Dwelling in tourism African Studies Centre African Studies Collection, vol. 54 Dwelling in tourism Power and myth amongst Bushmen in Southern Africa Stasja P. Koot Published by: African Studies Centre P.O. Box 9555 2300 RB Leiden
[email protected] www.ascleiden.nl Cover design: Heike Slingerland Cover photo: Shadows interacting: Toppies Kruiper of the South Kalahari Bushmen tracking and writing in the sand for my girlfriend Lisa, a semi-tourist, and me, an anthro-tourist, in Kgalagadi [photo: Stasja Koot] Printed by Ipskamp Drukkers, Enschede ISSN: 1876-018X ISBN: 978-90-5448-133-1 © Stasja P. Koot, 2013 To Lisa and Timo, with love Contents List of tables ix List of photos ix List of maps x Prologue: Books and care xi List of abbreviations xiii Acknowledgements xiv Note on orthography xvii 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Bushmen hunter-gatherers 5 Dwelling in a modernising environment 17 2 THEORETICAL APPROACH 30 On hunter-gatherer economics 30 Dwelling, power and agency 38 The authentic Bushman in nature tourism 49 3 ICONS OF THE PAST, ICONS OF THE WEST: JU/’HOANSI DWELLING IN THE STRUCTURE OF NYAE NYAE 59 Introduction: Ju/’hoansi dwelling in a changing environment 60 Tourism dwellings and affordances in Nyae Nyae 72 The private sector in Ju/’hoansi environment 85 Meet the hunters 94 4 TOURISM AFTER THE WAR: KHWE DWELLING INSIDE BWABWATA 105 Introduction: Khwe dwelling in a suspicious environment 106 Tourism dwellings and affordances in Bwabwata 117 On the banks of the Kavango River 125 On benefits and conflicts: Trophy hunting 133 The Khwe diaspora: