'l{tlted "All Amnict1n" • edited t~nd Mt~n~~ged By Collegidte Press t Entirely by Students Z-771 W..&iqton md Lee University Semi-Wuldy

VOL. XLIV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 194 1 NUMBER 49 Boyce Ends Arrangements 4 Net Stars State 150-Pound Football League As Dance Weekend Nears; Will Perform Q . d D . . H Numerous Parties Planned HereApril2s rgantze urtng Meettng ere Ina Ray Hutton to Open Spring Set Friday Night; Perry, Barnes, Senior, Day, Evelyn Winchester to Lead '13' Club Figure Richards, Either Skeen By JOE ELLIS Or Kozeluh Will Play As Seven Schools Give Assent Looking forward to what gives promlae of being one of the gayest Pour widely-known stars and most active week-ends of the entlre year. hundreds of students - . Bruce Barnes. ------· today bega n to brush otr dress suits, 1et white tles cleaned and place Wa lter Senior and either Karle Highlight of lAst Week's Student Election Ct~mpt~ign Three-Man Committee Named final ftower orders as Friday draws nearer- the day when Ina Ray Kozeluh or Dick Skeen- wlll dis­ Hutton and her aU-male band ln the vaniJ&Urd of between 300 and 400 play th eir wa t·es along with in exhibition matches here By Group as Governing Body; dates wlll lnva.ted the campus and glve the "10" signal for Spring when the Br·ttlsh stnr takes over Dances 1941. his post 011 C'Oach of W&L's vars­ Eighth School May Participate Arran.rements for the week-end.______ity raequet squad on Monday, were virtually complete today as take over the stand ln the gym AprU 28. nccordlng to plans an­ Organization of a Virginia State 150-pound Football league Bob Boyce. Cotillion club pres!- for the SAE dansant from 4 to nounced today by Hugh S trange. was effected by the representatives of seven schools at a meet· dt'nt made fi nal a nnouncements 6 t ha t afternoon and also for the The players. a ll professionals. recardlng the prices. prORram and Cotillion Club fonnal which begins will conw hN'l' with Pt> n y follow­ ing in the Student Union building this afternoon . 1-tlrlll' ~ of the set. a t 9 o'clock lhat evening. The ln:r the Whitt' Sulphur Springs Roanoke coUege, Hampden-Sydney, Randolph M acon , Wil­ Friday night's forma l with music Cotillion club ft~rure will be led by tout nament. und will s tage their Boyce and MISil VIrginia Moore of liam and Mary, the University of Virginia, VMI and Wash­ by Miss Hutton. two dances Sat- Cincinnati. now a student ln Nf'W W&L exhibition a t 4 o'clock Mon­ urdny to Bob Chester's swing. two York city. day afl~ r noon . ingtOn and Lee were represented at the con fab, which brought open house parties on Saturday Strange 1 t•Cei v~d 11 tclelfram thl ~ to a culmination plans for such a league first announced two aJt.e rnoon . several special parties Chester will be at Welnberf('s l ft ernoon confirming the fact Music Store on Saturday atler­ months ago by Walt D ownie and Bil l Armstrong. nnd picnics and t wo sports events that Skeen. fourlh rnnking pro hnve been scheduled to mnke what noon a t 2 o'clock to meet any In t he U. S. and the player who Members of the league will play their first games next fall. 1\et lraders belleve will be 8 full students interested In talking Is se. and leDDis teams both won vic­ &ot·ing a pellllon which they hope rolling on Frlda.y night with the nual Sprint" party for the campus will bring their school Into the "13" club formal which wUI be from 2 to 4 Saturday afternoon. Ing a gainst Bruce Barnes, whom tories here tb.la alternooa. he defeated In several matches. The traekmen clinched a 68 league. The Williamsburg Institu­ led by Dick Day. president of the Phi oamma Delta wUI also stage tion was not expected to have a sponsoring organization. and Miss an open party from 3 to 5 on Skeen. who came up entirely Works for Nt~'Yy Register ;, May 1-l -57 2·3 ric∨y over WU­ through the t·anks or pro tennis. Uam and Mai"J when Bud Yeo­ delegate at. the meeting, but a Evelyn Winchester of Randolph- Saturday afternoon with proper represenLa Uve showed up a nd sald Macon and Memphis, Tennessee. oeremonies attencling the open- has offered to play Budge any­ mana and Ben Nelllon ftniahed where at anytime for $1000 cash. one-two in tbM erder ln the he would be able to ha ve a deftnlte The music will begin at 10 ing of Ita completely "'modeled Trotter Accepts All Sophomores report for the league within the o'clock and ''The Queen or Melody loun,e and new bar. Invitations Student tickets. whlch wUI Sf'll bi'CNWI Jamp. the laM ennt ol a t 50 cents each. will be placed on next couple or weeks. unci Ht>t' Mf'n of Music'' will play have been sent out by Delta Tau the meet. Richmond was scheduled to their theme song at 2:30. Tile Delta and Sigma Chi for week­ sale tonight under lhe direcllon Research Post Must Make Out lli(hllrht or the tblnclads' or Bo!J 01\&e and a crew of agents flnt meet of the season was have a representative at the meet­ Hullon band. rated alon1 with end atralrs. ThP Celts will havp Ing. but none showed up. The Chl'slrt· by Tommy Dorsey as a party on Friday afternoon from appointed to handle the l!ales at CUff Mllller's record bftalllnr rratet·niLy !lo use~:~. Tickets for p('l'• In Washington Plan of Courses mile run. Mailer wu clocked Spiders. however, a re said to be "mo:1t ll k~ ly to succeed." L'l a 14 4 to 8:30. and the Slrma Chls all set and wiU, a long wllh any plt'CC all- male outnt which was plan their social for Saturday. ~: ons nut ronnected with the Uni­ Dt·. Herbert Trotter. nsslslunt All !-:nphomores. wll rther In arts. In 4:25.6, far better tbaa Oeorre pt·of essor of phylJcs. left Lexing­ CU l lllH ~ I'C C 0 1' !.e i ~ II CII, 11\US t other lnt.f'rested Vb·gtnla coUege. or"anlzed several months &I O ar- A lacrosse l&me with the Unl­ versity w• ll JW II ut 11 00. Sll·a ngl' make Murray's 4:!1.4 &be previOilS ton Frida y to take a pOSition with be r iven a place in the league if tt>r Mls.'l Hutton bad abandoned verslty or Vlrainla on Saturday said. uut. a Mudy plou or Uadr majors track martt ad ln 1138. the Carnegie Institute laboratory It wan ts orw. her nll-lllrl bAnd. Featured with afternoon before the d&nsanl. and Are Now Playlnr a t Pioehant and a tentative schedult> or course:. A& prna time tbe &eaD1I team In Wash ington. which Is doing ex­ for the next two years, which Is had cUncbed Ita rie&ory onr Cy Young, who presided at to­ tht• gtOUP will be Stuart Foslf'r. a freshma n ba.'lkrtball game with Perry. Richards, Ba rnes, senior. perlmental t·eseat·ch In physics for who c;han•s lht> vocals with the Augusta MUltary Academy on PrJ­ lo be t·ompleted bt>forr :.pt·lng reg­ the Manhattan collere team. day's meellng In place or Cap'n Kozeluh and Skeen wer.- a monl( lhe Unlled SLates Navy depart- lstnlllon lht: lh'bl wrck In May, p it I leadl:' r. dny complete the calendar or Dirk: Smith. who Is Ill . was f'lect­ 20 professiona l Slllrti who ye:ller- ment ns part nr the national d«•­ l.)(tuu T ucket· IUmouuced toda y. ed chairman or a three-man Exe­ o u Snturday Cht>ster·s oond will week-t>nd events. day opened play In th t> annual program. tense A copy of lhc study plun, " white cullve committee which will act Plnehur !>t pro tournament at Pine- AccordinK to Dr. Dickey. head sheets" Cor students In the A. B. (Modern' Calyx as the league's governing body hurst. N. C .. yesterday. of t he physics department. Dr. school and ''blue sheets'' for stu­ durin g the next year. Tom Car­ Richards. called lhe greatest Trotter ls expected to resume dents In commerce or science. can ruthe rs. assistant director or ath­ Student Fiscal Setup Explained doubles player In the history of teaching here next September. but be secured from the secretary In Will Be Ready letics at VIrginia. and Dr. David the game by ma ny tennis author- he said he had no mformatlon as the Dean's office. Courses complet­ Reveley, assistant coach a t Ha mp­ Treasury Reserve Fund Hits All-Time Low; lUes. has held numerous world to whether Lhe work could be ed or brmg tukt•n now by sopho­ End of den-Sydney, were also na med to and na tional championships. He com pleted by next fall. The nu.