
April 2020



At the time of going to print we don’t know what the immediate future is going to be with regards to how serious this Covid 19 pandemic is going to be. How much or little we in this area will be affected we just don’t know. The slogan ‘keep calm and carry on’ seems very opportune at this time. We can only hope you all stay safe and well.

Events that had been organised and advertised within our Link-Up area may or may not go ahead. We can only suggest if you want to know, get it touch with the relevant organisation.

This month we have decided to abandon the monthly collation. All the old adages spring to mind, like ‘it is better to be safe than sorry’. The collation will have been carried out by our new printers but a big thank you to all the distributors who will carry out their tasks as normal.

As to what will happen next month we can only wait and see how things progress. If we do decide to cancel collation again all the regulars who come along to help will be informed.

Zara Wyn-Evans - 8

If you would like us to mention your child’s birthday please let the editor know and we will add it to the list.

LINK-UP is the community magazine for the parishes of Broomfield, and . Any views in LINK-UP are not necessarily those of the Editor(s), the editorial staff or the LINK-UP board. The board gratefully acknowledges the support of all whose advertisements appear in our magazine. However, the inclusion in LINK-UP does not imply recommendation. The LINK-UP board reserves the right to accept any material and advertisement at its discretion. The Link-Up Board will only use personal data for the purpose for which it was provided. 2 LINK UP OFFICERS & STAFF Chairman Yvonne Harris 451883 [email protected] Secretary Jean Alger-Green 451732 [email protected] Treasurer Jackie Aldrich 451696 [email protected] Advertising Manager Annie Trolley (yellow pages only) 451312 [email protected] Distribution Manager Carol Platt 451605 [email protected] Duplication Manager Corrine McMylor 0773 0884413 Editor this month Annie Trolley 451312 Church pages contributor Michele Hardiman 451257 [email protected] Editor next month Jean Alger-Green 451732 [email protected]

CHURCH CONTACTS Rector Rev’d Mary Styles 451189 Associate Vicar Rev’d Jim Cox 07967 817337 Curate Rev’d Tracey Hallett 07854 489753 Benefice Office Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 9.00am-2.00pm 451257 [email protected] CHURCHWARDENS Broomfield Bez Purdy 451632 Cheddon Vacant Kingston Julia Hammett 451642 Jan Holmes 451343

DEADLINE FOR MAY MAGAZINE: Wednesday, 15th April Hard copy contributions by: 10.00am Fyne Court Farm, Broomfield 12noon Benefice Office, The Vicarage, KSM

Email contributions to the editor by: 12noon Only emails clearly marked ‘Link Up’ will be opened and acknowledged.

Collation: 2.00pm at KSM Village Hall, Thursday, 30th April Distribution: From Friday, 1st May


APRIL Event Page Weds 1st Kingston W.I. KSM Village Hall 7:30pm Thurs 2nd Kingston Players KSM Village Hall 7:30pm 9 Sat 4th Church Clean Cheddon Fitzpaine 16 Mon 6th KSM Parish Council Meeting 23 Wed 8th KSM Church clean and floral decorating 19 “ “ Walk For Health, KSM 30 “ “ Wednesday Café, KSM 30 Mon 9th Quantock Beaders, CF Memorial Hall 11 Tues 14th Annual Parish Meeting, Broomfield 10 Wed 15th Gardening Club 8 Fri 17th Cheddon film club 11 Sun 19th Annual Parochial Church Meeting, Broomfield 19 Mon 20th CF Parish Council Meeting 25 Fri 24th KSM Film night 11 “ “ CF Churchyard working party 16 Sun 26th Annual Parochial church Meeting, Cheddon 19 “ Annual Parochial church Meeting, Kingston 19 Mon 27th Men’s Group Meeting 15 MAY Fri 8th VE Day Celebrations 6/7 Sat 9th Broomfield Plant Sale. 10.00am-1.00pm 10 “ “ School Summer Fayre, The Grange, KSM 10 Sun 17th CHSW Plant Sale, KSM Village Hall 11 Sun 31st Pentecost Sunday, Trip to Wells 21

JULY 25th Cheddon Fitzpaine Flower Show 12 AUG 1st KSM Flower Show

SEPT 19th First day of KSM Art Exhibition

Don’t forget to take a look at the village websites

KSM Community Partnership Good Neighbour Scheme. Call 07796 838 590 email: [email protected]


Regular Events:

Babies’ and Toddlers' Group every Monday 9.00am – 11.00am in KSM Church (term time only)

Badminton/Table Tennis every Monday in Kingston Village Hall 7.30pm. Contact Janet Braund, [email protected] 01823 283998.

Dragon Quilters. Every Monday afternoon at Broomfield. Contact Kerstin for details. 01823 240041

Pilates 11.30am and Keep Fit 12.45pm every Tuesday. (term time only) Recommences 18th September Phone Alison Roberts if interested. 07850507489 / 01823 672617

Bell ringing. Tuesdays. 7.30pm KSM church. Contact Lois Miles 012823 451676 or John Lock 01823 3357766.

Youth Club. Alternate Fridays. Term time only. KSM. Contact: youth worker, Emma Goldsworthy, 07771 778552 [email protected]

Kingston Walking Group , fortnightly, Thursdays. Contact Sandra Matthews 01823 451941 or email [email protected]. Meet in church car park at 10.00am. please bring packed lunch.

