The Billboard 1918-03-09: Vol 30 Iss 10
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NOTICE TO READER: When you llnL^h remdltu thia iMMsLne pUc* DOllc*, hand Mine to wiy po«tal emptofe^^, wul U will b# placed In the hands </ our scldiers or iallora at ihe fpmt. Ma Msirch 9.191S No addroM.^A. S, DUIll£cK>N. Poetma5ter*General. 0 PRICE 15 CENTS o lil PAGES □ OMTHE lJyEL,0WTBESQUARE--AFACTaCKN0WLED6ED EVEWWHEBE n V .'Hi Gaiherine Galuer^ March 9,1918 FOR SALE OR RENT Majestic Theatre Port Huron, Mioh Only Theatre in the city. 27,000 population. 15,000 additional tribu¬ tary. Seats 1,500; large stage;fully equipped. Now running. Address JOHN Q. O’NEtlL, Executor. Grand Rapids, Mich. One doaen New York Office. S8 E. 2Jd Bt. assorted Ns. 377 . $1.00 MOViNC PICTURE ARC GENERATORS j —so you can get 500 NEW MACHINES Include, our popular Wcmder Ring, set with elec- tlfl H HpiP fin tVlPlTl ! trie dlaniondi. some black and while cticTaTed DIUM, #IU.f«| UXIC UH UlClll. CHOCOLATES Bought at Bai}kri.plcy Salr Bianclard manufacture TRY A SHIPMUNT Oi OUR CAMOUS 60 Tolta. 15 aiBp. Guaranteed perfect. STC flTI Immediate deltrery. #IO«W ORIENTAL MFG.CO.y 106 WesleyaRAve.yDept. 2, Providence. R.l. Write for Bulletin Na 8S. Small Geoeratota tnd Gasclinr Motors for all purpoees. RED BOX CHOCOLATES JOHNSTON, West End, Pittsburgh, Pa. FULL POUND (36 LBS. TO CASEIl WC NEW DROPS. $12.50 Painted to order, any siae, up to 14x20 ft., in eithar HALF POUND 1 Diamond Dye, Oil or Water Colora. 8^.00 depoalt with (72 LBS. TO CASEl A # ^ each order. SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO. Columbua. a YOUNG’S OLD PIER SEND DEPOSIT ASK FOR PRICE LIST NEED^""" BUELL SCENIC CO. CIGARS. CANDIES & ICE CREAM CONES Kalekarbceker Tkeatra Bulldlai, NEW YORK CITY. .Pbteie. <ir,‘elcy 2'J20. ATLANTIC CITY LOUIS DENEBEIM & SONS 1224 OAK ST * KftNSftS CITY MO VELVET DROPS AND STAGE SEHING FRESHLY REMODELED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Leeillmate and Picture Thiatrew Equipped. BEAUMONT VELVET SCENERY STUDIOS. 246 Weal 46th St. New York City. All Legitimate Concessions and Games. WANTFT) medicine talker, aiso good HOMES FOR TROUPERS Office Man. Registration n<* nec- A little rash, and monthly payments like rent. a. eeaary. hut must be eober. GINSO CHEMICAL OO.. Can Use One NEW Upnto-Date Show. buy you an Ideal home uear thr Yirht Club and Gv.' St. Joeeph, Missouri. L\)Urse In Bartnnth—(he Oty rf lUg Shlpbuililitu feme and prtimlnent in Motion Picture Protuitli. •kik abiiut "RiTeealitr Plare." fronting salt aaer BOARDWALK AMUSEMENT COMPANY fll.lS. BERNARD, Route A. Faeannah. Gtorgla MICHAEL SURSOCK, President NOTICE MEDICINE PERFORMERS WANTED td'EX .M.LRCTI 15. I want a llrat-rla«* Tram (mar DANCING DAVEY JAMIESON lAT LIBERTY—BaritoRe (Euphoaium) in Band andOreh. .ml wlfel. also B. F. IL A D. Oaortllan. prKer to thteie who play airing or braaa. Ihla abi w bate ', Vi«ur brother Is dying with tuberculosis and in aerlosis Uttle bell attaclieel for Tn-miwne in O. Kypcrlmced in circus, camiTal and dramatk-: prefer dramatic. Am rbwrd in