1 H O U S E J O U R N A L



2004 SPECIAL SESSION July 12, 2004 through July 17, 2004

Opening Proceedings...... 1 House Bills, Numerical Listing ...... 17 Joint House Resolutions, Numerical Listing ...... 33 Adjournment Proceedings ...... 39

2005 GENERAL SESSION January 11, 2005 through March 3, 2005

Opening Proceedings...... 42 State of the State Address ...... 58 State of the Judiciary Address...... 62 Adoption of Rules ...... 65 House Bills, Numerical Listing ...... 71 Joint House Resolutions, Numerical Listing ...... 470 Adjournment Proceedings ...... 478


Members of the House House Standing Committees Alphabetical List of House Bill and Resolution Catch Titles Alphabetical List of House Bill and Resolutions by Sponsor Subject Index Final Action Sheet


House Chamber

At 10:00 a.m. Senate President April Brimmer Kunz called the Joint Session of the 57th Wyoming State Legislature, Special Session to order.

The House Sergeant-at-Arms, Darrell Moore introduced the following honored guests and their escorts:

Katie Freudenthal and The First Lady of Wyoming, Mrs. Nancy Freudenthal and his Excellency, The Governor of Wyoming, , escorted by Senator Devin and Representative Childers and Representative Robinson.

President Kunz acknowledged the following guests:

The Honorable Joe Meyer, Secretary of State, The Honorable , State Auditor, The Honorable Trent Blankenship, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and The Honorable William U. Hill, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Wyoming.

The prayer was given by Father Thomas Cronkleton.

GOVERNOR'S ADDRESS TO THE 2004 SPECIAL SESSION OF THE Madame President, Mr. Speaker, members of the 57th Legislature, members of the Court, fellow elected officials and, most importantly, citizens of Wyoming: I appreciate this opportunity to speak to you this morning in accord with the Wyoming Constitution.

To the members of the Legislature, a special welcome to your Capitol building. I am among the few people in the state who is actually pleased to see you here in session. I would also offer that there is no truth to the rumors that I turned off the air conditioning. I know it's going to be hot, but I offer this observation. There's air conditioning in the rest of the building but, for some reason, the Legislature in its wisdom chose not to air condition its chambers. To the extent your debate contributes to the heat, you might want to ease off a bit. To the extent it contributes to the light, I would encourage you to proceed.

I want to observe with regard to the nature of this session that your presence here proves the Wyoming system of citizen legislators and time-limited legislative sessions does work. The opportunity for extra legislative sessions allows for the reexamination of significant issues which remained unresolved at the end of the regular session.

Much comment has been devoted to the historic nature of our activities commencing this first session of the Legislature that was actually convened by the Legislature. While the method of convening may be notable, our conduct will determine whether or not we are embarked on an occasion of historical note.

By way of illustration, I would offer the following. The anniversary of arguably the most important day in Wyoming's history, Statehood Day, passed this weekend with barely an acknowledgement of the day and certainly no reference to the people involved. Actions and deeds accomplished on and around Statehood Day, not the actors or the date, created the opportunity for all of us to be citizens of this great state.

So it is with our endeavors this week. Ultimately, the test applied by our citizens and historians is the same: Were actions taken, and were deeds accomplished?

People tell you and me throughout the state how worried they are that they are not getting or will not be able to receive the healthcare that they need. We owe it to them to make a difference this week; if we don't make a difference this week, they will take note.

We're here to examine healthcare; healthcare costs, quality and accessibility will remain problematic at least for the next decade and perhaps for the next two decades. We should not attempt in these six days to solve all of the problems for all of the people. I continue to support your efforts to maintain a narrow and focused agenda, and I wish to commend the legislative leadership and the members of the committee for their work over the past several 3 weeks. You have accepted testimony from a broad range of people; you have visited issues that have been discussed. I believe the time is now for decisions.

Your consideration of my three suggested goals for this session by the combined Judiciary and Appropriations committees is much appreciated. My remarks to the combined committee set three goals: first, the provision of some short-term relief for doctors facing the rapidly escalating costs of medical malpractice insurance; second, a promising proposal to create a medical errors commission. This proposal alters our historic approach to compensating victims and the provision of medical care and the recognition of medical errors.

The third request was consideration of a simple proposal asking the voters whether they wished to authorize the legislature to consider limitations on non-economic damages in healthcare cases.

We are, in this state, extremely lucky to have the advanced healthcare available to us in this state, the state with the smallest population in the country. But we do have a clear crisis of cost and availability. The crisis exists; the magnitude of it will only increase should we fail to act.

I'll deal with each of those three issues. The first is the question of subsidies. I reluctantly endorsed a limited, short- term premium assistance proposal to help retain healthcare professionals in Wyoming. The premium assistance suggested was 25 percent of premiums, with a maximum amount of $35,000 per physician. This was properly referred to as a subsidy. Now, subsidy is a word none of us like to use, but it is in fact a subsidy, and the government engages in them all the time.

A subsidy is defined in the dictionary as "a grant by a government to a private person or company to assist an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public." This broad-based premium assistance proposal did not survive the legislative committee process and is not to be considered in this session.

Two other subsidy proposals are offered by the Appropriations Committee and are set forth for your consideration. One proposal targets the serious problems in maintaining obstetrics services. House Bill 1009 authorizes a 100 percent reimbursement rate for the providers' usual and customary bills. This measure appropriates $2.8 million in state funds and $3.5 million in federal funds.

While I respect the human impulse that lies behind the proposal, we need to recognize that the added funds of this proposal go only to those physicians providing obstetrics services to Medicaid recipients. Others in the medical profession facing similar problems will not benefit. I would also caution you that a decision to increase reimbursement rates to 100 percent is unlikely to be reversed in the future. This may turn out to be a one-way street.

The second subsidy proposal is House Bill 1011. Contained in it is a two percent, five-year repayment loan program available only to a limited set of physicians meeting certain criteria. Among those criteria is that the coverage is no longer available due to either the insolvency of the insurer or the withdrawal of the insurer from the medical malpractice insurance market in the state. The appropriation attached to this bill is $8.2 million. Again, this is a relatively narrow field of people for whom assistance would be provided. I encourage your careful deliberation on all of these matters.

In this context of state assistance for healthcare providers, I am encouraged by the committee's recommendation to submit to the voters a constitutional amendment to allow the use of state dollars to support healthcare in this state. Healthcare will eventually prove to be an integral part not only of the welfare of citizens of this state, but an integral part of our ability to develop the state's economy.

During a recent trip to with the Wyoming Business Council, in a meeting with site locators, who are in charge of finding locations for companies, I was asked the usual questions about tax structure, workforce training funds and all of that, but was also asked about whether or not the state is providing sufficient healthcare and sufficient healthcare facilities. The question was pretty blunt, which is: "If I go to one of my clients," according to the site locator, "and encourage them to go to Wyoming, is there going to be healthcare for their employees? Is there going to be somebody there to deliver the children of the workers? Is there going to be somebody there to take care of the accidents? Is there going to be healthcare in Wyoming?"

Healthcare is inextricably linked with not only the welfare of the citizens of the state, but with the development of the state's economy in the future. This is not something that we can take lightly. We are investing an immense amount of money in economic development. We are investing an immense amount of money in the infrastructure of the state so that we have a state where companies want to grow. But companies are not going to want to grow, and they're not going to want to relocate, to a place that doesn't have healthcare. 4

The second agenda item which I supported was a set of studies, which are called for in the current Appropriations Committee draft, and it's a wide-ranging set of studies. I strongly encourage and support these studies. Complex issues such as healthcare require serious research if we are to make the long-range changes that will keep Wyoming's medical care an asset and not a deficiency. We cannot have too much information. We simply have to have a hard look at any number of these options, and I hope that you will see fit to not only fund those studies, but to take the time to make sure the studies are done right and to take the time to read the results of the studies.

The third item I asked for essentially comes down to trusting the voters. I again urge you to place before the voters the threshold question of whether the Legislature should have the power to limit the amount of non-economic damages awarded by a court and jury in healthcare provider cases. This proposal was narrowly defeated in the budget session, though it received a majority of the votes; it just didn't receive the two-thirds needed to place it before the voters.

I will not revisit all of my comments from the budget session, which I suspect you find as a matter of relief. However, some recent events and some newspaper coverage make clarification of the proposed constitutional amendment necessary. Wyoming law on economic damages and punitive damages is not altered in any manner by the constitutional amendment contained in HJ 1003.

Currently, there are three types of recognized damages under Wyoming law. Economic damages are usually discussed in terms of loss of earnings and earning capacity, medical expenses and caretaking costs. The second type of damages is non-economic damages, generally referred to as pain, suffering and emotional distress. And the third type of damages is punitive or exemplary damages. As the name suggests, these are not so much damages as they are punishment for the defendant or the setting of an example to deter others from engaging in similar conduct in the future. These punitive damages can only be imposed if the defendant is guilty of willful and wanton misconduct.

Neither economic damages nor punitive damages are the subject of this constitutional amendment. This constitutional amendment in itself does not change the law affecting non-economic damages. What it does do is provide the opportunity for legislatures in the future to place a limit on those damages. So if in fact that constitutional amendment is placed before the voters and is passed, the day after it passes, the operative law in the state has not changed. The operative law in the state would only change upon action by a subsequent legislature. This is not a limitation in itself; it is an empowerment of the Legislature to impose such a limitation.

I also want to make clear that I do not support the extension of the amendment beyond its current language limiting the legislative authority to healthcare provider cases.

Questions have arisen as to whether or not a companion statute should be passed specifying the limit and the exact nature of the cases to which it would apply. I have not generally favored this approach for two reasons. First, the reliance on a particular statutory scheme creates the illusion for the voter that the only consequence of the amendment is that statute. But, as we all know, the Legislature can change statutes at any time.

Second, I believe the decision on whether to impose a limitation should be preceded by extensive public discussion and debate. The advisability of a limitation, if any, depends on its applicability to particular circumstances and the definition of the cases to which the cap might or might not apply. The amount and means of adjusting the cap are also important. These discussions become appropriate if and only if the voters give their approval to the constitutional amendment.

The constitution establishes the principle. The implementation and the details become important only if the constitution is changed. I would renew my plea to you to trust the decision-making capacity of the voters. Throughout our history, nearly 120 constitutional matters have been decided by the citizens. Our representative form of government reserves the right to decide constitutional content to the people. Let them exercise that right.

Since the budget session, I traveled extensively throughout the state. I have been struck by how many citizens, including many in this room, voluntarily seek medical care for themselves and their loved ones in the adjoining states of Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota and . All of these states have some form of limitation. The existence of those limitations has not deterred you, your loved ones or our citizens from choosing to take medical care in those states.

People in all kinds of Wyoming communities can't find a doctor when they need one. The need ranges from a small town like Newcastle, where the three family doctors stopped delivering babies because of insurance problems, to Casper, where a young primary care physician told legislators last week that she has taken on 400 new patients since 5 April. This is because Casper has lost nine primary care doctors who have retired or left the state in the past year. The same doctor said she receives 30 calls a day from people trying to find a primary care doctor.

Many of Wyoming's people are either being closed out or fear being closed out of getting medical care they need close to their home. They shouldn't also be closed out of decisions about how to improve their access to healthcare. They need to be trusted to be part of solving this problem by voting yes or no on a constitutional amendment.

This constitutional amendment issue is an incredibly difficult one, and it is really the reason we're here. I know, over the last couple of years, all of you have been in a similar position that I am. Every special interest – every interest advocacy group, they don't like to be called special interests – every interest advocacy group, whether it's from the insurance companies or the doctors or the lawyers or the political lobbyists, have just hammered. I will tell you that, to varying degrees, they all make me mad.

By the time they're done talking to you, you want to go vote against them just because they've hammered on you. It's really one of those issues where it is incredibly difficult – and it's been difficult for me to sort through my immediate response to the beating I'm taking. And it doesn't matter; you get beat up, as you know, by everybody, whether it's one side or the other. Those who agree with you say you're not doing enough or you're not doing it fast enough; those who disagree with you obviously question whether you have any intelligence at all.

It took me a while to get comfortable with the proposition that the voters ought to be called on to express their views on this. But we all took an oath, and the oath encourages us to override what I call the products of my personal experience. My personal experience obviously is a lawyer, and we're taught from the outset of law school that limitations are bad. And, yet, when you analyze it through, ultimately if the limitation is one that the voters had a chance to express their view on and say, "We believe you ought to consider it," it's still the rule of law, something to which lawyers are committed.

As a Democrat, it's been from cradle to grave that we're supposed to be against these, and I say that to my democratic colleagues. But I will also tell you that the origins of that lay not in a particular philosophy, but in a particular pattern of politics. And I've come to the view that the most important thing for us to do is to focus on the issue. When you travel around the state and you stop at the 7-11 or you stop some place, I don't get asked about four-lane highways. I don't get asked about the nuance of educational assessment. I get asked about healthcare. I get asked about why there isn't the availability of health insurance. I get asked about why their doctors are leaving, why it is that there are people in this state – 70,000 of them – who have no health insurance.

I don't suggest that any of these constitutional amendments constitute a magic bullet or a singular solution, but I also believe that's an improper test. If anybody believes that there is one answer, that there is one simple step we can take to resolve the healthcare issue, they're sadly mistaken. On the propositions that voters be allowed to express their views on limitations and that voters be allowed to express their views on the use of state funds to support healthcare providers, where I've ended up is that the voters ought to have a say.

They ought to have a say at the ballot box, not just a say over the counter to us, not just a say through the interest groups, but the individuals. The argument is made that the people can't understand it, that they're not smart enough, that somehow they don't get it. I think they do get it. I think they understand the issue, and I think they're prepared to make a decision. I will tell you I'm not prepared to predict where the average citizen is going to end up on this, but I do believe that, for the future of this state and for the future of the deliberations of this body and for future governors, that we ought to get some instruction from the citizens of the state on where they want to go.

Let's follow that through. If the voter rejects the constitutional amendment and says, "I don't want a limitation," that makes it clear that we have to look at other avenues, that we have to look at other means of solving the issue. If the voters say, "Yes, you can consider it, but we're going to be watching you," they will be watching. They're going to be watching to see what we end up putting in. In the end, on this issue, I end up being what I call a small-d, Jeffersonian democrat, and I'm proud to be a Democrat. But I also believe that Jefferson was right, that the citizen ultimately ought to have a say about what goes on in their government, particularly with regard to issues that are so personal and so vital as healthcare.

Which brings us back to the form of government we have, which is representative democracy. In that, each of you possesses a remarkable power here today. The vote on these issues is going to be very close. You may decide, by how you cast your vote, whether or not the citizen has an opportunity to express their view in November.

Representative democracy is a remarkable thing, but it imposes on us a responsibility, a responsibility to set aside the personal experiences – and I've tried to do that with regard to being a lawyer or frankly my experiences with 6 doctors, some of which are good, some of which are bad – to set those aside and try to perform our function in a representative democracy. In the context of amending the constitution, our function is to make sure that the issue is placed before the voter in an understandable fashion, as simple and as straightforward as it can be if we're asking them to consider modifying the basic document.

I do not take lightly changing the constitution, but I also do not take lightly my acting as an individual to prevent the voter from having the capacity to make the decision that the founding fathers reserved only to that voter. Each of you, as you sit here making these decisions, has the capacity to decide or not decide – this is a two-thirds vote. Your decision is probably not as critical on any other issue as it is on that. One or two votes made by individuals in this room will decide whether or not the citizens in this state get to participate in a determination as to what's going to happen with healthcare in the next decade or decade and a half.

In closing, I would observe the following. (Poor Lara is going to die because I departed from the text, but that's the press secretary's burden.) It's true that the citizens of Wyoming should have the opportunity to make that tough decision, but both they and I are looking to you this week for many more tough decisions. You have the opportunity before you to take significant first steps toward improving the cost of and access to healthcare in our state. In so doing, you will have addressed some short-term problems while laying the foundation for future debate and longer- term solutions. You will have also defined the role of the Legislature in calling itself into special session on critical issues at critical times in the state's history. I wish you well. This is a week in which your wisdom and your patience will be needed. With that I leave you to your deliberations. God bless you, and God bless this country.

President Kunz thanked the Governor on behalf of the members of the Legislature for attending this Joint Session and for his message to them. The guests where then escorted from the chambers.

Senator Larson moved that this Joint Session be dissolved. Senator Mockler seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Senator Larson moved that the Senate reconvene at 10:45 a.m.

Representative Luthi moved that the House of Representatives convene at 10:45 a.m.

The Joint Session is dissolved.

The House convened at 10:45 a.m. and was called to order by the Presiding Officer.

The colors were presented by the Wyoming Air National Guard followed by the "Pledge of Allegiance" by the House body. Prayer was given by Elder C.J. Brown.

Speaker Parady announced in accordance with Article 3, Section 7, of the Wyoming Constitution and Rule 18 of the Joint Rules of the House and Senate, the House of Representatives of the 57th Wyoming Legislature is convened in Special Session at the hour of 10:45 a.m., this 12th day of July, 2004, at the written request of a majority of the elected members of the and House of Representatives.

Speaker Parady asked Chief Clerk Fox to read the Proclamation convening this Special Session of the 57th Wyoming State Legislature.

PROCLAMATION OF THE FIFTY-SEVENTH LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WYOMING WHEREAS, Section 7 of Article 3 of the Constitution of the State of Wyoming authorizes the Legislature, upon written request to the presiding officer of each house by a majority of the elected members of each house to convene a special session not to exceed twenty days; and

WHEREAS, A critical situation exists relating to medical malpractice insurance costs and the attendant health-care issues which require legislative action and cannot be deferred until the convening of the general session; and

WHEREAS , The requirements of Section 7 of Article 3 of the Constitution of Wyoming relating to the Legislature convening a special session have been fulfilled;

NOW THEREFORE, We, April Brimmer Kunz and Fred Parady, President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives, respectively, of the Legislature of the State of Wyoming, do hereby proclaim the necessity for a special session of the Wyoming Legislature to address the matters identified herein, and summon the 7 members thereof to convene in special session, to be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 7, Article 3 of the Constitution of Wyoming applicable to legislative sessions, at the State Capitol in the City of Cheyenne, County of Laramie, in said state on the 12th day of July, A.D. 2004, at the hour of ten o'clock (10:00) in the forenoon of said day.

IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH, We have set our hands hereto and caused the Seal of the Legislature of the State of Wyoming to be affixed this 1st day of July, 2004.

Senator April Brimmer Kunz Representative Fred Parady President of the Senate Speaker of the House

Speaker Parady directed that pursuant to House Rule 25-1, a record of the responses to the poll of House members on the issue of convening this Special Session shall be entered in the House Journal.

Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Allen, Anderson, R., Bagby, Baker, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, W., Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Law, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Meyer, Miller, D., Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Prosser, Robinson, Ross, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh and Wasserburger. Nays: Representative(s) Hastert, Johnson, L., Jones, Morgan, Reese, Thompson, Warren and Wostenberg. Ayes 52 Nays 8

Speaker Parady requested the Chief Clerk call the roll to convene.

ROLL CALL Present: Representative(s) Alden, Allen, Anderson, R., Bagby, Baker, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, L., Johnson, W., Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Law, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Meyer, Miller, D., Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Prosser, Reese, Robinson, Ross, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger and Wostenberg. Present 60 Excused 0 Absent 0

Speaker Parady announced that all the Representatives are present. James Allen has been appointed to fill the unexpired term of Representative Tipton who passed away on March 11, 2004.

Representative Luthi moved that a committee of two be appointed to wait upon the Honorable Chief Justice Hill and request his presence in the House Chambers to administer the Oath of Office to Representative Allen. The motion carried. Representative McOmie and Representative Miller will inform Chief Justice Hill that the House is ready for him to administer the Oath of Office and escort Chief Justice Hill to the rostrum.

Mr. Speaker asked that Mr. James Allen please approach the rostrum to receive the Oath of Office by Chief Justice Hill. The Oath was administered.

Representative McOmie and Representative Miller escorted his Honor Chief Justice Hill back to his chambers.

Representative Luthi requested that a Memorial Tribute to our former colleague, Representative Tipton be read before the body. Speaker Parady asked Chief Clerk Fox to read the Memorial and asked that a copy of this Memorial be sent to Dr. Tipton's family.



HONORS THE MEMORY OF REPRESENTATIVE HARRY B. TIPTON JR. A Memorial providing for recognition of the Honorable Harry B. Tipton, Jr., who formerly served as a Representative from Fremont County/House District 33 in the Wyoming Legislature; expressing deep appreciation for his distinguished service to his city, county and state; and further expressing the depth of our sorrow on behalf of the residents of Wyoming.


WHEREAS Harry B. Tipton, Jr., served with honor and distinction in the Wyoming House of Representatives from 1981 to 2004; and

WHEREAS Harry B. Tipton, Jr., served his city, county and state in many civic capacities; and

WHEREAS Harry B. Tipton, Jr., possessed in greatest measures, the virtues of integrity, courage and honesty and serves as an example to be followed by all residents of Wyoming; and

WHEREAS the accomplishments of his personal and public life constantly serve to remind us of our indebtedness to him;

BE IT RESOLVED BY THE FIFTY- SEVENTH LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WYOMING: that we express our profound sense of loss created by the passing of our beloved friend and leader and extend our sympathies to the family of our fellow legislator and dedicated public servant.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this memorial be transmitted to the family of Harry B. Tipton, Jr., deceased, that they may know the sense of sorrow and loss suffered by the people of Wyoming by virtue of his passing.

APPROVAL OF HOUSE EMPLOYEES Representative Luthi moved that the following persons as named on the list previously distributed be House Employees for this Special Session and that they be voted on collectively.

The motion carried.

Allen, Jim Watchman/Doorman Benskin, Patricia Asst. Chief Clerk Case, Judy Telephone Receptionist Cook, Andrea Office Receptionist Fox, Jerry Chief Clerk Loseke, Doris Messenger Luthi, Heidi Page Mann, Dick Gallery Doorman Moore, Darrell Sergeant-at-Arms Pedersen, Sandy House Attorney's Secretary Phillips, Jason Page Rounds, Keith Chamber Doorman Schmid, Nancy Journal Clerk Shaffer, Sue Ann Staff Supervisor Storey, Jean Leadership Secretary Walbye, Albert Watchman/Doorman


COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS AND STANDING COMMITTEES Speaker Parady appointed members to committees as follows: Representative Prosser to Appropriations. Representative Simpson to Rules. Representative Allen to Agriculture and Corporations. With these changes the Standing Committees of the 2004 Budget Session of the 57th Wyoming State Legislature will serve as the Standing Committees of the Special Session of the 57th Wyoming State Legislature.

ADOPTION OF RULES Speaker Parady moved that the Permanent and Joint Rules for the House of Representatives of the 57th Wyoming State Legislature be amended as follows for this Special Session.

JR0001/A Amend the Joint Rules of the House and Senate by adding the following new Joint Rule 20: 20. MIRROR BILLS FOR 2004 SPECIAL SESSION (a) During the July, 2004 special session of the 57th Legislature, Bills or joint resolutions sponsored by the Joint Appropriations Interim Committee and bills or joint resolutions sponsored jointly by the Joint Judiciary Interim Committee and the Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee, shall be introduced as identical or "mirror" bills in the Senate and House of Representatives. (b) As to each pair of mirror bills identified in subsection (a) of this rule, only one (1) of the introduced mirror bills shall be enacted into law. (c) Notwithstanding any provision of Senate Rule 11-3 and House Rule 10-3 or any other rule to the contrary, upon introduction and first reading of a mirror bill in the house of origin, the bill shall be referred directly to Committee of the Whole in lieu of referral to a standing committee. During Committee of the Whole action on a mirror bill, it shall be in order for the chairman of a committee sponsoring the bill to move a recommendation on the mirror bill. (d) Notwithstanding House Rule 12-3 or Joint Rule 4-1, upon passage by the house of origin, a mirror bill identified in subsection (a) of this rule shall be delivered directly to the second house for action without engrossing, but shall be accompanied by amendments adopted by the house of origin. A bill so delivered to, and in the possession of, the second house shall not be recalled for further action by the house of origin without the consent of the second house. (e) Notwithstanding Senate Rules 8-4 and 11-1, House Rules 7-1 and 10-1, and any other rule to the contrary: (1) Upon introduction in the second house, a mirror bill passed by the house of origin shall be placed and considered by the second house on third reading but only after adoption of a corresponding mirror bill by the second house. (2) During third reading debate on a mirror bill in the second house, each amendment adopted by the house of origin to its mirror bill which is not identical to an amendment adopted by the second house on its own corresponding mirror bill shall be explained on the floor by a member of the committee(s) that sponsored the bill who shall be designated by the chairman. (f) At the discretion of the presiding officer, in consultation with the committee on rules and procedure, a voice or roll call vote may be taken during third reading debate in the second house on a mirror bill on any amendment adopted by the house of origin which is not identical to an amendment adopted by the second house on its own corresponding mirror bill, to provide non-binding guidance to members of the conference committee from the second house in its deliberations on developing a conference committee report. Any other amendment shall be out of order. Senate Rule 15-1 and 26-1 and House Rule 14-1 do not apply to debate on house of origin amendments to a mirror bill being considered on third reading in the second house to the extent those rules limit members to speaking no more than twice on the same issue. (g) After explanation of amendments adopted by the house of origin as provided in subsection (e)(2) of this rule, no third reading vote will be taken on a mirror bill in the second house, and the bill shall not be sent back to the house of origin for concurrence. Rather, both mirror bills will be immediately referred to the same joint conference committee appointed by the presiding officers of both houses. (h) Notwithstanding Senate Rule 7-6, House Rule 4-6 or Joint Rules 2-1 through 2-3, the following rules shall govern joint conference committee action on mirror bills: (1) Both mirror bills shall be referred to a single joint conference committee as soon as third reading in the second house is completed; (2) The presiding officers of each house shall, in accordance with these rules and "Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure," appoint a conference committee of five (5) to confer on the two mirror bills. A majority of each conference committee shall be appointed from the prevailing side on the vote for third reading and final passage of the mirror bill originating in that house; (3) The chairmanship for conference committees on mirror bills shall alternate as follows: 10 (a) The Senate shall have the chairmanship on the first meeting day for the first mirror bill referred to joint conference under this rule. The House shall have the chairmanship on the first meeting day for the second mirror bill referred to joint conference under this rule. The initial chairmanship for each additional mirror bill referred to joint conference shall continue to alternate in the same manner. (b) After the first day a conference committee meets on a mirror bill assigned to joint conference under this rule the chairmanship shall alternate between the Senate and House for each additional day the joint conference committee meets. (4) The first joint conference committee appointed is not a free committee, however, Joint Rule 2- 1(b) shall apply and in addition, the conference committee may propose amendments to make language changes in the mirror bill necessary to incorporate amendments adopted by either house. Each successive committee appointed thereafter shall be a free conference committee as defined in Section 773 of "Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure"; (5) The joint conference committee shall consider and dispose of each adopted Senate amendment to the Senate mirror bill and each adopted House amendment to the House mirror bill. Only one (1) report shall be submitted for both mirror bills and only one (1) of the two (2) mirror bills referred to the committee shall be reported back to both houses. The mirror bill not reported back to both houses shall be regarded as automatically tabled; (6) The signed joint conference committee report shall be simultaneously referred to both houses for concurrence. (j) Notwithstanding Senate Rule 18-8, House Rule 24-12 or Part II (3) of the Wyoming Manual of Legislative Procedures, a motion for reconsideration of a vote on a mirror bill shall be in order only on the same day that the original vote was taken and only if the bill is still in the possession of that house. The vote on the motion to reconsider shall be taken no later than the last item of business on the day of the original vote. If a vote to reconsider has passed or failed on a motion under this subsection, it shall not be in order to move to rescind the vote on that motion. (k) The following rules shall not apply to a mirror bill identified in subsection (a) of this rule: Senate Rules 9-4, 10-3, 10-4(a) 1st sentence, and 11-1 and House Rules 8-5 and 9-2.

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Allen, Anderson, R., Bagby, Baker, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, L., Johnson, W., Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Law, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Meyer, Miller, D., Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Prosser, Reese, Robinson, Ross, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger and Wostenberg. Ayes 60 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

Mr. Speaker Pro Tem announced the Permanent and Joint Rules of the House of Representatives for the 57th Wyoming State Legislature, as amended, are adopted as the rules for this Special Session.

NOTICE TO GOVERNOR Speaker Parady directed Chief Clerk Fox to notify the Governor, that the 2004 Special Session of the House of Representatives, 57th Wyoming State Legislature, is organized and ready to receive any communications he may desire to submit.

NOTICE TO SENATE Speaker Parady directed Chief Clerk Fox to notify the Senate that the 2004 Special Session of the House of Representatives, 57th Wyoming State Legislature, is organized and ready to receive any communications they may desire to submit.

OPENING REMARKS SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE FRED PARADY Good morning and welcome back to the House, the people's House. I relish the hard work that lies before us, and trust the process and our dedication to it and to each other to yield an outcome this week that best serves the citizens of our great state.

My first order of business is to thank all those on the committees who put in the seat time and reading time and thinking time that were necessary to frame up this session. Would the members of Judiciary, LHSS and Appropriations please stand. We owe each of you a debt of gratitude, and especially our leadership chairs — Colin, Doug, and Phil. 11

My second order of business is to describe my hopes and ideals for our work together this week. We won't solve the range of health care issues across Wyoming; even as we recognize how they directly affect each family we serve. We also won't solve every element of the medical malpractice crisis itself. There are no silver bullets, no easy answers, no one-shot solutions.

There are however, a solid range of ideas that will yield progress, and they are in the bills before us. Thanks to solid committee work, we begin with 14 bills, out of the 50+ that were drafted.

Two are duplicative efforts to amend the constitution to allow caps. Your leadership has agreed with the Senate leadership to work HJ1003. 1 believe that this means we will need to debate inserting a floor, which would establish what the minimum cap would be, and potentially a negligence thresh hold into that amendment. My counsel to you is that these steps could strengthen an amendment to present to Wyoming citizens, so that an informed citizenry can reach an informed decision.

I urge you to seek common ground with each other to create an amendment that we can send strongly off this floor and strongly to the people of Wyoming, one that finds a reasonable, fair balance in this generation's debate about the balance between access to justice and access to health care. This does not have to be a zero sum debate. We can, and I have confidence, we will set reasonable limits for doctors while still allowing for reasonable access to justice, for reasonable remedies when things go terribly wrong.

Other ideas that merit support include the open communications or so called 'I'm sorry' bill, HB1004 which builds on common sense notions of human decency that a doctor ought to be able to communicate his regret without signaling his guilt. Another, HB1008, adds to the number of slots for training doctors at the University of Washington that we pay for so that we have more docs with ties to our state in the pipeline coming back to us.

Still others are the companion statute, HB1007 that sets the first ever caps in the state, contingent upon voter approval, which gives our voters a clear understanding of what caps look like. Another, HB1009, moves the Medicaid reimbursement rate for delivering babies to 100% - a practical solution to an urgent, fundamental need that we can all support, that of insuring Wyoming's new mothers can count on having a doctor for delivery.

We also want to keep an eye on our future direction, and set the stage for further work in the coming interim and next general session, particularly with regards to risk retention pools and other innovative ideas that might yield a broader solution.

I want to close by returning to fundamental notions of fairness. I think that it is fair, as we ask voters to lower the constitutional safeguard they have enjoyed for 114 years, that we tell them, in the amendment and the bill, how the deal is balanced, what a cap actually is. I think that it is fair, that we work to solve the issues that are confronting our doctors and making it more difficult to recruit and retain doctors and strengthen health care in our state. Access to health care begins with access to a doctor.

Finally, I think that it is fair, that we work together, to craft a bill, a series of bills, an amendment, a comprehensive package, that is not a Democrat bill or a Republican bill, but is a Wyoming solution, one tailored to our history and our needs. One that we can each walk off this floor, return to our real lives, and tell our friends, family, and neighbors, that we worked hard, worked out our differences, and put before them the best solution we could build.

It is time to quit straddling the fence, time to saddle up and ride, time to do the heavy lifting of calling it as we see it. It is worth noting that when we confronted the worker's compensation crisis, or met the Supreme Court's mandate to reform education finance, each in special session, the work product of those sessions was specific and extensive. We did not shy away from the detail necessary to do the job.

We look forward to working with our colleagues in the Senate, and with our Governor and other statewide elected officials, to build that solution, and then carry it to the voters for their approval this fall. Most of all, I look forward to working with each of you, to sustain our House traditions of collegiality and fairness, of getting the job done when it counts.



Traditionally the Wyoming legislature has taken great pains to avoid special sessions. We have stuck to the notion that what cannot be done in our regular session can usually wait until the next January or February.

In my ten years here, this is only the second special session. This is in contrast to other states where special sessions are a regular course of business.

Although this special session is scheduled to be six days, the hype and interest in this session has been amazing, broad and sometimes unbelievable. Editorials, letters to the editor and press commentary provides us enough information to form almost any opinion we desire.

However, we are convinced that the physicians and health care providers are rightfully concerned over their ability to provide health care for Wyoming citizens. We are also convinced that more and more Wyoming citizens are unable to afford health care. This situation did not occur over night. It took years to develop. Likewise, the solution will not be found in a week. This is only the beginning. Future legislatures will be addressing this issue for years to come.

Concerning what we can do in a week, I thank the members of the Labor, Health and Social Services, Judiciary and Appropriations committees. They have provided to us a preliminary set of bills for consideration. I personally thank you and ask the rest of us to join me in a big thank you.

This week we will discuss constitutional amendments that will involve very emotional issues. As House members, we will do so with dignity and respect for those who have different views. I expect, and let me repeat, I expect the lobbyists and public who are involved in this issue to do the same. Inflammatory statements about the motives and beliefs of others will not further the cause of any side, but will only make it more difficult to find a reasonable solution.

I believe that part of that solution is the placement on the general ballot a constitutional amendment concerning non- economic damages. The details are left for our deliberation and discussion.

The joint committees recommended to not pursue a general and at large subsidy to assist in paying for malpractice insurance premiums. I applaud and support that decision. If we start down that road, we must also be prepared and financially able to address the insurance needs of the thousands of the uninsured of Wyoming.

In lieu of such a subsidy, I recommend that we take a careful look at the current reimbursement rate of Medicaid. If there are specific areas that an increase could provide better care we should examine those on a case by case basis. For the future, this should include higher reimbursements for practices such as cancer screenings and other screenings that have proven to save lives and money. In most cases, the earlier the treatment, the greater chance of full recovery and at less cost.

Procedurally, this is different than either a general or budget session. Due to our time constraints, we are recommending the adoption of rules that will permit minor bills that will proceed through both houses, on a somewhat simultaneous path. Thus, I encourage full debate on the issues and urge members to get your amendments drafted as soon as practicable.

In closing, we will begin to address the health care crisis in Wyoming. We will do so in a respectful and considerate manner. I pledge to work with all you and in particular the minority leader to see that all views are debated and treated fairly. We have much to do, it is likely to be hot in these chambers, so lets roll up our sleeves and get to work.

OPENING REMARKS MINORITY FLOOR LEADER WAYNE REESE The Wyoming State Legislature has called itself into session to address the matter of medical malpractice insurance. This week we will try to find solutions to some very real, and very complex problems. But, these problems are not unique to Wyoming. Other states are dealing with them as well. If we study those other state's solutions, see which solutions really work, and understand why they work I think we will be able to craft a package of legislation that is balanced, and works for all of the stakeholders of this very serious and complex issue. I am not sure that we have 13 adequately explored all of the possibilities. My fear is that we will rush to find solution, and later regret some of our votes.

I believe the purpose of this Legislature is to examine problems that confront Wyoming, and try to find balanced solutions that are fair and acceptable to all of the people of the state. I believe that in order to find a balanced and fair solution to a problem, you first have to understand the problem. You have to understand that there is more than one side to an issue. If you are going to find that balance, balance that we need in our laws, you have to understand the concerns of the people that are on each side of that issue.

We have 14 bills to consider. Some of them are fairly simple, and straight forward. Some of them will create major changes, with consequences that we cannot foresee. Some of them set in motion a series of events that could change our State Constitution.

This is a Special Session. The time frame is short, the action will be quick, and the results will affect the lives of the people of Wyoming for a very long time.

You all understand the process of considering a bill during a normal session. A bill goes to one house, it is considered by a committee, where public testimony is taken, the bill is discussed, and amended. Then it goes to the floor, where it is debated for 3 days, the public commentary continues, and a final vote is taken. If it passes, the public can continue to analyze the bill, look for weak spots, and prepare to comment again, when the bill reaches the other house of the Legislature. When the bill finally reaches the other house, it goes through the process again. It gets assigned, discussed, cussed, amended, and voted on, and that is just in committee. Then the bill goes to the floor, where it all happens again. For 3 more days, we have the opportunity to discuss, cuss, debate, deny, denote, point out, iterate, reiterate, amend, and generally put the thing through the wringer. And all that time, the public can watch, and comment. After all of that, it goes to a conference committee, where it gets tweaked one more time. This is a process that generally takes weeks, not days.

During this Special Session, the process will be greatly condensed. There are no committee hearings, there is no dead time for a bill while waiting to appear on general file, and there is no second house to fix problems discovered after the bill leaves the first House. We have minor bills, the debate will be brisk, and the final vote will be taken on these bills in 4 days.

When you make your votes on bills and amendments this week, I ask you to carefully consider what you are doing. I ask you to carefully consider your vote. I ask you to understand that you will be dramatically affecting, not just health care providers, but the lives of Wyoming families as well. Ultimately, these bills will affect the victims of medical mistakes, and their families.

It is my belief that bad laws, are created in haste, with the best of intentions. Please consider your votes carefully. If you really believe that a bill is part of a fair and balanced solution to a very complicated problem, then vote aye. If you are not sure that a bill will really help improve the situation, then vote no.

We will be back in a General Session in 6 months. At that time we will continue to debate solutions to this very complex, national problem. We will have more information. We will have better information. We will have another package of bills that addresses: health care, errors that are made, and solutions.

But medical error is not the only topic we should be discussing. It is just a part of a much bigger problem. Our friends, neighbors, and employers have been dealing with a medical crisis for a long time. Many can't afford medical insurance, many can't afford medical care, and many of them are children. That is a medical crisis we should also be discussing today.

I hope we take up that crisis, 6 months from now.

Speaker Parady thanked Representative Luthi and Representative Reese for their opening remarks. We look forward to a very productive session for the benefit of all Wyoming citizens.


H.B. No. 1001 Medical safety event reporting-2.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee and Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to health care facilities; providing for mandatory reporting of safety events by health care facilities to the department of health as specified; requiring an annual report of safety events by the department of health; providing a definition; and providing for an effective date.

7/06/2004 Bill Number Assigned 7/12/2004 H Received for Introduction 7/12/2004 H Introduced and Referred to HCW 7/12/2004 H Placed on General File 7/12/2004 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Berger, Edwards, Gentile, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Law, Martin, McMurtrey, Meuli, Morgan, Osborn, Parady, Robinson and Walsh. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Allen, Anderson, R., Baker, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Esquibel, Gilmore, Hageman, Hinckley, Jansen, Johnson, L., Johnson, W., Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Luthi, McOmie, Meyer, Miller, D., Nicholas, Olsen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Prosser, Reese, Ross, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Warren, Wasserburger and Wostenberg. Ayes 18 Nays 42 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 1002 Medical errors and compensation commission study-2.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee and Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to medical care; authorizing a study of medical errors and the creation of a system to compensate victims of medical errors; specifying duties of the Wyoming health care commission in conducting the study; requiring reports and recommendations; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

7/06/2004 Bill Number Assigned 7/12/2004 H Received for Introduction 7/12/2004 H Introduced and Referred to HCW 7/12/2004 H Placed on General File 7/17/2004 H Indefinitely Postponed

H.B. No. 1003 Physician assistance program.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee and Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to professions and occupations; creating a state physician assistance committee as specified; specifying duties; amending related provisions; and providing for an effective date.

7/06/2004 Bill Number Assigned 7/12/2004 H Received for Introduction 7/12/2004 H Introduced and Referred to HCW 7/12/2004 H Placed on General File 7/17/2004 H Indefinitely Postponed

H.B. No. 1004 Health care providers-open communications-2.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee and Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee 15

AN ACT relating to health care providers; providing that certain statements of health care providers or their employees are inadmissible in civil actions or arbitration, as specified; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

7/06/2004 Bill Number Assigned 7/12/2004 H Received for Introduction 7/12/2004 H Introduced and Referred to HCW 7/12/2004 H Placed on General File 7/12/2004 H Passed CoW

HB1004H2001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 14 Delete "as defined in". Page 2-line 15 Delete entirely and insert "a person who is licensed, certified or otherwise authorized or permitted by the laws of this state to administer health care in the ordinary course of business or practice of a profession;". IEKEL, SIMPSON, OLSEN

7/13/2004 H Passed 2nd Reading 7/14/2004 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Allen, Anderson, R., Bagby, Baker, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, L., Johnson, W., Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Law, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Meyer, Miller, D., Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Prosser, Reese, Robinson, Ross, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger and Wostenberg. Ayes 60 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

7/14/2004 S Received for Introduction 7/14/2004 S Introduced and Referred to S12 7/14/2004 S12 Recommended Place on 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Kunz, Larson, Mockler, Schiffer and Vasey. Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

7/14/2004 S Placed on 3rd Reading Pursuant to Joint Rule 20

See SF1004 in accordance with the Joint Rules of the Special Session

H.B. No. 1005 Medical damages-structured payments-3.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee and Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to civil actions; permitting the court to order structured payments in certain medical injury or death cases as specified; providing for modification of orders; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

7/06/2004 Bill Number Assigned 7/12/2004 H Received for Introduction 7/12/2004 H Introduced and Referred to HCW 7/12/2004 H Placed on General File

HB1005HW001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 3 After "debtor" insert "or annuity company". Page 3-line 5 After "debtor" insert "or annuity company". Page 3-line 7 After "debtor" insert "or annuity company".


7/12/2004 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Baker, Meuli, Prosser and Walsh. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Allen, Anderson, R., Bagby, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, L., Johnson, W., Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Law, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meyer, Miller, D., Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Reese, Robinson, Ross, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Warren, Wasserburger and Wostenberg.

Ayes 4 Nays 56 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 1006 Loss of chance doctrine abrogated-2.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee and Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to civil actions; abrogating the common law doctrine of "loss of chance" as specified; providing legislative findings; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.

7/06/2004 Bill Number Assigned 7/12/2004 H Received for Introduction 7/12/2004 H Introduced and Referred to HCW 7/12/2004 H Placed on General File

HB1006HW001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 2 Delete "providing". Page 1-line 3 Delete the line through "findings;". Page 1-line 10 Delete ";". Page 1-line 11 Delete "findings". Page 1-lines 13 through 16 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 1 Delete "based."; delete "also". Page 2-line 3 After "Court" insert "under the circumstances". Page 2-line 4 Delete ", improperly alters". Page 2-line 5 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 6 Delete the line through "doctrine" insert "should be and". HINCKLEY

7/13/2004 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Bucholz, Cohee, Cooper, Edwards, Gilmore, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Johnson, W., Lockhart, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, D., Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Prosser, Semlek, Walsh, Wasserburger and Wostenberg. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Childers, Diercks, Esquibel, Gentile, Hageman, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, L., Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Law, Luthi, Martin, Meyer, Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Philp, Powers, Reese, Robinson, Ross, Simpson, Slater, Thompson and Warren. Ayes 24 Nays 36 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 1007 Noneconomic damages cap.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee and Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to health care providers; limiting health care providers liability for noneconomic damages; and providing for an effective date.

7/06/2004 Bill Number Assigned 7/12/2004 H Received for Introduction 17 7/12/2004 H Introduced and Referred to HCW 7/12/2004 H Placed on General File

HB1007HW001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 8 Before "shall" insert "the health care provider and facility". Page 3-line 24 Delete "section" insert "article". OSBORN, SIMPSON

HB1007HW002/ADOPTED Page 3-line 7 Delete "or combination thereof,". Page 3-line 8 Delete entirely, including the Osborn, Simpson committee of the whole amendment (HB1007HW001/A) to this line. Page 3-line 9 Delete the line through "($1,000,000.00)" insert "neither the health care provider nor the facility shall be individually liable for more than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00)". Page 3-line 13 After "(b)" insert "Except as otherwise provided in this section,". Page 3-line 16 Delete "However,". Page 3-line 18 After "negligence" insert "or a felonious act". LUTHI, ILLOWAY, SIMPSON

7/12/2004 H Passed CoW

HB1007H2001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 13 Delete the Luthi, et al., committee of the whole amendment (HB1007HW002/A) to this line. Page 3-line 16 After "." delete balance of the line. Page 3-lines 17 and 18 Delete entirely including the Luthi, et al., committee of the whole amendment (HB1007HW002/A). LUTHI

HB1007H2002/ADOPTED Page 2-line 2 Delete "an institution". Page 2-line 3 Delete entirely and insert "any establishment, licensed or certified by the state of Wyoming, that provides medical, surgical or diagnostic care or treatment, or nursing, custodial or domiciliary care;". Page 2-lines 6 through 9 Delete entirely and insert "who is licensed, certified or otherwise authorized or permitted by the laws of this state to administer health care in the ordinary course of business or practice of a profession.". Page 2-line 10 Delete "practitioner.". IEKEL, SIMPSON OLSEN

7/13/2004 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB1007H3002/FAILED Page 3-line 9 In the Luthi et. al., committee of the whole amendment (HB1007HW002/A) to this line delete "five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00)" insert "three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00)". MEULI

HB1007H3003/FAILED Delete the Meuli third reading amendment (HB1007H3002/A) entirely. Further amend as follows: Page 3-line 9 In the Luthi, et al., committee of the whole amendment (HB1007HW002/A) to this line, delete "five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00)" insert "six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000.00)". Page 3-lines 16 through 18 Delete the Luthi committee of the whole amendment (HB1007HW002/A) to this line; delete the Luthi second reading amendment (HB1007H2001/A) to this line. SIMPSON

7/14/2004 H Failed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Baker, Cohee, Illoway, Lockhart, Luthi, Meuli, Miller, D., Parady, Philp, Powers, Semlek, Wasserburger and Wostenberg. Nays: Representative(s) Allen, Bagby, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Jansen, Johnson, L., Johnson, 18 W., Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Law, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meyer, Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Petersen, Prosser, Reese, Robinson, Ross, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh and Warren. Ayes 15 Nays 45 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 1008 Medical education programs.

Sponsored By: Joint Appropriations Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the and medical education programs; providing an appropriation for additional student participation as specified; requiring studies and a report; and providing for an effective date.

7/09/2004 Bill Number Assigned 7/12/2004 H Received for Introduction 7/12/2004 H Introduced and Referred to HCW 7/12/2004 H Placed on General File 7/13/2004 H Passed CoW

HB1008H2001/ADOPTED Page 1 – line 9 Delete "one thousand one hundred"; Page 1 – line 10 Delete "dollars ($1,100.00)" insert "three thousand three hundred dollars ($3,300.00)"; delete "two (2)" insert "six (6)". Page 1 – line 14 Delete "twelve (12)" insert "sixteen (16)". Page 1 – line 17 Delete "twelve (12)" insert "sixteen (16)". Page 2 – line 7 Delete "eight (8)" insert "four (4)". PARADY

7/14/2004 H Passed 2nd Reading 7/15/2004 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Allen, Anderson, R., Bagby, Baker, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, L., Johnson, W., Jones, Landon, Latta, Law, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Meyer, Miller, D., Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Prosser, Reese, Robinson, Ross, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger and Wostenberg. Nays: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Lockhart. Ayes 58 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

7/15/2004 S Received for Introduction 7/15/2004 S Introduced and Referred to S12 7/15/2004 S12 Recommended Place on 3rd

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Kunz, Larson, Mockler, Schiffer and Vasey. Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

7/15/2004 S Placed on 3rd Reading 7/15/2004 H Appointed JCC01 Members Harvey, Hastert, Lockhart, Luthi, Warren 7/15/2004 S Appointed JCC01 Members Schiffer, Mockler, Hines, Anderson, J., Scott

7/16/2004 H Adopted HB1008JC01

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Allen, Anderson, R., Bagby, Baker, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Jansen, Johnson, L., Johnson, W., Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Law, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Meyer, Miller, D., Morgan, Olsen, Parady, Petersen, Powers, Prosser, Robinson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger and Wostenberg. Excused: Representative(s) Alden, Illoway, Nicholas, Osborn, Philp, Reese and Ross.

19 Ayes 52 Nays 0 Excused 8 Absent 0 Conflict 0

7/16/2004 S Adopted HB1008JC01

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Caller, Case, Coe, Decaria, Devin, Erb, Ginter, Goodenough, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Job, Kunz, Larson, Massie, Meier, Northrup, Peck, Roberts, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions and Townsend. Nays: Senator(s) Mockler and Vasey. Excused: Senator(s) Geis. Ayes 27 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB1008JC01/AA ADOPTED Delete the following House amendments: HB1008H2001/A Further amend as follows: Page 1-line 9 Delete "one thousand one hundred". Page 1-line 10 Delete "dollars ($1,100.00)" insert "three thousand three hundred dollars ($3,300.00)"; delete "two (2) additional" insert "up to an additional six (6)". Page 1-line 14 After "to" insert "at least"; after "(12)" insert "and up to sixteen (16)". Page 1-line 17 Before "twelve (12)" insert "not less than"; after "(12)" insert "and not more than sixteen (16)"; After "." insert "The goal is by the fall enrollment of 2007 the first year class shall have a capacity of sixteen (16) students.". Page 2-line 7 Delete "by an additional eight (8)" insert "to a total of twenty (20)". Page 2-line 8 After "students" insert "per class". HARVEY, HASTERT, LOCKHART, LUTHI, WARREN, SCHIFFER, ANDERSON J., HINES, SCOTT

7/16/2004 Assigned Number HEA No. 0001 7/17/2004 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0001 7/17/2004 S President Signed HEA No. 0001 7/29/2004 Governor Signed HEA No. 0001

Chapter No. 0003 Special Session Laws of Wyoming 2004

H.B. No. 1009 Medicaid reimbursement for obstetric services.

Sponsored By: Joint Appropriations Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to medical assistance and services; providing for increased reimbursement for obstetric services under the Wyoming Medical Assistance and Services Act for a specified period; repealing a subsidy provision for obstetric services under the act; deappropriating funds; making appropriations; specifying application; requiring a report; and providing for an effective date.

7/09/2004 Bill Number Assigned 7/12/2004 H Received for Introduction 7/12/2004 H Introduced and Referred to HCW 7/12/2004 H Placed on General File

HB1009HW001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 15 Delete "one hundred percent". Page 1-line 16 Delete "(100%)" insert "ninety percent (90%)". Page 3-line 15 After "(i)" delete balance of line. Page 3-line 16 Delete "($2,800,000.00)" insert "two million fifty thousand dollars ($2,050,000.00)". Page 3-line 18 After "(ii)" delete balance of line. Page 3-line 19 Delete "($3,500,000.00)" insert "two million six hundred thousand dollars ($2,600,000.00)". OSBORN

7/13/2004 H Passed CoW

20 HB1009H2001/ADOPTED Page 1–line 16 Delete "provider's usual and customary billed". Page 1–line 17 Delete "charges" insert "statewide average of the physician's specialty for the services provided". NICHOLAS, OSBORN

HB1009H2002/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-Above line 1 In the catch title, delete "for obstetric services" insert "increase". Page 1-line 2 Delete "for obstetric". Page 1-line 3 Delete "services". Page 1-line 13 After "Act" delete balance of line. Page 1-line 14 Delete entirely. Page 1-line 15 Delete "to the delivery,". Page 3-line 1 Delete "for obstetric services". Page 3-lines 15 through 19 Delete entirely including the Osborn committee of the whole amendment (HB1009HW001/A) to these lines; insert: "(i) Twenty million four hundred forty-six thousand three hundred ninety-eight dollars ($20,446,398.00) from the general fund; and (ii) Twenty six million thirteen thousand five hundred ninety-eight dollars ($26,013,598.00) in federal funds.". REESE

7/14/2004 H Passed 2nd Reading 7/15/2004 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Allen, Anderson, R., Bagby, Baker, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, L., Johnson, W., Jones, Landon, Latta, Law, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Meyer, Miller, D., Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Prosser, Reese, Robinson, Ross, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger and Wostenberg. Nays: Representative(s) Jorgensen. Ayes 59 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

7/15/2004 S Received for Introduction 7/15/2004 S Introduced and Referred to S12 7/15/2004 S12 Recommended Place on 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Kunz, Larson, Mockler, Schiffer and Vasey. Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

7/15/2004 S Placed on 3rd Reading Pursuant to Joint Rule 20

See SF1009 in accordance with the Joint Rules of the Special Session

H.B. No. 1010 Medical malpractice review.

Sponsored By: Joint Appropriations Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to medical care; authorizing various studies relating to medical errors, medical malpractice insurance and tort reform generally; specifying duties of the Wyoming health care commission; modifying sunset date for the health care commission accordingly; providing for legislative participation in health care commission activities as specified; requiring reports and recommendations; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.

7/09/2004 Bill Number Assigned 7/12/2004 H Received for Introduction 7/12/2004 H Introduced and Referred to HCW 7/12/2004 H Placed on General File


HB1010HW001/ADOPTED Page 12-line 3 After "." insert "Any actuary shall be directed to produce a nonbiased report, including a summary sheet of all assumptions used, any assumptions rejected and the rationale for making or rejecting assumptions.". NICHOLAS, ROSS, SIMPSON

HB1010HW002/FAILED Page 10-line 2 After "." insert "The study shall use valid and reliable data that will demonstrate unequivocally a direct correlation between setting a cap on noneconomic damages and a consequent reduction in malpractice insurance premiums.". WARREN

HB1010HW003/ADOPTED Page 11-line 12 Delete "." insert ";". Page 11-After line 12 Insert: "(vii) Whether the number of physicians reported and their areas of specialties indicate a physician shortage in those or other areas of specialty.". WARREN

HB1010HW004/ADOPTED Page 1-line 17 Delete "of dealing". Page 2-line 1 Delete "with" insert "to address and resolve". Page 2-line 16 After "to" insert "fully". Page 2-line 17 After "for" insert "all". Page 4-line 6 After "the" insert "full". Page 4-line 10 Delete "appeal to the" insert "seek judicial review;". Page 4-line 11 Delete entirely. Page 4-line 14 After "professionals" insert ", victims of health care errors". NICHOLAS, ROSS, SIMPSON

HB1010HW005/FAILED Page 1-line 2 After "to" insert "health care providers' professional assistance programs,". Page 11-After line 19 Insert: "Section 6. (a) The Wyoming health care commission shall complete a study of professional assistance programs created by the Wyoming board of medicine. The study shall examine: (i) The nature of assistance provided; (ii) The number and qualifications of the employees of the program and their duties; (iii) The types of health care providers participating in the assistance programs; (iv) The types of problems the participants exhibited that resulted in their participation in the assistance program; (v) The effectiveness of those programs in addressing problems of licensed health care providers who have exhibited disruptive behaviors, substance dependence or are suffering from physical or mental impairment that affect their provision of health care; (vi) The number of participants who completed programs that allowed them to return to their practice or employment; (vii) The number of participants who failed to complete programs, the reasons therefore and what those participants have done professionally since leaving the program, to the extent available. (b) Any personally identifiable information about participants in the programs shall not be disclosed to the health care commission and shall remain confidential to extent required by law or the requirements of the programs. (c) The health care commission shall report its findings under this section and recommendations for legislation to improve the effectiveness of professional assistance programs and participation therein, as necessary, to the joint appropriations interim committee and the joint labor, health and social services interim committee no later than November 15, 2004.". Page 12-line 23 After "commission" delete balance of line. Page 13-line 1 Delete "($560,000.00)" insert "five hundred eighty thousand dollars ($580,000.00)". Renumber as necessary. SIMPSON

HB1010HW006/FAILED Page 12-line 6 Delete "one (1)" insert "two (2)". 22 Page 12-line 7 Delete "member" insert "members"; delete "house" insert "houses, with one (1) member representing the majority party and one (1) member representing a minority party,". Page 13-line 15 Delete "two thousand dollars" insert "four thousand dollars". Page 13-line 16 Delete "($2,000.00)" insert "($4,000.00)". JOHNSON, L., ROSS

HB1010HW007/ADOPTED Page 1-line 7 After "specified;" insert "modifying membership of the health care commission;". Page 12-line 11 After "act." insert "These legislative members shall be in addition to the increase in membership of the commission under W.S. 9-2-2801 as amended under section 7 of this act.". Page 12-line 13 Delete "W.S. 9-2-2804 is" insert "W.S. 9-2-2801 (b) and (e) and 9-2-2804 are". Page 12-After line 13 Insert: "9-2-2801. Health care commission created; membership; salary; meetings; advisory committees. (b) The commission shall consist of nine (9) eleven (11) members appointed by the governor. (e) The commission shall meet at the call of the chairman. Five (5) Seven (7) members shall constitute a quorum.". OSBORN

HB1010HW008/FAILED Page 1-line 7 After "specified;" insert "requiring the department of health to develop a plan for a medical safety event reporting system, as specified;". Page 11-after line 19 Insert: "Section 6. (a) The department of health, in collaboration with the Wyoming medical community, shall develop a closed loop comprehensive medical errors reduction plan building on the data acquired and analyzed in this section. The elements shall include error tracking, corrective measures identification, annual performance reporting, integration with current safety and quality systems and rapid dissemination of error/corrective actions reports for real time prevention at other health care facilities. The plan shall consider: (i) The needed uses for the information reported; (ii) The definition of information to be reported; (iii) The mechanics of the reporting system and the costs of the system to both the health care facilities and the state; (iv) The extent the information reported should be confidential and protected from discovery in legal actions; (v) The sanctions for failure to comply and incentives for compliance with the reporting requirement; (vi) The extent to which existing reporting systems meet the needs for reporting; (vii) The extent to which there should be a staff to analyze individual reports and assist the health care facilities in re-engineering their systems and making changes to prevent future errors; (viii) The degree and form of public reporting of the data and the degree to which risk adjustment of the data is appropriate; (ix) The experiences of other states with similar reporting systems. (b) A preliminary report shall be made to the joint labor, health and social services interim committee by October 15, 2004 and a final report by September 1, 2005.". Page 13-line 10 After "health" delete balance of line. Page 13-line 11 Delete "($40,000.00)" insert "ninety thousand dollars ($90,000.00)". Renumber as necessary. OSBORN

7/13/2004 H Passed CoW

HB1010H2001/ADOPTED Page 12-line 22 After "appropriated" insert "from the budget reserve account". Page 13-line 1 Delete "from the". Page 13-line 2 Delete "budget reserve account". BUCHOLZ

HB1010H2002/FAILED Page 9-lines 18 through 24 Delete entirely. Page 10-lines 1 through 11 Delete entirely. Page 12-line 23 After "commission" delete balance of line. Page 13-line 1 Delete "($560,000.00)" insert "five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00)". 23 Renumber as necessary. NICHOLAS

HB1010H2003/FAILED Page 10-lines 13 through 22 Delete entirely. Page 11-lines 1 through 19 Delete entirely. Page 13-lines 9 through 12 Delete entirely. Renumber as necessary. NICHOLAS

HB1010H2004/ADOPTED Page 12-After line 13 In the Osborn committee of the whole amendment (HB1010HW007/A) to this line, delete "Seven (7)" insert "Six (6)". OSBORN

HB1010H2005/ADOPTED Page 1-line 5 Delete "providing for". Page 1-line 6 Delete entirely. Page 1-line 7 Delete "activities as specified;". Page 11-line 23 Delete "(a)". Page 12-lines 5 through 11 Delete entirely including the Osborn committee of the whole amendment (HB1010HW007/A) to this line. NICHOLAS

7/14/2004 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB1010H3001/ADOPTED Page 13-lines 14 through 18 Delete entirely. NICHOLAS

7/15/2004 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Allen, Anderson, R., Bagby, Baker, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, L., Johnson, W., Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Law, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Meyer, Miller, D., Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Prosser, Reese, Robinson, Ross, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger and Wostenberg. Ayes 60 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

7/15/2004 S Received for Introduction 7/15/2004 S Introduced and Referred to S12 7/15/2004 S12 Recommended Place on 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Kunz, Larson, Mockler, Schiffer and Vasey. Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

7/15/2004 S Placed on 3rd Reading 7/15/2004 H Appointed JCC01 Members Hinckley, Buchanan, Childers, L. Johnson, Olsen 7/15/2004 S Appointed JCC01 Members Schiffer, Burns, Case, Devin, Ginter

7/16/2004 H Adopted HB1010JC01

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Allen, Anderson, R., Bagby, Baker, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, L., Johnson, W., Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Law, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Meyer, Miller, D., Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Prosser, Reese, Robinson, Ross, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Wostenberg. Ayes 60 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflict 0

7/16/2004 S Adopted HB1010JC01 24

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Caller, Case, Coe, Decaria, Devin, Erb, Ginter, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Job, Kunz, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Northrup, Peck, Roberts, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend and Vasey. Nays: Senator(s) Goodenough. Excused: Senator(s) Geis. Ayes 28 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB1010JC01/AA ADOPTED Adopt the following Senate amendments: SF1010S3002/A SF1010S2002/A SF1010S2004/A SF1010SW001/A Delete the following Senate amendments: SF1010S2001/AC SF1010S2005/A SF1010SW003/A Adopt the following House amendments: HB1010HW001/A HB1010HW003/A HB1010H2001/A HB1010H2005/A HB1010H3001/A Delete the following House amendments: HB1010HW004/A HB1010HW007/A HB1010H2004/A Further amend as follows: Page 1-line 7 After "specified;" insert "modifying membership of the health care commission; requiring the department of health to evaluate the need for a medical safety event reporting system as specified;". Page 1-line 17 Delete "of dealing". Page 2-line 1 Delete "with" insert "to address and resolve". Page 4-line 10 Delete "appeal to the" insert "seek judicial review;". Page 4-line 11 Delete entirely. Page 4-line 14 After "professionals" insert ", victims of health care errors". Page 6-after line 3 Insert and renumber: "(vi) Current efforts related to comprehensive medical malpractice and general individual health insurance regulation reform in other states, chosen at the discretion of the commission including but not limited to efforts to restrict premium rate increases or policy cancellation resulting from claims made by an insured but not paid by the insurer and the effects of renewal dates on availability of insurance; and". Page 6-line 5 Delete "(vi)" insert "(vii)". Page 11-after line 19 Insert and renumber: "Section 6. (a) The department of health shall evaluate the need for a medical safety event reporting system plan and in so doing shall consider: (i) The needed uses for the information reported; (ii) The definition of information to be reported; (iii) The mechanics of the reporting system and the costs of the system to both the health care facilities and the state; (iv) The extent the information reported should be confidential and protected from discovery in legal actions; (v) The sanctions for failure to comply with the reporting requirement; (vi) The extent to which existing reporting systems meet the needs for reporting; (vii) The extent to which there should be a staff to analyze individual reports and assist the health care facilities in re-engineering their systems and making changes to prevent future errors; (viii) The degree and form of public reporting of the data and the degree to which risk adjustment of the data is appropriate; (ix) The experiences of other states with similar reporting systems. 25 (b) A report shall be made to the joint labor, health and social services interim committee by October 15, 2004.". Page 11-line 21 Delete "6" insert "7". Page 12-line 13 Delete "7" insert "8" delete "W.S. 9-2-2804 is" insert "W.S. 9-2-2801(b) and (e) and 9-2-2804 are". Page 12-after line 13 Insert: "9-2-2801. Health care commission created; membership; salary; meetings; advisory committees. (b) The commission shall consist of nine (9) eleven (11) members appointed by the governor. (e) The commission shall meet at the call of the chairman. Five (5) Six (6) members shall constitute a quorum.". Page 12-line 20 Delete "8" insert "9". Page 13-after line 18 Insert and renumber: "(e) There is appropriated from the general fund to the department of health for the purposes of evaluating the need for a medical safety event reporting system fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) or as much thereof as is necessary for the purposes of this act.". Page 14-line 1 Delete 9" insert "10". HINCKLEY, BUCHANAN, CHILDERS, JOHNSON L., OLSEN, SCHIFFER, DEVIN, GINTER, BURNS, CASE

7/16/2004 Assigned Number HEA No. 0002 7/17/2004 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0002 7/17/2004 S President Signed HEA No. 0002 7/29/2004 Governor Signed HEA No. 0002

Chapter No. 0004 Special Session Laws of Wyoming 2004

H.B. No. 1011 Medical malpractice insurance account.

Sponsored By: Joint Appropriations Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to medical malpractice premiums; creating the medical malpractice insurance assistance account; authorizing assistance for payment of physicians' medical malpractice insurance premiums as specified; providing requirements; specifying duties; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

7/09/2004 Bill Number Assigned 7/12/2004 H Received for Introduction 7/12/2004 H Introduced and Referred to HCW 7/12/2004 H Placed on General File

HB1011HW001/ADOPTED Page 4-After line 13 Insert: "(iii) "Contracting entity" means an entity which contracts with a health care facility to provide physician services to the facility and which in fulfillment of such a contract procures medical malpractice insurance for physicians providing the contracted services;". Page 8-After line 10 Insert: "(e) Any contracting entity shall be eligible to receive a loan under this section to the same extent as an individual physician. The contracting entity shall be required to establish that for the physicians whose services the entity provides, the entity has procured insurance which meets the requirements specified in subsection (c) of this section. The contracting entity shall be further required to contract with the state agreeing to meet the requirements of paragraphs (d)(iii) through (v) of this section, with the entity agreeing to meet the requirements imposed upon individual physicians. The contracting entity shall also agree that each physician within its contracting group shall meet the provision of service requirements of paragraphs (d)(i) and (ii) of this subsection, with the duration being modified to a period of the lesser of the time the physician is a member of the contracting entity's group or three (3) years.". Page 8-line 13 After "physician" insert "or the contracting entity receiving a loan under this section". Page 8-line 17 After "purchased" insert "by the individual physician or the contracting entity". Page 8-line 21 After "physician" insert "or contracting entity". Page 9-line 2 After "physician" insert "or contracting entity". Page 9-line 10 After "physician" insert "or contracting entity". Page 9-line 13 After "physicians" insert "or contracting entities".

26 Page 9-line 14 After "physician" insert "or contracting entity". Page 9-line 20 After "physician" insert "or contracting entity". Renumber as necessary. PROSSER

HB1011HW002/FAILED Page 7-line 4 After "(d)" insert "Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section,". Page 8-After line 10 Insert: "(e) As an alternative to the contract under subsection (d) of this section, and upon approval of the application for assistance, the physician may enter into a contract with the state, wherein any loan made under this subsection shall be deemed paid in full upon fulfillment of the terms of the contract entered into under this subsection. In any contract entered into under this section, the physician shall agree: (i) To practice in this state in his area of medical specialty or subspecialty for a minimum of five (5) years; (ii) To provide medical care during that five (5) year period to Wyoming residents qualified under the Wyoming Medical Assistance and Services Act or the Child Health Insurance Program established under W.S. 35-25-101 who are seeking medical care which the physician is qualified to provide; (iii) To submit documentation to establish that the physician has complied with the terms of the contract and to determine the amount of the loan that should be made; (iv) To immediately repay all funds loaned pursuant to this article, together with accrued interest at an annual rate of two percent (2%), attorney fees and costs incurred in collection, if the physician breaches the contract during the five (5) year period.". Page 9-line 4 Delete "(c)" insert "(d) or (e)" Renumber as necessary. WARREN

7/13/2004 H Passed CoW

HB1011H2001/ADOPTED Page 8-line 18 After "section" insert "and shall be prorated for the percentage of the physician's or the contracting entity's actual practice in Wyoming". ROSS

HB1011H2002/ADOPTED Page 1-line 4 After ";" insert "providing for state loans to physicians for participation in risk retention groups as specified; providing for repayment;". Page 3-line 21 Delete "and 35-1-902" insert "through 35-1-903". Page 5-line 12 Delete "section" insert "article". Page 5-line 15 Delete "section" insert "article". Page 8-line 7 Delete "article" insert "section". Page 9-After line 21 Insert: "35-1-903. Assistance for risk retention group participation; duties of the department; requirements for assistance; breach. (a) Any physician who is licensed and practicing in the state may apply to the department for a loan to be used to pay the cost of the physician's participation in a risk retention group providing medical malpractice coverage insurance coverage. Upon approval of the application for a loan, the physician shall enter into a contract with the state, wherein the physician shall agree: (i) To practice in the area of medical specialty or subspecialty for the entire period of time for which the loan under this section remains unpaid; (ii) To provide medical care, for the entire period of time the loan under this section remains unpaid, to Wyoming residents qualified under the Wyoming Medical Assistance and Services Act or the Child Health Insurance Program established under W.S. 35-25-101 who are seeking medical care which the physician is qualified to provide; (iii) To submit documentation to establish that the physician has complied with the terms of the contract and to determine the amount of the loan that should be provided under this section; (iv) To provide the state with a security interest in the physician's membership or shareholder interest in the risk retention group; (v) To repay any loans made under this section within ten (10) years from the date of disbursement of loan proceeds, together with interest at the annual rate of two percent (2%); and (vi) To immediately repay all funds distributed to the physician pursuant to this section, together with attorney fees and costs incurred in collection, for any contract period in which the physician is in breach of the contract. (b) At the times specified in the contract but in no event less than once per year, the physician shall submit documentation to the department showing compliance with the terms of the contract. The amount of loan to be 27 made shall be the amount applied for but not to exceed one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the physician's most recent annual malpractice insurance premium. The department may approve the making of the loan upon its determination of compliance with this section. Loan proceeds shall not be disbursed until the physician has paid or immediately will pay for his participation in the risk retention group. (c) If funding available from the account is insufficient to pay assistance for all physicians who apply for assistance under this article, the department may at its discretion reduce the payments to pay each eligible physician a pro rata amount. (d) Any physician who fails or refuses to fulfill the terms of the contract required under subsection (a) of this section shall be in breach of the contract. Loans under this section shall be subject to the provisions of W.S. 35- 1-902(f) and (g). (e) No loan shall be made under this section unless the physician has completed and submitted an application to the department on or before January 15, 2005. Page 10-line 1 Delete "eight million two". Page 10-line 2 Delete through "($8,200,000.00)" insert "sixteen million two hundred thousand dollars ($16,200,000.00)". Page 10-line 4 After "premiums" insert ", loans for risk retention group participation". NICHOLAS

7/14/2004 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB1011H3001/FAILED Page 9-after line 21 In the Nicholas second reading amendment (HB1011H2002/A) to this line, in W.S. 35-1-903(a)(intro) created by that amendment, after "group" insert ", of which the majority of ownership interest is held by Wyoming physicians,"; before "insurance" delete "coverage". NICHOLAS

HB1011H3002/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) Delete the Nicholas second reading amendment (HB1011H2002/A) entirely. JORGENSEN

7/15/2004 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, L., Johnson, W., Latta, Law, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Meyer, Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Reese, Robinson, Ross, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh and Warren. Nays: Representative(s) Allen, Baker, Childers, Cohee, Gilmore, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Miller, D., Prosser, Semlek, Wasserburger and Wostenberg. Ayes 47 Nays 13 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

7/15/2004 S Received for Introduction 7/15/2004 S Introduced and Referred to S12 7/15/2004 S12 Recommended Place on 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Kunz, Larson, Mockler, Schiffer and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

7/15/2004 S Placed on 3rd Reading Pursuant to Joint Rule 20

See SF1011 in accordance with the Joint Rules of the Special Session

H.J. No. 1001 Noneconomic damages limitation.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee and Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend the Wyoming Constitution to modify the prohibition against the legislature limiting the amount of damages that may be recovered for causing personal injury or death of any person.

28 7/06/2004 Bill Number Assigned 7/12/2004 H Received for Introduction 7/12/2004 H Introduced and Referred to HCW 7/12/2004 H Placed on General File 7/17/2004 H Indefinitely Postponed

H.J. No. 1002 Health care providers support-constitutional amendment.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee and Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution to allow the state and its political subdivisions to lend or give credit or make donations to assist in the provision of health care.

7/06/2004 Bill Number Assigned 7/12/2004 H Received for Introduction 7/12/2004 H Introduced and Referred to HCW 7/12/2004 H Placed on General File 7/13/2004 H Passed CoW

HJ1002H2001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 8 After "or" insert "as provided by general law". Page 3-line 1 After "enable" insert ", as may be provided by general law,". BAKER

7/14/2004 H Passed 2nd Reading

HJ1002H3002/ADOPTED Page 1-line 4 Delete "assist in the provision" insert "enhance the availability"; after "care" insert "services for the citizens of the state of Wyoming". Page 2-line 8 Delete "support the provision" insert "enhance the availability". Page 2-line 9 After "care" insert "services for the citizens of the state of Wyoming". Page 3-line 3 Delete "assist in the provision" insert "enhance the availability". Page 3-line 4 After "care" delete balance of line and insert "services for the citizens of the state of Wyoming.". BUCHANAN, OLSEN

7/15/2004 H Failed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Childers, Cooper, Diercks, Johnson, L., Law, Meyer, Olsen, Reese and Warren. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Allen, Anderson, R., Baker, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Cohee, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, W., Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, D., Morgan, Nicholas, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Prosser, Robinson, Ross, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Wasserburger and Wostenberg. Ayes 10 Nays 50 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.J. No. 1003 Noneconomic damages-constitutional amendment.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee and Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution to modify the prohibition against the legislature limiting the amount of damages that may be recovered for causing personal injury or death of any person.

7/06/2004 Bill Number Assigned 7/12/2004 H Received for Introduction 7/12/2004 H Introduced and Referred to HCW 7/12/2004 H Placed on General File

HJ1003HW001/FAILED 29 Page 2-line 17 After "injury" insert ", if the health care provider is participating in a risk retention, insurance pool or similar program providing for payment of damages, which is administered or operated by the state.". Page 4-line 7 After "provider." insert "The limitation could apply only if the health care provider were participating in a state administered or operated insurance type entity.". ROBINSON

HJ1003HW002/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 2-line 5 After "(a)" insert "Except as otherwise provided for in this constitution,". Page 2-line 11 Delete "a health care provider's" insert "an"; delete "in". Page 2-line 12 Delete the line through "care". Page 2-line 15 Delete "from the". Page 2-line 16 Delete the line through "provider". Page 4-line 6 After "death" insert "." and delete balance of the line. Page 4-line 7 Delete. Page 4-line 17 After "Constitution" delete balance of the line. Page 4-lines 18 through 21 Delete entirely and insert "with the lettering of the subsection (b) as appearing in this Resolution being relettered as subsection (c) and subsection (c) as appearing in each Resolution being relettered as subsection (d).". BAKER

HJ1003HW003.01/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-line 5 After "person" insert "; defining "health care provider" for purposes of article 10, section 4". Page 2-line 17 After "injury" insert ", provided the legislature shall not limit the noneconomic damages recoverable by a person against any one (1) health care provider for any single occurrence to an amount less than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00).". Page 3-After line 23 Insert: "(d) For purposes of this section, "health care provider" shall be as defined by the legislature.". Page 4-line 5 After "damages" insert ", such as pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life,". Page 4-line 7 After "." insert "If the legislature establishes any limitation, it would be required to set the limit at five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) or some greater amount for all claims by one (1) person against one (1) health care provider which resulted from a single occurrence. The amendment would also allow the legislature to define "health care provider" which could include physicians, hospitals or other persons licensed or otherwise authorized in this or another state to furnish to any individual medical or dental care, vision care or hospitalization incident to the furnishing of that care or hospitalization for the purpose of preventing, alleviating, curing or healing human illness, injury or physical disability.". SIMPSON, NICHOLAS, ROSS

HJ1003HW003.02/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 2-After line 17 Insert: "(A) Resulting from gross negligence or a felonious act; or". Page 4-line 7 Delete "." insert "unless the health care provider's act or omission that caused the injury or death was a result of gross negligence or a felonious act.". SIMPSON, NICHOLAS, ROSS

7/12/2004 H Passed CoW

HJ1003H2001.01/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 2-line 17 Delete the Simpson et al., committee of the whole amendment (HJ1003HW003.01/AC) to this line. CHILDERS, LANDON

HJ1003H2001.02/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 2-line 12 After "," insert "by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the members of each of the two (2) houses voting separately,". Page 4-line 7 Delete the Simpson et al., committee of the whole amendment (HJ1003HW003.01/AC) to this line. After "." insert "It would require a two- thirds (2/3) vote of the legislature to establish or change any limitation on 30 noneconomic damages. The amendment would also allow the legislature to define "health care provider" which could include physicians, hospitals or other persons licensed or otherwise authorized in this or another state to furnish to any individual medical or dental care, vision care or hospitalization incident to the furnishing of that care or hospitalization for the purpose of preventing, alleviating, curing or healing human illness, injury or physical disability.". CHILDERS, LANDON

7/13/2004 H Passed 2nd Reading

HJ1003H3001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 5 In the Simpson et. al., committee of the whole amendment (HJ1003HW003.01/AC) to this line, delete "defining" insert "providing for the definition of". Page 4-line 7 Delete the Simpson et. al., committee of the whole amendment (HJ1003HW003.01/AC) to this line; after "." insert "The amendment would also allow the legislature to define "health care provider" which could include physicians, hospitals or other persons licensed or otherwise authorized in this or another state to furnish to any individual medical or dental care, vision care or hospitalization incident to the furnishing of that care or hospitalization for the purpose of preventing, alleviating, curing or healing human illness, injury or physical disability.". SIMPSON

HJ1003H3002/FAILED Page 2-line 17 After "injury" insert ", provided the legislature shall not limit the noneconomic damages recoverable by a person against any one (1) health care provider for any single occurrence to an amount less than three hundred fifty thousand dollars ($350,000.00)". Page 4-line 7 Delete the Simpson committee of the whole amendment (HJ1003HW001.01/AC) to this line; Delete the Simpson third reading amendment (HJ1003H3001/A) to this line; Further amend as follows: after "." insert "If the legislature establishes any limitation, it would be required to set the limit at three hundred fifty thousand dollars ($350,000.00) or some greater amount for all claims by one (1) person against one (1) health care provider which resulted from a single occurrence. The amendment would also allow the legislature to define "health care provider" which could include physicians, hospitals or other persons licensed or otherwise authorized in this or another state to furnish to any individual medical or dental care, vision care or hospitalization incident to the furnishing of that care or hospitalization for the purpose of preventing, alleviating, curing or healing human illness, injury or physical disability.". OLSEN, ROSS, SIMPSON

HJ1003H3007/FAILED Page 1-line 4 Delete "or death". Page 2-line 17 Delete "death or". Page 4-line 6 Delete "or death". Page 4-line 7 After "." insert "This amendment would not allow the Wyoming legislature to enact laws limiting the amount of noneconomic damages, that could be awarded for death caused by a health care provider." In the Simpson third reading amendment (HJ1003H3004/A) to this line delete "or death"; in the Nicholas third reading amendment (HJ1003H3006/A) to this line delete "or death". ROBINSON

HJ1003H3004/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 2-line 17 After "injury" insert ", provided the limitation shall not apply if the death or injury was a result of gross negligence or a greater level of wrongful conduct".

Page 4-line 7 After "provider" insert "unless the health care provider's act or omission that caused the injury or death was a result of gross negligence or a greater level of wrongful conduct". SIMPSON

31 HJ1003H3006/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 2-line 17 After "injury" insert ", provided the legislature shall not limit the noneconomic damages recoverable by a person resulting from culpable negligence or a greater level of wrongful conduct". Page 4-line 7 Delete the Simpson committee of the whole amendment (HJ1003HW001.01/AC) to this line; Delete the Simpson third reading amendment (HJ1003H3001/A) to this line; Further amend as follows: after "provider" insert "unless the health care provider's act or omission that caused the injury or death was a result of culpable negligence or a greater level of wrongful conduct"; After "." insert "The amendment would also allow the legislature to define "health care provider" which could include physicians, hospitals or other persons licensed or otherwise authorized in this or another state to furnish to any individual medical or dental care, vision care or hospitalization incident to the furnishing of that care or hospitalization for the purpose of preventing, alleviating, curing or healing human illness, injury or physical disability.". NICHOLAS

7/14/2004 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Allen, Anderson, R., Baker, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, L., Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Law, Lockhart, Luthi, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Meyer, Miller, D., Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Prosser, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh, Wasserburger and Wostenberg. Nays: Representative(s) Bagby, Esquibel, Gentile, Hastert, Hinckley, Johnson, W., Martin, Reese, Robinson, Ross, Thompson and Warren. Ayes 48 Nays 12 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

7/14/2004 S Received for Introduction 7/14/2004 S Introduced and Referred to S12 7/14/2004 S12 Recommended Place on 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Kunz, Larson, Mockler, Schiffer and Vasey. Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

7/14/2004 S Placed on 3rd Reading 7/15/2004 H Appointed JCC01 Members Simpson, Osborn, Philp, Reese, Ross 7/15/2004 S Appointed JCC01 Members Larson, Coe, Devin, Schiffer, Vasey

7/16/2004 H Adopted HJ1003JC01


ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Allen, Anderson, R., Baker, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, L., Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Law, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Meyer, Miller, D., Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Prosser, Robinson, Ross, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh, Wasserburger, Wostenberg. Nays: Representative(s) Bagby, Hinckley, Johnson, W., Reese, Thompson, Warren. Ayes 54 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflict 0

7/16/2004 S Adopted HJ1003JC01

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Burns, Caller, Case, Coe, Devin, Erb, Ginter, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Kunz, Larson, Meier, Northrup, Peck, Roberts, Schiffer, Scott, Townsend and Vasey. Nays: Senator(s) Boggs, Decaria, Goodenough, Job, Massie, Mockler and Sessions. Excused: Senator(s) Geis. Ayes 22 Nays 7 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HJ1003JC01/AA ADOPTED Delete the following House amendments: HJ1003HW003.01/AC HJ1003H2001.01/AC HJ1003H3001/A Delete the following Senate amendments: SJ1003S2004/A SJ1003S2005/A SJ1003S3010/A Further amend as follows: Page 2-line 12 After "injury," insert "no law shall be enacted limiting the amount of damages to be recovered for economic loss. However,". Page 2-line 13 Delete ":". Page 2-line 15 Delete "(i)"; after "from" delete "the" insert "a". Page 2-line 16 After "for" insert "damages for". Page 4-line 5 After "of" insert "damages for"; delete "damages" insert "loss" Page 4-line 7 After "provider." insert ""Noneconomic loss" generally includes, but is not limited to, losses such as pain and suffering, inconvenience, mental anguish, loss of capacity for enjoyment of life, loss of consortium, and other losses the claimant is entitled to recover as damages under general law. This amendment will not in any way affect the recovery of damages for economic loss under Wyoming law. "Economic loss" generally includes, but is not limited to, monetary losses such as past and future medical expenses, loss of past and future earnings, loss of use of property, costs of repair or replacement, the economic value of domestic services, loss of employment or business opportunities. This amendment will not in any way affect the recovery of any additional damages known under Wyoming law as exemplary or punitive damages, which are damages allowed by law to punish a defendant and to deter persons from engaging in similar conduct in the future.". Page 4-line 17 Delete "The paragraph". Page 4-lines 18 through 21 Delete entirely and insert "The subsection lettered (b) within this Resolution shall be relettered as (c) and the subsection lettered (c) within both Resolutions shall be relettered as (d).". SIMPSON, OSBORN, PHILP, REESE, ROSS, LARSON, COE, DEVIN, SCHIFFER, VASEY

7/16/2004 Assigned Number HEJR No. 0001 7/17/2004 H Speaker Signed HEJR No. 0001 7/17/2004 S President Signed HEJR No. 0001 7/17/2004 Governor Signed HEJR No. 0001

SIXTH DAY 33 JULY 17, 2004

House Chamber

The House convened at 8:00 a.m. and was called to order by the Presiding Officer. ROLL CALL Present: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Baker, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, L., Johnson, W., Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Law, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Meyer, Miller, D., Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Prosser, Reese, Robinson, Ross, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren and Wostenberg. Excused: Representative(s) Allen, Hageman and Wasserburger. Present 57 Excused 3

Representative Luthi moved that bills currently pending before this body in the 57th Wyoming State Legislature, 2004 Special Session, be indefinitely postponed. Representative Reese seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Representative Luthi moved that the Senate be informed that the House of Representatives, of the 57th Wyoming State Legislature, 2004 Special Session has completed its business and is ready to adjourn. Motion carried.

