April 06,1889
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JfX25J p/ YPrn A Mil 1 \ A II V I> > I VQ ■’““"^.“1-;: ± V71V 1 liAiA I.J 1 I l, I inn. —' "■ . ■ lJillJj _l —■ II 1.1.1. l_ ———ii^—_ _ 1862-VOL. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 27. PORTLAND, MAINE, MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 8, 1889. PRICE $6 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. * SPK(UI. niMIEI.LiSEOVM. was SDTICBS*_ STORM AND FIRE IN SOUTHERN STATES was voted. The vote so close as to fall THE MEGANTIC CLUB'S BIG PRESERVE. THE AFFAIRS OF FOREIGN country and the Indian women. Abroad, A SITTING WITH of an election. The official count gives the NATIONS. and in fact, the world over this same thing FAMOUS DR. SLAOE following pluralities: For senator, Under- is in existence. wood, Democrat, 29. For representatives, “And then we return to our own society Rising Water at Norfolk Sets the The Addition to their Hunting William Which Did Not Result NEW IP Crosby, Democrat, 15; Nolan, Democrat, 1; Emperor Studying the and see the condition of things, where the Quito os That Flames at Work. in as Cranston, Democrat, 10; Swinburne. Repub- Crounde In Maine. Strength of the Cerman Navy. corrupt man takes nis position society Gentleman Anticipated. ODD NAPKINS lican, 13; Sheffield, Republican, G. For rep- though he were not corrupt, where it Is per- resentative from Cranston there was no elec- fectly easy for anyone who cares to do so to United Statos tion. The now stands: the wife or hus- Hon. Ship Pensacola Sunk legislature Senate, A Sportsman’s Paradise In the Re- Berlin Opinion on the turn his or her back upon M. P. Prank and Mon. w. O. for aud too. Rooms. 10 Requirements before Ware 2 sworn to Everybody Very Cheap, Carpet in a Dock. 25 Republicans, Democrats, to be band when each has God Dry of Beautiful of the Samoan Davis Him a elected: House, 27 Republicans, 37 Demo- gion Lakes, Situation. love and honor for life.’’ Pay Visit. of Lot l—Consists figured Turkey lied crats, 8 to be elected. The Republicans Dr. Bushnell spoke at length upon the im- kins- also a of Nap- quantity neat plaid must gain 4 more members to control the portance of having the existence of social are Savannah Sees Property Worth Over Made Ceneral Speech The Slate Nankins; they cheap at 6c each. joint ballot and elect the general officers, and Easy of Access and Provided Boulanger’s Read at better understood and of the great Writing Medium Detected Lots—There are two kinds in this impurity lot; one, a Million Destroyed. the Democrats 8 more. Newport will vote with Cood the Banquet He Didn’t Attend. difficulty in making the people break down In a Place of a large Turkey Red, and james Burrillville Quarters. Trickery. the other a fmm again Tuesday and and Bristol so of so that the called barriers —hr cream proplety fringed Napkin with red border! will vote on Monday. The Republicans will would listen. She thought it a Jfalse MR8- are at Tc each. can they they bargains db OO. NobFo&k, April 7.—A storm of be satisfied if they again prevent an 7.—A direc- the and a false refinement that prevent- Some time Dr. Lot 3—Is a thunder, Boston, April meeting of the Berlin, April 7.—On Tuesday Em- delicacy ego. Slade, the famous very good assortment and a grand election in Newport, for, if they do so the ed these truths from being made known. at 10c Having leased the rooms in the new Rines lUilld lightning and hall broke over this city yes- tors of the Megantic Club was held yester- will go to Wilhelmshaven to "slate-writing medium,” came bargain each: you will find present senator and representatives will hold peror inspect Dr. Bushnell was very vigorous in her de- here and be- white large ing, and at to Nankins ; also white ones terday morning, changed lo o’clock over. day afternoon at Young’s Hotel, President the corvette Alexandrine before that vessel the which gan give evidence* of hi* skill. He was with ___ nunciation of present system by Colored borders. last into a the wind 1*2 night cyclone, blowing Wemyss in the chair. The subject of ratify- sails for Samoa. His majesty’s letter to Ad- this commandment could be broken with im- largely patronized, and in addition to his 542 Congress St., 64 miles an hour until 5 o’clock this IN MEMORIAM. sale punity men, but had such terrible results many test and morning. ing the and lease of a large fishing and miral Yon der Qoltz, chief of the admiralty, by settings »late-writlngs bt ap- The wind came to women. will open on Wednesday, April 3d, an entirely from the