Quantock Beaders 2nd Thursday every month in Cheddon Fitzpaine Memorial Hall from 11.00am until 4.00pm. Contact Pam on 01823 433838 for details:

Singles Lunch For details contact Liz Thompson, [email protected]

If you would like to flag up a forthcoming event in any of our 3 parishes over the next 12 months, do let the next editor know. Please include a telephone number so anyone else planning an event can contact you. This list is intended as a guide only, to aid event planning.



Good Neighbours Helpline: 07796 838590 Pastoral Group: 01823 451529

Good Neighbours was established in May last year to support local people who need temporary assistance in a range of situations: leaving hospital, essential shopping, collecting library books; and to support people new to the area. To date there has been limited call on our services, but that may quickly change in the light of COVID-19. The Pastoral Group offer similar support. Without knowing the impact it will have had locally by the time this goes to press both groups will do our best to offer support and practical assistance where possible. If demand becomes significant this may be by co-ordinating contact with those isolated - organising errands etc - using the Good Neighbour and Pastoral group networks via the helpline phone and the KStM website. The limited call on our services to date reflects the caring community we live in where there are existing informal local support structures, and it is important that we keep in contact (phone is fine), particularly with those nearby who live alone or those who may be vulnerable. We are both small groups, but please don’t hesitate to contact us should you be in need yourself or know of others needing support and we will endeavour to do what we can. Please also let us know if you are in a position to volunteer.

The Good Neighbour helpline number is 07796 838590, or email [email protected] The Pastoral group can be contacted on 01823 451529 or email [email protected]


V.E. Day 75th Commemoration Kingston St Mary 8th May 2020 (including friends from Broomfield)

What will be happening in Kingston? Kingston will be celebrating the 75th anniversary with a party in the Village Hall. Like other communities our activities will commence at: 2.55pm with the Last Post played by local bugler(s) And will be followed by: - Film of Churchill’s and King George’s VE Day speeches - The Nation’s Toast - 1940’s songs – sung by the St Mary’s choir + other volunteers - Music of the period (dancing will be encouraged) - Tea and cakes will be served by the friends of the Children’s Hospice South West on production of an appropriate food coupon – available on the door for a contribution. (Proceeds to SSAFA and Children’s Hospice South West ) - Food of the period – Guess the ingredients – taken from a 1943 Ministry of Food recipe sheet - A period quiz - Prizes for the best 40’s period dress sense – men, women, boys and girls.

7.00pm the Church bells will be rung

7.30pm Film “A Royal Night Out” – the story of the two princesses, Elizabeth and Margaret, going out incognito into the London night on V.E. Day.

What are we looking for? We are collecting war-time memories from those who were around at the time in Kingston /Broomfield or wherever they were. If you have such memories or know of people who do please contact either David Stripp or Paul Townsend in Kingston or Stephen Hughes in Broomfield (see phone numbers below).

7 A collection of original and replica memorabilia from the time has been gathered – posters, evacuee labels, ration books etc. If you have any that you are prepared to lend or be photographed please contact either Sheila Braine or David Stripp.

If you have recipes from the time and/or would be prepared to cook some 1940’s recipes for the day, please contact Annie Trolley.

We also need singers or musicians to help out - all abilities. Please let Nicky Perry know before 20th April so we have some idea of numbers (and range of instrumentalists) in good time. There will be a couple of practices in the run up to V.E. day – 5pm on Friday 24th April, and 5 pm Friday 1st May, in St Mary’s Church. Everyone’s welcome to join in. Annie Trolley will also be co-ordinating transport to the Village Hall for anyone who needs a lift. Feel free to volunteer help with any of these activities. Put the date in your diaries if it’s not already there. We will then be looking for a good turn out on the day. The capacity for the Village Hall is only 120 so don’t be late!

Names & contact details:

David Stripp : [email protected] 01823 451455 / 07557550485 Sheila Braine: [email protected] 07711 764864 Paul Townsend: [email protected] 01823 451986 Stephen Hughes: [email protected] 01823 451739 Annie Trolley: [email protected] 01823 451312 Nicky Perry: [email protected] 01823 451415

Thank you to Kingston from Broomfield The Broomfield Parish Council would like to thank Kingston for inviting all residents of Broomfield to share in combined V.E. Day celebrations on Friday 8th May. The details are included in this Link Up (see previous article). If there are any Broomfield residents who remember V.E. Day and have memories that they wish to share for future publication then please contact me. By the same token if there are residents who wish to help with V.E. Day themed baking or in any other way then again please let me know. We hope you enjoy the celebrations. Councillor Steve Hughes

8 Our next meeting on Wednesday 15 April 2020, will be a visit to Alison Palmer’s Hillcroft House Gardens, in Kingston St Mary. Due to restricted parking we will meet at the Village Hall at 2:30pm and car share to Hillcroft House.

On 18 March 2020, David Usher gave an enthusiastic and informative talk entitled ‘The Answer Lies in the Soil’. This was well received by both members and guests.

