Winterim 2009

Mama Duck ponders mice, a species she has never seen before, in Dandelion, a children’s musical by the Something for Nothing Players.

Something Different Course Selections

Winterim Professionals 7 ARC Volunteers 7 Back to the Land—We Are What We Eat 8 the Rio Grande 8 Casa Cayuco, Panama 9 Chess 9 Color Your Imagination 10 Dance Dance Revolution 10 Digital Photography—Boston to Maine 11 The Dingle Way 11 The Dominican DREAM Project 12 En Garde Plus—The Art of Bladework 12 Florida Camp and 13 Go Green! 13 Headstart in Lowell—Community Service 14 the Jewel of the Caribbean 14 LEAD—Leadership Experience And Development 15 Make Your Own Movie 15 Peru—A Journey of the Heart 16 Quilting is Sew Easy 16 Rafting in Tropical Mexico 17 Something for Nothing Players—Touring Children’s Theatre 17 Sports Journalism 18 Stained Glass Creations 18 The Stock Market Game 19 The System 19 Tales and Tellers 20 The Total Mountain Experience 20 Travel at the Speed of Dog 21 Underwater Discovery 21 Yellowstone—Ecosystem Exploration and Nature Photography 22 Yoga Beyond the Mat 22 Introduction As you consider the courses described in this catalogue, you will see that Winterim is clearly something very different. Winterim encompasses the center of Lawrence Academy’s commitment to experiential education—learning in the concrete and physical world of activity as a complement to learning in the vicarious and symbol-filled world of traditional classrooms.

Winterim is an opportunity for this community to explore a wider range of subjects and skills than is otherwise possible in our regular program. While many of the courses would not fit into a standard curriculum, they have all been designed to promote inquiry and reflection and to encourage risk-taking and discovery.

Winterim is a chance to learn in a variety of settings. Students will work with the handicapped, perform shows for young children, aid the impoverished of the Dominican Republic, and trek by dogsled through Minnesota.

Winterim is a chance to learn from an interesting variety of professionals. Students will study with working photographers, environmental activists, chessmasters, artists, and farmers.

Winterim encourages deeper, more intense faculty-student relationships. During these two weeks, we redefine our roles of student and teacher. After spending two weeks together in the woods or workshop, we view each other in very different ways. Winterim should remind us all that learning is not restricted to classrooms and books, nor are all students adolescents. Learning is a lifelong adventure and joy.

Winterim 2009 3 Course Selection Financial Aid On the following page you will find the Course Sign-Up Form. There are two sources of financial aid. The first is a fund Parents should take an early and active role in helping their established by the Saltonstall family in memory of their children select courses which would be most stimulating and daughter Claire. The second is money raised in the annual beneficial. Since it is not possible for each student to get his or Gagné Winterim Classic Golf Tournament. Although seniority her first choice, it is very important that students consider their is taken into consideration when evaluating financial aid second, third, fourth, and fifth choices very carefully, as chance requests, anyone in any class may apply for a modest grant. may easily put them in these courses.. In addition, seniors on financial aid may apply for Winterim Note: Students may not enroll in the same course twice during aid through a special fund. The deadline for applications for their time at Lawrence Academy. financial aid is Friday, November 17, at 9:00 a.m. Senior and junior selections are due by 3:00 p.m. Financial Risk and Insurance Wednesday, December 3, 2008. The risk of travel cancellations has increased greatly since 9/11 Sophomore and freshman selections are due by 3:00 p.m. and decisions about travel courses will always be guided by Tuesday, December 9, 2008. developing circumstances and by State Department travel advisories. Airline tickets and other group costs are frequently The later sign-up for sophomores and freshmen is designed to nonrefundable. Once students are placed in courses, the school allow those students to see what courses remain open to them begins to commit funds to secure course arrangements. after senior and junior selections have taken place. Students Unfortunately, the organizations with which we work are not who might not see their parents prior to these dates can secure interested in the reasons a student may withdraw from a the necessary parent permission in two ways: course. The funds are committed, and Lawrence Academy 1. Having their parents sign permission for a number of cannot assume responsibility for them. As a result, it is courses (more than five) over Thanksgiving Break. important for families to understand that if their child must drop a course for whatever reason (including injury or illness), 2. Having their parents phone or fax permission to the school they will remain obligated to pay for the course. Additionally, in care of David Smith, Winterim director. if their child needs to enroll in another course, the family will Credit also be obligated to pay for the new course. Although we will make every effort to recover whatever money we can, the Be reminded that Winterim must be passed, as a requirement family’s financial responsibility remains. Therefore, we urge for graduation. If a student does not earn credit for a Winterim students and parents to be most careful when making course, he or she will be required to make up the missing initial selections. requirement during the following summer. To make-up this obligation, students may either enroll in a two-week (or Travelers insurance is available at a reasonable cost. Refer to the longer) Outward Bound course (or similar, approved program) brochure made available by the Business Office for a description or they may perform 50 hours of community service. In the of this coverage. event students select the latter, the community service site coordinator must contact the Winterim director before The On-Campus Program approval will be granted. The on-campus Winterim program runs in the spirit of the off-campus program. Therefore, all boarding students are Students should understand that all school rules, including the required to participate in evening activities that are designed to prohibition of alcohol or illegal drugs, both on and off campus, be enjoyable and to bring the residential community together. remain in force during Winterim. Violations will result in Students may relax and socialize on their own during the late disciplinary action and could result in the loss of afternoon when their courses end for the day. After dinner, Winterim credit. Mondays through Thursdays, they either choose an activity Note: Winterim runs from Monday, March 9, until 3:00 p.m. from a few different options or participate in an activity for on Friday, March 20. Given the short, intensive nature of the everyone. To help defray the cost of these activities, all boarders program, absences are not permitted. Any absences may result in on-campus courses will be assessed an $80 activity fee for in loss of Winterim credit and will require summer make-up. the two weeks. Day students are welcome and encouraged to Legitimate illnesses and emergencies will be dealt with on an attend any of these activities by signing up for them in individual basis, but the time will quickly come when too advance. They will be charged a fee on a per-activity basis. much of the course has been missed. In the spirit of course completion and group experience, early departures for vacation will result in automatic loss of credit.

4 Winterim 2009 Course Sign-Up Form

Student Name: Grade: 9th 10th 11th 12th (please circle one) Fill out both sides of this form completely and submit it to the director of Winterim by the deadline.

Senior and junior forms are due at 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 3, 2008. Sophomore and freshman forms are due at 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 9, 2008.

Parents and guardians should take an active role in Winterim course selection. Final decisions about travel courses will be guided by developing circumstances and by State Department travel advisories. Please note that some course descriptions include advisories with important information about health and skill requirements, as well as early departures and late returns.

I hereby permit to take the following Winterim courses:

1. $

2. $

3. $

4. $

5. $

In signing this permission, I/we assume the risk that, if my/our child must drop the course after being placed in it, I/we will remain responsible for the cost of the course (see section on Financial Risk in the Introduction). Deposits for off-campus programs will be billed as soon as course placement is confirmed.

Parent/Guardian Signature

To provide some limited financial protection to parents, we can offer an individual travel insurance policy. Please see the accompanying leaflet for information about this insurance. Note: The policy will not cover cancellations made by either Lawrence Academy or an individual parent out of fear or nervousness.

To obtain this insurance, you must commit yourself to its purchase at the time you sign up for courses. Initial here if you want the travel insurance described.

Please complete the waiver/release on the back of this form ®

Winterim 2009 5 Release Form for Participation in the Lawrence Academy Winterim Program

The parties to this release are ______(student), ______(student’s parents or legal guardian if student is under 18, all referred to hereafter jointly and severally as “student”) and Lawrence Academy. The student, with the consent of the student’s parents or legal guardian, has chosen to participate in the Winterim program (hereafter “program”) during the month of March 2009.

