88 Graduate Killed in Two- Car Accident
25C HCAC X « BOOK Blf(5ER.. SPRfNCPORT, MICHIGAN 49204 The Lowell olume 13, Issue 39 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, August 9, 1989 Along Main Stmt ICrandall, queen of many voices r n Entertains L p Kent County yv^ ••"V Youth Fair crowd LAAC GALLERY FEATURES LOCAL ARTIST Miss Michigan 1984, Barbara The Lowell Area Arts Council Gallery will open the month of Jean, stage name, (full name Bar- | August with "Skyscapes and Roadside Attractions ", paintings by bara Jean Crandall Butler) and Atcal artist. David F. Davis. three of her friends entertained A reception for the artist will be held on Sunday, August 13 at Monday's Kent County Youth | from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Center Gallery. 149 South Hudson Fair opening ceremonies. I St. Crandall, since earning her The public is cordially invited to attend. Refreshments will be Miss Michigan title, has spent served. much of her time traveling inter- nationally, talking at fairs, con- IS THE LOWELL SHOWBOAT NEEDS YOU! ventions and banquets. "When international traveling was men- The Lowell Showboat needs volunteers to make next year's the tioned, I immediately thought, | very best. that's nice, I'll be going to Help is needed in decorating, parade, Doat fix-up, tickets, fes- Canada," Crandall said. "After Aval, group tours, publicity, Hoat and more. the Kent County Youth Fair I will Come, join in the fun and challenge. Call 897-8280 Monday, be traveling to Canada for the Wednesday and Friday or 897-7904 anytime. first time," she muses.
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