The Club’s AGM was held on Saturday 21 March, when the Club’s Chair and Treasurer presented their annual reports and the Club’s Management Committee was duly elected for 2020/21.

The Gardening Club meets, unless otherwise stated, on the third Wednesday of the month in Kingston St Mary Village Hall at 7:15pm, doors open at 6:45pm.

New members and visitors are always welcome to attend our Gardening Club meetings and visits, no previous gardening experience is required. For more details please contact either Moira Townsend on 01823 451986, John Manning on 01823 451244 or Jas Shorney on 01823 451532.

Next meeting: 15th April ‘Hillcroft House Gardens’ visit – Alison Palmer. Paul Townsend

Dorset and Air Ambulance – warning to road users 10th Coast to Coast Cycle Challenge - Sunday, 17th May Watch out for cyclists travelling along the following roads: Maidenbrook Lane, Cheddon Fitzpaine Village, Pitchers Hill, Mill Cross and Parsonage Lane.

9 Spring into Easter – Kingston Players The arrival of spring will be celebrated with an entertaining evening of seasonal prose and poetry on Thursday 2nd April at Kingston Village Hall – 7:30pm. Tickets will be £5.00 on the door (to include a seasonal drink and Easter cake). Tel: 01823 451431 for further details. Stephen Lovell

Across the Field The springs had sprung. We could not get out of the village. Water was swirling everywhere, out of the banks at Tetton Corner, the road to Lydeard closed and Kingston Road flooded. I cannot remember seeing so much water, but it’s all drained away – somewhere!

How long does a chaffinch survive when it gets fungus up its legs? We have had a visitor for at least four years. It has little frills all around its feet. It seems to manage ok.

The fields and banks are full of primroses - they bring a promise of spring. We have noticed that the birds are inspecting nesting boxes etc. We found frog spawn in the pond on February 22nd – a bit earlier than last year A wet month – Janet Lovell Feb 2020 120½ mm Feb 2019 53 mm

Frog Spawn On the 27th February, I had two frogs in my pond paired up but had to wait until 4 March for spawn. Now every day there is a new clump; last year I had spawn on the 1st March. On the 4th March I had a hedgehog trapped in the garden. When freed it weighed 818g. I kept it for 5 days to check it was all right it ate everything I gave it (cat meat and proper hedgehog food) weighed it again 881g then released it in the garden. 63g in 5 days - not bad. Den Bridel


Make a whole day of it ……………..

BROOMFIELD PLANT SALE – Saturday, 9th May At the time of writing (10th March), we are still planning for the plant sale. We have lots of plants busy growing and many pots promised. I have already priced boxes of marmalade! So this will all have to be sold in aid of Broomfield Church, so please support us on Saturday May 9th 10.00am-1.00pm. Let us hope that the dreaded virus will have abated and everyone will be looking forward to meeting up with friends again, and thinking about their garden planting. Details and offers of saleable items (not jumble) Bez 451632/Jane 451619

followed by………………

Taunton School Summer Fayre Saturday, 9th May 2.00pm – 4.00pm

The Grange, K.S.M.

Join us for an afternoon of music, artwork, games and refreshments.

Raffle to be drawn at 3.30pm Raising Money in support of….

Phone: 01823 703222 email: [email protected] 11

PLANT SALE & TEA SUNDAY 17th MAY 2020 Kingston St Mary Village Hall 2.30pm – 4.30pm Please park in Church Car Park No admission charge Charity No. 1003314 Please come and bring your friends

Details: Lorraine Cross 01823 451112 [email protected]

Quantock Beaders …

…meet once a month on 2nd Thursday in Cheddon Fitzpaine Memorial Hall from 11.00am until 4.00pm.

There are tutors at some meetings and a project to make at each month with help from experienced beaders and Pam Gilbert who set the years projects.

Bring your lunch, tea and coffee provided for a monthly fee with additional fees when tutors attend , lots of beads and accessories to buy if you require them.

Next meeting on 9th April. Do come and join us. Contact Pam on 01823 433 838. Nena Carter

12 CHEDDON & FILM CLUB FRIDAY 17th April 2020 Cheddon Memorial Hall THE LION KING In the African savanna, a future king is born. Simba idolizes his father, King Mufasa, and takes to heart his own royal destiny. But not everyone in the kingdom celebrates the new cub’s arrival. Scar, Mufasa’s brother—and former heir to the throne—has plans of his own. Brought up to date with new voices and rearranged songs that you’ll be tapping your feet to whilst taking in its stunning lifelike visuals. Family Musical Remake PG 118mins

Doors Open 6.30 for refreshments Short Film -.7.00pm, Main Film – approx. 7.20pm Contact: [email protected] 01823 412278

KINGSTON ST MARY FILM NIGHT Friday 24th April at the VILLAGE HALL “Knives Out” A classic Whodunnit starring Daniel Craig as an investigator into the murder of a wealthy Crime novelist, played by Christopher Plummer. His dysfunctional family and devoted staff all fall under suspicion. An ideal film for fans of old school murder mysteries. Great fun and described as “crackling, devious and hugely satisfying”.

DOORS OPEN at 7pm for 7.30pm start Tickets £6.00 on the door

REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE (INCLUDING WINE, BEER AND CIDER) Certificate 12A, running time 130 mins All profits go towards the upkeep of the village hall.

