Durham E-Theses

An evaluation of cultural studies in foreign language learning

Parmenter, lynne K.

How to cite: Parmenter, lynne K. (1993) An evaluation of cultural studies in foreign language learning, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/5641/

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An Evaluation of Cultural Studies in Foreign Language


Lynne K. Parmenter

Cultural studies has come to occupy an important place in the field of foreign language learning. From 1990-93, Durham University and the Institut National de Recherche Pedagogique in Paris ran a project to design, implement and evaluate an experimental programme to teach culture in a structured way in schools and colleges. This thesis was written in the context of that project and is concerned with the evaluation of one part of the programme. After an introduction to the current situation of cultural studies in language learning, the first half of the thesis surveys the relevant theoretical foundations. Chapter 2 considers the theories important to cultural learning and progresses from definitions of culture in its broadest sense to specific techniques for teaching culture. Chapter 3 moves on to the theoretical background of evaluation, discussing various models, methods and issues in analysis and reporting. Chapter 4 makes the transition from the theoretical to the practical, drawing upon the theories already discussed to explain how this particular evaluation was designed and carried out. The second half of the thesis presents and analyses data collected during the evaluation. Chapters 5 and 6 discuss the aims of the programme and illustrate how these aims were carried through into the classroom. Chapters 7 and 8 focus on what the students learned and their opinions of the programme. The final chapter analyses the students' suggestions for change and considers the significance of the programme within the wider scope of foreign language learning. An Evaluation of Cultural Studies in Foreign Language Learning

Lynne K. Parmenter

The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation from it should be published without his prior written consent and information derived from it should be acknowledged.

A thesis submitted in requirement for the degree of Master of Arts in Education University of Durham School of Education 1993


1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Culture in language teaching 1 1.2 Current approaches in upper secondary language 4 teaching 1.3 The Durham/INRP project 8 1.4 The aims of this thesis 9

2. CULTURAL LEARNING 11 2.1 Definitions of culture 11 2.2 Components of cultural learning 14 2.3 Levels of cultural learning 25 2.4 Methods of developing cultural learning 36 2.5 Techniques and materials for cultural learning 42

3. EVALUATION 49 3.1 Models of evaluation 49 3.2 The role of evaluation 57 3.3 Methods for evaluation 64 3.4 Analysing, interpreting and reporting evaluation 70 3.5 Ethical considerations 75

4. CONTEXT OF THE DURHAM PROJECT 82 4.1 The course and its participants 82 4.2 Project evaluation 84 4.3 Regional identity evaluation methods 84

5. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 92 5.1 Sets of aims and objectives 92 5.2 Consistency o