) physical - sea level

Messmer, V (Messmer, Vanessa); Jones, Kimbe Bay GP (Jones, Geoffrey P.) ; Munday, PL Environment - coral Habitat biodiversity as a determinant of fish community ISSN: in Papua (Munday, Philip L.); Holbrook, SJ 2011 reef / Bio-geo-chem structure on coral reefs 0012-9658 New (Holbrook, Sally J.) ; Schmitt, RJ (Schmitt, and physical - biota Guinea Russell J.); Brooks, AJ (Brooks, Andrew J.)

Environment - estuary Macreadie, PI (Macreadie, Peter I.); Allen, 10.1111/j. Botany / Bio-geo-chem and Paleoreconstruction of estuarine sediments reveal K (Allen, Katie); Kelaher, BP (Kelaher, 1365- Bay, 2012 physical - geological human-induced w eakening of coastal carbon sinks Brendan P.); Ralph, PJ (Ralph, Peter J.); 2486.2011 AUSTRALI record, gases, Skilbeck, CG (Skilbeck, Charles G.) .02582.x A sedimentation

Coral Bay Environment - coral The combined influence of hydrodynamic forcing and Zhang, ZL (Zhang, Zhenlin); Falter, J 10.1029/2 (Ningaloo reef / Bio-geo-chem calcification on the spatial distribution of alkalinity in a (Falter, James); Low e, R (Low e, Ryan); 28 2012 011JC007 Reef, and physical - coral reef system Ivey, G (Ivey, Greg) 603 Western hydrology Australia)

Environment - 10.1007/s w etland / Bio-geo- Anthropogenic Ecological Change and Impacts on Jacups, S (Jacups, Susan); Warchot, A 10393- AUSTRALI chem and physical - Mosquito Breeding and Control Strategies in Salt- (Warchot, Allan); Whelan, P (Whelan, 2012 012-0759- A biota / Economy, Marshes, Northern Territory, Australia Peter) 5 Policy and Business - planning


Goatley, CHR (Goatley, Christopher H. R.); 10.1371/jo Environment - coral AUSTRALI The Role of Turtles as Coral Reef Macroherbivores Hoey, AS (Hoey, Andrew S.) ; Bellw ood, 29 2012 urnal.pone reef / Bio-geo-chem A DR (Bellw ood, David R.) .0039979 and physical - biota

climate change, mitigation, adaptation / Environment - Burley, JG (Burley, Jennifer G.) ; McAllister, 10.1007/s Moreton w etland / Economy, Integration, synthesis and climate changeadaptation: a RRJ (McAllister, Ryan R. J.) ; Collins, KA 10113- bay, 2012 Policy and Business - narrative based on coastal w etlands at the regional scale (Collins, Kerry A.); Lovelock, CE (Lovelock, 011-0271- Queenslan planning, costs / Catherine E.) 4 d, Australia Infrastructure and transportation - urbanisation, energy

van Woesik, R (van Woesik, Robert) ; Environment - coral Houk, P (Houk, Peter); Isechal, AL (Isechal, Climate-change refugia in the sheltered bays of Palau: 10.1002/e bays of reef / Bio-geo-chem Adelle L.); Idechong, JW (Idechong, 2012 analogs of future reefs ce3.363 Palau and physical - biota, Jacques W.) ; Victor, S (Victor, Steven); temperature Golbuu, Y (Golbuu, Yimnang)

Culture and 10.1016/j. Education - science / Science, biodiversity and Australian management of Kenchington, R (Kenchington, Richard) ; ocecoama AUSTRALI 2012 Economy, Policy and marine ecosystems Hutchings, P (Hutchings, Pat) n.2012.08. A Business - 009 management

Infrastructure and 10.1016/j. Moreton Seo, S (Seo, Seongw on) ; Wang, CH transportation - Cooling energy consumption and reduction effect for buildenv.2 Bay, (Wang, Chi-Hsiang); Grozev, G (Grozev, 2013 energy / Economy, residential buildings in South East Queensland, Australia 012.09.00 Queenslan George) Policy and Business / 6 d, Australia Health and w ell-being

risks, adaptation / 10.1007/s Planned retreat as a management response to coastal Byron Bay, Health and w ell-being Niven, RJ (Niven, Rhiannon J.) ; Bardsley, 10113- risk: a case study from the Fleurieu Peninsula, South 2013 AUSTRALI / Economy, Policy DK (Bardsley, Douglas K.) 012-0315- Australia A and Business - 4 management, policy

Cohen, Y (Cohen, Yossi) ; Pollock, FJ Nelly Bay, Environment - coral Phage therapy treatment of the coral pathogen Vibrio (Pollock, F. Joseph) ; Rosenberg, E 10.1002/m 2013 AUSTRALI reef / Bio-geo-chem coralliilyticus (Rosenberg, Eugene) ; Bourne, DG bo3.52 A and physical (Bourne, David G.)