­ mot·es ure to IX' filled In on the By May the committee. Reallocation of Finances Seen as Solution sta rted his career as a " boy won- Lurr or Dr. Trotter's work Is noL sheets. uner which the second­ Work on the 1941 "streamlined" The Executive group will meet der." copping three national bOys' given out by government olflclals. year ~tudcnts nre required to work Calyx, which Is 18 pages larger at Ham pden-Sydney on April 29 tEdllOr's notf>: This is tht' Rnt 1e xceeded lhe amounts which have titles a nd line.! national junior For the rf.' malnder or U1e semes­ nut tt ..·•r majors wtth the heads than last years' annual. will be to draw up rules and regulations or a ~~erie~~ .r art.'elet on tbe n ­ I IJone lnlo the fund for the same ct·owns durlnt! Il ls 'Leen years. At ter. Dr. Dickey and Mr. Lothery, or the depa rtm l'n t:~ In which they completed In the next t wo or lhree KovemJna league play. a nd will lstlnr set -a' .r tbe ata-.t "'' period of Ume. It is quite obviou'l 17 he paired up wllh Big Bill physics laboratory Ins tructor. will a re studying. days, Editor Jim McConnell said present Its proposals at a not her that at lhls rate the reserve fund Tilden to wm the U. S. doubles lake over Dr. Trotter's classes. trf'a' urv, and the rea!IODS for Ita Tlw study plans nrf' then used yesterday, and accordlna to Me- meeting or loop members lu Char­ prewnt.,.., llaa..elalu&e. Tlae Iis headlna alraiiJht for dlaaster. championship a nd later on the Last year the fund lost 1200. the American Davl!l Cup team. He has Demand for Phyuelats Ia Gr?at ror spt·lng regl<;trallou. artcr which Connell . the book should be ready lottesvllle on May 14. flr'ft art'C'IH d ~alll wtth the for delivery here the last or May. A schedule for the 1941 sea­ year before t585. until now It had a share In the winning or six Dr. Trotter was tn w ashlngtou students are a~ kcd to kPep lhern 't. ut rt " of l ne~ome and the IID.- ~> l nce the prlntlng job will require son will also be d rafted nt thr standa with a bAlance of only na tional doubles Utles. nnd played during spring vacallon gettlug a tot• rerercncc. 1 • rt·1 nr f' of the ..,..,ne fuad" uboul four or ft ve weeks. Cha rlottesville meeting. Ill lhl' .. tadent "'' trdtMINJ.I 11:!00. l ll a <; mnuy Davis Cup team'!. li ne on a summer job, bul the de- 'l ran~> ferees Sbould Sl'e Advi-.ers Plenty of color. more a nd bigger Ben Wahrman. Richmond News- !Uuona for this st.al.f' of aff \ lt~ Barn~s CoaC'hH. Aho Plays mand for physicist!> to do expen - J UJIIOI'l> WhO Wlllll lO lllUkt? uctlon pictures and 13 pages of Leader sports editor who attend­ Ill 1.:0 ~ F.LNJCKER a re quite apparent. DancE' bf' ~ll mental research for the govern- chanc !l m Lllt.u r.tudy plun ... a nd • nnpshots will be the principal ed today's meeting, ~>aid that his Fot thf' fi 1-st time sluce Ulf' prH­ for the pa!>l few years tutve been Barnc'!. former national Inter- men t. is so areaL a t present. that u·un ft> rs " ho hn V<' not mad" out t'ellUla rlY loslnlf money, and lh ' t ollegiat' <'hampton, has divided he decided to take the J>Ol>iUon. rearut l's or the new Calyx. McCon- paper would offer a. permanent <·nt ~:.lilt' lll o' studt>nl. aovernm •n' tht• t.heets. should t..t~t' the profes­ ranee Board has therefore been hi ~ lime br twl't'n coach at Kerwon ~ato ni ng this Wf'f'k llf'll o.,nld. A rnodernlltliC " basket- trophy for the league champions. wr•·· t>stnbliAhf>d at Wa&hlnat.on ft ... an" contribution •· o ll e~te aud playing on tours with r :.ots or lhe ('OU I'M'S In wll iCil they weave·· leather covf'r In reddish- n was s u11aested tha t the circuit llnable lo m-.. J 1 Pe d On:l out o every four physlrlsts und (,ee, the " reserve fund" of the thr fund. Income rrom publl<'a - Elbwot'lh Vlnt>s, Tl dt>n . t'ry an ut c tnnJorll\g, Uean Tuckt'r said. bt·own wl lh a picture of the U- be split Into two divisions. each ·.tuclt>tlt bOdY I ttal>Ury hiL'I hit II to 1 Don BUdlle blnce tumin(! pt·o. 111 United States total of bi'Ury columns will replace tht> with four tenmR if elghl sc h t~o l 'l ln1 I ~ t he U: Until this yrnr. only sophotnorc:, uew all-limt> low and the tnllrr tlon11 haa 110ne ma Y or equ P Senior. Canac.llan champion. l'l .t4. 0-are now working dtrcclly ot• In llll' /\. 8 ~><" hoo l \\c•rc> 1 cqull eel u ~ un l slick fin ish front. und colot· <'ompeu·. and thal n l'luun1Jionshln flnu nrlnl status of studPnt body ment. and conlrlbutJoo'l f1om t'l& e 0 1 c! :.. d 11, on.· or the bf>c;t len mdlre<'llY rm· lhe Unitt'd Stn lr -. tu m.akt• om tud}' pluuo; uur LhP but:. or Ql't'C n, blue und rt'ddlsh - playoff &IUnP bt'twe<' n tlw whm •r, c.t ~anl 7.1l tl on.s ls now 1 estlnr on ~ource hav• b'>en l&r.kln ~ tnof'"'"ionnls In the game a nd ha'l aovernment. accordJnt; to Dt·. &Uit' hu ... b.:cn txt• tult>d to co\et brown wtll be u~ on virtually or the two . ('('tlom, bt' .,IUgt'd 111 t•\Lrt mt iY shakv rround. There must undoubkdlv now b ....., He A B t r h A · ll curtallnwnt ln expenses of th "llldn tour:. with Vln•s. Perry and I nry . ar on o l e mertcan the em lrr d a .s Hl tltut t'ach stu­ t>very page throughout. the book. the end of the season. H 1•1r years ago the reserve fund Budge Institute ot Phy:. l c~. and lhe num- d Ill mny havr R l't't'O id or the Plcturl's wm Be Larr~r Votes or thnnks wert> extendt>d "'oOO nt ~3000 : todav It hAA rt'&rh <~ tud c n t body and of the Pllbll - Koz~ l u h . a nother possible Pcrrv ber Is lncreas ini al the ra te of COUI'SCli he hus IUk~'ll tllld lhOst' ht' .. .. to Downie and Armstronll for their "'&tiona Board ln order to reta in 100 a th F 130 n1 By u!>e or bleed cuts. cuts that work In conn ~>c tlon with thP lUG- , cl n n"w low of •1200. and at the the atatus quo of the re&trve fun : II p;,n• nl. has been called the mon . rom u ven~- lllllbl lakl' lor MnldUUIIIJII U ~ Ul>t' •Me which It 1'1 now b··lnll "dippe d l nd at the same Ume an atttom:lt r"a te:::t ttnnis playt>r Czechoslo- ' Illes, 10 per cent or the physics or the t-tudy bhcetll, Dr. Tucker extend to the edge of the page pound proaram. and to the News­ without any mar~rlns . McConnell Leader for Its Interest. Into" It will go complet.ely dry be mft"'- to buUd up the vakla hus produced. pt·ofessors and labora tory lnstruc- a Sberlt> pictures t his yea r would Toda y's meeting followed a wllhln lhl'ee years. '1.• .._, tors have bt>en cnlled aid In dr- !ll lld Ill (nib lu lllkP l l fP(lulred Dance Board trK., ury. rense work. whllt> a lur.re numt>.•t· bt> larrer than ever before. luncheon for delegates and news- tr•('ome tor thf' stud e-nt bodv C'ourse nrc 111evr ntt d The Executive Committee ha JR C T 0 Hold Discussion of <'o lle~l' labomtorara mcludlug A new feature Is a n oril lnal full- pape~n at the Dutch Inn. Pres­ trt \' ttrv t'l now rf'relved from four beretofor? bttn the lfl'ftteat. "dip- thP UnJverslly of Vh lllnia lab, All c• lu ·...._.~ will rc 1· lt'l 111 May, pa~&e drawing by Alex Raymond. t'nt a t the mtellng wert' Oordon elf nnll.f' sources: The campus tax per" Into the rewrve fund. Exccu- \Vith Group from Hollins have ~n tut ned ovt>r to the ~o~- but fn· hmen mnkt• oul d ., !.ehe­ <'rt>a tor of Flash Oordon. or a re- •Pop> White, Roanoke colleae whit h for $8 a yea r enlltles stu­ llve Commltt.H expenses In tht The Tntet notional Relat1on11 f' mment for reaearch work. duh•:-. lot next Yl'UJ' only, while cllnlnk beauty, drawn on the lines a thletic director: Dr. Revelry of tl••ut 'I to rf'rt>lve student publiC' a­ past few 1ears have undoubtedly clulJ will hold a joint punel dis- The re.