Speaker Parady directed the Chief Clerk to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives, 2004 Special Session of the 57th Wyoming State Legislature, is ready to adjourn.

Representative Luthi moved that a committee of two be appointed to inform the Governor that the House has completed its business and is ready to adjourn and to escort His Excellency, the Governor, and the First Lady, to the House Chamber. Motion carried.

Speaker Parady appointed Representative Wayne Johnson and Representative Diercks to inform the Governor that the House of Representatives has completed its business and is ready to adjourn and to escort His Excellency, Governor Freudenthal, and the First Lady, to the House Chamber.

The Sergeant-at-Arms Darrell Moore announced His Excellency, the Governor of Wyoming, Dave Freudenthal.


GOVERNOR'S SPECIAL SESSION CLOSING REMARKS TO THE WYOMING HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Good morning. … I'll keep my remarks short so that you can head for home. First of all, I extend greetings from my wife, who is in Seattle at a family gathering, and I will be joining her later today.

I want to comment on two things. The first is, I want to commend you for the substance of the work that's been done. I know it has been a difficult and painful process from time to time, and much will be said about the content of the substance over the next months. But I think the remarkable thing is that it's done and that, in fact, we have placed before the voters the opportunity to provide us with direction.

We have undertaken studies which will continue to build a foundation to get things done in the future. Healthcare is going to be with us a long time. I think the information will turn out to be important, and I also believe that the steps taken to direct financial resources to try to make sure that healthcare remains available are significant steps.

So the substance will be commented on in detail over time, but the thing for which I am most thankful is that we have begun to move on this issue.

And, secondly, I want to commend you for the statement that this session has made on behalf of democracy: that the system can, in fact, work. There's sort of rampant cynicism, whether it's at the national level or – well, not so much in Wyoming, particularly in other states, that the whole system is broke, nobody ever decides anything.

I think, in this session, the remarkable accomplishment isn't so much the legislation that arrived, but the process by which you demonstrated, on behalf of yourselves and the citizens of the state, that we can actually make progress.

We'll argue over time about whether the progress was a big leap or a little, and we may even argue about whether it was in the right direction, but the statement can be made that we have begun to move, and we have begun to move on an issue that is of vital importance to this country and to this state. And I thank you for that.

You know, the contribution that people make through public service is measured not just by the hours that they spend, but by the lives that they've touched.

I close with a quote that comes from Governor Frank Barrett in the 1950s, and I believe this quote is appropriate because, in fact, this session has risen to the high standard which he set.

Governor Barrett observed: "Let us endeavor to render good and faithful service to the people of this state. Let us resolve that all those who work within these walls shall always remember that they are servants of the people. Let us be fair and just in all things, kind and considerate to all, and let us never forget that public office is a public trust. And, finally, let your charge and mine be to do everything within our power to bring about the betterment of our people and the enrichment of our state."

I bid you adieu. I trust that your trip will be safe on the way home and, with the session out of the way, we can finally enjoy the last of the summer.

Thank you very much.

Speaker Parady thanked Governor Freudenthal for his closing remarks on behalf of the members of the House of Representatives. Representative Wayne Johnson and Representative Diercks escorted his Excellency, the Governor from the House Chamber.

Speaker Parady stated that the next order of business be Reading and Approval of the Journal.

Representatives Bagby and Olsen reported that the Journal Committee read the Journal of July 17, 2004, and recommended that it be approved. The report was adopted without objection.

ADJOURNMENT Representative Luthi moved the following:

1. That the House of Representatives, 57th Wyoming State Legislature, be adjourned from the Special Session until a date and time which are determined jointly by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and by the President of the Senate for the purpose of calling the House and Senate back into session. 35

2. That if no such time is so established before December 31, 2004, the House of Representatives, 57th Wyoming State Legislature, Special Session, is adjourned sine die effective at 12:00 o'clock noon on that date and the Legislative General Session, 58th Wyoming Legislature, convene on the 11th day of January, 2005, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon.

3. That the House of Representatives specifically concurs in any identical motion adopted by the Senate.

4. That if the Senate fails to concur in the action of the House of Representatives under paragraphs 1 through 3 of this motion by adopting an identical motion applicable to the Senate, the House of Representatives of the 57th Wyoming State Legislature, Special Session, is adjourned sine die.

Speaker Parady called for the vote and the motion passed the House.

A Benediction was given by Representative Olsen.

Speaker Parady adjourned the House.

Gerald W. Fox House Chief Clerk



House Chamber

At 12:00 p.m. the House Sergeant-at-Arms, Darrell Moore called the House to order. He introduced the following honored guests and their escorts:

The Honorable Patricia O'Brien Arp, Deputy Secretary of State, escorted by Representatives Powers and Harshman.

The Honorable Joe Meyer, Secretary of State escorted by Representatives Gilmore and Olsen.

Secretary of State Joe Meyer called the house to order and introduced The Cheyenne Community Choir, who shared their talent with the House. Secretary Meyer thanked Anna Marie Hales and the Cheyenne Community Choir.

Sergeant-At-Arms, Darrell Moore introduced the Honorable Michael Golden, Chief Justice of the Wyoming Supreme Court escorted by Representatives Illoway and Meuli.

The Central High School ROTC posted the colors, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by the House body.

The prayer was given by Reverend Marilyn Engstrom from St Matthew's Episcopal Church in Laramie.

Deputy Secretary of State Patricia O'Brien Arp called the roll of the elected House Members.

OPENING ADDRESS BY SECRETARY OF STATE JOE MEYER Welcome back to returning legislators and congratulations to those members elected for the first time. I would especially note the presence of your chief clerk, Jerry Fox. Jerry, Ralph Thomas and I were the first employees at the Legislative Service Office in 1971. Jerry was the LSO expert in municipal, retirement and election laws. Jerry, now that you are moving to Georgia, the State of Wyoming is going to miss your institutional memory and your past work on behalf of the State. Wyoming has been fortunate to have had your services. Mary and I are honored to be among your many friends.

This is the fourth time I have appeared before you to convene the House of Representatives. I have referenced in the past our common ties and how close the margin of victory or defeat can be. For example, I am sure that the incoming Speaker of the House, Representative Luthi, remembers his first election, which was a tie, and which was broken with a national audience in attendance when the State Canvassing Board, with me in attendance as Attorney General, cast lots to decide who won the seat. Fortunately Randall won the draw. Through the passage of time he probably now remembers it as a landslide victory which demonstrated the wisdom of his constituency, whose wisdom continues to this day. Congratulations incoming Speaker Luthi.

This is the day of your birth as a member of the Fifty Eighth Legislature. Your life span is two years serving as a member of a branch of state government, three months as a collective participant and 21 months in preparing for those three months through interim studies. You collectively will die, sine die, in January 2007. During your two years of service, more people will laugh at your jokes, good or bad, smile at you more often and complement you on your wisdom. But if you don't vote the right way, their way, they might get down right cranky. Get used to it. It goes with the territory.

During the course of my life, I have participated in 40 legislative sessions and worked with or for 18 legislatures. Some issues and observations about the process never die. Most of the time they don't even fade away. Both Governors Hathaway and Herschler in their late years in office commented to the legislature on the negative effect that excessive political partisanship had on their ability to work with the Wyoming Legislature in addressing and solving the many very complex and difficult issues Wyoming faced. Joint Executive-Legislative efforts to solve complex issues were common place for several decades after the LSO was created. I hope they become so again.

37 The Legislative Service Office was created by legislative leaders of both parties with the active support of Governor Hathaway. It was intended to be nonpartisan in nature with a focus on allowing every Wyoming legislator to acquire knowledge and develop solutions to Wyoming problems. For several decades there was strong bipartisan effort in cooperation with the Executive Branch to revise titles of the Wyoming Statutes to continually update the statutes to address current issues. And during the course of revisions, committee members could learn about the subject matter of their committees from the ground floor up and contribute to the collective wisdom of this body. That original focus seems to have died down lately with a result that several titles of Wyoming Statutes have become creaky and not in sync with current circumstances. I hope you resolve to start that effort again in your upcoming interim studies. You will be surprised at what you will find.

Several issues you will be faced with have recycled through the years. Stan Hathaway asked past legislatures for 20 more highway patrolmen to diminish the carnage occurring on Wyoming highways, for a new state office building since people were hanging from the rafters in the state capitol building and to authorize a new addition to the Coe Library at the University of Wyoming. There are many other such recycled issues. For example, locations of a new prison. I hope you resolve to take care of these ongoing issues during the next two years.

Finally, I worked for the Select Education Committee in 1980-1982 to address and solve problems when it held the system unconstitutional in 1980. As Wyoming Attorney General, I argued the 1994 lawsuit seeking to defend those legislative actions. The Wyoming Supreme Court once again held the Wyoming educational system unconstitutional this time based on its view of lack of program equity among Wyoming school districts. That lawsuit continues unabated for ten years, a fate which has befallen many other states.

Given the current reality of ten years of Judicial supervision of school operations and maintenance in Wyoming, perhaps it is time to consider placing a constitutional resolution before the citizens of Wyoming clarifying that the Judicial Branch was meant to "provide for the establishment and maintenance of a complete and uniform system of public instruction" rather than the Wyoming Legislature. Just a thought.

I cherish this institution, the Wyoming Legislature, and the public service offered by each of you. There really is a collective wisdom that arises from your deliberations no matter how often you find yourself up to your hips in alligators. My very best wishes for a successful and fruitful session.


ELECTION OF TEMPORARY SPEAKER Representative Jones nominated Representative Anderson for Temporary Speaker. The motion carried on a voice vote. Representatives Watt and Berger escorted Representative Anderson to the chair.

Representative Luthi nominated Jerry Fox as Temporary Chief Clerk. The motion carried by voice vote.

CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT Representative Anderson appointed Representative Walsh to serve as chairman of a credentials committee consisting of Representatives Semlek, Latta, Slater and Gilmore. The committee will convene in the office of the Majority Floor Leader. This committee shall report its finding as to the credentials of the membership of the House pursuant to Article 3, Section 10, of the Wyoming Constitution. The House will stand at ease until the sound of the gavel.

Representative Anderson called the meeting to order. The Temporary Chief Clerk read the report.

CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE REPORT Your credentials committee has received from the Secretary of State a certified copy of the duly elected members of the House of Representatives for Wyoming's 58th Legislature. We have reviewed the certificate and recommend that the persons listed thereon be recognized as the official membership of the Wyoming House of Representatives, 58th Legislature.

Representative Walsh moved the adoption of the report. The motion carried on a voice vote.

STATE OF WYOMING OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE "I, Joseph B. Meyer, Secretary of the State of Wyoming, do hereby certify that the attached is a full, true and correct list of the members of the Fifty-Eighth Legislature of the State of Wyoming, duly elected at the General Election held on the fifth day of November, 2004, according to the Certificates of the State Canvassing Board as filed in this office.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Wyoming. Done at Cheyenne, the Capital, this 4th day of January A.D., 2005.

Joseph B. Meyer Secretary of State By: Lori Klassen Chief Election Officer


District Number Name

District 1 Mark A. Semlek District 2 Ross Diercks District 3 Deborah Alden District 4 Edward A. Buchanan District 5 James C. Hageman District 6 David R. Edwards District 7 Doug Samuelson District 8 Larry Meuli District 9 Bryan Pedersen District 10 Rodney "Pete" Anderson District 11 Wayne Reese District 12 Layton D. Morgan District 13 Jane Warren District 14 Kermit C. Brown District 15 George W. Bagby District 16 Pete Jorgensen 39 District 17 Steve Watt District 18 Mick Powers District 19 District 20 District 21 Randall Luthi District 22 Monte Olsen District 23 District 24 Colin M. Simpson District 25 Alan C. Jones District 26 Elaine D. Harvey District 27 Debbie Healy Hammons District 28 Lorraine Quarberg District 29 Jerry Iekel District 30 Jack D. Landon, Jr. District 31 Thomas E. Lubnau II District 32 Jeff Wasserburger District 33 W. District 34 Frank Philp District 35 Roy Cohee District 36 District 37 District 38 District 39 John M. Hastert District 40 Doug Osborn District 41 Becket Hinckley District 42 Pete Illoway District 43 District 44 Floyd A. Esquibel District 45 Kevin A. White District 46 James J. Slater District 47 Kurt S. Bucholz District 48 Marty Martin District 49 Bruce R. Barnard District 50 Pat Childers District 51 District 52 Burke Jackson District 53 Frank W. Latta District 54 Del McOmie District 55 David R. Miller District 56 Tom Walsh District 57 Tom Lockhart District 58 Ann Robinson District 59 Mary Meyer Gilmore District 60 Bill Thompson

40 ELECTION OF SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Representative Cohee nominated Representative Randall Luthi as Speaker of the House of Representatives for the Fifty-Eighth Legislature. Representative Simpson seconded the nomination of Representative Luthi and moved that his election be made unanimous dispensing with the roll call.

The motion carried. Representative Randall Luthi was escorted to the rostrum by Representatives McOmie and Hageman. Chief Justice Golden administered the oath of office to Representative Luthi.

ADDRESS BY THE SPEAKER Mr. Temporary Speaker, the Honorable Secretary of State, Deputy Secretary of State, Justice Golden, Guests and family of members of the 58th Legislature and to the members of the 58th Legislature.

First, thank you for the honor you have given me. Thank you family and friends. Without the cows being fed, the law firm being run, the donations of the time and money, and just your support, I would not be here today. I received a letter yesterday from a long time friend who noted the coincidence between my becoming Speaker and the major winter storms that are lined up to pass through Wyoming. Being the astute politician, I am glad to accept credit for ending the drought.

Joe Meyer, thank you for your sound advice over the years and your willingness to share your vast institutional knowledge with us. Max Maxfield, our State Auditor, thank you for the wise management of our books and your outstanding contribution to our state.

Before we enter the fray, let's recognize our veterans and pay tribute to the current members of the armed services. Thank you for what you have done. Our thoughts and prayers are with those currently in the armed services and their families. May God bless and protect you.

Speaking of the fray, we at some time are going to wrangle with each other over one issue or another. However, it will not become personal and I pledge fairness to each of you. As the majority party, we Republicans will take the credit and the blame for what we do. But, I look forward to working with the Minority Floor Leader, members of the democratic party and the Governor. Although the press dreads this prediction, we will be united more than we will be divided.

We start this legislative session faced with a great opportunity and challenge. The anticipated projected revenue spike has the potential to provide us with the financial means to accomplish what was unthinkable just a few years ago.

However it also opens the door for us to saddle a future legislature and citizens of Wyoming with additional tax burdens. The choice is ours.

Now is the time to consider opportunities and challenges. We have always been a state of a small, but determined population. The musical numbers you have heard from the Cheyenne Community Chorus reminds us that Wyoming people, although very diverse, have lived, loved and worked together to make Wyoming, Wyoming.

Diversity is truly our strength. Throughout our history, saints and sinners have worked side by side. Today we are better for their effort.

Our cultures are as varied as the plains of Cheyenne; the vastness of the Red Desert, the beauty of the Big Horns, the grandeur of the Absarokas and Tetons and the open sage, which protects our great mineral wealth. Together, we make up the whole of Wyoming that is far greater than the sum of its parts.

Wyoming history is full of opportunity and disaster for those who choose to make it their home. I'll share with you a few examples.

Thomas Molesworth stated he would "rather die broke than work for someone else". He moved his family to Cody from Montana and started a furniture store. His first furniture factory burned down the night before opening, but through his efforts and those of the community of Cody, he succeeded. Before he died, his furnishings made it into many prominent homes, including President Eisenhower's den.

Ella Watson was born in Canada. Lived for a while in Kansas and Nebraska, but eventually moved to Wyoming, where she and her paramour established a very prosperous cattle operation. Some say a bit too prosperous, for Ella Watson, better known as Cattle Kate, became the only woman hung in the Wyoming Territory for cattle rustling. 41

Grace Raymond Hebard, although born in Iowa, became a Wyoming icon. She was the first woman attorney admitted to the Wyoming Bar; first woman to win the state golf championship; first woman admitted to practice before the Wyoming Supreme Court; the first librarian for the University of Wyoming Library and served many years on the Board of Trustees for the University of Wyoming. It was also rumored that she had been offered the position of President of the University of Wyoming, but she turned it down, "for good, sound, financial reasons". (I believe the salary has now been increased) however, she was also known as "overbearing, galling and over influential". Be that as it may, she was a leader in education, history and in suffrage.

John A. Feick came to Wyoming to help build the Capitol we are in today. Upon his arrival from Ohio, he wrote the following to his wife: "Dearest wife! I just arrived at Cheyenne right side up and handled with care………it was a long ride. I thought I went around the world five times, can not tell you anything about Cheyenne, yet, just came in and it is very dark." (as new legislators, we have had similar trips.)

In the daylight, he also found Cheyenne to be somewhat different from his home in Ohio. "This morning when I went to breakfast I saw a chinaman laying in the street with his head cut off and it looked terrible…You don't see as many drunkards in Cheyenne as you do in Sandusky and the town is kept very orderly"

The initial Capitol was completed in 1887, at a cost of $131,275.13. Times have changed.

William Jefferson Hardin was born in Kentucky but was elected as the first African American to the Wyoming Legislature as a representative in 1879. Politics was and continues to be a tough business and despite an admirable record, he was barely re-elected to the Seventh Legislature by a mere 58 votes. However, he fared better than his colleagues. He was the only representative in the Sixth Legislature to serve in the Seventh.

However, few Wyomingites have attained the notoriety that was achieved by Mary Ada Fisher Law, better know as Lusk's Lusty Lady. Dell Burke born in Ohio, Mary Ada Fisher was educated at St. Bernards Academy in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Evidently not all of the education supplied by Mother Superior Stanislaus Rafter and the sisters took, for Mary and her friends spent much of their free time on the convent fence calling to boys at the nearby college.

Not unlike many women of pioneer times, Dell's choices of a career without a husband were somewhat limited. She did try marriage, by claiming to be 18, when she was actually 17, but that marriage didn't work out. Without specific training, Mary was faced with joining a religious order or "the other route". (She chose the other) Dell eventually settle in Casper, until prohibition, and the town council closed down the sand bar district. She then moved to Lusk, to take advantage of the Lance Creek oil boom and established the Yellow Hotel.

During her life in Lusk, Dell contributed to the local economy and even loaned the town enough money to replace the badly needed 200 kilowatt engine and generator to supply water and power. She provided scholarships for education and in respect for church goers, closed the hotel on Sundays.

Now, Wyoming was also settled by church goers. The frontier was ripe picking for many a preacher. All our communities boast of a variety of churches and denominations. Our plains are dotted with graves of those that died in their pursuit of their right to practice their chosen religion.

Our history, and culture today, shows that church goers and sinners, and all those in between, are our greatest asset. People from all walks of life have flocked to Wyoming, because of opportunity, not a hand out. It is our challenge to provide that opportunity for our residents and those who would like to be.

In the next two years, we can and must provide that opportunity. Our first step in that challenge is to protect our taxpayers and our future. The Permanent Mineral Trust Fund is the only sure, and long lasting hedge against a tax increase. Any additional monies we deposit will provide interest income when the oil, gas and coal prices go down. To not take advantage of this time of plenty would be akin to the proverbial grasshopper who lived for today and perished in the winter. Trust me, our winter will come. The 58th Legislature will either be praised for saving for our future or condemned for squandering our present. The choice is ours.

Additional savings. There are innovative proposals suggested by you for rainy day accounts. With careful spending, we can do both. Our treasurer, , has done a fantastic job in managing our funds. I look forward to providing her a greater opportunity to do more.

42 Education. The youth of Wyoming have endured a decade of wrangling over school finance litigation. However, due to past legislative efforts, it appears the end is in sight. The Supreme Court has upheld the vast majority of the changes we have made to K-12 education financing. I am optimistic that they will approve the refinements we have made the last three years. The legislature and the education community can continue in our mutual goal of preparing our youth to lead the world. This session provides us the opportunity to do so. So while we kick off recalibration let's also look at superintendent Blankenship's performance, teacher advancement and acknowledgement. This is an investment with great return.

While K-12 gets the most attention, we also have an opportunity to concentrate on higher education. Fewer Wyoming high school students are choosing to go on to either a community college or university. One of the main reasons is cost. I urge this legislature to examine and evaluate need based scholarships as part of the education package.

In addition, I ask for your support to invest in establishing the framework for a University of Wyoming premier graduate school of business that will evolve into a national center of Business Education and Entrepreneurship with an emphasis on natural resources. The opportunity is ripe to leverage our assets – the top business executives in the world are in our state. Let's use that talent to our advantage and provide an opportunity to educate our youth and those from around the world. This is a time when it is appropriate for us to either go big or go home.

Jobs/Economy. Job growth only happens at the local level. I support continued funding of the business ready communities the legislature initiated last session. However, this is a area that comes close to a hand out, not an opportunity. I recommend our continued oversight over the grants and loans and continued progress reports on what has been achieved.

Property Taxes. We continue to promote residential property taxes based upon what others are willing to pay for property. Longtime Wyoming residents are being forced to move from their homes. I urge you to open the door to establishing a better, more fair method of determining residential property taxes

Brucellosis. Talk about a challenge and opportunity. What other subject combines and contrasts two of our greatest passions – cattle and wildlife. This disease attempts to put us in the untenable situation where we eradicate one to save the other. That is an unacceptable solution. We must continue to fund testing and seek cooperation between sportsmen and cattlemen.

Energy development. Wyoming is the energy capitol of the country. We must continue to find methods to develop, transport and export this natural resource not only as raw material, but also as electricity. And it must not be done at the cost of our natural beauty, wildlife or environment.

Healthcare. No other issue affects more of our constituents, from the physicians providing care to those who seek care. The cost of insurance, whether malpractice or health insurance continues to rise. We feel the frustration. We care about the tens of thousands who are uninsured. Of all these issues I have mentioned today, this one poses the greatest challenge. I wish I could rattle off a solution, but I can't. So I challenge us to do what we can, explore out of the box solutions, and recognize that the likely answer will likely be the combination of many small efforts, rather than one gigantic project.

In closing I'd like to quote from Western Odyssey, written by Rob Quist. While penned for the west in general, it seems particularly applicable to Wyoming.

"This western country, she's been called a lady, when we sing her praise If you fail to see the logic, let me count the ways Her cirrus hair is red and gold at evenings sunset's light And I've always thought her mountains looked especially good in white Her wild and natural beauty, it will take away your breath, Oh, but take her for granted, it could easily be your death. She's slow to grant her favors to come lately, new faces To longtime suitors, she reveals her hidden, secret places And yes, there are those who come with schemes and ways to use her, To sell her body like a harlot, to cheapen and abuse her If you've sworn your love for her, revere her, respect her If you are ones with honor, you must cherish and protect her And should we fail in this task, we'll lose this living treasure Oh, but should we win this lady that we love she will live forever." 43

The challenge is great, the opportunities are greater.

Now, let's Get "ER" done.


ELECTION OF MAJORITY FLOOR LEADER Representative Anderson nominated Representative Roy Cohee for Majority Floor Leader for the Fifty-Eighth Legislature. Representative Petersen seconded the nomination of Representative Cohee and moved that his election be made unanimous dispensing with the roll call.

The motion Carried. Mr. Speaker appointed Representatives Brechtel and Osborn to escort Representative Cohee to the rostrum. Chief Justice Golden administered the oath of office.

REMARKS BY MAJORITY FLOOR LEADER Mr. Secretary of State, Madam Deputy Secretary of State, Justice Golden, Mr. Speaker, fellow members and staff of the 58th Legislature, citizens and guests.

To say to you that I am honored to have been chosen to serve you in the capacity of Majority Floor Leader is an understatement. I truly believe that it is my position and my style to be of service to each and every one of you, as you and the public deserve nothing less.

Before each session, I have asked myself, "why am I here, at this place and time?" This session is no different, I ask myself, "why am I here, in this place and at this time?" Why are all of us here, in this place, at this time?

In twenty years, or thirty or forty or more, will the people of Wyoming know or remember any particular individual in this room, other than to see your picture in one of the many that graced these halls, They probably will not.

We do, however, have an incredible opportunity to collectively do some great things for Wyoming's citizens, current and those not yet born. It is my hope that those people in the future will know that we, as a group, did everything we could to simply do the right things on their behalf.

The issues are numerous, interesting and challenging, with solutions to all of them found within the thoughts, words and minds of the people in this old but wonderful building.

I have all faith that we, together, can determine how best to manage such an enormous bounty provided by nature, harvested by those willing to take the risks, and necessary to the residents of our state and others, to power their homes, fuel their vehicles and drive their economies.

I believe that we, together, can help our cities and towns, our counties and the people that reside within them to enjoy simple things of life, such as adequate water, safety forces, decent streets and roads, and nice looking and functional communities

Keeping our children in school, encouraging them to consider higher education and to provide the needed tools and equipment to succeed their entire lives should command a high priority on our list of issues. You know the adage, if you think education is expensive, gauge the costs of ignorance.

Alcohol and drug abuse issues, in particular the manufacture, use and affects of methamphetamines are issues that cannot be avoided or delayed. It has crept into our communities and threatens to shred the moral fiber of every family in this state. It is estimated in my home county, that 80% of all crimes committed are drug related. We can select the route of treatment, or we can continue to build prisons. Providing the health care system with an apolitical medical malpractice review panel with real teeth deserves our attention. The residents of this state have asked for it, and they should have it. Please consider binding arbitration, possibly some thoughts towards limited liability options between doctors and their patients.

We have heard, and will hear much more about what to do with a serious amount of wealth bestowed on our state. Should some of it be saved for future generations? It has always been, and will continue to be my opinion that the lion's share of this wealth truly belongs to the people that will inhabit Wyoming long after the mineral wealth is gone. That is my statement for additional and substantial contributions to the Permanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund, which will one day prove to be Wyoming's second most valuable asset, after her people.

Do we have the right to maintain our current concerns and issues with wealth that will someday disappear? We must act responsibly as we determine what is continuing income and what is one time or temporary streams of revenue.

45 Finally, I ask myself once more, "why am I here, in this place and at this time?" Why are all of us gathered here, in this place and at this time? If you will look around you, in the galleries above you, at your families and friends, consider those here and back in your home towns, I trust that you will find the answer, as I have.

Mr. Speaker I come to the end, I am confident that we, the people elected to represent the needs of those families, friends and neighbors, will meet every challenge with the grace and dignity that the people of Wyoming deserve.

ELECTION OF SPEAKER PRO TEM Representative Petersen nominated Representative Colin Simpson as Speaker Pro Tem for the Fifty-Eighth Legislature. Representative Childers seconded the nomination and moved that his election be made unanimous dispensing with the roll call.

The motion Carried. The Speaker appointed Representatives Barnard and Childers to escort Representative Simpson to the rostrum. Chief Justice Golden administered the oath of office.

REMARKS BY SPEKAER PRO TEM It is with very high regard for Mr. Speaker, Mr. Majority Floor Leader, Mr. Majority Whip, Mr. Minority Leader, Mr. Minority Whip and Mr. Minority Caucus Leader and all the Members of the House of Representatives of the 58th Wyoming Legislature that I stand before you today as Speaker Pro Tem. I am very excited about this session and the great things that we, as a citizen legislature, can do for our fellow CITIZENS of Wyoming.

We as elected legislators have a great responsibility to all people of this state and we must, and do, take this responsibility seriously. We serve a responsive and responsible institution. Those legislators who have served before us have admirably shown the way to responsible state government. We shall honor the past in responsibly creating a new future. You may notice that responsible leadership and service is a theme of this speech!

In settling into my new duties as Speaker Pro Tem I have looked for guidance in many areas. One area was the office formerly occupied by Representative Rodney "Pete" Anderson. Amidst the old files and books I found the most profound guidance on a small sheet of paper in the desk calendar. It simply read . . . "Roast Beef"!

I know I will be able to use this pearl of wisdom somehow, someway in my duties . . . I just haven't figured out how.

Wyoming is truly the land of great natural wealth and individual independence and opportunity. As Speaker Pro Tem I will strive to help frame the important issues and decisions before us that will lead to a greater quality of life and greater opportunity for Wyoming citizens.

Money will certainly help us create a greater quality of life and greater opportunities, if we act responsibly with the money we have!

Wyoming continues to face great economic and social challenges, despite our vast mineral wealth. We must invest in our children and our grandchildren who are the future of Wyoming and create economic opportunity to keep them home and bring them home to stay!

We have amazing opportunities to:

• Ensure the continuing health of our minerals industry • Maintain low taxes • Demand responsible long term and intermediate savings • Diversify our economy and revenue flows • Assist the creation of quality, high paying, family wage jobs • Maintain and improve education and teacher quality • Face down the menace of methamphetamine • Ensure access to affordable medical and mental health care • Protect our Wildlife and Natural Resources • Help those who can least help themselves

Now the hard work of legislating begins. We are ready, willing and ABLE. Have faith in yourselves and our future! Act responsibly and maintain a vision for a Wonderful Wyoming! Thank you!

46 The chair recognized Representative Reese and invited him to address the body. Representatives Hastert and Diercks escorted the Minority Floor Leader to the podium.

REMARKS BY THE MINORITY FLOOR LEADER When I sat down to consider what I wanted to say today, I started wondering why we are here. Why are we in session? For what reason do we gather together in Cheyenne once a year, and spend every minute of our lives, from the time we get up in the morning, until we go to bed at night, thinking about the issues that are before us.

The very simple answer to that question is; PEOPLE We are here because we are trying to make Wyoming a better place for people to live.

We are here because of our friends, our families, our neighbors, and all of the other people that live in Wyoming. We are here for the people that go to work every day and try to make a better life for themselves and their families.

We are here because of people. We are here for people, and we are here to represent people.

I have had several of these people ask me what I thought the hot topic was going to be this year. My answer has always been the same.


If you take all of the issues we have before us this year, money will be the common thread that sews many of them together. The bottom line is always money, "how much is this going to cost?"

Fortunately, we have some money this year. In fact, we have more money than we have ever had. And, I think this is more than just a short term spike in revenues.

The worldwide demand for natural resources and energy is growing every year. Fortunately, Wyoming has some very large reserves of coal, coal bed methane, and natural gas, and because of our increased capacity for transporting that energy out of state, we are no longer dealing with a buyers market. For several years to come, we will be selling more of these energy resources, and at higher prices, than we have ever sold before. That brings us to the question, "What are we going to do with this money?"

During this session, and over the next few years, we are going to have the opportunity to make some investments in the state of Wyoming. Investments that will pay big dividends now and well into the future. These are investments in people. These are investments in our communities, in education, and health care. These are investments in water resources, and wildlife habitat.

If we continue to put money into the Permanent Mineral Trust Fund, instead of making these investments, and tell ourselves that it is for our children. If we continue to do things as we have always done them, instead of trying to create more attractive and livable communities, and increase economic activity. Then it won't matter, because our children will have left for other states that are making these investment.

And, we should probably do some long range planning. We should ask ourselves where we want to be in 15 years or 20 years, or 30 years. We should be looking ahead and asking ourselves what we want this state to be like in 2020, and years into the future.

We need to plan for a changing world and emergencies that we know will come. To that end, we should probably set aside some money in a rainy day account that we can get to when we really need it.

In short, we have a unique opportunity before us.

It's the opportunity to make some investments in Wyoming, that will pay dividends to the people of Wyoming now, and decades into the future.

These are not investments in the traditional sense. Rather, they are investments in our communities, investments in our educational institutions, investments in healthcare, investments in water, and wildlife habitat.

But most of all – they are investments in people. And that is why we are here – the people of Wyoming.

HOUSE EMPLOYEES 47 Representative Cohee moved that the persons whose names appear on the list of proposed employees, which list has been previously distributed to the membership, be House employees for this session, in the positions so indicated on said list. The motion carried by voice vote.


Chief Clerk Jerry Fox Deputy Chief Clerk Patricia Benskin Assistant Chief Clerk Jan Dancliff House Attorney David K. Gruver House Attorney John Rivera Staff Supervisor Sue Ann Shaffer Assistant Staff Supervisor Sharon Novick Floor Computer Clerk Cyndi Johnson Floor Computer Clerk/Atty. Secretary Sandy Pedersen Reading Clerk William R. Dubois Journal Clerk Nancy Schmid Attorney Secretary Dee Clary Attorney Secretary Sandy Pedersen Leadership Secretary Jean Storey Staff Assistant Phyllis Salzburg Judiciary Secretary Bonnie Kruse Appropriations Secretary Orene Jerome Revenue Secretary Barbara Clark Education Secretary Edith Russell Agriculture Secretary Barbara Clark Travel Secretary Edith Russell Corporations Secretary Pam Landry Transportation Secretary Jan Jones Minerals Secretary Pam Landry Labor Secretary Jan Jones Duplicating/Distribution Supr. Ardath Junge Telephone Receptionist Judy Case Hotline Receptionist Ardelle Kissler Hotline Receptionist Jerra Davis Office Receptionist Andrea Cook Collator/Mail Clerk N. Jean Rounds Bill Status/Information Clerk Jane Uchner Messenger Doris Loseke Page Patti Menghini Page Barbara Warren Student Page Jessica Stevens Student Page John Anderson Sergeant-at-Arms Darrell Moore Doorman (Chamber) Keith Rounds Doorman (Gallery) Richard Mann Watchman (Morning) Jim Allen Watchman (Afternoon) Albert Walbye Watchman (wkend) Jeff Mitchell Clerical Assistant Sally Allen Clerical Assistant Brenda Aurzada Clerical Assistant Barbara Costa Clerical Assistant Marie Crader Clerical Assistant Lynn Davis Clerical Assistant Shirley Dickman Clerical Assistant Janet Foresman Clerical Assistant Eileen Oldenburg Clerical Assistant Yvonne Quintal Clerical Assistant Sherrie Robison Clerical Assistant Elizabeth Sprakties Clerical Assistant(Coordinator) Peggy Smithson


ADOPTION OF TEMPORARY RULES Representative Cohee moved that the permanent House and Joint Rules of the Fifty-Seventh Legislature, be adopted as the Temporary Rules of the Fifty-Eighth Legislature of the House of Representatives.

NOTICE TO THE GOVERNOR Speaker Luthi directed the Chief Clerk to notify his excellency, The Governor, that the General Session of the House of Representatives, Fifty-Eighth Legislature is duly organized and ready to receive any communication he may desire to submit.

NOTICE TO THE SENATE Speaker Luthi directed the Chief Clerk to notify the Senate that the House of Representatives, Fifty-Eighth Legislature is organized and ready to receive any communication they may desire to submit.

ARRANGEMENTS FOR JOINT SESSION Speaker Luthi announced that the Chair would meet with the President of the Senate to make arrangements for the Joint Session of the House and Senate and to receive the Governor's Message.

COURTESY COMMITTEE Speaker Luthi appointed Representatives Harvey as Chairperson, Iekel, Powers, Robinson, and Diercks as a Courtesy Committee for the General Session of the House of Representatives, Fifty-Eighth Legislature to wait upon members who are ill and attend to other courtesies as are from time to time deemed official by the membership.

STANDING COMMITTEES Speaker Luthi appointed the House Standing Committees for the House of Representatives, Fifty-Eighth Legislature.


1. JUDICIARY Jack Landon, Chairman Monte Olsen Deb Alden Ann Robinson George Bagby Steven Watt Ed Buchanan Kevin White Tom Lubnau

2. APPROPRIATIONS Frank Philp, Chairman Larry Meuli Rosie Berger Owen Petersen Alan Jones Colin Simpson Pete Jorgensen Jane Warren

3. REVENUE Rodney "Pete" Anderson, Chairman John Hastert Kurt Bucholz David Miller Gerald Gay Bryan Pedersen Mary Meyer Gilmore Tom Walsh Steve Harshman

4. EDUCATION Jeff Wasserburger, Chairman Becket Hinckley Kurt Bucholz Del McOmie Patrick Goggles Lorraine Quarberg Debbie Hammons Steve Harshman

5. AGRICULTURE, PUBLIC LANDS AND WATER RESOURCES James Hageman, Chairman Ross Diercks Kermit Brown Burke Jackson Kathy Davison Layton Morgan 50 Mick Powers Mark Semlek Doug Samuelson

6. TRAVEL, RECREATION, WILDLIFE AND CULTURAL RESOURCES Pat Childers , Chairman Wayne Reese Kermit Brown Jim Slater Kathy Davison Bill Thompson Keith Gingery Dan Zwonitzer Jerry Iekel

7. CORPORATIONS, ELECTIONS AND POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS Pete Illoway, Chairman Marty Martin Bruce Barnard Del McOmie Ross Diercks David Miller Keith Gingery Monte Olsen Frank Latta

8. TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS Dave Edwards, Chairman Mick Powers Floyd Esquibel Jim Slater Gerald Gay Tom Walsh Mary Meyer Gilmore Dan Zwonitzer Bryan Pedersen

9. MINERALS, BUSINESS ANDECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Tom Lockhart, Chairman Bob Brechtel Becket Hinckley Floyd Esquibel Lorraine Quarberg Frank Latta Doug Samuelson Debbie Hammons

10. LABOR, HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Doug Osborn, Chairman Jerry Iekel Bruce Barnard Burke Jackson Bob Brechtel Marty Martin Elaine Harvey Layton Morgan John Hastert

11. JOURNAL Pat Goggles Dan Zwonitzer

12. RULES AND PROCEDURE Randall Luthi, Chairman Doug Osborn Deb Alden Wayne Reese Rodney "Pete" Anderson Ann Robinson Roy Cohee Colin Simpson Pete Illoway Bill Thompson Marty Martin Jeff Wasserburger Frank Philp


ADJOURNMENT Representative Cohee moved that the body stand at recess until 3:30 p.m.

The House reconvened at 3:30 p.m.

Representative Cohee moved the body adjourn until 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, January 12, 2005.

Jan Dancliff Assistant Chief Clerk


The House convened at 10:00 A.M. and was called to order by Speaker Luthi.

ROLL CALL Present: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer, Mr. Speaker. Excused: Jackson Present: 59 Absent 0 Excused 1

JOINT SESSION The Joint Session of the Fifty-Eighth Legislature, General Session was called to order by President Larson at 10:00 A.M.

Senator Job and Representatives Cohee and Reese escorted the First Lady of the State of Wyoming, Nancy Freudenthal and the Governor, Dave Freudenthal, to the Joint Session.

The House Sergeant-At-Arms, Darrell Moore, introduced the following honored guests and their escorts:


Judge Clarence A. Brimmer Sen. Mockler Rep. Buchanan & Bagby

Judge James Burke Sen. DeCaria Rep. Morgan & Pedersen

Justice Barton Voight Sen. Jennings Rep. Warren & White

Justice Marilyn Kite Sen. Sessions Rep Gingery & Jorgensen

Justice Michael Golden Sen. Boggs Rep. Brown & Gay

Mr. Trent Blankenship Sen. Von Flatern Rep.Wasserburger & Quarberg

Ms. Cynthia Lummis Sen. Aullman Rep. Hinckley & Davison

Mr. Max Maxfield Sen. Geis Rep. Petersen & Thompson

Mr. Joe Meyer Sen. Barrasso Rep. Miller & Goggles

Chief Justice William U. Hill Sen. Peck Rep. Simpson & Martin

Mrs. Nancy Freudenthal Sen. Job Rep. Cohee & Reese

Governor Dave Freudenthal Sen. Job Rep. Cohee & Reese

President Larson invited Father Thomas Cronkleton to give the invocation. 52

President Larson presented his Excellency, Governor of the State of Wyoming, Dave Freudenthal.

STATE OF THE STATE ADDRESS GOVERNOR DAVE FREUDENTHAL CHEYENNE, WYOMING JANUARY 12, 2005 The year is 1963. Clifford P. Hansen is Wyoming's governor. The 37th Legislature has assembled to hear the governor's constitutionally prescribed message. Governor Hansen, speaking with an eloquence which I cannot match, focused on Wyoming's natural and continuing agenda. • The need for "ample jobs," economic diversification and a well-trained workforce is restated. • Governor Hansen recognizes our "breathtaking scenery," "as well as the unique and diversified recreational opportunities as one of our best sources of jobs and payroll expansion." And Game and Fish as a "a great renewable resource." • Highways are discussed and "transportation and communication" are said to "pace all progress." • Financing of local governments is characterized as "one of the most widespread and important issues" facing Wyoming. • Wyoming's water supply is cited as the resource which may most critically "affect our growth and well being." • Wyoming's continuing commitment to education K-12, community colleges and the University of Wyoming - expressing in full voice a call for funding and improvement. • In 1963, capital construction is referenced as "one of our greatest opportunities in providing for the future," dependent, of course, "on the amount of wisdom we exercise in the building of permanent improvements." • Issues surrounding the health and welfare of our citizens are introduced with a statement of enduring truth. He said, "Perhaps no single area of the state's activities involves more people, gives rise to greater emotionalism, and evokes greater controversy than the subject of welfare and health." • A tone of government restraint and fiscal responsibility permeates the text. • And, finally, the all too familiar struggle with the federal government on resource management caused Governor Hansen to say, "I believe if we fail to recognize these problems and deal with them as a state, the federal government will transgress upon what rightfully belongs to Wyoming, and impose upon us even further federal control and authority." Governor Hansen's address to the 37th Legislature reflects the basic issues of territorial and state governors throughout our history. The addresses of Governor Hathaway and Governor Herschler moved towards a greater emphasis on the balance between economic growth and the maintenance of Wyoming's environment and lifestyle. Governor Hathaway's "Quality Growth" and Governor Herschler's "Growth on Our Terms" were turning points in our history. Allowing variations for the issues of immediate urgency, the fundamentals remain the same. We gather as products of our history, of our geology and our geography and the economic realities of Wyoming. The tasks to which the hands of our citizens and the programs of our government turn are dictated by these realities. But there is one significant difference between this legislature and the Assembly of 1963. We have money. Our revenues are remarkable and our prospects, with the inevitable vagaries of the future, are generally bright. Money should not, and must not, change our commitment to solving problems and building this state. Nor should we engage in some extended identity crisis as to the direction of the state. We know who we are, and we know what we need. Ours is the remarkable opportunity to convert the hopes and dreams of past generations of our citizens and leaders from the realm of words to the realm of action. Current and prospective revenues are simply tools to build this state and to help its citizens. The amount of money available changes the rate at which we can convert values into action - it should not change our values. But action is not without risk. The safest course for all of us as public officials is simply to throw all the money in a sack. Or in the way of one servant in the Biblical parable of the talents, bury the money in the ground rather than accept any risk. The servant's business plan proved reliable but ineffective. The truth of the Biblical parable applies to the modern world. Inaction may be safe, but it builds nothing. We have the roadmap of issues outlined by generations of Wyoming citizens and leaders. We have an unparalleled access to resources - to address these issues. We must not allow a lack of confidence in ourselves or in our citizens to defeat this opportunity.

53 In the words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "The only limit to the realization of tomorrow is our doubts about today." Let us demolish those doubts, ignore the politics of partisanship and credit, and get about the work our kids and grandkids deserve.

Ultimate passage of legislation rests with this body and not the executive branch. However, I appreciate this constitutionally authorized opportunity to offer some constructive suggestions. In the next 40 days, we should address the variety of measures designed to provide for better government operations and better services to our citizens. From bingo to graduated drivers licenses to combating child pornography, the issues await our attention. Rather than speak to each of those issues in this address, I simply commit to work with you as they move forward in the legislative process. Submission of the supplemental spending requests followed the normal course. With some exceptions, the Executive Branch and the Appropriations Committee are in general agreement on the budget. Notable areas of disagreement were the rejection by the committee of proposed investments in education compensation, the education innovation fund and highway construction. I remain hopeful that this body will re-address these areas of need. I understand, without necessarily agreeing with, the committee's position on the education funding, given our shared endorsement of the added insurance and external cost adjustment dollars I do not understand rejection of additional funding for state highway construction by both the Appropriations Committee and the sponsors of the legislation supporting more funding for the towns and counties. Surely the historical commitment of this state to our transportation system merits a share of the added available revenues. The basic agreement seems to be on a budget which concentrates on capital construction, economic development, community building and attempts to limit the increases in ongoing operating costs of government. We should remain wedded to these principles, not only in the budget but in the variety of spending measures attached to substantive legislative proposals. I express some reservations about the long-term operating cost implications of the variety of human service related proposals under discussion by this body and the interest groups. It may be more appropriate to adopt the approach taken by Secretary of State Meyer in dedicating a block of revenue to support the Help America Vote Act, instead of relying upon the dedication of future revenues. A third set of proposals before this body improve, expand and implement strategies to build Wyoming. In a sense, we are fine-tuning a business plan which builds on Wyoming's strengths and its shared values. Wyoming's economic strength lies in two items sought after by the people of this nation. First, is our commodity production, including minerals and agriculture, which constitutes our most significant economic engine. Second, is the natural beauty, wildlife and open spaces which have been the mainstay of the travel and recreation industry for many years. And in the more recent decade, for many of the businesses and people moving to Wyoming, it's the lifestyle and the environment that made the decision an easy one. Our lifestyle, our wildlife, our land and our water remain critical to our definition of Wyoming and to our economic future. How do we strategically build on these assets to fulfill the vision of Wyoming? We supplement the constitutionally enshrined habit of regular savings with a restricted reserve savings account to protect against the uncertainties of the future. This concept appears to enjoy wide support. Simply stated, the estimated $275-$300 million per biennium destined for the Permanent Mineral Trust Fund should be supplemented with a constitutionally protected account available for expenditure only upon a two-thirds vote of the legislature. I would argue for building the balance in this account prior to adding amounts above the current budget cycle's commitment of $325 million to the Permanent Mineral Trust Fund. The Select Water Committee is advancing legislation to set aside monies dedicated to building water storage projects. Wyoming is a high plains desert state with water leaving our borders daily to quench the thirst of urban areas. No one can doubt the need to act now to protect our water. A more aggressive role for the state in the development of water projects is essential. Extended federal permitting obstacles simply wear down the patience and the resources of private project sponsors. If the state does not act, little or nothing will happen. This legislation reflects a true collaboration between the branches of government, and I commend it to you for your favorable consideration. Wildlife habitat quality and quantity are declining in Wyoming. The Interim Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Committee has introduced a bill reviving a bold step toward protecting our wildlife heritage. Please read the bill and the proposed amendments before making a decision. Seldom have I seen a legislative proposal so defined by preconceptions rather than content. I'd like to take a minute to talk about what this plan, with its proposed amendments, is not. The Wildlife and Natural Resources Funding Act gives no money to operate the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. It does not allow the state or its agencies to buy land.

54 It specifically states that it is not intended to restrict the continued development of Wyoming's mineral resource endowment. In fact, by working on wildlife issues and endangered species issues in a strategic way, the act should help reduce conflicts with mineral development and agriculture. It also holds the promise, within the context of brucellosis, of helping to reduce the potential of disease transmission. Wildlife and wildlife habitat are longstanding issues in Wyoming. Many of us were involved in the issues more than 20 years ago. This is not a new idea but it is an important strategic step in building on Wyoming's assets. Equally important, but harder to quantify, is the intimate part wildlife habitat and open spaces play in defining who we are in Wyoming. As Governor, I have attended nine funerals for Wyoming soldiers who lost their lives fighting for a country and a State they loved. At each of these services, the eulogy, the family pictures and the sharing of experiences included the soldier's love of Wyoming's outdoors and its wildlife. One of the services included a Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation video as part of the tribute to and definition of the fallen loved one and soldier. Memorial services for Wyoming people, be they soldiers or citizens, link our lives to Wyoming's outdoor resources. If it is important enough to talk about when we have departed this earth - then our wildlife resources are important enough to act on while God grants us life. In considering Wyoming's future, we have images of our friends and family gathering together, in homes and facilities to enjoy their company and their community. These facilities were often times built with school construction funds, not just for schools but for the community. There has been an unfortunate and unintended consequence of the Supreme Court's educational opinions. The opinions limit the use of school dollars to only supporting the building and operation of facilities necessary for the delivery of the educational basket of goods. Our communities have been robbed of the historic practice of building community facilities with school construction dollars. Attractive, sustainable cities and towns must have community facilities. I support efforts to develop new funding partnerships between local governments and the state to provide community facilities. And we can do this without inviting litigation or shifting the operating expenses to the state. This proposal can make a huge difference to the towns and counties that have lost a major partner in improving and maintaining their communities. Many more issues deserve comment, but I am mindful of the time and will limit my observations to four more items. First, I support the split estates bill sponsored by the Joint Judiciary Committee and urge you to stay the moderate course charted in the original Task Force proposal. Second, I continue to support the process and the recommendation for the location of the new state correctional facility. I encourage you to treat this as a correctional issue first and foremost. If this becomes a regional political battle or an economic development battle at this late stage, we will again defeat our efforts to build a correctional facility in Wyoming. Third, access to healthcare remains a critical issue for our citizens. I support a strong medical review panel including the admissibility of the panel's findings under proper circumstances. Medical liability insurance remains a serious problem. If you have any doubt, ask any one of the several thousand patients in Casper who are about to lose their healthcare provider. While we await the outcome of the debate at the federal level, we should consider state participation in extended liability coverage for non-economic damage judgments between $350,000 and $1 million. I am not terribly fond of further state involvement in this issue, but I have not seen an alternative. We cannot simply throw up our hands in frustration, and ignore this problem.. Fourth, I support creation of an endowment for higher education, especially the efforts toward endowed chairs. At its current stage of development, I would recommend only that funds be set aside for that purpose. The release of any funds should be subject to further legislative action next year. This would allow time for a refinement of the concept, further defining the expectations and accountability needed to justify such a program and such an investment. Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, Fellow Elected Officials, Members of the Judiciary, guests and citizens of Wyoming, it has been my honor to speak with you. In closing, I acknowledge my deep respect and appreciation for the dedication, the work and the efforts of those in this room. I especially appreciate the opportunity to work with the legislative committees and individual legislators in developing proposals over the last year. It has been a most cooperative experience, unmarred by partisanship or competing claims for credit. We owe our citizens no less than our continued best efforts. Ours is a most remarkable opportunity, the opportunity to direct resources to the fulfillment of Wyoming's vision. Our citizens and those who have gone before us have charted action. They will judge us harshly should we fail.

55 As in the past, I invite all of you, particularly the new members, down to my office for great conversation and occasionally bad coffee. Thank you

STATE OF THE JUDICIARY WILLIAM U. HILL, CHIEF JUSTICE JANUARY 12, 2005 Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, Governor and Mrs. Freudenthal, members of the 58th Legislature, elected officials, members of the Judiciary, family, friends and citizens of our great State. Once again it is my honor and privilege to speak to you on behalf of the dedicated men and women of the Wyoming Judiciary.

I want to offer congratulations to Speaker Luthi and to President Larson upon their well-deserved elevation to the highest posts of leadership in the Wyoming Legislature, and to thank them for their invitation to address you. I would also like to congratulate all the members of the Legislature, who are either beginning your careers, starting over in a different chamber, or continuing your adventure in public service.

As always, I also would like to thank the Legislature on behalf of the Judiciary for your attention to the needs, fiscal and otherwise, of our branch of government. We are secure in the knowledge that you will address them in the reasonable and responsible manner to which we have become accustomed, and we extend to you our best wishes for a productive session.

Governor Freudenthal, we again congratulate you and the First Lady on another year of accomplishment. Governor, the Judiciary kept you busy in 2004 appointing judges. Perhaps we will have a calmer 2005, and as always, you also have our best wishes for another successful year leading our State.

I can report to you today that Wyoming's Judiciary is strong and vital and continuing to act as a responsible, co-equal partner in our government, and I want to express my appreciation to all of those who labor in the third branch and make it work. As the State continues to grow, so too grow the demands upon our courts and they have never been busier. As a testament to that statement, you will find among the pre-filed bills a request for the creation of a new district judgeship in the Sixth Judicial District, a request that we hope you will be inclined to honor.

You will also find a proposal to fund the renovation of the Supreme Court Building. The building was constructed in 1936 and has served the State well. In the intervening years, however, it has received only basic maintenance and cosmetic repairs. If the building is to be brought up to code in terms of safety, security, and the ability to accommodate the growing demands of technology, if it is to continue serving the State well into the 21st century, it must have attention soon. The Judiciary generally endorses the proposal before you, with the caveat that the architectural, historical, and esthetic integrity of the building and the grounds upon which it sits must be preserved in any renovation, at all costs.

It is typical for a Chief Justice to use this address to inform you of court projects and initiatives that have occupied the Judiciary during the past year, and indeed, there is much that I could report. But it was the changing face of Wyoming's Judiciary and legal community that dominated 2004, and it is of those changes that I would like to speak now.

As planned, District Judge Kenneth Stebner of Rawlins retired from the bench last spring after a distinguished career. Highly respected Circuit Judge Wade Waldrip was appointed to take Judge Stebner's seat, and assumed those duties last May. Judge Jane Eakin ended a noteworthy career as a public defender and private attorney in Laramie and took up the vacated circuit judgeship in Carbon County.

Circuit Judge Robert "Yogi" Allen ended a remarkable career of over 27 years of service as a judge in Laramie County with his retirement on September 1st. Judge Roberta Coates, a popular attorney with broad experience, most recently as a member of the Board of Equalization, succeeded him this fall. Judge Don Hall of Riverton elected to retire at year's end, thus concluding over 22 years of solid service on the circuit court bench. Longtime Riverton attorney Wes Roberts was selected by the Governor to take his place only weeks ago.

Another highly respected jurist was picked for re-assignment. District Judge Jim Burke of the First Judicial District emerged from a very strong list of applicants and was tapped by Governor Freudenthal for the Wyoming Supreme Court. Justice Burke assumed his new duties just last week. Speaking on behalf of all the other Justices, Justice Burke, welcome to the Supreme Court. We look forward to our association with you with great anticipation.

Justice Burke's replacement will not be long in coming. Tomorrow the Judicial Nominating Commission will interview candidates for the open seat in Cheyenne, and the names of the three nominees the Commission selects as his possible successor will be in the Governor's hands by Friday. 56

These comings and goings have had great impact, but if I am to accurately report the State of the Judiciary, I must tell you that other departures have left the Judiciary and the legal community stunned and grief stricken.

In 2004, twelve practicing members of the Wyoming Bar passed away: Lowell H. Fitch of Torrington; Bruce Horton of Douglas; Charles D. Phillips of Evanston; Barry Williams of Casper; Vince Picard of Laramie; John Vinich of Hudson; James A. Zaring of Basin; and Ward White, Phil Whynott, Pete Mulvaney, Jim Gusea, and Tom Gorman of Cheyenne. Among these were three legislators, a candidate for our highest elected offices, a Deputy Attorney General, and some of our most admired attorneys. Of even more significance, all were valued members of their respective communities, who devoted much more than their legal skills to the places they called home and the people that they knew. The courts in which they practiced and the legal community as a whole are diminished by their passing. I can only imagine the degree to which their loss resonates in their towns and in the hearts of their families and friends.

Late last year the Judiciary and the State received another double hammer blow. Former Supreme Court Justice and Attorney General Archie McClintock and our colleague Larry Lehman slipped away in the space of one week.

Archie McClintock was from Sheridan. He had lived in Cheyenne since 1935 where he had a brilliant career as an attorney. In 1973 he was appointed to the Wyoming Supreme Court and served until he reached mandatory retirement age in 1981. Looking for a challenge, Archie, as he was called by nearly everyone who knew him, took and passed the California Bar Examination, one of the very hardest such tests in America, at the age of 71, and resumed the practice of law.

In 1982, Governor Ed Herschler asked Archie to be his Attorney General. Archie agreed and found the job that he told many people was his favorite. He served through 1986, then once again resumed his practice. He continued working until recent years.

Archie died at age 93. One might think that he had outlived his friends. That would be a mistake. Archie may have outlived many of his contemporaries but he had generations of friends. He was a fine lawyer, a distinguished justice, and an outstanding Attorney General. He was also a gentleman of the old school. He always will be remembered and missed by those he leaves behind.

That blow to the Judiciary and to the State was hugely compounded by the untimely death of Justice Larry Lehman, who lost his battle with cancer on December 10th. Justice Lehman originally came to Wyoming from Iowa to attend law school and Wyoming quickly became his home. He was graduated from the University of Wyoming College of Law in 1976 and took up practice in Evanston. During those turbulent times he also was elected Uinta County attorney and served with energy and distinction.

In 1985 he began his career on the bench, serving as County Judge in Evanston. In all, he was to have four jobs during his judicial career. He was the first person to serve on all three Wyoming State Courts – the county court, the district court, serving in Rawlins from 1988 until 1994, and then serving on the Supreme Court until his death. Each of these jobs, although similar, is quite different from the others. Justice Lehman excelled in each one.

He also excelled in the fourth position, that of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, which is, indeed, a second job layered upon the duties of a justice. In this role he helped lead the Judiciary through a period of significant change and into a new millennium. Our courts today reflect his vision, his determination, and his efforts. The Judiciary, the legal community, his family, his friends and his State will be calculating the dimensions of his loss for years to come.

Last summer, when Larry fully understood the nature of the struggle in which he found himself, he decided not to stand for retention to the Court. The day that he told me this news we were sitting in a room full of books, circulating opinions, and all the other tools of his trade. He looked around the room and said, "I have loved this. I have loved this OPPORTUNITY."

There can be no doubt that Justice Lehman made the most of his opportunity. Those of us who continue in the service of the people of Wyoming can do no less. And so, ladies and gentlemen, with the best wishes of the men and women who service in Wyoming's courts, I will leave you to it.

Thank you and God speed.

President Larson thanked Chief Justice Hill for attending the Joint Session and for his message.

Senator's Job and Representatives Cohee and Reese escorted the First Lady & the Governor from the chamber. 57

Senator Schiffer moved that the Joint Session be dissolved. Senator Decaria seconded the motion. Motion carried.

ADJOURNMENT Representative Cohee moved that the House be in recess until 2:00 p.m. The motion carried.

The House reconvened at 2:00 p.m.

CEREMONY HONORING WYOMING'S MILITARY MEMBERS Speaker Luthi: "My fellow Members of the House, I would like to take a moment out of our schedule to recognize the contributions of Wyoming citizens serving in the armed services who have been deployed for Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Joining us today is Major General Ed Wright, the Adjutant General of the Wyoming Military Department. Major General Wright will introduce our distinguished guests joining us today. Major General, welcome."

Introduction of guests by Major General Wright

Speaker Luthi: "Major General Wright, thank you so much for taking the time today to introduce these brave patriots to the members of the House of Representatives. We thank you all for your selfless service and sacrifice on behalf of the residents of Wyoming. Your dedication to our country serves as an example to be followed by all citizens.

And let us remember all of the other members of the armed services from Wyoming, and around the country, who are currently deployed around the world. We offer prayers for their safe return to their family and friends. Thank you."

Representative Cohee moved the body adjourn until l0:00 a.m. Thursday, January 13, 2005.


The House convened at 10:00 A.M. and was called to order by the Presiding Officer. Prayer by Chaplain Bob Spencer, United Medical Center.

ROLL CALL Present: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer, Mr. Speaker. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Anderson Present: 58 Absent 0 Excused 2

ADOPTION OF HOUSE RULES January 17, 2005 Committee No. 12 on RULES & PROCEDURES to whom was referred the temporary House and Joint Rules of the 57th Legislature respectfully recommend that they be adopted as the permanent rules of the 58th Legislature with the following amendments:

Representative Simpson in the chair. Mr. Speaker moved the adoption of the following amendment to the rules.

HR0001/A ADOPTED Amend House Rule 4-2 as follows: COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP 4-2 Membership on committees shall be apportioned as nearly as possible to reflect the percentage of the elected membership of the majority and minority parties of the House. (a) Committees shall have nine members with these exceptions: Committee No. 2, Appropriations, seven eight members; Committee No. 11, Journal, two members; and Committee No. 12, Rules and Procedure, thirteen members. LUTHI, CHAIRMAN


58 Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer, Mr. Speaker. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Anderson Ayes: 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Conflicts 0

The amendment passed.

Representative Cohee moved the adoption of the following amendment to the House Rules

HR0002/ADOPTED Amend House Rule 4-3 as follows: STANDING COMMITTEE DUTIES 4-3 (a) Standing committees shall take charge of and report in writing on all matters referred to them respectively. When a standing committee has disposed of a bill by adoption of a motion to "do pass," "amend and do pass," "do not pass" or "no recommendation," the vote on final disposition of all bills will shall be included in the committee report, indicating how each member voted, and the bill and the report shall be submitted to the chief clerk. (b) For bills other than those reported under subsection (a) of this rule, the Committee shall return the bill together with a record of Committee consideration to the chief clerk on the day after the last day scheduled for consideration of house bills or senate files placed on general file but not later than the last day of the session. Upon receipt of the bill and the record of Committee consideration, the chief clerk shall ensure the required information contained within the record is entered into the journal but shall not be required to read the record to the House. The record of Committee consideration shall include the following information which shall be entered into the journal: (1) When any motion referenced under subsection (a) of this rule fails, the record of Committee consideration shall include the vote of each member on the failed motion; (2) When a motion referenced under subsection (a) of this rule is not made on a bill, and a motion to postpone the bill indefinitely or to a certain date has not been made by the Committee, the record of Committee consideration shall indicate the bill died in Committee; (3) When a Standing Committee adopts a motion to postpone consideration of the bill until after expiration of the established final date for regular consideration of the bill, the record of Committee consideration shall include the vote of each member on the adopted motion. (c) All committee meetings will be open to the public unless declared an executive session by the chairman. (d) The chairman may be overruled only by a recorded majority vote of the committee membership. [Ref: Mason's §§ 611, 615 to 618, 663 to 678] LUTHI, CHAIRMAN

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer, Mr. Speaker. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Anderson Ayes: 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Conflicts 0

The amendment passed.

Representative Childers moved to adopt the following amendment to the house, Mr. Speaker is in the chair.

HR0003/ADOPTED [DIVIDED AMENDMENT] Amend the Rules of the House by creating new Rules 28-2(c) and 31 as follows: 28-2 (a) No bill will be accepted for consideration except by consent of two-thirds of the house membership after twelve o'clock noon of the third legislative day of the session. (Bills that have been signed, submitted and accepted by the Legislative Service Office prior to the twelve noon cutoff date for consideration of bills but are still at the printer's office will be considered as being within the cutoff 59 deadline. Such a list of bills will be delivered by the Legislative Service Office to the Speaker at the cutoff hour.) (b) No bill shall be considered for introduction after six o'clock p.m. (6:00 p.m.) the fifth legislative day of the session except by consent of two-thirds of the membership. (c) No member shall sponsor more than five (5) bills in any Budget Session. This limitation shall not apply to joint interim committees, the Management Audit Committee, the Management Council, the Select Water committee and any other Committee designated by the Management Council. 31. BILL SPONSORSHIP LIMIT 31-1 For the purpose of administering House Rule 28-2(c) which limits the number of bills which a member may sponsor, the following shall apply: (a) There shall be no limit on the number of bill drafts which a member may request be drafted by the Legislative Service Office; (b) The Legislative Service Office shall assign a bill number and jacket for introduction bill drafts in the order that the sponsor approves and submits the drafts for final processing; (c) The Legislative Service Office shall immediately advise the member when that member has approved and submitted bill drafts for introduction in an amount equal to the limit prescribed by the applicable rule. If the member thereafter submits an approval for an additional bill draft for final processing so as to be assigned a bill number and jacketed, the Legislative Service Office shall not process the bill further unless the member withdraws a bill that the member previously approved and submitted for sponsorship. For the purpose of this paragraph, a member withdraws a bill previously approved and submitted for sponsorship by: (1) If the session has not convened, directing the Legislative Service Office to cancel the previously approved bill; (2) If the session has convened, submitting the jacket of the bill to be cancelled to the Chief Clerk with a written and signed notation on the jacket to cancel the bill. (d) If the legislator wishes to request that the rule on limits be suspended for the purpose of introducing a bill in excess of the number authorized, the member shall have the bill draft as prepared by the Legislative Service Office distributed to the membership and then make the motion to suspend the rules. If the motion passes, the Legislative Service Office shall immediately jacket the bill, assign it a number and submit it to the Chief Clerk. CHILDERS

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Edwards, Gilmore, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Samuelson, Slater, Warren, White, Zwonitzer, Mr. Speaker. Nays: Representative(s) Diercks, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Hastert, Hinckley, Meuli, Miller, Pedersen, Philp, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Thompson, Walsh, Wasserburger, Watt Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes: 41 Nays 18 Excused 1 Conflicts 0

Mr. Speaker Pro Tem in the chair. Representative Cohee moved to adopt the following amendment to the Joint Rules:

JR0001/ADOPTED Amend Joint Rule 14-1(f)(1) as follows: 14. BUDGET BILLS (f) (1) Notwithstanding Senate Rules 8-4 and 11-1, House Rules 7-1 and 10-1, and any other rule to the contrary, the mirror budget bill passed by the house of origin shall, after the standing Appropriations Committee of the second house has reported the bill back to the second house, be placed and considered by the second house on third reading. Each amendment on the list specified in paragraph (e)(2) of this rule in the standing committee report from the house of origin shall be explained on the floor by a member of the Appropriations Committee designated by the chairman. and then voted upon separately. Consideration on third reading in the second house of the mirror budget bill passing the house of origin shall be limited to an explanation of, or, at the direction of the presiding officer, a non- binding ("straw poll") vote regarding each of the amendments adopted by the house of origin which are not identical to amendments adopted by the second house on its own mirror budget bill. Any other amendment shall be out of order. If a "straw poll" vote is taken, Senate Rule 15-1 and House Rule 14-1 do not apply to debate on amendments to the mirror budget bill being considered on third reading in the second house to the extent those rules limit members to speaking no more than twice on the same issue. Third reading may be extended beyond one (1) 60 day to consecutive days to permit consideration of explanation of, or "straw poll votes" on amendments. Non-binding ("straw poll") votes shall be taken by roll call only at the direction of the presiding officer. The purpose of these "straw poll" votes are solely to provide non-binding guidance to members of the conference committee from the house in its deliberations on developing a conference committee report.

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer, Mr. Speaker. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes: 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Conflicts 0

The amendment passed

Mr. Speaker moved to adopt the following amendment to the Joint Rules.

61 JR0002/ADOPTED Amend the Joint Rules of the House and Senate to create new Joint Rule 20 to read: "20. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION CONTEST 20-1(a) Upon receipt of a notice of an election contest pursuant to W.S. 22-17-114, the Legislative Service Office shall forward a copy of the notice to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to each member of the Legislature. (b) (1) The President and Speaker shall as expeditiously as possible investigate the allegations contained in the notice to determine whether there appears to be a substantial factual basis for the allegations and whether, if proven, the alleged irregularities or illegal votes complained of would likely have affected the final outcome of the contested election. In carrying out this investigation the President and Speaker may direct the Management Council or a subcommittee of the Council to meet, take evidence and testimony, and provide a recommendation to the President and Speaker on the question of calling a special session of the Legislature pursuant to Wyoming Constitution, Article 3, Section 7(a)(ii). (2) If, following investigation, the President and Speaker determine that it would be appropriate, they shall jointly issue a proclamation calling and establishing a date for the convening of a special session to resolve the election contest. (c) (1) On the date set for convening a special session under this rule, the Senate and House of Representatives shall meet in joint session in the House Chamber at which time the members will be advised of the nature of the election contest and shall be provided with any information and supporting documentation presented to the President and Speaker during the course of their preliminary investigation. The President of the Senate shall preside at the Joint Session. (2) At the conclusion of the joint session, the Senate shall withdraw and the two houses shall separately deliberate on the issues presented. (d) (1) At the direction of the presiding officer, the House or Senate may conduct its investigation sitting as the entire body or may appoint a select committee to hear the election contest and present a recommendation. If a select committee is appointed, its membership shall be apportioned as nearly as possible to reflect the percentage of the elected members of the majority and minority parties of that house. (2) The party initiating the election contest shall be provided with advance notice of each meeting, hearing or other proceeding of the House, Senate or any select committee concerning the election contest. The party may be represented by counsel and shall be afforded reasonable opportunity to be heard and to present oral argument. (3) In conducting its investigation, each house shall determine whether the allegations giving rise to the election contest are supported by substantial evidence and whether any irregularities shown were of such a nature that, if not for the irregularities or for any illegal votes counted the final results of the election which is the subject of the election contest would have been different. (4) In proceedings before the House or Senate, or their select committees, irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious evidence shall be excluded and no recommendation shall be made unless supported by the type of evidence commonly relied upon by reasonably prudent men in the conduct of their serious affairs. Documentary evidence may be received in the form of copies or excerpts, if the original is not readily available. (e) (1) All proceedings of each house and any select committee concerning election contests shall be electronically recorded. (2) The Presiding officer or the chairman of the select committee shall have the power to administer oaths and to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents relevant to the election contest. Any testimony made at any committee hearing or before the appropriate house which purports to establish matters of fact shall be made under oath. (f) (1) Upon conclusion of its investigation, each house shall separately consider a motion to sustain or reject the election contest. No other motion shall be in order. The motion is debatable. (2) Debate on the motion to sustain or reject the election contest shall be limited as follows: (A) No member may speak more than twice on the motion; (B) No member shall occupy the floor more than five (5) minutes each time that he speaks; and (C) There shall be no extensions of time under this rule. (3) Once deliberations begin on a motion to sustain or reject the election contest, the House or Senate, as applicable, shall not adjourn until the election contest is decided. (4) If a quorum to transact business is present, a majority of the members of the appropriate house who are present may sustain or reject the election contest. (g) (1) Upon conclusion of their deliberations, the House and Senate shall again meet in Joint Session in the House Chamber at which time the presiding officer of each house shall announce the results 62 of the final vote taken by their body on the question of sustaining or rejecting the election contest. (2) An election contest shall be deemed to be sustained by the Legislature only if a motion to sustain the election contest has been adopted by both the Senate and the House of Representatives. (h) Following a determination under this rule, the presiding officers of the House and Senate shall jointly certify the decision of the Legislature to the governor and the secretary of state. (j) A determination of the election contest by the Legislature under this rule is final and conclusive and is not subject to judicial review.

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer, Mr. Speaker. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes: 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Conflicts 0

The amendment passed. Mr. Speaker moved to adopt the House Rules and Joint Rules as amended.

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer, Mr. Speaker. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes: 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0001 General government appropriations-2.

Sponsored By: Joint Appropriations Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to supplemental appropriations for the operation of state government; increasing or decreasing certain amounts; adjusting the number of authorized positions; modifying prior appropriations; making additional appropriations; making certain appropriations subject to the terms and conditions as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/27/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/28/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to HCW

HB0001HW013/ADOPTED [MULTIPLE BUDGETS AFFECTED] Budget(s): Section 002. Secretary of State (Bucking Horse & Rider) Section 331. Film collection – purchase options * * * * * * * * * * Page 6-line 8 Under GENERAL FUND decrease amount by "$250,000.00"; After "rider" strike "1.". Page 6-lines 18 through 22 Strike entirely. Page 62-line 12 Before "shall" insert "if approved by the governor shall purchase the collection for distribution to appropriate state agencies or for re-sale. The division". Page 62-line 15 After "the collection" insert "if not already purchased". Page 62-line 17 After "collection." insert "There is appropriated to the Wyoming business council from the general fund two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00) for the purposes of this section.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BERGER

HB0001HW008/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED] 63 Budget(s): 045 Department of Transportation (Law Enforcement) * * * * * * * * * * Page 23–line 23 After "Enforcement" insert "1."; under general fund increase amount by "600,000". Page 23–line 35 Increase Full Time positions by "5". Page 23-After line 37 Insert: "1. The funding for the five (5) additional full-time positions authorized in this act shall be used for five (5) additional full-time highway patrol trooper positions and shall be included in the department of transportation's standard budget during the department of administration and information's budget preparation cycle in the 2007-2008 biennium budget. The department of transportation shall also include in its exception budget the request for funding and authorization for an additional five (5) full-time positions for highway patrol troopers.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. EDWARDS, LUTHI

64 HB0001HW009/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 045 Department of Transportation (Law Enforcement) * * * * * * * * * * Delete the Edwards committee of the whole amendment (HB0001HW008/A). Further amend as follows: Page 23–line 23 After "Enforcement" insert "1."; under general fund increase amount by "1,200,000". Page 23–line 35 Increase Full Time positions by "10". Page 23-After line 37 Insert: "1. The funding for the ten (10) additional full-time positions authorized in this act shall be used for ten (10) additional full-time highway patrol trooper positions and shall be included in the department of transportation's standard budget during the department of administration and information's budget preparation cycle in the 2007-2008 biennium budget. The department of transportation shall also include in its exception budget the request for funding and authorization for an additional ten (10) full-time positions for highway patrol troopers.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. WARREN

HB0001HW011/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 048 Department of Health (Office of Rural Health) * * * * * * * * * * Page 24-line 6 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "35,000". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MEULI

HB0001HW003/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 015. Attorney General (Law office) * * * * * * * * * * Page 13-line 9 Under GENERAL FUND decrease amount by "500,000". Page 14-line 10 After "appropriation" delete balance of the line. Page 14-line 11 Delete entirely. To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. PHILP

HB0001HW001/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 060 Office of State Lands and Investments (Operations) * * * * * * * * * * Page 32-line 4 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "179,000". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. OSBORN

HB0001HW012/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 205. Education – School Finance. * * * * * * * * * * Page 38-line 6 After "Placements" insert "5."; under OTHER FUNDS increase amount by "400,000S5". Page 39-After line 11 insert: "5. Of this appropriation and for fiscal year 2005-2006, four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000.00) shall only be expended by the department of education to continue the provision of educational programs and services to children placed in juvenile detention facilities commencing the day following the detention hearing, as originally authorized under and subject to conditions and limitations prescribed by 2004 Wyoming Laws, Chapter 111, Section 3(b). In addition, unexpended and unencumbered amounts remaining from the appropriation under 2004 Wyoming Laws, Chapter 111, Section 3(b), existing on June 30, 2005, shall be reappropriated and shall only be expended by the department for purposes of this footnote.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ROBINSON, COHEE, HINCKLEY 65

HB0001HW007/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 205 Education-School Finance (Education Reform) * * * * * * * * * * Page 38-line 8 After "2." Insert "5."; Under OTHER FUNDS increase amount by "122,750". Page 39-After line 11 Insert: "5. Of this other fund appropriation, one hundred twenty-two thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($122,750.00) shall only be expended for the purpose of purchasing and installing Wyoming Education Network (WEN) video connectivity equipment for Fremont county school district #21 and Fremont county school district #38.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. GOGGLES

HB0001HW015/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] [Capital Construction] Budget(s): 024. Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources (Hist. Governor's Mansion-Rehab.) * * * * * * * * * * Page 42-line 22 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "$300,000". Page 42-line 29 Strike "four hundred thirty-five thousand three hundred ninety". Page 42—line 30 Strike "dollars ($435,390.00)" insert "seven hundred thirty-five thousand three hundred ninety dollars ($735,390.00)". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ESQUIBEL, REESE, SIMPSON

2/1/2005 H Considered in CoW

HB0001HW004/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary: "[Frontier Prison] Section 333. (a) There is appropriated from the general fund to the city of Rawlins one hundred seven thousand five hundred dollars ($107,500.00) and to Carbon County one hundred seven thousand five hundred dollars ($107,500.00) to be expended through the Old Pen joint powers board on repair and renovation of the Frontier Prison located in Rawlins, Wyoming, as follows: (i) One hundred forty thousand dollars ($140,000.00) for an irrigation system; (ii) Seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000.00) for plaster repair.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BAGBY, BUCHOLZ, WARREN

HB0001HW005/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary: "[RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE – CONTRIBUTION BY THE STATE] Section 333. (a) There is appropriated from the general fund nine million thirty-nine thousand dollars ($9,039,000.00) to the department of administration and information for purposes of paying state contributions for health insurance for eligible retirees for the period beginning August 1, 2005 and ending December 31, 2006. (b) Contributions under this section shall be the lesser of: (i) Two hundred dollars ($200.00) per month; or (ii) The monthly premium for the least expensive coverage providing health insurance only for the retiree under the plan. (c) For purposes of this section, retirees are those defined pursuant to W.S. 9-3-203 (a) (xiii) and who are eligible for the state group insurance plan pursuant to W.S. 9-3-218. (d) The department of administration and information shall estimate the amount required to continue retiree contributions under this section for the 2007-2008 biennium and shall include the estimate as a part of the agency's exception budget during the budget preparation cycle in the 2007-2008 biennium budget. 66 (e) Notwithstanding W.S. 9-2-1008, 9-2-1012(e) and 9-4-207(a) any unexpended funds remaining from this appropriation on June 30, 2006, shall not revert to the budget reserve account and are hereby appropriated to the department of administration and information for purposes of making contributions under this section until December 31, 2006. Any unobligated unencumbered funds remaining on December 31, 2006 shall revert to the budget reserve account.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MCOMIE

HB0001HW006/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary: "[LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE] Section 333. 2004 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 131, Section 1 is amended to read: Section 1. There is appropriated from the general fund to the legislative service office the following specified amounts, or as much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the costs and expenses of the Wyoming legislature through June 30, 2006:

SALARIES Permanent/Temporary...... $4,562,858 Legislators – Session...... 1,203,258 Legislators – Interim ...... 467,671 Session Staff...... 726,520 Employer Paid Benefits ...... 1,669,433 IN-STATE TRAVEL [1.][2.] Mileage and Per Diem – Session ...... 827,200 Mileage and Per Diem – Interim...... 749,680 OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL Travel Expenses ...... 118,000 Per Diem ...... 124,380 ANNUAL DUES (both FY 2005 and 2006) National Conference of State Legislatures...... 166,445 The Energy Council ...... 64,000 Council of State Governments ...... 128,950 CSG additional support...... 100,000 REGISTRATION FEES...... 53,620 TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND POSTAGE...... 180,000 GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT [3.] ...... 847,450 947,450 (Information technology, copying, supplies and equipment, furniture, contract services, special projects, etc.) STATUTES, SESSION LAWS AND DIGESTS...... 388,000 TOTAL ...... $12,377,465 $12,477,465 Footnotes to Section 1: 1. [Additional Travel] Not to exceed twenty-eight thousand dollars ($28,000.00) shall be used to reimburse legislators for mileage for one (1) additional trip to travel to their residence and return to the legislature during the 2005 general session and for one (1) additional trip to travel to their residence and return to the legislature during the 2006 budget session. 2. [Mid-Session Recess – Per Diem] Subject to management council approval, legislators may be authorized not to exceed five (5) additional days per diem for a mid-session recess during the 2005 general session. Notwithstanding W.S. 28-5-101, legislative salary shall not be paid for any days the legislature is in recess under this footnote. Not to exceed fifty-three thousand five hundred fifty dollars ($53,550.00) shall be expended for per diem under this footnote. 3. [Legislative Computer Equipment] Not to exceed one hundred seventy thousand dollars ($170,000.00) shall be used for the lease or purchase of laptop computers and support systems. Expenditure of funds under this footnote shall be subject to approval by the select committee on legislative technology. Legislative laptop computers being replaced shall be sold in accordance with Management Council directives. Any proceeds received from the sale of any laptop computer shall be deposited into the general fund and are hereby 67 reappropriated to the legislative service office to be used for the purchase of replacement laptop computers.". LUTHI, REESE

HB0001HW010/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary: "[SCHOOLS DISTRICT DRUG TESTING AND PREVENTION PROGRAMS] Section 333. (a) There is appropriated two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00) from the school foundation program account to the department of education for payments to districts to assist school districts with drug testing as a prevention program. A district may apply to the department of education for state assistance to fund expenses associated with planning and implementing testing programs directed at substance abuse by students in grades seven (7) through twelve (12). The application shall be on a form and in a manner specified by the department and shall include a description of the program and policies adopted by the district board of trustees addressing: (i) Confidentiality of test results and records; (ii) District liability for knowledge of student drug use; (iii) Constitutional protection of privacy; (iv) Consent to testing by a student's parent or guardian. (b) To secure funding during school year 2005-2006, district applications under this section shall be filed with the department by not later than August 1, 2005. The department shall by rule and regulation establish a procedure for reviewing district applications and for awarding assistance subject to the following: (i) District allocations shall be made from funds appropriated by the legislature under subsection (a) of this section; (ii) Each applicant district approved by the department shall be allocated twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00); (iii) In the event amounts appropriated under this section are insufficient for payments under this section, the department shall prioritize allocations based upon the date of filing application with the department under this section, with priority given to those districts first filing application. (c) Each recipient district shall report expenditures of payments distributed under this section, together with program outcomes to the department in a manner and at the time specified by the department. The department shall report a compilation of the district expenditure and program outcome reports to the joint education interim committee not later than September 1, 2006. (d) Any unencumbered, unexpended and unobligated amounts appropriated under this section shall revert on June 30, 2006, to the school foundation program account. (e) This section shall not be effective if 2005 House Bill 239 is enacted into law.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. HARSHMAN

HB0001HW014/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary: "[HUNTING SEGMENT OF TOURISM INDUSTRY TASK FORCE] Section 333. (a) There is appropriated from the general fund to the legislative service office sixteen thousand dollars ($16,000.00) to be used for the task force on current issues in the hunting segment of the tourism industry in this state. The task force shall study issues and propose legislation relating to the pricing and availability of non-resident hunting licenses, including the effects of and potential solutions to current license allocation litigation, regulation of and issues of concern to the outfitting industry in this state and preference point systems for allocation of resident hunting licenses. (b) The task force shall consist of nine (9) members as follows: (i) Two (2) members of the house of representatives travel, recreation, wildlife and cultural resources committee, appointed by the speaker of the house. One (1) of these members shall be appointed by the speaker to serve as co-chairman of the task force; (ii) Two (2) members of the senate travel, recreation, wildlife and cultural resources committee, appointed by the president of the senate. One (1) of these members shall be appointed by the president to serve as co- chairman of the task force; (iii) One (1) member who represents the outfitting industry, appointed by the governor; (iv) One (1) member who represents the interests of resident sportsmen, appointed by the governor; (v) One (1) member who represents the tourism industry, appointed by the governor; 68 (vi) One (1) member who represents agricultural landowner interests, appointed by the governor; (vii) One (1) member appointed by the director of the game and fish department. (c) State agencies shall provide information and other support to the committee as requested. The legislative service office shall staff the committee. The committee shall meet and shall report to the joint travel, recreation, wildlife and cultural resources interim committee its findings and recommendations for statutory changes not later than October 1, 2005. The report may contain minority reports and opinions. The findings and recommendations shall address: (i) Methods of improving pricing and availability of non-resident hunting licenses without reducing resident hunter opportunities; (ii) Regulation of and issues of concern to the outfitting industry in this state; (iii) The need for and potential structure of a preference point system for allocation of resident hunting licenses; and (iv) Issues raised by and potential solutions to problems created by litigation concerning the allocation and pricing of hunting licenses to nonresidents including recommendations for legislative solutions to outcomes from the litigation. (d) Legislative members of the task force shall be compensated as provided for attendance at legislative committee meetings. Non-legislative members of the task force shall be paid per diem and mileage as provided for legislators under W.S. 28-5-101.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. CHILDERS, SIMPSON

HB0001HW016/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary: "[TEACHER RECRUITING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM] Section 333. (a) For the period commencing April 15, 2005, and ending June 30, 2006, four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000.00) is appropriated from amounts within the school foundation program account to the department of education for purposes of assisting school districts with the recruitment of teachers in special education, math and science, as well as multiple or unique endorsement requirements of Wyoming schools. (b) A school district may apply to the department of education for state reimbursement assistance to supplement district operating funds dedicated to teacher compensation upon a form and in a manner prescribed by the department. The department shall pay reimbursement assistance from this appropriation and shall base grant eligibility for reimbursement assistance on the following criteria documented by the applicant district and certified in writing by the chairman of the district board of trustees: (i) Recruitment of teachers certified in math, science and special education instruction; (ii) Recruitment of teachers with endorsements in multiple or unique subject areas; (iii) Unique recruitment problems faced by Wyoming schools. (c) Amounts received by school districts pursuant to this section shall be expended only for enhancing teacher compensation as a component of district recruiting efforts targeting teachers certified in subject areas or representing qualifications as provided in paragraphs (b)(i) through (iii) of this section and shall not be expended to enhance compensation in a manner which would escalate in-state district competition for teachers. Amounts received under this section shall be applied to recruitment of teachers for the 2005-2006 school year and any compensation adjustment paid under this section shall not be included in the special education adjustment to the education resource block grant model under W.S. 21-13-321 for corresponding compensation adjustments paid during school year 2005-2006 and reported for reimbursement in the subsequent school year. On or before September 1, 2005, school districts shall report to the department of education actual or budgeted expenditures of assistance distributed under this section in a form and manner specified by the department, clearly specifying salary levels adjusted under this section and impacts of adjustments on teacher recruiting efforts for school year 2005-2006. Upon receipt, the department shall immediately compile district reports and submit the compilation to the management council, joint education interim committee and the joint appropriations interim committee. (d) Any unencumbered, unexpended and unobligated amounts appropriated under this section shall revert on June 30, 2006, to the school foundation program account. (e) This section shall not be effective if 2005 House Bill 278 is enacted into law. (f) This section is effective immediately.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. SEMLEK

HB0001HW017/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections 69 * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary: "[LEGISLATIVE SERVICE OFFICE – INTRANET ENHANCEMENTS] Section 333. There is appropriated from the general fund to the legislative service office five thousand six hundred dollars($5,600.00) that shall only be expended for the purpose of purchasing contract programming services in order to enhance the legislative intranet.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. OSBORN

HB0001HW018/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary: "[DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS and STATE ACCOUNTS] Section 333. (a) There is appropriated from the general fund to the state treasurer's office the following amounts to be distributed on June 30, 2006, as provided in this section. This appropriation and the distributions under this section shall not be effective if 2005 House Bill 5 is enacted into law: (i) Six million one hundred thousand dollars ($6,100,000.00) to the road construction funds of the various counties as provided by W.S. 24-2-110 to be distributed in the same proportion as provided by W.S. 39-14- 801(d)(vii); (ii) Two million eight hundred thousand dollars ($2,800,000.00) to the state loan and investment board for the purpose of addressing mineral development impact assistance; (iii) Fifteen million three hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($15,325,000.00) to cities and towns, to be distributed as follows: (A) Communities with a population of fifty (50) persons or less – ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) each; (B) Communities with a population of fifty-one (51) persons up to one hundred (100) persons – thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) each; (C) Communities with a population of more than one hundred (100) persons – fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) each; (D) Any remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as provided by W.S. 39-14- 801(d)(viii). (iv) Eleven million nine hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($11,975,000.00) to counties, to be distributed as follows: (A) Fifteen percent (15%) shall be distributed evenly to each of the twenty-three (23) counties; (B) Eighty-five percent (85%) shall be distributed in the same manner as provided by W.S. 39-14-801(d)(vi). (v) Eleven million one hundred thousand dollars ($11,100,000.00) to the highway fund; (vi) Eleven million one hundred thousand dollars ($11,100,000.00) to water development account III only if the legislation to create the account is enacted by the legislature during the 2005 general session. If the account is not created during the 2005 general session, then to water development account I under W.S. 41-2-124(a)(i).". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ANDERSON, R.