Bio-geo-chem and physical - geological LATE HOLOCENE CLIMATE CHANGE AND HUMAN Brockw ell, S (Brockw ell, Sally); Marw ick, B Blue Mud record / Subsistence BEHAVIOURAL VARIABILITY IN THE COASTAL WET- (Marw ick, Ben) ; Bourke, P (Bourke, ISSN: Bay, fishing and shellfish DRY TROPICS OF NORTHERN AUSTRALIA: Evidence 2013 Patricia); Faulkner, P (Faulkner, Patrick); 0312-2417 AUSTRALI collector / Culture and from a pilot study of oxygen isotopes in marine bivalve Willan, R (Willan, Richard) A Education / Economy, shells from archaeological sites Policy and Business - harvesting

Culture and Leigh, C (Leigh, Catherine) ; Burford, MA Education - science / (Burford, Michele A.) ; Connolly, RM MORETO Economy, Policy and Science to Support Management of Receiving Waters in (Connolly, Rod M.); Olley, JM (Olley, Jon 10.3390/w N BAY, Business - 2013 an Event-Driven Ecosystem: From Land to River to Sea M.) ; Saeck, E (Saeck, Emily); Sheldon, F 5020780 AUSTRALI management, service (Sheldon, Fran) ; Smart, JCR (Smart, A / Infrastructure and James C. R.) ; Bunn, SE (Bunn, Stuart E.) transportation - land use

Saunders, MI (Saunders, Megan I.); Leon, J (Leon, Javier); Phinn, SR (Phinn, Stuart R.); Callaghan, DP (Callaghan, David P.); Moreton Environment - Coastal retreat and improved w ater quality mitigate O'Brien, KR (O'Brien, Katherine R.); 10.1111/g Bay, seagrass / Bio-geo- 2013 losses of seagrass from sea level rise Roelfsema, CM (Roelfsema, Chris M.); cb.12218 Queenslan chem and physical - Lovelock, CE (Lovelock, Catherine E.) ; d, Australia biota, sea level Lyons, MB (Lyons, Mitchell B.) ; Mumby, PJ (Mumby, Peter J.)

Environment - coral 10.1080/0 Moreton Coral reproduction in a high-latitude, marginal reef reef / Bio-geo-chem Fellegara, I (Fellegara, I.); Baird, AH (Baird, 7924259.2 Bay, environment (Moreton Bay, south-east Queensland, 2013 and physical - biota / A. H.); Ward, S (Ward, S.) 012.75276 Queenslan Australia) resilience, climate 6 d, Australia change

Zhang, ZL (Zhang, Zhenlin); Falter, J Environment - coral Atmospheric forcing intensifies the effects of regional Coral Bay, (Falter, James) ; Low e, R (Low e, Ryan) ; 10.1002/jg reef / Bio-geo-chem ocean w arming on reef-scale temperature anomalies 2013 AUSTRALI Ivey, G (Ivey, Greg); McCulloch, M rc.20338 and physical - biota, during a coral bleaching event A (McCulloch, Malcolm) temperature

Butler, IR (Butler, I. R.) ; Sommer, B 10.1007/s Hervey Environment - coral The impacts of flooding on the high-latitude, (Sommer, B.) ; Zann, M (Zann, M.); Zhao, 00338- Bay, reef / Bio-geo-chem terrigenoclastic influenced coral reefs of HerveyBay, 2013 JX (Zhao, J. -x.) ; Pandolfi, JM (Pandolfi, J. 013-1064- AUSTRALI and physical - Queensland, Australia M.) 7 A sedimentation

Fulton, CJ (Fulton, Christopher J.); Depczynski, M (Depczynski, Martial) ; Environment - coral Sea temperature shapes seasonal fluctuations in 10.4319/lo Coral Bay, Holmes, TH (Holmes, Thomas H.); Noble, reef / Bio-geo-chem seaw eed biomass w ithin the Ningaloo coral reef 2014 .2014.59.0 AUSTRALI MM (Noble, Mae M.) ; Radford, B (Radford, and physical - ecosystem 1.0156 A Ben); Wernberg, T (Wernberg, Thomas); temperature, biota Wilson, SK (Wilson, Shaun K.)