<>ea rch or tht' physlcl.sts l!i juniut II WIIO \\t>auty ~>ee llon . Ra ndolph-Macon 'rootball cap~lw C'lt· , pt ovlc.les the lar~res l slnale CO li 111 Ukl' ChUJI¥1''4 Itt tht• IJ l'l)lll l>t'S t nla raed. with Curuthert. or the University of llwontl' Is aLso received from the the ftn t tlme. the president of the lhe Exl.,lln& Ch·c um.~; tnnc es." to- dt>teclln.r airplanes uud tontrollln" ------a 10 Plllrt' spread on va rt~ lt y fool- Vl r~& l u l a. Ca rney LasJle. VMI •'udt•nt. I}Ubllcallons. the four atuMnt body dld not atlt'nd thf' nl, ht nt 7 30 In tht> Studt> nt Un- ftrt> . and the produ<' lion or strait'· 1 hi' t:ueutlvt romn1IUt>t to- ball .nd four pa, es devoted ex- coa<' h . William Luaar of W&t... tllliiCt' M>ta hf'ld annu ~Lll y. a nd thP convention of the National Stu- ion. Ki malt'rtul!. Dr Bal"lcm said day a ppulntfocl Junlt> Bl•hop and clw.IH IY.. to Fllncy Dress In !.he Coach T~'< Tllson. Downie. Arm· h 1Lt' re ~ on «rta ln lnvelltmf'nts dt'nt Pl'deration of Anwrlca. for Upholding thl' ll t'lltlllv • sldt• und Dr. Trottt'l''s wlrP und hi ~ •on •·u rr?~> t lla ll lu handlt• •·inal' I} It• uf Lift> Oot>s lO a Party sttOilll and Mr YOUilll of W&t,, nmdl' by tht • rudfnt body In rov­ which It ha.'t befn customa ry ln reprP !>t>nl hl!i Jlollln wlU be J t'un· wall vrobubly Join him In w u .. h I lnvllat.onB a nd Tornmy Martin Namt'N, Pictures Separalf'd Cuwlhon Bowen and Bill .Ba.rby «·ttllllf'nL bonds. mot·lua l&f''l, and 11 the put to approJ,rlate as much ne Bailey, f' lossle Ct·ocketL. Ellwl lnulon ufll'r ~>c huo l «'I OJt•s hert•. watc IIIUlll'd u p .. nd 11 uwn ll(f'nt In llw l'ln.'SJI sections. names of the Roa nokt' Timrs sports Rlatf tllP Ilk('. u *200. Plr hardllon. nml Phetw Robbin!!. tllld IIC llvi Ues will be run on one und Wuht nuw . JU'<'elpl!l from ltlfl .. CllOWUII Main expenses for the Exeeullvt> I Mcmbert~ or tht• Wnshlngton and !Jilllt>. with the matchtn.r pictures ln" ntf' tBeh yeW' allocated to t hr committee now 10 to prlntlna. Lee club who will aruut• lh.: ur • on thl' racing paae. In kt"epina v II IIIII'• ttud+-nt ora1ulisattons. If 'Ofltaa~ . a nd almllar "omce ex- ftrmallve 11re Huy Bl"ii&RS. Charllf' Tour Cancelled; Frosh Debaters Tw~lv t> Stud~nts Enroll 1 with the st reamlined style or thf' Ill lh . t• nd or the year lhert al't' penaes connf.Cted wlth the man- P o' ro., L>l rk lh rudon nnd Mar­ hook In Milit:1ry Club nurws UIIY ch•ftC'IL'I In thf!'ie Ofl &nl7'.& · .l l~ m l nt of thf> ~tudtn t ~& ovem - shall Johnsou Meet Farmville STC Tomorrow tn rormal shots or 15 campus li·c.ll' 1h• 1o~.'W!I a rt' &<'I ounted mf nt. Appropriations AI? lll"o 1R C Pn>:.ldtnl BuiJ Rwl nr y wil l INldN:i will appear betwt't'n the Twel\'t' Atudenls have enrolled rm \\-II h monf'y hom thf rht'rvt> rnade for chterleadlna; laat Yf'& t '~> c•onduct tht• d l•r u ~~l on with In­ W&l..'!i r rt'~> l umn dt> uall'l'll wil l Otllllnul H l u n ~ talh·d fur r n- t·luslJ M'tliOn M and In olhPr llt'C- In t ht' Arllllt' tY a nd Infantry fund of lht studfont treuury. mock convention came under thf' Ir onna Lion bl\lll lol rua nlstwd rrum tn l't't Fat mvl llt' Stull' Teu..clw t 11 t•ount rr! by the Holllns racul­ colle.r t> thls Wt•d tw~> dny niHh t In ~llunplon - Syd tw~ . lht• Unhrrslt y McConnell said a rew additional LA't> Mllttruy ~oocietY. J im J ohn­ tht oullh any money no~ exl)f'nded penaea: and lhe new accounllntl ty udvi!W'r, Mt· Robt•t l Tlllbott. the only nwc>t or llwlr propo:,c>cl of J~lr hmond und Hnntluh>h· Ma- coplt"s of the Calyx ha d bt'tn 11ton Pn>'lid(' JU or tht' oraanlzallon. 11111 1llll lht' year by or1aniaallona and a udltlna system ~ t up this and by Pro ' t· ~'>O r R M Lallun> 'lpt hlll tour. rtt> hman manaerr con. but no drnnllt> dntc• <'Ould ordt•t,·d so that tudtn!M who had announrcd today The rourwa. y. hlc'h tf'Cf'IYed rampus tax alloca­ year hal a lready pu ~ the commit - and J 11 Williams or W&l.. Ukk Shimko unuuutwt>l.l todu\' lx• ut tnn t•d t1111• llHI 1 or I ht•H' 1101 ll&ld their <'ampu.s tax would which a rf' p.lltem f'd nrtt•r the lltm'· t :l • a t times the publlca- tee'a ftnancta In aJTHn tilt' !){• 11, EvPJy \t'llr tlw Vf'll t lhliCII lll't' ~ Ill'· •c houls 110" on llwlr lliU rlnv, ublt· to tlt't 1 copy of th an- re11ulur Amay ext nhlon rour 1ton lxlard has appropriated Obvlou.aly. the FOluUon of thP vurnthm llr ucJct.•d t hat II Will> t•uR I Pllt't' of an lltdlvldunl Calyx hll\' as thPi r 1100 1 n rommiHlon " reaerve fund problem" lltt t In the Publications Board MHts duh·d to mnkt• ruut or 1h to ~ tutt • , uwtwv to 1h i' rt'llt'I'V C" fund. t3t unrurlulltl lht' fn hmt·n ruuld 1 fB 00 In tht' Rr-. ne <'OI'P . Tf'n "llub- UII V I 1111'' IttIll lhl' l~ L'i u ry or lhe reallocation or all funds ror tJub Thr mnnthlv tnt't>tl n .. of thr but thl!t ~·ru t llw lhiiU l lhn·•• duy ut HI IIIII' UII IY cJJH• 111.111 h but thul COU I ~ot' lS," UWI'l lllK dhtlllt' l m lll- nunt·r J\oaul toxceeded 11000. a ll ll('allona. dances. and pt hu tnlly ..ubllratlon <~ Hoard will 1M> hf'ld •'llltl\llt'lllt'nl hull U.•rn Nlllt r lt.·ll ll('hiiUI'I hll\ itt!' \UC'IIllutu~ nl dtf LUIY !!UU]l'dll. c•urnprhl!' IIW t'OII\ motwv ovrt lll u.L amount wall ap­ for lhe Executive con1mltlet> lt~· lt In th,. Htudent Union bulldtnr (OJ' ltH•k Of t'II IIUaNlll'lll!> lt·ll 111 tlrtlf''> mnd• II tmpu tiJL•• to Or. Ellison Gives ~cture pMt' <'OUt c• P• OIJiilllf'd to th t> rtsfrVt' fund: At preiM!n~ . the Ptna nce commit tomorrow at 4 p.m.. at whlrh f'l-e!.h ntel1 maklliH the lt"ip nrt• lli iUIIIU' ~ ~ . dat•clult• ltu·t• mo~o l A F h. Cl b M . Tht ~t~roup , whl< h mt•(•t.a t!wrv und ••P all lnl.<'rl'sl from ln\'f'l!l· lef, con. l <~ thll of s tudent bodv Ume tht '"-rd will ..el a dati' f'l'nnk John'>On . John Flt1palrltk. t•hoolll dl~>Co nlhlm • 11 but~ nctlvl-l t rf'nc u eetang Wt'dne day and Thur&day a rter- uwn t11 woe Into the fund Presiden~ AI Snyder. Ht nry ROt-· ror th~ annual ~ler Uon of tel l· BJII Murchl.on IUld Wall Vnn llr nrtt•r tlw •!Jtlll • holiday At u rnrHina or the Frt•nrh rlub noon nt 4 :oo In room om• or Reid f'or at k'ast tht' pa ~ t four ytarll. dlctr. Olck Day, and sam Rny­ tort and bullln""ll manaatn of Ot> ldt>r. Dir k Shimko mny nukt• Vnr ll'r Mall.ll(t•t C'hulllt llnb- h ltl Wrdne:.day nlaht In tht> hnll Is C'OillJ)O ed or On·tv Burun. Clllllllllv.~.tt lot ~a parUclpatlnl In tile der. are attempUnr to unlanfll•' th~ Rlnr-tum Phi. C .&ln. and lht> tt lp 01110 n w dt• butt• will tnkc· •O il •uuwuucl'd th.tl tJiuns a te be- Chc ml~~t ry bulldln.r. Dr R. Y El- Bill t..a t~ . Tyler Ra m •y, Bill rompu'l tax havt spent more than the Gordian knot. But. whawwr Southf'ru ('oll•a lan pla ct• In lhe Rotunda at Fannvllh,, lnv fm mrd ru1 th~ unnual debat. · IIJiOn mrmbf>r or tht' Fl'l'nch furul- MuPhll'i!i('ll Jim Blalklt" c I.. llwlr budtt>l!l caiJ for. a nd they their decision may be. IL hi <'l't'· lknton Wakeflt'1d. prt'!tldf'nt and th t> subJ ct will IJc'. • Tht> era' dlnnrr lo bt• hdd In Muy ut ty, llOVP 1L bl'i('! t·esumt' of 1L Yf'8r Rll.llt, OIC'k Basile, Lawrence MRil!l· havf' had to dip Into lt\f' re!lt'rVP taln that the old cry or "Wtll or thf' board. aald thl' tlf'C'llon• Qur lion of II W e.