Application for Admission to the Drisha June May 27 - June 26, 2015

Participants in the Kollel engage in an intensive learning environment in which is studied with passion, rigor, and commitment. Faculty members incorporate a broad range of approaches to the study of biblical, rabbinic, and philosophical texts, and invite participants to consider how these texts and ideas speak to them. Thrice-daily minyanim are complemented by morning hachana l’tefillah -- workshops in which approaches and techniques for deepening our davening experiences are explored. All participants engage in community service (e.g. staffing a nearby homeless shelter) and are encouraged to reflect upon the relationship between this service and their learning and prayer.

Participants in the program are expected to:

 Dedicate themselves to a month of Torah, avodah, and gemillut chassadim performed with passion, honesty, diligence, and respect.  Participate fully in all aspects of programming, contributing their focus and energy to the group. This includes arriving on time in the morning and exhibiting promptness throughout the program.  Commit to implementing a program or project either on their campus or in their home community to advance Torah, avodah, and/or gemillut chassadim in their community. (Examples might include organizing a new learning initiative or new minyan, or developing a community service project.) Participants will submit a brief report of their program or project upon implementation of the project.

Curriculum and Schedule

The June Kollel consists of a core curriculum of intensive , tefillah, and service. Each morning, shacharit begins at 8:15am promptly. Beginning at 7:30am, we offer a variety of options of hachanah l’tefillah (preparation for prayer). Past options have included study of chasidic texts about prayer, singing of niggunim, analysis of the liturgy, and meditation. Participants are required to attend at least one session per week. Breakfast follows tefillah. Morning seder focuses on intensive study, with shiurim offered on different levels. After mincha, participants choose from a selection of classes. Past offering have included shiurim on Tanakh, Halakhah, Mishpat Ivri, and Jewish spiritual practices. Both morning and afternoon sedarim include chavruta study as well as . There is night seder (followed by maariv) twice a week, and the beit remains open every night for those who want to continue to study.

There will be a Kollel retreat at Camp Moshava in Honesdale, PA from June 5-7, 2015. Participants engage in community service on a rotating schedule, staffing the Ansche Chesed and Bnei Jeshurun Homeless Shelters ( and assisting in Midnight Runs (

Participants commit to developing and implementing a project during the coming academic year, either on their campus or in their home communities, which will advance Torah, avodah, or gemillut chassadim. Participants will submit a brief report upon completion of their project.

Kollel participants receive a full tuition waiver and a living stipend of $1000. $500 will be remitted at the end of the program, and the remaining $500 upon completion of the project and submission of the report.

Application Form Please insert high-resolution headshot

Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis through April 1, 2015, early applications receive priority. Applications received after April 1st will be considered as space and funding allow.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or require additional information. Email completed application to [email protected].

Name: ______

Permanent Home Address:

______Street and Apt #

______City, State and Zip code

Telephone (w/area code): ______

Email Address:______

Date of Birth (month/day/year): ______

Are you a US citizen? ☐ yes ☐ no If no, what is your country of citizenship? How long have you lived in the US? Are you a Permanent Resident? ☐ yes ☐ no If no, please describe status:

Native language if other than English:

How did you learn about the Drisha June Kollel?


ACADEMIC HISTORY School Name Dates Attended Major Degree

High School:

Yeshiva/ if attended:


Academic honors received, including scholarships, fellowships, or prizes:


I. Tanakh Please describe your previous experience learning Tanakh (Please include institutions/classes in which you have studied and your facility with traditional commentaries):

II. Talmud Please describe your previous experience learning Talmud: (Please include institutions/classes in which you have studied and your facility with rishonim):

III. Facility

Reading: ☐ Fluent ☐ Semi-fluent ☐ Basic Proficiency ☐ None

Conversational: ☐ Fluent ☐ Semi-fluent ☐ Basic Proficiency ☐ None


ACTIVITIES AND INTERESTS Please list your school, community, and leadership activities, beginning with the one most important to you:

Activity Office(s) held Time Span or honors received


Participants in the Kollel are a core part of the minyanim that reflect their commitments. Please indicate which of the following best accords with your own commitments: ___ Traditional (traditional nusach; only men count toward the minyan, serve as shelichei tzibur, and read Torah; mechitza) ___ Egalitarian (traditional nusach; men and women count toward the minyan, serve as shelichei tzibur, and read Torah; no mechitza) ___ Partnership (traditional nusach; only men count toward the minyan and serve as shelichei tzibur; men and women lead pesuqei dezimra and read Torah; mechitza) ___ Other – please describe: ______

Please indicate in which other minyanim, if any, you would be willing to participate (for example, if your chosen kind of minyan is not available or if another minyan is in need of participants): ___ Traditional ___ Egalitarian ___Partnership ___ Other


Personal Statement (500-800 words) Drisha programs are fueled by a vision of Torah study as an integral component of our individual and communal Jewish experience, which informs our decisions, fosters honest reflection, and stakes real claims on our lives. Given this vision, as well as the particular details of the Drisha June Kollel, please articulate why you want to participate in this program. Please address the following:

 your past learning experiences  your goals for the month  what you will contribute to the program  challenges you anticipate encountering

Is there anything else you would like us to know?

Your application will be reviewed upon receipt of all of the following:

1. Completed application form (please type) 2. Two letters of recommendation

The recommendations should be written by individuals (such as teachers, , and Hillel staff) who can speak to your character, facility with classic Jewish texts, academic abilities, and leadership potential. Applications are reviewed once all of your material is in; it is the responsibility of those applying to ensure that the letters of recommendation are submitted in a timely fashion.

Please provide the following information:

In what capacity Contact Information Name of Institutional does this person Reference Affiliation know you? (Email and Phone #)



Complete applications are reviewed on a rolling basis through April 1, 2015. Early applications receive priority, please submit your form in a timely fashion.


Contact Information:

Institutional Affiliation:

Name of Applicant:

Relationship to Applicant:

Drisha’s June Kollel consists of a core curriculum of intensive Jewish text study, tefillah, and service. For more information, see and/or email us at [email protected].

Please speak to the following points in your recommendation, and include any other information you think we should consider when evaluating the application: applicant’s character, facility with classical Jewish text study, academic ability, and leadership potential.

Please submit your letter of recommendation to [email protected] or mail it to: Neesa Berezin-Bahr Drisha Institute 37 W 65th St, 5th Floor New York, NY 10023

Drisha thanks you for your time and consideration in preparing this recommendation.