three yeari. I pay 851IW •Ingle, 84 '■’ eondition. Any one reading thia and knows Da'rey. send ueed to 810.06 and all. or 818-00 and R. B. Am good commissary buyer and get 83.00 extra few it. Am gml duiilde. and tranjiporfat’nn. TV 11 all In flc'. letter. word to him. Wire DR. W. H. COLE. Ft. Smith. Ark., em reM-rxes or door. Have four seta books. Can handle band if needed, but not anxioue. Past ilraft aj>. t> Tl kttaf YFf4. IF I KNOW TOC. AJdr.a. DK. f. for rmidttloD of your brother immediatrly. ft.. 175 ItA. Wife is good on dewr. tickets or reserrrs. or treaaurer. Wife picks al’o. Short wea»<«i with bmg n Z1MMI3LMA.\. Box >3. Cuthben. Georra jumps not wanted. Tb-ket if orer 500 miles. Will put up t for t with showman on any leglilmale itreHeexelilebi, hut you must put up real mooey and your work against mine. Showman for baek stage preferreel. on drama'tc WANTED AT ONCE tent propoellirn. Hare good Ford teturing car, but don't like the gaaoltne trail, ihe R. R. Is best Ip' tewt. Ref¬ WANTED—U AtobbA ; erforwert Im KcUidRo Co. erence. Security State Bank here. BERT POTTER. Harpsr, Kuaaa. Joint' fugagem.nt prefernst, hut n l Playing rttiea. Platftrm shew. Comedtaue: iuu>t he A-1 CLARINET PLAYER demanded. Write, don't wire. danrrri. Piano Player, male oe female; nmu real Marriid man prefrrred. who has bad experienee in pic¬ end fake. Alao a M. D. middle age rreferrwi: mu-' ture bouses where ptiturea ARE PLAYED. Must he have gi.>d amearance'aca regleiete<l in Peiineylvanla A. F. M I.ours; 2;15 to S:00 pm. and 7:30 to 10:30 H DELL. Medicine Chi. Oenerel Dilleiry. Lamaetit. p.m. Sunday town. Foreigners wrho can't read or PrnnaylTanla. _ apeak English fluently, don't write. McnIInn salary. Wanted for Emerson Show Boat Golden Rod L. P. BL.WK. Manager Palace Theatre. Burlington. WANTED,MEDICINE PERFORMERS Iowa. Goo(i Dramatic People in all lines. Musicians for B. & 0., also Musicians RkHih Teem, ore double plana: Blarkfa-e Limadieti end Plano P'.aytr d^ng etra ahl In a t i<r ai.'ialt'.ev that double stage. State all first letter. Address Brownsville, Pa. Ja4ti on wire. ROY ROEIXSOX. General DellviO. WANTED Dea 5lolnet, Icma THIS ACT WORKED 40 WEEKS IN t9l7-tV4NTCP —Tight Wire Walkir. buy (o dreot at gtrl. f‘nie y>'ur Good Mind Readiog Act beat trirka. Mu-tl learn hlah penh. Photo, talary ai.d Also gnc<I Song and Dance Team, man and wife or ala- experienre flr»t letter. JACK VYIZI.VBDEi B>'i 333, LAST CALL We.itmoerland, Kan.vaa. ter team. Good engagement to real people. Address Il-IRRY M.\CK, Gayety Theatre, LoulSTlUe, Kentucky. PARTNER WANTED WANTED—Tom and Farte Comedy Penple for Reap Foe a Dramiltr l*li'>w, with half inlemt, to Ilk* A Warka' Attraction. Man to du Irish, Mai. to play Uike4a in front »f Iluaire and be a half cauer. Le.lj small parts and doulilr piano, S(Ubr(tie wi:li xieeial- or gcni. I have four plays and nine piople. To pl« lle*. 