~ tc- r n ll£'mlsphr•re whlrh tluw kt"'' ""Ill b KIVf'll to "il}f'nt In travel nnd atudy In n t>ld. JPon Fteldber& St n 8 1lrr, hlltd Thf' amounlJI withdrawn dip into the l't'Btrve fu nd" muals with the Di\1 ribu1or of state of things in general and \V/ashingcon Easter: thea-e's really somethlna marriarres ..... Charlie Chaplin's latest comedy. events in lhe careet· of Bogart. about a good Easter that brings Pal&.er n' Stuff: Bud Bamekov "The Great Dicta tor." Ably sup­ and Lee in particular· all ready to go in chis another· Dillb1geJ· . in his ruthless (DIIP5io1e Di6est all lhe people out to church In was rtven the cob by Jane for &. ported by Jack Oakle and Paulette crlm1nal practices. Futbermore. space. It was composed during a rain y day of thl> ir East.e•· finery. Perhaps the marine ... The safety of those who Goddard. Chaplin preserves h1s Lhet·e's Ida Luplno to spur him on. Publlihed evel"y Tuesduy IUld Friday of t,he colle­ Spring vacation, released all rhe nccumulated funniest Incident. of the day hap· feat· for our natJonal defense can record as the premier nrtl'lt or and that's inspiration enough for giate year. En ~e red ut lllC Lexington. VIrginia, post­ pened in the Presbyterian church gall of a year of scnioritis, and w.ts more bit· be aUayed for Tiger Mcinerney the American film. a nybody in uny language. omce as second-class mail matter. wlw n twelve luscious females rrom just pa.Sll8d bis physicals for the In this picture Chaplain plays :1 'I hi:' film nlso introduces a new­ NnUuna.l adverti:>lng represenLatlve: The NaUonal rer, perhaps, than was consiste nr w11h rrm­ one ur Lhe neighboring scbools air force . . . There are rumors dual role, lhat of a little Jewish comer. J oan Leslie, who Is mighty AdverUsing Service, Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New strucrive criticism. slrodc into the front of the about Wall Abet·g of the Pb1 Gam barber a nd thnt oi Adenoid Hyu­ cusy on Lhe eyes if Lhe previews ehurch. There was a gasp and a York CI ~Y . New York. House . .. What sta1·tea the lmmi- kle, Fooey of Tomanla. The lovely don't lie lnlo;o the publicity she's Late yesterd:t.y afternoon Wt> tuok it from n mut·mur from the Keydet section Subscrtpllon $3 .10 per year. ln advance gratlon of the Phi Kaps Sunday Miss Goddard Cand she's lovely been geLling In such magazines as cluttered desk d rawer anJ copiN.l ir un th t> wllo we re allowed to view the won­ evening? ... Since cwr Curtis has even In rags with mud a II ove1· Life. Look , nud the resU. Artbm de r::~ or Easter. but who were hard­ his car with him at school this her face> Is cast as lh.e lllUe bar­ K e1medy also ges another chance BILL BUCHANAN ...... Editor typewriter. We started o ur the doo r to carry lY able to take whut the bwulY HOMER A. JONES, JR...... Buslness M&ll&.aer semester, he can be usually round ber's sweetheart. Hannah. whilt> artea· a great performaJ1Ce us Jim­ it over to the print shop, bur rhe radio was dished out.. at. the Randolph-Macon campus Oakle plays the J'Oic of Benzoni my Cagnt-y's kid brolher in "City Editorial Hoard playing cool piaJlO music, and we g lnncrd our Speo.klng or going to chw-ch. Bill .. . Jimmy Graff is worried about Napollni. 11 Dlggad!tch or S ac­ for Conquest." Bayard Berghaus, Fred Farrar. A1 Fleishman, Bob of the window and thought betrer of it. Muhletson of the DO house clalms getting in "serious" trouble with terla. Hlnkle also b.us hi!) usual Y ou can alford to miss It, but Steele, Latham Thigpen Uu'l.t the reason be went up to some litUe lass named Flossie at pals, Herr Herring and Herr Gar­ mo~t or yuu won't. so ro ahead. So you can thank the April brectt.' for Ul'· .Jer:.t•y for the past Sunday was Southern Sem . . . Wonder why bltsch. around to act as foils for but thl" \Wrttbrr l'l mu<"h nlct'r l\lan;a:Lnr Editors ing spared another indigestible indictment of st rictly from religious motives. but Steve Hanaslk almost changed his his Jokes and fils of anger. outdoors. Ned Butks and Bob Campbell residence to Jefferson Street just All In all, "The Great 'Dictntor'' so mething·or·other. w~ wonder. we wonder. Copy Editor Desk Editor M~y ftowc-r Department: It seems be!01·e our Spring vacation? . .. Isn't. the sensation which press no- ULONDIE OOES LATIN Walt Dow11le Marshall Johnson So excuse this burst of self.cons"iousness Lhnt Lhe Pine Room In the May­ Pres. John Alexander of the Fat tlccs would have you believe. bul You might slill have time to News Editor and we will not refer to thr weathe r :.g.ain . !lowt.'l' will not reopen: this seems Man's Club stated that after great fot· those who like slapstick. ws rush up Lo the lnst show at the Bud Levy rather unfortunate because it Is delliJeratiou, the Executive Com- a riot from start. to finish. except Lyt·ic tonight and see lhe Bum­ SvorLS Editors JU:.L what. U1e students need. How- mlt.lee of Ulls organization had for Chaplin's final outbursL of steads In "Biondle Goes Latin'' If finally selected the club motto: sentimentalism, for which the eo- you're so inclined. n ·s the usual Dick Wrlr: ht ttud Ray Wbltaker The Comr11Je 1.'\'('r . Mr. Coffee feels that for the good of the hotel, the noise that We carry a great deal ol weight U:re film was made. The picture Blondle P • c ln r e with Penny Editorial Associates We've seen him around the campus, heard &round this school! ... The Betas dJ·ags noticeably In many spots Slngleton :1s Dlondie. ArU1u1· Lake Walter Browder. AI Darby, J oe Ellls. Dick Houska, 1he guests mnde when departlna that he 'd written a book, even talkcJ ro him fl'om the Pine Room bad to be were trying to do the smooth act.. and even the comedy can't. pull It as Dagwood. and UllTY Simms as Hudson Millar. Bill Noonan. Lou Shroyer. Ramsay stopped . .. Looks like we'll have to last Saturday night. led by Bob out of the rut at. times. Baby Dumpling. Taylor, Ed Zelnicker occasionally. start ro111ng back to Mike's. Lambert. Jack Banle. and Jack Chaplin is wonderful In the dual The film lntl'oduces a new ele- Reporters Bur until we read Macr Griffith's :~rricle in Early Birds: Last Saturday Har­ Read; Ah. spring, spring .. . Jett role or barber and dictator. LJuL ment Into lhe Blondie series. one Sharltz believes in having girls J ack Oakle almost steals the show Tlto Guizar. chiefly known for Al bury, Brown. Cnlul, Clayton. Crodn, Davis, Eck, the new Southern Collegian we neve•· realiz­ vey Klbllng, Gus Heatwole. Harry Oates. Hu ll. Juhnson. Keller. MacCa c:hran. McCoy Kincaid, futd Dick Saunders left to the dances ft·om some distance: in his bl'lef moments on lhe screen h i.~ Lntln lovr songs on the rn l.lio. McOtaw. Moore, Pet rlken. Pulnum, Sucks, Shirk. ed what a remarkable person P rofessor Mer­ Lexington foa· Durham where they his l.llst dll.te came from w est Vir- 1:111d they a re really briefJ. Miss lt's hurd to say whether or not Talbott. Thomas, 't homl)stln, Williams vin " the Comrade'' Crobaugh is. hud arranged dates with some glnla and the cun-ent number is Oodclat·d doesn't add much t>xcept Uw Pll'llll't' bl'tlf'fits by his lli)PNlr· swrel ULlle coeds from Duke. comlng up from Duke .... . beauty. but she adds plenty of nnce. BIISJNESS STAFF Take it fro m M:ttt, the Comrade h:ts been Everything went peacefully, and For o. whHe the student body that. especially after Chaplin's The Humsteads art• much Ad\•e rti si u ~r Mana-gers around and he knows his subject. \'V' t>' ll wager tl1e girl:,; really must have had a wondered whether Neely Young beuuty treatment. more intert•:stl nf in the runny OSt'iU t:. IJUIIIl . W. 0 . Shropshire rhat 90 pe rcen r of his student:. don 't know lot on the ball, for they had all had bought a Flying Wombat or There are numet·ous ruuny llllPt'rs these days so you won't Promotion l\fanager fotu· uoys attend a sunrille ser­ whether Bobby Nf'al had really scenes. particularly Chaplin's wi th miss anythhlfr, unl.. ss you'rt' Jack Hanle about the experiences that rite C um mdc has vke at five n.m. and It really takes reluJ·ned to school for a change.. . the seca•etary, his speeches. und kePping np wilh the "Oref'n h h; ~'is is lu nt Advertising Managers run into in his travels. :~om el hlng t.o get saunders out of Nick Ora1J bnd hls usual attack scenes with Oakie, but lhe Dornet." .J umes 0 . La.Piaule. Hill Maury, E. F'. Robb, Jr. bl:'d ...... of spring fevt>J' during Spring va- resl at·e nothlug but shlpsUck. ltOAll SilO\\' Read the article. You'll be surpn!.t> J too. cat.lon and remained several days which went out of style m any Tumorrow unci Thursday brings Cha t' l t>~ T. Surtk son . Ernest E. Smith Politlelans: Well. we can sort of ln bed; he claims be was sick. but years ago. " Road Show" to the Ly1·ic and it's Circulation 1\Janagers H•st a lillie now after the clamor of 1h e contesting politicians has we know how warm weather af- It's not an afternoon wa.'lted. 1 o bt>Uer than Lhe usual Lyric Ot'f'Y Flowflrs. Jlm Sulherlun<.l died away. There wasn't a great fects husky people . .. There was &hourb, and everybody is r olnrr fat·e. Featur c> d stnJ·s nre AdoJph SubscriJllion Manact.r THE FORUM deal of mud slinging, but wouldn't one student who did not know a to see It anyhow. so more powl'r M,nJou. Carole Landis, and John Corneal B. Myers it have been interestl.na if Pete single candldate in the recent elec- to you. You'U like u. Hubbard. Accountant B:ll'row and AI Fleishman had tlon ...... '1 the soph omores are go- moH SIERRA Menjou r·enched lhe bum c:l&.ss George R. Eshelman Book Burning been comL>etlng for the same or­ lng a1·ound looking important long ago and Hubbard Is Just one nee? . .. The boys that won and the since the received thelr letters Come Thursday and Friday and of th t> young pretty boys who Is It's "High Siena" at the Slate fo•· clul tt>rl n« ti l' ."tli'cls a r'd ya1·ds or The Lehlrh Brown and White boys that lost are all good mem­ asking them to make plans for· " ' ·' • Tuesday. April 15. 