Assumption of Risk I understand and accept that participation in the program may expose participants to increased physical risks. Some of the risks which may be present or occur include, but are not limited to, those associated with the following activities (some of which may be associated only with certain trips): travel—by plane, automobile, boats or on foot—snorkeling and swimming, the forces of nature (including, but not limited to, lightning, major storms and strong sun), the physical exertion associated with outdoor activity and/or a rigorous exercise program, injuries inflicted by animals, insects, reptiles, or plants, SCUBA diving, unfamiliar or different food, drink, customs, laws, driving practices, diseases and health care, and the hazards of traveling in steep terrain, including falling. Adherence to Standards Student understands and agrees to abide by all policies, rules, and regulations of Lawrence Academy and all rules, regulations, and laws of the respective countries to be visited. Student further agrees to obey all rules, directions, and precautions issued by Lawrence Academy or its representatives, by any associated individuals, institutions, or organizations, or by the United States Government. Release of Liability In consideration of participation in this program, I have and do hereby release and hold harmless Lawrence Academy and all its employees, trustees, faculty, representatives and agents (hereafter, “released parties”) from any and all liability, actions, causes of action, claims or demands of every kind and nature whatsoever and specifically any claim for negligence or negligent acts which may arise out of, or in connection with the student’s involvement in the Winterim program. Student further releases and discharges the released parties from responsibility for any accident, illness, injury, or any other consequences arising or resulting directly or indirectly from student’s participation in the Program. The student recognizes and agrees that the released parties assume no responsibility for any liability, damage, or injury that may be caused by student’s negligence or willful acts committed prior to, during, or after participation in the Program, or for any liability, damage, or injury caused by the intentional or negligent acts or omissions of any other participant in the Program, or caused by any other person. The terms hereof shall serve as a release, indemnification, and assumption of risk for the student’s heirs, executors, representatives, attorneys and administrators, and for all members of the student’s family, including any minors. I agree that the foregoing obligation shall be binding. I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract between me and Lawrence Academy and/or the affiliated organizations and sign it of my own free will.

Parent/Guardian name Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date

6 Winterim 2009 Course Selections

Winterim Professionals ARC Volunteers Mr. Sheppard and Mr. Sheehan ’87 Mrs. Sheff Maximum Students: 20 Maximum Students: 8 Cost: $0 Cost: $0 The only independent-study option offered during Winterim, The Professionals affords up to 20 students the chance to What will I do during this course? experience the life of a working professional person for two Are you an outgoing person who enjoys getting to know weeks in a chosen field of interest. In recent years, students different people? Is helping others something that you really have worked along side lawyers, physicians, advertising like to do? During this course, students will spend each day executives, artists, small-business managers, and countless volunteering at ARC Community Services, a center in Fitchburg, others. Participants are granted Winterim credit on the basis Massachusetts, which provides employment and daily activities of a required daily journal and a written evaluation by their for adults with mental and physical handicaps. Students will professional sponsors. The application process takes place help out by participating in a variety of activities with the during October and early November, before the Winterim individuals who attend the day programs there. The daily sign-up. Because professional internships are approved well schedule will include taking part in craft projects and games, in advance of that date, these students do not go through the helping with educational training, assisting ARC staff with regular course sign-up and lottery. activities, and accompanying ARC participants as they go out into the community for recreation. All students are eligible for The Professionals except freshmen and new sophomores. Internships must take place in the What will I learn in this course? United States or Canada, and they may not be under the The goal of this course is to give students an opportunity to supervision of an immediate family member (parent or sibling). help others while they enrich their own lives by getting to The internship must expose the student in an active way to the know people who are different from themselves. Participants in realities and rewards of the profession. Doing clerical or other this course will interact with ARC clients every day, and they “go-for” work is not acceptable. The goal of the program is to will learn about the challenges that individuals with special give students a real understanding of a profession from the needs face in their daily lives. inside, so that they can judge whether that profession is a potential career path. Participants in this Winterim course will need to be actively and willingly involved in all activities. They should be friendly, Students interested in The Professionals should have an idea in outgoing, patient, and ready to extend themselves to join in mind early in the school year, and it is strongly suggested that activities and establish relationships with the people who they identify a sponsor before completing the preliminary attend the ARC’s programs. Students will also maintain a daily application in October. journal of reflections about their experiences. They will be Signing up for The Professionals constitutes a commitment for expected to join actively in group discussions as well. Each Winterim. Professionals may not be used as backups for regular student will submit a final essay based on personal reactions to Winterim courses. the two-week experience. Who will lead this course? Lawrence Academy faculty member Jamyn Sheff will lead the course. She has worked with student volunteers at the ARC for ten Winterim experiences. She will be present and involved in all aspects of orientation, training, and volunteering. Staff members at the ARC will also work with Lawrence Academy students.

Winterim 2009 7 Back to the Land—We Are Canoeing the Rio Grande What We Eat Mr. Veit and Mr. Johnson Max. Students 12 Dr. Greene and Mr. Kaiser Cost: $2,300 Maximum Students: 12 Cost: $650 Advisory: We will depart on Monday, March 9 and return on Sunday, March 22. Participants should have basic swimming What will I do during this course? skills. Valid passports are mandatory, as are additional travel Why are some of us called to work the land? What is our documents for international students. fascination with what we grow and raise on it? In this course we will explore several topics of interest in animal science and What will I do during this course? crop production. We will examine in detail the digestive and The Rio Grande in West Texas is truly spectacular. This reproductive systems of ruminants (cows). Our course will be National Wild and Scenic River winds its way through some of based at Twin Valley Farm in Pepperell with field trips to a the most beautiful canyon lands on the continent. On this trip dairy farm, a sheep farm, a horse farm, a fish farm, and a you will spend nine days through the lower canyons wildlife center so we can compare different methods of care of the Rio Grande, one of the most highly regarded trips and feeding of livestock and wildlife. We will alternate the field in America. It is challenging and exciting but entirely suitable trips with lab experiments where will compare how different for beginning paddlers. Beforehand, we will spend two days plant food and soils affect plant growth. We will also spend hiking in awe inspiring Big Bend National Park. We will spend some time each day feeding and caring for animals in a barn. our last day in the markets of Eagle Pass, Mexico. Two afternoons will be led by Dr. Albert Andersen, a large As we proceed down the river, passing through dramatic animal veterinarian, who will perform at least one surgical 1800-foot canyons, we will progress from easy ripples to more procedure. We will have the opportunity to observe and assist challenging rapids. Emphasis will be placed not just on making him in the process. Dr. Andersen will also use ultrasound it safely through each set of rapids, but learning how to “read” and x-ray to examine the anatomical features of both cows the water and to “play” the unique waves and chutes of each. and horses. At the end of every day on the river, we will set-up camp on either the Mexican or American shore and then go for a swim, What will I learn in this course? explore one of the myriad side canyons in search of wildlife, You will learn firsthand how to care for cows and horses. You or soak in a natural hot spring. Students will help prepare will observe and participate in veterinary surgical procedures delicious meals over an open campfire. and diagnostic imaging of cows and horses, and Dr. Andersen We will have the added opportunity to spend two days at the will explain possible career options in the field of animal science. beginning of the trip acclimatizing while exploring Big Bend You will carry out experiments related to our agricultural focus, National Park. Big Bend is one of the most scenic national and if Mother Nature cooperates, you will see the birth of a parks in the entire U.S. Depending on our moods, we may calf and see the mother caring for and nursing her newborn. climb to the top of Emory Peak, the highest point in the You will record your thoughts and reactions each day in a Chisos Mountains, or hike along the scenic South Rim or any notebook. And finally, students will design their own farm of numerous other scenic trails. and present their ideas and designs to the class. No previous canoeing experience is necessary. Who will lead this course? The course will be taught by Dr. Barbara Greene, who teaches What will I learn from this course? chemistry and biology at Lawrence Academy, and Mr. Jon We will be living, working, and learning together in a group. Kaiser, a faculty member at Lawrence Academy and owner Students will learn canoeing skills, low-impact camping, of Twin Valley Farm. Dr. Albert Andersen, a large animal cooking, and river safety. practitioner, will work with the students on two days. Who will lead this course? We will have two incredible river guides, Mike and Shauna Patterson. Both are Registered Maine Guides and certified in first aid. Mike and Shauna have guided us on five previous Rio Grande Winterims. From Lawrence Academy, Michael Veit and Scott Johnson are both avid water sports enthusiasts and experienced outdoor program leaders.