For more details please contact Serena Lumley on 451877

13 Letter from Rev Mary The internet is awash with theories about the origins of April Fool’s Day – one that stood out to me is that it gives a name to a time of year when nature itself fools us with ever-changing weather – unpredictable “April Showers” and the like.

This year we have been awash with way beyond normal rainfall, some stranded by sand-storms in the Canaries or delayed by planes grounded elsewhere by abnormally wild windy weather – so it seems that it’s not just April that brings the unexpected. Many of our lives have been impacted by the Coronavirus epidemic, a micro-organism bringing communities to a halt suddenly and unexpectedly. There seems to be turmoil in so many areas of our lives just now.

Early April this year finds the Church remembering, even reliving, the tumultuous last days of Jesus’ life. The political and religious establishment was being shaken by this simple but profound man. So much so that they decided to have him crucified on the day we remember as “Good Friday”.

How can something so terrible as a crucifixion be called “good”? It is because God Himself chose to submit to these terrible events to allow each one of us to have life in all its fulness. And yet we know that this seems a very strange way to act – the Bible talks of “the message of the cross being foolishness” to the wise, and also the place where God’s greatest power to save us. Something barely understandable and yet in these tumultuous times today a deep truth that we can cling to when nature, politics, disease and even religion are proving unreliable.

Then, of course, we celebrate the new life of the resurrection on Easter Day on 12th April! Do come walk with us through these days that we call “Holy Week”(see the church pages for a list of happenings) – as we try to put aside foolishness and plumb the depths of faith and deep wisdom that comes only from God.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, Mary


Broomfield Flowers 11th & throughout April Easter flowers.

Broomfield Church Cleaners 4th Andrea Duncan 11th & 18th Bez Purdy & Mary Johnson 25th & 2nd May Liz Wood

Kingston Altar Linen and Floor Ruth Jenkins

Kingston Flowers 5th - Lent, no flowers 12th - Easter - all welcome, contact Rosalie 451633 19th as above 26th Yvonne Harris

CHEDDON 100 CLUB: The winners of the draw for March are: £60 - Camilla Redpath £15 - Diana Taylor

Men's Group – Next meetings: : 27th April 10am – Meet for a walk May date to be confirmed. Trip to SS Great Britain We will need to know numbers for this soon so contact : Rev Jim: 07967 817337 or [email protected]

FROM THE REGISTERS: BAPTISM 08.03.20 Jenson Luke Symons-Clapp Cheddon We welcome the newly baptised as they start their journey of faith with us. FUNERALS 18.03.20 Sydney Charles Broomfield We remember these lives and pray for those who mourn them.


CHURCH CLEAN. We are having a church cleaning morning on Saturday 4th April from 9.30am until 12noon. Please bring your own polish, dusters etc. Even if you can only come for part of the time every little will help. Refreshments will be provided.

CHURCHYARD WORKING PARTY. The first churchyard working party of 2020 will be on Friday 24th April from 5pm until 7.30pm. Please bring your own tools, gloves, kneelers etc. Refreshments will be provided. Any questions about either please contact Pauline Stone Tel 277637.

Monday 6th April – 3pm in Kingston Church There will be a full reading of the gospel of Mark from the Tyndale Bible (this is the shortest of the gospels). Everyone welcome to come along and listen.

Electoral Roll Updates in all the churches

If you have been attending the church regularly and your name is not on the church electoral roll please talk to one of the Wardens who will direct you to your local Electoral Roll Officer. Updates are in progress.

16 SERVICES IN THE PARISHES 1st April Wednesday 2.00pm Communion service The Benefice Office, Kingston

5th April PALM SUNDAY 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Kingston 10.00am United Benefice Palm Sunday Service West Monkton 11.10am Sunday Seedlings West Monkton

For Holy Week services see separate page

8th April Wednesday 6.30pm Prayer Meditation The Benefice Office, Kingston

12th April EASTER SUNDAY 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) West Monkton 9.30am Easter Communion West Monkton 9.30am Easter Communion Kingston 11.00am Easter Communion Broomfield 11.00am Messy Easter Communion for all Cheddon

15th April Wednesday 2.00pm Communion Service at 4 Garden Close, Northwalls Grange, Cheddon TA2 8FZ

19th April 2nd SUNDAY OF EASTER 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Kingston 10.00am Holy Communion West Monkton 11.00am Holy Communion followed by APCM Broomfield 11.10am Sunday Seedlings West Monkton

22nd April Wednesday 6.30pm Healing Prayer Benefice Office, Kingston

26th April 3rd SUNDAY OF EASTER 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) West Monkton 10.00am Holy Communion followed by APCM Cheddon 10.00am Holy Communion followed by APCM Kingston 6.00pm Evening Prayer Broomfield 17

3rd May 4th SUNDAY OF EASTER 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Kingston 10.00am All Age Service Kingston 10.00am Holy Communion followed by APCM West Monkton 11.10am Sunday Seedlings West Monkton 11.00am All Age Service Broomfield

Sunday Seedlings 15 mins of songs, stories & fun for 0-5s & their families to learn about Jesus. Refreshments served first. 11.10am Sundays at West Monkton Church

Mon April 6th 3.00pm Listen to Mark’s gospel being read in Kingston from Tyndale version of the bible Tues April 7th 7.00pm Compline in West Monkton church

Maundy Thurs April 9th 7.00pm Holy Communion in the Vicarage in Kingston– with washing of feet (optional)

Good Friday April 10th WALK OF WITNESS All the family welcome – do bring children & dogs

18 10.00am Reflection at Broomfield/ walk to Kingston

11.15am Reflection & refreshments in Kingston/ walk to Cheddon

12.15pm Children’s activities in Cheddon church

1.00pm Reflection at Cheddon - stay for coffee / cup a soup/ walk to West Monkton

2.30pm Reflection at West Monkton

Do feel free to participate in any or all of the above and join in with the walk as and when you are able.

EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES: 8.00am Said BCP Communion at West Monkton 9.30am Easter Communion service at Kingston

9.30am Easter Communion service at West Monkton 11.00am Messy Easter Communion for all at Cheddon 11.00am Easter Communion at Broomfield


YOUR CHURCH NEEDS YOU!!! ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETINGS 19th April after 11.00am service Broomfield 26th April after 10.00am service Cheddon 26th April after 10.00am service Kingston

There are vacancies for: PCC members Churchwardens Deanery Synod Representatives

Forms are available in your churches Please do come along and support11.00am the church Easter inCommunion any way you at Broomfield are able.

Kingston St Mary church upkeep and floral decoration We are having a meeting in the church on Wednesday 8th April at 10.00am. The church will get a dust and polish and we will plan for the rest of the year for decorating for church festivals and events. Coming up soon is Easter, then there will be the Patronal festival, Harvest and Christmas, plus of course weekly services and other events. Do come along for coffee and biscuits, and a chat. Newcomers are very welcome, as are suggestions and ideas. Rosalie Hughes 451633

20 Letter from the Right Reverend Ruth Worsley, Bishop of Taunton

Time to show our care for all

As we reflect on the Easter story this month I’m reminded of the sense of ‘touch’. It was Passover, a religious festival, and as Jesus was laid in the tomb, Sabbath was upon them. So the usual burial rites were not attended to by the women who were closest to Jesus. It would have been improper to touch the dead body. Hence their early arrival on that resurrection morning.

In the following days, in attempts to dispel disbelief, Jesus’ followers had opportunity to not only talk with him, eat with him, but also touch him as he came among them. Thomas’s doubt was dispelled as he was invited to place his hand in the wounds of Christ.’

As I write this we are wondering what Covid 19 might have in store for us in the UK. We hear now that Italy has taken drastic action in hoping to contain the virus. I don’t know what further precautions we in the UK may have taken by the time you read this.

Currently we are all taking greater care with our personal hygiene in washing hands and ensuring we use and bin tissues. Today, along with the rest of the Church of , we in Bath and Wells, have recommended that we only receive bread or wafers at Holy Communion and refrain from touching, through blessing, sharing the Peace or prayer through laying on of hands.

There will be various responses to the concerns raised by the Government and the media. Some may feel anxiety or fear about the nature of the virus whilst others may wonder if the emergency planning appears over-reactive. Our response as a


Church must be that we do what we can to ensure we stay safe by taking all precautions recommended. And that we do all we can to reassure people who may feel vulnerable and worried by staying calm and showing compassion and care for all.

But how do we express such care? I’ve realised that touch plays quite an important part in showing we care for someone. When I was training as a nurse for a brief period many years ago, I recall being shown some research on touch. It was an eye-opener! Even the briefest of touches can cause people to feel better, cared for and happier.

But the presence of Coronavirus means that we are having to withdraw touch to prevent the possibility of infection. So how might we try to replace touch with other signals of our care and value? What might that look like?

As folk may find themselves ‘self-isolating’ due to potential symptoms of the virus we have the opportunity to find new ways to show our care. Phone calls and cards, food deliveries, creative use of social media and streaming of worship services may all be ways to stay in touch and help people to know they are not alone. Rather than finding ourselves paralysed by the situation let us discover how we can create new opportunities to strengthen our relationships and communities.

May our actions be the reassuring, life-affirming ‘touch’ of the risen Christ this Easter!

Easter blessings, The Right Revd Ruth Worsley Bishop of Taunton

22 Year of Pilgrimage

The benefice is organising a trip to Wells on Pentecost Sunday (31st May).

A pod will leave by bike at 9.30am (c 27 miles allowing 3 hours) and others are invited to drive up to Wells after church to meet in the grounds for a bring-your-own picnic lunch. There will be a guided tour of the cathedral and Choral Evensong at 3.00pm.

