Minutes of the Meeting of the Caddo Parish Commission Held on the 6Th Day of January, 2017
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MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CADDO PARISH COMMISSION HELD ON THE 6TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2017 The Caddo Parish Commission met in legal and regular session, on the above date, at 3:30 p.m., in the Government Chambers, with President Linn, presiding, and the following members in attendance, constituting a quorum: Commissioners Atkins, Cawthorne, Chavez, Dominick, Gage-Watts, Jackson, Johnson, Linn, Middleton, and Smith (10). ABSENT: Commissioner Bowman (1). VACANT: District 12. The invocation was given by Mr. Steven Jackson, and Mr. Mario Chavez, led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. SELECTION OF 2017 CADDO COMMISSION OFFICERS Mr. Linn stated it is now time to select Caddo Commission Officers for the 2017 year. At this time, Mr. Linn opened the floor up for nominations for President of the Caddo Parish Commission. It was moved by Mr. Dominick, seconded by Mr. Atkins, to nominate Mr. Steven Jackson for the 2017 Caddo Parish Commission President. Mr. Dominick stated that it has been tradition to move the Vice President to the President’s seat. Mr. Atkins agreed, and believes that Mr. Jackson is well suited for the job. Mrs. Gage-Watts believes that she was passed up for the president’s seat due to her being a woman. She stated that she is a fair person who speaks for the voiceless, the citizens of Caddo Parish. Mr. Johnson pointed out that it is not a guarantee that the Vice President goes to the President seat. At this time, Mr. Dominick’s motion carried, as shown by the following roll call votes: AYES: Commissioners Atkins, Chavez, Dominick, Jackson, Linn, Middleton, and Smith (7). NAYS: Commissioners Cawthorne, Gage-Watts, and Johnson (3). ABSENT: Commissioner Bowman (1). ABSTAIN: None. Mr. Hopkins suggested to have the Commissioners change seats once all of the officers have been selected. It was moved by Mr. Linn, seconded by Mr. Middleton, to nominate Mr. Doug Dominick for the 2017 Vice President of the Caddo Parish Commission. Motion carried, as shown by the following roll call votes: AYES: Atkins, Cawthorne, Chavez, Dominick, Jackson, Johnson, Linn, Middleton, and Smith (9). NAYS: Commissioner Gage-Watts (1). ABSENT: Commissioner Bowman (1). ABSTAIN: None. It was moved by Mr. Linn, seconded by Mr. Chavez, to nominate Mr. Lynn Cawthorne as Parliamentarian of the Caddo Parish Commission for 2017. Motion carried, as shown by the following roll call votes: AYES: Atkins, Cawthorne, Chavez, Dominick, Gage-Watts, Jackson, Johnson, Linn, Middleton, and Smith (10). NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Bowman (1). ABSTAIN: None. At this time, the newly elected officers took their seats. AGENDA ADDITIONS It was moved by Mr. Linn, seconded by Mr. Dominick, to expand the agenda and add Resolution No. 6 of 2017 under “Resolutions”. At this time, Mr. Hopkins opened the floor for public hearing on the agenda addition. There was no one to speak in favor, or against, the agenda addition. The public hearing on the agenda addition was closed at this time. At this time, Mr. Linn’s motion carried, as shown by the following roll call votes: AYES: Commissioners Atkins, Cawthorne, Chavez, Dominick, Gage-Watts, Jackson, Johnson, Linn, Middleton, and Smith (10). NAYS: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Bowman (1). ABSTAIN: None. CITIZENS COMMENTS Mr. Ken Krefft, 157 Archer Avenue, Shreveport, came before the Commission to offer his services to read Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speech “I Have A Dream” at any event the Commission may have. He also congratulated the newly appointed officers. Mr. Carl Piehl, 7607 Cordeou Street, Shreveport, Catholic Charities North Louisiana, came before the Commission to discuss financial education. He thanked the Commission for their service to the community. He also extended an invitation to the Commission to tour their facility located at 331 E. 71st 187 Commission Minutes January 5, 2017 Street, Shreveport. Mr. Piehl requested that the Commissioners respond back to the emails and calls they will be receiving. Ms. Mary Alice Rountree, 1700 Buckner Street, Suite 240, Shreveport, representing Caddo Council on Aging “Meals on Wheels” program to request additional funding from the Commission. Mr. Craig B. Lee, 1035 Eustis Street, Shreveport, representing GET UP, Inc. in regards to renaming the unnamed sections of I-49 in Caddo Parish honoring C.C. Antoine. He commended Commissioner Johnson for bringing forth this resolution. It was moved by Mrs. Gage-Watts, seconded by Mr. Linn, to adopt the Regular Session Minutes from December 8, 2016. Motion carried. It was moved by Mrs. Gage-Watts, seconded by Mr. Chavez, to adopt Special Session Minutes from December 6, 2016. Motion carried. COMMUNIQUES/COMMITTEE REPORTS Mr. Hopkins stated that Mr. Johnson is announcing his candidacy for Police Jury Association of Louisiana Member-At-Large position. Mr. Dominick