HB0001HW019/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary: "[WESTERN INTERSTATE COMMISSION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION] Section 333. There is appropriated from the public school foundation program account to the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000.00) of federal mineral royalty income received under the provisions of W.S. 9-4-601(d)(iii), for the National American Indian, Alaskan and Hawaiian Educational Development Center to improve the education of Native American children. This appropriation shall be effective only if federal matching funds are received.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. LANDON, GOGGLES, OSBORN 70

HB0001H2011/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 040 Game & Fish Commission (Veterinary Services Program) * * * * * * * * * * Page 22-line 15 Under GENERAL FUND decrease amount by "180,430". Page 22-line 20 Decrease Full Time positions by "5". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BROWN, LUTHI, SEMLEK

HB0001H2001/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 045 Department of Transportation (Law Enforcement) * * * * * * * * * * Page 23–line 23 Delete the Edwards, et al., committee of the whole amendment (HB0001HW008/AC) to this line; After "Enforcement" insert "1."; Under OTHER FUNDS increase amount by "600,000S7". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. LUTHI, EDWARDS HB0001H2005/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 048 Department of Health (Office of Rural Health) * * * * * * * * * * Page 24-line 6 After "Health" insert "16.". Page 27-After line 25 insert: "16. The department of health shall keep current the physician workforce database developed pursuant to 2004 Wyoming Special Session Laws Chapter 4, Section 5.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MEULI

HB0001H2016/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 048. Department of Health (Community & Family Health) * * * * * * * * * * Page 24-line 7 After "Health" insert "16.". Page 24-line 8 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "110,385". Page 27-After line 25 Insert: "16. Of this general fund appropriation, one hundred ten thousand three hundred eighty-five dollars ($110,385.00) shall only be expended for the purpose of increasing public health nurse's salaries for the period beginning July 1, 2005 and ending June 30, 2006.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. HARVEY

HB0001H2004/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 048 Department of Health (Office of Medicaid) * * * * * * * * * * Page 24-line 10 After "12." insert ",16.". Page 27-After line 25 insert: "16. Of this general fund appropriation, ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) shall be expended to purchase materials for an education program for cancer screening. The materials shall be provided to Medicaid health care providers.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. LUTHI

HB0001H2003/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 048. Department of Health (Substance Abuse) * * * * * * * * * * 71 Page 24-line 22 Under OTHER FUNDS increase amount by "$500,000TT". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. COHEE

HB0001H2013/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Section 048. Department of Health (Division on Aging) * * * * * * * * * * Page 24-line 26 After "6." insert ", 16.". Page 24-line 27 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "259,584"; under FEDERAL FUND increase amount by "339,916". Page 27-after line 25 Insert: "16. Of this appropriation, two hundred fifty-nine thousand five hundred eighty-four dollars ($259,584.00) from general funds and three hundred thirty-nine thousand nine hundred sixteen dollars ($339,916.00) from federal funding sources shall be used to increase the participation capacity of the Medicaid assisted living waiver program by twenty- five (25) persons.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ALDEN, HARVEY, IEKEL

HB0001H2020/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Section 057. Community College Commission (Administration) * * * * * * * * * * Page 31-line 4 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "250,000". Page 31-line 4 After "Administration" insert "2.". Page 31-after line 22 Insert: "2. Of this general fund appropriation, two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00) shall be used to fund licensed practical nursing outreach program coordinators. Funding for a coordinator shall not be released to a college until the college has signed an agreement with a community outside the college district to offer a licensed practical nursing program in the community.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. IEKEL

HB0001H2009/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 057. Community College Commission (State Aid) * * * * * * * * * * Page 31-line 6 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "2,200,934". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MILLER, HAGEMAN, HARSHMAN, MCOMIE

HB0001H2008/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 063. Governor's Residence * * * * * * * * * * Page 4-line 2 After "060," insert "063,". Page 32-After line 31 Insert: "Section 063. Governor's Residence PROGRAM Residence Operation 489,077 489,077 Governor's Residence 1. 10,000 10,000 ______TOTALS 489,077 0 0 489,077 499,077 499,077


1. This general fund appropriation shall be used for the replacement and repair of china and crystal for the governor's residence. Donations from private parties may be accepted for this purpose.".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. SIMPSON, COHEE 72

HB0001H2002/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 151. District Attorney/Jud. Dist. 1 (Administration) * * * * * * * * * * Page 37-line 13 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "$104,447". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. ILLOWAY

HB0001H2017/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] [CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION] Budget(s): 027. School Facilities Commission (Capital Construction) * * * * * * * * * * Page 43-line 12 Delete ", 4.". Page 43-line 13 Under OTHER FUNDS increase amount by "2,889,384S6". Page 44-lines 1 through 6 Delete entirely. To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. WASSERBURGER

HB0001H2023/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Section 301. SCHOOL CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION-TRANSFERS * * * * * * * * * * Page 49-line 4 After "(d)" delete balance of the line. Page 49-line 5 Delete "created. Any amounts" insert "Thirty million dollars ($30,000,000.00)". Page 49-line 8 After "account" insert "created by 2005 House Bill 25. If the legislative stabilization reserve account is not created by enactment of 2005 House Bill 25, a legislative stabilization reserve account is hereby created pursuant to this subsection and the following shall be applicable: (i) The account created pursuant to this subsection is in anticipation of passage of 2005 House Joint Resolution 1 authorizing the creation of special reserve accounts and restricting appropriations from special reserve accounts created pursuant to Article 16, Section 13 of the Wyoming Constitution; (ii) The funds which would otherwise be deposited under this subsection to the account created by 2005 House Bill 25 shall be deposited to the account created by this subsection; (iii) Funds within this legislative stabilization reserve account shall not be expended except upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of each house of the legislature voting separately; (iv) Funds within this legislative stabilization reserve account shall not be appropriated until the results of the 2006 general elections have been certified. If the Constitutional amendment proposed by 2005 House Joint Resolution 1 is approved by the electors, the legislative stabilization reserve account created by this section shall be designated as an account created pursuant to Wyoming Constitution Article 16, Section 13, and the account shall be restricted as provided in Article 16, Section 13. Funds within the account shall be invested by the state treasurer as authorized under W.S. 9-4-711 in a manner to obtain the highest return possible consistent with the preservation of the corpus. If the electors approve 2005 House Joint Resolution 1, monies within the account shall be considered permanent funds of the state for purposes of Article 16, Section 6 of the Wyoming Constitution; (v) Any earnings from investment of monies in the legislative stabilization reserve account shall be credited by the state treasurer to the general fund.". LUTHI

HB0001H2021/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Section 332. Legislative Service Office (Members' clerical expenses) * * * * * * * * * * Page 62-lines 20 thru 30 Delete. Page 63-lines 1 thru 31 Delete. Page 64-lines 1 thru 4 Delete. 73 To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. COHEE

HB0001H2010/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary: "[FIRE TRAINING STUDY] Section 333. (a) There is appropriated from the general fund thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000.00) to the department of fire prevention and electrical safety to provide a report to the joint corporations, elections and political subdivisions interim committee by November 1, 2005. The report shall include: (i) Identification of fire suppression training needs of all Wyoming firefighters; (ii) Alternatives for providing the identified training needs; and (iii) Estimated costs of each of the alternatives.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MCOMIE

HB0001H2018/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary: "[SCHOOL FINANCE – EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION] Section 333. (a) For the period commencing July 1, 2005, and ending June 30, 2006, twenty-eight million four hundred twenty thousand dollars ($28,420,000.00) is appropriated from amounts within the school foundation program account for purposes of this section. (b) Prior to reevaluation of the education resource block grant model during the 2005 interim period preceding the 2006 budget session of the legislature, as required under W.S. 21-13-309(t), additional funding is provided under subsection (c) of this section to school districts during school year 2005-2006 for purposes of increasing compensation for district professional, certified and classified staff and assisting districts with the retention and recruitment of employees. The legislature recognizes that the additional funding made available under this section is in excess of the cost-based levels established by the educational resource block grant model under W.S. 21-13-309, as adjusted for inflation under W.S. 21-13-309(o)(i). (c) Amounts received under this section shall be applied to professional, certified and classified staff compensation payable during school year 2005-2006 provided during this school year. The department of education shall determine payments authorized under this section for each district by multiplying two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) by each professional, certified and classified staff employed by that district, computed on a full-time equivalency (FTE) basis. This per FTE amount includes benefits attributable to the respective per FTE compensation adjustment. Any compensation adjustment paid under this section shall not be included in the transportation and special education adjustments to the education resource block grant model under W.S. 21-13-320 and 21-13-321 for corresponding compensation adjustments paid during school year 2005-2006 and reported for reimbursement in the subsequent school year. (d) Payments to school districts computed under subsection (c) of this section shall be made by the department of education from amounts within the foundation program account as appropriated by the legislature for purposes of this section and shall be in addition to the school year 2005-2006 foundation program amount computed for each district under W.S. 21-13-309(p). If there is an insufficient amount within the foundation program account for payments under this section, the department shall make a pro rata reduction in district payments. (e) Payments received by school districts pursuant to this section shall be expended only for compensation of district professional, certified and classified employees and shall supplement any existing district operating funds dedicated to employee compensation. The intent of the additional payment is to increase district salary levels and not to expand the numbers of district employees. Further, the intent of this additional payment is to provide salary adjustments based on existing levels of duties performed without the imposition of additional work-related demands as a condition for receipt of the adjustment. On or before October 15, 2005, each district receiving a payment under this section shall report actual or budgeted payment expenditures to the department of education, in a form and manner specified by the department, indicating salary levels adjusted under this section by employee classification and seniority level and providing certification that the district is otherwise in compliance with legislative intent specified under this subsection. Reports by school districts shall be certified in writing by the district superintendent and the chairman of the district board of trustees. For each district, expenditures of the additional payment for certified employee salary adjustments shall be reflected as part of district teacher salary levels for purposes of computing the statewide teacher salary level for school year 2005-2006. Upon receipt, the department shall immediately compile the district reports and 74 submit the compilation to members of the management council, joint education interim committee and the joint appropriations interim committee, together with the impact of payment expenditures upon comparisons of statewide salary levels with national salary levels. (f) This section shall not become effective if 2005 House Bill 0185 is enacted into law.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. WASSERBURGER, DIERCKS, JORGENSEN, SIMPSON

HB0001H2019/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-after line 4 Insert: "[UNIVERSITY ENERGY INSTITUTE] Section 333. (a) By October 1, 2005, the University of Wyoming shall develop an academic and financial plan for the development and operation of a proposed energy institute. The plan shall be submitted to the governor and a legislative committee designated to receive it by the legislature's management council. The plan shall include: (i) The mission of the energy institute and its goals, objective and structure including: (A) Its relationship and relevance to energy and natural resource issues facing Wyoming; (B) The contributions the institute is likely to make to university research and scholarship and to assisting the state and its people in sustaining and developing the state's economy; (C) The impact the institute would have on the university's mission. (ii) A summary of the personnel by rank and academic discipline needed to achieve the institute's goals and objectives; (iii) An analysis of the level of funding necessary to sustain a meaningful, long term presence in research and scholarship related to energy and natural resources; (iv) Identification of other financial resources, especially research grants and contracts, that may reasonably be sought for continuing support of the institute; (v) A time schedule for raising matching funds and for implementation of the institute and the plan; (vi) The means by which the leadership of the institute will be recruited, including the industrial and academic qualifications of that leadership; (vii) A statement of the laboratory and other facility needs for the institute and their estimated cost; (viii) In its development, extensive consultation with leaders of Wyoming's renewable and non- renewable energy industry. The university shall consult with the legislative committee on how and with whom this consultation will occur. (b) Business leaders participating in the development of the plan under this section at the request of the university shall be entitled to receive travel and per diem expenses in the manner and amount provided for state employees under W.S. 9-3-102 and 9-3-103. Five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) is appropriated from the budget reserve account to the university which shall only be used to pay the per diem and travel expenses authorized under this subsection.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. LOCKHART

HB0001H2022/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 In the Childers et al., committee of the whole amendment (HB0001HW014/AC) to this line, delete subsection (b)(intro) and paragraphs (b)(i) and (b)(ii) created by that amendment and insert: "(b) The task force shall consist of eleven (11) members as follows: (i) Three (3) members of the house of representatives travel, recreation, wildlife and cultural resources committee, appointed by the speaker of the house, with not more than two (2) members from the same political party. One (1) of these members shall be appointed by the speaker to serve as co-chairman of the task force; (ii) Three (3) members of the senate travel, recreation, wildlife and cultural resources committee, appointed by the president of the senate, with not more than two (2) members from the same political party. One (1) of these members shall be appointed by the president to serve as co-chairman of the task force;". CHILDERS, LUTHI, SIMPSON

HB0001H2024/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections 75 * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary: "[RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE – CONTRIBUTION BY THE STATE] Section 333. (a) There is appropriated from the general fund nine million thirty-nine thousand dollars ($9,039,000.00) to the department of administration and information for purposes of paying state contributions for health insurance for eligible retirees for the period beginning August 1, 2005 and ending December 31, 2006. (b) Contributions under this section shall be the lesser of: (i) Two hundred dollars ($200.00) per month; or (ii) The monthly premium for the least expensive coverage providing health insurance only for the retiree under the plan. (c) For purposes of this section, eligible retirees are those defined pursuant to W.S. 9-3-203 (a) (xiii), who are eligible for the state group insurance plan pursuant to W.S. 9-3-218 and who had at least ten (10) years of combined service credit as an employee of any of the employing entities participating in the plan. (d) The department of administration and information shall estimate the amount required to continue retiree contributions under this section for the 2007-2008 biennium and shall include the estimate as a part of the agency's exception budget during the budget preparation cycle in the 2007-2008 biennium budget. (e) Notwithstanding W.S. 9-2-1008, 9-2-1012(e) and 9-4-207(a) any unexpended funds remaining from this appropriation on June 30, 2006, shall not revert to the budget reserve account and are hereby appropriated to the department of administration and information for purposes of making contributions under this section until December 31, 2006. Any unobligated unencumbered funds remaining on December 31, 2006 shall revert to the budget reserve account.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MCOMIE, HINCKLEY, ILLOWAY, REESE

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Barnard, Brown, Edwards, Esquibel, Gilmore, Goggles, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jackson, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Pedersen, Petersen, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Gay, Gingery, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Iekel, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lubnau, Luthi, Miller, Osborn, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Simpson and Wasserburger. Excused: Representative(s) Diercks, Lockhart and Semlek. Ayes 29 Nays 28 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0001H2025/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary: "[STUDENT COMPETITIONS-TRAVEL GRANTS] Section 333. There is appropriated from the school foundation program account ninety-six thousand dollars ($96,000.00) to the University of Wyoming for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005. This appropriation shall only be expended to provide grants of up to two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) each to reimburse costs incurred by Wyoming school districts for high school students who attend the partnership for civic education program or the "we the people" competition. Any unexpended, unencumbered or unobligated funds remaining on June 30, 2006 shall revert to the school foundation program account.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. BERGER

HB0001H2026/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 In the Anderson, R., Committee of the Whole amendment (HB0001HW018/A) to this line, in Section 333(a)(v) created by that amendment, after "highway fund" insert ", which amount shall be expended only for the construction of multi-lane highways". HARSHMAN

2/3/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading


HB0001H3005/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 006. Administration and Information (Human Resources Division) * * * * * * * * * * Page 10-line 6 After "benefits" insert "including the issue of allowing conversion of sick leave benefits to pay for retiree health insurance benefits" WARREN, SAMUELSON

HB0001H3009/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 024. Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources (Cultural Resources) * * * * * * * * * * Page 18-line 26 After "9-2-2304(a)." delete balance of the line. Page 18-lines 27 through 28 Delete entirely. JORGENSEN

HB0001H3002/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 048. Department of Health (Office of Medicaid) * * * * * * * * * * Page 24-line 10 After "12." insert "16.". Page 24-line 11 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "806,315"; Under FEDERAL FUND increase amount by "946,539". Page 27-After line 25 Insert: "16. Of this appropriation, eight hundred six thousand three hundred fifteen dollars ($806,315.00) from the general fund and nine hundred forty-six thousand five hundred thirty-nine dollars ($946,539.00) from federal funds shall only be expended for the purpose of reimbursing licensed physicians providing services under the Wyoming Medical Assistance and Services Assistance Act at the reimbursement rate of the federal Medicare program, Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, in effect on the effective date of this act.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. OSBORN, COHEE, IEKEL, PETERSEN

HB0001H3015/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 048. Department of Health (Office of Rural Health) * * * * * * * * * * Page 24-line 6 After "Health" insert "16."; under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "1,350,000". Page 27-after line 25 Insert: "16. Of this general fund appropriation, one million three hundred fifty thousand dollars ($1,350,000.00) shall only be expended to increase the number of eligible participants for the physician loan repayment program under W.S. 9-2-118 by twenty (20). This appropriation shall be to fund all three (3) years of the repayment for each eligible participant. Notwithstanding W.S. 9-2-1008, 9-2-1012(e) and 9-4-207(a), any unexpended, unencumbered or unobligated funds under this footnote shall not revert on June 30, 2006.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MEULI

HB0001H3011/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 048. Department of Health (Developmental Disabilities) * * * * * * * * * * Page 24-line 24 After "15." insert ", 16.". Page 24-line 25 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "300,000". Page 27-After line 25 Insert: "16. Of this general fund appropriation, the department of health, developmental disabilities division, may expend up to three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) by a grant to Sweetwater county, if the Sweetwater board of county commissioners provides a dollar-for-dollar match up to three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00), to enable the

77 Sweetwater board of county commissioners and the department of health to contract for the provision of services as part of a coordinated network of services to persons specified in W.S. 9-2-102(a)(ii).". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. HASTERT, DAVISON, MARTIN, THOMPSON

HB0001H3001/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 060. Office of State Lands and Investments * * * * * * * * * * Page 32-line 1 After "Investments" insert "4.". Page 32-After line 31 Insert: "4. In addition to the investment authority provided by W.S. 9-4-701(r), the state loan and investment board may request, and the state treasurer may invest, up to an additional eight million dollars ($8,000,000.00) contained in the common school account within the permanent land fund to purchase land and improvements within Wyoming as assets of the trust provided that, in exercising the authority under this footnote, there shall be no net gain of lands held for the common school account in excess of ten thousand (10,000) acres.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. LUTHI

HB0001H3003/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 048. Department of Health (Prescription Drug Program) * * * * * * * * * * Page 24-line 12 After "11." insert ",16.". Page 24-line 13 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "250,000". Page 27-after line 25 Insert: "16. Of this general fund appropriation, two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00) may be expended for prescription drugs for life threatening conditions for individuals eligible for the Medicaid program who are eligible for Medicare Part D drug benefits but who have not been able to enroll in Medicare Part D due to administrative or other problems. These funds shall be available only for prescriptions filled between January 1, 2006 and March 31, 2006 inclusive. These funds shall not be transferred to any other use within the department of health.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. OSBORN

HB0001H3004/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 067 University of Wyoming (Block Grant) * * * * * * * * * * Page 33-line 5 Under GENERAL FUND increase amount by "149,000". Page 33-lines 26 through 28 Delete entirely and insert: "3. Of this general fund appropriation, sixty- five thousand dollars ($65,000.00) shall only be expended for the purpose of increasing the faculty compensation plan at the Casper and Cheyenne family practice residency programs and two hundred forty-four thousand dollars ($244,000.00) shall only be expended for increasing the resident compensation plan at the Casper and Cheyenne family practice residency programs.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. REESE, COHEE, OSBORN, WARREN

HB0001H3006/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): 080. Department of Corrections (Corrections Operation) * * * * * * * * * * Page 34-line 6 Under OTHER FUNDS decrease amount by "1,615,000TT".

To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. SEMLEK


78 Page 49-After line 8 Insert: "(e) From the amounts transferred to the budget reserve account from the school capital construction account pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, and after making the transfer of funds under subsection (d) of this section, one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000.00) shall be transferred from the budget reserve account to the permanent Wyoming mineral trust fund.". HARSHMAN, LUTHI, MCOMIE, MILLER

HB0001H3007/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 Insert the following new section and renumber as necessary: "[FIRE TRAINING STUDY] Section 333. (a) There is appropriated from the general fund thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000.00) to the department of fire prevention and electrical safety to provide a report to the joint corporations, elections and political subdivisions interim committee by November 1, 2005. The report shall include: (i) Identification of fire suppression training needs of all Wyoming firefighters; (ii) Alternatives for providing the identified training needs; and (iii) Estimated costs of each of the alternatives.". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. MCOMIE

HB0001H3008/ADOPTED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 Delete the Harshman second reading amendment (HB0001H2026/A) entirely. MCOMIE

HB0001H3013/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections [RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE – CONTRIBUTION BY THE STATE] Section 333. * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 In the McOmie et al., second reading amendment (HB0001H2024/A) to this line: In Section 333, subsection (a) created by that amendment delete "nine million thirty-nine thousand dollars ($9,039,000.00)" insert "six million four hundred forty-eight thousand dollars ($6,448,000.00)"; In Section 333, subsection (c) created by that amendment delete "ten (10)" insert "twenty (20)". To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. SAMUELSON, COHEE, PHILP

HB0001H3014/FAILED [BUDGET AFFECTED] Budget(s): Addition to 300 Sections [SCHOOL FINANCE-EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION] * * * * * * * * * * Page 64-After line 4 In the Wasserburger, et al., second reading amendment (HB0001H2018/AC) to this line: In Section 333, subsection (a) created by that amendment delete "twenty-eight million four hundred twenty thousand dollars ($28,420,000.00)" insert "forty-five million two hundred thousand dollars ($45,200,000.00)". In Section 333, subsection (c) created by that amendment delete "two thousand dollars ($2,000.00)" insert "three thousand one hundred eighty-one dollars ($3,181.00)". WATT

2/4/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, 79 Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Reese, Robinson and Samuelson. Excused: Representative(s) Brechtel and Childers. Absent: Representative(s) Latta Ayes 50 Nays 7 Excused 2 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/4/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S02 2/22/2005 Pursuant to JR14-1 Referrred directly to 3rd Reading

HB0001SS001/ADOPTED STANDING COMMITTEE REPORT Your Committee No. 2 on Appropriations has reviewed HB0001: Pursuant to Joint Rule 14-1 (e) (1) & (2) the following lists are provided: Identical Amendments: HB0001HW002/A HB0001HW003/A HB0001HW006/A HB0001HW007/A HB0001HW012/A HB0001HW013/A HB0001HW014/A Amended by HB0001H2022/A HB0001HW017/A HB0001H2003/A HB0001H2008/A HB0001H2009/A HB0001H2021/A HB0001H2022/A Amends HB0001HW014/AC HB0001H3009/A The following are the other adopted House amendments: HB0001HW001/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001HW004/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001HW008/AC Amended by HB0001H2001/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001HW015/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001HW016/AC AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001HW018/A Amended by HB0001H2026/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001HW019/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001H2001/A Amends HB0001HW008/AC AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001H2004/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001H2005/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001H2011/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001H2018/AC AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001H2023/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001H2024/A Amended by HB0001H3013/AC AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001H2026/A Amends HB0001HW0018/A Deleted by HB001H3008/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001H3001/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001H3005/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001H3008/A Deletes HB001H2026/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001H3012/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HB0001H3013/A Amends HB0001H2024/A AYE __ NO __ AB__ EX__CON__ HINES, CHAIRMAN

2/22/2005 S 3rd Reading Action Taken: Pursuant to JR 14-1 referred directly to JCC

2/22/2005 S Appointed JCC01 Members Senator(s) Hines, Schiffer, Coe, Anderson and Vasey 80 2/22/2005 H Appointed JCC01 Members Representative(s) Philp, Harshman, Jones, Simpson and Warren

See SF0001 in accordance with Joint Rules on Budget Process.

H.B. No. 0002 Water permits-electronic permitting.

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to water; providing for the state engineer's office to conduct business electronically; and providing for an effective date.

11/23/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/19/2005 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0002HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 15 Delete "by". Page 1-line 16 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 1 Delete the line through "and (b)". Page 3-line 3 After "Maps" insert "formatted as required by the receiving entity". Page 3-line 5 Delete "nonelectronic". Page 3-lines 10 through 24 Delete entirely. Page 4-lines 1 through 24 Delete entirely. Page 5-lines 1 through 22 Delete entirely. Page 10-line 23 Delete "registered" insert "certified". Page 16-line 22 Delete entirely. Renumber as necessary. HAGEMAN, CHAIRMAN

1/19/2005 H Passed CoW 1/20/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/21/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 2/4/2005 S05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Johnson, Meier, Northrup and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 S Placed on General File

81 HB0002SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 11 Delete "will" insert "may". Page 14-line 9 After "effective" delete balance of line and insert "July 1, 2005.". Page 14-lines 10 thru 12 Delete. GEIS, CHAIRMAN

2/8/2005 S Passed CoW 2/9/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/10/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 H Received for Concurrence 2/11/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Barnard, Jorgensen and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0014 2/14/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0014 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0014 2/17/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0014 2/17/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0015 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0003 Coroner cases.

Sponsored By: Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to coroners; restricting and otherwise modifying the definition of coroner cases; providing additional definitions relating to coroner cases; and providing for an effective date.

11/23/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/14/2005 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0003HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 7 After "other" insert "licensed". Page 2-line 24 Delete "a". Page 3-line 1 Delete "condition" insert "an illness or disease". Page 3-line 3 Delete "condition" insert "illness or disease". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/17/2005 H Passed CoW

82 1/18/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/19/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Latta, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Petersen, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Berger, Brechtel, Bucholz, Cohee, Davison, Gay, Harvey, Iekel, Landon, Lubnau, Osborn, Pedersen, Powers, Quarberg, Semlek, Simpson, Wasserburger and Watt. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Olsen and Philp. Ayes 38 Nays 19 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/3/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Mockler and Scott Excused: Senator(s) Meier Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Placed on General File 2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Cooper, Decaria, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Coe, Geis, Larson, Northrup, Peck, Schiffer and Townsend. Ayes 23 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0017 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0017 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0017 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0017 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0039 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0004 Jackalope-official mythical creature.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edwards, Alden and Hageman and Senator(s) Anderson

AN ACT relating to the official mythical creature of Wyoming; declaring the jackalope as the official mythical creature; and providing for an effective date.

11/23/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 1/14/2005 H06 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Reese, Slater, Thompson and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2005 H Placed on General File 1/17/2005 H Passed CoW 1/18/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

83 1/19/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Reese, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Gay, Hinckley, Jorgensen, Meuli, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Wasserburger and Watt. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Olsen and Philp. Ayes 45 Nays 12 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/22/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 2/25/2005 S H05 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Johnson, and Northrup Nays: Senator Meier Excused: Senator Vasey Ayes: 3 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 S Indefinitely Postponed

H.B. No. 0005 Severance tax distribution.

Sponsored By: Joint Revenue Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for distribution of certain severance taxes as specified; and providing for an effective date.

11/23/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 1/21/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gay, Gilmore, Harshman, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 H Placed on General File 1/24/2005 H Rereferred to H02 1/25/2005 H02 Returned Without Recommendation

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0005HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 2 After ";" insert "reducing other distributions of funds as specified;". Page 1-line 7 Delete "39-14-801(c) is" insert "9-2-1014.1(b), 39-14-211(e)(intro) and 39-14- 801(b), (c) and by creating a new subsection (e) are". Page 1-After line 7 Insert: "9-2-1014.1. State budget; requests by recipients of certain earmarked funds for additional funding from the budget reserve account. (b) The total amount available for the purpose of this section shall be the estimated deposits into the budget reserve account for the next biennial budget period under W.S. 9-4-601(d)(iv) and 39-14-801(c)(ii) and (e)(ii). 39-14-211. Distribution.

84 (e) Revenues to be distributed to local governments under W.S. 39-14-801 39-14-801(d) shall be distributed as follows:". Page 1-after line 10 Insert: "(b) [LUST] Before making distributions from the severance tax distribution account under subsections (c), and (d) and (e) of this section, an amount equal to the amount of tax collected under W.S. 39-17-104(a)(iii) and 39-17-204(a)(ii) for the same period shall be distributed to the corrective action account created by W.S. 35-11-1424 and to the financial responsibility account created by W.S. 35-11-1427 in an inverse proportion to the amount in the two (2) accounts.". Page 2-line 2 Strike "that amount" insert "one hundred fifty-five million dollars ($155,000,000.00) but be less than or equal to four hundred fifty-five million dollars ($455,000,000.00)". Page 2-line 8 Delete "Fifty percent (50%)" insert "Forty-six percent (46%)". Page 2-lines 11 through 15 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 17 Delete "(iv)" insert "(iii)". Page 2-line 22 Delete "(v)" insert "(iv)". Page 3-line 2 Delete "(vi)" insert "(v)". Page 3-line 21 Delete the line through "(10%)" insert "(vi) Eight percent (8%)". Page 4-After line 7 Insert: "(vii) Four percent (4%) to the highway fund; (viii) Four percent (4%) to water development account III only if the legislation to create the account is enacted by the legislature during the 2005 general session. If the account is not created during the 2005 general session, then to water development account I under W.S. 41-2-124(a)(i). (e) To the extent that the amount of distributions under subsections (c) and (d) of this section would exceed four hundred fifty-five million dollars ($455,000,000.00) in any fiscal year, the excess shall be credited: (i) One-third (1/3) to the general fund; and (ii) Two-thirds (2/3) to the budget reserve account. Section 2. (a) For the 2006 fiscal year the amounts distributed to each city, town and county under W.S. 39-14-801(c) shall be reduced by the amount of funds distributed to each city, town and county on October 1, 2005, pursuant to 2004 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 95, Section 305. To the extent that the distribution to any city, town or county under W.S. 39-14-801(c) in fiscal year 2006 does not equal or exceed the amount distributed to the city, town or county pursuant to 2004 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 95, Section 305, the amount distributed in fiscal year 2007 under W.S. 39-14-801(c) to each such city, town and county shall be reduced as necessary so that the total amount of reduced distributions under this section equals the amount distributed to the each city, town and county on October 1, 2005 under 2004 Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 95, Section 305. Of the reduced distributions to counties under W.S. 39- 14-801(c) made as a result of this section, two-thirds (2/3) shall be from the distribution made under W.S. 39-14- 801(c)(vi) and one-third (1/3) shall be from distribution made under W.S. 39-14-801(c)(iii). (b) All amounts which are not distributed under W.S. 39-14-801(c) as a result of this section shall be deposited by the state treasurer to the general fund.". Renumber as necessary. ANDERSON, R., CHAIRMAN

1/26/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0005H2001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 2 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0005HS001/A) to this line. Page 4-After line 7 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0005HS001/A) to this line and insert: "(vii) Four percent (4%) to the highway fund; (viii) Four percent (4%) to water development account III only if the legislation to create the account is enacted by the legislature during the 2005 general session. If the account is not created during the 2005 general session, then to water development account I under W.S. 41-2-124(a)(i). (e) To the extent that the amount of distributions under subsections (c) and (d) of this section would exceed four hundred fifty-five million dollars ($455,000,000.00) in any fiscal year, the excess shall be credited: (i) One-third (1/3) to the general fund; and (ii) Two-thirds (2/3) to the budget reserve account. Section 2. (a) For the 2006 fiscal year the amounts which would otherwise be distributed under W.S. 39-14-801(c) shall be reduced as follows: (i) The distributions under W.S. 39-14-801(c)(iii) to the road construction funds of the various counties shall be reduced by five million dollars ($5,000,000.00);

85 (ii) The distributions under W.S. 39-14-801(c)(v) to the cities and towns shall be reduced by twelve million three hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($12,375,000.00); (iii) The distributions under W.S. 39-14-801(c)(vi) to counties shall be reduced by ten million one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($10,125,000.00). (b) All amounts which are not distributed under W.S. 39-14-801(c) as a result of this section shall be deposited by the state treasurer to the general fund. The applicable reduction required by this section and the corresponding deposit to the general fund shall be made in full before any distribution is made pursuant W.S. 39-14-801(c)(iii), (v) or (vi).". Renumber as necessary. MILLER, ANDERSON, R., COHEE, LUTHI

1/27/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/28/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Latta and Samuelson. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S03 2/10/2005 S Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman and Cooper Nays: Senator(s) Hawks, Mockler and Peck Ayes 2 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

H.B. No. 0006 Transportation enterprise fund authority.

Sponsored By: Joint Transportation, Highways and Military Affairs Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the transportation enterprise fund; expanding authorized expenditures as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/6/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee


H.B. No. 0007 Sales/use tax-removal of 4th cent.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller and Senator(s) Case

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; reducing the state sales and use tax rate as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/6/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 1/28/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Gay, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gilmore and Harshman Ayes 5 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 H Placed on General File 1/28/2005 H Rereferred to H03 1/31/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Gay, Gilmore, Hastert, Miller and Walsh Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Harshman and Pedersen Ayes 5 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0008 Motor vehicle insurance requirements.

Sponsored By: Joint Transportation, Highways and Military Affairs Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the Motor Vehicle Safety-Responsibility Act; increasing the minimum required insurance coverage for motor vehicles, as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/6/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 1/13/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Gay Nays: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 1 Nays 8 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0009 Uniformed servicemember's reemployment.

Sponsored By: Joint Transportation, Highways and Military Affairs Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the Military Service Relief Act; extending a veteran's reemployment right from four to five years of service; excluding from eligibility persons not honorably discharged; and providing for an effective date.

12/6/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 1/17/2005 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass 87

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0009HS001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 6 After "service," insert "and". Page 3-line 19 After "service," insert "and". EDWARDS, CHAIRMAN

HB0009HW001/ADOPTED Delete the House standing committee amendment (HB0009HS001/A) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 1-line 8 After "(a)(ii)," insert "and by creating a new paragraph (iv),"; after "(c)(i)" delete "," insert "and"; delete ", by". Page 1-line 9 Delete the line through "(v)". Page 2-After line 9 Insert: "(iv) If the person has been discharged from the uniformed services, the discharge was an honorable discharge or a discharge under honorable conditions.". Page 3-lines 5 through 7 Delete. Page 3-line 20 After "discharge" insert " or a discharge under honorable conditions.". EDWARDS

HB0009HW002/ADOPTED Page 2-line 13 Strike "such" insert "the". Page 2-line 17 Strike "any such" insert "the". Page 2-line 24 Strike "such" insert "the". Page 3–line 2 Strike "such" insert "the". Page 3-line 3 Strike "such" insert "the". ROBINSON

1/18/2005 H Passed CoW 1/19/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/20/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson, Olsen, Philp and Watt. Ayes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S08 2/1/2005 S08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Geis and Von Flatern Excused: Senator(s) Northrup Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 2/1/2005 S Placed on General File 2/8/2005 S Passed CoW 2/9/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/10/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

88 2/10/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0001 2/10/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0001 2/11/2005 S President Signed HEA No, 0001 2/15/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0001 2/15/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0003 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0010 School buildings-local enhancement maintenance levy.

Sponsored By: Select Committee on School Facilities

AN ACT relating to school buildings; requiring school districts to fund maintenance of enhancements to school buildings; authorizing optional board and voter approved school district property tax levies for maintenance of building enhancements as specified; providing state assistance to equalize revenues generated by a portion of the voter approved levies; exempting revenues from local resources and cash balances under foundation entitlement computations; imposing administrative duties upon the school facilities commission; and providing for an effective date.

12/6/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0011 State standards for federal resource management.

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to administration of government; providing for state standards and coordination with federal agencies regarding federal resource management; and providing for an effective date.

12/6/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0012 Mineral audit period.

Sponsored By: Joint Revenue Interim Committee AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for audit periods for mineral taxation as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/6/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 1/20/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gay, Gilmore, Harshman, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0012HS001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 5 Delete "period" insert "date". Page 5-line 12 Delete "period" insert "date". Page 7-line 18 Delete "period" insert "date". Page 9-line 23 Delete "period" insert "date". Page 12-line 5 Delete "period" insert "date". Page 14-line 10 Delete "period" insert "date". 89 Page 16-line 15 Delete "period" insert "date". ANDERSON, R. CHAIRMAN

1/20/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0012H2001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 17 Delete "any such" insert "the". Page 2-line 18 Delete "return" insert "returns". Page 4-line 23 Delete "any such " insert "the". Page 5-line 1 Delete "return" insert "returns". Page 7-line 6 Delete "any such " insert "the". Page 7-line 7 Delete "return" insert "returns". Page 9-line 11 Delete "any such " insert "the". Page 9-line 12 Delete "return" insert "returns". Page 11-line 17 Delete "any such " insert "the". Page 11-line 18 Delete "return" insert "returns". Page 13-line 22 Delete "any such " insert "the". Page 16-line 3 Delete "any such " insert "the". Page 16-line 4 Delete "return" insert "returns". ROBINSON

1/21/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/24/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Latta. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S03 2/1/2005 S03 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Hawks, Mockler and Peck Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Placed on General File 2/8/2005 S Passed CoW 2/9/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/10/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0002 2/10/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0002 2/11/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0002 2/15/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0002 2/15/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0004 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0013 Oil & gas valuation methodology-optional procedure.


Sponsored By: Representative(s) Cohee

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for an alternative methodology to be used for valuing certain oil and gas production as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/6/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03;No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 2/18/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Gilmore and Hastert Nays: Representative(s) Bucholz, Gay, Harshman, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Ayes 3 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0014 Streamlined sales tax.

Sponsored By: Joint Revenue Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing amendments to the sales and use tax laws as specified; providing for voluntary licensing; providing definitions; providing for enforcement procedures; providing for bad debt procedures; providing timeline procedures for local optional taxes; providing conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

12/6/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 1/12/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gay, Gilmore, Harshman, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/12/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0014HS001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 17 After "(B)," insert "39-15-107(a)(x),". Page 14-After line 4 Insert: "39-15-107. Compliance; collection procedures. (a) Returns, reports and preservation of records. The following shall apply: (x) Taxes paid on gross receipts represented by accounts found to be worthless may be credited against subsequent liability of the vendor. The vendor shall not take the credit for any bad debt until he has used the customary debt collection procedures as documented in writing by the vendor and has written off the debt; or until the debt qualifies as a bad debt under 26 U.S.C. section 166 excluding financing charges or interest, sales or use taxes charged on the purchase price, uncollectible amounts on property that remain in the possession of the seller until the full purchase price is paid, any expenses incurred in attempting to collect any debt, and repossessed property. If any such account is thereafter collected by the vendor, a tax shall be paid upon the amount collected. The amount collected shall be applied proportionally first to the taxable price of the property or service and the sales tax thereon, and then to interest, service charges and any other charges. Should the bad debt exceed the taxable sales for a subsequent period the vendor may request a refund of the tax on the bad debt from the department so long as the claim is made within three (3) years of the date of sale. A certified service provider under W.S. 39-15-401 through 39-15-408 acting on behalf of a vendor may claim the bad debt allowance for the vendor and shall remit the credit or refund received to the vendor. Should the bad debt apply to more than one (1) state, the debt may be allocated between the affected states.". Page 22-line 6 Delete "July 1, 2005." insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.". ANDERSON, R., CHAIRMAN

91 1/14/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0014H2001/ADOPTED Page 11-line 17 Delete "such" insert "the". Page 11-line 20 Delete "such" insert "the". Page 12-line 1 Delete "such" insert "the". Page 12-line 2 Delete "such" insert "the". Page 14-line 4 In the standing committee amendment (HB0014HS001/A) to this line, in paragraph (x) of subsection (a), after "If any" strike "such". ROBINSON

1/17/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/18/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel and Illoway. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Philp. Ayes 56 Nays 2 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S03 2/1/2005 S03 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Cooper, Hawks, Mockler and Peck Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Placed on General File 2/8/2005 S Passed CoW 2/9/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/10/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0003 2/10/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0003 2/11/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0003 2/15/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0003 2/15/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0005 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0015 National guard education assistance.

Sponsored By: Joint Transportation, Highways and Military Affairs Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to education assistance for national guard members; amending eligibility requirements, as specified; repealing the two-year additional service requirement; and providing for an effective date.

12/6/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08

92 1/14/2005 H08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2005 H Placed on General File 1/17/2005 H Passed CoW 1/18/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0015H3001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 3 Delete the line through "requirement;". Page 2-line 23 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 1 Delete "3" insert "2". LOCKHART

1/19/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Olsen and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S08 2/1/2005 S08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Geis and Von Flatern Excused: Senator(s) Northrup Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Placed on General File 2/8/2005 S Passed CoW 2/9/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/10/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern.

Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0004 2/10/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0004 2/11/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0004 2/15/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0004 2/15/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0002 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0016 Corporation-electronic meetings.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Pedersen and Illoway and Senator(s) Jennings

AN ACT relating to business corporations; providing for electronic meetings; and providing for an effective date. 93 12/8/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/19/2005 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File 1/19/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0016H2001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 4 Delete "such". Page 2-line 5 Delete "as". Page 2-line 13 Delete "such" insert "the". Page 2-line 20 Delete "such" insert "the". Page 2-line 24 Delete "such" insert "the". Page 3-line 2 Delete "such" insert "the". ROBINSON

HB0016H2002/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 2-line 2 Delete "solely"; after "." insert "The board shall take into consideration stockholders' ability to participate by remote communication and provide an alternative means of participation for those stockholders unable to participate by remote communication.". PEDERSEN

1/20/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/21/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Robinson Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson and Philp. Ayes 56 Nays 1 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/3/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Meier and Mockler Excused: Senator(s) Scott Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Placed on General File 2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0018 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0018 94 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0018 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0018 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0051 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.


H.B. No. 0017 Sales tax exemption-livestock semen and embryo transplants.

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for sales and use tax exemptions for livestock semen and embryo transplants; and providing for an effective date.

12/8/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/13/2005 H05 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Jackson, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/13/2005 H Placed on General File 1/14/2005 H Passed CoW 1/17/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/18/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Esquibel, Gilmore, Jorgensen, Latta, Robinson, Wasserburger and Watt. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Philp. Ayes 51 Nays 7 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/22/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S12 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0018 Sales tax exemption-herbicides and pesticides.

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for sales and use tax exemptions for herbicides and pesticides; and providing for an effective date.

12/8/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/13/2005 H05 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Jackson, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/13/2005 H Placed on General File 1/14/2005 H Passed CoW 1/17/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/18/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, 96 Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Esquibel, Gilmore, Jorgensen, Latta, Meuli, Warren, Wasserburger and Watt. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Philp. Ayes 50 Nays 8 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/22/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S12 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0019 Automated external defibrillators.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Simpson and Senator(s) Coe

AN ACT relating to public health and safety; amending provisions relating to the use of automated external defibrillators as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/8/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/17/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Nays: Representative(s) Barnard and Brechtel Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 6 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0019HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 8 After "(ii)" delete "," insert "and". Page 1-line 9 Delete the line through "(c)"; after "(b)" delete "and". Page 1-line 10 Delete "(c)". Page 2-lines 17 through 19 Delete. Page 3-lines 11 through 13 Delete. OSBORN, CHAIRMAN

HB0019HW001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 1 After "Any" insert "person who uses the AED if that person has completed training provided in accordance with W.S. 35-26-102(a)(i), any". SIMPSON

HB0019HW002/ADOPTED Page 1-line 2 After "the" insert "possession or". Page 1-line 12 Delete "Use" insert "Possession". Page 1-line 15 Delete "use" insert "possess". SIMPSON

1/19/2005 H Passed CoW 1/20/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/21/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

97 1/25/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/11/2005 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria, Massie and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0019SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 9 Delete "35-26-103(b)" insert "35-26-103(a) and (b)". Page 2-after line 18 Insert: "(a) Any person trained in accordance with W.S. 35-26-102(a)(i) who in good faith and without compensation renders emergency care or treatment by the use of an AED shall be immune from civil liability for any personal injury as a result of such care or treatment, where the person's actions do not amount to willful or wanton misconduct or gross negligence.". Page 2-line 20 After "who" insert "in good faith"; delete "if that person". Page 2-line 21 Delete. Page 2-line 22 Delete "35-26-102(a)(i)". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/15/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0019S2001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 3-line 5 After "if" insert ", in the case of the person responsible for the site,". SCOTT

HB0019S2002/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0019SS001/AE) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 1–line 9 Delete "35-26-103(b)" insert "35-26-103(a) and (b)". Page 2–after line 18 Insert: "(a) Any person trained in accordance with W.S. 35-26-102(a)(i) who in good faith and without compensation renders emergency care or treatment by the use of an AED shall be immune from civil liability for any personal injury as a result of such care or treatment, where the person's actions do not amount to willful or wanton misconduct or gross negligence. Any person who uses or attempts to use an automated external defibrillator device on a victim of a perceived medical emergency is immune from civil liability for any harm resulting from the use or attempted use of such device, unless the harm involved was caused by willful or criminal misconduct, gross negligence, reckless misconduct or a conscious, flagrant indifference to the safety of the victim who was harmed.". Page 2–line 20 After stricken "The" delete balance of line. Page 2–line 21 Delete. Page 2–line 22 Delete line through "any" insert "An". NICHOLAS

2/16/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0019S3001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the Scott Second Reading Amendment (HB0019S2001/AE) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 2-after line 18 In the Nicholas Second Reading Amendment (HB0019S2002/AE) to this line, in W.S. 35-26-103(a), after "emergency" delete "is" insert ", any prescribing physician who authorizes the purchase of the AED and any individual who provides training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in the use of an AED shall be". Page 2-line 22 Delete and strike. Page 2-line 23 Delete and strike. Page 2-line 24 Strike. Page 3-line 1 Strike "of an AED, and the" insert "Any". Page 3-line 2 Strike "also". NICHOLAS

2/17/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. 98 Nays: Senator(s) Mockler Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 28 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Meuli Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0067 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0067 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0067 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0067 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0089 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0020 Engineers and land surveyors-amendments.

Sponsored By: Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to engineers and land surveyors; amending provisions relating to licensure of engineers and land surveyors; providing for electronic filings; modifying name of licensing board; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

12/8/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/28/2005 H07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Martin, McOmie and Miller Nays: Representative(s) Gingery, Illoway, Latta and Olsen Ayes 5 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0021 Certified public accountants.

Sponsored By: Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to certified public accountants; generally modifying provisions regulating the practice of public accounting; and providing for an effective date.

12/8/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/18/2005 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

99 1/18/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0021HS001/ADOPTED Page 8-line 4 After "shall" strike balance of the line. Page 8-line 5 Strike all existing language; delete all new language. Page 8-line 6 Delete "($100.00)" insert "receive as salary the sum paid each day to members of the state legislature,". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/19/2005 H Passed CoW 1/20/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0021H3001/ADOPTED Page 28-line 22 Strike "such"; strike "as". ROBINSON

1/21/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/3/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Mockler and Scott Excused: Senator(s) Meier Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Placed on General File 2/8/2005 S Passed CoW 2/9/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/10/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0005 2/10/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0005 2/11/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0005 2/15/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0005 2/15/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0001 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0022 Sexual assault examinations.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Petersen, Barnard, Davison, Meuli and Olsen and Senator(s) Burns and Decaria

AN ACT relating to forensic sexual assault examinations; clarifying who may perform examinations; providing for consent of the victim; providing a procedure for consent to examination of minor victims; authorizing the board of

100 nursing to qualify registered professional nurses to perform sexual assault examinations; repealing a requirement that a forensic sexual assault report be made available to the victim; repealing a provision allowing for the victim of sexual assault to choose which physician may perform a forensic sexual assault examination; and providing for an effective date.

12/13/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/17/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/31/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0022HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 4 After ";" delete balance of line. Page 1-line 5 Delete entirely. Page 1-line 6 Delete the line through ";". Page 2-line 2 After "(k)" delete balance of line. Page 2-line 3 Delete the line through "are" insert "is". Page 3-line 4 Delete "deemed" insert "who has completed a sexual assault nurse examiner training course approved by a nationally recognized association of forensic nurses; or". Page 3-lines 5 and 6 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 8 Delete "; or" insert ".". Page 3-line 10 Delete entirely. Page 6-lines 4 through 13 Delete entirely. LANDON, CHAIRMAN

2/2/2005 H Passed CoW 2/3/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/4/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Childers, Hageman and Hastert. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/8/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/25/2005 S Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns and Decaria Nays: Senator(s) Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 2 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

H.B. No. 0023 Public Ethics Act.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lubnau, Barnard, Jackson, Latta, Simpson and Wasserburger and Senator(s) Hines and Von Flatern

101 AN ACT relating to administration of government; amending the Ethics and Disclosure Act to include certain local officials as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/13/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/17/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0023HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 5 After "means" delete balance of the line and insert "any special district specified under W.S. 22-29-103(a) and any other corporate district authorized to be formed as a political subdivision under the laws of this state;". Page 2-lines 6 through 8 Delete entirely. LANDON, CHAIRMAN

1/18/2005 H Passed CoW 1/19/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/20/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson, Olsen, Philp and Watt. Ayes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/3/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Placed on General File 2/18/2005 S Passed CoW 2/22/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/23/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Geis and Schiffer. Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0081 2/24/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0081 2/24/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0081 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0081 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0122 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

102 H.B. No. 0024 Sales & use tax exemption-aircraft.

Sponsored By: Joint Revenue Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for the exemption of certain aircraft and services as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/13/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 1/14/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gay, Gilmore, Harshman, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2005 H Placed on General File 1/18/2005 H Passed CoW 1/20/2005 H Laid Back Pursuant to HR 9-3

HB0024H2001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0024HS001/A). Further amend as follows: Page 1-line 7 After "and" insert "by creating a new subparagraph (O) and". Page 1-line 8 After "(B)" insert "and by creating a new subparagraph (D)". Page 2-line 2 After "aircraft" insert "repair, remodeling or". Page 2-line 5 After "parts" insert ";" and strike and delete balance of the line. Page 2-line 6 Strike "any aircraft". Page 2-line 13 Strike "used in a". Page 2-line 14 Strike entirely. Page 2-line 15 Strike "carrier operation". Page 2-line 20 Before "including" insert "(O) The sale or lease of any aircraft used in a scheduled federal aviation administration air carrier operation". Page 3-line 17 After "aircraft" insert "repair, remodeling or". Page 3-line 20 After "parts" insert ";" and strike and delete balance of the line. Page 3-line 21 Strike "of any aircraft". Page 4-line 5 Strike "used in a scheduled interstate federal". Page 4-line 6 Strike the line through "operation". Page 4-line 12 Before "including" insert "(D) The purchase or lease of any aircraft used in a scheduled federal aviation administration air carrier operation". ILLOWAY

1/21/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/24/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Landon and Watt. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Latta. Ayes 56 Nays 2 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S03 2/1/2005 S03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Cooper, Hawks, Mockler and Peck

103 Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0024SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 8 Delete "(O)" insert "(P)". Page 1-line 9 Delete "(D)" insert "(E)". Page 3-line 2 Delete "(O)" insert "(P)". Page 3-line 3 Delete "scheduled". Page 4-line 22 Delete "(D)" insert "(E)". Page 4-line 23 Delete "scheduled". PECK, CHAIRMAN

2/9/2005 S Passed CoW 2/10/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0024S3001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 8 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0024SS001/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: Delete "subparagraph (O)" insert "subparagraphs (P) and (Q). Page 1-line 9 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0024SS001/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: Delete "subparagraph (D)" insert "subparagraphs (E) and (F). Page 3-line 3 Delete "air carrier" insert "commercial". Page 3-after line 13 Insert and renumber: "(Q) The sale or lease of any aircraft refurbished by a federal aviation administration certified repair station which services create a salable aircraft including the sale of all: (I) Tangible personal property permanently affixed or attached as a component part of the aircraft, including, but not limited to, repair or replacement materials or parts; (II) Aircraft repair, remodeling and maintenance services performed on the aircraft, its engine or its component materials or parts.". Page 5-after line 9 Insert and renumber: "(F) The purchase or lease of any aircraft refurbished by a federal aviation administration certified repair station which services create a salable aircraft including the purchase of all: (I) Tangible personal property permanently affixed or attached as a component part of the aircraft, including, but not limited to, repair or replacement materials or parts; (II) Aircraft repair, remodeling and maintenance services performed on the aircraft, its engine or its component materials or parts.". PECK

2/11/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Townsend and Vasey. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Larson, Nicholas and Schiffer. Conflicts: Senator(s) Von Flatern Ayes 25 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

2/15/2005 H Did Not Concur

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Latta. Ayes 0 Nays 58 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 H Appointed JCC01 Members Representative(s) Anderson, R, Gay and Watt 2/15/2005 S Appointed JCC01 Members 104 Senator(s) Peck, Mockler and Schiffer

2/18/2005 H Adopted HB0024JC01

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Diercks, Edwards, Gay, Hageman, Harshman, Hastert, Jackson, Jones, Lockhart, Luthi, Meuli, Miller, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh, Wasserburger, Watt. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Berger, Davison, Esquibel, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Morgan, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Thompson, Warren, White, Zwonitzer. Ayes 34 Nays 25 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflict 0

2/22/2005 S Adopted HB0024JC01

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend and Vasey. Nays: Senator(s) Case and Scott. Conflicts: Senator(s) Von Flatern Ayes 27 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

HB0024JC01/AA ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Adopt the following Senate amendments: HB0024SS001/AE Delete the following Senate amendments: HB0024S3001/AE Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows: Page 3-line 3 Delete "air carrier" insert "commercial". ANDERSON, R., GAY, WATT, PECK, MOCKLER, SCHIFFER.

2/22/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0076 2/23/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0076 2/23/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0076 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0076 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0136 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005

H.B. No. 0025 Special reserve account.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway, Edwards, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Martin, McOmie, Petersen, Reese and Walsh and Senator(s) Hanes, Hines, Massie, Nicholas and Schiffer

AN ACT relating to public funds; creating a special reserve account; appropriating monies to the account; providing limitations on appropriations from the account; providing for investment of funds; specifying intent; and providing for an effective date.

12/13/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02 1/27/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp and Warren Excused: Representative(s) Simpson Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0025HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-Above line 1 In the catch title, delete "Special" insert "Legislative stabilization". Page 1-line 1 Delete "special" insert "legislative stabilization". Page 1-line 2 Delete "appropriating monies to the account;". Page 1-line 11 Delete "special" insert "legislative stabilization". Page 1-line 12 Delete "special" insert "legislative stabilization". Page 1-line 14 Delete "special" insert "legislative stabilization". Page 2-line 5 Delete "special" insert "legislative stabilization". Page 2-line 9 Delete "special" insert "legislative stabilization". Page 2-line 21 Delete "special" insert "legislative stabilization reserve". Page 3-lines 1 through 3 Delete entirely. PHILP, CHAIRMAN

1/31/2005 H Passed CoW 2/1/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0025H3001/FAILED Page 1-line 11 Delete "Funds". Page 1-lines 12 and 13 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0025HS001/A) to these lines. Page 1-line 14 Delete the line through "separately.". MCOMIE

2/2/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Edwards, Esquibel, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jackson, Jorgensen, Latta, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh and White. Nays: Representative(s) Bucholz, Diercks, Gay, Harshman, Iekel, Landon, Lubnau, McOmie, Miller, Simpson, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 45 Nays 14 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/3/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S02 2/8/2005 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines and Nicholas Nays: Senator(s) Job Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0025SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 15 Before "2005" insert "either 2005 Senate Joint Resolution 2 or". Page 2-line 8 Before "2005" insert "either 2005 Senate Joint Resolution 2 or". Page 2-line 17 Before "2005" insert "either 2005 Senate Joint Resolution 2 or". HINES, CHAIRMAN

2/24/2005 S Passed CoW 2/25/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

106 HB0025S3001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0025SS001/AE) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 1-line 10 After "account" insert "as provided by section 301(d) of 2005 Senate File 0001". Page 1-line 13 After "separately." delete balance of line and insert "Funds within the legislative stabilization reserve account created by this section shall not be available for appropriation until the 2007 general session of the Wyoming legislature.". Page 1-lines 14 and 15 Delete. Page 2-lines 1 through 19 Delete. Page 2-line 20 Delete through "Constitution.". MOCKLER

2/28/2005 S Failed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hawks and Ross. Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 2 Nays 28 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0026 State employee longevity pay.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway, Gilmore and McOmie and Senator(s) Johnson, Massie and Ross

AN ACT relating to the administration of government; amending longevity pay in the state compensation plan as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/13/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02 1/21/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Simpson and Warren Nays: Representative(s) Jones Excused: Representative(s) Philp Ayes 6 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0026HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 5 Delete "July 1, 2005" insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution". SIMPSON, ACTING CHAIRMAN

1/24/2005 H Passed CoW 1/25/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/26/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S02

107 2/9/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0027 Cigarette tax distribution.

Sponsored By: Joint Appropriations Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to cigarette tax; repealing a date limitation for distributions of certain cigarette taxes to the general fund; and providing for an effective date.

12/13/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02 1/19/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Simpson and Warren Excused: Representative(s) Philp Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File 1/20/2005 H Passed CoW 1/21/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/24/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Latta. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S02 2/7/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass


ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Hines, Job and Nicholas Nays: Senator(s) Case Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Placed on General File 2/9/2005 S Passed CoW 2/10/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/11/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0008 2/14/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0008 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0008 2/17/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0008 2/17/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0022 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0028 Snowmobile registration and user fees.

Sponsored By: Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to snowmobiles; increasing registration and user fees for snowmobiles; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

12/13/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 1/12/2005 H06 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Reese, Slater, Thompson and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/12/2005 H Placed on General File 1/14/2005 H Passed CoW 1/17/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/18/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S06 2/8/2005 S06 Recommended Do Pass


ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Cooper, Massie, Ross and Von Flatern Nays: Senator(s) Burns Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Placed on General File 2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Burns, Cooper, Hanes, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Boggs, Case, Coe, Decaria, Geis, Hawks, Hines and Schiffer. Ayes 22 Nays 8 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0019 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0019 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0019 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0019 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0040 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0029 Agricultural burning.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hageman, Buchanan, Davison, Samuelson and Zwonitzer and Senator(s) Geis

AN ACT relating to environmental quality; providing an air quality exemption for agricultural burning; and providing for an effective date.

12/15/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/21/2005 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0029HS001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 2-line 7 After "growth" insert "in and". Page 2-line 8 Delete "." insert ";". Page 2-After line 8 Insert: "(iii) Burning fence lines; (iv) Burning rangeland to enhance wildlife and livestock habitat.". Page 2-After line 20 Insert: "Section 3. The department of environmental quality shall report to the joint agriculture, public lands and water resources committee regarding the status of burning rules and regulations by July 1, 2005.". Page 3-line 1 Delete "3" insert "4". HAGEMAN, CHAIRMAN

1/24/2005 H Passed CoW 1/25/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/26/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

110 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0030 Motor vehicles-notice of airbag deployment.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brechtel and Walsh

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; requiring motor vehicle dealers to inform purchasers if the safety air bags in a vehicle being sold by the dealer have been deployed as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/15/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 H Bill Withdrawn by Sponsor

H.B. No. 0031 State parks-leases and concessions.

Sponsored By: Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to state parks, historical and other sites; providing for deposit of funds received for leases and concessions at state parks, historical and other sites; and providing for an effective date.

12/15/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 1/19/2005 H06 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Reese, Slater, Thompson and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File 1/20/2005 H Passed CoW 1/21/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/24/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Latta. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S06 2/10/2005 S06 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Cooper, Massie, Ross and Von Flatern 111 Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Placed on General File 2/14/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0031S2001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 14 Delete "regarding". MOCKLER 2/15/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/16/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Cooper, Decaria, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Job, Johnson, Massie, Mockler, Northrup, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Coe, Geis, Jennings, Larson, Meier, Nicholas, Peck and Townsend. Ayes 21 Nays 9 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0047 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0047 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0047 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0047 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0097 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0032 Veterans tax exemption.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Bagby, Brechtel, Esquibel, Gilmore, Illoway, Robinson and Petersen and Senator(s) Cooper and Hines

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing qualifications for the veterans tax exemption; and providing for an effective date.

12/16/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02 1/21/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Simpson and Warren Excused: Representative(s) Philp Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0032HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 7 Delete "and (R)". Page 2-line 6 Strike "the"; delete "southwest Asia". Page 2-line 7 Strike all existing language and delete all new language. Page 2-line 8 Delete.

112 Page 2-line 9 Delete "medal"; after "campaign medal" strike ":" insert "indicating service for the in any armed conflict in a foreign country." Page 2-lines 11 through 14 Delete. Page 2-After line 14 Insert: "Section 2. W.S. 39-13-105(a)(vi)(A) through (R) is repealed." Renumber as necessary. SIMPSON, ACTING CHAIRMAN

1/25/2005 H Passed CoW 1/26/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/27/2005 H Failed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Iekel, Jackson, Robinson and Simpson. Ayes 0 Nays 56 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0033 Veterans' commission-staggered terms of appointment.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Brechtel, Esquibel, Gilmore, Illoway, Petersen, Robinson and Latta and Senator(s) Case, Cooper, Johnson and Northrup

AN ACT relating to the veterans' commission; providing for staggered terms; and providing for an effective date.

12/16/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 1/26/2005 H08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File 1/31/2005 H Passed CoW 2/1/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/2/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/2/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S08 2/8/2005 S08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Geis, Northrup and Von Flatern Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Placed on General File


113 Page 1-line 2 After "terms;" insert "modifying length of terms;". BARRASSO, CHAIRMAN

2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 H Did Concur ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Latta. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0034 2/16/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0034 2/16/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0034 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0034 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0036 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.


H.B. No. 0034 Traffic safety classes.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Brechtel, Esquibel and Latta and Senator(s) Cooper, Geis, Johnson and Vasey

AN ACT relating to traffic safety courses; authorizing courts to send traffic offenders to a traffic safety course as specified; providing that completion of a traffic safety course shall be acceptable in lieu of an adjudication for the traffic offense; providing that department of transportation records of traffic offenses shall not include citations issued to persons who have completed a traffic safety course as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/16/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0035 Microbrewery permits.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Berger and Martin and Senator(s) Vasey

AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; amending the definition of microbrewery by reducing the minimum annual production; and providing for an effective date.

12/16/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0036 Military assistance trust fund appropriation.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Brechtel, Esquibel, Gilmore, Illoway, Martin, Petersen, Robinson and Slater and Senator(s) Schiffer

AN ACT relating to the military assistance trust fund; making an appropriation to the fund; and providing for an effective date.

12/16/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 0 Nays 8 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0037 Disabled veteran's tax exemption.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Brechtel, Esquibel, Gilmore, Illoway, Petersen and Robinson and Senator(s) Cooper and Johnson

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for a property tax exemption for disabled veterans as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/16/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 115 1/17/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gay, Gilmore, Harshman, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0037HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 6 After "the" insert "United States". MILLER, CHAIRMAN

1/18/2005 H Passed CoW 1/19/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/20/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson, Olsen, Philp and Watt. Ayes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S08 2/1/2005 S08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Geis and Von Flatern Excused: Senator(s) Northrup Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Placed on General File 2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case and Schiffer. Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0020 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0020 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0020 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0020 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0038 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0038 Wyoming professional assistance program.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lubnau, Brown, Buchanan, Gingery, Meuli, Simpson and Warren

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming professional assistance program; extending program provisions to attorneys; providing for disclosure of records to licensing agency upon refusal of treatment; and providing for an effective date.

116 12/16/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/24/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0038HS001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 1 After "effective" insert "July 1, 2005." and delete balance of the line. Page 3-lines 2 through 4 Delete entirely. LANDON, CHAIRMAN

1/25/2005 H Passed CoW 1/26/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/27/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Harshman, Iekel, Jackson, Robinson and Simpson. Ayes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/14/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 S Placed on General File 2/23/2005 S Passed CoW 2/24/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/25/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0102 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0102 2/28/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0102 3/2/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0102 3/2/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0179 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0039 Governmental immunity-contract physicians.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lubnau, Cohee, Jackson, Latta and Walsh and Senator(s) Ross and Von Flatern

117 AN ACT relating to governmental immunity; providing waiver of immunity for negligence by physicians under contract with county memorial hospitals and hospital districts; defining public employee to include physicians providing services under contract to state institutions, county memorial hospitals and hospital districts; and providing for an effective date.

12/17/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0040 Revisor's bill.

Sponsored By: Management Council

AN ACT relating to a revision of inadvertent errors; correcting statutory references and language that were erroneously made to the statutes as a result of legislation previously adopted by the legislature; providing for application as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/17/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H12 1/17/2005 H12 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Cohee, Illoway, Luthi, Martin, Osborn, Philp, Reese, Robinson, Thompson and Wasserburger Excused: Representative(s) Anderson, R. and Simpson Ayes 11 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0040HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 10 After "9-3-415(a)(intro)," insert "9-4-1202(b)(ii),". Page 1-line 13 After "35-7-1002(a)(xiv)" insert ", 39-16-203(a)(i)(F)(intro)". Page 2-after line 3 Insert: "9-4-1202. Requirements. (b) A tobacco product manufacturer that places funds into escrow pursuant to paragraph (a)(ii) of this section shall receive the interest or other appreciation on such funds as earned. Such funds themselves shall be released from escrow only under the following circumstances: (ii) To the extent that a tobacco product manufacturer establishes that the amount it was required to place into escrow on account of units sold in the state in a particular year was greater than the master settlement agreement payments, as determined pursuant to section IX(I) IX(i) of that agreement including after final determination of all adjustments, that such manufacturer would have been required to make on account of such units sold had it been a participating manufacturer, the excess shall be released from escrow and revert back to such tobacco product manufacturer; or". Page 8-after line 2 Insert: "39-16-203. Imposition. (a) Taxable event. The following shall apply: (i) The following provisions apply to imposition of the general purpose excise tax under W.S. 39-16-204(a)(i): (F) In lieu of the requirements of subparagraph (C) of this paragraph providing for the submission of the proposition at subsequent elections, the tax authorized under W.S. 39-15-204(a)(i) 39-16-204(a)(i) may be continued subject to the following terms and conditions:". LUTHI, CHAIRMAN

HB0040HW001/ADOPTED Page 4-line 19 Strike "such" insert "the". Page 5-line 1 Strike "such an" insert "the". Page 5-line 2 Strike "such" insert "the". Page 5-line 8 Strike "such" insert "the". Page 5-line 11 Strike "such" insert "the". Page 5-line 17 Strike "such" insert "the".

118 Page 5-line 19 Strike "such" insert "the". Page 5-line 20 Before "interest" strike "such" insert "the"; after "from" strike "such" insert "the". Page 6-line 10 Strike "such". Page 6-line 11 Strike "such". Page 6-line 14 Strike "such" insert "the". ROBINSON

1/18/2005 H Passed CoW 1/19/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/20/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson, Olsen, Philp and Watt. Ayes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S12 2/24/2005 S12 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hines, Job, Larson, Mockler and Schiffer Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0040SW001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 12-after line 2 Insert and renumber: "Section 4. Notwithstanding section 3 of this act, W.S. 21-16-1003(a)(vii)(A) as enacted by the 2005 legislature by House Enrolled Act 64, being original House Bill 0227, is amended to read: 21-16-1003. Athletics challenge matching program; state treasurer to administer program account; matching payments; conditions; annual reports; reversion of appropriations. (a) The state treasurer shall administer the university athletics challenge account established under this article. The following shall apply: (vii) There is created within the university athletics challenge account an account called the challenge eight account. Notwithstanding the minimum contribution requirement under W.S. 21-16-1001(a)(ii), donations to the challenge eight account shall be deemed qualifying contributions for purposes of this act subject to the following: (A) The purpose of the challenge eight account is to provide an opportunity for any person to contribute to a fund in honor of the eight (8) University of Wyoming student athletes who lost their lives on September 13 16, 2001. Funds deposited in the challenge eight account shall be used exclusively to improve or develop university track and field facilities toward a goal of providing a venue suitable for hosting conference championships and with appropriate recognition of the eight (8) student athletes;". Page 12-line 4 Delete "4" insert "5". Renumber as necessary. HINES

HB0040SW002/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 12-After line 2 Insert and renumber: "Section 4. Notwithstanding section 3 of this act, Section 1(a)(v) as enacted by the 2005 legislature by House Enrolled Act 44, being original House Bill 0275, is amended to read: Section 1. (a) There is appropriated fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) from the general fund to the department of health to conduct a methamphetamine initiative planning study. The department shall: (v) Examine the existing capacity and procedures for conducting and completing substance abuse evaluations ordered for methamphetamine use, abuse or distribution under W.S. 7-13-1032 7-13-1302, including the number of qualified evaluators available and conducting evaluations in the state, the costs associated with the evaluations and any recommendations to improve the capacity, quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the evaluation process, as necessary.". Page 12-line 4 Delete "4." insert "5.". 119 Renumber as necessary. MOCKLER, SCHIFFER

2/25/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0040S2001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 12-after line 2 Insert and renumber: "Section 4. Notwithstanding section 3 of this act, W.S. 36-8-1401(d) as enacted by the 2005 legislature by Senate Enrolled Act 80, being original Senate File 0162, is amended to read: 36-8-1401. Historic mine trail and byway commission; created; membership; legislative advisory members; quorum; compensation. (d) Legislative advisory members of the commission shall receive salary, per diem and travel in the manner and amounts specified under W.S. 28-5-101, for attending commission meetings. The commission member representing the business council shall be paid per diem in accordance with W.S. 9-12-102(b) 9-12-103(b) when conducting official commission business.". Page 12-line 4 Delete "4" insert "5". MOCKLER, SCHIFFER

HB0040S2002/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 12–after line 2 Insert and renumber: "Section 4. Notwithstanding section 3 of this act, W.S. 34-1-201(b)(iv) as enacted by the 2005 legislature by Senate Enrolled Act 66, being original Senate File 0149, is amended to read: 34-1-201. Short title; definitions. (b) As used in this article, unless the context requires otherwise: (iv) "This act" means W.S. 34-1-201 through 34-1-206 34-1-207.". Page 12–line 4 Delete "4" insert "5". MOCKLER, SCHIFFER

2/28/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0040S3001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 12-after line 2 Insert and renumber: "Section 4. Notwithstanding section 3 of this act, Section 045, footnote 2 as enacted by the 2005 legislature by Senate Enrolled Act 90, being original Senate File 0001, is amended to read: 2. The department shall provide a detailed history and comparative analysis of the revenue received and expenditures incurred by the department for the manufacture and distribution of state license plates including both the embossed and flat plate designs. The report shall also include a review of contracts associated with the design of the plate and any patents or corporate parameters required for the manufacture and design of the plates. The report shall be submitted to the joint transportation, highways and military affairs interim committee on or before September 1, 2006 2005.". Page 12-line 4 Delete "4" insert "5". Renumber as necessary. MOCKLER

HB0040S3002/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 12-after line 2 Insert and renumber: "Section 4. Notwithstanding section 3 of this act, W.S. 35-7-1059(h) as created by the 2005 legislature in House Bill 0293, if enacted into law, is amended to read: 35-7-1059. Unlawful clandestine laboratory operations; methamphetamine precursors; presumptively illegal amount; methamphetamine precursor sales limitations; registration requirements; reports; penalties. (h) No person shall sell in a single retail transaction more than two (2) packages as described in subsection (f) (g) of this section.". Page 12-line 4 Delete "4" insert "5". Renumber as necessary. MOCKLER

HB0040S3003/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 12–after line 2 Insert and renumber: "Section 4. Notwithstanding section 3 of this act, W.S. 31-7-110(k) as enacted by the 2005 legislature by Senate Enrolled Act 91, being original Senate File 0014, is amended to read: 31-7-110. Instruction and temporary driver's permits. (k) The division shall suspend for a period of thirty (30) days the intermediate operating permit of any person violating any provision of subsection (h) or (j) of this section. Records of convictions or license suspensions under this subsection (k) of this section shall not be made a part of the abstracts or records kept by the department of transportation pursuant to W.S. 31-5-1214 or 31-7-120. Any records maintained by the department for administration of this subsection shall be maintained separately and shall not be available for public inspection except for inspection by any law enforcement officer or agency to enforce the provisions of this section. Any driver's license suspension or related 120 records under this subsection (k) of this section shall not be the basis for any increase in insurance premiums or the cancellation of any insurance policy for a minor or his parents affected by this subsection.". Renumber as necessary. MOCKLER

3/1/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Did Not Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Lockhart Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Reese. Ayes 1 Nays 57 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Appointed JCC01 Members Representative(s) Cohee, Diercks and Hinckley 3/2/2005 S Appointed JCC01 Members Senator(s) Mockler, Schiffer and Larson

3/3/2005 H Adopted HB0040JC01

ROLL CALL AYES: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. EXCUSED: Representative(s) Jorgensen. Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflict 0

3/3/2005 S Adopted HB0040JC01

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Larson Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0040JC01/AA ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Adopt the following Senate amendments: HB0040S2001/AE HB0040S2002/ACE HB0040S3001/AE HB0040S3002/AE HB0040S3003/AE HB0040SW001/AE HB0040SW002/AE Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows: Page 12–after line 2 Insert and renumber:

121 "Section 4. Notwithstanding section 3 of this act, W.S. 9-2-2501(a) as amended by 2005 House Enrolled Act 112, being original House Bill 0290 shall not be effective and W.S. 9-2-2501(a) shall be repealed as provided by 2005 Senate Enrolled Act 75, being original Senate File 0156. Section 5. Notwithstanding section 3 of this act, W.S. 35-7-1059(k) and (m)(i), as enacted by the 2005 legislature by House Enrolled Act 133, being original House Bill 0293, is amended to read: 35-7-1059. Unlawful clandestine laboratory operations; methamphetamine precursors; presumptively illegal amount; methamphetamine precursor sales limitations; registration requirements; reports; penalties. (k) A person who intentionally or knowingly violates subsection (g), (h) or (j) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for a first offense, five hundred dollars ($500.00) for a second offense within two (2) years and one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and up to six (6) months imprisonment, or both, for a third offense within three (3) years. It shall be a defense to violation under paragraph (g)(ii) of this section that the person making the sale required and obtained proof of age from a purchaser who produced a false, forged or altered document that an ordinarily prudent person would believe to be legitimate. (m) A resident or nonresident retailer, manufacturer or wholesaler who distributes ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine, or their salts, isomers or salts of isomers in Wyoming shall: (i) Register with the board by submitting an application on a form prescribed by the board and pay a registration fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Where the retailer, manufacturer or wholesaler distributions are conducted at more than one (1) location, each location shall be separately registered. Except as provided in subsection (m) (n) of this section, those facilities registered with the board under W.S. 35-7-1024 on July 1, 2005, shall not be required to register under this section;". Renumber as necessary. COHEE, DIERCKS, HINCKLEY, MOCKLER, SCHIFFER, LARSON

3/3/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0135 3/3/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0135 3/3/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0135 3/10/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0135 3/10/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0230 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0041 Reportable animal disease list.

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to contagious and infectious diseases among livestock; providing for the establishment of a reportable animal disease list; providing for confidentiality of information; and providing for an effective date.

12/17/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/14/2005 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Jackson, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0041HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 2 After "a" insert "list of". Page 1-line 3 Delete "disease list" insert "diseases". Page 1-line 11 After "veterinarian;" insert "list of"; delete "disease list" insert "diseases". Page 1-line 16 After "infectious" insert "reportable". Page 2-line 3 After "a" insert "list of"; delete "disease list" insert "diseases". Page 2–line 4 After "threat to" insert "domestic". Page 2-line 5 After "animals." insert "During development of this list the state veterinarian shall consult with the Wyoming game and fish department's supervisor of veterinary research services.". Page 2-line 6 Delete "reportable disease list" insert "list of reportable diseases".