Please indicate to the benefice office if you would like to come and need or can offer a lift. Contact Michele, tel: 451257

Horseshoes in Broomfield Church I am so pleased to be able to share the delight we experienced when we saw our new prayer tree in Broomfield Church. Andy had seen the need for a new tree. Having found a suitable branch he decided to design a stand made of horseshoes that had trod the highways & byways of our beautiful Quantocks Hills. Thank you so much Andy: such a lovely idea and beautiful craftsmanship. We read in our visitors’ book just how much visitors from all over the world love to experience the peace of our Church. It is open every day. Readers would be most welcome to Services detailed in Link-up or you may wish to visit & place a prayer on our tree. Mary Johnson

23 Kingston St Mary Parish Council The Annual Parish Meeting was held before the March Parish Council meeting and the Parish Council Chairman’s Report for 2019-2020 was presented. I have included his ‘Review of the Year’ below as it gives you a flavour of the Council’s activities over the period. Reports were also presented by the Chair of the Village Hall Committee and the Chair of the Kingston Community Partnership. These reports will be published on the Kingston St Mary website if you would like to read them. Chairman’s Review of the Year The May local elections resulted in Kingston St Mary Parish Council having only three councillors, fortunately we were able to co-opt two additional Parish Councillors, bringing the total to five. I would like to thank the hardworking Parish Councillors who decided to stand down in May, after many long years of service to our community. The main planning applications of the year concerned the proposed North Taunton Development. This development took a step closer to execution when outline planning permission was granted in April, for 713 dwellings and a spine road connecting Staplegrove Road with Kingston Road. The Parish Council is working with District and County Councillors and the Staplegrove Parish Council, to mitigate the infrastructure and environmental impact of this major development on Kingston St Mary parish residents. The Parish Council continued to support the Kingston Community Partnership and provided funding for a speed indicator device, to improve road safety through the village. The Parish Council also provided a number of grants for smaller community projects, which included an award to the Village Hall for a new sound system. In addition, County Councillor Rod Williams was successful in his bid to for an ‘Improving Lives Grant’, which will result in a hearing loop being installed in Kingston St Mary’s Village Hall. The Parish Council is pleased to report that The Swan pub in Kingston St Mary has been registered as an ‘Asset of Community Value’. The Parish Council endeavours to maintain and improve the natural environment within the Parish and is particularly concerned about the muddy run-off which resulted from heavy rain in June. Although 24 Somerset County Council have undertaken exploratory work and identified the cause, they do not have the necessary finances to rectify the problem and have submitted a bid to Somerset Rivers Authority for funding. Looking to the future, the Parish Council will when appropriate, continue to provide financial support to Kingston Community Partnership’s implementation of the Community Plan and to this aim, we have commissioned a Housing Needs Survey, which will be available later in 2020. The Parish Council has been able to reduce its precept for 2020/21, which will be reflected in the council tax of local residents. March Parish Council Meeting The March Parish Council meeting was attended by 4 Councillors, the Clerk, a District and County Councillor together with several members of the public. Planning Matters - Five planning applications were considered. The Council objected to one, commented on another and had no comments to make on the remaining three. VE Day Celebration - The Council was updated on the preparations for the VE Day Celebration on 8th May and there is going to be a full schedule of events. The Council agreed to make a donation towards the event and we hope as many villagers as possible come out and support it.

Co-option of 2 new Councillors – The Council is very pleased to say we have co-opted 2 new Members who will take up their roles very soon. There are still 2 vacancies so please contact us if you would like to put your name forward! Remember, you can see all of the Council’s Minutes on so if you are interested have a look.

Katie Gibbins (Clerk) [email protected] Paul Townsend (Chair) [email protected]

25 Broomfield Parish Council’s Meeting Report February

Broomfield will be celebrating V.E. Day along with Kingston (see page 7 for details)

The general issue with the parish roads has been highlighted with Highways and we keep advising them until something is done. The blocked footpath on Broomfield Common has also been reported to Sedgemoor.

Broadband in the village is an ongoing issue. The Parish Council are in support of a mast being installed in the village but it will need to be in the right area within the community.

Under Planning for Parish Council Comment was a Variation of Condition 4 of Planning Permissions 10/13/00005 (Change of use, conversion and extension of building to form holiday let) to allow for the building to be used as a holiday let or ancillary accommodation. Support for the application was unanimously agreed.

The Great British Spring Clean will be taking place between the 20th March and the 13th April. The Chair of the Parish Council has bags, litter pickers and some fluorescent jackets. Please get in touch with the Parish Clerk at [email protected] if you are able to volunteer some time to help clean up the litter in and around the village.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 14th April at 19:30 in the Village Hall. Parish Clerk - Clare Winter [email protected] Chair - Paul Trolley [email protected] 01823 451312

26 Cheddon Fitzpaine Parish Council…

Here is a summary of business following our last meeting held on 9th March:

Rainfall! Water, floods, sewage issues… rest assured that your Parish, District and County Councils have responded vigorously to all the cases that were reported to them. Wessex Water has also been particularly helpful in assisting residents in the Cheddon Village area. Requests have been made to SCC Highways to attend Maidenbrook Lane, Cheddon, to meet residents and find a solution to the repeated flooding, which has blocked access. Problems in the Rowford area (residences and school) will also be kept on the agenda with SCC.

Maidenbrook Country Park/Somerset Wood: Progress has paused due to a combination of the awful weather and unexpected delays in formalising legal ownership of the land.

Northwalls Grange: There is dialogue with DWH regarding the installation of the Play Area and Open Space at the northern end of the estate and full details will be published when known.

U5 Play Areas on the 'old' Nerrols estate: All the rubberised play surfaces have been pressure-washed in recent weeks and this has enhanced the overall look of these areas (do go and see for yourselves!). However, the waste bins at these sites remain in a shocking state and we await information from the new SWT Council regarding their replacement.