8 Winterim 2009 Advanced Wilderness First Aid as well. The faculty leaders on Casa Cayuco, Panama this trip are Jessica Pine and Danielle Sadler. Ms. Pine teaches Ms. Pine and Ms. Sadler in the NGP, coaches basketball and track, and is a dorm parent Maximum Students: 16 in Dr. Green. She has led trips with the Verde Valley School Cost: $2,500 in Sedona, Arizona, to New Orleans, Louisiana, and Baja, Mexico. Jessica is certified in Wilderness First Aid. Ms. Sadler Advisory: Students must be able to swim and are advised to teaches English, coaches lacrosse, and is affiliated with Bigelow visit their physician or a travel clinic to receive precautionary and Loomis. She has led LA Winterim trips to Ireland and inoculations for yellow fever, typhoid, malaria, hepatitis A, Mexico. She has experience hiking, kayaking, and surfing. and a tetanus booster. Valid passports are mandatory, as are Ms. Pine and Ms. Sadler are eager to participate in community additional travel documents for international students. service projects in Panama, and they look forward to seeing the wildlife in the region of Casa Cayuco. What will I do during this course? We will explore the rich eco-system and culture of Panama. We will fly into the cosmopolitan capital Panama City and have the opportunity to see the historic expansion underway at the Panama Canal, the crossroad between Central and South Chess America. We will then travel to more remote, undeveloped regions of the country. From the home base of the eco-lodge Mr. Dawson and Mr. Curran Casa Cayuco, we will travel (by foot, kayak, and boat) to two Maximum Students: 16 nearby indigenous villages to participate in service projects and Cost: $150 to work and play with the local inhabitants. Projects may range in scope from teaching English classes to building water What will I do during this course? catchments to constructing community facilities. While at the This course will allow students to explore the game of chess villages, students will have the opportunity to cook with the and learn why its depth and variations have fascinated players local women, work with the local men (yes, there is still a distinct for centuries. Students will learn the basics through instructional division of labor in this part of Panama, but both male and talks and exercises and, most importantly, by playing the game female LA students participate in all the activities), and play with each other. Friendly competition will be encouraged as sports with the children. We will spend the night in one of the students try to outplay each other in a ladder format as well as villages and learn about local customs. This course will also in-house tournaments. A professional player will attend several offer some outdoor adventure activities such as snorkeling, sessions in order to teach more advanced strategies and tactics. surfing, sailing, and kayaking. We will explore the local ecology As students’ skills increase, both their level of play and and agriculture with jungle hikes to a turtle nesting beach and their enjoyment of the game will increase. Knowledge and a local organic chocolate farm. understanding of the game will be filled out through learning the history of the game and watching related films. Weather What will I learn in this course? permitting, we will take a trip to Harvard Square in Students will live in the tropical environment and immerse Cambridge to play at the public boards there. themselves in the culture of the indigenous people of the Bocas del Toro region. They will develop their communication skills What will I learn in this course? (in English and in Spanish) and interpersonal skills and gain Chess increases a player’s ability to think both strategically and an awareness and appreciation for other cultures. They will tactically. Remaining aware of the options, variations, threats, discover the joy in working with and helping others. In and potential attacks existing in every chess position hones a addition to community service projects, students will have the player’s perceptive abilities and memory. Many parallels can be opportunity to learn new skills such as how to snorkel, surf, drawn between the skills needed to excel in chess and the skills kayak, and sail. They will receive instruction in water safety needed to succeed in life. and principles and practices of sound outdoor traveling. Students will also learn about ecological issues in the area, Who will lead this course? systems that support the eco-lodge, and theories and practices Zack Dawson and John Curran are avid, lifelong chess players of sustainable tourism and development. and are eager to teach others the beauty and educational value of the game. Mr. Dawson teaches visual arts at Lawrence Who will lead this course? Academy and serves as the curator of exhibits in the Conant This course will be led by LA parents Tom and Linda Gallery. Mr. Curran is chair of the history department. Kimbrell, who own and operate Casa Cayuco eco-lodge. Tom has over 30 years of experience as an Outward Bound instructor and wilderness guide. Linda has over 20 years of experience as a high-school teacher and has led numerous student trips overseas and in the wilderness. Both are proficient in Spanish. Tom is a Wilderness First Responder and Linda is certified in

Winterim 2009 9 Color Your Imagination Dance Dance Revolution Mr. Harding Bush and Ms. Muir-Haman Mr. Culley and Mr. Cotter Maximum Students: 12 Maximum Students: 16 Cost: $695 Cost: $350 Advisory: This course will be physically strenuous and students What will I do during this course? should be physically capable of dancing for five hours each Learning how to paint with watercolors is not as difficult as day. Enrollment will be structured to include eight males and you may imagine. Through a step-by-step process, you can eight females. paint and produce remarkably beautiful paintings. In fact, you will succeed in producing a painting on the first day! If you What will I do during this course? have always admired works by some famous artists, you can Those days of being that awkward person at the school dance create your own through imagination, practice, and guidance and the family wedding will be officially over! Over these two from one of New England’s distinguished watercolorists. weeks, you will become the ultimate dancing machine! You’ll Participants will receive a thorough introduction to basic water learn all the most sick-nasty hip-hop and break dancing moves, coloring techniques, the tools used, hands-on practice with so next time you hear Lil Wayne bumpin’ in the club, you’ll be different techniques, and the effect of different types of paper ready bust a move! Not only that, you’ll learn all the hottest on painting. Participants will have the opportunity to create in swing and salsa moves that will drive the ladies and fellas wild! color their own choice of subjects, be they people, animals, landscapes, or marine scenes. At the end of the two-week If you sign up for this course, you’ll need to be ready to do period, students will stage their own display, which will include some serious dancing! It’s hard work and a lot of exercise. That a finished project that has been mounted and matted and being said, it will be well worth the effort once you become the suitable for framing. The cost includes a complete set of ultimate dancing machine! Even if you’ve never danced before, watercolors, numerous brushes and tools, tote bag, carrying if you’re willing to put the effort into learning these dancing case, paper and matting material, as well as instruction from styles, this course is for you! the artist-in-residence. What will I learn in this course? What will I learn in this course? There will be two primary components to this course. In the The evaluation process will be by portfolio, which students morning, when the student’s energy is the highest, we will be will keep from the first day. Designs, sketches, and practice taught all of the latest hip-hop and break dancing moves. paintings—all will be included in the portfolio and evaluated. The instructors from the Brookline Academy of Dance have There must be logical and visual proof of a student’s moving specifically designed this course to appeal to both boys and forward on his or her project with the final project to be girls. After lunch, instructors from the Hamby Ballroom displayed during Winterim Night in April. Dance Studios will teach us a variety of ballroom dances, including swing and salsa. Each day, students will be dancing Who will lead this course? from 9:30 to 2:30 (with a lunch break). This will be hard work Mr. Bush is a distinguished, prolific, and well-recognized and a lot of exercise. By the end of the course they will have New England watercolorist. He is a 1961 graduate of Boston become proficient in hip-hop, swing, salsa, and a variety of University, and he has studied watercolor at Atlantic Union other dance styles. No prior dance experience is required to College with Roger Blum and studied anatomy and life participate in this course. drawing at the DeCordova Museum with the late King Coffin. His works hang in a number of New England business Who will lead this course? collections, as well as with the United States Fish and Wildlife Formal instruction will be provided by instructors from the Service, and have been displayed throughout New England, Hamby Ballroom Dance Studio in Waltham and the Brookline including at the Fitchburg Art Museum, Boston Symphony Academy of Dance. Mr. Cotter teaches in the mathematics Hall, the Copley Society, and Boston City Hall. Both a department and Mr. Culley teaches in the history department. psychologist and librarian, Ms. Muir-Haman has been a weaver Both will be enthusiastic students in this course. for 20 years and a board member of the local weavers’ guild. She is an enthusiastic student of watercolor, having studied with both Ginger Hughes and Byron Carr.