19<1 1 ber., or the student body and we their majors; let's wait a couple your entertainment. Starr I n g c:r llulold. It's n shame CaJ·ole The Pennsylvania department of the Amcr· can 1est assured that these offices more years when the responsibility Humphrey Bogart and Ida Lup- Landis' IO H~ IIn e ss had to ue wasted ican Legion has recently issued a scatement will be well handled ...... has bowed their shoulders and lno. It's Mother of the series of m someth ing like this because she Money denouncing " un·Arnerican acri vitits in the l ojury Department.: Mike, the Unaed their hair wi th gray ... The g·=a= n-as_t_e_r _p.:i:;;c:.:tu=re=s=.;;::;;b:..u_t_o_u•_· _P_,.:·e=!iS:::::.....__'_s_,._"_P_R_E_v_•E_.w_s_._P_•_r_e_4....:l;;::;;:::; DU dog suffered minor inJuries as ZBTs entertained the other nl.ght. r There are some ~tories coming out in the public schools." Wh:1t the Legion obJccrs to u resull of tangling with a motor­ It's rumored they have a blonde Ring-rum Phi in rhe n t> xt few weeks rhnr are is the fa ct that some of our schools and H' :>t­ rycle on Easter; the motorcycle sweetheart ... Since his arrival ln worth reading. books present the whole truth about out co11 l1nued several rods alone nrter Lexington. Manny Castro has When the Milk Man Comes tlw ini llal encounter but Mike was proved to be not only an athlete or AI Snyder, :~fu·r wo1 king o n tlte Student social and economic and governmental prob· hke the Mounted Police. Mae high standing, bu t. a man about. Body fmances fo r :.ix months, has achieved :1 lems. T he Legio n wants the Sr.aw ler,t:.b rut·c Wc ~ L. o•· John Rulevlch : he sure town and nearby clUes .. . .. WE'Ll~ STILL better grasp of the M .t rt~ of moneta ry affairs of " ro purge the public school sysrt'll'l or lt':trlwrs "ot his man ...... L~ Depariment: It all started ~ oc l e t y G0881p: The Four when Chat·lle said that he couldn't all extr:lcurricubr activitit>s rhan has any sru· and textbooks that voice skeptil.'tsm a bout nur Ctcoges, younger members of Lex­ have a date on saturday because dent in a long cimc. form of government o r rhe:- wis Jum of rhc Ington's Society, staa'ted the of a track t.rlp: Roy, ions, among them one rhat we can't go on like story in the Philadelphia Rl'cotd) . on South Main Street. Among being broke. had no money for the this much longer :md remain solvent. That H ere ue some quotations from tlw Pt• n • ~ those who attended were Snooks girl to get home with • we won­ * is what rhe sto ries are :1bour. Allot·. MU2Z.}' DILoreto. Paul ca­ derl: he waited unlll one a.m. for After th ~ Dance Bring your sylvania Legion's St:lteml'n1 ( boJJ.f.ll·c ts \'tl U!>re. and Groucho Marx. Muzzy Eddie to get. home with his car; Anybody \\,fw has ever protested nt the o ur) : Is :-;tilt wondering who late-datl'd ~ accepted blew themselves to $ 100 parries, any one who without reservations and without controversy." has ever wondered where his campus tax che ck " During the lasr decade a very definite elt>­ went ( nnd that incluJes almost e-verybod y) ment of cynicism seems to have c rept tnto rlw Margin for Error will be mrere!!ted. minds of our public scho ol t·hildren." * This b the monq of the students :n stake, By Walt Browder anJ hence ceases to be a marrt>r for the Bxecu· "The motives and activit it"s of dw found ing THE SOUTHERN INN tive committee 's fin :lllce branch to b:m d le fathers have been viewed wi th ~kt· p t K is rn . H 30u knew the lyrics to lhe AJte,r Lhree weeks of speeches Opet~ r~ight withom tht' co-opcr·arion of all of us. Even the framers of the conMirunon nrc un- wnshinglon and Lee Swing you every Thua·sday night. don't thlnk all Juriug Spriug Dtmces S nyder and hts committeemen deserve cred· der suspicion of having ulrt: rio r mocivco; C>r l'nn ld possibly ret by footbaU. they won't go for the ldea. a re accused of being subJ'ected to undue influ. b1l"kt>lball. and Fn&.ls season, and The book will not only provide it for tackling a JOb that has bee n needing at­ maybe t!Ven Fancy DreRS, fresh- a suli.D.ble reminder or by-gone t?: :. •Y -:: ;:-:r: .·.;::::::::: .:: .'::..-.::___::::::-:-:: .-- ; ::;--z:-;: :e;;, tention for a long time, but which Jid nor come e ncc of the wealthier groups of thor pe110.l." mrn used to te ll each other. W&L days as you sit In &. pup tent And here's one thar is rt>:11l y bug hablc. J\ slight knowledge of the ap- at Fort. Jackson, but will aleo directly in rhe line of their duty. r roxtmale tune might hPlP. bul It romP In handy at ea.ch year's In­ If you have any srn!!e of you money's·wonh The Legion bel1t>ves rhac rhe youth uf rht' t•· m. d thnt 110 one down here par- terrraternlt.y Sing wh~n . hereto- you 'II keep up wnh thi.... country sho uld not be pern1ineJ ro think ' ' tll;'lt 11rulnt iY ('81'f'd about colleae music o r. the Glet> club library was those pepo le entrusted wirh publ1c ufltLt' \. " rc lll' wuy. Or at least. no one seem- prompUy nnd etrectlvely ravaged t>d to care enough about ll to or 1111 m(' mi:lcr'!.' mwlc. The 150's nOf entirely honest in their delihr ralion-; :md uw kt> them (•(lfe. In this respecl. Dr. Varner i'x­ in their actions." T htl l wns abOut as rar 8.'1 Wash- llrt>t·<;ed a hope that frat emily An idea hlossomeJ into realny this afrer· i11gl nn nnd Lee's musical educ&.- hcU'sNI will t>ac.h buy copies ror ! f I I I I noo n whr n representative) of seven Virginia n re erence 10 1 H' :1 st qu" t.lli1111. tt is 1. 11 'IOn wrnr. bnck In what have now thf'lr nt"mbers. to determine wherlwr 1he Legion 1. ••••"..: t•:' • • n . loquenlly termed the "palmy The Olec Club, mi ~·c; in g a')· college met here to effect organizatio n of a things that we are. It •s simp!;. ,1 m .lltl'l u . ll\'· ," n tnlhet• slow and unevent- mxlmalely five thousand shrets 150·pounJ foorh:1 ll lc ·ague for rlw 194 I sea. ; •II an o 1 or W&L's Incubation. rrom val'lous membe r!~ plaintively comm on k• nowI I! d ge that man>' ,, r t I It' p , .,, " n ut today, lhings are well on son. "Citoed t hf'lr thorough IL.'!Sf'nt. " enrrusred with puhlic o f 1" t•," 111 d 11· p1•.t .tn I 11 11 wu v lo l.)('lng dlfft> rent. Dr. Tlwrnton Allt•n''l "Sillute" ,.eemc: The id t>a helon gt•ll to StttJcnrs Walt l'f'• in the pre~> c nt, h3 Vt' ht•t•n hntw,.t ,,, 1d w l' 111 ' ' ·• r· 1(,111 w• this morning. If to be lh C' t o' lS, UCCOtdlng ~0 thf' D ownie and Btl I A t m Mrong, who came across 1 l'b · · · 1 t t •r •.t·huols knew their son a• •·P•'Ilon ~t lv !' rt It In the Rainbow U ! 