ST. CLAIR TUNNEL HAER No. MI-67 (St. Clair River Tunnel) Under the St. Clair River, between Port Huron, HA^l: f> . Michigan, and Sarnia, Canada ih \ .~~; (~ ; Port Huron ' '*■ • ''-•■- H ■ St. Clair County *7U^--fQH\jt Michigan ''/[ • PHOTOGRAPHS WRITTEN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE DATA HISTORIC AMERICAN ENGINEERING RECORD National Park Service Northeast Region U.S. Custom House 200 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 # HISTORIC AMERICAN ENGINEERING RECORD ST. CLAIR TUNNEL (St. Clair River Tunnel) HAER No. MI-67 Location: Under the St. Clair River, between Port Huron, Michigan, and Sarnia, Canada TJTM: A: 17.382520.4757260 C: 17.385690.4756920 B: 17.382470.47 57150 D: 17.385650.4756S20 Quad: Port Huron, MI, 1; 2 4,0 0 0 Dates of Construction: 1888-1891; 1907-1908; 1958 Engineer: Joseph Hobson and others Present Owner: St Clair Tunnel Company, 1333 Brewery Park Boulevard, Detroit, Michigan 48207-9998 Present Use; Railroad tunnel Significance: The St. Clair Tunnel was the first full- sized subaqueous tunnel built in North America. Joseph Hobson, the Chief Engineer, successfully combined three significant new technologies—a tunnel shield driven by hydraulic rams; a cast iron tunnel lining; and the use of a compressed air environment. This tunnel eliminated a major bottleneck in the rail transportation system linking the American midwest with its eastern markets. Project Information; This documentation is the result of a Memorandum of Agreement, among the Michigan State Historic Preservation Office, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Detroit District and the Canadian National North America Railroad as a mitigative measure before the closing of the tunnel.
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