northeast, and hunting tract In Maine, lately contracted for expressing confidence that the recent disas- peared as a defender of Spiritualism from new and complete stock of The Bar Takes Action on STATE STHEET CHUBCll. blew into the harbor and its tributaries, Supreme by the secretary, comprising the Chain of ter at Samoa will not retard the the assaults of W. H. McLaughlin of Scar- RINES BROS. prosperous Prof. William H. of Andover, ap8 d2t causing a tide which, at water this the Death of Justice Matthews. Ponds and was Kyder wbo was then _ high two of the Seven Ponds, dis- development of the navy, does not represent boro, exposing a woman who Mass., preached at State street church yes- morning, at 1.36 o’clock, was 18 inches higher cussed and an made for the the real state of his mind. He the ad- lectured here several times, and also from CA11PET BEATING NOTICE. appropriation keeps Matthew than ever Washington, D. C., April G.—The meet- terday. He took his text from ill, Fine recorded before. The lower part purpose. The appointment of a resident miralty busily engaged In supplying him the more direct utterances of J. A. Magnus- United States 1-2: S'earn Ma» Carpetings, of the city was flooded. Fire broke out on ing of the bar of the Supreme superintendent was wbo was Patented, Carpet and Mr. Peter with the the con- soo, in to the Beating discussed, reports minutely detailing “In those came the lecturing opposition chine at Forest Water caused from the of Court today, to take action upon the death of Matheson (lays John, Baptist, preach- Cltj Bye House, street; slacking of Lake Megantic, P. Q., was of- I struction and condition of every war ship. ing in the wilderness of Judea, and saying, re- teachings of the mediums. lit l-ltl ltl.K ST., lime on the wharf of John O. & the late Mr. Justice Stanley Matthews, was fered the peat ye; for the of heaven Is at band.” Qainage situation at a salary of #500 per Since the English Parliament voted the ad. kingdom Dr. Slade’s prominence made him an ob- opposite Preble House. cleaned at all a violent Carpets and Son, and the entire block, with the interfered with by storm, and in annum. He will be to live the And Matthew lv, 17: of seasons exception required dition of 70 to the his ject consideration on of the year and in all kinds of weather. Mattings upon ships navy majesty’s special the part of Rugs was “From Orders for should be left Ibe of all of Sons & Co.’s, mer- consequence, the attendance small. and that time Jesus began to preach, and to carpel cleaning day descriptions carefully selected with refer- Savage, commission preserve be caretaker in the club bouse attention centres exclusively upon those who doubted the of his asser- before, or in POWDER admiralty say, repent: for the kingdom of heaven Is at reality early the in«'rnltiK to ensure return ence to the retail trade. were Senators chants, premises, was in flames. The old Among those present Ed- house during the and will be the club hand.” tions of of carpets the same day v dcr Is taken. winter, affairs. The officials expect that the recent- intercourse with the spirits, and Pure. munds and Evarts, ex-Senator McDonald, fish and advanced scheme for the apr« eodsutf We an of Absolutely cotton exchange building, containing about game overseer and have full charge ly reorganization John, the and our Lord Saturday, Hon. _ respectfully solicit Inspection Baptist, taught William G. Davis, Hoo. M 800 bales of cotton, and the warehouse of J. Gen. R. D. Mussey, ex-Gov. Iloadley, Ex-So- of the camps, trails, boats, etc., and see that of the navy will be recast and enlarged. The onr goods. the necessity of repentance, which is, said P. Frank, J. D, a Tins powder never varies. A marvel ot purity W. Perry & Co., were totally destroyed. proper guides are provided for the members. Emperor freely expresses a determination to Aarons, portrait painter of' and wliolesomoneas. More lleitor-General Goode, Solicitor General Prof. what ireujrtli economical Santos & Bros., coal dealers, lost everything He will live in summer upon a farm make Germany a naval power of the first Kyder, the world and erery man London, and John M. a well known ban the and cannot be sold In Jenks, Gen. Eppa Uunton, Assistant Attor- opposite Todd, ordinary kinds, their office building. Batchelder A the club house leased the club. Mr. rank, fn conversation with Sir Edward needs to come to. A new and end in ■inpetition with the multitude ot low short except ney General J. A Oreswell, W. C. P. lately by higher Spiritualist, went to Dr.