1 e ran o n l'll)r 111 :ll llun. , , ., h . .'1 nnd hnt·mony, wh v a maga1in t> accmnH of the> popularity of light· 111 111 Room wh(•:·c It was tn trotluctoll by Th" Legion cloet. not W.JIH .tlllft.l\, •tldn': and I.Rf'? Ben Cu IH 'I\ orcheslt'll bPfOI'I' 104 w~tght fout hall .n Ea )t~· rn s~· h ool s a nd decided r~r tH·I · Wu ~ h l nalon <; pet ulation ::~b our what lt .t•)Jii'lh d 111 uur l ~o.. ' h · u n ~ w ~ r . fOI·mulat.ed by Dr :1lumni nnu Lhrlr wlvPs. nncl t ho·~ ,. that nuylw \\ .t s hi n ~tun nnll Let' and neigh· , • r • ' 1"'11 ·r Hurry tCy l Youne-. nnrl oC us who hllYt' bi't'n Pl'lvlleged buri n ~ w ll t·gc ~ wn ul d "~o fo r" till" ga mt'. wt y. llw Legto n c.l ot•) nm want dw ugly thlllg:. 'llltll'UII Al hn. wrl.ti lhnt It shouhl to )) ,•at· It will r.•ndlly tlgl'f'f' Willi o ( OU r society to Dt.> tnt•ntio th'.l tltt• l'C:ll lhlllllt :IIIII ~oon lllll' honot'Pcl olumnl. That wa\ .1 httll· 1W1'I 1 wu nw mh:. ago. " ant Alont.: wilh the rww nun1ber Wtll 111 J lliot ·tl 'es, t 1w ran·a 1 inru1 1' r.1nn•, 11 w \'I,J f 1 111 ~ \"1' h tht•u• PllrllOse to • h<'l' a O ow nH' .tnd Ar m ~ t t'~" ' g have don t.> .1 guod " tl 1 I lull of but h Wu•,hlnl(tOII nnd PQst lbly lw "Dilcit•" and "Rwun 'I' j ub uf dwit l'nd uf tlw work. They !!old tlw polltit·al M' t·up, tit~ !!hun :1 rc.1-., tl tt• r n r'l'upt • 11•. II " ~ oud conp,s or thl' soul.h. Ril>er," whkh Soullwrut'l ll u11rl lOIIrti!>, nr dw un c mploy ml~ nt p rnhlt•tn. Tlw ·•r tuu·wd Nt'liiY t·nOUKh ru1· tht' KA 'Malik e. will Pill up, and which id1•a 111 \XI.t,luny,t mt .md I t'l', and \ liCCI' t>detl Penm.ylv:wln Ltglon wa nts ttl lo'li r dw I' H' hoi" unlvt' rslty to shw llt every Yuukt>es ought lo. 111 aruu'\tng tnlt 1\'M 111 u tl11 r ,dHmls. Tlw f.ut• kl nd nr l'IJIIVOL·atlon,'' Ut•. VO.I'nf'l' Oonl' Wf hOPl'. art! lhe olcl days, wrvt··dtt•·, tatu., icJU U A 11'11't 11 .1 I>JH' w t Mr Allt'n. l'O-authot· or lhro whf'n r.\ JWhburu al tht' VPl gcune of dlt' p i'Ojt'• I l hlW p ll>M ~ !lilt nf tlh•ir la.II H.I.'> GuJ hi t>:>\ ul CJtitt'll, Ml W1'll typtlut'd J,> tH.lll}' I t~~~~ , W.'i. 1, ~; \\h ue ." have now complel- and Chatlomsvllle at the Vlr­ and ( Otnl'\ to r('\l Il l dw lt.lml ... of r >.nY IIII:'!> <111 I u.urt·s. fl llwtr Wruhlngton and Lf'e Song &inla aame hea•·d Wnshlnaton and Armstro ngs m ntlwt 'it houk lln(lk. to bf' sold probablY before Lee's husky throated warblel'l! •·end 1n nd that's no tyJ)Oaraphlcal Odwrs have.' lwr n r.•·nt rnu~ tn tlwir sup port The I .cg ron dl'plor1''> dw g1n wintt ''• y•u t l•'l nflls thil'! yl.'n t·, cism" of our youth. But d t:l t C) " " t<.m 1 ~ an i P 11bll ~ h r• rl by the Allen Colle(ll­ error 1 lhelr beloved. blll over­ o f tlw PfllJ l'Ct thll'. r.lt. S t.llt'. purt\ Wntt'r!i and . . . •til• Mu•k Company of New York. worked . "Swing." lendl.' rS :11 udwr C't>llq;l'\ h w t· l~t· l peJ sprt-ad mdtcallon that our )'()Ill!. :~r,• tuo lllll lltg,•nt ,,,. llcul( whkh will &e ll ror fifty And won't Fmnls and Funcy du• gu'lp t·l of a g.ttllt' "111, h gt\ t'' fuutball bar k tu !>wa llow tlw pap tltat the g~" ntl rnwn ol th t> t't ll l<~ u umv. will lncludt' IY J ' lc ~ Dress be u musical Joy wllt'll W&L. 1 Legton wo uld J.ke tlw m to swall uw. thM unci ll.u muny, a.lonK wtlh plnno Rtud nls know how to :;Ina HOme- boys wlhl pl.t>' l11 r lllC'II' fun uf play tng. A nd w dw . • • til I'U II\1 !U\IIl\1!11 1. IU lhC "Washlny- lhlna In har·mony, hlstrad of what Tlw t oopl'r.nio n wh h It 'tudt'nt:. I tom ud w r cyntr tSm ·~ an mdrl atton that tl tl' tt•J,Iwt s 111 11111 nml l.J('l' s wing.'' p1·ofel!SOr has otlwl'wi.M> bet'n bu1.:tlt111 con Singl~ or Double Br ~·;, s t<' d scl roo l ~ d ispl:t yrd m t:lktll)t tht- tunc• to co me t hl' lower chools nnJ the pruft· tt~. u " 111 tlw Ot-uhcun·.. " Plghl. Flllht. Blue and ruslon? Wt' ag t•ee Wilh OUI'SPIVf.'ll. tnN' tn'lg n, Ji t>gt> ~ and universlttt'S a n• dorng a goud lob. Whl11'.. "Collf'lill' F r l~>ndll h lps , " SUITS anJ EVENING FORMALS to L t•x •n ~ttu n fur rod.•>\ lS a p p r~{i · ·rt . · t'u•"' Mt• Durk to Ole Vll'lrlnny," Wholeheartedly. :lll'd. Hut dw wur k nlll ~ l IHH n•.tsc n uw; dfutts \ t.' LtgtUn • ~ a1tnc kmg 1111r .,. ltoc.l-. .11 1 l ow .wd ~ Ill (fluturc.> Thornton AIJen's Th<' wholr new sf't-up sounds For S P R I N G D A N C E S mlr\1 lw im rt':l'lc•d Ill u r ~l <· r h> ke-t> p t•nthustasm tt'l(thooks. nl'w Ptt l' Ltwr to the ·•swlny," "A like on lr\splr·attonal Ideo, and onf' 8•1ltll1' In lht• Ot•n('ruls," COlll\>0~· 1J1 whkh evet'Y school-spll'ited :~ lt v t•. O rw ur twu ln huul .. r:tn't nukt· a su ccc ~\ lluw lung will it takt· t It t· l.,·uitlll, tl w D. (•(I l hl\ Vt'OI' student ouahl to lake an active of I ~ l) pound fuoth.d l th t> ht>lp of nil of thr A. R. and all tl1 t rrst to work up . t l:''"J buuk· ln1 ltHl It) hP 11 I11 his J>I'OIJI'am tO­ pnrL by rt>ntly pultlna to US(> OllP \\ 11 n on the water two weeks. well-earned triumph over the rival Gary, 2b 2 1 1 4 6 ftt again g1ves au Indications of VIrginia began the scoring In KI'nna and Johnny lJron patroll­ WahOO!> more Lhan made up for Kelm. rf 3 1 0 0 0 gtvlng the Generals a stiff en­ while Rollins had had at least six 4 0 1 1 3 Ing the pasture with senior Bob weeks actual practice didn't have .he two previous defeats. Uaon. P counter. Keim. and soph Oeorae Eshelman any bearing the smoothness of Washington and Lee's lnfteld. McKenna. cf 4 0 I 2 0 Ed Boyd. who has captained the on 4 0 I 16 0 chasing fties when McKenna the two squads. ronslsling of Ted Ciesla. Dan Hudson, 1b t.eam In the absence of Hender­ 4 1 I 4 0 moves In to U1e lnfteld. And the matter or rac:lug the Owen. Captain Bobby Gary, a nd Wbeater. c son, will probably start at bls old Jeff Hudson. which had shown up FIBber, lf 4 1 I 0 0 In Ted Pearson and Llaon. seemlnliY- Inferloa• jayvee c rew ls cetller POI!ition, with sophomore Cap'n Dick bas h ls two most In ru.l her trratlc fashion htJreto­ Bob Leake moving Into the goe.lle not as bad as It sounds. Totals 32 4 8 2'1 18 promising hurlers. rankine behind Quoting Coach Bradley of Rol­ !ore, played sparltllng ball behind pOSition. The remainder of the Ligon yesterday. and engineered only veteran Bob Greaerson. lins, which of course does not ap­ VIRGINIA all r b • a lineup will remain the same as In Pearson started on the mound pear In said sheet: '"I'here 18 hard­ three double plays arainst tbe Burnes. 2b-lf 4 1 1 1 1 previous contests, with the excep­ Cavaliers. Except for one m.Lscue aralnst the Wolverines Saturday. ly any dUJerence at all between Dodlon, cf 3 0 1 ~ 0 tion of Jay Norton or Gordon Sophomore Pearaon was also our aenlor and Jayvee crew. but by Ciesla. the Generals played Keeann, ss 3 0 0 8 0 Lolli moving Into a nrst-strln1 toelna the slab In the ftnal three I U8ed the Jayvees because thl"Y errorless ball. Barman. c 3 0 1 5 1 close attack slot to replace Lou frames of the Generals' lone win have not had as many races as the Wahoos Seore In Fl111t Wlltahlre, lb 4 0 1 '1 1 Shroyer, who will be lost to the of the current campalrn. when Rquad for the rest of the seaaon. varsity seniors this season and Vh-glnla took the lead In the Gillette, 3b 4 1 1 2 2 they dropped North Carolina State Against Carolina. the Blue took they need the experience much fta'St Inning of the game when Parquhar. rf 3 0 1 2 0 from the Southern conference the lead at the outset on goal.s more." Justin Burnes. Wahoo second West. lf 2 0 0 0 0 lead with a stunnlna 5-4 declalon. by LaMotte and Berahaus, and Coach Bradley also stated that · ackl'l'. led ol'f with a smashing Pecbter. 