122 Page 2-line 8 After "the" insert "list of"; delete "disease list" insert "diseases". Page 2-line 10 Delete ". The" insert ", except that the". HAGEMAN, CHAIRMAN

HB0041HW001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 2 After "livestock;" insert "amending the requirements for reporting contagious and infectious diseases;". Page 2-line 1 After "jurisdiction" insert "or any veterinarian who knows or suspects any reportable contagious or infectious disease on any premises or in any animal". HAGEMAN

1/17/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0041H2001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 4 After "deemed" insert "by the state veterinarian". BUCHOLZ 1/18/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/19/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Olsen and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 2/4/2005 S05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Johnson, Meier, Northrup and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0041SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 3-line 8 Delete "or". Page 3-line 10 Delete "." insert "; or". Page 3-after line 10 Insert: "(vi) Adjacent landowners. (b) The state veterinarian when he deems it to be in the best interests of animal health, or the state public health officer when he deems it to be in the best interests of human public health, may release to the public any information collected under subsection (a) of this section, except the identity of any individual who reported the disease or whose animals may have contracted the disease.". Page 3-line 12 Delete "(b)" insert "(c)". GEIS, CHAIRMAN

2/8/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0041S2001/FAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 3-after line 10 In the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0041SS001/A) to this line, in W.S. 11-19-102(b) created by that amendment, delete ", or the state public health officer when he deems it to be in the best interests of human public health,". SESSIONS, GEIS

2/9/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/10/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading


123 Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 H Received for Concurrence 2/11/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Barnard, Jorgensen and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0015 2/14/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0015 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0015 2/17/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0015 2/17/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0016 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0042 DUI evaluations.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Warren, Berger, Hinckley, Gingery, Osborn, Watt and White and Senator(s) Burns, Cooper and Massie

AN ACT relating to driving under the influence; providing for substance abuse evaluation for all violations; and providing for an effective date.

12/17/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/26/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File


HB0042HS001/ADOPTED Page 1–line 7 Delete "7-13-1302 and"; delete "are" insert "is". Page 1-lines 10 through 16 Delete entirely. Page 2-lines 1 through 5 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 11 After "(e)" insert "Except as otherwise provided,". Page 2–line 12 After "shall" insert "be ordered to or shall"; after "assessment" insert "conducted by a substance abuse provider certified by the department of health pursuant to W.S. 9- 2-2701(c) at or". Page 2–line 13 Delete "pursuant to W.S. 7-13-1302"; after "." insert "The cost of the substance abuse assessment shall be assessed to and paid by the offender.". Page 2-line 23 After "months" insert ", he shall be ordered to or shall receive a substance abuse assessment conducted by a substance abuse provider certified by the department of health pursuant to W.S. 9-2-2701(c) before sentencing". Page 3-lines 8 and 9 Reinsert all stricken language. Page 3-lines 13 and 14 Delete all new language. Page 5-line 1 After "effective" delete balance of the line and insert "July 1, 2006.". Page 5-lines 2 through 4 Delete entirely. LANDON, CHAIRMAN 1/28/2005 H Passed CoW 1/31/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0042H3001/FAILED Page 2-line 11 Delete "violating" insert "a first violation of"; after "section" insert ", if the conviction was based on the person having a measured alcohol concentration of twelve one-hundredths of one percent (0.12%) or more, or a person convicted for a second or subsequent violation of this section". LANDON

2/1/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bagby, Berger, Brown, Cohee, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Barnard, Brechtel, Buchanan, Childers, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Jones and Semlek. Excused: Representative(s) Bucholz Ayes 49 Nays 10 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/2/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/8/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Placed on General File 2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading


ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Cooper, Decaria, Hanes, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Coe, Geis, Hawks, Hines, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Schiffer, Townsend and Vasey. Ayes 19 Nays 11 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0028 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0028 2/16/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0028 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0028 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0043 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0043 Livestock diseases.

Sponsored By: Joint Agriculture, Public Lands and Water Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to contagious and infectious diseases; providing for sale of cattle or domestic bison infected with or exposed to brucellosis; amending the payment for the slaughter of livestock affected with tuberculosis; providing for brucellosis testing and surveillance as specified; providing a penalty; and providing for an effective date.

12/17/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/21/2005 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0043HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 5 After "facility" insert "or veterinary diagnostic laboratory". Page 2-line 6 After "." insert "Prior to directing that any cattle or bison that are part of an infected herd be sold under this section, the state veterinarian shall ascertain that sufficient funds are available from either federal or state sources to ensure that the owner of the condemned cattle or domestic bison will be paid the difference between the market value at the time of quarantine and the amount received for the sale, less any amount of reimbursement provided for and paid under federal law or regulation, the cost of shipping or transportation and commission charges.". Page 2-line 18 After "facility" insert "or veterinary diagnostic laboratory". Page 2-line 19 After "." insert "Prior to directing that any affected livestock be sold under this section, the state veterinarian shall ascertain that sufficient funds are available from either federal or state sources to ensure that". Page 2-line 20 Strike "shall" insert "will". page 2-line 24 Strike "less". Page 3-line 21 After "deemed" insert "by the state veterinarian to be". HAGEMAN, CHAIRMAN

1/24/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0043H2001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 2-line 6 In the standing committee amendment (HB0043HS001/A) to this line after "charges." insert "Payments under this section shall not be made by the state for any sexually intact female cattle or bison which are over twelve (12) months old and which are not official calfhood vaccinates as provided in board rule and regulation.". BUCHOLZ


1/25/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/26/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 2/2/2005 S05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Johnson, Meier and Vasey Excused: Senator(s) Northrup Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0043SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 5-line 6 After "testing" insert "of all test eligible bovine or domestic bison". GEIS, CHAIRMAN

2/8/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0043S2001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 5-line 6 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0043SS001/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: after "testing" insert "of any test eligible bovine or domestic bison". SCOTT

2/9/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/10/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 H Received for Concurrence 2/11/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Barnard, Jorgensen and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0016 2/14/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0016 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0016 2/17/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0016 2/17/2005 Assigned Chapter Number 127

Chapter No. 0018 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0044 National guard educational assistance trust fund.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Hinckley, Illoway, Petersen, Powers, Robinson and Wasserburger and Senator(s) Boggs and Case

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming national guard; establishing a Wyoming national guard educational assistance trust fund; specifying use of trust fund investment income; accordingly modifying educational assistance payments for guard members and specifying full payment of tuition and fees to the extent funds are available; providing an appropriation and for transferring of funds; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 1/26/2005 H08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File 1/26/2005 H Rereferred to H02 1/28/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0044HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 6 After ";" delete balance of the line. Page 1-line 7 Delete the line through ";". Page 5-lines 13 through 24 Delete entirely. Page 6-lines 1 through 6 Delete entirely. Page 6-line 8 Delete "4" insert "3". PHILP, CHAIRMAN

2/1/2005 H Passed CoW 2/2/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/3/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Robinson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Gingery, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Meuli, Philp, Quarberg, Samuelson, Semlek and Simpson. Excused: Representative(s) Reese Ayes 44 Nays 15 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S02 2/11/2005 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


2/11/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0045 County officers' salaries.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Berger, Esquibel, Latta, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Semlek, Latta, Quarberg, Gingery and Berger and Senator(s) Boggs, Barrasso and Scott

AN ACT relating to counties; increasing salary ranges of certain county officers as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/25/2005 H07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Illoway, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Excused: Representative(s) Latta Conflicts: Representative(s) Gingery Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

1/25/2005 H Placed on General File 1/27/2005 H Passed CoW 1/28/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/31/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading


ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Martin Conflicts: Representative(s) Gingery Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

1/31/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/10/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/17/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Meier, Mockler and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 2/17/2005 S Placed on General File 2/23/2005 S Passed CoW 2/24/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/25/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0101 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0101 2/28/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0101 3/2/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0101 3/2/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0162 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0046 Veterans' tuition waiver.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Bagby, Esquibel, Gilmore, Illoway, Latta, Landon, Lockhart, Petersen and Robinson and Senator(s) Scott, Vasey, Decaria and Sessions

AN ACT relating to veterans; providing for free tuition at the University of Wyoming and community colleges for overseas combat veterans; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee


H.B. No. 0047 Liquor licenses population formula adjustment.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Latta, Martin and Slater and Senator(s) Vasey

AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; modifying the population formula for retail liquor licenses and malt beverage permits; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0048 Newspaper size for legal notices.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Brechtel, Cohee, Gilmore, Harshman, Lockhart and Robinson and Senator(s) Barrasso, Jennings and Scott

AN ACT relating to publication of legal notices; modifying required size of newspapers for legal notices; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/17/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0048HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 1 Strike "such" insert "the". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

1/18/2005 H Passed CoW 1/19/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/20/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson, Olsen, Philp and Watt. Ayes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S04 2/11/2005 S04 Recommended Do Pass


ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Coe, Jennings, Peck and Townsend Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 S Placed on General File 2/15/2005 S Passed CoW 2/16/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/17/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0053 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0053 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0053 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0053 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0116 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0049 Natural gas valuation.

Sponsored By: Joint Revenue Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for the valuation of certain natural gas for taxation purposes; providing definitions; specifying applicability; requiring application and a report; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 1/26/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gilmore, Hastert and Pedersen Nays: Representative(s) Gay, Harshman, Miller and Walsh Ayes 5 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0050 Homeowner's tax credit-county option.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Olsen and Luthi and Senator(s) Cooper and Burns

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for a county optional homeowner's tax credit; providing procedures and qualifications; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 1/17/2005 H03 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Gay, Harshman, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Nays: Representative(s) Bucholz and Gilmore Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 132

1/17/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0050HW001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 5 After "residence" insert "for a period of not less than one (1) year prior to applying for the tax credit". Page 2-line 23 After "applicant" insert "and has been for a period of not less than one (1) year prior to applying for the tax credit". Page 5-lines 20 through 24 Delete entirely. Renumber as necessary. OLSEN

1/24/2005 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Hastert, Iekel, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, Olsen, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger and Watt. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 14 Nays 45 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0051 Public schools-high school diploma endorsements.

Sponsored By: Joint Education Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to public schools; eliminating required high school diploma endorsements specifying different types of student proficiency; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04 1/19/2005 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger Nays: Representative(s) McOmie Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File 1/19/2005 H Rereferred to H04 1/19/2005 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger Nays: Representative(s) McOmie Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0051HS001/ADOPTED That Substitute No. 1 for HB0051 DO Pass. WASSERBURGER, CHAIRMAN

1/20/2005 H Passed CoW 1/21/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0051H3001/FAILED Page 2-line 1 After "system" reinsert balance of line. Page 2-line 2 Reinsert stricken "state board and". MCOMIE


HB0051H3002/ADOPTED Page 2-line 8 Before "Two" insert "Commencing with requirements for students graduating in school year 2007-2008,". HAMMONS

1/24/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Cohee, Diercks, Esquibel, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Childers, Davison, Edwards, Gay, Harvey, Jones, McOmie, Miller, Philp and Robinson. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Latta and Watt. Ayes 46 Nays 11 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S04 2/2/2005 S04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Jennings, Peck and Townsend Nays: Senator(s) Boggs Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0051SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-lines 8 thru 10 Delete. COE, CHAIRMAN

HB0051SW001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 1 Reinsert stricken "prescribed by rule and regulation of the". Page 2-line 2 Reinsert stricken "state board and". JOB, COE

2/8/2005 S Passed CoW 2/9/2005 S Laid Back Without Prejudice

HB0051S2001/FAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 5 Delete "in not less" insert ". Graduation requirements shall include a demonstration of proficiency in five (5) of the nine (9) content areas as measured by the body of evidence assessment system;". Page 2-lines 6 and 7 Delete. MASSIE

HB0051S2002/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the Massie Second Reading Amendment (HB0051S2001/AE). Further amend as follows: Page 2-line 5 Delete "in not less" insert ". The state board shall adopt rules and regulations governing graduation requirements for those students enrolled in programs designed for special student needs in accordance with W.S. 21-9-101(c)(i) which comply with federal rule and regulation;". Page 2-lines 6 and 7 Delete. COE

2/10/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0051S3001/FAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the Coe Second Reading Amendment (HB0051S2002/AE) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 2-line 5 Delete "in not less" insert ". Graduation requirements shall include a demonstration of proficiency in not less than six (6) of the nine (9) content areas as measured by the body of evidence assessment system;". Page 2-lines 6 and 7 Delete. MEIER

134 2/11/2005 S Failed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Ross Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 1 Nays 29 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0052 Challenge loan program.

Sponsored By: Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to administration of government; providing for guaranteed loan participation under the Wyoming partnership challenge loan program; providing limitations; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 1/24/2005 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0052HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 2 After "participation" insert "and loan guarantees". Page 2-line 7 After "less" delete "." insert ";". Page 2-After line 7 Insert: "(viii) "Loan guarantee" means a provision of financing by the council in which the council guarantees a portion of a bank loan made to a business. The guarantee shall not exceed eighty percent (80%).". Page 2-line 17 Delete "(e)" insert "(f)". Page 3-line 4 Delete "(e)" insert "(f)". Page 3-line 10 After "Loans" insert ","; strike "or"; after "commitments" insert "or loan guarantees". Page 3-line 21 Delete "or" insert ",". Page 3-line 24 Before ";" insert "or if the amount to a business for a loan guarantee does not exceed eighty percent (80%) of the bank loan as provided under subsection (f) of this section". Page 4-line 9 Delete "guaranteed" insert "participated in". Page 4-After line 17 Insert: "(f) Any business with operations in Wyoming may apply to the council for a loan guarantee as defined in the W.S. 9-12-301(a)(viii). The council shall prescribe the form and contents of the application. The council shall review each application and make a determination as soon as practicable. The council shall structure any loan guarantee so that in the event of default of any loan that is guaranteed under this subsection: (i) Liability to the state under the guarantee shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) per loan guaranteed or eighty percent (80%) of any net loan loss by the bank, whichever is less; and (ii) The interest of the state and the lending institution shall have priority over any claim of the business receiving the financing or other third party.". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN

1/26/2005 H Passed CoW 1/27/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0052H3001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 9 After "(b)(i)" insert ", (ii)". Page 2-After line 7 In the standing committee amendment (HB0052HS001/A) to this line delete "The guarantee shall not exceed eighty percent (80%)."

135 Page 3-line 24 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0052HS001/A) to this line; before ";" insert "or if the amount to a business for a loan guarantee does not exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) per loan guaranteed or eighty percent (80%) of any net loan loss by the bank, whichever is less". Page 3-After line 24 Insert: "(ii) If there are sufficient funds in the economic development enterprise account to fully fund it and all other outstanding commitments, and loans, loan guarantees and guarantee loan participations;". Page 4-After line 17 In the standing committee amendment (HB0052HS001/A) to this line delete "with operations in Wyoming". LOCKHART

1/28/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Landon Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Latta and Samuelson. Ayes 56 Nays 1 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 2/2/2005 S09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Townsend and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0052SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 5-line 10 After "defined in" delete "the". HAWKS, CHAIRMAN

2/9/2005 S Passed CoW 2/10/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/11/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Jorgensen. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0029 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0029 2/16/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0029 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0029 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0053 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0053 Air services enhancement.

Sponsored By: Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to administration of government; transferring the air services financial aid program to the Wyoming aeronautics commission as specified; providing appropriations; transferring a position; and providing for an effective date.

12/20/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 1/17/2005 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Nays: Representative(s) Latta Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2005 H Placed on General File 1/18/2005 H Rereferred to H02 1/21/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Simpson and Warren Excused: Representative(s) Philp Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0053HS001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-line 4 Delete "appropriations;" insert "an appropriation; modifying requirements of the program; transferring funds;". Page 3-line 23 Strike "matching" insert "local". Page 3-line 24 Delete "matching" insert "local". Page 8-line 9 After "the" strike balance of line. Page 8-line 10 Strike "W.S. 9-12-103(c)". Page 8-line 12 Delete "on"; strike "June 30, 2006"; delete ".". Page 8-line 13 After stricken "earlier" insert "air services enhancement account within the highway fund on September 30, 2007"; reinsert stricken ".". Page 9-line 11 After "is" delete balance of the line. Page 9-lines 12 through 15 Delete. Page 9-line 16 Delete "pursuit of statewide" insert "transferred from the Wyoming business council one hundred sixty thousand five hundred fifty-two dollars ($160,552.00) to the"; after "enhancement" insert "account for administration of the program authorized in section 1 of this act". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN

HB0053HS002/ADOPTED Page 9-line 16 In the first standing committee amendment (HB0053HS001/AC) to this line, delete "one hundred sixty thousand five hundred fifty-two dollars ($160,552.00)" insert "two hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($225,000.00)". SIMPSON, ACTING CHAIRMAN

HB0053HW001/FAILED Page 1-line 4 Delete "transferring" insert "eliminating". Page 9-line 18 Delete "There is transferred" insert "The". Page 9-line 19 Delete "from" insert "within"; Delete "to" insert "for the Wyoming air services enhancement program is eliminated.". Page 9-lines 20 through 24 Delete entirely. Page 10-lines 1 through 5 Delete entirely. SAMUELSON

HB0053HW002/ADOPTED Delete the second standing committee amendment (HB0053HS002/A) entirely. Further amend as follows: Page 1-line 4 Delete the first standing committee amendment (HB0053HS001/AC) to this line; after "appropriations;" insert "modifying requirements of the program; transferring funds;". Page 9-After line 16 Insert: "(c) There is appropriated from the general fund to the air services enhancement account, fifty-four thousand four hundred forty-eight dollars ($54,448.00) for administration of the program authorized in section 1 of this act.". QUARBERG, LOCKHART, SIMPSON

1/26/2005 H Passed CoW 1/27/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 138 1/28/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Bucholz Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Latta and Samuelson. Ayes 56 Nays 1 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 2/2/2005 S09 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Townsend and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Placed on General File 2/3/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/7/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Hines, Job and Nicholas Nays: Senator(s) Case Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Placed on General File 2/9/2005 S Passed CoW 2/10/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/11/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case and Decaria. Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0009 2/14/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0009 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0009 2/17/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0009 2/17/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0013 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0054 Grandparents visitation rights.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Cohee

AN ACT relating to grandparent visitation rights; authorizing grandparents to bring an action to establish visitation rights when their grandchild has been adopted as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/21/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)


ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Buchanan and Lubnau Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Landon, Robinson and White Excused: Representative(s) Olsen and Watt Ayes 3 Nays 4 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0055 Harming assistance animals.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway, Hinckley and Samuelson and Senator(s) Hanes, Mockler and Ross

AN ACT relating to service dogs; providing penalties for harming service dogs; and providing for an effective date.

12/21/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/19/2005 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0055HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 2 After "harming" insert "or allowing harm to". Page 1-line 12 After "inflicts" insert "or allows to be inflicted". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/19/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0055H2001/ADOPTED Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0055HS001/A). Further amend as follows: Page 1-line 12 After "inflicts" insert ", or permits or directs any animal under his control or ownership to inflict,". ILLOWAY

1/20/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/21/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/8/2005 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Meier and Mockler Excused: Senator(s) Scott Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Placed on General File

140 HB0055SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 1 Delete "service dogs" insert "assistance animals". Page 1-line 2 Delete "service dogs" insert "assistance animals". Page 1-line 8 Delete "service dog" insert "assistance animal". Page 1-line 15 Delete "service dog" insert "assistance animal". Page 2-line 6 Delete "service dog" insert "assistance animal". Page 2-line 10 Delete "service dog" insert "assistance animal". Page 2-line 11 Delete "service dog" insert "assistance animal". MEIER, CHAIRMAN

2/10/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0055S2001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0055SS001/AE) entirely. HANES

2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Geis, Nicholas, Northrup, Schiffer, Townsend and Vasey. Ayes 23 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Latta. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0037 2/16/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0037 2/16/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0037 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0037 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number Chapter No. 0041 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0056 Adjutant general salary.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway and Walsh and Senator(s) Johnson

AN ACT relating to the adjutant general; setting a salary; and providing for an effective date.

12/21/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 1/21/2005 H08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File 1/24/2005 H Passed CoW 1/25/2005 H Laid Back Without Prejudice 1/26/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

141 1/27/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Berger, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Samuelson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Brechtel, Brown, Bucholz, Diercks, Gilmore, Goggles, Harvey, Jorgensen, Landon, Luthi, Meuli, Philp, Reese, Semlek, Warren, Wasserburger and Watt. Excused: Representative(s) Iekel, Jackson, Robinson and Simpson. Ayes 36 Nays 20 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S06 2/8/2005 S06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Cooper, Massie, Ross and Von Flatern Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/14/2005 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0056SS001/FAILED Page 1-line 1 After ";" insert "providing an appropriation;". Page 2-after line 4 Insert and renumber: "Section 2. There is appropriated thirty-eight thousand four hundred ninety dollars ($38,490.00) from the general fund to the adjutant general of Wyoming for the purposes of this act.". Page 2-line 6 Delete "2" insert "3". BURNS, CHAIRMAN

2/22/2005 S Laid Back Without Prejudice

HB0056SW001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 15 After "shall be" insert "determined by the state auditor based upon consideration of comparable positions but shall not exceed". Page 1-line 16 Strike "the same as" insert "in". JOHNSON

2/23/2005 S Passed CoW 2/24/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0056S3001/ADOPTED Delete the Johnson Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0056SW001/A) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 1-line 15 Strike "shall" insert "may"; after "be" insert ", but shall not exceed,". Page 1-line 16 Strike "the same as" insert "in". VON FLATERN

2/25/2005 S Failed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Coe, Cooper, Jennings, Johnson, Larson, Meier, Northrup, Peck, Scott, Sessions, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Aullman, Boggs, Burns, Case, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Job, Massie, Mockler, Nicholas, Ross, Schiffer and Townsend. Ayes 14 Nays 16 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

142 H.B. No. 0057 Adjutant general positions.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway and Walsh and Senator(s) Johnson

AN ACT relating to assistant adjutant generals; providing for a full-time position; providing for a salary; and providing for an effective date.

12/21/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 1/21/2005 H08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File 1/25/2005 H Roll Call Vote Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Morgan, Olsen, Pedersen, Powers, Samuelson, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Brechtel, Bucholz, Cohee, Davison, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Martin, Meuli, Miller, Osborn, Petersen, Philp, Quarberg, Reese, Semlek, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt and White. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Robinson. Ayes 29 Nays 29 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


H.B. No. 0058 State outdoor recreation areas and facilities-fees.

Sponsored By: Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to state outdoor recreation areas; authorizing the establishment of fees for state outdoor recreation areas by the department of state parks and cultural resources; providing criteria and requirements for the establishment of fees; repealing statutorily set fees; authorizing the establishment of amenities and enhancements; providing for a continuous appropriation of fees; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

12/22/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 1/20/2005 H06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Gingery, Iekel, Reese, Slater, Thompson and Zwonitzer Nays: Representative(s) Davison Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0058HS001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 4-line 5 After "department" delete "," insert "and"; after "commission" delete "and" insert ". An annual report shall be submitted to". Page 13-line 17 After "effective" insert "July 1, 2005." and delete balance of the line. Page 13-lines 18 through 20 Delete. CHILDERS, CHAIRMAN

HB0058HW001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 5 After "of fees;" insert "providing for lifetime permits as specified;". Page 10-line 11 After "affairs" insert "and any resident person who is permanently and totally disabled as defined by 42 U.S.C. § 1382c". Page 10-line 23 After "disability" insert "or the qualifying disability, as applicable". DAVISON

1/21/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0058H2001/FAILED Page 10-line 11 In the Davison committee of the whole amendment (HB0058HW001/A) to this line before "and any" insert ", any resident senior citizen as defined in W.S. 9-2-1201(a)(iv)". Page 10-line 23 In the Davison committee of the whole amendment (HB0058HW001/A) to this line before "or" insert ", the age of the applicant". DAVISON

HB0058H2002/ADOPTED Page 3-line 21 After "." insert "In addition to all requirements for rulemaking pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act, prior to setting or altering fees under this subsection by rule and regulation the department shall conduct a public meeting in each community with a population greater than three thousand (3000) residents and located within thirty (30) miles of an outdoor recreation area or facility in which fees are set or altered. The public meeting under this paragraph may be held for purposes including, but not limited to, information distribution, soliciting community input and assessment of local needs and uses of the outdoor recreation area or facility. Notice for a public meeting under this paragraph shall be provided in accordance with W.S. 16-3-103(a)(ii).". Page 5-line 2 Delete "." insert ";". Page 5-After line 3 Insert: "(E) Public input from prior public meetings conducted pursuant to paragraph (xiii) of this subsection.". LANDON

1/24/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

144 1/25/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Barnard, Berger, Brown, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Bagby, Brechtel, Buchanan and Hageman. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 55 Nays 4 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S06 2/10/2005 S06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Cooper, Ross and Von Flatern Nays: Senator(s) Massie Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0058SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 7 Delete "providing". Page 1-line 8 Delete through "fees;". Page 4-line 20 After "committee" insert "and the joint appropriations interim committee". Page 9-line 19 Delete "and are". Page 9-line 20 Delete "continuously appropriated to". Page 9-line 23 Delete "."; reinsert stricken "as approved by the legislature.". Page 10-line 18 Reinsert stricken "within the earmarked revenue fund". Page 10-line 19 Delete "are continuously appropriated to and". Page 11-line 2 After "affairs" delete balance of line.

Page 11-line 3 Delete through "1382c". BURNS, CHAIRMAN

2/14/2005 S Failed CoW; Indef Postponed


ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Hanes, Ross, Scott and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend and Vasey. Excused: Senator(s) Job Ayes 5 Nays 24 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0059 Driver's license-medical condition.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Cohee

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; providing for cancellation, nonrenewal and denial of a driver's license based upon statements of a treating physician or optometrist; and providing for an effective date.

12/23/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 1/19/2005 H08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File 1/20/2005 H Passed CoW 1/21/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/24/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Lockhart, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Osborn, Petersen, Philp, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Diercks, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hinckley, Landon, Lubnau, Luthi, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Pedersen, Powers, Reese, Simpson and Wasserburger. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Latta. Ayes 41 Nays 17 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S08 2/1/2005 S08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Geis and Von Flatern Excused: Senator(s) Northrup Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0059SS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 4 After "vehicle" delete balance of line and insert ". The licensed treating physician or optometrist may request an examination by the division under W.S. 31-7-122.". Page 2-line 5 Delete. Page 2-line 18 After "vehicle" delete balance of line and insert ". The licensed treating physician or optometrist may request an". Page 2-line 19 After "examination" insert "by the division". BARRASSO, CHAIRMAN

2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Laid Back Without Prejudice

146 2/14/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0059S3001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-line 9 After "(viii)" insert ", 31-7-122(a)(intro)". Page 2-before line 7 Insert and renumber: "31-7-122. Reexaminations. (a) The division, having good cause to believe that a licensed driver is unsafe or otherwise not qualified to be licensed, may upon written notice of not less than ten (10) days to the licensee require him to submit to an appropriate examination. Upon the conclusion of the examination, or the refusal of the person to timely complete the examination, the division shall:". NICHOLAS, BOGGS

2/15/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Schiffer Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Brown, Goggles, Hinckley and Olsen. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Philp. Ayes 53 Nays 5 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0041 2/16/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0041 2/18/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0041 2/22/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0041 2/22/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0079 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0060 Minor victims-release of names.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Martin, Berger, Hammons, Harvey, Robinson and Warren and Senator(s) Boggs

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; requiring courts to prohibit release of minor victims' names to protect the welfare of the minor child; amending definition of "minor victim" for certain offenses; and providing for an effective date.

12/23/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/19/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File


147 Page 1-line 3 After "child" insert "except as specified". Page 1-line 4 Before "certain" insert "purposes of releasing information regarding". Page 1-line 9 After "6-4-403" delete "(d),". Page 2-line 2 Strike "upon the" insert "Absent a"; after "request" insert "to release the identity"; after "victim" insert "by the victim". Page 2-line 12 Strike "upon the" insert "Absent a"; after "request" insert "to release the identity"; after "victim" insert "by the victim". Page 2-lines 22 through 23 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 2 Strike "upon the" insert "Absent a"; after "request" insert "to release the identity"; after "victim" insert "by the victim". Page 3-line 17 Strike "upon the" insert "Absent a"; after "request" insert "to release the identity"; after "victim" insert "by the victim". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

1/19/2005 H Passed CoW 1/20/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/21/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/15/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 S Placed on General File 2/18/2005 S Passed CoW 2/22/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/23/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

148 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0082 2/24/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0082 2/24/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0082 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0082 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0129 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0061 Animal euthanasia technicians.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Martin, Bagby, Esquibel, Latta and Walsh and Senator(s) Cooper and Geis

AN ACT relating to professions and occupations; amending provisions relating to certified animal euthanasia technicians; providing a definition; amending fee provisions; and providing for an effective date.

12/23/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/26/2005 H Rereferred to H07 1/31/2005 H07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 3/3/2005 Died In Committee


H.B. No. 0062 Regulation of bingo.

Sponsored By: Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; clarifying and amending the definition of bingo as an activity excluded from the definition of gambling; specifying entities authorized to conduct bingo games; specifying conditions; authorizing cities, towns and counties to prohibit or restrict bingo activities; and providing for an effective date.

12/23/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/19/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 1/26/2005 H06 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Reese, Slater, Thompson and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0062HW001/FAILED Page 1-line 6 After ";" insert "providing for regulation by the pari-mutuel commission;". Page 3-line 15 Delete "city or town" insert "location". Page 3-line 18 After the first "game" delete balance of the line and insert ";". Page 3-lines 19 through 24 Delete entirely. Page 4-lines 1 through 5 Delete entirely. Page 4-line 13 Delete "to" insert "or hiring employees to assist in the"; after "conduct" insert "of"; delete ";" insert ".". Page 4-lines 15 through 23 Delete entirely. Page 5-lines 1 through 11 Delete entirely. Page 5-line 15 After "and" delete balance of the line and insert "11-25-103(a)(v). Page 5-line 16 Delete the line through "(viii)". Page 6-line 24 After "paper" insert ", electronic"; delete "or board" insert "before commencement of the game". Page 7-line 8 Delete "or board". Page 7-line 10 After "covered" delete balance of the line. Page 7-lines 11 through 12 Delete entirely. Page 7-line 13 Delete the line through "covered". Page 7-line 14 Delete "other". Page 7-line 20 Delete "or board". Page 8-line 10 Delete "." insert "or". Page 8-line 11 After "(xi)" delete balance of the line. Page 8-line 12 Delete all new language. Page 8-lines 14 through 22 Delete entirely and insert: "11-25-102. Definitions. (a) As used in this act: (v) "Pari-mutuel event" means the events which are authorized by the commission for the conduct of horse racing (to include quarter horse, thoroughbred or other approved races), harness racing, cutter racing, chariot racing, chuck wagon racing, professional roping events and simulcasting of dog racing and the events described in this paragraph, and including bingo as defined in W.S. 6-7-101(a)(xi), as prescribed by the commission;". ILLOWAY

1/28/2005 H Passed CoW 1/31/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/1/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Jones, Jorgensen, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer.

150 Nays: Representative(s) Diercks, Edwards, Gilmore, Illoway, Jackson, Landon, Latta, McOmie, Olsen and Walsh. Excused: Representative(s) Bucholz Conflicts: Representative(s) Lubnau Ayes 48 Nays 10 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

2/1/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S06 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0063 State investment standards.

Sponsored By: Select Committee on Capital Financing and Investments

AN ACT relating to public funds; modifying requirements and standards for the investment of state funds; modifying requirements for managers of state funds; and providing for an effective date.

12/23/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H12 1/26/2005 H12 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Cohee, Illoway, Luthi, Martin, Osborn, Philp, Reese, Simpson, Thompson and Wasserburger Excused: Representative(s) Robinson Ayes 12 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0063HS001/ADOPTED Page 6-line 3 Strike "advisor" insert "investment manager". LUTHI, CHAIRMAN

1/27/2005 H Passed CoW 1/28/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/31/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Reese Excused: Representative(s) Martin Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S12 2/15/2005 S12 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hines, Job, Larson, Mockler and Schiffer Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0063SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 12 Delete through "(f)" insert "a new subsection (e)". Page 8-lines 16 through 19 Delete and renumber. LARSON, CHAIRMAN

151 2/17/2005 S Passed CoW 2/18/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/22/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Decaria, Geis, Job, Meier, Scott and Vasey. Ayes 23 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Lockhart. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0078 2/24/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0078 2/24/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0078 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA 0078 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0124 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0064 Specialty license plates-2.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Berger, Esquibel, Slater and White and Senator(s) Coe

AN ACT relating to license plates; authorizing the display of special license plates; specifying license plate production and sales; imposing special application fees; and providing for an effective date.

12/23/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 02/03/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Esquibel, Powers, Slater and Walsh Nays: Representative(s) Edwards, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen and Zwonitzer Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0065 Uniform Trust Code Amendments.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Simpson and Senator(s) Hanes and Nicholas

AN ACT relating to the Uniform Trust Code; amending disclaimer provisions as specified; amending the investment standards for fiduciaries; making technical corrections; adding provisions to conform with recent changes to the model Uniform Trust Code; clarifying powers of trust advisors and trust protectors; amending definitions; specifying applicability of provisions; and providing for an effective date.

12/23/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 152 1/24/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0065HS001/ADOPTED Page 2–line 14 Delete "4-10-103(a)(xxv)" insert "4-10-103(a)(xxiii)". Page 2–line 22 Delete "4-10-103(a)(xxiv)" insert "4-10-103(a)(xxii)". Page 5–line 1 Delete "through". Page 5–line 10 Delete "through". Page 20–line 5 Delete "July 1, 2005" insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

1/25/2005 H Passed CoW 1/26/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/27/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Harshman, Iekel, Jackson, Robinson and Simpson. Ayes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/15/2005 S01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

153 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0065SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 4-line 13 After "4-10-505(b)(ii)," insert "4-10-506(a)(ii),". Page 13-after line 18 Insert and renumber: "4-10-506. Limitation on action by creditors. (a) Subject to the rights of persons dealing with a fiduciary as provided in W.S. 4-10-1013, a creditor may file a claim against the assets of the trust or commence a judicial proceeding to contest the validity of a trust that was revocable at the settlor's death within the earlier of: (ii) One hundred twenty (120) days after a notice of the intent of the trustee to have the property of the settlor distributed as permitted under the terms of the trust has been published once per week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or counties where venue of the trust is properly established as provided in W.S. 4-10-204; or". HANES, CHAIRMAN

2/18/2005 S Passed CoW 2/22/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/23/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Landon, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Edwards, Harshman, Jones, Jorgensen, Latta, Lockhart, Philp, Simpson and Warren. Ayes 51 Nays 0 Excused 9 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0086 2/24/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0086 2/24/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0086 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0086 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0126 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0066 Illegal open house parties for minors.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Simpson, Childers and Martin

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; establishing a crime for any person who allows an open house party if alcohol or a controlled substance is possessed or consumed as specified; providing exceptions; providing penalties; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

12/23/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/21/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

154 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Robinson, Watt and White Excused: Representative(s) Alden and Olsen Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0066HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-Above line 1 In the catch title delete "for minors". Page 1-line 5 Delete "definitions" insert "a definition". Page 1-line 11 Delete "minors" insert "persons under the age of twenty-one (21) years". Page 2-line 1 After "law" insert "to be possessed by any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years". Page 2-line 2 Delete "minor" insert "person under the age of twenty-one (21) years". Page 2-line 15 Delete "by a minor"; after "issued" delete "to". Page 2-line 16 Delete "the minor". Page 2-line 21 Delete "by a minor". Page 2-line 23 After "to" delete "the"; after "employment" insert "." and delete balance of the line. Page 3-line 3 Delete "ninety" insert "six". Page 3-line 4 Delete "(90) days" insert "(6) months"; delete "five hundred" insert "seven hundred fifty". Page 3-line 5 Delete "($500.00)" insert "($750.00)". Page 3-line 7 Delete ":". Page 3-lines 9 and 10 Delete. Page 3-line 12 Delete "(ii)". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

1/25/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0066H2001/ADOPTED Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0066HS001/A) entirely. Further amend as follows: Page 2-line 1 After "law" insert "to be possessed by a minor". Page 2-line 15 Delete "by a minor"; after "issued" delete "to". Page 2-line 16 Delete "the minor". Page 2-line 21 Delete "by a minor". Page 2-line 23 After "to" delete "the"; after "employment" insert "." and delete balance of the line. Page 3-line 3 Delete "ninety" insert "six". Page 3-line 4 Delete "(90) days" insert "(6) months"; delete "five hundred" insert "seven hundred fifty". Page 3-line 5 Delete "($500.00)" insert "($750.00)". Page 3-line 15 Delete "article" insert "chapter". REESE

1/26/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/27/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Osborn, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt and White. Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Buchanan, Edwards, Gilmore, Hageman, Hinckley, Lockhart, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Pedersen, Walsh and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Harshman, Iekel, Jackson, Robinson and Simpson. Ayes 42 Nays 13 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/8/2005 S01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Hanes, Ross and Sessions 155 Nays: Senator(s) Decaria Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0066SS001.01/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 2 Delete "an open" insert "a". Page 1-line 15 After "allow" delete "an" insert "a". Page 1-line 16 Delete "open". HANES, CHAIRMAN

HB0066SS001.02/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 2 Delete "a minor" insert "any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years". Page 2-line 3 Delete "minor" insert "person under the age of twenty-one (21) years". Page 3-line 8 Delete ":" insert ",". Page 3-lines 10 and 11 Delete. Page 3-line 13 Delete "(ii)". HANES, CHAIRMAN

2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Cooper, Hanes, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Nicholas, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Coe, Decaria, Geis, Hawks, Hines, Meier, Mockler, Northrup, Peck, Townsend and Vasey. Ayes 18 Nays 12 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Brechtel, Diercks, Gilmore, Hageman, Morgan, Olsen and Semlek. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Latta. Ayes 50 Nays 8 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0038 2/16/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0038 2/16/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0038 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0038 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0045 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0067 Life insurance-military exclusion.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Simpson, Buchanan and Martin and Senator(s) Coe

AN ACT relating to insurance; prohibiting exclusions from coverage for military actions and military service in individual life insurance policies as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/23/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/18/2005 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


156 Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0067HS001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 5 Delete "July 1, 2005." insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/19/2005 H Passed CoW 1/20/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/21/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/8/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Johnson, Meier and Mockler Nays: Senator(s) Hanes Excused: Senator(s) Scott Ayes 3 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Placed on General File 2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

157 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0021 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0021 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0021 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0021 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0052 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0068 Minimum wage rate-tipped employees.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Cohee

AN ACT relating to labor and employment; eliminating the reduced minimum wage rate for tipped employees and employees less than twenty (20) years of age as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/23/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 1/21/2005 H06 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Reese, Thompson and Zwonitzer Nays: Representative(s) Childers, Gingery, Iekel and Slater Ayes 5 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0069 Public transit account-appropriation.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Cohee

AN ACT relating to the public transit account; providing an appropriation; specifying uses for the appropriation; providing for distribution of funds; requiring rules and regulations; providing for the reversion of funds as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/23/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02 1/31/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0069HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 4 After ";" delete balance of the line. Page 1-line 5 Delete "specified;". Page 1-line 11 Delete "ten million dollars". Page 1-line 12 Delete "($10,000,000.00)" insert "one million dollars ($1,000,000.00)". Page 2-line 16 Delete "one million seven hundred fifty thousand". Page 2-line 17 Delete "dollars ($1,750,000.00)" insert "one million dollars ($1,000,000.00)"; delete ";" insert ".". 158 Page 2-lines 19 through 21 Delete entirely. Page 3-lines 1 through 11 Delete entirely. Page 3-lines 18 through 22 Delete entirely and insert: "Section 2. The appropriation under this act shall be considered a one-time appropriation, and shall not be considered a part of the division's standard budget during the department of administration and information's budget preparation cycle in the 2007-2008 biennium budget.". Page 4-line 2 Delete "2" insert "3". PHILP, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2005 H Passed CoW 2/4/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/7/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S02 2/10/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Placed on General File 2/17/2005 S Passed CoW 2/18/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/22/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0073 2/23/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0073 2/23/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0073 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0073 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0150 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.


H.B. No. 0070 School audits.

Sponsored By: Joint Education Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to school district audits; modifying sanctions imposed upon districts failing to provide required school data and reports; specifying a closure date for adjustment of school district fiscal information for school foundation program computation purposes; providing an appropriation and authorizing additional positions; and providing for an effective date.

12/27/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04 1/18/2005 H04 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, McOmie, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2005 H Placed on General File 1/19/2005 H Rereferred to H02 1/26/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0070HS001/ADOPTED Page 4-line 5 After "." insert "The appropriation and positions authorized in this act shall be reduced by any positions and any amount of funding for K-12 public school auditors provided in general session 2005 Senate File 1, as enacted into law.". PHILP, CHAIRMAN

1/28/2005 H Passed CoW 1/31/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/1/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Bucholz and Lockhart. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/2/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S04 2/7/2005 S04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Coe, Jennings, Peck and Townsend Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Placed on General File 2/9/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/10/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass


ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines and Job Excused: Senator(s) Nicholas Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0070SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 3-line 7 Delete "March 31" insert "April 1". Page 3-line 12 Delete "April 1" insert "March 31". COE, CHAIRMAN 2/14/2005 S Passed CoW 2/15/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/16/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0048 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0048 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0048 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0048 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0099 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0071 Community landfill remediation.

Sponsored By: Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to environmental quality; providing for regional and community landfill remediation; providing for inspections and corrective actions; creating corrective action accounts; providing for municipal and regional landfill eligibility for payments from the accounts; providing for reduction of solid waste; providing for solid waste planning and review and approval of plans submitted by local governmental entities; authorizing rulemaking; prohibiting certain grants and loans to local governments without approval plans; providing definitions; providing appropriations; authorizing additional positions; and providing for an effective date.

12/28/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0072 Volunteer firemen's pension fund-amendments.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) McOmie and Landon and Senator(s) Job

161 AN ACT relating to the volunteer firemen's pension fund; providing an exclusion from coverage; specifying application; and providing for an effective date.

12/28/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02 1/21/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen and Warren Excused: Representative(s) Philp and Simpson Ayes 6 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0072HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 16 Delete "July 1, 2005." insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.". SIMPSON, ACTING CHAIRMAN

1/25/2005 H Passed CoW 1/26/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/27/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Harshman, Iekel, Jackson, Robinson and Simpson. Ayes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S02 2/8/2005 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0072SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 10 Delete "July 1, 2005" insert "the effective date of this act". HINES, CHAIRMAN

2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, 162 Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Latta. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0035 2/16/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0035 2/16/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0035 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0035 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0056 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0073 Military service-motor vehicle registration.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Brechtel, Esquibel, Latta, and Petersen and Senator(s) Cooper and Northrup

AN ACT relating to motor vehicle registration fees; providing an exemption for active members of the military forces as specified; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Esquibel, Powers, Slater and Walsh Nays: Representative(s) Edwards, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen and Zwonitzer Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0074 Nontraditional medicine.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer and Berger and Senator(s) Mockler

AN ACT relating to physicians and surgeons; providing that licenses shall not be revoked or suspended for practicing nontraditional medicine; providing for findings of the board; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel Nays: Representative(s) Barnard, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 1 Nays 7 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0075 Unlawful use of toxic substances.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Simpson, Childers, Martin and Watt and Senator(s) Coe

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; prohibiting inhalation or ingestion of substances which are not manufactured for such purpose; providing a penalty; and providing for an effective date. 163

12/29/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/21/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Robinson, Watt and White Excused: Representative(s) Olsen Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0075HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 3 After "purpose;" insert "providing a definition;". Page 1-line 15 After "any" insert "toxic"; delete "with". Page 1-line 16 Delete "toxic effects". Page 1–line 17 After "inhalation" insert "." and delete balance of the line. Page 2–lines 1 through 3 Delete entirely. Page 2-After line 3 Insert: "(b) As used in this section "toxic substance" means: (i) Volatile solvents including, but not limited to, paint thinner, gasoline, correction fluid, felt-tip markers, nail polish remover and glue; (ii) Aerosols containing propellants and solvents such as toluene including, but not limited to, spray paint, deodorant, hair products, cooking products and fabric protectors; (iii) Gases including, but not limited to, butane, refrigerants and organic hydrocarbons not created for human ingestion, inhalation or injection; and (iv) Nitrates including, but not limited to cyclohexyl nitrate, amyl nitrate and butyl nitrate.". Page 2-line 5 Delete "(b)" insert "(c)". Page 2-line 11 Delete "(c)" insert "(d)". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

1/26/2005 H Passed CoW 1/27/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/28/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Diercks and Gilmore. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Latta and Samuelson. Ayes 54 Nays 3 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/8/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Placed on General File 2/11/2005 S Passed CoW 2/14/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/15/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading


164 Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Mockler Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0033 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0033 2/16/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0033 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0033 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0046 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0076 Central registry of child protection cases.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the central registry of child protection cases; amending requirements for the operation of the central registry for child protection cases; establishing criminal offenses for failure to report child abuse or exploitation, or for interfering with reporting; amending definitions; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/14/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson and White Nays: Representative(s) Watt Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0076HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 5 Delete "exploitation" insert "neglect"; after "reporting;" insert "establishing criminal offenses for filing false reports;". Page 1-line 11 Delete "a"; delete "subsection" insert "subsections"; after "(c)" insert "and (d)". Page 2-line 18 Delete "or agency" insert "specified in subsection (a) or (b) of this section". Page 2-line 19 Delete "knowingly" insert "willfully". Page 3-After line 5 Insert: "(d) Any person who knowingly and intentionally makes a false report of child abuse or neglect, or who encourages or coerces another person to make a false report of child abuse or neglect, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, a fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), or both.". Page 6-line 17 After "mail" insert "if the records check confirms the existence of a report "under investigation" or a "substantiated" finding of abuse or neglect"; after "." insert "Otherwise, the state agency shall provide the results of the records check to the applicant by United States mail.". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

HB0076HW001/ADOPTED Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0076HS001/A) entirely. Further amend as follows: Page 1-line 3 Delete "establishing". Page 1-line 4 Delete. Page 1-line 5 Delete the line through ";". Page 1-line 10 Delete "14-3-205 by". Page 1-line 11 Delete the line through "(c),". Page 2-lines 15 through 24 Delete. Page 3-lines 1 through 5 Delete.

165 Page 6-line 17 After "mail" insert "if the records check confirms the existence of a report "under investigation" or a "substantiated" finding of abuse or neglect"; after "." insert "Otherwise, the state agency shall provide the results of the records check to the applicant by United States mail.". WATT

1/17/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0076H2001/ADOPTED Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0076HS001/A) entirely. Delete the Watt committee of the whole amendment (HB0076HW001/A) entirely. Further amend as follows: Page 1-line 4 Delete. Page 1-line 5 Delete the line through "reporting;" insert "a criminal offense for sanctioning an employee for reporting child abuse or neglect as specified; establishing criminal offenses for filing false reports;". Page 1-line 11 Delete "a"; delete "subsection" insert "subsections"; after "(c)" insert "and (d)". Page 2-lines 18 through 22 Delete. Page 2-line 23 Delete the line through "both.". Page 3-After line 5 Insert: "(d) Any person who knowingly and intentionally makes a false report of child abuse or neglect, or who encourages or coerces another person to make a false report of child abuse or neglect, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, a fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), or both.". Page 6-line 17 After "mail" insert "if the records check confirms the existence of a report "under investigation" or a "substantiated" finding of abuse or neglect"; after "." insert "Otherwise, the state agency shall provide the results of the records check to the applicant by United States mail.". LANDON

1/18/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/19/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Watt Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Olsen and Philp. Ayes 56 Nays 1 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/7/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Placed on General File 2/9/2005 S Passed CoW 2/10/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/11/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0010 166 2/14/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0010 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0010 2/17/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0010 2/17/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0023 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0077 Game and fish-hunting near incorporated municipalities.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Bagby and Martin and Senator(s) Vasey

AN ACT relating to hunting; prohibiting hunting with a firearm within two miles of any incorporated municipality; providing for a penalty; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0078 Disabled veteran's license plates.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Bagby and Walsh and Senator(s) Boggs

AN ACT relating to veterans; exempting disabled veterans eligible for the disabled veteran's license plates from motor vehicle registration fees; modifying license plate qualification and vehicle registration provisions; imposing reporting duties upon county assessors; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 1/26/2005 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0078HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 5 Delete "assessors" insert "treasurers". Page 3-line 12 Delete "assessors" insert "treasurers"; after "notice" insert "with the department of revenue". Page 3-line 13 Delete "in the" insert ".". Page 3-line 14 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 16 Delete "January" insert "July". EDWARDS, CHAIRMAN

1/31/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0078H2001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 3 After "fees" insert "as specified". Page 2-line 6 After "vehicle" insert ", other than a bus or motor home,". Page 3-line 9 After "vehicle" insert ", other than a bus or motor home,". MCOMIE

2/1/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/2/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, 167 McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/3/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S08 2/8/2005 S08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Geis, Northrup and Von Flatern Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Placed on General File 2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Massie, Meier, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Case, Coe, Hanes, Hawks, Job, Larson, Mockler, Nicholas, Schiffer and Scott. Ayes 19 Nays 11 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0022 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0022 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0022 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0022 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0037 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0079 Frontier prison funding.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Bagby and Bucholz and Senator(s) Massie

AN ACT relating to the frontier prison; providing appropriations to restore and renovate the frontier prison; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Petersen and Warren Nays: Representative(s) Jones, Jorgensen and Meuli Excused: Representative(s) Philp and Simpson Ayes 3 Nays 3 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0080 Help America Vote Act trust fund.

Sponsored By: Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to elections; providing for a permanent elections fund to pay for specified expenses in conducting future elections which are subject to federal requirements of the Help America Vote Act; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2004 Bill Number Assigned 168 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/14/2005 H07 Recommended Do Pass

169 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2005 H Placed on General File 1/14/2005 H Rereferred to H02 1/21/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen and Warren Excused: Representative(s) Philp and Simpson Ayes 6 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0080HW001/ADOPTED Page 4-line 12 After "act." insert "Federal funds received by the state of Wyoming under the Help America Vote Act prior to the effective date of this act which are not expended or encumbered before January 1, 2007, shall be credited to the account created by this act.; After "extent" insert "those federal funds are credited to the account or". Page 4-line 17 Delete "additional" insert "those". ILLOWAY

1/25/2005 H Passed CoW 1/26/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/27/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Harshman, Iekel, Jackson, Robinson and Simpson. Ayes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S02 2/9/2005 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW 2/25/2005 Died in Committee

H.B. No. 0081 Campaign receipts and expenditure reports.

Sponsored By: Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to elections; modifying penalties and restrictions imposed upon candidates failing to file certain campaign reports; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/14/2005 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen

170 Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0081HS001/ADOPTED Page 4-line 20 Strike "one (1) month" insert "thirty (30) days". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/17/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0081H2001/ADOPTED Page 5-line 11 After "general." insert "No filing fee shall be charged for the filing of an action under this subsection nor shall a fee be charged for service of process.". HINCKLEY

HB0081H2002/FAILED Page 4-line 13 After "22-25-207" insert "and shall be subject to civil penalties as provided in subsection (e) of this section". Page 5-line 4 After "(a)" insert "or (b)". MARTIN

1/18/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/19/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren and White. Nays: Representative(s) Reese, Wasserburger, Watt and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Olsen and Philp. Ayes 53 Nays 4 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/10/2005 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Meier, Mockler and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Placed on General File 2/14/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0081S2001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 9 After "and (b)" delete "," insert "and"; delete "(c)(i)" insert "(c)(intro) and (i)". Page 1-line 10 Delete "and 22-26-112(a)(ix)". Page 4-line 1 After "statement of" insert "receipts and a statement of". Page 4-line 20 Strike "subsection (a) of this section" insert "W.S. 22-25-106". Page 5–line 4 After "candidate" delete balance of the line. Page 5–line 5 Delete "section" insert "failing to file the reports required by W.S. 22-25-106 within the times required by that section". Page 5-lines 19 thru 23 Delete. Page 6-lines 1 thru 5 Delete. MEIER

2/15/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/16/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend and Von Flatern. 171 Nays: Senator(s) Geis and Vasey. Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0049 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0049 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0049 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0049 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0100 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0082 Game and fish-electronic licensing.

Sponsored By: Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to game and fish; providing for electronic licensing for hunting and fishing licenses, stamps and tags; and providing for an effective date.

12/29/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 1/19/2005 H06 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Reese, Slater, Thompson and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0082HW001/ADOPTED Page 4-line 23 Strike "bond" insert "bonds". Page 5-line 13 Delete all new language and insert "at times and in a". ROBINSON

1/24/2005 H Passed CoW 1/25/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/26/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S06 2/10/2005 S06 Recommended Do Pass


ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Cooper, Massie, Ross and Von Flatern Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Placed on General File 2/14/2005 S Failed CoW; Indef Postponed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Cooper, Hanes, Massie, Nicholas, Ross, Scott and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Case, Coe, Decaria, Geis, Hawks, Hines, Johnson, Larson, Meier, Mockler, Northrup, Peck, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend and Vasey. Excused: Senator(s) Jennings and Job. Ayes 8 Nays 20 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0083 Medical review panel-2.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the medical review panel; repealing existing statutes relating to the medical review panel; recreating the medical review panel; specifying the creation of the panel is pursuant to article 10, section 4 of the Wyoming Constitution, as amended; and providing for an effective date.

1/3/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/31/2005 H Rereferred to H02 1/31/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 1/31/2005 H Placed on General File 1/31/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/2/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0083HS001.01/ADOPTED Page 1-line 5 After ";" insert "providing an appropriation;". Page 1-line 10 Delete "9-2-1524" insert "9-2-1523". Page 3-lines 1 through 7 Delete entirely and insert: "(i) "Health care provider" means a person or facility licensed, certified or otherwise authorized by the law of this state to provide health care in the ordinary course of business or practice of a profession, but does not include a person who provides health care solely through the sale or dispensing of drugs or medical devices;". Page 3-line 9 Delete "(iii)" insert "(ii)". Page 3-line 15 Delete "(iv)" insert "(iii)". Page 3-lines 18 and 19 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 21 Delete "(vi)" insert "(iv)". Page 3-line 22 Delete "9-2-1524" insert "9-2-1523". Page 5-line 3 Delete "forty dollars". Page 5-line 4 Delete entirely. Page 5-line 5 Delete the line through "held" insert "one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day each day the panel is convened plus two hundred dollars ($200.00) per preparation day, not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for total preparation time". Page 5-line 7 After "." delete balance of line.

173 Page 5-lines 8 and 9 Delete entirely. Page 7-line 7 Delete "physicians, dentists and hospitals" insert "health care providers". Page 7-line 10 Delete "statement" insert "medical record release form". Page 7-line 11 Delete "medical,". Page 7-line 12 Delete "dental and hospital" insert "health care provider". Page 7-line 17 Delete "." insert ";". Page 7-After line 17 Insert: "(iii) A statement, prepared and signed by an expert in the field of medical practice at issue in which the health care provider was practicing, setting forth the basis for the expert's belief that the conduct is believed to constitute a malpractice claim, and the evidence to support the expert's opinion.". Page 8-line 4 Delete "medical,". Page 8-line 5 Delete "dental and hospital" insert "health care provider". Page 8-line 7 After "W.S." insert "35-2-910 or"; after "35-17-105" insert "or 42 U.S.C. 11137(b)". Page 8-line 8 After "." insert "If the health care provider fails to file an answer to the claim, the claimant may immediately pursue the claim in a court of competent jurisdiction.". Page 8-line 17 After "a" insert "lawyer or". Page 11-line 23 After "." insert "Fees for any witness appearing at a hearing under this section shall be paid by the party calling the witness.". Page 13-line 2 After "chairman" insert "within forty-five (45) days following the hearing. Failure to issue a timely decision shall vacate any determination made and shall not bar the claimant from proceeding with the claim in a court of law". Page 13-line 5 Delete "A copy". Page 13-lines 6 and 7 Delete entirely and insert "The panel's decision is not binding upon any party. The decision of the panel and any materials submitted by the parties thereto may be admissible in any subsequent trial of the matter, subject to the discretion of the trial court, in accordance with the Wyoming Rules of Evidence.". Page 13-lines 9 through 11. Delete entirely. Page 13-line 14 Delete "not". Page 13-line 21 After "," insert "including W.S. 9-2-1522(c),". Page 14-lines 8 and 9 Delete entirely. Page 14-lines 11 through 24 Delete entirely. Page 15-lines 1 through 23 Delete entirely. Page 16-lines 1 through 6 Delete entirely. Page 16-After line 9 Insert: "Section 3. There is appropriated from the general fund to the medical review panel five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) or as much thereof as necessary to carry out the purposes of this act.". Page 16-line 11 Delete "3." insert "4.". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

HB0083HS001.02/FAILED Page 6-line 21 Delete "Claimants" insert "Unless the claimant and respondent agree by written statement to waive submission to the panel, claimants". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

HB0083HW001/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 13-line 5 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0083HS001/A) to this line. Page 13-lines 6 and 7 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0083HS001/A) to these lines. Page 13-After line 7 Insert "(d) The panel's decision is not binding upon either party. The decision of the panel shall be admissible in any subsequent trial of the matter.". IEKEL

2/4/2005 H Passed CoW 2/7/2005 H Laid Back Pursuant to HR 9-3

HB0083H2001/ADOPTED Page 13-lines 6 and 7 In the standing committee amendment (HB0083HS001.01/AC) to these lines; After "admissible" insert "in whole or in part". BROWN

HB0083H2002/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 3-After line 19 Insert:

174 "(iv) "Reasonable probability" means a factual basis which might lead a reasonable mind to the conclusion. Where there is evidence in the record and room for two (2) opinions, the conclusion shall be reached honestly and upon due consideration; (v) "Substantial evidence" means relevant and competent evidence that a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to make a finding of fact. It may be less than the weight of the evidence, but it shall not be clearly contrary to the overwhelming weight of the evidence. More is required to meet the burden than a mere scintilla of evidence or suspicion of the existence of a fact to be established;". Page 3-line 21 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0083HS001.01/AC) to this line entirely. Page 4-line 2 Delete "claim" insert "application for claim review". Page 5-line 21 After "before" delete "a" insert "an application for". Page 5-line 22 After "claim" insert "review". Page 6-line 1 After "application for" insert "claim". Page 6-line 2 Delete "is" insert "on all related applications for claim review are". Page 6-line 11 Delete "claims filed" insert "applications for claim review" Page 6-line 18 Delete "contents of claim" insert "contents of application for claim review". Page 6-line 19 Delete "claim" insert "application for claim review". Page 6-line 21 Delete "Claimants" insert "Unless the claimant and respondent agree by written statements to waive submission to the panel, claimants". Page 6-line 23 Delete "a claim" insert "an application for claim review". Page 7-line 1 Delete "claim" insert "application for claim review". Page 7-After line 17 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0083HS001.01/AC) to this line and insert: "(b) The claimant shall submit, within forty-five (45) days following the submission of the application for claim review, a statement prepared and signed by an expert in the specialty or subspecialty of medical practice at issue, setting forth the basis for the expert's belief that the conduct is believed to constitute a malpractice claim and the evidence currently available to support the expert's opinion.". Page 7-line 19 Delete "(b)" insert "(c)"; delete "claim" insert "application for claim review". Page 7-line 22 Delete "(c)" insert "(d)"; delete "a claim" insert "an application for claim review". Page 7-line 23 Delete "claim" insert "application". Page 7-line 24 Delete "claim" insert "application for claim review". Page 8-line 2 Delete "(d)" insert "(e)" delete "claim" insert "application for claim review". Page 8-line 3 After "service" insert "of the statement required under subsection (b) of this section". Page 8-line 8 In the standing committee amendment (HB0083HS001.01/AC) to this line delete "to the claim" insert "to the application for claim review". Page 8-line 16 Delete "a lawyer" insert "an attorney". Page 8-line 17 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0083HS001.01/AC) to this line; delete "a" insert "an attorney or". Page 9-line 7 Delete "claim" insert "application for claim review". Page 9-line 13 Delete "claim" insert "application for claim review". Page 10-line 3 Delete "claim" insert "application for claim review". Page 10-line 6 Delete "claim" insert "application for claim review". Page 10-line 15 Delete "a claim" insert "an application for claim review". Page 10-line 16 Delete "claim" insert "application for claim review". Page 10-line 19 Delete "claims" insert "applications for claim review". Page 11-line 7 Delete "claim" insert "application for claim review". Page 11-line 10 Delete "claims" insert "applications for claim review". Page 13-line 18 Delete "claim" insert "application for claim review". Page 13-line 21 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0083HS001.01/AC) to this line; After "," insert "or allowed pursuant to W.S. 9-2-1522(c)". Page 13-line 23 Delete "not subject to subpoena but are". SIMPSON, BUCHANAN

HB0083H2003/FAILED Page 3-After line 19 Delete the Simpson, et al., second reading amendment (HB0083H2002/AC) to this line. Page 3-line 21 Delete the Simpson, et al., second reading amendment (HB0083H2002/AC) to this line. Page 12-line 13 Delete "there is" insert "by a preponderance of the evidence". Page 12-line 15 Delete "Substantial evidence that"; after "acts" insert "or omissions". Page 12-line 16 Delete "complained of" insert "alleged have". 175 Page 12-line 19 Delete "A reasonable probability that". Page 12-line 20 After "the" insert "alleged"; delete "complained of" insert "or omissions". CHILDERS

2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0083H3001/ADOPTED Page 5-line 5 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0083HS001.01/AC) to this line; delete the line through "held" insert "five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each one- half (1/2) day or portion thereof the panel is convened, plus two hundred dollars ($200.00) for preparation days, not to exceed one (1) preparation day for each day or portion thereof the panel is convened". SIMPSON

2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Childers and Osborn. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 57 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/10/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/18/2005 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso and Scott Nays: Senator(s) Decaria and Massie Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/22/2005 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 S Placed on General File


2/24/2005 S Laid Back Without Prejudice HB0083SW001/FAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 5-line 14 Delete "five hundred" insert "two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00)". Page 5-line 15 Delete "dollars ($500.00)". MOCKLER

HB0083SW002/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the Mockler Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0083SW001/AE) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 1–lines 1 through 6 Delete and insert: "AN ACT relating to pretrial screening panels; prohibiting the filing of a medical malpractice claim in a court until the claim has been reviewed by a medical review panel; providing that the decision of the panel is not binding; requiring that the decision of the panel be submitted with any medical malpractice complaint; creating the panel and providing for selection of its members; designating the attorney general or his designee as panel director to perform administrative tasks; establishing procedures for review of claims; providing definitions; granting rulemaking authority; requiring a person filing a complaint in court to file the decision of the panel; requiring a person filing a complaint in

176 court to obtain an expert witness who has not appeared before the panel; providing for an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.". Page 1–lines 10 through 17 Delete and insert: "Section 1. W.S. 9-2-2901 through 9-2-2913 are created to read: ARTICLE 29 MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL 9-2-2901. Short title. This act may be cited as the "Wyoming Medical Review Panel Act of 2005". 9-2-2902. Purpose of provisions. The purpose of this act is to review the evidence of malpractice before filing in court of actions against health care providers and their employees for professional liability. 9-2-2903. Definitions. (a) As used in this act: (i) "Health care provider" means a physician, health care facility or any person employed by a health care facility who, in accordance with law or a license granted by a state agency, provides health care; (ii) "Malpractice claim" means any claim against a health care provider for alleged medical treatment, alleged lack of medical treatment, or other alleged departure from accepted standards of health care which results in damage to the patient; (iii) "Panel" means the medical review panel provided for under this act; (iv) "Physician" means a person licensed under W.S. 33-26-303; (v) "Expert" means a person qualified to testify as an expert in the courts of Wyoming within the medical field relating to the claims of the claimant and will not financially benefit from the decision of the panel or court; (vi) "This act" means W.S. 9-2-2901 through 9-2-2913. 9-2-2904. Service of pleadings; computation of time. (a) The claim, answer, decision and all other pleadings required to be served under this act shall be served in accordance with the Wyoming Rules of Civil Procedure. (b) Computation of time periods prescribed or allowed under this act shall be in accordance with rule 6 of the Wyoming Rules of Civil Procedure. 9-2-2905. Panel created; compensation; director of panel; appointment and duties; rulemaking. (a) There is created the Wyoming medical review panel. (b) The panel shall have a director who shall be the attorney general or his designee and shall conduct the administrative business of the panel and otherwise implement this act. The director may use the office of administrative hearings as necessary to implement this act. The director shall promulgate rules and regulations in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act to implement this act. (c) Members of the panel and the office of the director shall receive compensation while engaged in the business of the board of five hundred ($500.00) dollars per day each day the panel is convened plus two hundred dollars ($200.00) per preparation day not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00). Compensation for travel and other services shall be as provided in W.S. 9-3-102 and 9-3-103. 9-2-2906. Claims to be reviewed by panel; prohibition on filing claims in court; tolling of statute of limitation; immunity of panel; administration. (a) No complaint alleging malpractice shall be filed in any court against a health care provider before a claim is made to the panel and its decision is rendered. The panel shall review all malpractice claims against health care providers filed with the panel except those claims subject to a valid arbitration agreement allowed by law or in the case that both parties desire to go directly to court. The running of the applicable limitation period in a malpractice action is tolled upon receipt by the director of the application for review and does not begin again until thirty (30) days after the panel's final decision is served upon the claimant. (b) An extension of thirty (30) days may be granted by the director to the applicable limitation period to obtain the statement of an expert witness. (c) Panel members are absolutely immune from civil liability for all acts in the course and scope of the duties under this act, including but not limited to communications, findings, opinions and conclusions. (d) The panel may provide for the administration of oaths, the receipt of claims filed, the promulgation of forms required under this act, and the performance of all other acts required to fairly and effectively administer this act. 9-2-2907. Claim review procedure; contents of claim; service of claim on provider; answer. (a) Claimants shall submit a case for the consideration of the panel prior to filing a complaint in any court in this state by addressing a claim, in writing, signed by the claimant or his attorney, to the director of the panel. The claim shall contain: (i) A statement in reasonable detail of the elements of the health care provider's conduct which are believed to constitute a malpractice claim, the dates the conduct occurred, and the names and addresses of all physicians and hospitals having contact with the claimant relevant to the claim and all witnesses;

177 (ii) A statement, signed by the claimant, authorizing the panel to obtain access to all medical and hospital records and information pertaining to the claim and, for the purposes of its consideration of this matter only, waiving any privilege as to the contents of those records. Nothing in the statement may in any way be construed as waiving that privilege for any other purpose or in any other context, in or out of court; (iii) Not later than sixty (60) days after filing a claim, a statement, prepared and signed by an expert in the field of medical practice in which the health care provider practices, setting forth the basis for the expert's belief that the conduct is believed to constitute a malpractice claim, and the summary of grounds to support each of the expert's opinion. (b) The claim may be amended by filing an amendment not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the hearing date. (c) Upon receipt of a claim, the director shall cause a true copy of the claim to be served on the health care providers against whom the claim has been filed. (d) The health care provider shall answer the claim within thirty (30) days after service and shall submit a statement authorizing the panel to inspect all medical and hospital records and information pertaining to the claim except those records which are privileged pursuant to W.S. 35-17-105. The answer shall be filed with the director who shall serve a copy on the claimant. 9-2-2908. Panel composition; selection; disqualification of panelist; multiple defendants. (a) The panel for each claim reviewed under this act shall consist of one (1) health care provider licensed in this state, one (1) attorney licensed in this state and one (1) layperson chosen from the local jury pool. All panel members shall be residents of this state. If feasible the health care provider member of the panel shall be from the health care provider's profession or specialty. (b) Within five (5) days of receipt, the director shall notify the state licensing agency of the health care provider involved of the filing of the claim and the state bar association and local jury pool. Within fourteen (14) days of notification, the state licensing agency and state bar shall provide the director a list of twelve (12) of their members as proposed panelists. To the extent possible, the state licensing agency shall include on the list persons specializing in the same field or discipline as the health care provider against whom the claim is made. The director shall select one (1) from the list of health care providers, one (1) from the list of attorneys to serve as panelists and one (1) layperson from the local jury pool and shall notify the parties and the panel members selected of their selection. (c) The director shall preside over the panel proceedings. (d) If, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the notice of selection of the panelists, the claimant or the health care provider against whom the claim is made files an affidavit stating his belief that a panelist selected by the director cannot be impartial in reviewing the claim, the panel member is disqualified, and the director shall select another from the list. Each party may disqualify not more than three (3) panel members under this subsection. (e) The director may excuse a panelist from serving if the panelist feels his presence on the panel would be inappropriate under the circumstances of the case. (f) When a claim is filed against two (2) or more health care providers, the claim against each health care provider shall be consolidated for hearing unless by stipulation of all parties or at the discretion of the panel, the claims are heard separately. 9-2-2909. Hearing procedure; review of decision prohibited. (a) The director shall set a time and place for the hearing and provide notice to all parties at least thirty (30) days prior to the hearing. The proper place for hearing shall be the county in which an action is required to be brought according to W.S. 1-5-101 through 1-5-109. The hearing date shall not be more than one hundred twenty (120) days after the director receives the claim unless the director or panel finds good cause to delay the hearing. At least fifteen (15) days before the hearing the director shall provide each panel member copies of all claims, briefs, records and other documents the director considers necessary. (b) The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the director. The hearing shall be informal, and the Wyoming Rules of Evidence and, except as specified in this act, the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act do not apply. No decision of the director or the panel is subject to review in a court. A record of the hearing shall be made. The panel may not call witnesses. (c) The panel may take the case under advisement or may request that additional facts, records or other information be obtained and presented to it at a supplemental hearing, which shall be set for a date not later than thirty (30) days from the date of the original hearing unless the parties consent in writing to a longer period. 9-2-2910. Panel deliberations and decision; decision not binding. (a) Upon consideration of all the relevant material, the panel shall determine whether there is: (i) Substantial evidence that the acts complained of occurred and that they constitute malpractice; and (ii) A reasonable probability that the patient was injured as a result of the acts complained of. (b) The deliberations of the panel are confidential. All votes of the panel on the questions for discussion shall be by secret ballot. The decision shall be by a majority vote of the panel and shall be signed by the chairman. The director shall not cast a vote.

178 (c) The decision of "potential malpractice" or "no potential malpractice" shall be in writing and forwarded to the director who shall serve copies on the parties. A copy of the decision shall be sent to the health care provider's state licensing board. (d) The panel's decision is not binding upon any party. 9-2-2911. Record of panel proceedings; privilege. (a) The director shall maintain records of all proceedings before the panel, which shall include the nature of the act or omissions alleged in the claim, a brief summary of the evidence presented and the decision of the panel. (b) No panel member may be called to testify in any proceeding concerning the deliberations, discussions, decisions and internal proceedings of the panel. 9-2-2912. Panel funding; expenditures. The panel shall be funded by budget appropriations from the general fund of the state. 9-2-2913. Filing of medical malpractice claims. If a claim is filed in a court of competent jurisdiction, a copy of the decision shall be filed by the claimant with the complaint upon filing of that claim and shall be read as part of the jury instructions or the court's opening instructions. Section 2. W.S. 9-2-1501 through 9-2-1512 are repealed. Section 3. There is appropriated from the general fund to the medical review panel five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) or as much thereof as necessary to carry out the purposes of this act. Section 4. This act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.". Pages 2 through 15 Delete. Page 16–lines 1 through 14 Delete. JENNINGS

2/25/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0083S2002/FAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the Jennings Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0083SW002/AE) including the Jennings Second Reading Amendment (HB0083S2001/AE) thereto entirely. ROSS, HANES, BURNS, DECARIA, SESSIONS

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Burns, Coe, Decaria, Hanes, Job, Johnson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Ross, Sessions, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Case, Cooper, Geis, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Larson, Northrup, Peck, Schiffer, Scott and Townsend. Ayes 15 Nays 15 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0083S3001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) In the Jennings Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0083SW002/AE), on page 1 of that amendment, in the title, delete "expert witness who has not appeared before the panel;" insert "expert in the field of medical practice;". In the Jennings Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0083SW002/AE), on page 4 of that amendment, in W.S. 9-2- 2907(d), after "W.S. 37-17-105" insert ", 35-2-910 and 42 U.S.C. section 11137(b)"; after "on the claimant." insert "If the health care provider fails to file an answer to the application for review, he shall pay the claimant's costs incurred by complying with the requirements of this act, and the claimant may immediately pursue the claim in a court of competent jurisdiction.". MASSIE

HB0083S3002/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) If 2005 Senate File 0113 is enacted into law, then in the Jennings Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0083SW002/AE), on page 7 of the amendment, before "Section 4.", insert the following section and renumber as necessary: "Section 4. If 2005 Senate File 0113 is enacted into law, then W.S. 9-2-2907(d) is created to read: (d) The health care provider shall answer the claim within thirty (30) days after service and shall submit a statement authorizing the panel to inspect all medical and hospital records and information pertaining to the claim except those records which are privileged pursuant to W.S. 37-17-105 and 35-2-912. The answer shall be filed with the director who shall serve a copy on the claimant.". Renumber as necessary. MASSIE

HB0083S3003/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) 179 In the Jennings Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0083SW002/AE), on pages 4 and 5 of that Amendment, in W.S. 9-2-2908, delete subsections (a) and (b) and insert: "(a) The panel for each claim reviewed under this act shall consist of one (1) health care provider licensed in this state, one (1) attorney licensed in this state and one (1) layperson agreed to and chosen by the first two (2) members. All panel members shall be residents of this state. If feasible the health care provider member of the panel shall be from the health care provider's profession or specialty. (b) Within five (5) days of receipt, the director shall notify the state licensing agency of the health care provider involved of the filing of the claim and the state bar association. Within fourteen (14) days of notification, the state licensing agency and state bar shall provide the director a list of twelve (12) of their members as proposed panelists. To the extent possible, the state licensing agency shall include on the list persons specializing in the same field or discipline as the health care provider against whom the claim is made. The director shall select one (1) from the list of health care providers, one (1) from the list of attorneys to serve as panelists and shall notify the parties and the panel members selected of their selection.". JENNINGS

HB0083S3004/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) In the Jennings Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0083SW002/AE), on page 4 of that amendment, in W.S. 9-2-2907(d), after "pertaining to the claim" insert ", including expert witness statements,". JENNINGS

HB0083S3005/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) In the Jennings Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0083SW002/AE), on page 3 of that amendment in W.S. 9-2- 2906(d), delete "the administration of oaths,". JENNINGS

HB0083S3006/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) In the Jennings Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0083SW002/AE), on page 1 in the title delete "an appropriation;" insert "appropriations; authorizing positions;"; on page 7 of that amendment after "Section 3." insert "(a)"; in Section 3, after "purposes of this act." insert: "(b) There is appropriated from the general fund to the office of the attorney general two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00), or as much thereof as necessary, and the attorney general is authorized two (2) additional full-time positions to carry out the purposes of this act.". JENNINGS

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Case, Coe, Cooper, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Massie, Mockler and Ross. Ayes 25 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0083S3007/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) In the Jennings Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0083SW002/AE), on pages 4 and 5 of that amendment, in W.S. 9-2-2908, delete the Jennings Third Reading Amendment (HB0083S3003/AE) to this section and further amend as follows: delete subsections (a) and (b) and insert: "(a) The panel for each claim reviewed under this act shall consist of two (2) health care providers licensed in this state, two (2) attorneys licensed in this state and one (1) layperson agreed to and chosen by the first four (4) members. All panel members shall be residents of this state. If feasible the health care provider members of the panel shall be from the health care provider's profession or specialty. (b) Within five (5) days of receipt, the director shall notify the state licensing agency of the health care provider involved of the filing of the claim and the state bar association. Within fourteen (14) days of notification, the state licensing agency and state bar shall provide the director a list of twelve (12) of their members as proposed panelists. To the extent possible, the state licensing agency shall include on the list persons specializing in the same field or discipline as the health care provider against whom the claim is made. The director shall select two (2) from the list of health care providers and two (2) from the list of attorneys to serve as panelists and shall notify the parties and the panel members selected of their selection.". SESSIONS, PECK, ROSS

HB0083S3008/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) In the Jennings Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0083SW002/AE), on page 7 of that amendment delete W.S. 9-2-2913 entirely including all previous amendments thereto and insert: "9-2-2913. Admissibility of decision. The decision of the panel may be admissible in any subsequent trial of the matter subject to the discretion of the trial court in accordance with the Wyoming Rules of Evidence.". ROSS, VON FLATERN, PECK 180

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Hanes, Job, Johnson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Geis, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Larson, Northrup and Scott. Ayes 20 Nays 10 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0083S3009.01/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) In the Jennings Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0083SW002/AE), in W.S. 9-2-2906 on page 3 of that amendment, in the title of W.S. 9-2-2906, after "administration" insert "; agreement of the parties to waive submission to the panel"; after W.S. 9-2- 2906(d), add the following new subsection (e) and renumber as necessary: "(e) By written agreement between both parties, the parties may waive submission of the claim to the panel.". MEIER, JENNINGS

HB0083S3009.02/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) In the Jennings Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0083SW002/AE), in W.S. 9-2-2906 on page 3 of that amendment, in the title of W.S. 9-2-2906, after "administration" insert "; agreement of the parties to waive submission to the panel"; after W.S. 9-2- 2906(d), add the following new subsection (e) and renumber as necessary: "(e) No insurance company shall cancel or increase any premium of a health care provider's malpractice insurance policy soley based upon the health care provider exercising his rights under this act.". MEIER, JENNINGS

HB0083S3010/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) In the Jennings Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0083SW002/AE), in W.S. 9-2-2903(a)(i) on page 2 of that amendment, after ""Health care provider" means" delete through "provides health care" and insert "a person or facility licensed, certified or otherwise authorized by the law of this state to provide health care in the ordinary course of business or practice of a profession, but does not include a person who provides health care solely through the sale or dispensing of drugs or medical devices". MEIER, JENNINGS

HB0083S3012/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) In the Jennings Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0083SW002/AE), in W.S. 9-2-2909 on page 6 of that amendment, delete subsection (b) entirely and insert: "(b) The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the director and the hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act. The hearing shall be informal. Evidence admitted shall be reliable and probative. No decision of the director or the panel is subject to review in a court. A record of the hearing shall be made.". MEIER

3/1/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Job, Mockler and Scott. Ayes 27 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Did Not Concur

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Reese. Ayes 0 Nays 58 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Appointed JCC01 Members 181 Representative(s)Simpson, Lubnau and Osborn 3/2/2005 S Appointed JCC01 Members Senator(s)Hanes, Barrasso and Mockler

3/2/2005 H Suspended Rules

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s)Alden, Anderson, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer Nays: Representative Meuli Excused: Representative Jorgensen and Reese Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 S Suspended Rules

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s)Vasey Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/3/2005 H Adopted HB0083JC01

ROLL CALL AYES: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Gay, Gilmore, Harshman, Meuli, Miller and Walsh.

Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen. Ayes 53 Nays 6 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflict 0

3/3/2005 S Adopted HB0083JC01

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Aullman and Scott. Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0083JC01/AA ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the following Senate amendments: HB0083S3001/AE HB0083S3002/AE HB0083S3003/AE HB0083S3004/AE HB0083S3005/AE HB0083S3006/AE HB0083S3007/AE HB0083S3008/AE HB0083S3009.01/ACE HB0083S3010/AE HB0083SW002/AE Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows: 182 Page 1-line 3 Delete "specifying the". Page 1-lines 4 through 6 Delete entirely and insert "providing for selection of panel members; designating the attorney general or his designee as panel director to perform administrative tasks; authorizing the use of administrative hearing officers; establishing procedures for review of claims; providing definitions; granting rulemaking authority; providing appropriations; authorizing positions; and providing for effective dates.". Page 1-line 16 After "Act" insert "of 2005". Page 2-lines 5 through 9 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 11 Delete "(ii)" insert "(i)". Page 2-line 17 Delete "(iii)" insert "(ii)". Page 3-line 8 Before "means" insert "or "claim"". Page 4-line 13 Delete "application for"; delete "review". Page 5-line 7 After "may" insert "use the office of administrative hearings as necessary and may". Page 5-line 15 Delete "for each one-half (1/2)" insert "per day each"; delete "or portion". Page 5-line 16 Delete "thereof". Page 5-line 17 Delete "for" insert "per"; delete "days" insert "day"; delete "one (1)". Page 5-line 18 Delete entirely. Page 5-line 19 Delete "is convened" insert "two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per claim reviewed". Page 6-line 8 Before "No" insert "Unless submission to the panel is waived in accordance with W.S. 9-2-1519(a),". Page 6-line 9 Delete "an" insert "a". Page 6-line 10 Delete "application for"; delete "review". Page 6-line 13 Delete "application for"; delete "review". Page 6-line 15 After "decision" delete balance of line and insert ", or seventy-five (75) days after the panel's last hearing, whichever occurs earlier.". Page 6-line 16 Delete entirely. Page 6-line 18 Delete "and witnesses". Page 6-line 24 Delete "applications for claim review" insert "claims". Page 7-line 9 Delete the first "application for"; delete "review"; delete the second "application for". Page 7-line 10 Delete "review". Page 7-line 14 Delete "case" insert "claim". Page 7-line 16 Delete "an application for" insert "a"; delete "review". Page 7-line 18 Delete "application for"; delete "review". Page 8-line 13 Delete "forty-five (45)" insert "sixty (60)". Page 8-line 14 Delete "application for". Page 8-line 15 Delete "review". Page 8-line 22 Delete "application for"; delete "review". Page 9-line 2 Delete "an application for" insert "a"; delete "review". Page 9-line 3 Delete "application" insert "claim". Page 9-line 5 Delete "application for"; delete "review". Page 9-line 8 Delete "application for"; delete "review"; delete "thirty (30)" insert "sixty (60)". Page 9-line 10 Delete "statement" insert "medical records release". Page 9-line 13 Delete "privileged" insert "confidential". Page 9-line 16 After "fails to" insert "timely". Page 9-line 17 Delete "application for"; delete "review". Page 10-line 1 Delete "members of the state bar" insert "attorneys licensed in this state". Page 10-line 2 After "person" insert "unanimously chosen by the first four (4) members,". Page 10-line 5 Delete "one (1) member" insert "the health care provider members". Page 10-line 17 Delete "application for"; delete "review". Page 10-line 23 Delete "application for". Page 10-line 24 Delete "review". Page 11-line 8 Delete "shall" insert "may, by majority vote,". Page 11-line 9 After "members" delete balance of line and insert "to preside over the panel proceedings, or". Page 11-line 10 After "shall" insert "request a hearing officer from the office of administrative hearings to". Page 11-line 15 Delete "application for"; delete "review". Page 11-line 18 Delete "application for"; delete "review". Page 12-line 5 Delete "an application for" insert "a"; delete "review". Page 12-line 7 Delete "application for"; delete "review". 183 Page 12-line 10 Delete "applications for claim review" insert "claims". Page 12-line 22 Delete "application for". Page 12-line 23 Delete "claim review" insert "submission of the statement required under W.S. 9-2- 1519(b)". Page 13-line 2 Delete "applications for claim review" insert "claims, answers,". Page 13-line 12 Delete "may" insert "shall"; after "made" delete balance of line and insert ".". Page 13-line 13 Delete the line through ".". Page 13-line 23 Before "date" insert "beginning". Page 14-line 1 Delete "claimant or his attorney consents" insert "parties consent". Page 14-line 19 After "The" insert "final". Page 14-line 22 After "timely" insert "final". Page 15-line 2 After "The" insert "final". Page 15-line 16 Delete "application". Page 15-line 17 Delete "for"; delete "review". Page 15-line 18 Before "decision" insert "final". Page 16-line 9 Before "There" insert "(a)". Page 16-After line 12 Insert: "(b) There is appropriated from the general fund to the office of the attorney general two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00), or as much thereof as necessary, and the attorney general is authorized up to two (2) additional full-time equivalent positions to carry out the purposes of this act.". Page 16-line 14 After "4." insert "(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section,". Page 16-After line 14 Insert: "(b) W.S. 9-2-1517(b), as created in section 1 of this act, and section 3(b) of this act are effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.". SIMPSON, LUBNAU, OSBORN, HANES, BARRASSO, MOCKLER

3/3/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0134 3/3/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0134 3/3/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0134 3/15/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0134 3/15/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0244 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0084 Veterans property tax exemption.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway and Walsh and Senator(s) Hanes

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for the veterans property tax exemption as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/3/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 1/21/2005 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

184 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0084HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 11 After "(a)" delete balance of the line. EDWARDS, CHAIRMAN

1/26/2005 H Passed CoW 1/27/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/28/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Latta and Samuelson. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S08 2/3/2005 S08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Geis and Von Flatern Excused: Senator(s) Northrup Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0084SW001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 2 Reinsert stricken "service" and delete "services". HANES

2/11/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0084S2001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 2 After ";" insert "requiring a report;". Page 2-after line 12 Insert and renumber: "Section 3. The department of revenue shall submit a report to the joint transportation, highways and military affairs interim committee by September 1, 2005. The report shall include the cost to the state in the amount of money exempted under W.S. 39-13-105 and the breakdown of the exemptions between veterans and widows.". Page 2-line 14 Delete "3" insert "4". BURNS

2/14/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/15/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Geis and Mockler. Ayes 27 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, 185 Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Philp. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0040 2/16/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0040 2/18/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0040 2/22/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0040 2/22/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0074 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0085 Teacher shortage loan repayment program.

