Wildlife and Your Land 39

Appendix B Wildlife Survey Sheets 40 Wildlife and Your Land

Wisconsin Checklist

Common loon American widgeon Greater prairie chicken Black tern Pileated woodpecker Pied-billed grebe Redhead Sharp-tailed grouse Rock dove Olive-sided flycatcher Red-necked grebe Ring-necked duck Wild turkey Mourning dove Eastern wood pewee Double-crested cormorant Hooded merganser Northern bobwhite Black-billed cuckoo Yellow-bellied flycatcher American bittern Common merganser Yellow rail Yellow-billed cuckoo Acadian flycatcher Least bittern Red-breasted merganser King rail Eastern Alder flycatcher Great blue heron Ruddy duck Virginia rail Willow flycatcher Great egret Turkey vulture Sora Barred owl Least flycatcher Snowy egret Osprey Common moorhen Great gray owl Eastern phoebe Cattle egret Bald eagle American coot Long-eared owl Green heron Northern harrier Sandhill crane Short-eared owl Eastern kingbird Black-crowned night heron Sharp-shinned hawk Piping plover Northern saw-whet owl Horned lark Yellow-crowned night heron Cooper's hawk Killdeer Common nighthawk Purple martin Trumpeter swan Northern goshawk Spotted sandpiper Whip-poor-will Tree swallow Mute swan Red-shouldered hawk Upland sandpiper Chimney swift Northern rough-winged swallow goose Broad-winged hawk Common snipe Ruby-throated hummingbird Bank swallow Wood duck Red-tailed hawk American woodcock Belted kingfisher Cliff swallow Green-winged teal American kestrel Wilson's phalarope Red-headed woodpecker Barn swallow American black duck Merlin Little gull Red-bellied woodpecker Gray jay Mallard Peregrine falcon Ring-billed gull Yellow-bellied sapsucker Northern pintail Gray partridge Herring gull Downy woodpecker American crow Blue-winged teal Ring-necked pheasant Caspian tern Hairy woodpecker Common raven Northern shoveler Spruce grouse Common tern Black-backed woodpecker Black-capped chickadee Gadwall Ruffed grouse Forster's tern Boreal chickadee Loggerhead shrike Pine warbler Indigo bunting Yellow-headed blackbird Red-breasted nuthatch European starling Prairie warbler Dickcissel Brewer's blackbird White-breasted nuthatch White-eyed vireo Palm warbler Rufous-sided towhee Common grackle creeper Bell's vireo Cerulean warbler Chipping sparrow Brown'headed Solitary vireo Black-and-white warbler Clay-colored sparrow Orchard oriole House wren Yellow-throated vireo American redstart Field sparrow Northern oriole Winter wren Warbling vireo Prothonotary warbler Vesper sparrow Purple finch Sedge wren Red-eyed vireo Worm-eating warbler Lark sparrow House finch Marsh wren Blue-winged warbler Ovenbird Savannah sparrow Red crossbill Golden-crowned kinglet Golden-winged warbler Northern waterthrush Grasshopper sparrow Pine siskin Ruby-crowned kinglet warbler Louisiana waterthrush Henslow's sparrow American goldfinch Blue-gray gnatcatcher Nashville warbler Kentucky warbler LeConte's sparrow Evening grosbeak Northern parula Connecticut warbler Sharp-tailed sparrow House sparrow Veery Yellow warbler Mourning warbler Song sparrow Swainson's thrush Chestnut-sided warbler Common yellowthroat Lincoln's sparrow Hermit thrush Magnolia warbler Hooded warbler Swamp sparrow Cape May warbler Wilson's warbler White-throated sparrow Black-throated blue warbler Canada warbler Dark-eyed junco Yellow-rumped warbler Yellow-breasted chat Bobolink Northern Black-throated green warbler Scarlet tanager Red-winged blackbird Blackburnian warbler Eastern meadowlark Cedar waxwing Yellow-throated warbler Rose-breasted grosbeak Western meadowlark Wildlife and Your Land 41