asked that a resolution be drafted in support of his candidacy. Dr. Wilson stated that Project RAIL has begun Phase I. He also announced that the Commission has collected $1,020,000 in rent for the former GM plant. Mr. Dominick congratulated all parts that were involved in the start of Phase I at the former plant. Mr. Cawthorne congratulated all the newly elected officers. He also stated that Booker T. Washington has been invited to the WorldStrides Heritage Festival in New York City. Mr. Atkins commended Mr. Glass and the Public Works Department for all of their work on Wallace Lake Road. Mrs. Gage-Watts thanked the Animal Services Department for their swift attention to one of her constituent’s raccoon problem. She also asked that Dr. Wilson get in touch with DOTD regarding the lighting on 3132. Dr. Wilson announced that the Pin Ceremony will be held on Friday, January 13th at 2:00 p.m. The event will take place at the Agriculture Building at the LA State Fairgrounds. Mr. Johnson also congratulated the newly elected officers. He also stated that he was excited to learn that Hyundai came into the Parish and will provide new jobs to the citizens. Mr. Johnson announced that the gun buyback program is scheduled for Saturday, January 14th at Morningstar Baptist Church. Mr. Jackson is also excited for the new tenant at the GM Plant. He thanked Mrs. Zazell Dudley and Mr. Scott Martinez for all of their hard work in landing the deal. Mr. Jackson recognized District Attorney Stewart who was in attendance today. He also thanked everyone for their support in nominating him for the President’s seat. ORDINANCES (introduction by title) Ordinance No. 5660 of 2017, amend Sections 18-5, 18-8, and 18-72 of the Code of Ordinances of the Parish of Caddo, relative to Flood Damage Prevention, to amend minimum construction elevations, to add the Red River Flood Hazard Area and establish a minimum elevation within that area Ordinance No. 5661 of 2017, providing for the dissolution of the Live Oak Multi- Fait Trust, and providing for other matters in connection therewith Ordinance No. 5662 of 2017, to authorize the purchase of property located in Section 22, Township 19 North, Range 15 West, Caddo Parish, Louisiana, and to otherwise provide with respect thereto It was moved by Mr. Linn, seconded by Mr. Johnson, that the Work Session Minutes from January 3, 2017 be approved. Motion carried, as shown by the following roll call votes: AYES: Commissioners Atkins, Cawthorne, Chavez, Dominick, Jackson, Johnson, Linn, Middleton, Smith, and Gage-Watts (10). NAYS: None. (0). ABSENT: Commissioner Bowman (1). ABSTAIN: None. 188 Commission Minutes January 5, 2017 RESOLUTIONS It was moved by Mr. Dominick, seconded by Mr. Chavez, that Resolution No. 1 of 2017, approving the amended 2016 Budget and the proposed 2017 Budget of North Louisiana Criminalistics Laboratory Commission be approved. Motion carried, as shown by the following roll call votes: AYES: Commissioners Atkins, Cawthorne, Chavez, Dominick, Jackson, Johnson, Linn, Middleton, Smith, and Gage-Watts (10). NAYS: None. (0). ABSENT: Commissioner Bowman (1). ABSTAIN: None. RESOLUTION NO. 1 OF 2017 BY THE CADDO PARISH COMMISSION: A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDED 2016 BUDGET AND THE PROPOSED 2017 BUDGET OF NORTH LOUISIANA CRIMINALISTICS LABORATORY COMMISSION AND TO OTHERWISE PROVIDE WITH RESPECT THERETO BE IT RESOLVED, by the Caddo Parish Commission in due, legal and regular session convened this 5TH day of January, 2017, that it hereby approves the amended 2016 and proposed 2017 budget of the North Louisiana Criminalistics Laboratory Commission, as presented. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if any provision or item of this resolution, or application thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions, items or applications which can be given effect without the invalid provisions, items or applications, and to this end, the provisions of this resolution are hereby declared severable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall become effective immediately. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. It was moved by Mr. Linn, seconded by Mr. Middleton, that Resolution No. 2 of 2017, proclaiming January as Human Trafficking Awareness & Prevention Month. Mrs. Laurie McGehee, Juvenile Service Department, came before the Commission to discuss human trafficking. On behalf of the Caddo Parish Community Response Team, Ms. McGehee thanked Mr. Middleton for sponsoring this resolution. She also commended Mr. Johnson on all of his hard work in regards to human trafficking. Ms. McGehee explained that the Community Response Team (CRT) is a joint effort between the four governing bodies: Caddo Parish Commission, Bossier Parish Police Jury, Bossier City, and the City of Shreveport. They meet every two weeks to discuss high risk cases. After the cases are process, they employ different agencies to help these young people get back on the right path. She also announced that the CRT has been recognized in the State of Louisiana as the first of its kind.