
Words from Chairperson 2

Introduction of Executive Committee Members 3-6

Introduction of Sub-Committee Members 7-9

HOBY WLC 14 10-11

Year Plan 12-13

Member Schools 14-15 14 Words from Chairperson

Throughout the 22 years,with the incessant devotion of UYLers ,our union has fostered countless passionate young leaders who are striving hard for a refinement in various aspects. So what is your definition of a leader? To us, the 23rd committee board, anyone who is capable to cast an impact on the others is a leader. The union has long been emboldening campers to aspire their associate, to seep the UYL magic into their own communities and to explore the boundless unknown.

Adolescent is the impulse to ameliorate the conservative society that we had once used to live in. Following the diversification of society are the dilemma and emerging uncertainties. Some might choose to accept the restful present-day while some are apprehensive about the wobbly future. Would you accept to be spanned by the consuetude and custom brought by the ancestors? Would you have the prowess to covert vision into reality and influence your peers? Teenagers like you and me take up the role to arouse the public’s awareness to realize our dreams. Action speaks louder than words, we have to enrich ourselves with knowledge and broaden our horizons through experiences. There are assorted approaches for us to influence the world, different people pave their own paths. Union is the place for us to dig deep into ourselves, exploring our potentials and making an impact on each other.

Stride over the miles

With the zeal for a refinement in our society, we should foster an acumen mind and carefully tile our action plan. As the leaders of tomorrow, it is vital for us to pave our ways with enthusiasm, determination and perseverance. We cannot keep compiling our dreams with words, but with actions in the communities. Unpredictable trials are inevitable as we open up these unascertained courses. To conquer these trials, a complete dis-regard for where our abilities end is the key to success. Breakthroughs are made by courageous predecessors to put their ingenious ideas into practice. Achieve the unachievable is doubtless the machete for us to discover the concealed.

To set off this life-and-world-changing trail, we could pave our avenues towards our goal with creativity and persistence. This road is not only for ourselves, but a pathway for others to follow, an exemplification for people to imitate, a platform for inspiring more innovations to enrich our society. By constructing more and more trails, it will then become a network that stimulate advancements and be further transformed into a chain reaction- individuals influenced by influence.

Mile is not only a unit of measurement of how long our ways are, but a record of our endeavor and endurance. Evaluating the past while foreseeing the future is an imperative quality a leader should posses. We cannot keep reminiscing the compliments and achievement we had in the past, but driving ourselves to review the paths we have been through. Cultivating a vision to view things through different perspectives so as to covet new ideas is the only way to keep us advance. Leaders become outstanding by a desire to be outstanding.

UYLers, it’s time to seek for your flairs, it’s time to stride over the miles.

Ng, Kelvin Keng Sang Chairperson 23rd Union for Young Leaders, 2014 - 2015

2 Introduction of Executive Committee Members


“Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.”

This is Kelvin Ng from King’s College :) This is my third journey in UYL. What makes UYL outstanding is the amazing and super-enthusiastic people who devote themselves fully into the union, and that’s EACH OF YOU. You might not adapt to this place currently, but i am sure with wholehearted participation and fervor, you will be able to jump out of your comfort zone and to write your own unique, once-in-a-lifetime and life-changing myth :)


It’s been a while! I’m Kelvin Chan from Queen’s College. You may not be familiar with me but when you are reading this line, you have already been part of this family, and my brothers or sisters. Union has always been a spellbound place where true friends are encountered and miracles are found :) Campers, enjoy your outstanding journey ahead and strive for perfection with your diligence. Alumni, it’s good to have you all back.

Just know, wherever you go, you can always come home.

Welcome home guys :)


Hi there the outstanding you:D

When you are staring at this line, pondering who I am, look around you. Do these faces look familiar? No matter what your answer is, remember these faces by heart as they will be companions who walk with you throughout your camper journey and most importantly, your life. Now shift your sight to your left and right wrists. Have you put on a watch on either of them? If your answer is yes, take it off as there’s no need for you to count the time you are going to spend here. Just one last thing: Do you know the reason why you are now holding this booklet? If your answer is still yes, bear it in your mind as it will become your motivation to walk till the end of the path.