Nest Box Survey

Observer(s): ______Date: ______

Weather Air temperature: ______Cloud cover: ______Wind speed: ______

Box # Species using # # young Observations






Nest Box Survey

Observer(s): ______Date: ______

Weather Air temperature: ______Cloud cover: ______Wind speed: ______

Box # Species using # eggs # young Observations





5 42 Wildlife and Your Land

Ruffed Grouse Drumming Count

Observer(s): ______Date: ______

Start time: ______Wind speed: ______Cloud cover: ______

End time: ______Wind speed: ______Cloud cover: ______

Stop # Stop Description Start time Finish time Tally of drummings










10 Wildlife and Your Land 43

Woodcock Peenting Survey

Observer(s): ______Date: ______

Start time: ______Air temp: _____ Wind speed: ______Cloud cover: ______

End time: ______Air temp: _____ Wind speed: ______Cloud cover: ______

# Stop # Stop Description Start time End time Other observations seen heard 1









10 44 Wildlife and Your Land

Game Bird Brood Survey Number of broods* seen

Date Ruffed Grouse Pheasant Gray Partridge Wild Turkey

* A brood must include one or more immature birds. Wildlife and Your Land 45

Feeder Birds Data Sheet

Observer(s): ______Date: ______

Weather Low temp: ______High temp: ______Time spent: ______Precipitation Kind ______Amount ______Snow depth: ______Patchiness: ______

Species Time # Birds seen American crow American goldfinch American robin American tree sparrow Black-capped chickadee Blue jay Common grackle Dark-eyed junco Downy woodpecker European starling Evening grosbeak Hairy woodpecker House finch House sparrow Mourning dove Northern cardinal Northern flicker Pine grosbeak Pine siskin Purple finch Red-breasted nuthatch Red-bellied woodpecker Tufted titmouse White-breasted nuthatch 46 Wildlife and Your Land

Wild Turkey Poult Survey

______Date ______Brood 1

Number of Hens ______

Number of Poults ______G¼ G½ G grown ______Date ______Brood 2

Number of Hens ______

Number of Poults ______G¼ G½ G grown ______Date ______Brood 3

Number of Hens ______

Number of Poults ______G¼ G½ G grown ______Date ______Brood 4

Number of Hens ______

Number of Poults ______G¼ G½ G grown ______

Number of adult hens seen without broods ______during month of ______Wildlife and Your Land 47

Night Birds Survey

Route No. County Observers Date Time Weather

RAILS SoraG #______King RailG #______Virginia RailG #______Yellow RailG #______SANDPIPERS

American Woodcock G #______Common SnipeG #______OWLS Barred OwlG #______Eastern Screech-OwlG #______Great Gray OwlG #______Great Horned OwlG #______Long-eared OwlG #______Northern Saw-whet OwlG #______Short-eared OwlG #______NIGHTJARS Common NighthawkG #______Whip-poor-willG #______SWIFT Chimney Swift G #______OTHERS G #______G #______G #______G #______G #______48 Wildlife and Your Land

Breeding Bird Survey Page 1 of 4

Route No. County Observers Date Time Weather

SPECIES 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL SPECIES 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL Common loon G Hooded merganser G Pied-billed grebe G Common merganser G Red-necked grebe G Red-breasted merganser G Double-c. cormorant G Ruddy duck G American bittern G Turkey vulture G Least bittern G Osprey G Great blue heron G Bald Eagle G Great egret G Northern harrier G Snowy egret G Sharp-shinned hawk G Cattle egret G Cooper's hawk G Green heron G Northern goshawk G Black-cr. night heron G Red-shouldered hawk G Yellow-cr. night heron G Broad-winged hawk G Trumpeter swan G Red-tailed hawk G Mute swan G American kestrel G Canada goose G Merlin G Wood duck G Peregrine falcon G Green-winged teal G Gray partridge G Am. black duck G Ring-necked pheasant G Mallard G Spruce grouse G Northern pintail G Ruffed grouse G Blue-winged teal G Greater prairie-chicken G Northern shoveler G Sharp-tailed grouse G Gadwall G Wild turkey G American widgeon G Northern bobwhite G Redhead G Yellow rail G Ring-necked duck G King rail G Wildlife and Your Land 49