Environment - coral Keppel 10.1371/jo reef / Bio-geo-chem Flood Impacts in Keppel Bay, Southern Great Barrier Jones, AM (Jones, Alison M.); Berkelmans, Jan 1 Bay, urnal.pone and physical - Reef in the Aftermath of Cyclonic Rainfall R (Berkelmans, Ray) 2014 AUSTRALI .0084739 cyclone, flood, A precipitation

Shamberger, KEF (Shamberger, Kathryn E. F.); Cohen, AL (Cohen, Anne L.) ; Golbuu, Palau's Environment - coral 10.1002/2 Diverse coral communities in naturally acidified w aters of Y (Golbuu, Yimnang) ; McCorkle, DC Rock reef / Bio-geo-chem 28 2014 013GL058 a Western Pacific reef (McCorkle, Daniel C.); Lentz, SJ (Lentz, Island, and physical - 489 Steven J.) ; Barkley, HC (Barkley, Hannah PALAU temperature C.)

Environment - coral 10.1371/jo Nelly Bay, Surviving Coral Bleaching Events: Porites Grow th Cantin, NE (Cantin, Neal E.) ; Lough, JM reef / Bio-geo-chem 19 2014 urnal.pone AUSTRALI Anomalies on the Great Barrier Reef (Lough, Janice M.) and physical - .0088720 A temperature

Shoo, LP (Shoo, Luke P.); O'Mara, J (O'Mara, Julian) ; Perhans, K (Perhans, Karin) ; Rhodes, JR (Rhodes, Jonathan R.); 10.1007/s Moving beyond the conceptual: specificity in regional South East Economy, Policy and Runting, RK (Runting, Rebecca K.) ; 10113- climate change adaptation actions for biodiversity in 2014 Queenslan Business / Health and Schmidt, S (Schmidt, Susanne); Traill, LW 012-0385- South East Queensland, Australia d, Australia w ell-being (Traill, Lochran W.) ; Weber, LC (Weber, 3 Lui C.)] ; Wilson, KA (Wilson, Kerrie A.) ; Lovelock, CE (Lovelock, Catherine E.)

Health and w ell-being Milne Bay, Stakeholder perceptions of ecosystem service declines Butler, JRA (Butler, J. R. A.) ; Skew es, T 10.1016/j. / Economy, Policy Papua in Milne Bay, : Is human population a (Skew es, T.) ; Mitchell, D (Mitchell, D.) ; 2014 marpol.20 and Business / New more critical driver than climate change? Pontio, M (Pontio, M.) ; Hills, T (Hills, T.) 13.12.011 Culture and Guinea Education

Deng, JM (Deng, Jianming); Qin, BQ (Qin, Mortality of Inshore Marine Mammals in Eastern Bio-geo-chem and Boqiang); Paerl, HW (Paerl, Hans W.) ; 10.1111/f Australia Is Predicted by Freshw ater Discharge and Air 2014 Australia physical - biota, Zhang, YL (Zhang, Yunlin) ; Ma, JR (Ma, w b.12330 Temperature temperature Jianrong) ; Chen, YW (Chen, Yuw ei)

Rasheed, MA (Rasheed, Michael A.); 10.1016/j. Environment - Contrasting recovery of shallow and deep w ater McKenna, SA (McKenna, Skye A.) ; Carter, marpolbul. Queenslan seagrass / Bio-geo- seagrass communities follow ing climate associated 30 2014 AB (Carter, Alexandra B.); Coles, RG 2014.02.0 d, Australia chem and physical - losses in tropical north Queensland, Australia (Coles, Robert G.) 13 biota

Falter, JL (Falter, James L.); Zhang, ZL Ningaloo Environment - coral Assessing the drivers of spatial variation in thermal (Zhang, Zhenlin) ; Low e, RJ (Low e, Ryan 10.4319/lo Reef, reef / Bio-geo-chem forcing across a nearshore reef system and implications J.) ; McGregor, F (McGregor, Frazer); 2014 .2014.59.4 AUSTRALI and physical - for coral bleaching Keesing, J (Keesing, John); McCulloch, MT .1241 A temperature (McCulloch, Malcolm T.)