I am Zara Chan from Heep Yunn School. Welcome home(:


It’s been a while! I’m Steven Lai from St. Paul’s College, your Internal Secretary this year. No matter you were a CCC participant or not, I want to give you my warmest welcome for joining our UYL family. This place, as you will see throughout the whole year, is a very special and magical one. Look at the people around you, they could be your best friends forever or you might even find someone more than a friend if you know what I mean xd. Fasten your seat belts, you are going to enjoy the ride~


Life is but a dream, an ever-lasting, ever-changing dream. Since HKUYL walked into my dream, life has been enlightened and enlivened.

I am Chloe Chan from St. Paul’s Co-educational College, external secretary of this year. If I have to use an animal to describe myself, I would say a chameleon. I can always adapt to new environment and am absolutely willing to do so. Meanwhile, I am also a sporty and hyperactive girl, somehow I can hardly believe that I don’t have ADHD lol Anyway, a big warm welcome to you all (: Get ready to embrace the UYL magic and ignite the sparkle in you!

Let your year fill with happiness drug and good luck!


-Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.

Your lives as Campers are destined to be difficult. Yet, do not be afraid of the upcoming challenges, nor the uncertainties in the future. Take a good look at the people around you, for they will accompany you in this year- long journey, and overcome the difficulties together with passion and IRIDESCENCE of youth. During this journey, you will be shaped, transformed and (we hope) inspired to be tomorrow’s leaders.

One does not simply walk their journey as Campers. They enjoy it. Not a single time you could repeat it. It is fabulous. Brace yourselves, as a hard yet fun journey awaits you!

I am Jordan Yim from La Salle College. ARE YOU READY TO STRIDE OVER THE MILES?

4 Introduction of Executive Committee Members


“Believe you can and you are halfway there’. Hello this is Anson Ng from TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College, a 22nd CCC participant :) . You may feel anxious about the adventure of a vast and boundless prairie - the starting point is randomized, there is no exact destination. But trust yourself, to venture, to discover, and to gain. The real destination is set up by yourself, don’t be restricted by naked eyes. Just believe you can. Open up and get ready to dash through your own path.


So many adventures couldn't happen today, So many songs we forgot to play, So many dreams are swinging out of the blue, We let 'em come true.

Hey Campers :) Welcome Home! I understand that you might feel really lost right now, as there are many new faces around you and you don’t even know their name, but I bet you will treasure your memories with these people so so much after the journey ahead this year. So try to step out of your comfort zones, and introduce yourselves to your new friends! Treasure the moments you have in this family and don’t let there be any regrets! And most importantly, I wish you all an outstanding year!

By the way, I’m Emma from the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School. (I know what you’re thinking, long school name, right?)


Hellooooo this is Vivian Yau from Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section). At this moment, you may see familiar faces or you do not know any single one here at all. However, the number of people you know here doesn’t matter. Your courage to step out of your comfort zone and get to know other Campers here is what matters instead. Treasure every moment and seize the days with them, so that, when you look around and see all these faces again, you will smile and not regret taking the step on this very first day. So don’t hesitate to stride over the miles :)


Good Morning! This is Jason Yeung from Cheung Chuk Shan College, call me Jyeung if you like:).

Can you try to greet all your companions sitting around you ? :)

I was a 21st CCC parti and a 22nd Camper. I can really say that HKUYL is a place where I can find burning passion, infectious enthusiasm and UNMISTAKABLE RADIANCE OF YOUTH. UYL brings me a lot of crazy, yet selfless and outstanding friends which inspire me and shape me into a better person.

And today, the most unforgettable journey of your lifetime begins.

Please always remember, the more you devote into UYL, the more you can get. Don't leave yourself any regrets in UYL.

ARE YOU READY TO STRIDE OVER THE MILES? #welcometo23 #23campersgayau


The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Welcome to 23!!! I'm Eric Chow from Queen's College, PM this year :) All of you have started a new journey, a journey to discover the more about yourself and the UYL magic. There are faces you don't know, challenges you never face before, but don't be afraid, just remember to keep your faith and passion. The journey may be hard, but by the end of it, I'm sure that all of you will have a valuable experience.

Hope you guys an oustanding year! (and Ga Yau !!!)


This is cody from La Salle College, you can just call me Co. mama said we come across different people for a reason look around you you come across these people whom you may not know now for a reason too but i am not going to tell you what that reason is because you will have a wonderful year ahead to discover your own definition you will encounter ups and downs you will be skeptical and overjoyed but after all these adventures you will tell everyone this is home last but not least, welcome to 23 welcome home 6 Introduction of Sub-Committee Members

Promotion Department


Hello Campers!