Breeding Bird Survey Page 2 of 4

SPECIES 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL SPECIES 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL Virginia rail G American woodcock G Sora G Wilson's phalarope G Common moorhen G Little gull G American coot G Ring-billed gull G Sandhill crane G Herring gull G Piping plover G Caspian tern G Killdeer G Common tern G Spotted sandpiper G Forster's tern G Upland sandpiper G Black tern G Rock Dove G Downy woodpecker G Mourning Dove G Hairy woodpecker G Black-billed cuckoo G Black-backed woodpecker G Yellow-billed cuckoo G Yellow-shafted Flicker G Eastern screech owl G Pileated Woodpecker G Great horned owl G Olive sided flycatcher G Barred owl G Eastern Wood-pewee G Great gray owl G Yellow-bellied flycatcher G Long-eared owl G Acadian flycatcher G Short-eared owl G Alder Flycatcher G Northern saw-whet owl G Willow flycatcher G Common nighthawk G Least Flycatcher G Belted Kingfisher G Horned lark G Whip-poor-will G Eastern Phoebe G Red headed woodpecker G Purple Martin G Chimney swift G Great Crested Flycatcher G Red-bellied woodpecker G Tree Swallow G Ruby-throated hummingbird G Eastern kingbird G Yellow-bellied Sapsucker G N. Rough-winged swallow G Gray jay G Bank swallow G Blue Jay G Cliff Swallow G American Crow G Barn Swallow G Common snipe G Common Raven G 50 Wildlife and Your Land

Breeding Bird Survey Page 3 of 4 SPECIES 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL SPECIES 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL Black-capped Chickadee G Northern mockingbird G Boreal chickadee G Brown thrasher G Tufted titmouse G Cedar Waxwing G Red-breasted nuthatch G Loggerhead shrike G White-breasted Nuthatch G European Starling G Brown creeper G White-eyed vireo G Carolina wren G Bell's vireo G House Wren G Solitary vireo G Winter Wren G Yellow-throated vireo G Sedge wren G Warbling vireo G Marsh wren G Red-eyed Vireo G Golden-crowned kinglet G Blue-winged warbler G Ruby-crowned kinglet G Golden-winged warbler G Blue-gray gnatcatcher G Tennessee warbler G Eastern bluebird G Nashville Warbler G Veery G Northern parula G Swainson's thrush G Yellow Warbler G Hermit Thrush G Chestnut-sided Warbler G Wood thrush G Cerulean warbler G Magnolia warbler G Black-and-white Warbler G Cape May warbler G American Redstart G Black-thr. blue warbler G Prothonotary warbler G Myrtle Warbler G Worm-eating warbler G Black-throated Green Warbler G Ovenbird G Blackburnian warbler G Northern waterthrush G Yellow-throated warbler G Louisiana waterthrush G Pine warbler G Kentucky warbler G Prairie warbler G Connecticut warbler G Palm warbler G Mourning Warbler G American Robin G Common Yellowthroat G Gray Catbird G Hooded warbler G Wildlife and Your Land 51

Breeding Bird Survey Page 4 of 4

SPECIES 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL SPECIES 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL Wilson's warbler G Red-winged Blackbird G

Canada warbler G Eastern meadowlark G

Yellow-breasted chat G Western meadowlark G

Scarlet Tanager G Yellow-headed blackbird G

Northern cardinal G Brewer's Blackbird G

Rose-breasted Grosbeak G Common Grackle G

Indigo Bunting G Brown-headed Cowbird G

Dickcissel G Orchard oriole G

Rufous-sided towhee G Northern oriole G

Chipping Sparrow G Purple Finch G

Clay-colored sparrow G House finch G

Field sparrow G Red crossbill G

Vesper sparrow G Pine siskin G

Lark sparrow G American Goldfinch G

Savannah Sparrow G Evening grosbeak G

Grasshopper sparrow G House Sparrow G

Henslow's sparrow G G

LeConte's sparrow G G

Sharp-tailed sparrow G G

Song sparrow G G

Lincoln's sparrow G G

Swamp sparrow G G

White-throated Sparrow G G

Dark-eyed junco G G

Bobolink G G 52 Wildlife and Your Land

Breeding Bird Atlas Field Card Page 1 of 4

Date of Date of Hab Abu SPECIESHighest OPOPRCO Hab Abu SPECIES Highest OPOPRCO Evidence Evidence Common Loon Common merganser Red-breasted Pied Billed Grebe merganser Red-necked Grebe Ruddy duck Double-crested Cormorant Turkey vulture American bittern Osprey

Least Bittern Bald eagle

Great Blue Heron Northern harrier

Great egret Sharp-shinned hawk

Snowy egret Cooper's hawk

Cattle egret Northern goshawk

Green heron Red-shoulder hawk Black-crowned night-heron Broad-winged hawk Yellow-crowned night-heron Red-tailed hawk Trumpeter swan American kestrel

