he young guns of wealth management are making their mark and rising through the ranks to claim influential positions in their companies. Whittling the field down to 30 remains a Tgreat challenge. All of the entrants excel at their jobs and have been working towards impressive qualifications, with an increasing number attaining CFA charterholder status or the Chartered Wealth Manager designation. Our select list is based on professional qualifications, academic achievements and the importance of the role they play at their current companies. This includes criteria such as personally running client money, being members of different investment committees or other forms of influence. We asked our Top 30 to share their favourite funds, best and worst investment decisions, as well as what they think is the biggest challenge they face in their roles. For a little more light-hearted content, we also found out about their hobbies, their first jobs and their investment heroes, giving us a chance to learn a bit more about the people behind the qualifications. The selection process certainly showed that the new wave of young professionals in wealth management are a force to be reckoned with and they are committed to improving both the industry and their companies, meaning the future looks bright for the sector. Here is this year’s Top 30 Under 30, listed in no particular order.

2 Contents 4 TOP 30 UNDER 30 10 QUALIFICATIONS 11 UNIVERSITIES 16 OUT OF THE OFFICE 17 FAVOURITE FUND PICKS 24 WHERE ARE THEY BASED? 32 BIGGEST CHALLENGES 3 4 Carly Moorhouse Investment analyst, Mazars Wealth Management businesswoman areincrediblyinspiringtome.’ Sarah Willingham’s accoladesasbothaninvestorand a Who isyourinvestmenthero? ‘Inamale-dominatedindustry, active managementdoesnotrepresentgoodvalueformoney’. challenge isthe‘increasingperceptionamonginvestorsthat and writinginvestmentcommunications.Shesaysthebiggest fund selection,macro-economicresearch,financialmodelling emerging markets equitiesspecialist.Herroleencompasses years ago. Shenowworksastheteam’s UK,AsiaPacific and Mazars LLP, transferringovertoMazarsWealth Managementtwo Profile: Moorhousestartedoutinfinancialservicesconsultingat Group AUM: £815million allocation andportfolioconstructioncommittees Key responsibilities:Memberofthefundselection,asset Top qualifications:Working towardsCFA Level 3exam Investment manager, Parmenion Capital Partners Andrew Gilbert Top qualifications:CFA Charterholder Key responsibilities: Chair of the ethical oversight committee, member of the fund selection, asset allocation and portfolio construction committees Group AUM: £4.5 billion Personal clients: 38,000, £3.3 billion Profile: Gilbert is a well-known name in ethical investing. After graduating with an economics degree from the University of York, he was recruited as an investment assistant at Rathbones Greenbank. He joined Parmenion Capital Partners in November 2010 as an investment analyst. Now, as an investment manager, he is developing Parmenion’s ethical portfolio range. Where would we find you outside the office? ‘Looking after my three kids or walking our crazy chocolate Labrador!’

5 6 Emma Corbishley Fund research analyst, UBS Wealth Management (I wasnineyearsold).’ What wasyourfirsteverjob:‘Extrain fee pressureandcompetitionfrompassives’. backdrop ofuncertainmacroeconomics,increasedregulation, long-term returns,short-termincomeandliquidityagainsta biggest challengeinherroleis‘balancingclientrequirementsfor UBS’s realestateteamasaresearchanalyst.Corbishleysaysthe classes withinUKdiscretionarymandates.Shethenmovedto funds andmanagedtheexposureforanumberofasset research teamin2011,whereshecoveredarangeoflong-only at Ernst&Young, laterjoiningUBSWealth Management’s fund Profile: Group AUM: Key responsibilities:Fundresearchandportfoliomanagement Top qualifications:CFA Charterholder Corbishley started out in financial services transfer pricing startedoutinfinancialservicestransferpricing Corbishley £1.77 trillion Great Expectations Great

Robert Feather 7 Senior investment manager, Myddleton Croft Investment Managers Chartered Wealth Manager Wealth Chartered