Sponsored By: Joint Education Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to teachers; establishing the Wyoming teacher shortage loan repayment program; specifying eligibility criteria; prescribing procedures and repayment of loans; providing for program administration by the Wyoming higher education assistance authority; sunsetting the program; providing an appropriation; providing for transfer of appropriations and administration under specified conditions; and providing for an effective date.

1/3/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04 1/18/2005 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, McOmie, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2005 H Placed on General File 1/19/2005 H Rereferred to H02 1/25/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0085HS001/ADOPTED Page 4-line 19 Delete "ninety (90)" insert "two hundred forty (240)". Page 4-line 21 Delete "one hundred eighty (180)" insert "two hundred eighty-five (285)". WASSERBURGER, CHAIRMAN

1/27/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0085H2001/FAILED Page 3-line 17 Delete "special education, math or science" insert "certified". HAGEMAN

1/28/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0085H3001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 17 Delete "special education, math or science" insert "certified". BUCHOLZ

1/31/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

186 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Martin Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S04 2/7/2005 S04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Coe, Jennings, Peck and Townsend Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Placed on General File 2/9/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/11/2005 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0085SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 17 Delete "math" insert "mathematics". Page 5-line 6 Delete "four (4)" insert "five (5)". COE, CHAIRMAN

HB0085SS002/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 6-line 8 Delete "general fund" insert "school foundation program account". Page 7-line 17 Delete "general fund" insert "school foundation program account". HINES, CHAIRMAN

HB0085SW001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 8 After "shall" delete "be residents of this state or" insert "have a Wyoming residence, as defined in W.S. 22-1-102(a)(xxx), or shall be". NICHOLAS

2/15/2005 S Passed CoW

187 HB0085S2001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 3–line 17 After "teacher" insert "by teaching at least a majority of his time in special education, mathematics or science". DECARIA

2/16/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0085S3002/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the Decaria Second Reading Amendment (HB0085S2001/AE) and the Jennings Third Reading Amendment (HB0085S3001/AE) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 2-line 16 After "Wyoming" insert ";" delete balance of line. Page 2–line 17 Delete including the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0085SS001/AE) to this line. Page 2–line 18 Delete "teacher". DECARIA

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Coe, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Massie, Northrup, Peck, Sessions, Townsend and Vasey. Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Case, Hines, Larson, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Ross, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern. Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 18 Nays 11 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Sessions, Townsend and Vasey. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Mockler, Nicholas, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern. Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 22 Nays 7 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 H Did Not Concur ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 0 Nays 59 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 H Appointed JCC01 Members Representative(s) Wasserburger, Hammons and Quarberg 2/18/2005 S Appointed JCC01 Members Senator(s) Coe, Decaria and Schiffer

3/1/2005 H Adopted HB0085JC01

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen, Latta, Reese. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflict 0

3/2/2005 S Adopted HB0085JC01


188 Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0085JC01/AA ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Adopt the following Senate amendments: HB0085SS002/AE HB0085SW001/AE Delete the following Senate amendments: HB0085S3002/AE HB0085S2001/AE Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows: Page 3-line 16 Delete "working in Wyoming" insert "teaching at least fifty percent (50%) of his working hours as a teacher in special education, math or science". Page 5-line 6 Delete "four (4)" insert "five (5)". WASSERBURGER, HAMMONS, QUARBERG, COE, DECARIA, SCHIFFER

3/2/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0132 3/2/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0132 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0132 3/15/2005 Governor signed HEA No. 0132 3/15/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0247 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005

H.B. No. 0086 Victim notification by board of parole.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to victim notification; amending the requirement that the department of corrections notify the victim when an inmate is to be paroled; requiring the board of parole to provide victim notification when specified events are scheduled to occur, or have occurred; amending information that is to be provided as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/3/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/14/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2005 H Placed on General File 1/17/2005 H Passed CoW 1/18/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/19/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Olsen and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01

189 2/3/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Placed on General File 2/9/2005 S Passed CoW 2/10/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/11/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0011 2/14/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0011 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0011 2/17/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0011 2/17/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0024 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0087 Sex offender registry.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to sex offender registration; adding sexual exploitation of children to the list of offenses for which sex offender registration is required; providing definitions; amending the amount of time in which an offender is required to register after leaving a residence or entering the state; requiring offenders to provide information regarding educational institutions at which the offender is employed or enrolls; requiring the use of a preponderance of the evidence standard in certain hearings; providing for notification to campus communities; providing for penalties for failure to register changes in employment or enrollment status; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

1/3/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/21/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

190 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Robinson, Watt and White Excused: Representative(s) Olsen Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0087HS001/ADOPTED Page 11-line 5 Strike "as". Page 11-line 6 Strike "to" insert "by a preponderance of the evidence of"; delete "utilizing a". Page 11-line 7 Delete the line through "standard,"; delete "its". Page 11-line 8 Delete "findings" insert "that finding". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

1/24/2005 H Passed CoW 1/25/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/26/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/23/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 S Placed on General File 2/24/2005 S Passed CoW 2/25/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/28/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0110 3/1/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0110 3/1/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0110 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0110 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0218 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.


H.B. No. 0088 Watercraft-authorized activity.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gilmore, Gay, Landon, Reese, Walsh and Warren and Senator(s) Boggs and Massie

AN ACT relating to game and fish regulations; authorizing specified activities on water located on private property; and providing for an effective date.

1/3/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 2/22/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Gingery, Reese, Thompson and Zwonitzer Nays: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Iekel and Slater Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0089 Retired state employees-insurance benefits.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) McOmie, Esquibel, Gilmore, Hinckley, Illoway, Landon, Meuli, Petersen, Reese and Slater and Senator(s) Decaria, Hanes, Ross, Sessions and Vasey

AN ACT relating to the state employees' and officials' group insurance plan; providing a state contribution for retirees for limited plan benefits; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/4/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 2/1/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Meuli, Petersen and Warren Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Philp and Simpson Ayes 3 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0090 Circuit courts.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lubnau, Barnard, and Gingery and Senator(s) Hanes

AN ACT relating to circuit courts; repealing duplicate provisions as specified; conforming a provision; and providing for an effective date.

1/4/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/18/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2005 H Placed on General File 1/19/2005 H Passed CoW 192 1/20/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/21/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer.

Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/3/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Placed on General File 2/15/2005 S Passed CoW 2/16/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/17/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0054 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0054 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0054 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0054 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0090 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0091 Alcoholic beverages-catering permits.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Buchanan, Hageman and Olsen

AN ACT relating to catering permits for alcoholic beverages; increasing the number of permits allowed in a year; and providing for an effective date.

1/4/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/24/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

193 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Robinson and White Nays: Representative(s) Alden Excused: Representative(s) Olsen and Watt Ayes 6 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0091HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 17 Reinsert all stricken language; delete "thirty-six (36)"; after "and" insert "twenty (20)". Page 2-line 13 Delete "organizer" insert "sponsor". Page 3-line 1 After "effective" delete balance of the line and insert "July 1, 2005.". Page 3-line 2 through 4 Delete entirely. LANDON, CHAIRMAN

HB0091HW001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 17 In the standing committee amendment (HB0091HS001/A) to this line, delete "twenty (20)" insert "eighteen (18)". ALDEN

1/26/2005 H Passed CoW 1/27/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/28/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden and Luthi. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Latta and Samuelson. Ayes 55 Nays 2 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/14/2005 S01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0091SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 1 Delete "eighteen (18)" insert "twenty-four (24)". HANES, CHAIRMAN

2/22/2005 S Passed CoW 2/23/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/24/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Conflicts: Senator(s) Case Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

2/25/2005 H Did Concur


194 Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Brechtel, Gingery and Semlek. Excused: Representative(s) Hinckley, Jorgensen, Miller and Wasserburger. Ayes 52 Nays 4 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0093 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0093 2/28/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0093 3/2/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0093 3/2/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0180 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0092 Rape shield law-immoral or indecent acts.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery, Buchanan and Hinckley

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; adding crimes to procedure; and providing for an effective date.

1/4/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/31/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File 2/4/2005 H Passed CoW 2/7/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/8/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 3/3/2005 Died In Committee


H.B. No. 0093 Tax exemption-rolling stock.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Philp, Edwards, McOmie and Miller and Senator(s) Job and Peck

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; granting a sales tax exemption for the repair, assembly, alteration or improvement of railroad rolling stock as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/4/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 1/26/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gay, Gilmore, Harshman, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0093HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 1 After "sales" insert "and use". Page 1-line 9 Delete "is" insert "and 39-16-105(a)(viii) by creating a new subparagraph (E) are". Page 2-After line 7 Insert: "39-16-105. Exemptions. (a) The following purchases or leases are exempt from the excise tax imposed by this article: (viii) For the purpose of exempting sales of services and tangible personal property as an economic incentive, the following are exempt: (E) Purchases of tangible personal property or services performed for the repair, assembly, alteration or improvement of railroad rolling stock.". ANDERSON, R., CHAIRMAN

1/28/2005 H Passed CoW 1/31/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/1/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Bucholz and Lockhart. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/14/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S03 2/17/2005 S03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Hawks, Mockler and Peck Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0093SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 3 After "specified;" insert "providing a sunset date; providing for annual reports;". Page 2-line 7 After "stock." insert "This subparagraph is repealed effective July 1, 2015.". Page 2-line 20 After "stock." insert "This subparagraph is repealed effective July 1, 2015.". Page 2-after line 20 Insert and renumber: "Section 2.

196 (a) The Wyoming business council and the department of revenue shall jointly report on or before December 1 of each year the exemption provided by this act is in effect to the joint minerals, business and economic development interim committee and the joint revenue interim committee. The report shall evaluate the cumulative effects of the exemption from initiation of the exemption and shall include: (i) A history of employment in the railroad rolling stock industry in terms of numbers of employees, full-time and part-time employees, and rate of turnover; (ii) A history of wages and benefits disaggregated by gender for each job category; and (iii) A comprehensive history of taxes paid to the state of Wyoming by companies in the railroad rolling stock industry.". Page 2-line 22 Delete "2" insert "3". PECK, CHAIRMAN 2/24/2005 S Passed CoW 2/25/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/28/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Meier, Mockler, Northrup, Peck, Scott, Sessions, Townsend and Vasey. Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Case, Massie, Nicholas, Ross, Schiffer and Von Flatern. Ayes 23 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Latta. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0116 3/1/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0116 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0116 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0116 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0209 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005


H.B. No. 0094 Environmental health study.

Sponsored By: Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to health care; authorizing a study of environmental health risks and dangers confronting the citizens of Wyoming; specifying duties of the department of health in conducting the study; requiring the cooperation of state agencies as specified; requiring reports and recommendations; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/4/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/17/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0094HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 5 After "state" insert "and local". Page 1-line 13 After "health" insert "in collaboration with the Wyoming department of agriculture and the Wyoming department of environmental quality"; after "shall" insert "convene a multi-disciplinary task force to". Page 2-line 18 Delete "agency" insert "and local agencies". Page 3-line 3 Delete "October" insert "November". OSBORN, CHAIRMAN

1/18/2005 H Passed CoW 1/19/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/20/2005 H Laid Back Without Prejudice

HB0094H3002/ADOPTED Page 1-line 1 After "care" insert "and the state health officer"; after "of" insert "how". Page 1-line 2 Delete "risks and dangers" insert "and safety issues". Page 1-line 3 After "Wyoming" insert "are coordinated among various local, state and federal agencies". Page 1-line 13 After "The" insert "state health officer and the". Page 1-lines 14 and 15 Delete entirely. Page 1-line 16 Delete the line through "of". Page 2-line 4 Delete "and those". Page 2-lines 5 and 6 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 7 Delete "foreseeable future". Page 2-line 9 After "examine" delete balance of line. Page 2-line 10 Delete entirely. OSBORN, MILLER, QUARBERG, SEMLEK

1/21/2005 H Failed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Jorgensen, Landon, Martin, McOmie, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Simpson, Thompson and Warren. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Gay, Hageman, Harshman, Illoway, Jones, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Meuli, Miller, Olsen, Petersen, Powers, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Walsh, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson and Philp. Ayes 29 Nays 28 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


1/21/2005 H Held for Reconsideration 1/24/2005 H Reconsidered

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Cohee, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Reese, Robinson, Thompson, Warren, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Davison, Hageman, Hinckley, Jones, Latta, Lubnau, Miller, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh, Wasserburger and Watt. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 34 Nays 25 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 H Reconsidered 34-25-1-0-0;H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jorgensen, Landon, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Thompson, Warren and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Hageman, Harshman, Jones, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Miller, Olsen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh, Wasserburger, Watt and White. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 32 Nays 27 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/11/2005 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria, Massie and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/16/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case and Job Nays: Senator(s) Hines Excused: Senator(s) Nicholas Ayes 3 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0094SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 5 Delete "," insert "and". Page 3–line 14 Delete "each" insert "the". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/18/2005 S Passed CoW 2/22/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/23/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 H Did Concur

199 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Landon, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Edwards, Harshman, Jones, Jorgensen, Latta, Lockhart, Philp, Simpson and Warren. Ayes 51 Nays 0 Excused 9 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0085 2/24/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0085 2/24/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0085 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0085 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0125 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0095 Public service commission rehearings.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Cohee, Latta and Martin and Senator(s) Cooper and Johnson

AN ACT relating to public service commission hearings; amending stays of commission orders as specified; amending obsolete language; and providing for an effective date.

1/4/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02 1/19/2005 H Rereferred to H07 1/21/2005 H07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie and Miller Excused: Representative(s) Olsen Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File 1/26/2005 H Passed CoW 1/27/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/28/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Latta and Samuelson. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/8/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Meier, Mockler and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Placed on General File 2/15/2005 S Passed CoW 2/16/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

200 2/17/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0055 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0055 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0055 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0055 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0101 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0096 Tobacco taxes.

Sponsored By: Joint Revenue Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for enforcement of tobacco tax provisions as specified; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

1/4/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 1/18/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gay, Gilmore, Harshman, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0096HS001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-line 7 After "(v)" insert "(A) and". Page 1-line 8 After "(D)" insert "and by creating new paragraphs (vi) and (vii), 39-18-106(a) and by creating a new subsection (c)". Page 1-After line 16 Insert: (A) Whether located within or without Wyoming, imports, sells or distributes cigarettes, cigars, snuff or other tobacco products into this state for sale or resale; Page 2-line 1 Delete "Delivers" insert "Sells or distributes for sale or resale". Page 2-line 3 Delete "and" insert "or". Page 2-line 4 After "delivery" insert "to any person in this state". Page 2-After line 4 Insert: (vi) "Cigarette importer" means any person who imports into the United States, either directly or indirectly, a finished cigarette for sale or distribution in this state; (vii) "Cigarette manufacturer" means any person who manufactures, fabricates, assembles, processes or labels a finished cigarette for sale in this state. 39-18-106. Licensing; permits. (a) Every wholesaler, cigarette importer and cigarette manufacturer who sells or offers to sell cigarettes, cigars, snuff or other tobacco products in this state must have a license to do so issued by the department. No license or renewal of a license shall be granted under this section unless the wholesaler states in writing, under penalty for false swearing, that he shall comply fully with W.S. 9-4-1201 through 9-4-1209. The license fee is ten dollars ($10.00) per year or fraction thereof and is valid through June 30 in each year. The license will be granted only to wholesalers who own or operate the place from which sales are made and additional licenses must be obtained for each separate location. The licenses are transferable pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the department. (c) No license for a wholesaler, cigarette importer or cigarette manufacturer shall be granted, maintained or renewed if the applicant:

201 (i) Is not a participating manufacturer as defined in subsection II(jj) of the master settlement agreement as defined in W.S. 9-4-1201(a)(v), or is not in full compliance with W.S. 9-4-1201 through 9-4-1210; (ii) Has imported or caused to be imported into the United States any tobacco products in violation of 19 U.S.C. 1681a; or (iii) Has imported or caused to be imported into the United States, or manufactured for sale or distribution in the United States any cigarette that does not fully comply with the federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, (15 U.S.C. 1331, et seq.).". Page 2–line 19 After "who" insert "does any act prohibited by this article, or". Page 2-line 21 Delete "to do or cause" insert "causes not". Page 5-line 2 Delete "greater" insert "less". Page 5-line 14 Delete "greater" insert "less". Page 5-After line 19 Insert: "Section 2. W.S. 39-18-106(b) is repealed.". Page 5-line 21 Delete "2." insert "3.". ANDERSON, R., CHAIRMAN

1/19/2005 H Passed CoW 1/20/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/21/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S03 2/1/2005 S03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Cooper, Hawks, Mockler and Peck Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0096SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 8 Delete and insert "cigarettes over". PECK, CHAIRMAN

HB0096SW001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 3-line 17 Before "wholesaler" insert "cigarette". PECK

HB0096SW002/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 5-lines 19 through 24 Delete and insert: "(ix) Any fixture, equipment or other personal property used by a tobacco product wholesaler or retailer to commit any of the following acts shall be subject to forfeiture to the state: (A) Failing to keep or make any record, return, report or inventory required by this article, if the failure was with the intent to defraud the state; (B) Keeping or making any false or fraudulent record, return, report or inventory required under this article; (C) Refusing to pay any tax imposed by this article; (D) Attempting in any manner to evade or defeat the requirements of this article.". Page 6-lines 1 through 4 Delete. PECK

2/9/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0096S2001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 11 Delete "(xi)" insert "(xii)". Page 8-after line 2 Insert and renumber: 202 "(xii) Any penalty collected under the provisions of this subsection shall be deposited in the public school fund of the appropriate county as required by article 7, section 5 of the Wyoming constitution.". JENNINGS

2/10/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0096S3001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 5-line 9 Delete "greater" insert "lesser". Page 5-lines 19 through 24 In the Peck Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0096SW002/AE) to these lines, in paragraph (ix)(intro) after "state" insert ", if the retail value of the cigarettes involved or any tax involved in the act exceeds five hundred dollars ($500.00)". PECK

2/11/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Townsend and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Schiffer and Vasey. Ayes 27 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 H Did Not Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Berger, Bucholz, Diercks, Edwards, Gay, Gilmore, Iekel, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Miller, Olsen, Osborn and Philp. Nays: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Esquibel, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Morgan, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Jorgensen. Ayes 18 Nays 40 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 H Appointed JCC01 Members Representative(s) Anderson, R., Pedersen and Zwonitzer 2/16/2005 H Recedes from Nonconcurrence . 2/16/2005 H Adopted HB0096JC01

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Philp. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0096JC01/A ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Pursuant to Joint Rule 2-4, the House recedes from its non-concurrence and adopts the following Senate amendments: HB0096S2001/AE HB0096S3001/AE HB0096SS001/AE HB0096SW001/AE HB0096SW002/AE ANDERSON,R., PEDERSEN, ZWONITZER, PECK, AULLMAN, VASEY

2/16/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0045 2/16/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0045 2/18/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0045 2/22/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0045 203 2/22/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter Number 0077 Sessions Laws of Wyoming 2005

H.B. No. 0097 Fishing outfitters.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Cohee and Brown

AN ACT relating to game and fish outfitting; providing for licensure of fishing outfitters and guides; modifying membership of the state board of outfitters and professional guides; and providing for an effective date.

1/4/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction; No Further Action Prior to CoW Cutoff


H.B. No. 0098 Public service commission-nontraditional rate making.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Cohee, Latta and Martin and Senator(s) Cooper and Johnson

AN ACT relating to the public service commission; providing a time limitation for nontraditional rate making as specified; amending obsolete language; and providing for an effective date.

1/4/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/19/2005 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0098HS001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-line 17 After "commission" insert ", within the time periods provided under W.S. 37-3- 106(c)". Page 2-line 2 After "reasonable" insert "," and delete all new language. Page 2-line 3 Delete all new language. ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/19/2005 H Passed CoW 1/20/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/21/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/8/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Meier, Mockler and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Placed on General File 2/22/2005 S Passed CoW 2/23/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/24/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0087 2/25/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0087 2/25/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0087

205 2/26/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0087 2/26/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0154 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0099 Marriage ceremonies.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Thompson, Olsen and Martin

AN ACT relating to domestic relations; authorizing additional persons to perform marriage ceremonies; specifying requirements; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0100 Methamphetamine precursors.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Thompson and Hastert and Senator(s) Boggs, Job and Sessions

AN ACT relating to controlled substances; imposing restrictions on the sale of products containing pseudoephedrine; restricting the amount of product that may be acquired within a certain period of time; granting rulemaking authority; providing for the exemption of products from the restrictions imposed; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/20/2005 H Rereferred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Hastert, Martin, Morgan Nays: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Iekel and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 3 Nays 5 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0101 Long term care ombudsman amendments.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harvey, Alden, Martin, Goggles and Iekel and Senator(s) Massie

AN ACT relating to the Long Term Care Ombudsman Act; amending definitions; amending responsibilities as specified; amending provisions regarding investigation and resolution of complaints as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/20/2005 H10 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2005 H Placed on General File 206 1/20/2005 H Passed CoW 1/21/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/24/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Latta. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/14/2005 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria, Massie and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0101SS001/ADOPTED Page 4-line 3 Reinsert stricken "and". Page 4-lines 5 thru 7 Delete and renumber. Page 4-line 9 Strike "(v)" insert "(iv)". Page 6-line 21 After stricken "person" insert "The provider of long term care service"; reinsert stricken "complained against shall have a". Page 6-line 22 Reinsert stricken language through "complaint"; after "complaint" insert ".". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/16/2005 S Passed CoW 2/17/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/18/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 H Did Concur

207 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Anderson, R. and Jorgensen. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0072 2/23/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0072 2/23/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0072 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0072 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0133 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0102 Detention officers.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edwards

AN ACT relating to detention officers; providing peace officer status for detention officers as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0103 Victim impact statements.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edwards

AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; clarifying when victim impact statements may be submitted; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/18/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0103HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 7 Delete "(i)" insert "(intro)". Page 1-line 12 Strike "Prior to imposition of" insert "At any hearing to determine, correct or reduce a"; After "sentence" insert ","; strike "or any correction". Page 1-line 13 Strike the line through ",". Page 1-line 14 After "submit" insert ", orally, in writing or both,". Page 1-line 15 Strike ":" insert ".". Page 2-lines 1 through 4 Delete entirely. Page 2-After line 4 Insert "Section 2. W.S. 7-21-103(a)(i) and (ii) is repealed.". Page 2-line 6 Delete "Section 2." insert "Section 3.". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

1/19/2005 H Passed CoW 1/20/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 208 1/21/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/3/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Placed on General File 2/9/2005 S Passed CoW 2/10/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/11/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0012 2/14/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0012 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0012 2/17/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0012 2/17/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0017 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0104 County payroll-direct deposit.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and Lubnau and Senator(s) Aullman

AN ACT relating to counties; authorizing county officers and employees to be paid through a direct deposit program as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/18/2005 H07 Recommended Do Pass

209 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2005 H Placed on General File 1/19/2005 H Passed CoW 1/20/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/21/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/3/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Meier and Mockler Excused: Senator(s) Scott Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Placed on General File 2/8/2005 S Passed CoW 2/9/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/10/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0006 2/10/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0006 2/11/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0006 2/15/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0006 2/15/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0006 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0105 Community enhancement grants.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harvey, Berger, Buchanan and Simpson

AN ACT relating to community enhancement grants; authorizing the Wyoming business council to award grants to communities to build, upgrade or repair community buildings that enhance the history, cultural or social needs of the community; requiring a match; granting rulemaking authority; authorizing grantees to contract with private organizations as specified; providing definitions; providing an appropriation and a continuous appropriation of funds; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee


H.B. No. 0106 Medical malpractice-use of expert witnesses.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery

AN ACT relating to medical malpractice actions; providing for filing of affidavits as specified; providing for expert testimony as specified; providing definitions; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0107 Uniform health care decisions.

Sponsored By: Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to health care; creating a uniform health care decisions act; authorizing and prescribing sample forms for advance health care directives; authorizing and prescribing sample forms for powers of attorney for health care; prescribing duties of health care surrogates and health care providers as specified; providing for immunity, monetary damages and injunctive relief; providing statements of legislative intent; repealing the durable power of attorney for health care statute and living will statute; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/14/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0107HS001/ADOPTED Page 5–line 2 Before "Health" insert "Primary". Page 5–line 4 Delete "podiatrist, chiropractor,". Page 5-lines 5 through 7 Delete entirely and insert "licensed physician, licensed physician's assistant or licensed advanced practitioner of nursing;". Page 10-line 23 Delete "must" insert "shall"; delete "supervising". Page 10-line 24 Delete "health care provider" insert "primary physician". Page 11-line 19 Delete "complies" insert "complied"; delete "this act". Page 11-line 20 Delete entirely and insert "the applicable law at the time of execution or communication.". OSBORN, CHAIRMAN

HB0107HW001/ADOPTED Page 12-line 1 After "individual" insert "with capacity". Page 12-line 5 After "individual" insert "with capacity". BARNARD

1/17/2005 H Passed CoW 1/18/2005 H Laid Back Pursuant to HR 9-3

HB0107H2001/ADOPTED Page 6-line 5 Delete "readily". Page 6-line 6 Delete "available" insert "able"; delete "without undue effort" insert "with a level of diligence appropriate to the seriousness and urgency of a patient's health care needs". Page 8-line 2 After "instruction" delete balance of line. 211 Page 8-line 3 Delete "directive". Page 11-line 3 Delete "individual instructions, if". Page 11-line 4 Delete "any," insert "advance health care directive". Page 12-line 2 After "writing" delete balance of line. Page 12-line 3 Delete the line through "provider". Page 12-line 8 After "revoke" insert "done in the presence of two (2) competent persons"; after "." insert "Any revocation that is not in writing shall be documented in writing, signed and dated by both witnesses. This writing shall be made a part of the medical record.". SIMPSON

1/19/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/20/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson, Olsen, Philp and Watt. Ayes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/9/2005 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria, Massie and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0107SS001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 2 Delete "and prescribing". Page 1-line 3 After "authorizing" delete "and". Page 1-line 4 Delete "prescribing". Page 1-line 14 Delete "35-22-417" insert "35-22-415". Page 5-line 6 Delete "practitioner of nursing" insert "practice registered nurse". Page 5-line 18 After "power" insert "as set forth in an advanced health care directive or living will". Page 6-line 21 Before "health" insert "primary". Page 7-line 20 Delete "35-22-417" insert "35-22-415". Page 11-line 23 After "writing" insert" "or by personally informing the supervising health care provider". Page 12-line 4 After "revoke" insert "." and delete balance of line. Page 12-lines 5 thru 8 Delete. Page 12-after line 23 Insert and renumber: "(f) Through rules and regulations the department of health shall develop forms to implement the purposes of this act.". Pages 13 thru 25 Delete and renumber. Page 26-lines 1 thru 21 Delete. Page 26-line 23 Delete "35-22-406" insert "35-22-405". Page 30-line 15 Delete "35-22-407" insert "35-22-406". Page 31-line 8 Delete "35-22-408" insert "35-22-407". Page 35-line 1 Delete "35-22-409" insert "35-22-408". Page 35-line 9 Delete "35-22-410" insert "35-22-409". Page 36-line 21 Delete "35-22-411" insert "35-22-410". Page 37-line 18 Delete "35-22-412" insert "35-22-411". Page 38-line 6 Delete "35-22-413" insert "35-22-412". Page 38-line 13 Delete "35-22-414" insert "35-22-413". Page 39-after line 17 Insert and renumber: 212 "(f) Any cardiopulmonary resuscitation directives developed under W.S. 35-22-201 through 35-22-208 shall remain in effect unless specifically revoked by the advance health care directive.". Page 39-line 19 Delete "35-22-415" insert "35-22-414". Page 40-line 5 Delete "35-22-416" insert "35-22-415". Page 40-lines 12 thru 19 Delete. SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/11/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0107S2001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 11-line 23 Delete "only". Page 35-line 15 Delete "for unprofessional conduct". ROSS, MASSIE, SCOTT

HB0107S2002/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 14 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0107SS001/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: delete "35-22-417" insert "35-22-416". Page 7-line 20 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0107SS001/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: delete "35-22-417" insert "35-22-416". Page 12-after line 23 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0107SS001/AE) to this line. Page 40-after line 10 Insert and renumber: "35-22-416. Rulemaking authority. Through rules and regulations the department of health shall develop forms to implement the purposes of this act.". MASSIE

HB0107S2003/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 10-line 21 After "physician" insert ", but the supervising health care provider may make the decision if the primary physician is unavailable". Page 27-line 3 After "by the" insert "primary physician or the". SCOTT

2/14/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/15/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Geis, Hanes and Mockler. Ayes 27 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 H Did Not Concur

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Philp. Ayes 0 Nays 58 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 S Appointed JCC01 Members Senator(s) Scott, Barrasso and Mockler 2/16/2005 H Appointed JCC01 Members Representative(s)Harvey, Osborn and Simpson

2/24/2005 H Adopted HB0107JC01

ROLL CALL AYES: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, 213 Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer. NAYS: Representative(s) Alden. EXCUSED: Representative(s) Jorgensen, Lockhart. Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflict 0

2/24/2005 S Adopted HB0107JC01

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Townsend and Von Flatern. Excused: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Coe, Hawks, Hines, Schiffer, Sessions and Vasey. Ayes 23 Nays 0 Excused 7 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0107JC01/AA ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Adopt the following Senate amendments: HB0107S2003/A Delete the following Senate amendments: HB0107S2001/A HB0107S2002/A HB0107SS001/A Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows: Page 1-line 14 Delete "35-22-417" insert "35-22-416". Page 5-lines 2 through 6 Delete entirely. Page 5-After line 18 Insert: "(xiv) "Primary health care provider" means any person licensed under the Wyoming statutes practicing within the scope of that license as a licensed physician, licensed physician's assistant or licensed advanced practice registered nurse;". Page 6-line 21 Before "health" insert "primary". Page 7-line 20 Delete "35-22-417" insert "35-22-416". Page 12-line 4 After "an" delete balance of the line and insert "intention to revoke. Any oral revocation shall, as soon as possible after the revocation, be documented in a writing signed and dated by the individual or a witness to the revocation.". Page 12-lines 5 through 8 Delete entirely. Page 13-lines 3 through 8 Delete entirely and insert: "(a) An advance health care directive may be substantially in the following form, but in addition may include other specific directions. The other sections of this act govern the effect of this or any other writing used to create an advance health care directive. If any of the other specific directions are held to be invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other directions of the directive that can be given effect without the invalid direction and to this end the directions in the directive are severable:". Page 26-After line 21 Insert: "(b) Subsection (a) of this section is repealed effective June 30, 2009. Thereafter, an advance health care directive may be in any form not inconsistent with this act.". Page 35-line 15 Delete "for unprofessional conduct". Page 39-After line 17 Insert and renumber: "(f) Any cardiopulmonary resuscitation directives developed under W.S. 35-22-201 through 35-22-208 shall remain in effect unless specifically revoked by the advance health care directive.". Page 40-lines 12 through 19 Delete entirely and insert: "Section 2. W.S. 3-2-106(e)(i) and (ii), 3-2-202(a)(iv), 3-5-101(b), 35-20-102(a)(xi)(B) and 35-20-103(e) are amended to read: 3-2-106. Appointment of a temporary or emergency guardian. (e) An emergency guardian may be appointed without notice to the proposed ward or the guardian ad litem only if the court finds by a preponderance of the evidence from affidavit or testimony that the proposed ward will be substantially harmed before a hearing on the appointment can be held. If the court appoints an emergency guardian immediately, without notice to the proposed ward or the guardian ad litem, the proposed ward and guardian ad litem shall be given notice of the appointment within forty-eight (48) hours after the appointment. The court shall hold a hearing on the appropriateness of the appointment within seventy-two (72) hours after the appointment. Emergency guardians appointed without notice and hearing shall have authority to make medical and medically related decisions only, except emergency guardians shall

214 not have authority with respect to a person who has been made a ward pursuant to this subsection or subsection (d) of this section to: (i) Execute a durable power of attorney for healthcare for the ward pursuant to W.S. 3-5-202 35-22-403(b); (ii) Execute a living will an individual instruction for the ward pursuant to W.S. 35-22-102 35-22-403(a); 3-2-202. Powers of the guardian subject to approval of the court. (a) Upon order of the court, after notice and hearing and appointment of a guardian ad litem, the guardian may: (iv) Execute any appropriate advance medical directives, including durable power of attorney for health care under W.S. 3-5-201 et seq. 35-22-403(b) and living will an individual instruction under W.S. 35-22-101 et seq 35-22-403(a). 3-5-101. When power of attorney not affected by disability. (b) Subject to the restrictions in W.S. 3-5-202 35-22-403, the authority of the attorney in fact or agent may be exercised by him on behalf of the principal according to the terms stated in the power of attorney instrument notwithstanding the subsequent disability or incapacity of the principal or uncertainty concerning whether the principal is alive or deceased. 35-20-102. Definitions. (a) As used in this act: (xi) "Neglect" means the deprivation of, or failure to provide, the minimum food, shelter, clothing, supervision, physical and mental health care, and other care necessary to maintain a vulnerable adult's life or health, or which may result in a life-threatening situation. The withholding of health care from a vulnerable adult is not neglect if: (B) The withholding of health care is in accordance with a declaration executed pursuant to W.S. 35-22-101 through 35-22-109 35-22-401 through 35-22-416. 35-20-103. Reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of vulnerable adult; reports maintained in central registry. (e) Any report or notification to the department that a vulnerable adult is, or is suspected of being, abused, neglected, exploited or abandoned, or is committing self neglect, shall be investigated, a determination shall be made whether protective services are necessary and, whether a valid declaration an individual instruction exists under W.S. 35-22-101 through 35-22-109 35-22-401 through 35-22-416. If determined necessary, protective services shall be furnished by the department within three (3) days from the time the report or notice is received by the department. The investigation may include a visit to the facility in which the vulnerable adult resides and an interview with the vulnerable adult.". Renumber as necessary. HARVEY, OSBORN, SIMPSON, SCOTT, BARRASSO, MOCKLER

2/25/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0092 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0092 2/28/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0092 3/2/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0092 3/2/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0161 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005

H.B. No. 0108 Medical injury-expert witnesses.

Sponsored By: Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to civil actions; specifying requirements for expert witnesses to testify in medical injury or death actions; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/19/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Iekel and Osborn Nays: Representative(s) Hastert, Martin and Morgan Excused: Representative(s) Jackson

215 Ayes 5 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0108HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 6 Delete the line through "defendant" insert "specialty or subspecialty as the defendant, or trained and experienced in a specialty or subspecialty to diagnose, correct or treat the medical issue of concern in the action". Page 2-line 16 After "same" delete balance of line. Page 2-line 17 Delete the line through "defendant" insert "specialty or subspecialty as the defendant, or trained and experienced in a specialty or subspecialty to diagnose, correct or treat the medical issue of concern in the action". Page 3-line 4 After "state" insert "only". Page 3-line 5 Delete "and". Page 3-line 6 Delete entirely and insert "insofar as provision of testimony is questioned and subject to the applicable provisions of W.S. 33-26-402(a).". OSBORN, CHAIRMAN

1/20/2005 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Berger, Brechtel, Bucholz, Childers, Edwards, Gay, Gilmore, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Iekel, Jones, Jorgensen, Latta, Lockhart, Meuli, Osborn, Pedersen, Quarberg, Semlek and Walsh. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Buchanan, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Esquibel, Gingery, Goggles, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Landon, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Petersen, Powers, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson, Olsen, Philp and Watt. Ayes 23 Nays 32 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0109 Assisted living facility authority.

Sponsored By: Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to health care facilities and services; authorizing assisted living facilities to care for memory impaired persons as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/13/2005 H10 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Nays: Representative(s) Iekel Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/13/2005 H Placed on General File 1/14/2005 H Passed CoW 1/17/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/18/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden and Meuli.

216 Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Philp. Ayes 56 Nays 2 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/14/2005 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria, Massie and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0109SS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 3 After "specified;" insert "amending a definition;". Page 2-line 3 Delete ", including". Page 2-line 4 Delete. Page 2-line 5 Delete through "persons" and insert: ". This definition may include facilities with secured units and facilities dedicated to the special care and services for people with Alzheimer's disease or other dementia conditions". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/16/2005 S Passed CoW 2/17/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/18/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Meuli Excused: Representative(s) Anderson, R. and Jorgensen. Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0071 2/23/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0071 2/23/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0071 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0071 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0132 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0110 Nursing homes medicaid rate.

Sponsored By: Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Medical Assistance and Services Act; amending the time period for the department of health to recalculate nursing home reimbursement rates as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction

217 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/17/2005 H10 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2005 H Placed on General File 1/18/2005 H Passed CoW 1/19/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/20/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson, Olsen, Philp and Watt. Ayes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/11/2005 S10 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria, Massie and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 S Placed on General File 2/15/2005 S Passed CoW 2/16/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/17/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Nicholas Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 28 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0056 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0056 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0056 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0056 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0102 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0111 Health insurance pool amendments.

Sponsored By: Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Health Insurance Pool Act; directing the commissioner of insurance to offer low cost coverage alternatives as specified; repealing specified deductible amounts; extending the sunset date of the act by six years; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned

218 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/13/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/13/2005 H Placed on General File 1/14/2005 H Passed CoW 1/17/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/18/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Philp. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/7/2005 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria, Massie and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0111SS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 3 After "specified;" insert "limiting persons eligible for pool coverage;". Page 1-line 9 After "W.S." insert "26-43-103(b)(i), (v) and by creating a new paragraph (vi),"; Page 1-after line 10 Insert: "26-43-103. Eligibility. (b) The following persons are not eligible for pool coverage: (i) Persons who have coverage under health insurance or an insurance arrangement on the issue date of pool coverage;, except those who provide evidence of termination of the coverage to the administrator within seven (7) months of the effective date of the pool coverage; (v) Inmates of public institutions;. (vi) Persons who are eligible for group health insurance or a group health insurance arrangement provided in connection with a policy, plan or program sponsored by an employer and subject to regulation as a group health plan under federal or state law, even though the employer coverage is declined.". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/9/2005 S Passed CoW

219 HB0111S2001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 4 After "amounts;" insert "restricting premiums as specified;". Page 1-line 9 After "26-43-106(b)(ii)" insert ", 26-43-107(c)". Page 2–after line 15 Insert: "26-43-107. Premiums; standard risk rate. (c) Initial rates for pool coverage in the first year coverage is provided pursuant to this act shall not be less than one hundred fifty percent (150%) of rates established as applicable for individual standard risks. Subsequent rates may provide for the expected costs of claims including recovery of prior losses, expenses of operation, investment income of claim reserves, and any other costs factors subject to the limitations provided by this subsection. For the period from July 1, 1995 through June 30, 2001, rates for pool coverage shall not be less than one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) nor greater than one hundred fifty percent (150%) of rates established as applicable for individual standard risks for comparable coverage. Subsequent pool rates shall not exceed two hundred percent (200%) of rates applicable to individual standard risks. All rates and rate schedules shall be submitted to the commissioner for approval. The rates shall be set as close as practical to the lower end of the range provided by this subsection without undue risk of shifting more than fifty percent (50%) of the burden of assessments to private health insurance.". SCOTT

2/10/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/11/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Simpson Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Jorgensen. Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0030 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0030 2/16/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0030 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0030 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0057 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0112 Foreclosure sale proceeds.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway, Buchanan, Lubnau and Simpson and Senator(s) Hanes, Nicholas and Ross

AN ACT relating to real property; providing for the distribution of monies upon mortgage foreclosure sales; making conforming amendment for state farm loans; specifying applicability of the act; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/24/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


220 Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Robinson and White Excused: Representative(s) Alden, Olsen and Watt Ayes 6 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0112HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 2 After ";" insert "amending notice requirements;". Page 2-line 19 After "is" insert "entitled to notice, but was". Page 3-line 10 Delete "within four (4)". Page 3-line 11 Delete the line through ",". Page 3-line 16 After "." insert "In no event shall the property be redeemed from a bona fide purchaser for value who purchased the property without notice of a defect in the foreclosure.". Page 5-line 23 Strike "fifty dollars ($50.00)" insert "five hundred dollars ($500.00)". Page 6-line 16 Strike "money" insert "monies". Page 7-line 1 Strike first "such" insert "a"; strike second "such"; strike "as to". Page 7-line 2 Strike "seems" insert "deems". Page 7-line 21 Strike "such" insert "the". Page 8-line 5 Delete "thirty (30)" insert "twenty-five (25)". Page 8-line 12 After "affidavit" insert "of an authorized representative of the foreclosing mortgagee or lienholder. A person or entity who acts in reliance upon the affidavit without knowledge that the representations contained therein are incorrect shall not be liable to any person for so acting and may assume without inquiry the existence of the facts contained in the affidavit". Page 8-line 14 Delete "or" insert "of". Page 9-line 4 After "provided" insert "in writing". Page 9-line 19 Strike "nine (9:00)" insert "ten (10:00)". Page 10-line 3 After "mortgagee" insert ",". Page 12-line 1 Delete "number of times the". Page 12-line 2 After "published" delete balance of line. Page 12-line 3 Delete entirely. Page 12-line 4 Delete "four (4) times,". Page 12-line 5 After "," delete balance of line. Page 12-line 6 Delete the line through "sale" insert "and the notice of postponement is published at least once a week, over two (2) consecutive weeks". Page 13-line 13 After "proceeds" insert "for disposition to the mortgagor". Page 14-line 1 Delete the line through "mortgagee" insert "agreed upon by all parties in interest, or by court order,". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

1/26/2005 H Passed CoW 1/27/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/28/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Latta and Samuelson. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/15/2005 S01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

221 2/15/2005 S Placed on General File HB0112SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 5-line 23 After "description." insert "The notice shall state whether there are liens or encumbrances that will not be discharged by the sale.". Page 9-line 3 After "lienholder" delete ", or the". Page 9-line 4 Delete. Page 9-line 5 Delete through "lienholder,". Page 13-line 1 Strike "other person". Page 13-line 2 After stricken "assigns." insert "foreclosing mortgagee or lienholder". Page 14-line 9 Delete "other person" insert "foreclosing mortgagee or lienholder". HANES, CHAIRMAN

HB0112SW001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 3–line 16 After "sale." delete balance of line. Page 3–lines 17 and 18 Delete. Page 4–line 4 After "34-4-104," insert "34-4-105(a)(iv), (v) and by creating a new paragraph (vi),". Page 5–line 23 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0112SS001/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: after "description." insert "The notice shall state "The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title at the county real estate records or consult an attorney before submitting a bid."". Page 10–before line 1 Insert and renumber: "34-4-105. Publication of notice; contents. (a) Every such notice shall specify: (iv) A description of the mortgaged premises, conforming substantially with that contained in the mortgage; and (v) The time and place of sale.; and (vi) A notice that the property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title at the county real estate records or consult an attorney before submitting a bid.". Page 13–line 1 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0112SS001/AE) to this line. Page 13–line 2 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0112SS001/AE) to this line. Page 13–line 15 After "sale" insert "; and" delete balance of line. Page 13–lines 16 and 17 Delete. Page 14–line 9 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0112SS001/AE) to this line. NICHOLAS

2/24/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0112S2001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 4–line 20 After "weeks in" strike "the". Page 4–line 21 Strike "county newspaper" insert "a legal newspaper of general circulation". PECK

2/25/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/28/2005 S Laid Back Without Prejudice

HB0112S3002/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 5–line 23 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0112SS001/AE) and the Nicholas Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0112SW001/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: after "description." insert "The notice shall state "The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid."". Page 10–before line 1 Delete the Nicholas Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0112SW001/AE) and the Nicholas Third Reading Amendment (HB0112S3001/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: insert and renumber: 222 "34-4-105. Publication of notice; contents. (a) Every such notice shall specify include: (iv) A description of the mortgaged premises, conforming substantially with that contained in the mortgage; and (v) The time and place of sale.; and (vi) A statement that "The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid."". NICHOLAS

3/1/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Cooper, Decaria, Hanes, Johnson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Peck, Ross, Sessions and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Aullman, Coe, Geis, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Larson, Northrup, Schiffer, Scott, Townsend and Vasey. Ayes 17 Nays 13 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel and Goggles. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen, Latta and Reese. Ayes 55 Nays 2 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0125 3/2/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0125 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0125 3/10/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0125 3/10/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0228 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005

H.B. No. 0113 Government reorganization-dept. of tourism and recreation.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Davison and Gingery

AN ACT relating to government reorganization; creating a department of tourism and recreation; specifying department components; requiring a report; providing for the subsequent reorganization of the department; and providing for effective dates.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 0 Nays 9 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0114 Pharmacists.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Osborn and Iekel and Senator(s) Barrasso and Massie 223

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Pharmacy Act; amending licensing requirements for resident and nonresident pharmacies as specified; amending grounds for denial, suspension, revocation or nonrenewal of licenses as specified; amending grounds for required notice by licensees to the board of pharmacy; and providing for an effective date.

1/5/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/26/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0114HS001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-line 6 After ";" insert "specifying procedures for appeals;". Page 1-line 13 Delete "and" insert ","; after "(g)" insert "and by creating a new subsection (h)". Page 2-line 2 Before "." insert "; appeals". Page 3-line 5 After "Any" insert "substantial". Page 4-line 18 After "owner" insert ", pharmacist in charge, staff pharmacist"; delete "employee" insert "pharmacy technician". Page 4-line 19 After "law" insert ", if the conviction is related to the practice of pharmacy". Page 8-line 11 After "Any" insert "substantial". Page 9-line 12 Delete "this chapter" insert "the pharmacy practice act of the state of domicile". Page 9-line 15 Delete "board" insert "regulatory body of the jurisdiction in which the pharmacy is located". Page 9-line 17 After "owner" insert ", pharmacist in charge, staff pharmacist"; delete "employee" insert "pharmacy technician". Page 9-line 18 After "law" insert ", if the conviction is related to the practice of pharmacy". Page 10-line 18 Delete ";" insert ".". Page 10-lines 20 through 22 Delete entirely. Page 11-After line 11 Insert: "(h) Before any final adverse administrative action is taken against a nonresident pharmacy licensee, the licensee is entitled to a hearing by the board of pharmacy upon due notice of the time and place where the hearing will be held. The accused may be represented by legal counsel, is entitled to the compulsory attendance of witnesses and may appeal to the first judicial district court located in Laramie county in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act.". OSBORN, CHAIRMAN

1/31/2005 H Passed CoW 2/1/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/2/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/3/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/22/2005 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria, Massie and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 224

2/22/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0114SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 12-line 9 Delete ", (iv)". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

HB0114SW001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 6 Delete "specifing" insert "specifying". Page 8-line 15 After "federal" insert "drug". BARRASSO

225 HB0114SW002/FAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 6 After "pharmacy;" insert "providing protections for purchasers of prescription drugs from Canadian pharmacies as specified;". Page 1-line 13 Delete "a new subsection (h)" insert "new subsections (h) and (j)". Page 12-after line 7 Insert: "(j) A pharmacy located in the country of Canada shall register as provided by this section if the pharmacy advertises or solicits business in this state. It is not a violation of this act for any person to recommend purchase of prescription drugs from a pharmacy in Canada provided that person is not receiving a payment or commission from that pharmacy. If the board learns that a Canadian pharmacy is furnishing prescription drugs to persons in Wyoming, it shall inquire of the appropriate Canadian provincial authorities as to the licensure status of that pharmacy and whether that pharmacy is known to sell drugs for export that are not legal for sale to Canadian citizens and shall make public the results of that inquiry. It shall be the policy of the board to take steps that are reasonable and economical to protect the safety of Wyoming citizens seeking to obtain drugs from Canada.". SCOTT

2/23/2005 S Passed CoW 2/24/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/25/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0103 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0103 3/1/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0103 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0103 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0215 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005

H.B. No. 0115 Loss of chance doctrine abrogated.

Sponsored By: Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to civil actions; abrogating the common law doctrine of "loss of chance" as specified; providing legislative findings; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.

1/6/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Harvey, Iekel and Osborn Nays: Representative(s) Barnard, Hastert, Martin and Morgan Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 4 Nays 4 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0116 Fuel efficient vehicle registration.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Berger, Martin, Warren, White and Zwonitzer

AN ACT relating to vehicle registration fees; providing for submittal of fuel economy information at time of registration; providing for reduction of registration fees for fuel efficient vehicles; and providing for an effective date.

1/6/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 1/31/2005 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gilmore, Pedersen, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Nays: Representative(s) Gay and Powers Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0117 Wyoming historic building preservation.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Berger, Iekel, Martin and Harvey and Senator(s) Job and Mockler

AN ACT relating to the administration of government; establishing a program to provide funding for cities, towns, counties, school districts and joint powers boards for the preservation of historic buildings; establishing an account for the program; providing funding for the program; amending business ready community funding provisions; providing for administration; providing for a continuous appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/6/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee


H.B. No. 0118 Open containers of wine.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Berger, Gilmore, Illoway, Landon, Martin, Pedersen, Walsh and Warren and Senator(s) Burns, Massie, Mockler and Ross

AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; providing for transportation of a resealed bottle of wine under specified conditions; and providing for an effective date.

1/6/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/25/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Lubnau, Robinson, Watt and White Nays: Representative(s) Olsen Excused: Representative(s) Landon Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0118HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 13 Delete "such" insert "the". Page 2-line 20 Before "prior" insert "and placed in a tamper-proof transparent bag which shall also be securely sealed". Page 2-line 21 Delete "in a bag such" insert "so". Page 2-line 22 Delete "such" insert "the". Page 2-line 23 Delete "Such" insert "The". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

1/28/2005 H Passed CoW 1/31/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/1/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Meuli, Olsen and Semlek. Excused: Representative(s) Bucholz and Lockhart. Ayes 55 Nays 3 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/2/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/10/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Placed on General File 2/15/2005 S Passed CoW 2/16/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/17/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading


228 Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Decaria, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Geis, Jennings and Vasey. Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 26 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0057 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0057 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0057 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0057 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0092 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0119 Cities and towns-mayoral term.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Berger, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Martin, Osborn and Walsh and Senator(s) Burns

AN ACT relating to cities and towns; providing that mayoral terms shall be four years; and providing for an effective date.

1/6/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/21/2005 H07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie and Miller Excused: Representative(s) Olsen Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File 1/25/2005 H Passed CoW 1/26/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/27/2005 H Laid Back Pursuant to HR 9-3 1/28/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Brechtel and Gilmore. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Latta and Samuelson. Ayes 54 Nays 3 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/3/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass

229 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Meier and Mockler Excused: Senator(s) Scott Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Placed on General File 2/9/2005 S Passed CoW 2/10/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/11/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case and Larson. Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0013 2/14/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0013 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0013 2/17/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0013 2/17/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0025 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0120 Children in Need of Supervision Act-sunset.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the Children in Need of Supervision Act; postponing repeal of the act as specified; conforming related provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/6/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/17/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson and White Nays: Representative(s) Watt Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/17/2005 H Placed on General File 1/18/2005 H Passed CoW 1/19/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/20/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson, Olsen, Philp and Watt. Ayes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/7/2005 S01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

230 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0120SS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 16 Delete "2007" insert "2009". Page 2-line 5 Delete "2007" insert "2009". HANES, CHAIRMAN

2/9/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0120S2001/ADOPTED Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0120SS001/A) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 1-line 2 Delete "postponing" insert "eliminating the"; delete "conforming". Page 1-line 3 Delete "related provisions;". Page 1-line 7 After "199," insert "Section 5 is repealed.". Page 1-line 8 through 16 Delete. Page 2-lines 1 through 5 Delete. SCOTT, ROSS, SESSIONS

2/10/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/11/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Gilmore, Luthi, McOmie, Olsen and Watt. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Jorgensen. Ayes 53 Nays 5 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0031 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0031 2/16/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0031 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0031 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0058 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.


H.B. No. 0121 Grizzly bear license fees.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Childers and Senator(s) Burns

AN ACT relating to game and fish; modifying license fees for hunting of grizzly bears; and providing for an effective date.

1/7/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 1/14/2005 H06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Reese, Slater and Thompson Nays: Representative(s) Zwonitzer Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0121HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 2 Delete "1,000.00" insert "500.00". CHILDERS, CHAIRMAN

1/18/2005 H Passed CoW 1/19/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/20/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Warren Excused: Representative(s) Brown, Jackson, Olsen, Philp and Watt. Ayes 54 Nays 1 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S06 2/3/2005 S06 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Cooper, Massie, Ross and Von Flatern Excused: Senator(s) Burns Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Placed on General File 2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Townsend and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Aullman, Johnson, Sessions and Vasey. Ayes 26 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0023

232 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0023 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0023 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0023 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0054 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0122 Uniform Interstate Family Support Act.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act; amending the act to conform with changes proposed by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws; amending definitions; clarifying procedures with respect to which jurisdiction among the various states has jurisdiction under specified circumstances; deleting obsolete references; and providing for an effective date.

1/6/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/13/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/13/2005 H Placed on General File HB0122HW001/ADOPTED Page 40-line 2 After "that" insert "either of the following paragraphs apply". BUCHANAN

1/14/2005 H Passed CoW 1/17/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/18/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Philp. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/11/2005 S01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0122SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 9–line 20 Delete "the" insert "this". Page 40-line 2 After "that" insert ":". Page 40–line 3 Delete. HANES, CHAIRMAN

2/15/2005 S Passed CoW 2/16/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/17/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading


ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0065 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0065 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0065 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0065 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0103 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0123 Involuntary commitments.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to involuntary commitments; amending procedures for the involuntary commitment of the mentally ill; providing that the state hospital is the hospital of last resort; specifying payment of costs for emergency detentions; amending a definition; and providing for an effective date.

1/6/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Robinson Nays: Representative(s) Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Watt and White Excused: Representative(s) Alden and Olsen Ayes 1 Nays 6 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)


H.B. No. 0124 Revocation preliminary hearing officer.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to revocation of parole; amending who shall serve as the hearing officer in specified revocation of parole hearings; and providing for an effective date.

1/6/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/14/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2005 H Placed on General File 1/17/2005 H Passed CoW 1/18/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/19/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Olsen and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/3/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Placed on General File 2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0024 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0024 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0024 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0024 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0055 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0125 Autopsy records.

235 Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and Lubnau and Senator(s) Aullman

AN ACT relating to public records; providing that autopsy records shall not be released without court order; and providing for an effective date.

1/6/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Buchanan and White Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson and Watt Ayes 2 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0126 Board of examiners in optometry.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Olsen, Harvey, Iekel and Wasserburger and Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs and Case

AN ACT relating to the board of examiners in optometry; amending definitions; providing for licensure of optometrists; providing authority to practice during an externship; providing for staggered terms for board members; providing for annual election of officers; providing for compensation for board members; providing for background checks; providing for reciprocal licensure of optometrists; providing for disciplinary proceedings for optometrists; and providing for an effective date.

1/7/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/25/2005 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Excused: Representative(s) Latta Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0126HS001/ADOPTED Page 18-line 16 Delete "opthalmic" insert "ophthalmic". Page 18-line 21 Delete "," insert ".". Page 19-lines 1 through 14 Strike all existing language and delete all new language. ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/27/2005 H Passed CoW 1/28/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/31/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Martin Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07

236 2/8/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Meier, Mockler and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0126SW001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 7 After "checks" insert "including state and national criminal history record information". Page 1-line 13 After "W.S." insert "7-19-106(a) by creating a new paragraph (xii),". Page 2-after line 2 Insert: "7-19-106. Access to, and dissemination of, information. (a) Criminal history record information shall be disseminated by criminal justice agencies in this state, whether directly or through any intermediary, only to: (xii) The board of examiners for optometry for purposes of obtaining background information on applicants for licensure or certification by the board.". Page 2-line 7 After "(a)" insert "The following persons shall be required to submit to fingerprinting in order to obtain state and national criminal history record information: (i)". Page 2-line 9 Strike "or" insert "; (ii)" Page 2-line 12 After "elderly" insert ";". Page 2-lines 13 thru 16 Strike. Page 2-line 17 Strike "1996," insert "(iii)". Page 2-line 21 After "employment" insert ";"; strike balance of line. Page 2-line 22 Strike and delete. Page 2-line 23 Delete "eligibility," insert "(iv)". Page 3-line 1 After "2005" insert ";"; delete balance of line. Page 3-lines 2 and 3 Strike and delete. Page 3-line 4 Before "department" insert "(v)". Page 3-line 6 After "minors" insert "."; delete balance of line. MOCKLER

2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 H Did Concur

237 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) McOmie Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Latta. Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0036 2/16/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0036 2/16/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0036 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0036 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0059 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0127 Local option revenue-cities.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley and Senator(s) Ross

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; authorizing a municipality to impose an optional excise tax as specified; providing for distribution; specifying conditions; amending related provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0128 Property exempt from attachment.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brechtel and Walsh

AN ACT relating to civil procedures; increasing property amounts that are exempt from execution or attachment as specified; conforming a term as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/24/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Nays: Representative(s) Bagby Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW


H.B. No. 0129 Conservation districts.

Sponsored By: Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to conservation districts; expanding purposes of conservation districts generally; authorizing the establishment of special project areas within conservation districts; providing for administration and funding of special project areas; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/11/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/21/2005 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Martin and McOmie Nays: Representative(s) Latta and Miller Excused: Representative(s) Olsen Ayes 6 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0129HS001/ADOPTED Page 43-line 18 Delete "issued"; delete "permits" insert "permitting authority". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/26/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0129H2001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 17 After "supervisors" insert ", with the approval of the county commissioners of the counties in which the project area is to be located,". Page 2-line 23 After "." insert "The board of county commissioners shall, by resolution, approve any special project area under this article prior to the board of supervisors proceeding to hearing on the petition under W.S. 22-29-109.". Page 4-line 3 Before "board" insert "boards of county commissioners of all counties and to the". Page 6-line 5 After "to" insert "and approved by". LATTA

1/27/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/28/2005 H Laid Back Pursuant to HR 9-3

HB0129H3001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 2-line 17 After "supervisors" insert ", acting pursuant to a petition and in accordance with this article,". SIMPSON

HB0129H3002/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 2-line 12 After ";" insert "project assessment;". Page 5-line 1 After "," insert "the proposed special project to be conducted within the special project area together with the total cost of the project and". Page 5-line 2 Delete "within the first". Page 5-line 3 Delete "year of designation". Page 5-After line 7 Insert: "(f) Prior to approval of any proposed improvement or project to be constructed with the costs thereof to be paid by special assessment against the land benefited by the improvement or project, the board of county commissioners of the affected counties shall appoint three (3) qualified and disinterested residents of the state to act as appraisers. The appraisers shall inspect the plans and specifications of the proposed improvement or project as stated in the petition and examine all land likely to be benefited thereby. The appraisers shall make and file with the board of supervisors a detailed report showing all tracts of land within the proposed special project area expected to be benefited, together with the acreage thereof, the name of the record owner of each tract, the amount each tract will be benefited which need not be limited to a strict proportional benefit per acre, and the amount of assessment expected to be levied against each tract, which assessment against each tract shall be in proportion to the benefits accruing to the tract. Any necessary

239 expenses connected with making the petition based appraisal by the three (3) appraisers shall be paid by the conservation district.". Page 7-line 1 After "area" insert "and defined project". Page 27-line 16 Delete ", (xx)". Page 38-line 11 Delete "Implement and prescribe" insert "Advise and assist with implementing". Page 40-line 7 Delete "implement" insert "assist in the implementation of". Page 41-line 4 Delete "or management" insert "in management of resources with common jurisdictions". Page 41-lines 18 through 23 Delete entirely. Page 42-line 1 After "out" insert "approved". Page 42-line 6 Delete "special" insert "approved". Page 42-line 10 Delete "to" insert "from approved"; delete "resource" insert "resource projects". Page 42-line 13 Delete "programs and" insert "approved". Page 43-line 18 After "." insert "Following a consultation, the special district together with the appropriate state or federal authority shall determine the appropriateness of contemplated special district regulation and submit their findings to the board of agriculture.". LATTA

1/31/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Meuli, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Gilmore, Jorgensen, Latta, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Reese, Robinson, Thompson and Warren. Excused: Representative(s) Martin Ayes 48 Nays 11 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/3/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 3/2/2005 S Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Vasey Nays: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings and Townsend Ayes 1 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)


H.B. No. 0130 Barking dogs in counties.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and Senator(s) Burns

AN ACT relating to animals; authorizing county commissioners to regulate dogs as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0131 Collateral source payment reductions.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery

AN ACT relating to civil actions; authorizing the admissibility of collateral source payments in a civil action after the verdict for the plaintiff has been entered as specified; requiring a reduction in civil awards if collateral source payments are available as specified; providing a definition; providing for the applicability of the act; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/20/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0132 Barber licensing.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Esquibel, Alden, Childers, Luthi, Martin, Osborn and Walsh and Senator(s) Aullman, Larson, Mockler and Sessions

AN ACT relating to the board of barber examiners; providing certification requirements for the practice of barbering as specified; providing for licensure of schools as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 1/20/2005 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0132HS001/ADOPTED Page 10-line 23 Delete "for". Page 10-line 24 Delete "the lapsed period". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN

1/20/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0132H2001/ADOPTED Page 16-line 13 After "effective" delete balance of the line and insert "July 1, 2005." Page 16-lines 14 through 16 Delete entirely. ESQUIBEL

HB0132H2002/ADOPTED Page 5-line 14 Strike "such"; strike "as". Page 6-line 10 Delete "such"; delete "as". 241 Page 7-line 22 Delete "such" insert "a". Page 7-line 24 Delete "such". Page 8-line 1 Delete "as appears". Page 15-line 24 Delete "such" insert "the". Page 16-line 1 Delete "as". ROBINSON

1/21/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/24/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Lockhart Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Latta. Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 1/31/2005 S09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Townsend and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0132SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 13 After "33-7-209(a)" insert "(intro), (i) and (ii)". Page 14-lines 16 thru 20 Delete. HAWKS, CHAIRMAN

2/9/2005 S Passed CoW 2/10/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0132S3001/ADOPTED Page 4-line 6 Strike "an" insert "a separate". Page 4-line 7 Strike "within the earmarked revenue fund". MOCKLER

2/11/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Jorgensen. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0032 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0032 242 2/16/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0032 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0032 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0042 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0133 Highway patrol troopers.

Sponsored By: Joint Transportation, Highways and Military Affairs Interim Committee AN ACT relating to the department of transportation; authorizing additional Wyoming highway patrol officers; providing an appropriation and authorizing positions; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H12; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0134 Student loan repayment program.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley and Pedersen and Senator(s) Boggs

AN ACT relating to student loans; establishing a loan repayment program to recruit and retain graduates in targeted occupations; creating a separate account for program expenditures; specifying procedures, eligibility requirements and imposing contractual conditions upon recipients; imposing duties upon the Wyoming community college commission; transferring program administration of the nursing loan and grant program from the Wyoming higher education assistance authority to the commission and transferring program funds accordingly; providing for initial loan repayment program assistance; providing appropriations and authorizing an additional position; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 H Bill Withdrawn by Sponsor

H.B. No. 0135 Nursing loan and grant program-amendments.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley and Pedersen and Senator(s) Boggs

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming investment in nursing loan and grant program; transferring program administration from the Wyoming higher education assistance authority to the Wyoming community college commission; accordingly transferring program regulations and funds; providing an appropriation and authorizing a position; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 H Bill Withdrawn by Sponsor

H.B. No. 0136 DUI penalty for causing serious bodily injury.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley, Berger, Harvey, Illoway, Meuli and Warren and Senator(s) Ross

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; increasing a specified penalty from a misdemeanor to a felony for causing serious bodily injury while driving under the influence of an intoxicating liquor or controlled substance; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/26/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass 243

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Excused: Representative(s) Alden Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 1/26/2005 H Placed on General File 1/28/2005 H Passed CoW 1/31/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/1/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Bucholz Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/10/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Ross and Sessions Nays: Senator(s) Burns and Decaria Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0137 Felony-eluding law enforcement.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley, Illoway, Walsh and Watt and Senator(s) Coe, Cooper and Ross

AN ACT relating to eluding police vehicles; prohibiting the operation of a vehicle in a reckless manner while eluding an officer as specified; imposing penalties; providing for mandatory license revocation; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0138 State employee retirement-purchase option.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley, Illoway and Petersen and Senator(s) Massie and Ross

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming retirement system; authorizing specified employees to purchase up to three months credit to qualify for normal retirement benefits; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 H Bill Withdrawn by Sponsor

H.B. No. 0139 Driving under the influence-penalties.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley, Berger, Gingery, Harvey, Illoway, Pedersen, Warren and White and Senator(s) Cooper and Ross

244 AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; enhancing the penalties that may be imposed for convictions for driving under the influence as specified; making conforming and clarifying amendments; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/27/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Excused: Representative(s) Alden Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0139HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 3 After ";" delete balance of the line. Page 1-line 4 Delete "amendments;" insert "providing for substance abuse assessments;". Page 1-line 8 After "W.S." delete balance of the line. Page 1-line 9 Delete "are" insert "is". Page 1-lines 11 through 16 Delete entirely. Page 2-lines 1 through 17 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 11 After "assessment" insert "conducted by a substance abuse provider certified by the department of health". Page 3-line 12 Delete "7-13-1302" insert "9-2-2701(c) at or before sentencing". Page 4-line 9 After "." insert "The cost of the substance abuse assessment and any treatment ordered shall be assessed to and paid by the offender.". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

2/2/2005 H Passed CoW 2/3/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/4/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

245 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Bucholz, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Buchanan and Olsen. Excused: Representative(s) Childers, Hageman and Hastert. Ayes 55 Nays 2 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0140 Medicaid-prescription amendment.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Meuli and Senator(s) Barrasso

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Medical Assistance and Services Act; providing for certain drug prescriptions; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 0 Nays 8 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0141 Omnibus water bill-planning.

Sponsored By: Select Water Committee

AN ACT relating to water development projects; authorizing specified Level I and Level II studies and providing appropriations; requiring reports; providing for reversion of unexpended funds; authorizing unobligated funds to be used to complete other designated project studies under certain conditions; authorizing positions and providing an appropriation; authorizing the expenditure of funds for certain mitigation activities as specified; providing for groundwater studies expenditures; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/18/2005 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0141HS001/ADOPTED Page 7-line 24 Strike "not to exceed". Page 7-line 25 Delete "three". Page 7-line 26 Delete all new language. HAGEMAN, CHAIRMAN

246 1/19/2005 H Passed CoW 1/20/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/21/2005 H Laid Back Without Prejudice

HB0141H3001/FAILED Page 4-lines 20 and 21 Delete entirely. Page 4-lines 40 and 41 Delete entirely. To the extent required by this amendment: adjust totals; and renumber as necessary. JORGENSEN

1/24/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Gilmore Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Latta. Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 2/2/2005 S05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Johnson, Meier and Vasey Excused: Senator(s) Northrup Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0141SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 23 After "Plan" insert "2.". Page 2-after line 36 Insert: "2. The Sweetwater River Watershed Plan shall be funded only if the Wyoming water development commission and the project sponsor agree to a scope of services before commencing a Level I study.". GEIS, CHAIRMAN

2/9/2005 S Passed CoW 2/10/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/11/2005 S Laid Back Without Prejudice

HB0141S3002.01/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the Jennings Third Reading Amendment (HB0141S3001/AE) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 4-line 20 Delete "8,825,000" insert "2,000,000". JENNINGS

HB0141S3002.02/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) [(TO ENGROSSED COPY)] Page 4-line 41 After "2011." insert "The money appropriated for this project shall be expended by the water development office for the purposes of obtaining public input including, but not limited to, an environmental assessment, environmental impact statement or other process under the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA).". JENNINGS

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Coe, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Larson, Meier, Mockler, Scott and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Job, Johnson, Massie, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend and Vasey. Ayes 11 Nays 19 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading 247

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Mockler and Scott. Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Philp. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0042 2/16/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0042 2/18/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0042 2/22/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0042 2/22/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0075 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0142 Municipal incorporation.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Luthi, Davison, Illoway and McOmie and Senator(s) Aullman

AN ACT relating to cities and towns; providing that territories may be incorporated if served by a common culinary water supply; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/26/2005 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0142HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 2 Delete "served by" insert "connected to". Page 1-line 11 After "territories" insert "within one (1) mile of each other and". Page 1-line 12 Delete "served by" insert "connected to". Page 2-line 2 Delete "served by" insert "connected to". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/27/2005 H Passed CoW 1/28/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/31/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Meuli,

248 Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Gilmore Excused: Representative(s) Martin Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/15/2005 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Meier, Mockler and Scott Nays: Senator(s) Johnson Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0142SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 14 After "town" insert "and not ineligible for incorporation under the provisions of W.S. 15-1-411". Page 1–line 16 Strike "of not more than three (3)" insert "with a density of at least seventy (70) persons per". Page 2-line 1 Strike "miles" insert "mile". MEIER, CHAIRMAN

2/17/2005 S Passed CoW 2/18/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/22/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Jennings, Larson, Meier, Mockler, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Job, Johnson, Massie and Nicholas. Ayes 24 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Reese Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Lockhart. Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0077 2/24/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0077 2/24/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0077 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0077 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0138 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0143 Incorporation of municipalities-surveys.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Luthi, Davison, Illoway and McOmie and Senator(s) Aullman

AN ACT relating to cities and towns; providing for use of existing surveys when creating a city or town; and providing for an effective date.


1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/26/2005 H07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, Miller and Olsen Excused: Representative(s) McOmie Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0143HW001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 8 Delete "course" insert "courses and". LUTHI

1/28/2005 H Passed CoW 1/31/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0143H3001/FAILED Page 1-line 5 Delete entirely. JORGENSEN

2/1/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Gilmore, Hammons, Jorgensen and Reese. Excused: Representative(s) Bucholz Ayes 55 Nays 4 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/2/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/15/2005 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Meier, Mockler and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0143SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 5 After "survey" insert "and". MEIER, CHAIRMAN

2/17/2005 S Passed CoW 2/18/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/22/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Jennings, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas. Ayes 26 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 H Did Concur ROLL CALL

250 Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Lockhart. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0079 2/24/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0079 2/24/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0079 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0079 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0139 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0144 Physician assistants supervision.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Martin, Berger, Goggles, Hastert, Olsen and Powers and Senator(s) Boggs, Burns, Job, Mockler and Scott

AN ACT relating to physicians assistants; specifying the number of physicians assistants a licensed physician may supervise; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/19/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

251 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0144HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 7 After "(f)" insert "and by creating a new subsection (g)". Page 2-line 4 Delete "at least three (3)" insert "four (4)". Page 2-line 7 Delete "at least". Page 2-line 8 Delete "three (3)" insert "four (4)". Page 2-line 9 After "." delete balance of the line. Page 2-line 10 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 11 Delete the line through "and" insert "(g) The board". Page 2-line 12 Delete "additional" insert "other". Page 2-line 15 Delete "immediately upon". Page 2-lines 16 through 18 Delete entirely and insert "July 1, 2005.". OSBORN, CHAIRMAN

1/20/2005 H Passed CoW 1/21/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/24/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Hinckley, Jorgensen, Lubnau, Meuli, Pedersen and Semlek. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Philp and Watt. Ayes 51 Nays 6 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/7/2005 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria, Massie and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0144SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 1 Delete "specifying the" insert "providing that". Page 1-line 2 Delete through "assistants". Page 1-line 3 After "supervise;" insert "more than one physician assistant". Page 1-line 15 Strike "a"; strike "assistant" insert "assistants". Page 1-line 16 Strike "the" insert "each". Page 2-line 4 Delete "It shall". Page 2-lines 5 thru 10 Delete. SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/10/2005 S Passed CoW

252 HB0144S2001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 4 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0144SS001/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: delete "It shall". Page 2-lines 5 thru 10 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0144SS001/AE) to these lines and further amend as follows: delete and insert: "It shall be the policy of the board to allow at least three (3) physician assistants per physician and the board and the advisory committee shall not deny an application due to the number of physician assistants supervised up to at least three (3), except for good cause specific to the circumstances of that individual physician.". SCOTT

2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0144S3001/FAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the Scott Second Reading Amendment (HB0144S2001/AE) entirely. MOCKLER

2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend and Vasey. Nays: Senator(s) Barrasso, Massie, Mockler and Von Flatern. Ayes 26 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Meuli and Simpson. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Latta. Ayes 56 Nays 2 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0039 2/16/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0039 2/16/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0039 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0039 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0061 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0145 Election judges and counting boards.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lockhart, Brechtel, Hammons, Pedersen and Robinson and Senator(s) Jennings

AN ACT relating to election judges and counting boards; specifying age requirements; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/25/2005 H07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Diercks, Illoway, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Nays: Representative(s) Barnard and Gingery Excused: Representative(s) Latta

253 Ayes 6 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 1/25/2005 H Placed on General File 1/27/2005 H Passed CoW 1/28/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/31/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Illoway, Jackson, Latta, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Robinson, Semlek, Slater, Walsh, Warren, Watt and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Barnard, Brown, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Gingery, Hinckley, Iekel, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lubnau, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Olsen, Philp, Reese, Samuelson, Simpson, Thompson, Wasserburger and White. Ayes 36 Nays 24 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/15/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Meier, Mockler and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 S Placed on General File 2/16/2005 S Passed CoW 2/17/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/18/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0061 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0061 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0061 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0061 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0104 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0146 Nonprofit organization-contracting.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Gay, Gilmore and Harvey and Senator(s) Sessions AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing a sales and use tax exemption for sales of services and materials for the improvement of real property for a religious, charitable or nonprofit organization as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0147 Wyoming school administrators scholarship fund.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wasserburger

254 AN ACT relating to a scholarship program for prospective school administrators; establishing a scholarship program through the University of Wyoming; specifying terms and conditions; requiring an annual report regarding benefits to Wyoming students and school districts provided by scholarship recipients; providing a termination date; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0148 Veterans' memorial museum & National Guard artifact support.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lockhart, Gilmore, Harshman, Illoway, Robinson and Walsh and Senator(s) Hawks and Schiffer

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming veterans' memorial museum; providing an appropriation and authorizing positions; providing a temporary position for accumulated National Guard artifacts; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 1/26/2005 H08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File 1/26/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/2/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S08 2/15/2005 S08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Northrup and Von Flatern Nays: Senator(s) Geis Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/17/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass


ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0148SS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 8 After "1." delete balance of line and insert "One hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00)". Page 1-line 9 Delete "($300,000.00)". HINES, CHAIRMAN

2/23/2005 S Passed CoW 2/24/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/25/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Hanes and Mockler. Ayes 27 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0104 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0104 3/1/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0104 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0104 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0200 Sessions Laws of Wyoming 2005

H.B. No. 0149 State building commission.

Sponsored By: Select Committee on Capital Financing and Investments

AN ACT relating to the administration of government; providing for a secretary to the state building commission; specifying duties; providing for recommendations of the state building commission to be reflected in the proposed state budget; transferring a position and associated budget; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02 1/19/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Meuli, Petersen and Simpson Nays: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Warren Excused: Representative(s) Philp Ayes 5 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


1/19/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0149HW001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 3 Delete "such". ROBINSON

1/20/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0149H2001.01/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 4-line 11 Delete "July 1, 2005" insert "January 1, 2007". WARREN

HB0149H2001.02/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 4-line 6 After "the" insert "remaining"; after "position" insert "for the fiscal biennium ending June 30, 2008". WARREN

1/21/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0149H3001/ADOPTED Page 4-line 6 After "the" insert "remaining"; after "position" insert "for the fiscal biennium ending June 30, 2008". WARREN, LUTHI

1/24/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Edwards, Gay, Gingery, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Bagby, Diercks, Esquibel, Gilmore, Goggles, Hastert, Jorgensen, Martin, Morgan, Reese, Robinson, Thompson and Warren. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 46 Nays 13 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S12 2/22/2005 S12 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hines, Larson and Schiffer Nays: Senator(s) Job and Mockler Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0150 Front license plates.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Berger, Bagby, Iekel, Landon and Walsh and Senator(s) Burns

AN ACT relating to license plates; providing that front license plates need not be displayed if a fee is paid; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0151 Resort districts sales and use tax.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and Senator(s) Larson

257 AN ACT relating to resort district sales and use taxes; providing for termination of resort district sales and use taxes; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 H Bill Withdrawn by Sponsor

H.B. No. 0152 Interstate compact for arrest of fugitives-repeal.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery, Buchanan and Lubnau and Senator(s) Case

AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; repealing the Interstate Compact for the Arrest of Fugitives and Attendance of Witnesses; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/31/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File 2/3/2005 H Passed CoW 2/4/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/7/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/8/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/24/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0153 County officials salaries.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and Walsh

AN ACT relating to salaries of county officials; authorizing salaries as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 H Bill Withdrawn by Sponsor

H.B. No. 0154 Wyoming youth recreation account.