10 Winterim 2009 Digital Photography— The Dingle Way Boston to Maine Ms. Beveridge and Ms. Keever Maximum Students: 14 Ms. McGowan and Mr. Rooney Cost: $2,500 Maximum Students: 12 Cost: $850 Advisory: Students should be able to meet the physical demands of walking considerable distances. Broken-in hiking boots and Advisory: You will be spending a good amount of time in a positive attitude are a must! Valid passports are mandatory, as the outdoors at the seashore and will need to be dressed for are additional travel documents for international students. whatever weather we encounter! A digital camera is required. If this poses a problem, please see Mrs. McGowan. What will I do during this course? What will I do during this course? Ni haon ulalach léann—Learning is no burden. Leave the modern world behind and enter one of the last-remaining areas The camera will be your license to go places you have never in the world where Gaelic is spoken and music is a way of life. gone before and talk to interesting people you wouldn’t The students on this trip will explore the breathtaking scenery ordinarily meet. The first week, we will be on field trips to of the back roads of the Dingle Peninsula, a spit of land jutting places in the LA vicinity to shoot photographs and visit out into the Atlantic Ocean in the southwest corner of Ireland. museums. Photographing the culture and faces of Boston’s We will traverse a marked way that follows ancient roads and North End is one field trip you can expect. winds through tiny villages, rugged coastlines, and wild Week two, pack your bags! We’re headed to Ferry Beach moorlands. Each day we will be surrounded by the culture Environmental Center in Saco, Maine. Picture yourself situated and history of Ireland. In between walks, we will have lessons a mere 30 feet from the crashing winter surf of the Atlantic in Irish language and dancing, as well as learn about the Ocean. This will be our home base for the week. Think of archeological sites of the peninsula. Ancient chapels, ruined focusing your lens on the rugged coastline, colorful fishing castles, and abandoned villages will dot our paths. We will stay boats, fog, and local characters. Evenings will be spent and eat in established hostels and guesthouses run by local uploading and critiquing the day’s photos, as well as editing families. Along the way, students will make observations about using PhotoshopCS3. Students will be encouraged to find a the journey and collect items for their own scrapbooks. particular theme to explore on a deeper level through a series of photographs. The group will exhibit on Winterim Night. What will I learn in this course? Walking along the Dingle Way, the group will learn basic hiking What will I learn in this course? skills. The learning starts long before we depart for Ireland, as Has the photography world gone digital? You will be learning students must plan for what they’ll need for this extended hike. how to shoot in digital from professional photographers as well The group will walk an average of 10-12 miles a day of gradual as learn about the postproduction of digital images. What goes ascents, though the path takes us almost to the top of a into creating a cohesive visual story of a place? You will learn mountain near the end of the trip. We will also practice group to explore and document through photography. Various types skills as we navigate the well-marked trail together and practice of portraiture will also be studied including studio and “leaving no trace.” There are also several meals when students environmental. All aspects of fine art photography as a means will be responsible for shopping and cooking for the group. of personal expression will be stressed. We will be exposed to the nature, culture, and history of Ireland. Who will lead this course? Who will lead this course? Laurie McGowan has been a professional photographer and Claire Galvin of Celtic Nature will assist Ms. Beveridge and educator for many years. She currently teaches at LA in Ms. Keever. As a native of the Dingle peninsula, she has addition to doing freelance and exhibition work. contacts with housing accommodations, the Irish-language school, the musicians, and the archeological experts. In John Rooney is a professional photographer from New York addition, Celtic Nature arranges for the bulk of our baggage to who works in the commercial and nonprofit sector. He has be transported by car to the next stop, allowing us to carry been teaching Winterim courses for many years. Staff of the only what we need for each day’s hike. Ferry Beach Ecological Center will be guiding us along the Maine Coast. The two Lawrence Academy teachers are Christie Beveridge and Eileen Keever. Ms. Beveridge teaches English and coaches recreational skiing. She has extensive outdoor experience, including participating in an Outward Bound course and leading high school and college students on several backpacking trips throughout New England. Ms. Keever teaches history and coaches varsity field hockey and lacrosse.

Winterim 2009 11 The Dominican DREAM En Garde Plus—The Art of Project Bladework Ms. Trask and Mr. Scott Smith Mr. Barnes Maximum Students: 14 Maximum Students: 9 Cost: $2,500 Cost: $650 Advisory: Inoculations for hepatitis A and typhoid are Advisory: Though all necessary precautions will be made to recommended, as is a malaria medication. Valid passports insure their safety, students should be aware that this course are mandatory, as are additional travel documents for will require extended physical effort over the two-week international students. period and that there exists the risk of injury, fatigue, or sports-induced exhaustion. What will I do during this course? Do you enjoy spending time with kids? Building, painting, or What will I do during this course? working outside? Jumping into pools beneath jungle waterfalls? Are you a bit of a swashbuckler at heart? Or are you looking Learning a new language? How about doing all of this in a for a new activity that will challenge your agility, hand-eye beautiful, tropical setting and making a big difference in the coordination, and endurance? Then join us as we embark on growth and education of an entire community? If this sounds a study of bladework in a variety of forms, uses, and settings. good to you, then consider participating in The Dominican Students will travel to Bay State Fencers daily to take part DREAM Winterim to help the children of Sabaneta, a town in the study, practice, and performance of the art of épee, in the Dominican Republic. We’ll be joining forces with learning the skills and strategies necessary for participating in DREAM, an internationally renowned humanitarian competitive fencing. Included in the curriculum is a field trip organization, to rebuild the Libertad School so it can re-open visit to the Higgins Armory in Worcester, Massachusetts, to to the community within the year. You will be spending half study the fabrication and use of weapons from different of each day immersed in building materials and moderate historical time periods and a one-day practicum in the uses physical labor as we create a school large enough to handle the of different culinary knives. increasing population of young children. The remainder of each day will be spent working directly with the kids both What will I learn in this course? inside their classrooms and out at recess, reading to them, Students will gain a thorough understanding of the history, playing games, singing songs, and learning from them. You culture, and rules of competitive épee fencing in the United will also have the chance to explore the surrounding States. Students will also learn to perform basic defensive and Dominican culture by learning how to dig for crabs, fish with offensive fencing moves, while distinguishing between and the locals, and plunge from pool to pool down the Damajagua using different types of strategy. They will also be able to waterfalls. Knowledge of Spanish is not necessary to participate identify the weapons and armaments used throughout history, in this Winterim. from Ancient Rome to the Gothic period. Each student will learn how to build and to use either a Roman or Gothic shield. What will I learn in this course? Students will also be able to tell the difference between various The experience of visiting an area of desperate poverty and culinary knives and use them properly. working hand-in-hand with people of another culture can be life-changing. You will also have interracial and intercultural Who will lead this course? experiences that will allow you to learn as well as teach. Having Fencing will be taught and supervised by Stacy Eddy, a the chance to make friends and get close to the children of this certified U.S. Fencing Association coach, and Vitaliy area in the Dominican Republic will also give you the chance Nazarenko, prior member of the Ukraine National Fencing to experience a different language in an immersion setting. Team and European Cup gold medal winner. The staff at Higgins Armory in Worcester will lead the students in their Who will lead this course? study of weapons, and the staff at Gibbet Hill Grill will lead This is the third service trip to the Dominican Republic the practicum on the use of culinary knives. Mr. Barnes teaches co-led by Scott Smith and Meghan Trask; however, Lawrence Spanish at LA. Academy has a five-year relationship with the Dominican Republic Education and Mentoring (DREAM) Project. Our work on the island will be overseen personally by Ms. Tricia Suriel, executive director of the DREAM Project. Ms. Suriel was awarded the Outstanding Citizen Award from the U.S. embassy in the Dominican Republic, which recognizes contributions made by a U.S. citizen overseas.