Mute swan Merlin

Canada goose Peregrine falcon

Wood duck Ring-neck pheasant

Green-winged teal Spruce grouse

Am. black duck Ruffed grouse

Mallard Greater prairie chicken

Northern pintail Sharp-tailed grouse

Blue-winged teal Wild turkey

Northern shoveler Northern bobwhite

Gadwall Yellow rail

American widgeon King rail

Redhead Virginia rail

Ring-necked duck Sora rail

Hooded merganser Common moorhen Wildlife and Your Land 53

Breeding Bird Atlas Field Card Page 2 of 4

Date of Date of Hab Abu SPECIESHighest OPOPRCO Hab Abu SPECIES Highest OPOPRCO Evidence Evidence

American coot Whip-poor-will

Sandhill crane Chimney swift Ruby-throated Piping plover hummingbird Killdeer Belted kingfisher Red-headed Spotted sandpiper woodpecker Red-bellied Upland sandpiper woodpecker Yellow-bellied Common snipe sapsucker American woodcock Downy woodpecker

Wilson's phalarope Hairy woodpecker Black-backed Little gull woodpecker Ring-billed gull Northern flicker

Herring gull Pileated woodpecker

Caspian tern Olive-sided flycatcher

Common tern Eastern wood-pewee

Forster's tern Yellow-bellied flycatcher Black tern Acadian flycatcher

Rock dove Alder flycatcher

Mourning dove Willow flycatcher

Black-billed cuckoo Least flycatcher

Yellow-billed cuckoo Eastern phoebe

Eastern screech owl Great crested flycatcher Great horned owl Eastern kingbird

Barred owl Horned lark

Great gray owl Purple martin

Long-eared owl Tree swallow

Short-eared owl Northern red-wing swallow Northern saw-whet owl Bank swallow Common nighthawk Cliff swallow 54 Wildlife and Your Land

Breeding Bird Atlas Field Card Page 3 of 4

Date of Date of Hab Abu SPECIESHighest OPOPRCO Hab Abu SPECIES Highest OPOPRCO Evidence Evidence

Barn swallow European starling

Gray jay Cedar waxwing

Blue jay Loggerhead shrike

American crow White-eyed vireo

Common raven Bell's vireo

Black-capped Solitary vireo chickadee Boreal chickadee Yellow-throated vireo

Tufted titmouse Warbling vireo

Red-breasted Red-eyed vireo nuthatch White-breasted Blue-winged warbler nuthatch Brown creeper Gold-winged warbler

Carolina wren Tennessee warbler

House wren Nashville warbler

Winter wren Northern parula

Sedge wren Yellow warbler

Marsh wren Chestnut-sided warbler

Golden-crowned Magnolia warbler kinglet Ruby-crowned Cape May warbler kinglet Black-throated Blue-gray gnatcatcher blue warbler Yellow-rumped Eastern bluebird warbler Black-throated Veery green warbler Swainson's thrush Blackburnian warbler Yellowed-throated Hermit thrush warbler Wood thrush Pine warbler

American robin Prairie warbler

Gray catbird Palm warbler

Northern mockingbrid Cerulean warbler

Brown thrasher Black/white warbler Wildlife and Your Land 55

Breeding Bird Atlas Field Card Page 4 of 4

Date of Date of Hab Abu SPECIESHighest OPOPRCO Hab Abu SPECIES Highest OPOPRCO Evidence Evidence

American redstart LeConte's sparrow

Prothonotary warbler Sharp-tailed sparrow

Worm-eating warbler Song sparrow

Ovenbird Lincoln's sparrow

Northern waterthrush Swamp sparrow

Louisiana waterthrush White-throated sparrow

Kentucky warbler Dark-eyed junco

Connecticut warbler Bobolink

Mourning warbler Red-winged blackbird

Common yellowthroat Eastern meadowlark

Hooded warbler Western meadowlark Yellow-headed Wilson's warbler blackbird

Canada warbler Brewer's blackbird

Yellow-breasted shat Common grackle Brown-headed Scarlet tanager cowbird

Northern cardinal Orchard oriole

Rose-breasted Northern oriole grosbeak Indigo bunting Purple finch

Dickcissel House finch

Rufous-sided towhee Red Crossbill

Chipping sparrow Pine siskin

Clay-colored sparrow American goldfinch

Field sparrow Evening grosbeak

Vesper sparrow House sparrow

Lark sparrow

Savannah sparrow

Grasshopper sparrow

Henslow's sparrow 56 Wildlife and Your Land

Wetland Bird Survey Observer: ______Wetland Name ______Date: ______Station: ______Visit #: _____ Start time: ______Wind speed (approx.): ______Cloud Cover (10ths): ______Air Temp: ______

