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NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE BOGOLYUBOV INSTITUTE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH MAIN ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL SCIENCE CENTER “KHARKIV INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY” MINISTRY FOR EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE TARAS SHEVCHENKO NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF KYIV НАЦIОНАЛЬНА АКАДЕМIЯ НАУК УКРАЇНИ IНСТИТУТ ТЕОРЕТИЧНОЇ ФIЗИКИ iм. М.М. БОГОЛЮБОВА IНСТИТУТ ЯДЕРНИХ ДОСЛIДЖЕНЬ ГОЛОВНА АСТРОНОМIЧНА ОБСЕРВАТОРIЯ НАЦIОНАЛЬНИЙ НАУКОВИЙ ЦЕНТР “ХАРКIВСЬКИЙ ФIЗИКО-ТЕХНIЧНИЙ IНСТИТУТ” МIНIСТЕРСТВО ОСВIТИ I НАУКИ УКРАЇНИ КИЇВСЬКИЙ НАЦIОНАЛЬНИЙ УНIВЕРСИТЕТ iменi ТАРАСА ШЕВЧЕНКА UDK 524.7+529; 539.123.17, 539.12, 539.16, 539.143, 539.1.08 BBK 22.3, 22.6 D20 Reviewers: V.A. ZAKHOZHAJ, Dr. Sci., Prof., Professor of the Department of Astronomy and Space Informatics of the Physical Faculty of the V.N. Karazin National University of Kharkiv I.M. KADENKO, Dr. Sci., Prof., Head of the Department of Nuclear Physics of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Approved for publication by the Scientific Councils of the following institutions: Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics (03.07.2014, protocol No. 6) Institute for Nuclear Research (26.06.2014, protocol No. 7) Main Astronomical Observatory (10.07.2014, protocol No. 8) the National Science Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology” (27.08.2014, protocol No. 8) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as well as the Astronomical Observatory of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (05.06.2014, protocol No. 7) Publication was made by a State contract promoting the production of scientific printed material Dark energy and dark matter in the Universe: in three D20 volumes / Editor V. Shulga. — Vol. 3. Dark matter: Observa- tional manifestation and experimental searches / Vavilova I.B., Bolotin Yu.L., Boyarsky A.M., Danevich F.A., Kobychev V.V., Tretyak V.I., Babyk Iu.V., Iakubovskyi D.A., Hnatyk B.I., Sergeev S.G. — K. : Akademperiodyka, 2015. — 375 p. ISBN 978-966-360-239-4 ISBN 978-966-360-287-5 (vol. 3) This monograph is the third issue of a three volume edition under the general title “Dark Energy and Dark Matter in the Universe”. The authors discuss the astrophysical direct and indirect manifestation and properties of dark matter in galaxies, galaxy clusters and groups; the different mechanisms of energy exchange between dark energy and dark matter that expand the capabilities of the Standard Cosmological Model; the experimental search for dark matter particle candidates (including the sterile neutrinos, solar axions, weakly-interacting massive particles, and superheavy dark matter particles) using space, ground-based, and underground observatories. UDC 524.7+529; 539.123.17, 539.12, 539.16, 539.143, 539.1.08 BBK 22.3, 22.6 ⃝c Vavilova I.B., Bolotin Yu.L., Boyarsky A.M., Danevich F.A., Kobychev V.V., Tretyak V.I., Babyk Iu.V., Iakubovskyi D.A., ISBN 978-966-360-239-4 Hnatyk B.I., Sergeev S.G., 2015 ISBN 978-966-360-287-5 (vol. 3) ⃝c Akademperiodyka, design, 2015 CONTENTS FOREWORD OF THE EDITOR . 11 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . 14 Notes on the vacuum nature 1 of dark energy and dark matter CHAPTER Fomin P.I., Fomina A.P. 1.1. On the gravitational mechanism of reducing the vacuum energy and the vacuum nature of dark energy . 15 1.1.1. Introduction . 15 1.1.2. Gravitating fluctuations of the vacuum. 17 1.1.3. Estimate of the energy density from the condition of spatial closeness of the Universe . 18 1.1.4. Conclusion . 20 1.2. On the vacuum-condensate nature of dark matter . 21 1.2.1. Introduction . 21 1.2.2. A vacuum model of dark matter . 21 1.2.3. The mathematical realization . 22 1.2.4. Conclusion . 24 Bibliography. 25 Dark matter: observational 2 manifestation in galaxy clusters CHAPTER Vavilova I.B., Babyk Iu.V. 2.1. Notes on the history of discovery of the dark matter 26 2.1.1. Discovery of dark matter in galaxies, galaxy clusters and groups . 26 2.1.2. Dark matter models . 30 2.2. Galaxy clusters: matter evolution and distribution . 33 2.2.1. General remarks on the evolution of galaxy clusters 33 5 Contents 2.2.2. Hydrostatic equilibrium and gravitational mass distri- bution . 36 2.2.3. Dark matter density distribution. 38 2.2.4. Dark matter halo in galaxies and galaxy cluster: cont- roversies . 