Environment - coral Beeden, R (Beeden, R.) ; Maynard, J 10.1080/1 Keppel reef / Economy, No-anchoring areas reduce coral damage in an effort to (Maynard, J.); Johnson, J (Johnson, J.) ; Mar 1 4486563.2 Bay, Policy and Business - build resilience in Keppel Bay, southern Great Barrier Dryden, J (Dryden, J.); Kininmonth, S 2014 014.88130 AUSTRALI management / Reef (Kininmonth, S.) ; Marshall, P (Marshall, P.) 7 A Infrastructure and transportation


Environment - coral 10.1016/j. Raine reef / Bio-geo-chem The importance of large benthic foraminifera to reef Daw son, JL (Daw son, John L.); Smithers, Jan 1 geomorph. Island, and physical - island sediment budget and dynamics at Raine Island, SG (Smithers, Scott G.) ; Hua, Q (Hua, 2014 2014.03.0 AUSTRALI sedimentation, northern Great Barrier Reef Quan) 23 A geological record, biota

Environment - Fraser, MW (Fraser, Matthew W.); 10.1111/1 Shark seagrass / Bio-geo- Kendrick, GA (Kendrick, Gary A.) ; Statton, Extreme climate events low er resilience of foundation 365- BaY, chem and physical - J (Statton, John) ; Hovey, RK (Hovey, 2014 seagrass at edge of biogeographical range 2745.1230 AUSTRALI biota, flood, Renae K.) ; Zavala-Perez, A (Zavala-Perez, 0 A temperature Andrea); Walker, DI (Walker, Diana I.) resilience

Environment - coral Foster, T (Foster, T.) ; Short, JA (Short, J. 10.1016/j.j Coral Bay, Reduced calcification in Western Australian corals during reef / Bio-geo-chem A.); Falter, JL (Falter, J. L.); Ross, C (Ross, 2014 embe.201 AUSTRALI anomalously high summer w ater temperatures and physical - C.); McCulloch, MT (McCulloch, M. T.) 4.07.014 A temperature, w eather

Lovelock, CE (Lovelock, Catherine E.) ; Adame, MF (Adame, Maria Fernanda) ; Environment - 10.1016/j. Moreton Sea level and turbidity controls on mangrove soil surface Bennion, V (Bennion, Vicki); Hayes, M Jan 1 mangrove / Bio-geo- ecss.2014 Bay, elevation change (Hayes, Matthew ); Reef, R (Reef, Ruth); 2015 chem and physical - .11.026 Australia Santini, N (Santini, Nadia); Cahoon, DR biota, sedimentatio (Cahoon, Donald R.)

Environment - coral Narayan, YR (Narayan, Y. Roshni); Lybolt, Holocene benthic foraminiferal assemblages indicate 10.1016/j. Moreton reef / Bio-geo-chem M (Lybolt, Matt); Zhao, JX (Zhao, Jian-xin) ; long-term marginality of reef habitats from Moreton Bay, 15 2015 palaeo.20 Bay, and physical - Feng, YX (Feng, Yuexing) ; Pandolfi, JM Australia 14.12.010 Australia geological record, (Pandolfi, John M.) biota

Economy, Policy and Ross, H (Ross, Helen); Shaw , S (Shaw , Business - Sylvie); Rissik, D (Rissik, David)] ; Cliffe, N management / Health 10.1007/s Moreton (Cliffe, Neil) ; Chapman, S (Chapman, and w ell-being / A participatory systems approach to understanding 10584- Bay in Susie); Hounsell, V (Hounsell, Vanessa); 2015 resilience, adaptation, climate adaptation needs 014-1318- Queenslan Udy, J (Udy, James) ; Trinh, NT (Nghia climate chnage / 6 d, Australia Trong Trinh); Schoeman, J (Schoeman, Culture and Jess) Education - know ledge

Thomson, JA (Thomson, Jordan A.); Burkholder, DA (Burkholder, Derek A.) ; Environment - Extreme temperatures, foundation species, and abrupt Heithaus, MR (Heithaus, Michael R.) ; Shark Bay, 10.1111/g seagrass / Bio-geo- ecosystem change: an example from an iconic seagrass Fourqurean, JW (Fourqurean, James W.); 2015 Western cb.12694 chem and physical - ecosystem Fraser, MW (Fraser, Matthew W.) ; Statton, Australia temperature, biota J (Statton, John); Kendrick, GA (Kendrick, Gary A.)