Mapping Symbols Aerial Foragers Outside/Flythru (Additional Species)

Species Tally No. RWBL Singing/calling bird

Simultaneous song/ RWBL RWBL different birds of same species

SWSP Pair together (assumed mated)

CAGO Family group (record # adults)

*GTBH Observed (e.g. feeding)

RWBL RWBL Change in position

*TRES Nest Wildlife and Your Land 57

Wisconsin Checklist

Marsupialia Rodentia (continued} G Virginia opossum Didelphis virginianus G Woodland jumping Napaeozapus insignis G Muskrat Ondatra zibethica Insectivora G White-footed mouse Peromyscus leucopus G Star-nosed Condylura cristata G Deer mouse Peromyscus maniculatus G Common mole Scalopus aquaticus G Pine vole Pitymys pinetorum G Short-tailed shrew Blarina brevicauda G Norway Rattus norvegicus G Least shrew Cryptotis parva G Western harvest mouse Reithrodontomys megalotis G Pygmy shrew Microsorex hoyi G Gray squirrel Sciurus carolinensis G Arctic shrew Sorex arcticus G G Fox squirrel Sciurus niger Masked shrew Sorex cinereus G G Water shrew Sorex palustris Bog lemming Synaptomys cooperi G Least chipmunk Tamias minimus Chiroptera G Eastern chipmunk Tamias striatus G Big brown bat Eptesicus fuscus G Red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus G Silver-haired bat Lasionycteris noctivagans G Meadow jumping mouse Zapus hudsonius G Red bat Lasiurus borealis G Hoary bat Lasiurus cinereus Carnivora G Little brown bat Myotis lucifugus G Coyote Canis latrans G Northern bat Myotis septentrionalis G Gray wolf Canis lupus G Indiana bat Myotis sodalis G Otter Lutra canadensis G Eastern pipistrelle Pipistrellus subflavus G Lynx Lynx canadensis G Bobcat Lynx rufus Lagomorpha G G Snowshoe hare Lepus americanus Marten Martes americana G White-tailed jackrabbit Lepus townsendi G Fisher Martes pennanti G Cottontail rabbit Sylvaligus floridanus G Striped skunk Mephitis mephitis G Short-tailed weasel Mustela erminea Rodentia G Long-tailed weasel Mustela frenata G Beaver Castor canadensis G Least weasel Mustela rixosa G Franklin's Citellus franklini G Mink Mustela vison G 13-lined ground squirrel Citellus tridecemlineatus G Raccoon Procyon lotor G Redback vole Clethrionomys gapperi G Spotted skunk Spilogale putorius G Porcupine Erithizon dorsatum G G Badger Vulpes fulva Plains pocket Geomys bursarius G G Southern flying squirrel Glaucomys volans Gray fox Taxidea taxus G Northern flying squirrel Glaucomys sabrinus G Black bear Urocyon cinereoargenteus G Woodchuck Marmota monax G Red fox Ursus americanus G Prairie vole Microtis ochragaster Artiodactyla G Meadow vole Microtus pensylvanicus G White-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus G House mouse Mus musculus 58 Wildlife and Your Land

Predator Scent Post Survey

NIGHT__ Date Time Observers Overnight Weather Current Weather

Scent Post # Observations











Comments: Wildlife and Your Land 59

Snow Track Survey

Date ______Observers ______Snow depth ______Temperature (start) ______(end) ______

Mileage Coyote Wolf Fox Fisher Otter Skunk Badger Bobcat Puma Lynx Bear Raccoon Other