258 Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Davison and Robinson and Senator(s) Decaria and Sessions

AN ACT relating to a youth recreation account; creating a youth recreation account as specified; specifying use of the account; requiring an annual report; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0155 Uniform Management of Public Employees Retirement Act.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Pedersen, Hinckley, Illoway and McOmie and Senator(s) Ross

AN ACT relating to administration of government; adopting the Uniform Management of Public Employees Retirement (MPERS) Act; providing definitions; providing for a transition period; requiring review and a report; repealing conflicting provisions; and providing for effective dates.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 1/31/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

259 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gay, Harshman, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Nays: Representative(s) Gilmore Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0155HS001.01/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 14-lines 1 through 4 Delete. ANDERSON, R., CHAIRMAN

HB0155HS001.02/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 13-line 10 After "(i)" insert "Subject to legislative approval,". ANDERSON, R., CHAIRMAN

HB0155HW001/ADOPTED Page 37-line 11 Delete "Savings;". Page 37-lines 13 through 18 Delete entirely. Page 37-line 20 Delete "(b)". Page 38-line 12 Delete "January 1," insert "July 1,". PEDERSEN

2/3/2005 H Passed CoW 2/4/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/7/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden and Gilmore. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 57 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S03 2/15/2005 S03 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Cooper, Hawks, Mockler and Peck Conflicts: Senator(s) Aullman Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

2/15/2005 S Placed on General File 2/17/2005 S Passed CoW 2/18/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/22/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Decaria, Massie, Scott and Sessions. Ayes 25 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0074 2/23/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0074 2/23/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0074 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0074 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0119 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

260 H.B. No. 0156 Simulcasting of pari-mutuel events.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Martin, Edwards, Gilmore, Hageman, Illoway, Latta, Luthi, Morgan and Semlek and Senator(s) Schiffer

AN ACT relating to pari-mutuel wagering; distinguishing between live and simulcast racing in definitions; redefining simulcasting; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/27/2005 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Samuelson and Semlek Nays: Representative(s) Davison and Powers Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 6 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0156HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 8 Delete"(vi) and" insert "(v) through". Page 1-After line 13 Insert: "(v) "Pari-mutuel event" means the events which are authorized by the commission for the conduct of horse racing (to include quarter horse, thoroughbred or other approved races), harness racing, cutter racing, chariot racing, chuckwagon racing, professional roping events and simulcasting of dog racing and the events described in this paragraph as prescribed by the commission. Notwithstanding W.S. 6-7-101(a)(iv) and W.S. 11-25-107, the commission may authorize and promulgate rules providing for pari-mutuel wagering on events that have previously occurred, utilizing an electronic system or device;". HAGEMAN, CHAIRMAN

1/31/2005 H Passed CoW 2/1/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/2/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jackson, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Brechtel, Gay, Harvey, Iekel, Jorgensen, Meuli, Miller, Quarberg and Watt. Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 49 Nays 10 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/10/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass

261 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Meier and Mockler Nays: Senator(s) Scott Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Placed on General File 2/15/2005 S Passed CoW 2/16/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/17/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading 2/17/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0058

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Burns, Coe, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hines, Johnson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Boggs, Case, Hawks, Jennings, Job, Larson, Northrup and Scott. Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 21 Nays 8 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0058 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0058 2/25/2005 Governor Vetoed HEA No. 0058 3/1/2005 H Overrode Veto

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Diercks, Edwards, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Harshman, Hastert, Hinckley, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Philp, Powers, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Barnard, Brechtel, Davison, Esquibel, Gay, Hammons, Harvey, Iekel, Illoway, Lubnau, Meuli, Miller, Petersen, Quarberg, Wasserburger, Watt and White. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Latta. Ayes 40 Nays 18 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 S Did Not Override Veto

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Coe, Decaria, Hanes, Jennings, Job, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Case, Cooper, Geis, Hawks, Hines, Johnson, Larson, Nicholas, Northrup and Scott. Ayes 16 Nays 14 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0157 Renewable energy.commission

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Warren and Zwonitzer and Senator(s) Decaria, Jennings, Massie and Ross

AN ACT relating to renewable energy development; establishing a renewable energy commission within the governor's office; providing definitions; providing for membership; specifying duties; requiring the commission to submit its recommendations to the legislature as specified; providing an appropriation; providing for the termination of the commission; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Esquibel Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson

262 Ayes 1 Nays 8 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0158 Radioactive materials transportation.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gilmore, Meuli, Robinson and Wasserburger and Senator(s) Geis and Ross

AN ACT relating to radioactive materials; modifying emergency response fees imposed on transportation of radioactive materials; modifying uses of fees; clarifying provisions; modifying definitions; repealing inconsistent provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff

H.B. No. 0159 Child caregivers-right to authorize care.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Martin, Berger, Bagby, Goggles, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Landon, Osborn, Powers, Robinson and Walsh and Senator(s) Job and Ross

AN ACT relating to children; authorizing caregivers to enroll children in school and consent to medical or dental care, as specified; prescribing a form affidavit for caregiver authorization; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date. 1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 2/4/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel and Jackson Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0160 Sales tax on food exemption-sales tax increase.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Robinson, Bagby, Berger, Brechtel, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Hastert, Landon, Martin, McOmie, Morgan, Reese, Thompson, Walsh, Warren and Watt and Senator(s) Boggs, Decaria, Jennings, Job, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Scott, Sessions and Vasey

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; removing the sales and use tax on food as specified; providing an increase in sales and use tax as specified; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0161 Publication of municipal ordinances.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Martin, Barnard, Berger, Latta, Powers, Semlek and Walsh and Senator(s) Cooper and Sessions

263 AN ACT relating to publication of municipal ordinances; providing for publication as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Latta and Martin Nays: Representative(s) Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 3 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0162 Big game hunting-baiting exception.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Childers, Luthi, Philp and Quarberg and Senator(s) Coe and Massie

AN ACT relating to game and fish; providing an exception to the prohibition against the use of bait for hunting big game animals as specified; and providing for an effective date. 1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 1/14/2005 H06 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Reese, Slater, Thompson and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/14/2005 H Placed on General File 1/17/2005 H Passed CoW 1/18/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/19/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Olsen and Philp. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S06 2/3/2005 S06 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Cooper, Massie, Ross and Von Flatern Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Placed on General File 2/8/2005 S Passed CoW 2/9/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/10/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading


264 Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0007 2/10/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0007 2/11/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0007 2/15/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0007 2/15/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0007 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0163 State lottery organization.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edwards, Buchanan, McOmie and Reese and Senator(s) Coe

AN ACT relating to a state lottery organization; creating the Wyoming lottery corporation; granting authority to the pari-mutuel commission and the Wyoming lottery corporation to oversee a multi-state lottery with authority to operate instant ticket games and to participate with other states for operating a lottery as specified; providing rulemaking authority to the pari-mutuel commission and corporation; providing for a board of directors of the Wyoming lottery corporation; providing for licensing of lottery game retailers; creating a lottery account in the enterprise fund; authorizing expenditures for the lottery; specifying how lottery profits shall be distributed; providing generally for the operation of the lottery; exempting sales of lottery tickets and shares from sales tax; providing penalties; making appropriations; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/17/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 1/31/2005 H06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Gingery, Iekel, Reese, Slater, Thompson and Zwonitzer Nays: Representative(s) Davison Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/3/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Meuli, Philp, Simpson and Warren Nays: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Petersen Ayes 6 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0163HS001/ADOPTED Page 31-line 8 After "first" delete balance of line. Page 31-line 9 Delete "($2,000,000.00)" insert "ten million dollars ($10,000,000.00)". Page 36-line 14 Delete "11-25-210(d)" insert "11-25-211(d)". CHILDERS, CHAIRMAN

HB0163HW001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 31-line 11 Delete "Fifty percent (50%)" insert "Forty percent (40%)". Page 31-line 14 Delete "assistance to" insert "funding for innovative grants proposals submitted by"; delete "citizen services" insert "centers". Page 31-line 15 After "health," insert "division of aging,"; delete "9-2-1201" insert "9-2-1210". Page 31-line 19 Delete "9-2-1209" insert "9-2-1214". Page 31-line 18 Delete "Fifty percent (50%)" insert "Forty percent (40%)". Page 31-line 21 After "(i)" delete "." insert ";". Page 31-After line 21 Insert:

265 "(C) Twenty percent (20%) shall be credited to an account within the earmarked revenue fund to be used, as appropriated by the legislature, for the purpose of providing early childhood development services through the department of family services, as authorized pursuant to W.S. 42-2-103.". EDWARDS

HB0163HW002/ADOPTED Page 1-line 15 Before "and" insert "authorizing positions;". Page 37-After line 12 Insert: "Section 5. The Wyoming pari-mutuel commission is authorized seven (7) full-time positions to implement this act.". Renumber as necessary. EDWARDS

2/4/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0163H2001/FAILED Page 1-line 4 Delete "operate". Page 1-line 5 Delete "instant ticket games and to". Page 3-line 7 Delete "instant ticket games and". Page 4-line 10 Delete "an instant". Page 4-line 11 Delete "ticket game or". Page 4-line 15 Delete "," insert ";". Page 4-line 16 Delete entirely. Page 4-line 17 Delete entirely. ANDERSON, R.

HB0163H2002/FAILED Delete the Edwards committee of the whole amendment (HB0163HW001/AC) entirely. Further amend as follows: Page 31-line 6 Delete "as follows:" insert "to the general fund.". Page 31-lines 8 through 23 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0163HS001/A) to these lines. MEULI

2/7/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0163H3002/ADOPTED Page 31-line 16 Delete "9-2-1209" insert "9-2-1214". Page 31-line 19 Delete the Edwards committee of the whole amendment (HB0163HW001/AC) to this line. EDWARDS HB0163H3003/ADOPTED Page 34-line 13 Delete "11-25-210(b)" insert "11-25-211(b)". EDWARDS

2/8/2005 H Failed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hinckley, Illoway, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Martin, McOmie, Morgan, Pedersen, Philp, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Bucholz, Cohee, Davison, Gay, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Jones, Lubnau, Luthi, Meuli, Miller, Olsen, Osborn, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Semlek, Simpson, Warren, Wasserburger and Watt. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Jorgensen. Ayes 29 Nays 29 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0164 County road construction fund.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lockhart, Gay, Harvey, McOmie, Pedersen and Thompson and Senator(s) Cooper and Townsend

AN ACT relating to county roads; modifying restrictions on use of county road construction funds; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned

266 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02 1/27/2005 H Rereferred to H09 2/4/2005 H09 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S08 2/15/2005 S08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Geis, Northrup and Von Flatern Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 S Placed on General File 2/16/2005 S Passed CoW 2/17/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/18/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0062 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0062 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0062 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0062 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0105 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0165 Open meetings laws.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Simpson, Illoway, Martin and Osborn and Senator(s) Case and Ross

AN ACT relating to open meetings; providing for a definition; providing for a penalty; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07

267 1/19/2005 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie and Miller Excused: Representative(s) Olsen Absent: Representative(s) Barnard Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0165HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 2 After "penalty" insert "making conforming amendments;". Page 1-line 12 After "violates" insert "or conspires to violate, and any member of the governing body of an agency who attends or remains at a meeting knowing that the governing body is in violation of". Page 2-line 9 Delete "Section 1." insert "Section 2."; after "W.S." insert "9-7-104(d), 9-12- 103(h), 15-1-105"; Delete "is" insert "16-10-107(c), 18-15-109(b), 21-3- 110(a)(xvi)(C), 21-16-703(d), 37-5-208(d)(iii) and 37-5-408(d)(iii) are." Page 2-After line 9 Insert: "9-7-104. Community development authority; creation; composition; compensation; termination; meetings; surety bonds; personal liability; fiscal control. (d) The board shall determine the date, time, place and method of notice for all regular meetings of the board. A majority of the voting directors of the authority constitutes a quorum for the transaction of any business or the exercise of any power or function of the authority. All matters shall be decided by a majority vote of the voting members of the board. Minutes of board meetings shall be kept, maintained and open to members of the public. Notice of meetings shall be given to the public prior to the meetings and meetings shall be open to the public in accordance with W.S. 16-4-401 through 16-4-407 16-4-408. In emergency circumstances, as unanimously determined by the board members, the board may take action by conference telephone or similar communications equipment whereby all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other at the same time. The conversation shall be recorded, immediately transcribed as minutes of the board, and notice given of their availability for public review. The finding by the board that an emergency exists shall be binding and conclusive unless clearly erroneous. 9-12-103. Wyoming business council; creation; composition; compensation; termination; meetings; surety bonds; fiscal control. (h) Except as specifically provided in this act, the provisions of W.S. 16-4-201 through 16-4-205 and 16-4-401 through 16-4-407 16-4-408 shall apply to the council. 15-1-105. Governing bodies; meetings; quorum; executive sessions. Public meetings of the governing body shall be held in accordance with W.S. 16-4-401 through 16-4-407 16-4- 408. Special meetings may also be called by a majority of the qualified members of the governing body. A majority of all the qualified members of the governing body constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business, but any number may adjourn a meeting to compel the attendance of and punish Absent members. If the nature of the business so requires, the governing body by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present, may go into executive session and exclude the public therefrom.". Page 2-After line 16 Insert: 16-10-107. Surface water drainage utility board. (c) All meetings, records and accounts of the surface water drainage utility board shall be managed and conducted in accordance with the Public Records Act, W.S. 16-4-201 through 16-4-205, the Uniform Municipal Fiscal Procedures Act, W.S. 16-4-101 through 16-4-124, and the Public Meetings Act, W.S. 16-4-401 through 16-4-407 16-4- 408. The salaries, if any, of the members of the surface water drainage utility board shall be fixed by the board of county commissioners and by the city or town council, as applicable. 18-15-109. Selection of officers of board of trustees; quorum; trustees not to be interested in contracts, work done or property purchased by district. (b) The board of trustees may hold regular, special or recessed meetings as the board determines. All meetings shall be in accordance with W.S. 16-4-401 through 16-4-407 16-4-408. 21-3-110. Duties of boards of trustees. (a) The board of trustees in each school district shall: (xvi)(C) All meetings of the board are subject to W.S. 16-4-401 through 16-4-407 16-4-408. 21-16-703. Wyoming higher education assistance authority; creation; termination; board of directors; composition; compensation; meetings; surety bonds; personal liability; fiscal control. (d) The board shall determine the date, time, place and method of notice for all regular meetings of the board. A majority of the directors constitutes a quorum for the transaction of any business or the exercise of any power or function of the authority. All matters shall be decided by a majority vote of the voting members of the board. Minutes 268 of board meetings shall be kept, maintained and open to members of the public. Public notice of meetings shall be given prior to the meetings and meetings shall be open to the public in accordance with W.S. 16-4-401 through 16-4- 407 16-4-408. In emergency circumstances, if so determined by two-thirds (2/3) of its members, the board may take action by conference telephone or similar electronic communications equipment whereby all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other at the same time. Such action shall be recorded, immediately transcribed as minutes of the board and notice given of their availability for public review. The finding by the board that an emergency exists shall be binding and conclusive unless clearly erroneous. 37-5-208. Powers; duties; limitations. (d) The authority is subject to the requirements of: (iii) W.S. 16-4-401 through 16-4-407 16-4-408. 37-5-408. Powers; duties; limitations. (d) The authority is subject to the requirements of: (iii) W.S. 16-4-401 through 16-4-407 16-4-408.". Page 2-line 19 Delete "Section 2" insert "Section 3". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN HB0165HW001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-line 12 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0165HS001/A) to this line; delete "violates any provisions" insert "takes an action in violation of or conspires to take an action in violation of this act, and any member of the governing body of an agency who attends or remains at a meeting knowing that the governing body is in violation". Page 2-line 1 After "(b)" delete the balance of the line. Page 2-line 2 Delete "act" insert "A violation set forth in subsection (a) of this section". SIMPSON

1/21/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0165H2001/FAILED Page 1-line 14 After "than" insert "the lesser of". Page 1-line 15 After "($750.00)" insert ", or an amount equal to the salary the member has been paid during his term of office or position with the agency". HAGEMAN

1/24/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0165H3001/FAILED Page 1-line 13 After "misdemeanor" insert ". There shall be no monetary penalty imposed for a first conviction under this section. A second or subsequent conviction under this section shall be"; delete "upon conviction". HAGEMAN

1/25/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Philp, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Hageman, Iekel, McOmie, Miller, Petersen, Powers and Wasserburger. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 50 Nays 9 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/8/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/10/2005 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Mockler and Scott Nays: Senator(s) Meier Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Placed on General File

269 HB0165SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 13 Delete ", and" insert "shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.". Page 1-line 15 After "meeting" insert "where an action is taken"; delete "governing body" insert "action". Page 1-line 16 After "misdemeanor" insert "unless at the next regular meeting he objects to the meeting where the violation occurred and asks that the objection be recorded in the minutes.". Page 2-line 1 Before "punishable" insert "The misdemeanor is". Page 2-lines 4 thru 6 Delete and renumber. Page 2-line 8 Delete "(c)" insert "(b)". MEIER, CHAIRMAN

2/15/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0165S2001.01/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 16 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0165SS001/AE) to this line and further amend as follow: After "misdemeanor" insert "unless minutes were taken of the meeting showing the member objected to the meeting and any action taken or if there is no record of the member's objection, then at the next regular meeting the member objects to the meeting where the violation occurred and he asks that the objection be recorded in the minutes.". Page 2–line 13 Before "16-10-107(c)" insert "16-4-405 by creating a new subsection (b),". Page 4–after line 22 Insert and renumber: "16-4-405. Executive sessions. (b) Minutes shall be maintained of all matters discussed and any actions taken or considered by any body or agency during any executive session. Minutes of executive sessions shall be confidential and produced only in response to a valid court order.". NICHOLAS

HB0165S2001.02/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2–line 13 Before "16-10-107(c)" insert "16-4-405 by creating a new subsection (c),". Page 4–after line 22 Insert and renumber: "16-4-405. Executive sessions. (c) Before holding an executive session, a body or agency shall give public notice of the time and place of the session and of all matters to be considered during any executive session.". NICHOLAS

2/16/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0165S3001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the Nicholas Second Reading Amendment (HB0165S2001.01/ACE) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 1-line 16 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0165SS001/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: After "misdemeanor" insert "unless minutes were taken during the executive meeting and the parts thereof recording the member's objections are made public or at the next regular public meeting the member objects to the meeting where the violation occurred and he asks that the objection be recorded in the minutes.". Page 2-line 13 Before "16-10-107(c)" insert "16-4-405 by creating new subsections (b) and (c),". Page 4-before line 24 Insert and renumber: "16-4-405. Executive sessions. (b) Minutes shall be maintained of all topics discussed and any actions proposed to be taken by any body or agency during any executive session. Except for those parts of minutes of an executive session reflecting a member's objection to the executive session, minutes of executive sessions shall be confidential and produced only in response to a valid court order. (c) Before holding an executive session, a body or agency shall give public notice of the time and place of the executive session and of the general description of all matters to be discussed or considered consistent with the generic descriptions set forth in subsection (a) of this section.". NICHOLAS

HB0165S3002/FAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) In the Nicholas Third Reading Amendment (HB0165S3001/A), in subsection W.S. 16-4-405(b) created by that amendment, delete the new language after "(b)" and insert: "Minutes shall be maintained including the general description of all matters discussed pursuant to subsection (a) of this section and any member's objection to the executive session.

270 The minutes shall be approved at the next regular public meeting of the governing body.". MEIER

2/17/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Boggs, Burns, Case, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hines, Job, Larson, Massie, Mockler, Nicholas, Peck, Ross, Sessions, Townsend and Vasey. Nays: Senator(s) Barrasso, Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Johnson, Meier, Northrup, Schiffer, Scott and Von Flatern. Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 19 Nays 10 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 H Did Not Concur

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 0 Nays 59 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 H Appointed JCC01 Members Representative(s) Simpson, Lubnau and Powers 2/18/2005 S Appointed JCC01 Members Senator(s) Meier, Anderson, J and Vasey

2/23/2005 H Adopted HB0165JC01

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, White. Nays: Representative(s) Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Davison, Hageman, Iekel, Jackson, Latta, Martin, Philp, Semlek, Wasserburger, Watt, Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen, Lockhart. Ayes 42 Nays 16 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflict 0

2/23/2005 S Did Not Adopt HB0165JC01

ROLL CALL Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend and Von Flatern. Excused: Senator(s) Vasey Ayes 0 Nays 29 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0165JC01/AF FAILED Delete the following Senate amendments: HB0165S2001.01/A HB0165S3001/A HB0165SS001/A Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows: Page 1-line 2 After "penalty;" insert "providing a limitation on executive sessions; providing for minutes of executive sessions as specified;". Page 1-line 13 Delete ", and" insert "shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.". Page 1-line 15 After "meeting" insert "where an action is taken"; delete "governing body" insert "action".

271 Page 1-line 16 After "misdemeanor" insert "unless minutes were taken during the meeting and the parts thereof recording the member's objections are made public or at the next regular public meeting the member objects to the meeting where the violation occurred and asks that the objection be recorded in the minutes.". Page 2-line 1 Before "punishable" insert "Either misdemeanor violation under this subsection is". Page 2-line 13 Before "16-10-107(c)" insert "16-4-405 by creating new subsections (b) and (c),". Page 4-After line 22 Insert: "16-4-405. Executive sessions. (b) Minutes shall be maintained of any executive session. Except for those parts of minutes of an executive session reflecting a members' objection to the executive session as being in violation of this act, minutes and proceedings of executive sessions shall be confidential and produced only in response to a valid court order. (c) Unless a different procedure or vote is otherwise specified by law, an executive session may be held only pursuant to a motion that is duly seconded and carried by majority vote of the members of the governing body in attendance when the motion is made.".SIMPSON , LUBNAU, POWERS, MEIER, ANDERSON, J., VASEY

2/24/2005 H Appointed JCC02 Members Representative(S) Simpson, Lubnau and Powers 2/24/2005 S Appointed JCC02 Members Senator(s) Meier, Ross and Vasey

2/28/2005 H Adopted HB0165JC02

ROLL CALL AYES: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer. EXCUSED: Representative(s) Jorgensen. Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflict 0

2/28/2005 S Adopted HB0165JC02

272 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Decaria, Hanes, Hines, Job, Johnson, Massie, Nicholas, Peck, Ross, Sessions and Vasey. Nays: Senator(s) Coe, Cooper, Geis, Hawks, Jennings, Larson, Meier, Mockler, Northrup, Schiffer, Scott, Townsend and Von Flatern. Ayes 17 Nays 13 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0165JC02/AA ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the following Senate amendments: HB0165S2001.01/AE HB0165S3001/AE HB0165SS001/AE Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows: Page 1-line 2 After "penalty;" insert "providing a limitation on executive sessions; providing for minutes of executive sessions as specified;". Page 1-line 13 Delete ", and" insert "shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.". Page 1-line 15 After "meeting" insert "where an action is taken"; delete "governing body" insert "action". Page 1-line 16 After "misdemeanor" insert "unless minutes were taken during the meeting and the parts thereof recording the member's objections are made public or at the next regular public meeting the member objects to the meeting where the violation occurred and asks that the objection be recorded in the minutes.". Page 2-line 1 Before "punishable" insert "Either misdemeanor violation under this subsection is". Page 2-lines 4 through 6 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 8 Delete "(c)" insert "(b)". Page 2-line 13 Before "16-10-107(c)" insert "16-4-405 by creating new subsections (b) and (c),". Page 4-After line 22 Insert: "16-4-405. Executive sessions. (b) Minutes shall be maintained of any executive session. Except for those parts of minutes of an executive session reflecting a members' objection to the executive session as being in violation of this act, minutes and proceedings of executive sessions shall be confidential and produced only in response to a valid court order. (c) Unless a different procedure or vote is otherwise specified by law, an executive session may be held only pursuant to a motion that is duly seconded and carried by majority vote of the members of the governing body in attendance when the motion is made.". SIMPSON, LUBNAU, POWERS, MEIER, ROSS, VASEY

2/28/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0109 3/1/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0109 3/1/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0109 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0109 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0194 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0166 Loans for airport development.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway and Senator(s) Coe

AN ACT relating to aeronautics; modifying the amount which may be loaned for the development of airports; modifying the interest rate on loans; specifying the loans are subject to limitations on legislatively designated investments; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 1/27/2005 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 1/27/2005 H Placed on General File


HB0166HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 19 Strike "commission shall establish". Page 2-line 20 Strike "the". Page 2-lines 21 through 24 Strike all existing language and delete all new language. Page 3-lines 1 through 3 Delete entirely and insert "shall be five percent (5%) per annum.". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN

1/31/2005 H Passed CoW 2/1/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/2/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/3/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 2/4/2005 S09 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Townsend and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0166SW001/FAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 3 After ";" insert "providing for a revolving loan account;". Page 1-line 10 After "(d)" insert "and by creating a new subsection (f)". Page 2-line 7 After "limitation" insert "; revolving loan account". Page 2-after line 23 Insert: "(f) There is established the state airport construction, development and improvement revolving loan account. All monies received as repayments from loans made under subsection (a) of this section shall be deposited in the account and shall be used only to provide financial assistance as authorized in this article. Payments of principal and interest on all financial assistance made under this article shall be deposited in the account. All funds in the account may be used for and are continuously appropriated for financial assistance as authorized in this article. Any unexpended balance in the account shall be invested by the state treasurer and the interest earned shall be credited to the account.". HAWKS

2/25/2005 S Passed CoW 2/28/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 3/1/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Decaria, Massie, Mockler and Schiffer. Ayes 25 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0119 3/1/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0119 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0119 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0119 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0208 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005. 274

H.B. No. 0167 Marriage license fees.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edwards

AN ACT relating to marriage license fees; providing for an additional fee; providing for a continuous appropriation of fee proceeds as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 H Bill Withdrawn by Sponsor

H.B. No. 0168 Protective orders-duration.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Olsen

AN ACT relating to domestic violence protection; removing the three month limit on protective orders; authorizing the circuit court or district court to specify the duration of protective orders; requiring that protective orders state the duration of the order; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/31/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0168HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 9 Reinsert stricken "not to exceed". Page 2-line 10 Before "as" insert "one (1) year". Page 2-line 11 Strike "repetitively" insert "once". Page 2-line 12 After "for" insert "an"; strike "periods" insert "period"; reinsert stricken "not to exceed". Page 2-line 13 Before "as" insert "one (1) year". LANDON, CHAIRMAN.

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/11/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/17/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Decaria, Hanes and Sessions Nays: Senator(s) Ross Excused: Senator(s) Burns 275 Ayes 3 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0169 Uninsured motorists-amendments.

Sponsored By: Joint Transportation, Highways and Military Affairs Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; requiring insurers to provide notice to the department of transportation upon cancellation, nonrenewal or issuance of motor vehicle liability policies; specifying duties of the department of transportation; amending penalties for failure to maintain liability coverage; requiring charges for failure to maintain liability coverage; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0170 Commonsense consumption act.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hammons, McOmie and Quarberg and Senator(s) Aullman and Geis

AN ACT relating to livestock products; prohibiting civil liability based on long term consumption of qualified products as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/21/2005 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers and Samuelson Nays: Representative(s) Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0170HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 3 After ";" insert "providing an exception;". Page 2-line 9 Delete "Livestock" insert "Agricultural". Page 2-line 10 After "livestock" insert ", crops for food or fiber, dairy products and any other product for human consumption from an agricultural operation". Page 2-line 20 After "livestock" insert ",food, fiber, dairy products and any other product for human consumption from an agricultural operation". Page 3-line 5 Delete "livestock" insert "agricultural". Page 3-line 14 Before "No" insert "(a)"; delete "livestock" insert "agricultural". Page 3-line 15 After "producer" insert ", wholesaler, broker". Page 3-After line 21 Insert: "(b) Subsection (a) of this section shall not preclude civil liability if: (i) The claim of injury or death is based on a material violation of a composition, branding or labeling standard prescribed by state or federal law; and (A) The claimed injury or death was actually and proximately caused by that violation; and (B) The violation was committed with intent to deceive or injure consumers or with actual knowledge that the violation was injurious to consumers.". HAGEMAN, CHAIRMAN

1/26/2005 H Passed CoW 1/27/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0170H3001/ADOPTED 276 Page 3-After line 6 Insert: "(vii) "Public aid organization" means any organization which provides food or drink to members of the public at a free or reduced charge. Public aid organizations include, but are not limited to, organizations such as homeless shelters, soup kitchens and food banks;". Page 3-line 8 Delete "(vii)" insert "(viii)". Page 3-line 15 After "product" insert "or hospital, senior citizen center, nursing home or public aid organization". HAMMONS

1/31/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt and White. Nays: Representative(s) Esquibel, Goggles, Hinckley, Landon, Meuli, Olsen, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson and Zwonitzer. Ayes 50 Nays 10 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 2/9/2005 S05 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Johnson, Meier, Northrup and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Placed on General File 2/14/2005 S Passed CoW 2/15/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0170S3001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 3-lines 14 thru 19 Delete and renumber. Page 3-line 21 Delete "(viii)" insert "(vii)". Page 4-line 6 After "product" delete balance of line. Page 4-line 7 Delete through "organization". SESSIONS

2/16/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Burns, Cooper, Geis, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Larson, Meier, Northrup, Peck, Scott, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Boggs, Case, Coe, Decaria, Hanes, Job, Massie, Mockler, Nicholas, Schiffer and Sessions. Conflicts: Senator(s) Ross Ayes 18 Nays 11 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

2/17/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Hinckley, Lubnau, Meuli, Olsen and Simpson. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 54 Nays 5 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0052 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0052 277 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0052 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0052 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0091 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0171 Homeland security amendments.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edwards and Senator(s) Barrasso

AN ACT relating to homeland security; conforming provisions to reflect the agency name "emergency management" has been changed to "homeland security"; conforming provisions as specified; repealing the advisory board; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 1/28/2005 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

278 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0171HS001/ADOPTED Page 10-line 1 Delete "," insert "of the"; strike "who" insert ". The director". Page 10-line 3 Delete "deputy". EDWARDS, CHAIRMAN

2/2/2005 H Passed CoW 2/3/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/4/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Childers, Hageman and Hastert. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S08 2/10/2005 S08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Geis, Northrup and Von Flatern Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0171SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 13 After "(v)" insert "and by creating a new subsection (d)". Page 10-line 20 Delete all new language. Page 10-line 21 Delete "director". Page 10-line 22 After "security" insert ".". Page 10-line 23 Strike "and:" insert "In addition to the duties described in W.S. 19-13-104(d) the director:". Page 11-after line 19 Insert: "(d) The deputy director shall perform duties as assigned by the director and in the absence of the director he is the administrative head of the Wyoming office of homeland security.". BARRASSO, CHAIRMAN

2/22/2005 S Passed CoW 2/23/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0171S3001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1–line 15 Delete "19-13-202(a)(iv)"insert "19-13-202(a)(intro), (iv)". Page 21–line 19 After "act" strike balance of line. Page 21–line 20 Strike line through "apply". MEIER, BOGGS

2/24/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

279 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) McOmie Excused: Representative(s) Hinckley, Jorgensen, Miller and Wasserburger. Ayes 55 Nays 1 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0097 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0097 2/28/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0097 3/2/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0097 3/2/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0169 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0172 Emergency fire suppression account.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Semlek and McOmie and Senator(s) Cooper and Townsend

AN ACT relating to public lands; increasing the amount of the emergency fire suppression account as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/20/2005 H05 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Samuelson and Semlek Nays: Representative(s) Powers Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2005 H Placed on General File 1/20/2005 H Passed CoW 1/21/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/24/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Latta. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S02

280 2/7/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Placed on General File 2/14/2005 S Passed CoW 2/15/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/16/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Decaria, Mockler and Schiffer. Ayes 26 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0043 2/16/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0043 2/18/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0043 2/22/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0043 2/22/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0076 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0173 Wyoming young adult task force.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Berger, Davison, Gilmore, Hammons, Pedersen, Warren and White and Senator(s) Aullman, Sessions and Von Flatern

AN ACT relating to the administration of government; creating a joint legislative and executive task force to address ways to keep and attract young adults to the state; providing an appropriation; authorizing a position; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 1/27/2005 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 H Placed on General File 1/27/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/2/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

281 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jorgensen, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Nays: Representative(s) Meuli Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 6 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0173HS001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 5 Delete "senate" insert "house". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Jackson, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Hageman, Illoway, Jones, Meuli, Olsen and Philp. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 51 Nays 8 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/11/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 3/2/2005 S Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Nays: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Townsend and Vasey Ayes 0 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

H.B. No. 0174 Safe drinking water act.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Anderson, R., Buchanan, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Illoway, Petersen, Quarberg and Samuelson and Senator(s) Anderson, J, Geis and Meier

AN ACT relating to public health and safety; providing for the Wyoming Safe Drinking Water Act; providing for authority, administration and enforcement of the act as specified; providing definitions; making conforming amendments; providing an appropriation and positions; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Absent: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 1 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0175 TANF increase.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Warren and Berger and Senator(s) Boggs and Massie 282

AN ACT relating to the personal opportunities with employment responsibilities program; amending eligibility requirements as specified; increasing assistance levels and allowing for annual adjustments; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/19/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0175HS001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 9 Delete "Cumulative Inflation". Page 3-line 10 Delete "Factor". Page 3-line 12 Delete "1.244". Page 3-line 14 Delete "1.244". Page 3-line 16 Delete "1.244". Page 3-line 18 Delete "1.244". Page 3-line 20 Delete "1.244". Page 3-line 22 Delete "1.244". Page 3-line 24 Delete "1.244". Page 4-line 1 Delete "Maximum" insert "maximum". Page 4-line 2 Delete "cumulative inflation factor" insert "annual percentage increase in the cost of living as shown by the Wyoming cost-of-living index as determined by the division of economic analysis of the department of administration and information". Page 7-line 6 After "effective" insert "July 1, 2005." and delete balance of the line. Page 7-lines 7 through 9 Delete entirely. OSBORN, CHAIRMAN

HB0175HW001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 5 Strike "any such" insert "the". ROBINSON

1/20/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0175H2001/FAILED Page 5-line 16 Reinsert all stricken language. Page 5-line 17 Reinsert "less than"; after stricken "years" insert "one (1) year"; reinsert "prior to starting the educational". Page 5-line 18 Reinsert all stricken language and delete all new language. Page 5-lines 19 through 21 Delete all new language. HARSHMAN, QUARBERG

HB0175H2002/ADOPTED Page 1-line 4 After ";" insert "requiring a report;". Page 4-line 18 After "." insert "The department shall provide a report to the joint labor, health and social services interim committee no later than October 1, 2005, and annually thereafter, with respect to the number of new individuals enrolled in an approved education program under this section and how long each new student has been a Wyoming resident at the time of enrollment.". WARREN

1/21/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/24/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, 283 Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz and Semlek. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 56 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/24/2005 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria, Massie and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0175SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 3 Delete "increasing assistance levels and". Page 1-line 4 Delete "allowing for annual adjustments;". Page 1-line 9 Delete ", 42-2-103(e)(iii)". Page 2-lines 14 thru 22 Delete. Page 3 Delete. Page 4-lines 1 thru 5 Delete. Page 6-line 9 Delete "During the summer" insert "From the end of the spring semester to the beginning of the fall semester". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/25/2005 S Passed CoW 2/28/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 3/1/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Meier Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen, Latta and Reese. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0126 3/2/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0126 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0126 3/11/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0126 3/11/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0238 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0176 Department of corrections-facilities.

Sponsored By: Joint Judiciary Interim Committee

284 AN ACT relating to department of correction facilities; amending names of department of correction facilities; establishing location of a medium security correctional institution; repealing obsolete references; and providing for an effective date.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/19/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

HB0176HW001/FAILED Page 1-line 3 Delete "location" insert "locations". Page 1-line 4 After "institution" insert "and a medical facility". Page 3-line 13 Delete "Torrington" insert "Rawlins". Page 3-line 15 After "farm" insert "and the medium correctional institution medical facility". MILLER, BAGBY, GOGGLES, MCOMIE HB0176HW002/FAILED Page 3-line 13 Delete "Torrington" insert "Rawlins". WATT

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson and White Nays: Representative(s) Bagby and Watt Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/19/2005 H Placed on General File 1/21/2005 H Passed CoW 1/24/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/25/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Gay, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger and White. Nays: Representative(s) Bagby, Brown, Bucholz, Esquibel, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hastert, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Philp, Robinson, Thompson, Watt and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 43 Nays 16 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/4/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Nays: Senator(s) Decaria Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0176SW001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 11 After "(xiv)" insert "and 25-2-104(a)". Page 3-after line 19 Insert: "25-2-104. Wyoming correctional facility; establishment; purpose; supervision. (a) The Wyoming correctional facility is established at Lovell Torrington, Wyoming, to provide a place of confinement, employment and training for convicted felons sentenced to the custody of the department of corrections to serve a term of imprisonment in a state penal institution.". HANES

HB0176SW002/FAILED Page 3-line 13 Delete "Torrington" insert "Rawlins". Page 3-after line 19 In the Hanes Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0176SW001/A) to this line, in W.S. 25-2-104(a) delete "Torrington" insert "Rawlins". VASEY, DECARIA 285

2/15/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0176S2001/FAILED Page 3-line 13 Delete "Torrington" insert "Riverton". Page 3-after line 19 In the Hanes Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0176SW001/A) to this line, in W.S. 25-2-104(a) delete "Torrington" insert "Riverton". PECK

2/16/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0176S3001/FAILED Page 3-line 13 Delete "Torrington" insert "Rawlins". Page 3-after line 19 In the Hanes Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0176SW001/A) to this line, in W.S. 25-2-104(a) delete "Torrington" insert "Rawlins". VASEY

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Case, Decaria, Geis, Hawks, Hines, Job, Massie, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup and Vasey. Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Hanes, Jennings, Johnson, Larson, Meier, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend and Von Flatern. Ayes 12 Nays 18 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0176S3002/FAILED Page 1–line 4 After "references;" insert "limiting the purchase price of the prison property;". Page 3–after line 22 Insert and renumber: "Section 3. No property shall be purchased by the department of corrections for the construction of the prison authorized by this act for more than one and one-half (1½) times the appraised value of the property. The appraisal shall be completed by a qualified independent appraiser following the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices.". Page 4–line 1 Delete "3" insert "4". MOCKLER

HB0176S3003/FAILED Page 1–line 4 After "references;" insert "requiring compensation to property owners for the loss of property value due to prison construction". Page 3–after line 22 Insert and renumber: "Section 3. Any person owning property within three (3) miles of the prison site who sells his property within two (2) years of date of final completion of the prison authorized by this act and who suffers a loss of value in his property due to the construction of the prison shall be compensated for the loss by the department of corrections. The amount of the compensation shall be equal to the difference in the fair market value before the prison construction less the fair market value of the property after completion of the prison construction. The fair market value of the property before construction of the prison shall be determined from the property assessment notice from the county assessor or from an appraisal following the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices. The fair market value of the property after completion of the prison construction shall be the sale price of the property. The property owner shall submit his request for reimbursement for the loss of value on his property to the department of corrections within three (3) years from the date of final completion of the prison construction.". Page 4–line 1 Delete "3" insert "4". MOCKLER

2/17/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Boggs, Case, Decaria, Job and Mockler. Ayes 25 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger and White. 286 Nays: Representative(s) Brown, Gilmore, Goggles, Hinckley, McOmie, Miller, Philp, Robinson, Thompson, Watt and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 48 Nays 11 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0068 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0068 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0068 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0068 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0093 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0177 Mine inspector reporting requirements.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller, Anderson, R., Cohee and Walsh

AN ACT relating to mines and minerals; providing for annual reporting by mine inspectors of corrective measures taken to prevent reoccurrence of fatal accidents; providing for annual reporting of man hours worked; providing for reporting by mine site contractors; providing a definition; providing for electronic notification of mine openings and closings; repealing requirement of notice within thirty days of mine openings and closings; repealing requirement that county pay for investigations; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 1/24/2005 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0177HS001/ADOPTED Page 5-line 14 Strike ", in writing"; delete all new language; before "whenever" strike ",". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN

1/25/2005 H Passed CoW 1/26/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/27/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Harshman, Iekel, Jackson, Robinson and Simpson. Ayes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 2/2/2005 S09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Townsend and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Placed on General File


HB0177SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 5-line 7 Strike "in person". Page 5-line 8 Strike "or by"; delete "telephone" insert "by personal voice contact". HAWKS, CHAIRMAN

2/9/2005 S Passed CoW 2/10/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/11/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 H Did Not Concur

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Jorgensen. Ayes 0 Nays 58 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 S Appointed JCC01 Members Senator(s) Hawks, Boggs and Von Flatern 2/14/2005 H Appointed JCC01 Members Representative(S) Miller, Hastert and Walsh

2/16/2005 H Adopted HB0177JC01

ROLL CALL AYES: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer. EXCUSED: Representative(s) Jorgensen, Philp. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflict 0

2/16/2005 S Adopted HB0177JC01

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Excused: Senator(s) Coe Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0177JC01/AA ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the following Senate amendments: HB0177SS001/A Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows: Page 5-line 8 After stricken "means" insert "conversing with an individual of that office by". MILLER, HASTERT, WALSH, HAWKS, BOGGS, VON FLATERN

288 2/17/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0046 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0046 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0046 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0046 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0106 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.


H.B. No. 0178 Repeal of district attorney office.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and Senator(s) Case

AN ACT relating to district attorneys; repealing the office of district attorney; providing conforming amendments; repealing conflicting provisions; providing for applicability of the act; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0179 Alcohol beverages-acceptable forms of identification.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gilmore, Goggles, Iekel, Illoway, Walsh and Watt and Senator(s) Decaria

AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; increasing the types of acceptable forms of identification for the purchase of alcoholic beverages as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 1/21/2005 H06 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Iekel, Reese, Slater, Thompson and Zwonitzer Nays: Representative(s) Childers, Davison and Gingery Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0179HW001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 4 Delete "green card" insert "permanent resident card". Page 2-line 5 Delete "federal bureau of" insert "United States". GILMORE

HB0179HW002/ADOPTED Page 2-line 5 Delete "a". Page 2-line 6 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 7 Delete all new language. GOGGLES

1/25/2005 H Passed CoW 1/26/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/27/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Harshman, Iekel, Jackson, Robinson and Simpson. Ayes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S06 2/8/2005 S06 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL 290 Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Cooper, Massie and Von Flatern Nays: Senator(s) Ross Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Placed on General File 2/14/2005 S Passed CoW 2/15/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/16/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Meier Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0044 2/16/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0044 2/18/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0044 2/22/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0044 2/22/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0078 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0180 Alfalfa leaf-cutter bees.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Jones and Childers and Senator(s) Geis and Northrup

AN ACT relating to agriculture and animals; providing for the expenses of administering the alfalfa leaf cutter bee program as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/25/2005 H05 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 H Placed on General File 1/27/2005 H Passed CoW 1/28/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/31/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Martin Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 2/4/2005 S05 Recommended Do Pass


291 Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Johnson, Meier, Northrup and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 S Placed on General File 2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Larson and Ross. Ayes 27 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0025 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0025 2/15/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0025 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0025 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0047 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0181 Law enforcement-disposal of property.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and White and Senator(s) Case

AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; specifying what seized property may be summarily disposed of; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Olsen and Watt Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Robinson and White Ayes 2 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)


H.B. No. 0182 Wyoming state veterinary laboratory confidentiality.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Olsen and Bucholz and Senator(s) Hines and Vasey

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming state veterinary laboratory; providing for confidentiality of records as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/18/2005 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/18/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0182HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 4 After "communicable" insert ", toxic". Page 2-line 10 After "All" insert "individual identifying client information in the". Page 2-line 13 After "communicable" insert ", toxic". HAGEMAN, CHAIRMAN

1/24/2005 H Passed CoW 1/25/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/26/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 2/4/2005 S05 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Johnson, Meier, Northrup and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 S Placed on General File 2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0026 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0026 2/16/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0026

293 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0026 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0049 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0183 Senior citizens' trust fund.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Landon, Brechtel, Osborn, Powers, Walsh and Warren and Senator(s) Cooper and Geis

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming senior services trust fund; creating the Wyoming senior services trust fund; requiring an audit and a report; amending a definition; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 0 Nays 8 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0184 Defense of Marriage Act.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Alden, Brechtel, Gay, Petersen and Powers and Senator(s) Anderson, J, Geis and Meier

AN ACT relating to domestic relations; creating an exception to the provision that all marriages validly contracted outside of this state are valid in Wyoming; providing that marriages between persons of the same sex are void; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0185 School finance-employee compensation and development.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wasserburger, Bagby, Bucholz, Esquibel, Harshman, Hinckley, Jackson, Lubnau, Morgan, Powers, Reese, Robinson and Thompson and Senator(s) Boggs, Decaria, Job, Nicholas, Ross, Scott and Von Flatern

AN ACT relating to school finance; providing payments to school districts to augment district employee compensation and professional development opportunities as specified; imposing reporting requirements; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04 1/26/2005 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, McOmie, Semlek and Wasserburger Nays: Representative(s) Quarberg Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File 294 1/26/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/2/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0185HS001.01/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-line 3 Delete line through "opportunities". Page 2-line 4 After "staff" delete balance of line. Page 2-line 5 Delete line through "employees". Page 2-line 18 Delete "to" insert "may also be used for contractual signing bonuses to augment district recruiting efforts for this school year.". Page 2-line 19 Delete. Page 2-line 20 Delete line through ".". Page 4-line 2 Delete "staff training and development" insert "contractual signing bonuses". Page 4-line 4 After "compensation" insert ".". Page 4-line 5 Delete line through ".". Page 4-line 7 After first "and" delete balance of line insert "to enhance district teacher recruiting capabilities". Page 4-line 8 Delete "opportunities". Page 4-line 14 After "," insert "amounts used for awarding contractual signing bonuses"; after second "and" insert "providing certification that the district is otherwise in compliance with legislative intent specified under this subsection.". Page 4-line 15 Delete. Page 4-line 16 Delete "provided.". WASSERBURGER, CHAIRMAN

HB0185HS001.02/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 4-line 9 After "." insert "Further, the intent of this additional payment is to provide salary adjustments based on existing levels of duties performed without the imposition of additional work-related demands as a condition for receipt of the adjustment.". WASSERBURGER, CHAIRMAN

HB0185HS002/ADOPTED Page 2–line 22 Delete "three". Page 2–line 23 Delete the line through "($3,181.00)" insert "two thousand dollars ($2,000.00)". Page 5–line 6 After "2006," delete the balance of the line. Page 5–line 7 Delete the line through "($45,200,000.00)" insert "twenty-eight million four hundred fourteen thousand dollars ($28,414,000.00)". PHILP, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0185H2001/FAILED Delete the second standing committee amendment (HB0185HS002/A) entirely. WATT

2/4/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/7/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

295 2/8/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/15/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S04 2/22/2005 S04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Peck and Townsend Nays: Senator(s) Coe and Jennings Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 S Placed on General File 2/22/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/24/2005 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0186 Uniform Athlete Agents Act.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Brown, Esquibel, Morgan, Olsen, Reese, Slater and White and Senator(s) Coe, Decaria, Hines, Nicholas and Vasey

AN ACT relating to athletic agents; providing for disclosure as specified; providing requirements for contracts and contacts with student athletes as specified; providing definitions; providing criminal and civil remedies; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/13/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04 2/2/2005 H04 Recommended Do Pass

296 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, McOmie, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden and Brechtel. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 57 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S04 2/14/2005 S04 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Coe, Jennings, Peck and Townsend Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0186SW001/ADOPTED Page 21-line 4 After "." insert "Any penalty collected under the provisions of this section shall be deposited in the public school fund of the appropriate county as required by article 7, section 5 of the Wyoming constitution.". JENNINGS

2/16/2005 S Passed CoW 2/17/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/18/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Berger and Jorgensen. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0105 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0105 3/1/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0105 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0105 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number 297

Chapter No. 0205 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0187 Crime victims compensation.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edwards

AN ACT relating to crime victims; amending definitions; amending powers and duties; amending standards for compensation; repealing law; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/13/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 2/3/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Watt and White Excused: Representative(s) Alden, Buchanan and Robinson Ayes 6 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0188 Sales tax on mineral well services-exemptions.

Sponsored By: Joint Revenue Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing a sales tax exemption for oilfield well services as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/13/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gay, Gilmore, Harshman, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Ayes 0 Nays 9 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0189 Veterans home study.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harvey, Bagby, Brechtel, Iekel, Lockhart, Robinson and Walsh and Senator(s) Case

AN ACT relating to veterans; providing for a master plan for care of disabled Wyoming veterans; providing for a study of the need, possible sites and possible funding sources for a new state veterans home; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/13/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 1/20/2005 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2005 H Placed on General File 298 1/20/2005 H Rereferred to H02 1/25/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0189HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 6 After "." insert "The study shall also consider existing services in community nursing homes available to the veteran population.". EDWARDS, CHAIRMAN

1/27/2005 H Passed CoW 1/28/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0189H3002/ADOPTED Page 1-line 3 After "need" delete balance of line. Page 1-line 4 Delete "sources". Page 2-line 4 Delete "whether or". Page 2-line 5 Delete "not an" insert "the need for"; delete "should be". Page 2-line 6 Delete "established" insert "space". Page 2-lines 8 through 14 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 16 Delete "(d)" insert "(c)". LANDON 1/31/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Ayes 60 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S08 2/3/2005 S08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Geis and Von Flatern Excused: Senator(s) Northrup Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/9/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass

299 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0189SS001.01/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 3 After "need" insert ", possible sites and possible funding sources". Page 2-line 4 Delete "the need for" insert "whether or not an". Page 2-line 5 Delete "space" insert "should be established.". Page 2-after line 7 Insert and renumber: "(c) If the study results indicate the need for establishment of a veterans' nursing home, the commission shall develop a master plan for the proposed facility. This master plan shall consider potential funding sources for a state veterans' home, alternatives to construction of a new facility and potential sites for a state veterans' home.". Page 2-line 9 Delete "(c)" insert "(d)". BARRASSO, CHAIRMAN

HB0189SS001.02/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 12 Delete "October 1, 2005" insert "May 1, 2006.". BARRASSO, CHAIRMAN

2/23/2005 S Passed CoW 2/24/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/25/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Geis and Scott. Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0106 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0106 3/1/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0106 3/2/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0106 3/2/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0199 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.


H.B. No. 0190 Mandatory reporting by schools to law enforcement.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Watt, Hinckley, Iekel, Robinson and Warren

AN ACT relating to public schools; requiring school districts to report student violation of certain criminal laws to local law enforcement agencies; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/13/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Hinckley Nays: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, McOmie, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger Ayes 1 Nays 8 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0191 Hunting-use of electronic sights.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Watt and Gay

AN ACT relating to hunting; providing for the use of electronic sights; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/13/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Thompson and Zwonitzer Nays: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Reese and Slater Ayes 2 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0192 Harassment, intimidation or bullying prohibition

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Watt, Hinckley, Iekel, Robinson and Warren

AN ACT relating to schools; requiring that school districts establish policies prohibiting certain behaviors; providing definitions; providing for immunity under certain circumstances; providing for policy training and education; and providing for an effective date.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/13/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Harshman, Hinckley, McOmie and Semlek Nays: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Quarberg and Wasserburger Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

301 H.B. No. 0193 Wyoming real estate commission-amendments.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Morgan, Petersen, Reese and Samuelson and Senator(s) Larson and Sessions

AN ACT relating to real estate brokers and salesmen; providing for an administrative fine for certain violations; establishing a grace period and a late fee; providing definitions; partially eliminating vicarious liability; abolishing dual agents; repealing a requirement relating to the broker's license application; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/13/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 1/31/2005 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel Excused: Representative(s) Latta Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0193HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 4 Delete entirely. Page 1-line 5 Delete the line through "agents;". Page 1-line 11 After "(intro)" delete "," insert "and"' after "33-28-118(a)" delete ",". Page 1-lines 12 through 14 Delete entirely. Page 1-line 15 Delete the line through "(f)". Page 3-line 5 through page 7-line 17 Delete entirely. LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2005 H Passed CoW 2/4/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/7/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/8/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 2/9/2005 S09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Townsend and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0193SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 9 After "33-28-111(a)(intro)" insert "and by creating a new subsection (c)". Page 2-after line 7 Insert: "(c) All administrative fines collected under this section shall be paid to the state treasurer to be credited to the public school fund of the county in which the violation occurred.". HAWKS, CHAIRMAN

2/15/2005 S Passed CoW

302 2/16/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/17/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0066 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0066 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0066 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0066 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0096 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0194 Surplus medication.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Meuli and Thompson and Senator(s) Barrasso, Case and Job

AN ACT relating to pharmaceutical drugs; directing the department of health to establish a drug repository for the donation and dispensing of drugs as specified; providing definitions; providing rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/13/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/27/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0194HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 15 Delete "Repository" insert "Donation". Page 2-line 15 Delete "repository" insert "donation". Page 2-line 19 Delete "repository" insert "donation". Page 2-line 20 Delete the line through "them" insert "which allows designated providers to accept and dispense donated medications ". Page 2-line 23 Delete "repository" insert "donation". Page 3-line 4 Delete "repository" insert "donation". Page 3-line 12 Delete "repository" insert "donation". Page 3-line 23 Delete "repository" insert "donation".

303 Page 4-line 5 Delete "repository" insert "donation". Page 4-line 21 Delete "repository" insert "donation". Page 5-line 18 Delete "repository" insert "donation". Page 6-line 6 Delete "repository" insert "donation". OSBORN, CHAIRMAN

1/31/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0194H2001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 2 Delete "drug repository" insert "program". HASTERT

2/1/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/2/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/11/2005 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria, Massie and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/16/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines and Job Excused: Senator(s) Nicholas Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0194SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 4 After "authority;" insert "providing an appropriation; authorizing a part time position;". Page 2–line 7 Delete "physician's" insert "health care provider's". Page 6–after line 13 Insert and renumber: "Section 2. For the purposes of this act, twenty three thousand two hundred dollars ($23,200.00) is appropriated from the general fund to the department of health and one (1) additional part time position is authorized for the department of health.". Page 6–line 15 Delete "2" insert "3". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/22/2005 S Passed CoW 2/23/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/24/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 2/25/2005 H Did Concur

304 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Luthi Excused: Representative(s) Hinckley, Jorgensen, Miller and Wasserburger. Ayes 55 Nays 1 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0094 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0094 2/28/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0094 3/2/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0094 3/2/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0158 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0195 Forestry division-appropriation.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lubnau and Hageman and Senator(s) Coe

AN ACT relating to the state forestry division; authorizing the lease of a helicopter for fire protection and suppression activities; providing additional seasonal positions; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/13/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/20/2005 H05 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2005 H Placed on General File 1/20/2005 H Rereferred to H02 1/26/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0195HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-After line 7 Insert: "Section 2. The appropriation under this act shall be considered a one-time appropriation, and shall not be considered a part of the division's standard budget during the department of administration and information's budget preparation cycle in the 2007-2008 biennium budget.". Page 2-line 9 Delete "2" insert "3". PHILP, CHAIRMAN

1/28/2005 H Passed CoW 1/31/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/1/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli,

305 Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Bucholz and Lockhart. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/2/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 2/9/2005 S05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Johnson, Meier, Northrup and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/10/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0195SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-lines 9 through 13 Delete and renumber. Page 2-line 15 Delete "3" insert "2". GEIS, CHAIRMAN

2/25/2005 S Passed CoW 2/28/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 3/1/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

306 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Decaria and Schiffer. Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Harshman, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Barnard, Cohee, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Jones, Landon, Luthi, Meuli, Miller, Olsen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Simpson, Walsh and Warren. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen, Latta and Reese. Ayes 38 Nays 19 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0127 3/2/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0127 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0127 3/10/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0127 3/10/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0227 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0196 Divorce actions-parenting classes.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Iekel, Alden, Berger, Gay and Warren and Senator(s) Burns and Massie

AN ACT relating to child custody and visitation resulting from divorce proceedings; modifying and expanding parent education participation; imposing conditions and requirements; providing for exemptions; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/13/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/26/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson and White Nays: Representative(s) Watt Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0196HS001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-line 2 After "divorce" insert "or custody modification". Page 1-line 9 Delete "a". Page 1-line 10 Delete "subsection" insert "subsections"; delete "is" insert "and (h) and 20-2-204 by creating a new subsection (d) are". Page 2-lines 8 and 9 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 10 Delete the line through ".". Page 2-line 16 Delete the line after "Be". Page 2-line 17 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 18 Delete the line through ", and". Page 2-line 19 After "entity" insert "and be presented by at least one (1) presenter who possesses a graduate degree from an accredited college or university in child development,

307 family life education, marriage and family therapy, social work, counseling psychology or a closely related field, or by a presenter with a bachelor's degree with at least five (5) years training in family systems and the developmental stages of children. Any institution or entity providing a parent education program under this subsection shall demonstrate proof of continuing professional liability insurance and shall maintain records for all participants of a program for a minimum of five (5) years". Page 4-line 2 Delete "." insert ";". Page 4-After line 2 Insert: "(K) Resources available in the community to obtain additional services; (M) Basic information regarding domestic relations court procedures, however the course shall not provide legal advice or counsel.". Page 4-After line 5 Insert: "(v) Provide a certificate of completion to the participant that includes at a minimum the date of attendance, participant's name and the name, address and phone number of the provider; (vi) Be responsible for collection of fees from any person ordered to participate except that no person may be excluded from the program for inability to pay the fee. The service provider shall provide a fee schedule with provisions allowing all persons who are indigent or unable to pay to participate in the program; (vii) Ensure the safety and confidentiality of all participants and presenters of the program and not require both parties to attend the program at the same time;". Page 4-After line 16 Insert: "(g) The court may waive the attendance requirement under subsection (f) of this section on its own motion or on the motion of one (1) of the parties if the court determines that course attendance and completion are not: (i) Necessary; (ii) Appropriate; (iii) Feasible; or (iv) In the best interests of the parties and the children.". Page 4-lines 18 through 24 Delete entirely. Page 5-lines 2 through 7 Delete entirely. Page 5-After line 7 Insert: "(h) All reports, findings, proceedings and data of a parent education program are confidential and privileged and are not subject to introduction into evidence in any civil action as to any statements made during the educational course or as to any findings, recommendations, evaluations, opinions or other actions of the parent education program. However, information, documents or other records otherwise available from the original sources shall not be construed as immune from discovery or use in a civil action merely because they were disclosed during a parent education program. No person who attends a parent education program shall be prevented from testifying to matters otherwise within his knowledge. 20-2-204. Enforcement and modification. (d) A court having jurisdiction under W.S. 20-2-203 may require either or both of the parties to attend a parent education program as provided in W.S. 20-1-201.". Renumber as necessary. LANDON, CHAIRMAN 2/3/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0196H2001/ADOPTED Page 4-After line 5 In the standing committee amendment (HB0196HS001/A) to this line, in paragraph (vii); after "time" delete ";" insert ".". Page 4-lines 7 through 16 Delete entirely. IEKEL

2/4/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/7/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Davison, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hastert, Iekel, Jackson, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Olsen, Osborn, Petersen, Powers, Slater, Thompson, Warren, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Barnard, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Hageman, Harvey, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Lockhart, Luthi, Miller, Morgan, Pedersen, Philp, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Walsh and Wasserburger. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 32 Nays 27 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

308 2/8/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/8/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0197 District attorney investigators-peace officers.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Buchanan, Alden, Bagby, Gingery, Hinckley, Latta and Watt and Senator(s) Meier and Ross

AN ACT relating to peace officers; authorizing the appointment of investigators hired by district attorneys as peace officers; specifying authority of such persons; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/13/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/31/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson and Watt Nays: Representative(s) White Excused: Representative(s) Alden Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0198 Commercial vehicles-increased speeding fines.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Bucholz and Jones

AN ACT relating to commercial vehicles; increasing fines for speeding; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0199 Traditional birth care.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brechtel, Robinson and Semlek

AN ACT relating to the Medical Practice Act; providing an exemption from the Medical Practice Act for the practice of midwifery; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/17/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/24/2005 H10 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Iekel, Martin and Morgan Nays: Representative(s) Harvey, Hastert and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 5 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0199HW001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-line 16 Delete "does not in any manner". Page 2-line 2 After "(A)" insert "Does not in any manner". 309 Page 2-line 3 Delete "she" insert "he". Page 2-line 4 Delete "or". Page 2-line 6 After "(B)" insert "Does not in any manner". Page 2-line 12 Delete "she" insert "he". Page 2-line 13 Delete "she" insert "he". BRECHTEL

HB0199HW002/ADOPTED Page 2-line 9 After "parturition" insert "when the mother to be has also been seen by a licensed physician at least twice during the pregnancy". HARVEY

1/27/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0199H2001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 11 Delete "county health". Page 2-line 12 Delete entirely, including the Brechtel committee of the whole amendment (HB0199HW001/AC) to this line. Page 2-line 13 Delete "entry midwifery" insert "board". BRECHTEL

HB0199H2002/FAILED Delete the Harvey committee of the whole amendment (HB0199HW002/A) entirely. WATT

1/28/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/31/2005 H Laid Back Pursuant to HR 9-3 2/1/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Cohee, Diercks, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Iekel, Landon, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Thompson, Walsh, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Bagby, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Davison, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Hammons, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Latta, Lubnau, McOmie, Meuli, Pedersen, Quarberg, Samuelson, Simpson, Slater, Warren and Wasserburger. Excused: Representative(s) Bucholz Ayes 33 Nays 26 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/2/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0200 Developmental disabilities trust fund.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brechtel, Berger, Hastert, Robinson and Warren

AN ACT relating to a developmental disabilities trust fund; creating a developmental disabilities trust fund as specified; specifying criteria for project grants; specifying use of the interest on the trust funds; requiring an annual report; providing rulemaking authority; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 0 Nays 8 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0201 Crime victim service providers funding.

310 Sponsored By: Representative(s) Diercks, Hinckley, Osborn and Warren and Senator(s) Burns and Vasey

AN ACT relating to crime victim services; establishing a funding formula for crime victim service providers; specifying duties of the victim services division and crime victim service providers that receive state funding; requiring rulemaking; providing an appropriation; and providing for effective dates.

1/12/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 2/2/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Buchanan, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Landon and Lubnau Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/2/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/4/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Philp, Simpson and Warren Nays: Representative(s) Petersen Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0201HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 1 Delete "crime"; delete "services" insert "assistance providers". Page 1-line 2 Delete "crime"; delete "service" insert "assistance". Page 1-line 3 Delete "crime". Page 1-line 4 Delete "service" insert "assistance". Page 1-line 14 After "service" insert "and victim assistance". Page 2-line 2 Delete "crime"; delete "service" insert "assistance"; after "providers" insert "that serve victims of all crimes". Page 2-line 6 Delete "crime"; delete "service" insert "assistance". Page 2-line 10 Delete "crime". Page 2-line 11 Delete "service" insert "assistance". Page 2-line 16 Delete "crime". Page 2-line 17 Delete "service" insert "assistance". Page 3-line 2 Delete "or witness service" insert "assistance". Page 3-line 16 Delete "community based services" insert "victim assistance providers". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

HB0201HS002/ADOPTED Page 4-line 2 After "." insert "Of this general fund appropriation, funds shall not be used to supplant any federal funds that become available for the purposes of this act, and this appropriation shall be reduced dollar for dollar by the amount of any such federal funds that become available.". PHILP, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0201H2001/ADOPTED Delete the second standing committee amendment (HB0201HS002/A) entirely. Further amend as follows: Page 3-line 22 After "2005," delete balance of line. Page 3-line 23 Delete "dollars ($1,500,000.00)" insert "five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00)". DIERCKS, PHILP, SIMPSON 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

311 HB0201H3001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 4 After ";" insert "providing exceptions;". Page 4-line 2 After "." insert "Of this general fund appropriation, funds shall not be distributed to crime victim service providers in the district attorneys' offices in the first and seventh judicial districts. Nothing in this act shall prohibit the district attorneys for the first and seventh judicial districts from seeking funding for crime victim services through the state budget process or other appropriate means.". HINCKLEY

2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Brechtel, Lubnau and Philp. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 54 Nays 5 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/15/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/16/2005 S Rereferred to S06 2/17/2005 S06 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Massie, Ross and Von Flatern Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/24/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 S Placed on General File 2/25/2005 S Passed CoW 2/28/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 3/1/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0120 3/1/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0120 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0120 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0120 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0203 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0202 Board of outfitters-civil penalties.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Simpson and Senator(s) Anderson, J.

312 AN ACT relating to outfitters and professional guides; providing for assessment of civil penalties as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 1/20/2005 H06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Reese, Slater, Thompson and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/20/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW


H.B. No. 0203 Grizzly bear relocation notice.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Davison, Barnard, Childers, Gingery, Hageman, Petersen, Quarberg and Zwonitzer and Senator(s) Cooper and Geis

AN ACT relating to game and fish; providing for notification of grizzly bear relocations; and providing for an effective date.

1/12/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 1/21/2005 H06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Reese, Thompson and Zwonitzer Nays: Representative(s) Slater Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0203HS001/ADOPTED That Substitute No. 1 for HB 203 DO Pass. CHILDERS, CHAIRMAN

HB0203HW001/ADOPTED [TO SUBSTITUTE BILL No. 1] Page 2-line 1 Delete "notify" insert "provide notification in writing or by an electronic means which is transcribed". Page 2-line 2 Delete "in writing". DAVISON

1/25/2005 H Passed CoW 1/26/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/27/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Iekel, Jackson, Robinson and Simpson. Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S06 2/10/2005 S06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Cooper, Massie, Ross and Von Flatern Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0203SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2–line 1 Delete "in writing or by an". Page 2–line 2 Delete "electronic means which is transcribed" insert "to". Page 2-line 5 After "media" insert "and sheriff". BURNS, CHAIRMAN

2/14/2005 S Passed CoW 2/15/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

314 2/16/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Coe and Mockler. Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0050 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0050 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0050 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0050 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0086 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0204 Expungement of criminal records.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Luthi, Landon and Simpson and Senator(s) Hanes

AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; clarifying when expungement of certain criminal records can occur; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/24/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Robinson and White Excused: Representative(s) Olsen and Watt Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 H Placed on General File 1/26/2005 H Passed CoW 1/27/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/28/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

315 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Latta and Samuelson. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/14/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 S Placed on General File 2/16/2005 S Passed CoW 2/17/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/18/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0063 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0063 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0063 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0063 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0137 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0205 Unlawful anti-skimming.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Landon, Berger, Hastert and Iekel and Senator(s) Burns

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; establishing a crime for illegal use of a scanning device or re-encoder to capture information from a magnetic strip from a credit, debit or other electronic payment card as specified; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 2/3/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 2/3/2005 H Placed on General File

316 HB0205HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-Above line 1 In the catch title delete "anti-". Page 1-line 11 Delete "anti-". Page 3-line 15 Delete "anti-". Page 4-line 10 Delete "anti-". Page 4-line 21 Delete "July 1, 2005" insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

2/4/2005 H Passed CoW 2/7/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/8/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/22/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Excused: Senator(s) Burns Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 S Placed on General File 2/23/2005 S Passed CoW 2/24/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/25/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0100 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0100 2/28/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0100 3/2/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0100 3/2/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0166 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.


H.B. No. 0206 Subdivision lands-assessments.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Luthi, Cohee, Davison, Landon and Osborn and Senator(s) Aullman and Cooper

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; modifying lands classified as agricultural land for ad valorem taxation purposes; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown and Powers Nays: Representative(s) Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Conflicts: Representative(s) Samuelson Ayes 2 Nays 5 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0207 Livestock records-confidentiality.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Philp and Hageman and Senator(s) Anderson, J. and Vasey

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming livestock board; providing for confidentiality of information obtained for purposes of a national livestock identification program; providing penalties for false reporting or refusal to report required information; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/17/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/26/2005 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0207HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 17 After "." insert "The records, data and information shall not be subject to discovery or introduction into evidence in any civil action.". HAGEMAN, CHAIRMAN

1/28/2005 H Passed CoW 1/31/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/1/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Bucholz and Lockhart. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

318 2/2/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/3/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 2/9/2005 S05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Johnson, Meier, Northrup and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0207SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 6 After "program" insert ", disease outbreak or law enforcement investigation". Page 3-line 5 Delete "federal law" insert "the authority of the livestock board". Page 3-line 6 Before "national" insert "mandatory". GEIS, CHAIRMAN

2/14/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0207S2001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 14 After "(a)" insert "Except as provided by subsection (b) of this section,". Page 2-after line 19 Insert and renumber: "(b) The Wyoming livestock board may release information collected for the purposes of a national livestock identification program related to the ownership and location of individual animals to the extent the information is useful in controlling or preventing a disease outbreak or to show particular animals or herds are not involved in a disease outbreak. The information released may be a public release or may be limited to specific individuals with a need to know the information, as the livestock board deems the circumstances require.". Page 2-line 21 Delete "(b)" insert "(c)". Page 3-line 4 Delete "(c)" insert "(d)". SCOTT, VASEY

2/15/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/16/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0051 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0051 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0051 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0051 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0107 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0208 Pull tabs-authorized sales.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Martin, Gilmore, Hastert and Latta and Senator(s) Johnson

319 AN ACT relating to gaming; authorizing the sale of pull tabs under certain conditions; providing definitions; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Hageman, Morgan and Samuelson Nays: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Powers and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 3 Nays 5 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0209 Schools-conversion to use by local communities.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wasserburger

AN ACT relating to the administration of government; establishing a program assisting local governments in converting school facilities to community uses; establishing an account and funds for the program; amending business ready community funding provisions; providing for administration; providing for a continuous appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/17/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0210 Public schools-required days of school operation.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wasserburger

AN ACT relating to public schools; expanding the number of required school days of operation during the school year for purposes of foundation program eligibility; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/17/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0211 Special education regionalization-funding.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wasserburger

AN ACT relating to special education programs and services; providing an appropriation for a position within the department of education to implement recommendations of the special education regionalization study task force; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/17/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04 1/27/2005 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, McOmie, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 320

1/27/2005 H Placed on General File 1/28/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/2/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Philp, Simpson and Warren Nays: Representative(s) Petersen Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0212 Commercial vehicle conditional speed limit.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Bucholz, Hinckley, Reese and Watt

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; providing a maximum speed limit for commercial vehicles as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0213 Sales tax vendor-minimum revenue collection.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley, Pedersen, Samuelson and Wasserburger

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; amending the definition of sales and use tax vendor as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee


H.B. No. 0214 Sales tax on food-exemption.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Robinson, Bagby, Berger, Brechtel, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Goggles, Hastert, Landon, Martin, McOmie, Morgan, Reese, Thompson, Walsh, Warren and Watt and Senator(s) Boggs, Decaria, Jennings, Job, Massie, Mockler, Scott, Sessions and Vasey

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; removing the sales and use tax on food as specified; providing an appropriation for distribution to local governments as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 1/28/2005 H03 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Gay, Gilmore, Harshman, Hastert and Walsh Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Miller and Pedersen Ayes 5 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 H Placed on General File 1/28/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/2/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0215 Sex offenses-age of victim.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Meuli, Petersen and Warren and Senator(s) Job, Johnson, Mockler and Ross

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; redefining elements for specified sex crimes involving child victims; conforming related provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon and Lubnau Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)


H.B. No. 0216 Medicaid transplant services.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Meuli

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Medical Assistance and Services Act; eliminating liver transplant services as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0217 Off-road vehicles registration and trails fees.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Watt, Gay and Gilmore

AN ACT relating to off-road recreational vehicles; providing an exemption from trail user registration requirements for certain off-road recreational vehicles as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0218 Probate code-reopening estates.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Semlek

AN ACT relating to probate; providing procedures for the reopening of an estate as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/14/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/24/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Excused: Representative(s) Buchanan Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0218HW001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 1 Strike "clerk" insert "court". Page 2-line 2 After "and" insert "the petitioner shall". LUBNAU

1/26/2005 H Passed CoW 1/27/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/28/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Latta and Samuelson. 323 Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0219 Utilities-sales tax exemption.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Reese, Goggles, Hinckley, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Morgan and Robinson, Warren and Zwonitzer and Senator(s) Boggs, Hanes and Sessions

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for a sales and use tax exemption on the sale of public utilities as specified; providing an appropriation; requiring a report; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/17/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0220 Restaurant liquor licenses.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Latta, Illoway, McOmie and Walsh

AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; providing for restaurant liquor licenses as specified; regulating the sale of alcoholic beverages under a restaurant liquor license as specified; amending related provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Reese and Zwonitzer Nays: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Slater and Thompson Ayes 2 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0221 Wyoming boxing commission.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Esquibel, Illoway, Latta, Lockhart, Morgan, Thompson and Walsh and Senator(s) Decaria, Geis and Vasey

AN ACT relating to the state boxing commissioner; creating an office of state boxing commissioner; providing for the appointment of a state boxing commissioner, inspectors and deputies; specifying duties; providing procedures for licensure; providing for distribution of revenues; providing penalties; granting rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/17/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 2/4/2005 H06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Reese, Slater, Thompson and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW 324

H.B. No. 0222 Indian gaming compact-authority to negotiate.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller, Brown, Gingery, Goggles and McOmie and Senator(s) Peck

AN ACT relating to Indian gaming; providing the governor authority to negotiate gaming compacts; providing for ratification by the legislature; and providing for an effective date.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/17/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 1/28/2005 H06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Reese, Slater, Thompson and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 H Placed on General File 1/31/2005 H Passed CoW 2/1/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/2/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Watt Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/22/2005 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Meier and Mockler Nays: Senator(s) Scott Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW


H.B. No. 0223 Suicide prevention.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer

AN ACT relating to the department of health; providing for creation of a suicide prevention program; providing for department responsibilities as specified; providing an appropriation; authorizing a position; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/19/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 2/2/2005 H10 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/2/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/4/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0223HS001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 1 Delete "three hundred". Page 3-line 2 Delete the line through "($300,000.00)" insert "one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00)". Page 3-line 3 After "." insert "All funds appropriated and the position authorized under this act shall be considered one-time funding and neither the authorized position nor the funding shall be included within the department of health's standard budget request for the 2007-2008 biennium.". Page 3-line 8 Delete "July 1, 2005" insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution". PHILP, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Cohee, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Jackson, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Reese, Robinson, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Brechtel, Bucholz, Childers, Davison, Hageman, Harshman, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Lubnau, Luthi, Meuli, Olsen, Philp, Quarberg, Samuelson and Semlek. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 40 Nays 19 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/11/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/18/2005 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


326 Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria, Massie and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/24/2005 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Job and Nicholas Nays: Senator(s) Hines Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0223SS001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1–line 4 After "position;" insert "requiring reports;". Page 2–line 19 After "information" insert "which shall include copies of or links to Cochrane collaboration systematic reviews or other similar sources relevant to this subject". Page 2–after line 23 Insert and renumber: "Section 2. The department shall report to the joint labor, health and social services interim committee and the joint appropriations interim committee by December 1, 2005 on its progress in implementing the program described in Section 1 and by December 1, 2006 and December 1, 2007 on the benefits generated by the program.". Page 3–line 1 Delete "2" insert "3". Page 3–line 3 Delete "All". Page 3–lines 4 through 7 Delete. Page 3–line 8 Delete line through "biennium.". Page 3–line 12 Delete "3" insert "4". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

HB0223SS002/FAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 4 Delete "authorizing a position;". Page 3-line 8 After the First Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0223SS001/AE) to this line, delete "One (1) additional full-time". Page 3-lines 9 and 10 Delete. HINES, CHAIRMAN

2/25/2005 S Passed CoW 2/28/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 3/1/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Robinson, Samuelson, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Brechtel, Bucholz, Hageman, Hinckley, Jones, Luthi, Meuli, Miller, Olsen, Quarberg and Semlek. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen, Latta and Reese. Ayes 45 Nays 12 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0128 3/2/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0128 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0128 3/10/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0128 3/10/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

327 Chapter No. 0229 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0224 Illegal drug laboratories.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harvey, Berger, Hastert, Hinckley and Iekel and Senator(s) Barrasso, Coe and Decaria

AN ACT relating to illegal drug laboratories; providing for the creation of an environmental health program within the department of health; providing for identification of contaminated property; providing for testing and property closure by the department of health as specified; providing for remediation of contaminated property by the property owner or department of health; providing for recovery of remediation costs; providing for notice to affected persons; providing for a registry of contaminated property; granting rulemaking authority; providing criminal penalties; authorizing positions; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 2/2/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/2/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/4/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0224HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 14 After "levels" delete balance of line. Page 2-line 15 Delete "animals" insert "which exceed standards established in accordance with W.S. 35-29-105". Page 3-line 13 After "chemicals" insert "for use in the unauthorized manufacture". Page 3-lines 20 through 24 Delete entirely. Page 4-lines 1 and 2 Delete entirely and insert "A law enforcement agency conducting an investigation concerning an illegal drug laboratory shall secure the property as authorized by court orders or search warrants. The law enforcement agency shall notify the department of health of the existence of an illegal drug laboratory, hazardous chemicals or other public safety concerns in the manner prescribed by department rule and regulation.". Page 7-line 2 Delete "tests free of". Page 7-line 3 Delete "contamination" insert "meets standards established under W.S. 35-29-105". Page 8-line 5 Delete "and remediation". Page 8-line 17 Delete "(iv)" insert "(v)". Page 9-line 14 Delete "." insert ";". Page 9-After line 14 Insert: "(v) Any person who conspires to distribute or purchase illegal drugs manufactured on the owner's contaminated property.". Page 9-line 17 Delete "twenty-one (21)" insert "ninety (90)". Page 10-line 5 After "(iii)" delete balance of line. Page 10-line 6 Delete the line through "43.1-9-501" and insert "Following a notice and opportunity for a hearing, file a notice of lien for real property and for personal property with

328 the office of the county clerk in the county in which the property is located". OSBORN, CHAIRMAN

HB0224HS002/ADOPTED Page 1-line 11 After "penalties;" delete balance of the line. Page 1-line 12 Delete "appropriation;". Page 13-lines 14 through 23 Delete entirely. Page 14-line 1 Delete "4" insert "3". PHILP, CHAIRMAN

HB0224HW001/FAILED Delete the second standing committee amendment (HB0244HS002/A) entirely. Further amend as follows: Page 13-line 17 Delete "general fund" insert "tobacco trust fund income account created by W.S. 9- 4-1203(b)". HARVEY

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Failed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Cohee, Davison, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Jackson, Martin, Osborn, Powers, Robinson, Thompson, Wasserburger, Watt and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Diercks, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh, Warren and White. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 21 Nays 38 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0225 Motor vehicle franchises-amendments.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Cohee, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore and Zwonitzer and Senator(s) Barrasso, Johnson and Von Flatern

AN ACT relating to motor vehicle franchises; amending definitions; providing for investigation of licensees and temporary permits during investigation; providing for enforcement; requiring dealers to apply for licenses as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 2/2/2005 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0225HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 9 Strike "per calendar year" insert "in any twelve (12) consecutive month period,". Page 3-line 3 Strike "per calendar year" insert "in any twelve (12) consecutive month period,". Page 6-line 11 Strike "per calendar year" insert "in any twelve (12) consecutive month period". Page 6-line 13 Strike "per calendar year" insert "in any twelve (12) consecutive month period". Page 6-line 20 After "felony" insert "within the immediate ten year period prior to the date of license application". Page 10-line 8 After "unsubstantiated" strike "," insert "or"; strike "false or fraudulent". Page 10-line 9 After "payment" insert "except where the manufacturer reasonably suspects fraud. A manufacturer that reasonably suspects fraud may audit claims for a period of four (4) years and charge the dealer for fraudulent claims as otherwise provided by law".

329 Page 11-line 8 Delete "one (1) calendar year" insert "twelve (12) consecutive month period". EDWARDS, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0225H2001/ADOPTED Page 6-line 20 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0225HS001/A) to this line; after "felony" insert "involving fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, forgery, embezzlement, obtaining money under false pretenses, larceny or extortion within the immediate ten (10) year period prior to the date of license application". Page 11-line 8 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0225HS001/A) to this line; strike "one (1) calendar year" insert "twelve (12) consecutive month period". LANDON

2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/11/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/17/2005 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Meier, Mockler and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0225SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 8–line 11 Delete "twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00)" insert "twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00)". MEIER, CHAIRMAN

HB0225SW001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 11 Delete "and (viii)" insert "through (ix)". Page 7-after line 5 Insert: "(viii) Has been convicted of a felony under W.S. 6-2-302;". Page 7-line 7 Delete "(viii)" insert "(ix)". MEIER

2/22/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0225S2001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 5–line 14 Delete "fingerprints and other". MASSIE, DECARIA

2/23/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/24/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case and Schiffer. Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 H Did Concur 330

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Hinckley, Jorgensen, Miller and Wasserburger. Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0095 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0095 2/28/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0095 3/2/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0095 3/2/2005 Assigned Chapter Number Chapter No. 0159 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.


H.B. No. 0226 School facilities-disposition moratorium.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wasserburger

AN ACT relating to school facilities; imposing a moratorium on the demolition of school facilities and buildings rendered surplus under the district facility planning process; providing for maintenance payments; imposing duties upon the school facilities commission; limiting the moratorium to three (3) years; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0227 Athletics challenge matching program.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wasserburger

AN ACT relating to the University of Wyoming; establishing a challenge account to honor eight student athletes killed in a vehicle accident and to be used for funding a university athletic facilities matching program; defining terms and specifying matching program conditions for the account; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04 1/24/2005 H04 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Hinckley, McOmie, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger Excused: Representative(s) Harshman Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/24/2005 H Placed on General File 1/25/2005 H Passed CoW 1/26/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/27/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Harshman, Iekel, Jackson, Robinson and Simpson. Ayes 55 Nays 0 Excused 5 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S04 2/4/2005 S04 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Coe, Jennings, Peck and Townsend Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 S Placed on General File 2/16/2005 S Passed CoW 2/17/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/18/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

332 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Mockler Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0064 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0064 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0064 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0064 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0088 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0228 School finance-model recalibration.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wasserburger

AN ACT relating to school finance; establishing a select committee to conduct school finance model recalibration; providing for model recalibration subject to management council approval; imposing duties upon the department of education pertaining to school finance data requirements; providing funds for school finance litigation; providing appropriations; authorizing additional positions; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04 1/27/2005 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, McOmie, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 H Placed on General File 1/28/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/2/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Nays: Representative(s) Petersen Excused: Representative(s) Meuli Ayes 6 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0228HS001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 6 Delete "general fund" insert "school foundation program account". Page 3-line 12 Delete "general fund" insert "school foundation program account". Page 3-line 21 Delete "general fund" insert "school foundation program account". Page 4-line 8 Delete "general fund" insert "school foundation program account". WASSERBURGER, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2005 H Passed CoW 2/4/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/7/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman,

333 Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/8/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S04 2/9/2005 S04 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Coe, Jennings, Peck and Townsend Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/10/2005 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines and Job Excused: Senator(s) Nicholas Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0228SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 5-line 8 Delete "full-time positions" insert "at-will contract employees". Page 5-line 10 After "." insert "The at-will positions authorized under this subsection shall terminate effective June 30, 2006.". HINES, CHAIRMAN

2/17/2005 S Passed CoW 2/18/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/22/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Lockhart. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0080 2/24/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0080 2/24/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0080 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0080 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0141 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0229 Animal control and community service officers retirement.