Wardell-Johnson, G (Wardell-Johnson, G.); Schoeman, D (Schoeman, D.); Schlacher, 10.1080/1 HERVEY Economy, Policy and Re-framing values for a World Heritage future: w hat type T (Schlacher, T.); Wardell-Johnson, A Mar 1 4486563.2 BAY, Business - tourism, of icon w ill K'gari-Fraser Island become? (Wardell-Johnson, A.); Weston, MA 2015 014.98526 Queenslan management / Health (Weston, M. A.); Shimizu, Y (Shimizu, Y.); 7 d, Australia and w ell-being Conroy, G (Conroy, G.)


Munroe, SEM (Munroe, S. E. M.); Heupel, QUEENSL Environment - Regional movement patterns of a small-bodied shark MR (Heupel, M. R.)[; Fisk, AT (Fisk, A. T.); 10.1111/jf AND, seagrass / Bio-geo- 2015 revealed by stable-isotope analysis Logan, M (Logan, M.); Simpfendorfer, CA b.12660 AUSTRALI chem and physical - (Simpfendorfer, C. A.) A biota

Environment - mangrove, coral reef / Economy, Policy and Martin, TSH (Martin, Tyson S. H.); Olds, AD Business - Hervey (Olds, Andrew D.); Pitt, KA (Pitt, Kylie A.); management / Bio- Effective protection of fish on inshore coral reefs 10.3354/m Bay, Johnston, AB (Johnston, Alana B.); Butler, y 1 2015 geo-chem and depends on the scale of mangrove-reef connectivity eps11295 Queenslan IR (Butler, Ian R.) ; Maxw ell, PS (Maxw ell, physical - biota / d, Australia Paul S.) ; Connolly, RM (Connolly, Rod M.) Health and w ell-being - community / Economy, Policy and Business - fishery

Stevenson, J (Stevenson, Janelle); BLUE The palaeo-environmental history of Big Willum Sw amp, Bio-geo-chem and Brockw ell, S (Brockw ell, Sally); Row e, C ISSN: MUD BAY, Weipa: An environmental context for the archaeological 2015 physical - geological (Row e, Cassandra); Proske, U (Proske, 0312-2417 AUSTRALI record record Ulrike); Shiner, J (Shiner, Justin) A

Lyons, M (Lyons, Mitchell)[; Roelfsema, C Environment - (Roelfsema, Chris); Kovacs, E (Kovacs, MORETO seagrass / Bio-geo- Rapid monitoring of seagrass biomass using a simple Eva); Samper-Villarreal, J (Samper- 10.3354/m N BAY, chem and physical - 18 2015 linear modelling approach, in the field and from space Villarreal, Jimena)[; Saunders, M eps11321 AUSTRALI biota / Economy, (Saunders, Megan)[; Maxw ell, P (Maxw ell, A Policy and Business - Paul); Phinn, S (Phinn, Stuart) management

Butler, IR (Butler, I. R.); Sommer, B 10.1016/j. Hervey Bio-geo-chem and The cumulative impacts of repeated heavy rainfall, (Sommer, B.); Zann, M (Zann, M.); Zhao, marpolbul. Bay, physical - flooding and altered Water quality on the high-latitude 15 2015 JX (Zhao, J. -X.); Pandolfi, JM (Pandolfi, J. 2015.04.0 Queenslan precipitation, nutrient, coral reefs of Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia M.) 47 d, Australia sedimentation

Hua, Q (Hua, Quan); Webb, GE (Webb, Gregory E.); Zhao, JX (Zhao, Jian-xin); Bio-geo-chem and Large variations in the Holocene marine radiocarbon 10.1016/j. Moreton Nothdurft, LD (Nothdurft, Luke D.); Lybolt, physical - gases, reservoir effect reflect ocean circulation and climatic 15 2015 epsl.2015. Bay, M (Lybolt, Matthew ); Price, GJ (Price, biota, geological changes 03.049 Australia Gilbert J.); Opdyke, BN (Opdyke, Bradley record N.)