0.0 – 0.5

0.5 – 1.0

1.0 – 1.5

1.5 – 2.0

2.0 – 2.5

2.5 – 3.0

3.0 – 3.5

3.5 – 4.0

4.0 – 4.5

4.5 – 5.0

5.0 – 5.5

5.5 – 6.0

6.0 – 6.5

6.5 – 7.0

7.0 – 7.5

7.5 – 8.0

8.0 – 8.5

8.5 – 9.0

9.0 – 9.5

9.5 – 10.0

Comments: 60 Wildlife and Your Land

Summer Deer Survey

Doe + Doe + Doe + Date Unknown Bucks Lone doe Lone fawn 1 fawn 2 fawns 3 fawns Remarks Wildlife and Your Land 61

Deer Harvest Monitoring

Hunter Name ______Date ______

Bow _____ Gun _____ No. Days Hunted ______No. Hours Hunted ______

# Deer observed ______Type of deer killed ______

Deer age ______Location of kill ______

Map of Property

Place dot on above map of property to signify kill location. 62 Wildlife and Your Land

Bat House Monitoring

Observer(s) ______Date______

Air temperature ______Cloud cover ______

Bat house Occupied? Species # adults # young Observations










10 Wildlife and Your Land 63

Medium Mammal Survey

Date Species Scats Tracks Home Comments 64 Wildlife and Your Land

Small Mammal Survey

Night____ Date______Time ______Observer(s)______Overnight weather______Current weather______

KEY: 00 = small snap trap 00 = medium snap trap 00 = pitfall

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25


Annual Rare Mammal Records

Date Species # Adults/# Young Habitat Comments Wildlife and Your Land 65

Wisconsin Herptile Checklist

AMPHIBIA Caudata (Salamanders) ( and ) GBlue-spotted salamander Ambystoma laterale Lizards G GSpotted salamander Ambystoma maculatum Six-lined racerunner Cnemidophorus sexlineatus G GTiger salamander Ambystoma tigrinum 5-lined skink Eumeces fasciatus G GFour-toed salamander Hemidactylium scutatum Prairie skink Eumeces septentrionalis G GMudpuppy Necturus maculosus Slender glass Ophisaurus attenuatus G GCentral newt Notophthalmus viridescens Blue racer Coluber constrictor GRed-backed salamander Plethodon cinereus Snakes GTimber Crotalus horridus Anura ( and Toads) G GBlanchard's Acris crepitans Prairie ringneck Diadophis punctatus arnyi G GAmerican toad Bufo americanus Northern ringneck snake Diadophis punctatus edwardsii G GEastern gray treefrog Hyla versicolor Black rat snake Elaphe obsoleta G GCope's gray treefrog Hyla chrysoscelis Fox (or pine) snake Elaphe vulpina G GSpring peeper Pseudacris crucifer Hognose snake Heterodon platyrhinos G GChorus frog Pseudacris triseriata Milk snake Lampropeltis triangulum G GBullfrog Rana catesbeiana Northern water snake Nerodia sipedon G GGreen frog Rana clamitans Smooth green snake Opheodrys vernalis G GPickerel frog Rana palustris Bullsnake melanoleucus G GLeopard frog Rana pipiens Queensnake Regina septemvittata G GMink frog Rana septentrionalis Massasauga rattlesnake Sistrurus catenatus G GWood frog Rana sylvatica Brown snake Storeria dekayi GRed-bellied snake Storeria occipitomaculata REPTILIA GButler's garter snake Thamnophis butleri Chelonia (Turtles) GWestern ribbon snake Thamnophis proximus GSmooth softshell Apalone mutica GPlains garter snake Thamnophis radix GSpiny softshell Apalone spinefera GNorthern ribbon snake Thamnophis sauritus GSnapping turtle Chelydra serpentina GEastern garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis GPainted turtle Chrysemys picta GStinkpot Sternotherus odoratus GWood turtle Clemmys insculpta GBlanding's turtle Emydoidea blandingii GMap turtle Graptemys geographica GOuachita map turtle Graptemys ouachitensis GFalse map turtle Graptemys pseudogeographica GOrnate box turtle Terrapene ornata 66 Wildlife and Your Land gray Central Treefrogs gray Eastern Call index Cricket Mink Green Bullfrog Frogs 1 = individuals can be counted; space between calls 3 = full chorus; calls constant and overlapping 2 = individuals can be distinguished but calls overlap Leopard Pickerel Spring peeper Chorus Frog and Toad Calling Survey Data Form Toad American O temp Wood 2 Sky and wind codes found on following page. H Location Observer Names: ______Start time: ______Wind: _____ Sky: Air temperature: ______End time: ______Wind: _____ Sky: Air temperature: ______1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Wildlife and Your Land 67 Sky and Wind codes Frog and Toad Survey Data Form