I am Anson Chan from La Salle College and as a 22nd camper, I can tell you that I have experienced a lot of ups and downs in my camper journey last year. Union is a very special place for me as every time when I have made a mistake, people here just continue giving me another chance to correct my mistake. For you, it is just the beginning, treasure every moment you spend in here and get ready for a life changing journey.

Have an outstanding year :)


Hey campers! I am Terry Cheung from WYHK :) Let me tell you something about my history :) When I was 15, I had my first love. There was nobody that compared to my baby. And nobody came between us or could ever come above. That's my home That's your home That's what we call uyl #23 welcome home


Hellooo! I’m Bernice from German Swiss International School. If you’re reading this, you probably have now set foot on a path like no other, but don’t worry because your companions will be there for you every step of the way. Whilst to lead is one thing and to find yourself is another, my greatest wish is not only for you to be able to attain both of these things in the coming year, but also for you to enjoy every moment. The journey ahead may be long and bumpy, but it’ll be worth it. Enjoy your adventure! (:


Hello Campers! Welcome to your second HOME! This is Melanie from YWGS, a 21st Parti, 22nd Camper and a 23rd Sub-Comm :) Feeling strange when seeing people around you taking selfies and shouting OUTSTANDING cheer? Don’t be afraid, as I am sure that soon you will become one of them and together you guys will experience an amazing year! Besides, remember to stay Outstanding throughout the year :) Are you ready to set forth this journey? (P.S. You probably will meet a lot of crazy people this year, be prepared :p)


Hey Campers! I am Austin Ng Ngo Tin from Wah Yan College, Kowloon, one of the 22nd Campers and I am very grateful to be part of 23rd. Welcome to the UYL family. We often hear that the Union is a cult, which UYLers will be intoxicated after they have joined the family for some time. Are we intoxicated? I am not sure, but one thing clear is that we are all inspired by UYL Magic. Will you be intoxicated? I don’t know, but I can ensure that all of you will become OUTSTANDING!

Publicity Department


Hi there! I am Natalie Fung from St. Paul’s Co-educational College, sub- committee member of the publicity department. Welcome to the UYL and I hope that this year will be fruitful for you. The union is a place where different elites with like minds come together to learn and to inspire. This journey may be tough, but it will definitely be rewarding! So enjoy and make the most out of it!


“ Each of us has a spark of life inside us, and our highest endeavor ought to be to set off that spark in one another. “

I’m Hilda Ma from Belilios Public School, one of the subcommittee members. Before truly becoming a UYLer, ask yourself a question. What kind of leaders do you want to be? Being a leader does not mean to be performing well academically, nor being the one who gives commands to other members. I’m neither one of those who perform really well, but what I do is that I cherish every single and unique moment in the Union. Do treasure yours and have an outstanding year, to inspire tomorrow’s leaders today! Enjoy yours!

8 Introduction of Sub-Committee Members


Ciao, I am Margaret (aka Lam Fung and Tmag) from Belilios Public School, sub committee of the Publicity Department. Warm welcome from the UYL family, a place where you can find comfort and happiness.

Treasure and grab this opportunity to explore your own definition of leadership and your own UYL magic. See you all soon!


-I see your true colours shining through.-

HELLO! This is Hilda Yam from St. Mary's Canossian College. A warmest welcome to every single outstanding you. (: Welcome to the place where has changed me for good and where you will be changed. Get ready to rediscover your own true colours, 'cause it all starts here. How your camper path will be depends on YOU. Just feel every moment in your coming journey by heart and make the most of it. gayau.

Once again- welcome home.


Hello there! Tiffany Yip from Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section) speaking (or writing :D)

Welcome to the 23rd HKUYL. Do make yourself home! I can't tell you how magical this place is or how it is going to change your life exactly. It is all for you to explore and experience. You are about to embark on an once-in-a- lifetime journey. So be prepared and make every moment count!


Where do I begin? Looking back to this past summer, I never imagined myself to miss HOBY WLC’14 so much. I will never forget the enthusiasm that everyone had and the positivity that they carried. This was truly an eye-opening experience and broadened my horizons. I realized how much I could achieve and no matter where I go, there will always be 425 people who will have my back. #E5 #Citruslove #myHOBYstory

Valerie Hung

Take me back to july 19th 8:32 pm central time. HOBY has truly been an enlightening experience. A place fuzed with so much positives vibes. The people, the love, the energy, the vibrance, the jovial ambience. Thank you the 425 of you and the 10 HK ambassadors for this outstanding week. Melody can't ask for more(: #G6#bluecrew#hobywlc14

'It well maybe, That we will never meet again in this lifetime. So let me say before we part. So much of me is made of what I learned from you. You'll be with me like a handprint on my heart.' -- For Good.