Economy, Policy and Lamen Business / Health and Migration-affected change and vulnerability in rural 10.1111/a Craven, LK (Craven, Luke K.) 2015 Bay, w ell-being / Vanuatu pv.12066 VANUATU vulnerability, adaptation, insecurity

10.1007/s Cygnet Environment - coral Dandan, SS (Dandan, S. S.); Falter, JL Resilience of coral calcification to extreme temperature 00338- Bay, reef / Bio-geo-chem (Falter, J. L.); Low e, RJ (Low e, R. J.); 2015 variations in the Kimberley region, northw est Australia 015-1335- AUSTRALI and physical - McCulloch, MT (McCulloch, M. T.) 6 A temperature


Sanders, CJ (Sanders, Christian J.); Santos, IR (Santos, Isaac R.) ; Maher, DT Environment - (Maher, Damien T.); Breithaupt, JL Examining (239)+(240)pu, Pb-210 and historical events 10.1016/j.j Moreton mangrove / Bio-geo- (Breithaupt, Joshua L.); Smoak, JM to determine carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus burial in 2016 envrad.20 Bay, biota, nutrient, sea (Smoak, Joseph M.) ; Ketterer, M (Ketterer, mangrove sediments of Moreton Bay, Australia 15.04.018 Australia level, sedimentation, Michael); Call, M (Call, Mitchell)[ 2 ] ; upw elling Sanders, L (Sanders, Luciana); Eyre, BD (Eyre, Bradley D.)

Sinclair, EA (Sinclair, Elizabeth A.); Statton, SHARK Environment - Reproduction at the extremes: pseudovivipary, J (Statton, John); Hovey, R (Hovey, 10.1093/a BAY, seagrass / Bio-geo- hybridization and genetic mosaicism in Posidonia Renae); Anthony, JM (Anthony, Janet M.); 2016 ob/mcv16 AUSTRALI chem and physical - australis (Posidoniaceae) Dixon, KW (Dixon, Kingsley W.); Kendrick, 2 A salinity, biota GA (Kendrick, Gary A.)

Russell, BJ (Russell, Brandon J.); Dierssen, HM (Dierssen, Heidi M.); LaJeunesse, TC Palauan Environment - coral Spectral Reflectance of Palauan Reef-Building Coral w ith (LaJeunesse, Todd C.); Hoadley, KD 10.3390/rs Reef- reef / Bio-geo-chem Different Symbionts in Response to Elevated (Hoadley, Kenneth D.); Warner, ME 2016 8030164 Building and physical - Temperature (Warner, Mark E.); Kemp, DW (Kemp, Coral temperature Dustin W.); Bateman, TG (Bateman, Timothy G.) Serrao-Neumann, S (Serrao-Neumann, Silvia); Davidson, JL (Davidson, Julie L.); Baldw in, CL (Baldw in, Claudia L.); MORETO Economy, Policy and Dedekorkut-How es, A (Dedekorkut-How es, 10.1016/j. Marine governance to avoid tipping points: Can w e adapt N BAY, Business - Aysin); Ellison, JC (Ellison, Joanna C.); 2016 marpol.20 the adaptability envelope? AUSTRALI governance, Holbrook, NJ (Holbrook, Neil J.); How es, M 15.12.007 A management, fishery (How es, Michael); Jacobson, C (Jacobson, Christine); Morgan, EA (Morgan, Edw ard A.)

Environment - coral Golbuu, Y (Golbuu, Yimnang); Gouezo, M 10.1007/s Palau's reef / Bio-geo-chem Long-term isolation and local adaptation in Palau's Nikko (Gouezo, Marine); Kurihara, H (Kurihara, 00338- 2016 Nikko Bay, and physical - Bayhelp corals thrive in acidic w aters Haruko); Rehm, L (Rehm, Lincoln); 016-1457- Palau temperature / Wolanski, E (Wolanski, Eric) 5 resilience, adaptation