(difficulties, background noise levels, uncertain calls, other observations, habitat changes since previous year, etc.) 0123 Clear or a few clouds Partly cloudy or variable 4 Cloudy (broken) or overcast 501 Fog Drizzle 2 Showers 34 less than 1 1-3 Smoke rises vertically 4-7 8-12 13-18 Wind direction shown by smoke drift Wind felt on face; leaves rustle Leaves and small twigs in constant motion; wind extends light flag Raises dust and loose paper; small branches are moved Comments Sky code # Sky condition To be used on data sheet: Wind code # speed (mph) Wind Indicators of wind speed 68 Wildlife and Your Land

Salamander Coverboard Survey (A) High Population Density

Route No. County Observers Date Time Weather

SALAMANDERSNumber of OTHER Number of Coverboard Coverboard G Blue-spotted Salamander #______G #______G Northern Redback Salamander #______G #______G Red eft #______G #______G Spotted salamander #______G #______G #______G #______G #______G #______

1 2 3 4 5


11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25

Comments: Wildlife and Your Land 69

Salamander Coverboard Survey (B) Low Population Density

Route No. County Observers Date Time Weather

SALAMANDERSNumber of OTHER ANIMALS Number of Coverboard Coverboard G Blue-spotted Salamander #______G #______G Northern Redback Salamander #______G #______G Red eft #______G #______G Spotted salamander #______G #______G #______G #______G #______G #______



11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35

36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45

46 47 48 49 50 70 Wildlife and Your Land Appendix C A Seasonal Index to Wildlife Surveying


Bird Checklist ...... 19 Breeding Bird Atlas ...... 24 Deer Harvest Monitoring (December) ...... 31 Feeder Birds Survey ...... 22 Mammal Checklist ...... 28 Medium Mammal Survey ...... 32 Snow Track Survey ...... 29


Amphibian and Checklist (April and May) ...... 34 Bat House Monitoring (April and May) ...... 31 Bird Checklist ...... 19 Breeding Bird Atlas ...... 24 Feeder Birds Survey (March) ...... 22 Frog and Toad Calling Survey (April and May) ...... 34 Grouse Drumming Count (April and May) ...... 20 Mammal Checklist ...... 28 Medium Mammal Survey ...... 32 Nest Box Survey ...... 19 Salamander Cover Board Survey ...... 35 Small Mammal Survey (April and May) ...... 32 Snow Track Survey (March) ...... 29 Wetland Birds Survey (May) ...... 26 Woodcock Peenting Survey ...... 21 Wildlife and Your Land 71


Amphibian and Reptile Checklist ...... 34 Bat House Monitoring ...... 31 Bird Checklist ...... 19 Breeding Bird Atlas ...... 24 Breeding Bird Survey (June) ...... 23 Night Bird Survey (June) ...... 23 Frog and Toad Calling Survey* (June and July) ...... 34 Game Bird Brood Survey ...... 21 Mammal Checklist ...... 28 Medium Mammal Survey ...... 32 Nest Box Survey (June and July) ...... 19 Small Mammal Survey ...... 32 Summer Deer Survey ...... 30 Wetland Birds Survey* (June and July) ...... 26 Wild Turkey Poult Survey ...... 22


Amphibian and Reptile Checklist (September and October) ...... 34 Bat House Monitoring (September and October) ...... 31 Bird Checklist ...... 19 Breeding Bird Atlas ...... 24 Deer Harvest Monitoring ...... 31 Feeder Birds Survey (November) ...... 22 Mammal Checklist ...... 28 Medium Mammal Survey ...... 32 Predator Scent Post Survey (September) ...... 28 Salamander Cover Board Survey (October) ...... 35 Small Mammal Survey (September and October) ...... 32 Snow Track Survey (November) ...... 29

*Note that the Marsh Monitoring Program includes amphibian monitoring in addition to the wetland birds. We recommend that protocols from the Wisconsin Frog and Toad Survey be used for amphibian monitoring (see p. 34). Wildlife and Your Land Project Director, Mary K. Judd. Graphics and layout, Kandis Elliot. Funding for this publication was provided by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Published by the Bureau of Wildlife Management, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI, 53707-2000