334 Sponsored By: Representative(s) Martin, Barnard, Gilmore, Hastert, Walsh and Watt and Senator(s) Sessions

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Retirement System; authorizing municipal animal control and community service officers to participate in the law enforcement retirement system; amending a definition; permitting employers to pay the difference between coverage under the retirement system and the law enforcement retirement system for municipal animal control and community service officers; conditioning implementation upon receipt of required payments and transfer of covered animal control and community service officers as specified; providing for funding; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02 1/19/2005 H Rereferred to H07; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0230 Malt beverage tax.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Warren

AN ACT relating to the malt beverage excise tax; increasing the malt beverage excise tax; providing for distribution of the malt beverage tax as specified; providing for a report; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gilmore and Hastert Nays: Representative(s) Gay, Harshman, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0231 Compulsory school attendance.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wasserburger

AN ACT relating to compulsory school attendance; modifying requirements for compulsory attendance; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Wasserburger Nays: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, McOmie, Quarberg and Semlek Ayes 1 Nays 8 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0232 Economic development-excise taxes.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Buchanan, Bagby, Childers, Hageman, Latta, Martin, Olsen, Petersen, Powers and Walsh and Senator(s) Decaria, Meier and Townsend

335 AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; authorizing local governments to impose excise taxes for economic development as specified; providing for distribution, specifying conditions; amending related provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 1/31/2005 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0232HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 2 Delete "impose" insert "use excise taxes and impose additional". Page 1-line 9 Delete "39-15-203(a)" insert "39-15-203(a)(i)(C) and". Page 1-line 11 Delete "39-15-211(a)" insert "39-15-211(a)(intro) and (i) by creating a new subparagraph (C) and". Page 1-line 12 Delete "39-16-203(a)" insert "39-16-203(a)(i)(C) and". Page 1-line 14 After "39-16-211(a)(intro)" insert "and (i) by creating a new subparagraph (C)". Page 2-after line 5 Insert: "(i) The following provisions apply to imposition of the general purpose excise tax under W.S. 39-15-204(a)(i): (C) The proposition may be submitted at an election held on a date authorized under W.S. 22-21-103. A notice of election shall be given in at least one (1) newspaper of general circulation published in the county in which the election is to be held, and the notice shall specify the object of the election. The notice shall be published at least once each week for a thirty (30) day period preceding the election. At the election the ballots shall contain the words "for the county sales and use tax" and "against the county sales and use tax". If a portion of the proceeds from the tax will be used for economic development as provided by W.S. 39-15-211(a)(i), the ballot shall contain the words "a portion of the tax proceeds shall be used for economic development" in a clear and appropriate manner. If the proposition is approved the same proposition shall be submitted at subsequent general elections as provided in this subparagraph until the proposition is defeated. If the tax proposed is approved after July 1, 1989, the same proposition shall be submitted at every other subsequent general election until the proposition is defeated. However in those counties where the tax is not in effect, the county commissioners with the concurrence of the governing bodies of two-thirds (2/3) of the municipalities may establish the initial term of the tax at two (2) years. If the term of the tax is limited to two (2) years, the term of the tax shall be stated in the proposition submitted to the voters. If approved, the proposition shall be submitted at the next general election and at every other subsequent general election thereafter until the proposition is defeated;". Page 9-after line 4 Insert: "(i) For revenues collected under W.S. 39-15-204(a)(i): (C) Notwithstanding subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, a county and its cities and towns receiving distributions under this paragraph may expend not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the amount received under subparagraph (B) of this paragraph for the purposes of economic development provided: (I) The intent to use a portion of the amount distributed for economic development was indicated by specific language on the ballot as provided by W.S. 39-15-203(a)(i)(C) or the enactment of a resolution or ordinance stating that a portion of the proceeds would be used for "economic development"; (II) The county has not imposed a tax under W.S. 39-15-204(a)(vi).". Page 10-after line 11 Insert: "(i) The following provisions apply to imposition of the general purpose excise tax under W.S. 39-16-204(a)(i): (C) The proposition may be submitted at an election held on a date authorized under W.S. 22-21-103. A notice of election shall be given in at least one (1) newspaper of general circulation published in the county in which the election is to be held, and the notice shall specify the object of the election. The notice shall be published at least once each week for a thirty (30) day period preceding the election. At the election the ballots shall contain the words "for the county sales and use tax" and "against the county sales and use tax". If a portion of the proceeds from the tax will be used for economic development as provided by W.S. 39-16-211(a)(i), the ballot shall contain the words "a portion of the proceeds will be used for economic development" in a clear and appropriate manner. If the proposition is approved the same proposition shall be submitted at subsequent general elections as provided in this subparagraph until the proposition is defeated. If the tax proposed is approved after July 1, 1989, the same proposition 336 shall be submitted at every other subsequent general election until the proposition is defeated. However in those counties where the tax is not in effect, the county commissioners with the concurrence of the governing bodies of two-thirds (2/3) of the municipalities may establish the initial term of the tax at two (2) years. If the term of the tax is limited to two (2) years, the term of the tax shall be stated in the proposition submitted to the voters. If approved, the proposition shall be submitted at the next general election and at every other subsequent general election thereafter until the proposition is defeated;". Page 17-after line 15 Insert: "(i) For revenues collected under W.S. 39-16-204(a)(i): (C) Notwithstanding subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, a county, city or town receiving distributions under this paragraph may expend not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the amount received under subparagraph (B) of this paragraph for the purposes of economic development provided: (I) The intent to use a portion of the amount distributed for economic development was indicated by specific language on the ballot as provided by W.S. 39-16-203(a)(i)(C) or the enactment of a resolution or ordinance stating that a portion of the proceeds would be used for "economic development"; (II) The county has not imposed a tax under W.S. 39-16-204(a)(v).". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2005 H Passed CoW 2/4/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/7/2005 H Laid Back Pursuant to HR 9-3 2/8/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Robinson Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Jorgensen and Watt. Ayes 56 Nays 1 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 2/15/2005 S09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Townsend and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0232SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 10-line 7 Delete line through "(.5%)" insert "one-quarter of one percent (.25%)". Page 20-line 24 Delete line through "(.5%)" insert "one-quarter of one percent (.25%)". HAWKS, CHAIRMAN

2/16/2005 S Laid Back Without Prejudice

HB0232SW001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 9-after line 14 Insert and renumber: "(G) In no event shall any of the revenue collected from the tax imposed under this paragraph be expended, either directly or indirectly, to finance or involuntarily acquire any public utility as defined in W.S. 37-1-101 or any telecommunications system by condemnation or other legal process.". Page 20-after line 8 Insert and renumber: "(G) In no event shall any of the revenue collected from the tax imposed under this paragraph be expended, either directly or indirectly, to finance or involuntarily acquire any public utility as defined in W.S. 37-1-101 or any telecommunications system by condemnation or other legal process.". COE

HB0232SW002/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 3-line 23 After "(A)" delete balance of line. 337 Page 3-line 24 Delete "of this paragraph,". Page 6-line 8 Delete "or under subparagraph (F) of this". Page 6-line 9 Delete "paragraph". Page 7-lines 22 through 24 Delete and renumber. Page 8-lines 1 through 24 Delete. Page 9-lines 1 through 5 Delete. Page 9-line 7 Delete "(V)" insert "(F)"; delete "in the". Page 9-lines 8 through 11 Delete. Page 9-line 12 Delete through "terminated". Page 14-line 12 After "(A)" delete balance of line. Page 14-line 13 Delete "of this paragraph,". Page 16-line 21 Delete "or under subparagraph (F) of this". Page 16-line 22 Delete "paragraph". Page 17-line 10 Delete "or under subparagraph (F)" insert ";". Page 17-line 11 Delete. Page 18-lines 14 through 22 Delete and renumber. Page 19-lines 1 through 22 Delete. Page 20-line 1 Delete "(V)" insert "(F)"; delete "in the". Page 20-lines 2 through 5 Delete. Page 20-line 6 Delete through "terminated". SCHIFFER

HB0232SW003/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 24 Delete "portion" insert "(portion or specific percentage)". Page 13-line 10 Delete "portion" insert "(portion or specific percentage)". MEIER, SESSIONS

2/18/2005 S Passed CoW 2/22/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/23/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Cooper, Decaria, Hanes, Hawks, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Coe, Geis, Hines, Larson and Schiffer. Ayes 23 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 H Did Not Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Hinckley, Jorgensen, Miller and Wasserburger. Ayes 1 Nays 55 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 H Appointed JCC01 Members Representative(s) Lockhart, Buchanan and Robinson 2/25/2005 S Appointed JCC01 Members Senator(s) Hawks, Decaria and Geis

2/28/2005 H Adopted HB0232JC01

ROLL CALL AYES: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer. EXCUSED: Representative(s) Diercks, Jorgensen. 338 Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflict 0

3/1/2005 S Adopted HB0232JC01

339 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case and Hines. Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0232JC01/AA ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Adopt the following Senate amendments: HB0232SS001/AE HB0232SW001/AE HB0232SW002/AE Delete the following Senate amendments:

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0124 3/2/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0124 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0124 3/11/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0124 3/11/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0239 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0233 Hospitals-liability coverage.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brown, Bagby, Lubnau and Petersen and Senator(s) Barrasso and Vasey

AN ACT relating to county memorial hospitals and hospital districts; providing an appropriation to assist county memorial hospitals and hospital districts in joining the local government self-insurance program; specifying how the appropriation shall be used; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/19/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/26/2005 H07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie and Olsen Nays: Representative(s) Miller Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File 1/27/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/2/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Nays: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File HB0233HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 14 Delete entirely and insert "one million dollars ($1,000,000.00)". PHILP, CHAIRMAN

HB0233HW001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 2 After "to" insert "conduct a study and to". Page 1-line 15 After "to" insert "conduct a study and to". Page 2-line 1 After "." insert "Of this appropriation, an amount not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,00.00) shall be provided to the local government self-

340 insurance joint powers board to contract for a feasibility study to determine the potential liability exposures and feasibility of the participation of county memorial hospitals and hospital districts in the local government self-insurance program. The balance of". BROWN

2/3/2005 H Passed CoW 2/4/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/7/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) McOmie Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/8/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/15/2005 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson and Meier Nays: Senator(s) Mockler and Scott Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 S Placed on General File 2/16/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/24/2005 S02 Recommended Do Not Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines and Nicholas Excused: Senator(s) Job Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0234 Incest-penalty 1.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edwards and Luthi and Senator(s) Burns

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; providing a penalty for the crime of incest; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee


H.B. No. 0235 Liquor license-industry representative.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Anderson, R. and Senator(s) Mockler and Peck

AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; providing for industry representatives as specified; providing for licensure and fees; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 1/21/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gay, Harshman, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Excused: Representative(s) Gilmore Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0235HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 12 Delete the line through "($1,500.00)" insert "seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00)". Page 3-line 2 Delete "five hundred dollars ($500.00)" insert "two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00)". Page 3-line 9 After "a" insert "class C". Page 3-line 13 Delete "one hundred dollars ($100.00)" insert "fifty dollars ($50.00)". Page 3-line 15 Delete "or" insert ","; after "B" insert "or C". ANDERSON, R., CHAIRMAN

1/25/2005 H Passed CoW 1/26/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/27/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Iekel, Jackson, Robinson and Simpson. Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S03 2/3/2005 S03 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Cooper, Hawks, Mockler and Peck Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0235SW001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 3-lines 17 through 19 Delete and renumber. SCHIFFER

2/14/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0235S2001/FAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the Schiffer Committee of the Whole Amendment (HB0235SW001/AE) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 3-line 17 Delete "," insert "or"; delete "or C". MOCKLER


342 Page 1-line 12 Strike "commission may" insert "division shall". Page 2-line 1 Strike "commission" insert "division". Page 2-line 2 Strike "commission" insert "division". Page 2-line 7 Reinsert stricken "shall"; delete "may". Page 2-line 22 Delete "may" insert "shall". Page 3-line 10 Delete "may" insert "shall". BURNS, MASSIE

2/15/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/16/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Burns, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Meier, Northrup, Peck, Scott, Sessions, Townsend and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Boggs, Case, Coe, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Mockler, Nicholas, Ross, Schiffer and Vasey. Ayes 18 Nays 12 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 H Did Not Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Reese and Robinson. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 2 Nays 57 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 H Appointed JCC01 Members Representative(s) Anderson, R, Morgan and White 2/17/2005 S Appointed JCC01 Members Senator(s) Peck, Aullman and Job

2/24/2005 H Adopted HB0235JC01

ROLL CALL AYES: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer. EXCUSED: Representative(s) Jorgensen, Lockhart. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflict 0

2/24/2005 S Adopted HB0235JC01

343 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Meier and Schiffer. Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0235JC01/AA ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Adopt the following Senate amendments: HB0235S2002/AE Delete the following Senate amendments: HB0235SW001/AE Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows: Page 3-line 17 Delete ", B or C". ANDERSON, R., MORGAN, WHITE, PECK, AULLMAN, JOB

2/24/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0091 2/25/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0091 2/25/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0091 2/26/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0091 2/26/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0156 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0236 Liquor license-wholesale license fee.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Anderson, R., and Senator(s) Mockler and Peck

AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; increasing the license fee for malt beverages as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R. and Bucholz Nays: Representative(s) Gay, Harshman, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Excused: Representative(s) Gilmore Ayes 2 Nays 6 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0237 Child protection.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Robinson, Landon and White and Senator(s) Decaria, Massie and Sessions

AN ACT relating to children; modifying the review hearing dates; modifying requirements for permanency hearings; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 2/3/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

344 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Nays: Representative(s) Alden Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/24/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 S Placed on General File 2/25/2005 S Passed CoW 2/28/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 3/1/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0121 3/1/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0121 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0121 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0121 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0201 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0238 Liquor license-out of state shipper fee.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Anderson, R.and Senator(s) Mockler and Peck

AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; providing for a licensure fee for out-of-state shipment of wine as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/14/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/17/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 1/28/2005 H03 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gay, Gilmore, Harshman, Hastert and Walsh

345 Nays: Representative(s) Miller and Pedersen Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 H Placed on General File 1/31/2005 H Passed CoW 2/1/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/2/2005 H Failed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Barnard, Brechtel, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Gay, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Jorgensen, Lockhart, Luthi, Miller, Olsen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Samuelson, Walsh and Wasserburger. Nays: Representative(s) Bagby, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Warren, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 24 Nays 35 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0239 Schools-drug testing.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman, Goggles, Hinckley, Warren, Wasserburger and White

AN ACT relating to public schools; providing state assistance to school districts for drug testing programs; imposing duties upon the department of education and specifying application criteria; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04 1/27/2005 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Harshman, Hinckley, McOmie, Quarberg and Wasserburger Nays: Representative(s) Hammons and Semlek Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 H Placed on General File 1/28/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/2/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW


H.B. No. 0240 Establishment of public roads.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Olsen and Luthi and Senator(s) Cooper

AN ACT relating to the establishment of highways; exempting roads on public lands from procedure; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/27/2005 H05 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 H Placed on General File 1/27/2005 H Rereferred to H05 2/2/2005 H05 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/4/2005 H Passed CoW 2/7/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/8/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Bagby and Gilmore. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 57 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S08 2/15/2005 S08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Barrasso, Geis and Northrup Nays: Senator(s) Boggs and Von Flatern Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0240SW001/FAILED Page 2-line 8 After "1976" insert "which provide access for a private residence or agricultural operation". VON FLATERN, BOGGS

2/25/2005 S Passed CoW


347 Page 2–line 7 After "federal" insert "and state". DECARIA

HB0240S2002/FAILED Page 1–line 2 After ";" insert "providing for a sunset date;". Page 1–line 7 After "24-1-101(a)" insert "and by creating a new subsection (e)". Page 3–after line 23 Insert "This subsection is repealed effective June 30, 2007. (e) On and after January 1, 1924, all roads within this state shall be highways, which have been or may be declared by law to be state or county highways. It shall be the duty of the several boards of county commissioners, within their respective counties, prior to said date, to determine what, if any, such roads now or heretofore traveled but not heretofore officially established and recorded, are necessary or important for the public use as permanent roads, and to cause such roads to be recorded, or if need be laid out, established and recorded, and all roads recorded as aforesaid, shall be highways. No other roads shall be highways unless and until lawfully established as such by official authority. Except, nothing contained herein shall be construed as preventing the creation or establishment of a public highway right-of-way with reference to state and county highways under the common-law doctrines of adverse possession or prescription either prior to or subsequent to the enactment hereof. If any such board shall resolve the creation or establishment of a public highway right-of-way based upon the common-law doctrines of adverse possession or prescription, it shall, following the filing of a plat and accurate survey required in accordance with the terms and provisions of W.S. 24-3-109, proceed with the publication of the proposed road for three (3) successive weeks in three (3) successive issues of some official newspaper published in the county, if any such there be, and if no newspaper be published therein, such notice shall be posted in at least three (3) public places along the line of the proposed road, which notice shall be exclusive of all other notices and may be in the following form: To all whom it may concern: The board of county commissioners of .... county has resolved the creation and establishment of a public highway right-of-way under the common-law doctrine of prescription in that the road was constructed or substantially maintained by the (either the state or county) for general public use for a period of (ten years or longer) said road commencing at .... in .... county, Wyoming, running thence (here describe in general terms the points and courses thereof), and terminating at .... All objections thereto must be filed in writing with the county clerk of said county before noon on the .... day of .... A.D., ...., or such road will be established without reference to such objections...... County Clerk Dated .... A.D.". Page 4–line 1 After "2." insert "(a) Except for subsection (b) of this section, ". Page 4–after line 1 Insert: "(b) W.S. 24-1-101(e) is effective July 1, 2007.". BURNS

2/28/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 3/1/2005 S Failed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Case, Cooper, Geis, Jennings, Larson, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Schiffer, Scott and Townsend. Nays: Senator(s) Boggs, Burns, Coe, Decaria, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Job, Johnson, Massie, Mockler, Ross, Sessions, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 15 Nays 15 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0241 Distribution of funds to cities, towns and counties.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller, Latta, McOmie and Walsh

AN ACT relating to administration of government; providing for a distribution of funds to cities, towns and counties; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0242 Tobacco taxes-2.

Sponsored By: Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee 348

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for an increase in tobacco taxes as specified; providing for distribution; providing a continuous appropriation; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/19/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/27/2005 H10 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel and Osborn Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Martin and Morgan Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 5 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 H Placed on General File 1/27/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/2/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Simpson and Warren Nays: Representative(s) Philp Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/2/2005 H Rereferred to H03 2/4/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Gilmore, Harshman, Hastert and Pedersen Nays: Representative(s) Bucholz, Gay, Miller and Walsh Ayes 5 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW


H.B. No. 0243 Firefighters-dependents' tuition.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lubnau, Hinckley, Illoway and Simpson and Senator(s) Barrasso

AN ACT relating to firefighters; providing tuition free post-secondary education for specified dependents of firefighters who die in the line of duty; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04 1/25/2005 H04 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, McOmie, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0243HW001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 14 Delete "firemen" insert "firefighters". Page 2-line 4 Delete "fireman" insert "firefighter". Page 2-line 6 After "fire" insert "department or". Page 2-line 7 After "." insert "Upon request of a person claiming eligibility for free tuition under this section because of the death of a parent or other person responsible for the support of the person, the state fire marshal shall determine whether the decedent was a firefighter in the service of a paid or volunteer fire department or district in Wyoming, whether the decedent died while acting within the scope of his duties, the names of all his dependents and, if qualified for free tuition under this section, certify the name of the dependent to the University of Wyoming and to each community college.". LUBNAU

1/28/2005 H Passed CoW 1/31/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/1/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Bucholz and Lockhart. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/2/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S04 2/7/2005 S04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Coe, Jennings, Peck and Townsend Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0243SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 1 After "Wyoming" insert "for up to ten (10) semesters"; after "college" insert "for up to six (6) semesters". Page 2-line 2 Delete "for up to ten (10) semesters".

350 Page 2-line 3 Delete "under the age of twenty-two (22) years". Page 2-line 7 After "Wyoming." insert "If the surviving dependent first enrolls in a community college and then transfers to the University of Wyoming, the free tuition and fees shall continue until the dependent has completed a cumulative total of ten (10) semesters at the community college and the university. In order to qualify for the benefit under this section, a surviving dependent shall be under twenty-two (22) years of age at the time of the death of the parent or other person responsible for the support of that dependent.". Page 2-line 16 Delete "name" insert "eligibility". COE, CHAIRMAN

2/25/2005 S Passed CoW 2/28/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 3/1/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen, Latta and Reese. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0129 3/2/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0129 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0129 3/15/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0129 3/15/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0248 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0244 Municipal officers' citation authority.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Martin, Latta, McOmie and Walsh and Senator(s) Boggs and Ross

AN ACT relating to cities and towns; authorizing municipal officers to issue citations to or arrest persons as specified; conforming provisions; providing limitations; providing a definition; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/21/2005 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Latta, Martin, McOmie and Miller Nays: Representative(s) Gingery and Illoway Excused: Representative(s) Olsen Ayes 6 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File


351 Page 1-line 2 Delete "or arrest". Page 1-line 10 Delete ", 7-8-101 by creating a new subsection (b)". Page 1-line 15 Delete "arresting" insert "issuing". Page 2-lines 4 through 9 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 1 Delete "or arrest" insert "to". Page 3-line 3 Delete "any arrest by"; after "officer" insert "who is not a certified peace officer"; after "shall" insert not have the power to arrest a person except as authorized under W.S. 7-8-101(a).". Page 3-lines 4 through 7 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 8 Delete "or regulations.". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

1/25/2005 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Diercks, Gilmore, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Landon, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Morgan, Olsen, Reese, Simpson, Thompson, Warren, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Jones, Jorgensen, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Meuli, Miller, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Walsh and Wasserburger. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Robinson. Ayes 21 Nays 37 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0245 Marriage license application expiration.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Barnard, Davison and Petersen and Senator(s) Decaria

AN ACT relating to marriage licenses; providing an expiration date for marriage licenses issued as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 2/3/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Watt and White Excused: Representative(s) Alden, Buchanan and Robinson Ayes 6 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/24/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions

352 Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0246 Dog safety restraint devices.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Warren and Hinckley

AN ACT relating to dogs being carried on vehicles; prohibiting dogs being carried on vehicles without specified restraint devices; providing a penalty; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 H Bill Withdrawn by Sponsor

H.B. No. 0247 Minors possessing tobacco.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman, Hinckley, Watt and White and Senator(s) Barrasso and Vasey

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; modifying penalties for minors possessing tobacco; modifying penalties for minors purchasing tobacco; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0248 Minors possessing alcohol or controlled substances.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman, Hinckley, Watt and White and Senator(s) Barrasso and Vasey

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; modifying penalties for minors possessing alcohol or being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances; modifying penalties for the offense of providing alcohol to minors; modifying penalties for minors with detectable alcohol concentrations operating vehicles; requiring substance abuse assessments; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/28/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Excused: Representative(s) Alden Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0248HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 6 After "vehicles;" insert "requiring municipal ordinances for unlawful possession of alcohol by a minor to subject offenders to specified penalties and sentencing requirements;". Page 1-line 11 Delete "7-13-1302,". Page 1-line 12 Delete "and (c)" insert ", (c), (d) and by creating new subsections (f) and (g)". Page 1-line 14 Delete entirely. Page 2-lines 1 through 11 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 23 Delete "less than five". 353 Page 2-line 24 Delete the line through "nor". Page 3-line 11 After "not" delete balance of line. Page 3-line 12 Delete the line through "nor". Page 3-line 16 Delete "five hundred dollars ($500.00)" insert "two hundred dollars ($200.00)". Page 3-line 24 Delete "under W.S. 7-13-1302" insert "conducted by a substance abuse provider certified by the department of health pursuant to W.S. 9-2-2701(c) at or before sentencing". Page 4-line 1 Delete "any" insert "a second or subsequent". Page 4-line 11 After "not" delete balance of line. Page 4-line 16 Delete "five hundred dollars ($500.00)" insert "two hundred dollars ($200.00)". Page 4-After line 22 Insert: "(d) Any person who violates this section, or aids, abets or incites any violation hereof, is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable to the same extent as the principal offense. (f) For any fine imposed under this section, the court may allow the defendant to perform community service and be granted credit against his fine and court costs at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) for each hour of work performed. (g) Notwithstanding any other court rule or provision of law, any minor charged with a violation of subsection (b) or (c) of this section shall appear in court with a parent or legal guardian and shall not be permitted to forfeit bond in lieu of appearance.". Page 5-line 6 Reinsert stricken language and delete all new language. Page 5-line 7 Delete "more than'. Page 5-line 13 Delete "five hundred dollars ($500.00)" insert "two hundred dollars ($200.00)". Page 5-line 20 Strike "may" insert "shall". Page 5-line 21 Delete "under W.S. 7-13-1302" insert "conducted by a substance abuse provider certified by the department of health pursuant to W.S. 9-2-2701(c) at or before sentencing". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

2/2/2005 H Passed CoW 2/3/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/4/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Childers, Hageman and Hastert. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0249 Methamphetamine ingredient control.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Bucholz

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act; providing for denial of release on bail for specified violations; providing procedures for sale of psuedoephedrine; establishing an amount of product that may be acquired within certain period of time; providing exceptions; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Martin and Morgan Nays: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson

354 Ayes 2 Nays 6 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0250 Theft of fuel.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Meuli

ACT relating to crimes and offenses; providing penalties for theft of fuel; providing for suspension of driver's license on conviction of theft of fuel; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 1/26/2005 H08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Nays: Representative(s) Gilmore Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0250HW001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 3 After ";" insert "correcting an omission in citation;" Page 1-line 9 After "(f)" delete "and" insert ","; delete "(a)(intro), (ii)(B)" insert "(e)". Page 1-line 10 Delete "paragraph (iii)" insert "subsection (n) and 31-9-401(f)". Page 3-lines 8 through 22 Delete entirely and insert: "(e) Any person whose driver's license or nonresident operating privilege has been suspended shall, for a three (3) year period beginning on the date of suspension, file and maintain proof of financial responsibility as required in W.S. 31-9-401 through 31-9-414. The requirement for filing and maintaining proof of financial responsibility under this subsection does not apply to a suspension under subsections (f), and (g) or (n) of this section. (n) The division shall suspend the license or nonresident operating privilege of any driver upon receiving a record of the driver's conviction under W.S. 6-3-402(f), a similar local ordinance or a similar statute or ordinance in another jurisdiction for: (i) Ninety (90) days, for the first conviction; (ii) Six (6) months for each second or subsequent conviction under W.S. 6-3-402(f). 31-9-401. Suspension and revocation of license and registrations until proof maintained; when proof required. (f) Subsections (a) through (e) of this section do not apply to the suspension of a license or nonresident operating privilege under W.S. 31-7-128(f), (g) or (n).". MEULI

1/27/2005 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Berger, Edwards, Gay, Hageman, Harshman, Meuli, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Samuelson, Slater, Warren, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Esquibel, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Thompson and Walsh. Excused: Representative(s) Hastert, Iekel, Jackson and Wasserburger. Ayes 17 Nays 39 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0251 Child support abatement-weekends defined.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Robinson, Goggles, McOmie, Miller and Simpson and Senator(s) Case, Decaria, Peck and Sessions

355 AN ACT relating to child support; defining "weekend" for purposes of child support abatement; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 2/2/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Landon, Lubnau, Robinson, Watt and White Nays: Representative(s) Alden and Buchanan Excused: Representative(s) Olsen Ayes 6 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/24/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 S Placed on General File 2/25/2005 S Passed CoW 2/28/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 3/1/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0122 3/1/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0122 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0122 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0122 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0204 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0252 State water pollution control account.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Latta

356 AN ACT relating to water pollution; amending the state water pollution control revolving loan account as specified; authorizing certain entities to be eligible to receive funding from the account; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 1/27/2005 H09 Recommended Do Pass

357 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 H Placed on General File 1/31/2005 H Passed CoW 2/1/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/2/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/2/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 2/4/2005 S09 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Townsend and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 S Placed on General File 2/22/2005 S Passed CoW 2/23/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/24/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0088 2/25/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0088 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0088 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number 2/25/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0088

Chapter No. 0151 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0253 Apprenticeship programs.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Martin and Thompson and Senator(s) Case, Johnson, Meier and Ross

AN ACT relating to public works projects; requiring the use of apprentices on public works projects as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/31/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn

358 Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0253HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 3 After "an" insert "approved". OSBORN, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2005 H Passed CoW 2/4/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/7/2005 H Laid Back Pursuant to HR 9-3

HB0253H3002/ADOPTED Page 1-line 1 Delete "requiring the" insert "authorizing a preference in bid consideration for contractors who". Page 1-line 2 Delete "of"; after ";" insert "providing reporting requirements; providing penalties;". Page 2-line 5 Delete "requirement" insert "preference". Page 2-line 6 Delete "requirement" insert "preference"; after "that" insert "is given to public works contract bidders who commit to ensure". Page 2-line 7 After "hours" insert "will". Page 3-line 8 Delete "all specifications shall require" insert "a contractor who commits to ensure". Page 3-line 10 After "apprentices" insert "shall have his bid considered as if his bid were one percent (1%) lower than the actual dollar value of his bid. The contractor awarded a contract under this section, after consideration of all other applicable preferences under this chapter, shall be awarded the contract at the actual dollar value of his bid under this section". Page 3-line 13 Delete "State" insert "States". Page 3-line 16 After "may' delete balance of line. Page 3-line 17 Delete "requirements" insert "find good cause exists to excuse a contractor who has been awarded a public works contract after committing to ensure that not less than ten percent (10%) of the labor hours on the project will be performed by apprentices as provided in subsection (a)". Page 3-line 19 After "reasons" insert "was the basis for his failure to meet the apprentice work provisions agreed to in the contract". Page 4-line 5 Delete "participating contractors have" insert "contractor has". Page 4-line 7 Delete "have" insert "has". Page 4-line 12 After "contractor" insert "awarded a contract under this section". Page 4-line 13 Delete "requirement" insert "preference provisions". Page 4-line 14 After "of" insert "total". Page 4-line 15 Delete the line through "trade". Page 4-line 16 Delete the line through "trade"; after "." insert "The contractor shall report to the department within fifteen (15) days after completion of the project, providing a statement describing compliance with the provisions of subsection (a) of this section if he received preferential consideration of his bid based on a commitment to ensure the specified total labor hours on the project would be performed by apprentices. The department shall report to the agency that awarded the contract, any contractor who received preferential consideration of his bid based on a commitment to ensure the specified total labor hours would be performed by apprentices on a project and who fails to file such report, or who fails to meet the total labor hours commitment for apprentices specified in his bid. Any contractor failing to file a report or failing to meet the total labor hours requirement for apprentices specified in his bid shall forfeit one percent (1%) of the total project cost to the state agency that awarded the contract, which amount shall be credited to the account from which the project was funded, unless good cause is shown as provided in subsection (b) of this section.". Page 5-line 5 Delete ", categorized by trade or craft". Page 5-After line 8 Insert: "(f) The department shall examine the need for creation of a state apprenticeship council to assist employers with expanded apprenticeship program development and report its recommendations to the joint labor, health and social services interim committee no later than October 1, 2005.". Page 5-line 10 Delete "(f)" insert "(g)". Page 5-line 18 Delete "2005" insert "2006". HASTERT, HINCKLEY, LANDON, SIMPSON 359

2/8/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Bucholz, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Buchanan, Childers, Jones, Lubnau, Philp, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger. Excused: Representative(s) Hammons, Jackson, Jorgensen and Watt. Ayes 48 Nays 8 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/18/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 2/24/2005 S09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Townsend and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0253SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 4-line 2 After "(b)" delete balance of line and insert: "Following award of a contract under subsection (a) of this section, the department may, upon a demonstration of good cause shown by the contractor, excuse the contractor from the requirement that not less than ten percent (10%) of the labor hours on a specific project be performed by apprentices.". Page 4-lines 3 thru 24 Delete. Page 7-line 10 Delete "July" insert "January". HAWKS, CHAIRMAN

2/25/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0253S2001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 7-line 2 Delete "On" insert "By"; after "year" insert "beginning in 2007". MASSIE

2/28/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 3/1/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Coe, Larson, Schiffer and Townsend. Ayes 26 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Lubnau and Quarberg. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen, Latta and Reese. Ayes 55 Nays 2 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0130 3/2/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0130 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0130 360 3/9/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0130 3/9/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 00226 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0254 Public defender's office-amendments.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Simpson and Buchanan and Senator(s) Nicholas and Ross

AN ACT relating to the state public defender's office; amending budget provisions of the state public defender's office as specified; limiting payment of costs of a defendant who retains outside counsel as specified; making conforming amendments; eliminating a limitation on receipt of federal funds; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 2/4/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) McOmie Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0255 State employees' lodging expenses.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Berger, Davison, Gilmore, Iekel, Landon and Meuli and Senator(s) Burns and Mockler

AN ACT relating to travel expenses for state officers and employees; amending lodging and meal expense reimbursement for state officers and employees traveling on official business of the state; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02 1/27/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp and Warren Excused: Representative(s) Simpson Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

361 1/27/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0255HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 6 After "on" delete balance of the line and insert "October 1, to an". Page 2-line 7 Delete "percentage" insert "amount"; after "the" delete balance of the line and insert "federal travel rates as established through the United States general services administration.". Page 2-lines 8 through 11 Delete all new language. Page 2-line 16 Strike "destination" insert "previous day's". PHILP, CHAIRMAN

1/31/2005 H Passed CoW 2/1/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/2/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/3/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S02 2/14/2005 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Hines, Job and Nicholas Conflicts: Senator(s) Case Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

2/14/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0255SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-lines 5 thru 8 Delete. Page 2-line 9 Delete "administration.". HINES, CHAIRMAN

HB0255SW001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 4 After "state;" insert "providing for a report;". Page 2-line 4 After "." insert "Not later than November 1 of each year the state auditor shall submit to the joint appropriations interim committee a report of the current federal travel rates, together with a recommendation for the maintenance, increase or decrease in travel expenses for state agencies.". NICHOLAS

2/16/2005 S Passed CoW 2/17/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/18/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Conflicts: Senator(s) Case Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

2/22/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, 362 Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Anderson, R. and Jorgensen. Absent: Representative(s) Hastert Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0070 2/23/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0070 2/23/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0070 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0070 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0140 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0256 Use of mobile communication while driving.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Esquibel

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; prohibiting the use of cellular and satellite telephones while driving; providing exceptions; providing definitions; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/19/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Esquibel and Walsh Nays: Representative(s) Edwards, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater and Zwonitzer Ayes 2 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0257 University securities law.

Sponsored By: Select Committee on Capital Financing and Investments

AN ACT relating to the university securities law; authorizing additional investments of pledged revenues and bond proceeds by the University of Wyoming; removing and modifying restrictions on interest rates on bonds issued by the University of Wyoming; removing and modifying other restrictions on the issuance, refunding and payment of such bonds; repealing archaic language; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H12 1/21/2005 H12 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Illoway, Luthi, Martin, Osborn, Reese, Simpson, Thompson and Wasserburger Absent: Representative(s) Anderson, R. and Robinson Excused: Representative(s) Cohee and Philp Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 2 Conflicts 0

1/21/2005 H Placed on General File 1/26/2005 H Passed CoW 1/27/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/28/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL 363 Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson, Latta and Samuelson. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 S Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S12 2/15/2005 S12 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hines, Job, Larson, Mockler and Schiffer Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 S Placed on General File 2/17/2005 S Passed CoW 2/18/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/22/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0075 2/23/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0075 2/23/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0075 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0075 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0143 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0258 Branch and automated pharmacies.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Anderson, R. and Senator(s) Johnson

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Pharmacy Act; authorizing branch pharmacies and automated pharmacy systems as specified; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 2/2/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0258HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-Above line 1 In the catch title, delete "Branch and automated pharmacies" insert "Telepharmacies". Page 1-line 2 Delete the line through "systems" insert "telepharmacies". Page 1-line 10 Delete "Remote pharmacy" insert "Telepharmacy". Page 1-line 14 Delete "either"; delete "branch"; delete "or an automated pharmacy".

364 Page 1-line 15 Delete "system". Page 2-line 2 After "(b)" delete balance of the line and insert "Telepharmacies". Page 2-line 5 After "storage" insert ", security". Page 3-line 1 Delete "branch pharmacy or automated pharmacy" insert "telepharmacy". Page 3-line 6 After "one" delete balance of the line and insert "(1) telepharmacy". Page 3-line 7 Delete "pharmacy system". Page 3-line 21 After "(i)" delete balance of the line and insert ""Direct supervision" means that a licensed pharmacist shall be physically present and capable of observing the actions of a pharmacy technician except at telepharmacies where video oversight is maintained;". Page 3-lines 22 and 23 Delete entirely. Page 4-lines 1 and 2 Delete entirely. Page 4-line 4 Delete "Branch pharmacy" insert "Telepharmacy". Page 4-line 7 Delete "parent pharmacy" insert "pharmacist". Page 4-lines 16 though 19 Delete entirely. Page 4-line 21 Delete "(v)" insert "(iv)". OSBORN, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0258H2001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 13 Delete "practice telepharmacy" insert "store and dispense prescription drugs as provided in subsection (b) of this section". Page 1-line 14 Delete "pharmacy" insert "telepharmacy". ANDERSON, R.

2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/11/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/18/2005 S10 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria, Massie and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 S Placed on General File 2/24/2005 S Passed CoW 2/25/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/28/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0111 3/1/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0111 3/1/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0111 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0111 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

365 Chapter No. 0192 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0259 Preference points for big game.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Simpson, Childers, Gay and Olsen and Senator(s) Coe

AN ACT relating to game and fish; requiring the game and fish commission to establish preference point programs for hunting licenses as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/17/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/18/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0260 DUI-child endangerment.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley, Berger, Brown, Harshman, Harvey, Iekel, Jorgensen, Pedersen, Warren, Watt and White and Senator(s) Boggs, Johnson and Massie

AN ACT relating to driving under the influence; providing additional penalties for driving under the influence with a child in the vehicle; providing for investigation by child protective services; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/19/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/19/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 1/27/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Excused: Representative(s) Alden Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0260HS001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-line 8 Delete "7-13-1302,". Page 1-line 14 Delete entirely. Page 2-lines 1 through 10 Delete entirely. Page 4-line 4 Delete "twenty (20)" insert "five (5)". Page 5-line 8 Delete "twenty (20)" insert "five (5)". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2005 H Passed CoW 2/4/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/7/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0261 Common law marriages. 366

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Esquibel, Diercks and Walsh and Senator(s) Job

AN ACT relating to marriage; providing for recognition of common law marriages; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/19/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/24/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0262 Aeronautics amendments.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edwards and Senator(s) Barrasso

AN ACT relating to the aeronautics commission; amending requirements relating to the authority of the aeronautics commission; eliminating specified requirements for bonding by airport boards; repealing requirements for air taxi and aerial hunting registration; repealing penalties for failure to comply with registration requirements; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/19/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/25/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 1/28/2005 H08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 1/28/2005 H Placed on General File 1/31/2005 H Passed CoW 2/1/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/2/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Meuli Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/2/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S08 2/8/2005 S08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Geis, Northrup and Von Flatern Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0262SS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 4 Delete "air taxi and". Page 1-line 5 After "registration;" insert "repealing obsolete provisions;". BARRASSO, CHAIRMAN

2/24/2005 S Passed CoW 2/25/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/28/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading


ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Latta.

Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0115 3/1/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0115 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0115 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0115 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0207 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0263 Dispatchers-training requirements.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edwards and Senator(s) Barrasso

AN ACT relating to law enforcement dispatchers; authorizing the peace officers standards and training commission to establish standards for employment of dispatchers as specified; providing for revocation of certification; conforming provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/19/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/25/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 2/4/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

368 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0263HS001/ADOPTED Page 5-line 1 Delete "immediately upon" insert "July 1, 2005.". Page 5-lines 2 through 4 Delete entirely. LANDON, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/11/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0264 Bingo regulation.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Childers and Senator(s) Burns

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; amending the definition of bingo as an activity excluded from the definition of gambling; differentiating between traditional bingo and nontraditional bingo; specifying entities authorized to conduct bingo games; providing for permitting and licensing and specifying conditions for nontraditional bingo; providing for fees; authorizing cities, towns and counties to prohibit or restrict nontraditional bingo activities; providing for a sunset of certain provisions; requiring reports; providing a statement of legislative intent; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/19/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/19/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Childers and Reese Nays: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Slater, Thompson and Zwonitzer Ayes 2 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)


H.B. No. 0265 Teacherages-exemption from property taxes.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Olsen, Thompson, Walsh and Wasserburger and Senator(s) Decaria

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; exempting teacherages from property taxation as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/19/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/21/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0266 Water funding-High Savery reservoir account.

Sponsored By: Select Water Committee

AN ACT relating to water development; providing for certain water development debt service accounts as specified; providing for funding procedures for the accounts; providing for the deposit of certain revenues; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/19/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/19/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/25/2005 H05 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 H Placed on General File 1/27/2005 H Passed CoW 1/28/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/31/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Martin Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 2/4/2005 S05 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Johnson, Meier, Northrup and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 S Placed on General File 2/10/2005 S Passed CoW 2/11/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/14/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading


370 Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0027 2/15/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0027 2/16/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0027 2/18/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0027 2/18/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0048 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0267 Wyoming Fair Housing Act.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Esquibel, Goggles, Morgan and Petersen and Senator(s) Burns, Job, Mockler and Vasey

AN ACT relating to housing discrimination; defining prohibited practices; providing for conciliation and hearings; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/19/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/20/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0268 Parole eligibility.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Watt

AN ACT relating to parole; modifying restrictions on parole eligibility; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/19/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/19/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0269 School facilities-major maintenance payments.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Powers, Harshman and Wasserburger and Senator(s) Cooper and Ross

AN ACT relating to school facilities; specifying district major maintenance payment expenditures from the required separate account; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/19/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/19/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04 2/2/2005 H04 Recommended Do Pass

371 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, McOmie, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S04 2/14/2005 S04 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Coe, Jennings, Peck and Townsend Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 S Placed on General File 2/25/2005 S Passed CoW 2/28/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0269S3001/FAILED Page 2-line 11 Delete line through "if". Page 2-line 12 Before "." insert "and if the commission approves the expenditure following a determination that the expenditure is cost-effective, including consideration of all overhead costs associated with such district personnel, and that no additional district personnel are employed either temporarily or permanently for purposes of any one (1) or series of major maintenance projects". VON FLATERN

3/1/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Larson, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend and Vasey. Nays: Senator(s) Job, Massie, Mockler and Von Flatern. Conflicts: Senator(s) Aullman Ayes 25 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0123 3/1/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0123 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0123 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0123 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0206 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0270 Public records management.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller, Alden and Pedersen

372 AN ACT relating to public records; authorizing the preservation of specified public records using the latest state of the art technology; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/19/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/20/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 2/2/2005 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Nays: Representative(s) Illoway Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0270HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 18 Delete "conversion" insert "converted record". Page 3-line 21 Delete "covert" insert "convert". Page 7-line 10 Delete "conversion" insert "converted record". Page 7-line 11 Delete "conversion" insert "converted record". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

HB0270HW001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 2 Delete "the latest" insert "appropriate". Page 1-line 3 Delete the line through "art". Page 1-line 13 Delete "latest" insert "appropriate". Page 1-line 14 Delete the line through "art". Page 2-line 14 Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "or". Page 2-line 15 Delete "the latest state of the art" insert "appropriate". Page 2-line 18 Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "or". Page 3-line 4 Delete "the latest" insert "appropriate". Page 3-line 5 Delete the line through "art". Page 3-line 16 Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "or". Page 3-line 20 Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "or"; delete "the latest state of the art" insert "appropriate". Page 3-line 21 Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "or". Page 3-line 24 Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "and". Page 4-line 1 Delete the line through "art" insert "appropriate". Page 4-line 5 Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "or". Page 4-line 7 Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "and". Page 4-line 8 Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "and". Page 4-line 9 Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "and". Page 4-line 10 Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "or". Page 4-line 13 Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "or". Page 4-line 14 Delete the line through "art" insert "appropriate"; reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "or". Page 5-line 1 After "using" delete balance of the line and insert "appropriate". Page 6-line 1 Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "and". Page 6-line 12 Delete "the" insert "appropriate". Page 6-line 13 Delete the line through "art". Page 6-line 19 After "using" delete balance of the line and insert "appropriate". Page 6-line 20 Delete "the art". Page 7-line 2 After "using" delete balance of the line and insert "appropriate". Page 7-line 6 Delete "the latest state of the art" insert "appropriate". Page 7-line 17 Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "or". Page 7-line 20 Reinsert stricken language; after reinserted language insert "or". Page 7-line 24 Delete the line through "art" insert "appropriate". Page 8-line 5 Delete "the" insert "appropriate". Page 8-line 6 Delete the line through "art". Page 8-line 22 After "using" delete balance of the line and insert "appropriate". Page 8-line 23 Delete "art". Page 9-line 21 Delete "the latest state of the art" insert "appropriate". 373 Page 10-line 14 Reinsert stricken language; after "copies" insert "or copies". Page 10-line 15 Delete "the latest state of the art" insert "appropriate". Page 11-line 6 Delete "the latest" insert "appropriate". Page 11-line 7 Delete the line through "art". Page 12-line 2 Delete "latest" insert "appropriate". Page 12-line 3 Delete the line through "art". MILLER

2/4/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0270H2001/FAILED Page 12-line 10 Delete "July 1, 2005" insert "July 1, 2007". ROBINSON

2/7/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0270H3001/FAILED Page 12-line 10 Delete "July 1, 2005" insert "July 1, 2007". ROBINSON

2/8/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Edwards, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hastert, Hinckley, Jones, Latta, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater and Walsh. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Berger, Brechtel, Diercks, Esquibel, Gilmore, Harshman, Harvey, Iekel, Illoway, Landon, Lubnau, Meuli, Morgan, Reese, Robinson, Thompson, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Hammons, Jackson, Jorgensen and Watt. Ayes 35 Nays 21 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/15/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/22/2005 S07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Meier, Mockler and Scott Nays: Senator(s) Johnson Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0271 Public shooting ranges funding.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley, Diercks, Luthi, Morgan and Samuelson and Senator(s) Jennings

AN ACT relating to public shooting ranges; providing for awarding of grants for development of public shooting range facilities and programs as specified; providing for an advisory board; providing for rules and regulations; providing initial appropriations and for the continuous appropriation of funds; and providing for an effective date.

1/18/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/19/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/19/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 2/2/2005 H06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Reese, Slater, Thompson and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File


374 Page 1-line 5 Delete "initial appropriations and". Page 1-line 6 After "funds;" insert "requiring a report;". Page 2-line 15 After "public" delete balance of line. Page 2-line 16 Delete the line through "use". Page 9-lines 23 and 24 Delete entirely. Page 10-lines 1 through 12 Delete entirely. Page 10-line 14 Delete "(c)". Page 10-line 15 Before "commission" insert "game and fish". Page 10-line 18 Before "account" insert "Wyoming public shooting range development". CHILDERS, CHAIRMAN

HB0271HW001/FAILED Page 1-line 4 After "regulations;" insert "providing an appropriation;". Page 9-After line 21 Insert: "(a) There is appropriated thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) to be used by the shooting range development advisory board to analyze the extent of the need for shooting range development in Wyoming. This analysis may include an inventory of existing shooting ranges in Wyoming, their funding needs, availability to the public, and an inventory of locations where adequate ranges do not exist to meet public demand. The analysis may also include an investigation of other funding sources available for shooting range creation and development. By September 1, 2005, the board shall provide a report to the joint travel, recreation, wildlife and cultural resources interim committee summarizing its analysis and providing recommendations regarding future funding of a public shooting range development program.". Page 10-line 14 Before "By" insert "(b)". CHILDERS, HINCKLEY

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0271H2001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 4 After "regulations;" insert "providing an appropriation;". Page 1-line 5 Delete "initial appropriations and". Page 1-line 6 After "funds;" insert "requiring a report;". Page 2-line 15 After "public" delete balance of line. Page 2-line 16 Delete the line through "use". Page 9-After line 21 Insert: "(a) There is appropriated thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) to be used by the shooting range development advisory board to analyze the extent of the need for shooting range development in Wyoming. This analysis may include an inventory of existing shooting ranges in Wyoming, their funding needs, availability to the public, and an inventory of locations where adequate ranges do not exist to meet public demand. The analysis may also include an investigation of other funding sources available for shooting range creation and development. By September 1, 2005, the board shall provide a report to the joint travel, recreation, wildlife and cultural resources interim committee summarizing its analysis and providing recommendations regarding future funding of a public shooting range development program.". Page 9-lines 23 and 24 Delete entirely. Page 10-lines 1 through 12 Delete entirely. Page 10-line 14 Delete "(c)" insert "(b)". Page 10-line 15 Before "commission" insert "game and fish". Page 10-line 18 Before "account" insert "Wyoming public shooting range development". CHILDERS, HINCKLEY, PHILP

2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Jackson, Jones, McOmie, Olsen, Philp, Quarberg and Wasserburger. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 44 Nays 15 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 375

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/11/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S06 2/17/2005 S06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Massie, Ross and Von Flatern Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 S Placed on General File 2/24/2005 S Rereferred to S02 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0272 Coal beneficiation facilities-tax exemptions.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edwards and Lockhart and Senator(s) Anderson, J.

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; creating a sales and use tax exemption for new coal gasification or coal liquefaction facilities as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/20/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/25/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 1/31/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gay, Gilmore, Harshman, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0272HS001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 12 Delete "January 1, 2006" insert "July 1, 2005". ANDERSON, R., CHAIRMAN

HB0272HW001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 3 After "specified;" insert "providing for annual reports;". Page 3-After line 10 Insert: "Section 2. (a) The Wyoming business council and the department of revenue shall jointly report on or before December 1 of each year the exemption provided by this act is in effect to the joint minerals, business and economic development interim committee and the joint revenue interim committee. The report shall evaluate the cumulative effects of the exemption from initiation of the exemption and shall include: (i) A history of employment in the coal gasification and coal liquefaction industry in terms of numbers of employees, full-time and part-time employees, and rate of turnover; (ii) A history of wages and benefits disaggregated by gender for each job category; and (iii) A comprehensive history of taxes paid to the state of Wyoming by companies in the coal gasification and coal liquefaction industry.". Page 3-line 12 Delete "2" insert "3". HASTERT

2/3/2005 H Passed CoW 2/4/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/7/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer.

376 Nays: Representative(s) Esquibel, Reese and Robinson. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 56 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/14/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S03 2/17/2005 S03 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Hawks and Peck Nays: Senator(s) Mockler Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 3 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0273 Water permits-mapping.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Samuelson, Brown and Hageman

AN ACT relating to water permits; providing requirements for nonelectronic mapping as specified; providing exemptions from map and plan certification requirements; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/20/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/20/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 1/25/2005 H05 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 H Placed on General File 1/27/2005 H Passed CoW 1/28/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 1/31/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Martin Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 2/4/2005 S05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Johnson, Meier, Northrup and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW


H.B. No. 0274 Service of process fees.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brechtel

AN ACT relating to service of process; increasing fees that may be assessed for service of process as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/20/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/20/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 2/4/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen and White Nays: Representative(s) Robinson Excused: Representative(s) Alden and Bagby Ayes 5 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0275 Methamphetamine initiative planning study.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Osborn, Cohee, Gay, Gilmore, Goggles, Harvey, Hastert, Latta, Lockhart, Luthi, Simpson, Walsh and Watt and Senator(s) Anderson, J., Cooper and Jennings

AN ACT relating to controlled substances; authorizing a methamphetamine initiative planning study as specified; requiring a report; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/20/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/20/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/27/2005 H10 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/27/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0275HW001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 13 After "to" insert "the governor's substance abuse and violent crime advisory board,". OSBORN

1/31/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/2/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0275HW002/ADOPTED Page 2-line 10 After "by" insert "the department of health,". Page 2-line 15 Delete "abuse" insert "use". Page 2-line 16 Delete "abuse" insert "use"; after "of" insert "existing". 378 Page 2-line 17 After "available" insert "and potential treatment beds in health care and detention facilities in the state". Page 2-line 21 After "intensive" insert "and other types of". Page 3-line 6 Delete "treatment"; after "options" insert "regarding programs and facilities". Page 3-line 8 Delete "abuse" insert "use". Page 3-line 9 After "by" insert "geographic". Page 3-line 15 Delete "and" insert ",". Page 3-line 16 After "committee" insert "and any select committee studying mental health and substance abuse services". Page 3-line 18 Delete "address" insert "review". Page 3-line 19 Delete "proposed" insert "identified". SIMPSON

HB0275HW003/ADOPTED Page 2-line 22 Delete "." insert ";". Page 2-After line 22 Insert: "(v) Examine the existing capacity and procedures for conducting and completing substance abuse evaluations ordered for methamphetamine use, abuse or distribution under W.S. 7-13-1032, including the number of qualified evaluators available and conducting evaluations in the state, the costs associated with the evaluations and any recommendations to improve the capacity, quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the evaluation process, as necessary.". WARREN

2/4/2005 H Passed CoW 2/7/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/8/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Quarberg Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/14/2005 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria, Massie and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/16/2005 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Hines, Job and Nicholas Nays: Senator(s) Case Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 S Placed on General File

379 HB0275SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 7 After "employed" insert "in Wyoming and elsewhere". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

HB0275SS002/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1–line 10 Delete "one hundred thousand". Page 1–line 11 Delete "dollars ($100,000.00)" insert "fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00)". HINES, CHAIRMAN

2/18/2005 S Passed CoW 2/22/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/23/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Mockler Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Landon, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Edwards, Harshman, Jones, Jorgensen, Latta, Lockhart, Philp, Simpson and Warren. Ayes 51 Nays 0 Excused 9 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0084 2/24/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0084 2/24/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0084 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0084 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0135 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0276 Women's right to know.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Brechtel, Anderson, Davison, Gay, Gingery, Hastert, Harvey and Petersen and Senator(s) Jennings and Meier

AN ACT relating to women's health information; requiring informed consent for abortion; providing licensing, civil and criminal penalties for noncompliance as specified; providing for publication of informational materials; requiring reports to the department of health; requiring statistical reports from the department of health; granting rulemaking authority; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/20/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/20/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee


H.B. No. 0277 Wyoming partnership challenge loan program.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hageman and Buchanan

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming partnership challenge loan program; amending the definition of "economic disaster" to reduce the economic impact threshold; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/20/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/20/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 1/31/2005 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0277HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 5 Delete "one million two hundred thousand dollars ($1,200,000.00)" insert "one million dollars ($1,000,000.00)". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN

2/3/2005 H Passed CoW 2/4/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/7/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/8/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/18/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 2/24/2005 S09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Townsend and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0277SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-line 12 Delete "July 1, 2005" insert "immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution". HAWKS, CHAIRMAN

2/25/2005 S Passed CoW 2/28/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 3/1/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Case, Coe, Hawks, Job, Larson, Massie, Mockler and Scott. Ayes 21 Nays 9 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0


3/1/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen, Latta and Reese. Ayes 57 Nays 0 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0131 3/2/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0131 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0131 3/15/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0131 3/15/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0249 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0278 Teacher recruiting assistance.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Semlek and Senator(s) Schiffer

AN ACT relating to school districts; providing assistance to districts to adjust teacher compensation to enhance teacher recruiting efforts; delegating duties to the department of education; imposing reporting requirements; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/20/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/20/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04 2/2/2005 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, McOmie, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger Nays: Representative(s) Bucholz Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/3/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/4/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(S) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp and Warren Excused: Representative Simpson Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0279 Collateral source payments.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Meuli and Senator(s) Anderson, J.

AN ACT relating to civil actions; authorizing the introduction of evidence with respect to whether collateral source payments have been received in medical liability cases as specified; authorizing a reduction of damages as specified; providing a definition; and providing for an effective date.

1/19/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/20/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/20/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 382 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0280 Career-technical education study.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wasserburger

AN ACT relating to career-technical education; creating and providing for a task force to conduct a study of career- technical education in Wyoming; specifying study content areas; establishing a business coalition advisory group to assist the task force; allowing reimbursement of expenses incurred by advisory group members; specifying reporting requirements; imposing duties on the department of education; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/21/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/21/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04 2/3/2005 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, McOmie, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 H Placed on General File 2/3/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/4/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(S) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0280HS001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 11 Delete "thirteen" insert "sixteen (16)". Page 3-line 12 Delete "(13)". Page 3-line 20 Delete "A" insert "Two (2)"; delete "teacher" insert "teachers". Page 5-line 2 Delete "." insert "; (xi) Two (2) members who are parents of school age students and are selected by the superintendent of public instruction.". Page 5-line 20 Delete "December 1, 2005" insert "November 1, 2005". Page 6-line 15 Delete "general fund" insert "school foundation program account". Page 6-line 16 After "." insert "Any of these funds not expended by June 30, 2006, for the purpose of this act shall be returned to the school foundation program account.". WASSERBURGER, CHAIRMAN

383 HB0280HS002/ADOPTED Page 6-line 13 Delete "three hundred" insert "one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00)". Page 6-line 14 Delete the line through "($300,000.00)". PHILP, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0280H3001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 11 Delete the first standing committee amendment (HB0280HS001/A) to this line; delete "thirteen". Page 3-line 12 Delete the first standing committee amendment (HB0280HS001/A) to this line; Delete "(13)" insert "seventeen (17)". Page 5-line 2 In the first standing committee amendment (HB0280HS001/A) to this line; after "instruction" delete "." insert ";". Page 5-After line 2 Insert "(xii) One (1) member of the state board of education selected by the board.". DIERKS

2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/10/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S04 2/14/2005 S04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Coe, Jennings, Peck and Townsend Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/14/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/16/2005 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Hines and Nicholas Nays: Senator(s) Case and Job Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0281 Legislative compensation.

Sponsored By: Management Council

AN ACT relating to the legislature; modifying compensation provisions for legislators as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/21/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/21/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H12 1/26/2005 H12 Recommended Do Pass


384 Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Cohee, Illoway, Luthi, Martin, Osborn, Philp, Reese, Simpson, Thompson and Wasserburger Excused: Representative(s) Robinson Ayes 12 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File 1/28/2005 H Passed CoW 1/31/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0281H3001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 7 Before "(e)" insert "(d),". Page 1-After line 11 Insert: "(d) From and after January 1, 1985, each member of the legislature shall receive seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per day as salary and thirty-five cents ($.35) per mile for necessary travel to attend and return from the legislature. From and after January 9, 1995, each member of the legislature shall receive one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00) per day as salary in addition to the mileage rate provided for in this subsection. From and after January 3, 2005, each member of the legislature shall receive one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per day as salary in addition to the mileage rate provided for in this subsection. From and after January 5, 2009, each member of the legislature may receive the mileage rate provided for in this subsection for the total round trip mileage from Cheyenne to the legislator's home for not more than one (1) trip each week during the period the legislature is in session, provided the legislature is in session for a period of not less than two (2) weeks and the legislator claiming the mileage reimbursement shall submit a certificate for mileage to the chief clerk of the house in which the legislator is serving.". MILLER, LANDON, REESE, WALSH

2/1/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel and Watt. Excused: Representative(s) Bucholz Ayes 57 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/2/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S12 2/22/2005 S12 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Job, Larson, Mockler and Schiffer Nays: Senator(s) Hines Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 2/22/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0281SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2-lines 15 and 16 Delete entirely and reinsert: "verified claim for mileage to the legislative service office.". LARSON, CHAIRMAN

2/24/2005 S Passed CoW 2/25/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/28/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Barrasso, Case, Hawks, Hines and Scott. Ayes 25 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

385 3/1/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer.

Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Latta. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0117 3/1/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0117 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0117 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0117 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0217 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0282 Student tuition assistance.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman, Diercks, Esquibel, Hammons, Hinckley, Iekel, Lockhart, Martin, Miller, Pedersen, Reese, Walsh and Wasserburger and Senator(s) Burns, Coe, Hawks, Northrup, Peck, Ross and Von Flatern

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming student tuition scholarship program at Wyoming community colleges; establishing the program; specifying eligibility criteria, conditions and limitations; providing for administration by the Wyoming community college commission subject to funds made available by legislative appropriation; specifying legislative intent; imposing duties; imposing reporting requirements; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/21/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/21/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0283 Specific purpose tax-optional procedure.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Childers and Simpson and Senator(s) Coe

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing an optional procedure for imposing a specific purpose excise tax; authorizing counties, cities, towns and school districts to individually impose the tax; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/21/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/21/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0284 ACT exam fees.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman, Diercks, Hammons, Hinckley and Walsh

AN ACT relating to the American college testing (ACT) exam; appropriating funds to pay exam fees for specified students; delegating duties to the department of education; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/21/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/21/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 386 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0285 Wyoming tuition opportunity program.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Childers, Bucholz, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, Iekel and Luthi and Senator(s) Boggs and Jennings

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming tuition opportunity program; establishing student tuition payments for attendance at the eligible colleges or universities as specified; specifying tuition award eligibility criteria, conditions and limitations; providing for rules and regulations; defining terms; imposing reporting requirements; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/21/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/21/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0286 Desertion and abandonment of sheep.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Samuelson and Senator(s) Nicholas

AN ACT relating to agriculture and animals; modifying elements of the offense involving a herder abandoning or deserting sheep; providing an exception; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/21/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/21/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0287 Wyoming internship grant program.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Zwonitzer, Hammons and Warren

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming internship grant program; providing for grants to support internships for workforce development; granting rulemaking authority; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/21/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/24/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 2/4/2005 H10 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Hastert, Jackson, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel, Harvey and Iekel Ayes 6 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0288 School finance-vocational education adjustment.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wasserburger

AN ACT relating to school finance; modifying the vocational education adjustment to the education resource block grant model by eliminating reallocation limitations as specified; specifying intent and application; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/21/2005 H Received for Introduction 387 1/21/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0289 School finance-cash reserve computations.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wasserburger

AN ACT relating to school finance; providing an exception to district cash reserve computations; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/21/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/21/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0290 State elected officials service on boards and commissions.

Sponsored By: Management Council

AN ACT relating to the administration of government; authorizing state elected officials to designate personal representatives to boards and commissions as specified; repealing unnecessary language and otherwise making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/21/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/21/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H12 1/26/2005 H12 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Cohee, Illoway, Luthi, Martin, Osborn, Philp, Reese, Simpson, Thompson and Wasserburger Excused: Representative(s) Robinson Ayes 12 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File 1/28/2005 H Passed CoW 1/31/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/1/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Bucholz and Lockhart. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/1/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S12 2/22/2005 S12 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hines, Job, Larson, Mockler and Schiffer Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 S Placed on General File 2/24/2005 S Passed CoW 2/25/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/28/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading 388

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0112 3/1/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0112 3/1/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0112 3/11/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0112 3/11/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0242 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0291 Office of state lands and investments.

Sponsored By: Management Council

AN ACT relating to administration of government; providing for the appointment and oversight of the director of the office of state lands and investments and the appointment and oversight of the state forester as specified; modifying oversight of authority granted to the director and the state forester; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/21/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/21/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H12 1/26/2005 H12 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Illoway, Luthi, Philp, Simpson and Wasserburger Nays: Representative(s) Cohee, Martin, Osborn, Reese and Thompson Excused: Representative(s) Robinson Ayes 7 Nays 5 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/26/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0291HS001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 2-line 3 After "the board" insert ", if four (4) members of the board vote in favor of removal," Page 3-line 17 Strike "He" insert "The director". Page 3-line 20 After "board" insert ", if four (4) members of the board vote in favor of removal,". LUTHI, CHAIRMAN

1/31/2005 H Passed CoW 2/1/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/2/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Edwards, Gingery, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Bagby, Diercks, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Goggles, Hammons, Hastert, Jorgensen, Latta, Martin, Morgan, Reese, Robinson, Thompson, Warren and Watt. Excused: Representative(s) Jones Ayes 42 Nays 17 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 2/9/2005 S09 Recommended Do Pass


ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks and Jennings Nays: Senator(s) Townsend and Vasey Ayes 3 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Placed on General File 2/15/2005 S Passed CoW 2/16/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/17/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Johnson, Larson, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck and Ross. Nays: Senator(s) Boggs, Case, Decaria, Geis, Job, Massie, Mockler, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 17 Nays 13 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0060 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0060 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0060 2/23/2005 Governor Vetoed HEA No. 0060 2/28/2005 H Overrode Veto

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Edwards, Gingery, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Bagby, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Goggles, Hammons, Hastert, Martin, Morgan, Reese, Robinson, Thompson, Warren and Watt. Excused: Representative(s) Diercks and Jorgensen. Ayes 44 Nays 14 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 S Did Not Override Veto

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Coe, Hanes, Hines, Jennings, Larson, Northrup, Peck and Ross. Nays: Senator(s) Boggs, Burns, Case, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hawks, Job, Johnson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 11 Nays 19 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0292 Wyoming energy commission.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller, Cohee, Luthi, Petersen and Simpson

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming energy commission; extending the date for dissolution of the commission; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/21/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/24/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 1/31/2005 H09 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Nays: Representative(s) Hammons Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File

390 2/3/2005 H Passed CoW 2/4/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/7/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Gilmore Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/7/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 2/11/2005 S09 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Townsend and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0293 Illegal drug manufacturing-precursor chemicals.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harvey, Harshman, Jorgensen, Luthi, Osborn and White

AN ACT relating to controlled substances; regulating the sale of illegal drug precursors as specified; prohibiting sales to minors; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.

1/20/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/21/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/21/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 1/25/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0293HS001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 8 After "pseudoephedrine" delete "hydrochloride" insert "base". Page 4-line 3 Delete ";" insert ".". OSBORN, CHAIRMAN

HB0293HW001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-line 9 Delete "(j)" insert "(n)". Page 1 line 14 Before "penalties" insert "registration requirements; reports;". Page 2-line 1 Delete "possession" insert "no person shall possess". Page 2-line 2 Delete first "of". Page 2-line 4 Delete "shall constitute a"; insert ".". Page 2-lines 5 and 6 Delete. Page 2-line 7 Delete the line through "by". Page 2-line 13 After "products" insert "registered with the board". Page 3-line 3 After "drugs" insert "or liquid products with ephedrine or pseudoephedrine as the sole active ingredient".

391 Page 3-line 7 After "of" insert "the active equivalent of". Page 4-After line 3 Insert: "(iii) No person under the age of eighteen (18) years may sell a product containing a methamphetamine precursor drug.". Page 6-After line 6 Insert: "(k) A resident or nonresident retailer, manufacturer or wholesaler who distributes ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine, or their salts, isomers or salts of isomers in Wyoming shall: (i) Register with the board by submitting an application on a form prescribed by the board and pay a registration fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Where the retailer, manufacturer or wholesaler distributions are conducted at more than one (1) location, each location shall be separately registered. Except as provided in subsection (m) of this section, those facilities registered with the board under W.S. 35-7-1024 on July 1, 2005, shall not be required to register under this section; (ii) Notify the board of the occurrence of any of the following: (A) The permanent closing of the retailer, manufacturer or wholesaler outlet; (B) A change in ownership, name, management or location. (iii) Be subject to inspection by the board. Inspections shall be conducted during normal business hours and shall be limited to the following: (A) For retail distribution, inspection of the method of display and sale of any drug products covered by this section; (B) For manufacturer or wholesaler distribution, inspection of the purchase and sale records of any drug products covered by this section. (iv) Display the registration issued by the board in a conspicuous location in the place of business; (v) Provide reports to the board as follows: (A) A manufacturer or wholesaler who distributes drug products covered by this section shall submit a monthly report no later than the 10th day of the month immediately following the month in which the distribution takes place. (B) The report shall include a listing by retail vendor, including the name of the proprietary product, package size, date shipped and quantity shipped. (m) A registration issued under this section shall be renewed annually, on or before September 30, by submitting a renewal application supplied by the board and paying the renewal fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Renewal applications postmarked after September 30 shall be subject to a late fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) which shall be in addition to the renewal fee. (n) The board may revoke, suspend or assess an administrative penalty not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) for a first offense, five hundred dollars ($500.00) for a second offense within two (2) years and one thousand dollars ($1,000) for a third offense within three (3) years. Any administrative penalty assessed shall be paid to the board who shall remit the monies to the county treasurer to the credit of the public school fund of the county in which the violation occurred.". HARVEY

2/1/2005 H Passed CoW 2/2/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/3/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Brechtel, Gilmore, Latta, Luthi and Quarberg. Excused: Representative(s) Reese Ayes 53 Nays 6 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/8/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/17/2005 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria and Scott Excused: Senator(s) Massie Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

392 2/17/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0293SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) page 1-line 3 After "minors;" insert "providing a definition;". Page 1-line 9 Delete "(n)" insert "(p)". Page 2–line 2 Delete "nine (9)" insert "fifteen (15)". Page 2-after line 21 Insert and renumber: "(vi) A person in possession of more than fifteen (15) grams of methamphetamine precursor drugs in the person's home or residence under circumstances consistent with typical medicinal or household use as indicated by, but not limited to, storage location and possession of products in a variety of strengths, brands, types, purposes and expiration dates. (f) A person who knowingly or intentionally violates subsection (e) of this section is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than fifteen (15) years, a fine of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00), or both.". Page 2-line 23 Delete "(f)" insert "(g)". Page 3-line 15 Delete "(g)" insert "(h)"; delete balance of line. Page 3-lines 16 and 17 Delete. Page 3-line 19 Delete "(i)". Page 3-line 21 Delete ";" insert ".". Page 3-lines 23 and 24 Delete. Page 4-lines 1 thru 7 Delete. Page 4-line 9 Delete "(h)" insert "(j)". Page 5-line 23 Delete "(j)" insert "(k)". Page 5-line 24 Delete "(f), (g) or (h)" insert "(g), (h) or (j)". Page 6-line 12 Delete "(k)" insert "(m)". Page 8-line 16 Delete "(m)" insert "(n)". Page 9-line 1 Delete "(n)" insert "(o)".

Page 9-line 2 After "penalty" insert "for violations of subsection (m) of this section". Page 9-after line 9 Insert: "(p) For purposes of this section, "methamphetamine precursor drug" means nonliquid ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine or liquid products with ephedrine or pseudoephedrine as the sole active ingredient.". SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/18/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0293S2001/FAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 9 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0293SS01/A) to this line and further amend as follows: Delete "(n)" insert "(m). Page 2-lines 9 and 10 Delete and renumber. Page 2–line 12 Delete "(ii)" insert "(i)". Page 2–line 15 Delete "(iii)" insert "(ii)". Page 2–line 17 Delete "(iv)" insert "(iii)". Page 2–line 19 Delete "(v)" insert "(iv)". Page 2-after line 21 In the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0293SS01/AE) to this line, delete "(vi)" insert "(v)". Page 4-line 9 Before "A" insert "Only a registered pharmacist shall be"; after "of" insert "nonliquid". Page 4-line 10 After "precursors" delete balance of line and insert ", subject to the following:". Page 4-line 11 Delete. Page 4-line 13 Delete "are" insert "shall be". Page 4-line 16 After "(ii)" delete balance of line and insert "The pharmacy shall maintain a control log to record the purchase date, name of purchaser, product purchased, quantify purchased and signature of purchaser for all nonliquid methamphetamine precursor sales;". Page 4-lines 17 and 18 Delete. Page 4-line 20 After "(iii)" delete balance of line and insert "Any person before purchase of a product containing a methamphetamine precursor shall display to a pharmacy employee a photo identification and shall sign the pharmacy control log;". Page 4-lines 21 thru 24 Delete.

393 Page 5-line 2 After "(iv)" delete balance of line and insert "Before the tenth day of each month, each registered pharmacy shall forward to the board a copy of the control log required by paragraph (ii) of this subsection.". Page 5-lines 3 thru 21 Delete and renumber. Page 6-line 1 Delete "one hundred dollars" insert "three hundred dollars ($300.00)". Page 6-line 2 Delete "($100.00)"; delete "five hundred dollars" insert "seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00)". Page 6-line 3 Delete "($500.00)". Page 6-line 4 Delete "six (6) months" insert "one (1) year". Page 6-lines 12 thru 23 Delete including the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0293SS01/AE) to these lines and renumber. Pages 7 and 8 Delete including the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0293SS01/AE) to these pages. Page 9-line 1 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0293SS01/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: Delete "(n)" insert "(k) For violation of any provision of this section,"; after "revoke" delete "," insert "or"; after "suspend" insert "the registration of a pharmacy issued pursuant to W.S. 35-7-1024". Page 9-line 2 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0293SS01/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: Delete "one hundred dollars" insert "three hundred dollars ($300.00)". Page 9-line 3 Delete "($100.00)"; delete "five hundred dollars)" insert "seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00)". Page 9-line 4 Delete "($500.00)". Page 9-after line 9 In the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0293SS01/AE) to this line, delete "(p)" insert "(m)". JENNINGS, SESSIONS

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Coe, Geis, Hanes, Jennings, Meier, Northrup, Peck, Scott, Sessions and Townsend. Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Burns, Case, Cooper, Decaria, Hawks, Hines, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Mockler, Nicholas, Ross, Schiffer, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 11 Nays 19 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0293S3001/FAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 3-line 21 Delete the Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0293SS001/AE) to this line and further amend as follows: Delete "(f)" insert "(g)"; after "section" delete ";" insert ". Every retail distributor of methamphetamine precursor drugs shall maintain a control log to record for each purchase of a methamphetamine precursor drug the purchase date, name of purchaser, product purchased and signature of the purchaser. The distributor shall submit a copy of the completed log for each calendar month to the board no later than the tenth day of the following month. The board shall review the logs and submit to the attorney general the name, along with related log entries, of any person making more than ten (10) purchases of methamphetamine precursor drugs in any one (1) calendar month.". Page 8-line 8 Delete "10th" insert "tenth". JENNINGS, SESSIONS

2/23/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Hanes, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Geis, Hawks and Mockler. Ayes 27 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 H Did Not Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Gilmore and Reese.

394 Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Landon, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Edwards, Harshman, Jones, Jorgensen, Latta, Lockhart, Philp, Simpson and Warren. Ayes 2 Nays 49 Excused 9 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 S Appointed JCC01 Members Senator(s) Barrasso, Cooper and Mockler 2/25/2005 H Appointed JCC01 Members Representative(s) Harvey, Brechtel and White

3/1/2005 H Adopted HB0293JC01

ROLL CALL AYES: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer. NAYS: Representative(s) Gilmore, Luthi, Quarberg. EXCUSED: Representative(s) Jorgensen, Latta, Reese. Ayes 54 Nays 3 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflict 0

3/2/2005 S Adopted HB0293JC01

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Excused: Senator(s) Hanes Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0293JC01/AA ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Pursuant to Joint Rule 2-4, the House recedes from its non-concurrence and adopts the following Senate amendment: HB0293SS001/A HARVEY, BRECHTEL, WHITE, BARRASSO, COOPER, MOCKLER

3/2/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0133 3/3/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0133 3/3/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0133 3/15/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0133 3/15/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0246 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0294 State employees-sick leave reimbursement.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Samuelson, McOmie and Warren and Senator(s) Case and Massie

AN ACT relating to state employees; authorizing reimbursement for accumulated sick days upon separation from state service as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/24/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/24/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0295 County attorneys-state payment. 395

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley and Senator(s) Cooper

AN ACT relating to county and prosecuting attorneys; providing for state payment of a portion of county and prosecuting attorney salaries as specified; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/24/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/24/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0296 Low income energy assistance program.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Reese, Bucholz, Goggles, Harshman, Hastert, Luthi, Pedersen, Robinson, Thompson, Warren and Zwonitzer and Senator(s) Decaria, Johnson, Massie, Townsend and Vasey

AN ACT relating to low income energy assistance; specifying eligibility; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/24/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/24/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Petersen and Warren Nays: Representative(s) Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Philp and Simpson Ayes 3 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0297 Coal valuation.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Esquibel and Senator(s) Decaria

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; amending coal valuation provisions pertaining to various cost categories; creating a new definition; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/24/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/25/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0298 Concealed weapon authority.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley, Brechtel, Buchanan, Cohee, Diercks, Semlek and Simpson and Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case and Nicholas

AN ACT relating to concealed weapons; authorizing the carrying of concealed weapons by nonfelons as specified; providing limitations; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/24/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/24/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 2/2/2005 H09 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Nays: Representative(s) Hammons and Harvey Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 396

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0299 Attorney general appointment.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Childers, Gingery, Illoway and Jones and Senator(s) Meier

AN ACT relating to the attorney general; providing for the appointment of the attorney general by the five elected state officials; repealing provision for interim appointment; amending certain provisions regarding actions taken by the attorney general pursuant to the direction of the governor; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/24/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/24/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel Nays: Representative(s) Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 1 Nays 8 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0300 Rights for historic preservation.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Iekel, Berger and Hammons and Senator(s) Massie and Mockler

AN ACT relating to rights in real property; establishing historic preservation rights as specified; defining terms; providing for conveyance and requiring acceptance by grantee; specifying effect; restricting the transfer or assignment of rights; providing for enforcement; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/24/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/24/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H06 2/2/2005 H06 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Childers, Davison, Gingery, Iekel, Slater, Thompson and Zwonitzer Absent: Representative(s) Reese Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 1 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0300HW001/ADOPTED Page 4-line 19 Delete "signs, billboards or other". Page 4-line 20 Delete "advertising,". IEKEL

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) McOmie Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen 397 Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/10/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S06 2/17/2005 S06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Massie, Ross and Von Flatern Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0300SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2–line 7 Delete "without limitation,". Page 2–line 13 After "improved" insert ", as determined eligible to the national register of historic places by the Wyoming state historic preservation office". Page 4–line 13 After "operation" delete "," insert "or"; after "use" delete balance of line. Page 4–line 14 Delete line through "maintenance". Page 4–lines 18 through 20 Delete and renumber. Page 4–line 22 Delete "(vi)" insert "(v)". Page 5–line 23 After "property" insert "and the historic preservation right". BURNS, CHAIRMAN 2/22/2005 S Passed CoW 2/23/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/24/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Scott Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Hinckley, Jorgensen, Miller and Wasserburger. Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0096 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0096 2/28/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0096 3/2/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0096 3/2/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0167 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0301 Seat belts-amendments.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Iekel, Berger, Cohee, Hinckley, Landon, Osborn and Watt and Senator(s) Peck

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; removing the restriction on stopping motor vehicles solely for safety belt violations; increasing penalties for failure to use safety belts; repealing a provision prohibiting the admissibility in civil actions of the failure to us a safety belt and providing for an effective date.


1/21/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/24/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/24/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Landon, Olsen, Watt and White Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Lubnau and Robinson Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0302 Hospital employees-participation in state retirement.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lubnau, Gingery, Slater, Wasserburger and White and Senator(s) Barrasso, Hines and Von Flatern

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming retirement system; allowing county and special district hospitals to participate in the retirement system; amending a definition; conditioning implementation upon receipt of required payments; providing for funding; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/24/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/24/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 2/2/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0303 Post-dated checks.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lubnau

AN ACT relating to the uniform consumer credit code; providing for charges for dishonored post-dated checks; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/24/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/24/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0304 Rental security deposits-refunds.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lubnau

AN ACT relating to landlords and tenants; amending maximum time period for refunds of security deposits as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/24/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/24/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 2/4/2005 H01 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL 399 Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Watt and White Nays: Representative(s) Robinson Excused: Representative(s) Alden Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0305 Fair practices of equipment dealers-2.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hageman and Alden

AN ACT relating to trade and commerce; providing for the regulation of trade practices within the farm equipment industry as specified; repealing conflicting provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/21/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/24/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/24/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 2/2/2005 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0305HS001/ADOPTED Page 37-line 22 Delete ", 40-20-108," insert "through". HAGEMAN, CHAIRMAN

2/4/2005 H Passed CoW 2/7/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/8/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Hinckley and Simpson. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 57 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/22/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0306 Medical review panel-3.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Osborn and Senator(s) Jennings, Larson and Scott

AN ACT relating to pretrial screening panels; prohibiting the filing of a medical malpractice claim in a court until the claim has been reviewed by a medical review panel; providing that the decision of the panel is not binding; requiring that the decision of the panel be submitted with any medical malpractice complaint; creating the panel and providing for selection of its members; designating the attorney general or his designee as panel director to perform administrative tasks; establishing procedures for review of claims; providing definitions; granting rulemaking authority; requiring a person filing a complaint in court to file the decision of the panel; requiring a person filing a complaint in court to obtain an expert witness who has not appeared before the panel; providing for an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

400 1/24/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/24/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/24/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee


H.B. No. 0307 Student tuition assistance-2.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman, Bagby, Buchanan, Hammons Hinckley, Lockhart, Pedersen, Reese, Slater, Walsh, Warren and Wasserburger and Senator(s) Coe, Peck and Ross

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming student tuition scholarship program at the University of Wyoming; establishing the program; specifying eligibility criteria, conditions and limitations; providing for administration by the university subject to funds made available by legislative appropriation; imposing duties; imposing reporting requirements; specifying legislative intent; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.

1/24/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/25/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/25/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0308 Methamphetamine initiative.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Osborn, Bagby, Brechtel, Cohee, Edwards, Gay, Gilmore, Goggles, Harshman, Harvey, Iekel, Lockhart, Robinson, Walsh and White and Senator(s) Cooper, Jennings, Ross and Scott

AN ACT relating to methamphetamine and other controlled substances; authorizing programs to address problems associated with illegal use of methamphetamine and other controlled substances; authorizing funding to create treatment beds for persons addicted to methamphetamine and other controlled substances as specified; increasing funding for law enforcement and prosecuting attorneys efforts to prosecute illegal use of methamphetamine and other controlled substances and to address associated problems; providing funding for education and prevention; providing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.

1/24/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/25/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/25/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 2/2/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/2/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/4/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0308HS001/ADOPTED That Substitute No. 1 for HB0308 DO Pass.