Economy, Policy and Business - 10.1016/j. COSTAL management, Management of coastal canal estates in Australia: Stocker, L (Stocker, L.); Harvey, N (Harvey, ocecoama CANAL IN 2016 governance / Health Challenges and opportunities N.); Metcalf, SJ (Metcalf, S. J.) n.2016.06. AUSTRALI and w ell-being / 009 A Culture and Education

Kimbe Depth, bay position and habitat structure as determinants MacDonald, C (MacDonald, Chancey); Bay, Environment - coral 10.3354/m of coral reef fish distributions: Are deep reefs a potential Bridge, TCL (Bridge, Tom C. L.); Jones, GP 15 2016 Papua reef / Bio-geo-chem eps11953 refuge? (Jones, Geoffrey P.) New and physical - biota Guinea

Environment - coral reef, seagrass /Economy, Policy and 10.1016/j. Hervey Ecosystem health of the Great Barrier Reef: Time for Brodie, J (Brodie, Jon); Pearson, RG Business - 20 2016 ecss.2016 Bay, effective management action based on evidence (Pearson, Richard G.) management / .05.008 Australia Infrastructure and transportation - land use


Now icki, RJ (Now icki, Robert J.); Thomson, Environment - JA (Thomson, Jordan A.); Burkholder, DA seagrass / Bio-geo- Predicting seagrass recovery times and their implications 10.3354/m Shark Bay, (Burkholder, Derek A.); Fourqurean, JW 13 2017 chem and physical - follow ing an extreme climate event eps12029 Australia (Fourqurean, James W.); Heithaus, MR biota / resilience, (Heithaus, Michael R.) climate chnage

Albert, S (Albert, Simon); Saunders, MI (Saunders, Megan I.); Roelfsema, CM(Roelfsema, Chris M.); Leon, JX (Leon, Environment - Javier X.); Johnstone, E (Johnstone, mangrove, coral and 10.1088/1 MORETO Elizabeth);Mackenzie, JR (Mackenzie, Jock seagrass / Bio-geo- Winners and losers as mangrove, coral and seagrass 748- N BAY, R.); Hoegh-Guldberg, O (Hoegh-Guldberg, 2017 sea level / Economy, ecosystems respond to sea-level rise in Solomon Islands 9326/aa7e AUSTRALI Ove); Grinham, AR(Grinham, Alistair R.)[; Policy and Business / 68 A Phinn, SR (Phinn, Stuart R.); Duke, NC Infrastructure and (Duke, Norman C.); Mumby, PJ (Mumby, transportation Peter J.); Kovacs, E (Kovacs, Eva); Woodroffe, CD (Woodroffe, Colin D.)

Shedraw i, G (Shedrawi, George); Falter, JL (Falter, James L.); Friedman, KJ Environment - coral (Friedman, Kim J.); Low e, RJ (Low e, Ryan 10.1007/s reef / Bio-geo-chem Localised hydrodynamics influence vulnerability of coral J.); Pratchett, MS (Pratchett, Morgan S.); 00338- Bill's Bay, and physical - 2017 communities to environmental disturbances Simpson, CJ(Simpson, Christopher J.); 017-1576- Australia hydrology / Economy, Speed, CW (Speed, Conrad W.) ; Wilson, 7 Policy and Business - SK (Wilson, Shaun K.); Zhang, ZL (Zhang, management Zhenlin)

intertidal Hayes, MA (Hayes, Matthew A.); Jesse, A w etland (Jesse, Amber); Haw ke, B (Haw ke, Bruce); Environment - Dynamics of sediment carbon stocks across intertidal 10.1111/g habitats of Baldock, J (Baldock, Jeff); Tabet, B (Tabet, 2017 w etland / Bio-geo- w etland habitats of Moreton Bay, Australia cb.13722 Moreton Basam); Lockington, D (Lockington, David); sediment. gases Bay, Lovelock, CE (Lovelock, Catherine E.) Australia

Feller, IC (Feller, Ilka C.); Ball, MC (Ball, Interactive effects of climate and nutrient enrichment on Australia Environment - Marilyn C.); Ellis, JI (Ellis, Joanne I.) ; Jan 1 10.1111/g patterns of herbivory by different feeding guilds in and New mangrove / Bio-geo- Lovelock, CE (Lovelock, Catherine E.); 2017 eb.12644 mangrove forests Zealand biota, nutrient Reef, R (Reef, Ruth)

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