12 Winterim 2009 Florida Camp and Kayak Go Green! Ms. Phillips and Ms. Whitney Ms. Penney Maximum students: 16 Maximum students: 12 Cost: $1,700 Cost: $350

What will I do in the course? What will I do during this course? Go with us to the land of orange blossoms, gators, and During the two weeks of Winterim, you will become a manatees. Get in shape, pack your camping gear, and we’re off certified energy auditor, do an energy audit on several buildings on a kayaking adventure in sunny Florida! Our homes away on campus, and help LA become more environmentally from home will be campsites on an island in the Indian River friendly. What is an energy auditor? An energy auditor Lagoon and later on the shores of the Wekiva River. During determines how energy is used and wasted, in order to make our sojourns at these spectacular sites, we will seine and sieve energy use efficient. You will participate in a program for part with marine biologists from The Environmental Learning of the course called Savings Through Energy Management Center, hike with naturalists through the trails in Wekiwa (STEM). This program will teach you how to perform an Springs State Park, hunt for fossils and swim in the crystalline energy audit and will give you the required skills and waters of Blackwater Creek. Our evenings will be spent around certification to hire yourself out to the general public to the campfire. After some night fishing, we will share the make good green decisions and help others reduce energy exploits of our day through writings, sketches, paintings, and consumption. This position is becoming an essential occupation talk, before falling asleep beneath the Florida stars. to help people limit their carbon footprint. You will spend the days on your feet learning and performing scientific data What will I learn in this course? collection. We will present our recommendations for Our goals during this program are twofold: We will develop improving the school’s energy use to the Lawrence Academy kayaking expertise and muscles we hardly knew existed, and we Board of Trustees. Students must be willing to do data will learn about the delicate ecological balance of south coastal collections work. Florida. You will be expected to keep a notebook to describe through writing and sketching the varied earth, wind, and What will I learn in this course? water creatures encountered on our travels. Because we will You will gain a better understanding about how energy is have to work as a group to make our program a success, your made, measured, and used, and you will improve your data enthusiastic participation is paramount. collecting skills. You will have working knowledge of the tools necessary to complete an energy audit. You will learn and Who will lead this course? understand what Lawrence Academy’s carbon footprint is and Professional guides from Adventure Kayaking will accompany how to change it. You will learn to identify and execute cost- our group at all times. Along the way we will be joined by effective solutions to how our energy is wasted. You will learn marine biologists, naturalists, and the “poop lady.” Your fearless how to calculate the savings for the school both in energy and leaders, outdoor enthusiasts both, will be Brooke Whitney, dollars. You will learn to tackle large problems and effect change. associate athletic director and avid cyclist, and Marion Phillips, French teacher and globetrotter extraordinaire. Who will lead this course? Beth Penney is an NGP science teacher and has been at LA for three years. She is very passionate about sustainability and helping LA to become more environmentally friendly. She has taught this course once before with a public school in southern New Hampshire and looks forward to doing this wonderful program again. An instructor from Wilson Educational, Inc., will be joining the Winterim for five of the days to teach the STEM program. All of the instructors have taught this program all over New England and are very enthusiastic and passionate about what they do. They are all retired teachers or have taught at some point in their careers before joining the STEM team.

Winterim 2009 13 Headstart in Lowell— Kayaking the Jewel of the Community Service Caribbean Mr. Campolieto, Mr. Gagnon ’03, and Mr. Somers Mr. Burkholz and Ms. Friend Maximum Students: 25 Maximum Students: 16 Cost: $100 Cost: $2,500 Advisory: Inoculations for hepatitis A and typhoid are Advisory: Students participating in this Winterim must be recommended as is malaria medication. Students should have assessed for the risk for tuberculosis. Any student who is basic swimming skills. Valid passports are mandatory, as are determined to be at risk must then be tested for exposure to additional travel documents for international students. the disease, and that test can be administered by any of the nurses at Lawrence Academy. What will I do during this course? What will I do during this course? Students will kayak through a variety of remote, beautiful settings in Yucatan, Mexico. Our group will be completely What sort of experience do children in poverty get before they self-sufficient, camping at different beach locations, preparing go to school? What kind of people work daily to help them, meals, and sharing group responsibilities. We will take a especially in education? How could I help them learn? What one-week journey along the crystal blue waters of the kind of an institution can help them? Mesoamerican Reef along the Yucatan coast. This reef, known The goal of this course is to provide an experience through as the Jewel of the Caribbean, is the largest barrier reef in the which we can learn more about children in poverty and about Atlantic and is home to more than 60 species of reef-building early childhood education by working as teachers at HeadStart. corals and 500 species of fish, plus birds, crocodiles, manatees, Our students will work as classroom teachers for two weeks at sea turtles, and countless other animals. In addition, we will be the HeadStart facility in Lowell, where three- and four-year- exploring the Yucatan rainforest where we might encounter olds come to school every day. Each participant will work monkeys, leafcutter ants, frogs, parrots, and toucans. No with a professional, an aide, and about 20 children and assist previous kayaking experience is necessary. We will spend a teaching team through the day. substantial time snorkeling the reef in order to understand its complex ecosystems. Other activities will include fishing, What will I learn in this course? swimming, interacting with the local Mexican community, Participants will plan and deliver the day’s lessons in the and visiting ancient Mayan ruins including the famous classrooms and the playgrounds. The staff will help fill out the ruins at Tulum. bigger picture for us, and a bus ride home may inform us even more. The work this year will include each LA participant’s What will I learn in this course? designing and delivering a lesson plan. Some participants may Students will learn a variety of skills and knowledge, including find their Spanish comes in handy. Everyone should expect minimum-impact camping, sea-kayak expeditioning, and to have assumptions and preconceptions challenged and to snorkeling. Students will experience cultural interactions and discover something about herself or himself. learn the natural history of a variety of the region’s amazing Participants will be required daily to spend time with the plants and animals in the Yucatan tropical forest and learn group discussing what we are seeing. Each participant will about marine ecosystems when exploring the inner reef zone also be expected to maintain an informal, daily journal of along the coast of the Yucatan. Students will learn about the reflections. Finally, each student must submit a formal piece of history of the region, including the ancient Mayan civilization. writing, which is based on the two-week experience and to be There will be numerous opportunities to gain leadership and published for Winterim Wrap-up and shared afterward with communication skills and build personal confidence through the teachers in Lowell. group activities. While this expedition will be exciting and adventurous, safety will be our first concern. Who will lead this course? Who will lead this course? Mr. Campolieto is a many-year veteran; Mr. Gagnon was there as an LA student, and Mr. Somers will add to our expertise Our principal guide will be Ramone, a native of Mexico who as he brings to the course his concerns for education and has been guiding tourists in the Yucatan for more than 10 child development. years. He is a certified scuba diving and sailing instructor and a trained naturalist. Assisting Ramone will be Aluxa, a trained naturalist who has been a lead guide for Blue Waters Kayaking for four years. Lawrence Academy faculty member Mark Burkholz has co-led the LA Outdoor Program for 17 years and is an outdoor adventure enthusiast. Sheara Friend, Mr. Burkholz’s spouse, has been on five previous Winterims and is also an outdoor adventure enthusiast.

14 Winterim 2009 LEAD—Leadership Experience Make Your Own Movie And Development Mr. Peisch Maximum Students: 8 Ms. Ruby ’98 Cost: $200 Maximum students: 10 Cost: $650 What will I do in this course? What will I do during this course? If you have ever wanted to write your own screenplay, star in your own movie, or step behind the camera, this course is for Have you ever dreamed of leading a group up a mountain? you! At first, you will learn to develop character and story by On a sports field? At a summer camp? In the classroom? Then using either visual images or dialogue alone. You will then this course is for you. You will travel to the Sargent Center for work by yourself and in teams to write, direct, film, and edit Outdoor Education in Peterborough, New Hampshire, where your own short pieces, and you will collaborate with the other you will learn and practice leadership skills in an outdoor students in the class to create your own short fiction films that adventure setting. In addition to learning about group integrate visual storytelling, dramatic dialogue, expressive dynamics and leadership skills by practicing on each other, camera work, and skillful editing. All students will be asked to you will have the chance to co-lead a group of middle-school participate in every aspect of creating a film, including acting students through a three-day adventure course with a Sargent and giving each other constructive criticism. Center instructor. We also will take an overnight camping trip, during which you will become certified as a trainer with the What will I learn in this course? Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics. Most of our time Students will learn how to create character and how to tell a will be spent outdoors and will include such activities as story visually. They will learn to cooperate in small groups and low-ropes courses, high-ropes courses, natural history walks, will learn the basic skills needed to write, direct, shoot, and hiking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and tubing. We will edit their own short fiction films. sleep in one of the many heated cabins at Sargent Center and return to campus for the weekend. Who will lead this course? What will I learn in this course? The course will be led by Steve Peisch, arts chair and music director at Lawrence Academy. You will learn how to read group dynamics, how to facilitate activities, and how to help people find meaning in both success and failure. You will learn how to challenge people to push themselves beyond their comfort zones and achieve beyond what they thought they could. Your teaching skills will be put to the test and developed in an outdoor, experiential setting; you will also learn how to transfer those skills to your everyday life. You will keep a reflective journal throughout the course. You will be evaluated on both your participation and your journal. Who will lead this course? Michelle Ruby ’98 is a science teacher at Lawrence Academy. She is a former instructor at Sargent Center and has led many outdoor trips, including backpacking in the Berkshires and Costa Rica. The staff at Sargent Center for Outdoor Education will be working with Ms. Ruby. They are highly trained and lead week-long adventure and environmental courses year-round. The Center is accredited by the American Camp Association.