45 2.3. Dark matter in the X-ray galaxy clusters. 48 2.3.1. Evolution of the X-ray galaxy clusters . 52 2.3.2. Observational studies of X-ray cluster evolution . 55 2.3.3. The distribution of baryon matter in the nearby X-ray galaxy clusters. 59 2.3.4. LX − T − Mgas relations in the distant X-ray galaxy clusters . 66 2.4. Dark matter halo in the massive X-ray galaxy clusters 76 2.4.1. Main properties of the Chandra massive X-ray galaxy clusters at z < 1:4 .......................................... 76 2.4.2. Total mass and dark matter density profiles. 84 2.4.3. Inner slope and baryons content . 86 2.4.4. Conclusion . 90 Bibliography. 93 Supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei 3 and their relation to the host galaxy properties CHAPTER Sergeev S.G., Pulatova N.G. 3.1. Supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei: brief review 107 3.2. Spatially resolved kinematics of galaxies and observed correlations . 109 3.2.1. The relation between black hole masses and properties of host galaxies. 111 3.2.2. The relation among properties of host galaxies and mass of dark matter halos . 112 3.2.3. The relation among masses of the dark halos, masses of the supermassive black holes, and the total masses of galaxies . 115 3.3. Researches at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory 116 3.3.1. Pre-CCD era . 116 3.3.2. CCD era . 117 3.4. Summary. 121 Bibliography . 123 Dark and baryonic matter distribution 4 in the sparsely populated galaxy groups CHAPTER Elyiv A.A., Melnyk O.V., Vavilova I.B. 4.1. Dark matter halo in galaxy groups. 129 4.1.1. Methods for identifying galaxy groups . 130 6 Contents 4.1.2. High-order Voronoi tessellation . 132 4.2. Galaxy groups at the small redshifts . 137 4.2.1. Galaxy sample from the SDSS spectroscopic survey 137 4.2.2. Luminosity-density relation. 139 4.2.3. Mass-to-luminosity ratio. 140 4.3. Poor galaxy groups in the Local Supercluster . 142 4.3.1. Homogeneous galaxy sample. 142 4.3.2. Methods . 145 4.3.3. Dark matter and properties of galaxy triplets in the Local Supercluster. 147 4.4. Conclusion . 149 Bibliography . 153 Interaction in the dark sector 5 Bolotin Yu.L., Kostenko A.V., Lemets O.A., Yerokhin D.A. CHAPTER 5.1. Introduction. 159 5.2. Physical mechanism of energy exchange. 160 5.3. Phenomenology of Interacting Models . 162 5.3.1. Non-linear interaction in the dark sector . 166 5.4. Structure of phase space of models with interaction 169 5.5. Examples of realization of interaction in the dark sector 172 5.5.1. Λ(t) the simplest possibility of interaction of the dark components . 172 5.5.2. Interacting models in f(R) -gravity . 174 5.6. Interacting DE models in fractal cosmology . 176 5.6.1. Linear interaction of DM and DE. 178 5.6.2. Analyzable case of DM—DE interaction. 179 5.7. Interacting holographic DE . 181 5.7.1. The HDE with the Hubble radius as an IR Cut-off 183 5.7.2. Interacting HDE with the event horizon as an IR Cutoff . 184 5.7.3. Interacting Holographic Ricci DE . 186 5.8. Impact of interaction on cosmological dynamics. 188 5.8.1. Transition from decelerated to accelerated expansion through interaction . 188 5.8.2. Interacting models as solutions to the cosmic coinci- dence problem. 189 5.8.3. The problem of transient acceleration. 191 5.8.4. Observational evidence . 191 5.9. Constraint on the coupled DE models . 198 5.9.1. Cosmography as a way of testing models with inte- raction . 198 5.9.2. Statefinder diagnostic for interacting models . 200 7 Contents 5.9.3. Observational data . 203 5.9.4. Comparison of the cosmological parameters in diffe- rent models . 204 Bibliography . 207 Sterile neutrino dark matter 6 Boyarsky A.M., Iakubovskyi D.A. CHAPTER 6.1. Dark matter problem and particle physics . 210 6.2. Sterile neutrino dark matter . 212 6.2.1. Production of sterile neutrinos in the early Universe 215 6.2.2. Structure formation with sterile neutrino dark matter 217 6.2.3. Sterile neutrinos as decaying dark matter . 219 6.3. Decaying dark matter signal from different objects . 221 6.3.1. Dark matter column density . 221 6.4. Existing X-ray bounds on decaying dark matter para- meters . 225 6.5. Strategy of further searches for decaying dark matter 225 6.5.1. Advance with existing missions: stacking of observati- ons........................................................ 228 6.5.2. X-ray micro-calorimeters . 229 6.5.3. Laboratory searches for sterile neutrino DM . 232 6.6. Conclusions . ..