Top qualifications: Top Member of the fund selection, asset the fund selection, asset responsibilities: Member of Key committees portfolio construction allocation and £105 million Group AUM: Feather degree, graduating with a non-finance Profile: After qualifications. Being part of a team of decided to build up his on has enabled him to quickly take three at Myddleton Croft over the last five years. He stresses the more responsibilities even if their remaining resolute, importance of investors His top three out of favour. investment style is periodically Catco Reinsurance Empire, fund picks are British Income. Opportunities and TwentyFour 16.’ assistant, aged ‘Tailor’s ever job? What was your first 8 Helena Powell Investment manager, Smith & Williamson Personal clients: Key responsibilities: passed CFA Level 1exam of thePolar CapitalUKValue Opportunitiesfund.’ Who isyourinvestmenthero? ‘Georgina Hamilton,manager swept upinthetungstenhype’ washerworst. Lauder lastMarchhaveprovenherbestcalls,while‘being Intelligence fund.BuyingAmazoninFebruary2016andEstee Equity, FindlayPark Americanandherownfirm’s Artificial clients andcharities.HertopthreefundpicksareFundsmith investment teamin2014,whichrunsover£1billionforprivate scheme in2013andjoinedthegroup’s onlyall-female Profile: Powell startedtheSmith&Williamsongraduate Top qualifications: 150, £95million

Chartered Wealth Manager, Member of the fund selection committee

Scott Goodrum 9 Investment manager, Brooks Macdonald Asset Management (International)

Goodrum’s tutor tutor Goodrum’s Top qualifications: qualifications: Top Wealth Chartered working Manager, 2 Level towards CFA exam responsibilities: Key Member of the fund selection, asset allocation and direct bond committees AUM: Personal £50 million billion £11.7 Group AUM: Profile: recommended him to Brooks Macdonald after he passed the IAD and PCIAM qualifications, the latter with a distinction. He started out as an accountant in Jersey after graduating from Durham before taking a University, private client role in RBC’s team. He took investment management qualifications before moving to Brooks Macdonald and qualified as a full investment manager a year later in 2016. Goodrum specialises in running segregated direct corporate bond portfolios. What was your worst investment call? personal decision to ‘A invest a small amount in cryptocurrency.’ From CFA Charterholders to Chartered Wealth Managers, our Top 30 have shown a real propensity to get on and study for their professional qualifications. A further nine are working towards CFA Charterholder status

Chartered Wealth Manager

CFA Charterholder

Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst

Chartered Accountant How well qualified are the Top 30? qualified are the well How

10 Universities 11 Only one of our Top 30 went to Oxbridge and a wide spread of universities are represented in this year’s shortlist Bath Bournemouth Bristol Durham East Anglia Edinburgh Exeter Leeds Loughborough Newcastle Nottingham Oxford Plymouth Reading Sheffield Hallam Andrews St UCL Warwick of England West York 12 Alex Chappell Investment manager, DB Wood Who wouldyouhatetobestuckinaliftwith? ‘A bitcointrader.’ equity exposureinmid-2015’. best investmentcallwas‘fightingforemergingmarket traditionally defensiveassetclassesstretched,hesays.His market environment,withvaluationsacrossmany return of4%fromalowriskprofileinthecurrentinterest biggest challengeforinvestorsisdeliveringanannualised now managesateamofsix,underDBWood’s chairman.The He waspromotedtoinvestmentmanagerinearly2017and September 2014afterasuccessfulinternshipatDBWood. Profile: Group AUM: allocation andportfolioconstructioncommittees Key responsibilities:Memberofthefundselection,asset Top qualifications:Working towardsCFA Level 2exam Chappell startedasaninvestmentanalystin £450 million Fred Mahon 13 Fund manager, JM Finn