402 HB0308HS002/ADOPTED [TO SUBSTITUTE BILL No. 1] Page 2-line 3 Delete "three million dollars". Page 2-line 4 Delete "($3,000,000.00)" insert "two million dollars ($2,000,000.00)". Page 3-line 23 Delete "ten million dollars". Page 3-line 24 Delete "($10,000,000.00)" insert "five million dollars ($5,000,000.00)". Page 5-line 10 Delete "five million dollars". Page 5-line 11 Delete "($5,000,000.00)" insert "three million dollars ($3,000,000.00)". PHILP, CHAIRMAN

HB0308HW001/ADOPTED Page 6-lines 11 through 23 Delete entirely. Page 7-lines 1 through 13 Delete entirely. Page 8-line 22 Delete "subsections" insert "subsection"; delete "and (b)". Renumber as necessary. OSBORN

HB0308HW002/ADOPTED [TO SUBSTITUTE BILL No. 1] Page 8-line 23 After "section" insert "and submit recommendations to the joint labor, health and social services interim committee and joint appropriations interim committee". OSBORN

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0308H2001/FAILED [TO SUBSTITUTE BILL No. 1] Page 1-line 10 After "prevention;" insert "providing grant funding for drug detection in schools;". Page 5-line 11 In the second standing committee amendment (HB0308HS002/A) to this line delete "three million dollars ($3,000,000.00)" insert "two million dollars ($2,000,000.00)". Page 5-After line 23 Insert: "(b) There is appropriated one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) from the general fund to the department of health for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005, to fund grants to school districts for purchasing and training drug detection dogs and for purchasing devices to detect residues of controlled substances in schools. The department shall develop a regionalized approach to awarding grants to school districts under this subsection under which school districts shall agree to the shared use of devices and detection dogs purchased with grant funds.". Page 6-line 1 Delete "(b)" insert "(c)". Page 6-line 3 Delete "subsection (a)" insert "subsections (a) and (b)". Page 6-line 5 Delete "(c)" insert "(d)". MILLER

HB0308H2002/ADOPTED [TO SUBSTITUTE BILL No. 1] Delete the Miller second reading amendment (HB0308H2001/A) entirely. Further amend as follows: Page 1-line 10 Delete "providing funding for education and prevention" insert "requiring distribution of educational information and materials". Page 5-lines 10 through 23 Delete entirely including the second standing committee amendment (HB0308HS002/A) to these lines. Page 6-lines 1 through 7 Delete entirely and insert "The department of health in collaboration with the department of family services and the department of education shall provide information and materials for distribution to Wyoming school districts concerning methamphetamine use and prevention of methamphetamine use.". MEULI, SIMPSON

2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0308H3001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) [TO SUBSTITUTE BILL No. 1] Delete the Meuli, et al., second reading amendment (HB0308H2002/A) entirely. Further amends as follows: Page 5-lines 10 through 23 Delete entirely. Page 5-After line 8 Insert: 403 "(a) There is hereby appropriated two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) from the general fund to the department of family services for the purpose of providing training that uses best practices to improve parenting skills under a program funded in years 2003 and 2004 through the use of federal temporary assistance to needy families (TANF) funds received by the state of Wyoming as a one-time bonus payment. (b) There is hereby appropriated five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) from the school foundation program account to the department of education for the purpose of providing grants to local communities for the purpose of promoting comprehensive school health programs under rules promulgated by the department of education. Programs receiving grants under this paragraph shall demonstrate community collaboration and use of best practices to reduce drop out rates and risky behaviors. In promulgating the rules and awarding grants, the department of education shall collaborate with the department of family services and the department of health. (c) There is hereby appropriated five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) from the school foundation program account to the department of education to assist alternative schools in using best practices to motivate at risk students to make positive choices about the use of alcohol and other drugs. (d) As used in this section, "best practices" means as defined in W.S. 9-2-2702.". Renumber as necessary. WASSERBURGER, HAMMONS, OSBORN, SIMPSON

2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Luthi, Philp and Quarberg. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 56 Nays 3 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/10/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/17/2005 S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso and Scott Nays: Senator(s) Decaria Excused: Senator(s) Massie Ayes 3 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/23/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0308SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 4-line 2 Delete "local governments with grants" insert "funding". Page 4-line 3 After "officers" insert ", public defenders". Page 4-line 8 After "substances" delete balance of line and insert ". Funds appropriated under this section may also be used to pay for tests for the use of illegal drugs and controlled substances for persons who have been convicted of a crime or adjudicated delinquents.". Page 4-lines 9 thru 11 Delete. Page 4-line 17 After "governments" insert ", the Wyoming department of criminal investigation". Page 4-line 24 Delete "local" insert "grantee.". Page 5-lines 1 and 2 Delete. Page 5-after line 2 Insert:

404 "(d) There is hereby appropriated from the general fund one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) for competitive grants to cities and counties for probation services for juveniles sentenced to probation by circuit or municipal courts. In awarding grants, the attorney general shall consider: (i) The adequacy of the system proposed for identifying juveniles who are most at risk of progressing to serious drug offenses if not placed on probation to ensure that necessary treatment requirements are complied with; (ii) The availability of treatment resources which can treat the probationers; (iii) The willingness of the local judiciary to cooperate in limiting probation to those most in need; (iv) The financial resources of the local government applying." Page 5-line 4 Delete "(d)" insert "(e)". Page 5-after line 8 Insert "(a) There is hereby appropriated one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) from the general fund to the department of health beginning July 1, 2005 to provide funding for the implementation of best practices prevention and intervention services including parenting skills, life skills and indicated therapeutic interventions for the children and families of those individuals receiving treating as specified in subsection 1(a) of this act. (b) Public or private entities may apply for grants under this section to fund prevention and intervention services to children and families of those receiving treatment. Grant requests shall be reviewed by the department of health. The department of health shall make recommendations for funding to the governor's advisory board on substance abuse and violent crime, which shall determine the grants to be awarded. Any funds awarded under this section shall not supplant funds currently being used by the public or private entity for the purposes specified in this subsection. (c) In reviewing and awarding grants under this act, the department of health and the governor's advisory board on substance abuse and violent crime shall consider: (i) Geographic distribution of the prevention and intervention resources; (ii) A projection of the number of persons who will be served, with respect to the number of clients receiving treatment services for methamphetamine in the specified geographic region; (iii) Collection and reporting of data that may demonstrate the effectiveness of prevention and intervention services.". Page 5-lines 10 thru 24 Delete. Page 6-lines 1 thru 13 Delete. SCOTT, CHAIRMAN

2/24/2005 S Passed CoW 2/25/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/28/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Burns, Cooper, Geis, Hanes, Hines, Jennings, Job, Massie, Northrup, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend and Vasey. Nays: Senator(s) Boggs, Case, Coe, Decaria, Hawks, Johnson, Larson, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Peck, Ross and Von Flatern. Ayes 17 Nays 13 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 H Did Not Concur

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Latta. Ayes 0 Nays 58 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 H Appointed JCC01 Members Representative(S) Osborn, Harvey and Quarberg 3/2/2005 S Appointed JCC01 Members Senator(s) Scott, Coe and Massie

3/3/2005 H Adopted HB0308JC01

ROLL CALL AYES: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, 405 Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer. EXCUSED: Representative(s) Harvey, Jorgensen. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflict 0

3/3/2005 S Adopted HB0308JC01

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend and Vasey. Nays: Senator(s) Decaria, Mockler and Von Flatern. Ayes 27 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0308JC01/AA ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the following Senate amendments: HB0308SS001/A Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows: Page 4-line 2 Delete "local governments with grants" insert "funding". Page 4-line 3 After "officers" insert ", public defenders". Page 4-line 8 After "substances" delete balance of line and insert ". Funds appropriated under this section may also be used to pay for tests for the use of illegal drugs and controlled substances for persons who have been convicted of a crime or adjudicated delinquents.". Page 4-lines 9 thru 11 Delete. Page 4-line 17 After "governments" insert ", the Wyoming division of criminal investigation". Page 4-line 24 Delete "local" insert "grantee.". Page 5-lines 1 and 2 Delete. Page 5-after line 2 Insert and renumber: "(d) There is hereby appropriated from the general fund five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) for competitive grants to cities and counties for probation services for juveniles sentenced to probation by circuit or municipal courts. In awarding grants, the attorney general shall consider: (i) The adequacy of the system proposed for identifying juveniles who are most at risk of progressing to serious drug offenses if not placed on probation to ensure that necessary treatment requirements are complied with; (ii) The availability of treatment resources which can treat the probationers; and (iii) The demonstrated need for financial resources of the local government applying.". Page 5-line 4 Delete "(d)" insert "(e)". Page 5-line 10 Delete "two million dollars" insert "five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00)". Page 5-line 11 Delete "($2,000,000.00)". Page 5-after line 17 Insert and renumber: "(b) There is hereby appropriated one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) from the general fund to the department of health beginning July 1, 2005 to provide funding for the implementation of best practices prevention and intervention services including parenting skills, life skills and indicated therapeutic interventions for the children and families of those individuals receiving treatment as specified in subsection 1(a) of this act. The appropriation under this subsection is subject to the following: (i) Public or private entities may apply for grants under this section to fund prevention and intervention services to children and families of those receiving treatment. Grant requests shall be reviewed by the department of health. The department of health shall make recommendations for funding to the governor's advisory board on substance abuse and violent crime, which shall determine the grants to be awarded. Any funds awarded under this section shall not supplant funds currently being used by the public or private entity for the purposes specified in this subsection; (ii) In reviewing and awarding grants under this act, the department of health and the governor's advisory board on substance abuse and violent crime shall consider: (A) Geographic distribution of the prevention and intervention resources; (B) A projection of the number of persons who will be served, with respect to the number of clients receiving treatment services for methamphetamine in the specified geographic region; (C) Collection and reporting of data that may demonstrate the effectiveness of prevention and intervention services.". Page 5-lines 19 thru 24 Delete. 406 Page 6-lines 1 thru 13 Delete. Page 6-line 15 Delete "(d)" insert "(c)". Page 6-line 18 Delete "(e)" insert "(d)". Page 6-line 22 Delete "(f)" insert "(e)". OSBORN, HARVEY, QUARBERG, SCOTT, COE, MASSIE

3/3/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0136 3/3/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0136 3/3/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0136 3/15/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0136 3/15/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0245 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0309 Reducing terms of bonds.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Cohee, Lockhart, Lubnau and Pedersen and Senator(s) Coe and Hawks

AN ACT relating to bonds; authorizing the reduction in the terms of payment of bonds as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/26/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/26/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 2/2/2005 H09 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 2/11/2005 S09 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Townsend and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 S Placed on General File 2/15/2005 S Passed CoW 2/16/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/17/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading


407 Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 29 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0059 2/22/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0059 2/22/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0059 2/24/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0059 2/24/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0109 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0310 Law enforcement retirees-excess earnings.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) McOmie and Landon and Senator(s) Job

AN ACT relating to law enforcement retirement; amending reporting requirements for law enforcement retirees who receive a disability allowance as specified; eliminating the requirement for members who receive duty-connected disability allowances to report annually to the retirement board and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/26/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/26/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/31/2005 H07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Jones, Philp and Simpson. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 55 Nays 4 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/10/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/17/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Meier, Mockler and Scott Excused: Senator(s) Johnson Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 S Placed on General File 2/22/2005 S Passed CoW 2/23/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/24/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

408 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0089 2/25/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0089 2/25/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0089 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0089 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0152 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0311 Law enforcement disability allowances.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) McOmie and Landon and Senator(s) Job

AN ACT relating to law enforcement retirement; amending the duty-connected total or partial disability allowance under state highway patrol, game and fish warden and criminal investigator retirement; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/26/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/26/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/31/2005 H Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Jones and Philp. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Conflicts: Representative(s) Watt Ayes 56 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 1

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/10/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/17/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Meier, Mockler and Scott Excused: Senator(s) Johnson Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 S Placed on General File 2/22/2005 S Passed CoW 2/23/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/24/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading


ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0090 2/25/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0090 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number 2/25/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0090 2/26/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0090

Chapter No. 0153 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0312 Property tax-assessment rate.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Luthi, Berger and Olsen and Senator(s) Larson

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for the property tax assessment rate for certain property as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/26/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/26/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0313 Public recreation facilities.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Warren and Slater and Senator(s) Burns, Massie and Nicholas

AN ACT relating to recreational facilities; increasing the mill levy authorization for public recreation systems as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/26/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/26/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0314 Guardians ad litem.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Simpson, Buchanan, Landon, Martin, Olsen and Reese and Senator(s) Burns, Decaria and Hanes

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming supreme court; authorizing a program to reimburse guardians ad litem as specified; providing procedures for implementation of the program; requiring rulemaking; specifying standards for the program and participants; providing an appropriation; authorizing a position; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/26/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/26/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 2/1/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/1/2005 H Placed on General File 2/1/2005 H Rereferred to H02 410 2/3/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0314HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 10 Delete the line through "5-3-102(b)". Page 2-line 12 Delete "supreme court" insert "board of judicial policy and administration". Page 2-line 22 Delete "supreme court" insert "board of judicial policy and administration". Page 3-lines 1 through 5 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 7 Delete "(D)" insert "(C)". Page 3-line 15 Delete "supreme court" insert "board of judicial policy and administration"; delete ":". Page 3-line 17 Delete "(A)". Page 3-After line 21 Insert: "(iii) The supreme court shall:".

Page 3-line 23 Delete "(B)" insert "(A)". Page 4-line 6 Delete "(C)" insert "(B)". Page 4-line 9 Delete "(iii)" insert "(iv)". Page 4-line 14 After "." insert "In consultation with the board of judicial policy and administration,". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

2/4/2005 H Passed CoW 2/7/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/8/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/22/2005 S01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Excused: Senator(s) Burns Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/24/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0314SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 6 After "position;" insert "providing a reporting requirement;". Page 4-after line 22 Insert and renumber:

411 "(c) The supreme court shall report each year on or before November 1 to the joint judiciary interim committee and the joint appropriations interim committee on the results of the program authorized by this section including the number of cases and the amount of moneys expended for reimbursements and the amounts of matching moneys from participating counties.". HANES, CHAIRMAN

2/25/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0314S2001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 3-line 8 After "section." insert "The rules shall include a method for legal representation for juveniles based upon a competitive bid system which mandates a contract between the county and the service provider for services on an hourly basis, a per case basis or by a time limited contract.". SCHIFFER

2/28/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0314S3001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 3-after line 8 Insert: "(D) Recommend standards for attorneys that will ensure their advice remains independent of private providers and that their recommendations consider cost impacts and savings to the state of Wyoming.". NICHOLAS

3/1/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Hanes, Hawks, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Sessions, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Geis, Hines, Larson, Northrup, Scott and Townsend. Ayes 23 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 H Did Not Concur

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen, Latta and Reese. Ayes 0 Nays 57 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 H Appointed JCC01 Members Representative(s) Simpson, Alden and Goggles 3/2/2005 S Appointed JCC01 Members Senator(s) Hanes, Mockler and Scott

3/3/2005 H Adopted HB0314JC01

ROLL CALL AYES: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer. EXCUSED: Representative(s) Jorgensen. Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflict 0

3/3/2005 S Adopted HB0314JC01

ROLL CALL 412 Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Boggs, Burns, Decaria, Hanes, Job, Johnson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Ross, Schiffer, Sessions, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Case, Coe, Cooper, Geis, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Larson, Northrup, Peck, Scott and Townsend. Ayes 16 Nays 14 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

HB0314JC01/AA ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Adopt the following Senate amendments: HB0314S3001/AE HB0314SS001/AE Delete the following Senate amendments: HB0314S2001/AE Further amend the ENGROSSED COPY as follows: Page 3-line 8 After "section." insert "The rules shall include a method for legal representation for juveniles based upon a system which mandates a negotiated contract between a county and each service provider for services on an hourly basis, a per case basis or by a time limited contract.". SIMPSON, ALDEN, GOGGLES, HANES, MOCKLER.

3/3/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0137 3/3/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0137 3/3/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0137 3/11/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0137 3/11/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0237 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0315 Sales & use tax exemption-electrical generating facilities.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller and Lockhart

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for a sales and use tax exemption for new electrical generating facilities and electrical transmission lines as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/26/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/26/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 2/4/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gay, Gilmore, Harshman, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0316 Libraries-amends.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Esquibel and Walsh and Senator(s) Boggs

AN ACT relating to libraries; providing for the state law librarian to exchange statutes with libraries of other states; clarifying language relating to inspection of library records; providing requirements for filing certificates of organization; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/26/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 1/31/2005 H07 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen 413 Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/31/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0316HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 3 After "state" insert "law"; before "law library" insert "state"; delete "of the". Page 2-line 4 Delete "state library". ILLOWAY, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0316H2001/FAILED Page 1-line 4 After "records;" delete balance of the line. Page 1-line 5 Delete the line through "organization;". Page 2-line 6 Delete "and 18-7-105(b) are" insert "is". Page 2-lines 23 and 24 Delete entirely. Page 3-lines 1 through 12 Delete entirely. GINGERY

2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Brechtel, Gingery, Meuli and Simpson. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 53 Nays 6 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/11/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/22/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Hanes, Johnson, Meier, Mockler and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 S Placed on General File 2/24/2005 S Passed CoW 2/25/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/28/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0113 3/1/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0113 3/1/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0113 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0113 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0210 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0317 Incentives for mineral exploration.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller, Buchanan, Cohee and Simpson


AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for a severance tax credit for certain mineral exploration as specified; providing procedures; providing for a report; providing for rules and regulations; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/26/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/26/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0318 Community juvenile services boards.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Landon

AN ACT relating to community juvenile services boards; expanding the purposes of community juvenile services boards as specified; amending definitions; specifying the services community juvenile services boards may provide; specifying membership of community juvenile services boards; and providing for an effective date.

1/25/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/26/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/26/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 2/2/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/3/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/4/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass


ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, and Warren Excused: Representative Simpson Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0318HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 6 After ";" insert "providing an appropriation;". Page 1-line 11 After "14-9-105" delete "and" insert ",". Page 1-line 12 After "(A)" insert "and by creating a new subsection (d) and 14-9-107(b) by creating a new paragraph (iv)". Page 2-line 5 Delete ";" reinsert all stricken language. Page 2-line 6 Reinsert stricken "seriously emotionally disturbed youth;". Page 2-line 18 Delete "Promote the" insert "Ensure that services the community board participates in"; delete "of". Page 3-line 3 After "court" delete "."; reinsert stricken ",". Page 3-line 4 Reinsert stricken language. Page 4-lines 7 through 14 Delete entirely. Page 4-line 16 Delete "(vii)" insert "(iv)". Page 4-line 18 Delete "(viii)" insert "(v)". Page 4-line 19 After "including" insert ":". Page 4-line 20 Delete entirely and insert: "(A) Representatives of local school districts; (B) A representative of the nearest mental health and substance abuse center; (C) A representative of private community juvenile service providers; and (D) Members of the faith and business communities.". Page 5-line 5 Strike "a"; strike "instrument" insert "instruments". Page 5-line 6 Delete "health or"; after "services" insert ", in consultation with the department of health and the department of education". Page 5-After line 7 Insert: "(d) A community board may contract with the department of family services to provide probation or other services. In counties where the board has contracted with the department for probation services, circuit courts may order that a juvenile who has been convicted of a crime participate in a probation supervision program established under this article, provided: (i) That the circuit court order is in compliance with the provisions of the contract between the board and the department; (ii) The juvenile probationer agrees to participate in the program; (iii) The board and the department determine the probationer has a reasonable likelihood of successfully participating in the program; and (iv) The legislature has appropriated funds or other grants and aid payments are available for the program.". 14-9-107. Department of family services to administer block grant program; powers and duties. (b) The departments of education, family services and health shall promulgate reasonable rules and regulations necessary to carry out the purposes of this act including rules relating to: (iv) The operation of a juvenile probation program for those counties that contract for those services as set forth in this act.". Page 5-line 8 After "2." delete balance of line and insert "There is appropriated from the general fund to the department of family services two million three hundred thousand dollars ($2,300,000.00) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005, to implement the purposes of this act.". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, 416 Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/10/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0319 Excess liability account.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Wasserburger, Gay and Jorgensen

AN ACT relating to a medical malpractice liability; creating the Wyoming excess liability account; specifying legislative findings and purposes; providing definitions; specifying requirements; specifying duties; providing for investment of monies from the account; and providing for effective dates.

1/25/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/26/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/26/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 2/2/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Buchanan, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White Nays: Representative(s) Bagby and Landon Ayes 7 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/3/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/4/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp and Warren Nays: Representative(s) Berger and Jones Excused: Representative(s) Simpson Ayes 5 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0319HS001/ADOPTED Page 4-line 2 Delete "insurance commissioner" insert "attorney general". Page 4-line 4 After "insurer" insert "and proof that if the insurance is cancelled for any reason that the carrier has agreed to notify the Wyoming attorney general". Page 4-line 13 Delete "insurance commissioner" insert "attorney general". Page 4-line 18 After "the" delete balance of the line. Page 4-line 19 Delete "his counsel and the". Page 4-line 20 After "participate" insert "on behalf of the account". Page 5-line 12 Delete "commissioner" insert "attorney general". Page 5-line 23 Delete "insurance commissioner" insert "attorney general". Page 6-line 5 Delete "insurance commissioner" insert "attorney general". Page 6-line 8 Delete "insurance commissioner" insert "attorney general". Page 6-line 9 After "." insert "The attorney general shall promulgate rules and regulations as he considers necessary to carry out the purposes of this act and shall take other appropriate action to carry out the provisions of this act.". Page 6-line 16 Delete "insurance commissioner" insert "attorney general". Page 6-line 19 After "account" insert ", on an occurrence basis". Page 6-line 22 Delete "insurance commissioner" insert "attorney general". Page 6-line 22 Delete "one". Page 6-line 23 Delete "million dollars ($1,000,000.00)" insert "six hundred fifty thousand dollars ($650,000.00)".

417 Page 7-line 6 Delete "insurance commissioner" insert "attorney general". Page 7-line 10 Delete "insurance commissioner" insert "attorney general". Page 7-line 20 Delete "insurance commissioner" insert "attorney general". Page 8-line 4 Delete "insurance commissioner shall" insert "attorney general may". Page 8-line 6 Delete "insurance commissioner" insert "attorney general". Page 8-line 10 After "fees" insert "related to the state's interest in the case". Page 9-line 2 After "." insert "The noncompliant physician and his malpractice liability insurance shall assume all responsibility for defending the claim and payment of any award under the claim.". Page 9-line 17 After "seeking" delete "any". Page 9-line 18 After "physician" insert "for noneconomic damages". Page 9-line 20 Delete "insurance commissioner" insert "attorney general". Page 9-line 22 Delete "shall" insert "may". Page 10-line 1 Delete "insurance" insert "attorney general". Page 10-line 2 Delete "commissioner". Page 11-line 9 Before "reported" delete "if"; delete "can be". Page 11-line 10 Delete "or" insert "and". Page 12-lines 1 through 4 Delete entirely and insert: "(c) Except as otherwise provided by law, personally identifiable information disclosed to the insurance commissioner pursuant to this section shall be confidential and shall not be subject to discovery nor be admissible in any civil action.". Page 14-line 21 Delete "insurance commissioner" insert "attorney general". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW

HB0319H2001/FAILED Page 1-line 5 After ";" insert "providing a repeal date as specified;". Page 1-line 10 Delete "35-1-1009" insert "35-1-1010". Page 12-After line 15 Insert: "35-1-1010. Sunset of provisions; reversion of funds." (a) W.S. 35-1-1001 through 35-1-1009 are repealed effective June 30, 2008. (b) Any funds remaining in the Wyoming excess liability account created by W.S. 35-1-1002 that are unencumbered, unobligated or unexpended as of June 30, 2008, and are not needed to pay any malpractice settlement or claim under this article based upon errors or omissions alleged to have occurred between the date this article was enacted into law and June 30, 2008 shall revert to the general fund.". Page 15-line 14 Delete "July 1, 2008" insert "June 30, 2008.". OSBORN

2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0319H3001/ADOPTED Page 3-line 10 Delete "one million dollars ($1,000,000.00)" insert "six hundred fifty thousand dollars ($650,000.00)". LANDON

HB0319H3003/ADOPTED Page 1-line 5 After "account;" insert "authorizing corresponding modifications in medical malpractice liability insurance policies;". Page 8-After line 10 Insert: "(j) Any medical malpractice liability insurance policy issued or renewed in this state on or after the effective date of this article which provides required coverage under W.S. 35-1-1003(a)(i), may provide that the insurer's liability under the policy for a claim may be reduced by the amount paid from the account pursuant to W.S. 35-1-1004(a) for that claim.". GAY

HB0319H3004/ADOPTED Delete the Landon third reading amendment (HB0319H3001/A) entirely. Further amend as follow: Page 1-line 4 After ";" insert "providing for a report;". Page 1-line 10 Delete "35-1-1009" insert "35-1-1008". Page 3-line 8 After "excess of" delete balance of the line. Page 3-lines 9 through 11 Delete entirely and insert "five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00), up to a maximum payment by the state from the account of five hundred thousand dollars 418 ($500,000.00) per settlement or judgment. In no event shall the state pay from the account any amounts in excess of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) for coverage of any one (1) physician over the term of any agreement entered pursuant to W.S. 35-1-1003(a)(ii).". Page 4-line 3 After "insurance" insert "of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) coverage per occurrence". Page 4-line 6 Delete "an" insert "a written". Page 4-line 10 Before "three" insert "no less than". Page 5-line 1 After "To" insert "continuously". Page 5-line 13 Delete "thirty (30)" insert "fifteen (15)". Page 5-line 14 After "article" insert "or if the physician no longer carries the primary insurance coverage required under paragraph (a)(i) of this section". Page 6-line 9 Before "Subject" insert "No agreements shall be entered into under this section until final adoption of rules and regulations pursuant to this subsection.". Page 6-line 13 Delete "compensatory"; delete "three hundred". Page 6-line 14 Delete the line through "($350,000.00)" insert "five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00)". Page 6-line 17 Delete "three". Page 6-line 18 Delete the line through "($350,000.00)" insert "five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00)". Page 6-line 19 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0319HS001/A) to this line; after "account" insert "to the extent payment is within the limitations of this article and only if the attorney general has fully participated in the case or has fully participated in and approved the settlement terms". Page 6-line 21 Delete "contract" insert "agreement". Page 6-line 23 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0319HS001/A) to this line; delete the line through "($1,000,000.00)" insert "five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00)". Page 6-line 24 After "claim" insert "and shall not pay more than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) in claims or judgments against any one (1) physician over the term of any agreement entered pursuant to W.S. 35-1-1003(a)(ii)". Page 7-line 3 Delete the line through "($1,000,000.00)" insert "five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) for any one (1) claim or judgment". Page 8-line 14 Delete "under". Page 8-line 15 Delete "this section". Page 8-line 16 Delete "contract" insert "agreement"; after "under" delete balance of the line and insert "W.S. 35-1-1004(b),". Page 8-line 17 Delete "section,". Page 8-line 18 After "account." insert "Any physician who violates the provisions of the agreement after any payment is made from the account on the physician's behalf shall be liable for repayment of the amount paid pursuant to this article.". Page 9-line 7 After "agreement" insert "or were made on behalf of a physician who subsequently violates any provision of the agreement". Page 9-After line 7 Insert "(d) The attorney general may make any payment under this article under any reservation of rights he deems appropriate to protect the state's interests.". Page 9-line 22 Delete the standing committee amendment (HB0319HS001/A) to this line. Page 9-line 24 After "negotiations" insert "and allocation of damages between economic and noneconomic damages". Page 10-line 1 After "." insert "No payment shall be made from the account unless the attorney general fully participates in all aspects of each claim, demand or suit, including settlement negotiations and allocation of damages between economic and noneconomic damages.". Page 10-line 15 Delete "the particular". Page 10-line 16 Delete the line through "or". Page 10-line 24 After "Specialty" insert "and primary". Page 12-lines 1 through 15 Delete entirely including the standing committee amendment (HB0319HS001/A) to these lines. Page 15-After line 3 Insert: "Section 4.

419 (a) On or before September 1 of each year, the attorney general shall annually examine the excess liability account program and submit his report to the governor and the legislature. The examination and report shall include an analysis of the following: (i) The number of claims paid from the account, including the dollar amount paid for each claim; (ii) A description of the level of participation of the attorney general in each case or settlement covered under the account; (iii) An analysis of how the account is affecting the number of physicians practicing in the state; and (iv) An analysis of how the account is affecting medical malpractice insurance premiums in the state.". Renumber as necessary. SIMPSON, BERGER, BROWN

2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Latta, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Powers, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Simpson, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Gay, Hageman, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Miller, Philp, Quarberg, Semlek, Slater and White. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 41 Nays 18 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/11/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 3/2/2005 S Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Decaria and Sessions Nays: Senator(s) Hanes and Ross Excused: Senator(s) Burns Ayes 2 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

H.B. No. 0320 Annuity premium tax.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Alden, Buchanan and Hageman

AN ACT relating to annuity premium taxes; repealing the annuity premium tax; and providing for an effective date.

1/26/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/27/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0321 Assault by contamination-2.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Watt

AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; amending the crime of aggravated assault and battery to include intentionally and knowingly propelling a dangerous substance at a peace or corrections officer or employee; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

1/26/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/27/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee


H.B. No. 0322 Sales and use tax rate.

Sponsored By: Joint Appropriations Interim Committee

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; modifying provisions relating to a potential change in the sales and use tax rates; and providing for an effective date.

1/26/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/27/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 2/4/2005 H03 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gay, Gilmore, Harshman, Hastert, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.B. No. 0323 Wyoming SUPER scholarship program.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Childers, Anderson, R, Cohee, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, Luthi and Osborn and Senator(s) Boggs and Jennings

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming superior undergraduate program for education reform; creating a separate account within the earmarked revenue fund; establishing scholarships for attendance at Wyoming community colleges, the University of Wyoming and other private institutions as specified; specifying eligibility criteria, conditions and limitations; imposing duties on the Wyoming state board of education and the department of education; delegating rulemaking authority; defining terms; imposing reporting requirements; providing an appropriation; authorizing a position; and providing for an effective date.

1/26/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/27/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0324 Beneficiary deed.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Thompson, Cohee, Hinckley, Petersen and Slater and Senator(s) Sessions

AN ACT relating to property conveyances; providing for beneficiary deeds; specifying conditions; providing an authorized form for beneficiary deeds; providing recording requirements; providing for revocation of beneficiary deeds; and providing for an effective date.

1/26/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/27/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee


H.B. No. 0325 Tribal identification card.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Goggles, Bagby, Gilmore, Gingery, Hammons, Hinckley, Philp and Zwonitzer

AN ACT relating to tribal relations; authorizing the use of tribal identification cards when identification is required; specifying prohibited acts; providing penalties; providing conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.

1/26/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/27/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/27/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 2/2/2005 H08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S08 2/15/2005 S08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Geis, Northrup and Von Flatern Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0325SS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 6 Delete "substantially conforms to" insert "includes". Page 2-line 20 Before "identification" insert "tribal". BARRASSO, CHAIRMAN

2/16/2005 S Passed CoW 2/17/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/18/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Meier and Schiffer. Ayes 28 Nays 2 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 H Did Concur


422 Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Anderson, R. and Jorgensen. Ayes 58 Nays 0 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/22/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0069 2/23/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0069 2/23/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0069 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0069 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0130 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0326 Prescription substitutes.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harvey, Jones, Martin and Robinson

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Generic Drug Substitution Act; requiring pharmacists to notify prescription drug recipients of substitutions as specified; clarifying that pharmacists are not required to violate provisions of public health programs or private insurance policies as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/27/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/28/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Harvey, Hastert, Martin and Morgan Nays: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Iekel, Jackson and Osborn Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0327 Drought relief-Horse Creek conservation district.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Buchanan and Hageman and Senator(s) Meier

AN ACT relating to water; providing for use of water by the Horse Creek conservation district as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/27/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/28/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 2/2/2005 H05 Recommended Do Pass


ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0327H3002/ADOPTED Page 1-line 11 After "41-2-218(b)(ii)(E)" insert "if the storage in Hawk Springs reservoir is at least elevation 4,461.9 feet at the time of the beginning of the draw authorized under this section". BUCHANAN

2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Reese, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger and White. Nays: Representative(s) Bagby, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Hastert, Latta, Martin, Quarberg, Robinson, Thompson, Watt and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 47 Nays 12 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/10/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 2/16/2005 S05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Johnson, Meier, Northrup and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 S Placed on General File 2/22/2005 S Laid Back Without Prejudice


HB0327SW001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 1 Delete "use of water by the" insert "a study of the". Page 1-line 2 After "district" insert "and the Hawk Springs reservoir". Page 1-line 7 After "1." delete balance of line and insert: "The Wyoming water development office shall conduct a study regarding the contractual and legislative relationship between the state and Horse Creek conservation district regarding the Hawk Springs Reservoir, including but not limited to, pertinent access issues, land ownership issues, reservoir condition and maintenance, siltation factors, irrigation needs, recreational needs, fishery needs, impacts of drought and other conditions as identified by the affected parties and the legislature to assist in making plans and recommendations for the long-term management of the reservoir. This study shall be completed by December, 2006 and reported to the select water committee.". Page 1-lines 8 through 14 Delete. MEIER

2/23/2005 S Passed CoW 2/24/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/25/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Cooper, Hanes, Hawks, Johnson, Meier, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. 424 Nays: Senator(s) Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Decaria, Geis, Hines, Jennings, Job, Larson, Massie, Mockler, Nicholas and Schiffer. Ayes 16 Nays 14 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Gilmore Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0107 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0107 3/1/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0107 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0107 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0216 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005

H.B. No. 0328 Wyoming farm winery permits.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Buchanan, Alden, Hageman and Miller and Senator(s) Meier

AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; providing for the licensure of Wyoming farm wineries as specified; providing for permitting, taxation and regulation of a Wyoming farm winery as specified; amending related provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/27/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/28/2005 H Received for Introduction 2/3/2005 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW


H.B. No. 0329 Executive training institute/graduate school of business.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Luthi, Cohee, Gingery, Hammons, Illoway, Olsen and Wasserburger and Senator(s) Coe and Larson

AN ACT relating to education; providing for planning and siting of an executive training, conference and institutes center; providing for the subsequent development of a graduate school; establishing a joint legislative/executive oversight committee and a steering committee; providing an appropriation; providing for reports; specifying legislative intent; and providing for an effective date.

1/27/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/28/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04 2/3/2005 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, McOmie, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger Nays: Representative(s) Bucholz Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 H Placed on General File 2/3/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/4/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Petersen, Philp and Warren Nays: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Meuli Excused: Representative(s) Simpson Ayes 5 Nays 2 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0329HS001/ADOPTED Page 6-line 2 After "recommendations" insert "and identify funding sources". Page 8-lines 8 through 10 Delete entirely; insert "(b) Any unencumbered, unexpended and unobligated amounts appropriated under this section shall revert on June 30, 2006, to the general fund.". WASSERBURGER, CHAIRMAN

HB0329HW001/FAILED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-line 15 After "designees" delete balance of the line. Page 1-line 16 Delete the line through "representatives," insert "and". Page 2-line 2 After "designees" delete balance of the line insert ".". Page 2-line 3 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 4 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 5 Delete the line through "house" insert "The chairman of the senate education committee and chairman of the house education committee." Page 3-line 12 Delete "in Teton County," insert "within the state of". Page 4-line 22 After "business" delete balance of the line and insert ";". Page 4-line 23 Delete entirely. Page 5-lines 1 and 2 Delete entirely. Page 6-line 15 After "2." delete balance of line. Page 6-lines 16 through 18 Delete entirely. Page 6-line 19 Delete line through "center.". Page 7-line 1 After "of" delete balance of line. Page 7-line 2 Delete line through "location,". BUCHOLZ

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW


426 Page 7-line 14 Delete "one" insert "seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00)". Page 7-line 15 Delete the line through "($1,500,000.00)". MEULI, SAMUELSON

HB0329H2002.01/ADOPTED (TO CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-line 1 After "for" insert "a feasibility study,". Page 1-line 3 Delete "subsequent" insert "potential". Page 3-lines 11 through 16 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 18 Delete entirely and insert "(b) The". Page 3-line 20 Delete "and". Page 3-line 21 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 22 Delete the line through "committee". Page 4-line 2 Delete "(d)" insert "(c)". Page 4-line 20 After "options" insert ", including evaluation of existing facilities,". Page 6-line 4 Delete "(d)" insert "(c)". Page 6-line 7 After "2005." insert "If recommended by the steering committee, the oversight and steering committees shall evaluate and recommend an appropriate site in Teton County, Wyoming, suitable to construct and operate an executive training, conference and institutes center in preparation for the establishment of a premier graduate school of business.". Page 6-line 9 Delete "(e)" insert "(d)". Page 7-line 16 Delete the line through "oversight" insert "steering". LUTHI, OLSEN

HB0329H2002.02/FAILED (TO CORRECTED COPY) Page 2-line 4 After "house." delete balance of the line. Page 2-line 5 Delete entirely. Page 2-line 6 Delete the line through "committee.". LUTHI, OLSEN 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading

HB0329H3001/ADOPTED Page 6-line 2 Delete "." insert ";". Page 6-After line 2 Insert: "(ix) After developing the plans and budget specified under paragraphs (i) through (viii) of this subsection, hold not less than five (5) public hearings at regionally dispersed locations throughout the state, to receive public comments and recommendations with respect to those plans and the proposed budget.". QUARBERG

HB0329H3002/FAILED Page 1-line 6 After "appropriation;" insert "requiring matching donations;". Page 7-line 14 Delete "one". Page 7-line 15 Delete the line through "($1,500,000.00)" insert "seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00)". Page 7-line 17 Delete "This appropriation may be expended" insert "The steering committee shall accept private donations for the purposes of this act that shall be accounted for in a separate account. No funds shall be expended from the appropriation under this section or the private donations account until seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00) in private donations have been received. After seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00) in private donations have been received, the appropriation provided in this section and the funds in the private donations account may be expended on a dollar for dollar basis". Page 8-After line 10 Insert: "(c) Any funds in the private donations account which remain unencumbered, unexpended and unobligated as of June 30, 2006 shall be transferred to a nonprofit organization exempt from federal income tax pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code which is dedicated to serving the charitable needs of the Teton County, Wyoming community. The steering committee shall inform donors of the provisions of this section prior to accepting donations to the private donations account.". BUCHOLZ

2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Edwards, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, 427 Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Bucholz, Diercks, Esquibel, Gilmore, Morgan, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson and Thompson. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 50 Nays 9 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/14/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S04 2/16/2005 S04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Coe, Jennings, Peck and Townsend Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/18/2005 S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Hines, Job and Nicholas Nays: Senator(s) Case Ayes 4 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0329SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 3–line 11 Delete "University of Wyoming" insert "steering committee". COE, CHAIRMAN

HB0329SS002/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 7-line 17 Delete "one" insert "six hundred thirty-two thousand dollars ($632,000.00)". Page 7-line 18 Delete line through "($1,500,000.00)". HINES, CHAIRMAN

HB0329SW001/ADOPTED (TO CORRECTED COPY) (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Delete the Second Senate Standing Committee Amendment (HB0329SS002/AE) entirely and further amend as follows: Page 7-line 17 Delete "one" insert "nine hundred forty-five thousand dollars ($945,000.00)". Page 7-line 18 Delete line through "($1,500,000.00)". LARSON, COE, ANDERSON, NICHOLAS

2/24/2005 S Passed CoW 2/25/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading

HB0329S3001/FAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 1-line 6 After "appropriation;" insert "requiring matching funds;". Page 1-line 7 Delete "specifying legislative intent;". Page 1-line 16 Delete "the president of the". Page 2-line 1 Delete through "representatives,". Page 2-line 3 Delete "a member" insert "two (2) members". Page 2-line 4 Delete "a member" insert "two (2) members". Page 2-line 5 After "house." delete balance of line and insert "The chairmen of the house and senate education committees or their designees". Page 2-line 6 Delete through "house". Page 6-lines 18 thru 24 Delete and renumber. Page 7-lines 1 thru 13 Delete. Page 7-line 15 Delete "3" insert "2". Page 8-after line 7 Insert and renumber: "(b) The funds from the appropriation under this section shall be retained by the state treasurer and shall be available to the university to fund the project described in section 1 of this act only to the extent that cash or binding commitments have been received by the university to match the appropriation. The appropriation may be made available to the university in increments of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) whenever matching funds have been received in that amount. (i) The determination as to whether a binding commitment has been received shall be made by the attorney general; 428 (ii) Cash or binding commitments shall be received not later than October 1, 2005, to be counted as matching funds under this section.". Page 8-line 9 Delete "(b)" insert "(c)". Page 8-line 13 Delete "4" insert "3". CASE

HB0329S3002/FAILED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 4-line 16 Delete "Teton" insert "Carbon". Page 4-line 17 Delete "Jackson" insert "Rawlins"; delete "Teton" insert "Carbon". Page 5-line 3 After "paragraph" insert ". The steering committee shall specifically consider the feasibility of locating the center and graduate school in the abandoned north unit building of the Wyoming state penitentiary in Rawlins". Page 6-line 7 Delete "Teton" insert "Carbon". Page 6-line 19 Delete "Teton" insert "Carbon". Page 7-line 5 Delete "Teton" insert "Carbon". VASEY, COE

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Meier Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 1 Nays 29 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading


ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Hanes, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Schiffer, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Burns, Case, Geis, Hawks, Mockler, Ross and Scott. Ayes 23 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Gilmore Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen and Latta. Ayes 57 Nays 1 Excused 2 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/1/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0118 3/1/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0118 3/2/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0118 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0118 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0198 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005

H.B. No. 0330 Wyoming community enhancement program.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Berger, Hammons, Harvey, Iekel, Martin, Semlek, Wasserburger and Zwonitzer and Senator(s) Anderson, J., Decaria, Job, Mockler, Ross, Schiffer and Sessions

AN ACT relating to a community enhancement program; creating a community enhancement program to promote economic development for cities, towns, counties and joint powers boards; authorizing grants for historic or cultural preservation and community enhancement projects; specifying eligibility criteria; establishing an account; providing appropriations; modifying the business ready community program; amending a definition; and providing for an effective date.

1/27/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/28/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 2/2/2005 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/2/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/4/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass


ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Nays: Representative(s) Meuli Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0330HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 4 After "grants" insert "and loans". Page 2-line 5 After "requirement" insert "; repayment requirement". Page 2-line 16 After "grant" insert "or loan". Page 2-line 18 After "Grants" insert "and loans". Page 2-line 21 After "Grant" insert "and loan". Page 2-line 23 After "Grants" insert "and loans". Page 3-line 20 After "grant" insert "or loan". Page 4-line 6 After "grant" insert "or loan". Page 4-line 16 After "(e)" delete balance of the line. Page 4-line 17 Delete the line through "."; after "Grants" insert "or loans". Page 4-After line 23 Insert: "(f) Loans provided under this article shall be adequately collateralized as determined by the council. No loans shall be made without the written opinion of the attorney general certifying the legality of the transaction and all documents connected therewith. An election approving the project and borrowing for the project by the qualified electors of the borrowing entity shall be required only if the attorney general determines such an election is otherwise required by law. (g) Repayments of loans under this article shall be credited to the community enhancement account.". Page 7-line 10 Delete "thirty-five million dollars". Page 7-line 11 Delete "($35,000,000.00)" insert "twenty million dollars ($20,000,000.00)". Page 7-After line 20 Insert: "(c) A report shall be provided annually on or before February 1 by the Wyoming business council to the joint minerals, business and economic development interim committee.". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN

HB0330HS002/ADOPTED Page 7-line 11 Delete the first standing committee amendment (HB0330HS001/A) to this line; further amend as follows: delete "($35,000,000.00)" insert "ten million dollars ($10,000,000.00)". PHILP, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/11/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0331 Execution and attachment-exemptions.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Buchanan

AN ACT relating to execution and attachment; amending the homestead exemptions for purposes of execution and attachment as specified; and providing for an effective date.


1/27/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/28/2005 H Received for Introduction 2/7/2005 H Bill Withdrawn by Sponsor

H.B. No. 0332 Optional Local Impacts and Improvement Act.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Olsen, Berger, Jorgensen, Luthi and Warren and Senator(s) Larson and Peck

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for the Optional Local Impacts and Improvement Act; imposing a real estate transfer tax as specified; requiring a majority vote for the tax; authorizing collection of the tax; providing for distribution; conforming related provision; and providing for an effective date.

1/27/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/28/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/28/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Harshman and Hastert Nays: Representative(s) Bucholz, Gay, Gilmore, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Ayes 3 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0333 Publication of municipal ordinances-2.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Martin, Barnard, Illoway, Latta and Olsen

AN ACT relating to cities and towns; specifying requirements for publication of municipal ordinances; providing an exception for ordinances adopted prior to the date of the act; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 2/2/2005 H07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/17/2005 S01 Recommended Do Pass

432 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Decaria, Hanes, Ross and Sessions Excused: Senator(s) Burns Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 S Placed on General File 2/18/2005 S Passed CoW 2/22/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/23/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/23/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0083 2/24/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0083 2/24/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0083 2/25/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0083 2/25/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0131 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0334 Public employees disclosure of confidential information.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley

AN ACT relating to public employees; providing for confidentiality of materials relating to draft legislation as specified; providing for termination of public employees for disclosure of confidential information; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Gingery and Latta Nays: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Illoway, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 2 Nays 7 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0335 Standard nonforfeiture law for annuities.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley

AN ACT relating to insurance; amending nonforfeiture provisions in annuity contracts as specified; amending minimum nonforfeiture amounts as specified; providing an operative date; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0336 Emergency services mutual aid.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Latta 433

AN ACT relating to emergency services mutual aid agreements; providing for mutual aid agreements as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0337 Open meetings-executive sessions.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Iekel

AN ACT relating to open meetings; providing for executive sessions for discussion of marketing or pricing strategies as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin, McOmie, Miller and Olsen Ayes 0 Nays 9 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.B. No. 0338 Department of health review.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Luthi and Osborn and Senator(s) Larson and Scott

AN ACT relating to the department of health; providing for a review of the department of health; providing findings; creating a joint legislative-executive committee to review programs and policies of the department; specifying membership and duties of the committee; specifying scope of the review; requiring a report; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 2/3/2005 H10 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Jackson, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 H Placed on General File 2/3/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/4/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 2/4/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, 434 Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/16/2005 S10 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria and Scott Excused: Senator(s) Massie Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/18/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 S Placed on General File 2/23/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0338S2001/FAILED Page 3–line 1 Delete "eleven (11)" insert "twelve (12)". Page 4–line 10 Delete "Five (5)" insert "Six (6)". Page 5–after line 2 Insert: "(E) One (1) member representing the Wyoming department of audit, public funds division.". MOCKLER

2/24/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/25/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0099 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0099 2/28/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0099 3/2/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0099 3/2/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0182 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0339 State investments in industrial development bonds.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harvey, Childers, Hammons, Jones, Luthi, Quarberg and Simpson and Senator(s) Coe, Geis and Northrup

AN ACT relating to public funds; providing for loans to political subdivisions as specified; providing for repayment of loans; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09

435 2/4/2005 H09 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Nays: Representative(s) Latta Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File 2/4/2005 H Rereferred to H02; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0340 Mental health and substance abuse systems.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Simpson, Childers, Cohee, Gingery, Luthi and Osborn and Senator(s) Coe and Schiffer

AN ACT relating to the legislature; providing for a select committee on mental health and substance abuse services; providing for membership of the select committee; providing for studies and legislative recommendations; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date.

1/28/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H10 2/3/2005 H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Harvey, Hastert, Iekel, Jackson, Martin, Morgan and Osborn Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 H Placed on General File 2/3/2005 H Rereferred to H02 2/4/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Nays: Representative(s) Meuli Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0340HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 12 After "office" delete balance of the line and insert "seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000.00). Page 1-line 13 Delete "($35,000.00)". Page 4-line 6 Delete "prescribed" insert "geographic". Page 4-line 9 Before "Child" insert "Adult,". Page 4-line 10 After "clinical" delete "and" insert "services, including"; delete ",' insert "for co- occurring conditions;". Page 4-line 11 Delete entirely. Page 4-line 13 After "(B)" delete balance of the line and insert "Use of medicaid waivers;". Page 4-line 14 Delete entirely. Page 4-After line 21 Insert: "(v) Governing body structures and oversight of the programs and services planned and delivered;". Renumber as necessary. OSBORN, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading


436 Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/10/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S10 2/18/2005 S10 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Decaria, Massie and Scott Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/18/2005 S Rereferred to S02 2/24/2005 S02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Case, Hines, Job and Nicholas Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/24/2005 S Placed on General File 2/24/2005 S Passed CoW 2/25/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/28/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Mockler Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0114 3/1/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0114 3/1/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0114 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0114 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0195 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0341 Reserve deputy sheriffs.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Edwards

AN ACT relating to county sheriffs; authorizing county sheriffs to appoint reserve deputy sheriffs as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07 2/4/2005 H07 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Diercks, Gingery, Illoway, Latta, Martin and McOmie Nays: Representative(s) Miller Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

437 2/4/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S07 2/17/2005 S07 Recommended Do Pass


ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Johnson, Meier, Mockler and Scott Excused: Senator(s) Hanes Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 S Placed on General File 2/23/2005 S Passed CoW 2/24/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/25/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Scott, Sessions, Townsend and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case, Geis, Schiffer and Vasey. Ayes 26 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0098 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0098 2/28/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0098 3/2/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0098 3/2/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0170 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.B. No. 0342 School foundation program account funds.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Luthi, Simpson and Wasserburger and Senator(s) Coe and Larson

AN ACT relating to school finance; expanding the scope of funds comprising the school foundation program account as specified; prescribing purpose; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0343 Pipeline and utility location-2.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Lockhart and Edwards and Senator(s) Hawks

AN ACT relating to highways; providing for acquisition of utility corridors; providing for locating pipelines and utilities in highway rights-of-way; providing definitions; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 2/4/2005 H09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0343HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 8 After "private" insert ", on nonaccess controlled highways". Page 2-line 18 Delete "and as far from the highway centerline" Page 2-line 19 Delete "possible" insert "practical". LOCKHART, CHAIRMAN 439

2/7/2005 H Failed CoW; Indef Postponed

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Brechtel, Buchanan, Cohee, Davison, Edwards, Gay, Gingery, Hageman, Hammons, Harvey, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Miller, Olsen, Osborn, Petersen, Powers, Walsh, Wasserburger and White. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Berger, Brown, Bucholz, Childers, Diercks, Esquibel, Gilmore, Goggles, Harshman, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Morgan, Pedersen, Philp, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Watt and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Iekel, Jorgensen and Warren. Ayes 23 Nays 34 Excused 3 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0344 Optional liquor tax-limited time period.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Semlek and Petersen and Senator(s) Townsend

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; authorizing a county or municipality to impose an optional excise tax on the sale of alcoholic beverages for a limited time period as specified; providing for distribution; specifying conditions; amending related provisions; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0345 Incentives for mineral exploration-2.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller, Buchanan, Cohee and Simpson

AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for a severance tax credit for certain mineral exploration as specified; providing procedures; providing for a report; providing for rules and regulations; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H03 2/2/2005 H03 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Anderson, R., Bucholz, Gay, Gilmore, Harshman, Miller, Pedersen and Walsh Nays: Representative(s) Hastert Ayes 8 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File


HB0345HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 4 After ";" insert "providing a repeal date;". Page 11-line 13 After "(a)" insert "Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section,"; reinsert stricken language. Page 11-line 14 Reinsert stricken language; before "The" insert "(b)". Page 16-line 6 After "(a)" insert "Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section,"; reinsert stricken language. Page 16-line 7 Reinsert stricken language; before "The" insert "(b)". Page 25-line 16 After "(a)" insert "Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section,"; reinsert stricken language. Page 25-line 17 Reinsert stricken language; before "The" insert "(b)". Page 30-line 9 After "(a)" insert "Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section,"; reinsert stricken language; Page 30-line 10 Reinsert stricken language; before "The" insert "(b)". Page 34-After line 23 Insert: "Section 2. Effective July 1, 2010, W.S. 39-14-105(e), 39-14-205(m), 39-14-305(b), 39-14-405(b), 39-14- 505(c), 39-14-605(b) and 39-14-705(b) are repealed.". Page 35-line 1 Delete "2" insert "3"; delete "January 1, 2006" insert "July 1, 2006". ANDERSON, R., CHAIRMAN

2/4/2005 H Passed CoW 2/7/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/8/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Reese, Robinson and Thompson. Excused: Representative(s) Hammons, Jackson, Jorgensen and Watt. Ayes 53 Nays 3 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 2/15/2005 S09 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Townsend and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/15/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0345SS001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 5-line 21 After "exceed" insert "the amount of the expenditures for qualified activities eligible for the credit or". Page 10-line 16 After "exceed" insert "the amount of the expenditures for qualified activities eligible for the credit or". Page 15-line 12 After "exceed" insert "the amount of the expenditures for qualified activities eligible for the credit or". Page 20-line 9 After "exceed" insert "the amount of the expenditures for qualified activities eligible for the credit or". Page 25-line 2 After "exceed" insert "the amount of the expenditures for qualified activities eligible for the credit or". Page 30-line 2 After "exceed" insert "the amount of the expenditures for qualified activities eligible for the credit or". Page 35-line 2 After "exceed" insert "the amount of the expenditures for qualified activities eligible for the credit or". HAWKS, CHAIRMAN

441 2/18/2005 S Passed CoW

HB0345S2001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) Page 2–line 5 After "on" delete "or". Page 2–line 6 Delete "for the benefit of". Page 6–line 24 After "on" delete "or". Page 7–line 1 Delete "for the benefit of". Page 11–line 21 After "on" delete "or". Page 11–line 22 Delete "for the benefit of". Page 16–line 17 After "on" delete "or". Page 16–line 18 Delete "for the benefit of". Page 21–line 10 After "on" delete "or". Page 21–line 11 Delete "for the benefit of". Page 26–line 9 After "on" delete "or". Page 26–line 10 Delete "for the benefit of". Page 31–line 9 After "on" delete "or". Page 31–line 10 Delete "for the benefit of". MOCKLER

2/22/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/23/2005 S Failed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Aullman, Barrasso, Case, Coe, Cooper, Hanes, Hawks, Jennings, Meier, Northrup, Peck and Townsend. Nays: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Boggs, Burns, Decaria, Geis, Hines, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Mockler, Nicholas, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 12 Nays 18 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.B. No. 0346 Wyoming enterprise fund.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Simpson, Cohee, Luthi and Quarberg

AN ACT relating to a business enterprise program; creating a loan and business management assistance program; specifying criteria for the program; providing for administration; providing a continuous appropriation of funds; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 2/4/2005 H09 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0346HW001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 4 After "providing" insert "an appropriation and". Page 2-line 3 Delete "person" insert "certified community development financial institution". Page 2-after line 5 Insert "(ii) "Certified community development financial institution" means a non-governmental organization certified by the United States department of treasury whose purpose is community development and which engages in financing and development activities, such as training and technical assistance for businesses;". Page 2-line 7 Delete "(ii)" insert "(iii)". Page 2-line 15 Delete "and funding for administration of" insert "under". Page 2-line 17 After "establish" insert "and oversee".

442 Page 2-line 19 After "program." insert "In contracting for administration of the program, the council shall establish a range of interest rates and other terms allowable to be established in administration of the program.". Page 2-line 23 After "(i)." insert "The range of interest rates and other terms allowable shall be established in recognition of the economic development purposes of the program and repayment abilities and needs of businesses eligible for loans under the program.". Page 3-line 4 After "program." delete balance of the line. Page 3-lines 5 through 8 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 16 After "considered." Delete balance of the line. Page 3-lines 17 through 19 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 20 Delete the line through "($25,000.00).". Page 3-line 21 After "establish" insert "an application process, a loan approval process,". Page 3-line 22 After "approved" insert "interest rates, and other pertinent policies and procedures all of which shall take into account the economic development purposes of the program and repayment abilities and needs of businesses eligible for loans under the program.". Page 4-line 10 After "collateralized" insert "or risks are sufficiently mitigated"; after "collateral" insert "policy". Page 4-line 17 Before "All" insert "The administrator shall receive funding under the program designated to be used only for loans and other funds for costs of administration and management assistance to businesses.". Page 4-line 18 Delete "redeposited into the" insert "made directly to the administrator who shall be responsible for collections. The". Page 4-line 19 Delete "which". Page 4-line 20 Delete "administering this". Page 4-line 21 Delete the line through "it." insert "providing loans under this article. At the end of the contract period, the council shall collect all loan repayments received by the administrator under the program and deposit those funds into the Wyoming enterprise account.". Page 6-line 16 After "Wyoming" insert "enterprise". Page 7-after line 19 Insert: "Section 3. There is appropriated from the general fund to the Wyoming business council two hundred ninety four thousand five hundred dollars ($294,500.00) for administration of the Wyoming enterprise loan program created by this act.". Page 8-line 1 Delete "Section 3." Insert "Section 4." SIMPSON

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/11/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S09 3/2/2005 S Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Nays: Senator(s) Coe, Hawks, Jennings, Townsend and Vasey Ayes 0 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 S Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c)

443 H.B. No. 0347 Counterfeit drugs-penalties.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley

AN ACT relating to counterfeit drugs; providing for forfeiture as specified; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0348 Wyoming enterprise account appropriation.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Simpson, Cohee, Luthi and Quarberg

AN ACT relating to economic development; providing an appropriation as specified

1/31/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02 2/3/2005 H02 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 H Placed on General File 2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S02 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.B. No. 0349 Temporary guardianship for children.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Simpson and Martin

AN ACT relating to temporary guardianship; providing for temporary guardianship of minors for educational, medical care and dental care purposes; providing definitions; providing for ex parte orders; providing for notice; providing a conforming amendment; and providing for an effective date.

1/31/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01 2/4/2005 H01 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Buchanan, Landon, Lubnau, Olsen, Robinson, Watt and White 444 Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File

HB0349HS001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 2-line 14 Delete "spouse,". Page 2-line 16 After "uncle" delete "," insert "or"; after "aunt" delete balance of the line and insert ".". Page 3-After line 5 Insert: "(ii) The qualifications of the proposed guardian as a fit and proper person to serve as guardian;". Page 3-line 7 Delete "(ii)" insert "(iii)". Page 3-line 10 Delete "(iii)" insert "(iv)". Page 3-line 14 Delete "(iv)" insert "(v)". Page 3-line 17 Delete "(v)" insert "(vi)". Page 3-After line 18 Insert: "(vii) The name and address of the person or facility having the care, custody or control of the child;". Page 3-line 20 Delete "(vi)" insert "(viii)". Page 3-line 22 After ";" delete "and". Page 3-After line 22 Insert: "(ix) The facts showing the best interest of the child requires the appointment of a guardian for educational, medical care and dental care purposes in this state; and". Page 4-line 1 Delete "(vii)" insert "(x)". Page 4-line 3 After "parents" insert "or other person having legal custody of the child". Page 4-line 21 After "child" delete balance of the line and insert "pursuant to Rule 4 of the Wyoming Rules of Civil Procedure.". Page 4-lines 22 and 23 Delete entirely. Page 5-line 9 After "be" delete balance of line. Page 5-line 10 Delete "certified mail to" insert "served on"; After "guardian" insert "pursuant to Rule 4 of the Wyoming Rules of Civil Procedure". Page 5-line 23 Delete "stops living with" insert "is no longer living in the primary physical custody of". Page 6-line 2 Delete "living arrangement" insert "the primary physical custody". LANDON, CHAIRMAN

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Brechtel Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 58 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/10/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S01 2/16/2005 S Rereferred to S06 2/17/2005 S06 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns, Massie, Ross and Von Flatern Excused: Senator(s) Cooper Ayes 4 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/17/2005 S Placed on General File

HB0349SW001/ADOPTED (TO ENGROSSED COPY) 445 Page 1-line 5 Delete "a"; delete "amendment" insert "amendments". Page 6-line 17 After "W.S." insert "3-1-107 and"; delete "is" insert "are". Page 6-after line 17 Insert: "3-1-107. Combination of involuntary, voluntary and standby petitions and hearings. If prior to the time of hearing on a petition for the appointment of a guardian under W.S. 3-2-101 or for the appointment of a conservator under W.S. 3-3-101, a petition is filed under the provisions of W.S. 3-2-105, 3-2-106, 3-2-302, 3-3-106, 3-3-107 or 3-3301, the court shall combine the hearings on the petitions and determine who shall be appointed guardian or conservator.". NICHOLAS

2/23/2005 S Passed CoW 2/24/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/25/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Case, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Ayes 30 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 H Did Concur

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/28/2005 Assigned Number HEA No. 0108 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEA No. 0108 3/1/2005 S President Signed HEA No. 0108 3/3/2005 Governor Signed HEA No. 0108 3/3/2005 Assigned Chapter Number

Chapter No. 0193 Session Laws of Wyoming 2005.

H.J. No. 0001 State special reserve accounts.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Illoway, Edwards, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Martin, McOmie, Petersen, Reese and Walsh and Senator(s) Hanes, Hines, Massie, Nicholas and Schiffer

A JOINT RESOLUTION relating to public funds; providing for the establishment of state special reserve accounts.

12/13/2004 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02 1/28/2005 H02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp and Warren Excused: Representative(s) Simpson Ayes 7 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/28/2005 H Placed on General File

HJ0001HS001/ADOPTED (CORRECTED COPY) Page 1-Above line 1 In the catch title, delete "special" insert "legislative". Page 1-line 2 Delete "special" insert "legislative".

446 Page 2-line 1 Delete "special" insert "legislative". Page 2-line 19 After "and" delete balance of the line. Page 2-line 20 Delete "subsection"; delete "be deposited" insert "remain in the account". Page 2-lines 21 through 24 Delete entirely. Page 3-lines 1 through 5 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 8 Delete ", excluding". Page 3-line 9 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 10 Delete "subdivisions,". PHILP, CHAIRMAN

1/31/2005 H Passed CoW

HJ0001H2001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 1 After "RESOLUTION" insert "proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution;" ILLOWAY.

2/1/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/2/2005 H Laid Back Pursuant to HR 9-3 2/3/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading


ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Childers, Cohee, Edwards, Gay, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Jorgensen, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, Meuli, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Samuelson, Semlek, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Wasserburger, Watt and White. Nays: Representative(s) Bucholz, Davison, Diercks, Esquibel, Gilmore, Harshman, Iekel, Landon, McOmie, Miller, Robinson, Simpson, Warren and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Reese Ayes 45 Nays 14 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/22/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S12 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.J. No. 0002 Elected attorney general.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gingery and Senator(s) Burns

A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to modify the state elected officers by making the Wyoming attorney general an elected state officer.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/12/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H07; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.J. No. 0003 Veterans day remembrance.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Brown, Bucholz, Gay, Gilmore, Hastert, Martin, Miller, Semlek, Slater and Warren and Senator(s) Jennings, Nicholas and Vasey

A JOINT RESOLUTION providing recognition for Veterans Day and the men and woman of the armed forces who are recognized on this day.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 2/2/2005 H08 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.J. No. 0004 Term limits for state legislature.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hinckley, Bucholz and Latta

A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution; imposing term limits upon the offices of state senator and state representative.

1/10/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/11/2005 H Received for Introduction; No Further Action Prior to CoW Cutoff

H.J. No. 0005 Recognition of veteran's burial teams.

448 Sponsored By: Representative(s) Walsh, Gay, Gilmore, Hastert, Martin, Miller, Petersen, Semlek and White and Senator(s) Case, Jennings, Johnson, Nicholas and Vasey

A JOINT RESOLUTION providing recognition for the contributions of veterans' burial teams.

1/11/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/12/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/13/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H08 2/2/2005 H08 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Pedersen, Powers, Slater, Walsh and Zwonitzer Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.J. No. 0006 Residential property-uniformity of assessment.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Luthi, Davison, Gingery and Landon and Senator(s) Aullman, Burns, Cooper and Larson

A JOINT RESOLUTION relating to taxation and revenue; making residential property an additional class of property for assessment of taxes; granting the legislature the ability to determine for residential property the total ad valorem tax, restrict increases in property taxes or assessments, create subclasses and set assessment rates on subclasses.

1/13/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/14/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/18/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 1/25/2005 H09 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Nays: Representative(s) Esquibel Excused: Representative(s) Latta Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

1/25/2005 H Placed on General File

HJ0006HW001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 1 After "RESOLUTION" insert "proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution;" LUTHI

2/4/2005 H Passed CoW 2/7/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/8/2005 H Laid Back Pursuant to HR 9-3 2/9/2005 H Failed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Barnard, Berger, Buchanan, Davison, Edwards, Gingery, Harvey, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Landon, Lockhart, Luthi, Olsen, Osborn, Petersen, Samuelson, Slater and Zwonitzer. Nays: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Brechtel, Brown, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Diercks, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Hastert, Jones, Latta, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Pedersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Semlek, Simpson, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt and White. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 20 Nays 39 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

H.J. No. 0007 Wyoming children's trust fund.

449 Sponsored By: Representative(s) Osborn, Childers, Cohee, Edwards, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Jackson, Martin, McOmie, Reese, Thompson, Wasserburger and Zwonitzer and Senator(s) Anderson, J. and Sessions

A JOINT RESOLUTION relating to public funds; providing for the establishment of the Wyoming investment in children trust fund.

1/24/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/25/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/25/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/2/2005 H Motion to Do Pass Failed

ROLL CALL Nays: Representative(s) Berger, Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Petersen, Philp, Simpson and Warren Ayes 0 Nays 8 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

3/2/2005 H Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to HR 4-3(b)

H.J. No. 0008 Clear skies.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Anderson, R. and Lockhart and Senator(s) Townsend

A JOINT RESOLUTION encouraging the United States Congress to pass the Clear Skies Act of 2003.

1/28/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H09 2/4/2005 H09 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brechtel, Esquibel, Hammons, Harvey, Hinckley, Latta, Lockhart, Quarberg and Samuelson Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/4/2005 H Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW

H.J. No. 0009 State standards for federal resource management-2.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Hageman and Luthi

A JOINT RESOLUTION relating to state involvement in federal resource management.

1/31/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 2/2/2005 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers and Semlek Nays: Representative(s) Samuelson Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 7 Nays 1 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/2/2005 H Placed on General File

HJ0009HS001/ADOPTED Page 4-line 12 After "plans" insert "in full cooperation with state agencies and local governments". HAGEMAN, CHAIRMAN

HJ0009HW001/ADOPTED Page 10-After line 5 Insert: 450 "(iii) An area is suitable for designation as a research natural area, as provided in 36 C.F.R. part 251.23, within federal land management plans when: (A) The appropriate federal agency demonstrates the proposed area illustrates adequately or typifies, for research or educational purposes, the important forest and range types and demonstrates that the area contains plant communities that have special or unique characteristics of scientific interest and importance; (B) The difference between special management attention required for a research natural area and normal multiple use management has been identified and justified for short and long term horizons; (C) The appropriate federal agency demonstrates the proposed designation is not a substitute for a wilderness suitability recommendation; and (D) The conclusions of all studies are submitted to the state for review and the results, in support of or in opposition to, are included in all planning documents.". Renumber as necessary. CHILDERS

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/11/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 2/16/2005 S05 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Johnson, Meier, Northrup and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW


H.J. No. 0010 Senate confirmation of supreme court justices-2.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Childers and Senator(s) Jennings

A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution relating to the judicial department; providing that the appointment of justices of the Wyoming supreme court be done with the consent of the senate; providing for the designation of acting supreme court justices by the chief justice of the supreme court; and providing conforming amendments.

1/31/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H01; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.J. No. 0011 Bear river compact.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Davison, Hastert, Martin and Thompson and Senator(s) Cooper

A JOINT RESOLUTION requesting Congress to recognize past local expenditures as the local funding match for a flood control feasibility study in the Bear River Basin.

1/31/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H05 2/3/2005 H05 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Brown, Davison, Diercks, Hageman, Morgan, Powers, Samuelson and Semlek Excused: Representative(s) Jackson Ayes 8 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 H Placed on General File

HJ0011HS001/ADOPTED Page 1-line 7 After "." delete balance of line. Page 1-line 8 Delete the line through "runoff,". Page 1-line 11 Delete "would" insert "could". Page 3-line 14 Delete "acres" insert "acre-feet". Page 3-line 15 After "released" insert "from Bear Lake". Page 3-lines 16 through 18 Delete entirely. Page 3-line 19 Delete "ecosystem.". Page 3-line 22 Delete "in the lowest". Page 3-line 23 Delete "division"; after "control" insert "potentially". Page 3-line 24 Delete "Woodruff". Page 4-line 1 Delete "Narrows Reservoir" insert "storage allocations under the amended Bear River Compact"; delete "is" insert "are". Page 4-line 4 After "level" delete balance of line. Page 4-lines 5 through 7 Delete entirely. Page 4-line 8 Delete the line through "crops". Page 4-line 11 After "irrigation" insert "releases from Bear Lake". Page 4-lines 13 through 24 Delete entirely. Page 5-lines 1 through 14 Delete entirely. Page 5-lines 17 and 18 Delete entirely. Page 5-line 19 Delete "Provided adequate storage,". Page 5-line 20 Delete ","; after "and" insert "could". Page 5-line 23 After "." delete balance of line. Page 5-line 24 Delete entirely. Page 6-line 1 Delete the line through ".". Page 6-lines 9 through 17 Delete entirely. HAGEMAN, CHAIRMAN 452

2/7/2005 H Passed CoW 2/8/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/9/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Ayes 59 Nays 0 Excused 1 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/10/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/10/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S05 2/16/2005 S05 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Geis, Johnson, Meier, Northrup and Vasey Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/16/2005 S Placed on General File 2/23/2005 S Passed CoW 2/24/2005 S Passed 2nd Reading 2/25/2005 S Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Anderson, J., Aullman, Barrasso, Boggs, Burns, Coe, Cooper, Decaria, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Jennings, Job, Johnson, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Nicholas, Northrup, Peck, Ross, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions, Townsend, Vasey and Von Flatern. Nays: Senator(s) Case Ayes 29 Nays 1 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/25/2005 Assigned Number HEJR0001 2/28/2005 H Speaker Signed HEJR No. 0001 2/28/2005 S President Signed HEJR No. 0001 3/2/2005 Governor Signed HEJR No. 0001

H.J. No. 0012 Distribution of excess funds.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Miller

A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to authorize the legislature to distribute to the citizens of this state surplus tax monies determined to be in excess of the amounts necessary for the support of current operations of government.

1/31/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H02; No Report Prior to CoW Cutoff 3/3/2005 Died In Committee

H.J. No. 0013 Education as free as possible.

Sponsored By: Representative(s) Harshman, Cohee and Wasserburger

A JOINT RESOLUTION to determine means of making higher education in Wyoming as free as possible.

1/31/2005 Bill Number Assigned 1/31/2005 H Received for Introduction 1/31/2005 H Introduced and Referred to H04 453 2/3/2005 H04 Recommended Amend and Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Bucholz, Goggles, Hammons, Harshman, Hinckley, McOmie, Quarberg, Semlek and Wasserburger Ayes 9 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/3/2005 H Placed on General File

HJ0013HS001/ADOPTED Page 2-line 9 After "a" insert "forecast". Page 2-line 22 After "merit" insert "and need". WASSERBURGER, CHAIRMAN

2/4/2005 H Passed CoW 2/7/2005 H Passed 2nd Reading 2/8/2005 H Passed 3rd Reading

ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Luthi, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, White and Zwonitzer. Excused: Representative(s) Hammons, Jackson, Jorgensen and Watt. Ayes 56 Nays 0 Excused 4 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/9/2005 S Received for Introduction 2/9/2005 S Introduced and Referred to S04 2/11/2005 S04 Recommended Do Pass

ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Boggs, Coe, Jennings, Peck and Townsend Ayes 5 Nays 0 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0

2/11/2005 S Placed on General File; Did Not Consider in CoW



The House convened at 10:00 a.m., called to order by Speaker Luthi.

ROLL CALL Present: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer, Mr. Speaker. Excused: Representative(s) Jackson and Jorgensen Present 58 Absent 0 Excused 2

Prayer by Rev. J D Megason of First Congregational Church

Representative Cohee moved Patty Benskin be named Chief Clerk for the House of Representatives.

The motion carried on a voice vote

Representative Cohee moved the body adjourn until 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 15, 2005


House Chamber ROLL CALL Present: Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, Bagby, Barnard, Berger, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Davison, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gay, Gilmore, Gingery, Goggles, Hageman, Hammons, Harshman, Harvey, Hastert, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jackson, Jones, Landon, Latta, Lockhart, Lubnau, Martin, McOmie, Meuli, Miller, Morgan, Olsen, Osborn, Pedersen, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Quarberg, Reese, Robinson, Samuelson, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Walsh, Warren, Wasserburger, Watt, White, Zwonitzer, Mr. Speaker. Excused: Representative(s) Jorgensen Present: 59 Absent 0 Excused 1

Prayer by Representative Anderson

Representative Cohee moved that bills currently pending before this body in the 58th Wyoming State Legislature, 2005 General Session, be indefinitely postponed.

Representative Reese seconded the motion of the Representative Cohee.

Speaker Luthi stated "You have heard the motion; all those in favor say 'Aye,' opposed, 'No.' By your vote, the motion has passed the House."

Representative Cohee moved that the Senate be informed that the House of Representatives of the 58th Wyoming State Legislature, General Session is ready to adjourn.

Speaker Luthi: "You have heard the motion; all those in favor say 'Aye,' opposed, 'No.' Motion carried. I am directing that House Chief Clerk, Patty Benskin, inform the Senate that the House of Representatives, General Session of the 58th Wyoming State Legislature, is ready to adjourn."

Representative Cohee moved that a committee of two be appointed to inform the Governor that the House is ready to adjourn; and to escort his Excellency, the Governor, to the House.

Speaker Luthi stated: "You have heard the motion; all those in favor say 'Aye,' opposed, 'No.' The motion carried. Representative Petersen and Representative Thompson, please inform the Governor that the House of Representatives is

455 ready to adjourn; please escort His Excellency, the Governor, Dave Freudenthal, to the House Chamber. The House of Representatives will stand at ease until the sound of the gavel."

Speaker Luthi stated "The House will come to order. All rise please."

The Sergeant–at-Arms, Darrell Moore announced His Excellency, the Governor of Wyoming, Dave Freudenthal.

Speaker Luthi welcomed Governor Freudenthal to the House of Representatives.

GOVERNOR'S 2005 CLOSING REMARKS TO THE WYOMING HOUSE First of all, I want to express my appreciation for the working relationship between the legislative and executive branches this session. As I have watched the bills come down, I've tried to think of: What do you say at the tail end? I mean, I'm tired of you, you're tired of me. You know, we're kind of like family that's been together long enough. Isn't the 4th of July weekend over yet? Can we all go home?

But I want to just make a couple of observations, and I want to start with a quote that I love from Benjamin Franklin. When he was talking about success and what it takes to get there, Benjamin Franklin observed that: "To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions." And I think this legislative body, taken together with the Senate, jumped at the opportunities that were presented to you, and we are amazed at the opportunities in front of Wyoming today.

I commend you for that, and I believe that, as I look at the legislation that comes down, that it covers an awful lot of interests in the state. There are some of these bills that are impressive because we redid entire codes that regulated professions; we restructured how they relate to themselves. We looked at small issues. For instance, today I signed a bill about how you define a weekend for purposes of child support. And why is that important? Well, it turns out that that's a big issue with regard to families and a structure that the courts will argue about, and at some point, somebody had to give the answer. And you gave the answer.

And there weren't a lot of the sort of bills that frankly weren't focused. If you look at the bills, they were either focused on solving a broad set of problems or they were focused on addressing a particular issue that the citizens of the state have struggled with, something that needed to be addressed and was addressed ably by the bodies without a lot of fanfare. You just said, "You know, this is something we ought to do. This is something that we ought to correct."

I think about the bills. Some of them – take the bill that allowed us to actually appoint people from out of state to the Wyoming Pipeline Authority. You say, why did you do that? Because our experience at the Business Council has shown that there are people outside the state with love and affection for the state, and we ought to take advantage of that. It doesn't change the world. Democracy isn't going to be safer tomorrow because we did it. But I think Wyoming will be a little better 10 years from now because we changed the statute to allow us to take advantage of the best expertise in the country, and I commend you for that.

There are a couple of big issues that I am absolutely delighted with the way you chose to address them. One is the wildlife account. I know that that has been contentious within the bodies, between the bodies and my office, all the interest groups and everybody. But, you know, at the end of the day – we got something passed. And it's remarkable. Legislators and governors started working on that issue in 1980 and in 1981 and in 1982 and in 1983. And, today, you guys did it. You've made a statement. You can quarrel about whether it goes too far one way or the other, but you have made a statement that this state is prepared to invest in its wildlife habitat to make sure that the future is as wonderful for the next generation as it has been for us. And I appreciate that. Now I expect that, over the years, we'll tinker with it – but we won't abandon the principle that wildlife matters.

I'm also delighted that Water Account III passed this body. I was around when we started the first severance tax for water in 1975. At that point, we wanted to build water supply projects. Over the years, because of the decline in revenues, the shift in interests and, frankly, the problems with federal permitting, our enthusiasm for that began to wane, and it focused on other things. I think that this house and the Senate have made a statement that we're going to commit ourselves to building water projects.

The problem is going to be maintaining the will to continue to fund it over the years. If you look at the numbers and if we simply, over the next 25 years, hope to actually create projects that store 200,000 acre feet of water – which is a small portion, frankly, of the unused compact water in this state – we're going to have to put between $600 and $800 million into that account in order to get it done. And we're going to have to do it without being able to point the voter to a particular project that we're building right now, because it'll take us five to eight years to ever get the project

456 permitted. So we'll be back next year asking you to set your jaw right and make an investment in the future and put more money in the water account.

I also want to share with you the remarkable experience I had this morning of going over to Governor Hathaway's house and signing in front of him the education endowment and scholarship bill. I called Governor Hathaway yesterday to ask if he could come to the Capitol today so that we could have a large signing ceremony. As you know, his health isn't what we all wish it could be, and he said, "I just can't do it." I said, "Well, how about we just bring the bill to you?" And he said, "That would be fine, but I can't have a lot of people around." He's not well; he's got a cold.

And, so, on your behalf and on behalf of the Senate and on behalf of myself, this morning I went over and had the wonderful opportunity to sign the bill that creates the Hathaway scholarship fund in the presence of Governor Hathaway. I want to convey to you his heartfelt appreciation that you would see fit to name that fund after him. It was, for me, a remarkably touching moment, and I wish the English language would allow me to convey to you the sentiments that I felt, but… Pretty remarkable.

I also want to thank you for simply the way you have done these bills, and this bill is a good place to illustrate it. What you've done is, you've said, "This is a general session of the Legislature. We're going to point the directions that we want to go in the future, but we're not going to jump off the cliff." If you look at that, those bills contain committees that are going to make sure that the scholarships work for the students of the state, and the endowed chairs work for the students and the economy of the state. It's really kind of a bright way to do it. You set some money aside, put some revenue streams in place, but you said, "You know, we need to look at this for a year, and we need to get the input of the citizens and the business leaders of the state – and then we'll pull the trigger and let the money flow." I commend you for that, and I think it's the right way to do it.

I also am appreciative of the fact that you passed the community facilities fund. As you know, particularly those of you in smaller communities, the transformation to state-supported school construction and the School Facilities Commission and the restraints that go with that have been pretty painful around the state, not just in the small communities but also in large. And part of that has been the loss of facilities for those communities to engage in community events.

I appreciate the fact that you were willing to put on the books the community facilities fund. I don't think the $7 million is going to reach very far, but that's not the point. The point is, you have said, "We're going to take advantage of the opportunity that is presented by those school buildings that we're abandoning and those school buildings that we're going to build to make sure that they are both schools and community facilities." And, while it will take more money in the future to make it work, just like everything else, it's the right policy direction, and I appreciate you doing it.

But that's pretty much the way most of these bills have come out. The wildlife account talks about what we hope it will be, but puts restrictions in it to make sure that it doesn't turn into something else before we know what it's going to look like. This is a general session of the Legislature, not a budget session, and you've properly discharged the duty to make sure that policy is set.

I also am tickled about the split estate legislation. I will tell you, I don't know whether I'm glad that it passed because it's a good bill, or if I'm glad that it's passed because I won't have to hear about it again. I'd like to say I'm so noble that it's only because it's a good bill – and it is a good bill – but it's also an issue that has haunted the state for some time. If you had occasion to read a recent federal court opinion from Judge Downes, he took off on both the legislative and executive branches pretty hard with regard to the failure on the split estate issue as it related to development, and I think we've answered that question.

I want to mention one thing that is weighing a little heavily on my mind with regard to the next session, and that's this question of healthcare access and healthcare cost. On the cost side, it is not simply that the federal government is going to reduce its commitment to Medicaid. It is that the cost of Medicaid just continues to escalate with or without the change in the federal budget. I am afraid that by the time you return to your next session, we're going to discover that our federal partner has decided not to participate at the same level they have in the past, and we're going to be making some pretty hard decisions about which of the optional services we keep, at what level do we fund the mandatory services, and I don't expect that to be an easy discussion.

I also want to encourage you not to allow our current frustration with our inability to figure out how to address healthcare access to have us walk off from that issue. It is incredibly difficult, the question of whether the doctor's going to be there, whether it is a question of medical liability insurance or whether it's just simply a question of whether they're getting paid enough to make a living and to have the services available in the communities.

457 It is an issue that I sense we are getting incredibly worn down about – because we can't find the silver bullet, we can't find something that, at the end of the day, we feel like we made a significant difference. We'll be back to talk to you about during the interim, we'll be back to talk to you about it next session, because it is something that the citizens of the state talk to Nancy and I about all the time when we travel. The question of whether their provider is going to be around, or whether their provider is going to be available, is something that comes up over and over and over again, and I think that we have to address it.

But, while I was in Washington, former governor of Utah Mike Leavitt, who's now the health and human services secretary, made this observation about Medicaid as a way to encourage us to stick with the fight: He said the issues surrounding Medicaid are now large enough that we can see them, but they're still small enough that, if we act soon, we can manage it. But he emphasized "if we act soon." So I commend the Legislature for the variety of studies that you have put in place. It is my belief that the more I can get the Legislature to look at these problems and the more that we arrive at a common understanding, the greater the probability that we can develop answers, and I look forward to working with you on that.

I also wish you all an incredibly good trip home. I want you to know that I have the greatest of affection for each of you, but you know, we're kind of like family – we've been together long enough. I also know that each of these sessions we leave with a sense that some things got done, but maybe not the way we wanted them. We won some, and we lost some, each of us, and we end up with that sort of sense that … it could have been better. Well, I would remind you that it could have been worse.

And I would also suggest to you that in terms of the legislation and in terms of frankly my job as Governor, I take solace in the words of Margaret Thatcher, who says you may have to fight a battle more than once to win it. Nothing better exemplifies that than trying to set public policy. You know, you each can look at what happened and say, "Well, we did well on that one," or "I won that one," or "I lost that one," or "We didn't do as well."

But I believe at the end of the day that there are victories and losses on every desk in this building – but, more than that, this session was a victory for the citizens of this state. You addressed big issues, you addressed small issues, you set some things in motion for the future. There's a few things I'd like you to have done that you haven't done; I suspect there's a few things I did that you wish I hadn't done. But at the end of the day when you drive home, you can drive home proud that you served the citizens of this state and you have set the stage for us to take advantage of the remarkable opportunities that the next decade presents for Wyoming.

Thank you very much for your time.

Speaker Luthi stated "Governor Freudenthal, on behalf of the members of the House of Representatives, I thank you for your closing remarks to us.

"Representative Petersen and Representative Thompson, please escort His Excellency, the Governor, from the House Chamber."

Representative Cohee moved the following:

1. That the House of Representatives of the 58th Wyoming State Legislature, General Session adjourn until a date and time which are determined jointly by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and by the President of the Senate for the purpose of calling the House and Senate back into session.

2. That if no such time is established before December 31, 2005, the House of Representatives, 58th Wyoming State Legislature, General Session adjourn sine die effective at 12:00 o'clock noon on that date and the Legislative Budget Session convene on the 13th day of February, 2006 at the hour of ten o'clock a.m.

3. That the House of Representatives specifically concurs in any identical motion adopted by the Senate.

4. That if the Senate fails to concur in the action of the House of Representatives under paragraphs 1 through 3 of this motion, by adopting an identical motion applicable to the Senate, the House of Representatives of the 58th Wyoming State Legislature, General Session, shall stand adjourned sine die.

Speaker Luthi stated: "You have heard the motion; all those in favor say 'Aye,' opposed, 'No,' By your vote, the motion has passed the House.

We are now at that order of business, Reading, and Approval of the Journal." 458

Representative Zwonitzer reported from the Journal Committee that the Journal of March 3, 2005, has been read and recommends that it be approved. The report was adopted.

Speaker Luthi stated, "There being no objection, the report is adopted."

"Subject to the conditions set forth in Representative Cohee's motion, the House of Representatives of the 58th Wyoming State Legislature, General Session, is adjourned and shall again convene on the 13th day of February, 2006, at the hour of ten o'clock a.m."

Benediction was given by Representative Brechtel

Speaker Luthi stated: "The House is adjourned."

Patricia L. Benskin House Chief Clerk