1o pl«' Era when neeessary; W< man fi«’ Tup«y. Rubin & Cherry Shows amall clilet ai;il li/wna. Amaleurt con«ldfrM Man for L^ree, to double Phineas: Man for Tom. to If you mean bnnraly. irrtla to W. CRIDLEI, 15. de.ubie Harris. Those who wrote before write again. l^t 39th St., Niw York (1ly. Always room for rellalile ami sober people. Show SPRINQ:0PENIN6] SATURDAY. [MARCH I, MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA te>ens April 1 in Onlario. Canada. We pay all after •ju-nfrf. AildrMS WM, HEAP. Mi!)tger Ptlmer’s Vn< All people contracted with the above shows please acknowdedge WANTED cle Tom's Calvin Co., Beiinliifton, VwnjtM’t. this call and report at once. All Shows and Rides are ready and ORCHESTRA PIANO PLAYER For ten-pie, e onfieatrL eetmert and alandard mn« Wanted for Floating Theatre waiting, but we can place a few good talkers and workingmen 'and Plrlurra. 822.50 we,k. I'nlon and permanent, "in at all times place goiid meritorious attractions. Ix't us know what (dll'ilELM THEATRH. Tluiulnglon, Waal Vlrtlnta America 'you have. Concessionaires report to L. R. Vandiver; all others re- ViudtTille People tint thaiif, tiv tTro^nlghti, tip In ! Wanted for Week-Stand Vaudeville art,, teams doubling p*aiio preferred.' No boocers. Iport to Rubin Gruberg, Montgomery, Ala. I'lnler'eiiieaa. one ehow a ,Uy. Rkifth Tvam. J’**':* Ttrketa. We furnisa all after joining. Stale your low¬ Player. I'll lure DperaliT. tat and elertrbily; est. Address NICOU & RBY.N’tHJJS, rare Show Man fer arts who di.'S epe, laltlew. All muxt cha’tt* Boat America. Point Pleasant, West Virginia. fur wiek and tie g'.xl act workers. Alto «int t an- Ta.<nian. O her useful peigile write. Th-te who wrote liefiire, wri** aaain; null was lost. Old frleinlt tjylo Ptii'W npriia April I, IxWla, R. C 01J4B U.lMIL- Song and Dance ^fan. must Ttmp piano, up In acta Ttt.N'. llan.iTilli', tum'h Caroltna and change sperialtlea for two weeks. Duly first-rlaas lerformers conalderect State all. Tieketsf Ves. Mwet OMARSAMIWANTS be sober and reliable. All summer's work. Address MSDICINE SHOW. Conroy. Iowa. Illusion and mystery acts which can work in tent. Also lecturers, talk- WANTED PIANO PLAYER Read. fake. 1ran»po«e. Mu«t i>e A 1: good rag •’ grs, grinders, ticket sellers, canvasmen and cook. Can use several good twerluria. I'nliut man. Hatary. 8'25. GtiilltlN'il 1 Eippearing young ladies for illusions. Also want good Hindoo magician. Hints.' snitK t l* . Idrii' 'PK-alre. Hot Sprina-. -'rt Tlial can ebange for week. Other goc«l Medirine Peo¬ ple write. Must Join at once. t'HAS. BKIiKKXJ.^ To¬ State lowest salary first letter. World at Home Shows, under mauage- luca, Illinois. tnent Polack Bros. Address WANTED, ACROBAT Of abort build, t’t romrdy art. Gnoil engagemont tn Female Impersonators Wanted OMAR SAMI, Winter Quarters, Streator, III. riaht |,er"<in. Send pinitk rte. "ACltt dl.lT," rin Illlllawril, (■hlraa,i Two, one slight and trim, other inclined to stoutneea Those with wardrobe preferred. Must hare ail quallfl- eationg. Open tn Middle West in April. Uire full WANTED RIDING DEVICE MEN particulars in first Inter, with street and phone ad¬ dress. Address "C. C.," rare Billboard, New Tort CENTRAL SIATES SHOWS WANTS "THE SPRAKERS" F.w morr gtx<l.