New Bus Timetable for No. 2. Please see your parish website for the new timetable and routes effective from 6th April. This service runs via Taunton/Priorswood/Nerrols and a new No. 7 will offer an express route from West Monkton to Taunton. cont …… 27 Next CFPC meeting: MONDAY 20th April 2020 at 7pm in the Committee Room of the Memorial Hall.

NOTE: In order to accommodate changes in the availability of our Parish Councillors, the ‘default’ preference for meetings is now monthly on the 2nd Monday. However, to avoid Easter Monday and pre-existing hall bookings, the Mondays scheduled for the rest of 2020 are: 20th April, 18th May, 8th June, 13th July, 10th August, 14th September, 12th October, 16th November, 14th December.

Denise Webber/Chair 07788 522266 [email protected]

Jo Pearson/Parish Clerk 07891 529809 [email protected]

YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY A few months ago I informed you all that something exciting would be happening at your local library in Priorswood. I’m very pleased to say that ‘Open Plus’ has now started. “What’s that?” I hear you cry. Well, read on …..

The normal opening hours when members of staff are available to help you haven’t changed. BUT …. you can now visit the library 7 days a week, any time between 8.00am and 8.00pm Monday to Friday and 8.00am to 5.00pm at the weekend. All you have to do is come along to the library to register. At these ‘other times’ the library will be unmanned, but you’ll be able to come in and select or change your books when it is convenient for you. This will be especially welcome to families with children. How many times on a rainy day have you wondered “where on earth can we take the children?” Well, now you have somewhere to go! Annie Trolley 28 Cheddon Fitzpaine Flower Show … will be on 25th July opening at 2.30pm at the Memorial Hall with a fun dog show . Schedules available from committee members - Angela Dill, Sally Hillman, Nena Carter, others too and Pyrland Farm Shop.

Lots of classes to enter: fruit, cut flowers and vegetables, floral art, cooking, jams and jellies, handicrafts. Classes for Cheddon Primary School pupils. Entries close on 21st July BUT dog show entries on the day please. Nena Carter

KINGSTON ST.MARY W.I. The March meeting of the W.I. was well attended and we were delighted to welcome two prospective members. The speaker for the evening was Michelle Collins, a Mental Health Practitioner who spoke about the complexities of illnesses especially depression and anxiety. Michelle explained her method of working with clients and the importance of enabling people to help themselves. Michelle had a gentle approach to counselling and would be an easy person to talk to. A vote of thanks was given be Audrey Anger.

Great news for the W.I. skittles team who are through to the semi-finals of The Somerset County Skittles Tournament, beating Lydeard St. Laurence W.I.: a very exciting evening match resulting in a draw. One player was elected from each team and Sarah Hancock championed our team and won by one point, 8 points to 7. The total was 242 to 241. We await our next challenge to be played in April. Onwards and upwards!

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesda, 1st April. A hands on craft evening of card making has been arranged with visiting expert instruction. All materials supplied. Do come and join us.

Future meetings guest speakers: May 6th Clare Donoghue a local published crime writer June 3rd Mike Rendell. Royal Shenanigans of the Georgian era Jane Templeman


‘DES RES’ – HOW THEY ONCE LIVED Edmund Rack, in the late 1700s, described how “most of the 330 inhabitants of the parish of Broomfield lived in roughly built, mud- walled stone cottages, with thatched roofs”, they were still similar at the end of the 19th Century. Poor people were living in such hovels even into the 20th Century.

Come in, but first wipe your feet on the pile of bracken put outside the door in the small wooden porch. Note the badly fitting door of rough boards, letting out the smoke from the open fire. It has no lock there being very little worth stealing in this hovel. A few flagstones are laid on the earthen floor (lino was not available until the mid- 1800s and was not general then) but there may be one or two rush mats, even a rag rug by the fireplace. It is dark for windows are small and answered to their original name of ‘windeye’, they do not open and the sacking over them fails to exclude draughts.

The hearth is the focal point of the room, usually well swept and furnished with a large black cooking pot, iron frying pan and a big kettle on a ‘crane’ to move it to and from the fire, which needs to be kept in to supply heat for cooking and warmth. Fuel is wood when available, sometimes peat, at one time dug in small quantities on the Quantocks, or even dried cowpats! Children gather kindling and it is lit with sparks from a tinder box before friction matches became available. The housewife longs in vain for a kitchen range, she has not even got a bread oven; maybe there is a bakery in the village.

The walls, generally of cob, have been partially covered inside with cheap deal panels. The only ornament may have been a china knick- knack from Broomfield Fair and furniture is sparse, perhaps a trestle table, a few stools or benches, possibly a chair for Father made by a local carpenter. A curtain conceals a bed (of sorts) for parents, a 30 wooden box for a cradle. The other children slept on straw paillasses on the upper floor, reached by a ladder, lit by a tiny ‘eyebrow’ window in the thatch. Luckily an ‘out-shut’ or ‘cat slide’ with steep roof was often built on the side of the building with a pump nearby for water and an enamel bowl for the family’s ablutions, somewhat perfunctory in cold weather. A small mirror is provided for Dad’s weekly shave. The privy is down the garden – a wooden seat over a bucket with squares of paper hung from a convenient nail. The adjoining garden benefits from the periodic emptying of the bucket and the building gets a whitewash quite often.