CFA Charterholder CFA

1,000, £50 million 1,000,

£9.3 billion £9.3

An MA in history, especially one focusing on Iranian especially An MA in history, ‘Renishaw. This unique UK metrology company has managed This unique UK metrology company has ‘Renishaw. into a career in investment, but after stints at Church Houseinto a career in investment, Securities, Mahon joined JM FinnInvestments and Winterflood years as an equity analyst, he was givenin 2012. Following four wealth management offering, theresponsibility for its unitised in 2016.three Coleman Street funds, investment decision? What has been your best many years thanks to R&D.’ to grow at a high rate for Profile: translate era, does not naturally Pahlavi nationalism during the Group AUM: Member of the fund selection, responsibilities: Member of Key asset allocation and stock selection committees and stock selection asset allocation clients: Personal Top qualifications: Top 14 Guy de Zulueta Senior investment manager, Killik & Co price wipedoutmyinvestmentsavings.’ Group aheadoftheBrexitvote. The30%dropintheshare What wasyourworstinvestmentdecision? ‘LloydsBanking undermines clientconfidenceintheindustry.’ for himisMifidII:‘Iamsureitwillbringbenefits,butalso grew from£200millionto£500million.Thebiggestchallenge Michael Pate. Sincethen,histeam’s assetsundermanagement February 2012,hemovedtoKillik,workingunderpartner a CitywealthfirmsoheleftNewcastleUniversitybehind.In Profile: Personal clients:150, £55million Key responsibilities: Top qualifications: De Zulueta started a degree but was offered a job with De Zuluetastartedadegreebutwasofferedjobwith

Chartered Wealth Manager Member of the fund selection committee Research analyst, Cathedral Financial Management Shane Bennett Top qualifications: Working towards Chartered Wealth Manager status, passed CFA Level 1 exam Key responsibilities: Member of the fund selection, asset allocation, portfolio construction and investment committees Group AUM: £370 million Profile: Bennett joined Cathedral in 2010 when he completed a one-year work placement while studying for a degree in international financial services. He returned to the company as a research analyst after graduating in 2012. Bennett’s responsibilities include assisting in managing the company’s discretionary portfolios and he has a lead role on asset allocation and fund selection. Who would you hate to be stuck in a lift with? ‘The character Janice from Friends. Hearing her laugh in a confined space with no escape would be torture.’


Jennifer Renton, Ruffer


‘NOW THAT MY STUDYING IS OVER, AT WEEKENDS I AM USUALLY PLAYING FOOTBALL, HACKING MY WAY AROUND A GOLF COURSE OR CHASING/ WALKING OUR DISOBEDIENT What do the Top 30 enjoy getting up to when they want unwind away from work? What do the Top BORDER TERRIER AROUND ONE OF THE LOCAL FIELDS.’ Harry Garrett, Parmenion Capital Partners

‘IN THE YOGA STUDIO, OR BEING AN AMBASSADOR FOR THE TWO BREAST CANCER CHARITIES I WORK WITH.’ Phoebe Stone, LGT Vestra 16 Favourite fund picks We asked our Top 30 to name their top three fund picks and there was surprisingly little commonality among the choices

Fundsmith Equity

Man GLG Undervalued Assets

Scottish Mortgage

Old Mutual Global Equity Absolute Return

ICG Enterprise Trust

F&C Global Equity Market Neutral

The Top 30 also look beyond the mainstream when it comes to picking funds and here are some of their esoteric picks

ADG Systematic Macro

AQR Managed Futures Latitude Horizon Credit Suisse Global Robotics Equity Fulcrum Multi-Asset Trend Edgewood US Select Growth 17 18 Tommy Doan Investment counsellor, HSBC Private Banking matters.’ to educatechildreninfinancial activities withschools During theweek,Ido ages ontheweekend. ‘I teachmartialartsforall you outsidetheoffice? Where wouldwefind Asian equities. technology andSouth thematic ideasaround include generating investment specialisms in sevenyears.His promoted youngest privatebanker four years,hebecamethe moving toCoutts.After at MorganStanley, before executives. Hestartedhiscareer on entrepreneursandcorporate individuals, withaparticularfocus portfolios forhighnetworth counsellor lastyear, running Banking asaninvestment Profile: DoanjoinedHSBCPrivate Personal clients:40, £500million the nextgenerationcommittee Key responsibilities:Memberof CFA Charterholder Chartered Wealth Manager, Top qualifications: Emma Saunders 19 Research analyst, Rathbones