Melody Lam

Words can be seen but hard to be felt, but if i have to explain my inspiration from HOBY in words, this quote could do me a favor. "as the wheel turns, the values and feelings on the other rim rise and fall, shining or sinking into darkness, but true love/passion/will fastened to the axle and doesn't move." And this is what propels the wheel to keep moving.

Alice Wong

Everyone has their own WLC story, for me it is a splendid one. Throughout the numerous seminars, the 500+ people service project, global challenge workshops, they allow me to see things in a wider angle and with multiple perspectives and most importantly, they connected me with the other 400+ ambassadors. Despite the end of the week-long program, our journey as an outstanding leader has not ended. Because #It Starts Here. #PurplePeopleLeaders#D1#HOBY##WLC2014

Johnny Ho

It was such a place that bounded with zeal, where amazing people from all round the globe can be found. HOBY WLC'14 gave us the most unforgettable summer, throughout the congress, I've deeply explored myself and it taught me what a leader requires. It has been such a great journey. Thank you the other 9 ambassadors (and Nathan) and 425 of you for making my days count. It starts here. #WLC14 #B1 #BeTheChange

Kelvin Chan 10 It is definitely one of the best weeks of my entire life. How could I forget all the amazing ambassadors, staff, facilitators and speakers who have had inspired and influenced me that much. I bet the HOBY hangover is forever, because I simply cannot stop myself from recalling all the sweet memories of my sentimental group time (family time) and quality time that I have spent with my roomie every night. AHHHH, bring me back to Chicago. How I wish I could bring back every bits and pieces happened there back to Union. (:

#wlc14 #itstartshere #D5 #purplepeopleleaders #10+1 #room1922 #howfunkyisyourchicken #imafactoryworker #woopdiwoop #wuwasassy #outstanding #hobyhug<3

Hilda Yam

HOBY is a place where the impossible was made possible. Whether it be the enthusiasm of the ambassadors who led daily cheers, or the lunch lady who greeted us every day with a smile and kind words, everyone seemed to really want to ignite their own lights, and everyone else’s too. Some says youths are leaders of tomorrow. However, after the summer, I doubted. We do not wait for tomorrow, we are the leaders of today. People see things and ask why. We dream things and ask why not.

Zara Chan

This is where HKUYL first started. This is where world leaders are created. This is where I spent seven life-changing days at. This is HOBY. Over 400 ambassador s from various countries, gathered here to take part in the event of the lifetime. HOBY is more than leadership. It's purpose is to teach you life lessons. You are the captain of your journey with it.

Steven Lai

’26.7.2014, the moment when you stepped out of Mertz Hall, exit the Loyola University, it’s not the end of your HOBY journey, because IT STARTS HERE.’ That was the quote from the Chairperson of HOBY World Leadership Congress (WLC) 14'. To me, being a HOBY in the WLC was a tremendous experience and had turned a new page in my life. The mentors, the friends, the cheers, the ideas that keynote speakers delivered to us will forever cast inside me. During the 10 days at the WLC, I interacted with other ambassadors representing the HOBY from countries all over the world. I was deeply impressed and learnt to be a more confident and a 'Can do' positive mindset towards leadership even at my age.

Jason Tam

The end of the 10-day journey marks the the start of another journey. IT STARTS HERE, the theme of 2014WLC. WLC is not only a congress, but a life-changing experience. You will never make any impact on the world unless you take the first step to explore the unknown is the most invaluable thing brought to me by this amazing journey. Action speaks louder than words, change is never achieved by words but with concrete action plans. HOBY encouraged and guided me to tile my path to influence the world. Youth like you and me are luckier and its time to write our own unique HOBY story.

Kelvin Ng

11 Year Plan

Annual General Meeting & GAP Oday Nov 22

Global Awareness Project (GAP) Nov - Jan

Having a high level of global awareness has always been an essential element of a true leader and in order to fulfill our motto, to inspire tomorrow’s leaders today, Campers are given a chance to develop their global vision through various lectures, workshops and presentations in GAP.