Life is not a bed of roses in such conditions, especially with large families. But older girls were found a skivvy’s job in a farmhouse and boys working on farms sometimes lived in there. Somehow families coped with plenty of fresh vegetables and herbal remedies from the garden and perhaps cheap skim milk from the local farm. You may find these ruined buildings under brambles and nettles, but cob soon deteriorates to soil, unless it has good ’feet’ – a stony base and a decent head of thatch. Landlords did not want to repair cottages when gradually less labour was required.

Audrey Mead

31 HOSPITAL TRANSPORT & EMERGENCY PRESCRIPTION SERVICE The following people have kindly offered to collect your prescriptions or take patients from the appropriate parish to and from hospital.

For residents of Kingston only Fay Huleatt Boyd 451891 Sonia Pether 451311 Jenny Fisher 451332* (*Prescriptions only)

For residents of Cheddon only Liz Thompson 451529 Mary Gunning 412179


Wednesday, 8th April

Meet at KSM Church car park at 1.45pm for 2.00pm start. Finish at KSM village hall for a cuppa at the Wednesday Café. Walk lasts about 30/40 minutes. Wear suitable footwear. Newcomers always welcome.

Details from: Jackie Aldrich 01823 45169 Paul Trolley 01823 413122 Heather Saxton 0823 45210


WEDNESDAY CAFÉ – KSM Village Hall Wednesday, 8th April 2.00pm- 4.00pm (Every second Wednesday of the month)


For more information: Annie Trolley 01823 451312 or Jean Alger-Green 01823 451732

If you live locally but are unable to get to the hall please make

contact and we will try to arrange transport for you.

Cancelled Quiz Evening in March Apologies to those who would have come along to KSM Village Hall for the Taunton Vale Inner Wheel Quiz and Supper on 21st March. It was postponed but we plan to reschedule later in the year and look forward to a successful and enjoyable evening


The British Red Cross I was recently introduced to the British Red Cross service of delivering patients home from hospital. Having spent a couple of days in Musgrove Park, I was asked how I was getting home. “I’ll phone for a taxi” I said. The nurse replied “I will see what I can do.” Ellie, from the British Red Cross promptly turned up with a wheelchair, took me to a car and delivered me safely home. The next morning I received a backup call from the organisation to check I was alright. Thank you British Red Cross for an excellent service that I previously did not know existed. Janet Lovell


Thank you to Kingston As I prepare to move myself and my brood (Zara, Rupert and Clemmie 18 months) from KSM to the Heart of the Somerset Levels I begin to reflect on the many rich and rewarding experiences we had in the village ranging from films to pancakes as well as my membership of the WI and I thus asked Zara (almost 8), Rupert (7) and Clemmie’s input.

For little Clemmie it has undoubtedly been her life as a Sunday Seedling in West Monkton as part of our Sunday worship and more recently as a Little Seedling c/o Rvd Tracey Hallett.

Rupert’s highlight of the summer holidays was being awarded first prize at the Kingston Flower Show for his desert garden and our special thanks must go to Judy Rhodes for her everlasting patience with our little farmer.

Zara’s best experience was joining the children’s crafting workshop with Kerstin up at Westleigh Farm during which she produced the most exquisite artificial bunch of flowers to gift to her grandmother in Kent and her best friend was equally pleased with her super environmentally friendly shopping bag!

Warmest regards and wishing each and every one of you in the village all the very best. Sophie Wyn-Evans

Musings from Millcross I’m writing this on 6th March, so tomorrow it’s 2 weeks to the Spring Equinox, result! Already the sun sets late enough to allow a stroll after work, much to A’s delight. And it’s getting later, later, later. I can see the trees acknowledging the turning of the year, and I can feel the sap rising all around me. I’m sure A feels it to. Dusk is becoming an extendable feast, as the opportunity to sneak in a cheeky one (I’ve used that phrase before) increases for the foreseeable future.

A being the dog that he is doesn’t relish the stream like aspect of watery lane, or any other flooded footpath for that matter, he’s not got webbed feet after all. Don’t get me wrong, he and I will walk in all weathers but we frequently check the Met office app and either charge out of the front door grabbing a window of opportunity or have a cup of coffee and piece of cake and wait for the skies to brighten from the West. Sheltering from the rain in The Swan the other afternoon I discovered A likes pork scratchings, was I surprised?! Nick 34

For sale/wanted/lost and found There is no charge for these notices. However due to limited space, please keep wording to a maximum of 50 words.

FOR SALE: Upholstered headboard with matching valance for 5ft double bed. blue woollen fabric. £50.00. Tel: 01823 451605.

Commercial Advertisement – 1/3 A5 page may be placed at a cost of £10.00 at the discretion of, and following discussion with, the Editor.

Goddard & Family Garage . Offers MOT & Full Service £130

MOT & Major Service £200

Free vehicle collection and return in Taunton, Wellington,

North Petherton, and all outlying villages.

Greenbrook Terrace, Taunton, TA1 1UU [email protected]

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