£39.1 billion £39.1 Saunders is a researchis Saunders analyst at Rathbones, havinganalyst at Rathbones, Shejoined in December 2014. sits on the collectives research team, carrying out quantitative Prior toand qualitative analysis. at she worked Rathbones, where she Partners, Westhall onspent three years focusing Asian hedge funds. What is the biggest challenge ‘Following facing your role? years of accommodative we are now monetary policy, We entering a rate hiking cycle. are in unprecedented territory of QE.the unwinding with Fund selectors must pay close attention to how managers navigate this period, in order to select the best opportunities.’ Top qualifications: Top Charterholder CFA responsibilities: MemberKey selection and assetof the fund allocation committees Group AUM: Profile: 20 Alistair Campbell Investment associate, Heartwood Investment Management Top qualifications: ‘Anybody eatingsmellyfood.’ Who wouldyouhatetobestuckinaliftwith? Générale PrivateBank,beforejoiningSarasin&Partners. investment managementin2013asananalystatSociété Heartwood Alternativesfund.Hestartedhiscareerin alternatives. Healsoassistsinthemanagementof Management in2017andfocusesonresearchinto investing andspeculating.HejoinedHeartwoodInvestment disaster, buthesaysittaughthimthedifferencebetween an AIM-listedoilexplorationcompanyinKurdistan. Itwasa Profile: Team AUM: allocation, portfolioconstructioncommittees K Alternative InvestmentAnalyst,CharteredAccountant ey responsibilities:Memberofthefundselection,asset Campbell’s firstinvestmentwasrelativelyobscure: £3.4 billion

CFA Charterholder, Chartered

Hawksmoor Investment Management Senior investment analyst & AIM portfolio manager, Ian Woolley Top qualifications: CFA Charterholder Key responsibilities: Member of the fund selection, asset allocation and portfolio construction committees, and chair of the equity committee Personal clients: 35, £5 million Group AUM: £1.1 billion Profile: After graduating with a first class degree in mathematics from the University of Bath, Woolley spent two years working in business consultancy and set up an IT outsourcing business in the Philippines. He joined Hawksmoor in 2013. He is responsible for the day-to-day management of Hawksmoor’s AIM service, specifically UK equity research. He says ‘attempting to marry the long-term nature of investing in businesses with the short-term focus and demands of clients’ is his biggest challenge. What was the first thing you ever invested in? ‘When I was at university I set up and invested in a company called Travellingbug that arranged gap-year and travel placements in Bolivia, Uganda and the Philippines.’

21 22 Harry Garrett Investment manager, Parmenion Capital Partners Profile: asset allocationandportfolioconstructioncommittees Key responsibilities:Memberofthefundselection, Top qualifications:CFA Charterholder border terrieraroundoneofthelocalfields.’ around agolfcourseorchasing/walkingourdisobedient ‘At weekends Iamusuallyplayingfootball,hackingmyway Where wouldwefindyououtsideoftheoffice? different assetclasses. asset allocation committee, helping with fund analysis across through thecompany’s platform.Healsositsonthetactical He andtheteammanageinvestmentsolutionsavailable Parmenion, workingforitsinvestmentmanagementarm. Novia, basedinBath,beforetakinguparolewith accounting andbusiness.Hejoinedinvestmentplatform of BournemouthUniversity, wherehecompletedaBAin Garrett’s investmentcareerbeganstraightout

