Season of 1890. Summer Resorts Reached by the Grank Trunk Railway
— SfAS°Mfl890^ D. Brfe-' M x GREAT ternational g&MI - Route GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. — "fiz^s W THIS GREAT ^ INTERNATIONAI, TOURIST ROUTE Reaches all the Popular Summer Resorts, including Portland and the Maine Coast Beaches, Quebec, White Mountains, River and Gulf of St. Lawrence, Thousand Islands, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Rangeley Lakes, Lake St. John District, Muskoka Lakes, Georgian Bay, Lakes George, Champlain, Simcoe and Couchiching, Mackinac, Sault Ste. Marie, Etc. Commencing June 25, 1890, And every WEDNESDAY thereafter, until and including AUG. 27th, ;i /V\<2[qr)iTicer)f (""ullrrjar) \J esfibuled | rear) Consisting of elegant new Sleeping, Dining, library and Bath-Romii Coaches, and in charge of a special agent, will be run from CHICAGO, via Niagara Falls and Montreal, to the WHITE MOUNTAINS and PORTLAND. Returning:, this train will leave PORTLAND at 7.00 p.m., June 29th, and »«v<>ry SUNDAY thereafter, until and including August 31st. A Vestibuled Sleeping Car will be attached to this train and run through between DETROIT and PORTLAND, with the exception of the first round trip. Accommodation will be limited, and early application should be made to the Company'-* agents at Detroit, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Montreal, Portland and other intermediate points. PXJI.I.MAX or WAGNER Cars, of newest design, will be found on all express trains. Anexten- TrnTPTQT TTPTTTT'TQ at Lowest Fares, may bi sive variety of IvUlvlpl J. A\~JVXV A \3 tained at any ot the principal offices of the Company. WM. EDGAR, L. J. SEARGHEANT, JOSEPH HICKSON, (ien'l Pass. Agent. Traffic Manager. ral Manager, HEAD OFFICES.
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