2b 1 0 0 1 1 And In this slncle success of Cap'n maintained a two-1oal edie untU this year's crew was by far the double. nnd scored later In thl' Willey, p 3 0 0 1 3 Dick's horsebiders. elaht sophs the ftnal frame. when the Tar best he hu ever bad. and he com­ inning when catcher Bill Hannan "KarshaJI 1 0 0 0 0 were on the fteld when the last Heels rallied behind bl& Walt mented on the form of the Oen­ cracked out a single. The bOys out was made, with Pearson re­ «-ral oarsmen. con.slderilll the very Totals 31 2 8 2'19 Budin to ring up a trio of goals from Charlottesville Increased this and take the game, 8-5. ceiving credit for the win. short practice period they had had load to 2-0 In the second frame. as •Batted for West In 'lth. Yesterday afternoon. Cap'n Dick The following day ln Durham. before malting the Florida trip. lhl•·d bt~.st'mnn Tnbb Olllette tal­ W&L 000 120 010-4 called Ligon in from the outfteld Coach Ollie Crenshaw's racket­ Vlralnla 110 000 000-2 the Big Blue. weary from the PhY­ lied on a Washington and Lee sical pounding It received at the for the all-Important mound duty witlde111 have some consolation In misplay. of stopping the Wahoos In Char­ Error-Ciesla: Runs batted In ­ hands of the Tar Heels. again their 1088 to Michlran·s powerful In lhe fourth liming Wahoo Extra-Particular Activities louesvllle. And the "Lu11er·• re­ Llron. McKenna, Harman: Two­ stepped to the fore against the tennis team. Accordln1 to thf' Chl­ twlrlt> r John WUiey lssucd a PUI but! hlt- Bamea: 'nlree-bue hit ~> ponded nobly with a 1rand six­ caao Herald Tribune. lhe Wolver­ unbeaten Blue Devils. They heJd • lo Bob Kelm. W&L rightfteldtr. - Ligon : Stolen base-Qary: 8a- a 3·2 lead at the half and work­ OR skilful maneuvering on and off the dance hi~ performance to set Gus Tre­ Ines are heavlly favoa·ed to clean ··The Luggt'r" was nexl up for the criftce Gary: Double plays ed this m&lltln to 4-2 In the third F floor, there's a simple pr~ripcion : \X'e.:ar an bell's lads down ol'f their a>tdestal up Bil Ten net competition , which Generals and put. the Blue nine bY n 4-2 count. Owen to Gary to Hudson C2 l: quarter. Tiley were unable to Anow dress shiN. ranks plenty high In U1e cow1l ry. hack In the game by scoring Kelm Ciesla to Oary to Hudson: Walked SpMtlnK of theae veraatUe men so. cheft' up fellows. cope with the fresh outemen. The Lido for tails is smoothly uai lored and has a with a hard-hit triplf' . In lhe fifth bY- lJron 2, Willey 5: Struck out however. and the home team ~ rvlnc their Initial seaaon on the canto Ca1>'n Dick's bOys took lhe narrow bosom wbich is mooreo varsity, It seems that a certain by- Liaon 4. Willey 2: HIL by poured five goals into the net In lt!ad away from the home team by tUccann, firmly in place wat.b su:.pender ft l'lit baseman- namely a.1 Mat· pitcher- by Llaon Har­ the ftnaJ period to win. '1-4. Trackmen Face takh111 ndva nlage of Willey's man•. Passed ball~Wheater . loops. S3. tox wrote a total of a1x let~ s treak or wildtlPSS lo score two ond two postcards to hls "femme Equally smart for rux or ummer d'1unour" at Southern sem whlle more runs. AU u..e ba&eret&ed Ia ret~el •- ~llollbe fOJ'D'lal is the SborehaHI, which on the elrht-day ra.d trip durlna Indians Today Gny Scores on McKmna'a lilt 1a1 their Sealer or laatruc&or is the rum-down collur·.Htached Rprlna vacation. or coune he The Gtmeral outftt increased Bed er... Wea.a., certUl­ Robt. E. Lee Barber Shop shirt wirh semi-soh plcured denies thls rub statement. In Initial Meet thelr lead to lwo runs In the ea&e. ..aa. Cr ~ly 1m­ Bollen E. Lee Hotel ...... bosom. $3. Bolh arc authencically When cornered the other day. Coach J.ct llennemler'a varsity eighth lnnln ~ on successive hlta IIMIIIa&elJ fw plaba to &aile the acyled to fit you ~manly and com­ and when the touehy sut.Ject of traclunen opened their 1M1 sea­ by Gary and centerftelder ,oyd en•h•a&lou fortably. "Ju.r. you know that Isn't rilht. ftnllhed a weak aecond. far be­ a way fa·om Charlottesvillt. rt was only four lettera and one hind the hoat Navy team. Nnvy Ligon's nne performance on the postcard I sent her In the etcht acored 111 1-5 points, W.U got mound ye'llt'r'day was very en­ R. L. HESS, Jewelers days." 25 3-5. and C&tbollc unlverslty ISH BASEBALL, Pa•e 41 So. you ~ . Uv statement Is taWed 11 1-5. entirely false. ARROW SHIRTS Only oon-Navy wtnnera ln Sat­ Rumor baa It that tbe above urdar'a meet were OrUin Calla­ BE PREPARED FOR THE mPntloned Lu8rer J..Jaon. who Is twl. William &Dd Mary hurdler. ~ I . hu been ordered to report for wbo won the 120-yard hlch hur­ hi11 army pb111cal examination In dles 1n 15.4 eeconds and ftnlshed the near future. probably on hla third In the Iowa. and Mat Craw­ Warm Weather Ahead rc>t um home after this etmeeter. ford who woo the pole vault with Coaches Smith. Tll!JOI'I and Cul\­ a mart of 12 feet I ioc'hl!:l. nln(fham certainly hope I!JJ Just a Let Us Service Your Car Two weeks ..o thfO WilliAmsburg aunu•. or that he has nat. feet or team opt-ned Ita seuon against u nitf' doublP-ht>mia a~ did Hank VIII and was declsavrly ddt'tlPd Gr~DIM'rlf and Ort'( Rite. rNpec­ .1t that Ume. Competitive expt'rl­ Woody Chevrolet Sales lively. ence Is their one bia advantae«' SHOUS fUJPA lRED 1·'1 O•h Jay Cook also turned In O¥er the Otonera.la. nn ext-4'Uent pltchlna Job ln tN "lth nu tndll and 138 SOUTH MAIN PHONE 275 Ual"adlers' 3-2 deelalon ovtor the Plellmlnalli!S or lhe lnlaa mullll dl.,patch Vaa· .. lnla's Wahooletts Yt"terda~ track meet will be held Wednex­ on Wll~n fteld. Ht aave up a tay, April 30. Cy Twombly, lntru­ uu•UIJer six blnslell. retired no lt t\S r ;QQOYEJ'.R mural hf'ad amlOunc..'<'d today. Tlw lla1111 13 men vaa the Rlricllout a111• tt-. 1md nddPd n llmc>ly t.rlpb nnals of lht' ft l"ld evi'lllli will a l ~o SIIOE REPAIR SI-IOP >e run ol'f on Wednt•.cJay uud 111. 1.1 hl1 ctay'K WOI'k. Harry Bauatw. nnal8 of all runnlnr t>vt-nls will IJI> 1'!3 NI'IMIII Rt. t•llll rlbutt'd a homta· with one on held Thursday. May 1. 111 lht Utlle Blui''s t•au.-.e McCRUM'S u Junior, are ytt. umlt>f, att"d Cy 'I'•Otnbly's divot - dlnt'rs. , um 11011t'd or th rt'<' f:o~homotes and llaaoulfh lhPir two o~uln~ match­ SEE YOUR LOCAL Ol!ALER ' "· Atl.t'r hllndhl~ lhfl BoHLOn Col­ to ·w ~> llnludnt-n a l '1 ~" - • J pas tlnt~ Thua •dilY. tht'y w.'nt out the nut .. • for • .. Flowers for Easter uflu II!MHl on 1ht IOfal layout 10 lfUIII " lit' with a nauch-lmpaoved AWit'llliCt' SChool kOif ltam Tht> Electrical Appliances Conaps of RoHa, Gardenias, Or hid• uvra1111e bCO~ of lhl't yeaa-' In· t'XPt'rlenced squad In thest> two I tilt H 11 1e lowea· than th08e turned VIRGINIA PUBLIC SERVICE CO. Cut Flower,_..Pottt>J Plantll u tl lust HPrlna by Twombly's vet­ _... "''IUl ""lll't!(lllUOn. all IOMt lhrOU(Ih wrilt' 11 111 duallon. "Plt my adJreJJ on. l ary's cuff­ Frte Oelavery in Lexing con ami Bu r nJ v ... ca it doem'l takt•!Jim an !tour lo find Ollt'." Whether dancin' or romancin', Arrow dreu Going Staple and Fancy Groceries ahirts improve your atyle. Campu Ca vorites Hunting? We Telegraph Flowers To All Cities are Kirk and Shoreham ot $3 cnch. Fruits and Vegetables Arrow f'h', •... .J L... uou..ally t:ul.,rcd and authentically co Hccc. Sanfurizcc.J . ~hrunk Shot Guns for Rent 'uarant ee leu than 1~~ h rin~o l(o . Slaalr• He Jer a J Old Virginia Cured Hams Do•blft ..... ,., •ar Rifln and Ammunition at Call57and75 TOLLEY'S TOGGERY TOLLEY'S Tin; <:OLI.£GE ~1 .