Felicity Selcoe 23 Investment manager, Smith & Williamson

Member of the fund selection committee selection fund the of Member Chartered Wealth Manager Wealth Chartered

Top qualifications: Top Key responsibilities: Key clients: 25, £125 million Personal £20 billion Group AUM: helping expand a number of initiatives, Profile: Selcoe leads women in football, like network in areas Smith & Williamson’s and entertainment, and entrepreneurs.sustainable tech, sports sessions for various Premier She also holds educational the group’s football academies, and is spearheading League a team managing Selcoe works in in Finance initiative. Ladies for private clients, charities and trusts. portfolios bespoke She names her top three fund picks as the Scottish MortgageShe names her top three Frontiers fund and the Franklin investment trust, the BlackRock Equity Income fund. best and worst investment decisions? What have been your trust when it was on a huge discount;Best: ‘Monks investment ‘Empiric Student Property.’ Worst: it has since narrowed.’ Where are our Top 30



A Where are they based? are they Where EW R N K



ISTOL BR A third of our Top 30 are based outside of London, reflecting the depth of talent in regions 30 are based outside of London, A third of our Top







SEY ER J 25 26 Matthew Yeates Quantitative investment manager, Seven Investment Management Top qualifications: ‘Riding mybike aroundtheSouthofEngland,orwindsurfing.’ Where wouldwefindyououtsidetheoffice? published workonthechallengesofinvestingforretirement. range. Heleadsthefirm’s pensionresearchinitiativeandhas developing thefirm’s useofalternativesacrossits multi-asset team in2013.Since2015,hehasspecificallyfocusedon Management’s (7IM)Real Return fund.Hejoined7IM’s risk Profile: Group AUM: asset allocationandportfolioconstructioncommittees Key responsibilities:Memberofthefundselection, Yeates istheleadmanageronSevenInvestment £11 billion £11 billion

CFA Charterholder

Chelsea Financial Services Research analyst, Ryan Lightfoot-Brown Top qualifications: Working towards CFA Level 2 exam Key responsibilities: Member of the fund selection, asset allocation and portfolio construction committees Group AUM: £1.1 billion Profile: Lightfoot-Brown describes his MSc Finance course as one of his best investments; while studying he started working as a corporate underwriter to help build his knowledge. He used the financial statement analysis he learned for a coursework piece and won the CISI Educational Trust Award in 2013. Since he joined Chelsea Financial Services, the company’s four-strong research team has progressed from producing buy lists and running model portfolios to launching the range of Chelsea Managed funds. What was your first ever job? ‘Orchestra pit assistant at Glyndebourne Opera House.’

27 28 Rory Campbell-Lamerton Fund manager, Church House Investment Management job? ‘Gamekeeper.’ What wasyourfirstever Investments. and Caledonia Japan Income&Growth Horizon, CouplandCardiff fund picksasLatitude December. Helistshistop to fundmanagerlast Mahon. Hewaspromoted investment officerJames working closelywithchief focus isonequities, late 2013.Hisprimary management divisionin over toitsfund team andthenmoved relations andcharities in thecompany’s client 2012. Heinitiallyworked scheme inSeptember graduate recruitment Investment Management the ChurchHouse Investment, beforejoining Wealth & Shepphards andthen internships atRensburg career withsuccessive Lamerton beganhis Profile: Group AUM: committees and portfolioconstruction selection, assetallocation Member ofthefund Key responsibilities: Chartered Wealth Manager Top qualifications: Campbell- £1 billion

Joshua McCathie 29 Senior portfolio manager, BRI Wealth Management

Top qualifications: Top Manager, Wealth Chartered CFA working towards 2 exam Level responsibilities: Key Member of the fund selection, asset allocation, and portfolio construction UK equities committees £450 million Group AUM: Profile: McCathie is a rising star at BRI Wealth Management since joining He now three years ago. chairs the asset allocation and portfolio strategy a committees, and takes leading role in UK equity research and selection. His best investment decision was investing in GKN: ‘We bought it towards the end of 2017 and it was bid for in On ITV, January this year’. he says: ‘The however, stock has underperformed on Brexit concerns and worries over internet advertising.’ What are your top three ‘Baillie Gifford fund picks? American, Man GLG Undervalued Assets and BB Healthcare Trust.’ Top qualifications: Chartered Wealth Manager Key responsibilities: Member of the fund selection and equities committees NICHOLASPersonal clients:THOMPSON Six, £3.3 million Profile: Thompson graduated with a BA Hons Banking with Finance from Sheffield Hallam University in 2011. During his degree he gained work experience at a number of financial firms, including KBC Peel Hunt and Redmayne Bentley, where he spent a year on placement. He has worked at Redmayne Bentley for over five and a half years since graduating. A Chartered Wealth Manager, he is part of a 17-strong team and he personally

Stockbroker, Redmayne Bentley Redmayne Stockbroker, manages six clients, who have a combined £3.3 million of assets. Thompson describes ‘reaching out to investors who are my age’ as the biggest challenge in his role, with the Financial Conduct Authority’s Financial Advice Market Review having highlighted a lack of consumer engagement with financial advice. What was your first ever job? ‘A waiter at Pizza Hut.’ Nicholas Thompson Nicholas

30 Senior portfolio specialist, City Asset Management Philip Bagshaw Top qualifications:CFA Charterholder Key responsibilities: Member of the fund selection, asset allocation, portfolio construction and MPS portfolio construction committees Group AUM: £600 million Profile: Bagshaw joined City Asset Management straight from university, starting out as an investment analyst. He cites International Public Partnerships, ADG Systematic Macro and the ICG Enterprise Trust as his top fund picks, and admits the biggest challenge is ‘trying to balance expensive asset prices with positive economic fundamentals’. What have been your best and worst investment decisions? ‘The best was alternative income – long-dated cash flow assets have performed extremely strongly over the last few years. The worst decision was to short the UK market, which unfortunately performed strongly after that.’

31 From the increasing regulatory burden to generating income in a low interest rate environment, our The increasing perception among Top 30 reveal the issues they need investors that active investment to overcome in their roles does not represent good value. Carly Moorhouse, Mazars Wealth Management

Identifying the effect the technology revolution will have on the companies we invest in and whether they can maintain and strengthen their barriers to entry in such an environment.

Fred Mahon, JM Finn

The biggest challenge is balancing client requirements for long-term returns, short- term income and liquidity against a backdrop of Their biggest challenges? Their uncertain macroeconomics, increased regulation, fee pressure and competition from passives.

Emma Corbishley, UBS Wealth Management

Attempting to marry the long-term nature of investing in businesses with the short-term focus and demands of clients.

Ian Woolley, Hawksmoor Investment Management 32 Producing a 4% return from a low risk The increasing perception among portfolio. High risk is easy to allocate, investors that active investment but there is very little diversification left does not represent good value. in the current market environment and Carly Moorhouse, many of the traditionally ‘defensive’ Mazars Wealth Management assets have significant downside risks. Alex Chappell, DB Wood

The lack of financial knowledge among young investors. Very few of my friends know much about investing - even Isas are a mystery to them. As such, they are vulnerable to the clutches of traditional, high-fee institutions which build distrust and reduce the likelihood to save.

Ryan Lightfoot-Brown, Chelsea Financial Services

Mifid II. While I am sure it will bring benefits, in certain areas it undermines client confidence in the industry. Guy de Zulueta, Killik & Co

Emma Corbishley, UBS Wealth Management

I think robo advisers are a big challenge as the investment management industry seems to have taken a while to really embrace technology and automation. That said, I still think a significant proportion of clients will always require a certain tailoring of their portfolios for various reasons. It should also not be forgotten how many clients appreciate having someone who they can contact to talk through their portfolio or the wider economic environment.

