Schedule for High Holidays 5782 / 2021 Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel
Schedule for High Holidays 5782 / 2021 Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel Congregation 540 West Melrose Street • Please note that service times and safety guidelines are subject to change. Check for the most up-to-date information. ROSH HASHANAH MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6: Rosh Hashanah Evening 1 Candle Lighting 6:58 PM Mincha, followed by Ma’ariv 7:00 PM TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 & WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8: Rosh Hashanah Mornings OUTDOORS (capacity limit of 100 people) Shacharit, beginning with Nishmat 7:15 – 9:30 AM moved inside in case of rain MAIN SANCTUARY Shacharit, beginning with Nishmat 9:40 AM Services End 1:30 PM SOCIAL HALL Shacharit 8:00 AM TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7: Rosh Hashanah Evening 2 Meet at Shul to walk to the lake 6:00 PM Tashlich 6:10 PM Mincha, followed by Ma’ariv 7:00 PM Candle Lighting, Prep for Second Day After 7:56 PM of Rosh Hashanah & Kiddush WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8: Rosh Hashanah Afternoon Mincha 7:00 PM Ma’ariv followed by Havdalah 7:55 PM YOM KIPPUR SCHEDULE ON BACK YOM KIPPUR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15: Erev Yom Kippur OUTDOORS (capacity limit of 100 people) Kol Nidre 6:45 PM canceled in case of rain MAIN SANCTUARY Mincha 2:45 PM Doors Open & Seating (please arrive early!) 6:00 PM Kol Nidre 6:20 PM Also broadcast over Zoom – get link at Candle Lighting and Fast Begins 6:42 PM Ma’ariv and Selichot 7:15 PM SOCIAL HALL Kol Nidre 6:45 PM Ma’ariv and Selichot 7:20 PM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16: Yom Kippur Day OUTDOORS (capacity limit of 100 people) Shacharit, beginning with Nishmat 7:15 – 9:50 AM moved inside in case of rain Mincha 5:35 PM canceled in case of rain Neilah Begins 6:20 PM canceled in case of rain MAIN SANCTUARY Shacharit, beginning with Nishmat 10:00 AM Services End 2:45 PM Mincha 5:00 PM Neilah Begins 6:20 PM Final Shofar, Ma’ariv, Havdalah 7:41 PM Light Break Fast to-go following Havdalah SOCIAL HALL Shacharit 8:30 AM Mincha 5:20 PM Neilah Begins 6:40 PM Final Shofar, Ma’ariv, Havdalah 7:41 PM Light Break-Fast To-Go following Havdalah ROSH HASHANAH SCHEDULE ON BACK .
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