-\N ' flOP HARDWARE M.S. McCOY Page Four T H E RING - TUM PHI Frosh Show Promise 3 Are Professors Blue Campus Comment N oonan, Rappo ld Star As t:ontlnucd from page two . Sch l T* lighted to take her home; IHell. Gol ers Apprentice 00 te no. he wouldn't be tlrec!J Charlie's Work of Four Newcomers f ' 1·ig11t arm was th•ed rrom throwing With the second foursome of ended up with a 75, turned Rap- the javelin (sotmds more like Blue linksmen raUylng on the last pold, AP, one down on the open- throWing tht' bull to mel: moral: Features Spring Collegian nine. Washington a nd Lee's vars- lng nine holes but c?uld not match a cieve1· lie makes many friends· tty goU team was held lo a 9-9 his sub-par exhibition aflet· lhat. n foolish blundt•r and you get. the Griffiith Writes cBiographical Sketch' of Crobaugh; tie in its second match of the yielding two poin ts to one. The axe. The girl lovi'S Roy for arraug. The two literary societies wlll se~on by a determined Apprentice No. 2 match found Apprentice's ing thlnr,s so sht' would bump into Editor Thigpen, Fuller Add to Fiction Department inlllate 19 students and three School squad last Friday a.tter- AI Simpkins' 75. nosing out Paul Charlie: Eddie lOV<'d Roy for d rag­ Michigan Routs members or the faculty at cere­ noon on the Lexington course. Williams, W&L, 76. one up. to a~- lng him out on an additional New blood flows freely lht·ough the longest paragraphs in the his­ monies to take place this week. Coach Cy Twombly played the nex two and a haU: ma1·kers, while fifteen mile:-;; Charlie loves Roy the pages of the spring issuE' of tory ot literature-a gem that runs W&LNetmen; Dan Lewis and AI Overton, presi­ same four men who ou tshot Bos- the visitors a lso took the best-ball for mnking £'Vrrythlng so comfort­ the Southern Collegian. to 2.000 words. dent of the Washington and Ora­ ton College's strokei'S. 17 1·2 to play, two points to one. lo gai n oble for him ... Nuthlllg llkP hav- The work of four staff new­ Editor Thigpen's fiction cou trl­ hum - Lee socletles. l'especUvely, 1-2, U1e day before. This quartet a 6 1-2 to 2 1-2 m at·gln. mq n lot or friends • .... comers-two w1·ltel's and Lwo car­ butlon. ''Brother," Is the story of Harrelson Wins announced today. of three sophomores and a junior But this lead was not to last !ot· ~~ ------~ Bill Bumett. a fraternity pledre includes Paul Williams. Bill Noon- long as the other pair or Blue toonists-Is included a mong the w&L's squad dl'Opped all but ThP Washington society wlll in- who learned the facts o! life !rom quarterly's collection or prose. one matrh In losing to Michigan •llate eleven students and one fac­ a n, S. L. Kopald, and Bud Bowie, dlvoteers. Blll Noonan and S. I •. S'f UD EN'rS poetry and tll't. Harrison B. Kin· his dad and who, during his first a.ll having Lheh· l.nitial year of Kopald, ca me through to gat'ltt'r Satmday nflcmoon. a to 1. Th£' ully member tonight at 8 o'clock Patronize the year In college. leams some facts varsity competition. the same auvantage In I ht>il' four- ney a,nd wallace Clayton. both Bluemen lost all matches in in thr Forensic union room of the !reshmell, display promise with about his dad. Thigpen builds his On t he other ha nd. Apprentice some. Ideal Barber Shop suspense well. and brings his tale straight sets tmd won their one St uctent Union building. while the stories, while WaiL Browder, a match in sLralghl sets. Graham -Lee society initiates eight School's shotmakers were the same ------to an end that will find you look­ F irst National fla nk Bulldlnr sophomore. and J ohnny Preston. o. Bill Harrelson playing In the studE'nls and two faculty members who we1·e narrowly defeated last iJIII' Cor more. year by Twombly's veteran out.­ Junior. con tributed cartoons which number 6 spot won lh~ only vlclory Thursday I'V(•uing nl 7:30 at the ftt. and scores o! this year 's match Previews highlight the magazine's art of­ Fuller Writ.s Amazlnr Story by defeat lug Jim Bourquin in snme place. fel·ings. a.re lower than th ose carded in Continued from pare two Fuller's "The AmaZing Mr. Mon­ straight sets 6-0 and 6-l. The Gmham-Lee society plans Lhe 1940 clash. Also fea tured Is MnW1ews Grif­ roe" is about a fellow who has the Michigan, along wHh North- an f'lPcllon of officers for U1e en­ really Is a beautiful girl. Here's hoplq none of you like fith's ''biographical sketch" oi nerve Lo take a firm up on one or western. has been pickt'd 1.>~· Big suing year lo follow the initiation. Rappold Is Low Scorer Studculs Professor M ervyn Crobaugh; those satlsfactlon -or-double-your· T en sportswrilt'rs as lhl" leadmg Refreshments will be served. a nd Individual scoring honors o! the like Mlu Landis well enough to sit throurb the rest of t.be smr ll ''Brother," a. short story by Edllor money-back guarantees and then conlende1· for the Big Ten Chnmp- durs will be collected at the meel­ day went to Apprentice's Junle BEFOnE ~nteriq around ''Road Show." Latham Thigpen, and "The Amaz­ makes his living by being dissatis­ ionship. lng. it was announced. Overton Rappold with his two-un der-par or ing Mt·. Momoe.'' another or Tom fied with products th us guaran­ teQuested that all old men be '10. Rappold was out 1n 39. but AFTER Fuller's fnntastlc yarns. teed. He even hires a brunette Pinck, 1\tallory, Barrie Lose p resent for t he meeting. started hilling the cup from every­ Griffith Describes Crobaur h secretary from a n employment The matches were routine ar­ where on the back side greens to THE SHOW rau·s, with Plnck losing to Tobin Five Are Uonorary Pledres SINCLAIR The plcturt' which Griffith draws ngency a nd sends her back for a come In with n sensational five­ pair or blondes. 6-3. 6-4. Mallory dropping Uw !.ec­ Fivp men of the 22 lo be lnilint­ undet·-par 31. STAT E of Economist Crobaugh In his ond to Hnmmetl 0-4. 0-2. and SERVICE STATION "So We're in the Wat·," an edi­ ('d were extended honorary pledg­ Blll Noonan. W&L. loured the sketch, "The ComradE'." Is an In­ Porter bealing Barril' 6-3. 6-0. O.RUG CO . torial by Thigpen, and Pete Bar­ es. Thl'Y are: Washington sociPty local links in the nexl best score teresting one. It is lhe story or Stille of Michigan blanked I he WASHING the man who was born on a desert, row's "Lex 1 n g to n Merry-Go­ --Professor J . Higgi ns Willinms When he put together I'OWldS Of Generals' Ed Trice 6-0. G-0 n~ LUBRICATION Round" complete the prose por­ and Dr. R. W. Nelson : Graham­ 38-33 for a fine 71. one u nder regu­ speaks seven languages. wears Gammon beat Bromm 6-3. G-3. wilted collars and faded ties. tion or the magazine. Lee soctt'ty Kenneth S. Cl~ndnn­ lation figures. WAXING I n the doublE's malchrs Tobin it•l. Robbins L. Gatrs. and Fostet· In the first foursome. Bud writes books and ('Omes to class Two bits or verse by Tillgpen, and Hammett team!'d up to clown E. Mohrhnrhan Dictator' r.uns ballr d In Po. ttun t..at· h­ " m. Bnughea· 2. Jol\nM)n : Triple TIIUI!S. and f'RI. Cook; Home Run B 111gh r ....., MAIIIMALL•MMII111FI ••IIII Strike outs- Oook 14, Campbell 8· ·----­--..- ·...... • Walk.'! Cook 2. Ct•mu1wll 3 P•t • IDA LUPTNO - Plus- ed B llii ~Ca st ro . Wellford: Stolen p;ftky Tomlin In "Tielded Phak" Baser M.-a'l'ltt. S muh· t, 1t t·11 HUMPH REY BOGART base!) W&L 5, l'Va 8: Dou' ! • play Tylt> r to Mortlm 1. lilt hnt • TIIURSDA Y. APRIL 17 (High man - B!\ughcr t by C'..tlllll', II' -ON STAGE­ "R&mbllnr Mountaine.n" COAL and WOOD Sierra' - On Scref'n- PilON I\ \'V. C FIELDS omrt a nd Slorl' 23 or making the right i mpt·ession ( ' oat! Vitrd 177 In fi -on the right people-at the WARNER BKOM. ~The Harper and Agnor, Inc right time. Wrinkle · rt!si tant, LY It I(~ Bank Dick' WED. 11 nd THtiRS. ALL T HE " BIG BUGS" washable, softer to the bkin ••• STOP Hf:RR FRIDAY. APRIL 18 Talk about aswell trea~ ... and grand mixers with otltl To See 1'be ~Road Show' Wa hington and ler just sink your teeth mto slacks and sports eoals. With "Swmg" Dog smooth DOUBlEMlNT GUM At your rlothil'r-toduy S J 7. 7!) ADOLPH M cNJOU MILDR ED ~. ITII ER'S GIFT SHOP ·ng satisfaction, Palm Bnf·la E\r(•ning Formoli! (\\la ito CAROLE al c h eWl . , LANDTS 8 Wtd Nr lson Rlrt'rl Yes, f or r e th ' nto dehcloul jacket and hluck lrnllS('rH), $20. Pulm · '- ou r tee 1 full }ust sln~ Y Velvety-smooth, Beach Slacke, ss.;,o. Antll•y tlu• ,.tunt• ooUBLEMlNT GUM· Che w in 9 . flavor. makere, tlae nP- w Cootlult 'l'rupif•\\ •·i•dtt Spring Dances Reserve Rooms of r efres h lng. adds fun to sports, DOUBLEMINT daily t dy sessions. NOW t ~ogethers , s u COOOALL c:O MJ•AN\' • c I NI: I N. \1'1 Rtquirr A Gentlem a n's Bt>st Appearance informal ge - teeth and sweeten f ot Spnnt O.m ·~ Helps b righten your d costs so little \ DATES our breath, too. An today . . . and Brown's Cleaning Works Y ckages d Buy several pa \J'Bl.E}wUNT every ay. MIDWAY TOUIHS r U:!iU l'ri.•• ( .. nlt·•l. \.o••• \Viii Your SPRING CLOTH ES en)· Oy delicious DO \'o61 Next door to ) uur 1 l11thio•r j.u •I• ''"''· Ami FORMALS Look Like NEW Southt r n Tn n •