Winterim 2009 15 Peru—A Journey of the Heart Quilting is Sew Easy Ms. Bowley and Ms. Vera Mrs. Good and Ms. Babin Maximum Students: 13 Maximum Students: 12 Cost: $2,500 Cost: $400 Advisory: We will depart on Saturday, March 7, and return to Advisory: Each student must have the use of a portable sewing Boston on Saturday, March 21. Students are advised to see machine for the two weeks of Winterim. their own physicians in conjunction with the U.S. State Department and CDC’s suggestions regarding inoculations for What will I do during this course? travel outside the U.S.A. Spanish is not required, but students For hundreds of years, the women of New England have should be open to using the language when doing the created beautiful quilts that reflect their creative impulses. community service parts of this trip. Students must be In this Winterim, we will carry on that tradition by designing physically capable of light hiking in a mountainous region. and making our own sampler quilts. Each block in a sampler Valid passports are mandatory, as are additional travel quilt represents a milestone in life and uses colors that evoke documents for international students. memories for the individual. At the end of two weeks, each student will have a warm blanket which reflects part of his or What will I do during this course? her life story. Do you have an interest in helping others? Are you willing to share your time and energy to help those who have no family What will I learn in this course? to care for them? This is the trip for you! We will travel with Students will learn basic sewing and design skills. They will one of our very own teachers, Ms. Fanny Vera, to her learn to design, plan, cut, piece, fill, back, and tie their quilts. homeland of Peru to work with the Sisters of the Order of This is a simplified process which requires no previous sewing Mother Teresa, who care for a special group of needy children experience. Students will also learn to use the tools of the and the elderly in a small community on the outskirts of the trade: sewing machine, needle, thread, rotary cutter, iron, and, capital, Lima. Students will be busy helping and interacting inevitably, the seam ripper. To understand more about the with the elderly and the children who reside at the compound historical and cultural importance of quilting, we will spend with the Sisters. Depending on fuel costs, we are also hope to one morning at the New England Quilting Museum. Students include a side trip to Cuzco and Machu Picchu to expand will be evaluated on the completion of their own quilts and a our understanding of the history and culture of the people group quilt by the end of Winterim. we will be helping. Who will lead this course? What will I learn in this course? Our teacher, Nancy Bell of Hollis, New Hampshire, was a Students will learn the value of what they have been given and home economics teacher for 15 years and has been teaching experience firsthand extreme human need. They will develop quilting to children and adults for 22 years. A past president their potential by helping others. Students will experience both of the Hannah Dustin Quilting Guild and the New England the excitement and challenges of living and working in another Quilting Guild, Ms. Bell is a member of the board of the culture. Even though you do not need to know any Spanish to New England Quilt Museum Auxiliary. Mrs. Good, director participate in this Winterim, you will certainly pick up some of of academic support, and Ms. Babin, a history teacher, will the language as we work with the local people to accomplish assist in the course. the task we were given. Who will lead this course? Ms. Fanny Vera and Ms. Karen Bowley are both Spanish teachers in the language department at Lawrence Academy. Each of them has lived overseas for extensive periods of time, and each has extensive experience traveling with student groups and community service. Ms. Vera is a native of Lima and has both personal and professional connections with many of the people whom we will encounter. Ms. Bowley has co-led past Winterims to the Dominican Republic, where LA students have built houses, a school, and a baseball field.

16 Winterim 2009 Rafting in Tropical Mexico Something for Nothing Mr. Sugerman and Mr. Wooding Players—Touring Children’s Maximum Students: 14 Cost: $2,500 Theatre Advisory: Students should be able to meet the physical Mr. Hazzard and Mr. Good demands of swimming and walking considerable distances. Maximum Students: 14 Broken-in shoes and a positive attitude are a must! Valid Cost: $900 passports are required, as are additional travel documents for international students. What will I do during this course? We’re “on the road again” for the ninth season of The What will I do during this course? Something For Nothing Players to produce a musical show for Adventures await you in southern Mexico! White-water raft children and take the production on a whirlwind tour! After a with us through the deep canyons of Veracruz, dotted with the week of high-energy rehearsals and the construction of a palaces and pyramids of ancient Mesoamerican civilizations. portable set, our company will put on 14-16 performances on Numerous stops along the way include climbing the giant a 7-day, 850-mile tour of elementary schools and children’s pyramids of the Sun and Moon and exploring Quetzalcoatl libraries in eastern New York (Poughkeepsie and Pawling), temples (where you’ll be able to hide in their mysterious central Connecticut (Hartford, Stamford, and Waterbury), meeting chambers!). Hike through lush, sub-tropical, old-growth and Nashua, New Hampshire. You will probably have to sign rainforests; splash in majestic waterfalls and hot springs; and autographs and pose for pictures with your new fans after pay a special visit to the Filo-Bobos Ecological Reserve. All the rewarding question-and-answer sessions following each while, enjoy the warmth and unsurpassed hospitality of your performance! For some in the audience, the performances will new amigos! Take in the vibrant culture of Mexico in both the be their first taste of “live” theatre. Students will get up early, larger cities and quaint towns where we make our hotel stays travel many miles, and learn to live out of a suitcase as they each night. Partake in a traditional Totonac painting lesson, experience the life of an actor/musician “on the road.” This converse in Spanish at a local market, and enjoy exquisite repertory experience, which includes some non-singing roles Mexican cuisine! and technical positions, will combine the best of the touring and production processes to create an unforgettable experience. What will I learn in this course? Veracruz is a unique cultural and environmental region that What will I learn in this course? provides students with both a personal challenge and an You will learn the basics of performance and design through educational experience. Group members gain proficiency in the production experience. You will adapt and adjust to rafting, study water-sport safety, and develop teambuilding performing in gyms, cafetoriums, and other unusual venues. skills. As they raft and hike, students investigate ancient You will also learn about everything it takes to be part of a civilizations of the region’s important archeological sites. At the company “on tour.” You will also participate in reflective same time, students also learn about the natural flora and discussions and keep a journal, to examine your own creative fauna of the tropics. During our stay in Mexico, experienced process as it relates to theatre production. and first-time Spanish speakers alike will be able to practice their language skills with friendly locals and hosts. Students Who will lead this course? will also be required to reflect on their journey with writing Mr. Hazzard, in his 26th year at LA, is a veteran music director and art and collect items for their travel journals. of musican theatre, including 23 Lawrence Academy musicals and nine previous Something for Nothing Players tours. A Who will lead this course? composer and conductor, he holds a degree in composition Leo Azucena, an experienced leader with Whitewater Tributary from the Berklee College of Music, where he spent 12 years Tours (a 25-year-old company based out of California), will on the faculty. Mr. Good, in his ninth year at LA, holds a accompany the group from beginning to end. Leo has been degree from Dartmouth College and has taught English and doing this trip since 1993. Lawrence Academy trip leaders drama at independent schools since 1993. During the 2002— Joel Sugerman and Jerry Wooding have experience leading over 2003 school year, Mr. Good directed two of the winter one-act 30 Winterims, many of them international (well, Jerry has 29, plays. He has directed The Something For Nothing Players Joel has the rest.) Both Mr. Wooding and Mr. Sugerman have since March 2001. had considerable experience leading outdoor adventures.

