Issues in Adoption in Ireland
The Economic and Social Research Institute ISSUES IN ADOPTION IN IRELAND HAROLD j. ABRAMSON BROADSHEET NO. 93 JUL If, 1984 THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE COUNCIL, 1983- 1984 *T. K. WHITAKER, M.SC.(ECON.), D.ECON., SC., LL.D., President of the Institute. *P. LYNCH. M.A., M.R.I.A., Chairman of the Council. R. D. C. BLACK, PH.D., Professor, Deportment of Economics, The Queen’s Univer.~ity, Belfast. °SEAN CROM I EN, B.A., Second Secretary, Department of b’inance. G. DEAN, M.D., F.R.C.P., Director, Medico-Social Research Board. N.J. GIBSON, B.SC.(ECON), PH.D., Professor, Department of Economics, New University of ULster. Coleraine. PATRICK A. HALL, B.E., M.S., DIP.STAT., Director of Research, In.ltitute of Public Administration. *W. A. HONOHAN, M.A., F.[.A. *KIERAN A. KENNEDY, M.ECON.SC., B.PHIL., PH.D., Director of the Institute. MICHAEL J. KILLEEN, B.A., B.COMM., LL.D., Chairman, Irish Distillers Group. T. P. L[NEHAN, B.E.,’ B.SC., Director, Central Statistics Office. *D. F. McALEESE, B.COMM., M.A., M.ECON.SC., PH.D., Whately Professor of Political Economy, Trinity College, Dublin. CHARLES McCARTHY, PH.D., B.L., Professor of lmtustrial Relations, "l~nity College, Dublin. *EUGENE McCARTHY, M.SC.(ECON.), D.ECON.SC., Director, Federated Union of Employers. JOHN j. McKAY, B.SC., D.P.A., B.COMM., M.ECON.SC., Chief Executive Officer. Co. Cavan Vocational Education Committee. *J. F. MEENAN, M.A., B.L. *D. NEVIN, General Secretary, Irish Congress of Trade Unio~ts.
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