Campers will initially take up the role of different stakeholders in Hong Kong, who are divided into different groups, and are responsible for identifying and familiarizing themselves with the underlying problems of Hong Kong. Afterwards countries that share similar problems will be assigned to different group and Campers, who will take up the role of Hong Kong ambassadors, are responsible to investigate and come up with a solution towards the assigned issue. In December, the World Congress, in which Campers will have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills acquired over the course of the Project by presenting their proposals concerning their respective global issues, will be held. Together with the debates and negotiations among different groups, enhanced co- operations as well as global awareness will be resulted.

GAP will be a valuable opportunity for Campers to hone their public speaking skills as well as their analytical skills. Thus, through GAP, Campers are highly encouraged to think in multi- perspectives so as to tackle the assigned problems. They are also required to come up with a full- fledged proposal within a short duration of time, in the process their problem-solving skills will be greatly improved.

Christmas Reunion Dec

Youth Leadership Seminar (YLS) Mar - Apr

In the wake of the Global Awareness Project is the Youth Leadership Seminar, another highlight of the Union. The aims of the YLS include encouraging Campers to think out of the box and improving their communication skill for producing some collaborative work.

Campers will be divided into groups and they will struggle to survive in a chaotic world shaped by the boundaries of imagination and creativity. Each group will be asked to come up with solutions that will alleviate the imminent crisis which is a mixture of international, political, environmental and cultural problems. Through a series of lectures, workshops ad discussions, Campers will be exposed to different aspects of being a good leader, of which include effective communication, collaboration and motivation. A four-day-three night camp marks the apex of the Union’s activities as Campers will undergo trainings, simulations and group games, learning and understanding the qualities of being a leader on their way.

YLS is not merely a place for nurturing future leaders, rather, it is a platform for budding leaders to exchange ideas and foster lifelong friendships.

12 Community Ties (CT) Feb - May

This year’s Community Ties aim to break away from traditions. Instead of merely participating in different volunteer works, campers will get to actualise their goals and visions raised during the Global Awareness Project and the Youth Leadership Seminar by choosing and organising various volunteer activities, to directly get involve in the local community.

Phase I Community Ties correspond to issues raised in the Global Awareness Project, to provide an opportunity for campers to realise the possible solutions suggested during the project.

Phase II Community Ties associate to the Youth Leadership Seminar, to bring the problems to light and develop social awareness to major groups in society. At the end of the day, apart from provoking campers to identify local and global problems, likewise, we hope to envision and inspire compassionate leaders to embark on a journey to find the purpose of constructing a meaningful change in society.

Camper-cum-Committee Project (CCC) May - Aug

With the knowledge and skills campers have gained in GAP, YLS and CTs, campers are now to prove their own ability by planning the whole CCC themselves, when the Committee Board only stands behind them to give guidiance when necessary. Campers will have to plan and execute a two-month-long activity for participants from member schools and non-member schools. This serves as a perfect ending for campers to enforce their skills and build up life-long friendships as well as unforgettable memories as a UYL camper.

Hugh O’ Brian Youth World Leadership Congress July 18 - 25

The WLC is a unique platform for great potential young leaders from all over the world to have cultural exchanges as well as build up international friendships. About ten outstanding Campers will be nominated as the Hong Kong representatives (aka Hong Kong Ambassadors) to participate in the WLC, which is going to be held in Chicago.

Annual Dinner Cum Closing Ceremony Aug

As the journey comes to an end, memories are recalled at the Annual Dinner. It is a chance for Campers and Alumni to reunite. All those who have shared the UYL magic will be home again. Campers, Alumni and Advisors can gather around and exchange ideas. Through sharing by guest speakers and videos of the Campers’ year, Campers can look back and reflect on their year in UYL. The Annual Dinner marks the completion of the Campers’ journey and the end of a year, bringing the 23rd HKUYL to a perfect close.

13 Member School 2014-2015

Belilios Public School Cheung Chuk Shan College Diocesan Boys' School DMHC Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School German Swiss International School Good Hope School Heep Yunn School Holy Family Canossian College King’s College La Salle College Li Po Chun United World College Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section) Marymount Secondary School Pui Ching Middle School Queen’s College Raimondi College Sacred Heart Canossian College Sha Tin Government Secondary School St. Francis’ Canossian College St. Joseph’s College St. Mary’s Canossian College St. Paul’s Co-educational College St. Paul’s College Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School Tsuen Wan Public HCY Memorial College TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College Wah Yan College, Hong Kong Wah Yan College, Kowloon Ying Wa Girls’ School