Winterim 2009 17 Sports Journalism Stained Glass Creations Mr. Wiercinski and Mr. Foote Ms. Anderson and Ms. Ryan Maximum Students: 13 Maximum Students: 16 Cost: $975 Cost: $875

What will I do in this course? What will I do during this course? Does the life of a sportswriter seem exciting to you? Would Have you ever looked up at a church window in awe or you like to find out what it’s like to write against a deadline? marveled at a Tiffany panel in a museum? Or perhaps you saw To interview professional athletes? For 10 days you will a lamp shade over a table in Applebee’s and wondered, “How experience the life of a sports writer. Activities and events will did they do that?” In this course, you will get your chance to include touring the Boston Globe, WEEI, and the Basketball find out! You will be able to create your own design for two Hall of Fame, and watching regional sporting events such as stained glass panels, no previous experience required. Using the Big East Tournament and Boston teams such as the Bruins your own design, you will cut, shape, and bond glass pieces and the Celtics. After each game, our journalists will write game into a kaleidoscope of light, form, and color. If time permits, articles to capture the action for their readers. Additionally, you will also be able to work on glass etching and a sun catcher. students will write feature articles based on interviews of the athletes and sports figures and observations of the sporting What will I learn in this course? world. The course will educate LA students about the life of a First, you will learn the techniques for safely cutting, grinding, sports journalist. You will be under pressure to complete your and fusing glass. Through your work on a novice project, you articles and to muster up the courage to interview players and will learn to use a glass cutter and grinder to shape and smooth fans. You will also have the opportunity to create, design, and each piece from a larger sheet of glass. Then you will use the complete your own magazine, which will contain the articles copper foil and a soldering gun to fuse pieces together. After written during the two-week course. This course will force you learning how to use each tool in your kit and practicing these to work hard, but you will learn a great deal and have a lot of techniques, you will begin work on your individual project. fun in the process. Each day you will see your design take shape bit by bit. You will wear an apron to cover your clothes and eye goggles to What will I learn in this course? protect your eyes from flying chips and bits of glass. Minor Course participants will receive an introduction to the ins and cuts from handling glass are commonplace in this work, but outs of sports journalism and newspaper reporting. With the the satisfaction you will get from your progress will be worth help of some preliminary instruction in accurate and concise it. Following safety procedures, participating daily, and writing and provocative interviewing, would-be sports writers finishing your project will signal your successful completion will learn how to write effective game and feature articles. of the course. Participants will be expected to complete a magazine that will be created and distributed to the Lawrence community during Who will lead this course? Winterim Wrap-Up. The course will be led by Randy Gagne, owner of The Glass Menagerie in Leominster, Massachusetts. Randy designs and Who will lead this course? creates stained glass for his store and also does restorations and Lawrence Academy faculty members Kevin Wiercinski, the custom work. He has led this course several times. Ms. Anderson school’s director of athletics and a member of the history has assisted in the leadership of this course in the past. department, and Robert Foote, a member of the history Ms. Ryan, who teaches mathematics, will lend enthusiasm as a department, will lead this course. Mr. Wiercinski will lead this novice in this craft. course for the sixth time. For Mr. Foote, it will be his first Winterim experience.

18 Winterim 2009 The Stock Market Game The System Mr. Coard Mrs. Franklin and Mr. Feigenbaum Max. Students: 8 Maximum students: 12 Cost: $175–$200 Cost: $995

What will I do during this course? What will I do during this course? No doubt you have heard about it; no doubt you have seen it This course will take a close look at the United States legal in the movies; and no doubt you know that it is in turmoil as system and a broader look at our overall political/economic 2008 comes to a close. Now you will have the opportunity to system. The first week of the course will be spent in the Boston experience the intensity and complexity of the stock market area taking day trips to courthouses, a prison, law offices, and firsthand. During this course, you will be buying and selling police stations to introduce students to the practice of criminal stock on a daily basis. With a budget of $100,000, you will and civil law, State and Federal court proceedings, courtroom have the opportunity to triple your money or to go bust! You procedures, investigation, sentencing, lawmaking, and a variety and your fellow classmates will form a financial consulting firm of legal topics. The second week of the course will be mostly and be challenged to develop individual portfolios tailored to spent in Washington D.C., where we hope to attend an oral specific clients based on varying demographics. With the argument at the Supreme Court, visit the Department of guidance of an experienced professional, you will compete with Justice, Congress, and other related sites. other students across the globe to see who has what it takes to survive on Wall Street. Guest speakers from various areas of the What will I learn in this course? industry will visit the classroom and share their wealth of We will learn about “the system” in daily practice. We will see experience in the stock market. You will also live the game the problems facing lawyers, lawmakers, judges, and politicians when you travel by limo to visit the Boston Stock Exchange in administering our system of law and justice. We’ll see what and a local university that has a simulated trading floor. it’s like to be an attorney, how the Supreme Court works, what a courtroom looks and feels like, the difference between civil What will I learn in this course? and criminal law, and the consequences that occur when a You will learn how to evaluate stocks for present and future legal/political system breaks down. Through visits with officers profitability. You will learn what to look for when researching of the court, police officers, politicians, and visits to courthouses stocks, how to buy and sell stocks, and how to calculate profits and Congress, students will see firsthand what it really means and losses. What is a bid? What is an offer? Can I get a loan? to work in the legal system in the United States. The students What is margin? What is a margin call? How does stock will gain exposure to careers in the legal field, begin to market activity impact the overall economy? How can I make understand the complexity and vastness of the legal/political money? In addition, you will learn the fundamentals of system, examine parts of the justice system from crime to developing a presentation to “pitch stock” to potential clients. corrections, and observe the differences in the federal and All students will be required to maintain two portfolios, one state systems. for long-term investments and the other for day trading. Take this course and see if you can handle the pressure! Who will lead this course? The faculty members leading this trip are Brian Feigenbaum Who will lead this course? (a graduate of Boston University Law School and an attorney Kenneth Coard, a math teacher at Lawrence Academy, will licensed to practice law in Massachusetts) and Haley Franklin. lead this course. Ken is a former Series 7 & 63 licensed Brian teaches dance and electives in the history department, stockbroker. He has experience working with NYSE- as well and Haley is an assistant director of admissions, girls’ basketball as NASDAQ-listed individual equities. Having worked with and lacrosse coach, and super affiliate in Brazer House. numerous firms, Ken eventually headed up his own firm, Coard Capital LLC.

Winterim 2009 19 Tales and Tellers The Total Mountain Experience Dr. Haman Mr. Flannery and Ms. d’Orsay Maximum Students: 8 Max Students: 12 Cost: $200 Cost: $800 Advisory: Students must be able to comfortably ski and What will I do during this course? snowboard all levels of trail difficulty (from green to black In Tales and Tellers, you’ll hear and read stories from all over diamond). It is preferred that students own their own ski/ the world and learn how to tell them with your own individual snowboard equipment, but rentals will be available as needed. touch. In movies like Labyrinth, The Arabian Nights, Star Wars, and The Odyssey, you’ll see how ancient story patterns and What will I do in this course? character types persist after thousands of years. You’ll In “The Total Mountain Experience”, students will experience practice telling stories and improvising within the class group every aspect of running a popular ski mountain. Students will as you rehearse for storytelling sessions for pre-kindergarten spend time working closely with and learning from many and elementary school students as well as other audiences. professionals at Wachusett Mountain. Students will spend time You’ll hear a professional storyteller offer you tips on how to riding and skiing the mountain, as well as working with give your stories greater vitality and impact. You’ll also create mountain staff as part of the Wachusett Shadowing Program. your own original stories, alone and with the group, and polish a special story to tell in a final performance for the Lawrence What will I learn in this course? Academy community. During this course, students will learn a wide range of skills What will I learn in this course? associated with a ski mountain. They will spend time shadowing Wachusett Ski Patrol, learning basic skills of mountain rescue. You’ll learn what makes a hero or a heroine in different times They will also shadow ski instructors, learning techniques that and places. You’ll encounter examples of various kinds of can be used to train skiers and boarders of all skill levels. traditional stories, from myths to fairy tales to jests to local Students will be able to ride along with the Wachusett grooming legends, and learn to recognize the basic building blocks of the team to learn about snow making and mountain grooming. oldest and newest stories. You’ll polish your public speaking Along with all of this, students will also spend time learning skills and learn one sure-fire, lifelong technique for entertaining the inner-workings of Wachusett Mountain, ranging from and informing people. business strategies to the efforts made to keep the mountain “green.” Who will lead this course? The course leader is Doc Haman, whose interest in traditional Who will lead this course? stories predates his doctoral work on medieval and Renaissance This Winterim course will be led by the two athletic trainers narratives and whose love of storytelling has deepened through at Lawrence Academy, Joshua Flannery and Stephanie d’Orsay, raising three sons and through focusing more and more of his who are both avid and experienced snowboarders. In addition, own writing on how stories work. Over the last 20-plus years, various Wachusett Mountain employees will be working with he has offered this course as a Winterim or as an English term the students on a daily basis, including ski patrol, ski instructors, elective many times while also telling stories in local schools. and mountain groomers. Davis Bates, another professional storyteller, should join us to run a workshop on making stories even more dynamic and engaging.