Scott Goodrum, Brooks Macdonald Asset Management 33 34 Phoebe Stone Investment manager, LGT Vestra inCambridge.’ What wasyourfirsteverjob? ‘Working onthe punts into infrastructure. exiting propertyOeicsbeforetheBrexitvoteandreallocating model portfoliomanager. Herbestinvestmentdecisionwas Company. After fouryears,she joinedLGT Vestra asa graduatescheme, workingatCoutts/Adam& she lovedtheproduct.ShestartedoutonRoyal Bankof she asked herparentstobuyCadburysharesbecause Profile: Stone’s firstinvestmentwasarathersweetone:at12, Group AUM: £10billion investment committees authorised collectivesandthemodelportfolioservice Key responsibilities:Memberoftheinvestment, Top qualifications:CharteredWealth Manager Jonathan Moyes 35 Investment manager, Whitechurch Securities

‘I really respect contrarian fund‘I really respect contrarian Chartered Wealth Manager Chartered Wealth

£400 million Moyes assists portfolio management across portfolio management Moyes assists Member of the fund selection, responsibilities: Member of Key asset allocation and portfolio construction committees and portfolio construction asset allocation Group AUM: He joined the company in discretionary service. Whitechurch’s and is responsible for qualitative and2011 from , research, fund selection and the riskquantitative investment portfolios. He completed a mastersmanagement of discretionary at the University of Exeter. in finance and investment hero? Who is your investment the grain and endure poor spells ofmanagers who go against but they remain can fall substantially, Their AUM performance. fund managers and process. Two committed to their philosophy ahead who is still Burnett, and Crispin Odey, spring to mind: Rob launch.’ of European equities since Profile: Top qualifications: Top 36 Stuart Chilvers Fixed income research analyst, Rathbones ‘Piers Morgan.’ to bestuckinaliftwith? Who wouldyouleastlike them beingatrecordlows. interest ratesafteradecadeof as theylooktotryandnormalise mistake byamajorcentralbank’, ‘potential foramonetarypolicy challenge hefacesisthe future isinspiring.’ Thebiggest relentless optimismaboutthe investment heroes,saying:‘Their Slater andJamesAndersonashis Scottish MortgagestalwartsTom Fundsmith Equity. Henames investment wasactually Rathbones –buthisfirstever of 26investmentprofessionalsat income analysis,aspartofateam Chilvers isfocusedonfixed improve onhisbesttriathlontime, Profile: Whennottryingto Group AUM: £39.1 billion the fixed incomecommittee K CFA Level 2exam Wealth Manager, working towards Top qualifications: ey responsibilities:Memberof

Chartered Investment analyst, Tribe Impact Capital Jamie Innes Top qualifications:CFA Charterholder Key responsibilities: Member of the fund selection, asset allocation and portfolio construction committees Personal clients: 30 Profile: Innes started out in the industry on Schroders’ institutional asset management graduate trainee scheme in 2013, where he went on to become a product manager for the company’s $5 billion (£3.61 billion) Global Multi Asset Income fund. He joined Tribe Impact Capital’s eight-strong investment team last June to help develop the firm’s investment proposition. The biggest challenge he faces is changing attitudes towards social impact investing, which is Tribe’s focus. Looking back over his career, Innes says Polish equities have been his top investment call. What was your first ever job? ‘Teaching English to Tibetan refugees.’