20 Winterim 2009 Travel at the Speed of Dog Underwater Discovery Mr. Oldham and Mr. Durmer Mrs. Steward and Mrs. Moseley Maximum Students: 16 Maximum Students: 12 Cost: $2,500 Cost: $2,500 Advisory: Dog sledding involves close contact with very friendly Advisory: This course is for those with no diving experience. dogs. Students who are afraid of dogs or are highly allergic Experienced divers must not sign up. A student with asthma, must not apply. Please note that this will be a very physically respiratory problems, a history of anxiety, claustrophobia, or active trip. Winter camping gear will be supplied. Participants significant allergies must not sign up. Participants must be will be expected to provide their own basic cold-weather clothing able to swim and provide their own masks, fins, snorkels, and (coat, long underwear, etc). wetsuits. Valid passports are mandatory, as are additional travel documents for international students. What will I do in this course? Have you ever wanted to drive a team of dogs as they raced, What will I do during this course? howling through the wild? Here’s your chance! We will travel You will experience the thrill of a lifetime as you explore, in to the northernmost part of Minnesota, where the snow is depth, one of the greatest ecosystems our planet has to offer, guaranteed to be deep and the dogs are guaranteed to be the coral reef of Belize. To enhance this experience, participants friendly. We will spend four days traveling at the speed of dog will learn to scuba dive and receive certification from PADI through one of the country’s least developed regions, where (Professional Association of Diving Instructors). Since Belize you may encounter moose, wolves, rabbits, minks, foxes, and displays one of the best examples of biodiversity, it is birds of all sorts. While on the trail, you will make camp each considered one of the finest outdoor classrooms in the world. night, building fires to keep warm and cooking your own food. Participants will study the mangroves, the sea grass beds, and Each day on the trail, you and a partner will be responsible for the reef itself to learn more about the creatures that live there. a team of dogs, alternating between driving and riding. Only a handful of cayes (pronounced “keys”) are located on Before we hit the trail, we will spend time exploring the region the barrier reef itself, and we are fortunate to be staying on and learning its ecology. Possible options for these days include one of the nicest, South Water Caye, home to the IZE weather forecasting, ice fishing, animal tracking, and star gazing. (International Zoological Expedition) marine station and lodge. After we return from the wilderness, we will re-enter civilization with a trip to the Mall of America—the largest shopping mall What will I learn from this course? in the country! Course participants will undergo PADI scuba training, with the opportunity to earn Openwater Scuba Diver certification. What will I learn in this course? Basic instruction includes a three-part training course: Participants in this Winterim will learn how to drive a confined-water skills, written work, and openwater checkout dogsled team in one of the most beautiful places in the dives. We will explore firsthand the wonders and mysteries country—Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Canoe Area. By living of the coral reef, the sea grass beds and the mangroves “on the trail,” we will learn basic winter survival skills, complemented by evening lectures, night snorkels, field including how to camp, start fires, gather water, and stay observations, and student-designed experiments. warm. Under intense but manageable conditions, we will grow as a group. During the days when we are not with the dogs, Who will lead this course? experienced naturalists will guide us as we actively study and Lawrence Academy faculty members Holly Steward, a explore the natural wilderness of the region. certified diver and leader of 10 previous scuba trips, and Cindy Moseley, a certified diver, science teacher and outdoor Who will lead this course? enthusiast, will return to lead Underwater Discovery. The teachers sponsoring Travel at the Speed of Dog are Throughout this trip, several PADI-certified instructors/dive Ben Oldham and Eli Durmer. The company who will guide masters provided by IZE will closely supervise participants. our wilderness adventures is White Wilderness Sled Dog IZE maintains the highest standards of diving safety and Adventures, based in Ely, Minnesota. White Wilderness is in supervision. To learn more about IZE, visit its Web site at its 14th year of guiding sled dog trips and last year introduced 650 new mushers to dog sledding. We will also be contracting with Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center, out of Finland, Minnesota. Wolf Ridge is a renowned center for northwoods ecology and environmental education.

Winterim 2009 21 Yellowstone—Ecosystem Yoga Beyond the Mat Exploration and Nature Ms. Kim Johnson and Ms. Ebert Maximum students: 13 Photography Cost: $595 Ms. Mordeno and Mr. Woo Maximum students: 12 What will I do in this course? Cost: $2,500 Come explore the 5000-year-old body-mind discipline of yoga. Immerse yourself in its time honored traditions as we travel What will I do during this course? through its history and experience its myriad benefits. As yogis You and fellow shutterbugs and science enthusiasts will spend you will practice daily and come to understand each pose fully. time in the company of scientists and environmental activists to We will emphasize proper alignment, breathing techniques, study the predator-prey ecosystems, the phenomenal geologic meditation, and the powerful connection between mind and and geothermal wonders, and the environmental issues facing body. We will travel to local yoga studios to sample the various Yellowstone National Park (and the earth). Also, we will be styles of Tai Chi, Hatha, Kundalini, and Bikram Yoga. Often joined by two professional photographers, wildlife and considered a physical discipline, yoga offers benefits that landscape, who will school us in digital photography. stretch beyond the mat, promoting healthy nutrition and Snowshoeing, skiing (both alpine and Nordic) and swimming character development. in thermal springs will round out our activities (and picture Our journey will culminate in a trip to the Kripalu Center for shooting) in and around Big Sky, Montana. Yoga and Health in the scenic Berkshire Mountains of western Massachusetts. There we will join traditional yoga classes, walk What will I learn in this course? the beautiful grounds, hike peaceful woodland trails, and eat Through fieldwork, scientific observation and experiment, and healthy meals prepared by the Kripalu chefs. discussions with experts who live and work in the Yellowstone ecosystem, we will learn about the major environmental issues What will I learn in this course? facing this unique area, including tourism, wolf reintroduction, Students will develop a full understanding of yoga culture. In bison migration, fire management, and the challenges of addition to the physical benefits, students will gain discipline, managing an ecosystem in a democracy. Throughout the trip, learn to reduce stress, increase energy, improve concentration, we will be developing a portfolio of digital photographs and increase awareness of their world. reflecting the beauty of what we see and experience. The yoga way of life is a commitment to overall wellness. A You should bring appropriate clothing to be outside in the local chef and nutritional counselor will demonstrate healthy cold during the day and to be warm and toasty all night. You eating choices through cooking classes, using naturally based, should also bring your favorite recipe to share, because we will wholesome ingredients. Because yoga’s philosophy is one of be cooking for each other. personal growth, one full day will be devoted to character When you return from this trip, you will be able to drop development. With a local Grand Master, students will engage wildlife scientific knowledge like a clumsy librarian, and you in goal setting, controlling thoughts and habits, leadership will have a portfolio of high quality photographs to record activities, and attitudinal growth. your memories and to share with others. In all, you will experience physical, mental, and emotional growth, while striving to maintain a healthy way of life. Who will lead this course? Dina Mordeno teaches in the NGP and is an artist and Who will teach this course? accomplished pastry chef. David Woo teaches in the mathematics Kim Johnson is a certified yoga instructor and reiki practitioner department and has led several previous trips to Yellowstone. with nine years of experience. She owns her own studio, We will have professional instruction by scientists of the Namasteí Yoga, and also teaches yoga at Lawrence Academy in Yellowstone Association Institute, including some of the the afternoons. She has a degree in education, has worked as a leading local wildlife biologists and environmentalists in the teacher, and is the mother of five. Margaret Ebert teaches Greater Yellowstone ecosystem and by professional nature and chemistry in the Lawrence Academy science department and wildlife photographers from Montana. is excited to assist Ms. Johnson. Your true educator will be the great outdoors.

22 Winterim 2009

Lawrence Academy thanks the Boston Blazers

For the past 14 years, the Gagné Winterim Classic golf tournament has been raising money for Winterim Scholarships. This year, the event raised over $18,000 thanks to the help of our headline sponsor, The Boston Blazers.

Please mark your calendars for October 5, 2009. We look forward to seeing you at next year’s Gagné Winterim Classic.