37 38 Samuel Taylor Investment manager, Smith & Williamson Profile: Group AUM: £20billion and AIMcommittees fund selection,portfolioconstruction Key responsibilities:Memberofthe Top qualifications:CFA Charterholder market, stating: ‘I find this role market, stating:‘Ifindthisrole on thetechnologysectorandUKAIM company in2013.Heenjoyshisfocus discretionary funds,Taylor joinedthe responsible for£40millionof Smith & Williamson AIM committee, Smith &WilliamsonAIMcommittee, sectors. Taylor researchesUS collective funds as well, which is a collective fundsaswell,whichisa housebuilding and chemicals housebuilding andchemicals the UK construction, the UKconstruction, considerable responsibility, also works as an analyst covering also worksasananalystcovering particularly rewarding as it allows particularly rewardingasitallows senior managementteams’. He and provides exposure to and providesexposureto considering the US buy list at considering theUSbuylistat uncovered smaller companies uncovered smallercompanies me toaddrealvalueinlargely One of four members of the One offourmembersthe the company equates to the companyequatesto around 10-15% of total group around 10-15%oftotalgroup AUM. Who is your investment Who isyourinvestment hero? (co-manager of the (co-manager ofthe Scottish Mortgage Scottish Mortgage investment trust). His investment trust).His ability to ignore ability toignore short-term market short-term market noise and investor noise andinvestor pressure, and pressure, and identify long term identify longterm ‘James Anderson disruptors is disruptors is second tonone.’ Theo Wyld 39 Research analyst, JM Finn Passed Passed

Top qualifications: Top CFA Level 3 exam Level CFA responsibilities: Key the asset Member of stock allocation and selection committees at has worked Profile: Wyld office for London JM Finn’s is a three years, where he on research analyst focused equities. He has quickly built up his qualifications, completing the Investment Management Certificate exams, and all three CFA although he cannot claim charterholder status until he has built up four years of His investment experience. first investment was in storage company and he says the biggest challenge currently facing investors is finding value in an expensive His best investment market. decisions have generally been in owner-managed small cap names, while his worst was ‘being suckered into a UK retail value trap post-Brexit’. Who would you least like to be stuck in a lift with? claustrophobe.’ ‘A 40 Jenny Renton Investment manager, Ruffer finding newspotsforgoodfood.’ every opportunity, drinkingginandeatingwithfriends–Ilove Where wouldwefindyououtsideoftheoffice? ‘Skiingat focusing onclients,portfoliosandinvestment. duties andtheever-changingregulatoryrequirementswith biggest challengeinherroleisbalancingadministration personally runs£163millionacross103clients.Shesaysthe including the£100millionCharityAssetsTrust. Renton with theteamoverseeing£2.2billionofcharityassets, ago. Renton directlysupportsthegroup’s headofcharities, Ruffer andwaspromotedtoinvestmentmanager18months Investments. Shestartedoutasaninvestmentanalystat companies, andthenwiththefundteamatIngenious working incorporateandfinancialstrategyforoilgas Profile: Renton hasbeenatRuffersince2013,afterinitially Group AUM: £22.7 billion Personal clients:103,£163million construction committee K Top qualifications: ey responsibilities:Memberoftheportfolio

CFA Charterholder Head of portfolio management, P1 Investment Management Will Dickson Top qualifications:Chartered Wealth Manager Key responsibilities: Member of the fund selection, asset allocation and portfolio construction committees Group AUM: £70 million Profile: After completing a BSc in accounting and finance, followed by an MSc Investment, Dickson began his career as a trainee investment manager at Brewin Dolphin’s Plymouth office. He moved to Prydis in 2015, then to its discretionary arm, P1 Investment Management. He was promoted to head of wealth management in December 2016. Dickson says the biggest challenge he faces in his role is ‘communicating investments clearly, efficiently and in an engaging way to clients and advisers’. His top three fund picks are Marlborough UK Micro Cap Growth, Schroder Asian Alpha Plus and City Financial Absolute Equity. What was your first ever job? ‘Chicken farmer.’

41 Design: Amber Treadwell

Photography: Adithio Noviello Roger Brown LHA Kathryn Richardson

Co-editors: James Phillipps and Selin Bucak

Audience development executive: Eleanor Mahmoud

Chief sub editor: Steve Warrington

Sub editor: Suzi Essex

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